minutes of the general conference

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  • 7/31/2019 Minutes of the General Conference



    pr6ume4fifiumod iathat a statsstaisstaata either wantswantwent the power whirlwind storm and tetempestmpest 60or lackslaces tho disidispositionoiioil tion ioto rerodrossdiosaosros s the




    bdaboatsts were stinisunk housesiio6sesandchusandchaand churchearcheaof its own citizens committed within her blown to atoms and more than big300owdownown territoryterritoijterritoiioijoli whether thoythey proceed from persons killedthe lawlesslawless acts of her orrlorriorniofficerscerscors or any other the destruction ofor property waswagwapersons estimated at five million ofdodollarsliars

    thoahitboyhi committee therefore report that they the Missisinfississmississipimississippisipisipli river was overflow-ingrecommend the passage of the following re-

    solutioncities and armszrmsfarmsa within its reach

    for the distance of I11100100 miles up alandidresolved that the committee on the ju-

    diciarydown its banks Ftearsfearsearscars were enter-tainedbe discharged from the further con-


    for the safety ofnew orleans

    aerationde ofthe memorialmemorialinin this case and A hailbailhallhalihailstormstormstorin hadid visited a sectionthat the memorialistsmemori&ustsmemorialists havehaehavohao leave totd withdrawtdwithdraw of carolina such as had never beheenbeenC iltheibehe papers which accompany their memorial witnessed before some ofthe stonestones

    since this decision was given the were said to measure 9 inches in cir-cumferencelord hasliasilas begun to vex that nation cucum gerenceference this swept their grow-ingand liehelleile will continue to doao so except crops killed some of their cattle

    they repent for they now stand broke their windows &cacguilty of murder robbery and plun-der

    thetlletile floods were rising inin somesonie ofguiltydr as it nation because they have the southern states whole cities

    refused to0 o protect their citizens and to were under water and the destruction

    execute justice according to their own of life and property was iniimmensemensemeuseconstitution thetiletlletiie property amounting to several

    the late news from that country millionsabnbnbringsti s ddetailstaalsilsais of destructions by the insects were devodevouringurieuricurle their9floods

    bogsoogs chirilwhirilwhirlwindswhirlwindywhirlwinds tempests &cac to a crops on the high groundswhichwhich theihotheibo

    remarkable extent floodhood could not reach and greatthe city of natchez liashasilas been commercial distress prevailed every-

    wherenearly destroyed in a moment by in their towns

    MINUTES OF THE GENERAL conferenceA general conference of the church of jesus christ of latter day saints

    wasvaswas heldheid in the carpenters hall manchester on the 6thgtbgab day ofjulijuly 1840it being the fistst day of the 4thath month ofthe I1lithI1 th year of the churchchurcchuoc whwhencathe folfoifollowinsollowinfollowinglowin officers of the travellingvellingtra high council were present viz elders13 young 13P P pratt wd woodruff J taylor wd richards H CkimballKimhall and G A smith other officers viz high priests 5 elders 19priests 16 teachers I111I1 and deacons 3

    the meeting being called to order a little after ten oclock by elder Wclayton it was moved by elder young seconded by elder woodruff thateldereider pratt be chosen president of the conference which was carried una-nimouslyni

    elder W clayton was chosen clerkthe meeting was opened by singing and prayer by the president jelder B youngyount then proceeded to prefer charges against elder TogreertgreerTGoieeiireenreer

    viz firgofirgtfirpt for giving way to a false spirit sesecondlycondlcondi forrorlorrov abusing asngaangRflgemalefemaleemalee by aaccusingccusingaccusing her jnin a public meeting of things which hahe cothacothdd nnot0t

  • 7/31/2019 Minutes of the General Conference



    Kprovbrovrokarokv i and thirdly

    for abuse to thetlletile houseand concongregationg


    0adon at dukinneldmailificidDukindulin noldneldnoidjunene 28th 184184018466the president then proceeded to ask elder green whether lie was guguiltyhtofthese charges or not heilelleite immediately pleaded guilty and acknoacanoacknowledged

    after elder young hadbad made considerable remarks to the meeting pre-sent touching the conduct of elder green he proposed that elder greengo to those characters whom he had abused and insulted and make confes-sionsionslon to them as far as dietheoieole offience extended and then to be suspended tratrqfromMoffice for a season

    theileyle president then made remarks to the same efreceeffectefrect and put it to tiletilctllevote of the meeting viz that he shall make confession as stated aboveand be suspended from office for a season carried

