mit's streamlined 401(k) investment line-up

1 MIT 2015 401(k) Investment Transition Guide As announced earlier this year, MIT will transition to a new, streamlined 401(k) investment line-up starting this spring. This guide explains: n Why MIT is making this change n What funds will be offered in the new Core Line-up n How the transition will occur n What effect the change will have on your current and future investment choices n Where to find information and personalized support during the transition This guide supplements Your 2015 401(k) Investment Transition Statement, a personalized statement prepared for each individual participating in the MIT 401(k) Plan. Your statement describes how the upcoming change will affect the investment of your 401(k) account balances and, if applicable, your ongoing contributions and MIT's matching contributions. MIT's Streamlined 401(k) Investment Line-up Although many participants will find that no action will be required on their part because of the upcoming change, all participants are encouraged to take a fresh look at their 401(k) investments in the context of their personal retirement planning. WHAT IS NOT CHANGING? As you review this guide, please keep in mind that the basic features of the MIT Supplemental 401(k) Plan are not changing. Only the investment options in the Core Line-up will change. MIT will continue to provide a 100% match on your contributions up to 5% of your pay. In addition, Fidelity will remain the Plan's record keeper and will continue to host NetBenefits ® , the website you use to make 401(k) contributions, change investment elections and access your account information. WELCOME Transition Guide Contents Information Action Education

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Page 1: MIT's Streamlined 401(k) Investment Line-up


MIT 2015 401(k) Investment Transition Guide

As announced earlier this year, MIT will transition to a new, streamlined 401(k) investment line-up starting this spring. This guide explains:

n Why MIT is making this changen What funds will be offered in the new Core Line-up n How the transition will occurn What effect the change will have on your current and future investment choices n Where to find information and personalized support during the transition

This guide supplements Your 2015 401(k) Investment Transition Statement, a personalized statement prepared for each individual participating in the MIT 401(k) Plan. Your statement describes how the upcoming change will affect the investment of your 401(k) account balances and, if applicable, your ongoing contributions and MIT's matching contributions.

MIT's Streamlined 401(k) Investment Line-up

Although many participants will find that no action will be required on their part because of the upcoming change, all participants are encouraged to take a fresh look at their 401(k) investments in the context of their personal retirement planning.


As you review this guide, please keep in mind that the basic features of the MIT Supplemental 401(k) Plan are not changing. Only the investment options in the Core Line-up will change. MIT will continue to provide a 100% match on your contributions up to 5% of your pay. In addition, Fidelity will remain the Plan's record keeper and will continue to host NetBenefits®, the website you use to make 401(k) contributions, change investment elections and access your account information.

WELCOMETransition Guide Contents




Page 2: MIT's Streamlined 401(k) Investment Line-up


MIT 2015 401(k) Investment Transition Guide

WELCOMETransition Guide Contents




Transition Guide ContentsINFORMATION

Reasons for the Change .......................................................................................................... 3

How the Funds Were Selected ................................................................................................4

The New Core Line-up .............................................................................................................5

A Closer Look at the New Core Line-up ................................................................................. 6

Brokerage Window: Brokerage Link ....................................................................................... 8

Investment Funds Transition ....................................................................................................9

Continuing Funds .................................................................................................................. 9

Non-Continuing Funds......................................................................................................... 10

Investing in the New Funds .................................................................................................. 12


Important Dates .....................................................................................................................13

What to Do Next ....................................................................................................................13

Making Your Investment Elections .........................................................................................14


Resources Available to You....................................................................................................15

Frequently Asked Questions ..................................................................................................16

Glossary of Commonly Used Terms ......................................................................................20

Investment Line-up Transition Table ......................................................................................24

Disclaimers & Required Notices.............................................................................................38

Page 3: MIT's Streamlined 401(k) Investment Line-up


MIT 2015 401(k) Investment Transition Guide

Reasons for the ChangeThe MIT Supplemental 401(k) Plan Oversight Committee (the Committee) recently completed a comprehensive review of the

current investment structure, which includes more than 340 fund choices. Part of the Committee's review included soliciting

feedback from hundreds of community members through preview sessions and focus groups.

Following its review, the Committee recommended moving to a streamlined set of investment choices, a recommendation approved for implementation in 2015. The change is designed to accomplish three objectives:

n Position MIT for increasingly demanding legal and regulatory standards applicable to 401(k) plans.

n Create opportunities for lower investment costs and higher overall value to participants by consolidating assets into fewer funds. With assets dispersed as they are today, it is not possible to take full advantage of participants' collective purchasing power.

n Respond to feedback from faculty and staff that the vast number of choices offered in the current line-up is confusing. MIT's goal is to offer enough choice to accommodate our diverse community while making it easier for participants to choose cost-effective options that fit their personal goals, financial profile and risk tolerance.

The new Core Line-up will include 37 funds, of which 19 are offered currently. Outside the new Core Line-up, participants will continue to have the option to access more than 5,000 additional funds by opening a retail brokerage account through Fidelity's BrokerageLink®. In contrast to funds in the new Core Line-up, however, these additional funds will not be monitored by MIT.



Reasons for the Change

How the Funds Were Selected

The New Core Line-up

Investment Funds Transition




n Position MIT to satisfy evolving legal standards

n Reduce overall investment costs and increase value for participants

n Make investment choices for participants clearer and simpler

Page 4: MIT's Streamlined 401(k) Investment Line-up


MIT 2015 401(k) Investment Transition Guide

How the Funds Were SelectedThe Committee devoted considerable time to addressing which asset classes should be represented in the new

Core Line-up and whether the funds offered in these asset classes should be passively or actively managed.

The Committee concluded that the new Core Line-up should offer both passively and actively managed funds, with the following goals:

n Allow participants who prefer low-cost, passive management to build fully diversified portfolios

n Offer actively managed options in certain asset classes where analysis suggests there may be opportunities to outperform the indices or where passively managed funds are not available

n Leverage MIT's institutional purchasing power to offer both passively and actively managed options at the best possible cost for participants

Criteria for selecting a passive manager included fee levels, tracking error relative to indices, firm background and performance record. Criteria for selecting active managers included fee levels, management style, performance record and firm background.


INFORMATIONReasons for the Change

How the Funds Were Selected

The New Core Line-up

Investment Funds Transition




Passively managed funds, or index funds, have portfolios that mirror the components of a market index. For example, the Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Trust fund is invested in the stocks of companies included in the Dow Jones U.S. Total Stock Market Index on a market capitalization basis.

Actively managed funds are managed by an individual manager, co-managers or a team of managers who follow a stated investment objective and apply their expertise and research to try to outperform benchmarks. These funds are typically more expensive than passively managed funds.

Page 5: MIT's Streamlined 401(k) Investment Line-up


MIT 2015 401(k) Investment Transition Guide

The New Core Line-upThe new Core Line-up will include 37 funds, of which 19 are offered currently. See page 9 for a list of the continuing funds.

In the graphic below, the new funds are displayed along two dimensions: level of participant engagement ("hands on" vs.

"hands off" investors) and level of potential long-term reward (with accompanying short-term volatility). The pages following

the graphic take a closer look at the new Core Line-up along these dimensions.

Click on the name of any fund to open that fund's summary and prospectus in a new browser window.


INFORMATIONReasons for the Change

How the Funds Were Selected

The New Core Line-up

A Closer Look at the New Core Line-up

Brokerage Window: Brokerage Link

Investment Funds Transition





For hands off investors: Target date funds


For hands on investors: Passively managed funds in broad asset classes

HIGHFor hands on investors: Actively and passively managed funds in specialty asset classes


High potential for long-term growth above inflation and short-term volatility

DFA Emerging Markets All Cap Core† (A)Vanguard Emerging Markets Stock IndexGannett Welsh & Kotler Small/Mid Core (A)Vanguard Small Cap IndexAEW Global Property Securities Diversified (A)Vanguard REIT Index


Moderate potential for long-term growth above inflation and short-term volatility

Vanguard Target 2060 TrustVanguard Target 2055 TrustVanguard Target 2050 Trust†

Vanguard Target 2045 Trust†

Vanguard Target 2040 Trust†

Vanguard Target 2035 Trust†

Vanguard Target 2030 Trust†

Vanguard Target 2025 Trust†

Vanguard Target 2020 Trust†

Vanguard Target 2015 Trust†

Vanguard Target 2010 Trust†

Vanguard Target Income Trust†

Vanguard Total International Stock Market Index†

Diversified Stock Fund†*Vanguard Total Stock Market Index†

Wellington High Yield Bond (A)T. Rowe Price Large Cap Growth (A)Vanguard FTSE Social IndexFidelity Growth Company† (A)Vanguard Growth Index Dodge & Cox International (A)Vanguard Mid Cap IndexDodge & Cox Stock Fund (A)Vanguard Value Index


Low potential for long-term growth above inflation and short-term volatility

Bond Oriented Balanced Fund†*Vanguard Total Bond Market Index†

Vanguard Total International Bond Index

Vanguard Inflation-Protected Securities† (A)Prudential Core Plus Fixed Income (A)Vanguard Short Term Bond IndexVanguard Prime Money Market (A)

† Indicates funds that remain from the previous fund line-up

* Consists primarily of passively managed funds(A) Indicates actively managed funds

Participants may invest outside the new Core Line-up through BrokerageLink, but funds offered through

BrokerageLink are not reviewed, selected, endorsed or monitored by MIT or any Plan fiduciary







Page 6: MIT's Streamlined 401(k) Investment Line-up


MIT 2015 401(k) Investment Transition Guide

A Closer Look at the New Core Line-up

The new Core Line-up is organized into three major categories:

n Target date funds

n Passively managed funds in broad asset classes

n Actively and passively managed funds in specialty asset classes

Here's a closer look at the three major fund categories and the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Target Date Funds – 12 Funds

n These are low-cost funds designed for "hands off" investors who do not want to be heavily involved in managing their investment portfolios over time.

n These funds adjust the mix between stocks and bonds automatically as you approach the fund's target date (generally, your assumed retirement date), with more emphasis on bonds over time. The asset allocation of these funds is actively managed, but the funds consist of low-cost, passively managed underlying funds.

n The potential return and volatility (risk) associated with each fund depends on the target year. The further out the target year, the greater the allocation to stock investments offering greater potential return over the long run, but more volatility (risk) in the short run.


n Simplicity: The fund adjusts automatically for you as you near retirement.

n Diversification: Each fund invests in different asset classes—for example, both stocks and bonds.

n Long-term orientation: While you can sell the fund at any time, it is designed to be a long-term investment that moderates the effect of short-term market fluctuations on your investment decisions.

n Less flexibility: Target date funds are designed to accommodate the general investing needs of a broad group of individuals and may not be suitable for your personal situation.


INFORMATIONReasons for the Change

How the Funds Were Selected

The New Core Line-up

A Closer Look at the New Core Line-up

Brokerage Window: Brokerage Link

Investment Funds Transition



Page 7: MIT's Streamlined 401(k) Investment Line-up


MIT 2015 401(k) Investment Transition Guide


n Costs: Fees are typically lower for passively managed funds than for actively managed funds. This means you keep more of the fund's overall investment return.

n Simplicity: Broad-based market index funds make asset allocation and diversification easier.

n Need for expertise: Investing requires a "hands on" approach and the knowledge to build, monitor and rebalance a suitable portfolio over time.

Passively Managed Funds in Broad Asset Classes – 6 Funds

n These are primarily lower-cost funds designed to track major stock and bond indices such as the Dow Jones U.S. Total Stock Market Index or the Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index. Also included in this category are MIT's two custom funds, the Bond Oriented Balanced Fund and the Diversified Stock Fund.

n These types of funds are generally suitable for "hands on" investors who monitor their portfolios regularly and adjust the mix of stocks, bonds and other investments over time based on an understanding of what is appropriate for their circumstances.

n Within this category are funds with low and medium potential for return and volatility (risk). For example, this category includes bond funds, blended funds (stocks and bonds) and stock funds.


INFORMATIONReasons for the Change

How the Funds Were Selected

The New Core Line-up

A Closer Look at the New Core Line-up

Brokerage Window: Brokerage Link

Investment Funds Transition



Page 8: MIT's Streamlined 401(k) Investment Line-up


MIT 2015 401(k) Investment Transition Guide


n Potential to outperform the market: Managers of actively managed funds analyze economic trends, perform industry analysis and meet with the management of companies in which they invest in an effort to obtain returns that exceed market averages.

n Personal preference: Managers of actively managed funds focus on specific strategies and unique investment philosophies that may align with the interests and personal preferences of certain investors.

n Potential to underperform the market: Actively managed funds may underperform the market, depending on the effectiveness of the manager's strategy in the context of market conditions.

n Need for expertise: Investing requires a "hands on" approach and the knowledge to build, monitor and rebalance a suitable portfolio over time.

n Costs: Investment managers' fees are typically higher than for index funds. The additional fees pay the fund managers for their research, analysis and investment selection judgment.

Actively and Passively Managed Funds in Specialty Asset Classes – 19 Funds

n These are actively or passively managed funds that primarily consist of a specific type of investment such as growth or value stocks or high-yield bonds.

n Funds in this category generally are suitable for "hands on" investors who monitor and adjust their portfolios frequently, have preferences regarding active or passive fund management and are interested in the specific return and volatility (risk) characteristics provided by these asset classes.

