modul chemistry form 4

7/17/2019 Modul Chemistry Form 4 1/131  Modul Chemistry Form 4 [email protected] 1 CHAPTER 2: THE STRUCTURE OF ATOM A MATTER Activity 1 Fill in the blanks with suitable word(s) in the box given 1. Matter is made up of ………………………. and …………………… particles.  2. The tiny particles may be atoms ……………….. and ………………………. 3.  An atom is the ………………… particle of an element that can …………………….. in a chemical reaction. 4.  A molecule is a group of two or more …………………… which are …………………… bonded together. 5.  An ion is a …………………………………. or negatively –  charged particle 6. Diffusion occurs when particles of a substance move ……………… between the particles of another substance. 7. Diffusion of matter occurs most rapidly in ………………… state, slower in ………………….. state and slowest in …………………….. state. This is due to the different ……………………… and ………………………. of particles in the three states of matter. 8. Matter consists of small particles that always collide among each other. The particles move faster when energy is …………………… and the particles move slower when the energy is ….………………..…. Learning Outcomes You should be able to:  describe the particulate nature of matter,  state the kinetic theory of matter,  define atoms, molecules and ions,  relate the change in the state of matter to the change in heat,  relate the change in heat to the change in kinetic energy of particles,  explain the inter-conversion of the states of matter in terms of kinetic theory of matter. Ions tiny molecules discrete smallest take part positively-charged in released atoms gas chemically solid absorbed different arrangement movement liquid

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 Modul Chemistry Form 4 [email protected]




Activity 1 

Fill in the blanks with suitable word(s) in the box given

1. Matter is made up of ………………………. and …………………… particles. 

2. The tiny particles may be atoms ……………….. and ………………………. 

3.  An atom is the ………………… particle of an element that can …………………….. in a

chemical reaction.

4.  A molecule is a group of two or more …………………… which are ……………………

bonded together.

5.  An ion is a …………………………………. or negatively – charged particle

6. Diffusion occurs when particles of a substance move ……………… between the particles

of another substance.

7. Diffusion of matter occurs most rapidly in ………………… state, slower in

………………….. state and slowest in …………………….. state. This is due to the

different ……………………… and ………………………. of particles in the three states of


8. Matter consists of small particles that always collide among each other. The particles

move faster when energy is …………………… and the particles move slower when the

energy is ….………………..…. 

Learning OutcomesYou should be able to:

  describe the particulate nature of matter,  state the kinetic theory of matter,

  define atoms, molecules and ions,

  relate the change in the state of matter to the change in heat,

  relate the change in heat to the change in kinetic energy of particles,

  explain the inter-conversion of the states of matter in terms of kinetic theory ofmatter.

Ions tiny molecules discrete smallest take partpositively-charged in released atoms gas chemicallysolid absorbed different arrangement movement liquid

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Activity 2 

1. Complete the table below.

State of matter   Solid Liquid  Gas 

Draw the

arrangement of


 Arrangement of


The particles are

packed ……………..

together in an



The particles are

packed ……………….

together but not in



The particles are

…………….. apart from

each other and in



Movement of


Particles can only

…………………… and

………………….. about

their fixed positions 

Particles can


….……… and………… 

throughout the liquid. 

Particles can


……………………… and

……………. freely 

 Attractive forces

between the


Particles are attracted

by very …………….. 

…………….. betweenthe partcles 

Particles are held

together by strong

forces but …………….. than the forces in solid 


The attraction forces

between particles are

……………….… forces 

Energy content of

particles ……………………..  ……………………….  …………………………… 

2. Underline the correct word in the passage below.

When heat energy is supplied to particles in matter, its kinetic energy (increases

/decreases) and

the particles in matter vibrate ( faster/ slower). When matter loses heat energy, the

kinetic energy

of the particles (increases/decreases) and they vibrate ( faster/ slower).

3. State the change of matter for each conversion in the spaces provided.

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 A …………………………… B …………….……………….. C……………..……………..

D……………………………. E …………………………….. F …………………………… 

4. Complete the passage below by using the words given below.(solid, gas, boiling point, melting point , solid, gas, liquid , intermolecular ,  released,absorbed, overcome ) 

The temperature at which a ………………………………… completely changes to a liquid

is called ……………………………… Boiling point is the temperature at which

a…………………… changes into …………….. . During the boiling process, the

temperature remains constant because the heat energy is …………………… by theparticles and is used to …………………...………………… the ……………………………

forces between particles.

5. The graph below shows the change in temperature with time when a matter in solid statewas heated.

Tem erature/OC




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Based on the graph above, complete the table below.

Point  States of matter   Explanation in terms of energy change and movement ofparticles 

A to B 

Heating causes the particles to ……………………….. more 

energy and vibrate ……………………….. The temperature of

the substance and the kinetic energy


B to C 

Continuous heating does not cause the temperature of the

substance to increase. The energy absorbed is used to

…………………………… the forces of attraction between the

………………………. The constant temperature is called the


C to D Continuous heating causes the temperature of the liquid to

…………………………… The particles move……………………

because their kinetic energy ……………………………………….. 

6. (a) The graph below shows the change in temperature with time when a matter in liquidstate is left

to cool.

Based on the graph above, complete the table below.

Point State of matter   Explanation

P to Q  As cooling continues, particles lose


and move ………………………. . The


Q to R The stronger bonds ……………………. during freezing

release energy. This energy released is the same as the

Temperature / OC








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energy ………………. to the surroundings during cooling.

Thus the temperature remains unchanged. This constant

temperature is called ………………………….. 

R to S  The ………………is cooled. The particlesvibrate………………. 

as the temperature ……………………….

(b) Complete the passage below by using the words given below.(solid, gas, liquid, exactly balanced, decreased, increased )

Freezing point is the temperature at which a …………………… changes into


During the freezing process, the temperature remains unchanged because the heat lost

to the environment is …………………….….. by the heat released when the liquid

particles rearrange themselves to become solid.


Activity 3 

1. Complete the table and draw the structure of each atomic model.

Model  Structure  Characteristic 

Dalton’s atomic modelproposed by 

…………………… in 1805

The atom was imagined as a smallindivisible ball similar to a very tiny ball. 

Thomson’s atomicmodel proposed by

…………………….. in 1897 

J.J Thomson discovered ………………..,  anegatively-charged particle. The atom was described as a sphere of

positive charge embedded with electrons. 

Learning OutcomesYou should be able to:

  describe the development of atomic model,

  state the main subatomic particles of an atom,

  compare and contrast the relative mass and the relative charge of the protons, electrons and neutrons,

  define proton number,

  define nucleon number,

  determine the proton number,  determine the nucleon number,

  relate the proton number to the nucleon number,

  relate the proton number to the type of element,

  write the symbol of elements,

  determine the number of neutrons, protons and electrons from the proton number and the nucleonnumber and vice versa,

  construct the atomic structure.

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Model  Structure  Characteristic 

Rutherford’s atomicmodel proposed by 

…………………… in1911 

Ernest Rutherford discovered …………….,

a positively-charged particle in an atom. The central region of atom has a very smallpositively-charged …………………..…,which contains almost all the mass of theatom. 

Bohr’s atomic model proposed by 


The electrons in an atom move in………..……… around the nucleus whichcontains protons. 

Chadwick’s atomicmodel proposed by…………..…………. in1932 

Chadwick proved the existence of……………….., the neutral particle in thenucleus. The nucleus of the atom contains protons &neutrons, and the nucleus is surrounded byelectrons. 

Activity 4

Fill in the blanks and complete the table.1. Atoms are made up of subatomic particles namely protons, …………… and ………….. 

2. ………………………and …………….. are found in the nucleus of an atom while electrons

surround the nucleus.

3.Subatomic particle  Symbol Relative mass  Relative electric charge 




4. The proton number of an element is the number of ………………… in its atom.

Proton Number, Z = Number Of Proton 

5. Protons and neutrons are collectively called nucleons.

The nucleon number  of an element is the total number of ………………….. and

……………….. in its atom. 

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Nucleon Number, A = Number Of Proton + Number Of Neutron 

6. The nucleon number is also known as the …………………………….. 

……………………… = Nucleon Number -- Proton Number  = A -- Z 

7. The standard representation for an atom of any element shows the proton number andthe

nucleon number of the element. It can be written as follows:


# A – Nucleon numberZ – proton numberX – symbol of element

1 H 1 

21 Sc 45 

Proton number  Nucleon number  

2 He 4 

3 Li 7 

4 Be 9 

5 B 11 

6 C 12 

7 N 14 

8 O 16 

9 F 19 

10 Ne 20 

11 Na 23 

12 Mg 24 

13 Al 27 

14 Si 28 

15 P 31 

16 S 32 

17 Cl 35 

18 Ar  40 


K 39 


Ca 40 


Sc 45 

By referring to part of the Periodic Table of Element above, complete the table below.

Element  Symbol Protonnumber  

No. ofneutrons 


No. ofelectrons 











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Activity 5Fill in the blanks.

1. Isotopes are atoms of the same element with the ………………………. of proton but 

……………………………….. of neutron.

2. Complete the table below:

Element Number ofisotopes 

Symbol ofisotopes 

Number ofprotons 

Number ofelectrons 

Number ofneutrons 

Name ofisotope 

Hydrogen  3 

 H 1

1   1 1  Hydrogen-2 

1  2 

Oxygen  3 


8  8  8  Oxygen-16 

8  9 


Carbon  3 

6  Carbon-12 

6  7 

C 146   6  8 

Learning OutcomesYou should be able to:

  state the meaning of isotope,

  list examples of elements with isotopes,

  determine the number of subatomic particles of isotopes,

   justify the uses of isotope in daily life.

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Chlorine  2 Cl 


17  17 

17  20 

Bromine  2 35  Bromine-80 

35  35  Bromine-81 

3. For each of the isotope list below, state one of its uses.

a) Gamma rays of Cobalt-60: ………………………………………………………………….  

b). Carbon-14: …………………………………………………………………………………..  

c). Phosphorus-32: ……………………………………………………………………………..  

d). Sodium- 24: …………………………………………………………………………………

e). Iodine -131: …………………………………………………………………………………… 


Activity 6

1. Electrons are filled in specific shells, starting with the shell nearest to the nucleus of the

atom. Every shell can be filled only with a certain number of electrons.

The first shell can be filled with a maximum of ……………. electrons 

The second shell can be filled with a maximum of ……………. electrons 

The third shell can be filled with a maximum of …………….electrons

Use ‘x’ as symbol forelectrons. Draw the maximumnumber of electrons in eachshell.

Learning OutcomesYou should be able to:

  describe electron arrangements of elements with proton numbers 1 to 20,

  draw electron arrangement of an atom in an element,

  state the meaning of valence electrons,

  determine the number of valence electrons from the electron arrangement of an atom.

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2(a) Draw the electron arrangement of a sodium atom,23

11 Na  in the box and complete the

table given.

(b) Draw the electron arrangement of a chlorine atom, Cl in the box and complete the tablegiven.

3 Valence electrons are electrons in the ………………..………… shell of a neutral atom.

4 Identify the number of valence electrons in these atoms according to its electronarrangement.

Atom of Element  Electron Arrangement  Number of valence electrons 

Oxygen  2.6 

 Aluminium  2.8.3 

Chlorine  2.8.7 

Neon  2.8 


Magnesium  2.8.2 

Number of protons

Number of electrons 

Number of neutrons 

Proton number  

Nucleon number  

Electron arrangement

Number of protons

Number of electrons 

Number of neutrons 

Proton number  

Nucleon number  

Electron arrangement


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Carbon  2.4 

Phosphorus  2.8.5 

Helium  2 

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Learning OutcomesYou should be able to:

  state the meaning of relative atomic mass based on carbon-12 scale,

  state the meaning of relative molecular mass based on carbon-12 scale,

  state why carbon-12 is used as a standard for determining relative atomicmass and relative molecular mass,

  calculate the relative molecular mass of substances.

Activity 1 (refer text book pg 28 )

Relative atomic mass of an element , Ar  = The average mass of an atom of the element

1/12 x the mass of an atom of carbon-12

Example: Ar  of C=12 Ar  of O=16 Ar  of Mg=24

1. The Relative atomic mass of an element is

……………………………………………………………...………………………………….when compare with 1/12 of the mass of an atom of carbon – 12.

2. Carbon-12 is chosen because it is a ………………………. and can be easily handled. 

3. Find the relative atomic masses of these elements.

Element  Relative AtomicMass 

Element  Relative Atomic Mass 

Calcium, Ca   Argon, Ar  

Sodium, Na  Silver, Ag 

Iron, Fe  Caesium, Cs 

Copper, Cu  Lead, Pb 

Carbon, C  Chlorine, Cl Hydrogen, H  Flourine, F 

Potassium, K   Aluminium, Al 

Lithium, Li  Zinc, Zn 

Bromine, Br   Helium, He 

Activity 2 (refer text book pg 29 )

Relative molecular mass of a substance, Mr  = The Average mass of a molecule of the substance

1/12 x the mass of an atom of carbon-12

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Calculating Relat ive molecular mass,M rMr = The sum of Ar  of all atoms present in one molecule


Mr  of Water, H2O = 2(1) + 16 = 18

Mr  of Carbon dioxide, CO2 = 12 + 2(16) = 44

For ionic substance , Relative formula mass , Fr  = The sum of Ar  of all atoms present in the formula

Example:Fr  of Magnesium oxide, MgO = 24 + 16 = 40Fr  of Sodium chloride, NaCl = 23 + 35.5 = 58.5

1. The relative molecular mass of a molecule is………………………………………………………………………………………………  when

compared with 1/12 of the mass of one atom of …………………………………………… 

2. Calculate the relative molecular masses of the substances in the table below.

Substance  Molecular formula  Relative molecular mass, Mr  

Hydrogen gas  H2  2(1) = 2 Propane  C3H8 

Ethanol  C2H5OH Bromine gas  Br 2 

Methane  CH4 Glucose  C6H12O6 

 Ammonia  NH3 

[Relative atomic mass : H,1; C,12; O,16; Br,80 ; N,14 ]

3. Calculate the relative formula masses of the following ionic compounds in the table.

Substance  Compound formula  Relative formula mass, Fr  

Potassium oxide  K2O  2(39) + 16 = 94 

 Aluminium sulphate   Al2(SO4)3  2(27)+3[32+4(16)]=342 

Zinc nitrate  Zn(NO3)2 

2 Hydrogen



Relative atomic mass

for OxygenRelative atomic mass

for Hydrogen

All Ar, Mr  and

Fr  have no unit

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 Aluminium nitrate   Al(NO3)3 

Calcium carbonate  CaCO3 

Calcium hydroxide  Ca(OH)2 

Hydrated copper(II)sulphate 

CuSO4.5H2O  64 + 32 + 4(16) + 5[2(1) + 16]=250 

Hydrated sodiumcarbonate 


Sodium hydrogensulphate 


 Aluminium chloride   AlCl3 

Copper(II) sulphate  CuSO4 

Zinc carbonate  ZnCO3 



[Relative atomic mass: O,16; C,12; H,1; K,39 ; Cu,64 ; Zn, 65; Cl, 35.5 ; Al, 27 S,32 ;Ca, 40; Na,23; N, 14]

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Learning OutcomesYou should be able to:

  define a mole as the amount of matter that contains as many particles as thenumber of atoms in 12 g of

12 C,

  state the meaning of Avogadro constant,  relate the number of particles in one mole of a substance with the Avogadro


  solve numerical problems to convert the number of moles to the number of particles of a given substance and vice versa.

Activity 3 (refer text book pg 30 )

1. To describe the amount of atoms, ions or molecules , mole is used.

2. A mole is an amount of substance that contains as many particles as the……………….. 

…………………………………………………………….. in exactly 12g of carbon-12.

3. A mole is an amount of substance which contains a constant number of particles

atoms, ions, molecules which is 6.02 x 1023 

4. The number 6.02 x 1023 is called …………………………………… (N A)

5. In other words:

  1 mol of atomic substance contains ……………………………. atoms 

  1 mol of molecular substance contains ……………………………. molecules 

  1 mol of ionic substance contains …… 

  …………………………….. formula units 

6. Relationship between number of moles and number of particles(atom/ion/molecules):

x Avogadro Constant

∻  A vogadro Constant

Number of moles  Number of particles 

0.5 mol of carbon atoms  …………………………………… atoms of carbon

number of moles number of particles

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0.2 moles of hydrogen gas ( H2)  (i) …………………………..moleculesof hydrogen gas 

(ii) …………………………….Atoms of hydrogen

2 mol of carbon dioxidemolecules 

………………x 10 23 molecules of carbon dioxide gascontains : 

………………. atoms of C and

………………….  atoms of O 

0.007 mol of calcium ions  ……………………… calcium ions 

…………………………. mol ofwater  

6.02 x 10 25  molecules of water

0.4 mol of ozone gas ( O3)  ………………….x 10 23 molecules of ozone,

contains : 

……………………… atoms of Oxygen. 

