mips assembly language programming bob britton, instructor lesson #1

MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

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Page 1: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

MIPS Assembly Language Programming

Bob Britton, Instructor

Lesson #1

Page 2: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Required Background Preparation

Two semesters of programming experience

Page 3: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Benefits of Studying Assembly Language Programming

Obtain Insights into writing more efficient code

Will become familiar with what compilers do

Acquire an understanding of how computers are built

Open new opportunities in the field of embedded processors

Page 4: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Course DescriptionBasic computer organization concepts such as

registers, the ALU, data path, and random

access memory (RAM).

The use of pseudocode to develop and

document algorithms at the register level.

Number systems and the rules for arithmetic.

Passing parameter to functions using the stack.

Assemblers and linking editors.

Modular program design and development.

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• Basic Computer Organization

• Machine Language

• Assembly Language

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MIPS Computer Organization

• Datapath Diagram• Control Logic

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DataPath DiagramProgram Counter (PC)

Instruction Register

Register File


Cache Memory

Data In







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0 $zero

1 $at

2 $v0

3 $v1

4 $a0

5 $a1

6 $a2

7 $a3

8 $t0

9 $t1

10 $t2

11 $t3

12 $t4

13 $t5

14 $t6

15 $t7

16 $s0

17 $s1

18 $s2

19 $s3

20 $s4

21 $s5

22 $s6

23 $s7

24 $t8

Number NameValue


Pass parametersto functions

Return valuesfrom functions

Callee-SavedRegisters –Use these registers for valuesthat must be maintainedacross function calls.

Caller SavedRegisters –Use these registers in functions

Page 11: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Label Op-Code Dest. S1, S2 Comments move $a0, $0 # $a0 = 0li $t0, 99 # $t0 = 99

loop:add $a0, $a0, $t0 # $a0 = $a0 + $t0addi $t0, $t0, -1 # $t0 = $t0 - 1bnez $t0, loop # if ($t0 != zero) branch to loop li $v0, 1 # Print the value in $a0syscallli $v0, 10 # Terminate Program Runsyscall

An Example MIPS Assembly Language Program

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Three Instruction Word Formats

• Register Format

• Immediate Format

• Jump Format

Op-Code Rs Rt Rd CodeOp-Code Rs Rt Rd Code

Op-Code Rs Rt 16 - Bit Immediate ValueOp-Code Rs Rt 16 - Bit Immediate Value

Op-Code 26 Bit Current Segment AddressOp-Code 26 Bit Current Segment Address

6 5 5 16

6 5 5 5 6

6 26

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Main Memory Program Counter (PC)4

Address Instruction Register (IR)

0 13 0 4 0 0 Op-Code Rs Rt Rd Immediate4 13 0 8 0 9 13 0 8 0 98 0 4 8 4 32

12 5 8 0 0 -1 Address name

16 5 8 0 0 -3 0 0 $zero

20 13 0 2 0 1 1 60 $at

24 0 0 0 0 12 2 8 $v0

28 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 $v1

32 3 4 5 4 0 4 17 $a0 ALU

36 6 3 7 1 2 5 0 $a1

40 0 0 0 0 0 6 8890 $a2

44 0 0 0 0 0 7 349 $a3 Rs

48 0 0 0 0 0 8 7 $t0 0

52 0 0 0 0 0 9 1 $t1

56 6 9 5 3 0 10 -1 $t2

60 0 0 0 0 456 11 0 $t3

64 0 0 0 0 2345 12 777 $t4

68 0 0 0 0 890 13 -777 $t5

72 0 0 0 0 -234 14 21 $t6

76 0 0 0 0 67 15 17 $t7

80 0 0 0 0 -111 16 -349 $s0

84 0 0 0 0 6612 17 66 $s1

88 0 0 0 0 4563 18 78 $s2

92 0 0 0 0 0 19 98 $s3

96 0 0 0 0 -1 20 34 $s4

100 0 0 0 0 -223 21 12 $s5

104 0 0 0 0 4567 22 56 $s6 Rt

108 0 0 0 0 -36 23 123456 $s7 7

112 0 0 0 0 1 24 89999 $t8 4

116 0 0 0 0 3 25 -345678 $t9

120 0 0 0 0 2 26 $k0

124 0 0 0 0 -36 26 $k1

128 0 0 0 0 23 28 $gp

132 0 0 0 0 -99 29 400000 $sp……… 0 0 0 0 0 30 $fp

1,087,418,233 0 0 0 0 0 31 48 $ra


Reg. File


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Reg. File[Rd] = Rs operation Rt

A Register Transfer Description of the Control Logic

IR = Mem[PC]

PC = PC + 4

Decode Instruction

Read from Reg. Filelw or sw

Memory[Address] = Rt



R-TypeIf (Rs == 0 ) thenPC = PC + Offset


Address = Rs + Offset

Reg. File[Rt] = Memory[Address]

Page 15: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

MIPS Instruction SetSee Appendix C in the textbook for a detailed

description of every instruction.

• Arithmetic, Logic, and Shifting Instructions• Conditional Branch Instructions• Load and Store Instructions• Function Call Instructions

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Pseudo Instructions †

• Load Address la $s0, table• Load Immediate li $v0, 10• Move move $t8, $sp• Multiply mul $t2, $a0, $a1• Divide div $s1, $v1, $t7• Remainder rem $s2, $v1, $t7 • Negate neg $s0, $s0

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MIPS Register File

Register Naming Convention(See Figure 1.2 on Page 4)

$0 : Constant Zero

$v0 : Returned values from functions

$a0 : Arguments passed to functions

$t0 : Temporary registers (functions)

$s0 : Saved registers (main program)

$sp : Stack Pointer

$ra : Return address

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MIPS Assembly Language Programming

Bob Britton, Instructor

Lesson #2

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Exercises – Chapter 11.1 Explain the difference between a register and the ALU.

1.2 Explain the difference between Assembly Language and Machine Language.

1.3 Explain the difference between Cache Memory and the Register File.

1.4 Explain the difference between the Instruction Register and the Program Counter.

1.5 Explain the difference between a Buss and a control line.

1.6 Identify a kitchen appliance that contains a finite state machine.

1.7 If a 500 MHz machine takes one-clock cycle to fetch and execute an instruction, then what is the instruction execution rate of the machine?

1.8 How many instructions could the above machine execute in one minute?

1.9 Let’s suppose we have a 40-year-old computer that has an instruction execution rate of one thousand instructions per second. How long would it take in days, hours, and

minutes, to execute the same number of instructions that you derived for the 500 MHz machine?

1.10 What is an algorithm?

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MIPS Assembly Language Programming

Bob Britton, Instructor

Lesson #3

Page 21: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

PseudocodeUsing Pseudocode to Document a MIPS Assembly Language ProgramUsing Pseudocode to Document a MIPS Assembly Language Program

When documenting an algorithm in a language such as Pascal or C, programmers use descriptive variable names such as: speed, volume, size, count, amount, etc. After the program is compiled, these variable names correspond to memory locations. To efficiently execute code, a compiler will attempt to keep the variables that are referenced most often in processor registers because access to a variable in a processor register is much faster than access to memory. MIPS has 32 processor registers. The names used to reference these registers are defined in Figure 2.1 on page 4 in the textbook.

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As an assembly language programmer you must takemaximum advantage of the processor registers. For example, you may have a value in register $s0 corresponding to speed, a value in register $s1 corresponding to volume, a value in register $s2 corresponding to size, and a value in register $t3 corresponding to count.

When using pseudocode to document an assembly language program, you will be expected to use the names of the registers you intend to use in the assembly language code. It is advisable to create a cross referencetable between the processor register name and what it is being used for in the program .

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We use register names in pseudocode because the purpose of the pseudocode is to document an assembly language program.

Unless you identify the registers being used, the pseudocode is quite limited in terms of having any correspondence to the assembly language code.

You will also find that as soon as you are able to develop the pseudocode in this format it is a very simple process to translate pseudocode into assembly language code.

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Pseudocode for assembly language programs will have the appearance of Pascal or C in terms of control structures and arithmetic expressions, but descriptive variable names will usually only appear in the LOAD ADDRESS (la) instruction where there is a reference to a symbolic memory address. In assembly language you define and allocate space for variables in the data segment of memory using assembler directives such as .word and .space. You will find that all of the MIPS instructions require the use of processor registers. When writing pseudocode you should specify the processor registers you are planning to use to accomplish the task.

Page 25: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Now for an example, let us suppose that we want to write an assembly language program to find the sum of the integers from 1 to N. In other words do the following: 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + ....+ N, where “N” is an input value.

On the next slide you will see a pseudocode description of the algorithm and following that the corresponding assembly language program, where processor register $t0 is used to accumulate the sum, and processor register $v0 is used as a loop counter.

Use a word processor to create the following program file. Be sure to save as text only.

Next, load the program into SPIM. Run the program and experiment with the different features of the MIPS simulator. ( For example: Single Step)

Read the help file for a description of how to use the simulator.

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An Example MIPS Program# Program #1 : (descriptive name) Programmer: YOUR NAME

# Due Date : Sep. 13, 2001 Course: CSCI 51A# Last Modified: Sep. 12, 2001 Section: 2########################################################## Functional Description: Find the sum of the integers from 1 to N where# N is a value input from the keyboard.########################################################## Algorithmic Description in Pseudocode:# main: v0 << value read from the keyboard (syscall 4)# if (v0 < = 0 ) stop# t0 = 0; # t0 is used to accumulate the sum# While (v0 >= 0) { t0 = t0 + v0; v0 = v0 - 1}# Output to monitor syscall(1) << t0; goto main########################################################### Register Usage: $t0 is used to accumulate the sum# $v0 the loop counter, counts down to zero##########################################################

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.dataprompt: .asciiz "\n\n Please Input a value for N = "result: .asciiz " The sum of the integers from 1 to N is "bye: .asciiz "\n **** Adios Amigo - Have a good day **** "

.globl main

.textmain: li $v0, 4 # system call code for print_str

la $a0, prompt # load address of prompt into a0syscall # print the prompt messageli $v0, 5 # system call code for read_intsyscall # reads a value of N into v0blez $v0, done # if ( v0 < = 0 ) go to doneli $t0, 0 # clear $t0 to zero

loop: add $t0, $t0, $v0 # sum of integers in register $t0addi $v0, $v0, -1 # summing in reverse orderbnez $v0, loop # branch to loop if $v0 is !=

zeroli $v0, 4 # system call code for print_strla $a0, result # load address of message into $a0syscall # print the stringli $v0, 1 # system call code for print_int

move $a0, $t0 # a0 = $t0syscall # prints the value in register $a0b main

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done: li $v0, 4 # system call code for print_strla $a0, bye # load address of msg. into $a0syscall # print the string

li $v0, 10 # terminate programsyscall # return control to



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Input/Output System Calls

See Appendix A$v0

Service Call Code Arguments Results

Print_integer 1 $a0 = integer

Print_ string 4 $a0 = &string

Read_integer 5 $v0= integer

Read_string 8 $a0 = &buffer

$a1 = Length of buffer

Exit 10

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Translation of “if – then -- else” if ($t8 < 0) then {$s0 = 0 - $t8; $t1 = $t1 +1}else {$s0 = $t8; $t2 = $t2 + 1} Translation of pseudocode to MIPS assembly language. In MIPS assembly language, anything on a line following the number sign (#) is a comment. Notice how the comments in the code below help to make the connection back to the original pseudocode.

bgez $t8, else # if ($t8 is > or = zero) branch to else

sub $s0, $zero, $t8 # $s0 gets the negative of $t8addi $t1, $t1, 1 # increment $t1 by 1b next # branch around the else code

else:ori $s0, $t8, 0 # $s0 gets a copy of $t8addi $t2, $t2, 1 # increment $t2 by 1


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Translation of a “While” statement

Here is a translation of the above “while” pseudocode into MIPS assembly language code.li $v0, 1 # Load $v0 with the value 1

loop:bgeu $a1, $a2, done # If( $a1 >= $a2) Branch to donelb $t1, 0($a1) # Load a Byte: $t1 = mem[$a1 + 0]lb $t2, 0($a2) # Load a Byte: $t2 = mem[$a2 + 0]bne $t1, $t2, break # If ($t1 != $t2) Branch to breakaddi $a1, $a1, 1 # $a1 = $a1 + 1addi $a2, $a2, -1 # $a2 = $a2 - 1b loop # Branch to loop

break:li $v0, 0 # Load $v0 with the value 0


$v0 = 1While ($a1 < $a2) do{$t1 = mem[$a1];$t2 = mem[$a2];If ($t1 != $t2) go to break;$a1 = $a1 +1;$a2 = $a2 –1;}return

break: $v0 = 0return

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Translation of a “for loop”

$a0 = 0;

For ( $t0 =10; $t0 > 0; $t0 = $t0 -1) do {$a0 = $a0 + $t0}

The following is a translation of the above “for-loop” pseudocode

to MIPS assembly language code.

  li $a0, 0 # $a0 = 0

li $t0, 10 # Initialize loop counter to 10


add $a0, $a0, $t0

addi $t0, $t0, -1 # Decrement loop counter

bgtz $t0, loop # If ($t0 >0) Branch to loop

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MIPS Assembly Language Programming

