mmvmtion tampico is taken by rei€¦ · tampico,, to getthem to participate in the mediation. a...

SEMI-WEEKLY EDITION OF ' -fià«S%r..... VOL. 1, NUMBER 81. fr«eklj. £RUbIb)b*d J8*t DaUr, Ja». 1«, 1914, ANDERSON, S. C., TUESDAY MORNING» APRIL 21, 1914. PRICE FIVE CENTS. $5.00 PER ANNUM. WILL THE1 VNlttoFi^tES RAISE THE EMBARGO AT TAMPICO? ! I SERIOUS QUESTIOJN ThK Government Will Have To Decide That Matter In a Very Few Hoare Now f ? (By Associated Press) Washington. May 13.-First formai steps in tee program of mediation in the Mexican problem were taken here .today when Justic Lamar and Fred¬ erick W. Lehmann, together with their secretary H. Percival Dodge, who will represent the United States, paid their respects to the three South American envoys who havo undertaken by dip¬ lomacy to solve the Mexican question. Reports were current that strong pressure would be brought to bear on the constitutionalists from several quarters after the expected victory at Tampico,, to get them to participate in the mediation. A Soldier Murdered. Secretary Garrison cabled General Funston at Vera Grus to demand of General Maaa. the Mexican command¬ er, a full explanation of the death of Private Parks, ..who strayed into Mex¬ ican lines several days ago. Protest against the reported execution of Parks and the alleged burning:of hts body baa been sent also through diplo¬ matic channels to President Huerta. Secretary Garrison - hölds that as * o ric F- was in uniform, he should havo boen treated as a 'prisoner of war. General Funston thinks Parks weut insane. Mr. Garrison also aaked General Funston for another report on the de¬ tails of tbe arrest ot five South Ameri¬ cans accused of sniping at Vera Crus. These were the chief developments lu* tba Mexican situation today:- The¬ med lators worn ibtisy pre nari og flor their departure and Counsellor 'Lan¬ sing spent much tfine wUhjtgeAn^t-; re fcrred for findl «ecisioif to the sec^ rotary .of. state and the president. The practical certainty that the con¬ stitutionalist* would be in control of Tampico made lt apparent today that Ute United States.soon would be In a position to bring about a return tb normal conditions ia 'thet oil district, NottPliationa with ¡Ule constitutional¬ ists, to permit foreign employes to re¬ turn to the-wells will be begun as soon as the news Ot the occupation of the district is received. Here ts a Problem. Another phase ot the. situation which produced much discussion in executive quarters on the question of ammunition shipments destined for Tampico, which the constitutionalists iimc UM runic. Constitutionalists, here say that af¬ ter theibajtttea of Tampico and Saltillo now being fought,' the rebels will have little ammunition left with which to continue their, fight; against Hueste. With a; practical embargo on the im¬ portation of munitions of war Across the American border in effect now the rebels believe the' only chance . of getting additional ammunition will be from abroad. On the other'hand, should the con¬ stitutionalists be allowed to import ammunition through Tampico,, some point out that Huerta probably would protest that the holding'up of ship¬ men tr. of arniB for him, at Vera Crus, was unjust. The expected capture of Tampico, t the port next in importance to Vera Crus, will rñíss many iij£er*&i.iüg questions, as the rebels have held no seaports heretofore. Tho federal gunboats may seek to prevent arms and supplies from land¬ ing at Tampico, but such an interfer¬ ence with International commerce might not be tolerated by the big ships hete, belonging to oth* ouo- trles. Americans Were By Th - 'ii:_: (By Aasoolated Pre*) Quaraangs/TLa.f May lg^-Dr. Ed¬ ward W. Ryan and Wilbert L. Bonney. American consul a* San Lula Potosi were; among lt* refugees arriving on the "Mofeo Castle" today. Dr. Ryan has Leen reported as connected wit* the American Hod Cross and Was im¬ prisoned at Zacates. consul Bonney said that on April 2V th* day the Americans landed at Vera Crus, a mob .orroundM the con¬ sulate and threatened Americans ta-j olde. They dejStrt&ed the doorway of the building end took throe American flag* tv th«5 y II S "jiTi TTuôrS they 'ñ'i.TC, J torn into abroad*. He said that he tONALISTS MMVMTION lo o O O C'O 0 O O OO O o o o o o o lo . 0 DB. LANSING BUBBOWg o !o -- .o Nsshvlle, Tenn,, May 13.-Dr. ó Lansing Burrows, pastor of the o lo First Baptist church of Augús- o O' ta. Ga., was elected president o o of the Southern Baptist Conven- o tlon this afternoon, defeating o Dr. J. G. Gambreli of Dallas, o Texas, by a vote of 507 to 501. o o e ooooooooooooooooooool WOMEN FAINT Wi IN THE CRUSH! [Trying To Get To See Body of Lad Killed in the Vera Crux Fight (By Associated Presa) Chicago, May 13.-The return today, of the body of Samuel Meisenberg, the young Chicago marine, killed at Vera Cruz, caused a panic in the city hall where the body- lay in state ror three hourB. catafalque, in the rotunda of the mu¬ nicipal building, that a acore of women fainted when caught tn thb smother¬ ing press and cried fdr air. Only the names of 12 women, who succumbed were obtained by the police, but among these were Mrs. Morris Meisenberg, mother o fthe dead hero. Cool headed elevator men did much to avert disaster. They opened the doors of their'cages and carried those nearest them to the upper doors. While ponce sought to quiet those in the corridors fend others at the en- ucea fought-to restrain the thuos "ids who blocked the streets outside and who, in return made desperate efforts to- crowd within the doors. Finally tho crush became so great Vb at a police lieutenant sent ln> a riot cali and the reinforcements euc- ;eeded In restoring order. have côUOTbtïted largely to the dis-' The funeral will be held wttfc Jew rites 'tÚttir?U.Yr iad ss Immense pr onidiej-B. Mtiers; ¿aüoüw guardsmen, veterans and tho civil-and j Spanish war sad numerous civic bod- j îèà wiiî escort ie cortege io the' synagogue. Addresses will bo made by United states Senator Lewis, Gov- I ernor Dunne; and Mayor Harrison. - MAAS IS FIRED BY DICTATOR b Huerta Trying To Strengthen His forces In the Vicinity of ' Vera Cruz (By Associated Press) Washington, May 18.-News reached Washington through official circles tonight that General Oerels Pena, one ot the highest ranking officers In the Mexican federal army .had taken com¬ mand of the forces outside of Vera Crux, superseding General Maas. .Thia news caused sepeulation around the state, war and navy de¬ partments. 