mjjflhhmp j? wrv- v s.'xtn hawaii's popular sea captains ... · appearing. tho...

MjjflHHMP WrV- - f tn...M riMittr &uc. ' y V kill J S.'XTN ""a Hawaii's Popular Sea Captains ! VENING uLJLETI N Gapt. ONE VOTE FOR THE MOST POPULAR CAP Re&istei Your Votes for Your Favorite ! TAIN OP FLEET. THE ISLAND 4 Vol. VIII. No. 1M& HONOLULU, H. I., FRIDAY, PEIHUJAUY 2 IHOO Puion b Obnta. HILO SCORES ONE SCARE Illness of a Portuguese Tbal Proved to Ee Mot Serious. EwylblDg Funnlnj Smoothl- y- Awaiting Out- - come of Dcltgdie Lotbtnsteln's Work Bccklty tomes In (or Some Criticism. (Special to tho Oullotln.) Ullo, Jan. 28. Health mntters have beon running smoothly here tor a week under tho guidance ot tho Hoard ot Health for Hawaii selected dm Ing Min- ister Cooper's visit. Tho "scavenger commlttoo" has continued work and , moat of tho places hi Chinatown and , Jnptown havo been whitewashed and I placed In sanitary condition. ' f Representative Loebunstein has gone to Honolulu to confer with tho lloard ot Health as to what should nnd what should not como to llllo but as tho sit- uation there according to our last ad- vices, Is unchanged, except for tiio . worse, It Is not probablo he will conic back with any more knowledgo of tho subject than he carried away with him. Tho death of Mrs. Uoardmnn caused somo excitement here and is deeply by thoso who were acquainted with her. That death moio than any- thing else, perhaps, was deemed sulll-cle- nt excuse for ono of tho leading busi ness men to call a meeting ot mer-- 1 chants at tho engine house this morn- - ( ing, but it wa3 sparsely attended. Tho concensus of opinion was that tho island ot Hawaii should not bo open to rccclvo anything from Honolu- lu whllo tho plaguo continues there. Many of tho men do not want tho malls to como and they especially object to freight of any character. Several mer- chants spoko and the tenor of their re- marks indicated a lack of confldenco in Hockley of tho Ktnau and anything In which ho Is In anyway interested. They admlro the courso taken by tho officers and men on tho Noenu but de- cry tho actions and persistency of (. Heckler. Yesterday a Toi tugueso employed In I I ono of tho large retail houses hero was i! I taken suddenly ill with pains In his gioln and ho developed n high fever. Ho was nt onco sent home nnd n physi- cian sent for, but owing to n mlsundcr-- , standing did not sco tho patient. Tho man's family sent for a Jnpaueso doc tor who reported tho coso ns misplclous at the Sheriff's office. Doctors Grace and Mooro wcro sent for nnd they pro- nounced tho enso not plague, but said they would glvo a flnal answer In twen-ty-fo- hours, which cxplr'-- i tonight. Wo do not believe It Is plague. At a meeting ot tnc Hoard of Health held last night it was rcsolvul to sus- pend nil operations of n banttnry na- ture as a body until It waH learned whether tho members were to receive nuthority for their acts as a Hoard of Hculth. Dr. Russell icmaikcd that tho position of n member of tho locil Hoard was very much the samo as tho man who received instructions to do some sort of labor which required Mio uso of his arms, but ns hownn a pain-lyt- lc ho could do nothing. The Hoard has received Information thut unau- thorized freight and mnll Is being land- -' ed at other ports of tho Island nnd as they have no authority to stop it they decided to Euspcnd work nnd watt de- velopments. This throws this Island open to receive any old thing your peo- ple want to send up. In tho merchants' meeting today Shoriff Andrews was endorsed by those piesent. In Bplto of any thing the Ho-- f uolulu papers may say tho people hero havo confldenco in him nnd wilt stind by him. Androws says ho will obey tho orders ot his superiors In Honolulu so long us ho is Sheriff nnd vhn Lo docs not do so it will bo an a private citizen. Certain it Is that at one of tho .early meetings hold ho- - o ho kept tho 'obstreperous ono in control. He has not ben led by Mr. Wilson or nny-on- o who Is excitable durlm; n crisis; Andrews did not loso his head for a moment. Tho custom ot sending foreign in voices to Hllo by way of Honolulu is causing somo iuconvcnlcuco to tho im- porters, as tho malls not ni riving pro-ven- ts their entering their goods. Tho Courtney Ford nnd tho Amy Taylor sailed this morning for San Francisco tho former cnnylug a full load ot sugar. Tho Aztec may load her mule3 to- morrow for her trip to Manila. Tho . stock was in poor condition when ship- ped. Captain Galo In an interview pub- lished in tho Hawaii Herald states that tho animals were green when shipped and that after a seven day storm In San Francisco they left with tho germs of pneumonia In their system. There wore eleven dead before reaching here, another died as soon as lauded and three havo since died. Tho captain speaks favorably of transports coming ; hero and says a coal ptlo is not needed. I Tho Itoderlck Dim will sail for the Coast about February 10. Launch Lurlluo (Matsou & Co.) foundered hero last Friday. WEDDING STATIONERY, Engraved Cards, Embossing. H. F. WICHMAN. "ftLtifllMti 111 f Wfrf--- ' '' .tiiW.W-A---"-.- - QUANTITY OF ANT1T0XINE Received From Pasteur Institute by Hjana Yesterday. Bjad of " Health Also Receives a Lot of Hoffklne Prophylactic From Washington-Fl- uids Send to Cold Storage. The Hoard of Health received by tli Moaua yesterday 100 bottles of antl-toxln- o from tho Pasteur Institute in Paris and n largo quantity of what Is known as tho Haflklno Prophylactic from Washington. Tho former is, of course, for uso on plaguo patients, but according to tho present outlook, tncro Is not much chance of Its being used for tho pcoplo nt tho pest houso aro nil getting better and no new cases aro appearing. Tho prophylactic Is for uso on pcoplo who havo been exposed to the plague. Tho following Instructions for uso of tho fluid nccompanieu mo shipment: 'Huh ilutd is purely propnylnctlc In character; is In no senso curntlvo and should not bo confounded with Anti-pe- st Scrum. It should not be used on thoso al- ready exposed to tho infection of plague, but its employment should bo limited to tho Immunization of persons or communities threatened with tho disease. Tho prophylactic Is n toxin nnd should an Individual treated with It contract tho dlsenBo prior to the of Its nntltoxlc effects ho would probably succumb. In n week or ten days after its uso this anti- toxic effect is produced nnd lenders him Immuno to tho disease. The Im- munity thus conferred lasts an unde- termined time, probably sevcrnl months and may bo Increased by a sec- ond or third treatment. Tho Inocula tion Is followed by a reaction. Tho fluid should be Injected Into tho looso councctlve tissue of tho back, nrm or other con- venient regions and with tho usual employed In such operations ns sterilizing tho area by somo anti- septic solution nnd by boiling tho syringe. In view of tho Impoi tanco of tho sub- ject tho i.iarino Hospital Servlso re- quests that you report tho effect of tho Prophylactic to tho Director or me Hygienic Laboratory of the U. S. Ma- rino Hospital Service, Washington, D. C. Somo of the antitoxin and prophylac- tic has been retained In tho Ico box of the Hoard of Health laboratory, but the most of It has been sent to the cold storngo department of tho Hnwnllan Electric Co. ns It is necessary to keep tho fluids at a temperature of about 40 degrees F. DIVING AT THE WRECK. Yesterday tho divers of the marine railway wcro operating at tho wreck ot tho barkcntlno William Carson. John, tho native diver, went down nnd inserted tho nlr hoso injho vessel. This wns to test, mo lining power mo uppu-rat- on tho vessel. Thero proved to bo too free an escape of air for any practical effect. The air camo up through tho water in bubbling volume. Alex. Lylo afterward descended and closed a cabin light that was supposed to bo tho principal vent for letting out the air. Ho mado a visual examination of tho hull, finding it seemingly all right with tho exception of tho damage from the collision. Tho water was sixty feet deep from tho forward rail. So clear was the water that tho diver could not only seo his hoso and lines all tho way to tho top, but could plainly discern tho workmen on the stago nt the surfaco and tell what they were doing. NOW DOYLE'S WORKING. Chester Doylo has tho disinfecting and fumigating plant nt tho drill shed camp in full blast today. 110 Began bathing his Jnpaneso wards at 9 o'clock and by 12 had put fully three-fourth- s of them through tho operation. Behind a board screen aro tubs ot hot water diluted with carbolic acid wherein tho pcoplo are required to wash themselves. Then Mr. Doylo, porched on tho angle of tho screen, gives them a good douch- ing ot cold water from a garden hose. After each batch of, say, ten bathers tho acidulated water in tho tubs is changed. As tho pcoplo lcavo the bath- ing placo they go to tho fumigating shed, where thoy receive clean nnd fu- migated clothing to replace the gar- ments thoy had put off. , Charged With Vagrancy. H. Kaweamnhl, was arrested yestcr-da- v 'on tho charge of flotation of sec tion 370 of tho Penal Laws, relating to vagrancy. It is alleged that Kawca-ma- hl was found in tho Arlington bil- liard parlors, Hotel street, after that placo was closed last evening. Tho caso has beon set for tho Cth Inst. Tho Board of Agriculture is meeting this afternoon. . -- v'wfi' -- & . 'VTBW J? " 'C' HARTWELL IS IGNORED. (Special Correspondence to Hie Bulletin.) Washington, Jan. 20. The state- ment published by the Bulletin that A. S. Hartwell, special agent of President Dole was properly called down, at a dinner given bv him, for remarks concerning annexation, Is a statement of fact your local official people to the contrary hotwlthstjnd-Ing- . Prince David, who Is likely to be In Honolulu soon, can confirm the statement and give additional Inclderts In connection with Hart-wel- l's discomfiture. Hjrtwell made a big mistake In coming to Washington and now he Is fully aware of It He may be a General and a self Importart man In Honolulu, but he Is far from It In Washington. Hartwell Is Ignored here.. He feeU It and on more than one occasion has said that he wants to go home. He has said that had he known how he would be receiv- ed In Washington he ould not have come and actually cried ovs It one night after dinner when he was feeling particularly dubious. When Col. Parker returned to Washington after his western trip he was Invited to a reception at the White Hou. Hartwll and W. O. Smith were ignored as they KAUAI NBWS NOTES. Tho steamer Kcnuhou came in from Kllauca this morning with a load of sugar consigned to vatlou.i parties. Purser Clapham kindly furnlb'icd tho Bulletin with tho following notes of the doings 011 Kauai: "Thero was a gieat excitement nt Makuwcll Wednesday. A migo whale, 15 feet In length, got tn loo far nnd was stranded. Frightened by tho con-- 1 tact with tho sand the whale thrashed about until It became blinded by tl.c sand and, Instead of mnklng nny head- way out to sea, it worked in closer to shore. Tho fishermen for nilly.1 around were soon on tho sceno and soon mado an end ot the whale. Huudieds ot pcoplo went to tho beach to get a lew of tho monster. Among theso wcro U10 children from tho schools near by. "The Klnau did very quick work nt loading sugar in Mnknweli Accord- ing to Captain Freeman sho was to sail today for Snn Francisco with a full load. "There wcio 117,500 bags ot sugar on Kauai when tho Keauhuu silled laEt evening. "Tho James Makee and Wnlalc.ile put a load of sugar each into the Robert Lowers 011 Wednesday last. Captain Goodman stated yesterday that he had 17,000 bags ot sugar aboard nnd ihat ho would bo able to sail for !in Fran- cisco early next week. "Tho Nllhau was at K.aloa when vo left yesterday. Sho will take a cargo of sugar at Kllauca. "The weather on Kauai has been fine for Bovcral days." Tho Kcahou brought (ivo or six good sized boxes of clothes from Mrs. Ewart of Kllauca. They aro addressed to tho Hawaiian Relief Society in care of Miss Mclntyro and nro sent to relievo tho wants ot tho pcoplo made homeless by tho 11 ro In Chinatown. Ladies from all over Kauai and thoso of Kllauca in particular assisted in making iho clothes. Plllkln on the llnll. Tho W. O. Hall sailed for Kauai ports yestcrnay with n half load ot freight nnd a halt crew. Previous to departure yesterdny half tho native Bailors walked ashore with their bundles, refusing to bo confined aboard any longer. This of courso will mnke It very hard for tho Hall nnd sho will not bo back until next Wednesday or Thursday. Will Go Into Quarantine. Tho steamer Mlkahaln will go into quarantine outsldo Into this afternoon on account of having been taken on tho mnrino railway for repairs. Cap- tain Pedcrsen will bo accompanied by his wlfo. Tho Mlkahala will vory llko-l- y resume her trips to Kauai. Flea Bite and Plague. Sydney, N. S. W., Jan. 25. A wharf laborer has been stricken with tho bu- bonic plaguo, nnd the attending doctors nro of tho opinion that bo was inocu- lated with tho dlseaso through tho blto of n flea. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Tako Laxatlvo Bromo Qulnlno Tablets. All druggists refund tho money it it fails to cure. ". W. Grovo's signature is on each box. 25 cents. DON'T PASS our OPERA GLASSES for the World. Thoy'ro mado by Le Malre. "Nuffsald." II.F.WIOHMAN have been at all social functions. Congressman Hltt has told Col. Parker and Prince David that It was a mistake for Hartwell to come here. Congressmen knew why he came and would not be Influenced by him. Parker repeat d this con- versation tn Hartwell who wanted to know If It could be true. He wanted to leave then and there saying that the statement that private ma ters de-- tndlng nttentlcn would be a good excuse. The Influential men of Wahlng-- t ton know Hartwell Is wo'klng for Mr. Dole's, personal Interests. He has stated to P.nker and Prince David that he came here to work for Dole. Members of Congress know ho.v to take him. 1 hey con- sider it an outrage that liartuel should be paid from public funds to work for a candidate whom the people have not apparent necessity for. Congressmen suggested that the people of the Islands should bring an Injunction against the Dolf gov- ernment to prevent Mr. Hartwell frum receiving public funds whtn his mission i merely one of per- sonal campaign for President Dole. m THE CRIMINAL CALENDAR. Clerk Henry Smith has completed -o criminal calendar for tho Fcbru-- 1 nry term with the following 2S cases In nddltlon to those previously pub- lished: Foreign Jury Lau Wal Guck nnd Kim Soon, assault with weapon; Chun Tni, lntceny 1st degree; Isadoio Issa-be- t, violating section 100 penal laws 1S97; C. H. Maun, larceny 2d degree; Wing Wo Tnl, Chuck Tong, manager, violating sectio.i 1G07 penal lnws; Wing Wo Chan, Kat Poo, manager, samo ns last; Shlsku Doulskl, larceny 2d de- gree; Mllllo Lancaster, nssault and bat- tery; Ah Nee, Iniecny 2d degreo; Jock Magulrc, perjury; Geo. Cavanaugh, perjury; J. Hnnnvltz, manslaughter 1st degreo for shooting a Portuguese boy; O. Herrlck, larceny, second de- gree; O. Lewis nnd F. Turk, violating shipping license law; John Sylvn, lar- ceny 2d degree; W. II. Pain, common nuUnnco for laying street railway track against government orders; Lo Knm, vagrancy; Geo. Plggott, burglary; Mow Kong, violating section 311, Act 31, laws 1898; Ah Hang, larceny 2d degree. Hawaiian Jury Makau, larceny 2d degree; Komollllll, larceny 1st degree; Geo. Houghtnilug, selling liquor with- out llccuso; Kcawe, distilling liquor; Lolnlolm, assault mid battery; Joo Ka-lau- a, perjury; Geo. Houghtallng, per- jury. MORE WRETCHED VANDALISM. Tho offer of a lewnrd of 2G, by tho Minister of tho Interior, for tho arrest ot anyone concerned in tho recent up- rooting ot cocoanut plants along the Ucach boulevard has failed oven to prevent more ot tho disgraceful vandal- ism. Thero Is on view In the Agricul- tural offlco n cocoanut seedling chopped off close to tho ground, together with tho seed itself broken open as if the guilty sen nip had been seeking tho milk in tho cocoanut." As the seed- lings had been coming on beautifully, this dastardly sort of thing is very dis- couraging to Commissioner Hnughs nnd Secretary Wruy Taylor, who took pains with tho planting nnd then tho tending of the growths. Extreme Cruelty, The man in charge of tho large pas- ture near tho Knlllil detention cnmp complained to Deputy Marshal Chll- - llngworth that a Hawaiian lad had killed n colt at his placo yesterday by tying tho poor animal to n treo and then lnshlng it until tho poor thing fell exhausted In its efforts to get away. It seems that tho boy has been In tho habit ot lassoing horses In tho pasture nnd riding them about without tho con- sent of tho owners. Tho colt ho las- soed yesterday wns choked so badly that it fell on a rock nnd was killed. Tho boy will bo arrested. Pcoplo of tho locality from which ho halls are anxious that ho bo put Into tho reform school. Custom House Inspectors. Geo, W. Kicster, M. J. Scanlon and E. A. Jacobsen are the threo district Inspectors for February. Mr. Scanlon Is tho boarding officer, while Messrs. Kicster nnd Jacobsen will altcrnato on tho night watch. Tho discharging in- spectors nro as follows: J, P. Howntt, II. Krugcr, L. Gay, E. C. Miller, R. Henderson, C. K. Spencer, Dan Vlda nnd R. J. Taylor. v.a&. jj'u iLi.tifiaiSifck-f- t. m irim. ii- - ANOTHER DAY OF PROMISE Last Night's Death Carefully In- vestigate By Physicians. Work el Fumigating Golog On at All tbt Detention Camps Ttarltg Down More of the Chinatown Shacks. 2 p. m. No enscs today. Wong Chin, male Chinese, aged 23, died at tho pest houso of tho Chlneso hospital yesterday afternooni A post mortem wns held nnd tho body cremated, al- though positively no signs of plaguo were found. Slides weie made, but examination by both Drs. Wood nnd Garvin did not show n single bacillus. Five culture tubes havo been treated with matter from the spleen and. If theso give no plague bacilli, there will, ot courso, bo no doubt whatever. Pneumonia of a typo that closely resembles that found In plnguo cases, was clearly demonstrated. Wong Chin wns taken sick nt the Pantheon stables Sun- day. Ho wns told to go home but, having no placo to go to, went to tho same houso on Wylllo street that his friend CJuon Fat Man went to nnd died. Ho must have slept out under tho hushes for there was a guard on the house. Monday ho went to tho Chinese hos- pital. Thero weio no suspicious symptoms until jesterdny when ho succumbed suddenly. Ab the Chinaman had been as- sociated with Q11011 Fnt Man It wns deemed best to cremate tho body. This Is n summary of tho statement mado by Dr. Wood today. Wnluluimilo Cnmp. Superintendent Wilson nnd his men have finished their work nt tho cnmp. Two thousand pcoplo liavo been bath ed, their clothes fumigated, their paitmcnt at Camp Jones for tho mem-lcgntc- d. Thero aro In all G.G00 people at the cnmp so that not half tho num ber has been attended to so far. There Is not veiy much sickness In tho cnmp. Four nurses are now on duty In tho hospitals. Tho guard houso has been completed nnd some pcoplo nro already thinking over their sins In Its cells. Nono ot theso mo from tho detention camp. Y. M. C. A, nt Cnmp Jones. Tho Y. M. C. A. has organized a do- - Entertnlnmcnt will bo arranged overy b-- of the N. G. II. Col. Jones has very generously offered his cooperation In the work. Tno largo tent used In tho Now Yoik Volunteer camp wns sent out this morning with papers nnd magazines and a number of books from tho library to bo circulated. An organ wns sent to be used In song services. Ecntcrtnlnrocnt will bo arranged every evening, talent from tho city nnd In tho cnmp having volunteered to take part. Westervoll will glvo a stor- - coptlcon entcrtnlnmcnt Saturday night. In Chinatown. A corps of men are busy today tear- ing down the sheds and lean-to- s buck of tho buildings in tho block bounded by King, Nuuauu, Hotel and Smith streets and thoso back of tho Wing Wo Chnn and Wing Wo Tal buildings. Tho work Is being very thoroughly done, houses disinfected and have been In lowler's yard condemned yesterday by tho Hoard of Health. Theso will bo burned by tho flro do- -, pnrtment tomorrow. Dr. Garvin. Somo time ago Dr. Garvin was de tailed by tho Hoard ot Health for duty nt tho Kallhl camp. It has been found that tho work ut tho cump Is so ardu- ous that the men out there cannot pos- sibly do It nil. Dr. Garvin will go out toduy or tomorrow nnd, it is proonuio, Dr. Davis, now nt Kallhl, will bo ns-th- o furniture and vnlunblo houso absenco on Tantalus Dr. Gnrvln Is attending to tho work at the pest house. Fumigated Household Goods. Prof. IngallH went to tho Uoardman premises with his corps ot assistants this morning and there fumigated tho recently erected shed in which somo of Appraisers nro also busy with the nlshings had been placed previous to setting flro to tho houso in which Mrs. Boardman lived. Some ot his men are at work in the Wing Wo Tnl nnd Wing Wo Chan buildings on Nuunnu street. Death nt Knwjilnlino. Elizabeth Naholo, aged 10 years, died at Kwalahao Seminary this morning. Tho patient was attended by Dr. Min- er. As tho causo of death was said to bo pneumonia a post nidrtora was held nt tho undertaking parlors to which tho body wns taken. There wcro no suspicion symptoms. The 1895 Claims Are Ordeied for Settlement Piesldent Dole Informed tho mem- bers of tho press today that tho Minis- ter of Foreign Affairs had received a communication from tho United States Government, through Mr. Sowall, Spe- cial Agent, In regard to tho British, Portuguese nnd Danish claims. It In- timated that those claims, which nroso out of the suppression of tho Insurrec- tion of 1895, havo been referred to the Hawaiian Government "for Investiga- tion, determination and payment." RUSHING WORK ON WHARF Cotton Hi others & Co. nro not let- ting barnneles grow on their contract for building tho whnrf nnd warehouse out the channel. They hnd no sooner dclhcrcd the plans nnd spcclllcatlons to the Government on Monday morn- ing than they began looking up ma terial for construction. It was a fore- gone conclusion that, It the work was tn be done In tlmo to be of greatest service, this 111 in nlono eould figure on the Job. The assembling of tho material Is progiesslug. This morning the con- tractors were staking out the site, it vtllt be seen from the Cabinet meeting proceedings that Commander Merry has deferred to the Government's lews regarding location. Mr. Howell, Su- perintendent of Public Works, Is hav- ing trestles put up to carry tho pipes for tho dredging. Eighty feet of the width of construc tion will bo wnrchouso and tho remain- ing forty feet wharf, the length being ' :' iuu icer. 1 ncrc win no nlno opening In the wnrchouso front, tho doors to havo patent hinges. FIRE LOSSES DISCOUNTED Mlnibter Young reported to the Exe- cutive Council this morning that Com- mander Merry had agreed to tho de- sired rhango of location of tho channel-sid- e whnrf, which will place tho end of It 110 feet away from tho Henlanl boat-hous- e. Minister Young nlso reported on tho communication of the Board of Health, recommending nn appropriation or JA500 for reimbursing firemen for tho loss of effects in recent lircs. Ho hnd been informed by Commissioner An-die- w Brown that tho firemen's losses would amount to but n very small por- tion of $2,500. Tho Minister wns di- rected by tho Council to nsccrtnln tho actual losses. Any question of extra pay must bo refencd to the Legisla- ture. Through tho Minister of the Interior. a copyright was granted to Tims. G. Thrum for his Annual for 1900. Board Dissolved Into Spliutcrr, , A late lioto from Hllo says: "Tho situation Is easy hero now us wo sco by the papers you folks tiro determined to keep up tho quarantine. Our 'Hoard of Health for Hawaii' disbanded last Sat- urday evening. Malls hnd been landed 011 tho other sldo ot the island, con- trary to orders of tho Hoard. Tho Sheriff camo on the Bceue and stated, in answer to qulrles, that ho owed al- legiance to tho Hnoolulu Board ot Health and tho Attorney General first, so the Board for Hawaii net thought there was little use passing motions and resolving things without an exe- cutive and quietly, on the top ot a motion and dissolved itself into its usual number ot splinters and went to Its beguiling several vocations, U dreams untroubled by plngucy specula- tions." Tho Evening Bulletin, 75 cents per month. Just received the very thing to gladden the hearts of the ladies. The most acceptable Xmas gift your wives, sisters or daughters 'a a pal-- of our BEADED STRAP SLIPPERS These are Included In the 7000 ralrs of shoes just opened ex S. S. Australia and hold premier place for beauty. The Manufacturer' Shoe Co f im..AL. ' .J s