Bob Britton, Instructor

Lesson #4

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Translation of a “switch statement”

Pseudocode Description:

$s0 = 32; top: cout << “Input a value from 1 to 3”

cin >> $v0switch($v0)

{case(1): { $s0 = $s0 << 1; break}case(2): { $s0 = $s0 << 2; break}case(3): { $s0 = $s0 << 3; break}default: goto top ; }

cout <<$s0

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.align 2jumptable: .word top, case1, case2, case3prompt: .asciiz "\n\n Input a value N from 1 to 3: "result: .asciiz " The value 32 shifted left by N bits is now = "


li $s0, 32top:

li $v0, 4 # Code to print a stringla $a0, promptsyscallli $v0, 5 # Code to read an integersyscallbltz $v0, exitbeqz $v0, top # Default for less than oneli $t3, 3bgt $v0, $t3, top # Default for greater than 3la $a1, jumptablesll $t0, $v0, 2 # Create a word offsetadd $t1, $a1, $t0 # Form a pointer into jumptablelw $t2, 0($t1) # Load an address from jumptablejr $t2 # Go to specific case

“switch statement” continued

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case1:sll $s0, $s0, 1b done

case2:sll $s0, $s0, 2b done

case3:sll $s0, $s0, 3

done:li $v0, 4 # Code to print a stringla $a0, resultsyscallli $v0, 1 # Code to print a valuemove $a0, $s0syscallbgez $s1, main

exit:li $v0, 10syscall

“switch statement” continued

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Exercises – Chapter 2 

2.1 Using Appendix A, translate each of the following pseudocode expressions into MIPS assembly language:

(a) t3 = t4 + t5 – t6;

(b) s3 = t2 / (s1 – 54321);

(c) sp = sp – 16;

(d) cout << t3;

(e) cin >> t0;

(f) a0 = &array;

(g) t8 = Mem(a0);

(h) Mem(a0+ 16) = 32768;

(i) cout << “Hello World”;

(j) If (t0 < 0) then t7 = 0 – t0 else t7 = t0;

(k) while ( t0 != 0) { s1 = s1 + t0; t2 = t2 + 4; t0 = Mem(t2) };

(l) for ( t1 = 99; t1 > 0; t1=t1 -1) v0 = v0 + t1;    

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Solutions to Chap 2 Exercises

label op-code Rd, Rs, Rt

E1a: add $t3, $t4, $t5sub $t3, $t3, $t6

E1b: addi $s3, $s1, 54321div $t2, $s3mflo $s3

E1c: addi $sp, $sp, -16E1d: move $a0, $t3

li $v0, 1syscall

E1e: li $v0, 5syscallmove $t0, $v0

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Solutions to Chap 2 Exercises

label op-code Rd, Rs, Rt

E1f: la $t0, arraylw $a0, 0($t0)



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Exercises – Chapter 2         (m) t0 = 2147483647 - 2147483648;

(n)      s0 = -1 * s0;

(o)  s1 = s1 * a0;

(p) s2 = srt(s02 + 56) / a3;

(q) s3 = s1 - s2 / s3;

(r)  s4 = s4 * 8;

(s) s5 = * s5;

2.2 Analyze the assembly language code that you developed for each of the above pseudocode expressions and calculate the number of clock cycles

required to fetch and execute the code corresponding to each expression. (Assume it takes one clock cycle to fetch and execute every instruction except multiply and divide, which require 32 clock cycles and 38 clock cycles respectively.)

2.3 Show how the following expression can be evaluated in MIPS assembly language, without modifying the contents of the “s” registers:

$t0 = ( $s1 - $s0 / $s2) * $s4 ;

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Exercises Continued 2.2 Analyze the assembly language code that you developed for each of the

above pseudocode expressions and calculate the number of clock cycles

required to fetch and execute the code corresponding to each expression.

(Assume it takes one clock cycle to fetch and execute every instruction

except multiply and divide, which require 32 clock cycles and 38 clock

cycles respectively.)

2.3 Show how the following expression can be evaluated in MIPS assembly

language, without modifying the contents of the “s” registers:

$t0 = ( $s1 - $s0 / $s2) * $s4 ;

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MIPS Assembly Language Programming

Bob Britton, Instructor

Lesson #5

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Three Instruction Word Formats

• Register Format

• Immediate Format

• Jump Format

Op-Code Rs Rt Rd CodeOp-Code Rs Rt Rd Code

Op-Code Rs Rt 16 - Bit Immediate ValueOp-Code Rs Rt 16 - Bit Immediate Value

Op-Code 26 Bit Current Segment AddressOp-Code 26 Bit Current Segment Address

6 5 5 16

6 5 5 5 6

6 26

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Reg. File[Rd] = Rs operation Rt

A Register Transfer Description of the Control Logic

IR = Mem[PC]

PC = PC + 4

Decode Instruction

Read from Reg. Filelw or sw

Memory[Address] = Rt



R-TypeIf (Rs == 0 ) thenPC = PC + Offset


Address = Rs + Offset

Reg. File[Rt] = Memory[Address]

Page 46: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Label Op-Code Dest. S1, S2 Comments move $a0, $0 # $a0 = 0li $t0, 99 # $t0 = 99

loop:add $a0, $a0, $t0 # $a0 = $a0 + $t0addi $t0, $t0, -1 # $t0 = $t0 - 1bnez $t0, loop # if ($t0 != zero) branch to loop li $v0, 1 # Print the value in $a0syscallli $v0, 10 # Terminate Program Runsyscall

An Example MIPS Assembly Language Program

Page 47: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Number Systems

• Introduction• Polynomial Expansion• Binary Numbers• Hexadecimal Numbers• Two’s Complement Number System• Arithmetic & Overflow Detection• American Standard Code for Information

Interchange (ASCII)

Page 48: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Polynomial Expansion of a Decimal Number (Base 10)

496 = 4 x 10 + 9 x 10 + 6 x 10

Polynomial Expansion of a Binary Number (Base 2)Polynomial Expansion of a Binary Number (Base 2)

2 1 0


00101101 = 1 x 2 + 0 x 2 + 1 x 2 + 1 x 2 + 0 x 2 + 1x 2

5 4 3 2 1 0


A Faster Method ------ Double and AddA Faster Method ------ Double and Add

00101101 = 45 (1, 2, 5, 11, 22, 45)

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Conversion of Decimal Numbers to Binary

Divide by 2 and record the remainder

45 Remainder 1 0 1 1 0 1

22 1

11 0

5 1

2 1

1 0

0 1

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Practice - Convert 25 to BinaryDivide by 2 and record the remainder

25 Remainder


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To represent binary values in the positive and negative domains we use the

Two’s Complement Number SystemHere is the polynomial expansion of a two’scomplement number 8-bit binary number N:

N = - d7x2 + d6x2 + d5x2 + d4x2 + d3x2 + d2x2 + d1x2 +d0x2

Notice the Minus sign

*** You need to memorize powers of 2 ***

7 56 4 3 2 1 0

Page 52: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

The Two’s Complement Operation

When we take the two’s complement of a binary number, the result will be the negative of the value we started with.

For example, the binary value 00011010 is 26 in decimal.

To find the value minus 26 in binary we perform the two’s complement operation on 00011010.

Scan the binary number from right to left leaving all least significantzeros (0) and the first one (1) unchanged, and then complementing theremaining digits to the left: 11100110

The result is the value minus 26 in binary.

Page 53: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Binary Arithmetic & Overflow Detectionin the Two’s Complement Number System

Here is an addition example where we assume we are limited to 8 binary digits.

01000100 = 68

+ 00111100 = 6010000000 = -128 Overflow Occurred

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Binary Arithmeticin the Two’s Complement Number System

Here is a subtraction example where we assume we are limited to 8 binary digits. To subtract in binary we always add the two’s complement of the subtrahend.

01000100 = 01000100 68

-00111100 = +11000100 60

00001000 = 00001000 = 8

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The Rule for Detection of Overflow

#################################################Adding numbers of opposite signs, overflow is impossible.

When adding numbers of the same sign, if the result is not the same as the operands then overflow occurred.

#################################################Here is an example:You are given the following two numbers in two’s complement representation.Perform the binary subtraction and indicate if there is signed overflow. ______Explain Why:


11101000 = -24+11101101 = -19 11010101 Correct

Result = -43

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Sign Extension

The value –43 as an 8-bit binary number is: 11010101The value –43 as an 32-bit binary number is: 11111111111111111111111111010101In Hexadecimal –43 appears as: 0xFFFFFFD5


The value 68 as an 8-bit binary number is: 01000100 The value 68 as an 32-bit binary number is: 00000000000000000000000001000100In Hexadecimal 68 appears as: 0x00000044

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The Hexadecimal Number SystemDecimal Hex

Binary0 0 00001 1 00012 2 00103 3 00114 4 01005 5 01016 6 01107 7 01118 8 10009 9 100110 A 101011 B 101112 C 110013 D 110114 E 111015 F 1111

Here is an example of how wecompactly represent binary numbers in hexadecimal:

| | | | | 001111001000111101111110

0x 3 C 8 F 7 E

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MIPS Assembly Language Programming

Bob Britton, Instructor

Lesson #6

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Chapter 2 Exercises Continued 2.3 Show how the following expression can be evaluated in MIPS assembly

language, without modifying the contents of the “s” registers:

$t0 = ( $s1 - $s0 / $s2) * $s4 ;

2.4 The datapath diagram for the MIPS architecture shown in figure 1.1

with only one memory module is referred to as a von Neumann architecture.

Most implementations of the MIPS architecture use a Harvard Architecture,

where there are two separate memory modules, one for instructions and

the the other for data. Draw such a datapath diagram.

2.5 Show how the following pseudocode expression can be efficiently evaluated

in MIPS assembly language, without modifying the contents of the “s” registers:

$t0 = ( $s0 / 8 - 2 * $s1 + $s2 ;

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Solution to Exercises 2.3 & 2.5Clock Cycles

E2.3 div $s0, $s2 38mflo $t0 1sub $t0, $s1, $t0 1mult $t0, $s4 32mflo $t0 1

Total= 73

E2.5 sra $t0, $s0, 3 1sll $t1, $s1, 1 1sub $t0, $t0, $t1 1add $t0, $t0, $s2 1

Total= 4

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Exercises3.1 Convert the decimal number 35 to an 8-bit binary number.

3.2 Convert the decimal number 32 to an 8-bit binary number.

3.3 Using the double and add method convert 00010101 to a decimal number.

3.4 Using the double and add method convert 00011001 to a decimal number.

3.5 Explain why the Least Significant digit of a binary number indicates if the number is odd or even.

3.6 Convert the binary number 00010101 to a hexadecimal number.

3.7 Convert the binary number 00011001 to a hexadecimal number.

3.8 Convert the hexadecimal number 0x15 to a decimal number.

3.9 Convert the hexadecimal number 0x19 to a decimal number.

3.10 Convert the decimal number -35 to an 8-bit two’s complement binary number.





LSD is a 1






Page 63: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercises3.11 Convert the decimal number -32 to an 8-bit two’s complement binary number.

3.12 Assuming the use of the two’s complement number system find the equivalent decimal values for the following 8-bit binary numbers:(a) 10000001(b) 11111111(c) 01010000(d) 11100000(e)            10000011

3.13 Convert the base 8 number 204 to decimal

3.14 Convert the base 7 number 204 to decimal

3.15 Convert the base 6 number 204 to decimal

3.16 Convert the base 5 number 204 to decimal

3.17 Convert the base 10 number 81 to a base 9 number.


-127 -1 80 -32-125






Page 64: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercises3.18 For each row of the table below convert the given 16 bit number to each of the other two bases, assuming the two’s complement number system is used.

 16 Bit Binary Hexadecimal Decimal






-25 3.19 You are given the following two numbers in two’s complement representation.

Perform the binary addition and indicate if there is signed overflow. __Explain Why:


10001000 Yes overflow occurred – Sign of the result is different from the operands

Page 65: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercises3.20 You are given the following two numbers in two’s complement representation.

Perform the binary subtraction and indicate if there is signed overflow. ______Explain Why:

3.21 Sign extend the 8 bit hex number 0x88 to a 16 bit number. 0x_________ 

3.22 The following subtract instruction is located at address 0x00012344. What are the two possible values for the contents of the PC after the branch instruction executed? 0x_____________ 0x ____________This branch instruction is described in Appendix C.

loop: addi $t4, $t4, -8

sub $t2, $t2, $t0

bne $t4, $t2,loop


11101000+ 11101101 11010101 No Overflow


00012340 0001234C

Page 66: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1


3.23 You are given the following two 8-bit binary numbers in the two’s complement number system. What values do they represent in decimal?

X = 10010100 = __________ Y = 00101100 = __________ 2 10 2 10

Perform the following arithmetic operations on X and Y. Show your answers as 8-bit binary numbers in the two’s complement number system. To subtract Y from X, find the two’s complement of Y and add it to X. Indicate if overflow occurs in performing any of these operations.


