misinterpreting modi ed gravity as dark energy: a

Misinterpreting Modified Gravity as Dark Energy: a Quantitative Study Yuewei Wen, 1, * Eva Nesbit, 2, 3, Dragan Huterer, 1, 4, 5, and Scott Watson 3, § 1 Department of Physics, University of Michigan, 450 Church St, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1040 2 Department of Physics, Kenyon College, Gambier, Ohio 43022 3 Department of Physics, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY 13244 4 Leinweber Center for Theoretical Physics, University of Michigan, 450 Church St, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1040 5 Max-Planck-Institut f¨ ur Astrophysik, Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 1, 85748 Garching, Germany (Dated: November 5, 2021) Standard cosmological data analyses typically constrain simple phenomenological dark-energy parameters, for example the present-day value of the equation of state parameter, w0, and its variation with scale factor, wa. However, results from such an analysis cannot easily indicate the presence of modified gravity. Even if general relativity does not hold, experimental data could still be fit sufficiently well by a phenomenological w0waCDM, unmodified-gravity model. Hence, it would be very useful to know if there are generic signatures of modified gravity in standard analyses. Here we present, for the first time to our knowledge, a quantitative mapping showing how modified gravity models look when (mis)interpreted within the standard unmodified-gravity analysis. Scanning through a broad space of modified-gravity (Horndeski) models, and assuming a near-future survey consisting of CMB, BAO, and SNIa observations, we report values of the best-fit set of cosmological parameters including (w0,wa) that would be inferred if modified gravity were at work. We find that modified gravity models that can masquerade as standard gravity lead to very specific biases in standard-parameter spaces. We also comment on implications for measurements of the amplitude of mass fluctuations described by the parameter S8. I. INTRODUCTION Overwhelming observational evidence for the current acceleration of the universe presents one of the most out- standing theoretical challenges in all of cosmology and physics [1, 2]. The physical mechanism for the apparent acceleration remains fundamentally mysterious. It could be given by the presence of the cosmological-constant term in Einstein’s equations, but the tiny size of the con- stant presents an apparently insurmountable challenge [3, 4]. A number of dark energy models beyond the cos- mological constant have been proposed as well [5]. Sim- ilarly, the accelerated expansion could be that gravity is modified on large scales [68], but thus far there is no direct evidence for such a modification. The difficulty with studying modified-gravity mod- els with data is that the space of possibilities is enor- mous. There are many completely distinct classes of models to modify gravity and, in each, a large num- ber of possible parameterizations. Constraining any one of those modified-gravity model parameterizations with large-scale structure also presents a challenge, for the fol- lowing reasons: i) modified-gravity-model predictions for nonlinear clustering are, with a few exceptions, not avail- able at all; and ii) the linear-theory predictions generally need to be validated by (modified-gravity) N-body simu- lations, as e.g. galaxy bias in these models may differ from that in standard gravity (for example [9, 10]). Tests of * [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] § [email protected] modified gravity with the cosmic microwave background (CMB) are a little easier as one only needs linear-theory predictions and there is no galaxy bias, but the large scale of possible modified-gravity theories still presents a major obstacle. As a consequence of these challenges, the majority of confrontations of theory with data has not encompassed models of modified gravity. Instead, most analyses con- sider simple phenomenological descriptions of the dark- energy sector, such as the model with a cosmological constant (ΛCDM), and that with constant dark-energy equation of state parameter w (wCDM) [11]. Also pop- ular is the time-varying parameterization of the dark- energy equation of state [12] that allows for the dynam- ics, w(a)= w 0 + w a (1 - a), where a is the scale factor and w 0 and w a parameters to be constrained by the data. Modified gravity has typically been constrained only for very specific models (e.g. Σparameterizations of the gravitational potentials, [1315]). There have been at- tempts to constrain individual modified-gravity models [1639] or even reconstruct the temporal behavior of cer- tain models [40, 41], but canvassing the space of modified- gravity theories is challenging because that space is ex- tremely large and difficult to constrain with currently available cosmological surveys. In this paper we aim to answer a fundamental question: What happens when the data is analyzed assuming smooth dark energy and the universe is dominated by modified gravity? Such a scenario will clearly lead to an overall biased es- timate of the inference of the cosmological model; see for example Figure 1 in Ref. [42]. Yet it would be very useful to know if modified-gravity theories lead to generic shifts arXiv:2111.02866v1 [astro-ph.CO] 4 Nov 2021

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Page 1: Misinterpreting Modi ed Gravity as Dark Energy: a

Misinterpreting Modified Gravity as Dark Energy: a Quantitative Study

Yuewei Wen,1, ∗ Eva Nesbit,2, 3, † Dragan Huterer,1, 4, 5, ‡ and Scott Watson3, §

1Department of Physics, University of Michigan, 450 Church St, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-10402Department of Physics, Kenyon College, Gambier, Ohio 43022

3Department of Physics, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY 132444Leinweber Center for Theoretical Physics, University of Michigan, 450 Church St, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1040

5Max-Planck-Institut fur Astrophysik, Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 1, 85748 Garching, Germany(Dated: November 5, 2021)

Standard cosmological data analyses typically constrain simple phenomenological dark-energyparameters, for example the present-day value of the equation of state parameter, w0, and itsvariation with scale factor, wa. However, results from such an analysis cannot easily indicate thepresence of modified gravity. Even if general relativity does not hold, experimental data couldstill be fit sufficiently well by a phenomenological w0waCDM, unmodified-gravity model. Hence,it would be very useful to know if there are generic signatures of modified gravity in standardanalyses. Here we present, for the first time to our knowledge, a quantitative mapping showinghow modified gravity models look when (mis)interpreted within the standard unmodified-gravityanalysis. Scanning through a broad space of modified-gravity (Horndeski) models, and assuming anear-future survey consisting of CMB, BAO, and SNIa observations, we report values of the best-fitset of cosmological parameters including (w0, wa) that would be inferred if modified gravity were atwork. We find that modified gravity models that can masquerade as standard gravity lead to veryspecific biases in standard-parameter spaces. We also comment on implications for measurementsof the amplitude of mass fluctuations described by the parameter S8.