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Page 1: MjjflHHMP J? WrV- V S.'XTN Hawaii's Popular Sea Captains ... · appearing. Tho prophylactic Is for uso on pcoplo who havo been exposed to the plague. Tho following Instructions for

MjjflHHMPWrV- -

f tn...M riMittr &uc. ' y

Vkill J

S.'XTN""a Hawaii's Popular Sea Captains !




Re&istei Your Votes for Your Favorite !TAIN OP





Illness of a Portuguese Tbal Proved

to Ee Mot Serious.

EwylblDg Funnlnj Smoothl- y- Awaiting Out- -

come of Dcltgdie Lotbtnsteln's Work

Bccklty tomes In (or Some Criticism.

(Special to tho Oullotln.)Ullo, Jan. 28. Health mntters have

beon running smoothly here tor a weekunder tho guidance ot tho Hoard otHealth for Hawaii selected dm Ing Min-

ister Cooper's visit. Tho "scavengercommlttoo" has continued work and

, moat of tho places hi Chinatown and, Jnptown havo been whitewashed and

I placed In sanitary condition.'

f Representative Loebunstein has goneto Honolulu to confer with tho lloardot Health as to what should nnd whatshould not como to llllo but as tho sit-uation there according to our last ad-

vices, Is unchanged, except for tiio. worse, It Is not probablo he will conic

back with any more knowledgo of thosubject than he carried away with him.Tho death of Mrs. Uoardmnn causedsomo excitement here and is deeply

by thoso who were acquaintedwith her. That death moio than any-thing else, perhaps, was deemed sulll-cle- nt

excuse for ono of tho leading business men to call a meeting ot mer-- 1

chants at tho engine house this morn- -( ing, but it wa3 sparsely attended.

Tho concensus of opinion was thattho island ot Hawaii should not boopen to rccclvo anything from Honolu-lu whllo tho plaguo continues there.Many of tho men do not want tho mallsto como and they especially object tofreight of any character. Several mer-chants spoko and the tenor of their re-

marks indicated a lack of confldencoin Hockley of tho Ktnau and anythingIn which ho Is In anyway interested.They admlro the courso taken by thoofficers and men on tho Noenu but de-

cry tho actions and persistency of(. Heckler.

Yesterday a Toi tugueso employed InI I ono of tho large retail houses hero was


I taken suddenly ill with pains In hisgioln and ho developed n high fever.Ho was nt onco sent home nnd n physi-cian sent for, but owing to n mlsundcr-- ,standing did not sco tho patient. Thoman's family sent for a Jnpaueso doctor who reported tho coso ns misplclousat the Sheriff's office. Doctors Graceand Mooro wcro sent for nnd they pro-nounced tho enso not plague, but saidthey would glvo a flnal answer In twen-ty-fo-

hours, which cxplr'-- i tonight.Wo do not believe It Is plague.

At a meeting ot tnc Hoard of Healthheld last night it was rcsolvul to sus-pend nil operations of n banttnry na-

ture as a body until It waH learnedwhether tho members were to receivenuthority for their acts as a Hoard ofHculth. Dr. Russell icmaikcd that thoposition of n member of tho locilHoard was very much the samo as thoman who received instructions to dosome sort of labor which required Mio

uso of his arms, but ns hownn a pain-lyt- lc

ho could do nothing. The Hoardhas received Information thut unau-thorized freight and mnll Is being land- -'

ed at other ports of tho Island nnd asthey have no authority to stop it theydecided to Euspcnd work nnd watt de-

velopments. This throws this Islandopen to receive any old thing your peo-

ple want to send up.In tho merchants' meeting today

Shoriff Andrews was endorsed by thosepiesent. In Bplto of anything the Ho-- fuolulu papers may say tho people herohavo confldenco in him nnd wilt stindby him. Androws says ho will obeytho orders ot his superiors In Honoluluso long us ho is Sheriff nnd vhn Lodocs not do so it will bo an a privatecitizen. Certain it Is that at one oftho .early meetings hold ho- - o ho kepttho 'obstreperous ono in control. Hehas not ben led by Mr. Wilson or nny-on- o

who Is excitable durlm; n crisis;Andrews did not loso his head for amoment.

Tho custom ot sending foreign invoices to Hllo by way of Honolulu iscausing somo iuconvcnlcuco to tho im-

porters, as tho malls not ni riving pro-ven- ts

their entering their goods.Tho Courtney Ford nnd tho Amy

Taylor sailed this morning for SanFrancisco tho former cnnylug a fullload ot sugar.

Tho Aztec may load her mule3 to-

morrow for her trip to Manila. Tho. stock was in poor condition when ship-

ped. Captain Galo In an interview pub-

lished in tho Hawaii Herald states thattho animals were green when shippedand that after a seven day storm InSan Francisco they left with tho germsof pneumonia In their system. Therewore eleven dead before reaching here,another died as soon as lauded andthree havo since died. Tho captainspeaks favorably of transports coming

; hero and says a coal ptlo is not needed.I Tho Itoderlck Dim will sail for the

Coast about February 10.Launch Lurlluo (Matsou & Co.)

foundered hero last Friday.

WEDDING STATIONERY, EngravedCards, Embossing.


"ftLtifllMti 111 f Wfrf--- ' '' .tiiW.W-A---"-.- -


Received From Pasteur Institute by

Hjana Yesterday.

Bjad of"

Health Also Receives a Lot of

Hoffklne Prophylactic From Washington-Fl- uids

Send to Cold Storage.

The Hoard of Health received by tliMoaua yesterday 100 bottles of antl-toxln- o

from tho Pasteur Institute inParis and n largo quantity of what Isknown as tho Haflklno Prophylacticfrom Washington. Tho former is, ofcourse, for uso on plaguo patients, butaccording to tho present outlook, tncroIs not much chance of Its being used fortho pcoplo nt tho pest houso aro nilgetting better and no new cases aroappearing. Tho prophylactic Is for usoon pcoplo who havo been exposed tothe plague. Tho following Instructionsfor uso of tho fluid nccompanieu moshipment:

'Huh ilutd is purely propnylnctlc Incharacter; is In no senso curntlvo andshould not bo confounded with Anti-pe- st

Scrum.It should not be used on thoso al-

ready exposed to tho infection ofplague, but its employment should bolimited to tho Immunization of personsor communities threatened with thodisease.

Tho prophylactic Is n toxin nndshould an Individual treated with Itcontract tho dlsenBo prior to the

of Its nntltoxlc effects howould probably succumb. In n weekor ten days after its uso this anti-

toxic effect is produced nnd lendershim Immuno to tho disease. The Im-

munity thus conferred lasts an unde-termined time, probably sevcrnlmonths and may bo Increased by a sec-

ond or third treatment. Tho Inoculation Is followed by a reaction.

Tho fluid should be InjectedInto tho looso councctlve

tissue of tho back, nrm or other con-

venient regions and with tho usualemployed In such operations

ns sterilizing tho area by somo anti-septic solution nnd by boiling thosyringe.

In view of tho Impoi tanco of tho sub-

ject tho i.iarino Hospital Servlso re-

quests that you report tho effect of thoProphylactic to tho Director or meHygienic Laboratory of the U. S. Ma-

rino Hospital Service, Washington, D.C.

Somo of the antitoxin and prophylac-tic has been retained In tho Ico box ofthe Hoard of Health laboratory, butthe most of It has been sent to the coldstorngo department of tho HnwnllanElectric Co. ns It is necessary to keeptho fluids at a temperature of about40 degrees F.


Yesterday tho divers of the marinerailway wcro operating at tho wreckot tho barkcntlno William Carson.John, tho native diver, went down nndinserted tho nlr hoso injho vessel. Thiswns to test, mo lining power mo uppu-rat-

on tho vessel. Thero proved tobo too free an escape of air for anypractical effect. The air camo upthrough tho water in bubbling volume.

Alex. Lylo afterward descended andclosed a cabin light that was supposedto bo tho principal vent for letting outthe air. Ho mado a visual examinationof tho hull, finding it seemingly allright with tho exception of tho damagefrom the collision. Tho water wassixty feet deep from tho forward rail.So clear was the water that tho divercould not only seo his hoso and linesall tho way to tho top, but could plainlydiscern tho workmen on the stago ntthe surfaco and tell what they weredoing.


Chester Doylo has tho disinfectingand fumigating plant nt tho drill shedcamp in full blast today. 110 Beganbathing his Jnpaneso wards at 9 o'clockand by 12 had put fully three-fourth- s

of them through tho operation. Behinda board screen aro tubs ot hot waterdiluted with carbolic acid wherein thopcoplo are required to wash themselves.Then Mr. Doylo, porched on tho angleof tho screen, gives them a good douch-ing ot cold water from a garden hose.After each batch of, say, ten batherstho acidulated water in tho tubs ischanged. As tho pcoplo lcavo the bath-ing placo they go to tho fumigatingshed, where thoy receive clean nnd fu-

migated clothing to replace the gar-

ments thoy had put off.,

Charged With Vagrancy.H. Kaweamnhl, was arrested yestcr-da- v

'on tho charge of flotation of section 370 of tho Penal Laws, relating tovagrancy. It is alleged that Kawca-ma- hl

was found in tho Arlington bil-

liard parlors, Hotel street, after thatplaco was closed last evening. Thocaso has beon set for tho Cth Inst.

Tho Board of Agriculture is meetingthis afternoon.

. -- v'wfi' -- & .

'VTBW J? " 'C'


(Special Correspondence to Hie Bulletin.)

Washington, Jan. 20. The state-ment published by the Bulletin thatA. S. Hartwell, special agent ofPresident Dole was properly calleddown, at a dinner given bv him, forremarks concerning annexation, Is astatement of fact your local officialpeople to the contrary hotwlthstjnd-Ing- .

Prince David, who Is likelyto be In Honolulu soon, can confirmthe statement and give additionalInclderts In connection with Hart-wel- l's

discomfiture.Hjrtwell made a big mistake In

coming to Washington and now heIs fully aware of It He may be aGeneral and a self Importart manIn Honolulu, but he Is far from It In

Washington. Hartwell Is Ignoredhere.. He feeU It and on more thanone occasion has said that he wantsto go home. He has said that hadhe known how he would be receiv-

ed In Washington he ould nothave come and actually cried ovsIt one night after dinner when hewas feeling particularly dubious.

When Col. Parker returned toWashington after his western triphe was Invited to a reception at theWhite Hou. Hartwll and W.O. Smith were ignored as they


Tho steamer Kcnuhou came in fromKllauca this morning with a load ofsugar consigned to vatlou.i parties.Purser Clapham kindly furnlb'icd thoBulletin with tho following notes ofthe doings 011 Kauai:

"Thero was a gieat excitement ntMakuwcll Wednesday. A migo whale,15 feet In length, got tn loo far nndwas stranded. Frightened by tho con-- 1

tact with tho sand the whale thrashedabout until It became blinded by tl.csand and, Instead of mnklng nny head-way out to sea, it worked in closer toshore. Tho fishermen for nilly.1 aroundwere soon on tho sceno and soon madoan end ot the whale. Huudieds otpcoplo went to tho beach to get a lewof tho monster. Among theso wcro U10

children from tho schools near by."The Klnau did very quick work nt

loading sugar in Mnknweli Accord-ing to Captain Freeman sho was tosail today for Snn Francisco with afull load.

"There wcio 117,500 bags ot sugar onKauai when tho Keauhuu silled laEtevening.

"Tho James Makee and Wnlalc.ile puta load of sugar each into the RobertLowers 011 Wednesday last. CaptainGoodman stated yesterday that he had17,000 bags ot sugar aboard nnd ihatho would bo able to sail for !in Fran-cisco early next week.

"Tho Nllhau was at K.aloa when voleft yesterday. Sho will take a cargo ofsugar at Kllauca.

"The weather on Kauai has been finefor Bovcral days."

Tho Kcahou brought (ivo or six goodsized boxes of clothes from Mrs. Ewartof Kllauca. They aro addressed to thoHawaiian Relief Society in care of MissMclntyro and nro sent to relievo thowants ot tho pcoplo made homeless bytho 11 ro In Chinatown. Ladies from allover Kauai and thoso of Kllauca inparticular assisted in making ihoclothes.

Plllkln on the llnll.Tho W. O. Hall sailed for Kauai

ports yestcrnay with n half load otfreight nnd a halt crew. Previous todeparture yesterdny half tho nativeBailors walked ashore with theirbundles, refusing to bo confined aboardany longer. This of courso will mnkeIt very hard for tho Hall nnd sho willnot bo back until next Wednesday orThursday.

Will Go Into Quarantine.Tho steamer Mlkahaln will go into

quarantine outsldo Into this afternoonon account of having been taken ontho mnrino railway for repairs. Cap-tain Pedcrsen will bo accompanied byhis wlfo. Tho Mlkahala will vory llko-l- y

resume her trips to Kauai.

Flea Bite and Plague.Sydney, N. S. W., Jan. 25. A wharf

laborer has been stricken with tho bu-

bonic plaguo, nnd the attending doctorsnro of tho opinion that bo was inocu-lated with tho dlseaso through tho bltoof n flea.


Tako Laxatlvo Bromo Qulnlno Tablets.All druggists refund tho money it itfails to cure. ". W. Grovo's signatureis on each box. 25 cents.

DON'T PASS our OPERA GLASSESfor the World. Thoy'ro mado by LeMalre. "Nuffsald." II.F.WIOHMAN

have been at all social functions.Congressman Hltt has told Col.

Parker and Prince David that Itwas a mistake for Hartwell to comehere. Congressmen knew why hecame and would not be Influencedby him. Parker repeat d this con-

versation tn Hartwell who wanted toknow If It could be true. He wanted toleave then and there saying that thestatement that private ma ters de--

tndlng nttentlcn would be a goodexcuse.

The Influential men of Wahlng--t

ton know Hartwell Is wo'klng forMr. Dole's, personal Interests. Hehas stated to P.nker and PrinceDavid that he came here to workfor Dole. Members of Congressknow ho.v to take him. 1 hey con-

sider it an outrage that liartuelshould be paid from public funds towork for a candidate whom thepeople have not apparent necessityfor.

Congressmen suggested that thepeople of the Islands should bringan Injunction against the Dolf gov-

ernment to prevent Mr. Hartwellfrum receiving public funds whtnhis mission i merely one of per-

sonal campaign for President Dole.



Clerk Henry Smith has completed-o criminal calendar for tho Fcbru--1

nry term with the following 2S casesIn nddltlon to those previously pub-lished:

Foreign Jury Lau Wal Guck nndKim Soon, assault with weapon; ChunTni, lntceny 1st degree; Isadoio Issa-be- t,

violating section 100 penal laws1S97; C. H. Maun, larceny 2d degree;Wing Wo Tnl, Chuck Tong, manager,violating sectio.i 1G07 penal lnws; WingWo Chan, Kat Poo, manager, samo nslast; Shlsku Doulskl, larceny 2d de-gree; Mllllo Lancaster, nssault and bat-tery; Ah Nee, Iniecny 2d degreo; JockMagulrc, perjury; Geo. Cavanaugh,perjury; J. Hnnnvltz, manslaughter1st degreo for shooting a Portugueseboy; O. Herrlck, larceny, second de-gree; O. Lewis nnd F. Turk, violatingshipping license law; John Sylvn, lar-ceny 2d degree; W. II. Pain, commonnuUnnco for laying street railway trackagainst government orders; Lo Knm,vagrancy; Geo. Plggott, burglary; MowKong, violating section 311, Act 31, laws1898; Ah Hang, larceny 2d degree.

Hawaiian Jury Makau, larceny 2ddegree; Komollllll, larceny 1st degree;Geo. Houghtnilug, selling liquor with-out llccuso; Kcawe, distilling liquor;Lolnlolm, assault mid battery; Joo Ka-lau- a,

perjury; Geo. Houghtallng, per-jury.


Tho offer of a lewnrd of 2G, by thoMinister of tho Interior, for tho arrestot anyone concerned in tho recent up-

rooting ot cocoanut plants along theUcach boulevard has failed oven toprevent more ot tho disgraceful vandal-ism. Thero Is on view In the Agricul-tural offlco n cocoanut seedling choppedoff close to tho ground, together withtho seed itself broken open as if theguilty sen nip had been seeking thomilk in tho cocoanut." As the seed-lings had been coming on beautifully,this dastardly sort of thing is very dis-couraging to Commissioner Hnughs nndSecretary Wruy Taylor, who took painswith tho planting nnd then tho tendingof the growths.

Extreme Cruelty,The man in charge of tho large pas-

ture near tho Knlllil detention cnmpcomplained to Deputy Marshal Chll- -llngworth that a Hawaiian lad hadkilled n colt at his placo yesterday bytying tho poor animal to n treo andthen lnshlng it until tho poor thing fellexhausted In its efforts to get away.It seems that tho boy has been In thohabit ot lassoing horses In tho pasturennd riding them about without tho con-

sent of tho owners. Tho colt ho las-

soed yesterday wns choked so badlythat it fell on a rock nnd was killed.Tho boy will bo arrested. Pcoplo oftho locality from which ho halls areanxious that ho bo put Into tho reformschool.