10010100 10010100 0010110000101100

-108 44

+11010100 +0110110011000000 01101000 10011000

Page 67: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 3.24

The following code segment is stored in memory starting at memory location 0x00012344. What are the two possible values for the contents of the PC after the branch instruction has executed? 0x__________ 0x ____________Add in line pseudocode to describe each instruction.

loop: lw $t0, 0($a0) #addi $a0, $a0, 4 #andi $t1, $t0, 1 #beqz $t1, loop #

00012344 00012354

t0 = Mem[a0]a0 = a0 +4t1 = t1 & 1 “Extract LSD”if t0 is an even # go to loop

Page 68: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

MIPS Assembly Language Programming

Bob Britton, Instructor

Lesson #7

Page 69: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

SPIM - The MIPS Simulator,

Register Window

Text Window

Data Window

Message Window


Page 70: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Text Segment

[0x00400020] 0x34020004 ori $2, $0, 4 ; 34: li $v0, 4 [0x00400024] 0x3c041001 lui $4, 4097 [prompt] ; 35: la $a0, prompt [0x00400028] 0x0000000c syscall ; 36: syscall[0x0040002c] 0x34020005 ori $2, $0, 5 ; 38: li $v0, 5 [0x00400030] 0x0000000c syscall ; 39: syscall[0x00400034] 0x1840000d blez $2 52 [end-0x00400034] ; 41: blez $v0, end[0x00400038] 0x34080000 ori $8, $0, 0 ; 42: li $t0, 0 [0x0040003c] 0x01024020 add $8, $8, $2 ; 44: add $t0, $t0, $v0[0x00400040] 0x2042ffff addi $2, $2, -1 ; 45: addi $v0, $v0, -1 [0x00400044] 0x14403ffe bne $2, $0, -8 [loop-0x00400044]; 46: bnez $v0, loop[0x00400048] 0x34020004 ori $2, $0, 4 ; 47: li $v0, 4 [0x0040004c] 0x3c011001 lui $1, 4097 [result] ; 48: la $a0, result [0x00400050] 0x34240022 ori $4, $1, 34 [result][0x00400054] 0x0000000c syscall ; 49: syscall

Page 71: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Analyzing the Data Segment

a e l P e s[0x10010000] 0x2020200a 0x61656c50 0x49206573 0x7475706e[0x10010010] 0x76206120 0x65756c61 0x726f6620 0x3d204e20[0x10010020] 0x20200020 0x65685420 0x6d757320 0x20666f20[0x10010030] 0x20656874 0x65746e69 0x73726567 0x6f726620[0x10010040] 0x2031206d 0x4e206f74 0x20736920 0x20200a00

.dataprompt: .asciiz “\n Please Input a value for N = ”result: .asciiz “ The sum of the integers from 1 to N is ”bye: .asciiz “ **** Adios Amigo – Have a good day ****”

This is an example of an addressing structure called Little Indianwhere the right most byte in a word has the smaller address.

Page 72: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Translating Assembly Language to Machine language

Use the information in Appendix C to verify that 0x3402000A is the correct machine language encoding of the instruction ori $2, $0, 10 li $v0, 10In Appendix C we are shown how this instruction is encoded in binaryori Rt, Rs, Imm # RF[Rt] = RF[Rs] OR Imm

Op-Code Rs Rt Imm



0x 3 4 0 2 0 0 0 A

Page 73: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Translating Assembly Language to Machine languageR-Type Instruction

Use the information in Appendix C to verify that 0x01024020 is the correct machine language encoding of the instruction add $8, $8, $2 add $t0, $t0, $v0In Appendix C we are shown how this instruction is encoded in binaryadd Rd, Rs, Rt # RF[Rd] = RF[Rs] + RF[Rt]

Op-Code Rs Rt Rd Function Code



0x 0 1 0 2 4 0 2 0

Page 74: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

MIPS Assembly Language Programming

Bob Britton, Instructor

Lesson #8

Page 75: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 4.1Translate the following assembly language instructions to their corresponding machine language codes as they would be represented in hexadecimal. (Hint – Refer to Appendix C and Appendix D.)

loop: addu $a0, $0, $t0 #ori $v0, $0, 4 #syscall #addi $t0, $t0, -1 #bnez $t0, loop #andi $s0, $s7, 0xffc0 #or $a0, $t7, $s0 #sb $a0, 4($s6) #srl $s7, $s7, 4 #


Page 76: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Translating Assembly Language Store Byte to Machine Language

In Appendix C we are shown how Store Byte is encoded in binarysb Rt, offset(Rs) # Mem[RF[Rs] + Offset] = RF[Rt]

Op-Code Rs Rt Offset


sb $4, 4($22) sb $a0, 4($s6)


0xA 2 C 4 0 0 0 4

Page 77: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Translating Assembly Language Shift Instruction to Machine Language

In Appendix C we are shown how Shift Right Logical is encoded in binary

srl Rd, Rs, sa # Rs = Rt << sa

Op-Code Rt Rd sa


srl $23, $23, 4 srl $s7, $s7, 4


0x0 0 1 7 B 9 0 2

Page 78: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

[0x00082021 addu $4, $0, $8 ; 3: addu $a0, $0, $t0 [0x34020004 ori $2, $0, 4 ; 4: ori $v0, $0, 4 [0x0000000c syscall ; 5: syscall [0x2108ffff addi $8, $8, -1 ; 6: addi $t0, $t0, -1[0x1500fffc bne $8, $0, -16 [main-0x00400030]; 7: bnez $t0, main [0x32f0ffc0 andi $16, $23, -64 ; 8: andi $s0, $s7, 0xffc0[0x01f02025 or $4, $15, $16 ; 9: or $a0, $t7, $s0 [0xa2c40004 sb $4, 4($22) ; 10: sb $a0, 4($s6)[0x0017b902 srl $23, $23, 4 ; 11: srl $S7, $s7, 4

PCSpim Translation

Page 79: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercises 4.2What is the character string corresponding to the following ASCII codes?

Remember that for simulations running on Intel–based platforms, the characters are stored in reverse order within each word.)

0x2a2a2a2a 0x69644120 0x4120736f 0x6f67696d 0x48202d20 0x20657661

**** i d A A s o ogim H - eva

**** Adios Amigo – Have

Page 80: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

A Function to Print a Binary Value as a Hexadecimal Number

For example suppose the following value is in $a0: 00000100101010111111010101001101

In Hexadecimal it is printed out as: 0x04ABF54DAlgorithm: t2 = &buffer + 11; mem(t2) = 0; t2 = t2 – 1;for (t0 = 8; t0 > 0; t0 = t0 -1) {t1 = a0 & 15; t1 = t1 + 0x30; a0 = a0 >> 4; if (t1> 57) t1 = t1+7; mem(t2) = t1; t2 = t2-1}mem(t2) = “x”; mem(t2-1) = “0”; mem(t2-2) = 0x20;print the ASCII string in the buffer

Page 81: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Beginning of the PrintHex Function

######################################### Algorithmic Description in Pseudo Code:##########################################

.globl PrintHex

.databuffer: .asciiz " 0x "


la $a1, bufferaddi $a1, $a1, 10 # Set pointer to end of buffer

......... # Body of the Algorithm...jr $ra

Page 82: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

MIPS Assembly Language Programming

Bob Britton, Instructor

Lesson #9

Page 83: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Write a program that will compute the sum of the even positive values, minus the odd negative values in an array of words. Stop when a value of zero is found in the array. For Example:

array: .word -29, -30, 75, 34, -2, 90, -11, 98, 1, 0, 76

Pseudo Code for the Algorithm:$a1 = &array;$a0 = 0;

loop:$t0= Mem($a1);if ($t0 == 0) go to done$a1 = $a1 + 4;$t3 = $t0 & 1;if ($t0 >= 0 & $t3 == 0) $a0 = $a0 + $t0;elseif ($t0 < 0 & $t3 != 0) $a0= $a0 - $t0;go to loop

done: syscall(1) << $a0;exit

An Example Exam Question

Page 84: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Example Exam MIPS CodeLabel Op-Code Dest. S1,S2 Comments

.dataarray: .word -29, -30, 75, 34, -2, 90, -11, 98, 1, 0, 76


la $a1,array # $a1 = &arrayli $a0, 0 # $a0 = 0

loop:lw $t0,0($a1) # $t0 = Mem($a1)beqz $t0, doneaddi $a1, $a1, 4 # $a1 = $a1 + 4andi $t3, $t0, 1 # $t3 = LSB of $t0bnez $t3, odd # branch if oddbltz $t0, loopadd $a0, $a0, $t0 # $t2 = $t2 + $t0b loop

odd:bgtz $t0, loopsub $a0, $a0, $t0 # $a0 = $a0 - $t0b loop

done:li $v0, 1 # Print result syscall(1)syscallli $v0, 10 # exitsyscall

Page 85: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

2. You are given the following two numbers in two’s complement representation. Perform the binary subtraction and indicate if there is signed overflow ? ______

Explain Why:

10101100 - 00001100


3. You are given the following two numbers in two’s complement representation. Perform the binary addition and indicate if there is signed overflow ? ______

Explain Why:

10100100 + 11101100

Example Exam Questions



Page 86: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Example Exam Questions

Sign extend the 2-digit hex number 0x90 to a 4-digit hex number. 0x_______

Show how the following PSEUDOCODE expression can be efficiently implemented in MIPS assembly language :$t0 = $s0 / 8 - 2 * $s1 + $s2;

sra $t0, $s0, 3sll $t1, $s1, 1sub $t0, $t0, $t1add $t0, $t0, $s2

Page 87: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Performance EvaluationTime and Space TradeoffTime and Space Tradeoff

The Figure of Merit (FM) we will use is:The Figure of Merit (FM) we will use is:

Total clock cycles required to execute the code plus total number of memory locations

required to store the code.

Assume:• Multiplication requires 32 clock cycles• Division requires 38 clock cycles• System Calls

Read or Write an integer: assume 200 clock cycles

Read or Write a string: assume 20 clock cycles

Page 88: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

A Complete Program Example

.dataarray: .word -4, 5, 8, -1msg1: .asciiz "\n The sum of the positive values = "msg2: .asciiz "\n The sum of the negative values = "

.globl main


li $v0, 4 # system call code for print_strla $a0, msg1 # load address of msg1. into $a0syscall # print the stringla $a0, array# Initialize address Parameterli $a1, 4 # Initialize length Parameter

jal sum # Call sum

move $a0, $v0 # move value to be printed to $a0li $v0, 1 # system call code for print_int syscall # print sum of positive valuesli $v0, 4 # system call code for print_strla $a0, msg2 # load address of msg2. into $a0syscall # print the stringli $v0, 1 # system call code for print_intmove $a0, $v1 # move value to be printed to $a0 syscall # print sum of negative valuesli $v0, 10 # terminate program run andsyscall # return control to system

Page 89: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

An Example Function

sum: li $v0, 0li $v1, 0 # Initialize v0 and v1 to zero

loop:blez $a1, retzz # If (a1 <= 0) Branch to Returnaddi $a1, $a1, -1 # Decrement loop countlw $t0, 0($a0) # Get a value from the arrayaddi $a0, $a0, 4 # Increment array pointer to next wordbltz $t0, negg # If value is negative Branch to neggadd $v0, $v0, $t0 # Add to the positive sumb loop # Branch around the next two instructions

negg:add $v1, $v1, $t0 # Add to the negative sumb loop # Branch to loop

retzz: jr $ra # Return

Page 90: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Classroom Exercises to Strengthen Your Mental Muscle

The class is presented with a challenging assembly language programming exercise.

Everyone individually develops a pseudo- code solution to the exercise.

(5 minutes)

Groups compare their pseudo-code and refine their algorithms.

(5 minutes)

Everyone individually develops an assembly language solution to the problem, and calculates a Figure of Merit (FM) for their solution.

Groups review and compare each others code, looking for the

most efficient code in terms of the Figure of Merit (FM):

FM = The number of words of assembly language code plus the

number of clock ticks required to execute the algorithm.

Page 91: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 5.1

Write a MIPS assembly language program to

find the Sum of the first 100 words of data in

the memory data segment with the label “chico”.

Store the resulting sum in the next memory

location beyond the end of the array chico.