7. Complete these sentences .

a) 1 mol of calcium contains ………………………………………….. atoms 

b) 2 mol of iron contains ……………………………………………….. atoms 

c) 2 mol of magnesium oxide, (MgO) contains …………………………………………ions

d) 2 mol of sodium carbonate, (Na2CO3) contains ………………………………………. 

e) 3 mol of carbon dioxide, (CO2) contains …………………………………….. molecules

f) 0.5 mol Copper (II) nitrate, Cu(NO3)2 contains ………………………………. Cu2+ ions

and …………………………………………………. NO3- ions

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Learning OutcomesYou should be able to:

  state the meaning of molar mass,

  relate molar mass to the Avogadro constant,

  relate molar mass of a substance to its relative atomic mass or relative molecular mass,

  solve numerical problems to convert the number of moles of a given substance to itsmass and vice versa.

Activity 4 (refer text book pg 33 )

1. The molar mass of a substance= The molar mass of _________________ mole of the substance.

= The mass of (N A) number of particles

= The mass of ____________________ particles

x Molar mass

2. Calculating the Mass from a number of Moles

Number of moles = . mass of the substance .Mass of 1 mole of the substance

Therefore :

Mass of substance = Number of moles x Mass of 1 mole

Example 1 : What is the mass of 2 moles of carbon ?

Mass = 2 x 12= 24g

Example 2 : What is the mass of 2 moles of H2O ?

Mass = 2 x [ 2(1) + 16 ]

= 36g

 Number of moles Mass in g

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3. Calculate the masses of these substances

a) 2 moles of aluminium atoms Mass = 

b) 10 moles of iodine atoms Mass =

c) 3 moles of lithium atoms Mass =

d) 0.5 moles of oxygen gas (O2) Mass =

e) 0.1 moles of sodium Mass = 

f) 2 moles of chlorine molecules (Cl2) Mass = 

g) 1 mole of carbon dioxide ( CO2) Mass =

h) 3 moles of nitric acid, ( HNO3 ) Mass =

i) 2 moles of calcium carbonate (CaCO3 ) Mass =

 j) 0.25 moles of calcium chloride (CaCl2 ) Mass = 

k) 0.25 moles of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) Mass =

l) 0.25 moles of sodium carbonate(Na2CO3) Mass = 

m) 0.5 moles of potassium manganate (VII)(KMnO4) Mass =

n) 0.25 moles of hydrated magnesiumsulphate (MgSO4.7H2O) Mass =

Activity 5

4. Calculate the Number of Moles from a given Mass

Example : How many moles are there in 88g of CO2 

Number of moles = 88 = 2 moles44

a) 2g of helium atoms Number of moles = 

b) 6g of carbon atoms Number of moles = 

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c) 16g of helium atoms Number of moles = 

d) 4g of sulphur atoms Number of moles = 

e) 4g of oxygen molecules (O2) Number of moles = 

f) 213g of chlorine molecules (Cl2) Number of moles = 

g) 0.56g of nitrogen molecules (N2) Number of moles = 

h) 254g of iodine molecules (I2) Number of moles = 

i) 88g of carbon dioxide (CO2) Number of moles = 

 j) 3.1g of sulphur dioxide (SO2) Number of moles = 

k) 560g of potassium hydroxide(KOH) 

Number of moles = 

l) 392g of sulphuric acid (H2SO4) Number of moles = 

m) 170g of ammonia (NH3) Number of moles = 

n) 120g of magnesium oxide (MgO) Number of moles = 

o) 4g of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) Number of moles = 

p) 73g of hydrogen choride (HCl) Number of moles = 

q) 15.8g of potassium manganate(VII) KMnO4 

Number of moles = 

r) 8g of ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) Number of moles = 

s) 0.78g of aluminium hydroxide Al(OH)3 

Number of moles = 

t) 0.92g of ethanol (C2H5OH) Number of moles = 

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Activity 6

5. Complete the following table.



formulae  Molar mass  Calculate 

Copper   Cu  RAM= 64  (a)Mass of 1 mol = ……………g 

(b) Mass of 2 mol = …………. g 

(c)Mass of ½ mol = ………….g 

(d)Mass of 3.01x1023 Cu atoms 


Sodium hydroxide  NaOH  RFM= 40  (a) Mass of 3 mol of sodium hydroxide=

(b) Number of moles of sodiumhydroxide in 20 g =

Zinc nitrate  Zn(NO3)2  RFM =  a) Number of moles in 37.8 g of zincnitrate :


Learning Outcom es

You should be able to:

  state the meaning of molar volume of a gas,

  relate molar volume of a gas to the Avogadro constant,

  make generalization on the molar volume of a gas at a given temperature and pressure,

  calculate the volume of gases at STP or room conditions from the number of molesand vice versa,

  solve numerical problems involving number of particles, number of moles, mass ofsubstances and volume of gases at STP or room conditions.

Activity 7 (refer text book pg 36, 37 )

1. The molar volume of a gas is defined as the


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2. One mole of any gas always has the …………………………………………… under thesame

temperature and pressure.

3. The molar volume of any gas is

  24 dm3 at ……………………………………………… or  

  22.4 dm3 at ……………………………………………. 

Example :

1 mol of oxygen gas, 1 mol of ammonia gas, 1 mol helium gas and 1 mol sulphur dioxide gasoccupies the same volume of 24 dm3 at room condition

x 22.4 / 24 dm3


x 22.4/24 dm3 

∻22.4/24 dm3 

4. Calculate the volume of gas in the following numbers of moles at STP

Example : Find the volume of 1 mole of CO2 gas

Volume = number of moles x 22.4 dm


 = 1 x 22.4 dm3 = 22.4 dm3 

a) 3 moles of oxygen Volume = 

b) 2 moles of CH4 Volume = 

c) 0.3 moles of Argon Volume = 

d) 0.2 moles of SO3 Volume = 

e) 0.1 moles of N2 Volume = 

f) 1.5 mol of N2 Volume = 

 Number of moles of gas Volume of gas

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5. Complete the diagram below . (Refer to Page 33,34 & 38-Chemistry textbook)

Activity 8

Solve these numerical problems

1. What is the volume of 0.3 mole of sulphur dioxide gas at STP?[Molar volume: 22.4 dm3 mol-1 at STP]

( Ans: 6.72 dm3)

2. Find the number of moles of oxygen gas contained in a sample of 120 cm


 of the gasat room conditions.[Molar volume: 24 dm3 mol-1 at room conditions]

(Ans: 0.005 mol)

3. Calculate the number of water molecules in 90 g of water, H2O.[Relative atomic mass: H, 1; O, 16. Avogadro constant, N  A: 6.02 x 1023 mol-1]

(Ans; 3.01x 1024


Volume of gas (dm3)

 Number of molesMass in gram No of particles

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4. What is the volume of 24 g methane ,CH4  at STP?[Relative atomic mass: H, 1; C, 12. Molar volume: 22.4 dm 3 mol-1 at STP]

(Ans: 33.6 dm3)

5. How many aluminium ions are there in 20.4 g of aluminium oxide, Al2O3?[Relative atomic mass: O, 16; Al, 27. Avogadro constant, N  A: 6.02 x 1023 mol- 

(2 x 0.2 x 6.02 x1023


6. Calculate the number of hydrogen molecules contained in 6 dm3 of hydrogen gas at

room conditions.[Molar volume: 24 dm3 mol-1 at room conditions Avogadro constant, N  A: 6.02 x 1023 mol-1]

(Ans: 1.505x1023


7. Find the volume of nitrogen in cm3 at STP that consists of 2.408 x 1023 nitrogenmolecules.

[Molar volume: 22.4 dm3 mol-1 at STP. Avogadro constant, N  A: 6.02 x 1023 mol-1]

(Ans: 8.96 dm3 )

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Learning OutcomesYou should be able to 

  state the meaning of chemical formula

  state the meaning of empirical formula

  state the meaning of molecular formula  determine empirical and molecular formula of substances

  compare and contrast empirical formula with molecular formula

  solve numerical problems involving empirical and molecular formula.

  write ionic formula of ions

  construct chemical formulaf ionic compounds

  state names of chemical compounds using IUPAC nomenclature.

  use symbols and chemical formula for easy and systematic communication in the fieldof chemistry.

ACTIVITY 9  (Refer text book pg 40)

1) A Chemical formula - A representation of a chemical substance using letters for

……………………………………… and subscripts to show the numbers of each type of

…………………….. that are present in the substance.

2) Complete this table

Chemical subtance  Chemical



Water   ……………..  2 atoms of H combine with 1 atom of O 

………..  NH3  ……. atoms of H combine with 1 atom of N 

Propane C3H8  …….. atoms of C combine with …….  atoms of

Magnesium oxide 

……………..  ……………………………………………. 

………………..  H2SO4  …………………………………………… 

H2 Subscript shows 2hidrogen atoms ina molecule

The letter Hshows……………. ……………. 

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3). There are two types of chemical formulae. Complete the following:

** Empirical Formula   The simplest ………… ……….. ratio of atoms of each

in the compound.

** Molecular Formula   The actual …………… of atoms of each …………… that are

present in a molecule of the compound


Example: (i) Compound – Ethene (ii) Compound – Glucose

Molecular formula -42

 H C    Molecular formula -6126

  O H C   

Empirical formula - ................... Empirical formula - ....................

Activity 10

1 Find the empirical formula of a compound

Example of calculation:

a) When 11.95 g of metal X oxide  is reduced by hydrogen, 10.35 g of metal X is

produced. Find the empirical formula of metal X oxide [ RAM; X,207; O,16 ]

Element X  O 

Mass of element(g)  10.35  11.95-10.35

Number of moles of


10.35÷207  (11.95-10.35)÷16 

Ratio of moles 

Simplest ratio of moles 

Empirical formula : ………… 

b) A certain compound contains the following composition:

Na 15.23%, Br 52.98% , O 31.79%, [ RAM : O, 16; Na, 23; Br,80]

(Assume that 100g of substance is used)

Element Na Br O 

Mass of element(g)  15.23  52.98  31.79 

Number of moles atoms  15.23 ÷23  52.98÷80  31.79÷16 

Ratio of moles 

Simplest ratio of moles 

Molecular formula = (Empirical formula)n 

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Empirical formula:: ………………………………………………. 

c) Complete the table below.

Compound Molecular Formula  Empirical formula  Value of n 

Water H2O 

Carbon Dioxide CO2  CO2 

Sulphuric Acid  H2SO4 

Ethene C2H4  CH2 

Benzene C6H6 

Glucose C6H12O6 

d) 2.52g of a hydrocarbon contains 2.16 g of carbon. The relative molecular mass of the

hydrocarbon is 84. [RAM H,1; C,12]

i. Find the empirical formula of the hydrocarbon

ii. Find the molecular formula of the carbon.

Activity 11 :Chemical Formula for ionic compounds:

Complete the table below :

Cation Formula   Anion  Formula 

Hydrogen ion   H    Flouride ion   F   

Lithium ion  Chloride ion 

Sodium ion  Bromide ion 

Potassium ion  Iodide ion 

Magnesium ion  Hydroxide ion 

Calcium ion  2Ca   Nitrate ion 

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Barium ion  2 Ba   Manganate(VII) ion 

Copper(II) ion  Ethanoate ion  COOCH 3


Iron(II) ion  2O  

Iron (III) ion  Sulphate ion 

Lead (II) ion  Sulphide ion  2S   

Zinc ion  Carbonate ion 

Chromium (III) ion  Dichromate (VI) ion  2


 Aluminium ion  3 Al    3

4 PO  

 Ammonium ion  Chromate (VI) ion 

Avtivity 12

a) Chemical formula of an ionic compound comprising of the ions Xm+ and Yn- is constructed

by exchanging the charges of each element. The formula obtained will XnYm 

Example : Sodium oxide Copper (II) nitrate

Na+  O2-  Cu2+  NO3- 

+1 -2 +2 -1

2 1 1 2

= Na2O = ....................

b) Construct a chemical formula for each of the following ionic compounds:

(i)  Magnesium chloride  (ii)  Potassium carbonate

(iii)  Calcium sulphate  (iv)  Copper (II) oxide 

(v)  Silver nitrate  (vi)  Zinc nitrate

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(vii)   Aluminium oxide  (viii)  Iron(II) hydroxide 

(ix)  Lead(II) sulphide  (x)  Chromium(III) sulphate 


Learning Outcomes

You should be able to 

1. state the meaning of chemical equationidentify the reactants and products of a chemical equation

2. write and balance chemical equations3. interpret chemical equations quantitatively and qualitatively4. solve numerical problems using chemical equations5. identify positive scientific attitudes and values practiced by scientist in doing research6. justify the need to practice positive scientific attitudes and good values in doing researsh7. use chemical equations for easy and systematic communication in the field of chemistry.

Activity 13  (refer text book pg 48)

Example: C (s) +2

O  (g)  2

CO (g)

Reactant product

1) Qualitative aspect of chemical equation:

a) Arrow in the equation the way the reaction is occurring

b) Substances on the left-hand side   …………………….. 

c) Substances on the right-hand side   ……………………… 

d) State of each substance  ………: (s), ………………(l ), gas ……….and aqueous

solution ………………. 

2) Quantitative aspect of chemical equations

Coefficients in a balanced equation  the exact proportions of reactants and products in


Example: 22

 H  (g) +2

O (g)   2 O H 2

(l )

(Interpreting): 2 molecules (2 mol) of2

 H  react with 1 molecule (1 mol) of2

O to produced 2

molecules(2 mol) of water

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Complete the following word equations and write in chemical equation

a) Sodium + chlorine   …………………………..

………… + ……………   NaCl

b) Carbon + ………..   Carbon dioxide 

………. + …………   …………………….. 

c) Sulphur + oxygen   …………………………… 

……….. + ………..    ………………………….. 

d) Zinc + oxygen   ……………………………….. 

…………  + O2   ……………………………….. 

3) Write a balanced equation for each of the following reactions and interpret the equations


(a). Carbon monoxide gas + oxygen gas  carbon dioxide gas




(b). Hydrogen gas + nitrogen gas  ammonia gas

……………………………………………………………………………………………………….  Interpreting:


(c). Aluminium + Iron (III) oxide aluminium oxide + Iron





Activity 14

** Numerical Problems Involving Chemical Equations

Hydrogen peroxide decomposes according to the following equation:


O H   (l )  2 O H 2

 (l ) +2

O  (g)

1). Calculate the volume of oxygen gas,2

O  measured at STP that can be obtained from

the decomposition of 34 g of hydrogen peroxide,22

O H  .

[Relative atomic mass : H, 1 ; O, 16. Molar volume : 22.43



mol   at STP]

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(Ans: 11.2 dm3)

2).Silver carbonate Ag2CO3 breaks down easily when heated to produce silver metal

2 Ag2CO3(l ) 4 Ag (s) + 22

CO (g) +2


Find the mass of silver carbonate that is required to produce 10 g of silver

[Relative atomic mass: C, 12 ; O, 16 ; Ag, 108]

(Ans : 12.77g)

3). 16 g of copper (II) oxide, CuO  is reacted with excess methane,4

CH  . Using the equation

below, find the mass of copper that is produced.

[Relative atomic mass : Cu, 64 ; O, 16]

4 CuO (s) + 4CH  (g)  4 Cu (s) + 2CO (g) + 2 O H 2  (l) 

(Ans : 12.8 g)

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4). A student heats 20 g of calcium carbonate3

CaCO  strongly. It decomposes according to

the equation below:

3CaCO (s) CaO  (s) +


(a). If the carbon dioxide produced is collected at room conditions, what is its volume?

(b). Calculate the mass of calcium oxide, CaO  produced.

[Relative atomic mass: C, 12 ; O, 16; Ca, 40. Molar volume :

24 dm3 1

mol   at room conditions]

(Ans : (a). 4.8 dm  3

 (b) 11.2 g)

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Learning Outcom es

You should be able to:

  describe the contributions of scientists in the historical development of the Periodic Table,

  identify groups and periods in the Periodic Table,

  state the basic principle of arranging the elements in the Periodic Table from their proton numbers,

  relate the electron arrangement of an element to its group and period,

  explain the advantages of grouping elements in the Periodic Table,

   predict the group and the period of an element based on its electron arrangement . 

Activity 1

Draw lines to match name of scientist with their contribution

Name of Scientist   Contribution 

Lothar Meyer  First scientist to classifysubstances 

Henry J. G. Moseley Classified the elements intogroup of three with similarchemical properties 

 Antoine Lavoisier   Arranged the knownelements in order ofincreasing atomic mass .Elements with similar

properties recurred at everyeighth element. 

John Newlands Plotted a graph of the atomicvolume against the atomicmass of elements 

Johann W. Dobereiner  Left gaps in the table to befilled by undiscoveredelements 

Dimitri Mendeleev Rearranging the elements inorder of increasing protonnumber  

Activity 2

1 Arrangement of elements in the Periodic Table 

a) Elements are arranged in an increasing order of ………………………… 

b) Each vertical column is called a ………………..

c) Each hor izontal rows is called ……………………………. 

d) Elements with similar chemical properties are placed in the same


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2. Complete the table below.