Overwhelming observational evidence for the currentacceleration of the universe presents one of the most out-standing theoretical challenges in all of cosmology andphysics [1, 2]. The physical mechanism for the apparentacceleration remains fundamentally mysterious. It couldbe given by the presence of the cosmological-constantterm in Einstein’s equations, but the tiny size of the con-stant presents an apparently insurmountable challenge[3, 4]. A number of dark energy models beyond the cos-mological constant have been proposed as well [5]. Sim-ilarly, the accelerated expansion could be that gravity ismodified on large scales [6–8], but thus far there is nodirect evidence for such a modification.

The difficulty with studying modified-gravity mod-els with data is that the space of possibilities is enor-mous. There are many completely distinct classes ofmodels to modify gravity and, in each, a large num-ber of possible parameterizations. Constraining any oneof those modified-gravity model parameterizations withlarge-scale structure also presents a challenge, for the fol-lowing reasons: i) modified-gravity-model predictions fornonlinear clustering are, with a few exceptions, not avail-able at all; and ii) the linear-theory predictions generallyneed to be validated by (modified-gravity) N-body simu-lations, as e.g. galaxy bias in these models may differ fromthat in standard gravity (for example [9, 10]). Tests of

[email protected][email protected][email protected]§ [email protected]

modified gravity with the cosmic microwave background(CMB) are a little easier as one only needs linear-theorypredictions and there is no galaxy bias, but the largescale of possible modified-gravity theories still presents amajor obstacle.

As a consequence of these challenges, the majority ofconfrontations of theory with data has not encompassedmodels of modified gravity. Instead, most analyses con-sider simple phenomenological descriptions of the dark-energy sector, such as the model with a cosmologicalconstant (ΛCDM), and that with constant dark-energyequation of state parameter w (wCDM) [11]. Also pop-ular is the time-varying parameterization of the dark-energy equation of state [12] that allows for the dynam-ics, w(a) = w0 + wa(1 − a), where a is the scale factorand w0 and wa parameters to be constrained by the data.Modified gravity has typically been constrained only forvery specific models (e.g. Σ, µ parameterizations of thegravitational potentials, [13–15]). There have been at-tempts to constrain individual modified-gravity models[16–39] or even reconstruct the temporal behavior of cer-tain models [40, 41], but canvassing the space of modified-gravity theories is challenging because that space is ex-tremely large and difficult to constrain with currentlyavailable cosmological surveys.

In this paper we aim to answer a fundamental question:

What happens when the data is analyzed assumingsmooth dark energy and the universe is dominated by

modified gravity?

Such a scenario will clearly lead to an overall biased es-timate of the inference of the cosmological model; see forexample Figure 1 in Ref. [42]. Yet it would be very usefulto know if modified-gravity theories lead to generic shifts










4 N

ov 2


Page 2: Misinterpreting Modi ed Gravity as Dark Energy: a


in the cosmological parameters relative to their true val-ues. For example, it could be that a departure of theequation of state w relative to its ΛCDM value of −1indicates modified gravity. Or, that the currently ob-served Hubble tension — the discrepancy between mea-surements of H0 from the distance ladder and the CMB— is a signature of modified gravity (something that anumber of papers in the literature have explored, e.g.[43, 44]). It would be extremely useful to have knowl-edge of whether there are any generic parameter shiftsthat modified gravity typically induces if analyzed as-suming the standard unmodified model.

To address the highlighted question above, we opt fora forward-modeling approach. We wish to generate alarge number of modified-gravity models, coming per-haps from different classes of such models, and computethe cosmologically observable quantities. We then ana-lyze those observables using some assumed future data,consisting of the cosmic microwave background, baryonacoustic oscillations, and type Ia supernova (these dataare further discussed in Sec. III). Crucially, when ana-lyzing these data we assume unmodified-gravity, i.e. theΛCDM or the w0waCDM model. We can thus assessthe bias in all cosmological parameters, relative to theirtrue values, due to the fact that data were analyzed us-ing a wrong model. We then iterate the procedure manytimes. This informs us about what range of values forthe standard (unmodified-gravity) cosmological parame-ters are inferred when the universe is subject to modifiedgravity.

One important decision in this procedure is to choosea general framework of modified-gravity theories fromwhich to sample individual models. Here we opt to utilizea familiar approach from particle physics (and, as of re-cently, cosmology) — the Effective Field Theory (EFT).Here our approach is to utilize the EFT of Dark Energy(EFTDE) [45–47], where (universality) classes of mod-els are established through a grouping of terms in thefundamental Lagrangian. This has the advantage thatinstead of considering one particular model at a time,one can consider an entire class of models with similarproperties. One example of such a universality class inthe EFTDE are the Horndeski models of modified grav-ity. In fact, here we will focus our investigation on theHorndeski sub-class of EFTDE models as described inSec. II A below.

Our procedure in this paper also includes a solutionto a pesky technical problem: how to fit the eight-dimensional w0waCDM models to each of the thousandsof EFTDE models. This is computationally expensivebecause traditional Boltzmann-Einstein equation solversused for this purpose such as CAMB are slow for what weare trying to do here. We thus employ and adapt an ex-isting emulator package to speed up this fitting process.This development enables us to obtain our numerical re-sults with relatively modest computer resources. Mostreadily available cosmological emulators for the CMBpower spectrum (such as [48] and [49]) function for a

fixed set of parameters – usually the standard six cosmo-logical parameters – while our methodology of setting upthe emulator allows a much greater freedom in includingparameters.

The paper is organized as follows. Sec. II is dividedinto two parts and gives an overview of our overallmethodology. The first half explains how we select asubset of Horndeski gravity models and compute cosmo-logical observable quantities from them. The second halfgoes over methods (including a brief introduction on theemulation technique) used to reinterpret the data vec-tors generated by Horndeski models by fitting them withan unmodified-gravity w0waCDM model. Sec. III intro-duces the cosmological probes and assumed future exper-iment data used in the fitting process. Sec. IV discussesand summarizes the results. We conclude in Sec. V.


As discussed in Sec. I, we generate the data vector as-suming a modified-gravity model, but analyze it assum-ing unmodified gravity in the w0waCDM model. Specifi-cally, for each Horndeski data vector, we generate a CMBangular power spectrum predicted by this theory througha package EFTCAMB1, and also generate predictions forBAO and SNIa. Then, we fit to this synthetic data withw0waCDM cosmological models. We record the best-fitparameters of such w0waCDM model, and move on to thenext iteration, selecting a new EFTDE model. Figure 1shows our approach schematically.