Brokerage Window: BrokerageLinkThe brokerage window, available through Fidelity's BrokerageLink, allows you to select from a wide range of mutual funds beyond the new Core Line-up. Investments accessed through BrokerageLink are not reviewed, selected, endorsed or monitored by MIT or any Plan fiduciary. See page 11 for more information.


INFORMATIONReasons for the Change

How the Funds Were Selected

The New Core Line-up

A Closer Look at the New Core Line-up

Brokerage Window: Brokerage Link

Investment Funds Transition



Page 9: MIT's Streamlined 401(k) Investment Line-up


MIT 2015 401(k) Investment Transition Guide

Investment Funds Transition

Continuing FundsWhile the investment line-up is changing, several current investment options will remain available after the transition occurs. In fact, the funds that will remain available hold more than 50% of participant 401(k) Plan assets.

The following funds will continue to be available in the new Core Line-up:

n Bond Oriented Balanced Fund (custom fund managed by MIT)

n Diversified Stock Fund (custom fund managed by MIT)

n Vanguard Target Retirement Trusts (12 separate funds, 10 of which are offered currently)

n Vanguard Total Bond Market Index

n Vanguard Total Stock Market Index

n Vanguard Total International Stock Market Index

n Vanguard Inflation-Protected Securities

n Fidelity Growth Company

In some cases, the funds will continue to be available, but in a better share class with lower fees. An example is Vanguard Target Retirement Trusts; annual fees will decrease after the transition from the current level of 0.11% of assets to 0.07% of assets.

Please see Your 2015 401(k) Investment Transition Statement to determine which of your funds will continue in the new Core Line-up and which are being discontinued. Your statement will also indicate the new funds into which your contributions will be directed and your balances transferred automatically if you decide to take no action by the stated deadlines.


n If you are contributing to funds that will continue to be offered in the new Core Line-up, your future contributions and MIT's matching contributions will continue to be directed to these funds.

n Any investments you hold in funds that will continue to be offered in the new Core Line-up will remain invested in these funds during and after the transition.


INFORMATIONReasons for the Change

How the Funds Were Selected

The New Core Line-up

Investment Funds Transition

Continuing Funds

Non-Continuing Funds

Investing in the New Funds



Page 10: MIT's Streamlined 401(k) Investment Line-up


MIT 2015 401(k) Investment Transition Guide

Non-Continuing FundsIf you are invested in funds that will not remain available, your future contributions and account balances invested in those funds will be redirected or transferred automatically for you during the transition, unless you choose to take action. This is referred to as "mapping."

For Participants Who Choose to Take No Action

If you choose to take no action, the automatic transition of non-continuing funds to new funds will occur in two stages. The first stage will happen on Monday, June 1, 2015, when your future contributions and MIT's matching contributions will be redirected automatically to new funds. The second stage will happen during the weekend following Friday, July 17, 2015, when your account balances in non-continuing funds will be transferred automatically to new funds. The transition will be complete on Monday, July 20, 2015.

Your contributions or account balances in a non-continuing fund will be mapped automatically as follows:

n In general, contributions and account balances will be mapped to a reasonably similar fund available in the new Core Line-up.

n If two or more reasonably similar funds are available, the fund with the lowest fees will be selected. If both a passively and an actively managed fund are available, for example, the passively managed fund will be selected because of its lower fees.

n In certain situations, a reasonably similar fund will be selected because it has a clear and distinctive objective that matches the objective of a non-continuing fund.

n If a reasonably similar fund is not available in the new Core Line-up, your contributions and account balances will be mapped to the Vanguard Target Retirement Trust appropriate for your age.

"Reasonably similar" funds are those funds that have similar return and volatility (risk) characteristics based on statistical analysis and qualitative assessments.

Please review Your 2015 401(k) Investment Transition Statement to understand which of your funds will not continue in the new Core Line-up and where your future contributions and account balances in those funds will be mapped if you take no action. It is always possible for you to make different investment choices for your future contributions and account balances, either during or after the transition. The fund streamlining change presents an opportunity for you to review your investment strategy. For that reason, MIT will offer additional personalized investment counseling support (see "Resources Available to You" on page 15).

If you have a BrokerageLink account, important exceptions may apply. Please contact a Fidelity consultant to develop a plan that is right for you.


INFORMATIONReasons for the Change

How the Funds Were Selected

The New Core Line-up

Investment Funds Transition

Continuing Funds

Non-Continuing Funds

Investing in the New Funds



Page 11: MIT's Streamlined 401(k) Investment Line-up


MIT 2015 401(k) Investment Transition Guide


Some of your current funds may apply redemption fees, sometimes referred to as "short-term trading fees," on investments sold within a specific period after they are purchased. That time frame is typically 30 days. If you allow the automatic transfer described above to occur during the weekend following Friday, July 17, 2015, no redemption fees will apply. Please refer to your fund's prospectus or visit NetBenefits at for complete information about short-term redemption fees that may apply to your funds.

For Participants Who Choose to Take Action

If you would like to redirect your contributions or transfer your account balances to funds in the new Core Line-up other than those indicated on Your 2015 401(k) Investment Transition Statement, you may make those changes anytime after Friday, May 1, 2015. The funds in the new Core Line-up are designed to accommodate a wide range of participant profiles and should provide sufficient choice for most participants. See the fund display on page 5 to find funds that meet your specific investment needs.

If, after reviewing Your 2015 401(k) Investment Transition Statement and exploring other funds available in the new Core Line-up, you want to invest outside the new Core Line-up, you may do so through a Fidelity BrokerageLink account. Investments accessed through BrokerageLink are not reviewed, selected, endorsed or monitored by MIT or any Plan fiduciary.

n If you open a BrokerageLink account on or before Friday, June 5, 2015, all balances you have in non-continuing current funds will be exchanged in-kind for corresponding funds available through BrokerageLink during the weekend following Friday, July 17, 2015, and no short-term trading fees will apply. If corresponding funds do not exist, balances will be transferred according to the Investment Line-up Transition Table on page 24. Note: in some cases, the automatic transfer will involve moving from a lower-cost institutional share class to a more expensive retail share class. In these situations, funds will be converted to the retail share class starting on Wednesday, June 24, 2015, in preparation for the automatic transfer to BrokerageLink on Friday, July 17, 2015.

n You can avoid conversion to the more expensive retail share class by transferring your investments to funds in the new Core Line-up by Tuesday, June 23, 2015.

n You can avoid the automatic transfer of any non-continuing funds to BrokerageLink by moving those investments to funds in the new Core Line-up by 4 p.m. ET on Friday, July 17, 2015. Otherwise, all your assets in non-continuing funds will be transferred to corresponding BrokerageLink funds during the weekend following Friday, July 17, 2015. If you have a BrokerageLink account, please speak to a Fidelity consultant to develop a plan that is right for you.

n If you open a BrokerageLink account after Friday, June 5, 2015, you will be required to transfer your current fund(s) to corresponding BrokerageLink funds manually by logging in to NetBenefits or by calling a Fidelity representative, and your exchange may be subject to short-term and other trading fees.

If you already have a BrokerageLink account or you are thinking of opening one, you are encouraged to speak to a Fidelity consultant about your options. To set up a BrokerageLink account, visit NetBenefits online or call a Fidelity representative at 877-MIT-SAVE (648-7283).

For transition information on individual funds and comparisons of performance, expense ratios and redemption fees, see the investment line-up table on page 24.


INFORMATIONReasons for the Change

How the Funds Were Selected

The New Core Line-up

Investment Funds Transition

Continuing Funds

Non-Continuing Funds

Investing in the New Funds



Page 12: MIT's Streamlined 401(k) Investment Line-up


MIT 2015 401(k) Investment Transition Guide

Investing in the New FundsBeginning Friday, May 1, 2015, you will be able to view and access funds in the new Core Line-up on Fidelity's NetBenefits site. On and after that date, you can move your balances or direct future contributions to one of the new investment funds. See page 14 for instructions on making your investment elections.

Beginning Monday, June 1, 2015, you will only be able to direct contributions into funds available in the new Core Line-up, unless you open a BrokerageLink account. For information on opening a BrokerageLink account, see the previous section on page 11. Please remember that investments accessed through BrokerageLink are not reviewed, selected, endorsed or monitored by MIT or any Plan fiduciary.


n If you are currently contributing to the 401(k) Plan and investing in non-continuing funds, your contributions and MIT's matching contributions will be redirected automatically to similar funds or a Vanguard Target Retirement Trust in the new Core Line-up starting Monday, June 1, 2015.

n Any account balances you hold in non-continuing funds will be transferred automatically to similar funds or a Vanguard Target Retirement Trust in the new Core Line-up over the weekend following Friday, July 17, 2015.

n If you want to allow your contributions and account balances to be mapped automatically as described above, you do not need to take action.

n If you want to redirect your contributions or transfer your balances to different funds within the new Core Line-up, you may do so anytime on or after Friday, May 1, 2015.

n If you want to invest outside the new Core Line-up, you will need to open a BrokerageLink account. Funds available through BrokerageLink are not monitored by MIT, and you are encouraged to speak to a Fidelity consultant if you are considering investing through BrokerageLink.


INFORMATIONReasons for the Change

How the Funds Were Selected

The New Core Line-up

Investment Funds Transition

Continuing Funds

Non-Continuing Funds

Investing in the New Funds



Page 13: MIT's Streamlined 401(k) Investment Line-up


MIT 2015 401(k) Investment Transition Guide



ACTIONImportant Dates

What to Do Next

Making Your Investment Elections


What to Do NextPlease be sure you understand your options and the changes that will take place automatically on Monday, June 1, 2015

and during the weekend following Friday, July 17, 2015. We encourage you to:

n Review Your 2015 401(k) Investment Transition Statement and note any questions regarding the transition, your current investments and the new investment options.

n Attend a meeting where MIT Benefits staff will explain the changes in detail and give you the opportunity to ask questions. Visit the MIT Benefits website ( for locations and times.

n Check out investor education workshops. For details, visit the MIT Benefits website ( or call the Benefits Office at 617-253-6151 or toll-free at 855-253-6151.

n Make an appointment for personal investment counseling provided by Fidelity on campus and at Lincoln Laboratory. To sign up, go to or call 800-642-7131. If you prefer, you may also have a personal counseling session over the phone.

For more information, please see "Resources Available to You" on page 15 of this guide.

Important Dates


Friday, May 1 The new Core Line-up will become available on NetBenefits in addition to the current line-up.

Monday, June 1 Your 401(k) Plan contributions and MIT's matching contributions will be invested automatically in the same or similar funds in the new Core Line-up as described in Your 2015 401(k) Investment Transition Statement, unless you choose other options in the new Core Line-up or invest through BrokerageLink.

Friday, June 5 This is the last day to open a BrokerageLink account at no cost to allow for a direct in-kind transfer of your investments in non-continuing funds to corresponding BrokerageLink funds. See page 11 for more information.

Friday, July 17 (4 p.m. ET)

Any account balances remaining in non-continuing funds will be transferred automatically to similar funds in the new Core Line-up or to the Vanguard Target Retirement Trust appropriate for your age.

Monday, July 20 The new Core Line-up will take full effect and discontinued funds will no longer appear on NetBenefits.

Page 14: MIT's Streamlined 401(k) Investment Line-up


MIT 2015 401(k) Investment Transition Guide

Making Your Investment ElectionsVisit NetBenefits online at or call a Fidelity representative at 877-MIT-SAVE (648-7283) to view your

current investments and to make changes to your investment choices. Fidelity representatives are available on business days

from 8:30 a.m. until midnight ET. To make investment changes online:

n Log in to your NetBenefits account at (make sure to have your username and password)

n Click "MIT 401(k)" from the home page

n Click "Investments" and then choose "Change Your Investments"

n On the Change Your Investments page

n To direct your future contributions to a new fund, click "Investment Elections" under Change or View Future Investment Elections n To move existing fund balances to a new fund, click "Exchanges" under Move Money Between Investments

n Follow the website instructions on how to select a new fund for future contributions or move money from an existing fund to a new fund



ACTIONImportant Dates

What to Do Next

Making Your Investment Elections


Page 15: MIT's Streamlined 401(k) Investment Line-up


MIT 2015 401(k) Investment Transition Guide

Resources Available to You

Informational Meetings

Meetings have been scheduled to provide you with an overview of the 401(k) Plan Core Line-up transition and to answer your questions. Visit the MIT Benefits website ( for locations and times.

Investor Education Workshops

Investor education workshops are available to assist you in planning for your retirement. To sign up for a workshop, visit the MIT Benefits website (

Investment Counseling

During the transition, additional Fidelity Planning & Guidance Consultants will be on hand to answer your questions about the transition or help you adjust your 401(k) Plan investments to best suit your retirement needs.

To schedule an appointment, go to or call 800-642-7131. You may speak directly with a representative about your 401(k) account by calling 877-MIT-SAVE or 877-648-7283. TTY service is available for the speech- and hearing-impaired at 800-259-9743. Representatives are available Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to midnight ET.

Fidelity NetBenefits Resources (

Fidelity NetBenefits offers tools to help you select the investments best suited for your situation if you decide to make any changes to your fund line-up.

MIT Benefits Website (

Visit the MIT Benefits website for additional information on your 401(k) Plan.

