minster matters your friendly village ... - minster-in-thanet · thanet std code : 01843 community...

Issue Number 125 : May 2011 ISSN 1755-9502 (Print) : ISSN 1755-9510 (Online) : ISSN 1758-4175 (CD-ROM) Minster Matters Your Friendly Village Newsletter E-mail : [email protected] Skype us at: editor.minstermatters Electronic Copy, Podcast and Blog: http://www.minstermatters.org.uk Fax No: 0844 272 9875 Find us on Facebook or Twitter - search for : Minster Matters Published by: Minster Matters, Library & Neighbourhood Centre, 4A Monkton Road, Minster-in-Thanet, Nr. Ramsgate, Kent CT12 4EA UK

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Page 1: Minster Matters Your Friendly Village ... - Minster-in-Thanet · Thanet STD Code : 01843 Community ... Thanet District Council: 577 000 Community Dog Warden: 577 580 Salvation Army

Issue Number 125 : May 2011ISSN 1755-9502 (Print) : ISSN 1755-9510 (Online) : ISSN 1758-4175 (CD-ROM)

Minster Matters Your Friendly Village Newsletter

E-mail : [email protected] Skype us at: editor.minstermattersElectronic Copy, Podcast and Blog: http://www.minstermatters.org.uk

Fax No: 0844 272 9875 Find us on Facebook or Twitter - search for : Minster MattersPublished by: Minster Matters, Library & Neighbourhood Centre, 4A Monkton Road, Minster-in-Thanet, Nr. Ramsgate, Kent CT12 4EA UK

Page 2: Minster Matters Your Friendly Village ... - Minster-in-Thanet · Thanet STD Code : 01843 Community ... Thanet District Council: 577 000 Community Dog Warden: 577 580 Salvation Army

Thanet STD Code : 01843Community Warden:Steve Taylor: 07811 271 302PC Kim Burgess: 07980 683 956PC Darren Reed: 07989 992 283email:[email protected]: 01622 690 690(for reporting crimes or non urgent information)Emergencies: 999 or 112Thanet District Council: 577 000Community Dog Warden: 577 580Salvation Army Hall: 825 178Library: 821 442Doctor’s Surgery: 821 333(appointments only, 8.00am -10.00 am)Patient Liaison Group: 845 072Post Office: 821 291Minster School: 821 384Village Website:www.minster-in-thanet.org.ukMinster Web Cafegroups.yahoo.com/group/minstercafeFreegle: www.freeglethanet.org.ukMobility Scooter(to loan): 07914 623 287Venues available for HireJohn Spanton Pavilion (in Rec)and the All Weather Sports Pitchbookings for both the above venues viaParish Office 821 339Old Schools: bookings viaJacque Sings 822 053Village Hall: 822 807 bookings viaEric James 821 744

Useful Numbers and Contacts

Minster Matters

Copy for any issue ofMinster Matters

must be received (at the very latest !!)by the 3rd Friday of preceding month

regardless of datewww.minstermatters.org.uk

[email protected] us at: editor.minstermatters

Editor & AdvertisingRay Owen 822322 or 839019

Editorial Team:All members except Accounts can be reached

through the email address above

Collection boxes for hard copy are available at both theLibrary and the Gossip Shop

or send your copy via snail mail to:Minster Matters

c/o Library, 4A Monkton Rd,Minster-in-Thanet CT12 4EA

MM Fax: 0844 272 9875 (5p per min)

NEW Advertising RatesFrom this issue

Page size apprx 1/16 1/8 1/4 1/2 FullB&W Min of 6 £6.50 £13 £26 £52 £104B&W Single £11 £22 £44 £88 £176Colour (if avail) N/A £25 £50 £100 £200

Please Note:Late payment for advertisements may

mean they will be omitted from thenext edition (3 months max!!)

Copies of our Terms and Conditionsare available on our website


The next meeting ofMinster Parish Council

will be held on:Tuesday 3rd May

in the Neighbourhood CentreMembers of the public are welcome to attend andcan arrange to speak to the Council through theClerk or by requesting the Chairman before thestart of the meeting. Copies of the Agenda areavailable from the Clerk and are posted in theLibrary. Clerk to the Council is Mrs Kyla Lamband the Council Office is normally open from:-

9.30 am - 12 noon weekdays;tel: 821 339 fax: 825 269

Email: [email protected]

June Meeting - Tuesday 7th

Pavilion HireRecreation Ground

Suitable for parties, small weddings,children’s parties, etc.

Seating for 60-70,kitchen facilities.

Ideal for all family occasions !Bookings via Parish Council Office

Dates for Your DiaryMay Page

7 Cats in Crisis Quiz Night 9

7 S.Army Murder Mystery Evening 12

10 W.I. Meeting 22

11 Mothers Union Garden Party 22


14 Saturday Market` 22

16 RBL Womens Section Meeting 22

18 Horticultural Society Meeting 22

18/21 Minster Plahouse presents……….…. 11

19 W.I. Coffee and Chat 22

28/30 Abbey Patchers Quilt Show 22


4/5 St Nicholas Open Gardens 20

5 Big Lunch 22

10/12 RBL Poppy Weekend 10

11 W.I. Garden Coffee Morning 22

18/19 Minster Open Gardens 22

Surgery Closure Dates 13

Thanet Coast Events 4

Church Notices 21

All Weather Pitch 23

Village Hall Bowls Group 23

Green Bins Recycling Collections Blue BinsFriday (paid service) Ink Cartridges - Please leave at Library Monday - Tuesday

6 / 20 May 2/16/30 : 3/17/313 / 17 June 13 / 27 : 14 / 28

Dry Cell Battery Collections: Attwells, The Attic, Bens, Library, Co-op, DoctorsInk Cartridges, Laser Toners and Mobiles please leave at Library

The Editors accept all advertisements, articlesand notices in good faith and activelyencourage the support of the local traders andservices.However, we cannot be held responsible for thequality of goods or services offered.Please mention the magazine when replying toadvertisers.Note however that due to lack of recordingspace we do not copy our advertisersinformation to the audio CD’s.The magazine and CD are published eleventimes a year, at the beginning of each month,from February to December, inclusive.Disclaimer: Views expressed herein are strictlythose of their author and do not necessarilyagree with those of the Editor and/or theeditorial team.

MM SubscriptionsCopies of the Magazine or CD are nowavailable on subscription to all nonresidents, worldwide.Payments quoted below are in advanceTo a UK postal address :-Single Issue £1.60 (from February 2011)Annually (11 issues) £15.00Costs to an overseas address areavailable on request, and we will bepleased to quote for this service. Ourmailing details are shown elsewhereon this page.

Amy Murray Co-Editor 847444Brenda Saker Sub-Editor 822846Eve Tilbee Sub-Editor 821545Nora Aldous Audio 825306Sue Greenstreet Newshound 823035Diane Cotterill Snappy 822394Rodney Rose Accounts 821965

MINSTER - How To Find UsFor those looking to use a Sat Nav

to locate the villagethe Library at 4A Monkton Road

is the approximate centre of the villageand the postcode there is CT12 4EAGPS/OS Map co-ordinates for the

village square are TR 309 64751.33 N, 1.33 E or 51° 20’ N, 1° 18’ E

May 2011

Page 3: Minster Matters Your Friendly Village ... - Minster-in-Thanet · Thanet STD Code : 01843 Community ... Thanet District Council: 577 000 Community Dog Warden: 577 580 Salvation Army

Hello again, from under the stairs!!It’s getting late on Sunday evening and I’m nowhere near

finished as yet, but I’m still confident we’ll get this to the printers forfirst thing Monday morning, so as it’s back here with us for deliveryover the Easter weekend.

Deadlines seem to creep up on us, no sooner do we just get oneissue completed when ‘lo and behold’ it’s that time again when westart reminding people about copy for the next issue.

My dad always used to say “I don’t know how I ever found thetime to go to work” and I now know what he meant by that statement,I’m sure the weeks are shorter now, than they were when I was in fulltime employment, all that ever seemed too short then were theweekends and annual holidays.

You’ll read elsewhere in this issue from our CommunityWarden, that he is about to leave us for pastures new. He assures methat we will be getting a replacement though, so all is not lost, andthere’ll be no need for residents to change their phone books as thenew man will have Steve’s old mobile number.

Steve has been a good friend to me and I for one will miss him,after all who am I going to take the mickey out of now ? Seriouslythough I am sure you will all join with me in wishing him all the bestin his new position as Thanet Area Supervisor (or some such post)which he will be doing from Hawley Sq in Margate.

I’m sure he will be missed by the many friends he has madewhilst he has been here - I think he told me it’s been 7 yrs !! I suspecthe’ll still ring me when his computer goes wrong though, so I don’tsuppose I’ve actually seen the last of him !!

Have you visited our website lately? We have put in place theability for readers to place a marker, to show where each live, on ourglobal map, which we are hoping you will all add to, as we’d love toknow where our magazine is read. If you don’t have Internet access,or you don’t feel competent enough to do this (instructions areavailable) but would like us to put you on the map, just send us youraddress (minus the house name or number) and we’ll add it for you.Our mailing details are on page 2 as is our web address.

