mistaken love by mzkisseshere

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    Mistaken Love by mzKISSEShere

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    Format: NovelChapters: 11Word Count: 43,723Status: WIP

    Rating: MatureWarnings: Strong Languag e, Strong Violence, Scenes of a S exual Nature, Substance Useor Abuse,

    Genres: Drama, Romance, Action/AdventureCharacters: Harry, Ron, Hermione, Snape, Lucius, Voldemort, Draco, Ginny, OC,OtherCanonPairings: Ron/Hermione, Draco/OC, Harry/OC, Other Pairing

    First Published: 04/25/2006Last Chapter: 07/11/2007Last Updated: 07/11/2007


    The school year is ending and Hogwarts may not be reopening. Harry's workingthrough the pain from the break up with Ginny and the death of Dumbledore.After the funeral, he runs into an unexpected girl and is left with an impressionto follow her. Who is this unknown girl and where is she leading Harry?Emotions are spilling and curiosity is in the air as Harry's sixth year atHogwarts of Witc hcraft and Wizardry is at its end.

    Chapter 1: Confessions with Darkness[View Online ] [ Printer Friendly Version of This Chapter ]


    Harry stood, watching the white tomb lower down into the ground. He grasped his hand tightly aroundthe fake locket that rested in his hand. A tear trickled down his cheek and he continued to stare atthe tomb that held the greatest man he ever knew.

    The funeral was over and everyone started t o head back into the c astle, hoping they would be able tofeel at home again. Dumbledore was gone and so was the spirit of Hogwarts. Saddened faces enteredthrough the great oak doors and walked the hallways. All students were to return home the followingday, a week earlier than expect ed. Certain circumstanc es c aused parents t o send owls to t he newheadmistress, Minerva Mc Gonagall, c omplaining that Hogwarts was no longer safe without Dumbledore.

    Harry remained behind and witnessed the final burial of the mentor he had now lost. Teachers did asweeping motion with their wands and all the seats vanished from sight. The flowers that once restedat the side of the tomb were now neatly placed above the grave. It was all over and the feeling finallysunk into Harry. He was all alone and had no one else to help him through the toughest part of his life.

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    Ron and Hermione were back in the Gryffindor common room, by the request of Harry. He needed timeto himself; he needed time to grieve.

    When Harry felt that he was completely alone, he walked over to Dumbledores grave and sat on thegrass beside the newly added mound of dirt. He carefully swept his hand over the soil and began tocry. Harry buried his face into his hands and hid his tears from the world around him.

    Twenty minutes passed and Harry was laying on his back, staring into the sky. The sun was bright,which made his eyes water. Tears stopped falling and he wiped his eyes one last time. Harry only

    allowed grief to take over him for twenty minutes, no more, no less. He knew keeping his emotions inwould allow the pain to swallow him whole. Lifting himself up by his arms, Harry stood and decided tohead back to meet his two best friends, which are probably worried about him.

    He will only be gone from the school when none here are loyal to him, this thought ran throughHarrys head as he walked the halls of Hogwarts, his home. Harry made his way toward the movingstaircases that would lead him to the Gryffindor common room. Still lost in his thoughts, he wasntpaying full attention to the things or people that surrounded him. Before he knew it, Harry ran into agirl, whom he knocked down.

    Im so sorry, Harry apologized and offered his hand to help her up.

    He noticed that she had puffy red eyes and tears streaming down her face. Harry didnt recognize hernor did he know who she was, but she looked incredibly beautiful. Her long brown hair was to hershoulders and covered her face purposely. Behind the forming tears, you were able to catch a glimpseof her dark, honey-brown eyes. She was around Harrys age and yet Harry had never seen her aroundHogwarts before.

    Its okay, she replied, wiping the tears from her cheeks. She took his hand and was lifted onto herfeet by Harrys strength.

    Do you go to Hogwarts? Harry asked, c urious to know why she was here.

    No, I dont, she said, not wanting to stick around to talk to Harry.

    Why are you here? Harry tired not to be rude, but she was giving him a slight at titude.

    You know what, I should get going. Ill see you around, Harry.

    By the time Harry was able to say another word she was out of sight. He wondered who she was andhow she knew his name. It was common for strangers to know Harrys name, but she left an impressionthat made Harry follow her back out of Hogwarts.

    She couldnt have gone that far, Harry thought as he wandered out to the grass area. Spotting herby Dumbledores grave, Harry moved slowly toward her and glanced around to see if anyone couldidentify her. When he turned his attention back, she was gone. Harry spun around, scanning the lakeand the grass fields, trying to see if she was anywhere close to the school. Apart from some studentsenjoying their last day at Hogwarts, Harry saw no one. She completely disappeared, which made nosense; Apparating wasnt possible.

    One place he didnt look was the forbidden forest. It was the only escape other than jumping into thelake. Harry made his way into the forest, glancing back at Hogwarts in hesitation. She was only a girl,but something about her was odd and he wanted to find out what.


    I wonder where Harry is, Ron said as he placed his c leansweep into his trunk.

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    He should have been here by now, Hermione stood by t he window, searching for Harry on t hegrounds of Hogwarts.

    Ron was in the boys dormitory packing at last minute with Hermione keeping him company. During thefuneral, they were, of course, there for Harry, but they didnt seem to help much through his pain.Harry asked them to give him time alone after the funeral and they respected what he wanted.Hermione didnt want to leave Harrys side, though Ron knew it was for the best.

    Harrys probably taking a walk around the school, you know, to say good-bye, Ron assumed, denying

    the fac t Harry might be missing.

    Maybe youre right, but Harry never left us hanging like this before. Hermione let out a sigh andcontinued, I know we said were going with him back to Godrics Hollow, but not returning toHogwarts? Dont you think thats kind of rash?

    Hermione, its Harry, he knows what hes doing. No one asked you to come with us.

    Ron! Dont be ridiculous, of course Im coming! Im just

    Scared? Ron finished.

    Hermione fell silent and turned her attention back out the window. Who wouldnt be scared if they were going to hunt down Voldemort? Im with Harry and Ron and thats all that mat ters, t hen why am I so scared? Its not about Voldemort, its something else, but what? All these thoughts wereflowing through her head as she stared into the pink and orange sky.

    Taking the silence as a yes, Ron closed his trunk and went over to Hermione. He wrapped his armsaround her waist and held her close.

    Its going to be okay, he whispered into her ear and kissed her soft ly on the cheek.

    She pulled away from Ron. Is it really? Everything is chaotic right now; with Harry, with Hogwarts,and with us. How is it going to be okay?

    Whats wrong with us? Ron retorted, slightly c onfused.

    After the whole incident with Lavender and him, Ron acknowledged that he always had feelings forHermione. Although he was rude to her and acted as a jerk, he somehow developed an attachment toher.

    We arent even together! You never told me how you felt about me nor did I to you. And now wereacting like were a couple? It doesnt work this way, Ron.

    You want to know what Im feeling? We were just in a near death situat ion when we were fightingthose Death Eaters. I was so scared of losing you. I dont want to regret not telling Ron broke off,unsure of what to say.

    Tell me what ?

    I love you, Hermione. I always have, Ron moved c loser to her, wanting to hold her in his arms.

    Hermione stared into his eyes, letting his affections for her sink in. Ron has always been a good liarand she was always able to tell when he lied, but this time Hermione knew he wasnt. She couldnt letthis happen, not here, not now.

    Ron, we cant be together. Harry needs both of us. Starting a relationship right now would be selfishand more dangerous than you know. Her voice sounded soft and sad, her heart was breaking from the

  • 7/28/2019 Mistaken Love by MzKISSEShere


  • 7/28/2019 Mistaken Love by MzKISSEShere


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    How you know my name? Bethany shot at Harry.

    Answer my quest ion, he demanded, ignoring Bethanys question.

    If I was a Death Eater, which Im not, wouldnt I have done something to you when you knocked meover at Hogwarts?

    Exactly, we were at Hogwarts. T hats why you didnt do anything.

    He really is paranoid, Bethany thought, glaring at Harry in shock.

    I dont have to take this from you, Im leaving. Bethany turned her back toward Harry and began towalk away.

    Harry caught her left arm and pulled her to him. He lifted up her sleeve and saw it was bare.

    Are you happy now? Sorry if I c ouldnt be a Death Eater for you to c apture and bring in to theMinistry. I guess you just have to find your glory somewhere else. Bethany forced her arm away fromHarrys grasp and shoved him away from her. Why are you always looking for something to fight?

    Harry felt embarrassed. Never once was he wrong about accusing someone of being evil or full of DarkMagic. Maybe it was the whole t hing about trusting Snape and witnessing him kill Dumbledore in frontof his own eyes.