Page 92: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 5.1 (Pseudo Code)

$a0 = &chico; # “&” means “Address of”

$t0 = 0;

For ($t1= 100; $t1 > 0; $t1= $t1- 1)


$t0 = $t0 + Mem($a0);

$a0 = $a0 + 4;


Mem($a0) = $t0;

Page 93: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 5.1 (MIPS Assembly Language)Label Op-Code Dest. S1, S2 Comments

.datachico: .space 400result: .word

.globl main


la $a0, chico # Load address pointerli $t0, 0 # Clear sumli $t1, 100 # Initialize loop count

loop:lw $t2, 0($a0) # $t2 = Mem(a0)add $t0, $t0, $t2 # $t0 = $t0 + $t2addi $a0, $a0, 4 # Inc. address pointeraddi $t1, $t1, -1 # Dec. loop countbgtz $t1, loop # if ($t1 > 0) branch sw $t0, 0($a0) # Store the resultli $v0, 10 # End of programsyscall

Page 94: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exam Question #4The following code segment is stored in memory starting at memory location 0x00067890. What are the two possible values for the contents of the PC after the branch instruction has executed? 0x________ 0x

andi $t3, $t1, 1 #bnez $t3, test #add $t1, $s1, $s0 #


Page 95: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Solution to Exam#1 - Pseudocode

###### Solution to Exam# 1 ######### a0 = 0# t0 = &M# t1 = Mem(t0)# t2 = Mem(t0 + 4)# t3 = t1 & 1# if (t3 == 0) t1 = t1 +1# do {a0 = a0 + t1# t1 = t1 + 2# } while ( t1 <= t2)# syscall(1) << a0# exit################################

Page 96: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

MIPS Assembly Language Code.data

M: .word 4N: .word 10


li $a0, 0la $t0, Mlw $t1, 0($t0)lw $t2, 4($t0)andi $t3, $t1, 1bnez $t3, testaddi $t1, $t1, 1b test

loop:add $a0, $a0, $t1addi $t1, $t1, 2

test:ble $t1, $t2, loopli $v0, 1syscallli $v0, 10syscall

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MIPS Assembly Language Programming

Bob Britton, Instructor

Lesson #10

Page 98: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 5.2

Write an efficient segment of MIPS assembly language code to transfer a block of 100 words starting at memory location “SRC” to another area of memory beginning at memory location “DEST”.

Page 99: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 5.2 (Pseudo Code)

$a1= &SRC; # “&” means “Address of”

$a2= &DEST;

for ($t0 = 100; $t0 > 0; $t0 =$t0 -1)

{$t1 = Mem($a1);

Mem($a2) = $t1;

$a1= $a1 + 4;

$a2= $a2 + 4;


Page 100: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 5.2 (MIPS Assembly Language)

Label Op-Code Dest. S1, S2 Comments


SRC: .space 400

DEST: .space 400

.globl main



la $a1, SRC # $a1 = &SRC

la $a2, DEST #$a2 = &DEST

li $t0, 100 #$t0 = 100

loop: lw $t1, 0($a1) #$t1= Mem($a1)

sw $t1, 0($a2) #Mem($a2) = $t1

addi $a1, $a1,4 #$a1 = $a1+4

addi $a2, $a2,4 #$a2 = $a2+4

addi $t0, $t0, -1 # $t0 = $t0 - 1

bgtz $t0, loop #Branch if $t0 > 0

li $v0, 10


Page 101: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 5.3

Write a MIPS function which accepts an integer

word in register $a0 and returns its absolute value in $a0.

Also show an example code segment that calls the ABS function twice, to test the function.

Page 102: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 5.3 (Pseudo Code)

Function ABS($a0);

if ($a0 < 0) $a0 = $0 - $a0;


Page 103: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 5.3 (MIPS Assembly Language)Label Op-Code Dest. S1, S2 Comments


ABS: bgez $a0, return # If ($a0 >= 0) done

sub $a0, $0, $a0 # $a0 = 0 - $a0

return: jr $ra #Return


.globl main


main: li $a0, -9876

jal ABS

li $v0, 1 # Output result


li $a0, 9876

jal ABS

li $v0, 1 # Output result


li $v0,10 # End of program


Page 104: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

MIPS Assembly Language Programming

Bob Britton, Instructor

Lesson #11

Page 105: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 5.4

Write a function PENO (&X, N, SP, SN) that will

find the sum of the positive and negative values

in an array X of length “N”.

"X" the address of an array, passed through $a0.

"N" is the length of the array, passed through $a1.

The procedure should return two values:

(1) The sum of all the positive elements in

the array, passed back through $v0.

(2) The sum of all the negative elements in

the array, passed back through $v1.

Page 106: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 5.4 (Pseudo Code)$v0 = 0;

$v1 = 0;

for ( ; $a1 > 0; $a1 = $a1-1)

{$t0 = Mem($a0);

$t1 = $t0 & 1;

$a0 = $a0 + 4;

if ($t0 > 0 & $t1 = 0) $v0 = $v0 + $t0;

if ($t0 < 0 & $t1 != 0) $v1= $v1+ $t0;



Page 107: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 5.4 (MIPS Assembly Language)Label Op-Code Dest. S1, S2 Comments

.globl SUM


li $v0, 0li $v1, 0

LOOP:lw $t0, 0($a0)andi $t2, $t0, 1addi $a0, $a0, 4bltz $t0, NEGbnez $t2, CHKadd $v0, $v0, $t0b CHK

NEG:beqz $t2, CHKadd $v1, $v1, $t0

CHK:addi $a1, $a1, -1bgtz $a1, LOOPjr $ra

Page 108: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

A Function that takes a Binary Value and prints the equivalent Decimal Representation, Right Justified

This function is similar to the PrintHex function

Except you Divide by 10 instead of 16


Negative values must be preceded by a Minus.

Need to place Leading space spaces (ASCII 20)

into the print buffer.

Page 109: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 5.5Write a function SUM(N) to find the sum of the

integers from 1 to N, making use the multiplication and shifting operations. The value N will be passed to the procedure in $a0 and the result will be returned in the $v0 register.

Write a MIPS assembly language main program that will call the Sum function five times each time passing a different value to the function for N, and printing the results. The values for N are defined below:


N: .word 9, 10, 32666, 32777, 654321

Page 110: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 5.5 (Pseudo Code)

Function SUM (a0: input value, $v0: output value)

$v0 = $a0 + 1;

$v0 = $v0 * $a0;

$v0 = $v0 >> 1 #$v0 / 2;


Page 111: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 5.5 (MIPS Assembly Language)Label Op-Code Dest. S1, S2 Comments

.text SUM:

addi $v0, $a0, 1 # $v0 = $a0 + 1mult $v0, $a0 # $v0 = $v0 * $a0mflo $v0sra $v0, $v0, 1 # Shift right

arithmetic # is the quick way

to # divide by 2jr $ra

Page 112: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

The Main Program.data

N: .word 9, 10, 32666, 32777, 654321


main: li $s0, 5

la $s1, N


lw $a0, 0($s1)

addiu $s1, $s1, 4

jal SUM

move $a0, $v0

li $v0, 1


addi $s0, $s0, -1

bnez $s0, loop

li $v0, 10


Page 113: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

MIPS Assembly Language Programming

Bob Britton, Instructor

Lesson #12

Page 114: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 5.6

Write a function FIB(N, &array) to store the First N elements of the Fibonacci sequence into an array in memory. The value N is passed in $a0, and the address of the arrayis passed in register $a1. The first few numbers of the Fibonacci sequence are: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, ............

Page 115: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 5.6 (Pseudo Code)

Mem($a1) = 1;

Mem($a1 + 4) = 1;

for ($a0 = $a0 - 2; $a0 > 0; $a0 = $a0-1)


Mem($a1+8) = Mem($a1) + Mem($a1+4);

$a1 = $a1 + 4;}


Page 116: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 5.6 (MIPS Assembly Language)Label Op-Code Dest. S1, S2 Comments

fib: li $t0, 1sw $t0, 0($a1)sw $t0, 4($a1)addi $a0, $a0, -2

loop:lw $t0, 0($a1)lw $t1, 4($a1)add $t0, $t0, $t1sw $t0, 8($a1)addi $a1, $a1, 4addi $a0, $a0, -1bgtz $a0, loopjr $ra

Page 117: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 5.7

Write a function that receives 3 integer words in registers $a0, $a1, & $a2, and returns them in ordered form with the minimum value in $a0 and the maximum value in $a2.

Page 118: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 5.7 (Pseudo Code)

Function Order($a0,$a1,$a2);

If ($a0 > $a1) exchange $a0 and $a1;

if ($a1 > $a2) exchange $a1 and $a2 else return;

If ($a0 > $a1) exchange $a0 and $a1;


Page 119: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 5.7 (MIPS Assembly Language)Label Op-Code Dest. S1, S2 Comments



ble $a0, $a1, next

move $t0, $a1

move $a1, $a0

move $a0, $t0


ble $a1, $a2, done

move $t0, $a2

move $a2, $a1

move $a1, $t0

ble $a0, $a1, done

move $t0, $a1

move $a1, $a0

move $a0, $t0

done: jr $ra

Page 120: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 5.8Write the complete assembly language program,including

data declarations, that corresponds to the following C code fragment.

Make use of the fact that multiplication and division by

powers of 2 can be performed most efficiently by shifting.

int main()

{ int K, Y ;

int Z[50] ;

Y = 56 ;

K = 20 ;

Z[K] = Y - 16 * ( K / 4 + 210) ;


Page 121: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 5.8 (MIPS Assembly Language)Label Op-Code Dest. S1, S2 Comments

.globl main


K: .space 4

Y: .space 1

Z: .space 50


main: la t3, K

li $t0, 56

sw $t0, 4($t3) # Y= 56

li $t1, 20

sw $t1, 0($t3) # K= 20

sra $t1, $t1, 2 # K/4

addi $t1, $t1, 210 # K/4 + 210

sll $t1, $t1, 4 # --- x 16

sub $t2, $t0, $t1 # t2= Y – 16 * (K / 4 + 210) lw $t1, 0($t3) # t1=K

sll $t1, $t1, 2 # scale K

addu $t1, $t1, $t3 # t1= & Z[k] - 8

sw $t2, 8($t1) # Z[K]= Y-16*(k/4+210)

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MIPS Assembly Language Programming

Bob Britton, Instructor

Lesson #13

Page 123: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Functional Descriptions of Code Modules

A functional description will provide the information anyone needs to know if they are searching for a function that would be useful is solving some larger programming assignment. The functional description only describes what the function does, not how it is done. The functional description must explain how arguments are passed to the function and how results are returned. The following is an example functional description: Hexout($a0: value)A 32-bit binary value is passed to the function in register $a0 and the hexadecimal equivalent is printed out right justified.

Page 124: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 5.9

Write a function to search through an array “X” of “N” words to find the minimum and maximum values. The address of the array will be passed to the function using register $a0, and the number of words in the array will be passed in register $a1. The minimum and maximum values are returned in registers $v0, & $v1.

Page 125: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 5.9 (Pseudo Code)MaxMin ($a0: address, $a1: number of words)$v0 = Mem($a0); $v1 = $v0;$a1 = $a1 - 1;While ($a1 > 0)

{$a0 = $a0 + 4;$t0 = Mem($a0);if ($t0 < $v0) $v0 = $t0;else if ($t0 > $v1) $v1 = $t0;$a1= $a1 - 1;}


Page 126: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 5.9 (MIPS Assembly Language)Label Op-Code Dest. S1, S2 Comments

MaxMin:lw $v0, 0($a0)move $v1, $v0addi $a1, $a1, -1blez $a1, ret

loop:addi $a0, $a0, 4lw $t0, 0($a0)bge $t0, $v0, nextmove $v0, $t0b chk

next:ble $t0, $v1, chkmove $v1, $t0

chk:addi $a1, $a1, -1bgtz $a1, loop

ret:jr $ra

Page 127: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 5.10

Write a function to find the sum of the main diagonal elements in a two dimensional N by N array of 32 bit words. The address of the array and the size N are passed to the procedure in registers $a0 and $a1 respectively.

The result is returned in $v0.

The values in registers $a0 and $a1 should not be modified by this procedure.Calculate the number of clock cycles required to execute your algorithm, assuming N=4

Page 128: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 5.10 (Pseudocode)

$v0 = Mem($a0);

$t1 = $a0;

$t3=($a1+1) * 4;

for ($t0 = $a1-1; $t0 > 0, $t0= $t0-1)

{$t1= $t1+ $t3;

$v0= $v0 + Mem($t1) }


Page 129: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 5.10 (MIPS Assembly Language)Label Op-Code Dest. S1, S2 Comments


lw $v0, 0($a0) # v0 = first elementmove $t1, $a0addi $t3, $a1, 1 # compute offsetsll $t3, $t3, 2 # multiply by 4addi $t0, $a1, -1 # init. loop countblez $t0, return

loop: add $t1, $t1, $t3 # calc. next addresslw $t2, 0($t1) # t2=Mem(t1)add $v0, $v0, $t2 # add to sumaddi $t0, $t0, -1 # decrement loop countbgtz $t0, loop

return: jr $ra

Page 130: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 5.11

Write a function to find the determinant of a two by two matrix (array). The address of the array is passed to the function in registers $a0 and the result is returned in $v0. The value in register $a0 should not be modified by this function.

Calculate the number of clock ticks required to execute your algorithm.

Page 131: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 5.11 (Pseudocode)

$v0 = Mem($a0) * Mem($a0+12) - Mem($a0+4) * Mem($a0+8);


Page 132: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 5.11 (MIPS Assembly Language)

Label Op-Code Dest. S1, S2 Comments

.globl determ2



lw $t0, 0($a0)

lw $t1, 12($a0)

mult $t1, $t0

mflo $v0

lw $t0, 4($a0)

lw $t1, 8($a0)

mult $t1, $t0

mflo $t0

sub $v0, $v0, $t0


jr $ra

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MIPS Assembly Language Programming

Bob Britton, Instructor

Lesson #14

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Exercise 5.12

Write a MIPS assembly language function that accepts a binary number in register $a0 and returns a value corresponding to the number of one’s in the binary number.

