minutes of the regular meeting - stamford public schools

Teaching and Learning Committee - 03/08/16 Minutes 1 MINUTES OF THE TEACHING AND LEARNING COMMITTEE OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION Stamford, Connecticut March 8, 2016 The Teaching and Learning Committee Meeting of the Board of Education was held on March 8, 2016 at the Government Center, 888 Washington Boulevard. The meeting was called to order at 6:12 p.m. by Mr. Andy George, Chairperson with the following Committee members present: Mrs. Allyn, Mr. Altamura, and Mr. George. Absent: Mr. Alswanger, Mrs. Burke. Also in Attendance: Mr. Bosak, Mrs. Heftman, Mr. Mannis, Mr. Connelly, Dr. Tamu Lucero, Dr. Michael Fernandes, Dr. Judy Singer, Mr. Murphy, Mr. Meyer, Ms. Diane Tung and several guests. Video: 00:00:38 Technology Interim Leader: Ms. Diane Tung has been appointed as an Interim leader of the Technology Committee to take the place of Christina Hefele who resigned in February. Ms. Tung along with Dr. Singer provided an update on what is happening at the schools. Tasks and transitions for the Chief Information Officer for Teaching & Learning include the School Climate survey; high school email; TPDL (Technology Professional Development Leaders); Ferguson Library pilot; high school pilot to infuse technology in the high school; and CES reimagining your school library. Mrs. Hefele worked with us and left a transition plan for each of these tasks and timeline. Teaching & Learning Technology includes digitizing the elementary report card; parent portal for elementary; elementary scheduling electronically; automating data feeds; on-line registration; school net test data and analytic component; power school upgrade. Priorities are the School Climate Survey and Registration.

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Teaching and Learning Committee - 03/08/16




THE BOARD OF EDUCATION Stamford, Connecticut

March 8, 2016

The Teaching and Learning Committee Meeting of the Board of Education was held on March 8, 2016 at the Government Center, 888 Washington Boulevard. The meeting was called to order at 6:12 p.m. by Mr. Andy George, Chairperson with the following Committee members present: Mrs. Allyn, Mr. Altamura, and Mr. George. Absent: Mr. Alswanger, Mrs. Burke. Also in Attendance: Mr. Bosak, Mrs. Heftman, Mr. Mannis, Mr. Connelly, Dr. Tamu Lucero, Dr. Michael Fernandes, Dr. Judy Singer, Mr. Murphy, Mr. Meyer, Ms. Diane Tung and several guests. Video: 00:00:38 Technology Interim Leader: Ms. Diane Tung has been appointed as an Interim leader of the Technology Committee to take the place of Christina Hefele who resigned in February. Ms. Tung along with Dr. Singer provided an update on what is happening at the schools. Tasks and transitions for the Chief Information Officer for Teaching & Learning include the School Climate survey; high school email; TPDL (Technology Professional Development Leaders); Ferguson Library pilot; high school pilot to infuse technology in the high school; and CES reimagining your school library. Mrs. Hefele worked with us and left a transition plan for each of these tasks and timeline. Teaching & Learning – Technology includes digitizing the elementary report card; parent portal for elementary; elementary scheduling electronically; automating data feeds; on-line registration; school net – test data and analytic component; power school upgrade. Priorities are the School Climate Survey and Registration.

Teaching and Learning Committee - 03/08/16



Video: 00:10:04 Mental health initiatives Mr. Meyer and Mr. O’Callaghan presented updates from the third year of the mental health audit including findings for mental health support; ensuring sufficient clinical staff capacity; professional development for all teachers; better use of data and collection of data to make decisions; and revenue source maximization – collaboration of the community. This information was share through a Powerpoint presentation. . Mr. George received a request to take Elementary Literacy out of order. With no objections, the item was moved up on the agenda. Video: 00:37:55 Elementary literacy: Dr. Lucero introduced Natalie Elder, Director of School Improvement and Professional Development for Elementary who will discuss the work she and her team are doing around elementary literacy. Ms. Elder noted that the focus of the work is on strengthening the Tier One Core Literacy instruction, utilize an integrated unit approach in science and social studies. We will discuss the purpose and the structure of the unit and teachers will share their experiences on how we integrated these units. Member of the literacy elementary team are Karen Francis – Curriculum Associate for Social Studies and assists with Science, and Dr. Lisa Armstrong – Curriculum Associate for Literacy. Teachers who shared their experiences using the integrated units were Ashley Buchta and Roseanna Nargi, co-teachers from KT Murphy; and Jennifer Jones and Marcella Decarlo from Stillmeadow. Dr. Lucero noted that the integrated units were written by our teachers. Mrs. Allyn noted that these units are having a positive impact on our students. Video: 01:12:08 Early College Opportunity ECO: Dr. Fernandes provided an update on establishing the ECO at Stamford High School. Norwalk Community College is the institute of higher education that is partnering with us and we are looking for an industry partner. Dr. Fernandes and Mr. Manka presented at a work force development meeting in the Mayor’s Office on ECO as part of Stamford’s plan to build its economic plan. Possible partners that attended this meeting were NBC Universal, Webster Bank, Synchrony Financial and BLT. There was a lot of positive feedback. Companies requested our powerpoint presentation which we sent to all companies who were invited to the meeting. We received responses from Gartner Group and Nestle and will be making a presentation on the ECO model to them as well as the Fairfield County Business Council. We should have a program in place for the 2017-2018 school year.