Element  Electronarrangement 

Number ofvalenceelectrons 

Group  Number ofshellsoccupiedwithelectrons 


 H 1


2  1 


3  2.1 


5  2.3 

C 126   2  2 

 N 14

7  5  15 


 F 19

9  17 


10  2.8 

 Mg 24


 Al 27

13  2.8.3 



S 32


Cl .35


 K 39




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3. An atom of element E has 10 neutrons. The nucleon number of element E is 19. Inwhich group and period is element E located in the Periodic Table?

 Answer :Group …………………………  Period ………………………… 4. An atom of element G has 3 shells occupied with electrons. It is placed in group

17 of the Periodic Table. What is the electron arrangement of atom G?

 Answer : Electron arrangement of atom G ………………… 


Learning Outcomes:

You should be able to:

  list all Group 18 elements,

  state in general the physical properties of Group 18 elements,

  describe the changes in the physical properties of Group 18 elements,

  describe the inert nature of elements of Group 18,

  relate the inert nature of Group 18 elements to their electron arrangements,

  relate the duplet and octet electron arrangements of Group 18 elements to their stability,

  describe uses of Group 18 elements in daily life..

Activity 3 :

Analysing Group 18 Elements

1 Physical Properties of Group 18 Elements [Circle the correct answer].

Down the Group :

a) Atomic radius /Atomic size increase/ decrease

b) Melting point and Boiling point increase/ decrease

c) Density increase/ decrease

2 Complete the figure below by giving the uses of Group 18 .

3 All noble gases are ……………………. which means chemically unreactive. This isbecause they have ………………………. electron arrangement.

Uses of















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Example : (i) Helium atom has …………………. valence electrons which is called a

…………………………… electron arrangement 

(ii) Other noble gases has …………………… valence electrons which is

called an ………………………. electron arrangement. 

4.The noble gases exists as ……………………. gases because their electron arrangement

are very ………………………….. 


Learning Outcom es

You should be able to:

  list all Group 1 elements.

  state the general physical properties of lithium, sodium and potassium,

  describe changes in the physical properties from lithium to potassium,

  list the chemical properties of lithium, sodium and potassium,

  describe the similarities in chemical properties of lithium, sodium and potassium,

  relate the chemical properties of Group 1 elements to their electron arrangements,

  describe changes in reactivity of Group 1 elements down the group,

  predict physical and chemical properties of other elements in Group 1

Activity 4

 A State 3 physical properties of group 1 elements.

a) ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 

b) ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 

c) ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 

B Chemical Properties of Group 1 Elements (Alkali metals )

1. Group 1 elements react vigorously with water to produce alkaline metal hydroxidesolutions and hydrogen gas

Example:  Li2  + O H 2

2      LiOH 2 +2


Write down the balanced equation when potassium reacts with water

…………………………………………………………………………………………………..  2. Group 1 elements react with oxygen gas rapidly to produce white solid metal oxides.

Example:  Li4  +2

O     O Li2


Write down the balanced equation when rubidium reacts with oxygen


3. Group 1 elements react t with chlorine gas2

Cl  , to form white solid metal chlorides.

Example:  Na2  +2

Cl      NaCl 2  

Write down the balanced equation when potassium reacts with chlorine gas


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4 The reactivity of Group 1 elements increases when going down the group.Explain why.

a) When going down Group 1 the single valence electron in the outermostoccupied shell become ………………….. from the nucleus.

b) The attraction between the nucleus and the valence electron become…………. . 

c) Therefore it is ……………. for the atom to donate the single valence electron toachieve the stable electron arrangement.

5 Potassium reacts more vigorously with water as compared to sodium. Explain.(Proton number: Na, 11 ; K, 19)



Activity 5

Complete the table below and answer the following questions :

 Alkali Metal  Protonnumber  

Number ofelectrons 


Number ofvalence

electrons Lithium  3 

Sodium  11 Potassium  19 Rubidium  37  37 

Caesium  55  55 

1) Lithium , sodium and potassium have similar chemical properties because theiratoms have

………….…………electron in their outermost occupied shell. 

2) How an atom of alkali metal achieve a stable electron arrangement of inert gas ?


3) What is the charge of an alkali metal ion ? .


4) Reactivity of alkali metals increases from Lithium to Caesium . Explain why .



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Activity 6

To Investigate The Chemical Properties of Lithium, Sodium & Potassium

1) The Reaction of alkali metals with water, O H 2  

Problem Statement: How does the reactivity of Group 1 elements change when theyreact with


Hypothesis: When going down Group 1, alkali metals become more reactive intheir reactions

with water.

Variables: Manipulated variable – Different types of alkali metalsResponding variable – Reactivity of metals with waterFixed variables – water, size of metals

a) Write the procedure to carry out this experiment. (refer to practical book pg 39)

b) Complete this table (Data & Observation )

 Alkali metal  Observation Lithium 



2) The Reaction of alkali metals With Oxygen, O2 

(This procedure can also be used to test the reaction of alkali metals with chlorine gas!)

a) Problem Statement:


b) Hypothesis:


c) Variables:Manipulated variable


alkali metal


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Responding variable – 


Fixed variables – 


d) Write the procedure of this experiment. (refer to practical book pg 36)

e) Data & Observation

 Alkali metal  Observation Lithium 



f) Based on your results, arrange the alkali metals in ascending order ofreactivity.


Alkali metal


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Learning Outcom es

You should be able to:

  list all Group 17 elements,

  state the general physical properties of chlorine, bromine and iodine,

  describe changes in the physical properties from chlorine to iodine,  list the chemical properties of chlorine, bromine and iodine,

  describe the similarities in chemical properties of chlorine, bromine and iodine,

  describe changes in reactivity of Group 17 elements down the group,

   predict physical and chemical properties of other elements in Group 17,.

Activity 7

1) State the uses of Chlorine and iodine

a) Chlorine  – 


b) Iodine  – ………………………………………………………………………………..

2) (a) Give the physical state of halogens below at room temperature :

i) Fluorine: ………………………………ii) Chlorine:………………………………………… iii) Bromine: ………………………………iv) Iodine : …………………………………………. 

(b) Fill in the blanks below.

2Cl    melting and colour of Density

2 Br    boiling points halogens ………. 

2 I    ………..  becomes


3) When going down the Group 17, the melting and boiling points increase. Explain


………………………………………………………………………………………………………  4) Chemical Properties of Group 17 Elements

a) Group 17 elements react with water to form two acids


Cl   + O H 

2     HCl   +  HOCl  

Hydrochloric acid hypochlorus acid

Write a balanced equation when bromine reacts with water.


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b). In gaseous state they react with hot iron to form a brown solid, iron (III) halides.

Example:  Fe2 +2

3 Br     3

2 FeBr   

Write a balanced equation when iodine vapour reacts with iron


c). Group 17 elements react t with sodium hydroxide solution,  NaOH , to form

sodium halide, sodium halate (I) and water


 I  +  NaOH 2      NaI   +  NaOI   + O H 2


Write a balanced equation when chlorine reacts with sodium hydroxide solution


5)The reactivity of Group 17 elements decreases when going down the group. Explain why.

a) When going down the Group 17 atomic size …………………………….. b) The outermost occupied shell becomes …………………. from the nucleus. c) Therefore the strength to attract one electron into the outermost occupied

shell by the nucleus becomes ……………………… 

6) Chlorine gas reacts more vigorously with hot iron as compared to bromine gas. Explain(Proton number: Cl, 17 ; Br, 35)


…………………………………………………………………………………………………  Activity 8 

To investigate the Chemical properties of Group 17 elements.

The Reaction of halogens with iron (refer practical book pg 44)

1) Data and Observation (Complete the following table)

Halogen Reactant 

Observation Chlorine  Bromine  Iodine 


Iron wool 

Sodium hydroxide , NaOHsolution 

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2) Based on your results, arrange the halogens,2

Cl  ,2

 Br  ,2

 I   in ascending order of


………………………………………………………………………………………………………  3) Element E is placed below element D in Group 17 of the Periodic Table.

(a) Compare the melting and boiling points of element D with element E. Explain youranswer.



(b) Write a chemical equation for the reaction between element D and hot iron.



Learning Outcom es

You should be able to:

  list all elements in Period 3,

  write electron arrangements of all elements in Period 3,

  describe changes in the properties of elements across Period 3,

  state changes in the properties of the oxides of elements across Period 3,

   predict changes in the properties of elements across Period 2,

Activity 9Period 3 in the Periodic Table – Properties of Elements 

1) Complete the table and answer the question given below

Element  Na  Mg   Al  Si  P  S  Cl   Ar  

Proton number   11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18 

Electronarrangement Number of valenceelectrons  Atomic radius (pm)  186  160  143  118  110  104  100  94 

Physical state atroom temperature 

Solid  Solid  Solid  Solid  Solid  Solid  Gas  Gas 

Electronegativity  0.9  1.2  1.5  1.8  2.1  2.5  3.0  - 

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2) Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

a). The proton number ………………………..  by one unit from one element to the next


b) All the atoms of elements have ……………………….. shells occupied with electrons.

c) The number of valence electrons in each atom …………………………. from 1 to 8.

d) The physical state at room temperature changes from …………………….. to


e) The atomic radius (atomic size) of elements ………………… from left to right across the

period 3

f) The electronegativity of elements. …………………….. from left to right across the period

3 .

Activity 10

1) Below are some oxides of elements of Period 3.

(a) Which of these oxides can react with

(i) dilute nitric acid? ………………………… 

(ii) sodium hydroxide solution? ……………………… 

(b) Based on your answers in (a), what inferences can you make about the properties ofeach of the

oxides? (Acidic/Basic/Amphoteric)

Oxides  Sodiumoxide 



Silicon(IV) oxide 

Phosphorus(V) oxide 




The diagram above shows the symbols of lithium, carbon and fluorine.

(a) Which period in the Periodic Table can you find the three elements? Explain.


*Sodium oxide, O Na2

  *Silicon (IV) oxide,2


*Aluminium oxide,32

O Al    *Sulphur dioxide,2



3,   C 12

6,   F 19

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(b) Arrange the three elements in order of increasing atomic size.

…………………………………………………………………………………………………  (c) Compare the electronegativity of the three elements. Explain your answer.

The electronegativity of the elements (i)………………………… from Li , C , F

This is due to the (ii)………………….. nuclei attraction on the valence electrons and the

(iii)……………………………… in atomic size.


Learning Outcom es

You should be able to:

  identify the positions of transition elements in the Periodic Table,

  give examples of transition elements,

  describe properties of transition elements,

  state uses of transition elements in industries. 

Activity 11

1 (a) Transtition elements are elements from Group ………………. …… Group……………………… 

(b) State 3 examples of transtition elements found in Period 4…………………………………………...  

2  Complete the diagram below.

3 Transition elements and their compounds are useful catalysts. Complete the table below

Chemical Process  Product  Catalysts Haber

Ostwald Contact 

Specialcharacteristics of


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4 Transition elements form coloured ions or compound. Complete the table below

Ion of transition element   Formula of the ion  Colour of aqueous solution 

Cooper (II) ion 

Iron (II) ion  Fe


Iron (III) ion Yellowish Brown 

Chromium (III) ion 

Chromate (VI) ion 

Dichromate (VI) ion 

Manganese (II) ion 

Manganate (VI) ion 

4 Transition elements form ions with different Oxidation Numbers.

Elements  Compound  Chemical Formula  Oxidation Number  

Manganese  Manganese (II) chloride 

Manganese (IV) oxide 

Potassium manganate


Iron  Iron (II) chloride 

Iron (III) chloride 

Copper   Copper (I) chloride 

Copper (II) oxide 

**(Precious stones such as emerald, rubies, sapphire and jade are beautiful due to the

colours of the transition element compounds present in them ) 

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Activity 12

1  Diagram 1 shows part of the Periodic Table of the Elements. D, E, G, L, M, and J, that do notrepresent the actual symbol of the element 

Diagram 1 

Using the letters in the Periodic Table of the Elements in Diagram 1, answer the followingquestions. 

(a)  (i)  State the position of element E in the Periodic Table.  


(ii)  Choose the element which exhibit different oxidation numbers in its compounds. 

…………………………………………………………...……………………….. …………….. 

(b)  Element D combines with element L to form a compound.

Write the chemical formula of this compound. 


(c)  D and E have the same chemical properties 

(i)  Which element is more reactive? 


(ii)  Explain your answer in (c) (i). 



(d) Which element exists as diatomic molecules? 

……..….………………………………………………………………………… ………………. 







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2 The information shows the chemical symbols which represent elements W, X, Y andZ.

W X   Y   Z

(a) State three subatomic particles in an atom..


(b) (i) What is the meaning of the “period” in the Periodic Table of element? 


(ii) State the period of element W in the Periodic Table of element.Explain.



(c) (i) Compare the atomic size of element W and X.


(ii) Explain your answer in (c) (i).











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A Formation of Compounds

Learning Outcomes:

You should be able:  explain the stability of noble gases

  explain the conditions for the formation of chemical bonds

  state the types of chemical bonds

Activity 1: Formation of chemical bondsChoose the correct answer from the table

1 Noble gases are ………………… gases. They exist as……………………….. gases and 

are chemically unreactive . They have ………….………….. octet or ……………..……… electron


2 Other atoms besides noble gases tend to achieve the stable electron arrangement through the

formation of ………………………… 

3 Two types of chemical bonds :

(i) …………………….. bond

- formed when atoms join together by transferring of electrons 

(ii) …………………….. bond

- formed when atoms join together by ………………………………..of electrons 


Learning outcomes:You should be able to:

  explain the formation of ions

  write the electron arrangements for the ions formed

  explain the formation of ionic bonds

  illustrate electron arrangement of an ionic bond

  illustrate the formation of ionic bonds

Activity 2 : Formation of ions

1 Underline the correct answer.To achieve a stable electron arrangement : 

(i) A metal atom (donates / accepts) electrons , forming a (positive / negative) ion

called cation .

(ii) A (non-metal / metal) atom accepts electrons , forming a (positive / negative) ion

Sharing ionic stable chemical bondsmonoatomic arrangement inert covalent duplet

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called anion . 

2Complete the diagram below.



(Refer to page 84 –

 85 - F4 Chemistry text book)

Activity 3 : Formation of ionic bonds

Fill in the blanks with the correct words.1 Formation of ionic compound, sodium chloride (  NaCl  )

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  Electron arrangement of sodium atom is .............................................................

   A sodium atom ………………….one electron to achieve the ………………electron

arrangement which is 2.8.

  Sodium ion, ……..…........ is formed 

  Electron arrangement of chlorine atom is………………………………………….. 

  Electron from sodium atom is transferred to a …………………………….…atom

   A chlorine atom …………………………electron from sodium atom to

………………………….. the stable electron………………………which is 2.8.8 

  Chloride ion,………………….. is formed

  The sodium ion, Na  and chloride ion,

Cl   formed are …………………… one another

to form an ionic compound ……………………..,  NaCl  .

  The strong ……………………………….forces between the opposite-charged ions is

called ………………………….bond. 

(Refer to page 86 - F4 Chemistry text book)

2 Complete the diagram below.

2.8.1 2.8.7 ............. ...............

Sodium atom,Na Chlorine atom,Cl Sodium ion, ……  Chloride ion, …..


Fill in the blanks with the correct answers.Formation of ionic compound magnesium chloride, MgCl 2  .

  Electron arrangement of magnesium atom is ..................................................

   A magnesium atom ………………….two electrons to achieve the ………………electron

arrangement which is, 2.8.

  Magnesium ion, ……..…........ is formed 

  Electron arrangement of chlorine atom is………………………………………… 

  Electrons from magnesium atom is tr ansferred to two ………………….…atoms

  A chlorine atom …………………………electron from magnesium atom to ……………..

the stable electron …………………………which is 2.8.8. 

  Chloride ion,………………….. is formed

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  The magnesium ion,Mg 2+ and two chloride ions,  Cl    formed are ………………to one

another to form an ionic compound …………………………., MgCl 2  

  The strong ……………………………….forces between the opposite-charged ions is

called ………………………… 

(Refer to page 86 - F4 Chemistry text book)

(b) Complete the diagram below.

(Refer to page 86 - F4 Chemistry text book)

C Covalent Bonds 

Learning Outcomes:

You should be able :  state the meaning of covalent bonds

  explain the formation of covalent bonds

  illustrate the formation of covalent bonds

  compare and contrast the formation of ionic and covalent bonds

Activity 4 : Formation of covalent bonds

Fill in the blanks with the correct words.1 Covalent bonds are formed when ..………………… atoms …………………….. electrons to

achieve ……………………. electron arrangements .