The Braille Embosser has now been ordered and we have at long lastsecured access to the empty office above the library, where we intend to houseit, so things are now moving along apace and hopefully, large print and braillecopies will soon be available via the library - Oo I’m getting quite excited. It’sa pity the warden is going as he’s been looking forward to moving into theoffice with us, all he ever wanted a window to look out of , but as he’s now beenpromoted we’ve got the window to ourselves.

We were approached to see if we were willing to publish campaignmaterial for some of the candidates in the Thanet and Minster Council elections,but we declined to do so as we’ve no wish to get into politics within our pages,we’ll leave that to the newspapers, however we did agree topublish images of those standing for the Parish Council, so as youcould all put names to faces, but that was as far as we were willingto go.

Going back to the library office, we are in need of some freestanding (can’t put brackets on the wall) shelving (4 or 5 foot long)or maybe a narrow desk, to house the embosser and A3 printers on.Do you know of any that we may be able to beg, borrow or steal(well ok probably best we don’t steal any) or do you have anysuggestion as to where we might try to purchase someinexpensively, funds being a bit tight at the moment. Any thoughtson this please contact me.

Finally, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all of the MMteams for all the hard work and effort they put into getting thismagazine and CD published and delivered across the village andsurrounding area, we couldn’t do it without you. Thank you.

Very last thought……… Where’s Zac ?

Minster Matters 3EDITORIAL


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been onPage 1

Poor Parking !!

Page 4: Minster Matters Your Friendly Village ... - Minster-in-Thanet · Thanet STD Code : 01843 Community ... Thanet District Council: 577 000 Community Dog Warden: 577 580 Salvation Army


Grand Spring FayreWe are delighted to report that the event held on Saturday 2nd

April was a tremendous success and due to the generosity of manyvillage businesses raised £120 in our raffle.

The winner of the 1st prize of a "Meal for Two" at "Morton'sFork" was Mrs Jane Broomfield from Broadstairs with "Ticket No.White 52". There was a total of 12 prizes donated for the raffle anda full list of the prize winners can be seen on our notice board inthe surgery.

There is, however, one outstanding prize yet to be claimed, andthat is TICKET No. YELLOW 245" - IS THAT YOURS!

Altogether over £300 was raised at this event and will go towardsour "SPIROMETER MICRO LAB" Project and you can follow theprogress of our total fund raising on our notice board in the surgery.

So once again, thank you to everyone who took part and supportedus so generously.

Surgery Closure DaysJust to remind you that with so many Bank Holidays approaching,

the surgery will be closed on the following days ;Friday 29th April - Royal WeddingMonday 2nd May - May Day HolidayMonday 30th May - Spring Bank HolidayIn addition to these dates, the surgery will be closed from midday

onwards, on Tuesday 10th May, for the purpose of 'STAFFTRAINING".

Should you need to see a doctor during these times then pleasecall "Doctors on Call" via the normal surgery number : Thanet821333.

Thank you.

Patient Liaison Group MeetingThe last meeting was held on Wednesday 20th April and not

Tuesday 12th as originally published.If anyone requires further information on any of the above or has

any issues to be raised at our next meeting please contact :

KEN SELF on Thanet 821200 orJEAN TAYLOR on Thanet 845072

Boilers & Gas AppliancesAnnual Servicing & RepairsCentral Heating Design &InstallationComplete BathroomDesign & InstallationAll work GuaranteedFully Insured & QualifiedGas Safety RegisterNo 203531

Minster Matters



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Page 5: Minster Matters Your Friendly Village ... - Minster-in-Thanet · Thanet STD Code : 01843 Community ... Thanet District Council: 577 000 Community Dog Warden: 577 580 Salvation Army

Minster Matters 5May 2011

Rosemary Ball MICHT, IIHHTReflexologist

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Last Article from Community WardenI’ve done a rough calculation of how many articles I have written

for MM which comes to about 70 in the almost 7 years I have had theprivilege of being your community warden. Without doubt this will bethe most difficult to complete. But here goes.

As part of the restructuring that KCC is going through there aregoing to be some changes to our service and how we work.

I will be taking on the role of Area Supervisor for the Thanet teamand will be moving to an office in Margate as from the first week inMay.

However, there will be a community warden located in Minster whowill start duties in June. I will be taking calls until he starts.

When I was appointed as your warden in 2004 I considered myselfto be the luckiest warden in Kent to be able to work in a village that hadeverything needed to be a thriving community.

It has been an absolute honour to have had the opportunity to bepart of your community and you have all made my job a real pleasure.I’ve looked forward to coming to work here everyday and feel verymuch part of Minster.

There are so many people I want to mention but I think the editormight run out of space.

You have all made my job so much easier through the support youhave given me.

But I must give a big thank you to Ray Owen, the editor of thiswonderful journal, who has done such a great job in producing a qualitynewsletter for you all as well as being a very good friend to me. AlsoKyla, Roy and Neil along with the Parish Council for being so helpfuland supportive to me in my time here.

To all the staff at the library for putting up with me, particularlyJean and Jackie who have been good friends throughout the last 7 yearsand more recently Paul who has a tremendous grasp of the history ofMinster.

As I say I could go on but I will be seeing as many of you as I canbefore I move on, to offer my thanks.

I will miss you all but I will be visiting occasionally for meetingsetc and hope to catch up with you then.

Look after yourselves and the village, Minster is an oasis in the localarea and will always mean something special to me.

Take care, Steve Taylor.



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07761 109 171






TEL: 07968 370 958

Page 6: Minster Matters Your Friendly Village ... - Minster-in-Thanet · Thanet STD Code : 01843 Community ... Thanet District Council: 577 000 Community Dog Warden: 577 580 Salvation Army

Minster Matters6 May 2011

Teresa & Bonniewelcome you!

Opening HoursMon-Sat: 9.00am - 2.30pmSunday: 9.30am - 1.30pm

Fresh coffeeSpeciality teasDelicious cakesSandwichesLight lunchesBacon rolls

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MINSTER-IN-THANET WIA fascinating talk about a subject very dear to the hearts of many

of our members and visitors this month.......chocolate!Keiran Reniham of Chocolution told us all about the health benefits of raw

chocolate and many samples were put to the test. No more guilt and plenty ofantioxidants !

A wonderful time of year to find out about the benefits of good quality chocolate!Between now and our next meeting there are many exciting events to look out

for.The best brains from all the local WI's will be pitted against each other to go

through to the next round to become 'The Top Team'W.I. Members from all over East Kent will be taking to the skies on flying

trips from Manston and Minster members will be going to the National Theatrein London for lunch and a tour. There is also a Textile Day in Bridge and anAwareness Day in Thannington.

Please remember the Garden Coffee morning at 9 High Street Minster on11th June 10am - 1pm and Coffee and Chat in the Minster Village Hall on19th May from 10am-12noon.

All in all a very busy spring for Minster W.I.Next meeting: 10th May 2011, Minster Village Hall.

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ironing pile grow???Then let “The Ironing Fairy”

make it disappear!!!!Local Minster Lady - Smoke Free Home

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brochure contact Nicola on 821231


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Q.E.Q.M. HOSPITAL LEAGUE OF FRIENDSRegistered Charity Number 210234

Raising Funds For Your HospitalThe AGM of the QEQM Hospital League of Friends will be held at 6pm

on Thursday 12th May in the Lecture Theatre of the Queens Centre for ClinicalStudies at QEQM Hospital, Margate.

This is an opportunity to see what the charity has achieved during the pastyear, what purchases have been made to benefit the QEQM Hospital and whatplans there are for the next year’s fundraising.

To help us with catering arrangements, please leave a message on theanswerphone on 01843 234507 if you would like to attend.

Domestic Cleaning ServicesRegular Domestic Cleaning

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01843 5956226

COMPUTER PROBLEMS?- Hardware upgrades -

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Most computer problems can befixed in your own home.Very competitively priced.

Call Vaughn Technology Services on07528 270 426

Page 7: Minster Matters Your Friendly Village ... - Minster-in-Thanet · Thanet STD Code : 01843 Community ... Thanet District Council: 577 000 Community Dog Warden: 577 580 Salvation Army

Minster Matters 7May 2011

From Perms to Cuts, Highlights to Sets,Ladies, Gents and Children welcome.


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9.30am to 12.00noonLUNCHES - WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY

12.00noon to 2.45pm ROAST DINNERS - SUNDAY 12.00noon to 2.30pm

Police Request Community’s HelpPolice are asking for the community's help following two

suspicious incidents in the Thanet area.The first incident occurred on Saturday, 19 March, in Chichester

Road, Ramsgate. It is reported that a man encouraged a five-year-oldgirl to sit in his car,. The girl, who had been playing with a friend,said no and alerted her mother to the incident. This was reported topolice on Monday, 21 March.

Officers are not ruling out this is linked to an incident thatoccurred on Wednesday, 23 March in Millmead Road, Margate. Inthis case it is reported that a man opened a garden gate and spoketo a three-year-old boy in his back garden.

DS John Cooper said: ‘Clearly these incidents are concerningand we are keen to hear from anyone who has any information thatwill help us with our investigations.

‘There has been a great deal of speculation and misinformationvia the internet about these cases, and although I appreciate thesemessages are being circulated with the best of intentions, what weneed is factual information that will allow us to run an effectiveinvestigation.

