mmgg march gazette 2013 - minnesota mg group

MINNESOTA MG GROUP March 2013 VOLUME 12 ISSUE 03 Page 1 MMGG members, Judy and Ken Welty with their 1967 MGB-GT IN THIS ISSUE: IN THIS ISSUE: Description Page No. Club Officers 2 President’s Message 3 Editor Notes 4 Minutes from MMGG Secretary 5 Tech Tip on Fuel 6 From the Garage 7 MMGG Technical Advisers 10 Holiday Party Wrap Up 11 Kick off Lunch Flier 12 Valentine’s Tea Photos 13 MG Girl Corner 15 Rally in the Valley 2014 15 University Motors Summer Party 16 MMGG Calendar of Events 17 Other Clubs Calendar of Events 19 Description Page No. Additional Message from President 21 Rendezvous Information /Registration 22/23 Things for Sale and Services 24 Regalia 19 Membership Form 30 GAZETTE March Highlights MMGG Kickoff Lunch Santorini Taverna 13000 Technology Drive, Eden Prairie, MN Flier on page 12

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MMGG members, Judy and Ken Welty with their 1967 MGB-GT
Description Page No. Club Officers 2 President’s Message 3 Editor Notes 4 Minutes from MMGG Secretary 5 Tech Tip on Fuel 6 From the Garage 7 MMGG Technical Advisers 10 Holiday Party Wrap Up 11 Kick off Lunch Flier 12 Valentine’s Tea Photos 13 MG Girl Corner 15 Rally in the Valley 2014 15 University Motors Summer Party 16 MMGG Calendar of Events 17 Other Clubs Calendar of Events 19
Description Page No. Additional Message from President 21
Rendezvous Information /Registration 22/23
Regalia 19 Membership Form 30
Santorini Taverna
Flier on page 12
Page 2
Name & Title Address E-mail Address & Phone Number
President Bob (Andy) Anderson
[email protected] 651-439-6876
[email protected] 612-363-5990
[email protected] 651-351-9500
[email protected] 952-893-9149
[email protected] 952-758-6070
[email protected] 715-832-8316
[email protected] 952-854-2505
[email protected] 715-832-8316
Bill McReaken 10905 27th Ave S
Burnsville MN 55387 [email protected]
New Hope MN 55428 [email protected]
763-536-5472 Tech Session Coordinator
[email protected]
4209 Decatur Ave N New Hope MN 55428
[email protected] 763-536-5472
Visit us on the web at:
The Minnesota MG Group was founded in 1987 and is dedicated to the preservation,
restoration, maintenance and enjoyment of the MG cars. MG car ownership is not
necessary to be a member of the Minnesota MG Group. Correspondence can be
addressed to: Minnesota MG Group - 1316 Martha St N Stillwater MN 55082.
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Message From the President
(Bob /Andy) Anderson President MMGG The 2nd annual MMGG event of the year has come and gone - the MMGG Valentine's Tea. The
Cooperative British High Tea was held at the loverly home of Joan and John Petroff in Bloomington on Saturday, February 16th. Approximately 20+ tea and sherry drinkers made it to the gathering all for the most part decked out in their finer attire and of course the ladies adorned some fine bonnets. Upon entry to their home one was greeted by the always- stylish Steve Rixen. Leave it to the Petroffs to engage a doorman for the event. A table of treats awaited the guests including the quite proper finger sandwiches with cucumber. I do not however recall seeing any watercress sandwiches. The desert counter in the kitchen did include English Toffee, so I think they had everything British, well represented. I think all had a veddy good time. Next up on the MMGG calendar for major social events is the annual MMGG Kick-off Lunch on Saturday, March 30th. Elena and Dick Biessener will be hosting this event to be held at Santorini Tavern in Eden Prairie. Check the Gazette for more details. This event usually attracks a big showing, and depending upon the weather, some MGs are actually out of hibernation and arrive at the lunch. Okay the MGs don't actually show up for the lunch, they are required to stay outside. I unfortunately will not be able to attend the lunch, so Dawn has agreed to be in charge of any official club issues, speeches, and glad-handing. I'll be up to something British though that involves driving on the left side of the road for a while again. I sure do appreciate the British for having held on to so many islands in the Caribbean. In addition to this event being our major kick off and in recognition that it's time to start
preparing our MGs for spring, it is also High Time to start getting our annual MMGG dues in to the Petroffs. Remember, our annual dues are $35.00, but - there is a $5 discount if the annual dues are paid before or at the Kick-off Lunch, after March 30th - dues revert to the full $35.00. And here is where I get on my annual soap box, previously as your Editor and now as your President, to try to encourage members to actually pay their dues on time. Please - simply take a few minutes now and write out the check and mail it in. It is a lot easier on our Treasurer to be able get the majority of the dues in at one time, instead of spread out over the entire calendar year. Yes - the entire calendar year. In past years there have been times that 50% of the members had not paid by June. This creates the unpleasant need to start dropping members from the club, simply because they keep forgetting to pay their dues, then a month or so later the check finally comes in, and they are back in the club again. So, write that check now while it is painless - later when you are doing your income taxes you'll regret every check you have to write. Spring is in the air, send Joan a check. There, now I can step down from the soap box for now - and remind everyone of another almost annual MMGG event; the John Twist Workshop at Quality Coaches on Saturday and Sunday, March 23rd and 24th. See the Gazette for more details. In closing - we still need volunteers and/or hosts for several MMGG events this year. Please look over our Calendar of Events for vacancies and contact me with questions or offers to volunteer. My door is always open. Bob (Andy) Anderson
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Notes from the Editor:
Diane Rindt Editor MMGG Gazette Greetings MMGG members! This issue should get you all fired up for spring. After all it begins March 20th. Having said that, there have been a few years that Steve and I
travel over to the cities for the Spring Kick Off and we travel through or just after a HUGE snowstorm. Let’s hope this year isn’t one of those. Either way we plan on being there and look forward to seeing everyone! The Valentine’s Tea was fun. Thank you John and Joan for having us over for tea, sherry, and all those yummy snacks. It was fun visiting with everyone. I especially enjoyed listening to Rich Leslie reminisce about the various car events he and Deb have traveled. As he spoke I wished I had my tape recorder to catch all of the details so I could share them with all of you. I guess I need Rich to submit an article or two! In this issue you will find the minutes from January’s Executive Committee Meeting. In February I sent the minutes as a separate attachment. Please know that everyone in the club is welcome to attend these meetings and would be warmly greeted by our dear president Andy. March’s meeting is Monday the 11th, at the “Shamrock’s Bar”. From 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. See the Calendar of Events for the address and dates of future meetings.