2 Types of covalent bonds:-

(i) …………………………………………………………………………………………………  

(ii) …………………………………………………………………………………………………  

(iii) …………………………………………………………………………………………………  

3  A single bond is formed when …………………of electrons is shared between two atoms. 

 A double bond is formed when ………………..of electrons is shared between two atoms. 

 A triple bond is formed when ………………….of electrons is shared between two atoms. 

4 Formation of hydrogen molecules, H 2  :-

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  A hydrogen atom has ……valence electron, with an electron arrangement of..……. 

  It needs ……….. more electron to achieve the …………….. electron arrangement

  ………..hydrogen atoms ………………… one electron each for ……………… 

  Shared-paired electrons forms a …………….. bond in the hydrogen molecule, H 2  

  Single bond holds the two hydrogen atoms together because the shared-pair of electrons

is attracted to the………………….. of both atoms 

5 Complete the diagram below.(a)

(b)  A covalent bond can be illustrated by using………………………………. 

Activity 5 : Formation of covalent bonds

1 Formation of oxygen molecules, O2  :

  An oxygen atom has …… valence electron, with an electron arrangement of…..… 

  It needs ……….more electrons to achieve the …………….. electron arrangement

  …....oxygen atoms share………pairs of  electrons forming a…..……………bond


Draw the electron arrangement for the formation of oxygen molecule.[Proton number : O, 8 ;]

(b) Illustrate the formation of oxygen molecule using the Lewis structure.

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3 Formation of a nitrogen molecule, N 2  :

   A nitrogen atom has …… valence electron, with an electron arrangement ..…….. 

  It needs ……… more electrons to achieve the …………….. electron arrangement

  ………..nitrogen atoms share………………pairs of   electrons forming a ……………… 

covalent bond

4 Draw the electron arrangement for the formation of nitrogen molecule.[Proton number : N, 7]

(b) Illustrate the formation for nitrogen molecule using the Lewis structure.

Activity 61 Draw the electron arrangements for the formation of the following ionic compounds:

[Proton number : Li, 3 ; Ca, 20 ; O, 8 ; Cl, 17 ]

(a) Lithium oxide, O Li2


(b) Calcium chloride,2


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2 Draw the electron arrangements for the formation of the following covalent compounds[Proton number : C, 6 ; Cl, 17, : O, 8](a)  Tetrachloromethane, CCl 4 

(b) Carbon dioxide molecule, CO2

3 Complete the table below to compare the characteristics for the formation of ionic and covalentbonds.

Ionic bond Characteristic Covalent bondValence electrons

Electrons involved

Elements Non-metals atom and non metal atoms

Electron transfer to achievestable electron arrangement

Bond formation



Learning outcomesYou should be able to:

  list the properties of ionic compounds.

  list the properties of covalent compounds

  explain the differences in the electrical conductivity of ionic and covalent compounds

  describe the differences in melting and boiling points of ionic and covalent compounds

  compare and contrast the solubility of ionic and covalent compounds

  state the uses of covalent compounds as solvents.

Activity 7 : Physical properties of ionic and covalent compounds

1. Complete the table of the properties of ionic and covalent compounds, using the wordsgiven in the box :

conduct electricity in aqueous solution or molten state do not conduct electricitylow solid high insoluble soluble solid, liquid,

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Ionic compound Properties Covalent compound

Physical states at roomtemperature

Melting pointsBoiling points

Electrical Conductivity

Solubility in water

Solubility in organic solvent

2 Explain why ionic compounds are able to conduct electricity in aqueous solution or in

molten state but not in solid state.




3 Explain why covalent compound do not conduct electricity in all states.



4 Explain why ionic compounds have higher melting points than covalent compounds.




5 Example of covalent compounds ;-


Uses of covalent compounds as solvent in our daily lives:



(Refer to page 90 - 91 - F4 Chemistry text book) 

Activity 8


 Atom A Atom B

(a) Write the electron arrangement for atom A.


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(b) A and B can form a compound

(i) What type of bond holds atom A and B together ?

…………………………………………………………………………………………..  (ii) What will happen to atom A during the formation of the compound with atom



(iii) Draw the electron arrangement of the compound formed in (b)(ii).

(iv) State one physical property of the compound formed.


(c) Carbon atom, C, with an electron arrangement of 2.4 can combine with atom B toform a compound.

(i) What is the molecular formula of the compound formed?


(ii) If the relative atomic masses of carbon is 12 and B is 32, what is the relativemolecular mass of the compound in c(i).


Activity 91 The diagram below shows the proton number and the nucleon number for three atoms

of elements, E , G and W. The letters used do not represent the actual symbols of theelements.







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(a) Construct a table to show the information of the three elements in terms of

  The number of protons

  The number of neutrons

  The electron arrangement

  The number of valence electrons [4 marks]


(b) The reaction between atoms of element G and W forms an ionic compound whereas thereaction between atoms of element E and W forms a covalent compound.Explain how these ionic and covalent compounds are formed.

 Answer: (Ionic compound)

 Answer: (Covalent compound)

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( c) The ionic compound formed from the reaction between atoms of element G and W doesconduct electricity when it is in solid state but can conduct electricity when dissolved in


Describe an experiment to investigate this property.[8 marks]


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Activity 1

1. State the meaning of electrolyte: An electrolyte is a substance that can conduct (a) ……………………in (b)……………… 

state or (c) ……………………. (d)……………………. and undergo (e)…………………… 


2. A non-electrolyte is a substance that cannot conduct (g)……………………. either in

(h)……………………. state or (i)……………………….. solution. 

3. Ionic compounds in molten state or in aqueous solution are electrolytes

because these substances contain freely (j) …………………. ……………………. 

4. Covalent compounds are non-electrolytes and these substances contain neutral

(k) ................... and no freely (l) ……………………… …………… However,

certain covalent compounds such as hydrogen chloride, ammonia and ethanoic

acid when dissolved in water are electrolytes. This is because these compounds react

with water to produce freely (m) …………………  ………….. 

Learning Outcomes:

You should be able to:

  state the meaning of electrolyte,

  classify substances into electrolytes and non-electrolytes.

  relate the presence of freely moving ions to electrical conductivity.

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5. Ionic compounds in molten state or in aqueous solution are electrolytes while covalentcompounds and ionic compounds in solid state are non-electrolytes. Metals are non-electrolytes but are good conductors of electricity.

Classify the substances in the text box below into electrolyte and non-electrolyte

Electrolyte  Non-electrolyte 

Solid lead(II) chloride, molten aluminium oxide, lead(II) nitrate solution, solid sodiumchloride, sodium chloride solution, magnesium, molten lead(II) chloride, glucosesolution, glacial ethanoic acid, dilute ethanoic acid, molten naphthalene, ethanol, silver,tetrachloromethane, sodium hydroxide solution, aqueous ammonia

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Activity 21. What do you understand by the term electrolysis?

Electrolysis is a process whereby compounds in (a) .................... or (b) ..……………states are broken down (or decomposed) into their constituent (c) …………………… by

passing (d) ……………………. through them. 

2. Anode is the electrode which is connected to the (e) …………………. terminal of abattery.

3. Cathode is the electrode which is connected to the (f ) ……………………… terminal of abattery.

4. Carbon or platinum is chosen as electrodes as they are chemically inert or unreactive.5. The diagram below shows the set-up of apparatus of electrolysis of molten lead(II)

bromide. Name the main apparatus and materials in the diagram.

Activity 31. Diagram 3.1 shows the relationship between the presence of freely moving ions and

electrical conductivity.The box below shows a list of statements that explain the why ionic compound in solid

state do not conduct electricity but will conduct electricity in aqueous solution. Thestatements are arranged in random order.Choose the correct statement from the box below and write it into the correct text box inDiagram 3.1.

  During electrolysis cations are attracted to the cathode and anions are attracted to the anode.

  Solid sodium chloride contains sodium ions and chloride ions which are in fixed position andnot freely moving.

  In solid state, sodium ions and chloride ions are strongly attracted by electrostatic forces in alattice.

  Electric circuit is complete due to the flow of electrons along the connecting wires and

movement of ions in the solution.  If the electrodes are placed further apart, the ammeter reading will decrease because there

will be an increase in internal resistance.

  Aqueous sodium chloride contains freely moving ions to conduct electricity.

Learning Outcomes:You should be able to:

  describe electrolysis,

  describe electrolytic cell,  identify cations and anions in a molten compound,

  describe evidence for the existence of ions held in a lattice in solid state but move freely inmolten state,

  describe electrolysis of a molten compound,

  write half-equations for the discharge of ions at anode and cathode,

   predict products of the electrolysis of molten compounds.

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Diagram 3.1

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2. Colour all the cations red and the anions blue in solid sodium chloride and in theelectrolyte in Diagram 3.1 above.

Activity 4

1. Given below is a list of ionic compounds in molten state. Identify the cation and anion ineach electrolyte.

Electrolyte (Molten) 

Cation  Anion Name  Formula  Name  Formula 

Sodium chloride 

Lead(II) oxide 

Potassium bromide 

2. Given below is a list of electrolytes and products discharged at both electrodes. Basedon the given substance discharged at the electrode, write a half equation to represent

the reaction occurring at the electrode.

Electrolyte (molten) 

Substance discharged at the electrodes and the half equation 

Anode  Cathode 

(i) Aluminium oxide  Oxygen gas Half equation: 


 Aluminium Half equation: 


(ii) Potassium iodide  Iodine Half equation: 


Potassium Half equation: 


(iii) Sodium chloride  Chlorine gas Half equation: 


Sodium Half equation: 


(iv) Zinc bromide  Bromine gas Half equation: 


Zinc Half equation: 


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Activity 51 The flow chart below is used to predict the products formed at the electrodes during the

electrolysis of molten lead(II) bromide.

2. In the spaces below, draw a similar flow chart (as in question 1) to predict the productsformed at the electrodes from the electrolysis of molten zinc chloride, ZnCl2.


Molten lead(II) bromide




c b

Consists of

(Ions that are present)

( Movement of ions)To anode

To cathode

(Half equation)At Anode

At Cathode

(Products formed)

At AnodeAt Cathode

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Learning Outcomes:You should be able to:  identify cations and anions in an aqueous solution,  describe the electrolysis of an aqueous solution,  explain using examples factors affecting electrolysis of an aqueous solution,  write half equations for the discharge of ions at the anode and the cathode,   predict the products of electrolysis of aqueous solutions.

Activity 6

1. State three factors that may influence the selective discharge of ions during theelectrolysis of an aqueous solution.

(a) …………………………………………………………………………………………………  

(b) ………………………………………………………………………………………………….

(c) ………………………………………………………………………………………………….  

2. In an aqueous solution of sodium chloride, apart from sodium ions, Na+ and chloride

ions, Cl-- , ………………………ions, ……… and ……………………………….ions, …… 

from the slight dissociation of water are also present.

3. List the electrochemistry series (cations and anions) in order of increasing ease ofdischarge.

Ease of discharge increases

Cation: …………………………………………………………………………………………….

 Anion: ……………………………………………………………………………………………..

4. The following statements refer to the factors that affect the electrolysis of an aqueoussolution. Fill in the blanks.

(a) The ions that are placed …………………… in the electrochemical series will be

……………….. discharged. (b) If the concentration of a particular ion is …………………, the ion is ……………..


(c) In the electrolysis of copper(II) sulphate, CuSO4 ……………..using copper

electrodes, no ions are discharged at the anode. Instead, the copper anode

…………………… and ………………………… in the electrolyte. 

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Activity 7The diagram below shows the set-up of apparatus of an electrolytic cell containingconcentrated copper(II) sulphate solution. Two test tubes filled with copper(II) sulphatesolution were placed over the electrodes J and K to collect any gas evolved. The switch isthen turned on so that electrolysis of copper(II) sulphate solution can occur.

(a) Identify the cations and the anions present in the aqueous solution.

Cations: …………………………………….. Anions: …………………..……………………… 

(b) Identify which electrode ( J or K ) is the anode and the cathode:

 Anode ……………………………….. Cathode ………………………………………. 

(c) (i) Which ion is selectively discharge at the anode? ……………………………………… 

(ii) Give a reason for your answer in (c) (i). ………………………………………………….. 


(iii) What do you observe at the anode? ……………………………………………………… 

(iv) Give one test to confirm the gas released at K. ………………………………………… 

……………………………………………………………………………………………….(v) Write a half equation to represent the discharge of ions at anode.


(d) (i) Which ion is selectively discharge at the cathode? ………………………………………… 

(ii) Give a reason for your answer in (d) (i) …………………………………………………. 


(iii) Which do you observe at the cathode? ………………………………………………… 

(iv) Write a half equation to represent the discharge of ions at the cathode.

…………………………………. ………………………………………………………….

(e) What do you observe about the copper(II) sulphate solution?


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Activity 8

(a) The table below shows two electrolytic cells with electrolytes of differentconcentration. You are required to answer each section by writing your answer inthe spaces provided. 

1. In the diagrams, label the cathode

with the symbol “” and theanode with the symbol “+”. 

2. Show the direction of the flow of theelectrons with arrowheads, “ > “ 

3. Write the formula of all ions in theelectrolyte. 

4. a. Write the formula of ions which areattracted to the cathode.

b. Underline the formula of ion whichis selectively discharged. 

c. State the factor that affect theselective discharged of ion 

5. Write the half equation to representthe reaction at the cathode.

6. What will you observe at thecathode? 

7. a. Write the formula of ions which areattracted to the anode.

b. Underline the formula of ion whichis selectively discharged. 

c. State the factor that affect theselective discharged of ion 

8. Write the half equation to representthe reaction at the anode. 

9. What will you observe at the anode? 

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(b) The table below shows two electrolytic cells with the same electrolytes withdifferent electrodes. You are required to answer each section by writing youranswer in the spaces provided. 

1. In the diagrams, label the cathode

with the symbol “

” and theanode with the symbol “+”. 

2. Show the direction of the flow of theelectrons with arrowheads, “ > “ 

3. Write the formula of all ions in theelectrolyte. 

4. a. Write the formula of ions whichare attracted to the cathode.

b. Underline the formula of ionwhich is selectively discharged. 

c. State the factor that affect theselective discharged of ion 

5. Write the half equation to representthe reaction at the cathode.

6. What will you observe at thecathode? 

7. a. Write the formula of ions whichare attracted to the anode.

b. Underline the formula of ionwhich is selectively discharged. 

c. State the factor that affect theselective discharged of ion 

8. Write the half equation to representthe reaction at the anode. 

9. What will you observe at theanode? 

10 What do you observe about the

copper(II) sulphate solution? 

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Learning Outcomes:You should be able to:  state uses of electrolysis in industries,  explain the extraction, purification and electroplating of metals involving electrolysis in industries,  write chemical equations to represent the electrolysis process in industries,   justify uses of electrolysis in industries,

  describe the problem of pollution from electrolysis in industry .

Activity 9

1. Fill in the blanks.

  The application of electrolysis in industries are (a) ……………………………………….

(b) ……………………………………………… and (c) …………………………………… 

  In the extraction of aluminium from its ore, (d) ….……………… electrodes are used

and (e) ……..………………. is added to aluminium oxide to lower its melting point. 

  In purification of metals, the pure metal is made the (f) ….………………. and the

impure metal is made the (g) ……….……………. The electrolyte used is an aqueous

salt solution of the metal ions.

  In electroplating of metals, the (h) ………..…………….is made the anode and the (i)

……………… to be (j) ..…..………………….. is made the cathode. The electrolyte

used is an aqueous salt solution of the electroplating metal.

  The purposes of electroplating metals are to make the electroplated object more (k)

………………………………….. and (l) …………………..……………… to corrosion. 

2. Below are shown the three uses of electrolysis in industries. Fill in the blanks.

Extraction of aluminiumfrom bauxites 

Purification of copperfrom impure minedcopper  

Electroplating of ironspoon with silver  

1. Substanceused as cathodeand anode 







2. Electrolyteused 

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3. Halfequationrepresentingthe process. 








Activity 10

1.  A simple voltaic cell can be constructed by immersing two ……………………….

metals in an ………………………. connected by  ………………… 

2. In a voltaic cell, ……………………… energy is converted to ……………………. energy. 

3. THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SERIES is an arrangement of metals based on the tendencyof each metal atom to donate electrons. Complete the table below.

Electrochemical series of metals Cation formed and number of

electron(s) released during the process 

K  K+ + e 

 Al   Al3+ + 3e 

* Note: Hydrogen is not a metal, but it is included in the Electrochemical Series  

Learning outcomes:You should be able to:

  describe the structure of a simple voltaic cell and Daniell cell,

  explain the production of electricity from a simple voltaic cell,

  explain the reactions in a simple voltaic cell and Daniell cell,

  compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of various voltaic cells,

  describe the differences between electrolytic and voltaic cells.


of metal

atoms to

donateelectrons to form ions


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4. The diagram below shows an example of a simple voltaic cell. 

In the text box below are sentences explaining the production of electricity from a simplevoltaic cell. The sentences are listed in random order. You are required to arrange thesesentences in the best possible order so as to give a clear description of the reactionsoccurring in a simple voltaic cell.