8ome officials Were In¬ clined to attach special significance to the move, seeing -in it evidence of Huerta's intention to strengthen his position around the port and possibly to assume an offensive attitude. On the other hand, lt was suggested that General Maas* conduct had dis¬ pleased the dictator and that his re¬ moval probably had nothing whatever to* do with the international situation. Those who took the less optimistic view thought that, the fsll ot Tampico today ml'js have made Huerta des? psrate and nave led him tu take nome stêp to force the hand of the United States without waiting the outcome of the pending mediaron negotiations. Speaks at Andersen. Mr. C. C. Featherstone has accept¬ ed the invitation So deliver the com¬ mencement address at Anderson Fit¬ ting Schcol on Tuesday, May 26th. ie Mexican Moos t[tA with Mrs: Bonney fo the home ot the British consul where they, hld for ;W$j|g»ta^rtii»iftJpjWWii» time they escaped from the city and pro¬ ceeded to Mexico City and tuen to Puerto Mexico. Dr. Ryah, who wad s prisoner of the Usc Mexicans for several days and re¬ leased only after the United States had mada urgiettt représentations ia his behalt refused to* discuss the sit- natlon, saying he would report noth^ lng un(sM»«|tsthed Washington. Dr. fryli »n .sanposod to *be. oa the £3«- persaaPwhlch arrived Monday. He bonnie* ih»i v<Wi f^erto Mexico bot left lt ot Vera Crus. 'BALD JACK" ROSE WAS UN- DER SEARCHING CROSS EXAMINATION CAME OUT SMILING -«--- Says Only Twing of Conscience Is When He Remembers He Plotted Against Rosenthal (By Associated Press) New Yprk. May 13.-"Bald Jack" Ro8j. chief witness for the prosecution st the second trial of Charles Becker« charged with being the instigator of the plot that resulted in the murder of Herman. Rosenthal, came from ,the stand at the conclusion today of 'five hours of relentless cross examination, bright-eyed and smiling., The baldheaded informer quietly and unfaltarlnj;ly * answered overy ques¬ tion asked him by chief of Becker's counsel Manton. Even when Manton asked the witness If lt were true that ho imiî made his ii' ?ug ny committing petty larcenies and by selling opium to the slaves of the habit of New York's chinatown, the former gambler remained unperturbed. Rose's expression never changed during all tho grilling. The tone of his voice waa neither raised nor low¬ ered at any time.. He reiterated his story bf underworld intrigue and mur. der, with a cairn and matter of fact air. He showed no fear, no emotion and no remorse except on one neon, sion. Then he said his conscience rrlcked him when he thought over how he bsd plotted to have Herman Rosenthal murdered. '.V\l Manton managed to get Rose to ad¬ mit that there were m' or discrepan¬ cies between the testimony he offered at the firs; trial and that which he 8ve on direct examination yesterday, .se sgt)d; bis testimony yesterday was more cplnplete in places than, his ter- 'íinony. At the'same ' some things t mentios*'I abotrtMt.* Me ?or me not' to fftfeve something bul now and then." During the afternoon examination Manton put questions to Rose, which were designed to show that Rosenthal figured prominently in a gamblers' war and was bated. Rose admitted that Sam Paul, a gambler, abd Rosenthal, had a falling out soon' after the latter's house wa« raided.. Hose also said Rosenthal hir¬ ed -spanish Louie" to kill Sam raul. "Louie" failed to do it. He told Ros¬ enthal, according to Rose, that Paut had given him 650 and he wouldn't shoot a man who. was so generous. Then» Rose said, Rosenthal hired "Bloody Mike," to kill 'Spanish Louie,' he did. The witness admitted that he had broken with rosenthal after the latter had spread tales that Rose was squealer, thereby putting Rose's life IDEPARTMENTS CLASHED Attorney General and The Interstate Commerce Commission. . I ., -!- Öl (By Associated Press.) Washington, . May 13.-There was heated conference today between At¬ torney General Mc Reynolds and the representatives of the interstate com¬ merce commission relative- to sum¬ moning witness in the hearing ot the matters of the New Haven road. It was stated that William Rockefeller is too lil'to appear, aa a witness; Geo. P. Baker, Ches. F. Mellen and others were summoned. It waa urged by Mr. McRoynolds that to Put Meltén oa the stand in aa investigation might act to prevent his prosecution later on. He did not say that he intended to prosecute. The commission announced that it would proceed without any change In its )ians, despite the protest of Mr. Mc- The feen Crae Wounded. Nsw York, May 13.-The hospital ship Solace, bringing sick and wound¬ ed from Vera Cruz will not reach quar¬ antine Until.midnight and will dock tomorrow morning. Thia was an r. ou seed st the navy yard today; - o o oe oooooooooooooooo o REBELS OPTIMISTIC « o e oocooooooooooooooooe - . .. ,. (fey Associated Pres») Torreen. Meg, May M.-V'On to Sal¬ tillo. San Lois Potosi and Mexico City" is ibo erg .heard everywhere her« to¬ day. Inquiry often brings the state¬ ment that Mexico le tired ot war ead expression of regret that the United SUtes replaced the embargo on arms. The Villa army is said to be confident! that ft will secure ammunition some¬ where. Rvsry possible measure to secure success at Saltillo and points further south ts betas taitón. Ammu¬ nition ia sung concentrate« here and at Monterey. GIVES A HIST OF THE BL CAN DI REGIME .MEX!* STPLE ?Leid « Trap for the ürúted átar¿s Trying to Get-All Mexico United Ag*in»t UV (By Associated Press.) Weaqlngton, May ll.-Asser.lug thut President Wilson was more than Jus¬ tified in refusing- "to recognize Viè-r torlano Huerta aa nfasld^nt ot Mex¬ ico, pud that thc víultoá States must not turn back Uuql$K bas establish¬ ed constltutlorjál government In the] Republic, Senator Owen today star-1 tied the senate'with a remarkable de- nunciation of tb« Mexican dictator, His speech wasC .'. an intimate history of Huerta'ífJTSa the time he1 tore the ruins ot toewrr from the bands of a^^^rcssat '^?g-.'fi Throush it ran the color of blood and HB story reeked wita murder, intrigue and violence where innocent men who talked too much, went behind prison walls and Huerta by the force of arms and the impelling p$fptn.Qf fear Im¬ posed his will upon *i2s0Ó0,O0O' peo¬ ple. To back JIB his asertfems the Sena¬ tor produced confidential documenta from the State Department aniaI -data from other sources^ He 'rejoiced, he said that u;ediat',ú5 ^«5 -been'oif¿red. "But." he declared; "let no mistake be made. We ratssjf demand. order. constitutional1 sewgsvcrnuient and that the -'right ofadVereignty may be placed in tile hau^Çot the people Mexico, under $ is and stability Of govern: o \ú? at México and J^^^^^^^^^Hire peace abd security'and ii force these deniat?