Since it’s been too darn cold and there’s been too much snow for driving our MGs, Steve and I have been riding our snow machines. In my mind it’s almost the same as driving around in a small convertible on country roads. We found some awesome trails through the woods that in some ways compare to the rally’s we drive with our MGs. However we found ourselves in the dark with many miles to travel before finding food, heat and shelter. As some of you know there are signs on the trails but at
times it’s as clear as mud on which way to go! Thank goodness Steve has a sense of direction and all I have to do is follow him. We left at 12:00 noon and didn’t get back home until
10:30 p.m. What a day, we didn’t REALY get lost but we came close to it and it was oh so nice to see the “Old Barn” bar in the middle of “No Where” to warm up before we ran out of gas. We traveled about 105 miles according to the sled O.D. The weatherman say’s we’re
going to get more snow this Friday so we are going to head out again this Saturday.
See you at the Kick Off Lunch, or on the trail! Diane
The MMGG Gazette welcomes all articles, features and letters. Please submit as text in E-mail, or attach a PDF document when no editing is required.
All articles, features and letters will be subject to editing but all efforts will be made not to change the meaning of the submitted document. Please submit articles for publication in the Gazette by
the 15th of the month to [email protected]
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Bonnie Bergquist MMGG Secretary MMGG Minutes from January, 2013 Executive Committee Meeting
Attendance: Bob Anderson, John and Joan Petroff, Jim Pennoyer, Lorna and Bill McReaken, Dawn Williams, Bob and Lori Jensen, Bonnie Bergquist Meeting was called to order at 6:02 P.M. by President Bob Anderson. Jim Pennoyer gave an update on the Holiday Party. 68 people were signed up as of 1/14. Tammy and the Bachelor will be the entertainment, there will be a raffle with each person receiving 10 tickets and tickets can be purchased – 10 for $5.00. Joan and John Petroff are hosting the Valentine’s Tea. It will be on Feb. 16th at 3:00. A flyer will be coming out shortly. With all of the events just starting to come into play for the year for all events “RSVP” and the date to respond will be added. It is very hard for hosts to prepare without having an idea on the number of attendees. We hope people will reply out of courtesy for our hosts. The Kick - Off Brunch will be Saturday, March 30th at Santorini, Eden Prairie and will be hosted by Dick and Elena Biessener. This will be the time to pay your dues. Discussion on putting the newsletter on the website in place of emailing it to members was tabled until the next meeting. Paid ads in the newsletter from non-members have an expiration date on them and we will more diligent about keeping track of that now.
MMGG membership database will be transferred to the Secretary, Bonnie Bergquist, leaving the treasurer position to just finances. The survey asking for memberships to NAMGAR and NAMGBR was something we need to provide to those registers each year for insurance coverage reasons. We’re an MG Chapter in those registers and we receive free insurance coverage for officers and board members if we have a minimum of 8 members in NAMGBR and we are paying $150.00 to NAMGAR for insurance coverage also. We will be looking into the types of coverage in each register. Bob Jensen, Past President, will be the contact for NAMGAR and NAMGBR. Treasurer, Joan Petroff reported we have $10,104 as of 1/14/13.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted by, Bonnie Bergquist, Secretary
Photo of MG Gathering in Tennessee 2006
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From Doctor Ernie Dead Lake Motors
I see disaster looming for collector or performance car owners. I don’t see any way around this problem, nor do I see any knight in shining armor riding to our rescue. The powers to be have seen fit to require the sale and use of E-15 (15% alcohol fuel) in all cars built in the last ten years and in all future cars. We already have to search to find the higher-octane fuel without alcohol. To keep the choices we have now: 91 octane, 89 octane, 87 octane, and flex fuel 80% alcohol, plus this new 15% alcohol fuel, a station would have to have five pumps or an expensive mixer pump to provide these fuels. I fear many stations will simply have: 87 octane 10% alcohol, ? octane 15% alcohol, and 80% gasohol in the near future. Being that our collector car numbers don’t even make up 1% of all the cars today, we have very little clout when pleading with the politicians. Nothing is impossible, but I can’t think of any reasonable or affordable fix for our cars to make them live with these new fuels. It may be that we’re relegated to just look, don’t drive, our cars. Of course we can all go buy farms and grow corn for a past time. Safe Motoring! Doctor Ernie Dead Lake Motors
More discussion on Ethanol Fuel From Bob/Andy Anderson President, MMGG
I do not recall the full story, but as I understand it the original move was to go to 20% ethanol blend. One of the MAIN proponents of this effort was our own past Governor, Mr. Pawlenty - and as I recall he was pushing for 20%. To the best of my knowledge, the EPA did approve the 15% blend, but it is still receiving much opposition, and a big opposition from the auto industry; as they are sticking to their explanation that 15% or 20% would result in voided warranties.
My further understanding is that while the EPA may have approved use of 15% it is not a requirement for states to start offering it. Gas stations are in opposition because it would require more tanks, because as long as there are 10% intended vehicles on the road, 10% would need to be provided.
