mitigate 'toxic' stress a new science of early childhood reveals ... · time as positive...

DOI: 10.1542/aapnews.2012331-29 2012;33;29 AAP News Andrew S. Garner and Jack P. Shonkoff A new science of early childhood reveals urgency of protecting developing brains Mitigate 'toxic' stress World Wide Web at: The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is located on the 2012 by the American Academy of Pediatrics. All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 1073-0397. Academy of Pediatrics, 141 Northwest Point Boulevard, Elk Grove Village, Illinois, 60007. Copyright © published continuously since 1948. AAP News is owned, published, and trademarked by the American AAP News is the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. A monthly publication, it has been at Amer Acad of Pediatrics on June 12, 2012 Downloaded from

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Page 1: Mitigate 'toxic' stress A new science of early childhood reveals ... · time as positive experiences (e.g., rich learning opportunities) or neg-ative influences (e.g., environmental

DOI: 10.1542/aapnews.2012331-292012;33;29AAP News 

Andrew S. Garner and Jack P. ShonkoffA new science of early childhood reveals urgency of protecting developing brains

Mitigate 'toxic' stress Wide Web at:

The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is located on the

2012 by the American Academy of Pediatrics. All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 1073-0397. Academy of Pediatrics, 141 Northwest Point Boulevard, Elk Grove Village, Illinois, 60007. Copyright ©published continuously since 1948. AAP News is owned, published, and trademarked by the American AAP News is the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. A monthly publication, it has been

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Page 2: Mitigate 'toxic' stress A new science of early childhood reveals ... · time as positive experiences (e.g., rich learning opportunities) or neg-ative influences (e.g., environmental

©Copyright 2012 AAP News

Volume 33 • Number 1January

Mitigate ‘toxic’ stressA new science of early childhood reveals urgency of protecting developing brainsby Andrew S. Garner, M.D., Ph.D., FAAP, and Jack P. Shonkoff, M.D., FAAP

The association betweenchildhood adversity andadult impairments has beenknown for decades. Scientificadvances now are helping us understand how early rela-tionships, experiences and environmental influences canleave a lasting signature on the genetic predispositions thataffect later learning, behavior, and both physical and men-tal health.

A new AAP policy statement and technical report presentan enhanced framework for how early experiences becomeembedded biologically in the developing brain and otherorgan systems. They also highlight how pediatricians arewell-equipped to educate parents, teachers and policy-makers about this new knowledge.

The policy statement, Early Childhood Adversity, ToxicStress and the Role of the Pediatrician: Translating Develop-mental Science Into Lifelong Health (Pediatrics. 2012;129:e224-e231;, discusses how pedia-tricians are ideally positioned to inform science-based poli-cies and programs that prevent or mitigate the damageassociated with such health-threatening adversities as poverty, mal-treatment, parental depression and exposure to violence.

A look at the scienceTwo complementary biological mechanisms explain the linkages

between early childhood experiences and life course trajectories. The first comes from advances in neuroscience and the biology of

stress that show how experiences interact with genetic predispositionsin ways that affect a variety of organs and metabolic systems, includingwhich neural connections in the developing brain are strengthenedand which are weakened or eliminated. For example, chronic acti-vation of stress response systems in the absence of protective rela-tionships (i.e., toxic stress) can lead to extreme levels of cortisol (whichdisrupt circuits in the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus) andelevated inflammatory responses (which affect the cardiovascularsystem). This early adversity is incorporated into the body throughlasting “biological memories” that are manifested in both patho-physiological changes, such as accelerated atherosclerosis, and risky

behaviors, such as poor self-regulation and later substance abuse.The second and related mechanism at the molecular level is the

focus of research in epigenetics. In the past, the influence of geneswas thought to be biologically fixed. Now research is showing howexperience plays a critical role in determining which parts of thegenetic program are activated and which are suppressed.

Scientists liken the structural genome to the hardware of a computer,which determines the boundaries of what’s possible. Just as a computerrequires an operating system to tell it what to do, the genome isinstructed what to do by the epigenome. This system is built overtime as positive experiences (e.g., rich learning opportunities) or neg-ative influences (e.g., environmental toxins or stressful circumstances)leave a chemical “signature” on the genes that affects how easily theyare switched on or off. Thus, marked by experiences during devel-opment, the epigenome determines which functions the genetic“hardware” does and does not perform, thereby influencing lifelonghealth and developmental outcomes.

AAP News photo by Jeff Knox

Pediatricians should educate parents and others about the long-term consequencesof toxic stress and encourage positive parenting techniques. Early experiencescan impact lifelong learning and health.

at Amer Acad of Pediatrics on June 12, 2012 from

Page 3: Mitigate 'toxic' stress A new science of early childhood reveals ... · time as positive experiences (e.g., rich learning opportunities) or neg-ative influences (e.g., environmental

Challenges aheadThe AAP technical report, The Lifelong Effects of Early Childhood

Adversity and Toxic Stress (Pediatrics. 2012;129:e232-e246;, pro-poses an instructive framework that helps us understand how thebiological consequences of psychosocial adversity are no less real thanthe damaging physical effects of poor nutrition or exposure to lead.The implications of this framework are potentially transformativefor both early childhood policy and pediatric practice.

From a policy perspective, early and sustained investments thatreduce childhood adversity should generate positive financial returnsin greater economic productivity, decreased rates of incarcerationand lower health care costs in the future.

From a practice perspective, pediatricians are uniquely positionedto monitor the early childhood environment, but the most importantchallenges include how clinicians can influence the quality of thatenvironment (e.g., positive parenting and enriched out-of-home set-tings), screen for threats to the developing brain (e.g., neglect, mal-nutrition and parental substance abuse), and locate or help developevidence-based interventions to counter risks (e.g., local traumaticstress networks and early childhood mental health services).

The AAP Early Brain and Child Development Leadership WorkGroup is working with other AAP entities and national stakeholdersto address these challenges.

Dr. Garner, lead author of the policystatement and co-author of the technicalreport, is a member of the AAP Committeeon Psychosocial Aspects of Child and FamilyHealth and the AAP Early Brain andChild Development Leadership WorkGroup. Dr. Shonkoff, lead author of the

technical report and co-author of the policy statement, is the director ofthe Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University.

©Copyright 2012 AAP News

‘Brain-friendly’ tips• Educate yourself and others about the association between childhood

adversity and negative long-term outcomes, and how toxic stress affectsthe developing brain.

• Partner with families and state policy-makers to prevent or reducetoxic stress and to minimize its impact on life course trajectories throughanticipatory guidance and referrals, along with more effective policiesand supports that protect children from the impacts of adversity onmaturing bodies and brains.

• Focus on relationships when assessing both risk and protective factors,and strengthen the ability of caregivers to buffer children from stressby promoting their coping skills and capacity for self-regulation.

• Advocate and collaborate with local child and family service providersto ensure that vulnerable children and their parents receive the evi-dence-based care they need.

Dr. Garner Dr. Shonkoff

The Center on the Developing Child,


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DOI: 10.1542/aapnews.2012331-292012;33;29AAP News 

Andrew S. Garner and Jack P. ShonkoffA new science of early childhood reveals urgency of protecting developing brains

Mitigate 'toxic' stress

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