    Im sorry, Harry aggrieved. I haven't been myself lately. After the death of

    I dont need t o hear youre life story, Bethany interrupted. Just pretend you didnt see me and wenever met, okay? Bethany walked off into the darkness, leaving Harry behind.


    Chapter 2: Surprises, Tears and Madness[View Online ] [ Printer Friendly Version of This Chapter ]


    Draco, c ome now.

    Lucius stood in the doorway of young Malfoys room. He looked grim and spoke in a deep, strict voice.The robe he wore was colored black with the lining of green. His blond, silvery long hair hung looselyover his stiff shoulders.

    With the help of the Dementors, he was freed from Azkaban. After the night at the Ministry, Voldemorthad the Dementors converted to his side, just as Dumbledore predicted. Along with Lucius, othersescaped as well to join their master.

    Fat her, Draco spoke in a soft, weak voice, I know I disappointed you, I am sorry.

    He was not fed for weeks and was not allowed to leave his room. After the incident with Dumbledore,his father wasnt able to look him in the eyes without disgust.

    Draco recalled what happened that night. He stood with his wand in front of a helpless old man. All hehad to do was kill him with a simple curse, but something stopped him. Every word Dumbledore spokeconvinced Draco that he was able to be protected with his mother. He wanted to be free from his

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    father; serving the Dark Lord was something he did not desire. The choices were given to him: becomea Death Eater, or side with Dumbledore. What made him hesitate was the knowledge that he would dieeither way.

    Apologizing for your stupidity, Draco? You are pathetic and idiotic. Allowing Severus to perform thetask that was given directly to you is shameful. Lucius walked over to his son and grabbed a hold of his arm.

    Snape just wanted my glory. I was fine without him! Draco shouted angrily as he was forced to

    follow along the side of his father.

    If it hadnt been for him, the Dark Lord would have killed you. In spite of t he way everything turnedout, you are going to be given another chance. Dumbledore is, in fact, dead; he was powerful, andnow he is nothing. Lucius guided Draco toward the drawing room down the hall.

    I have been given another c hance? Draco asked, I do not understand, father.

    You will soon see.

    Lucius reached the door with his grip on Draco. With his free hand, he turned the serpent shaped doorknob and pushed the door open.

    The room was dark with little light from candles that were floating in midair. Live portraits of ancestorsfrom many centuries ago were hung on along the walls. The flooring was made of a sleek marble thatreflected a shadow of the whole room by the soft lighting. A circle was formed in the center of theroom by masked figures.

    Lucius, t he Dark Lord will be arriving shortly, a mans voice spoke from one of the Death Eaters in thecircle.

    Thank you, Amycus, Lucius replied, Where are Crabbe and Goyle?

    They should be leaving the forest soon, Amycus answered.

    What are they doing in the forest? Lucius asked in complete confusion.

    The Dark Lord sent them to ret rieve someone to join our ceremony tonight.

    This someone; who is he?

    Lucius, are you feeling threatened that someone may be replacing you? Amycus grinned.

    Why would I, the Dark Lords closest follower, be threatened by some fool he is bringing in? Luciuscommenced, I will never be replaced. The Dark Lord reclaimed me from Azkaban. He knows that I amthe one who brought in the most followers to him.

    Is that right? A woman at the left of Amycus took a step forward. You brought followers that failthe tasks given to them. May I recall your son, Draco? The womens eyes narrowed as she stared inthe direction of Draco.

    Alecto, my son has much to learn, Lucius agreed, gripping Dracos shoulder more tightly, It was hisfirst task and he hesitated. I am not proud of his actions, but he is still much use to the Dark Lord.

    Use to the Dark Lord? What the hell does that mean? Draco stood quietly, lost in his own mind. Hewas half listening to the conversation his father was having with the other Death Eaters until his namewas mentioned. Everything was happening too fast for him. All he remembered was his father inAzkaban and him being locked in his room. Draco didnt care if he had to live in his room for the rest of

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    his life, at least he wouldnt have to face Voldemort.

    Ha! Your son is not of any use, and neither are you, Alecto laughed. Why, Lucius? Why are youtrying so hard to be the Dark Lords favorite when it is too late? Your own son ruined your chances of staying in a high position in the circle of Death Eaters.

    Lucius grew angry and irritated. He drew out his wand and directed it toward the woman.

    You have no idea what youre in for, he vict imized.

    Alecto unmasked herself. She had dark circle under her eyes and scars healed around her neck andcheeks. Besides the elements that she had received from becoming a Death Eater, she was verypretty.

    Oh, Im so scared, she said sarcast ically. Alec to didnt even bother to strike out her wand. Youwouldnt hurt me Lucius, with the history we had, you cant.

    Dracos attention was now fully on his father and Alecto. He wasnt the only one watching, but all theDeath Eaters had also turned their attention on the pair of them.

    Do not bring the past to the future, Alect o, Luc ius tone lost its anger and became nervous. His eyes

    shot from his son and to the other Death Eaters, I remember nothing.

    I would never have t hought to hear those words speak from your mouth, Alect os fac e grew hurt andher eyes reflected pain.

    Lucius turned away from her and placed his wand back inside his robe.

    No one spoke, not even Draco. My father with Alecto? This was no surprise to him. Draco alwaysknew his father did not care for his mother; or him, for that matter. He was, however, curious to knowwhen it happened.

    The silence was broken by two loud cracks made from the arrival of Crabbe and Goyle Apparating intothe room. They were out of breath and wore pale faces.

    The Dark Lord, Goyle spoke in agony and pain, he will not be present

    The Death Eaters stared at eac h other and slowly, one by one they Apparated out of the room. Theyhad no reason in staying without the presence of Voldemort at the ceremony. Goyle, Crabbe, Luciusand Draco were left alone.

    Lucius walked over to Crabbe and kicked him hard in the ribs. Who were you ordered to retrieve?

    Crabbe howled in pain and curled up into a shrimp-like posture. He remained quiet.

    I asked, who!? Luc ius lifted his wand, Crucio!

    The screams of pain echoed through Dracos ears. He stood, watching his father torture the answerfrom these two helpless men. It made him sick, but he continued his gaze without a word spoken.

    We have been tortured by the Dark Lord himself for our failure. More pain forced onto us would nothelp you in acquiring our responses to your questions, Goyle said, gasping for air.

    Lucius grew angry and pointed his wand upon Crabbe and Goyle. Cru

    She was not there! Crabbe c ried, not able to withstand anymore pain.

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    She? Who is she? Lucius asked earnest ly.

    Crabbe ignored Lucius and darted his eyes toward Draco. She was not there, he repeated.


    HEY! Where are you going? Bethany! Harry c alled, rac ing after her.

    Harry came to his senses after Bethany walked away from him. He knew that she wouldnt be able to

    get out of the forest without him; he had a map plus a wand. Yet, deep down, he was the one whoneeded her help. The map only covered so much of the forest resulting that he was way out of bounds. Harry didnt know which path would lead him out of the forest and back to Hogwarts. His onlychance of getting out was Bethany, and she didnt want anything to do with him.

    Can you wait just one sec ond? he asked, c atching up to Bethany and following behind her.

    Bethany turned around unexpectedly and Harry ran into her. Just leave me alone! Is that so hard tounderstand? She continued walking without an answer.

    Im slow at comprehending things, I cant help it, said Harry, where are you going?

    To the Netherlands, Bethany answer ironically, where do you think?

    Well, Im no genius, but didnt we c ome from that way? Harry pointed at a pat h they just passed by.

    Youre right, Bethany came to a halt and turned to Harry, you are no genius.

    Im not the one who came in here without a wand, Harry retorted.

    Thats your fault. Youre the one who knocked me over. Thats when I lost it! Bethany looked furiousand began walking once again.

    Wait, Harry grabbed her hand arm and swung her around, why c ant we just talk?

    Talk about what , exac tly? T he weather? I think its around 54 degrees, what about you?

    Okay, I get it, Bethany. You dont like me, but you have to live with it .

    No, I dont! Bethany cried, I have a c hoice to not have you in my life, but for some reason you justkeep butting in.

    Harry was surprised by Bethanys yelling. He couldnt understand why she hated him so much. Besidesaccusing her of being a Death Eater, he didnt do anything wrong. Maybe I just got on her bad side, he thought.

    I told you that I was sorry about t he whole Death Eat er thing. What more do you want? Harryasked.

    I want you to st ay t he hell away from me. It s hard enough that I just lost someone I loved and now Ihave to get you off my back, Bethany shouted as her eyes began to water. She freed her arm fromHarrys grip and covered her face with her hands.

    Bethany, I didnt know, Harry said gravely.