‘Our advice to parents and guardians, who undoubtedly beworried about these events, is to remain vigilant, ensure your childrenare supervised and well versed in the potential risks associated intalking to strangers.

‘We want to hear from anyone who may have information aboutthese, or similar incidents, to come forward. We are fortunate tobenefit from a close knit community in Thanet and I am confidentthat local residents will play an important role to ensuring the safetyof our children.'

If you have information that will help police, please contact01622 690690. Alternatively contact Kent CrimeStoppers on0800 555111.


DON’T FORGET!Schedule Launch and‘Grow for the Show’

Saturday 7th May from 10amOutside the Gossip Shop

Page 8: Minster Matters Your Friendly Village ... - Minster-in-Thanet · Thanet STD Code : 01843 Community ... Thanet District Council: 577 000 Community Dog Warden: 577 580 Salvation Army

Minster Matters

Pet and Domiciliary ServiceGoing Away? At work all day?

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Councillorfor the

Thanet Villages Ward

e-mail: [email protected]

Councillor Mike Roberts

Tel: 01843 851726

Your Letters ......

“Help with stray cats”I would like to praise all the staff at Eagle Vets in Minster for all their help and

support they give me as I try and do my bit for some stray/neglected cats in the village.Sometimes I have to bring a cat down without notice and they’ve always beenunderstanding and helpful, I don’t take it for granted.

Also could I take this opportunity to plead with cat owners to neuter, worm, de-fleatheir cats. It is heart-breaking to see a cat that is no more than a kitten herself to havelitter after litter of kittens, covered in ticks and fleas.

There is help out there if people need help with the cost of neutering. I praiseCats In Crisis for their help to me as well, they have been fantastic. People have saidto me that it isn’t my problem, but it is becoming an increasing problem in Minsterand it will get worse if we all ignore it.

Anyone that has ever owned a pet will know how much they can enrich our lives,and they ask for little in return - to be loved and cared for.

Kind regards Ann James

Dog Attacked in MinsterTo whom it concerns - I did not get your name on

Monday morning 4th April 2011 on the field over therailway crossing at the end of Watchester Lane whenmy little Border terrier ran over to greet you and yourlong-haired German Shepherd. Your dog lunged andbit her side which required her to have vet treatmentincluding a general anaesthetic, 8 stitches and a course of antibiotics. In the futurewhen you are out with your dog, please put a muzzle on it which will hopefullyprevent other dogs from being injured.

A Word of CautionI am making contact about a "flyer" that has just dropped though my door inviting

folk to a "Gold & Silver" sale at Minster Hall on Wednesday 23rd March. I am surethis is a totally legitimate enterprise and I know there are many such in the area.

However my elderly mother lives in a small village in Ireland, very similar toMinster, maybe a bit smaller but with no history whatsoever of criminal type activity,everyone left their doors open etc! However these sort of sales started to happen inthe local area about 3 years ago and as soon as they did there was a spate of robberiesthe which the county had never seen the like. I feel very strongly about it as mymother was targeted on as it happened the first day of her radiotherapy treatment, thehouse was burgled, they only went to one drawer and all her gold was stolen, thethieves didn't bother with her pearls, rolex watch and kindly chucked her wedding

ring back in the drawer.The insurers later told us this was a sure sign of travellers who

will apparently never steal a wedding ring one obviously can notpoint the finger but you get the drift. Even though these companiesmay be legitimate they put real temptation in everyone's way andI thought it might be a very good idea to warn your readers not tobe conspicuous about their gold possessions and to take care oftheir security.

Kind regards, Maura Pell


Add a piece of dried orange rind to thetea caddy. It gives a delicious smell

and taste to the tea

Page 9: Minster Matters Your Friendly Village ... - Minster-in-Thanet · Thanet STD Code : 01843 Community ... Thanet District Council: 577 000 Community Dog Warden: 577 580 Salvation Army

Minster Matters 9May 2011


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Thank you’s and messages....

Soup on Wednesday would like to thank….all the soup makers,helpers and supporters of the ‘Soup on Wednesday.’ Over the past 5 months,thanks to your wonderful generosity, we have been able to raise the amazingsum of; £1071.94! Half of this money will be used to transform lives inthe ‘Diocesan Hope and Poverty Appeal,’ and the rest will go towards theSt. Mary’s fabric fund.

So, thank you all so very much for coming together and helping tomake this possible.

God Bless you all. Helen Northrop.

Carol Peters “Coach Operator of the Year’ wish to say thankyou…. to everyone for their support and custom.

Their ‘New’ brochure is now available from Attwells. FREE sweettreat for every trip booked, during April & May, via Attwells.




- dog walking – gardening – house work -babysitting etc

Village references available£5.50/hr

call 01843 821 843 or 07734 803 448

“Such a pretty face”I see Mr. Fox along the trail I call The Rivers Court Trail- near my

home. I walk quietly alone, and at times Mr. Fox is crossing my path, hestands still, looks at me, and then disappears into the trees and bushes atthe side of the path. This trail is not used very much, so Mr. Fox feelssafe.

These lines are from my new little book titled “Minster’s NaturalWorld” - to be found now in the library.

Yvonne Chapman

CATS IN CRISIS (THANET) ANNUAL QUIZ NIGHT(with Grand Raffle and Tombola)

Saturday 7th May, 7.30pm – 10.30pmVillage Hall

Tickets available at £3.50 per personLight refreshments will be available but please feel free

to bring your ownFor tickets or further information please ring 299295

or email [email protected] proceeds go to the CIC General Veterinary Fund

The White StagMonkton 01843 823760

Village Pub and RestaurantPROBABLY THE BEST CARVERY IN THANETEaster Saturday Eve - Beggars Belief

Easter Sunday Eve - KaraokeFriday 29th Royal Wedding Party

withAfternoon & Evening Entertainment


Function Room for Hire,Garden & Field Venue for Events


Morton’s ForkStation Road,

Minster: 01843 823 000

Restaurant and Hotel

Saturday 30th AprilCome and join us for an evening of War Time

favourites, enjoy the food of the era andlisten to the old War Time favourites - get up

and have a Jive if you want to

An evening of Good Old Fashioned FunIn pleasant company and surroundings

Only £20 per person

Booking Essential. Come and pick up yourration book and book your place for £2.10sEveryone dressing for the era receives a free

glass of wine.





Bank Holiday


Page 10: Minster Matters Your Friendly Village ... - Minster-in-Thanet · Thanet STD Code : 01843 Community ... Thanet District Council: 577 000 Community Dog Warden: 577 580 Salvation Army

10 Minster Matters


David Oakley MCFHP, MAFHP

All forms of Services and Treatmentsavailable for Foot and Nail care

Corns, Calluses, Bunions, Hammer-toe,Ingrown nails, Nail deformities,

Infection control for Athletes foot and Fungal Nailinfections, Verrucas,

Hard skin removal and Diabetic footcare

We provide personal and reliable treatment in thecomfort of your own home, nursing or residential care

home or hospital

Day, evening, weekend appointmentsavailable by arrangement

Tel: 01843 866 601Mob: 07749 999584

May 2011

MALOYS MOWERSUnit 4, Ebbsfleet Lane, Minster, Ramsgate CT12 5DI

Tel: 01843 825 000







LOOKING FOR AN EXTRA INCOME?Lifestyle changing opportunity for self-motivated individuals/couples

Part time/full time no investment required.

To find out more about this opportunity please contact

Lynn Matthews

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Independent Distributor Of Forever Living Products

Aloe Vera Health & Skincare Products

FLP, Longbridge Manor, Warwick CV34 6RB

MINSTER CEP SCHOOLSUMMER FAYREThis year’s Summer Fayre will be a little different

from previous years. We are holding it a little later, onthe 25th June, in the hope that we get better weather. It

is also hoped we will have some different events running as wellas the usual stalls.

We will have an ice rink which can be booked and paid for inadvance so you and your children can have an allocated ½ hourtime slot without having to wait. We will also be having a “Pet-lessPet Show”, further details on the Fayre to follow.

To be able to run this event successfully we will need lots ofvolunteers and helpers. We want to have a fun event for all friendsand family of the school as well as the local community, but willneed lots of helpers to make this work.

The PFA can only generate money for your children if we allhelp and play a part. So please either pop along to the next meetingwhich will be looking at this event, or contact Stevie via the schooloffice or any other PFA member for further information.

All ideas are welcome.

Friday 10th - Quiz Night and RaffleSaturday 11th - Childrens Activities, Tombola, BBQ

(Weather permitting)Afternoon Entertainment, Evening 40’s Theme Dance with

Swing Band, prize for Best Fancy DressSunday 12th - Military Band Display, Childrens

Activities, Afternoon of MusicSat & Sun Events start at 10am

BIG RAFFLE top prize of £200plus other cash prizes of not less than £5

Look What’sOn !!