Retirement Income Modeler (

Your 401(k) Plan is intended to complement your MIT Basic Retirement Plan (the pension plan). Use the pension modeler in PensionConnect to determine the amount you can expect to receive from the pension plan so you can plan accordingly.




EDUCATIONResources Available to You

Frequently Asked Questions

Glossary of Terms

Investment Line-up Transition Table

Disclaimers & Required Notices

Page 16: MIT's Streamlined 401(k) Investment Line-up


MIT 2015 401(k) Investment Transition Guide

Frequently Asked Questions

Guidance and Services

What actions do I need to take?

Review your personalized statement. If all your current funds are continuing, or if you believe the new funds to which your contributions/account balances will be mapped are right for you, you do not need to take any action. If you want to make changes, however, see the "Action" section on page 13 for your next steps.

What are the important dates I need to know?

See page 13 for a list of important dates.

How do I access my 401(k) account?

You can access your account online through Fidelity NetBenefits® at or call 877-MIT-SAVE (648-7283) to speak with a Fidelity representative Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. and midnight ET. You may also use the automated voice response system, virtually 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. TTY service is available for the speech- and hearing-impaired at 800-259-9743.

What services will be available to help me during the transition period?

See page 15 for a complete list of services available to assist you with the transition.

How do I register for a workshop?

To sign up for a workshop, go to the MIT Benefits website (

How do I schedule a one-on-one investment review with a Fidelity Planning & Guidance Consultant?

To schedule an appointment, go to or call 800-642-7131. See page 15 for additional information.

What should I bring to my meeting with a Fidelity Planning & Guidance Consultant?

Remember to bring Your 2015 401(k) Investment Transition Statement. We also suggest you bring information about your MIT pension, which you can obtain from PensionConnect, along with information about any other retirement savings you have or retirement income you expect to receive from other sources.




EDUCATIONResources Available to You

Frequently Asked Questions

Glossary of Terms

Investment Line-up Transition Table

Disclaimers & Required Notices

Page 17: MIT's Streamlined 401(k) Investment Line-up


MIT 2015 401(k) Investment Transition Guide

What assistance will be available for me if I am unable to attend an information session?

You may speak directly with a Fidelity representative about your 401(k) account by calling 877-MIT-SAVE or 877-648-7283. You may also schedule a one-on-one investment review appointment by going to or calling 800-642-7131. See the complete list of resources available to you on page 15.

MIT 401(k) General Information on the Transition

Will the MIT match be the same?

MIT will continue to provide a 100% match on your contributions up to 5% of your pay.

Will this change affect my vesting status?

Your vesting status will not change because of this transition. When you enroll in and contribute to the 401(k) Plan, you are 100% vested. You also fully own your contributions, MIT's matching contributions and any related investment earnings. This applies to your current and future balances as well as any future contributions made after the transition.

Which investment funds will be included in the new Core Line-up?

See page 5 for a display of investment funds that will be included in the new Core Line-up.

What happens to my current investments if one of my existing investment options is eliminated and I take no action?

If one of your existing funds is eliminated, your contributions and account balances in that fund will be mapped automatically to a similar fund in the new Core Line-up. If a similar fund is not available, your investments will be mapped to the Vanguard Target Retirement Trust appropriate for your age.

Your 2015 401(k) Investment Transition Statement will show which of your funds are being discontinued and the new funds to which your balances will transfer. Special considerations apply if you have a BrokerageLink account, as described on page 11.

Will funds in the new Core Line-up ever change?

They may. If a fund does not meet the performance criteria set by the MIT Supplemental 401(k) Plan Oversight Committee (the Committee) over an appropriate period, the fund can be replaced with another fund of the same type. Additionally, qualitative factors such as the departure of a key investment professional could require a change in an investment option. The new Core Line-up will be monitored carefully by the Committee on an ongoing basis.




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MIT 2015 401(k) Investment Transition Guide

Will I be subject to taxes if I elect to transfer my account balance(s)?

No. Direct transfers do not result in taxation of amounts you have accumulated. Amounts will continue to be tax-deferred while they remain in the Plan. Taxes will be payable when you request a withdrawal or receive a distribution from the Plan.

When can I transfer funds?

There is no annual enrollment period for our 401(k) Plan. You can switch funds at any time.

Who will monitor the performance of funds in the new Core Line-up?

MIT's Supplemental 401(k) Plan Oversight Committee will continue to monitor funds in the new Core Line-up. Investments accessed through BrokerageLink, however, are not reviewed, selected, endorsed or monitored by MIT or any Plan fiduciary.

Will I still have the option of investing in a "Social Choice" fund?

Yes. The Vanguard FTSE Social Index Fund is available as part of the new Core Line-up.

Will there be a Roth option available?

MIT plans to add a Roth option as soon as administratively feasible.

MIT Supplemental 401(k) Plan Investment Oversight Committee

Who are the members of the Committee?

n Israel Ruiz, Executive Vice President and Treasurer (chair)

n Marc Bernstein, Associate Director, Lincoln Laboratory

n Professor Glenn Ellison, Economics

n Professor S.P. Kothari, Sloan

n Professor Gunther Roland, Physics

n Pam Weldon, Lincoln Laboratory

n Tom Wieand, MITIMCo

n Professor Barton Zwiebach, Physics




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MIT 2015 401(k) Investment Transition Guide

Why did the Committee create the new Core Line-up?

See Page 3 for an overview of the reasons behind the change.

What criteria were used by the Committee to select the funds in the new Core Line-up?

See page 4 for an explanation of how funds were selected.




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MIT 2015 401(k) Investment Transition Guide

Glossary of Commonly Used Terms

401(k) Plan Under section 401(k) of the Internal Revenue Code, employees can set aside money for retirement on a pre-tax basis through a plan sponsored by their employer. To encourage saving for retirement through these plans, the federal government created special tax advantages for 401(k) Plan contributions and earnings.

Actively Managed FundsFunds run by managers who rely on analytical research, forecasts, and their own judgment and experience to decide on which securities to buy, sell or hold.

AssetProperty with a commercial or exchange value, such as cash and investments; that is, anything that has value and can be traded, such as stocks, bonds, real estate, bank accounts and jewelry.

Asset AllocationAn investment strategy that aims to balance risk and reward by allocating a portfolio's assets according to an individual's goals, risk tolerance and investment horizon. The three main asset classes have different levels of risk and return, so each will behave differently over time.

Asset Class An asset class is a group of securities that have similar financial characteristics, behave similarly in the marketplace and are subject to the same laws and regulations. The three main asset classes are equities (stocks), fixed-income (bonds) and cash equivalents (money market instruments).

Basis Point (bps)A basis point is one one-hundredth of a percentage point (.01%). One percent = 100 basis points. One-half of 1 percent = 50 basis points. Investment expenses, interest rates and bond yields can be expressed in basis points.

BondBonds are essentially loans or debt. A bond certificate is similar to an IOU. It shows the amount loaned (principal), the rate of interest to be paid on the loan and the date that the principal will be paid back (maturity date). Bonds can be issued by government agencies, such as the U.S. Treasury, and by corporations to raise money.




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MIT 2015 401(k) Investment Transition Guide

BrokerageLinkFidelity BrokerageLink is a self-directed brokerage account that allows you to access more than 5,000 mutual funds and other securities available within the Fidelity Brokerage System. Investments accessed through BrokerageLink are not reviewed, selected, endorsed or monitored by MIT or any Plan fiduciary.

Core Line-up This is the new menu of funds you may invest in through your 401(k) Plan, as chosen by MIT and administered by Fidelity. The menu has gone from more than 340 funds to 37 funds through this transition process. Other funds are also available for you to invest in through BrokerageLink, but investments accessed through BrokerageLink are not reviewed, selected, endorsed or monitored by MIT or any Plan fiduciary.

Current Balance(s)Your current balances are made up of your past contributions, MIT's matching contributions and accumulated investment earnings. These balances are valued daily at the close of financial markets.

Current Contribution(s)If you are an active MIT employee, you may be making regular deposits into your 401(k) account. These deposits are referred to as your current contributions and are applied by Fidelity to the fund(s) that you have specified. As soon as a contribution is made to your account and applied to your specified fund(s), it becomes part of your current balance(s).

DiversificationA risk management technique that involves investing among different kinds of asset classes and investments to potentially moderate your investment risk, i.e., not putting all your eggs in one basket. A diversified portfolio may help shield you from large losses because, even if some securities falter, others may perform well. Diversification does not ensure a profit or guarantee against loss.

Expense Ratio Expense ratios are the annual investment management and operating expenses of a mutual fund or trust shown as a percentage of the assets under management. Expense ratios can range from as little as 0.01% of assets to more than 1.00% of assets depending on many factors, such as asset class category and whether the fund is passively or actively managed. A fund's investment management and operating expenses are taken out of its assets and lower the return for investors, so a fund with a lower expense ratio may be preferable to a similar fund with a higher expense ratio. In general, passively managed funds have lower expense ratios than actively managed funds; passively managed funds are designed to track market indices, while actively managed funds offer the possibility of outperforming market indices.




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MIT 2015 401(k) Investment Transition Guide

Index FundA mutual fund that tracks a particular stock or bond index, such as the Dow Jones U.S. Total Stock Market Index or the Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index. A bond index measures the behavior of a group of bonds, such as treasuries or corporate bonds.

In-kind Transfer The movement of current fund investment shares directly to your BrokerageLink account without selling shares. This direct transfer allows you to maintain your current investment(s) and will not incur short-term trading fees.

International/Global Equity (or Stock) International Equity investment options invest assets in securities whose primary trading markets are outside the United States, while Global Equity investment options typically invest in securities within the domestic U.S. market as well as worldwide. Foreign investments, particularly those in emerging markets, may involve greater risk and may offer greater potential returns than U.S. investments. The risk, especially in emerging markets, includes the political and economic uncertainties of foreign countries, as well as the risk of currency fluctuation.

Market CapitalizationA measure of the value of a company, calculated by multiplying the number of existing shares, or shares the company has issued, by the current price per share. For example, a company with 100 million shares of stock with a current market value of $25 a share would have a market capitalization of $2.5 billion. "Market capitalization" is sometimes used interchangeably with "market value". Mutual funds often will note if their focus is on large-, mid- or small-cap stocks. Although definitions can vary, "small-cap" generally describes a company with a market capitalization of between $300 million and $2 billion; "mid-cap" describes market capitalization between $2 billion and $10 billion;" "large-cap" describes market capitalization over $10 billion.

Passively Managed Funds (Index Funds)

Lower-cost funds that track major stock and bond indices such as the Dow Jones U.S. Total Stock Market Index or the Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index.

Portfolio Turnover

A measure of how frequently assets within a fund are bought and sold by the managers. Portfolio turnover is calculated by taking either the total amount of new securities purchased or the amount of securities sold — whichever is less — over a particular period, divided by the total net asset value (NAV) of the fund. The measurement is usually reported for a 12-month time period.




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MIT 2015 401(k) Investment Transition Guide

Redemption FeesSome of your current funds may apply redemption fees, sometimes referred to as "short-term trading fees," on investments sold within a specific period after they are purchased. That time frame is typically 30 days. Please refer to your fund's prospectus or visit NetBenefits at for complete information about short-term redemption fees that apply to your funds.

Reward/Risk Characteristics Funds are often classified in terms of their potential risk (volatility) and reward (how much they can earn). In general, a fund with a higher risk has the potential for greater reward.

Share Class Some mutual funds offer investors different types of shares, known as "classes." Each class will have the same investment objectives and policies and will invest in the same pool of securities. Different shareholder services and expenses may apply, however, resulting in different performance outcomes.

Stock (or Equity)

A type of security that signifies ownership in a corporation and represents a claim on part of the corporation's assets and earnings. There are two main types of stock: common and preferred. Common stock usually entitles the owner to vote at shareholders' meetings and to receive dividends. Preferred stock generally does not have voting rights, but has a higher claim on assets and earnings than the common shares. For example, owners of preferred stock receive dividends before common shareholders and have priority in the event that a company goes bankrupt and is liquidated.

Target Date Funds These are all-in-one investment strategies that can help take the guesswork out of building and maintaining an age-based retirement portfolio. Each Vanguard Target Retirement Trust name includes a date, which can help investors choose the fund that represents their anticipated year of retirement. For example, the Vanguard Target Retirement 2030 Trust is for investors expecting to retire in approximately 2030. Target Retirement Trusts invest in a collection of underlying Vanguard mutual funds that provide exposure to multiple asset classes, creating a diversified portfolio of investments. The mix of investments is modified as the fund approaches the target date to move toward a more conservative mix of assets. The funds are offered in five-year increments, up to the Vanguard 2060 Fund. Even after the target date passes, the asset allocation of the funds continues to become more conservative.




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MIT 2015 401(k) Investment Transition Guide

Investment Line-up Transition TableThe table on the following pages presents the current investment fund line-up and aligns each current fund to the new fund to

which future contributions will be directed starting Monday, June 1, 2015, and to which account balances will be transferred

during the weekend following Friday, July 17, 2015. The table allows you to compare the performance and expense ratio of any

current fund and its corresponding new fund.

To search for a specific fund by ticker symbol or CUSIP, click on the magnifying glass to open the search dialogue box, then enter the ticker symbol or CUSIP and click "next."