- m- i¡f*fa ???? v \ pfct^ftrfic e^jçsr» ot Mexico of our unselfish purpose tb pretndte thc civ¬ ilisation and protect human life and hZrZlzzzz "7¿ «nj în Cuba, ram- otic Mexicans honestly desiring peace and justice and the establishment of the bona fide government of Mexico: by the peopte of Mewicu should co¬ operate with UH. Seasicr Ot^cn told again the story! of tho fail of Porlffrio Diaz, the rise of Madero, BBQ **«».. of ríserts nná PW. lix Dmz, Porfirio's nephew which led to the death and overthrow of Madero and put Huerta is the president's chair. He (recited the uprising of Carranza on authority of the legisla-, ture of the State of Coahulia and told how 8enator Domtntgues dared de¬ nounce Huerta to the Mexican senate. He declared that Huerta had pacified the country by extermination and he charged him with attempting to keep hie post by Inciting a conflict with the UnjicG states. The senator said that shortly after- wards Dominguez disappeared and he was reported murdered. Then he told of the attempts to secure an In-, vestigation of his death by the Mexi¬ can congress, and how Huerta put tho Congress in jail. (Continued on Page Seven A m. srsMswv iKir Trampled In Trying Body of First Victim at Vera Crux (By Associated Press) 5 v Cambridge Masr. May 13 -More than 100 women were trampled on and in- lit in a stampede which Se¬ the efforts of thousands to y ot corporal Daniel W. one ot the heroes of Vera] as lt Ia:- in state, in the mill- armory. The Injured were at¬ tended hy physicians, hurriedly sum¬ moned trota the vwrtdus hospitals. At one time all of the officers' rooms in the armory wer* «lied with patients. Most.of them were scat to their homes Beeidet* those taken to the armory a number were removed to private i homes in the vicinity. --se .crowd had- gathered 12 officers had been de-1 restett'was confusion, when] thc crowd pressed dorward to the1 doors; Wosnea, children and men *«r* W«0pÄ!s)ewa sM^ trampled A .**sOT*'*as ¿?nt for police and rs. The twenty additional po- who responded» proved insuffi¬ cient and the militia offlcera organized a proviaional company^ members of u"íi ~0í"? 5SnA 0%ki* r'mutiij iráb te' keep the crowd back.- They r guard until a late hor.r. Tho párenla o^^Ufgstry had their Idead «nemseifes only an boor or fäsW?ö|2r^mbridge home. FREDERICK R. SMITH OF RO- _ CHESTER, N. Y., IS THE g IMPERIAL POTENTATE A GREAT REVIEW Eight Regiments of the Arab Pa¬ trol in Fantastic Garb, Hend¬ ed by Bands of Shrine (By Associated Press) - j Atlanta, May IS.-Selection of Seat-;^ tie at the meeting place for 1915 andi election of .Dr. Frederick H. Smith of j Damascus temple, Rochester, N. Y., aa imperial potentate of the imperial coondil, marked today's meeting here of the nobles of the Ancient Order of the Mystic Shrine of North America, The meeting at Seattle will open on Jniy 15 and will continue for. four f days. The Washington city was fin- ri ally decided on after its advantages and those or San Francisco, the other city =¿;ki=B ttz saiherins, h-d c considered by the imperial council f lat« today. The final vote waa unanl--g mous for Seattle. 11 In addition to the election of Mr., Smith as imperial potentate to sue- 8 coed William W. Irwin of Wheeling. W. V., tho following other officers 1 were elected: . v*1t J. Putnam Stevens. Portland,. Me., J. deputy imperial potentate. 3, F. Neldringhaus, Jr.. 8t. Louis, ' * imeprial chief rabban. i William 8. Brown, Pittsburgh, Pa,, J -imperial treasurer. I Benjamin W. Powell, Boston, Mass., I Imperial, recorder. (v Charles E. Oversbire, Minneapolis,'1 Minc.,' imperial assistant rabbau. Ellas J. Jacoby, Indianapolis, Ind.. * imperial priest and prophet. w. Freeland Kendrick, Philadelphia. * Pa., imperial oriental guard. e same reason James. 8. McCandless of 8 UVtiinli.'i. prC=ltcd tTTC £7C£ZZ '- from imperial outer gaurd to imeprial J marshal. It Jack T. jones of Oklahoma City. Jt imeprial captain of the guard. {* Conrad V. Dyckman, Brooklyn. N., e V., imperial outer guard. ic Thousands packed the hills and ter- J i annual divisions! review cf the patroîn m races of Piedmont Park to witness the. t of the different temples of the shrine c and the exhibition drills, lt was the! third great rpecalacle staged by the 1 Sbrlcers, two elaborate parades being given yesterday. Patrols participating included more than 3,000 men. They were divided in¬ to eight regiments led by eight bands , formed from thc one thousand must- * clans represented in the various bands of the different partols. All of the patrols were garbed In brilliant unl- rorms or oriental design. At the con¬ jurion of the review and drille, the bands massed and gave a concert ot national airs. Visiting patrols and' nobles were en¬ tertained tonight at a ball given by the J local Yaarab's temple's patrol. ; BRYAN OX MEXICO ! gays The Situation ls a Legacy Pren . Mr. Taft. 1 .(By Associated Press) Wllkesarre. Pa., May 15.-Secretary of Staate Bryan was the principal speaker at a rally here tonglht In the Interests of "reorganising the demo- |c eratic ticket, with A. Mitchell Pal- < mer for.senator and Vance Ç. McCor-j* mick for governor. Mr. Bryan de- " dared the ticket's success would mean I the indorsement of the national 11 administration's policies. . id Referring to the Mexican situation,ls Secretary Bryan said the Mexican lt question was a legacy from the Taft 1 administration. President Wilson be f said, la trying to solve the problem-e and also maintain the nation's honor} I through peaceful means. j l Opposes President Washington, May 13.-Senator Bha- froth, of Colorado, democrat, today fn-¡ formet! the senate that he felt himself« i bound by the platform to support ex-. J emption of coastwise vessels from [ Panama canal tolls.. ..................... £ Kiuenwlve Faa. o <By Associated Press) h Washington. May 13.-A special ur- ' r gent defRclency appropriviam bill ear. c rying $6,770,632. including moro than. fi 16,000,000 for military establishment r for expenditures on account of pestle .nd known contemplated activity in a Mexico sod on the Mexican border, h waa ordered favorably -reported to a the house by the appropriations cow-1 mitt«« today. It will be taken up io a the senate cext week. p TAMPICO IS BY REI ) o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o » « > HUHS TO SK AT IM; Ó Atl-nlH, Jliiy IX-Seattle was the unanimous cholee nf the toaiBlttre of the Imperial roiin« ell of the mystic shrine which considered the choice of » sect- ol [¡ur place for the council lu IPI«, o The report was Kubnilttcd to the rounrll here late today for ac- o lion, and was adopted. ol ' Ol »oooooooooooooooooooo MORE PANIC SAYS WILLIAMS! Comptroller of Currency Explains j Tho New Law. to North Caro¬ lina Bankers (By Associated Press) Raleigh, ht C., May Ll.