Page 11: Minster Matters Your Friendly Village ... - Minster-in-Thanet · Thanet STD Code : 01843 Community ... Thanet District Council: 577 000 Community Dog Warden: 577 580 Salvation Army

Minster Matters


Susan OsbornePersonal Travel Counsellor

Tel: 01843 834481 Mobile: 07940 714683Email: [email protected] site: www.travelcounsellors.com/susan.osborneTravel Counsellors Trust GuaranteesFinancial Protection on Every Booking


ALLWEATHERCarpet & Upholstery Cleaning

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May 2011

Computer Installation & RepairWeb Design & Hosting

Tuition availableon most popular packages


www.minster.net07739 486 707

07772 562 275


All types of seasoned logs 4 saleSpecific species of tree available upon request

NO FRILLS KINDLING - £2.00 per bagSEASONED LOGS - £3.00 per sack

1 Ton of Logs P.O.A.Please contact

MARK on 822 623or 07544 365 444

Rehearsals are well under way for thisextremely funny play (see photo’s below).So what is it all about?Emma Tyler mourns the sudden andunexpected death of her husband, Joe. Butall is not as it seems and, deep in the bowelsof a nearby hospital, something stirs.Enter Detective Inspector Monroe - a manwho know a thing or two about the unexpected.And soon finds himself right in the middle ofthis mystery which threatens to unhinge hissanity.1. Where is the mysterious Doctor Branovic?2. How did the toaster get dented on bothsides?3. Why has Monroe got a hole in his righthand?4. And does Emma Tyler really own a cat?“One of David Tristain’s funniest and mostinventive scripts to date - a sure-fire hit wihall those who love his witty, madcap comedies.”

Please support your local Playhouse

KDA Adjudication Saturday 21st May

You can now collect your ordered ticketsand pay for them from Attwells

Newsagents in Minster

Emma (Sarah Tyler) not believing that thisman might be her dead husband Joe (NealMorcom)

18th to 21st MayTickets £5.00 Wed/Thurs

£7.00 Fri/SatPhone 01843 220208

For more info visitwww.minsterplayhouse.co.uk“I guarantee you will laugh your socksoff and if you are not wearing any,then make sure all other clothing issecurely fastened.” Scott Steele:Director.

Emma (Sarah Tyler) discovering thatthis man (Terry Wood) is definitelynot her dead husband with InspectorMonroe (Steve Clement) looking on.

Minster Playhouse

NEW ARRIVALSVery soon we will be receivingTurkish LiraNew range of Hallmark CardsLots of new exciting gifts

At your Post Officewe also offer the following services

Fishing Licences; Mobile Top-ups; TravelServices; Motor vehicle tax; Free CashWithdrawals; Home, Car and BusinessInsurances; Money Grams; International

Phone Cards; Commission Free Buying andSelling of Travel Money


Page 12: Minster Matters Your Friendly Village ... - Minster-in-Thanet · Thanet STD Code : 01843 Community ... Thanet District Council: 577 000 Community Dog Warden: 577 580 Salvation Army

Minster Matters12 May 2011

Now Open on Sundays

from 11.30am to 8.30pm

BS7671 Qualified Electrical Engineer

Part 'P' Registration No EPP2390

All Electrical Work UndertakenFree Quotations ~ Competitive Prices

Quality Workmanship ~ Fully Guaranteed

Call Nic Morling 825 09436 Tothill Street, Minster


KENT TRADING STANDARDSKent Trading Standards recently issued an alert to residents warning of anincident in Lyminge of two males who tried to con an elderly consumer out of£300.00 for bogus work to her garage but were stopped when a friendintervened.

However, the males later returned to the property believing the consumer wasnow alone in the hope of obtaining more money. Fortnately a KCC CommunityWarden was in attendance and the males quickly left.

Following this distressing incident a Trading Standards officer visited theconsumer with the KCC Community Warden involved to offer further supportand aftercare.

From speaking to the consumer it was discovered that the friend who hadintervened was in fact the consumer’s gardener who is also a member of KentTrading Standards Buy With Confidence Scheme.

Buy With Confidence brings together a list of traders from all over the countywhich have been individually checked for trustworthiness and compliance withconsumer protection laws.

Trading Standards officers vet and visit every applicant and only once they havepassed our stringent checks are they accepted onto the scheme and permittedto display the Buy With Confidence logo and are continually monitored byTrading Standards.

To find a Buy With Confidence trader or to become a member please visitwww.buywithconfidence.gov.uk or telephone 0808 156 2256.

To find your local KCC Community Warden please visitwww.kent.gov.uk/community_and_living.

Kent Trading Standards monitor sales of age restricted goods to young people,particularly tobacco and alcohol.

It is important to restrict the sales of such goods because they lead to healthproblems, truancy and anti-social behaviour.

Often young people will attempt to buy such goods themselves or will ask anadult to buy for them.

Trading Standards advise members of the public not to buy alcohol for youngpeople aged under18 when approached in the street. These purchases areknown as “proxy sales” and are illegal. Adults who buy alcohol for children arecommitting an offence and could face a fine of up to £5000.

If you are aware of retailers who you suspect of selling tobacco or alcohol tochildren under 18, or have been approached by a young person with a requestto buy cigarettes or alcohol for them, Trading Standards would be veryinterested to know when and where. Please be assured that you can remainanonymous if you wish.

Please contact us via Consumer Direct on 0808 156 2256 or visitwww.tradingstandards.gov.uk/kent/youcanhelp

Page 13: Minster Matters Your Friendly Village ... - Minster-in-Thanet · Thanet STD Code : 01843 Community ... Thanet District Council: 577 000 Community Dog Warden: 577 580 Salvation Army

13Minster MattersMay 2011

PawfectionDog Grooming ServiceAll Breeds Welcome

Kind Professional ServiceFully Insured

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Gemma & Sandie69 High Street, Minster, CT12 4AB

01843 825 841

N.P. PlasteringDry Lining ~ Screeding ~ Plastering

Coving ~ New Walls & Ceilings ~ RepairsReferences & Portfolio

available on requestFree Estimates & Advice

01843 825 949or

07969 825 085www.npplastering.com

Local Villages & Surrounding AreaAirports - Long Distance

Wheelchair Facilities

All Major Credit Cards Accepted

Specialising in purpose made Staircases


Success soon palls.The joyous time is when the breeze first strikes your

sails,and the waters rustle under your bows.Charles Buxton

Thanet Coast 2011 - Spring into Summer

Fit and Healthy Sat 21st May 10am to 5pm (just turn up & sign in)Sea Garden Sat 21st May 10am (3hrs All ages 5+)Roc Doc Walks 11am Sun 22nd May, 12th June, 10th July(2hrs 14+yrs)Seaweeds and their Secrets Sat 28th May 3pm (2hrs 14+yrs)Rocky Shore Crab Tour Sat 28th May 4pm (4 - 16yrs)Coastal Cycle Rides Tues 31st May 2pm & Fri 17th June 6.30pm (2.5hrs 7+yrs)Cliffs, Sea Caves and Castles Wed 20th July 10am (2hrs 7+yrs)To book any of these events go to www.thanetcoast.org.ukor ring 577577 for further details

Laser Hair Removal, Dermal Filler,Botox, Laser Teeth Whitening

Page 14: Minster Matters Your Friendly Village ... - Minster-in-Thanet · Thanet STD Code : 01843 Community ... Thanet District Council: 577 000 Community Dog Warden: 577 580 Salvation Army

Minster Matters14 April 2011

ANIMALS IN NEED OF A HOME...RSPCA Isle of Thanet Branchinc. Woodchurch Animal CentreTel No (01843) 826180

Alfie (pictured right) isa young cat who came tothe centre as a stray. Hewasn’t with us for longbefore he found a lovingnew home. However, Alfiehad to be neutered and sowas booked on to the Mobile

Neutering Clinic that comes from Regioneach month. He became the 10,000th cat tobe done on the bus since it started in 2001!He has therefore made a bit of local history.

Another thing that we are running is amuch needed neutering campaign for Staffyand Staffy X dogs because of the highnumber of unwanted Staffordshire BullTerrier dogs coming in and the number beingbred. These lovely dogs have become thelatest victim of status dogs and their highprofile leads people to believe that they areeasy to handle. Unfortunately this is not true.They are usually very loving dogs but havea high level of energy, are small but verypowerful and need proper training and lotsof exercise. They are not really suitable forfirst time dog owners or people with youngchildren or small pets – not because theyare vicious but because they are very strongand lively and could injure even in play. Iattach a poster with the details of thecampaign and would very much appreciateit if you could highlight it in your magazinefor us.

This is a photo also of Tokka whofeatures on someof our publicityand is stilllooking for ahome sincebeforeChristmas.

Isle of Thanet BranchReg. Charity No 209365


Don’t Delay Apply Today! Vouchers will be issued on a firstcome first served basis!

This offer only applies if youhave:

• a male or female Staffy orStaffy cross, no other types of dogare covered by this scheme.

• your dog is microchipped atthe time of neutering (unlessalready done).

To qualify you must be onone of the following benefits

• Housing or Council TaxBenefit, Income Support orJobseekers Allowance, PensionCredits. Child Allowance or

Working Tax Credits are not eligible.• You must live in the Thanet Area.What to do Next• Pick up an application form from a participating vet (Briar

House, St Peter’s Road, Broadstairs, Ramsgate VeterinarySurgery, Hight Street, Ramsgate, Companion Care (Pets at Home)Westwood, Thanet Animal Hospital College Rd Margate) or fromone of our RSPCA shops (80 Queens Street Ramsgate, 28 HighStreet Broadstairs, 130 High Street Margate, 5-7 Station Road,Birchington)

• Complete and send the application form to the addressbelow together with a copy of your benefit details.