We now describe the key pieces of our approach: themodified-gravity theory to generate fake data, and theunmodified-gravity theory to analyze it with. For bothmodified and unmodified-gravity aspects of our analysis,we also discuss the numerical tools that enable the feasi-bility of our analysis.

A. Generating data: modified gravity

Inspired by the EFT formalism for Inflation by Cheunget. al. [50], the EFTDE provides a universal descriptionfor all viable dark energy and modified gravity models[45–47] Working in unitary gauge, the EFTDE actiontakes the form [47],

S =




0Ω(t)R− Λ(t)− c(t)g00 +M4

2 (t)


− M31 (t)

2δKδg00 − M2

2 (t)

2δK2 − M2

3 (t)

2δK µ

ν δK νµ


2δR(3)δg00 +m2(t)∂ig

00∂ig00 + Lm], (1)

1 https://eftcamb.github.io

Page 3: Misinterpreting Modi ed Gravity as Dark Energy: a


Modified gravity(Horndeski)

Unmodified gravity(𝑤!𝑤"CDM)

EFTCAMB Cosmological observables

EMULATOR Cosmological observables

Fit toCMB, BAO, SNIa

Best-fit values of(unmodified-gravity)

cosmo parameters




FIG. 1. A schematic describing our pipeline to interpret and fit a modified gravity data vector with an (unmodified-gravity)dark energy model. We show the complete procedure for a single Horndeski data vector, corresponding to one point in ourfinal best-fit parameter values in the plots that follow. We repeat this procedure procedure for thousands of Horndeski models.

where δg00 = g00 + 1 is the perturbation to the timecomponent of the metric, R(3) is the perturbation to thespatial component, and δKµν is the perturbation of theextrinsic curvature. The background evolution dependson three functions, c(t), Λ(t), and Ω(t). Two of the threecan be constrained using the Einstein equations and areequivalent to the energy density and pressure. The thirdfunction, Ω(t), parameterizes the effect of modified grav-ity [47]. In what follows we will take Ω = 1, thus explic-itly fixing the background to ΛCDM2. The rest of theEFT functions describe perturbations about this back-ground and correspond to observables that we are inter-ested in when comparing to observations. For a summaryof all models included in this very general formalism, re-fer to Table 1 in [51]. Again, we note that the EFTDEincludes such well-known simpler models as DGP andf(R).

Here we specialize in a very broad subset of modelscaptured by the EFTDE approach — Horndeski models(for a general review of this class of models see [52] andreferences therein). These models have been of particu-lar interest because even if one does not take the EFTDEapproach they have stable, second order equations of mo-tion, leading to a well defined Cauchy problem and viablemodels of modified gravity. However, within the EFTDEapproach, this is guaranteed from the outset. This uni-versality class of models is obtained when the followingrelations are imposed on EFTDE functions

2M2 = M22 = −M2

3 ; m2 = 0. (2)

We will be interested in the linear-theory predictions ofHorndeski models as given by the EFTCAMB code [53].There, the EFTDE is described in terms of dimensionless

2 m0 is the mass scale of the theory and is equivalent to mpl whenΩ(t) = 1.

parameters γi defined as

γ1 =M4




, γ2 =M3



, γ3 =M2




γ4 =M2



, γ5 =M2


, γ6 =m2





In terms of these new variables, the Horndeski modelsare obtained from the full EFTDE with these conditions

2γ5 = γ3 = −γ4; γ6 = 0. (4)

Our approach is therefore to canvass through the possibleHorndeski models by varying γi(t) for i = 1, 2, 3.

There is an important caveat to our assumptions aboutthe Horndeski parameter space. It has been argued thatthere exists a strong additional constraint on the param-eter γ3, based on the comparison of the speed of light andgravitational-wave speed of propagation from the eventGW170817 discovered by LIGO (see e.g. [54]). Becauseγ3 is related to the speed of the gravitational wave cT(see e.g. [51] and references therein), such a constraintwould impose a strong prior that γ3 is very close to zero.However, there are various theoretically motivated pos-sible exceptions to this constraint [55–57]. With that inmind, and to make our analysis broadly applicable andnot tied to specific theoretical models, we opt to keepγ3 as a free parameter without any gravitational-wave-inspired prior. [To reinsert this prior, one could simplyinspect and analyze our results evaluated for the smallrange of γ3 around zero, although of course such an anal-ysis will necessarily have a lower statistics than one wherethe γ3 prior has been assumed from the beginning.]

In our approach, we require Horndeski models to suc-cessfully reproduce an approximate ΛCDM backgroundand then focus on the connection between the perturba-tions and observations. That is, we set w ' −1, cor-responding to c ' 0, Λ ' constant and Ω ' 1 in theEFTDE. This is a subset of Horndeski models, but cor-responds to those consistent with a viable alternative to

Page 4: Misinterpreting Modi ed Gravity as Dark Energy: a


ΛCDM as required by data. Our approach is similar tothat of the EFT of inflation where one assumes an in-flationary background and then focuses on the perturba-tions (observables) [50].

With the background constrained to a ΛCDM universe,we now consider allowed variations in the perturbationsof our Horndeski models. Recall that there are three freetime-dependent EFTDE functions in Horndeski gravity,γi(t) for i = 1, 2, 3. The first task is to parametrize thetime-dependence of these functions, which we take as

γi(a) = γi,0a, (5)

reproducing the CMB power spectra that are closest tocurrent observations.

Next, we determine the range of the coefficients γi,0.In Sec. II B, we describe how we set a 5σ requirement foreach unmodified-gravity model as to be a good fit for theHorndeski model. By phenomenologically studying sam-ple fits to various Horndeski models, we determine thatthe Horndeski parameter space restricted to the range

γ1,0 ≤ 1; γ2,0 ≤ 0.1; γ3,0 ≤ 0.06, (6)

encompasses models that are sufficiently in correspon-dence to unmodified-gravity models, using criteria thatwe now describe.