[If you have any problem, you can refer to page 104 of the text book for guidance.]  


(a) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………  


(b) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………  


(c) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..  


  An example of a simple voltaic cell is a magnesium strip and a copper strip immersed indilute sodium chloride solution.

  The electrons then flows from the magnesium ribbon to the copper plate through the wireand this results in the flow of electrical current.

  Hence magnesium atom releases electrons more easily than a copper atom and themagnesium act as the negative terminal of the cell.

  The overall equation for the reaction is given as follows.Mg(s) + 2H+(aq)  Mg2+(aq) + H2(g)

  Magnesium is placed higher than copper in the electrochemical series.

  At the negative terminal, each magnesium atom releases two electrons and the Mg2+ formed moved into the solution.

Mg(s)  Mg2+ (aq) + 2e

  At the positive terminal which is the copper plate, the electrons are accepted by the H+ ions in sodium chloride solution.

2H+  + 2e   H2 (g)

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(d) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………  


(e) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………  


(f) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 


(g) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 


Activity 111. (a) Draw and label the set-up of apparatus of a Daniell cell consisting of a salt bridge.

(b) (i) Which metal in the Daniell cell is the negative terminal?

…………………………………………………………………………………………………  (ii) Give reason for your answer in (b)(i).

…………………………………………………………………………………………………(iii) Write a half equation to represent the reaction occurring at the negative terminal.

………………………………………………………………………………………………….(c) Write a half equation to represent reaction at positive terminal.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………(d) What do you observe at

(i) negative terminal

…………………………………………………………………………………………………..(ii) positive terminal

…………………………………………………………………………………………………..(e) State two functions of the salt bridge.

1. ……………..………………………………………………………………………………  

2. ………………………………………………………………………………………………  

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2. The table below listed are five types ofvoltaic cells commonly used in our dailylives. Each voltaic cell has its advantagesand disadvantages. Complete the table bystating the advantages and disadvantagesof each voltaic cell.

Voltaic cell Advantage

s Disadvantage

s 1. Lead-acidaccumulator  

2. Dry cell 

3. Mercurycell 

4. Alkalinecell 

5. Nickel-cadmiumcell 

Activity 12What are the differences between an electrolytic cell and a voltaic cell?Table 12.1 are statements showing differences between an electrolytic cell and a voltaic cell.Complete Table 12.2 by choosing the correct matching statements.

It does not require a source of electriccurrent 

It requires a source of electric current 

The electrical energy causes chemicalreactions to occur at the electrodes. Electrical energy  chemical energy 

The chemical reaction that occur at theelectrodes produces electric current.Chemical energy  electrical energy 

The electrodes must be of two differentmetals 

The electrodes may be of the same materialsuch as carbon 

Electrons flow from the positive electrode(anode) to the negative electrode (cathode). 

Electrons flow from the more electropositivemetal (negative terminal) to the lesselectropositive metal (positive terminal). 

Ions receive electrons at the positiveterminal. (Reduction) 

Ions donate electrons at the positive terminal.(Oxidation) 

Ions receive electrons at the negativeterminal. (Reduction) 

Ions donate electrons at the negativeterminal. (Oxidation) 

Table 12.1

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DIFFERENCES Electrolytic cell  Aspect  Chemical cell 

Source ofelectric current 

Conversion ofenergy 

Type ofelectrodes 

Direction of flowof electrons 

Type of reactionat positiveterminal 

Type of reactionat negativeterminal 

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Learning Outcomes:You should be able to:  describe the principles used in constructing the electrochemical series,  construct the electrochemical series,  explain the importance of electrochemical series,   predict the ability of a metal to displace another metal from its salt solution,  write the chemical equations for metal displacement reactions.

Activity 13 Three experiments were conducted to investigate the potential differences between three pairs ofmetals in a voltaic cell. An electrochemical series for four metals P, Q, S and T is then constructedbased on the potential difference obtained. Three pair of metals used as electrodes in different voltaiccells are: P and Q, Q and S and S and T. All the metals are cleaned with sandpaper before used.50 cm3 of 1.0 mol dm-3 sodium nitrate solution is poured into a beaker as electrolyte.

Experiment I

The electrodes P and Q are immersed into the solution. The two electrodes are connected to avoltmeter using copper wires. Electrode Q is the positive terminal. The voltmeter reading isrecorded.

Experiment IIThe electrodes Q and S are immersed into the solution. The two electrodes are connected to avoltmeter using copper wire. Electrode Q is the positive terminal. The voltmeter reading isrecorded.

Experiment IIIThe electrodes S and T are immersed into the solution. The two electrodes are connected to avoltmeter using copper wire. Electrode T is the positive terminal. The voltmeter reading isrecorded.

Based on Experiment I, II and III, answer the questions below.(a) Record the voltmeter reading of each experiment in the spaces provided.

Experiment 1 Experiment II Experiment III

Voltmeter reading: …………. Voltmeter r eading: …………… Voltmeter reading: ….…….. 

(b) Construct a table to record the data from the above experiments.


1 2 3 45




1 2 3 45




1 2 3 45



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(c) List the apparatus and materials that you will need to carry out this experiment.

 Apparatus: ………………………………………………………………………………………. 


Materials: ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 

……………………………………………………………………………………………………  (d) State all the variables:

1. Manipulated variable: ………………………………………………………………….. 

2. Responding variable: …………………………………………………………………….

3. Controlled variable: ……………………………………………………………………… 

(e) State the hypothesis: ………………………………………………………………………. 

…………………………………………………………………………………………………..  (f) Based on the information obtained in Experiment I, what can you infer about metal P and Q?

……………………………………………………………………………………………………  (g) Write a half equation for the reaction occurring in negative of Experiment I, assuming the cation

has a +2 charge.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………….  (h) Arrange the metals P, Q, S and T in descending order of their tendency to donate electrons.

...……………………………………………………………………………………………………  (i) Another voltaic cell is set-up using metals T and Q as electrodes. Predict the potential difference

produced in the cell.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………..  (j) Given that metal X is placed between metal S and metal Q in the electrochemical series, can

metal X displace metal S from its salt solution? Give an explanation for your answer


……………………………………………………………………………………………………….  (k) Given that copper is more electropositive than metal T, a displacement reaction will occur when

copper is immersed into a salt solution of metal T, TNO3.Write the chemical equation for this reaction.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………….  (l) State three important uses of the electrochemical series




Activity 14 : Displacement Reactions

1. Metals placed ……… up in the Electrochemical series ar able to displace metals placed …….them from their salt solutions.

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magnesium zinc Lead(II) copper(II)nitrate nitrate nitrate nitratesolution solution solution solution

magnesium strips

K > Na > Ca > Mg > Al > Zn > Fe Sn > Pb > H > Cu > Ag

2. Example : Ewacrion between xinc and copper(II) sulphate solution

Chemical equation : Zn + CuSO4    ……………… + …………. 

…….. is place higher position than ……… in electrochemical series, , …………….. is moreelectropositive than …………….., hence ………….. can displace ……………f rom

………………………. solutions. 


Zinc atom releases 2 electrons to form zinc ion, Zn2+ : Half equation : …………………. 

Copper(II) ion Cu2+ receives 2 electrons to form copper atom : Half equation :…………….. 

Ionic equation : ………………………………………………………. 

3. Experiment : To construct the electrochemical series using the principle of displacement ofmetals (Displacement Reaction)

Problem Statement : ………………………………………………………………………………  


Hypothesis: The greater the number of metals that can be displaced by a metal fromtheir solutions, the higher is its position in the electrochemical series.

Variables:Manipulated variable : …………………………………… 

Responding variable : ……………………………… 

Fixed variables : …………………………………… 

List of Materials and Apparatus:

Test tubes, sand paper, 1 mol dm-3 zinc nitrate solution, 1 mol dm-3 lead (II) nitratesolution, 1 mol dm-3 copper (II) nitrate solution, magnesium strips, zinc strips, leadstrips and copper strips.



1.  Zinc ………………….

2.  ……………. Solid formed 

3.  Intensity of blue solution …………….

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1. Pour 5 cm3 of magnesium nitrate solution, zinc nitrate solution, lead (II) nitrate solution, andcopper (II) nitrate solution into four separate test tubes.

2. For each test tube, place a strip of magnesium into each solution.3. Record all the observations.

4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 using strips of zinc, lead and copper to replace the magnesium strip. Foreach repetition, use a fresh salt solution.

Data and Observation

Magnesiumnitrate solution 

Zinc nitratesolution 

Lead (II) nitratesolution 

Copper (II)nitrate solution 





a. Which metal can displace the most number of other metals from their solutions?


b. Write the half equation of the reaction occurred in magnesium strip for this experiment.


c. Which metal can be displaced by all other metals in the experiment?


d. Arrange the metals in descending order based on the electrochemical series andthe number of metals displaced by it.


e. Write the ionic equations to show all displacement reactions by zinc







Com lete this table lease!

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Learning Outcom es

You should be able to:

  State the meaning of acid, base and alkali

  State uses of acids, bases and alkalis in daily life

  Explain the role of water of water in the formation of hydrogen ions to show the properties ofacids

  Explain the role of water in the formation of hydroxide ions to show the properties of alkalis

  Describe chemical properties of acids and alkalis

Activity 1 Meaning of acid ,base and alkali

Fill in the blanks with the correct words:

1   An acid is a chemical substance which ionises in………………. to produce ………….ions.

The hydrogen ion combines with a water molecule, H2O to form a ……………………….. ion,


2   Acid can be classified as a……………………….acid or a ………………….acid based on its


3  Basicity is the number of ionisable …………………. atoms per molecule of an acid. 

4   A base is a substance that reacts with an acid to form a …………... and ……………. only. 

Bases include metal hydroxides and metal oxides.

5  Give the names of acids, their formulae and its basicity: 

Name of acid  Formula of acid  Basicity 

(i) Hydrochloric acid 

(ii)  H2SO4 

(iii)  HNO3 

(iv) Ethanoic acid 

6  Complete the ionization of acids below : 





HCl (aq)  → . . .…….(aq)  + Cl-  (aq) 

……… (aq)  → H+ (aq)  + NO3 - (aq) 

H2SO4 (aq) → ……. …… + ……….. 

CH3COOH (aq) …………. + CH3COO- (aq)

(Refer to page 117 -118 - F4 Chemistry textbook)

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Activity 2 :

Fill in the blanks with correct words:

1   A base is a substance that reacts with an acid to form ...................................................only. 

 An alkali is a water-soluble base which ionises in water to produce………..………..........,OH



2  Complete the table below 

Name of alkali  Formula of alkali 

(i) Sodium hydroxide 

(ii)  KOH 

(iii) Ammonia aqueous 

3  Complete the ionization of following alkalis : 

NaOH (aq)  → …….(aq)  + OH-  (aq) 

……… (aq)  + H2O (l) NH4+ (aq)  + …………. (aq)

4  Uses of acids, bases and alkalis 

(a) To use as …………………. … reagent 

Example: sodium hydroxide solution, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid 

(b) To ..................................................................................................... …………… 

Example: Ethanoic acid (vinegar), benzoic acid 

(c)To make various ……………….. 

Example: Magnesium oxide  antacid medicine, Ascorbic acid  vitamin C 

(d)To produce …………., detergent and ……………… 

Example: sodium hydroxide   to make soap and detergent 

Magnesium hydroxide   added to tooth-paste 

(e)To manufacture dyes,……………………. and drugs 

Example: methylamine

(f)Used in rocket fuel Example:…………………………………………………………………………………………  

(Refer to page 118 - F4 Chemistry textbook)

Activity 3: Role of water and its properties of acids and alkalis

Fill in the blanks with correct words.

1   An acid only shows its …………..…… properties when dissolve in ………………………. 

2  In the presence of water, the acid ionises to form ……………………………………..ions . 

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3  Without water , an acid still exists as…………………and there are no ................ ions present. 

Glacial Ethanoic acid, CH3COOH is an example of acidic substance. 

Complete the following table to show the role of water in acidic properties. 

Condition of ethanoic acid  Effect on the blue litmuspaper  


Glacial ethanoic acid,

Ethanoic acid in water  

Ethanoic acid in dry propanone( organic solvent ) 

5   An alkali only shows its ……………….. properties when dissolve in ……………………….. 

6  In the presence of water, the base dissociates to produce …………………………... ions that

are responsible for the ………………… properties 

7   Ammonia,NH3 is an example of alkali.

Complete the table below to show the role of water in alkaline properties.  

Condition of ammonia  Effect on the red litmus paper   Inference Dry 

 Aqueous (dissolved in

water) Dissolved in propanone,(organic solvent) 

(Refer to page 118 -119 F4 Chemistry textbook and page 84 – 86 F4 Chemistry Practical Book )

Activity 4: Properties of acids and alkalisTick (√ )

Statement  True  or   False 

1.  All acids are dangerous 

2.  All alkalis are dangerous 

3.  Acids taste sweet 

4.  Alkalis taste bitter  

5.  Acids taste sour  

6. Most acids can burn skin 

7.  Alkalis feel soapy 

8.  Acids produce H+ ions in solution 

9.  Acids produce OH- ions in solution 

10. Acids can corrode 

11. Acids have a pH above 7 

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12. Acids have a pH below 7 

13. Alkalis turn moist red litmus paper blue 

14. Acids turn moist red litmus paper blue 

(Refer to page 119 - F4 Chemistry textbook and page 87  – 90 - F4 Chemistry Practical Book )

Activity 5 : Chemical properties of acids 

1   Acids react with bases to form salts and water only. Bases are metal oxides or metal hydroxide. 

Write the chemical equation for the reaction between sulphuric acid and copper(II) oxide. 


2   Acids react with reactive metals to produce salts and hydrogen gas. 

Write the chemical equation for the reaction between hydrochloric acid and zinc . 


3   Acids react with metal carbonates to produce salts, water and carbon dioxide gas. 

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Write the chemical equation for the reaction between nitric acid and calcium carbonate. 


Activity 6 : Chemical properties of alkalis

1   Alkalis react with acids to form salts and water only 

Write the chemical equation for the reaction between sodium hydroxide and benzoic acid. 


2  When a mixture of an alkali and an ammonium salt is heated, ammonia gas is liberated. 

Write the chemical equation for the reaction between sodium hydroxide and ammonium chloride . 


3   Alkalis react with most metal ion solutions ( cations ) to produce the insoluble metal hydroxidesor precipitate - (precipitation reaction) 

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Write the chemical equation for the reaction between sodium hydroxide and iron(II) sulphate.  


(Refer to page 120 - F4 Chemistry textbook and page 91- F4 Chemistry Practical Book )

B: The strength of acids and alkalis

Learning Outcomes:You should be able to:

  State the use of a pH scale

  Relate pH value with acidic or alkaline properties of a substance

  Relate concentration of hydrogen ions with pH value

  Relate concentration of hydroxide ions with pH value

  Relate strong or weak acid with degree of dissociation

  Conceptualise qualitatively strong and weak acids

  Conceptualise qualitatively strong and weak alkalis

Activity 7: The pH scale

Fill in the blanks with correct words

1  The pH scale ( 0 to 14 ) , is used to indicate the degree of ……………… or ……………. of asolution.

2  pH value less than 7 , indicates an…………………………solution 

pH value equal to 7 , indicates a…………………………solution 

pH value more than 7 , indicates an…………………………solution 

3  pH value can be determined by using………….................,pH paper or…………………indicator. 

 Acids  Neutral   Alkalis 0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14 

 Acidity ......................................(increase or decrease ) 

 Alkalinity.........................(increase or decrease ) 

(Refer to page 121  – Chemistry text book)

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Activity 8 : Strong and weak acid1. Complete the flowchart below to understand the concept of strong acid and weak acid  

Strong acid Weak acid

Degree of disso ciat ion

Ionizat ion in w ater

Concentrat ion of ions

pH value


Activity 9: Strong and weak alkali

1. Complete the flowchart below to understand the concept of strong alkali and weak alkali. 

Strong alkal i Weak alkal i

Degree of diss ociat ion

Ionization in water

Concentrat ion of ions

pH value


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Learning Outcomes You should be able to:

  State the meaning of concentration

  State the meaning of molarity

  State the relationship between the number of moles with molarity and volume of a solution  Describe the methods for preparing standard solutions

  Describe the preparation of a solution with a specified concentration using dilution method

  Relate pH values with the molarity of acids and alkalis

  Solve numerical involving molarity of acids and alkalis

Activity 10 : Concentration of acids and alkalis

Fill in the blanks with the correct answers. 

The concentration of a solution refers to the quantity of solute in 1dm of solution

Concentration can be defined in two ways :- 

(a)  Concentration in g dm-   =

(b)  Concentration in mol dm-   =

(Concentration in mol dm-3 is also known as molarity or molar concentration (M ) ) 

2  The two units of concentration can be inter-converted: 

Work th is out . 

3  5.0 g of copper(II) sulphate is dissolved in water to form 500 cm solution. Calculate theconcentration of copper(II) sulphate solution in g dm-3 ? 