Custom House Inspectors.Geo, W. Kicster, M. J. Scanlon and

E. A. Jacobsen are the threo districtInspectors for February. Mr. ScanlonIs tho boarding officer, while Messrs.Kicster nnd Jacobsen will altcrnato ontho night watch. Tho discharging in-

spectors nro as follows: J, P. Howntt,II. Krugcr, L. Gay, E. C. Miller, R.Henderson, C. K. Spencer, Dan Vldannd R. J. Taylor.

v.a&. jj'u iLi.tifiaiSifck-f- t. m irim. ii- -


Last Night's Death Carefully In-

vestigate By Physicians.

Work el Fumigating Golog On at All tbt

Detention Camps Ttarltg Down More

of the Chinatown Shacks.

2 p. m. No enscs today.Wong Chin, male Chinese, aged23, died at tho pest houso oftho Chlneso hospital yesterdayafternooni A post mortem wnsheld nnd tho body cremated, al-though positively no signs ofplaguo were found. Slidesweie made, but examination byboth Drs. Wood nnd Garvindid not show n single bacillus.Five culture tubes havo beentreated with matter from thespleen and. If theso give noplague bacilli, there will, otcourso, bo no doubt whatever.Pneumonia of a typo thatclosely resembles that found Inplnguo cases, was clearlydemonstrated.

Wong Chin wns taken sicknt the Pantheon stables Sun-day. Ho wns told to go homebut, having no placo to go to,went to tho same houso onWylllo street that his friendCJuon Fat Man went to nnd died.Ho must have slept out undertho hushes for there was aguard on the house. Mondayho went to tho Chinese hos-pital. Thero weio no suspicioussymptoms until jesterdnywhen ho succumbed suddenly.Ab the Chinaman had been as-

sociated with Q11011 Fnt Man Itwns deemed best to crematetho body. This Is n summaryof tho statement mado by Dr.Wood today.

Wnluluimilo Cnmp.Superintendent Wilson nnd his men

have finished their work nt tho cnmp.Two thousand pcoplo liavo been bath

ed, their clothes fumigated, theirpaitmcnt at Camp Jones for tho mem-lcgntc- d.

Thero aro In all G.G00 peopleat the cnmp so that not half tho number has been attended to so far.

There Is not veiy much sickness Intho cnmp. Four nurses are now onduty In tho hospitals.

Tho guard houso has been completednnd some pcoplo nro already thinkingover their sins In Its cells. Nono ottheso mo from tho detention camp.

Y. M. C. A, nt Cnmp Jones.Tho Y. M. C. A. has organized a do--

Entertnlnmcnt will bo arranged overyb-- of the N. G. II. Col. Jones hasvery generously offered his cooperationIn the work. Tno largo tent used Intho Now Yoik Volunteer camp wnssent out this morning with papers nndmagazines and a number of books fromtho library to bo circulated. An organwns sent to be used In song services.Ecntcrtnlnrocnt will bo arranged everyevening, talent from tho city nnd Intho cnmp having volunteered to takepart. Westervoll will glvo a stor- -coptlcon entcrtnlnmcnt Saturday night.

In Chinatown.A corps of men are busy today tear-

ing down the sheds and lean-to- s buckof tho buildings in tho block boundedby King, Nuuauu, Hotel and Smithstreets and thoso back of tho Wing WoChnn and Wing Wo Tal buildings. Thowork Is being very thoroughly done,houses disinfected and have been

In lowler's yard condemnedyesterday by tho Hoard of Health.Theso will bo burned by tho flro do- -,

pnrtment tomorrow.

Dr. Garvin.Somo time ago Dr. Garvin was de

tailed by tho Hoard ot Health for dutynt tho Kallhl camp. It has been foundthat tho work ut tho cump Is so ardu-ous that the men out there cannot pos-sibly do It nil. Dr. Garvin will go outtoduy or tomorrow nnd, it is proonuio,Dr. Davis, now nt Kallhl, will bo ns-th- o

furniture and vnlunblo housoabsenco on Tantalus Dr.

Gnrvln Is attending to tho work at thepest house.

Fumigated Household Goods.Prof. IngallH went to tho Uoardman

premises with his corps ot assistantsthis morning and there fumigated thorecently erected shed in which somo of

Appraisers nro also busy with thenlshings had been placed previous tosetting flro to tho houso in which Mrs.Boardman lived. Some ot his men areat work in the Wing Wo Tnl nnd WingWo Chan buildings on Nuunnu street.

Death nt Knwjilnlino.Elizabeth Naholo, aged 10 years, died

at Kwalahao Seminary this morning.Tho patient was attended by Dr. Min-

er. As tho causo of death was said tobo pneumonia a post nidrtora was heldnt tho undertaking parlors to whichtho body wns taken. There wcro nosuspicion symptoms.

The 1895 Claims Are

Ordeied for Settlement

Piesldent Dole Informed tho mem-bers of tho press today that tho Minis-ter of Foreign Affairs had received acommunication from tho United StatesGovernment, through Mr. Sowall, Spe-cial Agent, In regard to tho British,Portuguese nnd Danish claims. It In-

timated that those claims, which nrosoout of the suppression of tho Insurrec-tion of 1895, havo been referred to theHawaiian Government "for Investiga-tion, determination and payment."


Cotton Hi others & Co. nro not let-ting barnneles grow on their contractfor building tho whnrf nnd warehouseout the channel. They hnd no soonerdclhcrcd the plans nnd spcclllcatlonsto the Government on Monday morn-ing than they began looking up material for construction. It was a fore-gone conclusion that, It the work wastn be done In tlmo to be of greatestservice, this 111 in nlono eould figure onthe Job.

The assembling of tho material Isprogiesslug. This morning the con-tractors were staking out the site, itvtllt be seen from the Cabinet meetingproceedings that Commander Merryhas deferred to the Government's lewsregarding location. Mr. Howell, Su-perintendent of Public Works, Is hav-ing trestles put up to carry tho pipesfor tho dredging.

Eighty feet of the width of construction will bo wnrchouso and tho remain-ing forty feet wharf, the length being

' :'

iuu icer. 1 ncrc win no nlno openingIn the wnrchouso front, tho doors tohavo patent hinges.


Mlnibter Young reported to the Exe-cutive Council this morning that Com-mander Merry had agreed to tho de-sired rhango of location of tho channel-sid- e

whnrf, which will place tho end ofIt 110 feet away from tho Henlanl boat-hous- e.

Minister Young nlso reported on thocommunication of the Board of Health,recommending nn appropriation orJA500 for reimbursing firemen for tholoss of effects in recent lircs. Ho hndbeen informed by Commissioner An-die- w

Brown that tho firemen's losseswould amount to but n very small por-tion of $2,500. Tho Minister wns di-

rected by tho Council to nsccrtnln thoactual losses. Any question of extrapay must bo refencd to the Legisla-ture.

Through tho Minister of the Interior.a copyright was granted to Tims. G.Thrum for his Annual for 1900.

Board Dissolved Into Spliutcrr, ,

A late lioto from Hllo says: "Thosituation Is easy hero now us wo sco bythe papers you folks tiro determined tokeep up tho quarantine. Our 'Hoard ofHealth for Hawaii' disbanded last Sat-urday evening. Malls hnd been landed011 tho other sldo ot the island, con-trary to orders of tho Hoard. ThoSheriff camo on the Bceue and stated,in answer to qulrles, that ho owed al-legiance to tho Hnoolulu Board otHealth and tho Attorney General first,so the Board for Hawaii net thoughtthere was little use passing motionsand resolving things without an exe-

cutive and quietly, on the top ot amotion and dissolved itself into itsusual number ot splinters and went toIts beguiling several vocations, Udreams untroubled by plngucy specula-tions."

Tho Evening Bulletin, 75 cents permonth.

Just receivedthe very thingto gladden thehearts of theladies.

The most acceptable Xmas giftyour wives, sisters or daughters 'a a pal-- of


These are Included In the 7000 ralrs ofshoes just opened ex S. S. Australia andhold premier place for beauty.

The Manufacturer'Shoe Co





Page 2: MjjflHHMP J? WrV- V S.'XTN Hawaii's Popular Sea Captains ... · appearing. Tho prophylactic Is for uso on pcoplo who havo been exposed to the plague. Tho following Instructions for




En6eer and Builders of High Duty Pumping Enginesfor VVatvr Wo Hie mill Irrigation.


AGENTS Is called U the fact that we carry In stock at our Queen street warehousehue., assortment of pumps for all kinds of sugar house service, lncludlnK vacuumuups air pumps, condensers, feeJ pumps, Juice punas, molasses pumra, etc., to

tthfV with a complete stock of spare parts and valves fr all sizes. Careful attention

lTn all orders, and prompt shipment guaranteed.Estimates furnished for complete Irrigation pumping plants of any capacity or


Oftice: Cor. Fort & Queen Ste., Honolulu, H. I.Warehouse: Cor. Queen & Cook Sts. Telephone w6.

E1SD0N IRON WOBKS,Sa.21 FranoisGQ,


Hih Duty Pumping Machinery,Heine Hollers, Plain Tubu ar Boilers, Corliss Engines, Cane Cars,

Vacuum Pans, and all machinery for the complete equipment of Sugar Mill.


Fraternal Directory.

UAHMuNY LODGE No. 3,I. 0. 0. V.,

Meets ovory Monday ovcnlng nt 7:30,la llarzuuuy Hail, K.iig street

J. D. McVEKM, N. 0.V. It. HENDRY, Secretary.

All vlstlng brothers very cordiallyUTlted.

-- Y8T1C LODGE No. 2, K. ot P.,Meets evtry Wednesday ovcnlng at

1:2 o'clock, CasUo Uall, Fort street.(Waiting brothers cordla ly Invited toattend. S. J. SALTEii, C. C.

till A. E. MUIU'HY, K. R S.


Meets overy third Thursday eveningla Masonic Temple. AM visiting com-anio-

cordially InvitedA. F. OILFILLAN, II. P.


No. 1. K. T.Meets In Masonic Temple on the sec-B- 4

Thursday ovcnlng of each monthHit TlSiUug Sir Knlglita courteously


OAUU LODGE No. 1, K. of P.facts every Thursday evening at

hair CasUo Hall, 420 Fort street, atI'M. Members of Mystic Lodge No. 2,M vlslUng brothers, cordially invited.



CROIX,No. 1 ,A. & A. S. R.

MMta the first Thursday In eachMath, at Masonic Temulo. Sojourn-M-i

and visiting brothers cordially In-

itial to attend all meetingsW. M., FRANK B. AUERBACH.


L'OCEANIE.Mo. 124. A. ft A .B. Rite.

Hated meetings on tho last Mon-a- rof each month, In its hall, Masonic

itaaipto.C. M. WHITE. W. M.

H. B. FRIEL, Secretary.

GEO. W. DeLONG POST No.46. O. A. R.,

Department of California and Nova-0f-t,

meets at Harmony Hall, Kingtract, first Thursday evening of overy

AMtn. Sojourning comrades aro cor-al- ly

Invited to aneed.W. L. EATON, P. 0.


F. AND A. M.tated meetings, first Monday each

oath. Special mettlnge, when calledJwllI be noted in this space).

Hashers Lodgo Lo Progros, Pacificftftdjre, and all sojourning brethrenMrdlaily Invited.

ED. I. SPALDING, W M.m. ju u. wal.ua.ce, Secretory.


No. 171.Regular Army and Navy Union ot

Ue United States of America, meets atHarmony Hall, Kin; street, every sec-ond and fourth Friday in each monthat 7:30 p. m. Visiting comrades arecordially invited.

All honorably discharged soldiers ortailors, either regulars or volunteers,re eligible for membership.

E. J. WILSON,Commandor.

J. E. SHEAHAN, Adjutant.

THE WAVERLY CLUB.Waverly Block, Bothel street. Stan-ar- t!

magazines and periodicals; li-

brary; billiard, pool and card tab'esar tree use ot members. Arrange-

ments for transient visitors. Entranceta 11.25, monthly dues $1. Open from

$ s. m. to 11 p. m.A. V. GEAR. President.

ruCIS T. COPELAND. Recording Sec.tUXKN U SCRIMGEOUR. Fin. Sec'y-

Mralile Pnitiii Co.

till!119 Klnq St.


The areata Bulletin, 75 cents rer






EverywhereYou aro worn out, tlrod, can't put

tho onorgy you deslro lute, yourdullos. Well, tlion, you must tryKOinotliing that will ovorcome thisfouling and restore you to porfocthonltb.

PleasantFrom childhood wo aro tmight to

respect the curativo foaturos of herbs.Our grandirothers used thorn, andwore, as a rule, vorsod In the art ofpreparing romodies from variousplants

asWe havo a preparation that la of

the type purely vege-

table, made of herbs with wlno. Fora general tonlo to produce vigor andstrength, you cannot And a totterone,

Wine.For malarial disorders, loss of ap-

petite, that tired feeling, Ions of y,

It Ib a true panacea.

Royal Bitten it the name,They gave me at my birth,

Jrom Royal no one need rerain,Iti ute will surely Iring mirth.

Put up in pint bottles at 60 cento.Only of

Hollister Drug Co,

tH"M"H""H""H" 1"! t100 Volt

t"T" fl? the fieniilna "T

t Edison TypetI iconic M fell Is $T CO., LIMITED. jf.T-- H H-H-- H' H H-

SJ?- -


Oalm mill rcpoits si hiding 170 toiwdally.

Gcod, II Uoanlmnn Is tho guest of.Tudgo Whiting in Hasslngcr street.

Miss Louise Boardttinn Is tho guestot Mis. I). Logan In Ma.tzlnc street.

All kinds of carriage painting U

patnteis nt tho Stocltrj-- Js

shoo. "

Ring up 191 when you want n rcllablodrUer, u good hack and no over charg-ing.

Horses nnd rigs may ho kept now ntWnlklkl now In tho stables at LongUrnnch.

Fred. 11. Oat Is staying nt tho homoof his brother, Postmaster (Jinernl J.Moit Oat.

Wnlklkl Inn took n sulphur bath thisweek and oveiy nook nnd corner clean-ed out. Ono room to rent, $12 perweek.

The people of Walalua linvo donat-ed over $700 In aid of tho sufferers bythe plnguo nnd fire. All nationalitiescontributed.

Captain Campbell has been nppolntcda special agent along the water frontto regulnto shipping mnttcis duringtho quninntlno period.

In tho absence of Dr. Day nbonrd thoChina tho otner day, Qcorgo W. Smithsigned n permit to nllow A. U. Loeben-stoi- n

to go aboard tho Kllaurn Hon.Hon. Sam. Parker will return in tho

Doiic due on tho 8th Inst. Ho dclayr--

his departure to attend to tin) shipmentof horses and cattle from San Fran-cisco.

Tho Lo Muuyon Photo Supply Co.will receive on tho Australia the larg-est lino of moulding that over came toHonolulu, also th elatcst machinery tomako up samo into frames.

Wm. Kcnnke, brother of Louis T.Kennke of tho postonicc, returned fromSan Francisco in tho Moaua yesterdayafter qulto a stny on tho Const. Hosays that It Is extremely cold up theroand Is glad to get back.

Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Vnnderlip, tholatter better known hero as Elsie Adairwill pass tiirough here In tho near fu-

ture. Mr. Vnnderlip intends goingback to tho mines In Siberia whero .,ehas already done very well. His wifowill accompany him as far as Japan.

"Tho Hawaiinn Scenic Calendar" for1900, published only by the GoldenRule Bazaar, 31G Fort street, is a beau-tiful work of art. It eclipses all pre-vious efforts in this lino, and nothingwould bo more appropriate at this timethan to mall one of these to tho "folksat home." Price 60 cents.

Mr. Yim Quon, President of thoUnited Chlncso Society, has thankfullyreceived a draft for $100 from Rev.Hans Iscnbcrg nnd wife, of Llhuc,Kauai; also $10 from Miss Lulu Grau,of tho samo place, being donated bythem to be used In assisting tho poorChinese who have suffered from thelate lire.

Tho Circuit Court term must for-mally open at tho appointed time bylaw. It could only have been post-poned by timely publication of nn or-

der which has not been done. At thesame time, if tho health situation re-quire, tho presiding Judge may adjourncourt from day to day without doingbusiness.

As A. 1). Locbensteln was about tolcnvo for Hilo In tho Kllauca Hou thoother day, he shouted: "TThls littlebusiness of causing mo unnecessarytroublo while In your port will give mon lot of votes in Hllo when I needthem. I am amused at the attempt ontho part of certain irresponsible per-sons to do mo up."

If you .ire tond of picl ures,drop in ,ind look over the Ireshlot of C )pley Prims, Carl ons,and Loidon Prints, coveringover fi ty subjects of the verylatest publications.

KING BROS.,110 Hotel ?treet.

,H -

CHAS. D. WALKER,Designer anHBullder'of Hlgh-Cra-

Yachts, I Boats and Launches!T Wnrk. t9t KINO ST.

I P. O.'Doxfijt. Tcltrhore 760.

Won't Fljjlit the Trust.New York, Jan, 22. Olllcials of tho

Independent Sugar Refining Companiesrepeal that thero Is nothing to say inrespect to tho report that they havobeen In conferenco with a view to per-fecting nn organization to light thoAmerican Sugar Refining Company.

James D. Post of U. H. Howell, Son& Co., representing tho Mollcnhnucrand National Companies, characterizedas "for slock Jobbing purposes" n re-port that n settlement of tho sugar warwas in sight.

"You may say cmphntlcally," Mr.Post said, "that thero Is nothing in thoreport. Thero Is no settlement of thewar, nor can wo bco when thero will benny. Thoso people who arguo becauseof tho recent ndvnnccs in refined sugarprices that theso signify n settlementdo not know what they nro talkingabout. Tho ndvnnco In rnw sugar wasresponsible for tho ndvanco In refinedthat and nothing else."

Henry Watcrliouse & Co,

FORGerman American Ins. Co.,

Of New York, and

Union Assurance Co.,Of London,

Members Honolulu StockExchange.

: Wernicke book Cases, :

-A- ND-The Globe Company's Desks,

Filing Cases and officenovelties,

Secured at lowest prices.


Telephone, 31J.Queen street.


Sanitary Flooring,Harbors no germs. It Is the only floorsuitable for residences, and Its cleanlinessand moderate cost recommend It to allhouseholders

Plans and estimates cheerfully furnishedupon application to

Lewers & Cooke,Sole Agents for

Johnson's Celebrated Parquetry,Johnson's Floor Wax,Johnson's Floor Brushes,Johnson's Restorer,Johnson's Solvent.


Bounded by Keeaumoku, Kinau, JPllkol and Lunalilo streets; onlyone block from the Beretaniastreet cap lineR"i5"K"s"i

This tract is situated in one of the finest resi-

dence portions of Honolulu, and in a direct line withlha fnnlmn hran7Ac n( Mnlili

t Lots !ox 90 feet willprice of $1,2 c0. Terms,

be sold for the2c0 cash, balance on in--

r stallments, payments to suit purchaser.I This land has a very gentle slope, and purchasersk can immediately commence building operations.

Early purchasers can secure choice locations.C For further particulars apply tojL GEAR, LANSING & CO.,Jc Judd Building.

fcLSft -



PURE HAWAIIAN COFFEES;Gi'n v or 1--i ousted

Large stock of Coffees from the Kona, Hamakua, Olaa Dis-

tricts always on hand. Old Coffees a speciality.

II. HACKFELD & CO., LTD.ntq Pmprltof,


Salter'sTelephone 680.

. . .--Big:

TheBethel street. Telephone 24.




GroceryOrpheum Block.

Stores -

The MclntyreCor.KIng and Fort streets. Telephone it.


Wholesaleand Retail

Waterhonse Store,!

Just ReceivedCape Cod Cranberries,

Atmore's Mince Mea,t,Condensed Mince Meat,

Apples, Turnips, Hams,New Crop Nuts and Raisins,

Cream Chocolate Tablets, Jams,Jellies. Shrimps, Table Fruits, Olives,

Oiegon Burbank Potatoes, Crickets and Cakes, Sic, Sic


The swellest line of golf capes


T5c. Box




Chas. Hustace,212 King street, next to the Arlington,

and traveiingrugs ever imported, are now being displayed by


Ladies contemplating taking a trip to the coast should avail''

themselves ofthe choice assortment.




Page 3: MjjflHHMP J? WrV- V S.'XTN Hawaii's Popular Sea Captains ... · appearing. Tho prophylactic Is for uso on pcoplo who havo been exposed to the plague. Tho following Instructions for



If so, make tliem AT HOME with pure water from your own

filter, by means of ....

SparkletsThe latest scientific method, simple to operate, perfect in result,

absolute purity guaranteed.Every home should have them.



Benson,Smith &Co.,LtdATOMIZEHS,

Now Stylos in Iridescent and Colored Glass,EBOtfLTH. TOILET SETS AND OASES,

PERFUMES,In Baskofo, Bottles, and Balk.