To access a summary and prospectus for any fund in the new Core Line-up, see the new Core Line-up graphic on page 5.




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Expense ratios are the annual investment management and operating expenses of a mutual fund shown as a percentage of the assets under management. Expense ratios can range from as little as 0.01% of assets to more than 1.00% of assets depending on many factors, such as asset class category and whether the fund is passively or actively managed. A fund's investment management and operating expenses are taken out of its assets and lower the return for investors, so a fund with a lower expense ratio may be preferable to a similar fund with a higher expense ratio. In general, passively managed funds have lower expense ratios than actively managed funds; passively managed funds are designed to track market indices, while actively managed funds offer the possibility of outperforming market indices.

Page 25: MIT's Streamlined 401(k) Investment Line-up


MIT 2015 401(k) Investment Transition Guide


Fund NameTicker

Symbol/ CUSIP

Average Annual Total Return**Redemption

Fees* (% / Days)

Expense Ratio Fund Name

Ticker Symbol/ CUSIP

Average Annual Total Return** Redemption Fees*

(% / Days)

Expense Ratio1 - year 3 - year 5 - year 10 - year 1 - year 3 - year 5 - year 10 - year

Aberdeen Global Fixed Income CGFIX -5.02% -0.90% 1.43% 2.84% - 1.62% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Aberdeen US Equity CL A GXXAX 9.71% 13.57% 12.20% 6.63% - 1.25% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Aberdeen US Equity Cl Inst GXXIX 9.89% 13.84% 12.36% 6.71% - 1.07% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Alger Capital Appreciation ALARX 15.19% 18.71% 16.64% 12.50% - 1.16% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Alger Mid Cap Growth ALMRX 10.20% 17.28% 15.25% 7.47% - 1.30% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Alger Small Cap Growth ALSRX 1.22% 12.57% 13.89% 9.17% - 1.24% Vanguard Small Cap Index VSCIX 8.20% 18.01% 17.37% 9.72% - 0.08%

AllianzGI Small Value Cl Admn PVADX 3.68% 12.14% 13.61% 9.16% - 1.11% Vanguard Small Cap Index VSCIX 8.20% 18.01% 17.37% 9.72% - 0.08%

AllianzGI Small Value Cl Inst PSVIX 3.93% 12.42% 13.89% 9.43% - 0.86% Vanguard Small Cap Index VSCIX 8.20% 18.01% 17.37% 9.72% - 0.08%

American Beacon Balanced Fund AABPX 9.60% 12.38% 11.26% 6.57% - 0.93% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

American Beacon International AAIPX -2.73% 10.10% 7.94% 4.75% - 1.06% Vanguard Total Intl Stck Idx VTPSX 0.90% 6.95% 6.63% 5.11% - 0.10%

American Beacon Large Value AAGPX 11.57% 17.54% 14.66% 7.27% - 0.94% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

American Beacon Shrt Trm Bond AALPX 0.00% 0.65% 0.95% 2.35% - 0.91% Vanguard Short-Term Bond Index VBITX 1.20% 1.19% 1.93% 3.37% - 0.07%

American Beacon Small Value AVPAX 6.03% 15.88% 15.10% 7.94% - 1.17% Vanguard Small Cap Index VSCIX 8.20% 18.01% 17.37% 9.72% - 0.08%

American Century Large Value ALVIX 15.01% 17.76% 14.94% 6.27% - 0.85% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

American Century Small Comp ASQIX 8.83% 17.91% 17.19% 5.90% - 0.87% Vanguard Small Cap Index VSCIX 8.20% 18.01% 17.37% 9.72% - 0.08%

American Century Ultra Fund TWCUX 13.18% 17.40% 16.46% 7.58% - 1.01% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

AMG Bond Fund MGFIX 3.79% 5.05% 6.62% 6.20% - 1.03% Vanguard Total Bond Market Idx VBMPX 5.06% 2.74% 4.29% 4.78% - 0.05%

AMG Cadence Cap Appreciation MCFYX 14.26% 14.29% 13.53% 5.95% - 1.07% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

AMG Cadence Mid Cap MCMYX 12.49% 14.24% 15.67% 7.42% - 1.02% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

AMG Special Equity MGSEX 4.66% 15.60% 18.87% 7.30% - 1.50% Vanguard Small Cap Index VSCIX 8.20% 18.01% 17.37% 9.72% - 0.08%

Ariel Appreciation Fund CAAPX 12.61% 20.29% 17.04% 9.24% - 1.13% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Ariel Fund ARGFX 16.90% 22.18% 17.78% 7.68% - 1.03% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Artisan International Fund ARTIX 3.48% 12.84% 11.82% 7.43% 2.0% / 90 1.17% Vanguard Total Intl Stck Idx VTPSX 0.90% 6.95% 6.63% 5.11% - 0.10%

Artisan Mid Cap Fund ARTMX 2.70% 15.34% 18.33% 11.09% - 1.20% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Baron Asset Fund BARAX 7.95% 17.67% 16.11% 8.78% - 1.31% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Baron Growth Fund BGRFX 5.60% 17.49% 16.75% 8.44% - 1.29% Vanguard Small Cap Index VSCIX 8.20% 18.01% 17.37% 9.72% - 0.08%

Bond Oriented Balanced Fund [custom] 5.75% 5.53% 6.80% 5.50% - 0.12% Bond Oriented Balanced Fund [custom] 5.75% 5.53% 6.80% 5.50% - 0.12%

*Redemption fees are expressed as a percentage of the principal and do not apply after the designated number of days.**Calculated average annual total return rate as of 2/28/2015, net of expenses. Rate fluctuates as fund performance varies over time. The most recent performance is available through Fidelity NetBenefits at

back to top of table

†No redemption fee, but short-term trading restrictions may apply. See link to fund prospectus on page 5 for full information on fees.Δ See page 36 for CUSIP and performance of the Vanguard Target Retirement Trust appropriate for your age.

Page 26: MIT's Streamlined 401(k) Investment Line-up


MIT 2015 401(k) Investment Transition Guide


Fund NameTicker

Symbol/ CUSIP

Average Annual Total Return**Redemption

Fees* (% / Days)

Expense Ratio Fund Name

Ticker Symbol/ CUSIP

Average Annual Total Return** Redemption Fees*

(% / Days)

Expense Ratio1 - year 3 - year 5 - year 10 - year 1 - year 3 - year 5 - year 10 - year

Calvert Balanced Portfolio CSIFX 10.50% 10.79% 10.67% 5.64% - 1.18% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Calvert Capital Accumulation CCAFX 12.26% 15.62% 17.62% 8.13% - 1.43% Vanguard FTSE Social Index VFTNX 16.75% 20.72% 16.91% 7.39% - 0.16%

Calvert Equity Portfolio CSIEX 14.53% 16.09% 14.95% 8.24% - 1.17% Vanguard FTSE Social Index VFTNX 16.75% 20.72% 16.91% 7.39% - 0.16%

Calvert International Equity CWVGX -0.36% 8.49% 6.35% 1.72% - 1.68% Vanguard Total Intl Stck Idx VTPSX 0.90% 6.95% 6.63% 5.11% - 0.10%

Calvert Small Cap Fund CCVAX 10.97% 17.99% 15.29% 6.55% - 1.61% Vanguard FTSE Social Index VFTNX 16.75% 20.72% 16.91% 7.39% - 0.16%

ClearBridge Value Trust LMVFX 12.94% 18.76% 14.00% 3.05% - 1.09% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Columbia Acorn Select ACTWX 3.81% 12.00% 10.60% 8.06% - 1.03% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Columbia Acorn USA AUSAX 4.85% 14.71% 15.10% 8.01% - 1.07% Vanguard Small Cap Index VSCIX 8.20% 18.01% 17.37% 9.72% - 0.08%

Columbia Income Opportunities CIOZX 4.51% 7.13% 9.05% 7.18% - 0.88% Wellington High Yield 94966R634 2.95% 6.81% - - - 0.60%

Columbia Small Cap Core SMCEX -0.46% 12.17% 13.88% 7.83% - 1.13% Vanguard Small Cap Index VSCIX 8.20% 18.01% 17.37% 9.72% - 0.08%

Core Bond Pool - 5.00% 3.51% 4.73% - - 0.19% Vanguard Total Bond Market Idx VBMPX 5.06% 2.74% 4.29% 4.78% - 0.05%

CRM Mid Cap Value CRMMX 6.94% 15.52% 13.44% 8.00% - 1.04% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Deutsche Core Equity SCDGX 14.62% 18.82% 16.09% 7.79% - 0.59% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Deutsche Equity Dividend KDHAX 13.15% 13.90% 12.14% 3.84% - 1.17% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Deutsche Global Small Cap SGSCX -2.03% 11.64% 12.61% 7.11% 2.0% / 15 1.25% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Deutsche International SCINX 8.94% 12.28% 7.67% 4.37% 2.0% / 15 0.90% Vanguard Total Intl Stck Idx VTPSX 0.90% 6.95% 6.63% 5.11% - 0.10%

DFA Emerging Markets Equity DFCEX 5.85% 0.49% 4.35% - † 0.61% DFA Emerging Markets Equity DFCEX 5.85% 0.49% 4.35% - † 0.61%

Diversified Stock Fund [custom] 9.58% 13.85% 13.54% 6.95% - 0.09% Diversified Stock Fund [custom] 9.58% 13.85% 13.54% 6.95% - 0.09%

Domini Social Equity DSEFX 14.32% 15.33% 14.92% 7.17% 2.0% / 30 1.20% Vanguard FTSE Social Index VFTNX 16.75% 20.72% 16.91% 7.39% - 0.16%

Dreyfus Mid Cap Growth FRSPX 7.19% 14.51% 16.80% 8.64% - 1.19% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Dreyfus Research Growth CL A DWOAX 7.61% 16.66% 16.23% 9.06% - 1.18% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Dreyfus Research Growth CL Z DREQX 7.86% 16.88% 16.50% 9.24% - 0.95% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Fidelity Asset Manager 20% FASIX 3.93% 4.76% 5.69% 4.93% - 0.53% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fidelity Asset Manager 30% FTANX 4.86% 6.27% 7.06% - - 0.55% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fidelity Asset Manager 40% FFANX 5.50% 7.65% 8.17% - - 0.56% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fidelity Asset Manager 50% FASMX 6.09% 8.87% 9.24% 5.96% - 0.66% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fidelity Asset Manager 60% FSANX 6.61% 10.05% 10.06% - - 0.73% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

back to top of table

*Redemption fees are expressed as a percentage of the principal and do not apply after the designated number of days.**Calculated average annual total return rate as of 2/28/2015, net of expenses. Rate fluctuates as fund performance varies over time. The most recent performance is available through Fidelity NetBenefits at

†No redemption fee, but short-term trading restrictions may apply. See link to fund prospectus on page 5 for full information on fees.Δ See page 36 for CUSIP and performance of the Vanguard Target Retirement Trust appropriate for your age.

Page 27: MIT's Streamlined 401(k) Investment Line-up


MIT 2015 401(k) Investment Transition Guide


Fund NameTicker

Symbol/ CUSIP

Average Annual Total Return**Redemption

Fees* (% / Days)

Expense Ratio Fund Name

Ticker Symbol/ CUSIP

Average Annual Total Return** Redemption Fees*

(% / Days)

Expense Ratio1 - year 3 - year 5 - year 10 - year 1 - year 3 - year 5 - year 10 - year

Fidelity Asset Manager 70% FASGX 6.85% 11.21% 10.98% 6.22% - 0.73% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fidelity Asset Manager 85% FAMRX 7.51% 13.05% 12.15% 7.14% - 0.75% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fidelity Fifty FFTYX 1.60% 16.81% 15.52% 7.34% - 0.83% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Fid Freedom K 2005 Fund FFKVX 5.42% 6.22% 6.94% - - 0.50% Vang Target Ret Income Trust Plus 92202V468 6.08% 5.98% - - - 0.07%

Fid Freedom K 2010 Fund FFKCX 6.13% 7.66% 8.17% - - 0.53% Vang Target Ret 2010 Trust Plus 92202V443 6.58% 7.36% - - - 0.07%

Fid Freedom K 2015 Fund FKVFX 6.62% 8.12% 8.52% - - 0.55% Vang Target Ret 2015 Trust Plus 92202V435 7.62% 9.05% - - - 0.07%

Fid Freedom K 2020 Fund FFKDX 7.07% 8.76% 9.16% - - 0.57% Vang Target Ret 2020 Trust Plus 92202V427 8.50% 10.30% - - - 0.07%

Fid Freedom K 2025 Fund FKTWX 7.64% 10.10% 10.11% - - 0.61% Vang Target Ret 2025 Trust Plus 92202V419 8.79% 11.16% - - - 0.07%

Fid Freedom K 2030 Fund FFKEX 8.33% 10.81% 10.57% - - 0.65% Vang Target Ret 2030 Trust Plus 92202V393 9.08% 12.03% - - - 0.07%

Fid Freedom K 2035 Fund FKTHX 8.62% 11.69% 11.11% - - 0.66% Vang Target Ret 2035 Trust Plus 92202V385 9.36% 12.88% - - - 0.07%