The primary push for increased % blends is the corn/ethanol industry. The primary opposition to increased % blends is everyone else.
I won't go into a discussion on the pros and cons of ethanol, as I am quite opposed to its use and production and consider it to be an environmental experiment that will be looked back on someday with the comment, 'what were they thinking'.
You don't see the Mideast concerned about use using ethanol instead of their gasoline.
Bob (Andy) Anderson
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From the Garage by Dave Braun Waking Up a Sleeping MG
At some point, usually in the spring, thoughts turn to getting the MG out of the
garage and into driving shape. Depending on how the car was ‘put to bed’ and how long ago, the process can be almost as easy as turning the key and starting the car; or as involved as a complete service center like check-up. If you are truly waking an MG that has been slumbering for years, that may be a subject for another article, as this one is about getting our MGs out after winter storage. As you know, I’m a big advocate of doing the things in the fall to negate the accumulation of dirt, acids and moisture on our cars. I also believe that a properly charged battery, kept at very cool temperatures, can hold its charge easily over the previous several months of storage, although many folks use battery tenders now days. You might also remember that once stored I don’t advocate running the engine periodically. This practice simply serves to allow cool moist air in our engines to be heated just enough to deposit corrosion promoting moisture and acids throughout our drivelines, from the engine straight through to the exhaust. If you aren’t driving it, it can’t boil off that moisture.
Tommy, or 1952 MG TD in storage in a secure facility in Stillwater, where several other MMGG cars are stored. The owner of the facility knows that MMGG cars will be among the last in, and the first out of storage each year.
So assuming your storage procedure included adding a fuel stabilizer (not as needed in cool storage space environments but recommended regardless) changing the oil, filter, and in alternating years bleeding the brakes, changing the coolant and servicing the fluids in the gearbox and the rear axle you’re probably good to go. Top off the air in the tires (cold of course); disconnect the coil and crank the engine over until oil pressure builds; glance at the carburetors for signs of flooding due to a stuck inlet needle; re-connect the coil; pull the choke, turn the key and enjoy some trouble free driving. Unless you notice something awful under the car resembling the Exxon Valdez after a close encounter with an Alaskan shoreline, there isn’t a whole lot of reason to check all the fluids because you did all this at the end of the driving season, right? However, if your storage procedure was a bit more harried this past year (which happens to all of us once in a while, especially due to a fall like we just had where the driving season extends and then abruptly stops) your car may need a more thorough preparation prior to putting the car back on the road, regardless of how tempting it is to jump in and go. As much as I hate to think about the acids accumulated in the oil sitting on our engine bearings for an entire storage season, the damage (if any) is done and running the engine at this point with the old oil in it is not going to make things worse. So go ahead and first top off the gear box, rear axle and coolant; check the brake and clutch fluids along with pedal free play and feel; check the engine oil (black doesn’t mean it is bad… but we want to see if it is at least near the acceptable minimum running level); get oil pressure as described above; look for carburetor leaks and fire it up. Take the car for a 20- minute drive and note anything amiss. Do the wheels shake? Does it steer straight? Does the power come on throughout the engine range? Are there any unusual rattles and noises coming from expensive sounding corners of the car? Come back to the garage and use your favorite process to drain the oil out of the engine while you are making some notes on the things you
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discovered on your test drive. These items will become your to-do list before that first big trip.
The oil wasn’t changed when Diane’s car went into storage. Since the list of things to be done to the car was pretty long, we started early in February, and we started with an oil drain and fill. The Workshop Manual has a great checklist of maintenance items for the North American market to be performed at three thousand (Lubrication Service) six thousand (column A) and 12 thousand (column B), along with some 24 thousand and 36 thousand recommendations for specific areas of wear and things that don’t need attention as often as the six and 12 lists. But let’s face it, not many of us put six or even three thousand miles on our cars in a season, and many of the things on the checklist are as much related to time as to mileage. So if you have the Workshop Manual I want you to get it out right now, and mark both the Lubrication Service and Column A as yearly tasks, and column B as every other year tasks. If you want to make it a bit easier to manage, put the words ‘odd’ and ‘even’ next to the tasks in column B that occur only in column B… that way you can attend those tasks in odd and even years, spreading the work out over two service intervals instead of letting them all pile up every other year. If you are opposed to writing in your Workshop Manual, make a copy of the pages and write on those… but I have to be honest, I scribble in my manuals all the time, and in my friends’ manuals too. Keep these books away from me if this might bother you!
Note: Ensure that the vehicle is standing on a level surface when checking the oil levels. Weekly
(1) ENGINE. Check oil level, and top up if necessary. Every 6,000 miles or 6 months
(2) ENGINE. Drain and refill with new oil. (3) ENGINE. OIL FILTER. Remove the disposable cartridge, fit new.
Early cars: Drain filter, wash filter bowl in fuel and fit new element. (4) CARBURETTERS. Top up carburetter piston dampers. (5) ACCELERATOR. Lubricate accelerator control linkage, cable and pedal
fulcrum. (6) DISTRIBUTOR. Lubricate all parts as necessary. (7) REAR AXLE. Check oil level, and top up if necessary. (8) GEARBOX AND OVERDRIVE. Check oil level, and top up if necessary. (9) AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION . Check fluid level, and top up if necessary. (10) FRONT SUSPENSION (6 nipples) (11) HAND BRAKE CABLE (1 nipple)
LOCK AND HINGES. Lubricate the bonnet release safety catch and all locks and hinges.
Every 24,00 miles or 24 months (13) GEARBOX WITH OVERDRIVE. Drain, clean overdrive filters and refill with
new oil. Optional lubrication at 3,00 miles or 3 months (1) ENGINE. Check oil level and top up if necessary.