Now Odors, Now Styles.PUFF BOXES,



iHIillliili 9HH3)iana3HHH9


BUILD1M LOTS AT PAWAA.This desirable property, bounded by Beretania, Punahou and King

streets, on the town side of the McCully Homestead, is now offered forsale. The extension of Young street passes through the land. Anartesian well on the premises supplies the purest water. The breezesfrom Manoa valley render the locality extremely healthful. The propertyis on the line of cars, and the Rapid Transit cars will run through orbv it.

There is no better or more refined neighborhood in Honolulu.For terms, etc., apply to F. WUNDENBERG,

At J. A. Magoon's office, next to P. O.Or to J. LIGHTFOOT, on the adjoining premises.

--U AW ATI AN CflNfiCii0 I I M W aPV I I H I V a

40 Selected ones for $3.00-F-OR SALE AT TH-E-

HAWAIIAN BAZAAR, MASONIC TEMPLE.Comer Hotel anil Alakea Streets.

igEjaEMaHiai5iH!SJSEJSi3 sEEEHEiaiaGiajaasiajaa'siaisiaiHraiaia'sisMaissEj

TFm ap-- 4nw utLis k


A Splendid ConsignmentBuggies, Road Oarts, and Harness.

Specially Selected for Local Requirements.

Honolulu Carriage flanufactory"W. W. WRIGHT, Prop'r.


Horses, Cattle,.AXiXj- - HAVE


byBlack for Sprains, Salve for

Green Lotion, neanngBlack Ointment for Horses' Feet,

Pottle Salve

icnxj.vtoviiof Surreys, Phrotons,



Necks, White for Swollen Glands,oooiuuie nis ior awn eruptions,

Electric Oils, a blister,for Eyes,


W. MACFARLANE,Agent for the Hawaltn Islands.

veterinary surgeons ox wona-wio- e rame, win

OURE : THOSE :ILLS.Money Is Saved Investing In Pottle's Remedies.

Oils Gall Soregreat agem,




TreeVermin Soap for Dogs, bneep, Cattle, Morses, ShrubsThls only a partial list; If you don't see what you want ask



Repairing, Painting, Twiiig and laoictiiring

Fine Hoi-Heshooinp- r a Specialty.Agency Rubber Tire Wheel Company.


Hotels and Restaurants.



It has to. Our waiters are

trained to be civil, quick and at-

tentive to our guests. Our chef

is unrivaled in preparation of Jaintyand appetizing dishes. Everything

Is scrupulously clean, everythingas comfortable as we can make it.And the prices are always in reason.

Home Bakery Cafe.The BesfMeal Cafe.


Best 5c. CigarTo bo bad for tlin tnonoy.


Beaver Lunch Rooms.H. J. NOLTE,

Beer and Wine Dealers.

LOVEJOY&CO.Importers, and Wholkhalr

fflnB and Liunor Dealers.Actntt lor tha Bottltl Rainier Bar of Seattle.

No. 10 Nuuanu HtrkktFoster Block, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands.

P.O. Box l IT. Mutual Taltphona o8.



22fiQiiO"ti Ptrnflt. Honnlnlti, TT 1

JoiisolidatBil Soda Water Co., L'r

I3spla.na.tle,Jirnor Alton & 'nrt St., Honolulu,


Markets and Jrocers.


G. J. (Valleii, : : Manager

Wholoeale and Rotail


Navy Contractors.BEST OF MEATd.

Faralllos desiring tendor roasts,Juicy steaks and chops shouldcat on tho

Central Meat MarketWe tnnko ft apoclalty of family tradeAnd soil tho boat at reasonablefigures.

214 Nuuanu St. Telephone 104.


For sale cheap at

J. R. MILLSLincoln Block, Kltiir street.

"BREAKFASTIs the foretaste of the whole day. Spol.

that find we probably spoil all."Be sut the coffee Is good, and that; It

Is fromLEWIS & CO.,

LEADING GROCBRSJTelephone 240. til Fort St.

DIAMONDAnd other Rings, Watches, Bracelets, Pins, and an extensive varietyof Jewelry.

Manafacturing Jeweller,404 U Fort street f

WOMAN'S EXCHANGE112 Hotel Htrket.


1U. I


Tho Pennsylvania lias been rocliar-tcrc- d

for tho transport set vice. Shewas expected to Icavo San Franciscofor Manila about January 25 with 3,500tons of freight, treasure, mall and somepassengers.

Tho naval supply ship Scludla sailedyesterday for Uitam and Manila withG.UUO tons of coal and 3,000 tons of na-val stores. In addition to her regularcrew she took 100 apprentice boys fromtho Marc Island Btntlon for distribu-tion among the vessels In the Asiaticsquadron. Lieutenant CommanderKllburu of tho 8clnilla Is 11 brother ofPresident Paris Kllburn of tho StateHarbor Commission. S. P., Jan. 21.

Arrangements are being made for thoshipment of 11,500,000 In gold and sil-ver coin on the transport Pennsylvania.Tho coin Is to pay the soldiers now attho front. S. F Jan. 21.

Tho steamer Centennial, recentlydismissed from tho horse transportservice, Is now at Mission 2, where aliowill commence loading today for tl.

S. P., Jan. 22.The transport Warren sailed from

Manila for San Francisco, via Guamand Honolulu, January 23.

The horso transport Concmaugh hasbeen rcchartered for Manila. She willgo tomorrow to tho Huntor's point drydock to bo cleaned, and after that willtako on horses, going to Manila prob-ably by way of IIIlo. Tho LcclanawIs destined for the samo route and mayget away beforo tho Concmaugh. S.F., Jan. 23.


San Francisco, Jan. 19. L. P. Mat-thews, of Cleveland, Ohio, who arrivedfrom Hawaii several weeks ago, andhas been visiting different parts of theStato slnco that time, left for Clevelandyesterday. Mr. Matthows said yester-day that ho Is connected with an East-ern syndicate, which will construct anumber of electric railroad llnea InHawaii this year at an outlay of f

or $5,000,000."The Islands," Mr. Matthews ex-

plained, "nro to have a veritable railroad boom. Iu thu nenr future morothan n million dollars worth of ticsand lumber will be shipped from PugctSound points to Hawaii for the pro-jected roads. Plans nlrcady perfectedcall for tho construction of somo 310miles o. electric lines. Most of thoroads will bo in and around Honoluluand clsowhcro on Oahu Island. Ferryboats will bo run between tho terminiof these roads, and tho various Isl-

ands."Tho Kohala and Hllo Railroad Com-

pany Is one of tbeso enterprises. Thofirst section of It is to run from Hono-lulu to Kohala. This company willbuild 130 miles of road at a cost of$2,500,000. Tboro Is not tho least doubtthat tho proposed electric lines willgreatly stimulate and simplify tho de-velopment of the Islands by puttingtho extensive sugar and coffco produc-ing areas In quick and direct communi-cation with tho commercial communi-ties of the Islands."

ArrlvitlB mid DcpiutupcHFollowing aro tho latest arrivals at

and departures fiom Coast ports: Eu-

reka schr. Jcsslo Minor from Hono-lulu, arrived Jan. 10'; facbr. Helen N.Kimball from Hllo, Jan. 20; bk. Car-digan Castlo from Honolulu, Jan. 20;bkt. Geo. C. Perkins from Honolulu,Jan. 21. Port Townsend Schr. De-fender from Kahulut, Jan. lf; bk. 11.

P. Cheney from Honolulu, Jnn. 19;6cbr. Ethel Jano from Honolulu (forOlympla.) Jan. 19; Esther Hiibnofrom Honolulu, Jan. 20; schr. Colum-bia from Honolulu, Jan. 24.

Departures: San Francisco Ship(J eo. Curtis for Honolulu, Jnn. 17. Ta-co-

schr. F. S. Retinoid for Hono-lulu, Jnn. 1C.

Tho bark Kufus Wood sailed fromNewcastle for Honolulu, Jan. 18.

Tho barkentino Arago sailed fromPlsagua for Honolulu, Jan. 19.

Freights and Chapters.Helen N. Kimball, schooner, 182 tons,

lumber from Eureka to Hllo charteredby Charles Nelson.

St. Frances, ship, 1757 tons, sugarfrom Honolulu to Delaware Ilreakwater for orders, JG.00, direct port I5.7G

chartered prior to arrival.Esther Duhnc, schooner, 272 tons,

lumber from Eureka to Honoluluchartered by J. It. Hnnlfy & Co.

Coryphene, bark, 733 tons, coal fromDeparture Day to Honolulu.

On the Berth at 'FriscoTho following vessels aro on tho

berth at San Francisco for ports Intheso Islands: Ship Falls of Clyde, JD. Spreckcla &. Ilros. Co., to load Jan18 and sail Jan. 27 for Hllo; bk Albert,Williams. Dlmond & Co., to loxd Jan,24 for Honolulu; bkt. Planter, Williams, Dlmond & Co., to load Jan. 25for Lahalna and Kallua; sp. Tllllo E.Sturliuck, WIUIainB, Dlmond & Co.

Light-Shi- p lor Pacific Const,A bill has been Introduced In tho

Senate calling for tho appropriationof $75,000 for tho purposo of construct-ing, complete for oorvlco, ait additionallightship for use on tho coast of Cali-

fornia, Oregon, Washington or Alaska,as exigencies may dotermlno. Com,News, Jan. 21,

Bark Himalaya Damaged.San Francisco, Jan. 18. A dispatch

to tho Merchants' Exchango fromAuckland reports tho arrival there oftho Hawaiian bark Himalaya from SanFrancisco. On her trip tho bark lostpart of her deck cargo and two of herwater tanks. Considerable damagowas suffered by tho vessol above decks.

American Messenger Sorvlce, Ma- -sonic Tcmplo. Tel. 414.

iloises properly onod to corroctfaults of salt at tne Stockyards shop.

Re.il Estate and Insurance.

f,m?niH ft'mM' - WLjtm U,


LIKJ-- and Jb'lKli,


ew England Mutual Life In-surance Co. GF BOSTON.

Etna Fire Insurance Compankof Hartford.HENRY ST. GCMR.EDWARD POLLITZ,

Members Stock and Bond Exchange.


Particular attention (Ivan to purchaaa and aala ofHawaiian Sugar Stock.

Loam Negotiated. Eattara and Fortlrn Stcckeand Honda.

403 California St.,San Francisco, Cal. 1173

W. C. ACHI & CO,

Brokers & Dealers

SEAL ESTATEC7 We wui Hi or . ileal Eatatalu

d parts of the Koap.tW We will Bell Propertlos on lieaeon-tbl-


3FFICE. 10 West King street


Real Estate Broker.223 MERCHANT ST.


Twelve Clilnoso Granite UltcliinarVwta, ." each.

Property In town.HOUSES TO LKT.

Real Estate Transaction!Snbsoribors are fntuigbed with from U

0 bIz lists uer weoh. givinn an aoontai.ecord of all deeds, tnortgncOB, Icasos, neiuon, powora ot attorney, oto., eta., wbiclre olsood on reaord.

Scrwcrlptlon Price, sta.no par VonU,

A. V. GEAR.Judd Hulldlnn. Uonololn

F. W. THRUM,Surveyor.

XOOM NO. 10, HPKECKELS BLOCKPlantation Work a Spoclalty.




Member Honolulu Stock Kzolianga.ItoomSUl, Judd Building.



No. 5 Quctn Strett.

Expert Appraieement of BealJetate and Fnrnitnrn


Stock and Bond BrokerMambar ol Hawaiian Slock Eichanja.

MoTnerny Block. Fort Street.


Real Estate BrokerViuauolil Agitit 'ia Collector.

Lincoln B'o-V- , 6a9 King street,114! ralphon Q4t.

A. J. CAMPBELL,Stock and Bond Broker.

Mtmber ( tht Honolulu Stock' Eichaat.Office Quoen stroot, opnoalte Union

Feed Company.Talaphooe joo. P.O. Box nu


Maabai ol Honolulu Slock Eichaat.Quato iUmi,

Talphona 7. P. O. Box jm.

BRUCE CARTWRIQHT(xjneral Manager ot

The Hquitable Life Assnranca Societ

Ol tht Onltod HUtes for tht nawalUaIalandi,

Onto. 1 Merchant itreot. Bonolnlni

nwwiHMintuwwiii I iawwy- -r tpT.TX


Ajjents, b'ro&ers and ichburs.


AOEHTS FOU K.Weotern Sugar Hennery Co., ot fct.

Francisco.Baldwin Locomotive Work! W

Philadelphia. Penn., U. 8 A.Newell Unlverga. Mil) Co. (Natloa

Cane Shredder), New York, il.al.aVN. Oblandt & Co'n rihomlrAl FertHtrera. ,yj

Alex, Cross & Sons, high nu amtlllaers for Cane and Pnitna,

need's Steam PIm rnrina.ALSO OFFEIt FOR SALE

l'ararano Paint Co' P D. twUftwand Papers; Lucol and LlMatfjOils, raw and boiled.

Indurlne (a cold water paint, toWhite and rnlnra

Filter Press Clothe,. Ccmont,and Drlcks .


Commission Merchants,SUGAR FACTORS.

AGENTS FORTha Ewa Plantail a Co.JJa Waialua ACrkul- - ral Ct.. U4.riia Kohala Surar CcTht Walamta Sueai I III Co.rb Koloa Arrlcultui Co.flu Fulton Iron Work. Sf. Lou.i. Mo.niaSlandarJOIICo.rtia Gto. F. Blake Slum Pun pa.Watton'a CtmrlluKil

Tna New EnclanJ Llfa IniurancaCo, ol BaMaa4J t Fl ln. Ca. ol Haiilord. Cm,Trie Alliance AttLraoce Co. ol London.


MERCHANTS -AgcnU for the California and Orisnto

Mcamslnp Company.



m. G. Irwin & Go.(MaUTKD).

Wm. O. Irwin. President and nUmMClans Spreckela V IcePrcsldtaif.

. iu. uiuarii.. seconi' vice I reatdmtH. NL Whitney, Jr Treaa. and aOco. J. Rosa AuditM


Jomzaission Agentaoestx or ta


brswbr & ca, hWtitjuttn ilre.r. Hcoolulu, II. It

Aft-ont- i- -Hawaiian Agricultural Company. Aroarlcaa SaxaaCunpanv. Ookala Sugar plant Co.. Ononu SanaCo.. Ilonomu Sucar C i Wliuku Susai Co.. MakM

Suear Co . Haitakala Par .n Co . Molol Ranch)E!"".' ,r,n 5.n R ,,c" ,'clr, Bf wa

Co. a Line ol Uojh Packets

LIST OK OFFIUKRRO. M. Uojko, Pioiidoiit; Ocorgo H.

RobortHon, Atumir; II F. HUhop,Troarturor and. 8oreUry ; Col. W. F,Alton, Auditor; P. O Jonon. a. WaUr.house, Geo. R. Carter, Directors.

M. PHILLlPa & UO..

sVboItiale Importert aal Jobbtn c,j

Jaropua and Amesuan Dry oooai

Ko t and Ciaon BtreeU.



flir n.t Ht) (Jnw,,, t'At HonMn

aonoluiu Iroa Works CoImproved and modorn SUGAR VA

CHINEJIY of uvery capacity and 4focrlptljn made to ordor. Dollar wortand RIVETKD PIPES for in.taUopurpoBea a spoclalty. Partruur atu.tlon paid to JOB P "UK ,a--d repaUrmexecuted at shortest notloe


Real Estate AgentAbstractor pndSearcher of Titles . . .

Loans negotiatedHints collected.

Campbell Buildinp;,Merchant street.



mil Bold Broker.

11G Merchant Stroot'

irrHv " "" ' 'HIT

...-.- . j.'. .'.'-- .

Page 4: MjjflHHMP J? WrV- V S.'XTN Hawaii's Popular Sea Captains ... · appearing. Tho prophylactic Is for uso on pcoplo who havo been exposed to the plague. Tho following Instructions for






9WI"vs"tify!H&"?J- -

AttMtku WlM ta.f

Evening Bulletin,J'bllHhcd Cvcry Day, except Sunday,

t J0 King street, Honolulu. H. I.,by till


ff. It. FAHMNQTON EditorDANIEL. 1.QOAN City Udltor


Per tnonih, nnywhero In It. 1...$ ."73

Per your, In 11. IPer year, postpaid, U. S., Canada

or Mexico 10

Per year, postpaid, other foreigncountries i3-0-

Payable lnvailably In ndvance.

Telephono j53Post Olllro Uox 71H

1'itlDAY FElHtUAKY 2, 1500.

All "proper expcndltuics" the Presi-

dent approves. Wc tiust the ofllclnla

will Feo llio point.

Jameson rnldcrs now liavo n brilliantopportunity to contemplnto where they

would liavo been had they beento fight n second battle with tho


The captain ot tho horse transportAztec says be has accomplished at Hllo

In one day work that takes two daysIn Honolulu harbor. Scoio anotherpoint for Hllo.

Put In plain language tho latest orderfiom Iho Washington olllclala to Mr.

Dole demands that tho business of tho

United Stntos bo done promptly and

without further unnecessary talk nboutIt.

Haitwcll lias given another dinner to

another general and again tho questionarises whether the guests wcro asked

to pay tho pi Ice per plato or tho ex-

pense was charged up to the Diplomatic

nnil Consular appropriation.

President Dolo Is fast dlscoveilng

that tho knlfo thrusts ho Is receiving

como from those purporting to bo his

friends. In his relations with thoHartwell-Smlt- h combination ho hasbeen like a lamb led to tho slaughter.

If Senator Piatt wants arguments fa-

voring his amendments to tho Hawa-

iian bill, ho has only to turn to tho de-

cisions of our locnl Judges and the 1

of tlioso powerful In tho coun-

sels of tho local government follow-

ing annexation.

Letting down tho Dolo Idol as a pos-

sibility for the governorship pedestal

and moving It toward tho Chief Justicetbrono has caused a general tumblingof local Idols, not pleasant for our off-

icial friends to contemplate Prospectsfor tho general wclfaro of tho people's

interests are constantly growingbrighter.

If tho legislative power to extend thofire limits of Honolulu docs not nowexist, tho Hoard of Health can at leastprevent the construction of woodenbuildings within tho section that willbo Included In the flro limits when wo

do have a legislature. There Is noth-

ing to prevent tho Council of State out-

lining a new flro district, 'hllo thismight not liavo forco In tho courts, thebusiness community would doubtlesshoo to It thai new regulations nro notviolated.

As was forecast by tho Ilulletln somedays ago, tho bill providing specialregulations for retaining men ot theIsland dependencies In offlco meetswith tho hearty approval of the localgovernment. Mr. Dolo tells his gov-


organ that he considers it "aprotty good proposition." So tho pro-

vision In tho Hawaiian bill retaininglocal judges In ofllco was considered nparticularly good proposition by thelocal faction. In fnct theso good pcoploconsider anything a good propositionthat keeps American prlnclplo in thebackground and tho official power In

the hands of the compact.


Conflicting opinions regarding thorebuilding of Chinatown should Im-

press tho authorities with tho neces-

sity of making hnsto slowly. Tho in-

terests of tho community will bo serv-

ed far better by n tompoiary delay thanby going at tho matter with a rush,only to find that the now foundation Is

laid on much the samo lines of tho old.Tho plague, tho flro, tho general,,.',,condition of Chinatown nnd tho whole

business section liavo demonstratedconclusively that tho flro limits of thocity must bo extended. This ought not ,

to be dono piecemeal as In years gonoby. Let the flro limits Include all thatdistrict bounded by Alapal, Vineyard, '

T.llllin otrnntu nn.1 tha Hon Thlo Ala- -'.,

trlct Includes aJl the strictly mercan-- 1

tllo section nnd n llttlo moro, but the '

time Is not far distant when tho bust - ,

ncss soction of Honolulu at Its pres-

ent rate ot development will havoreached these limits and possibly ox-te-

beyond. Half way measures are

&ftfci&i4W tt .. '. ., , VV -


worse than useless. The energy andcareful consideration that has char-

acterized tho tight against tho plague

must bo kept up to concert pitch If thonew Honolulu Is to bo tho modern

model city which tho pcoplo now havethe opportunity to innko it at compara-

tively Binall expense.

The now street plan howoxcr perfectwill bo ot comparatively little benefit

unless the new buildings nro modern

fire proof structures. This may neces-

sitate greater expense, but tho reduc-

tion of Insuinnco rates ami tho Increas-

ed safety to tho city will In the long

run moro than compensate the prop-

erty holders for tho additional outlay.Tho authorities and the business men

should build for tho future as they have

never dono before.