    theiletle president asked elder green if liehelleile was willing to make confessionwho immediately agreed to do it the first opporopportunityopportunittunit

    aethe1e meeting adjourned a little after twelve ocloymcloyoclockat two oclock business commenced by singingsin in and prayer when thetlletile

    president called upon the officers to represent tanctncc differentifferent branches of thechurch which was done in the following order viz

    yfc 4S a S 8


    III111S Mi fl4 E- P

    the brandhbranch at manchesmanchesterteryterp represented by elder W claatonclajtonclayton 280 3 55. 551I1ditto preston ditto eldereiderelderjosficlding354jos Fidlfidifidldingfieldingding 351 6 8 424 3

    elders kington and browett presented the minutes of the con-

    ferencesferences held in herefordshireherefordshirelHereford shirelshireshiro which were read by elderwillford woodruff representing 33 branches of the church 534 1010 6213525252.621362.1313 0.0

    elder alfred cordon acadrcadread the minutes of the conference held athanleyIIanley staffordshire representing 7 branches ofthothe church 168 4 13 626 2.2

    the branch at liverpool represented by elder john taylortay lor 78 1 3 2 0.0eldreldereiderjos fielding read the minutes ofthetho thornley conferencethe branches at chaighleychaigbley and thornley represented by elder

    williamYllliam kay 0 0 o 0 o 39 3 33. 1 1.1thotheiho branch at ilibchester111behester represented by elder francis clark 22 2 0 0 lo101 0.0

    ditto waddington ditto john ellison 5858.6868.as 0 22. 212 1.1ditto clithero ditto brother lofthouse 3535. 1 33. 1 0.0ditto chatburnChatbum ditto elderjohn bond 9191 2 2 202 0.0didittotto downham ditto J spencer 25 0 1 00 0.0ditto grindgrindletonae1eletonton ditto elderjosephEldeeldereidereidejosephrJoseph fielding 5 0 L11. 000 0.0ditto whitemore dittoditto J spencer 33. 0 0 0 0.0ditto burnley ditto elder

    ir11 C kimball 27.27 1 1

    LOL1 O0.0

    ditto blackburn ditto elder 11II C kimball M17 0 1.01010io 000 0.0elder reuben hadlockadlockII read the minutes ofthothetilo conference heldat paisleypaisiyraisleypaisey scotlandcotland representing 56 branches ofthe church 106.106log 6 56 323 2.2

    the branch at alston represented by eldereiderlerier john sanders 36 2 2 2 0.0ditto brampton ditto john sanders 061 I11 I11 0 0.0ditto longtonlongton ditto elder bradshaw 11451214 2 11.44. 2 0

  • 7/31/2019 Minutes of the General Conference



    dittoPenpenworthauipenworthamwortham ditto elder P mellingmelting 77 4 11. 1 1.1

    ditto whittle I1 ditto elder rd withnall 16 1 4 0 0.0

    ditto southportsouthwortSouthport ditto IL mbride 19 1 Q a2 00.0

    branches at daubers lane and eccletoneccleston by eidkidbideiaelaeld ltditd withnall 42.42 0 11. 3 0.0

    the branch at huntersiiuntersnillfillphillp represented by richard benson 1818. 11. 11. 1 0.0oddoadoda Blembersmembers 88. Q 0 0 Q

    ditto boltondoltonnolton ditto elder D wilding 6161.61gi 1I a22. 32 0.0

    ditto burynbury & elton ditto elder D wilding 12.12 00. 00. 0 0.0

    ditto ratclixratcliff ditto elder amos fielding 11.11illiii 00. 0 000 0.0ditto bedford &cac ditto elder willard richards 40.40 11. 11. 000 0.0

    ditto stockportditto elder M littlewood 8585. 22. 1 2 1.1

    ditto dukinfield ditto elder henry royieroyle 41.4141 11. 11. 0 0.0

    ditto macclesfieldMac clesfield dittoaittoaitta samuel heath 14 00. 32 00 0 0.0

    ditto middlewichmiddlewickMiddle wich ditto ditto 20 00. 1 L1 I1.11

    ditto roverpover ditto ditto 212 00. L k I11

    ditto Northnorthwichnorthwkhnorthwickwichwlch ditto william berry 14 01OSi 1 0 0.0

    ditto altrinchamaltrlncham ditto ditto 40.4040 00. 0 101 0.0dittomitto whitefieldWhItefiel4