The Lubrication Chart from the Workshop Manual. You can follow this simple chart to keep the important parts of your MG lubricated. Now complete the Lubrication Service items, as per the handy diagram that follows the maintenance check list items in the Workshop Manual, but I want you to add lubricating the door locks with graphite powder, lubricating the hinges on the doors, and lubricating the locks and releases on the bonnet and boot lid. Look for wear in the bonnet release cable and on the actuating lever on the boot lid lock. Make a note to put those items on your maintenance schedule if anything is amiss as one of the most frustrating experiences on an MG is being unable to open either of those lids at an inconvenient time. If you are unsure of what
Give three or four strokes with a grease gun.
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you are looking at, engage the help of a good mentor to help you understand and fix anything you run across or is new to you.
Installing a new cable on the bonnet release. Note the use of a temporary screw to clamp the cable in place while testing. More typically, the cable is looped through the belcrank hole and then clamped to itself. I would also like you to lubricate the propeller shaft u-joints as those items are not included on the lubrication chart, but many of us have cars equipped with lubrication nipples on the u- joints. They’re small, so be careful when you get the grease gun on them because they can snap off at the threads… don’t ask me how I know! In fact, please follow clean procedures wherever there is a grease nipple or zirk on our cars. Wipe the nipple off so it is free of dirt and crud. Put the grease gun squarely on the nipple and give it three or four strokes with the grease gun, looking for grease coming out of the seams of the joint. Wipe off the excess grease so it doesn’t get flung about and make a mess under your car. It really is that easy. If this is the first time you are using the checklist, inspect all of the items on the A and B columns, and renew the items you marked for the odd or even year. But if you, for example, notice that the wheel alignment is off during your test drive, and see uneven wear on your front tires, attend to the item even if it is not on the current odd-even list, and perhaps trade it for a different biannual item. The important thing is that every other year we want to flush the cooling system; check the hoses; (and add this next item to the list) bleed the brakes, flushing the brake fluid; attend the fuel filter; inspect and or renew points and plugs; and anything else the gentlemen at Abingdon
thought was a good idea for our cars. With a simple caveat, I’m much more interested in inspecting mechanical items such as distributor caps, points and plugs, and checking the resistance of ignition leads, than replacing them willy-nilly. I do believe in changing all fluids at the recommended intervals though, and when in doubt, I do replace any other service item I run across.
Remove the front wheel to inspect the brakes, and check the play in the front wheel bearings. With respect to the 24 and 36 months list, well that’s a bit closer call. I find I don’t have to renew the adsorption canister (clean the charcoal) or the hydraulic brake seals (in other words, rebuild the master cylinder, the brake calipers and the rear wheel cylinders) every two and three years as recommended. These items are easy to inspect, and when you add flushing the brake fluid at regular intervals as I suggested above, depending on whether you are running DOT 3 or DOT 5, your seals should last at least five years, possibly more. Servicing the overdrive filter is also something that can be attended less often because the overdrive will let you know when it needs attention, just don’t select overdrive if it starts acting up as you are driving.
A voltmeter can help you check the condition of spark plug leads. They should all read about the same. Replace the set if there are large variances in the readings.
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All of these service check items can be done prior to storage, and in my mind, that’s the preferable time to do them. However, there are things that storing the car for a short time can affect that aren’t on a list, but that may crop up when the car is first driven. Remember, our cars were designed for year in and year out operation, as much as any of us would cringe at the thought of taking them out on a salt laden snowy freeway surrounded by drivers talking on cell phones as they propel along at 70 miles per hour… the original intent at the MG Works was more frequent use, cleaning and care. Storage may mean an accumulation of dust on the finish, of clouding over of electrical contact points, and corrosion of surfaces that in normal use would not see rust such as brake discs and bright work. So my final suggestions are to clean the interior surfaces; treat the leather or vinyl upholstery; keep the electrical connections bright and clean and include a bit of dielectric grease when servicing them; treat rust before it becomes a big problem; treat the convertible top to hood cleaner or vinyl protection; and keep the paint work clean and shiny. Oh, and that rust on the brake discs? It will be gone the first time you drive the car. Safety Fast! Dave
Photo of Steve and Linda Bryan at Wheels and Wings 2001
MMGG Technical Advisors
MGA - Brian McCullough 651-462-0145
Midgets - Brian McCullough (651)462-0145
Triple-M - Lew Palmer (651)436-7401
T-types - Bob Figenskau (952)935-7909
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MMGG Holiday Party Wrap Up
The 2013 MN MG Holiday party was a wonderful success, at the Lost Spur Country Club in Eagan. The buffet was delicious, along with the cake provided by our planning team. Tami and Bachelor provided wonderful entertainment throughout the evening and many from the group enjoyed dancing.
Thank you to all who donated raffle items. We received so many wonderful donations, that we had to add a couple of extra tables to display them all. Raffle tickets were sold to those who wanted additional chances to win some of these fabulous donations. We’d like to especially thank the following companies for their raffle item donations, which helped make the evening a success:
Apple Hydraulics ( Eau Claire British Car ( MMGG ( – thank you to the board for contributing items to the raffle! Nardini Fire Equipment, Co. ( Quality Coaches ( Strictly British (email: [email protected]) Wine Heart, Everyday Art ( – hand made glasses from wine & liquor bottles
A special thank you to Keith & Val Kaaria for donating the large basket filled with food items from around the world. It was one of the highlights of the raffle.