More Kurprlso would have been oc-

casioned had W. 0. Smith been foundon tho sldo ot the American officials ad-

vocating the application of Americanlaws to Hawaii's lands. So far asSmith Is concerned, his Influence on

legislation for Hawaii has been nulli-

fied by tho personal campaign In which

ho Is seconding tho efforts of Mr. Dolo'spersonal representative. Tho public

men of Washington thoroughly under-

stand tho lobby which Is practicallyheaded by Unofficial Dclegato Hart-we.- i,

who admits that not tho least of

his duties Is to forward tho personal

Interests ot Mr. Dole.Smith's Intimacy with tho unofficial

dolegato has not helped him any andtho prominence which tho now official

slato has been given by men supposedto represent purely business interestsis accomplishing just what tho pcoplo

hero want as regards futuro officials,

but It Is damaging to tho business com-

munity. Fortunately tho old tlmofriends of Hawaii, whllo Indifferent totho delegates, aro still true to Ameri-

can principle and aro forwarding thocampaign for thoroughly Americanizing theso Islands with energy nnd en-

thusiasm that assures success.As a matter of fact Hartwcll and

Smith, by their ever jealous watchful-ness for personal power nnd promo-

tion ot factional Interests, nro doingmoro to assist Senator Piatt and thoguardians of tho sugar Interests, thanthey nro to accomplish tho ends soughtby tho Administration nnd Congressional friends ot Hawaii.

Hartwcll wants to come homo.Really we can't blamo tho man. Hohas found that tho friends of tho Isl-

ands aro truo to the cause ot annexa-tion now, as they havo been In yearspast. Tho Republic ot Hawaii Is a de-

funct proposition. That Hartwell, orSmith as Influenced by him, should stilluphold personal Interests and still at-

tempt to maintain the autonomy of thisgovernment as against tho sound judg-

ment of American statesmen, Is furtherevidence of how little theso men ap-

preciate tho truo situation In Washington nnd to what extent they aro In reality hampering tho Administration.


Editor Evening Bulletin: I notewith great Interest tho remarks madoby Minister Young and other citizensas to tho futuro streets of this city andmoro especially referring to (. htnatownlands.

It appears that somo win spoko huvonot really studied the matter ot streetsand lanes whilst abroad or they wouldhardly recommend lanes In tho centerot a city In a tropical climate like thiswhere our cosmopolitan crowd fromold associations cling to narrow and111 ventilated streets and homes.

Now Is tho opportunity to prove thatmouern improvements or Eastern anaSouthern countries show that health Ispreserved only when plenty of light,air and good water nrc allowed.

May I mention that In Australasiawhich Is second only to tho UnitedStates In population, the matter ofstreets nas received much attention.

Sydney, tho oldest capital ot Australia, In Us young days did not receiveany nttentlon In tho matters above re-

ferred to, seeing these mistakes, Mel-bourne, tho second city, gave tho bestattention In Its power to theso mat-ters, tho main thoroughfares weresplendidly laid out, but they allowedlanes at mo nacK or mo main businessproperties, In a tow years, tho stablesfacing theso lanes wcro turned Intosmall storehouses, theso grew intolargo warehouses, so that now tho prln-clplo wholesalo warehouses faco theselanes.

The northern nnd younger Coloniessaw tho ovil of theso lanes, especiallywlicro climate and n more mixed com--

J?11 n,nu0 ,nwsthat prevent nny public thoroughfare)eng c83 than CG feet (l clmln) nnd

this Is carried out without any favours,or might I say ns a law that has to bo

Peeled and upheld.If a merchant requires a back or side

ontranco to his property for his ownconvcnlenco, It must be on his privateproperty nnd ho Is hold responsible for'Is KCeping.

I write tho abovo hoping It will beacceptcn-- na from ono wno wlBne8 toglvo tho best help to the powers thatbo.


P. S. The Uea of a portion ot China-town as a public park Is a good one,If not too central commercially.



Just direcOhipments from the manufacturers.

An invoice of

S?3fFrench WhiteThe finest assortment ever

from France.Direct fiom the Fry Art Co.,

Fry's Verifiable Colors In Powder.Lustre Paint.

Thirty of

Mouldings in the Latest Patterns.Our selection of Pictures are the Latest from

Art Centres.Howard Hitchcock's Oils, Water Colors,

Island Scenery Fruits.

China a specialty, at reduced rates.

The Latest in

The Pacific Hardware Co.,


Art Rooms,Only a FewLadies'"White"and"Remington"BicyclesWill be sold at

$40! cash,To clear out the line.Call early and inspect

& irn go.

R. A. DEXTER, Manager.





China(Nine Different Views.)


Children's Books andToys at ReducedRates.

Hawaiian News Go.,Limited.

Merchant Street.

Notice.At tho regular Annual Meeting ot tho

Stockholders of tho Honolulu RapidTrlnslt & Land Company, held tho29th Instant, the followingwcro ns officers:

I A. Thurston, President.J. II. Castle, Vice President.J. II. FUlier, Treasurer.J. A. Gllrnan. Secretary.J. A. Kennedy, Auditor.Tho foregoing, :ogothor with Messrs.

J. A. McCandless, T. P. Lansing, C. II.Atberton and W. R. Castle, constltutothe Board ot Directors for tho ensuingyear,

J. A. OILMAN,Secretary, II. R. T. & L. Co.

Honolulu, January 30th, 1900.U43-3- t

REMOVAL NOTICE.On and after February ist the UNION

EXPRESS CO. will have thelroffice withthe Evening Bulletin.f44ftf TELEPHONE M.


I., FRIDAY, FEBMJA1IY '2, 1900.


thousand feet





China for Decorating.exhibited in Honolulu, direct


Lamp Goods.

Fort Street.

A Beautiful






Golden Rule BazaarThlrteen'Beautlful Views 1

Four Pieces Hawaiian Music 1

Rainfall and Temperature Tables I

Mil this year's Calendar par-ticularly valuable. Price, ready for mail-ing, 50 cents. Send the address, enclosing50 cents, and we will do the rest.

Books and Stationery l


We Are StillIn the Swim!

That's an old saying, yet true, andwhen we say we are In the swim, whywe mean every word of It.

We have the swellest TIES for theHolidays that you want to lay your eyeson, In all of the Lates' Styles and Shapes.We have just replenished our stock ofGOLF SHIRTS, and are strictly speaklnr zht In as complete a line SImen's and boys' FURNISHINGS as canbe shown In the largest city of the Main-

land.At our Hotel Street Store, Nos. 9 and 1,

Waverley Block, we are going to give' youa chance to win a fine BICYCLE. Forevjry purchae of 50c the customer Is en-

titled to one ticket. The party who holdsthe greatest number of tickets on Christ-mas morning at 10 o'clock gets the wheel.

"The Kash'TELEPHONES 679 and 96.

Two Stores.Two Large StocksOl the Best Furnishing..

Mechanics' Home, corner Hotel andNuuanu streets, lodging by day, weekor month. Terms: 25 and 60 centsper night f 1 and fLS5 per week.

' '.W1A "SlftlfctV .V. j


Good Air. Good View. Goon Health,

A special invitation is extended to everybody to visit Ho-

nolulu's most delightful residence site




Via MaximaKaiulani Drive aptly termed, the Via Maxima or Grand

Boulevard, and in itself an artistic piece ol uifjneeripg affords

easy access to all points, as alsoexquisite grandeur at every turn.

Electric Railway.Contracts have been let for material, and the work of

construction, equipping and installation placed in the hands ota competent electrical engineer1st. Having an. independent power plant we are prepared tofurnish electric power for lighting, heating and other puiposes,to our home builders at most reasonable rates.

As Promised.Our reservoirs are now completed and water mains laid so

as to supply each lot. Permits for making water connectionswill be granted on application.

An inspection of the attractive homes now building, orthe names of purchasers ofbts, will convince anyona thatPACIFIC HEIGHTS is the choicest and most select of all theresidence sites of Honolulu.

t --i - --iTTtTtTTTtTFor further information,

the office of


scenic and marine views of

be fully completed by June

prices, terms, etc., apply

BRUCE WARING & CO.Progress Block.


Commencing Next Monday, De-

cember 4th, 1899.

Our entire stock of Dry Goods will be offered to ourcustomers at very low figures.

Laces, Ribbons, Fine Lawns, Indian Linen, FineCashmeres, Ladies' Capes suitable for the holidays.


DURING QUARANTINEThe Harness FactoryAnd Office of : : :


Lincoln block, King street,NEAR ALAKEA.

Any orders entrusted to me wil receive prompt attention. Ordersalready booked will be delivered from there.

C. R. COLLINS,Largest Manufacturer of Harness

and Horse Goods in the Isle --mIs.Telephone No. eo? p. O.

Established 1800.

Box No.








507. 1 A'

Assets 2S,2t 1,910.15.

EMMETT Manngei.

The : Germania : LifeIhbuthucb Company of New York,

Tho QoiiD Bono Endowment Policy is Bettbb than

Merchant StreetBulldln MAY.

TJ. 8. Government Bonds.






Page 5: MjjflHHMP J? WrV- V S.'XTN Hawaii's Popular Sea Captains ... · appearing. Tho prophylactic Is for uso on pcoplo who havo been exposed to the plague. Tho following Instructions for

aA Thing of

Beauty Is A

Joy Forever

Just arrived per S. S. Aus-

tralia a grand display of assort-

ed silver-wa- re viz.:

Cruet Stands,Fancy Berry Dishes,

J N ' Cake Baskets,Fruit stands- -

i ,



v .;-- ruaaing uiMies,

' .eiery ana ncKie oiunubIce Tubs, Ice Water Pitchers

(with or without Filters,)

Fancy Card Receivers,

Spoon Holders,

Toilet Stands,Fancy Vases,

Salts, Peppers andMustard and Napkin Rings.

A reat var'ev Rodger's.Ut-n- cltrAf ritnA fra





Desert and Tea Spoons,Medium and

Desert Forks.

Just the thing for Christ-

mas and New Year presents.Please call and examine foryourself. Lowest market priceless 10 per cent for cash.

Tbe Hawaiian Hardwwe Go.

Pott street. opposite Spreckels' Bank.

Thero ta only ono Jesse Moore Whis-key in the world and that Is cold andpure. Lovojoy & Co. are distributorstor the Hawaiian Inlands

Gram- - o -




T2Ear - s- -



Repairing a Specialty.

Bicycle Sundries.


WHITMAN & CO.,Sole Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.

Office Supplies

FOR 1900.Sole Agents for SHANNON FILING


best In the world.

Safety Document File Boxes like cut.Many other good things, call and see



phones !




Talks Talk 'N

Sings SingIjELllgllS IjEUJlgll


THE BEWTROM MUSIC CO. S,Progress Block, Fort St.

Clearance SaleTo Make Room for New Stock,

Bargains to be had in Elegant SilkWaists and Skirts, Underwear,


miss m. IdTkillean.Halrdresslng and Manicuring Parlors.

Arlington Block, 205-20- 7 Hptel St.


A Hue bay gcUHng for sale. See ForSale column.

The hospital shin Missouri got nwnyfor San Francisco this morning.

Hoarder's and livery rigs delivered (

and willed for nt nil hourB. King -Stables.

Tho gasoline schooner Surprlsa fromKona anchored off port lato yesterdaynfternoon.

DIAMONDS bought beforo tho IJoerwar to be sold at low figures. GEO.HAFKNER. Manufacturing Jeweler.

Assessment No. 7 of 10 per cent onthe nBsessnblo stock of the Koim Su-gar Co. Is duo and payable on Februaryid, 1900. Sec Now Today.

The regular monthly meeting of thoPioneer ltulldlng ft Loan Associationwill take place nt the Chamber of Com-merce on Monday evening, Februaryuth, at 7:30 o'clock. See New Today.

Anyone desiring tho service of laborers, servniits, butler, yardmen,lnundrymen find women, should matteapplication to Supt. C. A. Doyle nt theDrill Shed detention camp, aeo NewToday.

On Wednesday, Feb. 7. at 12 o'clocknoon, on tho premises of C. 0. Hall& Son, Auctioneer Morgan will sellall the woodwork, flooring, flooringJoist and other building material Inconnection with the building. See NowToday.

A commlslsoner's talc of real andpersonal property will tak place nt 12o'clock noon, of Saturday, March 3d,1900; comprising pieces and parcels ofland on the Islands of Oahu, Maul, Ha-waii and Molokal. Full detailed par-ticulars can bo Rfen on page 7 of thisIssue.

Tho Lo Munyon I'hoto Supply 0.calendar for 1900 arrived on the Gaelicand is on salo at their store at No. 42Q

Fort street Mr. Lo Munyon has spar-ed no pains to mako It tho finest andmost cllto calendar ever published intho world. It will bo strictly three col-or process work and very elaborate,being dono from Mr. Lo Munyon's ownnegatives.

The uso of the Singer in millions ofhomes Bhows tho unprccedom d suc-cess of these Ideal sowing nik, Mnes.It is convincing proof that thv Stalerexcels in all kinds of family N'ugand art needle work. All our i "tingmachines are of the best construe'on,beautifully decorated, and uro mountedon sleected woods in finely finishedcabinets of artistic designs. D. n,

agent, 1G Bothol street


The mortuary record for Januarystands 17C deaths. In the tame month1899, tho death rate was 93; in 1898, 71;In 1897, C2; In 189C, CI, and 1895, 49,uy nationalities tno deaths wero as fol-lows: Hawallans, 74; Chinese, 82;Portuguese, 12; Japanese, 44; British,3; Americans 4, and other nationalities7. In Wnrd 1 there were 45 deaths:Ward 2, 44; Ward 3, 27; Ward 4, 21;Wnrd G, 38; outside, 1, and

C. Annual death rate per 1,000for tho month, 47.4G; Hawallans, C9.37;Chinese, 35.88; Japanese, 70.40; Portu-guese, 20.18, and all others, 21.00. no-port-ed

ago: Under 1 year, 42; 1 to 6,8; 5 to 10, 3; 10 to 20, 11; 20 to 30, 28;30 to 40, 33; 40 to 50, 25; CO to CO, 10;CO to 70, 7, nnd over 70, 9. The causesof death were an follows: Dubonlcplague, 33; consumption, 20; pneu-monia, 17; meningitis and enteritis 9each; bronchitis nnd typhoid fover, 8each; Inanition, 7; malarial fovcr, 5;heart dl&easo nnd peritonitis, 4 each;beri berl and old ngo, 3 each; carcino-ma, convulsions, cholera infantum,croup, diarrhoea, debility, Hawaiianfovcr, puerperal fovcr, cerebral hemor-rhage, Intestinal catarrh, malnutrition,oedema pulmonum, syphilis, 2 each;accident, asthma, burns, colic, cardljoincomptency, drowning, dysentery, re-mittent fever, gastritis, gangreno, ne-phritis, locomotor taxln, nharyncltls.paralysis, premature birth, septlcaomln,Birnngiaiion, uraemia and unknown,1 each.




Style, : Comfort : and :


SHOES : : : :

Per the last Australia, we received a grand line of new styles inMen's, Women's and Children's.

Just in season for the Holiday trade.The Children's White Canvas Slippers, Men's House Slippers, and

Ladies' Evening Slippers, are especially nice, and are selling readily.Our stock is complete.We are in position to lit you.


New StockOF

Dry GoodsEmbracing all departmentsbeing opened by

WHITNEY & MARSH, Ltd.,Importers, 519 Fort

JXrOViE.IjiTIE.S!.:&: House Furnishing ! &&:

CORK MATS prevent colds and cold feet and absorb the mo!s!ure; just what Iswanted for the bathroom floor. It Is a pleasure to stand on one of these mats afteryour bath.

OCEAN CHURNS make butter In half the time or any other kind aud are easilyianeu. simple ana enecuve.

PLATES.-T- hey

as one Is filled It can be pulled off without



will not soil carpets or furniture, and is Protection from first to last.'1 he cleanest and surest Sticky r on the market.

Housefurnlshlng Goods Department Is on the second floor. Take the safetyelevator.

W.W. Dimond & Co., Ltd.Importers of Crockerv and Glass and House Furnishing Goods.

Sole Agents Jewel Stoves, Gurney Cleanable Refrigerators.Store open from 7 a. m. to 5:30 p. m.


hold six sheets of sticky fly paper. As soonsoiling the figures; Is and



Funeral of John Ruskln.srm

London, Jnn. 23. Tho remains oCJohn Ituskln, which wero rcmovwlfrom Urantwood yesterday, were In-

terred at Collision this nfternoonamidst universal signs of sadnchi nndwith n ceremonial typically rural. Thecoffin was hidden beneath a mass orblooms, Including a floral tribute fromtho Queen. Tho body was lnld In a.grave lined with white lilies, and close,according to Mr. Ituskln's desire, tothe last resting place of tho thrco MissSovcis, to whom ho had addressed hisfamous Urantwood letters. All partnof the country were represented at thograveside.

A memorial Bcrvlce in honor of Mr.Ilusklu in Westminster Abbey this afternoon was largely attended.

TUB LAST CAIt.The last cars of tho King street lint

going to Walkikl and Palama pass theAnchor Saloon. Tho cleverest mixolo-gists In the city uro thero a: ways toput you up nnythlng you may desire.Drop In nnd take a drop before yontnko the car. The celebrated SecUJbeer Is to bo had hero on draught Afull lino of liquors, Including the fa-mous Jesse Moore Whiskey, etc.,

on linn- -. Received per Warrf-mo- o,

Itnlnlcr Dock Deer on draught.Tho Anchor Saloon Is hero to plcaso itspatrons.

SEATTLE UEUlt.Tho over popular Ualnlcr beer is be-

coming u bousohold word and "wiltyou have a glass of Seattle," Is moraoften heard than anything else. TheCriterion Saloon has the beer on tap orIn bottles.

Ilmvuii Ships Quuruntincri.Kurekn.Jan. 23. Tho barkcntlnes

Cardigan Cnsctle. George C. Perkinsand schooner Ilalen K Kimball lire tillin quarantine at this port. The vcasolshave arrived from tho Hawaiian Isl-ands Within n tow llnvn nt nnnh nllmrand this nctlon on tho part of thohealth officers In fn nrnnrMmipn wlrhInstructions received from Washington.incro is no cnscaso on board, but thovessels arc being fumigated merely asn matter of precaution. Tho schoonerJesslo Minor, which nrrlvcd from Ho-nolulu about ten days ngo, has been re-leased from quarantine. Tho Perklnr.arrived yesterday, and her crew arc Intho best of health. Tho Norwegianbark Solvlg, now en route from Hono-lulu to thlo port, will also go Into quar-antine.

For rough sailor hats, ribbons, etc.,try Mrs. Iiannn, Fort street.

Nicely furnished rooms nt tho Pop-ular House, 1C1 Fort street, from $1.00per week up.


'Ml WW!.

I AM OPENINGA splendid assortment of Unbleached, Bleached and ColoredLinenTable Damask,with Napkins

Doilies to match.

E. W.Fort




- . ,M, . 'fft-'- - )















Page 6: MjjflHHMP J? WrV- V S.'XTN Hawaii's Popular Sea Captains ... · appearing. Tho prophylactic Is for uso on pcoplo who havo been exposed to the plague. Tho following Instructions for




"smLi nmwraejsr

ATKINSON & JUDD,A,L.C.Atkliion uiul Albort l'.Jiiild.Jr.)

Attorneys andCouus i lo's at Law.

Olleo mi r Himiui v Co. 'a Rank, cor,Kn "itinini viiul strutta.

T. MuUANL'S .STI3WA11T,AMorney nndCounsellor at Law.

'iro PlnrKoppwIlvfiithnlio ChurchFort street, Honolulu, H. I.

s52 Tolopbono 1122


Juild Building. Telephone 213.


at Law andlMotaxv Public.

Kaahumauii Street.

.1. M. KANEAKUA,Attorney and Counsellor at

Law.Oniee: In the Occidental Hotel,

corner of King and Alakea Btreeta,Honolulu. 1442

V, O. A0111. Enoch Johnson.AOHI & JOHNSON,

Attorneys and Counselorsat Law.

GUice No. 10 Wost King strtot.ioiopnono884.


Attorney at LawShekels Building, Fort Street,

. Honolulu.



S MOVED to the JuddBlock, Fort St.

Surgeon?, Physicians and Dentists.

Dr. W. J. Galbrauh.Practice limited to Surgery and




Hawaiian Hotel.)

Oaico Hours: 8 to 10 a. m.; 1 to 3m. 1 to 8 p. 111. Sundays: 8 to 11

a Telephone 510. P.O. Box 601.


.iCK AND RESIDENCE, OKDGECnTTAQK, corner Hotel and Rlclmrcl.i

rentH. Ollico Hour: 9 to It; 2 to4. 7 to 8 rolnplno 953. 1245

DR. A. N. SINCLAIR. School s'reet, between Emma and Fort.

Hours: 0 a. m 2-- 4 p. m., 8 p. m.jSundays 0 a. m, 1416

DR. 1. MORI,lift Beretania street, between Emma

and Fort streets.Telephone 277. P. 0. Ilox 813.

Oill co Hiiuim: 0 to 12 a. in. unci 7 to 8. n..; Sundays, 0 to 12 a. 111. 122!)


New Love's Building, Fort Street.TELEPHONE 434.



Supported liv Voluntary Con'-"Hlo-

FKEB TREATMENT to the tv.or ofall natlonalitiON.

For liiforinution an to cardtand ti ilu Harvloa, oto., 01O. ,

apply at the"' Infirmary.