• A voucher will be issued directly to the vet of your choice.• The RSPCA will contact you with the voucher number.• Once in receipt of the voucher number you can contact the

vet and arrange to book your dog in for neutering/microchipping.• Your donation of £35 (female) or £30 (male) towards the

cost of the operation is payable to the vet when booking yourpet in..

Vouchers for dogs will be valid for 1 month from date ofissue.

Vouchers for bitches will be valid for 3 months from dateof issue

All unused vouchers will be cancelled after the expiry date

Send to: SBTNC, RSPCA Animal Centre, QueensdownRoad, Woodchurch, Birchington, KENT CT7 0HG

If you own a dog, you should get it neutered. Neutering canprevent the spread of infectious diseases, fighting, straying andunwanted litters of puppies.

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Minster Matters 15April 2011


These times seem full of Doom and GloomWhere Poverty Grows in Recession

With Wars and Floods around the WorldJust so much Sadness and Depression

So many People Losing Loved OnesTheir Lives will never be the same

We must be there beside them To try andhelp them through the pain

Petrol prices just keep risingBasic needs cost so much more

How do the Fat Cats just get RicherWhen its Just Hard Times for the Poor

An Economic CrisisAre the only words we seem to hear

Politicians don’t have AnswersWhere do we go from here

My way of easing WorryIs to find things that are Free

Priceless things to ease the ProblemsI hope to others, as to me

I try forgetting all this AnguishAnd notice good things that I see

The World has many WondersAll around for you and me

I see Beauty in the Stars aboveFluorescent Candles up so high

I sense the quietness of MoonlightThat fills the Nighttime Sky

I hear Silence born in DarknessBut it must soon be time to go

I see the Faintest rays of SunlightArise and start to glow

I see early Mist start RisingMelodic Birds begin to sing

I hear the Magic of their LullabiesThat’s such a Wondrous thing

With Darkness Disappearing nowNight has given way to Dawn

I see the Sunbeams growing StrongerAs another day is born

With the Warmth from GoldenSunlight

Now Comforting our EarthI see Hope, Not Stress and Anguish

And Realise what Life is Worth

For a moment this RecessionJust seemed to Fade away

I found belief that there’s a FutureWith Better times along the way

(D. Lowery 2011)


‘Queen Victoria’ will be opening the Easter Events at the Powell-CottonMuseum in Quex Park, Birchington. ‘The Broadstairs Victorians’ willbe visiting each day over the Easter Weekend and invite you to join them intheir activities as they celebrate a Traditional Easter. Find the Easter Bunnieshiding in the garden and claim your prize. Have fun making an Easter bonnetor boater – and maybe win a prize presented by ‘her majesty’! Paint anEaster Egg (every day) or design and make a lino-print Easter card (Saturdayonly). Have a go at ‘Hobby Horse’ or ‘Frog’ racing – prizes for the winners!For a small charge relax with a horse and carriage ride around the grounds(Sunday and Monday only – weather permitting). If the sun shines what couldbe more pleasant than joining the Victorians whilst they picnic on the lawn.There will also be the opportunity to watch the Falconer at his sport. Haveyou ever wanted to learn how to tie a Cravat or bow tie? Then watch thedemonstration on GoodFriday in the diningroom of the house. OnEaster Sunday at 1.30watch the dressing ofa Victorian bride buton Easter Saturdaywatch out for thoseMilitant Maids whowill be circulating! At2.30 each day why notjoin a group ofVictorians as they takea guided tour of theHouse and Museumand then take tea withthem in our special‘Friends of theMuseum’ tearoom with reasonable prices. Perhaps you would like to takesome photos with our distinguished guests before they take their leave at 4pm

– a lovely memento of a truly Traditional Easter in a wonderful setting.Admission Prices:Adults £8.00 Children £7.00 Families (2 Adults and up to

3 children) £30.00Includes admission to the Museum, House and Gardens and all

activities unless indicated.Powell-Cotton Museum, Quex Park, Birchington CT7 0BHTel: 01843 842168www.quexmuseum.org [email protected]



Tel: 01843 845 450Mob: 07501 052 399FREE ESTIMATES !

Page 16: Minster Matters Your Friendly Village ... - Minster-in-Thanet · Thanet STD Code : 01843 Community ... Thanet District Council: 577 000 Community Dog Warden: 577 580 Salvation Army

Zac’s Musings

With theCommunity

Warden about toleave us who canI pick on now !!

16 Minster Matters May 2011

ALAN JOHNSONCarpenter Joiner

Specialising in purpose made Staircasesand all aspects of

Carpentry and Joinery01843 821 09607716 999 337


DOMESTIC HELP/CLEANERDo you require help with your general domestic duties,or simply would like someone else to do it for you???

Occasional and Spring Cleaning catered for.Friendly local Minster lady, honest and reliable.

£10.00 per hour.Please call Marie on 07518493739 or 01843 825308

References Available

Housework Light GardeningShopping Etc…

Flowers by VanessaBouquets, Baskets,Table decorations,

Weddings or FuneralsCreated with the “Personal Touch”

For designs with a differenceVanessa Fairbrass

(C&G qualified florist)Rose Cottage, Manor Road,

St. Nicholas at Wade CT7 0NY01843 847 012 07934 420 837

I can deliver within Thanet & Canterbury

Holiday Inn Expresswishes everyone

A Very Happy Easterand

Enjoy the Royal Wedding

Page 17: Minster Matters Your Friendly Village ... - Minster-in-Thanet · Thanet STD Code : 01843 Community ... Thanet District Council: 577 000 Community Dog Warden: 577 580 Salvation Army

Minster Matters 17May 2011

MinsterA well presented and extended semidetached house situated next to the churchand offering extended accomodationLounge/diner, kitchen plus conservatoryand utility room, downstairs cloakroom, 4bedrooms plus family bathroom, long walledrear garden, off street parking for 2-3 cars atfront


MinsterA well presented extended detachedbungalow offering3 bedrooms, bathroom, open plan livingroom/kitchen area, lovely long rear garden,off street parking for 2-3 cars


MinsterA most deceptive semi detached bungalowwhich has been thoughtfully extended3 bedroom accomodation with 2 receptionrooms, set within exceptionally largesecluded and well maintained gardens,garage and off street parking for severalcars


MinsterA 1950's style bungalow offering good sizedaccomodation2 x double bedrooms, shower room, kitchenand 19 foot sitting room, long rear garden,garage and additional off street parkingAvailable with no forward chain and highlyrecommended


MinsterA most unusual period property situated inthe heart of the village3 bedrooms, 2 reception rooms, kitchen,bathroom, pretty rear gardenplus garageand off street parking. Requires somegeneral modernisation but retains itsoriginal charm


MinsterA lovely period semi detached cottageoffering deceptively spacious accomodationSitting room with beams, dining room andbreakfast room, wood burning stove,inglenook fireplace, gch, 4 bedrooms,garage and parking, fitted kitchen, beautifulwell stocked gardens front and rear £330,000

Minster Office e: [email protected] 71 High St, Minster t: 01843 823200

Page 18: Minster Matters Your Friendly Village ... - Minster-in-Thanet · Thanet STD Code : 01843 Community ... Thanet District Council: 577 000 Community Dog Warden: 577 580 Salvation Army

18 Minster Matters May 2011


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from start to finish

Call Stuart on

07772 562 [email protected]

Raising Child Exploitation AwarenessEast Kent Child Abuse Investigation

Unit has initiated Operation Awaken toseek information and intelligence aboutthe sexual exploitation of children in EastKent.

Experience from similar BCUs acrossthe country indicate that it is likely we havechildren being exploited, but the issues arehidden and rarely come to the attention ofthe Police. We need to raise awareness ofthe issue with our operational teams andask for any information that, howeversmall, may be part of a jigsaw ofinformation that will help us safeguardvulnerable children, and target theperpetrators.

Phase 1 of the Operation – IntelligenceCollection, will go through into May withfurther activity to be planned after this.

What is sexual exploitation?This is where young people are

coerced/groomed into sexual activity eitherby organised gangs for prostitution orindividuals for personal gratification.Examples may include buyingdrinks/cigarettes/food/ given money orbeing friends, this then potentially moveson to having sex/doing sexual favours withone person and then leads onto more.

Where does it happen?The initial contact could be anywhere

where children hangout e.g. amusementarcades/takeaways/parks/bus stations, withthe unlawful activity happening anywhereincluding private premises.

Who is at risk?Adolescents - it is known that it is

normally girls between 12 and 18 yearshowever boys are also at risk. Childrenwho are in care are particularly vulnerabledue to their previous history - we have avery high proportion of Looked AfterChildren on the BCU.

Children in Care who go missingare particularly at risk.

What should we be looking for?Children who may have: A

significantly older boyfriend, persistentabsconding (from home or care), schooltruancy, unexplained gifts, offendingbehaviour, self harm, phone/text contactwith older males. Also, behaviour change,substance misuse, sexual transmitteddiseases, teenage pregnancy and victim ofprevious abuse.