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Exercise 5.12(Pseudocode)

$v0 = 0;

while ($a0 = !0)


$t0 = $a0 & 1;

$a0 = $a0 >> 1;

$v0 = $v0 + $t0;



Page 136: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 5.12 (MIPS Assembly Language)Label Op-Code Dest. S1, S2 Comments

.globl count



li $v0, 0


andi $t0, $a0, 1

srl $a0, $a0, 1

add $v0, $v0, $t0

bnez $a0, while

jr $ra

Page 137: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 5.13

Translate the following pseudocode expression to MIPS assembly language code. Include code to insure that there is no array bounds violation when the store word (sw) instruction is executed. Note that the array “zap” is an array containing 50 words, thus the value in register $a0 must be in the range from 0 to 196. Include code to insure that the value in register $a0 is a word address offset into the array “zap.” If an array bounds violation is detected or the value in register $a0 is not a word address offset then branch to the label “Error.”


zap: .space 200


. . .

zap[$a0] = $s0

Page 138: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 5.13 (Pseudocode)

$t0 = $a0 & 3;

If ($t0 != 0 ) go to Error;

if ($a0 < 0) go to Error

if ($a0 > 196) go to Error

$t0 = &zap

$a0 = $a0 + $t0

Mem($a0) = $s0;

Page 139: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 5.13 (MIPS Assembly Language)Label Op-Code Dest. S1, S2 Comments

.datazap: .space 200

.textandi $t0, $a0, 3bnez $t0, Errorbltz $a0, Errorli $t0, 196bgt $a0, $t0, Errorla $t0, zapadd $a0, $a0, $t0sw $s0, 0($a0)

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MIPS Assembly Language Programming

Bob Britton, Instructor

Lesson #15

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Exercise 5.14

Write a function to search through an array “X” of “N” words to find how many of the values are evenly divisible by four. The address of the array will be passed to the function using register $a0, and the number of words in the array will be passed in register $a1. Return the results in register $v0.

Page 142: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 5.14 (Pseudocode)

$v0 = 0;

$t3 = 3;

For ( ; $a1 > 0; $a1= $a1- 1)

{ $t2 = Mem ($a0);

$a0 = $a0 + 4;

$t0 = $t2 & t3;

If ($t0 == 0 ) $v0 = $v0 + 1;



Page 143: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 5.14 (MIPS Assembly Language)Label Op-Code Dest. S1,

S2 Comments

Div4:li $v0, 0li $t3, 3b skip

loop:lw $t2, 0($a0)addi $a0, $a0, 4and $t0, $t2, $t3bnez $t0, skipaddi $v0, $v0, 1

skip:addi $a1, $a1, -

1bgez $a1, loopjr $ra

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Chapter 6Passing Arguments on the Stack

Program Counter (PC)

Instruction Register

Register File


Cache Memory

Data In







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The Stack is in Memory and Register $sp Points to the Top of Stack

Page 146: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Chapter 6Passing Arguments on the StackAn Example of Jack calling Jill(A, B, C, D, E)

addiu $sp, $sp, -24 # Allocate Space on the Stacksw $t1, 0($sp) # First In Parameter “A” at Mem[Sp]sw $t2, 4($sp) # Second In Parameter “B” at Mem[Sp+ 4]sw $t3, 8($sp) # Third In Parameter “C” at Mem[Sp+ 8]sw $ra, 20($sp) # Save Return addressjal JILL # Call the Functionlw $ra, 20($sp) # Restore Return Address to Main Programlw $t4, 12($sp) # Get First Out Parameter “D” at Mem[Sp+12]lw $t5, 16($sp) # Get Second Out Parameter “E” at Mem[Sp+16]addiu $sp, $sp, 24 # De-allocate Space on the Stack

Page 147: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Example of Jill accessing the Stack

JILL:lw $a0, 0($sp) # Get First In Parameter “A” at Mem[Sp]lw $a1, 4($sp) # Get Second In Parameter “B” at Mem[Sp+4]lw $a2, 8($sp) # Get Third In Parameter “C” at Mem[Sp+8] . . .. . . <Body of Function>. . .sw $v0, 12($sp) # First Out Parameter “D” at Mem[Sp+12]sw $v1, 16($sp) # Second Out Parameter “E” at Mem[Sp+16]jr $ra # Return to JACK

Page 148: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Example of Jack Saving Important Temporary Registersaddiu $sp, $sp, -32 # Allocate More Space on the Stack <####sw $t1, 0($sp) # First In Parameter “A” at Mem[Sp]sw $t2, 4($sp) # Second In Parameter “B” at Mem[Sp+ 4]sw $t3, 8($sp) # Third In Parameter “C” at Mem[Sp+ 8]sw $ra, 20($sp) # Save Return addresssw $t8, 24($sp) # Save $t8 on the stack <####sw $t9, 28($sp) # Save $t9 on the stack <####jal JILL # call the Functionlw $t8, 24($sp) # Restore $t8 from the stack <####lw $t9, 28($sp) # Restore $t9 from the stack <####lw $ra, 20($sp) # Restore Return Address to Main Programlw $t4, 12($sp) # Get First Out Parameter “D” at Mem[Sp+12]lw $t5, 16($sp) # Get Second Out Parameter “E” at Mem[Sp+16]addiu $sp, $sp, 32 # De-allocate Space on the Stack <####

Page 149: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

What if Jill Needs Additional Local Variables?

addiu $sp, $sp, -16 # Allocate Space for a Temporary arraymove $a0, $sp # Initialize a pointer in $a0 to the array

<Use the array on the stack>addiu $sp, $sp, 16 # Deallocate Temporary Space


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MIPS Assembly Language Programming

Bob Britton, Instructor

Lesson #16

Page 151: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 6.1

MinMax (&X, N, Min, Max)

Write a function to search through an array 'X' of 'N' words to find the minimum and maximum values.

The parameters &X and N are passed to the function on the stack, and the minimum and maximum values are returned on the stack. (Show how MinMax is called)

Page 152: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 6.1 (Pseudocode)MinMax(&X:$t1, N:$t2, min:$t8, max:$t9)

$t1 = Mem($sp); $t2 = Mem($sp+4);$t8 = Mem($t1); $t9 = $t8;$t2 = $t2 - 1;While ($t2 > 0)

{$t1 = $t1 + 4;$t0 = Mem($t1);if ($t0 < $t8) $t8 = $t0;else if ($t0 > $t9) $t9 = $t0;$t2= $t2 - 1;}

Mem($sp+8) = $t8;

Mem($sp+12) = $t9;

Page 153: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 6.1 (MIPS Assembly Language)Label Op-Code Dest. S1, S2 Comments

##### An Example of calling the function #####


array .space 400


addiu $sp, $sp, -16

la $t0, array

sw $t0, 0($sp)

li $t0, 100

sw $t0, 4($sp)

jal MinMax

lw $t0, 8($sp)

lw $t1, 12($sp)

addiu $sp, $sp, 16

Page 154: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 6.1 MinMax(&X:$t1, N:$t2, min:$t8, max:$t9) Label Op-Code Dest. S1, S2 Comments

.text MinMax:

lw $t1, 0($sp) # get &Xlw $t2, 4($sp) # get Nlw $t8, 0($t1) # Init. minmove $t9, $t8 # Init. maxaddi $t2, $t2, -1blez $t2, ret

loop:addiu $t1, $t1, 4lw $t0, 0($t1)bge $t0, $t8, nextmove $t8, $t0b chk

next:ble $t0, $t9, chkmove $t9, $t0

chk:addi $t2, $t2, -1bgtz $t2, loop

ret:sw $t8, 8($sp) # put minsw $t9, 12($sp) # put maxjr $ra

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MIPS Assembly Language Programming

Bob Britton, Instructor

Lesson #17

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Memory Layout







Text Segment

Data Segment

Stack Segment

Operating System

Page 157: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 6.2

Search(&X, N, V, L)

Write a function to sequentially search an array X of N bytes for the relative location L of a value V.

The parameters &X, N, and V are passed to the procedure on the stack, and the relative location L

(a number ranging from 1 to N) is returned on the stack.

If the value V is not found the value -1 is returned for L.

Page 158: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 6.2 (Pseudocode)$t3= Mem(sp); # get &X$t1= Mem($sp + 4); # get N$t0= Mem($sp + 8); # get V$t2=$t1;for ($t2 = $t2 - 1; $t2 >= 0; $t2= $t2 - 1) { $t4 = mem($t3); $t3=$t3 + 1; if ( $t4 == $t0) go to found; }Mem(sp + 12) = -1;go to exit;

found: Mem(sp + 12) = $t1- $t2;

exit: return;

Page 159: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 6.2 (MIPS Assembly Language)Label Op-Code Dest. S1, S2 Comments


lw $t3, 0($sp) # get &Xlw $t1, 4($sp) # get Nlw $t0, 8($sp) # get Vmove $t2, $t1 addi $t2, $t2, -1 # t2 = N - 1

loop:lbu $t4, 0($t3) # get a characteraddiu $t3, $t3, 1 # increment pointerbeq $t4, $t0, foundaddi $t2, $t2, -1 # decrement loop counterbgez $t2, loopli $t4, -1sw $t4, 12($sp)b exit

found:sub $t1, $t1, $t2sw $t1, 12($sp)

exit: jr $ra

Page 160: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 6.3Scan(&X, N, U, L, D)Write a function to scan an array 'X' of 'N' bytes counting how many bytes are ASCII codes for:

a. upper case letters - Ub. lower case letters - Lc. decimal digits - D

 Return the counts on the stack. The address of the array and the number of bytes N will be passed to the function on the stack.

Write a short main program to test this function.

Page 161: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

A Main Program to Test the Scan Function.data

string: .asciiz “The Quick Fox 0123456789”.text

main: ----------addiu $sp, $sp, -20 # Allocatela $t0, stringsw $t0, 0($sp)li $t0, 24sw $t0, 4($sp)

 jal Scan

lw $t0, 8($sp)lw $t1, 12($sp)lw $t2, 16($sp)addi $sp, $sp, 20 # Deallocate


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Exercise 6.3 (Pseudocode)Scan(&X:$t6, N:$t2, U:$t3, L:$t4, D:$t5)$t6 = Mem(sp) # &X$t2 = Mem(sp+4) # N$t3=$t4=$t5=0;For ( ; $t2> 0; $t2=$t2-1) { $t1 = mem($t6) # get a byte$t6 = $t6 + 1if ( $t1 >= 65 && $t1 <= 90 ) $t3 = $t3+1;else if ( $t1 >= 97 && $t1 <= 122) $t4=$t4+1;else if ( $t1 >= 48 && $t1 <= 57 ) $t5=$t5+1;}Mem(sp + 8 ) = $t3;Mem(sp + 12 ) = $t4;Mem(sp + 16 ) = $t5;return;

Page 163: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 6.3 (Assembly Language Initialize) Scan(&X:$t6, N:$t2, U:$t3, L:$t4, D:$t5)

Label Op-Code Dest. S1, S2 Comments


lw $t6, 0($sp) # Get &X

lw $t2, 4($sp) # Get Value N

li $t3, 0 # Count of Upper Case

li $t4, 0 # Count of Lower Case

li $t5, 0 # Count of Decimal Digits

blez $t2, done

li $t0, 48 # ASCII “0”

li $t9, 57 # ASCII “9”

li $t7, 97 # ASCII “a”

li $t8, 122 # ASCII “z”

addiu $sp, $sp, -8 # Allocate Temp Space

sw $s6, 0($sp) # Save s6

sw $s7, 4($sp) # Save s7

li $s6, 65 # ASCII “A”

li $s7, 90 # ASCII “Z”

Page 164: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 6.3 (Assembly Language Body)Label Op-Code Dest. S1, S2 Comments

loop: lbu $t1, 0($t6)

addi $t6, $t6, 1

blt $t1, $s6, num # “A”

bgt $t1, $s7, lowc # “Z”

addi $t3, $t3, 1

b check


blt $t1, $t7, check # “a”

bgt $t1, $t8, check # “z”

addi $t4, $t4, 1

b check


blt $t1, $t0, check # “0”

bgt $t1, $t9, check # “9”

addi $t5, $t5, 1


addi $t2, $t2, -1

bgtz $t2, loop

Page 165: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 6.3 (Assembly Language Continued)

Label Op-Code Dest. S1, S2 Comments

lw $s6, 0($sp) # Restore s6

lw $s7, 4($sp) # Restore s7

addiu $sp, $sp, -8 # Deallocate Temp Space

sw $t3, 8($sp)

sw $t4, 12($sp)

sw $t5, 16($sp)

jr $ra

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MIPS Assembly Language Programming

Bob Britton, Instructor

Lesson #18

Page 167: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 6.4Hypotenuse(A, B, H) This is an exercise in calling nested functions and passing parameters on the stack.

Write a function to find the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle whose sides are of length A and B. Assume that a math library function “sqr (V, R)” is available, which will compute the square root of any positive value V, and return the square root result R.