-Tbe new ad eral hanking law was described as lot only a declaration, "but a guar- htec of the freedom of the cbuntry's Inanctal and commercial Interests] rom tho possiDliiiy of rule vj o. roup of men," by John Skelton Wll- lams, comptroller of the currency, in I n address here tonight before the f Jorth Carolina Bankers Association, dr./Williams Said the new law waa a dan' "of decentralization and distrl- lution, demanded by the growth andi xpauaion or our republic." It was idt ' Intended to injure anybody, he aid "and il will not injure any but' hose who insist on being Injured." "We believe that one or the most| aluable and beneficial effect's of this tew banking bill will be toi make) ucb panic's as we have had In the past irtuolly Impossible," Mr, Williams ontinued. "The system we have en- lured through half a century hamp- it checked our growth, our heeds. lt was of las. d..vast fortunes, inciting u«n;:ont<-m ind resentment, the parents of revo- "When a dozen men own among hemselves 1,600 million dollars, and brough g system of Interlocking di- ?ectorates control>B much more, uer- issltating an amount e<iual to the total] urrency supply for a bunder million «opie, we realize that such power is i t»f rii; not oniy to our commerce and o the people at large, but to the gov-1 irnroeut Itself." 3RAVE OFFICER STOPPED PANIC! Drove Back Frightened Negro) Passengers When Boiler Ex¬ ploded On Shin (By Asocia ted Press.) Kew V'ork^ May 13.-Vivid, clrcum- itautlal stories of the explosion on he Old Dominion liner Jefferson last donday night, whleh killed 9 men, vere told by passengers when the crippled ship docked, here today. Ac- ordlng to soma of these narratives, "ir»t Officer. Bengt*, with a marlins »Ike fought back the negro passengers rom the steerage who tried to throw hemselvos into the sea. After the explosion there was com¬ pete darkness ssve for the dim light >f tbs companion way oil lanterns. )ut of the steam flied compartment »here the explosion occurred four naen daggered, terribly burned. They were attended by Miss Mabel elliott, whose presence of mind un¬ ter, frightful conditions all the pas- engers Joined in praising. Some of he burned men begged to be thrown nto the sea. Several passengers alnted. It was due to Misa Elliott's ifforts as much as to those of Officer lange, said the pasangers, that a pan- c was averted. Miss Anna Ross Cunningham has rè. urned from Greenville._._ FmSerhtg¡"On To Regulate ,.' ' -i ...< -ty ". ''.>*'?* (By Associated Press) Washington, Maly 13.-An open >reak In the senate banking and cur- ency committee promises to mar :hairman Owen's attempt to have a avorblo report made on hts bill to egulatei stock exchanges. The bill ame up today before the committee nd later Chairman Owen said that he ad been authorised to make a favor- ble report. Only seven vt Ute twelve members rere present, however, and those op» osed to .the measure said a quorum TAKEN tm HEAVY FIGHTING MARKED TH¿ LAST STAND OF THE i. i FEDERALS GUNJBOAT5 FLED And the Federéis Escaped From The City the: Best Way That . They Could (By Associated Fresa) Washington, May 18.-Rear Adnlral Mayo at Tafiipico reported to tb«- navy department tonight teat at 2 p. ni., today the Mexican federal rrunboats Bravo and Zaragoza steaaied eat of ta« 1'anueo river and anchored »ear the foreign warships out side. , The Gunboats have been the chief support of the garrison and toorar flight was. accepted by naval officers here ns meaning that the constitution, allst* were about to occupy the town. mr.- 8 -.- '." Confirmed In Juarez. / Juarez, May 13. -Word was received liv constitutionalist officials hur« shortly before 7 o'clock that the con¬ stitutionalist forces under. General Pablo Gonzales! were occuying Tam¬ pico. No details as to the loss of life or' damage to property have boeu re¬ ceived. Federal Troops Hiking« ..- W's lington, May 13,-Evacuation of Tampico by-the Mexican *] federal garrison, began at 12:50 p. m:, today according to s relayed wlreíejHf'dis¬ patch to the navy department, from Rear Admiral Mayo. The federa! troops were leaving by the railroad. Fighting About Over. Galveston. Texas,, May 13.-Advices from Vera Crus received hero tonight state that the 'fighting has about ceased at Tampico and'the federals are evacuating the' city ! is said Was iiiirTrü io ii» ¡tefeeir Before ... *T ..niiuiisiuii, »Tjaj- *o.--iDUnMn'TtlO'! els encountered desperate resistance In their fthal attack had that they* were compelled to carry their fight to the heart of thu town was indicated [by Rear. Admiral Mayo's'report. He reported that at 1 o'clock today, when it was stated the rebels had occupied Tamplce, there was heavy rifle firing ip thc plaza and that big gun firing continued. The federals were retreating by way ot the railroad leading to San Luis Potosi and it was assumed that they hoped to reach Pacbua, the terminus of a raliway line that leads indirectly to Mexico City. The railroad cut of Tampico to Monterey ls held by the. rebels. SOFT COAL TRUST MAKES A STAND Gets An. Extension Of Time For : the Holding to Be Dis¬ posed of y (By Assuclated Press) Cincinnati, May 13.-An extension of time to October 15, 1914, u allowed the Chesapeake and Ohio Railwhy -, Company in which to sell its holdings in tho Kannwha and Michigan Railway Company. The original time set for disposing if these holdings expired today. The extension ls worked through-the al¬ lowing of an appeal, iodine.gnpreipé court of the United States of a part of the order of United States Circuit Judges Warrington, Knappen and. Dennison, who sitting as a speejal dis¬ trict court, recently ordered the dis¬ solution or the alleged soft coal trust and directed the Chesapeake and Ohio snd the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railway Companies to dis¬ pose of their stock in the Sunday Crack Coal Company and break U> th?lr commission control of the Katta, what and Michigan^RaUway Company. The tim i Stock Exchange was nit present when the vote wai taken and that the authorisation to report favorably wad not binding. Senator Shrafroth afterward said that neither the chairman nor those who disagreed with him wees exactly right, but that the committee author¬ ised Chairman Owen to write a report ead submit to members tor their sig- natrues. Many senators predict that even If tho bill reaches the calendar with a favorable reoort lt will not be in¬ cluded in the legislative program fot the present session. ;_"