Did you know that the teenagepregnancy rate for children aged 15-17years in Thanet is 14% against a countyaverage of 3%!

Officers regularly attend addressesto find missing children – who else is atthe address? Is there evidence of alcohol

and drug use? What is your gut feelingabout the circumstances? Would you behappy for a young relative of yours beingat the address?

What should you do?Ask the challenging questions at the

time, treat any young person you haveconcerns about as a potential victim, dealwith any disclosed offences, complete a5x5x5 clearly marked Operation Awakenand submit to the intelligence unit. Eachreport will be reviewed by the OperationAwaken Team.

At the moment we are focusing onMargate, however it is possible that thiscould be happening anywhere in Thanetand the whole of East Kent.

If you need advice or guidance, pleasecontact:

Operation Awaken TeamDI Tracy Anstis, DS John Cooper,DC Sharon FlemingMissing Children Officer Becki GlaiserOut of Hours – On Call PPU Officer

Paul Fotheringham, Detective ChiefInspector, Tactical & Risk, Tactical CID |Intelligence Unit | PPU Safeguarding | PPURisk

Canterbury & Thanet DistrictsEast Kent PoliceInternal 06-2120External 01227 868120Mobile 07980 683 [email protected]: Canterbury Police Station, OldDover Road, Canterbury, Kent. CT1 3JQ.

Thank You for reading this far,Alan Smith, NW Liaison Office.


Page 19: Minster Matters Your Friendly Village ... - Minster-in-Thanet · Thanet STD Code : 01843 Community ... Thanet District Council: 577 000 Community Dog Warden: 577 580 Salvation Army

Minster Matters



Skin Care and Associated Therapies

Open: Mon 9am - 3pm • Tues/Wed 9am - 5pmThurs/Fri 9am - 9pm • Sat 9am - 5pm

10/12 Cuthbert Road, Westgate-on-Sea

01843 831 882Email: [email protected]

* Unisex Salon * Late Evenings ‘til 9pm* Gift Vouchers * Semi Permanent Make-up* Dermal Fillers * Slimming Treatments

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* Dermalogica Treatments * Micro Dermabrasion* Waxing/Tinting/Make-up * Pregnancy Massage

* Non-Surgical Face Lift * LED Light Therapy* Colonic Irrigation * Chiropractor

* Skin Tag/Red Vein/Milia Removal*Spa Days & Exclusive Parties

May 2011

KENS BIKESWant your bike repaired or serviced?

We collect and return- FREE in your area

24hr Turn-roundA Professional Service

26/28 Eaton Road, Margate01843 221 422

inc Evenings and Sundays(Same Owner for 30 years)

SANDWICH AND DISTRICT ANGLING ASSOCIATIONIt is to our pleasure that Sandwich & District Angling Association has at

last been able to secure a section of the River Stour. The stretch at Minsterruns on the north bank from Public footpath TE32 eastwards, past the Minsteroutfall, to the railway bridge at Weatherlees. We are aware that there is inplace a tacit agreement for junior anglers, who live in Minster, to fish this bank,and, as we are committed to encouraging youngsters into the sport, we arehappy for this to continue. Our concerns, however, are that if there was to bean accident relating to fishing, along this frontage, by a non-member of theAssociation, they would not be covered under our insurance policy.

It, therefore, follows for me to outline our membership fees for the followingseason.

Senior membership £50.00Husband and Wife membership £55.00Senior Citizen membership £30.00Senior Husband and Wife membership £35.00Junior and Student membership £12.50

Membership of the Association entitles you to fish all year round at thefollowing waters.

Our own waters: - “Reed Ponds” Sandwich..”Swallowbrook Water” AshLeased waters: - “Belle Isle” and “Wagtail” lakes St. Nicholas

Waters where fishing is permitted outside of the closed season (15th March- 15th June inclusive). :-

“North and South Streams” Worth. - “River Stour” between footpath TE32and railway bridge Weatherlees.

If you would like to join our Association, please contact our treasurer- Paul Russell on 01304 380691, who will be pleased to provide you withan application form.

Although we have many members who are Minster residents, we as anAssociation are new to the area, and as such, if you have any concerns inrelation to this move, please contact our Secretary, Tom Chatfield, 4 TivoliPark Avenue, Margate, Kent. CT9 5TH.

(Mike Edgar, Chairman)

Page 20: Minster Matters Your Friendly Village ... - Minster-in-Thanet · Thanet STD Code : 01843 Community ... Thanet District Council: 577 000 Community Dog Warden: 577 580 Salvation Army

Minster Matters20


Tiled/Slate/Kent Peg/Lead-workVelux Installation/Loft Conversions

General Building WorkSpecialist in Int & Ext RestorationFully Insured All Work Guaranteed01843 825 599 / 07748 409 806

63 High Street, Minster CT12 4AB

Person Centred Therapy and Self DevelopmentBased on Carl Rogers' 'Person Centred Approach'

Now available in Minster

For many of us there can be times when life is particularly challengingand it seems hard to find a balance between competing priorities such as work,relationships or our own need to find meaning or spiritual growth. From aPerson Centred perspective, whenever there is resistance or 'stuckness', thereis also potential, new awareness to be explored and integrated and theopportunity for personal development, healing and growth.

Fully qualified, insured and confidential. Fees negotiable.

The Saddler7 Monkton Road, Minster

01843 821 331Where a warm and friendly welcome awaits you from

Kim & Keith

Fresh Fish & Shellfish28 Day Mature Well Hung Steaks

Homemade Burgers inc Kobe Beef & Foie GrasMenu Changes Daily

Mon - Sat 12pm - 2.30pm : 6pm - 10pm

Quiz Night Tuesday 17th May @ 8pm

Live MusicSat 23rd April - BLOW @ 9pm

Sat 30th April - Cliff Castle as Elvis @ 9pmFri 27th May - The Electric Beetles @ 9pm

May 2011






MARCH / APRIL £225 ... MAY £250...JUNE £275… JULY/AUG/ SEPT £300-325 ... OCT £275...


TEL : RUTH ON 07966 252 118.......................................................................................................






Minster Library Needs YouWe are looking for:

• A volunteer to help at our Homework Club• A volunteer to facilitate our Talk Time sessions

For more details please contactJacqui Brown at Broadstairs Library

Tel no:01843 862994email: [email protected]

Page 21: Minster Matters Your Friendly Village ... - Minster-in-Thanet · Thanet STD Code : 01843 Community ... Thanet District Council: 577 000 Community Dog Warden: 577 580 Salvation Army

Minster Matters 21May 2011

Church Newsand Service Times The Salvation Army

11 Tothill Street,Minster

Mjrs Richard and Val Hope823830

(currently in charge until new officersappointed, possibly end of July)

Weekly ProgrammeSunday

Jigsaw (Sunday School)11.00am – 12.00pm

Morning Family Service,11am – 12pm

Evening Service, 6pm – 7pmMonday

Baby Group(Parents & Babies up to 12 months),

9.30am to 12.30pmFriendship Club

(Over 50’s), 2.15pm – 3.30pmTuesday

Parents and Tots,9.30am - 11.30am


WednesdayKeep Fit, 10.15am – 11.15am

Home League, 2.00pm – 3.45pmPilates, 6.30pm-7.30pm

& 7.30pm - 8.30pm(for details ring Andy on


Prayer Meeting and Quiet Time9am - All are Welcome

Please contact for details- not held at Hall

FridayDue to circumstances, the Youth

Club for 11-16 year olds is unableto commence at this time. Pleaselook out for notification when this

may happen.Saturday

There are events happening on mostSaturdays please see other pages of

Minster Matters for details.Salvation Army telephone number

for the new buildingis 01843 825178

St. Mary’s the Virgin, MinsterRev. Bob Coles, 821250

Sunday Services InMAY 2011

1st May9am: Holy Communion (BCP)

10am: Family Praise6.30pm: Evensong

8th May9am: Holy Communion (BCP)

10am: Family Communion (CW)

15th May9am: Holy Communion (BCP)

10am: Morning Worship

22nd May9am: Holy Communion (BCP)10am: Holy Communion (CW)

29th MayRogation - See Below Right

Minster Abbeywww.minsterabbeynuns.orgThe Abbey Chapel is open for

prayer throughout the dayLauds: 8.30am

Mass 9.00am, Sunday 10.00amMid day prayer 12.10pm

Vespers 6.00pmCompline 7.50pm

(followed by Silent Prayer)All our visitors, not only Christians but

people of all faiths and spiritualtradition, all who ‘truly seek God’ (ruleof St. Benedict) are warmly welcomed

to join us in prayer, in our beautifulmonastic chapel.

1st May10.15am: Holy Communion (CW)

8th May10.15am: Holy Communion (BCP)

15th May10.15am: United Service with


22nd May10.15am: Holy Communion (CW)

30th MayRogation - See Right

St Mary Magdalene, MonktonSunday Services In

MAY 2011

Funerals:21st March: Rita Rabassa (79)

at Thanet Crematorium24th March: Arthur Hogben (84)

at Thanet Crematorium4th April: Pamela Childs (74)

at Thanet Crematorium

Mid week services at St Mary’sWednesdays 10.30am

Rogation SundayEach year we hold a Rogation Service

based on the traditional “Blessing of thefields.”