[ Answer: 10.0 g dm-3] 

4  What is the mass of sodium carbonate required to dissolve in water to prepare 200 cm3 solution that contains 50 g dm-3 ? 

[ Answer: 10 g ] 

(Refer to page 123 -124 - F4 Chemistry textbook )

Concentration in ...................  Concentration in............................ 

X Molar mass 

÷ Molar mass 

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5  4.0 g of sodium carbonate powder, Na2CO3  , is dissolved in water and made up to 250 cm3.What is the molarity of the sodium carbonate solution? [Relative atomic mass: C, 12; O, 16; Na, 23] 

[  Answer: 0.15 mol  dm

-3 ]  

Activity 11The number of moles of solute, n in a given volume of solution V and the molarity of M can becalculated by using the formula : 

n =  Number of moles of solute 

M  =  Molarity of solution (mol dm-

) V  =  Volume of solution (dm3) 

If the volume is in cm3  – convert the volume of solution from cm3 to dm3 

5  Calculate the number of moles of ammonia in 150 cm3 of 2 mol dm-3 aqueous ammonia. 

[ Answer: 0.3 mol ] 6   A student pipetted 20.0 cm3 of potassium hydroxide , KOH solution into a conical flask. The

concentration of the alkali was 1.5 mol dm-3  . Calculate the number of moles of potassium ,KOH in the flask. 

[ Answer: 0.03 mol   dm-3


7  Calculate the number of moles of hydrogen ions present in 200 cm of 0.5 mol dm-  sulphuricacid, H2SO4. 

[ Answer: 0.2 mol of H + ions]

Activity 12 : Preparation of Standard solutions

1  What is a standard solution? 


n = MV  

n = M x V

1000 n = MV

1000  or  

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2  Preparation of standard solutions by Weighing method  (mass of solute) :- 

Step 1 : Calculate the mass of solute needed .

mass = n X molar mass 

= MV X molar mass 1000 

Example: To prepare 100 cm3 of 2.0 mol dm-3 sodium hydroxide solution. Calculate the mass of NaOH needed. [Relative atomic mass: Na, 23 ; O, 16 ; H, 1] 

mass = n X molar mass 

= MV X molar mass 1000 

= 2.0 X 100 X 40 = 8 g1000 

Try this :(a) To prepare 250 cm3 of 1.0 mol dm-3 sodium carbonate solution. 

Calculate the mass of Na2CO3 needed. [Relative atomic mass: Na, 23 ; O, 16 ; C, 12] 

[Answer : 26.50g]

(b) 0.25 mol dm-3 solution of sodium hydroxide was prepared by dissolving x  g of sodiumhydroxide in 750 cm3 of water. What is the value of x  ? [Relative atomic mass: Na, 23 ; O, 16 ; H, 1] 

[Answer : 7.5 g]  (Refer to page 126 - F4 Chemistry textbook ) 

Step 2 : Match the descriptions / procedures with the correct diagram below. 

  Wash and rinse the weighing bottleor small beaker and filter funnel toensure no solute remains in anyof the apparatus used. 

  Transfer the dissolved solute into asuitable volumetric flask. 


n = MV


n = mass

molar mass

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   Add water slowly by using adropper to bring the level of thesolution to the calibration mark. 

  The volumetric flask is closedtightly and inverted several times toget a uniform or homogenous



  Calculate the mass of soluteneeded. 

  Weigh out the exact mass of soluteneeded in a weighing bottle. 

  Dissolved the solute in a smallamount of distilled water. 


   Add more water carefully to thevolumetric flask and swirl gently. 

  Shake well to ensure thoroughmixing. 


Activity 13 : Preparation of Standard solutions by Dilution method

1  Dilution method 

Step 1 : Calculate the volume of stock solution required by using the equation:-  

M1 = molarity of solution before dilutionV1  = volume of solution before dilutionM2 = molarity of solution after dilutionV2  = volume of solution after dilution

Example: 50 cm3 of 0.1 mol dm-3 sodium hydroxide, NaOH solution from 2.0 mol dm-3

sodium hydroxide,NaOH solution 

Before dilution   After dilution M1  V1  M2  V2 

2.0 mol dm-3  ?  0.1 mol dm-3  50 cm3 

2.0 x V1 = 0.1 x 50 V1 = 0.1 x 50 = 2.5 cm3 


Try this : 100 cm of 0.5 mol dm-   potassium manganate(VII) ,KMnO4 solution is preparedfrom 1.0 mol dm-3  potassium manganate(VII) ,KMnO4 solution. Calculate the volume of thesolution

M1V1 = M2V2 

When using the equation M1V1 = M2V2 , make sure that both V1 and V2 are ofthe same unit.

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[ Answer : 50 cm3] 

Step 2 Match the diagram with the correct descriptions below. 





   Add water slowly by using a dropper tobring the level of the solution to thecalibration mark. 

  The volumetric flask is closed tightly andinverted several times to get a uniform orhomogenous solution. 

  Transfer the stock solution to a suitablevolumetric flask. 

  Calculate the volume of stock solutionrequired. 

  Use a pipette to draw up the requiredvolume of stock solution. 

Activity 14 : The pH values and molarity of acids and alkalis

Fill in the blanks with correct words . Use words given in the box.

Increases decreases concentration hydrogendissociation higher hydroxide alkali  

1  The pH value of an acid or an alkali depends on three factors : 

(a) degree of…………………………………………………………………………………….  

(b) molarity or ……………………………………………………………………………….. 

(c) ………………….. of the acid or ………………………………………………………….. 

2  The lower the pH value, the ……………….. the concentration of ……………………ions. 

3  The higher the pH value, the …………….. the concentration of …………………... ions. 

4   As the molarity of an acid increases , the pH value of the acid ………………………….

The pH value of an alkali increases when the molarity of the alkali ………………..…….  

(Refer to page 128 - F4 Chemistry textbook )

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Learning Outcomes

You should be able:-

  Explain the meaning of neutralisation.

  Write equations for neutralisation

  Explain the applications of neutralization in daily life

  Describe the titration process of acid-base

  Determine the end-point of titration during neutralization

  Solve numerical problems involving neutralisation

Activity 15 : Neutralisation

1 What is the meaning of neutralisation? 

………………………………………………………………………………………………..  2 What are the only products of neutralisation? 

………………………………………………………………………………………………….  3 Write a balanced chemical equation for the neutralisation of the following reactions:- 

(a) nitric acid and barium hydroxide 

……………………………………………………………………………………………  (b) sulphuric acid and sodium hydroxide 

……………………………………………………………………………………………  (c) phosphoric acid and calcium hydroxide 

……………………………………………………………………………………………  (d) ethanoic acid and potassium hydroxide 


4 Complete the flow chart below:- 

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(Refer to page 128  – 129 - F4 Chemistry textbook )

Activity 16 : Acid – base Titration

1 What is a titration? 

………………………………………………………………………………………………….  2 What is the function of an indicator? 


3  Complete the table below. 

Indicator  Colour in solution

 Acid  Neutral   Alkali Red litmus paper  

Blue litmus paper  


Methyl orange 

4 Write out the procedure for carrying out an acid-base titration to determine the volume ofnitric acid 0.5 mol dm-3 needed to neutralise 25 cm3 potassium hydroxide 0.5 mol dm-3  .Label the diagram. 

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(Refer to page 130  – F4 Chemistry textbook and Page 103  – F4 - Chemistry Practical Book)

Activity 17 : Numerical problems involving neutralisation

Useful equations in solving numerical problems involving neutralisation.: 

n  =  no of moles

M  =  Molarity of solution V  =  Volume of solution in dm3 

Ma  =  molarity of acid Mb  =  molarity of alkali Va  =  volume of acid Vb  =  volume of alkali 

a and b = mole ratio of acid to alkali in a balanced chemical equation 


In an experiment, 25 cm3  of sodium hydroxide solution, NaOH of unknown concentrationrequired 26.50 cm3  of 1.0 mol dm-3  sulphuric acid, H2SO4 for complete reaction in titration.Calculate the molarity of sodium hydroxide. 

Write out a balanced chemical equation:

H2SO4 + 2NaOH Na2SO4  + 2H2O a = 1 mol b = 2 mol

MaVa 1MbVb = 2

,1.0 X 26.50 = 1

Mb X 25.00 2

Mb = 2 X 1.0 X 26.50 = 2.12 mol dm-3(Molarity of sodium hydroxide)


1  What is the volume of 1.5 mol dm-3  aqueous ammmonia required to completely neutralise30.00 cm3  of 0.5 mol dm-3 sulphuric acid ? 

2NH3  + H2SO4 (NH4 ) 2SO4 

[ Answer: 20 cm3]

MaVa = a

MbVb bn = MVn = mass

molar mass

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2  Calculate the volume in cm3 2.0 mol dm-3  hydrochloric acid that is required to reactcompletely with 2.65 g of sodium carbonate. [Relative atomic mass: Na, 23 ; O, 16 ; C, 12] 

[ Answer: 25 cm3] 

3  25 cm3 of sulphuric acid was neutralised with 18.0 cm3 of sodium hydroxide 1.0 mol dm-3. Calculate a) the number of moles of sulphuric acid that is used in this reaction.  

b) the molarity of sulphuric acid 

[Answer (a) 0.009 mol (b) 0.36 mol dm-3 ]

4  24 cm3 of 0.1 mol dm-3 NaOH is required to completely neutralise 20.0 cm3 of sulphuric acid.Calculate the concentration of sulphuric acid in (a) mol dm-3 (b) g dm-3 

[Answer (a) 0.06 mol dm-3

 (b) 5.88 g dm-3 ]  

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5  What is the molarity of phosphoric acid if 15 cm3 of the acid is neutralized by 38.5 cm3 of 0.15mol dm-3 NaOH ? 

[Answer (a) 0.218 mol dm-3 ]  

Activity 18 

1   A student carried out an experiment to determine the end-point for the titration of25.0 cm3 of 1.0 mol dm-3 sodium hydroxide solution with hydrochloric acid. Phenolphthalein isused as the acid-base indicator.Table 1 shows the three titrations that were conducted and the magnification of the burettereadings. 

Titration No. I II III

Initial burettereading 








Final burettereading 










Table 1


hydrochloricacid hydrochloric

acid hydrochloricacid



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(a)  Record the burette readings for the three titrations in the space provided in Table 1. 

(b)  Construct a table and record the initial burette reading, final burette reading and the volume of acid used for each titration. 

(c)  Calculate the average volume of hydrochloric acid used in the experiment.

(d)  Calculate the concentration of hydrochloric acid used in the experiment. 

(e)  If the experiment is repeated by replacing 1.0 mol dm-  of hydrochloric acid with 1.0 moldm-3 of sulphuric acid, predict the end-point of the titration. 


(f)   Acids can be classified into strong acid and weak acid. Classify the following acids into strong acids and weak acids. 

Ethanoic acid, hydrochloric acid, sulphuric acid,

carbonic acid, nitric acid, 

Strong acids Weak acids

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(g)  State the colour change of the phenolphthalein indicator at the end point of titration. 

…………………………………………………………………………………………………  (h)  If phenolphthalein is replaced with methyl orange as the acid-base indicator, state the

colour change. 

…………………………………………………………………………………………………  (i)  Write a chemical equation for the neutralisation reaction between hydrochloric acid and

sodium hydroxide. 


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Learning OutcomesYou should be able to:

state examples of salts used in daily life,  explain the meaning of salt  identify soluble and insoluble salts,  describe the preparation of soluble salts,  describe the purification of soluble salts by recrystallisation,  list physical characteristics of crystals,  describe the preparation of insoluble salts,  write chemical and ionic equations for reactions used in the preparation

of salts,  design an activity to prepare a specified salt,  construct ionic equations through the continuous variation method  solve problems involving calculation of quantities of reactants or products in stoichiometric reactions 

Activity 1 : Meaning and uses of Salts 

1. A salt is an ……………………..……… formed when the ……………….. ion, from an ……………

is replaced by a ……………. ion or an …………………..ion. 

2. Example of salts : Complete the table below

Acid  Formula ofacid 

Salt  Formula  Cation  Anion 

Sodium chloride  NaCl  Na


Potassium carbonate  K2CO3 

Copper(II) sulphate  CuSO4 

 Ammonium nitrate  NH4NO3 

Magnesium nitrate  Mg(NO3)2 

Sodium ethanoate  CH3COONa 

3. Match the following salts with their uses.

Salts  Uses 

Barium sulphate BaSO4      FungicideCalsium sulphate CaSO4      Bleaching agent

Iron sulphate FeSO4      Paint for yellow line on road  Ammonium nitrate NH4NO3      X-ray ‘meals’ in hospitalCopper(II) sulphate CuSO4      Nitrogenous fertilizer  Sodium chloride NaCl      Toothpaste

Sodium hydrogen carbonate      Iron tablets, for anaemiapatient

Sodium nitrite NaNO2      Baking powder  Sodium hypochloriteNaOCl 

    Preserve food

Tin(II) fluoride SnF2       A flavouringLead(II) chromate PbCrO4      Plaster of Paris for broken


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Activity 2 : Identify soluble and insoluble salt.

Fill in the blanks with the correct word(s)

1.  All ………………. , ………………., and …………………. salts are soluble in water.

2.  All ………………. salts are soluble in water. 

3.  All sulphate salts are soluble in water except …………….. sulphate, …………. sulphate and………… sulphate. 

4.  All chloride salts are soluble in water except …………….. chloride , …………. chloride and………… chloride. 

5.  All carbonate salts are insoluble in water except …………….. carbonate, …………. carbonateand ………… carbonate 

6. State whether each of the following salt is soluble or insoluble in water

No Formula of Salt Solubility ( , X ) No Formula of Salt Solubility ( , X )

1  PbCO3  21  MgCO3 

2   NaCl   22   KCl  

3  CaSO4  23  (NH 4 )2 SO4 

4   AgNO3  24  Cu(NO3 )2  5   K 2 CO3  25   SnCO3 6   FeCl 3  26   CaCl 2  7   Na2 SO4  27   BaSO4 

8   NH 4NO3  28   KNO3 

9  CuSO4  29   Ag 2 CO3 

10   PbCl 2   30   MgCl 2  11  ZnCO3  31  ZnSO4 12   Ca(NO3 )2   32   Ba(NO3 )2  

13  Na2 CO3  33  FeCO3 

14   AgCl   34  NH 4Cl  

15   PbSO4  35   Fe(NO3 )3 

16   Pb(NO3 )2   36   MgSO4 17   (NH 4 )2 CO3  37   BaCO3 18   HgCl 2   38   ZnCl 2  

19  Na2 SO4  39  FeSO4 20   NaNO3  40   Mg(NO3 )2  



SO   -

Cl- CO3 2-


K + 


 NO3-Ba + 



Pb + 


H +

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Activity 3 : Write chemical and ionic equations for reactions used in the preparation of soluble salts

1. Complete these general equation for preparing soluble salts.

a. metal + acid  …………… + ……………………. 

b. metal oxide (or metal hydroxide) + acid  …………… + …………………… 

c. alkali + acid  …………… + ……………………. 

d. metal carbonate + acid  …………… + ……………… + ………………………. 

2. Using the general equations in question 1, complete the following chemical equation. It may alsobe necessary to balance the equation.

a. Mg + H2SO4   …………… + ……………………. 

b. (i) CuO + HCl  …………… + …………………… 

(ii) Zn(OH)2 + HNO3  ................................... + .........................

c. NaOH + HCl   ………………….. + ………………………. 

d. MgCO3  + H2SO4   …………… + ……………… + ………………………. 

3. Deduce the identity of the acid, metal, salt, or other product by filling in the missing details in thistable of preparation of soluble salt

Method ofPreparation 

Reactants  Salt Formed  OtherProduct 

a) metal + acid  Magnesium + ………………  Magnesium chloride Hydrogen 

b) metal oxide + acid  Copper(II) oxide + sulphuricacid 

………………………  ……………. 

c) metal carbonate +acid 

……………… + ………………  Zinc sulphate Water +



d) metal hydroxide +acid 

……………… + ………………  Potassium nitrate  …………… 

f) alkali + acid  ……………… + ………………  Sodium chloride  …………… 

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4. Name the reactants which are needed to prepare the following soluble salts:

(a) Copper(II) sulphate : ……………………………………………………………………………..  

(b) Zinc chloride : …………………………………………………………………………….  

(c) Potassium nitrate : ……………………………………………………………………………..  

(d) Ammonium sulphate : ……………………………………………………………………………..  

(e) Magnesium nitrate : ……………………………………………………………………………..  

5. Rewrite each of the following chemical equation as ionic equation. Shown below is an examplewhere a chemical equation can be simplified into an ionic equation.