    ditto walkerwalterwaltenwaitenwaiker Johnjohnsunjohnsuiijohnsensuiisolisoll 14 0.0 L 0 0 0.0

    ditto pendlebury ditto elder IV clayton 13 0.0 1 I11 0 0.0

    ditto eccles ditto ditto 5 00. 00. 0 0.0

    ditto westbromwichdittowestbromwichWest

    Bromwich ditto elder theodoreturleyturies

    16 0 I11 11 0 0.0O

    after thetilo officers had got through with the representations the presidentintroduced thetiietile new hymn book and after suitablesuisul tadletaoletadie remarks had been madebby himI1i and elders young and kington thothe president askedaskel the conference

    kdiftlthey wero satisfied with the labourelabours of those who hadbad made the selectionaandani Tifthey received the book the unanimousI1 approbation of thetiietile meetingI1was immediately manifested

    ordinationsmoved by elder young seconded by elder Woodruwoodrufffr that T kington be ordained

    high priest carried mqvedmoved by elder young seconded by elder G A smithi


    alfredaifredaldred cordon be ordained high priest carried I1moved by elder young secondedby elder 11 C kimballKiroball that thomas smithbosmithiosmith be ordained high priest carried movedby elder richards seconded by elder B xoungyoung that john albiston bo ordained elder cacarriedTried also by thothe same thatjohn blezard be ordained elder carried and

    that william berry be ordained elder carcarriedriedtied moved by elder woodruff secondedby elder richards that joseph sliugerbeordainedslinger be ordained priest carried movedbxeldermoved by eiderelderelierwoodruff seconded by elder kimball that george walker be ordained priest carrcarriedaedjed

    moved by elder WoowoodruffdruiedruIT serondesecondedse4onde1 by elder young that john smith bobe ordainedpriestpriestcarriedcarrcarriediodlodled also by the same that robert williamwilliami be ordained priest carried i

    and that william black bobe ordainedpriest

    carriedmoved by

    eldereider Woodrufwoodrufffp


    condedbonded by elder kimball that john melling bobe ordained priest carried moved by

    elder young seconded by elder richards that john sanders bobe ordained eideeldereldeeldeneidenXcarried moved by elder kimball seconded by eldereldoreider young that john parkinson

    be ordained elder carried moved by elder richards seconded by elderkimballeldereider kimball

    thalthat james worsley be ordained eidereldereldcrcarriedtcarriedcarriea aisoalsoniso by the same thatjjohnthatj4ohnthatthaidjohnjJohn allanbobe ordained elder carried and that john swindlehurstswindleburstSwindle burst be ordained priest carried

  • 7/31/2019 Minutes of the General Conference



    elder B young thencalled

    uponholehulethosehose officers whose circumstance

    would permit ulem to devote themselves entirely to the work ofthe ministry

    and would volunteer so to do to stand up when the following names were

    taken viz of thetiletilo travelling high council B young if C kimball johntaylor willford woodruff willard richards and geo A smith otherofficers viz wm clayton reuben hadlock 11 clark theodore turley

    joseph fielding thos richardson amos fielding john parkinson johnwytch john needhamnecdham H royle jolinjohn blezard D wilding charlespnceance joseph knowles william kay samuel heath william parrparri Rmcbride and james morgan

    moved hyby elder richardsseconded by elder kimball that elder 1P

    melling be aappointedointedhinted to preside over the following branches of the churchviz prestoniaprestonipprestonPrestoniplongtonlongton penworthamPenwortham north meolsmeals and southportsoutliportsouthwortSouthSoutliportport carried

    moved by elder kimball seconded by elder young that elder rich-ard withnall be appointed to preside over the branchesbrandies of the church atwhittle dauber s lane ClicilchocieychorieycliorleyCho ordeyrieyorleydiey hunters hill and euxtonburgheuxtonburgbcarried

    moved by elder kimball seconded by elder young that elder thossmith be appointed to preside over the branches of the church at clitheroClith erocrochatburn downhamDown liambamllamilamham chaighleychaigbley Ggrindletonwhitemorerindletonfindletonrind leton whitemore burnley black-burn ribcbesterribchcstcr and thornley carried

    movedmoyedaloved and seconded that president fielding and his councillors be set atliberty from the charge which they haveliavc sustained as a presidency that theytlleytiley

    may have the privilege of more fully entering into the field of labour and

    that their labourslaboure were accepted carriedelders young and richards then proceeded to ordain those who had been