    Harry didnt mean to make Bethany cry. He became nervous and had no idea what to do. As he stoodthere, he began to think of a way to make things better. Ill just walk away slowly and shell just stopcrying. Or, I can crack a joke and make her laugh. God, Im stupid! Harry decided it was best to stay

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    and talk things out; it would let him get to know her better.

    Of c ourse you didnt know, no one does. Bethany slowly brought herself t o the ground and sat in aposition with her knees to her chest. She rested her head on her arms, covering her face.

    Harry seated himself next to her, You shouldnt keep what youre feeling bottled up. The pain will justhurt more. I should know, I lost someone recently too. Actually, Ive been having the worst day of mylife. Harry tilted his head, getting a better look at Bethany.

    Why is that? Bethany asked, appearing to be holding back her tears.

    Well, lets st art from the top of the list . I witnessed the murder of Dumbledore, I broke up with mygirlfriend, Im lost in a forest and, oh yeah, someones trying to kill me. Ill switch lives with you anyday.

    Bethany lifted her head and faced Harry, No, you wouldnt. You dont know anything about me or mylife. What makes you think your life sucks more than mine?

    Youre right, I dont know anything about you, and dont assume that you know anything about meeither. Just because Im Harry Potter doesnt mean everything written about me is true.

    So, you didnt really save the Sorcerers Stone, or Ginny Weasley from the Chamber of Secrets? Or,you cant actually perform a Patronus and you didnt win the Triwizard Tournament? At the Ministry,you werent one of the six students who fought against Death Eaters and you arent the boy who isdestined to kill Voldemort? Youre saying these are all rumors? said Bethany.

    Alight, alight. You win. You know everything about me and I know nothing about you. Happy?

    I never said that I know everything about you, Bethany replied, I just know some things. Mygrandfather talks about you a lot.

    Your grandfather? Whos your grandfather? Harry asked curiously.

    Bethanys eyes wandered away from Harry and focused on the bright moon just over them. Dumbledore. Albus Dumbledore is my grandfather.


    We are here tonight to say good-bye to those we have lost. Two nights ago, Professor Dumbledorewas murdered. We all grieve for him as well as the Aurors who died, fighting along side with him.Ending this year would be incomplete without our beloved headmaster, but it would be more painful forhim to have died in vain.

    Professor McGonagall stood on the podium of the Great Hall. She faced the sorrow eyes of thestudents t hat glared back at her. With the last day at Hogwarts ending, she held the end of the yearfeast that mourned the loss of Dumbledore.

    The presence of Albus Dumbledore st ill lives in this sc hool. Many of you are expecting to return foranother year to learn and others are doubtful of the protection of Hogwarts. As the headmistress, Iam sorry to say that we will not be returning. Hogwarts of Witchcraft and Wizardry will not bereopening next fall.

    Noises of gasps and angered shouts were heard from the students. Some banged their fists onto thetable and others fell into tears. The closing of Hogwarts meant the loss of friendships, relationships,close bonding and most of all the loss of learning.

    Professor McGonagall continued her speech as the students listened.

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    Down one of the four long tables sat Hermione, Ron, and Ginny. They were upset with the news of Hogwarts not reopening and realized it was something that had to be done. Barely listening to thecontinued speech, they began to talk amongst themselves.

    It had to happen, Hogwarts is targeted by Voldemort. Without Dumbledore, t he sc hool has nochances of surviving, said Hermione glumly.

    I cant believe it. I st ill cant believe it ; this isnt happening, Ginny c ollapsed her face into her hands.

    Dont worry, Ginny, its not like Hogwarts is going to be closed forever, Ron hugged his sister. Wheneverything is back to normal, the school will reopen. Right, Hermione?

    I hope so, Ron, she answered with a c oncerned look.

    They began to get lost in their thoughts. Professor McGonagall ended her speech and everyoneclapped. Food appeared on the table and all the students began eating. Hermione, Ron and Ginnywerent hungry and they decided to head back to the Common Room.

    The three of them climbed the staircase that led them to the Gryffindor Common Room. Ron gave thepassword to the Fat Lady and entered as Hermione and Ginny followed behind him. Each of them sunk

    into a cozy chair, admiring the Common Room one last time in silence.

    Ginnys eyes wandered over to the couch where she and Harry once fell asleep together on. Sheremembered that she waited for him to return from detentions with Snape and accidentally dozed off.When she awoke in the middle of the night Harry was beside her with his arms around her.

    Tears were slowly forming in her eyes. She couldnt understand why Harry broke up with her. All thedanger Harry could put her in didnt matter to her. The only thing she wanted was to be with Harry.Ginny awoke from her memories when she noticed something.

    Wheres Harry? she asked, breaking the silence between t hem.

    Ron and Hermione looked at each other and stared back at Ginny. They couldnt tell her that Harrynever showed up after Dumbledores funeral or that they think hes missing. Neither of them knewwhere he was and neither of them wanted to tell Ginny.

    Well, where is he? Ginny asked again. She not iced something wasnt right from the fac es Hermioneand Ron wore.

    Ginny, you shouldnt worry. Y ou know Harry, he always disappears and comes back, Ron responded,not really answering Ginnys question.

    What do you mean? Harry disappeared? Ginnys voice increased slightly as she spoke.

    What Ron meant is that Harry went somewhere, and we dont know exact ly where, Hermione saiddubiously.

    So, you just didnt bot her to find him? c ried Ginny, What if hes in danger? What if hes hurt?

    I told you, Ron answered, its Harry. Hes

    Ronald Weasley, do not say that Harry is fine! You and Hermione dont even c are. If you did, then youwould be with him right now, wouldnt you? Ginny jumped off the chair and onto her feet, Im goingto go look for him.

    Ron stood up from his seat and moved toward Ginny. He was furious with Ginnys stubbornness. She

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    loved Harry, and Ron knew it every time Ginny talked about him, but it wasnt an excuse to go chasingafter him when she could get herself into serious danger.

    Ginny, wait, you just cant go looking for him. Y ou have no idea where to start, Hermione said,pushing Ron away from Ginny.

    Ill carry her to her room and lock her until shes thirty! Hermione, let go of me! Ron shouted, tryingto make his way around Hermione.

    THAT IS IT! Hermione shouted irritably, you two are the most impossibly insane people I know andlove. Were going

    But Ron began to c omplain, but was cut off by Hermione.

    I said, Ron, were going to find Harry together. Its either we go together or we dont go at all,Ginny.

    Ginny looked over at Ron, then to Hermione. She had no time to argue back, knowing they would neverlet her go on her own. Her main concern was to find Harry and make sure hes okay, but something inthe back of her mind was telling her that it was a bad idea.

    Fine, whatever, said Ginny abruptly, can we just go?

    Hermione nodded and dragged Ron up to his and Harrys dormitory to retrieve Harrys Invisibility Cloak.They knew Harry hadnt taken it with him because he wasnt sensible enough to. Less then fiveminutes later, Ron, Hermione and Ginny were under the cloak making their way out of Hogwarts, havingno clue of where to start looking. What they did know was that everyone will be on a train, leavingHogwarts tomorrow afternoon and they wouldnt be on it.


    Chapter 3: The Search and the Plan

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    Well, Albus Dumbledore was my grandfather.

    Bethany stood and walked away from Harry. She didnt want to see his reaction. Why? Why did I tell him? Bethany thought as she made her way further from Harry. Her eyes were slowly forming tears,but she held them back. Crying for her deceased grandfather was something she didnt want to doagain. The pain was too much for her to handle and she knew if she started crying now the tears willnever stop falling.

    Albus Dumbledore? Harry said in an uncertain tone, The Albus Dumbledore? Recent Headmaster of Hogwarts? The man that was buried today? The Albus Dumbledore that was murdered by Snape? Themurder that I witnessed? Harry finished quietly.

    Yes, hes my grandfather, Bethany replied faintly. Is it so hard to believe?

    She turned toward Harry and saw his face expression. His bright green eyes reflected disbelief andshock. Bethany became angry at the fact that Harry didnt believe her. Looking away furiously, shefocused her attention toward the sky. The stars shimmered through the dark grey clouds that weremoving in fast and the moon was beginning to be swallowed by them. A chill went through her bodyand she felt that the rain was only just a few minutes away.

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    Well, how do I know youre not lying? He never mentioned he had a daughter or a granddaughter.How do I know I can trust you? Harry asked tensely.

    You came looking for me, didnt you? Y oure the one who followed me into a deserted forest in themiddle of the night. If you didnt trust me, then why did you follow me alone? Bethany said, irritated.

    I really dont care if you t rust me or not, but Im not lying.

    Why werent you at the funeral?

    Harrys question brought Bethany heartache. She had her reasons for not attending the funeral.Bethany never told anyone about her grandfather. The only people who knew were the teachers atHogwarts and no one else. Her whole life was kept a secret for her protection. Dumbledore waseverything to her; he was the only person she trusted. Now that Bethany lost him, she didnt knowwhat else to do. She decided that Harry had no business in knowing any of this.

