minutes of bembridge village partnership green town steering … · 2020-02-16 · minutes of...

Minutes of Bembridge Village Partnership Green Town Steering Group meeting held at 4.00pm 27 th January 2016, Parish Office, 5 Foreland Rd, Bembridge PRESENT: Mr J Leaver (Chairman), Mrs B Clough, Mrs S Weedall, Mr T Freeman, Mr I Graham & Mrs E Goldring (Clerk) 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE To receive apologies for absence. None all present. 2. MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING To receive for approval minutes of the Green Town Steering Group meeting held on 9 th December 2015 RESOLVED: Approved minutes of the Green Town Steering Group meeting held on 9 th December and signed by the Chairman. 3. BB21 WINDMILL TO BRADING MARSHES PROJECT To discuss the BB21 Windmill-Brading Marshes Project The clearance works are complete and the result is much better than expected. An update has been received from John Hague about the specification for the footpath construction works as follows:- Hello Emma, The surface specification has changed over time and relies on the on-site discussions between the Rights of Way officer and the contractor that is quoting. In general the preferred overall method is to realign the route onto the sea wall where it has wandered off, and to grade the surface of the route to remove excess soil etc and create a level firm bed for the surfacing material. The spoil moved will, where appropriate, form a retaining edge. Any eroded sections will be filled. Where appropriate a timber sleeper retainer will be constructed to form the surface edge. The surface will be formed of crushed chalk laid and compacted 100mm deep average approximately 1.5 metres wide and then covered with stabilised as dug gravel laid and compacted 100mm deep to form the finished surface. This is the specification for the lengths at the Brading end of the path and also the Bembridge end recently cleared. This includes the section adjacent to Centurions Copse. There is one section near the junction of the path from the main road BB 23 that is not on the sea wall. This is called Centurions Hill and is off the definitive line. This is a firm soil path and will only have any minor muddy sections dealt with. The map plans attached show Sections A,B,C,E at the Brading end where resurfacing will be carried out and section F which is the Bembridge end. Section D is the section for just minor repairs as necessary and is not on the sea wall. The current situation is that Darrel Clarke is arranging for 3 contractors to visit site and each submit 2 quotations - one for section ABCDE and one for Section F. Neil Morey of Rights of Way will also estimate the cost of the section through the Summerhayes plantation with a view to this being funded as an add-on. This will enable the Bembridge section F to be progressed with a view to the work being carried out sometime during April/May/June 2016. The remaining work is scheduled for mid/late 2017 following after the clearance scheduled for late 2016/pre March 2017. The clearance is aimed at being a joint operation between RSPB volunteers/staff and other volunteers recruited by the Down to the Coast project.

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Page 1: Minutes of Bembridge Village Partnership Green Town Steering … · 2020-02-16 · Minutes of Bembridge Village Partnership Green Town Steering Group meeting held at 4.00pm 27 th

Minutes of Bembridge Village Partnership Green Town Steering Group meeting

held at 4.00pm 27th

January 2016, Parish Office, 5 Foreland Rd, Bembridge

PRESENT: Mr J Leaver (Chairman), Mrs B Clough, Mrs S Weedall, Mr T Freeman, Mr I Graham & Mrs

E Goldring (Clerk)


To receive apologies for absence. None all present.


To receive for approval minutes of the Green Town Steering Group meeting held on 9th

December 2015

RESOLVED: Approved minutes of the Green Town Steering Group meeting held on 9th

December and signed by the Chairman.


To discuss the BB21 Windmill-Brading Marshes Project

The clearance works are complete and the result is much better than expected. An update

has been received from John Hague about the specification for the footpath construction

works as follows:-

Hello Emma, The surface specification has changed over time and relies on the on-site discussions between the Rights of Way officer and the contractor that is quoting. In general the preferred overall method is to realign the route onto the sea wall where it has wandered off, and to grade the surface of the route to remove excess soil etc and create a level firm bed for the surfacing material. The spoil moved will, where appropriate, form a retaining edge. Any eroded sections will be filled. Where appropriate a timber sleeper retainer will be constructed to form the surface edge. The surface will be formed of crushed chalk laid and compacted 100mm deep average approximately 1.5 metres wide and then covered with stabilised as dug gravel laid and compacted 100mm deep to form the finished surface. This is the specification for the lengths at the Brading end of the path and also the Bembridge end recently cleared. This includes the section adjacent to Centurions Copse. There is one section near the junction of the path from the main road BB 23 that is not on the sea wall. This is called Centurions Hill and is off the definitive line. This is a firm soil path and will only have any minor muddy sections dealt with.

The map plans attached show Sections A,B,C,E at the Brading end where resurfacing will be carried out and section F which is the Bembridge end. Section D is the section for just minor repairs as necessary and is not on the sea wall.

The current situation is that Darrel Clarke is arranging for 3 contractors to visit site and each submit 2 quotations - one for section ABCDE and one for Section F. Neil Morey of Rights of Way will also estimate the cost of the section through the Summerhayes plantation with a view to this being funded as an add-on.

This will enable the Bembridge section F to be progressed with a view to the work being carried out sometime during April/May/June 2016. The remaining work is scheduled for mid/late 2017 following after the clearance scheduled for late 2016/pre March 2017. The clearance is aimed at being a joint operation between RSPB volunteers/staff and other volunteers recruited by the Down to the Coast project.