Fid Freedom K 2040 Fund FFKFX 8.62% 11.82% 11.18% - - 0.66% Vang Target Ret 2040 Trust Plus 92202V377 9.59% 13.44% - - - 0.07%

Fid Freedom K 2045 Fund FFKGX 8.63% 12.03% 11.33% - - 0.66% Vang Target Ret 2045 Trust Plus 92202V369 9.61% 13.44% - - - 0.07%

Fid Freedom K 2050 Fund FFKHX 8.61% 12.06% 11.36% - - 0.65% Vang Target Ret 2050 Trust Plus 92202V351 9.63% 13.49% - - - 0.07%

Fid Freedom K 2055 Fund FDENX 8.65% 12.30% - - - 0.66% Vang Target Ret 2055 Trust Plus 92202V344 9.61% 13.43% - - - 0.07%

Fid Freedom K Income Fund FFKAX 4.21% 4.46% 5.13% - - 0.44% Vang Target Ret Income Trust Plus 92202V468 6.08% 5.98% - - - 0.07%

Fid Balanced Fund FBAKX 11.04% 13.01% 12.41% 7.74% - 0.46% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fid Blue Chip Growth FBGKX 15.32% 20.40% 18.81% 10.11% - 0.68% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Fid Blue Chip Value FBCVX 17.04% 17.93% 12.63% 5.20% - 0.73% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Fid Canada Fund FICDX -0.08% 3.66% 5.20% 7.02% 1.5% / 90 0.98% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fid Capital & Income FAGIX 6.71% 9.42% 9.88% 8.63% 1.0% / 90 0.71% Wellington High Yield 94966R634 2.95% 6.81% - - - 0.60%

Fid Capital Appreciation FCAKX 12.15% 19.83% 17.23% 9.30% - 0.70% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Fid Cash Reserves FDRXX 0.01% 0.01% 0.02% 1.58% - 0.37% Vanguard Prime Money Market VMRXX 0.06% 0.07% 0.11% 1.72% - 0.10%

Fid China Region Fund FHKCX 6.94% 11.19% 10.10% 11.31% 1.5% / 90 1.01% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fid Conservative Income Bond FCONX 0.20% 0.61% - - - 0.40% Vanguard Short-Term Bond Index VBITX 1.20% 1.19% 1.93% 3.37% - 0.07%

Fid Contrafund FCNKX 11.14% 17.40% 16.41% 10.07% - 0.54% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Fid Convertible Securities FCVSX 8.56% 13.43% 12.39% 8.53% - 0.58% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fid Corporate Bond FCBFX 6.69% 5.08% - - - 0.45% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

back to top of table

*Redemption fees are expressed as a percentage of the principal and do not apply after the designated number of days.**Calculated average annual total return rate as of 2/28/2015, net of expenses. Rate fluctuates as fund performance varies over time. The most recent performance is available through Fidelity NetBenefits at

†No redemption fee, but short-term trading restrictions may apply. See link to fund prospectus on page 5 for full information on fees.Δ See page 36 for CUSIP and performance of the Vanguard Target Retirement Trust appropriate for your age.

Page 28: MIT's Streamlined 401(k) Investment Line-up


MIT 2015 401(k) Investment Transition Guide


Fund NameTicker

Symbol/ CUSIP

Average Annual Total Return**Redemption

Fees* (% / Days)

Expense Ratio Fund Name

Ticker Symbol/ CUSIP

Average Annual Total Return** Redemption Fees*

(% / Days)

Expense Ratio1 - year 3 - year 5 - year 10 - year 1 - year 3 - year 5 - year 10 - year

Fid Disciplined Equity FDEKX 14.35% 18.78% 14.38% 6.84% - 0.39% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Fid Diversified International FDIKX 2.83% 11.57% 9.27% 5.68% 1.0% / 30 0.78% Vanguard Total Intl Stck Idx VTPSX 0.90% 6.95% 6.63% 5.11% - 0.10%

Fid Dividend Growth FDGKX 14.36% 16.52% 14.97% 7.80% - 0.44% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Fid Emerging Asia FSEAX 12.56% 6.49% 8.68% 9.75% 1.5% / 90 1.04% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fid Emrg Eur, Mid-East, Africa FEMEX -3.89% -0.63% 4.51% - 1.5% / 90 1.37% Vanguard Emerging Markets Idx VEMIX 9.37% 0.35% 3.93% 7.70% - 0.12%

Fid Emerging Markets Discovery FEDDX 3.48% 3.62% - - 2.0% / 90 1.48% Vanguard Emerging Markets Idx VEMIX 9.37% 0.35% 3.93% 7.70% - 0.12%

Fid Emerging Markets Fund FKEMX 7.74% 3.38% 4.73% 7.57% 1.5% / 90 0.86% Vanguard Emerging Markets Idx VEMIX 9.37% 0.35% 3.93% 7.70% - 0.12%

Fid Equity Dividend Income FETKX 13.85% 16.39% 13.35% 5.64% - 0.52% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Fid Equity-Income Fund FEIKX 10.19% 15.53% 12.87% 5.88% - 0.54% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Fid Europe Fund FIEUX -3.29% 11.90% 9.17% 5.61% 1.0% / 30 0.97% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fid Export & Multinational FEXKX 12.71% 14.86% 12.82% 7.13% 0.75% / 30 0.64% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Fid Floating Rate High Income FFRHX 1.53% 3.57% 4.25% 4.23% 1.0% / 60 0.69% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fid Focused High Income FHIFX 3.44% 5.68% 7.73% 5.99% 1.0% / 90 0.83% Wellington High Yield 94966R634 2.95% 6.81% - - - 0.60%

Fid Focused Stock FTQGX 1.85% 16.98% 17.33% 9.70% - 0.78% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Fid Four-In-One Index FFNOX 8.88% 13.42% 12.41% 6.93% - 0.24% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fid Fund K FFDKX 14.25% 17.27% 15.07% 8.04% - 0.41% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Fid Global Balanced FGBLX -1.36% 7.52% 8.11% 6.71% 1.0% / 30 0.99% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fid Global Bond FGBFX -2.31% - - - - 1.09% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fid Global Commodity Stock FFGCX -7.06% -5.01% -0.32% - 1.0% / 30 1.11% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fid Global Equity Income FGILX 8.51% - - - 1.0% / 30 1.16% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fid Global High Income FGHNX 1.31% 6.54% - - 1.0% / 90 0.95% Wellington High Yield 94966R634 2.95% 6.81% - - - 0.60%

Fid Global Strategies FDYSX 5.17% 6.48% 7.36% - - 0.85% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fid GNMA Fund FGMNX 4.20% 2.31% 4.03% 4.93% - 0.45% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fid Govt Income FGOVX 4.32% 2.04% 3.45% 4.51% - 0.45% Vanguard Total Bond Market Idx VBMPX 5.06% 2.74% 4.29% 4.78% - 0.05%

Fid Govt Money Market SPAXX 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 1.47% - 0.42% Vanguard Prime Money Market VMRXX 0.06% 0.07% 0.11% 1.72% - 0.10%

Fid Growth & Income FGIKX 13.70% 18.05% 16.05% 3.99% - 0.53% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Fid Growth Company K FGCKX 14.47% 19.75% 19.74% 12.16% - 0.71% Fidelity Growth Company K FGCKX 14.47% 19.75% 19.74% 12.16% - 0.71%

back to top of table

*Redemption fees are expressed as a percentage of the principal and do not apply after the designated number of days.**Calculated average annual total return rate as of 2/28/2015, net of expenses. Rate fluctuates as fund performance varies over time. The most recent performance is available through Fidelity NetBenefits at

†No redemption fee, but short-term trading restrictions may apply. See link to fund prospectus on page 5 for full information on fees.Δ See page 36 for CUSIP and performance of the Vanguard Target Retirement Trust appropriate for your age.

Page 29: MIT's Streamlined 401(k) Investment Line-up


MIT 2015 401(k) Investment Transition Guide


Fund NameTicker

Symbol/ CUSIP

Average Annual Total Return**Redemption

Fees* (% / Days)

Expense Ratio Fund Name

Ticker Symbol/ CUSIP

Average Annual Total Return** Redemption Fees*

(% / Days)

Expense Ratio1 - year 3 - year 5 - year 10 - year 1 - year 3 - year 5 - year 10 - year

Fid Growth Discovery FGDKX 8.78% 17.92% 18.39% 9.55% - 0.68% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Fid Growth Strategies FAGKX 17.85% 18.19% 16.33% 8.40% 1.5% / 90 0.53% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Fid High Income SPHIX 1.95% 6.54% 8.25% 7.27% 1.0% / 90 0.72% Wellington High Yield 94966R634 2.95% 6.81% - - - 0.60%

Fid Independence FDFKX 7.79% 19.44% 16.71% 9.92% - 0.64% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Fid Inflation-Protected Bond FINPX 2.74% 0.05% 3.98% 3.91% - 0.45% Vanguard Infl-Prot Securities VIPIX 3.06% 0.41% 4.35% 4.51% - 0.07%

Fid Inst Money Market FMPXX 0.05% 0.09% 0.14% 1.74% - 0.21% Vanguard Prime Money Market VMRXX 0.06% 0.07% 0.11% 1.72% - 0.10%

Fid Intermediate Bond FTHRX 2.80% 2.47% 3.97% 4.25% - 0.45% Vanguard Total Bond Market Idx VBMPX 5.06% 2.74% 4.29% 4.78% - 0.05%

Fid Intermediate Govt Income FSTGX 2.20% 1.31% 2.55% 3.85% - 0.45% Vanguard Total Bond Market Idx VBMPX 5.06% 2.74% 4.29% 4.78% - 0.05%

Fid International Bond FINUX -7.42% - - - - 1.06% Vanguard Total Intl Bond Idx VTABX 8.37% - - - - 0.19%

Fid International Cap App FIVFX 7.66% 13.02% 12.10% 5.78% 1.0% / 30 1.14% Vanguard Total Intl Stck Idx VTPSX 0.90% 6.95% 6.63% 5.11% - 0.10%

Fid International Discovery FIDKX 0.89% 11.68% 9.15% 6.09% 1.0% / 30 0.78% Vanguard Total Intl Stck Idx VTPSX 0.90% 6.95% 6.63% 5.11% - 0.10%

Fid International Enhanced Idx FIENX 1.25% 10.73% 8.65% - 1.0% / 30 0.62% Vanguard Total Intl Stck Idx VTPSX 0.90% 6.95% 6.63% 5.11% - 0.10%

Fid International Growth FIGFX 3.79% 10.53% 11.00% - 1.0% / 30 1.04% Vanguard Total Intl Stck Idx VTPSX 0.90% 6.95% 6.63% 5.11% - 0.10%

Fid International Real Estate FIREX 10.84% 15.26% 11.27% 5.06% 1.5% / 90 1.14% Vanguard REIT Index VGSNX 22.59% 15.37% 17.70% 9.53% - 0.08%

Fid International Small Cap FISMX -2.47% 11.66% 11.60% 7.30% 2.0% / 90 1.22% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fid International Small Cap Opp FSCOX 0.60% 12.78% 13.25% - 2.0% / 90 1.30% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fid International Value FIVLX -2.13% 10.21% 6.29% - 1.0% / 30 0.96% Vanguard Total Intl Stck Idx VTPSX 0.90% 6.95% 6.63% 5.11% - 0.10%

Fid Investment Grade Bond FBNDX 4.85% 3.37% 5.10% 4.53% - 0.45% Vanguard Total Bond Market Idx VBMPX 5.06% 2.74% 4.29% 4.78% - 0.05%

Fid Japan Fund FJPNX 2.84% 7.23% 4.83% 2.18% 1.5% / 90 0.90% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fid Japan Smaller Company FJSCX 5.18% 16.44% 11.48% 2.45% 1.5% / 90 1.00% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fid Large Core Enhanced Index FLCEX 16.04% 18.37% 16.32% - - 0.46% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Fid Large Growth Enhanced Idx FLGEX 17.46% 18.36% 17.03% - - 0.45% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Fid Large Stock Fund FLCSX 10.89% 19.46% 17.10% 9.37% - 0.88% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Fid Large Value Enhanced Idx FLVEX 15.37% 19.17% 16.07% - - 0.47% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Fid Latin America FLATX -9.32% -14.60% -5.88% 5.72% 1.5% / 90 1.08% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fid Leveraged Company Stock FLCKX 8.87% 18.26% 16.25% 9.01% 1.5% / 90 0.67% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Fid Low-Priced Stock FLPKX 9.78% 16.58% 15.98% 9.52% 1.5% / 90 0.72% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

back to top of table

*Redemption fees are expressed as a percentage of the principal and do not apply after the designated number of days.**Calculated average annual total return rate as of 2/28/2015, net of expenses. Rate fluctuates as fund performance varies over time. The most recent performance is available through Fidelity NetBenefits at

†No redemption fee, but short-term trading restrictions may apply. See link to fund prospectus on page 5 for full information on fees.Δ See page 36 for CUSIP and performance of the Vanguard Target Retirement Trust appropriate for your age.