B. Analyzing data: unmodified gravity

Our main goal is to fit simulated modified-gravity datausing standard dark energy (unmodified-gravity) models.To be as general as possible, we fit w0waCDM cosmolog-ical models to the data, with parameters

pi =ωb, ωc, H0, ln(1010As), ns, τreio, w0, wa

, (7)

where ωb ≡ Ωbh2 is the physical baryon density, ωc ≡

Ωch2 is the physical cold dark matter density, H0 is

the Hubble constant, As is the amplitude of the pri-mordial power spectrum at pivot wave number kpiv =

0.05 Mpc−1, ns is the scalar spectral index, τreio is theoptical depth to reionization, and (w0, wa) are the pa-rameters describing the dark energy equation of state.

For each Horndeski data vector generated usingEFTCAMB with assumptions as described in Sec. II A, weneed to find the best-fit w0waCDM model. We thus needto be able to produce the supernova and BAO observables(distances and the Hubble parameters) and the CMB an-gular power spectrum in w0waCDM models many timesfor a single Horndeski model. Calculating distances isstraightforward, while the CMB temperature and polar-ization angular power spectra are typically obtained us-ing the standard Boltzmann-Einstein solver CAMB. Herewe employ an emulator due to computational cost rea-sons explained above.

Given a single Horndeski data vector and predictionsfrom unmodified-gravity models, we minimize the total

χ2, defined as a sum of chi-squareds for each cosmologicalprobe in Sec. III and thus find the best-fitting parame-ters. To carry out chi-squared minimization in our eight-dimensional parameter space given in Eq. (7), we adoptiminuit3. This optimizer allows us to restart the mini-mization process from the ending point of the last min-imization, re-doing the minimization five times for eachEFTDE model to improve the result. The allowed rangesfor each parameter to explore is set to be 5% smaller thanthe parameter range specified in Table I.

As alluded to in Sec. II A, we wish to only use rea-sonably good fits to our Horndeski data vectors, as ananalysis resulting in a bad fit to the data would simplynot be allowed to proceed in a realistic situation. Tothat end, we only accept best-fit w0waCDM models thathave a minimized χ2 within 5σ of the expectation for achi-square distribution of Ndof degrees of freedom. Oursimulated cosmological data, described below in Sec. III,have Ndof = 74924. Recall that our simulated Horndeskidata vectors are noiseless, so that a perfect fit would haveχ2 = 0. With this information, the ”5-σ” limit to a cos-mological fit corresponds to chi-square limit of

χ2 < 650 (acceptable fit). (8)

If the best fit to a given Horndeski model is worse thanthis, we judge that such a model would not be interpretedas a viable cosmological model. We also exclude resultsfor models where one or more parameters reach the up-per or lower bounds of their respective parameter rangegiven in Table I as it indicates that this model cannotbe fitted by a w0waCDM model within the range of cur-rent measurements well; this affects about 21 percent ofHorndeski models that we considered.

In our model-fitting procedure, the main challenge isthe significant computational cost. Consider that CAMB5

takes about 1.5 second to produce a w0waCDM CMBangular power spectrum. For a single Horndeski model,the minimizer requires of order 1,000 w0waCDM modelevaluations, and our overall goal is to produce resultsfor 10,000 or more Horndeski models. To addrress thischallenge we constructed an emulator to generate modelpredictions for w0waCDM cosmologies. An emulator isessentially an interpolator. Given a set of grid pointsin an N -dimensional parameter space and correspondingoutcomes evaluated at these points, the emulator interpo-lates to produce an expected outcome on arbitrary pointsoff the grid (but still within its boundaries). In our case,the grid is the eight-dimensional parameter space listedin Eq. (7). Since the spectrum is obtained through inter-polation, and not from solving the Boltzmann-Einstein

3 https://iminuit.readthedocs.io/en/stable/4 We used 3 × 2500 multipoles from temperature and polarization

spectra respectively as our data, and it was constrained by 8parameters as listed in Table I.

5 https://camb.info

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equation, this method generates spectra much faster.The emulator we developed builds on the EGG6 package.

TABLE I. Fiducial values of cosmological parameters andtheir ranges used in training the emulator

Parameter Fiducial value Parameter rangeΩbh

2 0.02222 (0.02147, 0.02297)Ωch

2 0.1197 (0.1137, 0.1257)As 2.196 ×10−9 (1.132 ×10−9, 2.703 ×10−9 )H0 67.5 (64.8, 70.2)ns 0.9655 (0.9445, 0.9865)τ 0.06 (0.0235, 0.0965)w0 -1 (-1.5, -0.5)wa 0 (-0.5, 0.5)

• Parameter ranges: The prior range for each ofthe first six parameters in Eq. (7) is set to ±5σaround their fiducial values, where σ is the 68%marginalized error on each corresponding parame-ter from the Planck 2018 analysis using the Pliklikelihood [58]. For the two dark energy parametersw0 and wa, we adopt ranges −1.5 ≤ w0 ≤ −0.5and −0.5 ≤ wa ≤ 0.5. A summary of all parameterranges are in Table I.

• Parameter grid values: A uniform grid is not idealas, for a reasonable number of values in each param-eter, it leads to a large number of grid points andslow emulator training. Therefore, we employ theLatin Hypercube sampling (LHS) which is knownto be very efficient for emulators [59]. The points inLHS are stratified along the direction of each axisin a multi-dimensional space. This design is math-ematically equivalent to forming a n × m matrixsuch that every column of this matrix is a uniquepermutation of 1, ..., n. There are a number ofstrategies to design an LHS7, and the one we use isprovided by a python package pyDOE8. This pack-age allows us to specify the number of parametersand the number of grid points with much greaterflexibility.

6 https://github.com/lanl/EGG7 We did not opt for the commonly used orthogonal-array Latin

hypercube (OALH) design. This is because using OALH, onerelies on the existing library of orthogonal arrays, and the latterdoes not offer much flexibility to change the number of param-eters and the number of samples (i.e. grid points). Specifically,there exist only a few available orthogonal arrays for an eight-dimensional parameter space, and the allowed sample numbersfor these arrays are too low for our purposes. The strategy weadopt, as discussed in the text, is not as optimal as the OALH de-sign in its coverage of the parameter space, but its performancecan be easily improved through increasing the number of gridpoints.