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Page 1: MMVMTION TAMPICO IS TAKEN BY REI€¦ · Tampico,, to getthem to participate in the mediation. A Soldier Murdered. Secretary Garrison cabled General Funston at Vera Grus to demand


VOL. 1, NUMBER 81. fr«eklj. £RUbIb)b*d J8*t DaUr, Ja». 1«, 1914, ANDERSON, S. C., TUESDAY MORNING» APRIL 21, 1914. PRICE FIVE CENTS. $5.00 PER ANNUM.



SERIOUS QUESTIOJNThK Government Will Have To

Decide That Matter In a VeryFew Hoare Now

f ?

(By Associated Press)Washington. May 13.-First formai

steps in tee program of mediation inthe Mexican problem were taken when Justic Lamar and Fred¬erick W. Lehmann, together with theirsecretary H. Percival Dodge, who willrepresent the United States, paid theirrespects to the three South Americanenvoys who havo undertaken by dip¬lomacy to solve the Mexican question.

Reports were current that strongpressure would be brought to bear onthe constitutionalists from severalquarters after the expected victory atTampico,, to get them to participate inthe mediation.

A Soldier Murdered.Secretary Garrison cabled General

Funston at Vera Grus to demand ofGeneral Maaa. the Mexican command¬er, a full explanation of the death ofPrivate Parks, ..who strayed into Mex¬ican lines several days ago. Protestagainst the reported execution ofParks and the alleged burning:of htsbody baa been sent also through diplo¬matic channels to President Huerta.

Secretary Garrison - hölds that as* o ric F- was in uniform, he should havoboen treated as a 'prisoner of war.General Funston thinks Parks weutinsane.Mr. Garrison also aaked General

Funston for another report on the de¬tails of tbe arrest ot five South Ameri¬cans accused of sniping at Vera Crus.These were the chief developments

lu* tba Mexican situation today:- The¬med lators worn ibtisy prenariog flortheir departure and Counsellor 'Lan¬sing spent much tfine wUhjtgeAn^t-;

refcrred for findl «ecisioif to the sec^rotary .of. state and the president.The practical certainty that the con¬

stitutionalist* would be in control ofTampico made lt apparent today thatUte United States.soon would be Ina position to bring about a return tbnormal conditions ia 'thet oil district,NottPliationa with ¡Ule constitutional¬ists, to permit foreign employes to re¬turn to the-wells will be begun assoon as the news Ot the occupation ofthe district is received.

Here ts a Problem.Another phase ot the. situation

which produced much discussion inexecutive quarters on the question ofammunition shipments destined forTampico, which the constitutionalistsiimc UM runic.

Constitutionalists, here say that af¬ter theibajtttea of Tampico and Saltillonow being fought,' the rebels will havelittle ammunition left with which tocontinue their, fight; against Hueste.With a; practical embargo on the im¬portation of munitions of war Acrossthe American border in effect nowthe rebels believe the' only chance

. of getting additional ammunition willbe from abroad.On the other'hand, should the con¬

stitutionalists be allowed to importammunition through Tampico,, somepoint out that Huerta probably wouldprotest that the holding'up of ship¬men tr. of arniB for him, at Vera Crus,was unjust.The expected capture of Tampico,

t the port next in importance to VeraCrus, will rñíss many iij£er*&i.iügquestions, as the rebels have held noseaports heretofore.Tho federal gunboats may seek to

prevent arms and supplies from land¬ing at Tampico, but such an interfer¬ence with International commercemight not be tolerated by the bigships hete, belonging to oth* ouo-trles.

Americans WereBy Th

- 'ii:_:(By Aasoolated Pre*)Quaraangs/TLa.f May lg^-Dr. Ed¬

ward W. Ryan and Wilbert L. Bonney.American consul a* San Lula Potosiwere; among lt* refugees arriving onthe "Mofeo Castle" today. Dr. Ryanhas Leen reported as connected wit*the American Hod Cross and Was im¬prisoned at Zacates.consul Bonney said that on April

2V th* day the Americans landed atVera Crus, a mob .orroundM the con¬sulate and threatened Americans ta-jolde. They dejStrt&ed the doorway ofthe building end took throe Americanflag* tv th«5 y IIS "jiTi TTuôrS they 'ñ'i.TC, Jtorn into abroad*. He said that he

tONALISTSMMVMTIONlo o O O C'O 0 O O O O O o o o o o olo .0 DB. LANSING BUBBOWg o!o -- .o

Nsshvlle, Tenn,, May 13.-Dr. óLansing Burrows, pastor of the o

lo First Baptist church of Augús- oO' ta. Ga., was elected president oo of the Southern Baptist Conven- o

tlon this afternoon, defeating oDr. J. G. Gambreli of Dallas, oTexas, by a vote of 507 to 501. o

o eooooooooooooooooooool


[Trying To Get To See Body ofLad Killed in the Vera Crux


(By Associated Presa)Chicago, May 13.-The return today,of the body of Samuel Meisenberg,the young Chicago marine, killed at

Vera Cruz, caused a panic in the cityhall where the body- lay in state rorthree hourB.

catafalque, in the rotunda of the mu¬nicipal building, that a acore of womenfainted when caught tn thb smother¬ing press and cried fdr air. Only thenames of 12 women, who succumbedwere obtained by the police, but amongthese were Mrs. Morris Meisenberg,mother o fthe dead hero.Cool headed elevator men did much

to avert disaster. They opened thedoors of their'cages and carried thosenearest them to the upper doors.While ponce sought to quiet those inthe corridors fend others at the en-

ucea fought-to restrain the thuos"ids who blocked the streets outsideand who, in return made desperateefforts to- crowd within the doors.Finally tho crush became so great

Vbat a police lieutenant sent ln> ariot cali and the reinforcements euc-;eeded In restoring order.

have côUOTbtïted largely to the dis-'

The funeral will be held wttfc Jewrites 'tÚttir?U.Yr iad ss Immense pr

onidiej-B. Mtiers; ¿aüoüwguardsmen, veterans and tho civil-and jSpanish war sad numerous civic bod- jîèà wiiî escort TÍie cortege io the'synagogue. Addresses will bo madeby United states Senator Lewis, Gov- Iernor Dunne; and Mayor Harrison. -


b Huerta Trying To StrengthenHis forces In the Vicinity of


Vera Cruz

(By Associated Press)Washington, May 18.-News reached

Washington through official circlestonight that General Oerels Pena, oneot the highest ranking officers In theMexican federal army .had taken com¬mand of the forces outside of VeraCrux, superseding General Maas.

