modelling of a room

Modelling of a room

Upload: ahdjadk

Post on 08-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Modelling of a room

Modelling of a room

Page 2: Modelling of a room

This is the beginning of the modelling for my room, I inserted a floor which I then added a material to it which I found suitable. I then added two planes for the walls and then rescaled them to give me the create width and height. The second part I did was create a table with the use of cube primitive shapes and rescaling them into a table format by then adding legs with thinner cubes.

Page 3: Modelling of a room

I added an arrow set to the room by inserting a plane and rescaling it to the appropriate size and then hyperNURB in so it gives a rounded effect. I inserted two primitive cubes and scaled them so they could be the base of the stand, I added the same material I did for the plane to give a smooth effect. I created arrows with a cylinder and a triangle, I rescaled and readjusted them so they looked like arrows. I lastly added the materials through the content browser. I then added another cube and rescaled it for a shelf on the wall.

Page 4: Modelling of a room

I had earlier created a spear which I then inserted into my room and repositioned it to the area I felt most appropriate. Within a separate document I used the B-Spline to create the shape of the wine glass and then lastly lathe it to give me the full effect. I then again lathed the inside but not as far as the top of the glass as I could then use this as the liquid inside my glass. By selecting a new material layer and choosing the correct shade of red and then lowering the opacity so it looks like a suitable wine colour.

Page 5: Modelling of a room

I modelled the sword by inserting 3 4-sided shapes, I then resized them and dragged them away from one another along the X axis. I then used the loft NURBS to give the dimensional effect. By then using the side selection tool I could further pull out the top side to give the sword depth. I then created the handle by adding a cylinder and adding 9 segments which allowed me to extrude so I could have sections of my handle inwards to give and effect. The last thing I did was add materials to them to give the realistic look. I then inserted text onto the wall by selecting the text tool, typing the text I wanted and then extruding it so it gave depth. I then changed the colour to the suitable standard.

Page 6: Modelling of a room

I inserted the cabinet with the objects into my room which I had earlier created, I then positioned it to the suitable area. I also added the books I had created onto the table. I modelled these by simply inserting a cube and rescaling it to the width and height of an average book, I then made the spine out of a cylinder and rescaled it so it was suitable. I lastly added the text and extruded it so it gave depth and I could then position it onto the book. I then changed the texture of the book and the text so it fitted in with my room. After then adding different writing to another book I could insert it onto the table and change the materials.

Page 7: Modelling of a room

With the book I had just created I duplicated them so I could add them onto my shelf and change the material on them so they weren’t all the same colour. I then slanted one of them so it gave an effect. I also then duplicated the spear so I had two next to one another. With the use of the B-Spline I then created a dagger in which I then positioned under the table with different materials. I lathed the Spline to give a full dimensional effect and then used the cylinder and the pyramid for the bottom parts. I firstly rescaled them and resized them so they were of an appropriate size. I inserted a plane and rotated it so it could go up on the wall and then added a new material and inserted the image I had found on google which then added it onto the plane.

Page 8: Modelling of a room

I then created the reaping balls with the use of a spline and a lathe, by then adding a glass material it made it see through so I was able to add pieces of paper inside and they would then be visible. Again with the spline I created a fruit bowl so I could then add apples in it, I added the glass texture so the apples could be seen through the bowl. With the spline I could then model the apple, lastly with the colours and the textures I could find the ones appropriate and suitable for the objects I created. I duplicated the apples so I had filled the bowl.

Page 9: Modelling of a room

With the spline I went into the front view and traced the shape of a whiskey bottle and then lathed the spline to get a dimensional effect. I then used the lathe again but only on the top part for the lid of the bottle. I then added a glass material onto the bottle so I could then add another lathe inside for the liquid itself. For the top of the bottle I selected the correct red colour through the material layer. Again for the glass I used a spline and a lathe to get the correct dimension and then added the liquid.

Page 10: Modelling of a room

I added my hand into my room which I then placed onto a table which I created with the use of cube primitive shapes. I then made a chair within a different document, I used all cube primitive shapes to create it by resizing them to the correct size. I lastly added suitable materials through the research I conducted. I then went onto make the bow for my bow and arrow set, I did this with a Spline and a circle which I then used the sweep nurbs and rescaled it so it was thin enough for the main bit. I then modelled the string part with the use of a primitive cylinder and rescaled it. By lastly adding the same materials as the arrows this made it fit in.

Page 11: Modelling of a room

I added extra objects into my cabinet such as more books and bowls. I duplicated them and repositioned them to the place I felt they needed to be. I also added an extra spear to the wall as a form of decoration as it links in with the hunger games. I added a material to the hand object through the material tab and selecting a metal so it gives off a shiny effect. I also added books under the table with the use of different materials for the spine. I also changed the colours of objects such as the daggers and the glasses so they stand out and are more reflective.