8 Designs of Experiments for Python, https://pythonhosted.


• Training: To “train” an emulator is to assign thecorresponding outcomes to the grid points. Here,we use CAMB to calculate the CMB temperatureand polarization angular power spectra (TT, EE,and TE) and assign them to the correspondinggrid points. During training, the emulator uses aMarkov chain Monte Carlo type process to find andoptimize an interpolative function that describesthe nonlinear relationship between the grid pointsand their corresponding CMB power spectra.

• Testing emulator’s performance: The performanceof an interpolation under a given LHS setup canbe determined quantitatively by comparing the in-terpolated power spectrum at an arbitrary pointin parameter space with the one generated directlyby CAMB. Adopting a test similar to the one usedin [48], we randomly selected 100 points from theallowed parameter space in Table I and calculatedthe fractional difference between the angular powerspectrum interpolated by the emulator and thepower spectrum generated by CAMB. For the tem-perature power spectrum, the emulator’s fractionalerrors within the first and third quartile are 0.3%for multipoles ` > 8. For the polarization powerspectra EE and TE, the fractional errors are 0.5%for ` > 25 and 3.5% for ` > 55 respectively.

The performance of the interpolation is mostly de-termined by the number of grid points in the LHSdesign and the number of MCMC iterations whentraining the emulator. A larger number of gridpoints and a higher number of steps in the MCMC-type process during training would both improvethe performance of interpolation, but at the costof a slower evaluation per model. In this work, weuse 570 grid points and 1000 iterations. With thecurrent setup, each interpolation takes about 0.3seconds to finish, which is five times faster thanusing CAMB.


In this section, we will discuss the probes and experi-ment specifics we used to determine the best-fit values ofdark energy parameters w0 and wa.

We use cosmic microwave background, baryon acous-tic oscillations (BAO), and type Ia supernovae (SN Ia) asour data. In this first paper on the topic, we opt not touse weak gravitational lensing or galaxy clustering. Asmentioned in the introduction, this is due to the signifi-cant additional complexity in modeling clustering, whichfor starters one typically needs to restrict to linear scalesonly in modified-gravity models as obtaining reliable non-linear predictions is very challenging. It is our goal to setup a robust proof-of-principle analysis pipeline with theCMB, BAO and SN Ia alone. In a future publication,we will add the galaxy clustering and weak lensing (and,

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ideally, the full ”3x2” pipeline that also includes galaxy-galaxy lensing).

A summary of the probes used can be seen in Table II.We now describe them in more detail.


We assume a CMB survey modeled on expectationsfrom CMB-S4 [62]. The survey covering 40% of the sky,with other specifications given below. We utilize scalesout to maximum multipole `max = 2500, consistent withthe cutoff in Planck 2018 results[58]. Assuming a Gaus-sian likelihood L, the chi squared, χ2 ≡ −2 lnL, is givenby

χ2CMB =


(Cdata` −Cth




(Cdata` −Cth




where Cth` is the data-vector corresponding to the-

ory (w0waCDM) prediction, and Cdata` are the data

which, recall, are produced assuming the EFT model.Both the theory and the data C` are composedof parts corresponding to temperature-temperature(TT), temperature-polarization (TE), and polarization-polarization (EE) correlations:

C` ≡




. (10)

The overall covariance matrix Cov` is diagonal betweenthe different multipoles. At each multipole, the covari-ance for the data vector Cdata

` is given by (e.g. [62])

Cov` =2

(2`+ 1)fsky(11)


(CTT` )2 (CTE` )2 CTT` CTE`

(CTE` )2 (CEE` )2 CEE` CTE`

CTT` CTE` CEE` CTE`12 [(CTE` )2 + CTT` CEE` ]


The elements of this covariance matrix are explicitly



CTE` = CTE` ,


and the noise terms are

NTT` = ∆2

T exp

[`(`+ 1)θ2


8 ln 2

]NEE` = 2×NTT

` ,


where ∆T = 1µK, θFWHM = 8.7 × 10−4 radians, andassume fsky = 0.4, using the specifics of the Stage-4 ex-periment [62].

We generate the data vector Cdata` (for each `) using

EFTCAMB, for a given cosmological model as discussed inSec. II A. This is an important step, as CMB is the onlypart of our simulated data that is directly affected bymodified gravity.

We generate noiseless data vectors — that is, the finalCdata` used in the likelihood are precisely centered on the-

ory, with no stochastic noise. This assumption is justifiedbecause we are not interested in statistical errors on theinfered parameters, but rather only at the best-fit pa-rameters (for a given simulated Horndeski model). Hadwe included stochastic noise, we could have still obtainedthe results that we are after, but it would have requiredrunning a number of statistical realizations of data vec-tors for a given Horndeski model in order to account forstochasticity in the data.


Type Ia supernovae (SNIa) are sensitive to distancesalone. Because in our generated data we fix the back-ground cosmology to ΛCDM and only vary the pertur-bations according to modified gravity, SNIa data vectoris not directly sensitive to modified gravity. Neverthe-less, SNIa are very useful in pinning down the cosmologi-cal parameters and breaking degeneracies between them,and thus helping isolate the effects of modified gravity ondata analyzed assuming w0waCDM.

Assuming again a gaussian likelihood, the chi squaredfor SNIa measurements is determined by

χ2SN(pi,M) = (mdata −mth)TCov−1(mdata −mth),

where mdata is the apparent magnitude of simulated datawhich is calculated based on the cosmology in each fit tothe Horndeski model. The theoretical magnitude mth is,conversely, calculated based on the fiducial w0waCDMcosmological model:

mth(z) = 5log10[H0dL(z, pi)] +M (14)

where dL is the luminosity distance, and M = M −5log10(H0 × 1Mpc) + 25 is a nuisance parameter thatalways needs to be marginalized over in a SNIa analy-sis. We can analytically marginalize over M and obtaina marginalized effective χ2

χ2SN,marg = a− b2

c, (15)


a = (m−mth)TCov−1(m−mth)

b = 1TCov−1(m−mth)

c = 1TCov−11,


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TABLE II. A summary table of the probes and data sets used to determine the best-fit parameters for a certain EFTDE model.