Teaching and Learning Committee - 03/08/16



Video: 01:15:59 High School Call to Action Update: Dr. Fernandes provided background history, an update on the ninth grade program and shared what the committee is currently working on. This is the second year of implementation of the action plan. Dr. Fernandes, Dr. Chiappetta and Mr. Meyer provided a powerpoint presentation to the committee (attached to minutes). Video: 01:43:42 Teaching & Learning metrics for a Dashboard: Mr. Mannis requested that this topic be taken up at the next meeting. Dr. Singer shared information about data to monitor teaching and learning would be to align the data we are monitoring to the new state accountability system. Dr. Singer noted that not all information is available at the same time. We should decide what measures we want to monitor and place them on a timeline. It would be a calendar with the data we want to review to a timeframe we want to look at. Some would be once a year, some quarterly and some monthly. This discussion will continue at the next meeting.

Mr. George moved, seconded by Mr. Altamura to adjourn the meeting at 8:01 pm with the following Committee members voting in favor: Mrs. Allyn, Mr. Altamura, and Mr. George.

Andy George, Chair Teaching and Learning Committee Stamford Board of Education

…to raise the bar for all students, accelerate the growth for struggling students, elevate the high school experience in

Stamford Public Schools, and ensure that all graduates are prepared for academic, social, technological, economic, and

global demands of the 21st Century.

The overarching idea that emerges from the work of the

High School Call to Action Committee is the importance of a personalized approach to education.

Focus on student engagement

Student choice of how and what they learn

Student voices

21st century skills (4Cs)


Ninth grade is a pivotal year that provides a unique intervention point to prevent school

dropout. What is clear is that no matter how a school increases on-track rates in ninth grade,

graduation rates improve three years later. When schools concentrate their efforts on

helping students make a successful transition to ninth grade, it results in dramatic increases in graduation. CCSR Research Summary April 2014

Focus on the Ninth Grade

Action Plans P





Smaller Structures within High

Schools- 9th Grade Program

Technology Integration

Student Supports and Interventions

21st Century Pedagogy

Course/Final Exam Grades




1. Student Supports/SRBI subcommittee

2. Senior Internship Program/Career Readiness subcommittee

3. Student Success Plans/Naviance subcommittee

4. Capstone Project subcommittee

HSCA 2015-2016 Subcommittee Work

Student Supports/SRBI Subcommittee

Create monitoring systems for identifying students who are failing to learn and intervene early

Develop and implement a pyramid of interventions that are timely, directive, monitored, and recorded that will be used by teams

Student Supports Anticipated Outcomes

1. Develop consistent SRBI procedures to identify and monitoring students across high schools to be reflected in a draft High School SRBI Handbook

2. Implement a Data Management System to identify students, assign targeted interventions, and monitor progress

3. Expand intervention supports for next year Implement Universal Screeners in 9th grade to

identify and monitor students at risk

Expand tutoring centers and support classes

Student Supports- Where is committee in process?

Examining the SHS pilot SRBI process/procedures to develop a consistent process across both high schools

Piloting Universal Screeners SMI and SRI

Exploring intervention data management system for 2015-16


Allow students to explore an area of interest outside the constructs of their formal educational program.

Provide students a career or service opportunity of interest prior to beginning college or other post-secondary schooling.

Prepare students for college, the work place, or military service.

Senior Internship Program (SIP) Subcommittee

Develop a Senior Internship Program

beginning Spring of 2017 including:

Criteria for entrance

Student selection process

Mentor assignments

Process for journal entries

Evaluation process

Communication Plan


SIP- Anticipated Outcomes

Draft Program overview and timeline

Reviewed by administrators and staff

Presented at High School faculty meeting

Survey for feedback

Consultation with CSDE and DOL

SIP- Where is committee in process?

Capstone Committee


Review of The Connecticut Plan re: new Graduation Requirements

Review information about Capstone projects from other districts/schools (AITE)

Determine framework for SPS Capstone including non-negotiables

Capstone- Anticipated Outcomes

Develop a framework with recommendations from this sub-committee to be shared w/Capstone writing committee

Capstone- Where is committee in process?

Review of The Connecticut Plan re: new Graduation Requirements

Review information about Capstone projects from other districts/schools (AITE)

Determine framework for SPS Capstone including non-negotiables


Prioritize and narrow the scope of the student success plan framework

Solicit feedback on the student success plan framework

Explore better ways to implement the student success plans

Student Success Plans

Narrow the scope and focus while increasing the depth and student feedback of the Student Success Framework

Align SSP with Advisory/Connection Time and Curriculum

Increase parent access and knowledge of SSP

Student Success Plans – Anticipated Outcomes

Restructuring the HS SSP to provide: Student directed choice and flexibility Additional focus on postsecondary career

and jobs in addition to college resources. Providing MS Parent Access and increasing

HS Parent Access/Knowledge. Creating a resource on the District Web site

for SSP scope, tasks and resources. Aligning Advisory/Connection themes and

classroom curriculum to Naviance resources and activities.

Student Success Plans – Where is committee in process?