    Does it really matter, Harry? Hes gone and hes not coming back.

    Specks of rain drops began to fall. Soon enough, water was pouring down. Rumbling thunder wasflashing through the dark sky as the rain continued to drown the forest.

    Bethany didnt notice the rain, nor did she care. She wasnt one of those girls who worried about theirappearance twenty-four seven. Her hair soon became soaked from the tears that fell from the sky.Bethany ran her hands through her hair and glanced over at Harry, catching his stare.

    Why do want to know so much about my life? Bethany shouted over the roar of t he storm.

    Were here arent we? Alone, and forgott en by everyone else. You know all about me, dont I havethe right to know at least a little about you? When Bethany didnt answer, Harry paused and changedthe subject. The storm is going to last all night and we wont be able to make it back to Hogwarts, Harry continued. He stood up from the water filled ground and slopped over puddles to get to Bethany,

    Wouldnt it be bet ter to know more about each other?

    I see no point, Bethany said indignantly. Its not like were going to see each other again after weget bac k and go our separate ways.

    How do you know Im not going the same way as you?

    So youre just going to follow me around now? T hats kind of c reepy, even for you, Harry. I know youlike me and all, but isnt it a little too early for you to start stalking me?

    I never knew a girl could be so conceited, said Harry.

    Well, you havent had a lot of experience with girls then.

    Are you saying that Im unatt ract ive?

    No, I didnt say you were unat trac tive. Youre a bit annoying though, Bethany laughed.

    She noticed that she smiled for the first time in a long while. Something about Harry made her feelcomfortable and enabled her to let go of all her problems.

    Im not annoying! As a matter of fac t, I am attract ive. I have had experience with girls and t hey arenothing like you, Harry interpreted.

    Bethany snorted with laughter, If they were like me, they wouldnt have gone out with you.

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    I would be surprised if any guy would have c onsidered you as a girlfriend. I mean, c ome on, yourestubborn, rude, mean, selfish and a brat. All turn offs to guys.

    Well, you wouldnt know, would you?

    So, Im right, you never had a boyfriend, Harry said with a t riumph tone in his voice.

    Bethany smiled and faced the sky, letting the rain fall onto her face. I cant believe he just asked if I had a boyfriend, she thought humorously. She stared back at Harry who was still awaiting an answer.

    I had a boyfriend. T hings didnt work out, Bethany responded unrepentantly.

    Harrys eyebrows rose in surprise, Who?

    Are you always this nosy? You dont see me asking about you and Ginny.

    And you know about Ginny, how?

    Harry, did you know that every issue of Witc h Weekly has an article about you? Its either on your love life or the way you style your hair.

    Harry grinned, And you read these articles because?

    Because my life is ut terly boring, Bethany answered wryly.

    She broke into a smile and Harry returned one back. Both of them fell silent. The conversation aboutrelationships seemed to end as the rain grew harder and the sound of thunder increased. They beganto wander around the forest trying to find a place to stay dry, away from the rain.

    They spotted a rushing creek running down into a large lake. At first, they thought they made it backto Hogwarts, but realized it was just one of many lakes found in the Forbidden Forest. As their eyesroamed around the beautiful sight, they came across a small mountain with a large cave opening.When they reached the entrance of the cave, Bethany spotted Harry watching her.

    What? she asked ruthlessly.

    Ladies first, Harry amused.

    Are you serious? Its pitc h black in there, what if I never c ome out or its a human eat ing cave? Bethany retorted as she examined the opening of the cave.

    Wow, I thought you werent scared of anything, Bethany. Maybe I was wrong.

    Im not scared of anything! Im just not stupid.

    Fine, Ill go in. The guy always dies first, right?

    No, the stupid person does, and its c learly you, Bethany said, watching him take a few stepsforward with his grip around his wand.

    Tell Ginny I love her if I never come bac k out, said Harry scarcely.

    Consider it done. Bethany caught a smile from Harry and saw him disappear into the cave.

    Oh God, please let him come bac k out, she whispered to herself.


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    Ginny, where do you think youre going? Ron asked, watching his sister glace from the Black Lake tothe Forbidden Forest.

    Ginny, Ron and Hermione were searching the grounds of Hogwarts for Harry in the middle of the night.Dark clouds were above them and the icy wind blew through the Invisibility Cloak. Tired and wanting togo back to sleep, they still had no luck on locating Harry.

    Im finding Harry, what do you t hink? Ginny answered irritably.

    Maybe hes in the school, Hermione insisted.

    We searched everywhere in Hogwarts, hes not there. Ginny took a c ouple st eps toward the lake andswitched her direction to the forest. He went in here.

    Thunder was heard and Ron gave a startled jump. Rain drops began to fall and Ginny made her waytoward the darkened trees.

    Oh no, youre not going in there! Ron said as he held Ginny bac k by her robe.

    Ron, let go of me. Im almost sixteen, stop trying to protec t me!

    Shes right, you know, Hermione muttered in Rons ear.

    I dont c are! Im not lett ing my litt le sister into that forest ! Gigantic spiders live there, who knows,with Aragog dead there might be a bigger one, said Ron crossly.

    Well, if protec ting her is your responsibility, you arent doing a really good job. Ginny left half waythrough your sentence, Hermione replied.

    Why doesnt Ginny ever listen to me? Ron walked passed Hermione and into the forest aft er Ginny asHermione followed.

    Harry would have found a place to keep warm and dry, Hermione said, sloshing mud behind Ron.

    Ginny led the way deeper into the forest as Hermione and Ron tried to keep up. She took long stridesbetween each of her paces and swung tree branches here and there. Her mind was set on findingHarry, making sure he was okay and then beating the crap out him. It hurt her that Harry didnt botherto tell anyone where he was going, especially her. Nothing made sense. Harry wasnt the type of person who would leave without a trace. Well, maybe he was, but this time was different.

    Yeah, like a cave or something, right? Ginnys st rides grew longer and her speed increased.

    Ginny, would you slow down? I think were already c overed in enough mud! Ron bellowed fiercely.

    I told you I wanted to go alone! If you and Hermione cant keep up then go back. Im better off!

    How can you say t hat, Ginny? The storm is getting worse and its going to last all night, you c ant bein here alone, Hermione retorted, concerned.

    Im fine! Ginny c ried.

    I could just carry her bac k against her will, Ron suggested to Hermione.

    Ron, she c an take you, Hermione whispered bac k, grinning.

    They all continued through the endless forest having no idea of which direction to go.

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    What are you blabbing about, Crabbe? Draco asked dispassionately.

    He stood in front Crabbe and Goyle who were helpless and on the floor, at his feet. Draco was furious;he didnt want to admit that he knew what Crabbe was talking about. He felt his fathers suspiciouseyes were staring at him. Draco did not dare to make eye contact with his father. Knowing that hisfather was very well taught Legilimency by the Dark Lord himself, Draco wouldnt let him take the

    chance to delve into his mind and his secrets.

    The Dark Lord knows, Draco Crabbe replied wearily.

    Crabbe, shut your mouth, hell kill us! Goyle hissed.

    Master will do no suc h thing, Goyle! He was the one who

    The Dark Lord will not kill us, you fool. You know who will, Goyle shot his eyes toward Lucius andDraco.

    That is enough. Crabbe, Goyle, what are you talking about? Lucius asked, darting his eyes at the

    pair of them. I want to know now or death is something you will have in the next few minutes.

    The Dark Lord told us not to speak of it, Goyle c ried.

    You are not speaking to the Dark Lord, you are speaking to me, Lucius retorted, annoyed.

    Draco saw his fat her raise his wand. The door was only a few feet away, it was t he only esc ape hehad. He didnt want to be apart of this, he didnt want his father to know . Crabbe gave his cover awayand Draco knew that if he is not to leave his father now, he will have to tell his father everything.

    He slowly inched his way toward the door and laid his hand on the door knob. Dracos eyes were stillwatching his father. This was his only chance and he needed to wait for the right moment.

    Do not make me repeat myself, Lucius said.

    Kill us, we do not care, Goyle insisted. T he Dark Lord will not be happy with two of his followersdead, and you know that, Lucius.

    Crabbe whimpered when Lucius came to face him. You feel the same way, Crabbe? Are you willing todie to protect this secret ?

    Crabbe nodded his head in silence.

    Then so be it, Lucius c oncluded. Avada Kedavra !

    A flash of green light shimmered throughout the room and that was Dracos cue. He wrenched the dooropen and ran down the hall.

    Draco! Come bac k here now! Lucius shouted furiously.