Third Flii"r I'r irrnm Block.Subscriptions .u 00 left with J, F.

nackfeld, L. O. billon or Or. Sloggetr.l.ldiMlm

Mercantile Agencies.

Ttlcpnoatt lose & .jo. P O. Boi t,

HAWAIIANMercantile Agency

O. H. BERREY, : Manager.Judd Building,

war Qimenit RoliRchoni a SDfiCialt?.

Room 10, Sprcckels Building,Fort street.

Collections a specialty. Prompt re-

mittances. No fee charged unless collec-tlo- n

Is made. 1442

mu inTract

Situated on tlio cast Hide ofKalihi Viilloy. Tlio view toPearl Harbor is tlio best intlio city of Honolulu. Tliosoil is very deep; no stonesor rocks on tlio place

Water will bo laid beforopurchasers are roady to build"

A spaco will bo set apart,in memory of tlio PrincessKaiulani, for a park.

Tlio lots will bo sold at tliolowest prices in tlio market,with which other real estatoagents will not afford to com-pete.

Applications for lots willbo received at our offico, andwill bo given nroforenco ofouosing lots 111 the order thoyare received.

.For further particulars ap-ply to

W.C.ACHI&C0.Real EstateBrokers

10 WEST KING ST.October 4th, 1809. 1343

Coney EstateLANDS.


ING LOTS on Nuuanu Avenue, at Nlo

lopa, Nuuanu Valley, for sale. Apply to

J. M. MONSARRAT,CartwrlRlit Block, Merchant street.



532 Fort Street.


Best on the Islands

Delivered twice dallv to anv Dart ofCity. U85


Fresh Milkat 12 cents

a Quart!Dellveiwu in liny uautltlus to milt.

Leave your orders at STAR IV TRY,orTKLKPHONE 103.


Thirty HeadOf FineBuggy andDraft Horses

Just received ex MaunaAia. To be seen at the Sale Yards'


Gus. Schiiman,

When Yoa Waqt b RigRING UP THK

C-j- L- U-- B

Livery, Boarding andSales Stables, : : :


8U.le 'Phone, 47"Hack Stand 'Pbonei, 319 and 7T .


13 iT?srrriivrciTiin,i."SAN1TAUY REGULATIONS OF TUB



Tlio follow Ins regulations shall applyto, nnd ho In foico within, tlio poitlonof Honolulu described as follows:

Beginning at thu seashore, nt thewest lorncr of Loko Kuwili 2 near tlioeast corner of tho Kapalama DetentionCamp and running mnuUn, along thoWnlpllopllo road to tho old lino of theOahu Hallway, thence along Oahu Hall-way to tho boundary of Maimakca,thenco mnulca, nlong tho Mokaucaboundary nnd tho Kallhl road to thesurvey station at tho lower end of Mo-kau-

ridge, thenco In a straight linoto tho survey station nbovo the northend of Wylllc street, thence along thocentral line of Wylllo street to Nuu-

anu street, thenco In a straight lino totho forks of tho Manoa road, thenco In

a straight lino to tho coiner of the Wal-nla- o

toad and tho Kapahulu road,thenco down tho Kapahulu road andnlong Campbell Avcnuo to Monsarratroad, and thenco In a direct lino overtho summit of Diamond Head to theseashore at high water line, and thencoto tho Initial point


RAIN WATER.1. Where the spaco between tho

buildings Is less than fifteen feet, thowater from tho roofs of tho buildingson the Bides of such spaco shall bo con-

ducted In water tight leaders and madoto discharge Into suitable drains lead-ing Into street or alley gutters; and iftho building abuts on an alley or road-way of llko width tho same rule shallapply.AIR SPACE BETWEEN BUILD-ING- 3.

2. Thcro shall bo a clear air spaco often feet between all buildings exceptthoso fronting on a street. No build-ing except such as fronts on a streetshall bo built within flvo feet of aboundary line. Tho word "buildings"In this paragraph shall bo construed tomean nnd Include sheds, lean-to- s,

privies, and nil other structures.LIGHT AND VENTILATION OF

DWELLINGS.3. Each nnd every room Intended or

used for human habitation shall boprovided with at least eight squaro feetof window area having unobstructednccess Into tho open air for each 100square feet of floor space In said room,and frco access shall at all times bo hadto the samo by the occupants of thoroom; and nt least one-ha- lf of suchwindow spaco shall bo movable andavailable for ventilation.

AIR SPACE UNDER BUILDINGS.4. Every building shall lmvo on an

average at least twenty inches of clearspaco for tho circulation of air betweentho floor timbers and tho ground, nndshall lmvo sufficient openings for ventilation in tho outer walls to admit afrco circulation of nlr; but, In caso thisair spaco cannot be secured withoutreaching "ground water lovel" thenthere shall bo no air space, but thofloor shall bo of concicto or masonry.

YARDS, AREAS, COURTS, ETC.G. Yards, areas, courts, alleyways

nnd other open spaces within or be-

tween buildings, whero water Is usedfor washing of nny kind, shall ho prop-

erly graded and cemented, or paved soas to bo water proof, and drained Intotrapped drains properly connected withsewer or cesspool, and no permanentvtooden floor or grating shall bo main-

tained over tho same.WATER i.GHT FLOORS.

G. All houses, structures, rooms orparts thereof, in which wntcr Is used,or Intended to bo used, In such quanti-ty as to render tho floor or floors thoie-o- f

constantly damp, shall have suchfloor or floors, mado absolutely water-proof, with proper drainage intotrapped lcadeis conveying tho waterawny into cesspool or sower; nnd thowater proofing of nil such floors shallbe dono In a manner satisfactory to thoBoard of Health.

7. No building or structuio shall boused as a rcsldcnco or place for humanhabitation or nbodo which Is situatedupon land whero thcro is standingwater within eighteen Inches of thoBurfaco of tho ground; nor bhall anybuilding or structuro bo so used thatIs placed on land that has been madeby filling In with refuso or garbage orHint Is declared by tho Board of Healthto bo of foul or corrupt material.REGARDING PRIVY-VAULT- S AND

CESSPOOLS.8. No privy-vaul- t, sink or cesspool

In Honolulu, shall hereafter bo locatedor constructed within fifty feet of anystream, lake, pond, well or spring ofwater, nor within two fcot of the linoof any lot; nor shall it bo mado morothan eighteen' or less than six feet deep,or placed In such position that It Isnot easily accessible for emptying andcleaning. c


Board of Health, tho sides nnd bottomsof nny privy-vaul- t, sink or cesspool,shall bo made either wholly or In partwntcr tight, so ns to piovcnt nny satu-

ration of tho fiiniind about tho saidvault, sink or cesspool, and shall boprovided with suitable ventilating

10. No structuic or cover shall hoput upon or over any privy-vaul- t, Blnkor cesspool, until It has been Inspectedby tho proper Agent of tho Board ofHealth and npproved as meeting therequirements of theso regulations nndof public health.

11. Any privy-vaul- t, sink or cesspool,ulrcady constructed In Honolulu whichhas becomo a uulsanco, or In nny waydangerous to Hfo or detrimental tohealth, shall bo removed,

or nltcrcd to nicot tho requirementsof theso regulations nnd of publichealth, as directed by the Board ofHealth or Its Agent.

12. The Board of Health or itsAgents may causo tho emptying or dis-

infecting of nny privy-vaul- t, sink orcesspool that may bo deemed offensive,or when required by public health, nttho expense of the owner or occupantof tho premises.

13. When thirty days after thepublic sewer system is put into operation tho uso of privy vaults nnd cesspools shall be entirely discontinuedwithin tho limits of such sewer system,and all privies shall bo removed, ex-

cept In so far as permission may begranted by the Board of Health totransform tho samo into approved wa-

ter closets connected with the sewersystem.

14. No privy vault or cesspool shallbo excavated or maintained withinten feet from any dwelling house orinhabited building or cook house orplaco whero cooking is done.

15. No privy vault or cesspool shallbo maintained or excavated in nnyplnco whore for nny reason free nndunimpeded nccess may not bo had totho samo by an excavator cart.

1G. No privy shnll bo built or main-tained so ns to entirely cover tho cess-pool or vault under tho same, but thecesspool or vault shall project out onono sldo beyond tho superstructure Insuch n manner as to allow tho inspec-tion and lcmovnl of tho contents ofsaid cesspool or vault. Tho contentsof any privy vault or cesspool shallnot bo allowed to rise- within eighteenInches of tho top of tho samo or to suchn height as to flow out onto the surfneoof tho ground.

17. No cesspool or privy ault shallbo built or maintained In nny locationexcept tho same shall havo n substan-tial water-tig- ht curb which shall re-

tain tho earth without and tho con-tents of tho cesspool or vault within,and shall bo provided with a substan-tial water-tig- ht cover, having n bmnli,movablo lid in tho same to facilitateexamination and removal of the con-tents.

18. All cesspools or privy vaultsshall havo four-inc- h cast iron ventpipes with caulked lead joints, or gal-

vanized Iron pipes, extending not lessthan twolvo feet into tho open air, andIf within twenty feet of an inhabitedbuilding tho top of such vent pipesshall extend abovo tho root of tho high-

est building within a dtstanco of twen-ty feet of the same. All such ventpipes shall run as direct as possible.Every privy shall havo proper scatswith hinged lids to cover tho openingof samo, which Bhall be kept closedwhen not In uso.

19. All connections to cesspools orprivy vaults shall bo mado with castiron, lead, or vitrified, sewer pipe. Allurinals shall bo connected to cesspools,vaults or sower by trapped wastopipes.

20. All cesspools shall bo properlycleaned out at once, and hereafter atleast onco every four months, nndshall bo thoroughly disinfected atleast onco each week with such dis-

infectant as tho Board of Health shalldirect; all such cleaning and disinfect-ing to bo at tho expense of tho ownerof tho proporty.

21. All wasto, soil, sewer or drainpipes shall bo of cast iron, lead or vit-rified clay. If of Iron or Icrl tho jointsshall bo caulkod with molr lead; Itof vltilfled clay, U.cy ahoU h ,vo tightcement Joints, all Joints lo hj smoothIn the inside; open drains mny bo ofwater tight masonry.

22. All cesspools or privy vaultswhen abandoned and tho uso theroofdiscontinued shall bo at onco entirelyemptied of liquid and solid contents,and shall bo disinfected and filled withearth, sand, ashes, or other such cleanmaterials; and the wooden curbingabout tho samo removed to a depth ofat least four fcot below tho surface oftho ground. In no caso shall refuso,garbago or any unclean matorlal boused In filling such privy vault or cess-pool.

23. AH buildings and premises which

requirements of tho foregoing regulations nro hereby declared, nuisancesand dangerous to the public health.

REGARDING GARBAGE.21, Garbage will bo carried nwny

fieo of chnrgo by the Board of Healthcarts within theso limits, I. 0.: Schoolstreet mnuka; Alnpal strcot cast; Llll-h- a

street west; and seaward by theWater front.

23. It shall bo tho duty of eachhonso owner, householder, lessee, ortenant who Is n housekeeper, withintho district In which tho free rcmovnlof gnrbngo is provided, to supply, andkeep ready for uso suitable containeror containers, of not ntoio than eigh-teen cubic feet capacity and providedwith tight covers, for tho reception ofnil garbage, and to causo the samo tobe set out in such plnccs and at suchtimes as the Board of Health shall di-

rect for tho convenience of gnrbagocollectors. All empty containers shallbe kept clean nnd thoroughly disin-fected.

2G. Yard scrapings, tieo cuttingsand stable manuro will not be removedby the Board of Health carts.

27. All garbago and refuso which Issubject to decay shall bo collected byhouseholder or occupiers of dwell-ings each day; and if within tho limits named In section 21 tho samo shallho placed in containers as provided Insection 23 for collection; nnd If be-

yond said limits tho samo shall beburnt or removed.

28. No garbago shall bo used forfilling house lots or other tracts ofland.

29. No gnibage shall bo deposited Inany plnco not nuthorlzed by thoBoard of Health.

Extract from Penal Code:"Section 874. Every person who

shall violnto any regulation of theBoard of Health, after tho samo shallhavo been published, as provided intho Inst preceding section, shall belined not exceeding one hundred dol-

lars."C. B. WOOD.

Piesldont Board of Health.1441-2-


Holders of water privileges, or thostipaying water rates, aro hereby notifiedthat tho hours for Irrigation purposesaro from G to 8 o'clock a. m. and from4 to 6 o'clock p. m.

ANDREW BROWN,fuporlntendent Wator Works.

Mu-c- by A. YOUNO,Minister of Interior.

Hoi juln, Juno 14, 189.1211-t- f


All persons having claims against theDrill Shed Camp are requested to presentsame at once. C. A. DOYLE,

Superintendent,Approved by Minister Cooper. i442-5- t


OF HAWAII, LTD.Incorporated Undor tho Laws of tho

Republic of Hawaii.Authorized Capital, $1,000,000Subscribed Capital, 750,000Paid Up Capital 500,00o

OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS.Cecil Brown PresidentM. P. Robinson nt

W. O. Cooper CashierE. M. Boyd Secretary

Directors Cecil Brown, Mark P.Robinson, Bruco Cartwrlght, W. 0.Cooper and H. M. Von Holt.

DRAW EXCHANGE ON:San Francisco The Anglo-Californ- ia

Bank, Limited.Chicago The Merchants Loan and

Trust Company.Now York J. & W. Sollgman & Com-

pany.London The Anglo-Californ- ia

Bank, Limited.Paris Socletle Generate.Hamburg M. M. Warburg & Com-

pany.Hongkong and Yokohama The

Chartored Bank of India, Australiaand China.

Australia The Union Bank of Aus-tralia, Limited.

Canada Bank of Montreal.Berlin Oerbruder Meyer.

Exchange bought and sold LettersCredit Issued on all parts of theworld.

Bouquets !


Supplyievery variety of Cut Flowers and

Growing Plants Sprays, Bouquets and

Funeral and Wedding Floral Designs sup- -

tilled on short notice.

Office,icorner Fort street and Chaplain

we, oppo1 the Catholic Mission.H7


OLAUS Sl'IlBCKRI.S. Wm. . lawn--



.San Frandtco Agenln'Tnv. NevadaNational Hank of San Fkanoiboo,San Francisco The Nevada National

jinnK 01 nan FranciscoLondon Tho Union Bank of London

Ltd.,Nnw Yonu American Exchange Na-

tional Bank.Chicago Merchants National Bank,Paris Crodlt Lyonnal.nnnuwDrosdner Bank.HONKONO AND YOKOHAMA Honkong A

" """"" vorporaiion.S Zkaland and Australia Bankof New Zealand

Victoria and Vancouvkr Bank 0British North America.Trusact a General Bantui MinWiiWmiDepoltts Received, r.n.n. M.j. .

croved Becurity. CommercUl and Tr.i..rediu Iisned. Bills of Exchanra hm. Jii


mmo8 m m


"":: Savings Do posits wju batreceived and Interest allowed by td !Bank at four and one-ha- lf pef cent4per annum. The terms, ralos andregulations of the Hawaiian Postal Sav.ings Bank have been adoptod as far at1,raotlcnul0 tp apply them, and theCash Reserve of ffiO.OOO as required nn- -

deSt.he P,M Act wl1 b0 maintained.Prlntod copies of the Rules and smay be obtained on application

BISHOP t co,Established 1853


Transact a General Bankingmd Exchange Business.

Commercial and Traveler'Letters of Credit issued, avail-ibl- e

in all tho principal citiothe world.Interest allowed after Jul

1, 1898, on fixed deposits 8months 3 por cent., G months3 por cent., 12 months 4por cent.

Pioneer Buhding andLoan Association.

Assets, Dee. SI, 1898, fllO,80S.S8Money loanod on approved seourlty.A Savings Bank for monthly depositUousea built on tlm mnnti.i. iTlv;v J mmi.went plan.Elghteonth SorldH nt mt, i." uowoponod.Officers: T. p. Lasing preaUentS. a Roso, 0. B. GrayTreasurer; A. V. Gear, Secretary. '

A.Prrk.VKetKi.8GB-- a

For further particulars apply toA. V. GEAR, Secretary.

Chamber of Commr mnn...Offlco Hours: 12:30 1:3U p. m.

Tlje iohama Specie Bmkumxin.

Subscribed CapitalPaid-u- p Capital ...Reservo Fund



. 24.000.M yen12.000.000 yen7,600,000 yen.

The Bank buys and receives for col-lection Bills of Exchange, Issues Draftsand Letters of Credit, ana transactsa general banking business.

INTEREST ALLOWED-- OnFind Depoill lor it noothv 4 pw CMI .OaFI.tdDfpotlUor6BonUn.iJt

On Find Deposit lor moi, JINTEREST

on CwnotD.On hind Dtpout lor it moatnt, jH p c a. a.

Hew RepnMlc Building, llfliu St HshIbIi

The . . ,

Hawaiian ElectricCompany,

Cor. Alakea ft Halekanwlla Bts

Has a large assortment oj

Chandeliers and Elec-trical Goods '

Constantly on hanj--

Estimates given'for hnnala a and Eleotrioal plants.

Marine Wiring a Bpeolalty;"THEO.,HOFncjLNJ- -



st i , i fc , '


u t


C.. J"

"rftmiftiiliCTaiHftrto ' - l,;ti'HM uUft,.'V .

Page 7: MjjflHHMP J? WrV- V S.'XTN Hawaii's Popular Sea Captains ... · appearing. Tho prophylactic Is for uso on pcoplo who havo been exposed to the plague. Tho following Instructions for


K 'fJWSSJ-r- :WrW- -

Lines of

Oceanic Steamship Company.

TIME TABLE.The Fino Pttsaenger bteanicirt of Thta Lino Will Arrive at anc

Leavo This Port ne Hereunder.

Prom San Pranolsco:AUSTRALIA. , FEI1RUARY 14


In oounectinn with Iho Bailing of, the above Etnamern, (ho Agoututare prepared to isauo, to intending paBKeugora, coupon tkvongblioketa by any railroad from nan Jbranciaco, lo all pointa sn theUnited States, and from Nor; York by any steamship lino to allEuropean ports.

For further particulars apply to

Wm. U. Irwin k Co., LimitedGeneral Agcntu Oceanic S. S. Co.

Pacific Mail Steamship Go.Occidental and Oriental Steamship Co. t Toyo Kiseu Kaisba

Etaimert above cttequniet will call at "onolulu anil tear, thlt pert in or a.bout tit ..... .iatu below mentioned I . . . .

For 'Japan and China:Doric .Febtuarv SNippon Men Fefcruary 16Rio da Janeiro Itbruary 94Coptic - .March6America Mru March 14

Peking March 11Gaelic March ioHongkong Mam April 7

China .April 14

Dork .April 94

fur (tmral IntoreutJon apr--V to

H. Hackfeld &

Ganadi- M- Australian Hojal Mail Seasliip Company- -

afSluiml o( tht a!ove lint, running, la connection with (ha CANADIAN. PACIFIC RAILWAY CO.. f

Htwttn Vancouver, B. C. and Sydney. N.C.W., and calllnr at Victttla. C. C.. Honolulu and Brltbantlr DUE AT aiuiHKa.ua.ii on or auauruaROM VANCOUVER. AtlD VICTORIA, fl. C.

for Ufttcanvjinasyancyi, I Jilowera .Fabraivy it

Warrlmoo.... Match itAorangl Aprtl 14

aWThroufn tlotteta limed from Honolulu 4c Canada, UaKtd Stale .aal Europe For Freight and4riaeac and all f tnacal Information, apply to

tnt Thco. H.Daviesi&Co., Ltd.. entt Agents.Lines of Travel

Wilder Steamsliio Gi, Ltd.

oTiriE TABLE.8. S. Klnau,


Change in Sailing ofStmr. "Klnou."

On and after Tuesday, Nov. 6, thelearner KINAU will sail from Hono-

lulu on Tuesdays at 12 noon, for Kau-nakak-

Lahalna, Maalaca Day, Klbel,Makena, Kawalliao, Mahukona, Lau-phoeh-

and Hllo.Returning, will sail from Hllo on

Fridays at 2 p. m. for above namedports, arriving In Honolulu on Satur-days.

Passengers and freight will bo takenfor Makena. Mahakona, Kawalhao, Hl-

lo, Hakalau, Honomu, Papalkou, andPepeekeo.

Passengers and PACKAGES ONLYwill bo taken for Kaunakakal, Lahal-na, Maalaca Bay, Klhel and Laupahoe-Jio- e.

S. 8. ClaudinetCAMERON. Master.

MAUI.Will leave Honolulu every Tuesday

at 6 P. M., touching at Lahalna, Ka-hul-

Nahlku, Hana, Hamoa andMaul. Returning, touches

at above named ports, arriving in Honolulu Sunday mornings.

Will call at Nuu, Kaupo, onco eachonth.