This year our Walk will be onSunday 29th May.

Everyone is invited to join us for all orpart of the day.

The programme for the day is as follows(timings are approximate):

9.30am: Breakfast at Chislet10.45am: Morning Prayer at Chislet11.30am: Begin Walk to St Nicholas

(approx 3.8miles)(Toilet facilities are available at

Chislet Church)1.00pm: Begin to arrive at St Nicholas

Church(Toilet facilities will be available at

St Nicholas Church)1.15pm: Ploughman’s Lunch

incorporating an Agape(An informal celebration of the ‘Last

Supper’)2.15pm: Begin Walk to Monkton

(approx 1.3miles)3.00pm Rogation Service at Monkton3.45pm: Begin Walk to Minster

(approx 3miles - shorter route if wet)5.00pm: Walk through the Abbey

Farm with a Blessing of theFields

5.15pm: Service at Minster ParishChurch

6.00pm: “Hot Supper” at Old Schools

Page 22: Minster Matters Your Friendly Village ... - Minster-in-Thanet · Thanet STD Code : 01843 Community ... Thanet District Council: 577 000 Community Dog Warden: 577 580 Salvation Army

Minster Matters22 May 2011


NEXT MEETING10th May7.30pm

Village hall


10.00am-12.00noonVillage Hall



Club Events


Oval Lawns, Eastern Esplanadefor further info contact

June Chadband226033

[email protected]


11th May, 2.00pm11 High Street

By kind invitation of Heather.However if it is wet we will meet in



19th May, 10.00amThe Westgate Hall, Canterbury

Anyone interested in the work of theMothers Union is welcome.For further details contact

Janet on 821313

SATURDAY MARKET14th May, 10.00am - 12.00noon

in The Old SchoolsPlease support us and come along for

refreshments and a chat.

All welcome.

Minster & MonktonRoyal British Legion

Women’s Section

NEXT MEETINGMonday 16th May, 7.30pm

Items in matchboxbeginning with “A”

Speaker or QuizRaffle prizes needed for all meetings

For further informationMiriam Smith 822589


NEXT MEETINGWednesday 18th MayVillage Hall, 7.30pm

Speaker: Head Gardener fromThe Salutation Garden in Sandwich

All visitors are welcome 50pMINSTER LIBRARY

Rhymes & StoriesThursdays 9.30 am - 10.00amOur Weekly rhymes and stories sessionsfor babies and toddlers. Come and join the fun with your little one!

Talk Time groupThursdays 10.30 - 11.30amCome and make friends with people from 16-100.5th May discussion on whether women are free wearing a bikini or hijab12th May general knoledge quiz and chat19th May discussion on whether water is the giver or the taker of life26th May Writers discussion group

For more details please contact uson 01843 821442

OPEN GARDENS 18th - 19th June at Minster

This year marks the 13th anniversary ofOpen Gardens.

We already have many gardens but arealways looking for more!

If you are considering enteringyour garden then please contactRev’d Bob Coles: Thanet 821250


Residents of Watchester Lane, Pett’sCrescent, Glebe Court and Comelius

Drive are cordially invited to a huge streetparty.

Interested in coming??Please contact Graham & EleanorMiller on 822550 for more details.

SANDWICH FARMERS’ MKTLast Saturday of each Month

Guildhall, Cattle MarketFurther information from

Melanie Clarkson 01304 617 [email protected]


Royal British Legion ClubAugustine Road

Come and join us for a “Cuppa” andChat, Bingo and RafflesEVERY WEDNESDAY

2.00pm - 4.00pmAll Welcome

Joan Cordwell - 823782


28th/29th/30th MaySt Mary’s Church

Saturday 10.00am - 5.00pmSunday 11.00am - 4.30pmMonday 10.00am - 4.30pm

Raffle, Quiltin aid of

Alzheimers Society

Refreshments in Old Schoolsin aid of Church


June 26thLast chance to book your seat

on the coachContact Roy on 821705

or Heather on 826406

Page 23: Minster Matters Your Friendly Village ... - Minster-in-Thanet · Thanet STD Code : 01843 Community ... Thanet District Council: 577 000 Community Dog Warden: 577 580 Salvation Army

Minster Matters 23May 2011

(Est 1935)

MOT Preparation and PresentationServicing all makes of vehicle

Tyres, Batteries, ExhaustsAir Con - servicing and repairs

Free local delivery and collection

PHONE: 01843 821 472MOBILE: 07966 495 203EMAIL: [email protected]: WWW.JJBLTD.COM


CT12 4ER


SIMON STAITComplete Property Maintenance

01843 595 979 07727 687 538

From a leaky tap to a leaky roof - I’ve got it covered!!No job too big - no job too small

For all your building or plumbing jobs, inside or out. Professionalworkmanship with quality materials and competitive prices.

Kitchens, Bathrooms, Laminate floors, Flatpacks assembled, Ceilings& Walls, Painting & Decorating, Custom radiator covers, Staircases,

Doors, Roofs, Locks, Sheds erected, Decking,Outside taps, Fascias and Soffits, Guttering, Fencing, Windows,

Washing machines installed & Pipes boxed in.Fully Insured, Reliable Craftsman.

Free Estimates and Consultations

The Grass Master* Landscaping * Lawn Treatment Service * Turfing *

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* Artificial Grass * Grass Cutting *

Turf Suppliers and Installers

Call for a FREE QUOTE or visit


01843 823 320 or 07973 817 540


Pay as you play - no membership feesThe Friendly Bowls Club

Contact: 821447

Short Mat Bowls Sessions for MayCome along to one of our sessions on a Tuesday or Sundayevening. We are an extremely friendly group and will lend

you bowls to get you started. It’s well worth trying !!

Sunday 22nd May - Phoenix CupStart 6pm sharp

Sundays Tuesdays1st 6pm to 9pm 3rd 7pm to 10pm

8th 6pm to 9pm 10th No Bowls

15th No Bowls 17th No Bowls

22nd 6pm to 9pm 24th 7pm to 10pm

29th 6pm to 9pm 31st 7pm to 10pm

MINSTER A.W. SPORTS PITCHNow taking bookings - Office hrs 9am-12noon Mon-Fri

Hire times and pricesMonday-Friday Saturday & Sunday09:00hrs to 12:00hrs (Off-Peak) 09:00hrs to 21:00hrs15:00hrs to 21:00hrs

Price Structure* Full Pitch : £31/hour Off-Peak Full Pitch : £20/hour

Half Pitch : £20/hour (1 five a side pitch)* A 10% discount will be given to Minster clubs and residents

booking the ‘Full Pitch’ option only.To book this facility please contact Kyla Lamb, at

the Parish Office, 4A Monkton Rd, Minster CT12 4EAt: 821339 f: 825869 e: [email protected]

Call Vaughn Technology Services on

Page 24: Minster Matters Your Friendly Village ... - Minster-in-Thanet · Thanet STD Code : 01843 Community ... Thanet District Council: 577 000 Community Dog Warden: 577 580 Salvation Army

Minster Matters24 May 2011

GARDEN SERVICES 4 YOU1 Church Street, Minster, Ramsgate

Landscaping and Garden Maintenance� Gutter Cleaning and Repairing� Hedge Cutting and Trimming

� Pruning • Grass Cutting • Weed Killing� Fencing • General DIY

FREE ESTIMATESCall Andrei on 07725 819407 or 01843 825776


VEG IN A BOXFresh Organic Vegetables and Eggs delivered to your door

Minster & Monkton - Thursday Evenings2 sizes available £7.00 & £8.50

Your box will contain a selectionof seasonable vegetables all organically grown,

the majority from our ownSoil Association Certified Farm at Ash

Tel: 01227 722 252Please leave your name and number

and we will ring you back




•FULLY INSUREDProperty Maintenance Ltd

01843 822 08207505 531 585/07505 532 726



Interior/Exterior Painting • Drive & Patio CleaningFlat Pack Assembly • Loft Ladders Fitted

Fencing/Gates • Lawns CutSheds & Greenhouse Erected or Repaired

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All Work Guaranteed - Fully Insured

01843 224 803 / 07980 439 558Come and be pampered in beautiful Minster

country house surroundings at very competitiveprices!!

Acrylic Nails Full Set £26 Infills £19Nail Art/Gems from £3 Eyelash Tint £8Brow tint £6 Luxury Facial £19Aromatherapy Massage from £16 Indian Head Massage £17Manicure/Pedicure from £16 Body Massage from £13Full body massage £25 Waxing from £3



*Free Advice Pack Available*Dedicated Letting Agent

*Properties Needed in Your Area*Flexible Services Available

*Strict Tenant Criteria*Est 1991

Offices Located at:73A High St, Minster CT12 4AB

26 The Square, Birchington, CT7 9AB“Great website, local offices and friendly staff”

Bob is now holding regular surgeriesevery 1st Wednesday of the month inthe Neighbourhood Centre at 1.15pm

All residents are welcome to attend

Page 25: Minster Matters Your Friendly Village ... - Minster-in-Thanet · Thanet STD Code : 01843 Community ... Thanet District Council: 577 000 Community Dog Warden: 577 580 Salvation Army

Minster Matters


W e o f f e r a c o m p l e t e2 4 h r S e r v i c e t o

M I N S T E R& a l l s u r r o u n d i n g v i l l a g e s .