    Draco heard his father running after him and he increased his speed.

    Do not disobey me af ter all I have done for you, I will not hesitat e to at tack!

    Draco ignored his fathers fuming threats. He closed his eyes tightly and allowed thoughts to runthrough his head. Think, anywhere away from my father and away from this life. Just take me

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    anywhere. With a crack, Draco disappeared.


    Master, what is it?

    Severus Snape stood at the side of Voldemort in a dungeon below many grounds. The place wasshadowed with very little light which made the room appear larger. At the right of Snape, barred roomsexisted where prisoner were held captive if needed to be. The ceiling was high and the room consisted

    of no windows. Even though no air was circulated from the outside to the inside, the dungeon wasfreezing cold.

    Snape watched his master clasp his hand over the Dark Mark that stained his left arm.

    What do you feel, Severus? Voldemort asked.

    He felt his left arm burn. Not knowing what it meant, he turned to his master. It burns, Snape repliedhesitantly.

    Yes, and?

    Snape pushed his left arms sleeve and ran his right hand over the brightly, colored green skull andsnake, I do not understand. Why did it change to such a color?

    Crabbe and Goyle are dead, the green represents the death of one of our own, Voldemort answersimply.

    But they are with Lucius, Snape discerned.

    Yes, they were with Lucius. He killed them.

    Master, why would Lucius kill people he brought t o you as followers?

    You know why, Severus.

    The plan, Snape thought. He finally understood, Lucius knows about our plan.

    No, Crabbe and Goyle died because t hey will not t ell him.

    Draco must have

    Fled? Yes, he did, Voldemort said. He is faithful; he obeys me more than his own fat her.

    And you know this all, master? Snape inquired.

    I have a great mind, I know everything.

    Then Lucius knows nothing about our plan?

    Correct, and it will stay this way.

    But master, why? What has he done to be abandoned by his son and you?

    Severus, he was reckless that night at the Ministry. He must be punished.

    Snape nodded.

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    There was a loud crack and a woman Apparated in front of Voldemort. She kneeled onto her right kneeand bent into a bow.

    Master, she greeted.

    Alecto, Voldemort replied back. I did not c all you, why are you here?

    Alecto lifted herself from the floor and turned to Snape, I must have a word with my husband. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


    Chapter 4: The Difference Between Free Will and Force[View Online ] [ Printer Friendly Version of This Chapter ]

    Hogwarts was gleaming with sunlight as the c louds parted after a rain storm. Students wandered thegrounds of Hogwarts on an early Saturday afternoon. A group of chattering Slytherins passed a girl,who was in her sixth year, sitting alone with a book across her lap near a small spout of a WhompingWillow. She wore a dirty, black colored robe with an old Hogwarts c rest on the right side of her c hest.Her long, jet black hair covered most of her face and hid her away from other people. They turned their heads toward her and whispered something to each other. Laughter sprung out of the group

    and they continued walking away.

    Alect o watc hed the backs of the Slytherins disappear behind the great oak doors of t he cast le. A tear slowly formed and she wiped it with the sleeve of her robe. She stood up and walked toward the largestadium that was a few yards away from her. She entered t he Quidditc h field, hoping to be alone.Once she found herself in the middle of the field she heard a boys voice speak from above her.

    Hey, James! Whos that girl that just walked onto the field?

    Alect o searc hed the sky and saw a handsome boy riding a broom with a Quaffle in his hand. Sheglanced over to the end of the f ield and saw James Pott er with his messy hair and round glasses.

    I dont know Sirius, but she is kind of hot! James yelled across the field.

    Sirius sped toward James and did a stunt by diving toward the ground and pulling back up smoothly with a charming smile on his face. Alecto saw him stare at her to see her reaction; obviously checking if his showing off impressed her. She gave him a disgusted look and turned to walk away.

    Wait! Sirius cried.

    Forget it, Padfoot! Shes mine! James motioned his broom toward Alecto and gathered speed.

    Hey! I saw her first! Sirius claimed. You have Lily, remember?

    We arent officially together, James replied, theres still plenty of James to go around.

    Sirius laughed and chased after James.

    Alect o saw James land on the ground followed by Sirius. She knew who they were and knew if they got close enough they wouldnt want anything to do with her. Breaking into a run, she passed thedoors that led into Hogwarts and made her way into the Forbidden Forest . Alec to hid herself behind atree and sat on the ground with her legs to her c hest, making herself small.

    After ten minutes she peeked out from the t ree and saw that James and Sirius went back intoHogwarts and forgot all about her. She t ied her hair into a messy ponytail and wiped the sweat fromher face. Still tired from running, she sprawled her long, skinny legs out and messaged the cramps

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    out of them.

    A couple of minutes passed and she felt that someone was watching her. As she lifted her head, shesaw a tall boy about her age emerge from trees just a few yards away from her. He had stiff shoulders and muscular arms that swung by his hips as he walked toward her. His fac e wore a st ernlook and his blond hair came down passed his shoulders.

    Alecto Carrow? the boy asked.

    Alect o stood up, Whos asking?

    The boy stopped in front of an opening that was a path back to Hogwarts. He gazed into her eyeswith an expressionless stare.

    Youre brother is in trouble.

    My brother, Amycus? He is foolish for everything he does. I do not care about him.

    He is dying, the boy said flatly.

    Alect o st ared at the boy in silence. She did not know if it was t rue or just a lame joke that he and his

    friends made up to have a laugh at.

    Where is he? she demanded.

    Ill take you to him, the boy replied.

    Alect o did not move.

    I know you do not trust me, but right now your brother needs you. If you do not wish to come thendo not follow me. The boy turned and walked through the opening.

    Alect o thought for sec ond, If he was telling the truth and Amycus does need me, I have to follow him,

    but if he is lying I can handle the humiliation anyway. Amycus is my brother She paced slowly after him and kept her distanc e.

    The boy glanced behind him and Alecto caught his stare. She pulled the hair tie out of her ponytail and allowed her hair to cover her face once again.

    You look prettier with you hair up and out of your face, the boy said with his gaze still on Alecto.

    Why do you care? Alecto snapped. I mean, you dont even know me and I dont know you."

    The boy c ame to a halt and turned around. My name is Lucius Malfoy and I care because I like you.

    Alecto awoke from her dream with the image of Lucius still in her mind. She lifted her head from thetable she slept at to regain her strength back from the long journey she took. As she stretched outher back that ached from the position she slept in, she rubbed the tiredness from her eyes. Her eyesight was blurred for a few minutes as she brought her hands down to her side. Once she was able tosee clearly, she stood up and glanced around the room.

    A fireplace was at the right of her, unlit, with a pile of ashes waiting to be cleaned. Following herglance was a window half open, allowing the air and the moonlight to come in. Alecto took a few stepstoward the window and gazed out. She saw that she was in a room many stories high from the groundand mostly likely from the dungeons where Snape was.

    Alecto knew that Snape was angry with her for interrupting a conversation between him and the Dark

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    Lord. She still felt the bruise on her right arm left my Snape dragging her into this room, his room.Never meaning to disturb them, she had vital information that Snape needed to know. Although Snapenever took Alecto seriously, she was still determined to tell him.

    She ran her hand up and down her right arm, feeling the bruise that was there. A tear fell from her eyeand she wiped it away quickly, not wanting to bring back the other bad memories she and her husbandhad. Her heart ached as she pushed the memories and the pain away. She knew that her false love forSnape wasnt going to hold much longer.

    Minutes passed and she turned her att ention back to the room. Alect o retraced her steps back to thetable and the bookshelf that was behind it. She scanned the shelf and the many books that wereplaced there in alphabetical order. Her hands ran across each book until she found one that interestedher. Pulling the book into her hands, she brought it over to the table and flipped it open. Shecontinued flipping through the pages until she found what she was look for.

    Leaving the book on the table, she walked over a cabinet that was marked ingredients. Alectorummaged through the cabinet taking a bottle from the top shelf, then the middle and then the bottomshelf. She left the c abinet and returned back to the table and took out her wand. With a swiftmovement with her wand and an incantation spoken from under her breath, a cauldron appeared. Sheran her finger down the page of the book that was still open on the table and started addedingredients into the cauldron.

    A half an hour later, the cauldron contained a pink solution that was still steaming with sparkssprinkling into the air. Alecto opened a drawer from under the table and took out a small vile andbegan to fill it with the potion. Finally screwing the cap on, she turned to the cauldron and made itdisappear. She placed the vile on the table and cleaned the rest of the ingredients she didnt use.

    As she placed the bottles back in to the cabinet the room door swung open, causing her to drop thelast bottle she held in her hand.

    I expect that you will be cleaning that up? Snape walked through the door and gave a disdainful looktoward his wife. Is the potion done?