Example : Chemical equation : Zn(s)  + H2SO4(aq)   ZnSO4(aq)  + H2(g) 

Zn + 2H+  + SO42-    Zn2+  + SO4

2-  + H2

(s) (aq) (aq) (aq) (aq) (g)

Ionic equation : Zn(s)  + 2H+ (aq)   Zn2+ (aq)  + H2(g)

a. Chemical equation : Mg(s)  + 2HCl(aq)    MgCl2(aq)  + H2O

Ionic equation : .........................................................................................................................

b. Chemical equation : MgO(s)  + 2HCl(aq)    MgCl2(aq)  + H2O

Ionic equation : ........................................................................................................................

c. Chemical equation : NaOH (aq) + HNO3 (aq)  NaNO3 (aq)  + H2O (l)

Ionic equation : .......................................................................................................................

d. Chemical equation : CuCO3 (s)  + H2SO4 (aq)   CuSO4 (aq)  + CO2 (g)  + H2O (l)

Ionic equation : .......................................................................................................................

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Activity 4 : Write out the procedure for the preparation of soluble salts of sodium, potassium andammonium 

Soluble salt  Sodium Chloride, NaCl 

Name two chemicalsubstances to prepare

the salt 1. …………..………………………….. 

2. ……………………………………… 

Chemical equation 

Procedure: (Diagram)  Description 

Describe the physicalcharacteristics of thecrystals that you obtained 

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Activity 5 : Write out the procedure for the preparation of soluble salts (not sodium, potassium orammonium salt)

Soluble salt  Copper(II) sulphate, CuSO4 

Name two chemicalsubstances to preparethe salt 

1. …………..………………………….. 

2. ……………………………………… Chemical equation 

Procedure: (Diagram)  Description 

Describe the purificationprocess of the crystals 

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Activity 6 : Write chemical and ionic equations for reactions used in the preparation of insoluble salts

1. Insoluble salts can be prepared by ………………….. method through ……………………………..

reaction. In this reaction, two different aqueous solution mutually exchange their …….. to form


Soluble salt solution + Soluble salt solution   Insoluble salt MXcontaining cation M+ containing anion X-

Chemical equation :  AgNO3 (aq)  + NaCl (aq)    AgCl (s)  + NaNO3(aq) 

Ionic equation :  Ag+ (aq)  + Cl-  (aq)    AgCl (s) 

2. Preparation of insoluble salts

Example 1: Barium sulphate,4


Solution 1: ……………………………………... Solution 2: ……….…………………………………. 

Chemical equation : ………………………………………………………………..…………………….. 

Ionic Equation : ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 

Observation : White precipitate formed

Example 2: Copper(II) carbonate, CuCO3

Solution 1: ……………………………………..  Solution 2: ………………………………………. 

Chemical equation : ……………………………………………………………………………………. 

Ionic Equation : …………………………………………………………………………………………. 

Observation : ……………….. precipitate formed 

Example 3: Lead(II) chromate(VI),4


Solution 1: ……………………………………..  Solution 2: ……………………………………. 

Chemical equation : …………………………………………………………………………………. 

Ionic Equation : ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 

Observation : ……………….. precipitate formed

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Activity 7 : Describe the preparation of insoluble salts

Insoluble salt  Lead(II) iodide, PbI2 

Name two chemical

substances to prepare the

salt 1.  …………..………………………….. 

2.  ……………………………………… 

Chemical equation

Ionic equation

Procedure: (Diagram) Description

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Activity 8 : Construct ionic equation for the formation of lead(II) chromate through thecontinuous variation method, 

Figure 1

Figure 1 shows seven test tubes for the reaction between lead(II) nitrate Pb(NO3)2 0.5 mol dm-3 andpotassium chromate(VI) K2CrO4 0.5 mol dm-3.

(a) Calculate the number of moles of lead(II) nitrate Pb(NO3)2 and potassium chromate(VI) K2CrO4 used in test tubes 1-7. Using a ruler, measure the height of lead(II) chromate(VI) precipitateformed. Record all these in Table 1as well as complete Table 1.

Test Tube 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Volume of Pb(NO3)2 /cm3

5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0

No of mole of Pb(NO3)2

Volume of K2CrO4 /cm3

1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0

No of mole of K2CrO4

Height of precipitate / cm

Colour of solution aboveprecipitate

Table 1

Test tube 2…  

of potassiumchromate (VI), test

tube 3…3 cm3 

varying the volumes

of potassium

chromate (VI)… 

Fixed the volumes

of lead (II) nitrate

at 5.0 cm3.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

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(b) Based on Table 1, draw a graph of the height of the precipitate against volume of lead (II) nitratesolution on the graph paper.

(c) On the graph that you have drawn in (b),(i) mark and write the minimum volume of potassium chromate(VI) solution needed for complete

reaction with 5.0 cm3 of lead(II) nitrate solution 0.5 mol dm-3.

(ii) Calculate the number of moles of chromate(VI) ions that has reacted with 1 mole of Pb2+. ions.

(iii) Write the formula of lead(II) chromate.

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………  (iv) Write the ionic equation for the formation of lead(II) chromate(VI).

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………  (d) What can you observed about the height of the precipitate in Figure 1?


……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..  (e) What is your inference based on your answer in (d)?



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Activity 9 : Solve problems involving calculation of quantities of reactants or products instoichiometric reactions

Example 1 :  A student prepares copper (II) nitrate by reacting copper (II) oxide with 100 cm3 1.5 mol dm-3  nitric acid. Calculate the mass of copper (II) oxide need to reactcompletely with the acid. [Relative atomic mass: Cu, 64 ; O, 16]

Solution :Chemical equation : CuO + 2HNO3     Cu(NO3 )2 + H 2 OMole ratio : 1 mole 2 mole 1 mole 1 mole

Number of moles of HNO3  = 1.5 x 100 = 0.15 mol1000

Mole ratio of CuO : HNO3 = 1 : 2

Number of mole of CuO = 1 x 0.15 = 0.075 mole

2Mass of CuO = 0.075 x (64 + 16) = 6 g

Question :1 Excess zinc powder is added to react completely with 50

  3cm of 2.0

dmmol  hydrochloric acid.

(a) Write an ionic equation for the reaction between zinc and hydrochloric acid.

(b) Calculate the number of moles of hydrochloric acid used.

(c) Calculate the volume of hydrogen gas liberated at room conditions.

[Molar volume: 2413

 mol dm ]

2 Excess of magnesium carbonate powder, MgCO3, is reacted with 100 cm3  of a 1 mol dm-3 sulphuric acid H2SO4 ,

  What is the mass of magnesium sulphate formed?[Relative atomic mass : Mg =24, O=16, S = 32 ]

3. 0.12 g of magnesium reacts with excess hydrochloric acid to produce hydrogen gas. Given thatthe relative molecular mass of H=1, Mg = 24, CI =35.5 and 1 mol of gas occupies 24 dm3 at roomtemperature and pressure.Fnd the (a) mass of salt formed (b) volume of gas produced

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Example 2 : A sample of insoluble lead (II) sulphate is prepared by mixing 50 cm3 of 1.0 mol dm-3

lead (II) nitrate solution and y3

cm of 1.5 mol dm-3 sulphuric acid.

[Relative atomic mass: O, 16 ; S, 32 ; Pb, 207]

(a) Calculate the volume, y, of the sulphuric acid needed to react completely with thelead (II) nitrate solution.

Solut ion :

Chemical equation : Pb(NO3 )2   + H 2 SO    PbSO4  + 2 HNO3

Mole ratio : 1 mole 1 mole 1 mole 2 mole

Number of moles of Pb(NO3 )2   = 1.0 x 50 = 0.05 mol1000

Mole ratio of Pb(NO3 )2   :  H 2 SO4  = 1 : 1

  Number of mole of H 2 SO4 reacted = 0.05 mol1.5 x y = 0.05 mole1000

y = 0.05 x 1000 = 33.33 cm3


(b) Calculate the mass of lead (II) sulphate obtained.

Solut ion :

Number of mole of PbSO4  = Number of moles of Pb(NO3)2  = 0.05 molMass of PbSO4  = 0.05 x (207 + 32 + 4 x 16) g

= 15.15 g


4.  A sample of insoluble silver chloride is prepared by mixing 50  3cm of 1.0 mol dm-3 silver nitrate

solution and z3

cm of 0.53

 dmmol  sodium chloride solution.

[Relative atomic mass: Ag 108; Cl 35.5]

(a) Write the chemical equation for the reaction between silver nitrate and sodium chloride.

(b) Calculate the volume, z, of the sodium chloride needed to react completely with the silvernitrate solution.

(c) Calculate the mass of silver chloride obtained.

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Learning OutcomesYou should be able to:  state examples of salts used in daily life,  explain the meaning of salt  identify soluble and insoluble salts,  describe the preparation of soluble salts,  describe the purification of soluble salts by recrystallisation,  list physical characteristics of crystals,  describe the preparation of insoluble salts,  write chemical and ionic equations for reactions used in the preparation

of salts,  design an activity to prepare a specified salt,  construct ionic equations through the continuous variation method  solve problems involving calculation of quantities of reactants or products in stoichiometric reactions 

Activity 10 : Qualitative Analysis

1. Qualtitative analysis of a salt is a chemical technique used to identify the …….. that are present

in a salt by analysing its ………………. and ……………………. properties. 

2. Make inferences on the following substances based on their colour: (use formula of substance whenwriting your answer. Make it is correct!)

Colour (solid or solution)  Substance or cation or anion Green powder Salt: Cation Blue powder   Cation:

Brown powder   Cation: 

Black powder   Two metal oxides:Yellow powder when hot and white whencold Brown powder when hot and yellow whencold Blue solution  Cation: Pale green solution  Cation: Brown solution  Cation: Solid : White Solution : colourless 

6 cations : 

Solid : White 

Solution : colourless 

4 anions : 

3. Complete the following table

Salts  Solubility in water   Colour  Insoluble  white 

Copper(II) carbonate Iron(II) sulphate

Soluble  Brown 

Lead(II) sulphate 

Magnesium carbonate Zinc chloride 

 Ammonium carbonate Insoluble  Yellow 

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Activity 11 : Confirmatory Tests for gases,

Complete the observation for the confirmatory test for gases

Gas  Method  Diagram  Observation Carbondioxide 

Bubble the gas produced into limewater  



Oxygen Insert a glowing splinter into thetest tube 


Observe the colour of gasproduced. Bring a piece of moistblue litmus paper to the mouth ofthe test tube 

Chlorine  Observe the colour of the gas. 

Bring a piece of moist blue litmuspaper to the mouth of the test tube 

 Ammonia  Dip a glass rod into concentratedhydrochloric acid and bring a dropof acid to the mouth of the testtube /place moist red litmus paper at

the mouth of the test tube 

Hydrogen Bring a lighted splinter to themouth of the test tube.

Mg + HCl releasehydrogen gas

Tests For Gases

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Activity 12 : Action of Heat On Carbonate SaltsCarbonate salts (except Na+ & K+ ) decompose on heating giving off carbon dioxide gas and

residue metal oxide

 Activity : Complete the chemical equation and observation for the action of heat on carbonate salt

Carbonate salt Action of heat

Potassium carbonate K2CO3 ,Sodium carbonate Na2CO3

Not decompose by heat

Metal Carbonate  metal oxide + carbon dioxide

Calcium carbonateCaCO3    CaO + CO2

Observation : White solid formed. Gas liberated turn lime

water chalkyMagnesium carbonate

MgCO3   ……….. .. + …. ……… 

Observation : ………………………………………………. 

……………………………………………………………….  Aluminium carbonate

 Al2(CO3)3   ……….. .. + …. ……… 

Observation : ………………………………………………. 

………………………………………………………………. Zinc carbonate

ZnCO3   ……….. .. + …. ……… 

Observation : ………………………………………………. 

………………………………………………………………. Lead(II) carbonate

PbCO3   ……….. .. + …. ……… 

Observation : ………………………………………………. 



Dip a glass rod into concentratedammonia solution and bring a dropof ammonia to the mouth of testtube 

Metal oxide Colour

Copper (II)oxide


Zinc oxide Hot: yellow ;Cold: White

Lead (II) oxide Hot: brown ;

Cold: Yellow

Lime water

turn chalky

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Copper(II) carbonateCuCO3   ……….. .. + …. ……… 

Observation : ………………………………………………. 


Activity 13 : Action of Heat On Nitrate SaltsNitrates Salts - Decompose on heating liberate nitrogen dioxide gas and oxygen gas except NaNO 3 and KNO3 which liberate oxygen gas only

 Activity: Complete the chemical equation and observation for the action of heat on nitrate salt

Nitrate salts Action by Heat

Metal Nitrate   metal nitrite + oxygen

Potassium nitrate2KNO3   2 KNO2 + O2

Observation : white solid formed, gas released relighted glowingsplinter

Sodium nitrate2NaNO3   ……….. .. + …. ……… 

Observation : ……………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………….  

Metal Nitrate   metal oxide + nitrogen dioxide + oxygen

Calcium nitrate2Ca(NO3)2    2CaO + 4NO2  + O2

Observation : white solid formed, Brown gas which turns moist bluelitmus red released. Another gas released relightedglowing splinter

Magnesium nitrate Mg(NO3)2    ……….. .. + …. ……… + …………… 

Observation : ……………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………….  

Zinc nitrateZn(NO3)2    ……….. .. + …. ……… + …………… 

Observation : ……………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………….  

Brown gasturn moistblue litmusto red

Colourless gasrelighted glowingsplinter (O2 )Heat Heat

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Lead(II) nitratePb(NO3)2    ……….. .. + …. ……… + …………… 

Observation : ……………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………….  

Copper(II) nitrate

Cu(NO3)2    ……….. .. + …. ……… + …………… 

Observation : ……………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………….  

Activity 14 : Confirmatory Tests for Anions,

1. Write the ionic equation for the following reactions. 

2. Which anion produce the following observations?

a) b)

Inference :

Salt K1

 Add BaCl2solution + HClacid 

 Add AgNO3

solution + HNO3 

Inference :






Salt K2






+ HNO3

+ A NO  

+ Dilute


+ HCl + BaCl2

+ H2SO4

+ FeSO4

+ concentrated H2SO4

Effervescence – CO2

Lime water turns milky 

Ionic equation : ………………………… 

White precipitate 

Ionic equation : ………………………… 

White precipitate 

Ionic equation : ………………………… 

Brown ring 

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c) d)

Activity 15: Reaction of Cations with alkali solution1. Positive ions are identified by their reactions with a. sodium hydroxide NaOH solution

b. Ammonia solution NH3 

2. In these reactions, the cations (positive metal ions) produce different coloured precipitate whichmay or may not be soluble in excess alkali

Look forprecipitate

State whether each of the following precipitate is soluble or insoluble in excess alkali.

NaOH solution   Ammonia Solution NH3 

 A little  In excess   A little  In excess 

Soluble ( , X )  Soluble ( , X ) Ca +  White precipitate  No change 

Zn2+  White precipitate  White precipitate 

 Al 3+  White precipitate  White precipitate Pb +  White precipitate  White precipitate Mg2+  White precipitate  White precipitate 

Cu 2+  Blue precipitate  Blue precipitate 


  Green precipitate  Green precipitate Fe 3+  Brown precipitate  Brown precipitate 

Which anion produces the following observations? 


See ifPrecipitatedissolves

5 drops of alkali

(NaOH or NH3)

Solution of


Salt K5

Add excess NaOH solution

White precipitate

Inference 2 :

WhiteprecipitateDissolves inexcess NaOH

White precipitatedoes not dissolvein excess NaOHsolution

Inference 3:

No white precipitateormed , wheneated

Alkali gas released

Inference 1

Add 5 drops of NaOH solution


Inference : Effervescence,

Gas bubbles,Gas turn lime

water chalky

Brown ring


 Add FeSO4 solution+ concentrated sulphuricacid

Add sulphuric acid

Inference :

Salt K3Salt K4


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Activity 16 : Confirmatory Tests for Fe2+, Fe3+, Pb2+ and NH4+

(A) The table shows how confirmatory tests are conducted for ammonium ion, NH4+ , Iron(II) ion, Fe2+ 

, Iron(III) ion, Fe3+

 , and lead(II) ion, Pb2+

 . Complete the confirmatory tests and observation.

Cation  Name of Reagent  Observation 

2 Pb  

 Add a few drops of …………………… to the test tube containing 2 cm3 of

lead(II) nitrate solution (  2 Pb ions) 

 Add 2 cm3 of distilled water and boilthe mixture. Cool the contents usingrunning water from the tap.

……………… precipitate is formed

which ……………… the hot water

and is ……………… on cooling 

2 Fe  

 Add a few drops of …………………… 

to the test tube containing 2 cm3

 ofiron(II) sulphate solution (

  2 Fe ions) 

……………….. precipitate is formed 

3 Fe  

 Add a few drops of …………………… to the test tube containing 2 cm3 of

iron(III) sulphate solution (  3

 Fe ions) 

……………….. solution is formed 

4 NH   

 Add a few drops of …………………… to the test tube containing 2 cm3 of

ammonium chloride solution ( 

4 NH   


……………….. precipitate is formed 

Salt K6

Add 5 drops of NH3 solution

Add NH3 solution in excess

Inference5 :

White precipitate

Dissolve inexcess NH3 

Whiteprecipitatedoes notdissolve in


 precipitateformed Inference 6:

No White


Inference 4

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The diagram below shows the flow chart for the chemical test of Fe2+ ions and Fe3+ ions.