Page 30: MIT's Streamlined 401(k) Investment Line-up


MIT 2015 401(k) Investment Transition Guide


Fund NameTicker

Symbol/ CUSIP

Average Annual Total Return**Redemption

Fees* (% / Days)

Expense Ratio Fund Name

Ticker Symbol/ CUSIP

Average Annual Total Return** Redemption Fees*

(% / Days)

Expense Ratio1 - year 3 - year 5 - year 10 - year 1 - year 3 - year 5 - year 10 - year

Fid Magellan FMGKX 14.82% 19.07% 13.92% 6.34% - 0.42% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Fid Mega Cap Stock FGRTX 13.88% 17.91% 16.41% 8.45% - 0.68% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Fid Managed Inc Port II Cl 1 - 1.20% 1.19% 1.33% 2.39% - 0.59% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fid Mid Cap Enhanced Idx FMEIX 15.22% 20.37% 18.13% - 0.75% / 30 0.62% Vanguard Mid Cap Index VIMAX 14.17% 18.57% 17.60% 9.81% - 0.09%

Fid Mid Cap Stock FKMCX 6.61% 16.68% 15.93% 9.89% 0.75% / 30 0.68% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Fid Mid Cap Value FSMVX 17.45% 21.48% 18.37% 9.63% 0.75% / 30 0.80% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Fid Money Market SPRXX 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 1.59% - 0.42% Vanguard Prime Money Market VMRXX 0.06% 0.07% 0.11% 1.72% - 0.10%

Fid Money Market Rtrmnt Govt FGMXX 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 1.48% - 0.42% Vanguard Prime Money Market VMRXX 0.06% 0.07% 0.11% 1.72% - 0.10%

Fid Mortgage Securities FMSFX 4.98% 2.81% 4.22% 4.04% - 0.45% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fid Nasdaq Composite Idx FNCMX 16.46% 20.02% 18.45% 10.14% 0.75% / 90 0.55% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Fid New Markets Income FNMIX 3.02% 3.57% 6.86% 7.99% 1.0% / 90 0.90% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fid New Millennium FMILX 4.19% 16.11% 16.19% 10.10% - 0.84% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Fid Nordic FNORX -1.17% 16.11% 13.77% 8.77% 1.5% / 90 0.99% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fid OTC Portfolio FOCKX 14.91% 20.93% 20.10% 12.92% - 0.65% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Fid Overseas FOSKX 2.76% 13.14% 9.68% 5.47% 1.0% / 30 0.88% Vanguard Total Intl Stck Idx VTPSX 0.90% 6.95% 6.63% 5.11% - 0.10%

Fid Pacific Basin FPBFX 7.42% 12.93% 12.16% 8.91% 1.5% / 90 1.18% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fid Puritan FPUKX 10.77% 13.12% 12.47% 7.50% - 0.46% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fid Real Estate Income FRIFX 9.47% 10.54% 11.54% 6.99% 0.75% / 90 0.83% Vanguard REIT Index VGSNX 22.59% 15.37% 17.70% 9.53% - 0.08%

Fid Real Estate Investment FRESX 23.32% 14.91% 17.56% 8.85% 0.75% / 90 0.80% Vanguard REIT Index VGSNX 22.59% 15.37% 17.70% 9.53% - 0.08%

Fid Slct Air Transport FSAIX 21.93% 26.83% 20.54% 13.13% 0.75% / 30 0.87% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fid Slct Auto Port FSAVX 8.04% 18.29% 16.78% 7.90% 0.75% / 30 0.84% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fid Slct Banking FSRBX 5.30% 17.09% 11.59% 1.41% 0.75% / 30 0.81% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fid Slct Biotech FBIOX 24.21% 44.48% 34.21% 19.67% 0.75% / 30 0.76% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fid Slct Brkrge & Inv Mgmt FSLBX 7.43% 18.92% 11.35% 7.60% 0.75% / 30 0.79% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fid Slct Chemicals FSCHX 7.52% 16.67% 19.26% 12.61% 0.75% / 30 0.81% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fid Slct Comm Equipment FSDCX 12.49% 13.36% 11.44% 7.37% 0.75% / 30 0.92% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fid Slct Computers FDCPX 13.35% 12.80% 16.40% 10.39% 0.75% / 30 0.82% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

back to top of table

*Redemption fees are expressed as a percentage of the principal and do not apply after the designated number of days.**Calculated average annual total return rate as of 2/28/2015, net of expenses. Rate fluctuates as fund performance varies over time. The most recent performance is available through Fidelity NetBenefits at

†No redemption fee, but short-term trading restrictions may apply. See link to fund prospectus on page 5 for full information on fees.Δ See page 36 for CUSIP and performance of the Vanguard Target Retirement Trust appropriate for your age.

Page 31: MIT's Streamlined 401(k) Investment Line-up


MIT 2015 401(k) Investment Transition Guide


Fund NameTicker

Symbol/ CUSIP

Average Annual Total Return**Redemption

Fees* (% / Days)

Expense Ratio Fund Name

Ticker Symbol/ CUSIP

Average Annual Total Return** Redemption Fees*

(% / Days)

Expense Ratio1 - year 3 - year 5 - year 10 - year 1 - year 3 - year 5 - year 10 - year

Fid Slct Construction & Housing FSHOX 16.99% 22.71% 20.22% 8.34% 0.75% / 30 0.81% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fid Slct Consumer Disc FSCPX 14.79% 20.52% 19.81% 9.56% 0.75% / 30 0.82% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fid Slct Consumer Finance FSVLX 7.69% 18.38% 13.53% -5.32% 0.75% / 30 0.85% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fid Slct Consumer Staples FDFAX 22.28% 16.92% 15.91% 11.70% 0.75% / 30 0.79% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fid Slct Defense & Aero FSDAX 12.53% 19.76% 19.28% 11.63% 0.75% / 30 0.81% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fid Slct Electronics FSELX 34.91% 20.43% 18.69% 9.43% 0.75% / 30 0.82% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fid Slct Energy FSENX -11.25% 1.14% 5.83% 6.52% 0.75% / 30 0.80% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fid Slct Energy Services FSESX -27.82% -5.15% 1.35% 3.67% 0.75% / 30 0.80% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fid Slct Envrnmnt & Alt Enrgy FSLEX 2.19% 14.16% 10.56% 6.17% 0.75% / 30 0.97% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fid Slct Financial Services FIDSX 11.87% 17.11% 9.42% 1.09% 0.75% / 30 0.86% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fid Slct Gold FSAGX -17.45% -26.16% -12.27% 1.61% 0.75% / 30 0.94% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fid Slct Health Care FSPHX 25.44% 36.03% 27.54% 15.67% 0.75% / 30 0.77% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fid Slct Industrial Equip FSCGX 3.36% 12.31% 14.87% 8.88% 0.75% / 30 0.79% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fid Slct Industrials FCYIX 8.74% 17.16% 17.48% 10.81% 0.75% / 30 0.81% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fid Slct Insurance FSPCX 13.01% 20.45% 15.24% 5.21% 0.75% / 30 0.83% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fid Slct IT Services FBSOX 11.16% 22.67% 21.14% 14.21% 0.75% / 30 0.84% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fid Slct Leisure FDLSX 12.91% 17.82% 20.18% 11.83% 0.75% / 30 0.82% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fid Slct Materials FSDPX 2.46% 10.74% 13.11% 11.26% 0.75% / 30 0.82% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fid Slct Medical Delivery FSHCX 26.88% 20.67% 19.38% 11.37% 0.75% / 30 0.82% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fid Slct Med Equipmnt & Syst FSMEX 28.52% 26.19% 18.72% 12.39% 0.75% / 30 0.80% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fid Slct Money Market FSLXX 0.02% 0.03% 0.06% 1.64% - 0.30% Vanguard Prime Money Market VMRXX 0.06% 0.07% 0.11% 1.72% - 0.10%

Fid Slct Multimedia FBMPX 10.16% 24.52% 22.55% 11.65% 0.75% / 30 0.81% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fid Slct Natural Gas FSNGX -17.15% 0.45% 1.63% 3.17% 0.75% / 30 0.84% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fid Slct Natural Resources FNARX -11.45% -0.81% 4.85% 7.20% 0.75% / 30 0.84% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fid Slct Pharmaceuticals FPHAX 20.04% 27.60% 23.24% 15.04% 0.75% / 30 0.82% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fid Slct Retailing FSRPX 17.29% 23.76% 21.80% 13.65% 0.75% / 30 0.83% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fid Slct Sftwr & Cmptr Srvcs FSCSX 6.33% 19.70% 20.47% 14.44% 0.75% / 30 0.79% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

back to top of table

*Redemption fees are expressed as a percentage of the principal and do not apply after the designated number of days.**Calculated average annual total return rate as of 2/28/2015, net of expenses. Rate fluctuates as fund performance varies over time. The most recent performance is available through Fidelity NetBenefits at

†No redemption fee, but short-term trading restrictions may apply. See link to fund prospectus on page 5 for full information on fees.Δ See page 36 for CUSIP and performance of the Vanguard Target Retirement Trust appropriate for your age.

Page 32: MIT's Streamlined 401(k) Investment Line-up


MIT 2015 401(k) Investment Transition Guide


Fund NameTicker

Symbol/ CUSIP

Average Annual Total Return**Redemption

Fees* (% / Days)

Expense Ratio Fund Name

Ticker Symbol/ CUSIP

Average Annual Total Return** Redemption Fees*

(% / Days)

Expense Ratio1 - year 3 - year 5 - year 10 - year 1 - year 3 - year 5 - year 10 - year

Fid Slct Technology FSPTX 9.97% 15.36% 16.64% 10.50% 0.75% / 30 0.80% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fid Slct Telecom Port FSTCX 11.90% 14.18% 13.58% 8.08% 0.75% / 30 0.85% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fid Slct Transportation FSRFX 26.80% 26.22% 22.02% 12.39% 0.75% / 30 0.85% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fid Slct Utilities FSUTX 11.22% 15.75% 15.13% 8.98% 0.75% / 30 0.82% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fid Slct Wireless FWRLX 7.55% 14.98% 13.93% 9.38% 0.75% / 30 0.88% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fid Shrt-Trm Bond FSHBX 0.81% 1.19% 1.72% 2.16% - 0.45% Vanguard Short-Term Bond Index VBITX 1.20% 1.19% 1.93% 3.37% - 0.07%

Fid Small Cap Discovery FSCRX 9.94% 19.02% 19.56% 12.09% 1.5% / 90 1.01% Vanguard Small Cap Index VSCIX 8.20% 18.01% 17.37% 9.72% - 0.08%

Fid Small Cap Enhanced Idx FCPEX 9.53% 18.06% 17.80% - 1.5% / 90 0.73% Vanguard Small Cap Index VSCIX 8.20% 18.01% 17.37% 9.72% - 0.08%

Fid Small Cap Growth FCPGX 5.61% 17.47% 17.16% 9.77% 1.5% / 90 0.91% Vanguard Small Cap Index VSCIX 8.20% 18.01% 17.37% 9.72% - 0.08%

Fid Small Cap Stock FSLCX 10.99% 13.78% 11.16% 7.60% 2.0% / 90 0.68% Vanguard Small Cap Index VSCIX 8.20% 18.01% 17.37% 9.72% - 0.08%

Fid Small Cap Value FCPVX 9.84% 17.67% 16.18% 10.40% 1.5% / 90 1.09% Vanguard Small Cap Index VSCIX 8.20% 18.01% 17.37% 9.72% - 0.08%

Fid Stock Slctr All Cap FSSKX 12.09% 17.76% 15.86% 7.99% - 0.58% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Fid Stock Slctr Large Value FSLVX 13.96% 17.92% 14.15% 6.00% - 0.72% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Fid Stock Slctr Mid Cap FSSMX 10.76% 16.99% 15.97% 7.54% - 0.81% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Fid Stock Slctr Small Cap FDSCX 4.64% 14.48% 16.22% 7.40% 1.5% / 90 0.73% Vanguard Small Cap Index VSCIX 8.20% 18.01% 17.37% 9.72% - 0.08%

Fid Strategic Div & Inc FSDIX 13.07% 13.72% 13.63% 7.03% - 0.74% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Fid Strategic Income FSICX 3.17% 4.30% 6.02% 6.31% - 0.69% Wellington High Yield 94966R634 2.95% 6.81% - - - 0.60%

Fid Strategic Real Return FSRRX -1.52% 1.47% 4.65% - 0.75% / 60 0.77% Vanguard Infl-Prot Securities VIPIX 3.06% 0.41% 4.35% 4.51% - 0.07%

Fid Telecom & Utilities FIUIX 11.12% 15.32% 15.82% 8.67% - 0.76% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Fid Total Bond FTBFX 4.81% 3.61% 5.27% 5.27% - 0.45% Vanguard Total Bond Market Idx VBMPX 5.06% 2.74% 4.29% 4.78% - 0.05%

Fid Total Emerging Markets FTEMX 1.99% 2.00% - - 1.5% / 90 1.73% Vanguard Emerging Markets Idx VEMIX 9.37% 0.35% 3.93% 7.70% - 0.12%

Fid Total International FTIEX 2.29% 8.97% 7.96% - 1.0% / 30 1.04% Vanguard Total Intl Stck Idx VTPSX 0.90% 6.95% 6.63% 5.11% - 0.10%

Fid Treasury Only Mny Mrkt FDLXX 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 1.26% - 0.42% Vanguard Prime Money Market VMRXX 0.06% 0.07% 0.11% 1.72% - 0.10%

Fid Trend Fund FTRNX 13.00% 18.49% 17.85% 10.07% - 0.75% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Fid US Equity Comm Idx Cl1 - 15.48% 17.97% 16.15% 7.95% - 0.04% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Fid US Govt Reserves FGRXX 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 1.51% - 0.32% Vanguard Prime Money Market VMRXX 0.06% 0.07% 0.11% 1.72% - 0.10%

Fid Value Discovery FVDKX 16.42% 19.59% 16.06% 8.60% - 0.66% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

back to top of table

*Redemption fees are expressed as a percentage of the principal and do not apply after the designated number of days.**Calculated average annual total return rate as of 2/28/2015, net of expenses. Rate fluctuates as fund performance varies over time. The most recent performance is available through Fidelity NetBenefits at

†No redemption fee, but short-term trading restrictions may apply. See link to fund prospectus on page 5 for full information on fees.Δ See page 36 for CUSIP and performance of the Vanguard Target Retirement Trust appropriate for your age.