* If we’ve forgotten to mention any companies who donated items, we apologize.*
Following is a summary of the results of the survey, from the holiday party. 41 responses were received out of 67 in attendance. Note that one response could represent 1 or 2 people in attendance:
1. 100% surveyed, liked the new location at the Lost Spur Country Club in Eagan. 2. 85% of those surveyed, preferred the raffle to the auction. 3. 95% of those surveyed, enjoyed having entertainment. Everyone enjoyed Tami and the
Bachelor’s music and would like to have them back in the future. 4. 75% like buffets better than plated meals, 5% like either type of meal, 15% like plated over
buffet and 5% didn’t answer this question. 5. 85% preferred the format of this year’s holiday party, 5% liked both formats, 2% prefer
past party format with auction, and 8% didn’t answer this question. 6. Comments were positive, that all had a good time and a few ideas were provided for
improvement. Thank you to all who participated in our survey. This will help those who will be planning this event for 2014!
Finally, thank you to the planning team members for all their hard work: Alan and Jennie Anderson Randy and Cindy Byboth Jim and Cindy Pennoyer
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Santorini TavernaSantorini TavernaSantorini TavernaSantorini Taverna Saturday March 30th
Time: 11:00 a.m. Cost: $ 20.00 per/person
Kickoff Lunch includes buffet lunch, soft drink, dessert, tax and tip. You pay at the restaurant, but Elena must have your reservation by March 21ST Respond to:
[email protected] or call 651-337-0681 13000 Technology Drive
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The “MG Girl Corner”
The MG Girls started a “Book Club” Come even if you haven’t read the book.
Date: Sunday March 3rd Host: Cindy Pennoyer
Location: 4209 Decatur Ave N, New Hope, MN Time: 1:00 p.m.
R.S.V.P. to Cindy at: (763) 536-5472 Book: The Forgotten Garden by Kate
Morton Potluck: We’ll each bring something
to share, for lunch.
Rally in the Valley
Sponsored by: The Minnesota MG Group. Hosted by: Steve and Diane Rindt
“Rally in the Valley” is a European InterMarque sports car event.
Mark your calendars now for next year (2014). Thursday May 29th thru June 1st 2014.
New Location: Best Western Plus Trail Lodge Hotel & Suites Claire-hotels/BEST-WESTERN-PLUS-Trail-Lodge-
Questions or comments please contact:
Diane Rindt email: [email protected] Phone: (715)379-6001
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John Twist at University Motors Location: Grand Rapids Michigan
Do you enjoy driving your MG and would you like to take an awesome road trip? If the answer is “yes” please join us on a trip to the University Motors (John Twist) Summer Party. Drive the Upper Peninsula of Michigan seeing beautiful sights along the way. Arrive at the summer party and socialize with all the MG owners from all over the country. Some of the Details: Day One: August 13, 2013 Dinner and spend the night at the Terrace Bay Resort in Gladstone, MI (906) 786-7554 I have reserved a block of 20 rooms giving us a 10% discount. Call them today and mention my name (Diane Rindt) or (John Twist Summer Party) Park your car just outside your door ($82.00) Lakeside view ($89.00) Day Two: August 14, 2013 We will spend the day enjoying all that Mackinaw City has to offer. Our over night stay will be at the Best Western Plus Dock Side http://www.mackinaw- in Mackinaw City, MI (231) 436-5001 or 1-800-944-1615
Day Three: August 15th, 2013 Arrive at the event in Grand Rapids, MI at the Hilton Hotel grand-rapids-airport-GRRHIHF/index.html (616) 957-0100 I have not reserved a block for us there, so make your reservations NOW it’s filling up fast! (This is good; it means there will be a lot of cars!) Some details for the event (August 15th – 18th) from John. The featured cars will be sedans (Y types, Z types, Farinas, and 1100/1300s). John will have more advertising about the event on the University Motors website soon. Day Six: August 18th, 2013 Head for home. You may want to leave bright and early driving straight home. Or spend one more night with us. We will spend August 18th at the Comfort Inn michigan-MI168 in Manistique MI. (906) 341-6981 Once again mention my name Diane Rindt for the discount. Contact Diane if you are interested in going with us! Email: [email protected] Phone: (715) 379-6001
Lake Michigan and Lake Superior awaits you!
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Date Event Location and Details Host or Contact 2nd Monday of
January, March, May, July and
Shamrock’s Bar 995 W 7th St - St. Paul, MN
6 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Sat. & Sunday March 23rd and 24th
John Twist Workshop 20 West 38th Street
Minneapolis, MN 55409 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Quality Coaches Mark Brandow (612) 824-4155
Saturday March 30th 13000 Technology Drive
Dick and Elena Biessener [email protected]
or call (651) 337-0681
Saturday April 27 th 728 8th Ave. South Sauk Rapids, MN
Dan Iburg [email protected]
Saturday May 4th
Dakota County Fair Grounds
Farmington MN 55024
Dawn Williams at 612-363-5990
[email protected] Saturday May 18th
when available.
Friday June 21st
MMGG Friday’s Sundae Drive (3rd Friday every month)
Each drive will start at 7:00 p.m., and will be just under an hour long.
Jim Gevay 763-780-8140
Dawn Williams at [email protected]
“The Original Blast from the Past” Vintage Voyagers Car Show Chetek, WI
[email protected]
MMGG Drive (Tour) More information will be posted when available.
(Open) Anyone interested contact Dawn Williams at [email protected]
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Friday July 19th
MMGG Friday’s Sundae Drive (3rd Friday every month)
Each drive will start at 7:00 p.m., & will be just under an hour long.
Jim Gevay 763-780-8140
Falcon Heights, MN
Ruth Marston [email protected]
More information will be posted when available.
Bill and Lorna McReaken 952-890-0102
[email protected]
Brit Fest Hudson, Wisconsin
Lakefront Park in Hudson 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Awards at 2:00 p.m.
Tom Belongia [email protected]
Tom Moerke [email protected]
Party Grand Rapids Michigan.
Steve and Diane Rindt 715-832-8316
[email protected]
MMGG Friday’s Sundae Drive (3rd Friday every month)
Each drive will start at 7:00 p.m., and all will be under an hour long.