Write a main program to test this function.

Page 168: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

A Main Program to test hypotenusemain:

addi $sp, $sp, -12 # allocateli $t0, 3sw $t0, 0($sp)li $t0, 4sw $t0, 4($sp)

jal hypotenuse

lw $a0, 8($sp) # get resultaddi $sp, $sp, 12 # deallocateli $v0, 1 # print resultsyscallli $v0, 10syscall

Page 169: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 6.4 (Pseudocode)

t0 = Mem(sp);t1 = Mem(sp+4);Mem(sp+8) = sqr ( t0*t0 + t1*t1 ) ;return

Page 170: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 6.4 (Assembly Language)Label Op-Code Dest. S1, S2 Comments


lw $t0, 0($sp) # Get A

lw $t1, 4($sp) # Get B

mult $t0, $t0

mflo $t0

mult $t1, $t1

mflo $t1

add $t0, $t0, $t1

addi $sp,$sp, -12 # Allocate

sw $t0, 0($sp) # Pass Value to sqr

sw $ra, 8($sp) # Save ra

jal sqr # Call sqr

lw $t0, 4($sp) # Get sqr Result

lw $ra, 8($sp) # Restore ra

addi $sp, $sp, 12 # Deallocate

sw $t0, 8($sp) # Return Hypotenuse

jr $ra

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MIPS Assembly Language Programming

Bob Britton, Instructor

Lesson #19

Page 172: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 6.5AVA (&X, &Y, &Z, N, status)

Write a function to perform an absolute value vector addition. Use the stack to pass parameters. The parameters are: the starting address of three different word arrays (vectors) : X, Y, Z, and an integer value N specifying the size of the vectors.

If overflow ever occurs when executing this function, an error status of “1” should be returned and the function aborts any further processing. Otherwise, return the value “0” for status. The function will perform the vector addition:  Xi = | Yi | + | Zi | ; with i going from 0 to N - 1. Also write a main program to test this function.

Page 173: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Example code for testing the AVA function

Label Op-Code Dest. S1, S2 Comments`.data

zig: .space 20zag: .word 345, 765, -234567, 2345, 999zonk: .word -38645, 765987, 67, 3215, 444msg: .asciiz “Overflow Occurred”

.textmain: addi $sp, $sp, -20 # Allocate

la $s0, zigsw $s0, 0($sp)la $s0, zagsw $s0, 4($sp)la $s0, zonksw $s0, 8($sp)li $s0, 5sw $s0, 12($sp)jal AVAlw $s0, 16($sp)addi $sp, $sp, 20 # Deallocatebeqz $s0, doneli $v0, 4la $a0, msgsyscall

done: li $v0, 10syscall

Page 174: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 6.5 (Pseudocode)AVA(&X:$t6, &Y:$t7, &Z:$t8, N:$t0, status) $t6 = Mem($sp);$t7 = Mem($sp+4);$t8 = Mem($sp+8);$t0= Mem ($sp+12);for ( ; $t0 > 0 ; $t0 = $t0 - 1)

{ $t1= Mem($t7); $t7 = $t7 + 4; if ($t1 < 0) $t1 = 0 - $t1; $t2= Mem($t8); $t8 = $t8 + 4; if ($t2 < 0) $t2 = 0 - $t2; $t1 = $t1 + $t2; if ($t1< 0) go to ovf; Mem($t6) = $t1; $t6 = $t6 + 4;

}Mem($sp+16) = 0;returnovf: Mem($sp+16) = 1; return

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Exercise 6.5 (Assembly Language)Label Op-Code Dest. S1, S2 Comments.text

AVA: lw $t6, 0($sp) # Get &Xlw $t7, 4($sp) # Get &Ylw $t8, 8($sp) # Get &Zlw $t0, 12($sp) # Get N

loop: lw $t1, 0($t7)addiu $t7, $t7, 4bgez $t1, nextsub $t1, $0, $t1

next: lw $t2, 0($t8)addiu $t8, $t8, 4bgez $t2, sumsub $t2, $0, $t2

sum: add $t1, $t1, $t2bltz $t1, ovfsw $t1, 0($t6)addiu $t6, $t6, 4addi $t0, $t0, -1bgtz $t0, loopsw $0, 16($sp)jr $ra

ovf:li $t0, 1sw $t0, 16($sp)jr $ra

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MIPS Assembly Language Programming

Bob Britton, Instructor

Lesson #20

Page 177: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 6.6Fibonacci (N, E)Write an function to return the Nth element in the Fibonacci sequence. A value N is passed to the function on the stack, and the Nth Fibonacci number E is returned on the stack.

If N is greater than 46 overflow will occur, so return a value of 0 if N is greater than 46. Also show an example of calling this function to return the 10th element in the sequence.

The first few numbers in the Fibonacci sequence are: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5 . . . .

Page 178: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Example Code to Test FibonacciLabel Op-Code Dest. S1, S2 Comments

.datamsg: .asciiz “Can not Compute Correct Result”

.textmain: addi $sp, $sp, -8 # Allocate

li $t0, 10 # Pass argument to Fibsw $t0, 0($sp)jal Fib # Call Fibonaccilw $a0, 4($sp) # Get result backaddi $sp, $sp, 8 # Deallocatebgtz $a0, doneli $v0, 4la $a0, msgsyscall

done: li $v0, 1 # Print resultsyscall li $v0, 10syscall

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Exercise 6.6 (Pseudocode)$t0 = Mem($sp);if ($t0 > 46) {Mem($sp+4) = 0; Return;} If ($t0 > 1)

{$t1 = 0; $t2 = 1;For ($t0 = $t0 - 1; $t0 > 0; $t0 = $t0 - 1){$t3 = $t2 + $t1;$t1= $t2; $t2 = $t3}

} else $t3= $t0;Mem($sp+4) = $t3;Return

Page 180: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 6.6 (Fibonacci Assembly Language)Label Op-Code Dest. S1, S2 CommentsFib:

lw $t0, 0($sp) # Get Nbltz $t0, erroraddi $t1, $t0, -46bgtz $t1, errorli $t1, 0li $t2, 1move $t3, $t0addi $t0, $t0, -1blez $t0, done

loop:add $t3, $t2, $t1move $t1, $t2,move $t2, $t3addi $t0, $t0, -1bgtz $t0, loop

done:sw $t3, 4($sp) # Return Nth Fibonacci numberjr $ra

error:sw $0, 4($sp)jr $ra

Page 181: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Fibonacci (A Very Efficient Method).data

fibnum: .word 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,233,377,610,987,1597,2584,4181,.word 6765,10946,17711,28657,46368,75025,121393,196418,317811,514229,.word 832040,1346269,2178309,3524578,5702887,9227465,14930352,24157817,.word 39088169,63245986,102334155,165580141,267914296,.word 433494437,701408733,1134903170,1836311903.text

fib:lw $t0, 0($sp)bltz $t0, erroraddi $t1, $t0, -46bgtz $t1, errorsll $t0, $t0, 2la $t1, fibnumaddu $t0, $t1, $t0lw $t0, 0($t0)sw $t0, 4($sp)jr $ra

error:sw $0, 4($sp)jr $ra

Page 182: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 6.7BubSort (&X, N)Write a function to sort an array ‘“ X ” of ‘“N” words into ascending order using the bubble sort algorithm.

The address of the array and the value N will be passed to the function on the stack.

Show how the sort function is called.

Example Assembly Language Code to Call Sort(&Z, 1000)addi $sp, $sp, -8la $t0, zsw $t0, 0($sp)li $t0, 1000sw $t0, 4($sp)jal sortaddi $sp, $sp, 8

Page 183: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 6.7 (Pseudocode)BubSort (&X:$t3, N:$t0)

$t0 = Mem($sp+4);Again:

$t0 = $t0 - 1;$t2=0;$t3= Mem($sp);For ($t1= $t0; $t1 > 0; $t1 = $t1-1)

{If ( Mem($t3) > Mem($t3+4) ) then{exchange Mem($t3) & Mem($t3+4)$t2=1}

$t3= $t3 +4;}

If ($t2 == 1) go to Againelse return

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Exercise 6.7 (Assembly Language)Label Op-Code Dest. S1, S2 CommentsBubSort:

lw $t0, 4($sp) # Get Nagain:

addi $t0, $t0, -1li $t2, 0 # Clear flaglw $t3, 0($sp) # Get pointer to arraymove $t1, $t0, # Init. loop count

loop:lw $t8, 0($t3)lw $t9, 4($t3)ble $t8, $t9, nextsw $t8, 4($t3) # Swap valuessw $t9, 0($t3)li $t2, 1 # Set Flag

next:addi $t3, $t3, 4 # Inc. pointeraddi $t1, $t1, -1 # Dec. loop countbgtz $t1, loop

bnez $t2, againjr $ra

Page 185: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 6.8RipSort (&X, N)Write a function to sort an array “X” of “N” words into ascending order using the ripple sort algorithm.

The address of the array and the value N will be passed to the function on the stack.

Page 186: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 6.8 (Pseudocode)Function Ripsort (&X:$t3, N:$t0);$t0= Mem($sp+4);$t3= Mem($sp);For ($t0 = $t0 - 1; $t0 > 0; $t0 = $t0 -1)

{$t8 = Mem($t3); $t3 = $t3 + 4; $t4 = $t3; For ($t5 = $t0; $t5 > 0; $t5 = $t5 -1) {$t9 = Mem($t4); $t4 = $t4 + 4; if ($t8 > $t9)

{Mem($t3 - 4) = $t9; Mem($t4 - 4) = $t8;}



Page 187: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 6.8 (Assembly Language)Label Op-Code Dest. S1, S2 CommentsRipsort:

lw $t0, 4($sp) # Get Nlw $t3, 0($sp) # Get &Xaddi $t0, $t0, -1

loop1:lw $t8, 0($t3)addi $t3, $t3, 4move $t4, $t3

loop2:move $t5, $t0lw $t9, 0($t4)addi $t4, $t4, 4ble $t8, $t9, checksw $t9, -4($t3)sw $t8, -4($t4)

check:addi $t5, $t5, -1bgtz $t5 , loop2

next:addi $t0, $t0, -1bgtz $t0, loop1jr $ra

Page 188: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 6.9Roots(a, b, c, Status, R1, R2)This is an exercise in nested function calls and passing parameters on the stack.

Write a procedure to calculate the roots of any quadratic equation of the form y = a*x2 + b*x + c where the integer values a, b, and c are passed to the function on the stack. Status should indicate the nature of the results returned as indicated below: 0 : 2 real roots R1 & R21 : 1 real root in R1= -a/b2 : 2 complex roots of the form (R1 + i R2)3 : no roots computed (error)Assume that a math library function “sqr” is available, that will compute the square root of a positive argument.

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Exercise 6.9 (Roots Pseudocode)$t0 = Mem($sp);$t1 = Mem($sp+ 4);$t2 = Mem($sp+8);if ($t2 = 0) {Mem($sp+12)=1; Mem($sp+16)= -$t0/$t1}else

{$t4 = $t1;$t4 = $t1*$t4; b2$t3 = $t2*$t1; a*cshift $t3 left by 2;$t4 =$t4-$t3 b2 - 4acif ($t4 > 0) {Mem($sp+16)=0;

$t4 = sqr($t4);Mem($sp+16) = sra[(- $t1+ $t4)/ $t0]Mem($sp+20) = sra[(- $t1- $t4)/ $t0] }

else {Mem($sp+12)= 2; Mem($sp+16) =Mem($sp+20) =

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Exercise 6.9 (Assembly Language)

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MIPS Assembly Language Programming

Bob Britton, Instructor

Lesson #21

Page 192: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Reentrant Functions

It is important that all shared operating system functionsand library functions running on a multi-tasking computersystem be reentrant. (Examples: text-editor or compiler)

Rules for Writing Reentrant Code:•All local variables are dynamically allocated on the stack.•No read/write data in the global data segment.

Page 193: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Reentrant I/O Functions

System services to perform I/O should be reentrant. In Chapter Five we discussed the algorithms to perform I/O in decimal and hexadecimal representation. To make these functions reentrant, allocation of space for character buffers must be removed from the global data segment and code must be inserted into the functions to dynamically allocate space on the stack for character buffers. Lets suppose you want to allocate space on the stack for an input buffer of 32 characters, initialize a pointer in $a0 to point to the first character in this buffer, and then read in a string of characters from the keyboard. This can be accomplished with the following instructions. 

addiu $sp, $sp, -32 # Allocate Space on top of stackmove $a0, $sp # Initialize $a0 as a pointer to the bufferli $a1, 32 # Specify length of bufferli $v0, 8 # System call code for Read Stringsyscall

Page 194: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 7.1 ReverseWrite a reentrant function that will read in a string of characters

(60 Characters Maximum) and will print out string in reverse.

For Example the input string “July is Hot”will be printed out as “toH si yluJ”.