Probes Experiment Measurements Details Data error

CMB Stage-4 angular power spectrum C`

from l = 2 to l = 2500Eq. 12only had the temperature (TT) components before

now added polarization (EE and TE)

SNIaWFIRST apparent magnitude m(z)

16 effective supernovae in redshift bins of size 0.1Eq. 17

from z = 0.1 to z = 1.6 with 0.4% errorPan-STARRS1 apparent magnitude m(z) 870 supernovae from z = 0.00508 to z = 1.06039 Ref. [60]

BAO DESIangular diameter distance DA(z) 13 redshift bins of size 0.1

Ref. [61]Hubble parameter H(z) from z = 0.65 to z = 1.85

where 1 is a unit vector.We employed the SNIa redshift bins and the covariance

matrix as forecasted for the WFIRST satellite [63]. Thecovariance matrix is diagonal between different bins, andis calculated as a combination of systematic and statisti-cal errors. In a given redshift bin,

σtot = (σ2sys + σ2

stat)1/2, (17)


σsys =0.01(1 + z)


σstat =(σ2

meas + σ2int + σ2





Here, σmeas = 0.08, σint = 0.09, σlens = 0.07z, and NSN

is the number of supernovae in that redshift bin.We have also incorporated redshift bins and the cor-

responding covariance matrix from measurements at lowredshift by Pantheon dataset [60], which includes 870 su-pernovae. The covariance matrix for this data set is diag-onal, and the error at each redshift is given by Pantheonas well.


Baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO) — wiggles in thematter power spectrum due to photon-baryon oscillationsprior to recombination — are a powerful cosmologicalprobe. Much like SNIa, they probe geometry, and aresensitive to the angular-diameter distance D(z) and Hub-ble parameter H(z) evaluated at the redshift of tracergalaxies in question. Often, the general analysis of theBAO provides precisely these ”compressed quantities” forone or more effective redshifts, which in turn can be usedto constrain a cosmological model.

Here we assume the D(z) and H(z) measurements thatare forecasted to be measured DESI experiment [61].The measurements of both the distances and the Hubbleparameters are each reported separately in 13 redshiftbins; we thus organize these measurements in data vec-tors D and H that each have 13 elements. As before,we generate synthetic noiseless data (Ddata and Hdata)

assuming Horndeski models, and analyze it using theo-retically computed quantities (Dth and Hth) that assumethe w0waCDM model.

The goodness-of-fit for BAO is written down in a sim-ilar way as for the CMB and SNIa

χ2BAO(pi) = (Ddata −Dth)TCov−1

D (Ddata −Dth)

+ (Hdata −Hth)TCov−1H (Hdata −Hth),


where CovD and CovD are respectively the 13 × 13 co-variance matrices for the distance and Hubble parametermeasurements, which are diagonal. We adopt these ma-trices also from DESI forecasts [61].


Our results are summarized in Fig. 2. Here we showthe eight-dimensional space of w0waCDM models thatwere fit to Horndeski data vectors. Each point corre-sponds to values of the best-fit w0waCDM model for agiven Horndeski model. We show results for a total of15186 Horndeski data vectors which passed our criterialaid out in Sec. II B. We show all possible 2D planes ofcosmological parameters, as well as histograms of the dis-tributions in each parameter on the diagonal. The axislimits are chosen so that they indicate the range withinwhich each parameter is allowed to vary during the min-imization. The grey crosshair in each panel indicates ourfiducial cosmology (see Table I), which corresponds tothe background cosmology we set in all our Horndeskimodels.

Note specifically that Fig. 2 does not show any kindof parameter constraint — that is, no ”error bars” arerepresented here. Rather, in each parameter panel of theFigure, the distribution of points relative to the crosshairdemonstrates how values of the respective parametersshift relative to their true values when modified grav-ity (Horndeski) theories are incorrectly interpreted asdark energy (w0waCDM). Recall also that these fits areonly performed for w0waCDM models that are decentfits to Horndeski data vectors, judged by the criterionin Eq. (8), mimicking the decision point that would beapplied in an analysis of real data. Finally, the density

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FIG. 2. Best-fit values and histograms of cosmological parameters and dark energy sector parameters obtained from fitting to15186 Horndeski models with a w0waCDM cosmology. Branches shown in the panels along the rows of H0, w0 and wa can beseparated by values of w0, as indicated by red and green points.

of points in Fig. 2 is not particularly important, as itmerely reflects the metric on our prior in the space ofmodels (e.g. the fact that we used a flat prior in the pa-rameters γi rather than, say, a log prior). What we areinterested instead is the overall extents and shapes of theclouds of points.

The most apparent observation from Fig. 2 is that thebiases in w0waCDM parameters, relative to their truevalues, carve out very specific directions in the parame-ter space. Table III summarizes the directions in whichthe parameters are shifted. The specific shifts are gen-erally unsurprising, as we would guess that there ex-ist specific degeneracies between Horndeski models andw0waCDM parameters where the former can be inter-preted as the latter. Nevertheless, the precision to whichthe w0waCDM biases are carved out in their respectiveparameter spaces is remarkable.

The next most noticeable feature of our results are the

branchings in the w0waCDM parameter biases. In otherwords, biases in the parameters trace out multiple (twoor three) directions in several 2D parameter planes. Thisindicates multiple degeneracy directions between shiftsin the w0waCDM space and Horndeski models. A verygeneral quantitative expectation for this multi-modalityis difficult to establish, but we have nevertheless exploredthis in some detail. We found that the value of the pa-rameter w0 — dark energy equation of state value today— is a good predictor for the branchings. Specifically,we found that modified-gravity models that are best fitwith, respectively, w0 < −1.05 and w0 > 0.97, lead totwo prominent branches that are evident in a numberof 2D planes, and that are labeled with green and redpoints respectively in Fig. 2. Conversely, models fit with−1.05 < w0 < −0.975, labeled with black points, formthe ”core” of the distribution, at the nexus of the twobranches.

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FIG. 3. Left panel: The w0-wa plane from Figure 2, where each point is colored by the γ3 function of the correspondingHorndeski data vector that was fitted with a w0waCDM cosmology. Right panel: Equation of state w(z) for 1000 randomlyselected models (corresponding to a subset of points in the purple-pink region in the left panel). Notice that the equation-of-state curves intersect around an effective redshift zeff = 0.28, at the value of the effective equation of state typically slightlylarger than weff = −1.