    Alecto turned her head toward the table and nodded at the vile that was now colored pink from thepotion that filled it.

    Good, he picked the vile up and slid it into his pocket. Ill be bac k and make sure you dont leavehere, the Dark Lord doesnt want anyone ruining the plan. With another dispassionate look at Alecto,he left.

    Alecto slowly cleaned up the mess from the bottle she dropped. She then walked over to the book andclosed it. The title, Love Potions , gleamed in scarlet red letters that stretched across the book. Afterlifting the book back onto the shelf, she turned and picked up her traveling cloak from the chair.Wrapping herself with her cloak, she opened the room door and looked back at the room that wasconsidered to be her cage. With hesitation, she walked out and closed the door behind her.


    Draco opened his grey eyes and the moonlight reflected off them. After taking a deep breath andexhaling, he allowed his eyes to wander around. Trees were everywhere and the ground was soft withwet soil and dirt. He looked above him and into the sky. The dark grey clouds were slowly parting aftersoaking everything with its rain drops. A few seconds passed and Draco turned his attention toward abright yellow light coming from the East. There stood Hogwarts with a light shining off the AstronomyTower.

    He wished that he was there, in his dormitory, sound asleep, and having no care in the world. Hewished he was there, waiting for the next day to take the train back to the Manor, where it was only

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    him and his mother with his father still imprisoned at Azkaban. He wished that he had never been givenany orders from Voldemort or forced to become a Death Eater. All Draco wanted was to be a normaland not have a whole future planned out for him. Although he wished for all this, you dont always getwhat you want.

    Continuing to st are at Hogwarts, he felt t he wind seep through the leaves of the t rees and penetratehis blonde hair. He turned away from the school and realized that he would never be able to go backor show his face inside the castle ever again. After acknowledging the fact that Hogwarts was to theEast of him, he figured he was in the Forbidden Forest. He then had to decide where he was going to


    Draco knew he was far from the Manor and from his father, and he was completely happy of that.Hogwarts was off the list of places to go and home was as well. The only place left was to stay in theforest and wander. He knew where he was and the ways out of the forest, but before he was able todetermine where to go, Draco felt something inside his conscience pull him Westward. He followed hisinstinct and it led him toward an opening with many trees surrounding it. The opening seemed familiarto him, but he couldnt quiet put his finger on it.

    Just then he heard voices and he listened to them, hoping it was someone he knew.

    Im fine! a girl cried.

    I could just carry her bac k against her will another voice spoke that belonged to a boy.

    Ron, she c an take you, a girl said, different from the first.

    Draco couldnt believe how unlucky he was. It was Rons voice. This is not good Where there isWeasley, theres Granger and Potter close by. He knew who the voices belonged to, but they werentpeople he wanted to see at the moment. Still visible from standing in the middle of the opening, Dracoturned to leave a different way, but something stopped him. That same pull inside of him forced him tostay.

    He heard them approaching closer and finally, he was able to see them. Ginny was in front of the

    group and Hermione and Ron were behind her; no Harry in sight. Draco stared at the three and Ginnycaught his stare. They stood there looking at each other for awhile until Ginny was shoved aside byRon.

    Ill rip him apart with my bare hands! Just let me at him! Ron was c losing in on Draco, but Draco didnot move an inch.

    Ron! Stop! Youre not a murderer! Hermione cried desperately, putt ing herself bet ween Ron andDraco.

    Hermione Granger, a Mudblood, is defending me? Something is very wrong, Draco thought, stillstanding in the same place.

    Do you know who he is, Hermione? Hes responsible for Dumbledores death! Hes a Death Eater forgod sakes! Ron shouted in reply.

    Actually Weasley, I dont have the mark on my left arm, t herefore Im not a Death Eater. You shouldreally brush up on your History. Draco spoke for the first time and was shocked to hear his own voice.

    Ron glared over at him, Oh, so just because you arent a Death Eater youre not responsible for killingDumbledore?

    Draco stayed silent. He knew that no words would change what he has done. Dumbledore offered tohelp him escape from a life he wished he never had gotten involved with, but Draco couldnt just back

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    out, he had to follow orders or he would be killed. After Dumbledore was murdered by Snape,everything that happened was a blur to Draco. He could barely remember how he ended up back in hisroom. The next thing he knew was his father bursting into his room and dragging him in front of agroup of Death Eaters.

    Who was he to think that Ron or Hermione or Ginny to understand why he did what he did? Only oneperson knew, but that person was no where near, or so he thought. Draco decided that if Ron wasntgoing to hit him anytime soon, he would just walk away, pretending he never saw them in the firstplace.

    No stupid remarks or excuses, Malfoy? Y ou cant find anything to say to deny what you did? That swhat I thought, you useless bastard. Ron raised his wand and leveled it to Dracos chest.

    Wait, this time it wasnt Hermione, but Ginny who protest ed. She walked up to Draco and looked intohis grey, helpless eyes. Why did you do it? Why did you have to kill him?

    Draco was shocked that out of everyone in the whole world, Ginny was the one who asked thisquestion. He hesitated before answering, thinking if he should really tell the truth. Because

    Are you serious, Ginny? He killed him because he felt like it, Ron exclaimed in anger.

    Ron, cant you just shut up. What are you going to do to him? Kill him? You would never kill anyone,Ron. I know you, Ginny retorted, awaiting an answer from Draco.

    Ron opened his mouth to say a come back, but closed it, not able to think of one. He knew that Ginnywas right.

    So, why did you? Ginny asked again.

    He would have killed me, Draco replied simply with no ironic t one.

    Thats just an excuse, and you know it, Malfoy, Ginny snapped.

    Draco rolled his eyes, I dont have to tell you why, so just kill me already. I would probably go to abetter life then Im in right now, no Weasleys or Mudbloods. He shot a disgusted look at the three of them.

    Your right, Hell is a much better place for you. See, Ginny, he even gives us permission, Ron said,already thinking of what spell to use.

    No, Ron. I want to know why. Ginny continued to stare at Draco.

    Look, Im evil, Im a bad guy, whatever reason I give, youre not going to believe me.

    Try us, Hermione pressed on.

    Draco looked over at Ron and saw that he was eager to know his answer also. He sighed, The originalplan was not for me to kill Dumbledore, I was only supposed to raid Hogwarts and have Dumbledoreweakened. I had no knowledge of how Dumbledore was hurt or that the Dark Lord ordered Snape to killhim. I was left out of the loop. If I was assigned to kill Dumbledore, I wouldnt have for reasons Im notgoing to say.

    I didnt know you would sink so low that you would ac tually try to make us believe you are innocent. Ron was at his limits with his patients. He struck out his wand and darted forward to Draco, Sectum


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    Rons wand flew out of his hand and landed a few feet away from him. He looked over at Draco andsaw that he hadnt moved and his eyes narrowed toward his sister.

    I believe him, said Ginny, holding her wand which was directed at Ron.

    Draco didnt understand what was going on. He was standing there, in front of them. He heardeverything and saw everything, but he still couldnt understand. The gits litt le sister actually believesme Now, I know Im totally losing it.

    You what?! Rons fac e was slowly turning red and Hermione swore she saw a litt le steam come out of his ears.

    I believe him, Ginny repeated.

    Ginny, I dont think Hermione began to st ate her opinion until Ginny c ut her off.

    Theres something about him, something that has c hanged. He didnt know about the plan and Ibelieve that Voldemort had his reasons for not telling Malfoy, but I dont know why. You do though,dont you, Malfoy?

    Draco was stunned for a second and was ruminating how Ginny knew so much. He didnt want toanswer her, but he did know why he was kept out of the entire plan. That pull inside him erupted againand was pushing his instincts to tell her. This time, he refused to give in.

    No, I dont know. I guess he didnt t rust me, he responded imperatively.

    Who would? Ron mumbled to himself.

    Ginny was able to tell that Draco was lying at this time, but she did not force an answer from him. You know the way around the forest ; youre going to help us find Harry.

    Im going to help you find Harry ? Draco asked hoarsely.

    Yes, hes somewhere in the forest and hes lost. Youre going to help us find him. Ginny went overand picked up Rons wand from the floor and returned it to him.

    Okay, now I have to draw the line somewhere. He is not going with us, Ginny. How can you t rust him?How can you actually believe him? Ron took his wand from Ginny and stuffed it into his back pocket,forgetting his grudge against Draco.

    I dont c are anymore. I dont c are that he is a liar, a bad guy, a git, a bast ard or whatever you wantto call him, Ron. He knows the forest. He uses it to communicate with Voldemort and for hiding. Malfoydoesnt have to tell me this because I know. Voldemort used me before, back in my second year. Iawoke in the forest at times with no clue of how I got there. All I want to do is find Harry and if I haveto use Malfoy then so be it. Ginny grabbed Malfoy by the arm and began to walk out of the opening.