See Appendix ARead String has the same semantics as the Unix library routine fgets. It reads up to n – 1 characters into a buffer and terminates the string

with a null byte. If fewer than n – 1 characters are on the current line, Read String reads up to and including the newline and again

null-terminates the string

J u l y i s H o t

Page 195: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 7.1 (Pseudocode)sp = sp – 128; # Allocate space for 2 buffers 64 bytes eacha0 = sp; # Initialize pointer to input buffera1 = 61;v0 = 8;syscall; # Read a stringa1= sp + 127; # Initialize pointer to end out output buffermem(a1) = 0; # null terminator

loop:t1 = mem(a0);a0 = a0 +1;if (t1 == 10) go to print;a1 = a1 –1;mem(a1) = t1;go to loop;

print:a0 = a1;v0 = 4;syscall;sp = sp + 128; # Allocate space return

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Exercise 7.1 (Assembly Language)rev: addi $sp, $sp, – 128 # Allocate buffer space ######

move $a0, $sp # Initialize pointer li $a1 , 61li $v0, 8li $t4, 10syscall # Read a stringaddi $a1, $sp, 127 # Initialize pointer to endsb $0, 0($a1) # null terminator

loop:lb $t1, 0($a0)addi $a0, $a0, 1beq $t1, $t4, printaddi $a1, $a1, –1sb $t1, 0($a1) b loop

print:li $a0, $a1li $v0, 4syscalladdi $sp, $sp, 128 # De-allocate buffer space ####jr $ra

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MIPS Assembly Language Programming

Bob Britton, Instructor

Lesson #22

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Exercise 7.2Palindrome (b) Write a reentrant function that will determine if a string is a palindrome. The function should read in a string (14 characters max) placing them in a buffer on the stack.

This procedure should call a “Search” function to determine the exact number of actual alphabetic characters in the string.

A Boolean value of true or false (1 or 0) will be returned on the stack to indicate if the string is a palindrome.

Page 199: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 7.2 (Palindrome Pseudocode)

sp = sp - 16 # allocate buffer on stack #######a0 = sp # address of buffera1 = 16 # length of buffersyscall (8) # read a stringsp = sp - 20 # allocate parameter space *******Mem(sp) = a0 # address of stringMem(sp+4) = 16 # length NMem(sp+8)=10 # new line charMem(sp+16) = $ra # save return addresscall srch$ra = Mem(sp+16) # restore return addresst8 = Mem(sp+12) # location of \nsp = sp + 20 # deallocate parameters space *****

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Exercise 7.2 Palindrome Continued

t 7 = sp # address of buffert8 = t7 + t8 - 2 # address of string endt2 = 1 # set Boolean value to true

loop:if (t7 >= t8) go to endt0 = mem(t7)t1 = mem(t8)t7 = t7 + 1t8 = t8 -1if (t0 == t1) go to loopt2=0

end:sp = sp + 16 # deallocate string buffer space ####Mem(sp) = t2return

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Exercise 7.2 (Palindrome Assembly Language)

pal:addi $sp, $sp, -16 #@@@@@@@@@move $a0, $sp # Init. buffer addressli $a1, 16li $v0, 8syscalladdi $sp, $sp, -20 #<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<sw $t7, 0($sp)li $t0, 16sw $t0, 4($sp)li $t0, 10sw $t0, 8($sp)sw $ra, 16($sp)jal srch # Call Search(&X, N, V, L)lw $ra, 16($sp)lw $t8, 12($sp)addi $sp, $sp, 20 #<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

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Exercise 7.2 (Palindrome Assembly Language)

move $t 7, $sp # address of bufferadd $t8, $t8, $t7addi $t8, $t8, -2 # init right pointerli $t2, 1

loop:bge $t7, $t8, endlbu $t0, 0($t7)lbu $t1, 0($t8)addi $t7, $t7, 1addi $t8, $t8, -1beq $t0, $t1, loopli $t2, 0

end:addi $sp, $sp, 16 #@@@@@@@@@@sw $t2, 0($sp)jr $ra

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MIPS Assembly Language Programming

Bob Britton, Instructor

Lesson #23

Page 204: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 7.6

Write an efficient MIPS assembly language function Scan(&X, Num)that will scan through a string of characters with the objective of locating whereall the lower case vowels appear in the string, as well as counting how many totallower case vowels appeared in a string. Vowels are the letters a, e, i, o, u. The address of the string "X" is passed to the function on the stack, and the number of vowels found “NUM” is returned on the stack. A null character terminates the string. Within this function, you must include code to call any student’s “PrintDecimal” function to print, right justified, the relative position within the string where each vowel was found. Notice this will be a nested function call. Here is an example string: “The quick brown fox.”  For the above example string the output of your program would be A Vowel was Found at Relative Position : 3A Vowel was Found at Relative Position : 6A Vowel was Found at Relative Position : 7A Vowel was Found at Relative Position : 13 A Vowel was Found at Relative Position : 18  Analyze your Scan function. Is it a reentrant function? ___(yes/no) Explain why.

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Exercise 7.6 (Scan Assembly Language Code).text

scan:lw $t5, 0($sp) # get &Xli $t6, 0 # Numli $t8, 0 # Relative Position

again:li $t0, 0x61 # "a"li $t1, 0x65 # "e"li $t2, 0x69 # "i"li $t3, 0x6f # "o"li $t4, 0x75 # "u"

loops:lbu $t7,0($t5) # Get a characterbeqz $t7, endsaddi $t5, $t5, 1 # Inc. string pointeraddi $t8, $t8, 1 # Inc. relative positionbeq $t7, $t0, printbeq $t7, $t1, printbeq $t7, $t2, printbeq $t7, $t3, printbeq $t7, $t4, printb loops

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Exercise 7.6 (Scan Assembly Language Code)print:

li $v0, 4 # System call code for print_strla $a0, msg # Load address of msg. into $a0syscall # Print the stringaddi $t6, $t6, 1

# <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<addi $sp, $sp, -16sw $t8, 0($sp) # Relative Positionsw $t5, 4($sp) # String pointersw $t6, 8($sp) # Numsw $ra, 12($sp)jal PrintDecimal # Call PrintDecimallw $t8, 0($sp)lw $t5, 4($sp)lw $t6, 8($sp)lw $ra, 12($sp)addi $sp, $sp, 16

# <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<b again

ends:sw $t6, 4($sp)jr $ra.data

msg: .asciiz "\n A Vowel was Found at Relative Position: "

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MIPS Assembly Language Programming

Bob Britton, Instructor

Lesson #24

Page 208: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 7.3 Iterative N Factorial

$v0 = Mem($sp);For (a0 = $v0 –1; $a0 > 0 ; $a0 = $a0 – 1)

$v0 = $v0 * $a0;Mem($sp+4) = $v0;Return

Label Op-Code Dest. S1, S2 CommentsFac:

lw $v0, 0($sp)addi $a0, $v0, -1

loopf:blez $a0, returnmult $v0, $a0mflo $v0addi $a0, $a0. -1b loopf

return:sw $v0, 4($sp)jr $ra

Write an iterative function to to compute N Factorial “N!” Calculate the number of clock cycles to compute 10!

Page 209: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 7.3 Recursive N FactorialWrite a recursive function to to compute N Factorial “N!” Calculate the number of clock cycles to compute 10!

$a0 = Mem($sp);Mem($sp+4) = $a0 * Fac($a0 - 1);Return

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Exercise 7.3 Recursive N FactorialFacR:

lw $a0, 0($sp)bltz $a0, Probaddi $t1, $a0, -13bgtz $t1, Probaddiu $sp, $sp, -16 #<<<<<sw $ra, 12($sp)sw $a0, 8($sp)slti $t0, $a0, 2beqz $t0, Goli $v0, 1b facret

Go:addi $a0, $a0, -1sw $a0, 0($sp)jal FacR # Recursive Calllw $v0, 4($sp)lw $ra, 12($sp)lw $a0, 8($sp)mult $v0, $a0mflo $v0

facret:addiu $sp, $sp, 16 #<<<< sw $v0, 4($sp)jr $ra

Prob:sw $0, 4($sp)jr $ra

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Exercise 7.4 Recursive FibonacciFib(N, E)If (N > 1) E = Fib(N - 1) + Fib( N - 2)else E = N #########################

Fibrec:addi $sp, $sp, -12sw $a0, 0($sp) # Save Registerssw $t0, 4($sp)sw $ra, 8($sp)lw $a0, 12($sp) # Get Nli $t2, 1bgt $a0, $t2, deepsw $a0, 16($sp) # Return N!addi $sp, $sp 12jr $ra

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Exercise 7.4 Recursive Fibonaccideep:

addi $a0, $a0, -1addi $sp, $sp, -8 # <<<< Allocate Spacesw $a0, 0($sp)jal Fibrec # Recursive Calllw $t0, 4($sp) # $t0 = Fib (N-1)addi $a0, $a0, -1sw $a0, 0($sp)jal Fibrec # Recursive Calllw $a0, 4($sp) # $a0 = Fib (N-2)addi $sp, $sp, 8 # <<<< De-allocate Spaceadd $a0, $a0, $t0 # Fib (N-1) + Fib (N-2)sw $a0, 16($sp)

return:lw $a0, 0($sp) # Restore Registerslw $t0, 4($sp)lw $ra, 8($sp)addi $sp, $sp 12jr $ra

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Exercise 7.5

Write a recursive function to find the determinant of a N x N matrix (array). The address of the array M and the size N are passed to the function on the stack, and the result R is returned on the stack: det (&M, N, R)

5 8 0 2 3

1 6 1 9 5

4 7 8 1 2

2 1 1 2 0

6 8 4 1 1

Page 214: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Recursive Pseudo Code for the Determinant (&M , N , R )

$t9 = Mem(sp+4); # get size Nif ( $t9 < 2) { Mem(sp+8) = 0; return}If ( $t9 == 2) Mem(sp+8) = Det2else{t5 = t9 -1 # Size of cofac matrixt4 = (t5 * t5) *4 # Dynamic storage alloc.sp = sp - t4 - 12 # Allocate space for cofac matrix + argMem(sp + 4) = t5 # Pass size (N-1)Mem(sp) = sp + 16 # Pass addr. cofac matrixt3=0 # accumulatorfor (t6 = 0; t6 < t9; t6 = t6+1)

{ Put col t6 cofac matrix on stackpush t3,t4,t5,t6,t9 registers on stackcall det(&m, n, r)restore t3,t4,t5,t6,t9 registers from the stackt5=Mem(sp+ 8) #resultIf (t6 && 1== 0) t3= t3 + t5 else t3= t3 - t5}

sp = sp + t4 + 12 #clean up stackreturn

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MIPS Assembly Language Programming

Bob Britton, Instructor

Lesson #25

Page 216: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 8.1Write your most efficient MIPS assembly language code translation for the following function and main line calling program. Note, all communication with the function must use a stack frame. Make use of the fact that multiplication and division by powers of 2 can be performed most efficiently by shifting.

void chico (int *X, int Y, int Z ) {*X = Y/ 4 - Z * 10 + *X * 8 ;}

int main(){int J, K, L , M ;cin >> J, K, L;chico ( &J, K, L);M = J - ( K + L);cout << M;return 0


Page 217: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 8.1 (Assembly Language Function) void chico (int *X, int Y, int Z ) {*X = Y/ 4 - Z * 10 + *X *

8 ;}Label Op-Code Dest. S1, S2 Comments chico: lw $t0, 0($sp) # Get &X

lw $t1, 4($sp) # Get value of Ylw $t2, 8($sp) # Get value of Zasr $t1, $t1, 2 # Y / 4sll $t3, $t2, 1sll $t2, $t2, 3add $t2, $t2, $t3 # Z * 10sub $t1, $t1, $t2 # $t1 gets partial resultlw $t3, 0($t0) # $t3 gets value of Xsll $t3, $t3, 3 # X * 8add $t3, $t1, $t3 # $t3 gets resultsw $t3, 0($t0) # J is assigned the resultjr $ra

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Exercise 8.1 Main ProgramLabel Op-Code Dest. S1, S2 Commentsmain:

addiu $sp, $sp, -16 # Allocate for 4 Local Main Var J,K,L,M <<<<1

li $v0, 5syscallsw $v0, 0($sp) # Put value for J : $s0move $s0, $v0li $v0, 5syscallsw $v0, 4($sp) # Put value for K : $s1move $s1, $v0li $v0, 5syscallsw $v0, 8($sp) # Put value for L :$s2move $s2, $v0addi $sp, $sp, -12 # Allocate for 3 Par. <<<<<<<<<2addi $s3, $sp, 12 # Calc. address of J <sw $s3, 0(sp) # Put address of J on stack <sw $s1, 4($sp) # Put value of K on stack <sw $s2, 8($sp) # Put value of L on stack <jal chico <addiu $sp, $sp, 12 # Deallocate <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<2

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Exercise 8.1 Main Program ContinuedM = J - ( K + L);

lw $s0, 0($sp) # Get the latest value for Jadd $s1, $s1, $s2 # K + Lsub $a0, $s0, $s1 # M = J - (K+L)

li $v0, 1syscall # Print M

addiu $sp, $sp, 16 # De-allocate 4 Local Main Var <<<<<<<<<<1

li $v0, 10syscall

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MIPS Assembly Language Programming

Bob Britton, Instructor

Lesson #26

Page 221: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 8.2MUL32 ( m, n, p, f)Write a function MUL32( m, n, p, f) that will find the 32-bit product “p” of two arguments m and n. If the two’s complement representation of the product cannot be represented with 32 bits, then the error flag “f” should be set to 1 otherwise the error flag is set to 0. Pass all arguments on the stack.