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Replacement of stiles/gaps with kissing gates will be progressed as soon as possible; those on Taylor land have been approved by him and at present only one on Summerhayes land. However the gates rely on the Ramblers scheme obtaining donors for the gates.

I am happy to attend the next Green Towns meeting if you wish and I have pencilled in the date and await confirmation from you eventually. Trust this information helps.

There are potential volunteer works after the footpath has been levelled and laid. Cleaning

up the sea wall would be ideal but need to find out how this is regulated being in a SSSI and


RESOLVED: Confirmation is required of works at the plantation section that is an add on.

Invite Pete Fellow and John Hague to the next meeting and ask advice about clearing the sea

wall at section F.


To discuss the Palmer Memorial project

Please note below update from the Clerk on 7th


‘I had a good meeting this morning with Mrs Groocock Bembridge Primary School about the

Palmer Memorial Project. They have suggested that rather than key stage 1 involvement as

detailed in the project plan it would be better for them if year 5 are involved as they are

starting a project on the Victorians. This would fit in nicely Palmer being a local Victorian.

The class will draft leaflets from their perspective. They will visit the Palmer Memorial and

the grave in St Luke’s to take their own photos for inclusion in the leaflets. They will also visit

the Heritage Centre to do some research. I have spoken to Rita Edgcumbe Chair of

Bembridge Heritage Society and they are happy to open for a class visit. We are going to

produce some information boards to be cited within the heritage centre. We are also

Page 3: Minutes of Bembridge Village Partnership Green Town Steering … · 2020-02-16 · Minutes of Bembridge Village Partnership Green Town Steering Group meeting held at 4.00pm 27 th

looking into the feasibility of ordering a life-size cardboard cut-out Rev Palmer that would

also be in the centre. Nick Ryde the designer that we use is currently looking at an old

photograph to see if we can do it.

Wighstonemasons has ordered the new stone and will attend the grand unveiling doing a

traditional skills demonstration. The school class will also be invited to the grand unveiling to

view the skills. We are thinking an afternoon tea type thing down the point in May.

The Green Towns group will be discussing ways to improve the surrounding of the memorial,

planting, hedge cutting etc. We have already received 50% of the funding and they are keen

we deliver’.

Date for the class visit to the heritage centre being arranged for late February. Information

board to be created and placed in the centre by the Parish Office. The photo of Rev James

Nelson Palmer once blown up is unfortunately too pixelated to be used for a cardboard cut-

out. Awaiting confirmation from Wightstonemasonry Ltd that they have received the stone

for inscription. The design of the other information board for citing next to the Palmer

memorial has been agreed following amendments suggested by the group and designed by

Nick Ryde. RESOLVED: Purchase information board from Shelley Signs.

Improvements to the surrounding area of the Palmer Memorial are required. Sheila to

approach Bennetts for removal of the 3 green barriers, concrete boulders and to see if the

roadway into the Point can be improved.

Weeds need clearing, troughs need planting/clearing, white post knocked down needs

repositioning, and metal post next to memorial needs improvements. A 6inch drainpipe

could cover the metal and be concreted in and painted white to try and match the others.

Explore options to tarmac or concrete the 1metre surround of the ground. The triangle of

the grass needs cutting. Sheila to ask Island Roads for assistance via their staff’s volunteer

scheme. RESOLVED: Sheila to approach Bennetts and Island Roads regarding suggested



• To arrange the Beach Clean dates

Co-ordinate the beach cleans of BASHHA too. First one needed before the Easter holidays.

Same format as last year but not the crab as a meeting point. The Parish Lengthsmen/Tony

would assist with the rubbish disposal. Suggested dates 19th

March, 4th

June, 16th


August and 17th

September all at 10.00am. Need to double check the tide times to ensure

that these dates are feasible. Kingswood to be invited. Email dates to the Pilot Boat for


• To arrange the Spring Litter Pick

Spring Litter Pick 16th

April and Autumn Litter Pick 22nd

October 10.00am meet at Steyne

Park. Kingswood to be invited.

• To arrange the recycling exhibition

Amey have co-opted Sheila onto their recycling forum. They have a mobile visitor centre

that is run by the footprint trust. It would be ideal to have this next to the Green Towns Stall.

RESOLVED: Book street fair stall on 30th

May and approach Footprint Trust to bring the

Amey educational centre. The Parish has a new double pop up gazebo with ground weights

for easy use.


To discuss the Brooks Close to Farm Lane footpath

Couldn’t process a map search online therefore need to do write to them.

ACTION: Conduct a land registry search and report back the legal options/processes.


To review the Bembridge Trail information boards

There are 10 boards as part of the Culver Trail. The Parish Lengthsmen renewed these

approx. 3 years ago. The current workload is busy. Ian offered to assess the boards and

report back any works required.

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Green conference circulated if any member is interested in attending.


Wednesday 24th

February 2016 4.00pm Parish Office

Signed: ……………………………………………….. Dated:………………………………………….

Ask Darrel Clarke for a timescale of the works to BB7.

Hillway Duck Pond Island Roads commencing enforcement of clearance works with the land owner.

Paddock Drive waste at the bottom of the slipway from the beach to be removed by Lengthsmen.

Lincoln Way Pond full up photos on Facebook.


Wednesday 24th

February 2016 4.00pm Parish Office

Signed: ……………………………………………….. Dated:………………………………………….