Closing the analysis of Fig. 2, note that the over-all biases in the standard-model parameters are, veryroughly, comparable to the current statistical uncertain-ties in these parameters. For example, the range ofthe scalar spectral index, roughly [0.96, 0.98], is some-what larger than its present statistical uncertainty, whilethat in the Hubble constant, [66.86, 68.43], is also some-what larger than the constraints from Planck 2018 anal-ysis [58]. This is not particularly surprising as we haveonly shown models whose fit to Horndeski data vectors is”good” as quantified in terms of near-future experimentalerrors. Nevertheless, this tells us that future constraintson these parameters will likely favor a subset of mod-els shown in Figure 2. Future data may thus indicatewhether a specific sub-class of modified-gravity modelslurks in the data.

Of particular interest to cosmologists is the measuredvalue of the equation-of-state parameters (w0, wa). Canthese measured values indicate the presence of modi-fied gravity? To help answer this question, we enlargeand display Fig. 2’s w0 − wa plane in the left panelFig. 3. First, note that the w0 and wa values of best-fit unmodified-gravity models are mutually highly corre-lated. This is entirely expected, as the physically relevantquantity is w(z) at the redshift where best constrainedby the data — the effective, or ”pivot” redshift [64, 65].In fact, it turns out that our range of Horndeski modelsgiven by Eq. (6), the largely one-dimensional direction ofbest-fit models in w0 − wa plane is

weff = w0 + wa(1− aeff) ' −1 (20)

with the effective scale factor aeff = 0.78 or redshiftzeff = 0.28. Therefore, the best-fit models do allow vari-ation in w0 and wa, but constrained such that it fallsalong the direction pointed by a constant w at the effec-tive redshift. To illustrate this, the black line in the leftpanel of Fig. 3 follows combinations of w0 and wa that

give weff = −1 and zeff = 0.28 based on Eq. (20). Notethat most best-fit models are actually slightly above theblack dashed line, indicating that weff is slightly largerthan −1. The linear relation in Eq. (20), along with theeffective scale factor aeff of approximately the size thatwe find, are respectively expected and predicted in thepresent scenario when the equation-of-state parametersare working to match the distance to the surface of lastscattering imposed by CMB data [66].

We shed more light on what best-fit (w0, wa) valuesare favored as fits to Horndeski models in the right panelof Fig. 3. Here, each curve represents the function w(z)(in the w0, wa model) for each corresponding (purple orpink-colored) point in Fig. 3. Notably, most best-fit w(z)curves intersect around the effective redshift zeff = 0.28,the value that is indicated with a vertical black dashedline.

It is also instructive to look at the overall extent of thedistribution of models in the left panel of Fig. 3. Thecoverage of the w0 − wa ”island” is highly non-uniform,with more models with a positive wa than negative. Weobtain additional information by plotting the γ3 param-eter from Eq. 3 for each model, which dominates how farthat Horndeski data vector’s departure from our back-ground ΛCDM cosmology is. As expected, lower valuesof γ3 (i.e. models that resemble the ΛCDM backgroundmost) forms the core of the distribution, while modelswith higher values of γ3 have larger deviations in (w0, wa)and tend to either aggregate in the branch favoring ahigher value of w0 and wa around zero, or at the up-per left tip which favors the lowest values of w0 but thehighest ones of wa.

The left panel of Fig. 3 also shows a branching inthe distribution of models in the w0 − wa plane, thoughweaker than the more prominent ones in the full 8D pa-rameter space seen in Fig. 2. We did not pursue under-standing this feature, given hat it is not extended, and

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TABLE III. Summary of the trends in the inferred cosmologi-cal parameters when modified-gravity (Horndeski) models areinterpreted within the context of unmodified gravity — eitherin w0waCDM or ΛCDM cosmology. For each parameter, weshow the percentage of best-fit values larger/smaller than thetrue (input) value. Parameters whose best-fit values are over-whelmingly shifted in the same direction are highlighted inred.

w0waCDM ΛCDMCompared to

% Larger % Smaller % Larger % Smallerfiducial value

Ωbh2 99.7 0.3 99.9 0.1

Ωch2 2.8 97.2 1.1 98.9

As 62.3 37.7 35.2 64.8H0 78.6 21.4 99.2 0.8ns 99.2 0.8 99.97 0.03τ 67.5 32.5 41.2 58.8w0 73.0 27.0

N/A N/Awa 78.7 21.3Ωm N/A N/A

0.9 99.1S8 0.7 99.3

Ase−2τ 6.1 93.9 12.2 87.8

probably encodes subtle correlations between dark en-ergy parameters (w0, wa) and Horndeski model parame-ters when the former are enforced to fit the latter.

Finally, we ask what implications are on two of themost readily measured parameters by lensing surveys —ΩM and S8 ≡ σ8(ΩM/0.3)0.5. Note that the values ofthese two parameters measured in lensing surveys and theCMB are typically interpreted within the context of theflat ΛCDM cosmological model. Therefore, to infer σ8

from our set of simulated Horndeski data vectors, we nowenforce a fit of modified gravity with a ΛCDM cosmologyrather than w0waCDM. We thus fix w0 = −1 and wa = 0,and vary the six other parameters listed in Eq. (7) tofind the best-fit ΛCDM model. Then, we use CAMB tocalculate the value of σ8 and the corresponding S8 foreach best-fit ΛCDM model.