0 1 8 4 3 - 8 4 4 8 4 4O r C a l l

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25 May 2011




ENVYUnisex Hairdressers

Modern Salon * Friendly WelcomeAffordable Prices

Mon/Wed/Sat 9.00am - 1.00pmTues 9.00am - 4.00pm

Thurs/Fri 9.00am - 5.30pm

27 High Street, Minster01843 821 526

Over 30 years experience

* New roofs * Roof Repairs ** Restoration Work *

* Free Estimates* All work guaranteed *

Freephone: 0800 7 31 31 52Mobile: 07957 42 42 47


Est 1980



Free QuotationsTel 01843 821147

 including Answerphone


To Find Out More And Book Your Place01843 821 482

Molineux Road, Minster, Ramsgate, Kent CT12 4PSwww.minsterdaynursery.co.uk

[email protected] Charity 1110919

Warm and Friendly Environment OFSTED Registered Fully Qualified Staff Open 8.00am - 6.00pm Before and After School Care Ages 12 months - 11 years Quality Care and Safety Provided Age Appropriate Rooms Breakfast, Lunch and Tea Provided

Thanet-PetsLocal professional pet care• Daily Dog Walks• Cat Feeding Visits• Pet Sitting• References & Insurance

Call Willow07806 37792601843 826075

Page 26: Minster Matters Your Friendly Village ... - Minster-in-Thanet · Thanet STD Code : 01843 Community ... Thanet District Council: 577 000 Community Dog Warden: 577 580 Salvation Army

ALL ABOUT EASTEREaster is a special time of year.At Minster School we celebrate Easter by having aspecial assembly and a best dressed Easter bonnet,Easter garden and Easter egg competition.We remember the sacrifice Jesus made for us andwe eat eggs to remind ourselves that there is lifeafter death.

by Alice Cox and Stacie Holland

DogsDogs are most definitely my favourite animalsbecause there are so many different types and someare so unique, I cant help but laugh! Unfortunately,some people treat their dogs unfairly. In fact not onlydogs, but many other important animals. Luckily ifyou sight this, their are things we can do to stopanimal cruelty. If you see anything, visithttp://www.rspca.org.uk/home. We can stop it,together.

by Kathryn

Maryland CookiesMaryland cookies are really delicious and havechocolate chips in them and they crumble when youeat them! Just writing about them makes me hungryso I need to go and find some now!

by Olivia Brewer

MOLLIE MUMBYMollie is 10 years old and she has a little sister calledMartha also a baby brother called Danny.She loves playing golf and she is good at it too. Mollieloves all animals but her favourite is the panda likeme. Mollies favourite colour is red and pink.She would like to be a kind of teacher as she likesworking with children and is very patient with them.Mollie is a kind person how you can trust and she isalso a great friend to have.

That’s why Mollie’s my best friendby Madeleine Witham

My Easter AcrosticEaster is a time of CelebrationAnd we celebrate new life with eggsSo we remember JesusThe time that Jesus came back to lifeEater is celebrated on Easter SundayRemember, it’s not always about the eggs!

By Mollie Mumby

Mr McCarthyIs very funny and very nice (if he likes you).When my friends and I first met him we thought hewas a pirate! Sometimes he can be scary. But if youlike him he’s nice. Which I’m not sure many peopledo. HAHA

by Molly Matthias

Penny CurryPenny Curry is very quiet and very smart! Shealways knows what is happening and what we aredoing to do. That is why everyone asks her questions!Penny is amazing!!!!!!

By Emily Spain

The girl who stands out!Once upon a time, there once lived a little girl calledSophia. She had long golden hair, that followed her,on her head , when she was playing with her friends,Lilly and Lila.When Sophia, Lilly and Lila got to dance class, theythrew their bags on the clean and polished floorand got changed into their dance clothing.Five minutes later ,Sophia, Lilly and Lila ran out of thechanging room to go to the toilet. When they cameout of the toilet , the music of the warm up started.Then they started to pump it up. Cross arms jump upand down, hands up high and turn around, clap clapclap clap clap, then they finished. They were pumped,worn out. Then they played some games andworked it out, then they walked home.

By Hannah Prentis

Trick Worms !!One sunny evening, a little girl kept playing trickson her Brother! One day Hannah played themost disgusting trick on her Brother Tom.Instead of burger-sauce, she put WORMS! HerBrother was Furious!!!!!!!! He got his best friendto chase Hannah around the hole village for therest of the day!!!!!!!

by Georgina Graham !!!!!!!!

May 2011Minster Matters26Editors this month



Hannah Prentis

Page 27: Minster Matters Your Friendly Village ... - Minster-in-Thanet · Thanet STD Code : 01843 Community ... Thanet District Council: 577 000 Community Dog Warden: 577 580 Salvation Army

27Minster Matters

Reliable qualified ElectriciansAll aspects of wiring undertaken


TV AERIALS - SKY SATELLITE* Reasonable rates * Free estimates *

* Discount for OAP’S *Julie Beaney, Minster 01843 823 466

Gary Hake, Canterbury 01227 472 612

01304 626364Richborough Hall ,Ramsgate Rd., SandwichCT13 9NW

May 2011

THE SPORTSMANSandwich Road, Cliffsend

01843 852547where a warm welcome awaits you from

STEVE & NIKKIKent Poker Club here every Monday night from

7.30pm, come and join us to play in a leaguebasis with cash prizes, chance to

‘WIN BIG’ at G Casino three times a year!Chinese Theme Night, buffet eat as much as

you like, £8.95 pp, 6th May, booking advisableSunday Roasts 1 course 6.952 course 7.95 : 3 course 9.95SJS present monthly Jam sessions , secondFriday of every month , next date 13th May

brilliant live music , come and join us !Evening with Seer Medium, Tim Froome,

Saturday 18th June @ 7.30pmPilgrims Hospice Charity Night

Friday 15th July £5 pp - 60’s, 70’s, 80’sLarge Garden overlooking Golf Course

Children and dogs welcomeFunction Hall available * Resident DJ available

All Food Catered for at Reasonable Prices**Live Football Shown**



playat Streetwise

Welcome to


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• Unlimited Indoor& Outdoor Activities

• Daily Menu

• Qualified Staff

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• BreakfastClub Available

• Caring & Dedicated

• Summer HolidayClub Available

Our ‘Out of School Club’ setting supports EYFS themes andcommitments and compliments your child’s learning anddevelopment whilst still offering a fantastic playenvironment with team building and risky play challengesto encourage social skills and confidence. We are an off sitesetting with an outdoor area and indoor spacing for all agesoffering a very wide range of activities daily providing agreat club atmosphere.

We look forward to caring for your children.Spaces available from September 2011

07950 448 595 - Anita

Page 28: Minster Matters Your Friendly Village ... - Minster-in-Thanet · Thanet STD Code : 01843 Community ... Thanet District Council: 577 000 Community Dog Warden: 577 580 Salvation Army

ACCIDENT REPAIR CENTRE� Insurance work� Resprays and all vehicle

finishing� Low bake oven and Jig� Courtesy cars� Valeting� Paintless dent removal

Free estimates

MECHANICAL WORKSHOP� Servicing and� maintenance� MOT repairs� Exhausts� Brakes� Free collection

and delivery

TYRE CENTRE� Branded tyres� Budget tyres� Punctures� Balancing� Fitting� 4 wheel alignment

Ranging from £18 incVAT, fitting & balancingExample 155/70 x 13

All cars come with Warranty, Full Service, Full MOT, HPI Check and Valet



1 Carlton Avenue, BroadstairsCall Martin or Paul Lamb on: 01843 869 600

** Most credit/debit cards accepted **

Free vehicle collection and delivery from your home or work anywhere in Thanet

58 2008 Peugeot 107 Urban 1.0petrol, 5 spd manual, 3 door hatch, cdplayer, met black,rcl, elec windows,only £20 Road Tax, 28k mls.... £5,295

51 2001 Ford Puma 1.7 Met Silver,petrol, manual, elec windows, aircon, CD player 76,000mls, s/hist,cloth interior……………..........£1,995

52 2002 Rover 75 Conseur,1.8;Man; e/w and mirrors; a/c; pas; multi- stack CD; cream leather; 44k mlsoutstanding cond……£2,995

55 2005 Vauxhall Astra SRi CDTi, 1.9diesel, 6spd manual, met silver, 3 doorhatch, a/c, elec windows & mirrors,rcl, CD player, alloys, ...…...... £4,995

53 2003 MITSUBISHI ColtMirage, Met Silv, 3 dr hatch,petrol, man, r/c/l, pas, a/c, f/s/h32k mls,(Was £4,495.….. Now £3,995)

04 2004 Peugeot 307cc, 2.0ltrpetrol, 2dr Coupe, HardtopConv, met silver, a/c, pas, r/c/l,CD, e/windows and roof, airbags……………….……£6,295

03 2003 Toyota CorollaTSport WTLi, 1.8 petrol, 6spdman, a/c, pas, met silver, r/c/l,5dr hatch, cd player, servicehistory .………………. £3,995

Picturenot yet


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