Jim Gevay 763-780-8140
when available.
October 5th Fish - n - Chips 238 Glen Circle
River Falls Car show at 11:00 a.m. to Fish/Chips at 1:00 p.m.
Tom and Barb Belongia 715-425-0189
[email protected]
when available.
Mark Brandow
when available.
Dawn Williams at [email protected]
when available.
[email protected] Saturday
More information will be posted when available.
Andy (Bob) Anderson [email protected]
Page 19
Saturday November (?)
when available.
when available.
(See page 20 for more information)
Steve and Diane Rindt 715-832-8316
[email protected]
Date Event Location and Details Host or Contact
Sunday Feb. 24th
Wheaton, IL 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Chicagoland MG Club
Fort Snelling Officers Club 28 Snelling Lake Road
Fort Snelling, MN
Vintage Foreign Motorcars Club of the Upper Midwest.
Thurs. - Sun. June 6th - 9th
Rendezvous Ruttger’s Surgar Lake Lodge PO Box 847
Grand Rapids, Minnesota 55744
Chairperson: Eileen Wetzel [email protected]
NAMGAR, Ashville, NC (GT-38)
Saturday Morning British Breakfast at the Square Peg Diner
East Ender’s Saturday Morning Breakfast at the Sail Away Café
Open to all lovers of British cars. Proprietor Phil Vanner, British car owner,
welcomes you. From 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. (most people get there early).
After breakfast we linger in the parking lot, weather permitting, to “show off” our cars at: 2021 East Hennepin Avenue, Minneapolis
A group of MG’ers have started a semimonthly East Enders Breakfast group.
For those MG (and any other) enthusiasts that want breakfast a little later and not have to
drive to Minneapolis. Join us on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays each month, 9:00 a.m.
1321 St. Croix Trail, Afton, MN. North of County Road 18 and St. Croix Trail.
Page 20
Sunday June 30th
Saint Paul, MN 55107
Saturday June 22nd
Starts at Back to the 50s
As all Great Racers know, the 30th anniversary Great Race will start in St. Paul, Minnesota, on June 22, 2013, and will follow the Mississippi River south toward New Orleans before finishing in
Mobile, Alabama, on June 30.
Hemmings Motor News The Great Race
presented by Hagerty
NAMGBR, Corvallis, OR Event Web Site
Thursday July 18th - 21st
The HAWK with Brian Redman N7390 Hwy 67, Plymouth, WI
Road America
Sunday July 28th
Saint Paul, MN 55107
Saturday August 17th
when available.
org Saturday
L.O. Simenstad Municipal Airport Osceola, WI
Parking cars at 7:00 a.m. Show begins at 8:00 a.m.
Awards at 2:30 p.m.
Osceola Chamber of Commerce
Waumandee Hillclimb Alma and Waumandee Wisconsin
Open to vintage vehicles 1983 and older.
MN Austin Healey Club Tom Hazen (612) 237-1883
[email protected]
Saint Paul, MN 55107
Page 21
Thursday – Sunday June 12th – 15th
Thunder Bay, Canada John Colosimo [email protected]
Pat Ament [email protected]
Event Web Site
Additional Message from our MMGG President: Dear MMGG members, friends and associates: In the process of cleaning house over here at MMGG Headquarters, I have come across some things that require some clarifications to members and others. I even think I may have mentioned some of this already, but some issues are still coming up. On our web site there was a feature that gave anyone and everyone that requests it, the ability to register and receive a password to upload photos, text, anything to our web site. I even tried this and received my password, but luckily I was unable to get to the point of actually being able to upload things to our web site. That was a major relief. The last thing we needed was to give anyone and everyone the ability to upload anything they want to our web site. Steve removed this feature from the web site. This feature better fits with a blog not a web site. A part of this process involved confirmation emails going back to the requester and to what is our club's secondary email address. Which I discovered was loaded with email confirmations for all the requests to upload to our web site, 100s. Some I could see were from familiar email addresses, others I have no idea who the requesters were. To keep things simple, I've deleted all the request confirmations. So if anyone noticed that once they applied for and received the passwords, they still were unable to upload to the web site, this is why. The official MMGG email contact for the President is - [email protected]. This is the MAIN email for the club. However, there is another email floating around as a secondary email that no one is actually using anymore - [email protected]. Unfortunately it is the 2nd email that appears on our club business cards that we distribute to prospective members. I'll be ordering new cards so we can minimize that bit of confusion. In the meantime, there does appear to be some type of Facebook page or whatever for our club that several members are using, but as far as I can tell it is Closed Group - whatever that means. Not being a Face book user I have no idea how or what it consists of, just that there is one. If people wish to have things considered for uploading to our website, they should contact our web master Steve Rindt at [email protected] I hope I've clarified some, I think I have bored many. Bob (Andy) Anderson
Page 22
The shores of Sugar Lake and banks of the Mississippi in Grand Rapids beckon you to “Brake at the Lake” for the 2013 Vintage Sports Car Rendezvous June 6-9. With Sugar Lake Lodge as the focal point of weekend activities and accommodations at other Grand Rapids inns, there are plenty of rooms for everyone to enjoy the hospitality of the Minnesota Austin-Healey Club and citizens of the Greater Grand Rapids area. Those wanting an early start on the weekend, can arrange a relaxing – or at least challenging – round of golf Thursday at the lodge’s 18-hole course. Tee times can be made directly with the pro shop. The official good times begin Thursday afternoon with registration from 3-7 p.m. At 6:30 p.m., welcoming hospitality begins at the lodge featuring activities that renew existing friendships and foster new ones. Friday will dawn on a variety of activities. Gymkhana enthusiasts will gather at the Grand Rapids Airport at 9 a.m. for the drivers’ meeting, followed by pulse-pounding runs on an autocross artfully designed by Tom Hazen until 3 p.m. If you prefer a more sublime driving pace,
Friday’s Downtown Car Show will be a fundraiser for Grand Rapids area Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts.