.Thia news caused sepeulationaround the state, war and navy de¬partments. 8ome officials Were In¬clined to attach special significanceto the move, seeing -in it evidence ofHuerta's intention to strengthen hisposition around the port and possiblyto assume an offensive attitude.On the other hand, lt was suggested

that General Maas* conduct had dis¬pleased the dictator and that his re¬moval probably had nothing whateverto* do with the international situation.Those who took the less optimisticview thought that, the fsll ot Tampicotoday ml'js have made Huerta des?psrate and nave led him tu take nomestêp to force the hand of the UnitedStates without waiting the outcome ofthe pending mediaron negotiations.

Speaks at Andersen.Mr. C. C. Featherstone has accept¬

ed the invitation So deliver the com¬mencement address at Anderson Fit¬ting Schcol on Tuesday, May 26th.

ie Mexican Moost[tA with Mrs: Bonney fo the home otthe British consul where they, hld for;W$j|g»ta^rtii»iftJpjWWii» timethey escaped from the city and pro¬ceeded to Mexico City and tuen toPuerto Mexico.

Dr. Ryah, who wad s prisoner of theUsc Mexicans for several days and re¬leased only after the United Stateshad mada urgiettt représentations iahis behalt refused to* discuss the sit-natlon, saying he would report noth^lng un(sM»«|tsthed Washington. Dr.fryli»n .sanposod to *be. oa the £3«-persaaPwhlch arrived Monday. Hebonnie* ih»i v<Wi ?« f^erto Mexicobot left lt ot Vera Crus.




Says Only Twing of ConscienceIs When He Remembers HePlotted Against Rosenthal

(By Associated Press)New Yprk. May 13.-"Bald Jack"

Ro8j. chief witness for the prosecutionst the second trial of Charles Becker«charged with being the instigator ofthe plot that resulted in the murder ofHerman. Rosenthal, came from ,thestand at the conclusion today of 'fivehours of relentless cross examination,bright-eyed and smiling.,The baldheaded informer quietly and

unfaltarlnj;ly * answered overy ques¬tion asked him by chief of Becker'scounsel Manton. Even when Mantonasked the witness If lt were true thatho imiî made his ii' ?ug ny committingpetty larcenies and by selling opiumto the slaves of the habit of NewYork's chinatown, the former gamblerremained unperturbed.

Rose's expression never changedduring all tho grilling. The tone ofhis voice waa neither raised nor low¬ered at any time.. He reiterated hisstory bf underworld intrigue and mur.der, with a cairn and matter of factair. He showed no fear, no emotionand no remorse except on one neon,

sion. Then he said his consciencerrlcked him when he thought overhow he bsd plotted to have HermanRosenthal murdered. '.V\lManton managed to get Rose to ad¬

mit that there were m' or discrepan¬cies between the testimony he offeredat the firs; trial and that which he

8ve on direct examination yesterday,.se sgt)d; bis testimony yesterday was

more cplnplete in places than, his ter-'íinony. At the'same '

some thingst mentios*'I

abotrtMt.*Me ?or me not' to fftfeve

something bul now and then."During the afternoon examination

Manton put questions to Rose, whichwere designed to show that Rosenthalfigured prominently in a gamblers'war and was bated.Rose admitted that Sam Paul, a

gambler, abd Rosenthal, had a fallingout soon' after the latter's house wa«raided.. Hose also said Rosenthal hir¬ed -spanish Louie" to kill Sam raul."Louie" failed to do it. He told Ros¬enthal, according to Rose, that Pauthad given him 650 and he wouldn'tshoot a man who. was so generous.Then» Rose said, Rosenthal hired

"Bloody Mike," to kill 'Spanish Louie,'he did.The witness admitted that he had

broken with rosenthal after the latterhad spread tales that Rose wassquealer, thereby putting Rose's life


Attorney General and The InterstateCommerce Commission. .

I ., -!- Öl(By Associated Press.)

Washington, . May 13.-There washeated conference today between At¬torney General McReynolds and therepresentatives of the interstate com¬merce commission relative- to sum¬moning witness in the hearing ot thematters of the New Haven road. Itwas stated that William Rockefelleris too lil'to appear, aa a witness; Geo.P. Baker, Ches. F. Mellen and otherswere summoned.

It waa urged by Mr. McRoynoldsthat to Put Meltén oa the stand inaa investigation might act to preventhis prosecution later on. He did notsay that he intended to prosecute. Thecommission announced that it wouldproceed without any change In its)ians, despite the protest of Mr. Mc-

The feen Crae Wounded.Nsw York, May 13.-The hospital

ship Solace, bringing sick and wound¬ed from Vera Cruz will not reach quar¬antine Until.midnight and will docktomorrow morning. Thia was anr.ouseed st the navy yard today;


o o oe oooooooooooooooo

o REBELS OPTIMISTIC «o eoocooooooooooooooooe

- .

.. ,.

(fey Associated Pres»)Torreen. Meg, May M.-V'On to Sal¬

tillo. San Lois Potosi and Mexico City"is ibo erg .heard everywhere her« to¬day. Inquiry often brings the state¬ment that Mexico le tired ot war eadexpression of regret that the UnitedSUtes replaced the embargo on arms.The Villa army is said to be confident!that ft will secure ammunition some¬where. Rvsry possible measure tosecure success at Saltillo and pointsfurther south ts betas taitón. Ammu¬nition ia sung concentrate« here andat Monterey.




STPLE?Leid « Trap for the ürúted átar¿s

Trying to Get-All MexicoUnited Ag*in»t UV

(By Associated Press.)Weaqlngton, May ll.-Asser.lug thut

President Wilson was more than Jus¬tified in refusing- "to recognize Viè-rtorlano Huerta aa nfasld^nt ot Mex¬ico, pud that thc víultoá States mustnot turn back Uuql$K bas establish¬ed constltutlorjál government In the]Republic, Senator Owen today star-1tied the senate'with a remarkable de-nunciation of tb« Mexican dictator,His speech wasC .'. an intimatehistory of Huerta'ífJTSa the time he1tore the ruins ot toewrr from thebands of a^^^rcssat '^?g-.'fiThroush it ran the color of blood andHB story reeked wita murder, intrigueand violence where innocent men whotalked too much, went behind prisonwalls and Huerta by the force of armsand the impelling p$fptn.Qf fear Im¬posed his will upon *i2s0Ó0,O0O' peo¬ple.To back JIB his asertfems the Sena¬

tor produced confidential documentafrom the State Department aniaI -datafrom other sources^ He 'rejoiced, hesaid that u;ediat',ú5 ^«5 -been'oif¿red.