    nominated to their respective offices after which the president called uponthe clerk to read over the minutes which being done they were acceptedby the unanimous voice of the conference

    moved by elder kimball seconded by elder yountyoung that this confe-rence be adjourned to the 6thath day of october next to bee heldheid in the car

    pentersspentercspen terss hall manchester at ten oclock am carried

    pursuant to previous notice a general council of thetiietile church officerswas held in tllethetile council room at the star office manchester on the 7th7lhathday of july 1840 the hleeAlecmeetingting being opened by prayer by elder kim-ball elder young began to speak concerning those officers who hadvolunteered to devote themselves wholly to the ministry when

    it was moved and seconded that brothers wm kay and T richardsongo to herefordshireHereford shire to labour in that region with eld kington Carricarrlcarriedediedv

    moved by elder kimball seconded byvy elder young that brother clarkdarkoarkgo withnvithavith elder hadlock to Sscotlandcotlancatlan d carried

    moved by elder kimball seconded by elder young that brotherfielding go to bedford carried

    moved by elder richards seconded by Eeldereideriderlder kimball that brotherAMamosos fielding go to newcastle upon tyne carried 11. i

    moved by elder kimball seconded by Eeldereideriderlder woodruffI1 hatbiothprj3rotliqD wilding go to garwaygrrwaydarway herefordshireHerefordshire carried

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    moved by eldereitlereidereljer young seconded by elder WoodruwoodruffwoodruftlT that brother IV

    clayton go to birmingham carriecarriedcarrleclaytonjrclaytonjomovemoveablymoveabyjoby elder richards seconded by elder Woodruwoodrufffl that brother

    john Needneedhamnecdhamghanifiani go with brother clclaytonaa1a t0n to birmairmbirminghamii am carriedmoved by elder richards

    secondedseconledsecondedsecongedled by elder youngN oung that brother H

    royle go to sheffield carriedmoved by elder claciaclaytonton seconded by elder young that brotlierjobnbrother john

    albiston take charge ortheovtheof the following branches of thellietlletile church viz dukinf-ield hyde woolley hill ashton and staley bridge carried

    moved by elder kimball seconded by elder young that brother

    joseph knowles accompany elder hadlock to scotland carried

    moved by elderaccomranricrichardsar s seconded by elder young that brother johnWwytchtch go with elder amos fielding to newcastle upon tyne Caicalcarriedried

    movedeved by elder pratt seconded by elder woodruffwoodrit that brother wmwinparr go to sandbaclisamlbachsaalbachSamlsami bach and congleton carried

    moved by elder richards seconded by elder pratt that brother heathcontinue his labourslaboure in diacAlacalacclesfieldmacclesficldclesfield carried

    moved by elder richards seconded by elder woodruff that brothelbrotherjohn blezard go to cornsliawcornshawhornshawCornsCornliawshawilaw carried

    moved by elder kimball seconded by elder richards that brotherrobert mcbride go to lancaster carried

    moved by elder richards seconded by elder woodruff thatthai brotherjames morgan abide in his own neighbourhoodneighbourboodneighbourhoodbood to labour with Eeldereideriderlder DwildingWildi Dg Carricarrlcarriedcd

    moved by elder pratt seconded by elder woodruff that brother pricegive up his business and labour under the advice of elder kington0 as theway opens carriedwjmovedloved by elder richards seconded by elder kimball that brotherwilliam black go to lisbourne ireland as thetlletile way opens carried

    moved by elder richards seconded by elder smith that brotherBrotlierlleriler johnparkinsonparPai kinson have a roving commission so long as hohe keeps busy and doing

    good carriedafter elder young hadbad addressed the meeting upon several importantitems it was moved by elder young seconded by elder kimball thatthis meeting be adjourned to the next conference

    the meeting thentilen dismissed by blessing from elder youngP P PRATTPRAIT PRESIDENTW CLAYTON clenicCLERKcleric

    correspondence you a brief sketch of the same andof my labourslaboure and those of my

    TO THE EDITOR OF THEtartae MIL STARstan brethren in that regionbeloved brother I1 arrived at frooms hill castlefeeling that a bistorhistory of the rrdserisehise

    is froom herefordshireHereford shire on the 4thath of

    and progress of the workvorkwozvoz of the urdlordlora march and was kindly entertained

    in herefordshireHereford shire and thetiietile regions for the night hyby mr john benbowbenhowround about would hebe interesting to who received my testimony andthe saints I1 proceed to lay before opened his door for meeting and