We plot ΛCDM’s best-fit (ΩM .S8) pair for each Horn-deski model in Fig. 4. Each point is colored by the γ3

parameter (as defined in Eq. 3) for each Horndeski modelwe fitted to. As before, the cross-hairs denote the fidu-cial, input values of these parameters. In this case, wedo not observe a particularly narrow region, or multiplebranches, in the best-fit ΩM − S8 plane. Rather, we seea near-universal shift to lower values of the best-fit ΩM ,and also a preferential shift toward lower S8. As theHorndeski model deviates more from general relativityas represented by larger values of γ3, we observe a shiftin Ωm towards lower values. It is known that Horndeskimodels can generally accommodate both a larger and asmaller amplitude of structure formation relative to thestandard model with the same background parameters.The results in Fig. 4 indicate that, for the range of Horn-deski parameters that we investigated (see Eq. 6), thesemodels near-universally show up as a smaller overall am-

FIG. 4. Best-fit values and projected 1D histograms of Ωmand S8 derived from fitting 16769 Horndeski data vectors witha ΛCDM cosmological model. Each point is colored by the γ3

parameter for each Horndeski model as defined in Eq. 3.

plitude of mass fluctuations.We also investigated the biases that one would observe

on all six base cosmological parameters when interpretingmodified gravity with a ΛCDM cosmology. The resultsare displayed in Fig. 5, which contains all possible 2Dplanes and histograms of cosmological parameters. Thegrey crosshair again indicates the unbiased, fiducial valueof a parameter. In every panel, each point represents aparameter’s relative shift or bias resulting from misinter-preting one of the 16769 modified gravity models withdark energy. Here, we observe a shift towards a uniformdirection among four of the six parameters, Ωbh

2, Ωch2,

H0 and ns, which are listed in Table III. The degeneratecombination of Ase

−2τ also mostly shifts towards a valuesmaller than the fiducial one.


In this work we address the question of how analy-ses that fit standard cosmological models (say ΛCDM orw0waCDM) to data may show hints of modified grav-ity. Assume for the moment that modified gravity isat work. In a realistic situation, it is entirely plausiblethat a standard, unmodified-gravity model is a good fitto the data, so that we cannot immediately rule it outand claim evidence for modified gravity. This scenario,however, will generally lead to shifts in the (standard-model, unmodified-gravity) parameter values relative totheir true values. And such shifts, interpreted togetherand in relation to other measurements in cosmology thatdepend on different kinds of data, may reveal the pres-ence of modified gravity.

In this paper, we quantitatively investigate these pa-rameter biases in scenarios when modified gravity is mis-interpreted as a standard model. Specifically, we es-tablish the link between modified-gravity models andshifts in the standard cosmological parameters. To scan

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FIG. 5. Best-fit values and histograms of cosmological parameters obtained from fitting to 16769 Horndeski models with aΛCDM cosmology.

through a broad range of modified-gravity model, we fo-cus on the Horndeski universality class of models, whosephenomenological predictions (on linear scales) are pro-duced by the code EFTCAMB [53]. Horndeski models allowa separate specification of the cosmological theory back-ground and perturbations. For simplicity, we assumea cosmological-constant background for the Horndeskimodels (in agreement with the most recent cosmologicaldata to date), and vary the perturbations, allowing thefull freedom of Horndeski models. We fit these modelswith simulated future data consisting of CMB tempera-ture and the polarization power spectra, BAO data, andtype Ia supernova data. We restrict the analysis to onlythose Horndeski models whose simulated data vectors arewell fit by the w0waCDM model. In doing this we mimica realistic situation where one would only proceed withthe interpretation of model fits in scenarios where thegoodness of fit passes some threshold.

We report the best-fit values of the standard cosmo-logical parameters for each Horndeski model that passesthe aforementioned cuts. We find that the distributionof the best-fit values cover remarkably tight regions inthe standard eight-dimensional parameter space (Fig. 2).These regions are largely linear, though on occasion carveout multi-pronged directions in the 2D parameter spaces.These tight correlations in standard parameter best-fitsimply that even general classes of modified-gravity mod-

els register as specific deviations (from true values) in theunmodified-gravity parameters. This is good news; forexample, a deviation in standard parameters that doesnot lie in one of these directions would indicate that sys-tematic errors, rather than modified gravity, may be thecause of such unexpected shifts. Hence it should be pos-sible to spot such signatures of systematic errors in futuredata.

Focusing now on the equation-of-state parameter val-ues that are best fits to Horndeski models, we find that,even though significant deviations in both w0 and waare allowed, they obey a tight mutual relation (Fig. 3).Specifically, most Horndeski models are fit with an ef-fective equation of state of w(zeff) ' −1, evaluated atthe effective redshift of zeff = 0.28. This can be takenas a very generic prediction of the perturbations pro-vided by the large class of modified-gravity models thatwe study, given a ΛCDM background as stipulated above.This prediction, along with those on all other parametersspecified in Fig. 2, will be sharply tested using upcomingcosmological data.

We finally study the implications of our result to thecurrently much debated tension between constraints onthe S8 parameter obtained from lensing probes and CMBmeasurements. Assuming now the ΛCDM model (inwhich the S8 tension is usually framed), we find thatHorndeski models typically predict a lower S8, and near-

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universally a lower ΩM , than the truth when the lattertwo are inferred assuming the ΛCDM model. Because theonly direct probe of S8 that we assumed was the CMB,this implies that CMB’s S8 value is preferentially lowwhen Horndeski data are analyzed assuming the ΛCDMmodel. This should be compared to the prediction fromapplying the same pipeline to lensing data, something weplan to do in a future work.


We would like to thank Marco Raveri and AlessandraSilvestri for useful conversations, Anqi Chen for her ini-tial collaboration, and Earl Lawrence for assistance onthe usage of the emulator. We also thank Eric Linder foruseful comments on an earlier draft of this paper. Thework of EN and SW was supported in part by NSF grant1813834 and NSF grant PHY-1748958. They would alsolike to thank the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physicsand the Aspen Center for Physics for hospitality. YWand DH have been supported by NSF under contractAST-1812961. DH has additionally been supported by

DOE under Contract No. DE-FG02-95ER40899, and hethanks the Humboldt Foundation for support via theFriedrich Wilhelm Bessel award. We acknowledge theSyracuse University HTC Campus Grid and NSF awardACI-1341006 for the use of computing resources.


Here, we illustrate the extent of uncertainty in our pro-cess of finding best-fits. In each panel of Fig. 6, there are93 blue points, each generated from fitting the 8 standardcosmological parameters to the fiducial cosmology listedin Table I. The dim light grey, green and red points inthe background are the same as the corresponding pointsin Fig. 2, and in both figures they denote the best-fit pa-rameter values to Horndeski data vectors. For a perfectfitting process, the blue points should all coincide withthe grey crosshair, which indicates the fiducial values ofeach parameter. Our fitting error, as indicated by levelof scatter among the blue points, is small compared toboth the best-fits to Horndeski data vectors and the pa-rameters’ allowed ranges of variation.

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