miri tries a legacy chapter 11


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Post on 21-Aug-2015



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Welcome back to Miriville! Yeah look who finally got Powerpoint installed on her computer. Me. Any who when we last left, my generation 4 spouse Edith here was pregnant with the first born of generation 5. Oh and my Gen 4 spare had gone missing. Aria the resident Head of SCIA thinks she has finally tracked him down. Not familiar, go back and read a few chapters.

“Johann there’s a woman in here.”

“I can see that Cliff. Aria.”

“Johann, you want to explain what the hell you’re doing in a place like this?”

“Trying to disappear. Which obviously isn’t working.”

“So you moved in here voluntarily then?”

“Yes, Aria, for the upteenth time. I moved into the Brotherhood of Cheese voluntarily. No I’m not going back to that hell hole I grew up in.”

“Okay, I get that you had your issues, but what about your brother?”

“Okay so I do feel a little bad about just leaving Deus like that. But I mean I had to GET away from that house. Surely you of all people can get what it’s like to need to break out on your own.”

“Well sure, but I didn’t just take off. I told people where I was going.”

“Hey I don’t remember you telling anybody about being in a bachelor challenge.”

“Shut-up Cello. That’s none of your business.”

“Oooh testy. Must have been serious…I mean I’m just glancing at your computer here and gotta say you’re a little obsessed you didn’t win. Rigged. Really?”

“Shut-up Cello! I swear to Plumbob when I get home I will kill you.”

“So you’re obviously fine Johann so I’ll just head home. Look, you can take my advice or leave it, but I really think you need to at least consider getting back in touch with your brother. Amadeus was really hit hard when he found out you were missing. And I know you and your mother have never gotten along, but she is seriously worried about you.”

“Hey Deus. Look I know it’s like 3 in the morning, but I didn’t want to risk mom answering the damn phone.

Listen sorry for running out on you and freaking you out; I just couldn’t do being near that crazy bat anymore. Yes I know she’s our mother. Okay look just forget it.

Come and visit? Maybe one day bro, but I just can’t do that right now. Oh and congrats on the baby. Just don’t let that mother of ours drive him crazy okay?”

So far I don’t think we have to worry about it too much. Chloe’s not had a single chance/even tried to touch her grandson. Everyone say hello to Risk Chun. He’s got his great-grandpa Sullivan’s red hair! Yay recessives! He also has mommy’s brown eyes.

Although having one of the grown people in this house ignoring him isn’t exactly bad. Lucky for Risk sim toddlers can’t get fat from all the green formula a lot of them usually end up getting. This little guy gets pampered by his great-grandmother, grandfather, parents, the Butler, and the family visitors such as Aria, Story, and Cello…..Sheesh.

In other news the pool is getting a lot of use now which is good. For a while there no one was using it and I was getting a little depressed.

Story and Derek are invited to come over every Saturday for lunch and a game of Don’t Wake the Llama. Chloe insists the affair must include everyone wearing formal attire. *rolls eyes*

Edith though marches to the beat of her own drum. I’m totally cool with this. Yes, I know the family already has a sweet ride, but Edith constantly wants to restore old cars. And I’m like all sure go for it!”

And before I know it Risk is a toddler. I love how he’s such a great mix of genetics. He’s got his dad’s skin tone, his great grandpa’s hair, a lot of his mom’s face, and I think those are Sprite’s and therefore Beverly’s eyebrows.

Don’t let this grumpy face fool you. Risk is actually a very happy child. Oh and everyone say hello to the family toy robot….Edith made him. So far no one’s been even remotely interested in him.

Edith is an awesome mom! She’s always rolling wants to spend time with her baby boy. Of course Edi is a family sim and wants 6 of them to be happily married so I guess that shouldn’t be a shock. But really so many of my family sims in this family have been fakes. Nice to have one that lives up to her aspiration.

I did just say she wants 6 kids. So is it really a surprise she’s pregnant again? No, good.

Deus is still running his electronics store with the help of Sprite. It’s now at level 5. It’s doing quite well I think.

“Holy Cowplant! Fable actually came by the house to visit his brother. Boek seems happy to see him. No idea what could possibly be on the floor that would have Fable so fascinated, but… “Hi Fable!”

Sprite’s been hanging out with her grand-daughter Aria recently. She really seems to like the bubble blower thing.

As you can see it’s Saturday again. Why do so many people agree to the formal wear?

Just more proof that Edith is a rockin mom.

And Boek’s photobombing. Great.

“You’re sure this is as good as a romantic getaway Edith?”

“Deus, I’ve told you a night playing games with you is as much of a romantic getaway as I need. Stop trying to spoil me. Whooo I win again!”

“Congratulations sweetheart!”

Risk did actually amuse himself a lot, but Boek’s actually been a pretty good grandpa. I’ve finally found something besides sitting in the lab he likes to do.

“I grew up.”

Yeah I know. And you’re still absolutely adorable.

“Good evening Risk.”

“Who the hell are you?”

That’s your grandmother.

“I have a grandmother?”

“Don’t you think ballet lessons would be dignified. Johann was always such a graceful dancer.”

“And then you shake it on down!”

“Or I could make Risk the cutest little tuxedo to wear.”

“Creator, she’s ignoring me.”


Everyone say hello to baby number two…of three. Yep we’ve got twins this time. I know you can’t tell but Solitaire here is actually a blonde like his mother. Awww.

And this is his twin brother Pong. Pong is another red head like his big brother Risk. Awesome we’ve got lots of recessives this gen.

Now that Risk here is older, he’s spending a lot more of his free time with great-grandma Sprite. This is probably good since I don’t know how much longer I’ll have my beloved Sprite around. I love how they are both green.

Sprite has also recently befriended resident simself Pony. She’s been frequenting the local coffee shop recently and the two ladies struck up a friendship.

So Pony you dating her son Fable has nothing to do with this right? *snicker*

Just thought I would provide documentation that Boek does in fact spend a lot of time in his lab.

“I’m telling you Amadeus we’d be lovely together.”

“Sally, I’ve told you I’m married and I’m not at all interested in women of your profession. It’s just not dignified. Have you considered another line of work?”

“What’s wrong with my line of work?”

“Uh well…as I said it’s really quite improper. And look my son’s right there. I can’t discuss such topics with him within earshot. Now, please leave the premises at once.”

“Mom um why does this lady keep walking into our house. She’s scaring me.”

“Miss I’m sorry but you are going to have to leave or I will be calling the authorities.”“Are you serious? I’m Sally the Atrociously EVIL! I will not be turned away at the front door by legacy help.”

Yes well, Renaud here isn’t the typical legacy help. He’s cool.

“You’ll regret this.”

Ahem. Moving on. Awesome mom is awesome.

“Oh you’re having more children! What wonderful news!”

“Thank-you Renaud.”

Geez I love this guy.

Painting a portrait of my lovely son.

Geez how this woman annoys me. Are you sure your life bar is only ¼ of the way full?



See you all next time!