Page 222: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 8.2 (Assembly Language)Label Op-Code Dest. S1, S2 CommentsMul32:

lw $t3, 0($sp) # Get mlw $t4, 4($sp) # Get nmult $t3, $t4xor $t5, $t3, $t4 # Get correct sign for prodmflo $t6 # $t6 = 32 bit productxor $t7, $t5, $t6 # compare signsbltz $t7, ovfmfhi $t8 # $t8 = Upper 32-bits of prodbgez $t5, posaddui $t8, $t8, 1 # Check if all upper bits are 1

pos: bnez $t8, ovfsw $t6, 8($sp) # productsw $0, 12($sp) # okjr $ra

ovf:li $t8, 1 # overflowsw $t8, 12($sp) # occurredjr $ra

Page 223: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 8.3

Adduovf ( x, y, s) Write a function Adduovf( x, y, s) that will find the 32-bit sum “s” of two unsigned arguments “x” and “y”.

An exception should be generated if the unsigned representation of the sum results in overflow.

Perform all communication on the stack. Hint:

A carry out at the most Significant Digit (MSD) is Overflow for unsigned numbers.

Page 224: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 8.3 (Assembly Language)Adduovf ( x, y, s)

Label Op-Code Dest. S1, S2 CommentsAdduovf:

lw $t3, 0($sp) # Get xlw $t4, 4($sp) # Get yaddu $t5, $t4, $t3 # Get sumsw $t5, 8($sp) # Put sum on stackxor $t6, $t3, $t4 # Checking MSD of x and ybltz $t6, diffbgez $t3, ok

overflow:lui $t3, 0x7FFFori $t3, $t3, 0xFFFFaddi $t3, $t3, 1

ok: jr $ra

diff: bgez $t5, overflow # Checking MSD of sumjr $ra

Page 225: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 8.4Write a function Add64 that will perform a 64-bit addition: x = y + z, where the values for x, y, and z are stored as two 32-bit words each:

Add64(x1: $t1, x0: $t0, y1: $t3, y0: $t2, z1: $t5, z0: $t4)All six parameters are passed on the stack. If the 64-bit sum results in overflow an exception should be generated. After writing your code, calculate the performance indexes:Space:_________________(Words of code) Time: _________________(Maximum number of clock cycles to execute)







x1 Sum x0

Page 226: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 8.4 (Assembly Language)

Label Op-Code Dest. S1, S2 CommentsAdd64:

lw $t3, 8($sp) # Get y upperlw $t2, 12($sp) # Get y lowerlw $t5, 16($sp) # Get z upperlw $t4, 20($sp) # Get z loweraddu $t0, $t2, $t4 # add lower halfadd $t1, $t3, $t5 # add upper halfxor $t6, $t2, $t4 # Checking for a carry to upper halfbltz $t6, diff

same: bgez $t2, finicarry addi $t1, $t1, 1 # Generate carry to upperfini: sw $t1, 0($sp) # Return x upper

sw $t0, 4($sp) # Return x lowerjr $ra

diff:bgez $t0, carryb fini

Page 227: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 8.5When the MIPS mult instruction is executed, a 64-bit product is produced. Many programs doing numerical calculations are designed to process only 32-bit results. For applications written to perform 32-bit precision arithmetic, it is extremely important to detect when the product of two numbers can not be represented with 32 bits, so that somealternative procedures may be invoked.

 Write a reentrant library function anyone could use, called MUL32(m, n, p). All function parameters will be passed on the stack. This function should provide the

following features: 1. If the product of the two input arguments m and n cannot be represented with 32 bits

• (assuming the two’s complement number system), then an exception should be generated.  2. This function should also provide the following optimization features:

(a)    Check if m or n is zero, and return zero without taking 32 clock cycles to execute the mult instruction.

(b)   Check if m or n is plus one (1) or minus one (-1), and return the correct result without taking 32 clock cycles to execute the mult instruction.

(c)    Check if m or n is plus two (2) or minus two (-2), and return the correct result without taking 32 clock cycles to execute the mult instruction. If the product cannot be represented with 32-bits, then an exception should be generated.


Page 228: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 8.5 Continued

Provide inline comments and write a paragraph in English to describe all of the conditions that your code tests for to detect overflow. (HINT—The XOR instruction can be useful when writing this function.) With this function you will demonstrate how to write MIPS assembly language code involving nested function calls. Write a function to perform a vector product. vectorprod (&X, &Y, &Z, N, status). Vectorprod will call the MUL32 function. Use the stack to pass arguments. The in parameters are the starting address of three different word arrays (vectors) : X, Y, Z, and an integer value N specifying the size of the vectors. Status is an out parameter to indicate if overflow ever occurred while executing this function. The procedure will perform the vector product:

Xi = Yi * Zi ; with i going from 0 to N – 1

Write a MIPS assembly language main program that could be used to test the vectorprod function.

Page 229: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

MIPS Assembly Language Programming

Bob Britton, Instructor

Lesson #27

Page 230: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

A Pipelined Implementation of the MIPS Architecture

Data Cache







Write Back




IR Result



Page 231: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

The True Branch Instructions

Branch if Equal: beq Rs, Rt, LabelBranch if Greater Than or Equal to Zero: bgez Rs, LabelBranch if Greater Than or Equal to Zero and Link: bgezalRs, LabelBranch if Greater Than Zero: bgtz Rs, LabelBranch if Less Than or Equal to Zero: blez Rs, LabelBranch if Less Than Zero and Link: bltzal Rs, LabelBranch if Less Than Zero: bltz Rs, LabelBranch if Not Equal: bne Rs, Rt, Label

Page 232: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 9.1

Taking into consideration delayed branches and delayed loads,write a MIPS function to search through an array “X” of “N” words to find how many of the values are evenly divisible by four. The address of the array will be passed to the function using register $a0, and the number of words in the array will be passed in register $a1. Return the results in register $v0.

Page 233: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Original Code - Modified CodeLabel Op-Code Dest. S1,


Div4:li $v0, 0li $t3, 3b skip

loop:lw $t2, 0($a0)addi $a0, $a0, 4and $t0, $t2,

$t3bnez $t0, skipaddi $v0, $v0, 1

skip:addi $a1, $a1, -

1bgez $a1, loopjr $ra

Label Op-Code Dest. S1, S2

Div4:li $v0, 0b skipli $t3, 3

loop:nopand $t0, $t2,

$t3bnez $t0, skipaddi $a0, $a0, 4addi $v0, $v0, 1

skip:addi $a1, $a1, -

1bgez $a1, looplw $t2, 0($a0)jr $ranop

Page 234: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 9.2Taking into consideration delayed branches and delayed loads,

Write a MIPS function to sort an array ‘“ Z ” of ‘“N” words into ascending order using the bubble sort algorithm.

The address of the array and the value N will be passed to the function

on the stack. Show how the sort function is called.

Original Code to Call Sort(&Z, 1000)addi $sp, $sp, -8la $t0, zsw $t0, 0($sp)li $t0, 1000sw $t0, 4($sp)jal sortaddi $sp, $sp, 8

Modified Code to Call Sort(&Z, 1000)addi $sp, $sp, -8la $t0, zsw $t0, 0($sp)li $t0, 1000jal sortsw $t0, 4($sp)addi $sp, $sp, 8

Page 235: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Original Code - Modified CodeBubSort:

lw $t0, 4($sp)again:

addi $t0, $t0, -1li $t2, 0lw $t3, 0($sp)move $t1, $t0,

loop:lw $t8, 0($t3)lw $t9, 4($t3)ble $t8, $t9, nextsw $t8, 4($t3)sw $t9, 0($t3)li $t2, 1

next:addi $t3, $t3, 4

addi $t1, $t1, -1bgtz $t1, loop

bnez $t2, againjr $ra

BubSort:lw $t0, 4($sp) # Nli $t2, 0

again:addi $t0, $t0, -1lw $t3, 0($sp) &Zmove $t1, $t0,

loop:lw $t8, 0($t3)lw $t9, 4($t3)addi $t1, $t1, -1ble $t8, $t9, nextnopsw $t8, 4($t3)sw $t9, 0($t3)li $t2, 1

next:bgtz $t1, loopaddi $t3, $t3, 4bnez $t2, againli $t2, 0jr $ranop

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MIPS Assembly Language Programming

Bob Britton, Instructor

Lesson #28

Page 237: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 9.3

Taking into consideration delayed branches and delayed loads,Write a function Adduovf( x, y, s) that will find the 32-bit sum “s” of two unsigned arguments “x” and “y”.

An exception should be generated if the unsigned representation of the sum results in overflow.

Page 238: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Original Code - Modified CodeLabel Op-Code Dest. S1, S2adduovf:

lw $t3, 0($sp)lw $t4, 4($sp)addu $t5, $t4, $t3sw $t5, 8($sp)xor $t6, $t3, $t4bltz $t6, diffbgez $t3, ok

overflow:lui $t3, 0x7FFFori $t3, $t3, 0xFFFFaddi $t3, $t3, 1

ok: jr $ra

diff: bgez $t5, overflowjr $ra

Label Op-Code Dest. S1, S2adduovf:

lw $t3, 0($sp)lw $t4, 4($sp)nopaddu $t5, $t4, $t3xor $t6, $t3, $t4bltz $t6, diffnopbgez $t3, ok #ok

overflow:ori $t3, $t3, 0xFFFFaddi $t3, $t3, 1

ok: jr $rasw $t5, 8($sp)

diff: bgez $t5, overflowlui $t3, 0x7FFFjr $ranop

Page 239: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 9.4Taking into consideration delayed branches and delayed loads, write a MIPS, function to return the Nth element in the Fibonacci sequence.

The value N is passed to the function on the stack, and theNth Fibonacci number E is returned on the stack.

If N is greater than 46 overflow will occur, so return a value of 0 if N is greater than 46. Also show an example of calling this functionto return the 10th element in the sequence. The first few numbersin the Fibonacci sequence are: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5 . . . .

Page 240: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Original Code - Modified CodeFib:

lw $t0, 0($sp)bltz $t0, erroraddi $t1, $t0, -46bgtz $t1, error li $t1, 0li $t2, 1move $t3, $t0addi $t0, $t0, -1blez $t0, done

loop:add $t3, $t2, $t1move $t1, $t2move $t2, $t3addi $t0, $t0, -1bgtz $t0, loop

done:sw $t3, 4($sp)jr $ra

error:sw $0, 4($sp)jr $ra

FibD:lw $t0, 0($sp)li $t2, 1bltz $t0, Herroraddi $t1, $t0, -46bgtz $t1, Herrormove $t3, $t0addi $t0, $t0, -1 blez $t0, Hdoneli $t1, 0

Hloop:add $t3, $t2, $t1addi $t0, $t0, -1move $t1, $t2,bgtz $t0, Hloopmove $t2, $t3

Hdone:jr $rasw $t3, 4($sp)

Herror:jr $rasw $0, 4($sp)

Page 241: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Embedded Processors

Memory Mapped I/O

Page 242: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 10.1Random(&X, N)Write a function that will generate and store “N” random numbers into an array “X”. Use the value in register $ra as the initial seed value.

A possible algorithm for generating random numbers appears below:$a0 = Mem($sp)$a1 = Mem($sp+4)$t0 = $rafor ( ; a1> 0; a1 = a1 –1)

{$t0 = $t0 * 2743 + 5923 Mem($a0) = t0

$a0 = $a0 + 4}


Page 243: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 10.1 (Pseudocode)

random:$t0 = $ra$t1 = 2743

ranloop:t0 = $t0 * $t1$t0 = $t0 + 5923Mem($a0) = $t0$a0 = $a0 + 4$a1 = $a1, -1if ($a1 > 0) go to ranloopreturn

Page 244: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Exercise 10.1 (Assembly Language)

.globl random


move $t0, $rali $t1, 2743

ranloop:mult $t0, $t1mflo $t0addiu $t0, $t0, 5923sw $t0, 0($a0)addi $a0, $a0, 4addi $a1, $a1, -1bgtz $a1, ranloopjr $ra

Page 245: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Testing the Random function

.datax: .space 512nl: .asciiz "\n"


li $a1, 128la $a0, xjal randomla $s7, xli $s6, 128addi $sp, $sp, -8sw $s7, 4($sp)sw $s6, 8($sp)jal sort #call Sort(&x,

N)addi $sp, $sp, 8

Page 246: MIPS Assembly Language Programming Bob Britton, Instructor Lesson #1

Printing results of test

loop:li $s0, 7

inside:lw $a0, 0($s7)addi $s7, $s7, 4jal hexoutaddi $s0, $s0, -1bgez $s0, inside

li $v0, 4la $a0, nlsyscall # new lineaddi $s6, $s6, -8bgtz $s6, loop

li $v0, 10syscall