minor 2020-2021 urban studies - uva · 60 ects first-year coursework or successfully completed two...

Facts & Figures Urban Studies Type: Minor Credits: 24 - 30 EC Period: Semester 1 (start), 2 Language: English, Dutch Entry Requirements: Completed 60 ECTS first-year coursework or successfully completed two years of HBO-coursework Urban Studies is an interdisciplinary field in the Social Sciences, with connections to the Humanities and the Natural (Earth) Sciences. The minor is designed in relation to the UvA's Urban Studies Research Priority Area and draws upon the research and teaching expertise of its staff. The growing importance of Urban Studies is reflected in, for example: the rapid acceleration of urbanization world-wide (esp. in China, India, and elsewhere in the Global South); the transition to an information economy that is primarily embedded in urban areas and the emergence of 'world cities' and the main nodes of a global urban network. www.uva.nl/minors Urban Studies Minor 2020-2021 Social Sciences

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Page 1: Minor 2020-2021 Urban Studies - UvA · 60 ECTS first-year coursework or successfully completed two years of HBO-coursework Urban Studies is an interdisciplinary field in the Social

Facts & Figures

Urban StudiesType: MinorCredits: 24 - 30 ECPeriod: Semester 1 (start), 2Language: English, DutchEntry Requirements: Completed60 ECTS first-year courseworkor successfully completed twoyears of HBO-coursework

Urban Studies is an interdisciplinary field in the Social Sciences, with connections to the Humanities and the Natural (Earth) Sciences.The minor is designed in relation to the UvA's Urban Studies Research Priority Area and draws upon the research and teaching expertise of its staff.

The growing importance of Urban Studies is reflected in, for example: the rapid acceleration of urbanization world-wide (esp. in China, India, and elsewhere in the Global South); the transition to an information economy that is primarily embedded in urban areas and the emergence of 'world cities' and the main nodes of a global urban network.


Urban StudiesMinor 2020-2021

Social Sciences

Page 2: Minor 2020-2021 Urban Studies - UvA · 60 ECTS first-year coursework or successfully completed two years of HBO-coursework Urban Studies is an interdisciplinary field in the Social

This minor consists of 24-30 ECs. Students must take two interdisciplinary core courses that are specifically designed for the minor: Cities and Change and Age, City and Work (Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, ISW). These two core courses introduce students to the field of Urban Studies with a range of empirical cases and an array of basic concepts (e.g. sustainability, urbanization, globalization, urban diversity, segregation, gentrification, global economies, etc.). One highlights the urban from a very general, global and broad historical perspective, while the other examines how the life of a city moves in tandem with generational shifts and addresses the consequences of current trends in urban living and working, in terms of creating new opportunities as well as new (social) faultlines. Students who wish to complete the minor can do so with a Capstone course Interdisciplinary Literature Review (6EC), and other electives from:Interdisciplinary Social Sciences (ISW), CEDLA,Human Geography, Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies (IIS), UrbanPlanning and Sociology.

EnrolmentStudents of the bachelor programme ISW should simply enrol for therequired courses in SIS upon successful completion of 60 EC of first-yearcoursework. Minor students should enroll via the following procedure:1) If you are a student from another university, then you must first enrollas a minor student of the UvA on http://www.studielink.nl. Please beaware that your registration at studielink will take at least one workday toprocess. You should therefore make sure to register on time.2) Please register for this minor by completing the webform in thestudyguide of the minor Urban Studies and be sure to send a copy of yourpropaedeutic transcript.3) Have you completed Step 2? Then proceed to register for the particularcourses of the minor that you wish to follow via SIS, during the minor registration period.

Information:Mw. Dr. Thea Dukes/[email protected]

Education Desk Social SciencesT: +31 (0)20 525 3777E: [email protected] hoursMonday to Friday, 9:00-17:00Visiting addressEducation desk Social SciencesRoom REC B700Nieuwe Achtergracht 1661018 WV AmsterdamPostal addressCollege of Social SciencesPO Box 157251001 NE AmsterdamThe Netherlands-----------------------------------Design: Nancy KootPhotography: Fred van Diem, Leonard FaustleEdeting: College Social ScienceUniversiteit van Amsterdam, april 2020 No rights can be derived fromthe contents of this flyer.

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