take one of several self-guided tours of the surroundings, go on a Treasure Hunt or meander into downtown Grand Rapids for a tour of the Blandin Corporation’s paper mill, nearby shopping and luncheon opportunities. Starting at 3 p.m., Mike & Gloria Lynch’s team will begin aligning our sports cars around the Grand Rapids town square for a Downtown Car Show benefiting local Boy Scout and Girl Scout troops from 4-7 p.m.. Each driver will receive a bucket with their registration number on it to place before their car. Townspeople and tourists will be invited to cast as many votes as they wish for their favorites using $1 bills to buy ballots. All proceeds go directly to the scouts. Of course owners may also vote for their cars as often as they want. The byword is “Vote Early & Often” – just like they do in Chicago. The sports cars receiving the most ballots will be recognized at Saturday’s awards banquet. Food & beverage options will be available on the square and at local restaurants throughout the late afternoon and early evening. Saturday morning is all about rallying or otherwise enjoying the beauty of the area. Afternoon highlights include a Lakeshore Show & Shine, Ladies’ Wine & Cheese Party and Tech Sessions for the guys. The evening’s happy hour and awards banquet will cap weekend activities.
Register @
Morris Garage Band will begin playing classics from the ‘50s, ‘60s & ‘70s at 8 p.m. Friday for dancing and entertainment at Sugar Lake Lodge.
Page 23
Can/Am Rendezvous June 6-9 23rd Annual Vintage Sports Car Gathering Sugar Lake Lodge *** Grand Rapids, Minn. Hosted by: The Minnesota Austin-Healey Club Weekend Schedule Thursday -- Registration: 3-7 p.m. Hospitality Reception: 6:30-9 p.m. Friday -- Registration: 8 a.m.- Noon, Airport AutoCross, Self-Guided Tours, Treasure Hunt, Downtown Car Show, Morris Garage Band 8-10 p.m. Saturday -- Car Fun Rally, Lakeshore Show & Shine, Ladies Wine & Cheese Party, Tech Sessions, Awards Banquet Sunday -- Breakfast & Goodbyes ON-LINE REGISTRATIONS @ Name ________________________________________________Spouse/Guest______________________________
(PRINT LEGIBLY first and last name/names as they should appear on badges) Street________________________________________________City______________________________________ State/Province/PostalCode_________________________________________________________________________ E-mail address_________________________________________________Phone_____________________________ (Include e-mail address if you want a confirmation of registration – none will be sent otherwise.) Club Name _____________________________________________________________________________________ Vehicle/s to be registered: Yr.__________Make_____________________________Model _____________________ Vehicle/s to be registered: Yr.__________Make_____________________________Model _____________________ On-line Registration $70 Mail-in Registration $75 After May 1: $90.00 (All fees in U.S. Dollars) $ _________________ (Registration includes one vehicle, two adults, one child under 18 & one free T-shirt) Each additional person: $5.00 x________ $_________________ Each additional vintage car: $5.00 x________ $_________________ Free shirt size______ 2nd shirt ______ 3rd shirt _____ Added shirts: ___ x $15.00 $_________________ (T-Shirt Sizes: Small, Medium, Large, XL, XXL & XXXL) Ladies Wine & Cheese Party: $10.00 $_________________ Awards Banquet tickets: $35.00/person x _______ $_________________
Total $_________________ SIGN ME UP FOR: Paper Mill Tour ___ Autocross ___ Downtown Car Show ___ Rally ___ Tech Sessions ___ IF MAILING REGISTRATION, make checks payable to Minnesota Austin-Healey Club (U.S. $$s). Send completed form to: Greg Lauser, W12349 694th Ave., Prescott, Wis. 54021 Registration questions to: [email protected] Cancellations before May 1 are subject to a $15.00 fee. No refunds after May 1. HOTEL RESERVATIONS: Sugar Lake Lodge at [email protected] or call 1-800-450-4555 or 1-218-327-1462 Other Grand Rapids Lodging: AmericInn. 1-218-326-8999, Super 8, 1-218-327-1108, Sawmill Inn, 1-800-667-7508, Timberlake Lodge, 1-866-800-2200
Page 24
THINGS FOR SALE AND SERVICES Minnesota MG Group member ads will run free for three months, unless you tell the editor to drop them earlier or run them longer. The month/year the ad was placed will be listed. Cost for commercial ads are as follows:
• Business Card—$10.00/issue • 1/4 page—$20.00/issue • 1/2 page-$30.00/issue • Full page-N/A.
All commercial ads must run a minimum of 6 months and must be paid in advance. Send money to 4271 North Shore Drive, Eau Claire, WI 54703. (c/o Diane Rindt) Make checks payable to the MMGG. Send ad to [email protected] If you are a member, please indicate this when placing the ad or notice, also provide your full name so information can be verified.
Date Posted Description of Service or Sale Contact January 2013 REDUCED PRICE
1973 MG Midget For Sale: 1275 motor, 4 speed, I owned the car for 12 years. New red paint, runs well, Looks very
good. New black canvas top. Many new items added over the years. $4,500.00
Call Paul Houle
(651) 433-3382
January 2013 Dual Pneumatic Boot (trunk) Strut Kit for 62-71 MGB with single steel prop rod. Moss Part number 900-074 $25.00. Installation available.
Dave Braun [email protected]
good condition, mechanically excellent. Asking $7,500.
Bill (772) 597-5373
Page 25
January 2013
1950 MG TD with an MGA driveline and Wire Wheels $9500. "Cream and Crackers" paint with good black interior, solid hardwood dash and tan canvas top. Body in good condition with no significant rust or rotted wood noted. Decent chrome. New exhaust. Electrics all work. Rubber is good. Car is converted to wire wheels and an MGA rear axle. Car runs, drives, and stops well. Not a perfect car, but an easy "20 Foot-er"
For more details please contact Brian.