S. S. Lehua,I ,, DENNETT, Master.'

, ,MOLAKAI MAUIi LANAI.Balls every Monday for Kaunakakal,

Carnalo, Maunalel, Kalaupapa, Laha-lna, Honolua, Olowalu. Returning ar-

rives at Honolulu Saturday mornings.

Thla company reserves tho right tomako changes In the time of departuroand arrival jf 1U steamora WITHOUTNOTICE, and it will not bo responsi-ble tor any consequences ar'-'-- T bro-Iro-

Consignees must : irioto receive their frol.it. Tic- - -- icany will not hold Usolf iciiponm.4);(or freight after It has boon landed.

Live stock received only at owner'srisk.

This company will not be responsi-ble tor money or valuables of passen-gers unless placed In the care of tboi"eri.

jsengera are requested to pur-

chase tickets before embarking. Those(ailing to do so wll be subject to anadditional charge of twenty-nv- o peritnt

The company will not bo liable tor

the delivery of baggage or personal!tffecta of the passenger beyond tV'mount ot 1100.00. unless the valrse Mine be declared, at or befoi !

ie ot the ticket, and freight paid

1 akttimu. ''vrKy''u


'Fms "3E3




For San Franci.co :

Onianr; (cargo)..Coptic Frtn.tr' ioAmerica Mara . Feraeary -- 7Algoa tcarico)tlaelc . .. . .MarchHongkong Alara. Marcn 16China Ma-C- t4Doric March tNippon AWu. . April ioRio de Janeiro .. .. April 17Coptic April vi

Co., Ltd., Agents.

aivuwwwiuitu, viaiFROM SYDNEY AND BRISBANE.

Far VlctotU (B. C):Awangt.... ftbruary aiWarrlmoo March ra. Mii.wera April 11Wmlmoo May 0

Lines Travel

All employes of itke comntnv aro forbidden to receive' 'freight ivlthou delivering a fhlpment re ilpt thereror Inthe form prescribed by the Company,acd which may bo aeon by shippersupon application to tho pursers of theCompany's steamers.

Shippers are notified that If .freightis shipped without such receplt it willbo solely at tho risk of Uio shipper.

C. I. WIGHT, PresidentS. E. ROSE, Secretary.CAPT. V. K. CLARKE, Port Supt


From and After January 1, IfiOO.

TRAINS.STATIONS Dally Dally(Outward) u. Sun. Dally ax. Sun. Dally Daily

A.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.MHonolulu :io o:i 11:05 3:iS 5:10Pearl City..., 8.0 11:40 1"'4T !:5oEwaMIII 8:31 io:o j:oo 45 a: toWalanae 10:50 4USWalalua it:sj 5:40Kahuku nut 0:15STATIONS. Dally(Inward) ti Sun. Dally Dally

A.M. A.M. P.M.etanuku,,..,,,,., 5!3S t.08Walalua 'io :soWalanaa :to " 3:5sEwaMIII 5J50 lies 4:31Peail City 5:15 5" 1:30 4!SHonolulu r:w a 05 v

F. O. Smith, Qen'l Pass, ifc TlckotAgont.

Q P. Dknibon. 8uporIntontlent,

Artesian Wells.L.E. PINKHAM, - . CONTRACTOR.

Office with tho Paciflo Hardware Co.,Honolulu, H. 1.

Estimates given and contract madefor wells on any of the Islands. SIXNEW PLANTS for heavy work operatedby tho most skillful higbPct class drlllors.


FRED J. CROSS,Consulting and SuporlntondlnK

Electrical HydraulicENGINEER.

Electro-Hydraul- ic Powor TransmissionREPORTS AND ESTIMATESFURNISHED. . . .

With Catton-No- il Co,, Quoon streot.Office noxt toPc vaico. 1223



Hydraulic Engineer.300 Judd Dlock. Telo. 033.


SJ4 FORT ST.,-- Naai comer of Cbaplila Uj

Cleanlne and Repairing at Short NoUca,asa in um van awawiaee a


Pursuant to nn order made by Hon-orable A. Perry. First Judge of the Cir-cuit Court of the First Judicial Circuit,(lied tho Hint day of January, A. I).l'JOO, I 11 m directed to Roll at publicmiction, subject to confirmation by theCircuit Couit,

ON SATURDAY, MARCH 3d, 1000.A 1. 12 o'clock noon of that day, nil theright, title anil Interest of UcnovlevuY)owsolt, Marlon C. IJownctt, being unundivided onc-twclf- Interest each ofBitltl minors, and nbo tho one-twelf-

Intercut of ilmlellnc C, K. Dowsctt andAnnie II. K. Dowsctt, Minors, In theHstate of .lames 1. Dowsett, deceased,Inamltoall those certain pieces and parrcls of land sltuato on the Islands otOithu, Maul. Hawaii mid Moloknl, andmoro imrtlcularly described ns follows:

1. Tho land situated In Nuuanii Valley, Island of Oalni, described In deedfrom John II. Wood to tho HonoluluDairy Company, dated Apill SOth, 1SD2,and l'fcordeil in tho Rfglistry of Comty-nnce- fl

In Honolulu 1n Liber 130, ntpages 171 to 177. Containing nn ureaof 271 acrcM moro or Icsh.

2. Tho lanti Hltuatcd at Kapalania,In Honolulu, Island of Osihu, known nsthe Akcpo lot, bolng n part of RoyalPatent Mo. 6(572, and described in deedmade try Knaea and J. W. Akcpo to,lames 1. Dowsett, dated tho 3d day ofFebruary, 1882, and recorded In Liber73, On pages 210 lo 212. Containing nnarea r.f 1.13 acres.

3. Tho laud situated at Anun, In Honolulu, described In deed from A.Francis Judd to David Kulmnu, datedMarch 21st, 3870, recorded in Liber 29,on pages 421 and 125, and tho land de-scribed In tro deed from John O.

Administrators of theestate of Jasla Kaaukal, to David Kn-ban- u,

dntcl Juno 7th, 1RGG, and re-corded In lilbcr 21 on pngcu 313 and 31G,and In a deed from Knlinnnuul andKcohokll, 'her husband, and Kaluahlneto David Kalianu, dated Septemberlltli, 1866, and recorded lu Liber 22, onpages 10C and 107.

4. ThoJand situated at Kakaako, InHonolulu, described In tha deed fromMookolobo and Nalnonclua to DavidKahanti, dated March 30Ih, 1880, andrecorded In Liber C3 on pages 415 and116. Containing nn area of G of nnacre.

5. The land at Aala, on Llliha street,in Honolulu, described In tho deed from.Nlka and Punlakala, his wife, andKeaka to David Kahanu, dated October9th, 1S9, and recorded In Liber 29, onpages 40 and 41; also the land

In tho deed from John ThomnsWaterhoueo and Eleanor, Ills wife, toDavid Kalianu, dated January 25th,1878, and recorded In Liber Gt, on pages'03 and 61; also land described In thodeed from Kin Nahaololua and Nnhelo10 David Kahanu, dated January 10th,1876, and recorded In Liber 49, onpages 385 and 38G. Containing nnarea of 3.03 acres.

6. Tho land sltuata on Kin? street.in Honolulu, described in the deedfrom F. M. Hatch to James I. Dowsctt.dated October 18th, 1888, and recordedin Liber 115, on pages GG and 69. Con-taining nn area of 17-1- acres.

7. The land Bituato at Kapahaha, a,

In Honolulu, being a portion ofApana 1, Royal Patent No. 2256, L. C.A. 24401).; described in the deed fromThomas Carry and Mary, his wife, toJames I. Dowsett, dated June 14th,18S7, and recorded in Liber 106, onpages 193 and 194. Containing an areaof 1900 square, feet.

S. The one undivided half of tholands situated In Honolulu, known nstho land of Knhaohao and Knhololoa,L. C. A. 153 to Wm. Sumner, dated.March Gtl), 1849.

9. Tho land situated at Puhawal,Walnnae, Island of Oahu, described InRoyal Patent 1073, L. C. A. 7463, andIn tbo deed of Pino and Klnlakua toJnmcu I. Dowsctt, dated April 30th.1888, and recorded in Liber 110, onpage 2HJ. Containing an area of G.71acres.

10. The land situated on Pearl RiverBay near Honolulu, known ns Piiuloa,containing an area of 2224 acres, anddescribed by metes nnd bounds In thodeed from Kekanonohl to Isaac Mont-gomery, dated September 7th, 1849, andrecorded lu Liber 4, on page 4.

11. The land situated at Honoulltill,at Ewa, on tho Island of Oahu, com-prising 86 acres, more oi legs, now un-

der lease to Sing Choug &. Co.12. Tho Innd situated at Kapalania,

Island ot Oahu, described In RoyalPatent 2380 issued to John Meek, andcomprising 9 58-1- acres; and alsotho land situated at tho same, place partof the 111 of Knhuopa described In L. C.A. S"i3, Apana 1, Part 1, and com- -prulng 1 728-10- acres, mora or less,which said two last mentioned parcolaof l.iiid aro now held under lease datedSeptember 15, 1896, by Y. Ah In.

13. Tho land situated on tho Island otMaul, known as Roso Ranch, compris-ing all tho lauds described In certainRoyal Patents and deeds as follows;all the land described In tho deed fromParker N. Makco and others to JamesI. Dowsctt, dated March 3d, 18SG, andrecorded In Liber 101, on pages 200 ctsep.; also tho leasehold estates in thefollowing Innds: Lcaso of tho Hawa-iian Government of tho Ahupuan ofKanala to Catherine. N. Makco, No, 292,dated February 9th, 1881; Lcaso fromJohn M. Knpcna to James Makco datedDcccrabor 22d, 1876, and recorded InLlbcr 47. on pago 498. Containing anarea of 21.650 acres.

14. The land known as Kaulu situateat Ewa, Island of Oahu, being part ofHoaeae. Containing an area of about1 acre.

15. The land with an orango grovosituated at liana. Island of Maul,known as Dowsctt'a land. Containingan area ot Vj acres.

16. The taro land situated on tho Isl-

and of Molokal, described In RoyalPatent 2330.

17. The land Bltuatod at Walplo, ontho Island of Hawaii, known as Dowsett's land.

it i.-- . .taffii'l.atfiniilSw .av.. -,.,

18. The land situated at Knpulona,In Honokna, Island of Hawaii, formerlyleased to J. M. Horner & Sons nutl nowoccupied under said lease by the Pa-cll- lc

Sugar Mill. Containing nil areaot 17 ',4 acres.

Also tho leasehold estates In tho fol-

lowing lands; The land of Halnwn, tholand of Kahntllkl, tho land of Loileluin,tho land of Mlkllun, the land of Nana-ku- ll

mid tho land of Alen, all situatedon tho Island of Oahu.

Alho all tho llvo stock belonging I"the Estate of James I. Dowsctt, tic- -ceased, comprising: C00O head of cattle, moro or less, GO head of oxen midbulls, and 213 head of horses nutlmules.

Also all and singular, the lands, flint-tel- a,

choses In action, and propcity,real nutl personal, belonging tti thoKstntn of James I, Dowsett, deceased,or to which said Estate may bo en-titled, whether herein enumerated nndspecified or not.

Terms of snlo are Cosh In U. S. Gold.Deed nt the expenso ot purchaser. Forfurther partk'ttlnix, apply to Paul Neu-

mann, Esq., orGKOUGE LUCAS,


Chlnesu and Japanese Firms.


iVIerchant Tailor323 Nuuanu St

ine Suiting! In Kngllsh, Pcolch andAinoricaii GtxxSs made to order.

itttophnu, tjOH- .- --Potttotnce box 986.

iwAiNiomWatchnmker and rTewoller.


213K3vlng stroot. 1277


Has Removed From Fort Street to inNuuanu Street, opp. Goo Kim's.


Dresses Made To Order.

HOP HONG,Merchant Tailor,

HAH MOVEDFrom 314 Nuuanu streot to larger jprom-Lhc-

No. 310, on the opj'O'-lt- uiilo of theHtreet. 112)3

L. CHONG,Mo, 6 Nuuanu Si-- , btlow M&rctunt, Honolulu.

MEROHAJNT : TAILORWStitt ruaranttaa to nt and In lataa ttylte

Clothinc made to order) Ualforaa a tpaclaltyClotnaa cleaned and repaired at reaionabla ratea.

Architects, Contractors and Bonders.

O.A.Howard. Ja. Robt.F. Train

HOWARD & TKAIN,Architects.

Sulla . Model Dlock, HONOLULU. OAHU, II. I.P. O. Box 701. Telephone 0S9


H. L. Kh.HR & CO.

Architects and Builders(Roomi ii-i-

PROGRESS BLOCK.Telephone i)iGen W Pace Tel inH. W. Ucardklee P. O. Ilox 78


Architects & BuildersOlFice: Rooms 2-- Arlington Annex,

Honolulu, H. I

Sketches and Correct Estimates furnish-a- tShort Notice. 1441

Building MaterialsOf ALL KINDS,

Dealers in Lumber and Goal.

ALLEN & ROBINSON,Wunon Ktrnnt. Honolulu

The World RegisterKoopti tho Cash whllo you aro busy,

Try ono ........... o

Rock PricesOn Maiblend Granite,


Fences and LawnFurnittire.

nnw'11 Iron Fence and Monuicntal Co,

041 King Stroot,

A GOOD THING". 4 U--S-- -C

Ohia, Algeroba and Pine FirewctOnt nd Upllt (ready for tb Store),




Lowest 1'rlcos, doliverod to any partbo City,

Pltta.Bl-IlOM- W

HUSTACE & CO.31 Qceen Btrwt.


THEOlH.DAVIES&CO.,Ltd,Merchants and Commission Agents.

Carry a Complete Line of Hardware, Crockery, Saddlery, Sic PalntlOils nnd White Lead.


Agents for Cloriphos & Dick's Balata Belting,This Ueltlng Is acknowledged by several of the most expert engineers on U'

Islands to be the best, inost durable, and least expensive.AlsoARents for Kelciiefer Bros.' GRAY AGATE WARE, of which a full



Lime, Cement, FireJwiaa.aaaa3watnaiejaaaaal.aaan , ,

Honoiuiu Tobacco Co., Limited,IMPORTERS OF


Jfino Ch-wle- s of

L. Cor. Fort


Preserve theMemory off yourFriends andDear Ones


LICHTIG'S, Nuuanu St.,

Ne.t to the Honolulu Hotel.





Visitors' are cordially invited tocall and inspect our gallery of life-siz- e

royal photos, from Kamehamehal. to date.

At the Old StandOn Fort Streot ::



Guitar, Mandolin, Zither,and Ukulolo.

taTDuring my absence atOmraMr. Ames, of Wall, Nichols Co.,will have charge of my pupils.


By a New, Quick Method 1

Proficiency guaranteed In six months.Terms. 5.00 monthly. Special attentionto adult beginners.

Address PI NO, Bulletin office. 1410


16 Bcretanla Street,

- Will receive a limited number of pupils..Music turnlfhed for concerts, afternoon or.veiling iMle


ANNIS MONTAGUE TUnNBRVocal Studio, "Mlgnon," 720 Beretanlastreet. Tel. 1114. 1J7I

E. K. KAAI,Teacher of ' .itar, Mandolin, Zither

Ukulele and Taro Patch.

Order" to Iks loft caro of Wall, NicholsCo., Mid it iergHtrom Mtmlo Co.'i 1265

JraHWafiaHaaMKk a t ..'VRH99a9wKj

Clay and Fire Bricks.

7 F


Siuokiiif,' Tobacco.

and Merchant Streets, Honolulu.


Silent 'Barber Shop.

Arlington lllock, Hotel Street.

Joseph Fernandez. Prop'i

mump Vi daawaaataavVtBaf

& rig aISnSBisr j7 l.'-T- Mttx-su- . '.z . --rViW?.--"-' I Upwaaal .Jef

ivWv .aSwaW Naar lBeaaV.

For cloaiiHltiK tho walp, tlmulatn,tho skin of tho bond, lellovlng lieadaenwcauijod by ovenvtirk nnd i0tal wornrating tlaitilruir, and genorautmaking you feol llko a now man o'woman, thoro U nothing equal toPnolieco'a Dandruff ICillorl

For nalo by mil druggUtn, Hnd at th.Union Harbor Shot).Telephone OHfl.

Plnmbcrs, Etc.


75 and 79 King StreetTKLKPHONK NO. 3I.J

NOW Is tho time to get leak, ucbroakagei neon to, and yxor

Roofs Put In OrderUvootnpotont woikmm

H. T. SHA.W"& CO.

Mary FintiiE ml Tin- -

Old Firo Tower, Union Streot.We llgitro 011 nothing but the tet,.

of work and niMorial, toting nil work,thus Insuring you ngatnittall sowor gas.Kstlinattig carefully given.

Jobbing promptly nttoinlml to.Fori the Plumbing

On that uow Iioubo that you arenbout to build or the altorntionnyou aro intending to make ionyonr proporty. CbII nnd eoelmeand got an estimate.

JAS. NOTT, Jr,Praolioal Tinsmith and Plumber.

Shop: Ilorotnnla street, 4 doors eastof Punchbowl. Phono 814.

Hour 7 a. 111, to 6 p. m. 'Jobbing promptly nttonded to.

N, F. Burgess...Does All Kinds of


Are specialties. Liwn Mowers wlll'ibecalled for, by RINGING UP 220. Also!

few for rent.PHN8AC0LA 8T

w 11 iiARru. H.w.iuimtHonolulu Sheet Metal Works,Galvanized Iron Skylights and Ventilators.

Metal Roofing,Conductor Pipe and Gutter Work.

Richard! Street, bet. Queen and Merchant. Ilonolalapmrnptlv ..nl4 - a

BfiiK IIAAUEO, 'KlngHtroet, not-- . Uillroad Dapot,

Plumber and TinamitliJBatlBfaorlcn fjrutrantood.

All work prompt!? and carefullyattended to. 1977

jJL'r VWrfi Wts










Page 8: MjjflHHMP J? WrV- V S.'XTN Hawaii's Popular Sea Captains ... · appearing. Tho prophylactic Is for uso on pcoplo who havo been exposed to the plague. Tho following Instructions for



Bf'Kni u-




rT" --pr S V 'r'7v- - WR$&'yN,Fft y7: ' ""''"""Vl l'.r"1' 'W'w'T1' ff '




The& seem to

be the We had of andwill a big by the In two of the

are sold to Is for thisare 4 and are the

a forThe less 25 and

we It for any up to 300and are call and see the

We as as It Is notat this we to get to the old

a fine Is to be up In our nevAt we rent and In the on the

of to our old waJ and are ableto do the best In rent the

and sell any of or for

0: on We

Wail M


Honolulu Drug Co.,Von Holt Block, King St.

Columbia, Rambler HartforJ bicyclesjust about right thing. have samples these wheels

have stock "Australia" weeks. Most

Chalnless Columblas arrive there such a'demmdwheel. They pounJs lighter this year fitted withSPECIAL TROPICAL TIRB which makes them perfect mountthese Islands Columbia Chalnless weighs than pounds

guarantee rider weighing pounds. Our HART-

FORD RA.rfBLER chain wheels beauties, sampleshave complete repair shop ever, though conveniently

located present. During year expect backcorner, where modern department fitted store.

present sell, repair wheels brick buildingupper side King street opposite where stand

repair work done town, well known ColumbiaChalnless, model Columbia, Rambler Hartford ash

easy Installments. want your custom.

0. HALL & SON, Ltd,

Cor. IPort and Kino: Sts.





DECEMBER 30, 1899:

Section 14 of the Banking Laws of 1884requires that on the last Monday In Janu-ary of every year, banks must make astatement of their affairs as of the 1st davof January. The following is the state-ment of 'he condition of the Bank ofHawaii, Ltd.. on the tst day of January,1000. The capital of the corporation is$400,000, divided into 4,000 shares ofSico each, paid up in full :

ASSETS:Loans and Discounts $1,0)6,400 43Call Loins .md Overdrafts.. 300,818 17Hawaiian Govt. Bonds 15,400 00Lease S ife Deposit Building

anJ Office 9,80000A' Iscell.meous Assets 1,242 3sHawaiian Govt. Warrants

and Coupons..! 8,83060Due from Other

Banks 1 54.914 5'Cisli on Hand.. 227,280 18 391,03429

Si, 754.794 27

LIABILITIES:Capital, 4,coc share i 40000000"I ndi vided Profits-- 66,6SS 56Deposits 1,174.9(11 99CertltiedandCashier'sCh'ks 9.032 00I lie to Other Banks 102,526 72t Ivldends uncalled for :,575 00(Jota1 Dividends paid In 1899,


Si, 754.794 27

I. C. II. COOKE. Cashier, do solemnlyswear that the above statenien' Is true tothe best of my Knowledge and belief.

C. H. COOKE,Cashier,

La milned and found correct :


Directors.GEO. R. CARTER.


Subscribed and sworn to b'fore me this3rd day of January, A. ID iqoo.

HARRIET E. WILDER.1442 Notary Public.

Departure Bay


A'.len & Robinson,Telephone 105.