Based on the flow chart, explain how to differentiate Fe2+ ions and Fe3+ ions. 




………………………………………………………………………………………………………….  Activity 17 : Qualitative analysis to identify salts 

(A). Identify the salt S1The following tests were carried out to identify salt S1. Based on the observations given for

each test, state its inference. Finally, identify salt S1

Test  Observation  Inference 1. Heat S1 strongly in a test

tube. Identify any gasliberated. 

Brown gas and gas relighta glowing splinterliberated. Residue is brown when hotand yellow when cold

2. Dissolve a spatulaful ofS1 in distilled water.Divide into four portions andcarry out the following tests: 

Residue dissolve in acid toproduce colourlesssolution 

(a) add  NaOH solution until


White precipitate, dissolvein excess NaOH solution 

(b) add3

 NH  solution until


White precipitate, insolublein excess ammoniasolution 

(c) add potassium iodidesolution 

Yellow precipitate formed 

(d) add dilute42

SO H  ,

followed by4


solution. Carefully add about

1  3

cm  of concentrated42

SO H   

Brown ring formed 

SolutioncontainsFe2+ ions orFe3+ ions.

Light blueprecipitate

Dark blueprecipitate

Fe2+ ions

Fe3+ ions



Test II

SolutioncontainsFe2+ ions orFe3+ ions.

No change

Blood redsolution

Fe2+ ions

Fe3+ ions



Test I

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(A). Conclusion for salt S1 : ……………………………………………………………………. 

(B). Identify the salt S2The following tests were carried out on an aqueous solution of salt S2. Based on theobservations given for each test, state its inference. Finally, identify salt S2.

Test  Observation  Inference 

1. Pour about 2  3cm of S2

into a test tube. Add

 NaOH solution until excess 

White precipitate,dissolve in excessNaOH solution 

2. Pour about 2  3cm of S2

into a test tube. Add

3 NH  solution until excess

White precipitate,dissolve in excessammonia solution 

3. Pour about 2  3cm of S2 into a test

tube. Add dilute3

 HNO , followed by

silver nitrate, 3 AgNO solution 

No change 

4. Pour about 2  3cm of S2 into a test

tube. Add dilute HCl solution,then add BaCl2 solution 

White precipitate 

(B). Conclusion for salt S2 : ……………………………………………………………………..  

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Activity 18 : plan qualitative analysis to identify anions 

Rajoo works in a laboratory. He noticed that there are two large bottles. However both the labelshave fallen off. He found four labels beside the bottles. i.e ‘Sodium Chloride Solution’, ‘SodiumCarbonate Solution’, ‘Sodium Sulphate Solution’ and ‘Sodium Nitrate Solution’. So he has to carry outconfirmatory test to identify the anion in both the solutions.

Complete the graphic organizers describing four tests and their results. The charts can then be usedby Rajoo to distinguish which bottle contains which solution.


Test 1

Add dilute HNO3 

(or any dilute acid)

Test 2

Add dilute H2SO4

followed by …………


Carefully add 1 cm3 of


Test 3

Add dilute HNO3,

followed by


…………., solution 

Test 4

Add dilute HCl,

followed by


……………. solution 

   S   O   D   I   U   M    C

   A   R   B   O   N   A   T   E

   S   O   D   I   U   M    N

   I   T

   R   A   T   E


Result 1

Result 2

Result 3

Result 4

Result 1

Result 2

Result 3

Result 4

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Test 1

Add dilute HNO3 

(or any dilute acid)

Test 2

Add dilute H2SO4

followed by …………


Carefully add 1 cm3 of



Test 3

Add dilute HNO3,

followed by


…………., solution 

Test 4

Add dilute HCl,

followed by


……………. solution 

   S   O   D   I   U   M    C

   H   L   O   R   I   D   E

   S   O   D   I   U   M    S

   U   L   P   H   A   T   E

Result 1

Result 2

Result 3

Result 4

Result 1

Result 2

Result 3

Result 4

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Learning OutcomesYou should be able to: 

  list uses of sulphuric acid  explain industrial process in the manufacture of sulphuric acid

  explain that sulphur dioxide causes environmental pollution.

Activity 1 : SULPHURIC ACID1. Sulphuric acid is manufactured through the …………………….Process 

.2. Contact Process consists of three stages:

(Complete the table below  )

Stage 1 Preparation of (a)……………………………… gas Chemical equation : S + O2  SO2 

Stage 2Conversion of sulphur dioxide to sulphur trioxide Chemical equation : (b)…………. + ………..……….Catalyst : (c)……………………………………..Temperature : (d)……………….. oCPressure : (e)……….. atm 

Stage 3Production of sulphuric acid Chemical equation : (f)……… + H2SO4  ………….. 

(g)……….  + H2O ……………. 

3. State six uses of sulphuric acid.



iii)………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..iv). …………………………………………………………………………………………… v)…………………………………… …………………………………………………………vi). ……………………………………………………………………………………………..

4. ……………… ……………………….gas from the burning of product manufactured

from sulphuric acid can cause ………………………disease and ……………… rain. 

5. Figure 1 below shows the waste product from a factory which affect the quality of theenvironment.

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a) By referring to the Figure 1 above, state the following,

i) Types of waste products and their sources.



ii) How acid rain is formed and its effect.

  Formation of acid rain:………………………………………………………. 

…………………………………………………………………………………….  Effects on environment:…………………………………………………….. 

……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… iii) How does the toxic waste affect the environment and its effect

…………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………. 

B : AMMONIA Learning Outcomes

You should be able to:

  list uses of ammonia

  state the properties of ammonia  explain the industrial process in the manufacture of ammonia

  design an activity to prepare ammonium fertilizer.

Activity 2 : AMMONIA1. Ammonia is manufactured through the Haber Process by combining

………………… gas and …………………………….gas. 2. (i).  The reaction can be represented by the chemical equation

…………………………………………………………………………… (ii) State the condition necessary to produce ammonia.

Catalyst : (a) ………………………………………………………….. 

Figure 1

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Temperature : (b) ……………………………………………………………. Pressure : (c)……………………………………………………………… Ratio N2 :H2 : (d) ……………………………………………………………… 

3. The following statements refer to the uses of ammonia. Fill in the blank with the correctwords.

(a) To manufacture ………………………………..  such as ammonium sulphate andammonium nitrate. The chemical equation for producing ammonium sulphate is givenby

……………………………………………………………………………………………………(b) Ammonia is used as raw material to produce …………………………. in the Ostwald

Process.(c) Ammonia is also used as an alkali to prevent the ………………………………of latex.

4. Listed below are three properties of ammonia. Fill in the blank according to the aspectgiven.

(a) Colour: Ammonia is a……………………………….. gas.(b) Solubility: Ammonia is very……………………………in water. 

(a) Smell : Ammonia has a …………………………… smell. 

(b) Ammonia dissolves in water to produce an ………………………………. solution. 

5. Ammonium fertiliser can be prepared in the laboratory by adding ammonia solutionand certain acids as shown in the table below.

Neutralisation reactions

 Alkali Acid  

Name of ammonium salt (fertiliser)

 Aqueous + Phosphoric

ammonia acid

 Ammonium phosphate

(a) Formula:……………………………….. 

 Aqueous + Nitric

ammonia acid

 Ammonium nitrate

(b) Formula:……………………………….. 

 Aqueous + Sulphuric

ammonia acid

 Ammonium sulphate

(c ) Formula:………………………………. 

(i) Calculate the percentage of nitrogen found in each of the ammonium

fertilisers. [Relative atomic mass: H = 1; N = 14; O = 16; P = 31; S = 32]

(ii) From the calculations in (b)(ii), deduce the type of ammonium compound that

is most

suitable for use as a nitrogenous fertiliser. Give reasons for your answer.


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Learning OutcomesYou should be able to:

  relate the arrangement of atoms in metals to their ductile and malleable properties  state the meaning of alloy

  state the aim of making alloys

  list examples of alloys

  list compositions and properties of alloys

  relate the arrangement of atoms in alloys to their strength and hardness

  relate properties of alloys to their uses.

Activity 4: ALLOY

1. What is alloy? Alloy is a .......................of a pure metal

2. A pure metals contains atoms of the same size arranged in a regular and orderly

manner . Pure metal are ……………………………….. and ……………….……………because the layers of atom……………………………………………when external force isapplied on them.

3. In an alloy, the foreign metal atoms ………………………. …………...arrangement ofmetal

atoms and the layers of metal atoms are prevented from …………......over each othereasily.4. Complete the sequences by drawing the arrangement of atoms in the box below.


5. Three aims of alloying a pure metal are :

a. to increase the …………………………. and ……………………….. of metal.b. to prevent ……………………………… or rusting.c. to improve the …………………………. of metal surface.

Pure metal Another pure



Figure 2

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6. Examples of alloy.

(Complete the table below)

Alloy Composition Properties Uses



99% Iron 1%(ii)………….. 

Hard Bridges, vehicles,heavy machineryframework


97%(iv)………… 3% lead andantimony 

Hard and shiny Decorativeornaments,souvenirs


10% tin 

Hard and shiny Decorativeornaments ,

art crafts

Brass 70% Copper  30%(vi)………… 

Hard and shiny Decorativeornaments,musicalinstrument

Magnalium 70%Aluminium30%(vii)………… 

Hard and light (viii)……………… …………………… 


Learning OutcomesYou should be able to:

  state the meaning of polymers

  list naturally occurring polymers

  list synthetic polymers and their uses

  identify the monomers in the synthetic polymers

   justify uses of synthetic polymers in daily life.

Activity 5: POLYMERSFill in the blanks below.

1. Polymers are ……………….…………………... made up of many smaller and

identical separating unit called …………………………………….. 

2. …………………………………… is the process by which the monomers are

 joined together to form a big molecule known as the polymer.

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3. Give at least two examples of:naturally occurring polymers and at least two examplesof synthetic polymers.

4. Match the synthetic polymers with their respective monomer

Polyethylene Phenylethene

Polypropylene Chloroethene

Polyvinylchloride Ethene

Polystyrene Propene

Perspex Tetrafluoroethene

Teflon Methylmethacrylate

6. Complete the table.

Synthetic Polymer   Uses







Naturally occurring polymers Synthetic polymers

Synthetic Polymer Monomer

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Learning OutcomesYou should be able to:

  list uses of glass

  list uses of ceramics

  list types of glass and their properties

  state properties of ceramics.


Fill in the blanks below .

1. Main composition of glass is ………………………………, (SiO2).

2. Complete the table below.

Type of glass Chemical


Properties Examples

of uses(a)

………………………. Silica 99%Boron oxide1%

Very high softening point(1700oC).Transparent to ultra violet andinfra red light.Difficult to be made intodifferent shapes.Does not crack with suddentemperature change.Very resistant to chemicalattack.




Silica 70%Sodiumoxide 15%Calciumoxide 10%Others 5%

Low softening point (700oC).Breaks easily.Cracks easily with suddentemperature changes.Less resistant to chemicalattack.Easy to make into differentshapes.

Bottles,Window,Light bulb,Bowl



Silica 80%Boron oxide

15%Sodiumoxide 3% Aluminiumoxide 1%

High softening points(800oC).Does not crack easily with

sudden temperature change.Transparent to ultra violetlight.Very resistant to chemicalattack.





Silica 55%Lead oxide30%Potassiumoxide 10%

Sodiumoxide 3% Alimuniumoxide 2%

Low softening point (600oC).High density.High refractive index.Reflects light rays andappears shiny.



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3. ……………………………are made from clay that is dried and then baked in a kiln at hightemperatures.

4. The main constituent of clay is ……………………………………………….. ….(aluminium oxide and silicon dioxide).

5 …………………... ……………………...consists of hydrated aluminosilicate crystals. (Highquality white clay)

6. Complete the table.

Composition Properties Examples of uses

 Aluminosilicate(aluminium oxideand silicondioxide)

(i) very hard and strong but brittle (ii)………………………………………. (iii)……………………………………….(iv)………………………………………. (v)……………………………………….. 

Construction materials,Tableware,Insulators in electricequipments,Refractories.Flowerpots

Activity 7

1. Compare and contrast between glass and ceramic.

Glass Ceramic

(a) Main components:……………………………………….. 

(b) Main components:…………………………………………


(c) 4 types of glass:





(e) 4 examples of ceramics:





(g) 4 common Properties of glass and ceramic

(i) very hard and strong but brittle

(ii) ………………………………………………… 

(iii) ………………………………………………… 


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Learning OutcomesYou should be able to:

  describe needs to produce new materials for specific purposes

  state the meaning of composite materials

  list examples of composite materials and their components

  compare and contrast properties of composite materials with those of their original



1. Composite material is a structural material that is formed by

………….........…….or……………… different substances such as metal, alloys, glass,

ceramics and polymers. 

2. Give three examples of composite materials.

(i)……………………………………………………………………………………………………..(ii)…………………………………………………………………………………………………… (iii)…………………………………………………………………………………………………….

3. State the purpose of creating composite materials.


4. Photochromic glass is an example of composite material. 

a) Compare to a normal glass, what is added to a photochromic glass? 

…………………………………………………………………………………………….. b) State the special feature of a photochromic glass. 

…………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………

(h) 2 differences:(i) ………………………………………………… (ii) ………………………………………………… 

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5. Complete the table below.

Example Composition Properties Uses




…………………... …………………… 

Strong but brittle,

Weak in tension




(iii)………………….. …………………..………………….. 

Conducting electricity(iv)…………………… ………………………………………… 

Fibre optic

(v)…………………..………………….. ………………….. 

Low material costs,High transmission capacity,

chemical stability,Less susceptible tointerference.

Transmit data, voice

and image in adigital format.

Fibre glass

(vi)………………….. …………………..………………….. 

High tensile strength,Easy to colour,Low in density,Very strong.

(vii)…………………..………………….. …………………… 




When it is exposed to light,silver chloride is converted

silver and darken the glass

(ix)………………….. …………………..

………………….. Activity 9

1. (a) Bronze is an alloy of copper.(i) Name the element that is added to copper to form bronze.…………………………………………………………………………………. .[1 mark] (ii) Explain why bronze is harder than pure copper.……………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………….. [2 marks] (iii) Draw and label the arrangement of particles in pure copper and bronze.

Pure copper Bronze [2 marks](b) Synthetic polymers are widely used in our daily lives.

(i) Complete the table with the correct monomers.

Polymer Monomer



[2 marks](ii) State one example of polyvinylchloride commonly used n our daily lives.

……………………………………………………………………………… [1 mark] 

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(c) Glass and ceramic have similar characteristics.(i) State one similar characteristic of glass and ceramic.

……………………………………………………………………………… [1 mark] 

(ii) What type of glass is used to make laboratory glassware?……………………………………………………………………………… [1 mark]


2. Figure 3 shows the flow chart for the industrial manufacture of sulphuric acid and theproduction of fertilizer Z.

V2O5, 1 atm

Heat 450oC-500


Figure 3

Based on Figure 3, answer the following questions.(a) Name the process of manufacturing sulphuric acid.

………………………………………………………………………………………… [1 mark]

(b) Name the substance X.

…………………………………………………………………………………………… [1 mark]

 (b) Substance X could react directly with water to form sulphuric acid.

Explain why this step is not carried out in the industrial process.


…………………………………………………………………………………………… [1 mark]

 (c) Write the chemical equation when oleum reacts with water to form sulphuric


…………………………………………………………………………………………….. [1 mark]

(d) Name the substance Y and the fertilizer Z.

Substance Y: ……………………………………………………………………… 

Fertilizer Z:……………………………………………………………………………...


Sulphur Sulphur



Fertilizer Z Sulphuric






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(e) Write a chemical equation when sulphur dioxide reacts with rain water.

………………………………………………………………………………………………. [1 mark ]

3 A student conducts an experiment to study the hardness of two metallic plates,R and S. He drops a steel ball on R a few times and each time, the diameter ofthe dent is measured. He repeats the same procedure on the S plate. Thereading of the diameter of the dents made on each metallic plates are asfollows,


Diameter of dent made (mm)

I II III Average sizeR 2.4 2.3 2.3

S 3.1 3.2 3.2

(a) Write the average size of the dents made by R and S in the table above.[ 2 marks]

(b) What are the differences seen in the two types of metallic plates based on their

(i) properties ………………………………………………………………………… (ii) composition……………………………………………………………………… 

[ 4 marks]

(c) From the observation made in the given table above, which plate would bemade of

(i) iron? ………………………………………………………………………… (ii) steel? ………………………………………………………………………… 

[ 2 marks]

The combustion of petrol in the engines of vehiclesproduce sulphur dioxide. This gas when dissolved