"But." he declared; "let no mistakebe made. We ratssjf demand. order.constitutional1 sewgsvcrnuient andthat the -'right ofadVereignty may beplaced in tile hau^Çot the people oíMexico, under $ is and stabilityOf govern: o \ú? at MéxicoandJ^^^^^^^^^Hire peace abdsecurity'and iiforce these deniat?-

m- i¡f*fa ???? v

\ pfct^ftrfic e^jçsr» ot Mexico of ourunselfish purpose tb pretndte thc civ¬ilisation and protect human life andhZrZlzzzz "7¿ «nj în Cuba, ram-otic Mexicans honestly desiring peaceand justice and the establishment ofthe bona fide government of Mexico:by the peopte of Mewicu should co¬operate with UH.Seasicr Ot^cn told again the story!

of tho fail of Porlffrio Diaz, the riseof Madero, BBQ **«».. of ríserts nná PW.lix Dmz, Porfirio's nephew which ledto the death and overthrow of Maderoand put Huerta is the president'schair. He (recited the uprising ofCarranza on authority of the legisla-,ture of the State of Coahulia and toldhow 8enator Domtntgues dared de¬nounce Huerta to the Mexican senate.He declared that Huerta had pacifiedthe country by extermination and hecharged him with attempting to keephie post by Inciting a conflict with theUnjicG states.The senator said that shortly after-

wards Dominguez disappeared and hewas reported murdered. Then hetold of the attempts to secure an In-,vestigation of his death by the Mexi¬can congress, and how Huerta put thoCongress in jail.

(Continued on Page Seven A

m. srsMswv


Trampled In TryingBody of First Victimat Vera Crux

(By Associated Press)5 v Cambridge Masr. May 13 -More than100 women were trampled on and in-

lit in a stampede which Se¬the efforts of thousands toy ot corporal Daniel W.

one ot the heroes of Vera]as lt Ia:- in state, in the mill-armory. The Injured were at¬

tended hy physicians, hurriedly sum¬moned trota the vwrtdus hospitals. Atone time all of the officers' rooms inthe armory wer* «lied with patients.Most.of them were scat to their homes

Beeidet* those taken to the armorya number were removed to private

i homes in the vicinity.--se .crowd had- gathered

12 officers had been de-1restett'was confusion, when]thc crowd pressed dorward to the1

doors; Wosnea, children and men*«r* W«0pÄ!s)ewa sM^trampled A

.**sOT*'*as ¿?nt for police andrs. The twenty additional po-who responded» proved insuffi¬

cient and the militia offlcera organizeda proviaional company^ members of

u"íi ~0í"? 5SnA 0%ki* r'mutiij irábte' keep the crowd back.- They

r guard until a late hor.r.Tho párenla o^^Ufgstry had their

Idead U» «nemseifes only an boor orfäsW?ö|2r^mbridge home.



A GREAT REVIEWEight Regiments of the Arab Pa¬

trol in Fantastic Garb, Hend¬ed by Bands of Shrine

(By Associated Press) - jAtlanta, May IS.-Selection of Seat-;^tie at the meeting place for 1915 andi

election of .Dr. Frederick H. Smith of jDamascus temple, Rochester, N. Y., aaimperial potentate of the imperialcoondil, marked today's meeting hereof the nobles of the Ancient Order ofthe Mystic Shrine of North America,The meeting at Seattle will open onJniy 15 and will continue for. four fdays. The Washington city was fin- rially decided on after its advantagesand those or San Francisco, the othercity =¿;ki=B ttz saiherins, h-d cconsidered by the imperial council flat« today. The final vote waa unanl--gmous for Seattle. 11In addition to the election of Mr.,Smith as imperial potentate to sue- 8coed William W. Irwin of Wheeling.W. V., tho following other officers 1were elected: . v*1tJ. Putnam Stevens. Portland,. Me., J.deputy imperial potentate.

3, F. Neldringhaus, Jr.. 8t. Louis, ' *

imeprial chief rabban. iWilliam 8. Brown, Pittsburgh, Pa,, J-imperial treasurer. IBenjamin W. Powell, Boston, Mass., I

Imperial, recorder. (vCharles E. Oversbire, Minneapolis,'1Minc.,' imperial assistant rabbau.Ellas J. Jacoby, Indianapolis, Ind.. *

imperial priest and prophet.w. Freeland Kendrick, Philadelphia. *

Pa., imperial oriental guard. e

same reason James. 8. McCandless of 8UVtiinli.'i. prC=ltcd tTTC £7C£ZZ '-from imperial outer gaurd to imeprial Jmarshal. ItJack T. jones of Oklahoma City. Jtimeprial captain of the guard. {*Conrad V. Dyckman, Brooklyn. N., e

V., imperial outer guard. icThousands packed the hills and ter- J i

annual divisions! review cf the patroîn m

races of Piedmont Park to witness the. tof the different temples of the shrine cand the exhibition drills, lt was the!third great rpecalacle staged by the 1Sbrlcers, two elaborate parades beinggiven yesterday.

Patrols participating included morethan 3,000 men. They were divided in¬to eight regiments led by eight bands ,formed from thc one thousand must- *clans represented in the various bandsof the different partols. All of thepatrols were garbed In brilliant unl-rorms or oriental design. At the con¬jurion of the review and drille, thebands massed and gave a concert otnational airs.

Visiting patrols and' nobles were en¬tertained tonight at a ball given by the Jlocal Yaarab's temple's patrol. ;


! gays The Situation ls a Legacy Pren. Mr. Taft.

1.(By Associated Press)Wllkesarre. Pa., May 15.-Secretary

of Staate Bryan was the principalspeaker at a rally here tonglht In theInterests of "reorganising the demo- |ceratic ticket, with A. Mitchell Pal- <mer for.senator and Vance Ç. McCor-j*mick for governor. Mr. Bryan de- "

dared the ticket's success would mean Ithe indorsement of the national 11administration's policies. .

idReferring to the Mexican situation,ls

Secretary Bryan said the Mexican ltquestion was a legacy from the Taft 1administration. President Wilson be fsaid, la trying to solve the problem-eand also maintain the nation's honor} Ithrough peaceful means. j l

Opposes PresidentWashington, May 13.-Senator Bha-

froth, of Colorado, democrat, today fn-¡formet! the senate that he felt himself« ibound by the platform to support ex-. Jemption of coastwise vessels from [Panama canal tolls.......................