I bet? to announce to the oubllc that I

have disposed of to the Pacific Vehicleand Supply Co., Ltd. the business heretofnre carried on bv Tie in Honolulu, of buyfng, selling Importing and dealing In readymade Carriages, Wagons and Vehicles,and Carriage Materials, Lamps, Harness,Saddles, Leathrr, Whips, Robes, etc

This however does not apply to theGeneral Hlacksmlthing and Carriage

business, which will st II be carriedon bv m at the old stand. 615 Fort street.

I44J Gt. W. W. WRIGHT.

M. fJ

Pumping 500 Gallons


At a Cost of Two Cts.,WITH A

Rider or Excelsior

HOT AIR ENGINE!.Thp mntlv nnur la Mnt Air fit. I

Coal, Wood, Coke, Kerosene, Gasoline, orrtceiyiene.

bee it working at the store of

Oceanic Gas andElectric Co., Ltd.

Naliilui Sugar Co. Notice.Stockholders are hereby notified that

the Second Assessment of the NAHIKUSTOCK is delinquent from the 1st day ofFebruary, 1900.

J. P. COOKE,I444'3t Treasurer.

Notice of Assessment,Notice Is lierebv given that the eighth

issessment of ten (10) per cent on thecapital stock 01 the HONOLULU RAPIDTRANSIT AND LAND CO. will be dueinJ payable to J. H. Fisher, treasurer, 411Fort fupstairs), Honolulu, on the im dayFebruary. The shares upon which asevstnent may remain unpaid after thirty

Javsfrom said date, will be declared de-

linquent. J. A. GII.MAN,Secretary H. R. T. & L. Co.

Honolulu, Feb. I, iqoo. 1419

Assessment Notice Wiila-I111- 1

Agricultural Com-pany, Limited.

Notice Is hereby given that an assess-ment of Co per cent has been levied uponhe lo.ooo shares, new Issue, of the Wat-tlu- a

Agricultural Co., Ltd., and that thesime will be due and payable at the office

if Castle & Cooke, Ltd., Jan. 15, 1900.E. D. TENNEY, '

Secretary Waialua Agr'l Co., Ltd,mv

McBryde Suj5ar Co., Ltd.A special (the adjourned annual) meet'

Ingofthe stockholders of this companywill be held in the office of the Chamberof Commerce at 10 a. m. MONDAY, the12II1 Inst., for the purpose of receiving theTreisurer's and Manager's reports, for theelection of officers, for considering a pro-

pose! amendment to the etc.The stock transfer books will be closed

between the 7U1 and 12th Inst.THGS. RAIN WALKER,

Treasurer.Honolulu, 1. 1900. 1444

PAPERS WANTED.Ten cents each will be

paid for a few copies of i h :Evening Bulletin of SAT-URDAY, January 20. 1900.Please bring to BulletinBusiness Office, 210 Kingstreet. 1444

WANTS.rftL'fi in tbu column uiii bi ttntiJ aticentirA altntfirit inut lion; to nri itconJ inter'ion, to atili . uttk 41 otHlt a tnontb, IHi it titcbfjput jJvtrtufnfivtr ojftrtJ tbtptoHt of HamqMIu,


SITOUIONS WANTEr Anyone 'c.las iri'M iv tnjit.M yjrj.reri,

l.i ii.Jrymcn ii.i women, ul J imm dl.tt.' p Hcmont.upt C. A. D..y.e, at tlio Utlll S wi Dev. lionOmp, xwotl

l ANT! D- -A brlchl. hon-- office Ai p y fvv II. LOSE. ,Mul.n1 Telephone OflUe. uu-t- t

WANTLD Mn to know that thi-- can t hveJby a hlie b.rlft lor situ.sMll JLITS,

010V for, Tfec,, nun l.nt N,.si

w KIIINC, ANDACCOUNIIxI) Nb accurate-ly; noJerati rales. MR. MUM. ca,e Peoples

Epr Co ; or General Oellvetv. P O t o- -tf

nmihuTcuT ?..., .ki ..11.1 imuriilt ....s general housework anJ care ot children. Kefer-enc- es

require! Apply O. At.. Uulletln oltice 1)60


FOR SALE Day Gelding In fine condition, quietreliable cheap. Owner leaving coumry.


COR SALE $4500. Lee of a hffte tenementI houe ,ltuated near the heart of the town Pres-ent Net Monthly Income S o. Apply 1

WILLIAM DAVIUUK,144 1 No. io fort tteet.

COR SALE S1400. Lease of Cottage centrally.t ao cars to run. (.round rent $11 per mon'h.Apply to WILLIAM SAVIDOP.1441 No jio Tort street.

COR SALE tijen. New Modern Cottage and lotatKewalo. Lot joxioo. A bargain as a home.

Apply to WILLIAM bAVIDGE.144) No. 110 I'ort street.

SALF A j3 Anthiny Camera, reversibleback, with wide angle Morrison lens. Inquire at

tnis office I4I8-- II



LOST Bishop & Co.'s Certificate of Deposit No.for Sioco, In favor of Wm. II Coney, has

been I s Payment has been stopped, and all partiesare cautioned against negotiating the same.

Honolulu, Feb. t, 1900. 444-- )t

I OST A Silver MEDAL engraved Otto BumesterI-- Finder kindly retumto Hull. tin office. I44fiw

LOST Small Sorrel Mare. Suitable reward Ifto II. F. Mertelman's shop. King slreet.

or residence at Walklkl. I4i8-t- f

roUND.COtlND A Golf Cape, gray cloth with fine blueI and maroon strlpis and Scotch plaid liningFinder can have same by calling at this office andpacing costs ol advertising. ,441-t- f

TO LET."TO LET A suite of Ho- sckeeplng Rooms unfur- -

nUh-- d ti4 Me'et.nl, stet rj4i 'I

Tllfc ALOII ROOAtlNO IIOUbL. Fort St. Ilestrooms and attendance In city. UJa


Kona Sujiar Co., Ltd.Notice Is hereby given that Assessment

No. 7 of 10 per cent on the asst ssjble stockof the KONA SUGAR CO., Is due andpayable February 2, 1900.

F. W. McCHESNEY.Treasurer.

Honolulu, Feb. 1, 1900. . i445'twP I O N E E 11

Tho Regular Monthly Mootlii of tboI'lonccr Itttlldlng nnd Loan Associationwill Im hultl at tho ClminlxT of Com-inorc- o

on MO 1)AY EVENING, Keofit), 10 (, nt 7:S() oVInck.

Payiiiouts nru required In gold.1 115 A. V. OKA It, Secretary.


All concerned are hereby notified thatthe February, 1900, Term of the CircuitCourt of the First Judicial Circuit, willbe formally opened on Monday, the 5thInst., at 10 o'clock a. in., anJ the sessionthen adjourned until the following Mon-

day morning.Jurors, both Hawaiian and foreign, are

excused from attendance until furthernotice.

Dated: Honolulu, H. I. Feb. 2nd, 1900.VV. L. STANLEY,

Second Judge Circuit Court, First JudicialCircuit, Presiding at the Term.

L445-2- t

Auction Sale...OF...



At the premise? corner King and Fortstreet, I will sell at Public Auction, byorde: of E. O. Hall & Sons, all the wood-

work, flooring, flooring joists, Iron shuttersdoors and frames, gl tss sashes, slate roof.Ing, etc., of their former place of businessfligstaff with Irons, In good condition-- , aa large tree, etc.

Also a large supply of paints, oils, hard-

ware, etc., for which they now have nostorage room.

JAS.F. MORGAN,Auctioneer.

Fish Inspector Berndt hascome across some very curiousand beautiful fish lately whichare being painted by KINGBROS, artist. A very peculiarcrab is on view in KINGBROS window, Hotel street.


Weather Uurenu, Punnhou, Fob. 2.Tcntpetnturo Morning minimum,

08; Midday maximum, 78.Uaroracter fit 0 n, m, 30.00. Steady.

Dow Point 57F.lii.ii..un u n, m. r5 per cent.lJKUiiuint Head Sli;tml Station, Feb.

2. Weather clear: wind fresh NK.

A1UUVALS.Friday, Fob. 2.

Am. scltr. H. W. llartlctt, Nielsen,fiom Aberdeen, Dec. 2Uj 011,000 feetlumber to Lowers & Cooke.

Am. bktne. S. N. Castlo, Lnnfcldt,from San Francisco; 900 tons gcn'lindse.

Btuir. iCcauhou, Moshcr, from Kilntt-c- a;

4,000 Imga sugar.Stmr. Iwnlanl, Gregory, from Hawaii


Thursday, Feb. 1.

Ger. bk. Paul Iscnberg, Kruso, forSim Francisco.

Ur. bk. Klnfnuns, Crclghton, for theHound.

Schr. Ada, for Kauai ports.H. M. S. Monna, Carey, for the Colo-

nies.Schr. Lukn, for Hawaii.Stmr. V. G. Hull, Thompson, for

Knuni.Friday, Feb. 2.

U. S. Hospital Ship Missouri, Dillon,San Francisco.

PASSENGEtlS IUUVED.From San Francisco, per bktne. S. N.

Castle, Feb. 2. W. S. White, F. Pax-to- n,

II. 1'nxton, J, Ucmnrtlue nnd J.Povcll.

CONSIGNEES.The Moann thut arrived ycstcrlay

brought tho following cargo: Thlrty-flv- o

cs butter, CO bags onions, 10 csmerchandise, 25 bbls beef, Scs mer-chandise, 344 pkgs transshipments, 1 csbooks, 102 cs whisky, 1 cs chow cards,50 cs mullet, CO cs potatoes, C cs lamps,5 bbls globes, 1 bag coin, 53,510.44; 39pkgs, parcels, boxes, etc., consigned toOrder, Win. G. Irwin & Co., Von Hnmm-- Young Co., Washington Light Co., T.H. Davics & Co., E. W. Jordan. Clias.O'Diicn, U. L. Durham, S. C. Humph-reys, llcnson, Smith & Co., Mis3 d,

Mrs. S. M. Mills. H. E. Wnlker,Gum Chong, F. Wuntlcnbcrg, rf. F.Wlchman. Hlstlon Iron Works, AndrewMoore, Pearson & Potter Co., H. F.Cook, John Foster, City FurnitureStore, Oceanic Gas & Electric Co., Ha-

waii tin Carrlago Manufacturing Co.,Von Hamm-Youn- g Co., MercantilePrinting Co., King Ilros., W. C. Pea- -cocn & Co., Q. H. Bcrrcy, PnnuhaiiPlantation Co., C. Urewor & Co., C. J.Hcaley, I. J. Taylor, 11. LIchtlg. Den- -son, Smith & Co., Hart & Co., Macfr.r-lan- o

& Co., H. H. Clark. P.lsltop &Co., Castlo & Cooke. L. M. Mills.


Tho Jabcz Howes sails today.Tho schooner Ada sailed for Kauul

yesterday.There are at tho present tlmo 44

foreign vessels in port,The Kcauhou brought only one pas

senger, n nntlvc, who comes to attendto somo court matters.

'4 ho ship Iolanl Is anchored outsttlo.It Is expected that she will go to Kau-naknk- al

to dlschargo her cargo.Tho schooner Golden Shore nt tho

railroad wharf and tho Bteamcr lllom-fontc- ln

at tho Oceanic dischargedfreight all night.

The Kcauhou that arrived this morn-ing will go on tho marino railway fora cleaning and repairs as soon as shehns discharged her cargo of sugar.

Tho S. N. Castlo brought a coloredstowaway from San Francisco. Howill bo kept lockca up aboard shipuntil somo other disposition of himenn bo made.

Forakei1 Is Positive.Washington, Jan. 18. Senator Fo-rak-

cnalrmau of tho Committee onPaclflc Islands and Porto Itlco, regardstho enactment of Hawaiian legislationas certain, nnd Is confident that a codoof laws embodying a government forPorto Klco will bo passed. Ho doesnot expect, howovcr, that there will beany tcrlous attempt at legislation atthis session for Guam nnd tho otherPacific Islands, other than Hawaii,coming tinder tho Jurisdiction of hiscommittee.

PER S. S. .USTRALIA.Just landed a full line of grapes,

plums, peaches, apples, Bartlett pears,oranges, lemons, celery, cabbage,

cranberries, burbank and redpotatoes, dates, salmon flounders, hali-but, crabs, eastern and California oys-ters (In tin and shell,) turkeys, chick-ens, ducks, quail, chestnuts. A fullline of canned goods. CAMAIUNOS'UEFIUOICnATOK.

Tho Evening Dullotln, 75 conts permonth.

Pound Master's Noticeof Estrays.

Notice is hereby given, that the animalsdescribed below have been Impounded Inthe Government Pound at Makiki, Kona,Island of Oahu, and unless the pound feesand damages are sooner satisfied, will besold at the date hereunder named, accord-ing to law :

Jan. 26, 1900. t jack, undescrlbablebrand, half blind and fore legs lame.

The above described animal will besold at public autlon, on SATURDAY,Feb 10 at 12 o'clock noon, If not calledfor before the date mentioned.

K. KEKUENE,1444 Poundmaster.

Jasllorpti Jl.'i Qitccn fUreo

Guardian's f.Sale of RealEstate.

By dlrecllon of Helle F. Jones, Guardianof Edwin Austin Jones, Helen Joneo, Mar.gnret Jones and Catherine Hay Jones,minors, and acting tin ler and bv virtue ofan order Issued out of the Circuit Court ofthe First Circuit, dated the 2nd day ofJanuary, tqoo, I am directed to sell atpublic auction, at my salesroom in the cityof Honolulu, Island of Oahu, on Saturday,the 27th day of January, 1900, at 12o'clock noon of that day, all the right,title and Interest of said minors, being anundivided half of, in nnd to all those cer-tain pieces or parcels of land situate atWaikane, District of Koolaupoko, Islandof Oahu, and more particularly describedas follows :

1. All that land described in R. P. 186,L. C. A. 572? and 849; to Kalkalna, moreparticularly described as follows :

Apana t. 6 lol kalo me ke KakuahaleManirtite. E hoomaka ma ke kill! Hemamnkai 0 kela ma ke klhl 0 ka pa hau, keklhl akau makal 0 ko Makakukie pill anaI ko Ku halua, a e holo ana He, 6o)i Koni.2.5: Kaul. maka pa hau, ma ko Maka-kuka-

a hlkl I ka ilhl kae pall I ke klhlAk. makal 0 ka lol 0 Kaheana; Alalia He.TSH Kom. 2.38 Kaul. tho ana ma ka pallaplianamaKa auwal ma ko Kaheana;He. $U Kom. t.22 Kaul. ma ko Kaheanaa IiIkI I ke klhl Hcina mauka 0 kela;alalia Ak. 15; Kom. 2.0 Kaul. ma koKaheana ame ko Ku a hlkl I ke kumupall; alalia Hlk. 1.47 Kaul. ma ke kumupall, a Ink! ! ko Kaheana mala ulu; alaliaAk. 66 Hlk. 2.2s Kaul. ma ko Kaheana, apll ana a hlkl I ka Ilhl kae pall, alalia Ak.59 2-- 4 HI, i.qo Kaul. ma kula a hlkl i kapuliala, ke klhl akau mikal o kela, a keklhl Akau mauka 0 ko Ku Italian. AlaliaHe. 31JS HI. 2.04 Kaul. ma ko Ku Kahua-h.il- e

a hlkl I kahi I hoomakal. Maloko 0la Anana.

1 v . . .. .Anana 2, 0 101. mamane. b hoomaka

ma ke klhl Hema makal 0 kela kahl ewalho ana He. 61 Kom. 73 Pauku mal keklhl Hema mauka 0 ka Apana 1 mal, pillana hoi me na lol elua o Kaheana amekahl lol nahelehele. A e holo ana He,49? j Kom. ma ka auwal ma ko Kaheana;alalia He. 25K HI. 8? nauku ma ko Kaheana; alalia ma kahl wa ho wale He. 14Kom 96 pauku, a He. 62 45 Kom. 93pauku, a Ak. 37 Kom. 1 Kaul. a moku kaauwal. Alalia Ak. 40K HI. Ilioana-m- ka auwal: a a a Ak. 7 do Komt.44 Kaul. a hlkl I ke klhl Hema makal 0ka lol poallma. Alalia ma ka lol poallmaAK. totf Kom. Bspauicu; a HI.75J4 Kom2.50 Kaul. Alalia AK. iSJf Kom. 1.50Kaul. a hlkl I ke kumupall. Alalia ma kekumupali a ma ka auwal. Ak. Go HI. 1.0;Kaul., a Alt. 7OJ4-

- hi. 1.73 Kaul. a hlklI ke klhl Akau mauka 0 ko Ku lot;alalia ma ko Ku He. 11 '4 HI. 1.41 Kaul,Ak. 82 HI. 1.G6 Kaul.. a He. 2SH HI 40Pauku a hlkl I ko Kaheana lol. AlaliaHe. 32 HI. 71 Pauku ma ko Kaheana ahlkl I kahi I hoomakal.

MALOKO IA APANA 1 EKA.Apana 3. 1 lol. Kahal.to. E hoomaka

ma ke klhl Akau makal 0 kela dIII ana I

na I il 0 Kuluahl ame ko Kaukl; a c holoana He. 47'S HI. 1 Kaul. ma ko Kuluahl,

a hlkl I ke klhl Hema makal 0 keia; alaliaHe. 45 Kom. t.48 Kaul. ma ke akaakai;alalia Ak. 43 15 Kom. 1.18 Kaul. ma kKapuie; alalia AK. 5013 HI. 1.40 Kaul. mako Kaukl a hlkl I kahl hoomakal.

Maloko 0 la Apana 0 Eka.2nd. All that Portion of the land de

scribed In R. P. 158, L. C A. 5919 toraiiumuu, as is uescrmeu in uceu 01

Palauhulu to Nakea. datrd May. i8;7.and of record In Liber 27 on page 4to.

3rd. All that land. Delng a portion ol themakal li ill of R. P. 158, L. C. A. 5019, toPalauhulu. more particularly described asfollows:

Beginning at the northwest corner of theland of M. Phillips & Co. adjoining theProtestant cluiu.li yard, and running south33 East 5.2; chains alone the line dlvidlnzthe mauka from the makal half of R. P.15U: thence south 61 West 1 ovioo chainsalong the land ol Puka to the Governmentroad: thence north 1'A West ?.o chainsalong the Government road to the Protestant cnurcn yard; thence north ow East1.95 chains along the said church yard tothe point of commencement. Containingan area of 1 027-100- 0 acres.

4th. Five undivided shares or Interest Inthe land known as the Ahupuaa of Wai-kane, and held and owned by a number ofpeople as tenants In common, and calledthe Hurof Waikane.

5th. All that land at Kumunul, Wai-kane aforesaid, and more particularly de-

scribed In R. P. 152, L. C. A. 6051,with dwelling houses, cook house,

servants' dwellings, stable and bath housesituate thereon.

6th. That certain SDrlne of water knownas Ulawlnl, situate in the Ahupuaa ofwamane. conveyed dv trie oittcers ot saiaHul of Waikane to P. C. Jones, togetherwith the pipes leading the water fromsaid spring to the last above mentionedpremises.

7th. Lease from the officers of said Hul--'- "

of Waikane of about ten acres of landknown as the Peterson lot; rent paid Inuiii to uciooer 1st, 1907.

8th Note for Jt20 secured by mortgagedated May 17, 1800, at 12 per cent perannum, made by Phil to Peterson, Larsenand Hopkins, of his interest In the Hul ofWaikane.

Tne property above described has forthe most part been used as a country resi-dence, and has on a portion thereof twodwelling house, ontnousrs, stables, etc.,all in good order and condition. A portionof the land's three pieces are leased, andbring In a rental of $155 a year.

P. C. Jones, Esq., who Is the owner ofthe other undivided half of said prcperty,has consented to a sale of his half at thesame time nnd place, and will join In thedeed for his half Interest witfi the Guar-dian, so that the party buying can securethe who'e property. The five shares Inthe Hul of Waikane represent nearly asixth Interest In between 1,500 and 1,600acres, consisting of Kula and rice land, theland being Known as the Ahupuaa ofWaikane.

Upset price for all the above propertywill be ji2,coo.oo.

Deeds at the expense of purchaser.Dated Honolulu, January 3rd, 1900.For further particulars apply to Cecil

Brown, Esq., orJ. F. MORGAN,

1419 Auctioneer.

By order of Judge Perry the above saleIs postponed to Saturday, Feb. icth, igcoat the same hour and place.

Pacific Import Co.(INCORPORATED),

Great News!We beg to inform the Ladies

that we have Just opened outfive cases of Embroideries, In-

sertions, and All-Ov- er Embroid- -

eries 1,000 pieces of Embroid-eries of all grades in widths andqualities to select from, highnovelties in new patterns thatmust be- - seen to be appreciated.Having imported the same directfrom the largest manufacturerin Switzerland, we are able tosell the same at very reasonableprices.

We invite inspection.


S. EHRLICH, Manager.

- M. V'i