Photos by request.
Brian Mc Cullough,
Ring: 651•400•0145
2013 Barn Find (sort of) 1955 MGTF 1500, Red with wire wheels.
Quality Coaches, Inc. (Mark Brandow) 612-306-0044
or 612- 824- 4155
February 2013
1962 MGA MK2, Old English white with steel wheels. To be on display in March during the Quality Coaches John Twist Tech Sessions (March 23 & 24)
Quality Coaches, Inc. (Mark Brandow) 612-306-0044
or 612- 824- 4155
March 2013
1966 Sunbeam Tiger, 2 owner car (same family). Rust free from California, now North Dakota. Recently refreshed with new paint, replace/re-chrome parts, as needed, new soft-top, plus hardtop. A very nice car! $30,000.
More Information found at link found just under photo.
MMGG will not sell your information or share it with third parties for marketing or other purposes.
Page 26
4271 North Shore Drive, Eau Claire WI – 54703 Lowest Shop Rates in the Area - Steve Rindt 715-456-1174
CARS WANTED Very Serious Buyer for: Jaguar, XK-XKE, MG-"T" series, MGA
Triumph, TR-2-3-4-250, Mercedes 190-220-230-250-280 SL All open cars Porsche 356-911-914, Austin Healey, Riley, Alfa-Romeo,
Singer, 1964-1967 Ford Mustang, Model T, A Entire Collections Possible
1930's-1960's - Buying Restored Gas Pumps Also other interesting cars - European and American made
STEVE'S BRITISH CONNECTION USA (630) 553-9023 email [email protected]
Page 27
MMGG Member Gary Laabs Bug-Be-Gone
Here is a way to catch bugs and keep your radiator clean. The screen is easily installed No drilling required. Simple to clean. Wash with water or a
(Cell) 612-226-1192 (Home) 763-493-5615
Page 28
Bob Enfield 4052 Mica Trail
Eagan, MN 55122 [email protected]
Office 651.681.8040 Cell 952.220.5779
Introducing our second location!
We have just expanded our room and now offer British Car Storage at our new location North of Forest Lake between Wyoming, MN and East Bethel. We will remain in the shop most are familiar with but in order to serve our clients better, we have decided to offer the expanded facilities. Save yourself a Costly tow in spring and store your car with BMC this winter and we will start your car for it’s spring awakening ready it for your pickup. Whether you require winter maintenance and need your car in an accessible location or simply need storage, contact Brian for Reservations and further information.
[email protected] Ring: 651.400.0145
Brighter & Safer Brake, Parking & Turn Signals
L.E.D.s use less power, last longer and are seen better than standard tail lamps. Unlike some older type tail lamp bulb replacements, these are actually cooler and will not damage the lens. L.E.D.s for British Classics can be purchased here: Several videos on light replacement can be found at: feature=mhum#g/u
SU Carburetor Rebuilds
SU Carburetors work best when in Tip Top condition. We will rebuild your carburetors
paying special attention to throttle shafts butterflies, floats, dampers and jet assemblies.
Speedy turn-around, responsive communication, guaranteed work.
H, HS and HIF carburetor services are offered. For a quote please email
[email protected] or visit
Page 29
Shirts in various styles and colors with custom-embroidered Minnesota MG Logos are now available for ordering. Items can be picked up at the next event or shipped directly to the address you specify. A shipping & handling fee of $5.00 will be added. Add an additional fee of $3.00 if you want your name stitched on your purchase. To place orders contact Jennie Anderson at [email protected] Phone:952-854-2505
MG Girl Tank Top $12.50 ea (MMGG Members)
MG Girl Patches $14.00 ea
MMGG Patches $14.00 ea
$24.00ea to
MMGG Blanket $20.00 each
$35.00 each
There are many more options of clothing not shown here when ordering MMGG Regalia. Ask Jennie Anderson to see the various styles of Jackets (Summer/Fall and Winter) - Hats (Baseball, Stocking Caps, Visors) - T-Shirts Short/Long Sleeve, Tank Tops, Denim Shirts Short/Long Sleeve, Polo Shirts, Dress Shirts, Sweat Shirts Plain/Hooded, Pullover/Zipper. Jennie Anderson [email protected] or Phone:952-854-2505
Page 30
Name: Spouse/Partner’s Name: Address: Address: City: City: State & Zip: State & Zip: Telephone: Telephone: Email: Email: MG’s Owned: MG’s Owned:
Minnesota MG Group Membership Form
The Minnesota MG Group was founded in 1987 and is dedicated to the preservation, restoration, maintenance and enjoyment of all MG cars. MG car ownership is not necessary to be a member of the Minnesota MG Group. Membership is $35.00 with a $5.00 discount if paid before the spring MMGG Spring Kick-Off Brunch, typically held in - March of each year. The membership year runs from January 1st to December 31st. New members joining after August 31st of any given year shall be granted membership for the remainder of that year and the next year as well. Use this form to join, renew or change your membership. Please compete this form and include a check for $35 (or $30 if paying before or by the day of the MMGG Spring Kick-Off Brunch).
Check Box if you DO NOT want your name, address, phone number and email information available in an MMGG Members’ Roster.
Check Box if you DO want your name, address, phone number and email information available in an MMGG Members’ Roster Check this box if this is a renewal and circle the changed information.
Not indicating a preference will result in your information being added to the roster.
MMGG will not sell your information or share it with third parti es for marketing or other purposes. Mail this form to: Make Check Payable to: Minnesota MG Group Minnesota MG Group c/o Joan Petroff, 5017 Kingsdale Drive, Bloomington, MN 55437