    Ron turned to Hermione, A little help, please!

    I dont know what you want me t o do, Ron. Shes right Hermione said with an Im sorry look on herface.

    Ron sighed and took Hermione by the hand and followed Ginny and Draco.

    Dont I get any say in this? Draco asked as he was dragged along by Ginny.

    No, Ginny, Hermione and Ron answered in unison.

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    Harry entered the cave gingerly, gripping his wand tighter. Darkness fell over his eyes as he continueddeeper into the cave. After he walked a few yards, he felt the ground steeping lower until he landedhimself into, what seemed like, water. The water was only one or two feet high and it barely reachedhis knees. Uncertain that the water would go any deeper, Harry held out his wand.

    Lumos, his wand tip ignited with a soft, white light.

    Harry lifted his wand higher to see his surrounding and where exactly he was. He was only able to seea few feet around him. The caves top was made too high for him to actually see what was above, buthe was able to look into the water. It was oddly colored black. Harry didnt believe his eyes; he sawhis reflection clearly as if the water was like a mirror. As he examined his reflection a bright orangelight appeared and caused the water to sparkle like glass. Harry glanced ahead of him; anotheropening was sitting on a platform four feet above the water where the light was shining from.

    Slowly, he made his way across the pool of water, toward the light. He approached the platform andlifted himself up onto it. Once he was able to swing his legs over the edge, Harry laid on his back tocatch his breath. Why am I here? he asked himself. I should be at Hogwarts with Hermione and Ron and with Ginny. At the thought of Ginnys name, Harry felt his heart skip a beat. Ginny How could I be so stupid? I just left, without telling anyone. He let out a long sigh and allowed his back torise from the ground.

    Harry noticed that the light shown more brightly when he turned his head over to the opening. It wasonly a few yards away from him now and Harry was able to see the light flash. He immediately stoodup and concentrated on the light as he grasped his wand. The light flickered again, allowing Harry tosee a shadow of a person. He moved a little closer to the opening to capture another glimpse of theshadow. This time Harry was able to see it clearly. The shadow was short and plump, giving off avaguely similar appearance to someone Harry knew. Being a shadow and all, he wasnt able to actuallyidentify who it was.

    He took a couple more steps closer and found himself standing at the opening. Harry felt his bodybeing forced in like metal drawn to a magnet. When he was fully in, he was thrown against the wall bysuch force that he was unable to breath for a few second. Chains erupted from the wall and pinned hishands and legs against the rocky surface, causing him to drop his wand. Harry caught his breath andscanned his surroundings. A fire was lit in the middle of floor which caused the light he was following.Smoke was ejected from a cauldron that was hanging over the open fire and the scent of rotting eggsand garbage soaked the air. His eyes soon led him to a man standing at the far end of the cave whowas holding a thick, green book in his left hand.

    It is nice to see you again, Mr. Pot ter. I have been expecting you, the mans voice was squeaky andunsteady. He placed the book on the floor and walked toward Harry. Stretching out his right hand, hepicked up Harrys wand from the ground. A shimmer of light reflected off his hand. He finally stood upand Harry was able to see his right hand was solid silver.

    You, Harry said, leveling his eyes to the Death Eater in front of him.

    Me, Wormtail replied with a grin across his fac e.

    Who did you expect? The Dark Lord, himself?

    Well, with his past records, I thought he would want to give off a more intimidating personality, but Iwas wrong. He decides to send his most pathetic follower to kill me.

    Wormtail lifted his silver hand and clenched it in midair. Immediately, it felt as though Wormtails handwas clenched around Harrys throat instead of thin air. He could hardly breathe from the pressure. He

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    watched Wormtail lower his hand and the force around his neck stopped.

    Pathetic , am I? The Dark Lord gave me more power, st ronger power. Do not underest imate me, HarryPotter, I can kill you at this very moment, but I am not going to. Although I am tempted, the Dark Lorddid not order me to do so.

    Wormtail turned away from Harry and faced the caldron. He whispered a few incantations to himself and did motions with his hands. The liquid inside the caldron turned to a puke green color then turnedto black. He then conjured up a goblet and began to fill it with the liquid. Carefully, he raised the

    goblet in the air and presented it in front of Harry.

    So, he sent you here to have a t ea party with me? Harry asked wryly.

    Wingardium Leviosa, Worm tail recited.

    Harry watched the goblet levitate from Wormtails hand and hover level to his mouth. Does heseriously think Im going to drink this at my own will? Harry thought hurmorously. He felt his righthand unbind from the chain and fall to the side of his hip.

    Drink it, said Wormtail tonelessly.

    Harry snorted. I would rather cut off my own right hand. Since you did that already, how about youdrink this, Harry motioned to the goblet, and tell me which one feels better.


    The torture spell hit Harry in the chest and a burst of pain shot through ever muscle in his body. He bitdown on his lip to keep from screaming. There was no use, the pain was too much. Harry was able tohear his scream echo from the cave walls. His voice slowly faded from his last echo and he gazed uponWormtail.

    Is that all youve got ?

    I do not have t ime for this! Drink it, NOW! Wormtail roared.

    Im never going to get out of here. Maybe I should just drink it. Whats the worse that can happen? It can kill me. Well duh Harry closed his eyes and began to ruminate. He knew Wormtail waswatching him carefully, but he didnt care. Bethany might come looking for me if I stall him longenough. Yeah, right, like she really cares if I come back out or not. Harry opened his eyes and hesaw Wormtail lifting his wand, ready to send another torture curse at Harry.

    Okay, Ill drink it, Harry said diplomatically.

    Wormtail restrained his wand as he watched Harry closely.

    Harry took the goblet with his right hand and lifted it up to his mouth.

    What is it going to do t o me? asked Harry before he allowed the liquid to t ouch his lips.

    Wormtail smiled silence.

    Harry hesitated and then remembered something Wormtail said to him. Harry Potter, I can kill you at this very moment, but I am not going to. Although I am tempted, the Dark Lord did not order me todo so. Whatever this liquid was, he knew that it wouldnt kill him, but it would do something bad.

    He didnt care, what would happen that can make things anymore worse? Harry lost everything; hisfamily, his friends and Ginny. Ginny was all he wanted; love was what he needed, but Voldemort took

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    it from him. This made Harry angry and encouraged him to throw the goblet across the room, excepthe didnt. He stared at Wormtail and drifted his eyes at the goblet. The black liquid was swirling in thegoblet and still gave off that disgusting smell.

    Imperio, Wormtail hissed.

    Harry felt his right hand jerk up and pour the liquid into his mouth. Once the liquid hit his tongue hewas able to tast e it. It t asted more disgusting than it looked. The tast e was bitt er and was mixed witha hint of blood. Harry gagged and coughed but the liquid refused to be pushed back out of his mouth.

    The hot liquid flowed through his body and burned in his stomach. His vision blurred and he felt his eyelids grow heavy and fall over his eyes. A few seconds passed, what felt like hours to Harry, when heopened his eyes again.

    Wormtail was still standing in the same position he was at. He was grinning and very giddy. Harry feltsomething different in the cave; something that changed. His eyes wandered over at the opening andhe saw Bethany standing there, looking awestruck from what she had just witnessed. The last thingHarry saw was Bethany hitting the wall next to him and chains pinning her arms and legs down. Thenhis body gave up on him and he blacked out.

    Chapter 5: Unpredictable Things[View Online ] [ Printer Friendly Version of This Chapter ]


    It was a c old, foggy night as Harry was wandering aimlessly through a grave yard which was very familiar to him. The wind was blowing hard against his skin and sweeping over his hair. He heard therustling of leaves that caught his attention, causing him look to over his shoulder. Nothing, there wasno one. He continued to walk and he passed by a tomb stone that read, Tom Riddle. Harry suddenly realized where he was. This was the place where he was two years ago, where Cedric Diggory wasmurdered. He recalled that night in his mind as he closed his eyes. That was the first time he ever witnessed a murder, a murder that ended up with an innocent boys death.

    Harry opened his eyes to stop the memory from replaying in his mind; he just didnt want toremember. He continued pacing around the cemetery, not having slightest clue of what he waslooking for.

    She will come, do not worry. A cold, icy voice echoed through the darkness of the graveyard.

    On instinct, Harry whipped out his wand and he then turned in the direction of where he heard thevoice, but, again, he saw no one. Instead, he saw a large, antique mansion. He squinted his eyes toget a better look at the house and he began to walk toward it.

    Master, do you really trust her to follow the plan? another man spoke in reply. His voice was shaky

    and full of fear.