£ Kiuenwlve Faa. o

<By Associated Press) hWashington. May 13.-A special ur- ' r

gent defRclency appropriviam bill ear. crying $6,770,632. including moro than. fi16,000,000 for military establishment rfor expenditures on account of pestle.nd known contemplated activity in aMexico sod on the Mexican border, hwaa ordered favorably -reported to athe house by the appropriations cow-1mitt«« today. It will be taken up io athe senate cext week. p


) o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o» «> HUHS TO SKAT IM; Ó

Atl-nlH, Jliiy IX-Seattle wasthe unanimous cholee nf thetoaiBlttre of the Imperial roiin«ell of the mystic shrine whichconsidered the choice of » sect- ol[¡ur place for the council lu IPI«, oThe report was Kubnilttcd to therounrll here late today for ac- olion, and was adopted. ol

' Ol»oooooooooooooooooooo


Comptroller of Currency Explains jTho New Law. to North Caro¬

lina Bankers

(By Associated Press)Raleigh, ht C., May Ll.-Tbe new

aderal hanking law was described aslot only a declaration, "but a guar-htec of the freedom of the cbuntry'sInanctal and commercial Interests]rom tho possiDliiiy of rule vj o.

roup of men," by John Skelton Wll-lams, comptroller of the currency, in In address here tonight before the fJorth Carolina Bankers Association,dr./Williams Said the new law waa adan' "of decentralization and distrl-lution, demanded by the growth andixpauaion or our republic." It wasidt ' Intended to injure anybody, heaid "and il will not injure any but'hose who insist on being Injured.""We believe that one or the most|aluable and beneficial effect's of thistew banking bill will be toi make)ucb panic's as we have had In the pastirtuolly Impossible," Mr, Williamsontinued. "The system we have en-lured through half a century hamp-

it checked our growth,our heeds. lt was

of las.

d..vast fortunes, inciting u«n;:ont<-mind resentment, the parents of revo-

"When a dozen men own amonghemselves 1,600 million dollars, andbrough g system of Interlocking di-?ectorates control>B much more, uer-issltating an amount e<iual to the total]urrency supply for a bunder million«opie, we realize that such power isi t»f rii; not oniy to our commerce ando the people at large, but to the gov-1irnroeut Itself."


Drove Back Frightened Negro)Passengers When Boiler Ex¬

ploded On Shin

(By Asocia ted Press.)Kew V'ork^ May 13.-Vivid, clrcum-

itautlal stories of the explosion onhe Old Dominion liner Jefferson lastdonday night, whleh killed 9 men,vere told by passengers when thecrippled ship docked, here today. Ac-ordlng to soma of these narratives,"ir»t Officer. Bengt*, with a marlins»Ike fought back the negro passengersrom the steerage who tried to throwhemselvos into the sea.After the explosion there was com¬

pete darkness ssve for the dim light>f tbs companion way oil lanterns.)ut of the steam flied compartment»here the explosion occurred four naendaggered, terribly burned.They were attended by Miss Mabel

elliott, whose presence of mind un¬ter, frightful conditions all the pas-engers Joined in praising. Some ofhe burned men begged to be thrownnto the sea. Several passengersalnted. It was due to Misa Elliott'sifforts as much as to those of Officerlange, said the pasangers, that a pan-c was averted.

Miss Anna Ross Cunningham has rè.urned from Greenville._._

FmSerhtg¡"OnTo Regulate

,.' '

-i ...< -ty ". ''.>*'?*(By Associated Press)

Washington, Maly 13.-An open>reak In the senate banking and cur-

ency committee promises to mar:hairman Owen's attempt to have aavorblo report made on hts bill toegulatei stock exchanges. The billame up today before the committeend later Chairman Owen said that head been authorised to make a favor-ble report.Only seven vt Ute twelve members

rere present, however, and those op»osed to .the measure said a quorum




GUNJBOAT5 FLEDAnd the Federéis Escaped FromThe City the: Best Way That .

They Could

(By Associated Fresa)Washington, May 18.-Rear Adnlral

Mayo at Tafiipico reported to tb«- navydepartment tonight teat at 2 p. ni.,today the Mexican federal rrunboatsBravo and Zaragoza steaaied eat ofta« 1'anueo river and anchored »earthe foreign warships outside., The Gunboats have been the chiefsupport of the garrison and toorarflight was. accepted by naval officershere ns meaning that the constitution,allst* were about to occupy the 8 -.- '."

Confirmed In Juarez./ Juarez, May 13. -Word was receivedliv constitutionalist officials hur«shortly before 7 o'clock that the con¬stitutionalist forces under. GeneralPablo Gonzales! were occuying Tam¬pico. No details as to the loss of lifeor' damage to property have boeu re¬ceived.

Federal Troops Hiking« ..-W's lington, May 13,-Evacuationof Tampico by-the Mexican *] federalgarrison, began at 12:50 p. m:, todayaccording to s relayed wlreíejHf'dis¬patch to the navy department, fromRear Admiral Mayo. The federa!troops were leaving by the railroad.

Fighting About Over.Galveston. Texas,, May 13.-Advicesfrom Vera Crus received hero tonightstate that the 'fighting has about

ceased at Tampico and'the federalsare evacuating the' city !

is said

Was iiiirTrü io ii» ¡tefeeir Before...

*T..niiuiisiuii, »Tjaj- *o.--iDUnMn'TtlO'!

els encountered desperate resistanceIn their fthal attack had that they*were compelled to carry their fightto the heart of thu town was indicated[by Rear. Admiral Mayo's'report. Hereported that at 1 o'clock today, whenit was stated the rebels had occupiedTamplce, there was heavy rifle firingip thc plaza and that big gun firingcontinued.The federals were retreating by way

ot the railroad leading to San LuisPotosi and it was assumed that theyhoped to reach Pacbua, the terminusof a raliway line that leads indirectlyto Mexico City. The railroad cut ofTampico to Monterey ls held by the.rebels.


Gets An. Extension Of Time For: the Holding to Be Dis¬

posed of y(By Assuclated Press)

Cincinnati, May 13.-An extension oftime to October 15, 1914, u allowedthe Chesapeake and Ohio Railwhy -,Company in which to sell its holdingsin tho Kannwha and Michigan RailwayCompany.The original time set for disposing

if these holdings expired today. Theextension ls worked through-the al¬lowing of an appeal, iodine.gnpreipécourt of the United States of a partof the order of United States CircuitJudges Warrington, Knappen and.Dennison, who sitting as a speejal dis¬trict court, recently ordered the dis¬solution or the alleged soft coal trustand directed the Chesapeake and Ohiosnd the Lake Shore and MichiganSouthern Railway Companies to dis¬pose of their stock in the SundayCrack Coal Company and break U>th?lr commission control of the Katta,what and Michigan^RaUway Company.

The timi Stock Exchangewas nit present when the vote waitaken and that the authorisation toreport favorably wad not binding.Senator Shrafroth afterward said

that neither the chairman nor thosewho disagreed with him wees exactlyright, but that the committee author¬ised Chairman Owen to write a reportead submit to members tor their sig-natrues.Many senators predict that even If

tho bill reaches the calendar with afavorable reoort lt will not be in¬cluded in the legislative program fotthe present session. ;_"