Page 33: MIT's Streamlined 401(k) Investment Line-up


MIT 2015 401(k) Investment Transition Guide


Fund NameTicker

Symbol/ CUSIP

Average Annual Total Return**Redemption

Fees* (% / Days)

Expense Ratio Fund Name

Ticker Symbol/ CUSIP

Average Annual Total Return** Redemption Fees*

(% / Days)

Expense Ratio1 - year 3 - year 5 - year 10 - year 1 - year 3 - year 5 - year 10 - year

Fid Value Fund FVLKX 11.88% 20.01% 16.82% 8.44% - 0.62% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Fid Value Strategies FVSKX 11.93% 17.70% 15.90% 8.04% - 0.53% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Fid Worldwide FWWFX 2.04% 14.59% 13.40% 8.03% 1.0% / 30 0.96% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

FPA Crescent Fund FPACX 7.14% 11.41% 10.69% 8.31% - 1.23% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Franklin Mutual Global Disc TEDIX 8.10% 13.26% 10.81% 8.60% - 1.28% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Franklin Mutual Shares Fund TESIX 10.28% 14.83% 12.25% 6.44% - 1.09% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Franklin Small-Mid Growth FRSGX 9.24% 15.82% 16.38% 8.89% - 0.96% Vanguard Mid Cap Index VIMAX 14.17% 18.57% 17.60% 9.81% - 0.09%

Invesco American Franchise VAFAX 10.96% 16.58% 15.56% - - 1.08% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Invesco Charter Fund CHTRX 6.44% 13.52% 11.37% 7.62% - 1.09% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Invesco Comstock Fund ACSTX 9.96% 17.29% 15.07% 7.10% - 0.83% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Invesco Diversified Dividend LCEIX 11.62% 17.43% 14.38% 8.15% - 0.78% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Invesco Equity & Income ACEIX 8.49% 13.67% 11.31% 7.13% - 0.81% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Invesco Global Smll & Md Grwth AGAAX 5.02% 11.76% 11.38% 7.89% - 1.37% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Invesco Growth & Income ACGIX 9.80% 16.79% 13.24% 7.41% - 0.85% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Invesco Mid Cap Core GTAGX 3.86% 11.18% 9.87% 6.93% - 1.22% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Invesco Mid Cap Growth VGRAX 9.52% 16.21% 15.30% 10.24% - 1.21% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Invesco Small Cap Growth GTSIX 8.18% 18.21% 18.53% 10.21% - 1.21% Vanguard Small Cap Index VSCIX 8.20% 18.01% 17.37% 9.72% - 0.08%

Invesco Value Opp VVOAX 8.94% 15.23% 12.92% 5.22% - 1.25% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Janus Balanced JABRX 8.72% 11.20% 10.07% 8.31% - 1.08% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Janus Enterprise JGRTX 14.92% 17.36% 17.24% 10.73% - 1.17% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Janus Flexible Bond JAFIX 3.99% 3.75% 5.13% 5.83% - 0.70% Vanguard Total Bond Market Idx VBMPX 5.06% 2.74% 4.29% 4.78% - 0.05%

Janus Forty Fund JARTX 15.80% 18.16% 13.74% 10.12% - 1.02% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Janus Global Research JWGRX 10.35% 12.49% 12.93% 9.64% - 1.27% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Janus Overseas JIGRX -8.42% -4.46% -2.58% 5.60% - 0.93% Vanguard Total Intl Stck Idx VTPSX 0.90% 6.95% 6.63% 5.11% - 0.10%

John Hancock Small Company JCSAX 5.88% 14.48% 13.05% 8.03% - 1.46% Vanguard Small Cap Index VSCIX 8.20% 18.01% 17.37% 9.72% - 0.08%

Loomis Sayles Small Value LSCRX 8.04% 15.95% 15.84% 9.02% - 1.34% Vanguard Small Cap Index VSCIX 8.20% 18.01% 17.37% 9.72% - 0.08%

Lord Abbett Mid Cap LAVLX 11.99% 15.73% 15.08% 6.85% - 1.23% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

back to top of table

*Redemption fees are expressed as a percentage of the principal and do not apply after the designated number of days.**Calculated average annual total return rate as of 2/28/2015, net of expenses. Rate fluctuates as fund performance varies over time. The most recent performance is available through Fidelity NetBenefits at

†No redemption fee, but short-term trading restrictions may apply. See link to fund prospectus on page 5 for full information on fees.Δ See page 36 for CUSIP and performance of the Vanguard Target Retirement Trust appropriate for your age.

Page 34: MIT's Streamlined 401(k) Investment Line-up


MIT 2015 401(k) Investment Transition Guide


Fund NameTicker

Symbol/ CUSIP

Average Annual Total Return**Redemption

Fees* (% / Days)

Expense Ratio Fund Name

Ticker Symbol/ CUSIP

Average Annual Total Return** Redemption Fees*

(% / Days)

Expense Ratio1 - year 3 - year 5 - year 10 - year 1 - year 3 - year 5 - year 10 - year

Morgan Stnly Intl Allocation MSIBX -1.05% 8.59% 6.73% 4.93% 2.0% / 30 1.25% Vanguard Total Intl Stck Idx VTPSX 0.90% 6.95% 6.63% 5.11% - 0.10%

Morgan Stanley Core Plus MFXAX 6.14% 5.02% 5.90% 3.60% - 1.11% Vanguard Total Bond Market Idx VBMPX 5.06% 2.74% 4.29% 4.78% - 0.05%

Morgan Stanley Emerging Mrkts MMKBX 1.05% 0.96% 3.82% 7.07% 2.0% / 30 1.78% Vanguard Emerging Markets Idx VEMIX 9.37% 0.35% 3.93% 7.70% - 0.12%

Morgan Stanley Global Strat MBAAX 2.87% 9.61% 10.02% 6.74% - 1.14% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Morgan Stanley Growth MSEGX 8.28% 19.66% 19.17% 11.05% - 0.96% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Morgan Stanley Intl Equity MIQBX -0.04% 9.21% 7.66% 4.73% 2.0% / 30 1.25% Vanguard Total Intl Stck Idx VTPSX 0.90% 6.95% 6.63% 5.11% - 0.10%

Morgan Stanley Mid Cap Growth MACGX -1.70% 11.99% 14.57% 10.31% - 1.00% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Morgan Stnley Smll Comp Grwth MSSMX -8.85% 16.31% 15.94% 8.23% 2.0% / 30 1.35% Vanguard Small Cap Index VSCIX 8.20% 18.01% 17.37% 9.72% - 0.08%

Neuberger Core Bond NCRIX 4.38% 2.45% 4.39% 4.70% - 1.15% Vanguard Total Bond Market Idx VBMPX 5.06% 2.74% 4.29% 4.78% - 0.05%

Neuberger Focus Fund NBFCX 9.96% 17.83% 14.36% 6.17% - 1.11% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Neuberger Genesis NBGEX 4.87% 13.58% 14.32% 9.41% - 1.10% Vanguard Small Cap Index VSCIX 8.20% 18.01% 17.37% 9.72% - 0.08%

Neuberger Guardian NBGTX 11.86% 17.06% 15.01% 7.84% - 1.06% Vanguard FTSE Social Index VFTNX 16.75% 20.72% 16.91% 7.39% - 0.16%

Neuberger Large Value NBPTX 8.94% 16.16% 11.24% 5.94% - 1.08% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Neuberger Mid Cap Growth NBMTX 10.40% 14.95% 16.81% 10.10% - 1.01% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Neuberger Socially Responsive NBSTX 12.47% 16.94% 15.02% 8.03% - 1.03% Vanguard FTSE Social Index VFTNX 16.75% 20.72% 16.91% 7.39% - 0.16%

Oakmark Equity & Inc OAKBX 8.37% 11.23% 9.92% 8.17% - 0.74% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Oakmark Fund OAKMX 13.01% 19.46% 16.80% 9.17% - 0.87% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Oakmark Select OAKLX 13.13% 19.96% 17.90% 8.26% - 0.95% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Perkins Mid Value JMCVX 8.59% 11.79% 10.98% 8.12% - 0.74% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

PIMCO Global Bond PADMX -1.15% 0.83% 4.10% 4.46% - 0.81% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

PIMCO High Yield PHYAX 3.60% 6.83% 8.19% 6.77% - 0.80% Wellington High Yield 94966R634 2.95% 6.81% - - - 0.60%

PIMCO Long-Term US Govt PLGBX 19.27% 5.71% 9.93% 7.72% - 0.74% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

PIMCO Low Duration PLDAX 0.51% 1.76% 2.35% 3.67% - 0.71% Vanguard Short-Term Bond Index VBITX 1.20% 1.19% 1.93% 3.37% - 0.07%

PIMCO Total Return PTRAX 4.46% 3.68% 4.80% 5.93% - 0.71% Vanguard Total Bond Market Idx VBMPX 5.06% 2.74% 4.29% 4.78% - 0.05%

Rice Hall James Micro Cap RHJSX 4.28% 16.14% 17.21% 7.52% - 1.54% Vanguard Small Cap Index VSCIX 8.20% 18.01% 17.37% 9.72% - 0.08%

Royce Low-Priced Stock RYLPX -4.76% 0.33% 5.38% 5.59% - 1.51% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

RS Small Growth RSEGX 10.10% 19.97% 19.76% 10.07% - 1.41% Vanguard Small Cap Index VSCIX 8.20% 18.01% 17.37% 9.72% - 0.08%

back to top of table

*Redemption fees are expressed as a percentage of the principal and do not apply after the designated number of days.**Calculated average annual total return rate as of 2/28/2015, net of expenses. Rate fluctuates as fund performance varies over time. The most recent performance is available through Fidelity NetBenefits at

†No redemption fee, but short-term trading restrictions may apply. See link to fund prospectus on page 5 for full information on fees.Δ See page 36 for CUSIP and performance of the Vanguard Target Retirement Trust appropriate for your age.

Page 35: MIT's Streamlined 401(k) Investment Line-up


MIT 2015 401(k) Investment Transition Guide


Fund NameTicker

Symbol/ CUSIP

Average Annual Total Return**Redemption

Fees* (% / Days)

Expense Ratio Fund Name

Ticker Symbol/ CUSIP

Average Annual Total Return** Redemption Fees*

(% / Days)

Expense Ratio1 - year 3 - year 5 - year 10 - year 1 - year 3 - year 5 - year 10 - year

Schroder Emerging Markets SEMNX 2.72% 0.45% 3.64% - 2.0% / 60 1.40% Vanguard Emerging Markets Idx VEMIX 9.37% 0.35% 3.93% 7.70% - 0.12%

Spartan 500 Idx Inst FXSIX 15.47% 17.96% 16.15% 7.97% - 0.05% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Spartan Emerging Markets Idx FPMAX 8.89% -0.24% - - 1.5% / 90 0.35% Vanguard Emerging Markets Idx VEMIX 9.37% 0.35% 3.93% 7.70% - 0.12%

Spartan Extended Market Idx FSEVX 8.24% 17.80% 17.22% 9.98% 0.75% / 90 0.07% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Spartan Global ex US Idx FSGDX 0.66% 6.39% - - 1.0% / 90 0.28% Vanguard Total Intl Stck Idx VTPSX 0.90% 6.95% 6.63% 5.11% - 0.10%

Spartan Infl-Prot Bond Idx FSIYX 3.05% - - - - 0.10% Vanguard Infl-Prot Securities VIPIX 3.06% 0.41% 4.35% 4.51% - 0.07%

Spartan Intermediate Treasury FIBAX 5.09% 2.02% 4.92% - - 0.10% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Spartan International Idx FSIVX -0.21% 9.57% 7.85% 4.96% 1.0% / 90 0.17% Vanguard Total Intl Stck Idx VTPSX 0.90% 6.95% 6.63% 5.11% - 0.10%

Spartan Long-Term Treasury Idx FLBAX 20.48% 5.85% 9.91% - - 0.10% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Spartan Mid Cap Idx FSCKX 13.25% 18.84% - - 0.75% / 30 0.21% Vanguard Mid Cap Index VIMAX 14.17% 18.57% 17.60% 9.81% - 0.09%

Spartan Real Estate Idx FSRVX 24.00% 15.08% - - 0.75% / 90 0.19% Vanguard REIT Index VGSNX 22.59% 15.37% 17.70% 9.53% - 0.08%