    Harry had a feeling that he was on the right path. His scar pickled with pain as he got closer to thehouse. A light was shining through the crack of a door, allowing Harry to see the two men to whomthe voices belonged to. A pale, skeleton-like man was seated in a cushioned chair. His red eyes werenarrow and were glaring down at a small, stubby man at the foot of him.

    My plan will succeed, Wormtail, Voldemort emphasized. She will be able to do it, she will not disappoint me.

    B-but, my D-dark Lord, you barely know her. H-how do you know she is loyal? Wormtail stuttered.

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    Do not question me! I know what I am doing!

    Voldemorts anger was expressed in his voice. His temper rose and Harry felt it. Blinding pain struck across Harrys scar. It burned so bad that Harry fell to his knees and clenched his forehead with hishand. He screamed for the pain to stop, not caring who heard him. Harry felt the gaze on him, thered eyes watching him. He leveled his gaze with Voldemorts and the pain grew to be intense, then,all of sudden, he was pulled back to reality.

    Harry, HARRY!! Wake up!

    Harry shot up from the ground, as he did a white blade of pain shot through him as if a knife wasdriven into his rib cage. He knew something was broken. His eyes were watery and pain was feltthroughout his body. His back ached, his arms were sore and he felt the numbness in his legs. Heheard his heart pounding against the inside of his chest and his heavy breaths. Harry saw a blurryoutline of Bethany crouching over him with his glasses in her right hand.

    Bethany was drenched in water. Her clothes were soaked and her hair was in curly, wet locks thathung around her shoulders. Her face was pale and cold from the icy wind that swept through the air.Harry felt her hand on his as she handed him back his glasses and a shiver went up his spine.Bethanys skin was unbelievably freezing and was far below the normal body t emperature.

    Once Harry brought his glasses to his eyes and placed them on the bridge of his nose, he was able tosee Bethany clearly. She gave off a worried appearance, which was odd to Harry, considering shedidnt like him very much. Her brown eyes were staring at him tensely as she waited for him to showany indication that he was okay.

    What happened? Harry asked wearily.

    Well, you were unconscious and then you started screaming out of the blue, Bethany elaborated. Itkind of freaked me out.

    Harry clenched his ribs, as he tried to stand up. I meant, what happened in the cave, he scowled.

    I wouldnt do that if I were you, Bethany said sternly. She watched Harry rise I few inches f rom theground and lose his balance. Quickly, she reached out and grabbed his arm to help him back down. Itold you! Stay still. You broke one of your rib bones.

    Just one ? It feels like someone crushed my entire rib cage, Harry retorted, having a hard timebreathing without pain erupting in is lower chest.

    Bethany stood up and walked over to the lake. She tore off a sleeve of her robe and drenched it in thefreezing water. Harry examined her carefully; she dipped the piece of fabric in and out of the waterwithout a flinch. The water must have been ice cold and yet Bethany touched it like it was nothing.Harry kept his gaze on her as she returned with the damp cloth in her hand.

    Take off your robe and your shirt, Bethany stipulated.

    W-what? said Harry unnervingly.

    I need to st op the bleeding or youll die. So, you have the option to take off your shirt or die,undergoing a lot of pain.

    Harry looked down at his shirt and he realized that it was soaked in blood. He slowly loosened his robeoff his shoulders and untangled himself from it. Then, he placed it to the side of him and worked on hisshirt. He pushed up his shirt to his chest, exposing a massive, bruised gash in the center of where hisrib cage was and cuts surrounding it. Harry winced at the sight of his own injury as he took off hisshirt and added it to the pile with his robe.

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    Bethany knelt down beside Harry and brought the damp cloth closer to his wound.

    Wait, Harry grabbed Bethanys hand, st opping her before the c loth touched him. Ill do it.

    Bethany glared at him for awhile, shrugged her shoulders and handed him the cloth. Suit yourself

    Harry took the cloth and began to dab it around his cut. Bethany watched him amusingly as signs of pain reflected off his face.

    Do you f ind something funny? Harry asked irritably.

    Yes, the fac t that youre c learly in pain and wont let me help you amuses me.

    Does it? Harry said through his c lenched t eeth.

    Bethany grinned. I offered to help, but for some reason, boys never like to admit they need it.

    Harry shot her a grim look and became frustrated with Bethany. He accidentally took out his anger onhis injury by applying too much pressure. A throbbing pain exploded from his ribs, causing him to curseunder his breath. He continuously gasped for air, hoping the pain would disappear.

    Bethany sighed, Here, give it to me. She took the cloth from Harry and moved closer to him. I dontunderstand why you couldnt just let me help you in the beginning. Boys are stupid.

    She lightly touched Harrys cut with the cloth and applied pressure softly. Harry grimaced and shut hiseyes, waiting for the pain to worsen, but it didnt. A few seconds passed and he opened his eyes.Bethany was still carefully aiding his wound and instead of feeling the blinding pain he had, Harry feltthe strain of pain lessen.

    Harry gazed at Bethany with interest. How did you do that?

    Bethany looked over at Harry and smiled. Do what?

    It doesnt hurt as much anymore

    Its c alled first aid response, Bethany laughed.

    You learned first aid response?

    Im not a normal witc h, Harry. I went to Muggle sc hool for a c ouple of years. I can heal the woundedwithout a wand, of course it cant compare to magic, but its good enough.

    Wow, another thing I learned about Bethany Taylor. Shes a Muggle-born, Harry said surprisingly.

    Bethany squeezed the cloth over his bruise and cool water trickled onto his gash and his cutssurrounding it. It stung Harry, but he remained silent.

    What makes you think Im a Muggle-born? Bethany asked curiously.

    Well, you said you went to a Muggle sc hool. I just assumed that you were a Muggle-born. Y ourenot?

    Bethany shook her head, Nope, Im not a Muggle-born; Im a pure-blood witch. I went to Muggleschool because my Gramps wanted me to.

    Oh, yeah, Dumbledore was into a lot of Muggle stuff. More than other wizards and witc hes anyway.

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    Bethany closed her eyes and turned her attention back to mending Harrys broken rib. Harry knew hesaid something wrong when he noticed Bethanys smile fade a little.

    Bethany, are you okay?

    Im not the one who broke two of my rib bones, and youre asking if Im okay.

    Two? I t hought you said I broke only one, Harry said, horrified.

    Bethany rolled her eyes. After I felt around, it seems like you broke two.

    Is it serious?

    In the Muggle world, yes, but in the Wizarding world, no. One thing for sure is that you need t o getto a Healer, and fast, Bethany analyzed.

    Okay, well, back to the question. Are you okay?

    Bethany ignored Harrys question and continued to diagnose Harry. I was able to stop the bleeding,but without a wand I cant do much more. Although, I can wrap the gash, covering it so it wont get

    infected. It would keep it clean, so you wont die anytime soon. Other then that, you

    Bethany! Harry c ried, t rying to stop Bethany from rambling.

    Yeah, what? You dont have to yell at me. Im sitt ing right next to you.

    Well, you left me no c hoice, Harry snapped. I would have shoved you or something, but at themoment I cant move without feeling pain.

    Were you listening to anything I was saying? I dont know why you st opped me in the middle of anexplanation about your health, Harry.

    I dont c are about my damn health. I know something is wrong with you, Bethany, and youre keepingit from me.

    Nothing is wrong! Bethany sc reamed.

    Youre lying! Harry replied back, matching Bethanys tone. How is it that we managed to esc apefrom Wormtail and landed ourselves outside the cave? Why didnt he kill us or send us to Voldemort?Two of my rib bones are completely snapped in half and I dont even remember how it happened. Andcan you tell me why youre a soaking wet? At least tell me that, so I know youre not going to faint onme anytime soon.

    Harry, I Bethany began to answer, but Harry continued talking, c utt ing Bethany off.

    I mean, when I touched you, it was like touc hing ice. How do you st ill have your regular skin color?Your skin should be blue. The lake water must have been freezing and you touched it like it wasnothing. Are you some kind of evil, magical, water demon or something? If you are, I would like toknow before you eat me or cut me up into pieces.

    Bethany waited a few seconds before she spoke. Are you done?

    No, as a matter of fac t, Im just get ting started. How did you kn

    Okay, I think you asked a million questions and youre not lett ing me answer any of them. So, its myturn to cut you off and hear my own voice for a change. Bethany paused and waited to see if Harry

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    would respond, but he stayed silent. I dont know how we got out of the cave. I woke up next to youin the same spot were in right now. I dont know why Wormtail didnt do anything to us and I dontknow how I got soaked in water. The last thing I remember is watching you drink that potion and thenI was thrown against the wall. And to answer youre last question; no, Im not an evil, magical, waterdemon, Im just Bethany. Got it?

    Bethany caught her breath and stared at Harry firmly. She knew that Harry would shout back orscr