Spartan Short-Term Treasury FSBAX 0.95% 0.70% 1.52% - - 0.10% Vanguard Short-Term Bond Index VBITX 1.20% 1.19% 1.93% 3.37% - 0.07%

Spartan Small Cap Idx FSSVX 5.86% 16.72% - - 1.5% / 90 0.34% Vanguard Small Cap Index VSCIX 8.20% 18.01% 17.37% 9.72% - 0.08%

Spartan Total Market Idx FSTVX 14.02% 17.91% 16.35% 8.43% 0.5% / 90 0.07% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Spartan US Bond Idx FXSTX 5.03% 2.73% 4.23% 4.51% - 0.07% Vanguard Total Bond Market Idx VBMPX 5.06% 2.74% 4.29% 4.78% - 0.05%

Strt Advsr Core Multi-Manager FLAUX 13.87% 16.66% - - - 1.22% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Strt Advsr Emerging Markets FoF FLILX 4.86% - - - 1.5% / 90 2.38% Vanguard Emerging Markets Idx VEMIX 9.37% 0.35% 3.93% 7.70% - 0.12%

Strt Advsr Growth Multi-Manager FMELX 13.21% 17.17% - - - 0.84% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Strt Advsr Income Multi-Manager FWHBX 4.83% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% - 1.04% Vanguard Total Bond Market Idx VBMPX 5.06% 2.74% 4.29% 4.78% - 0.05%

Strt Advsr Income Opp Fof FSADX 1.85% - - - 1.0% / 90 5.02% Wellington High Yield 94966R634 2.95% 6.81% - - - 0.60%

Strt Advsr Intl Multi-Manager FMJDX 1.25% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 1.0% / 30 1.21% Vanguard Total Intl Stck Idx VTPSX 0.90% 6.95% 6.63% 5.11% - 0.10%

Strt Advsr SMID Multi-Manager FNAPX 5.88% 14.78% - - 1.5% / 90 1.30% Vanguard Small Cap Index VSCIX 8.20% 18.01% 17.37% 9.72% - 0.08%

Strt Advsr Value Multi-Manager FKMOX 13.06% 17.21% - - - 1.32% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

TCW Select Equities TGCNX 8.04% 14.34% 15.60% 7.96% - 1.13% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

TCW Small Growth TGSNX 3.88% 11.85% 11.34% 10.03% - 1.46% Vanguard Small Cap Index VSCIX 8.20% 18.01% 17.37% 9.72% - 0.08%

Templeton Developed Mrkts TEDMX -1.80% -2.39% 2.40% 5.24% - 1.71% Vanguard Emerging Markets Idx VEMIX 9.37% 0.35% 3.93% 7.70% - 0.12%

Templeton Foreign Fund TEMFX -7.59% 7.68% 7.18% 5.04% - 1.16% Vanguard Total Intl Stck Idx VTPSX 0.90% 6.95% 6.63% 5.11% - 0.10%

back to top of table

*Redemption fees are expressed as a percentage of the principal and do not apply after the designated number of days.**Calculated average annual total return rate as of 2/28/2015, net of expenses. Rate fluctuates as fund performance varies over time. The most recent performance is available through Fidelity NetBenefits at

†No redemption fee, but short-term trading restrictions may apply. See link to fund prospectus on page 5 for full information on fees.Δ See page 36 for CUSIP and performance of the Vanguard Target Retirement Trust appropriate for your age.

Page 36: MIT's Streamlined 401(k) Investment Line-up


MIT 2015 401(k) Investment Transition Guide


Fund NameTicker

Symbol/ CUSIP

Average Annual Total Return**Redemption

Fees* (% / Days)

Expense Ratio Fund Name

Ticker Symbol/ CUSIP

Average Annual Total Return** Redemption Fees*

(% / Days)

Expense Ratio1 - year 3 - year 5 - year 10 - year 1 - year 3 - year 5 - year 10 - year

Templeton Foreign Small Company FINEX -6.02% 5.59% 7.10% 4.82% - 1.67% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Templeton Global Bond TPINX 3.18% 3.81% 5.40% 7.43% - 0.91% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Templeton Growth Fund TEPLX -1.52% 12.77% 11.00% 4.61% - 1.03% Vanguard Total Intl Stck Idx VTPSX 0.90% 6.95% 6.63% 5.11% - 0.10%

Templeton World Fund TEMWX -1.16% 11.38% 10.53% 6.07% - 1.05% Vanguard Total Intl Stck Idx VTPSX 0.90% 6.95% 6.63% 5.11% - 0.10%

Touchstone Focused Fund TFFYX 10.32% 18.47% 15.45% 9.15% - 1.03% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Touchstone Intl Small Cap TNSYX 1.64% 14.20% 14.26% 6.90% - 1.46% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

USAA Cornerstone Mod Agg USCRX 5.48% 7.79% 7.77% 4.99% - 1.26% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

USAA Emerging Markets USEMX -1.74% -3.82% -0.33% 4.89% - 1.52% Vanguard Emerging Markets Idx VEMIX 9.37% 0.35% 3.93% 7.70% - 0.12%

USAA Govt Securities USGNX 3.23% 1.68% 3.03% 4.20% - 0.47% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

USAA Growth Fund USAAX 16.99% 20.08% 17.23% 7.44% - 1.12% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

USAA Income Fund USAIX 4.92% 4.15% 5.31% 5.40% - 0.59% Vanguard Total Bond Market Idx VBMPX 5.06% 2.74% 4.29% 4.78% - 0.05%

USAA Income Stock Fund USISX 12.59% 15.52% 14.35% 5.83% - 0.80% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

USAA International Fund USIFX 2.04% 9.37% 8.88% 6.62% - 1.16% Vanguard Total Intl Stck Idx VTPSX 0.90% 6.95% 6.63% 5.11% - 0.10%

Vanguard Growth Idx Admiral VIGAX 16.19% 18.26% 17.31% 9.35% - 0.09% Vanguard Growth Index VIGIX 16.20% 18.27% 17.32% 9.38% - 0.08%

Vanguard Infl-Prot Securities VIPIX 3.06% 0.41% 4.35% 4.51% - 0.07% Vanguard Infl-Prot Securities VIPIX 3.06% 0.41% 4.35% 4.51% - 0.07%

Vanguard Institutional Idx VINIX 15.48% 17.97% 16.16% 8.00% - 0.04% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Vang Target Ret 2010 Trust II 92202V732 6.53% 7.30% 8.38% - - 0.11% Vang Target Ret 2010 Trust Plus 92202V443 6.58% 7.36% - - - 0.07%

Vang Target Ret 2015 Trust II 92202V724 7.56% 8.99% 9.49% - - 0.11% Vang Target Ret 2015 Trust Plus 92202V435 7.62% 9.05% - - - 0.07%

Vang Target Ret 2020 Trust II 92202V716 8.45% 10.24% 10.34% - - 0.11% Vang Target Ret 2020 Trust Plus 92202V427 8.50% 10.30% - - - 0.07%

Vang Target Ret 2025 Trust II 92202V7690 8.79% 11.13% 10.99% - - 0.11% Vang Target Ret 2025 Trust Plus 92202V419 8.79% 11.16% - - - 0.07%

Vang Target Ret 2030 Trust II 92202V682 9.04% 11.98% 11.62% - - 0.11% Vang Target Ret 2030 Trust Plus 92202V393 9.08% 12.03% - - - 0.07%

Vang Target Ret 2035 Trust II 92202V674 9.33% 12.82% 12.25% - - 0.11% Vang Target Ret 2035 Trust Plus 92202V385 9.36% 12.88% - - - 0.07%

Vang Target Ret 2040 Trust II 92202V666 9.53% 13.38% 12.59% - - 0.11% Vang Target Ret 2040 Trust Plus 92202V377 9.59% 13.44% - - - 0.07%

Vang Target Ret 2045 Trust II 92202V658 9.54% 13.38% 12.59% - - 0.11% Vang Target Ret 2045 Trust Plus 92202V369 9.61% 13.44% - - - 0.07%

Vang Target Ret 2050 Trust II 92202V641 9.57% 13.35% 12.57% - - 0.11% Vang Target Ret 2050 Trust Plus 92202V351 9.63% 13.49% - - - 0.07%

Vang Target Ret Income Trust II 92202V740 6.05% 5.94% 7.17% - - 0.11% Vang Target Ret Income Trust Plus 92202V468 6.08% 5.98% - - - 0.07%

Vanguard Total Bond Market Idx VBMPX 5.06% 2.74% 4.29% 4.78% - 0.05% Vanguard Total Bond Market Idx VBMPX 5.06% 2.74% 4.29% 4.78% - 0.05%

back to top of table

*Redemption fees are expressed as a percentage of the principal and do not apply after the designated number of days.**Calculated average annual total return rate as of 2/28/2015, net of expenses. Rate fluctuates as fund performance varies over time. The most recent performance is available through Fidelity NetBenefits at

†No redemption fee, but short-term trading restrictions may apply. See link to fund prospectus on page 5 for full information on fees.Δ See page 36 for CUSIP and performance of the Vanguard Target Retirement Trust appropriate for your age.

Page 37: MIT's Streamlined 401(k) Investment Line-up


MIT 2015 401(k) Investment Transition Guide


Fund NameTicker

Symbol/ CUSIP

Average Annual Total Return**Redemption

Fees* (% / Days)

Expense Ratio Fund Name

Ticker Symbol/ CUSIP

Average Annual Total Return** Redemption Fees*

(% / Days)

Expense Ratio1 - year 3 - year 5 - year 10 - year 1 - year 3 - year 5 - year 10 - year

Vanguard Total Intl Stck Idx VTPSX 0.90% 6.95% 6.63% 5.11% - 0.10% Vanguard Total Intl Stck Idx VTPSX 0.90% 6.95% 6.63% 5.11% - 0.10%

Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx Inst VITSX 14.06% 17.97% 16.41% 8.49% - 0.04% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx - 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.02% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Vanguard Value Idx Admiral VVIAX 14.12% 17.70% 15.18% 7.28% - 0.09% Vanguard Value Index VIVIX 14.13% 17.71% 15.21% 7.31% - 0.08%

Vanguard Wellington Admiral VWENX 10.38% 12.54% 11.80% 8.16% - 0.18% Vanguard Target Ret Trust Plus Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ - 0.07%

Vanguard Windsor II Admiral VWNAX 12.09% 16.79% 14.46% 7.35% - 0.28% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Wells Fargo Common Stock STCSX 6.85% 15.10% 14.67% 10.26% - 1.36% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Wells Fargo Discovery Fund STDIX 2.68% 14.98% 18.57% 10.97% - 1.31% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Wells Fargo Govt Securities STVSX 4.13% 1.79% 3.20% 4.15% - 0.92% Vanguard Total Bond Market Idx VBMPX 5.06% 2.74% 4.29% 4.78% - 0.05%

Wells Fargo Growth Fund SGROX 5.32% 13.93% 18.34% 12.06% - 1.24% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Wells Fargo Large Growth STRFX 10.29% 15.29% 16.23% 9.07% - 1.28% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Wells Fargo Opportunity Fund SOPFX 11.08% 15.09% 13.58% 7.94% - 1.33% Vanguard Total Stock Market Idx 92202V203 14.06% 17.98% 16.38% - - 0.01%

Wells Fargo Shrt-Term Bond SSTBX 0.93% 1.40% 1.89% 3.06% - 0.84% Vanguard Short-Term Bond Index VBITX 1.20% 1.19% 1.93% 3.37% - 0.07%

Wells Fargo Small Value SSMVX -4.43% 6.61% 7.68% 6.64% - 1.41% Vanguard Small Cap Index VSCIX 8.20% 18.01% 17.37% 9.72% - 0.08%

Wells Fargo Ultra Short Inc STADX 0.01% 0.60% 1.05% 1.85% - 0.81% Vanguard Short-Term Bond Index VBITX 1.20% 1.19% 1.93% 3.37% - 0.07%

Western Asset Core Bond WAPIX 6.07% 3.76% 5.69% 5.09% - 0.83% Vanguard Total Bond Market Idx VBMPX 5.06% 2.74% 4.29% 4.78% - 0.05%

back to top of table

*Redemption fees are expressed as a percentage of the principal and do not apply after the designated number of days.**Calculated average annual total return rate as of 2/28/2015, net of expenses. Rate fluctuates as fund performance varies over time. The most recent performance is available through Fidelity NetBenefits at

†No redemption fee, but short-term trading restrictions may apply. See link to fund prospectus on page 5 for full information on fees.Δ See page 36 for CUSIP and performance of the Vanguard Target Retirement Trust appropriate for your age.

Page 38: MIT's Streamlined 401(k) Investment Line-up

MIT 2015 401(k) Investment Transition Guide


Disclaimers & Required Notices This document provides only a summary of the main features of the MIT Supplemental 401(k) Plan, including its investment fund options. The Plan Document will govern in the event of discrepancies.

The Plan is intended to be a participant-directed plan as described in Section 404(c) of ERISA, which means that fiduciaries of the Plan are ordinarily relieved of liability for any losses that are the direct and necessary result of investment instructions given by a participant or beneficiary.




EDUCATIONResources Available to You

Frequently Asked Questions

Glossary of Terms

Investment Line-up Transition Table

Disclaimers & Required Notices