minnesota republican state convention, part 5program the lxth d1 tr1gt has ohosen two dele at 8 ho...

In l inne ()ts. for he pa t YIl"'$ e 1:1 un air the direction of the n I oing t plaea tn nomlnatl0 . H 1 A an bo by hi "fer"! gu1dance ,. e. Oft to a posit1on . lead rsh1p , ositIon ot r $P at 11" wry .. n with whom he d a 1n an o1't101& capaOlty . He 1 an In.u try and Integrity 1. unqu t10n d, who by his own ha risen to a plao ot in th Mlnnesot . H ba done 0 e 1n 1 1 ual t help aooompli h th'9 xoeutlva Ilnd legis1. tin rogr-am in the a.t of 1nnenota fot' th pas't !ox yea. :£- han any oth J' an 1n th La ...- latur • H ha th utmo t re p. t all who kno a, h 19 a lawy r. h1ghly :r. p otE!d ln 1s Cll'InIunl tJ'. r Old the endor ment of his U1 trIet , h 1 an whQ 0 truste to oarrr ()n b fore this , oon'" ntion 1n Ohloago , and It 1s my xt m bonor, and % eo alder It a pereon 1 plea ure to have an opportunIty to plaoe 1 nomin tion n t r your conal ration , th pre tt Speak l' . of tbe Roust) , Mr . Lawrene Hall t:rom the fH.xth D1 tr1et . (spplause) em I "Ill reoognlz Warren ewart of tearn County . Ch lrman , lad! and g ntlem n of the conventlon. :r ppear 1'1 1n Ii r.e l' eentatl'f'capaolty , as repre entat1ve of the Sixth Distriot Of e in the S1xth have times In th p at b en noted for our 11sagroemAnts. I am hE.l.ppy to say het'H w early announoe t AJ\d UDan JIlou:11y dopted and policy to gl.e we c n con r1but tQ rd the no lnatlon and e1 etlan or Harold E. ft an to 1 plelllent tMt

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Page 1: Minnesota Republican State Convention, part 5program the lxth D1 tr1Gt has ohosen two dele at 8 ho re pledged to its furtherano .'1'0 implement 1t turthflr.ry county in th d1stl'iot

In l inne ()ts. for he pa t ~1 YIl"'$ e 1:1 ~n un air the ,~r$onal

direction of the n I oing t plaea tn nomlnatl0 . H 1 A an

bo by hi "fer"! gu1dance ,. e. Oft to a posit1on . ~ lead rsh1p,

ositIon ot r $P at 11" wry .. n with whom he d a 1n an o1't101&

capaOlty. He 1 an who~ In .u try and Integrity 1. unqu t10n d,

who by his own V1rtu~ ha risen to a plao ot p~Qmlnence in th

Mlnnesot . H ba done 0 e 1n 1 1 ual t help

aooompli h th'9 xoeutlva Ilnd legis1. tin rogr-am in the a.t of

1nnenota fot' th pas't !ox yea.:£- han any oth J' an 1n th La .. .­

latur • H ha th utmo t re p. t ~r all who kno

a , h 19 a lawy r . h1ghly :r. p otE!d ln 1s Cll'InIunl tJ' .

r Old the endor ment of his U1 trIet , h 1 an whQ 0

truste to oarrr ()n b fore this, oon'" ntion 1n Ohloago , and It 1s

my xt m bonor, and % eo alder It a pereon 1 plea ure to have

an opportunIty to plaoe 1 nomin tion n t r your conal ration , th

pre tt Speak l' .of tbe Roust) , Mr. Lawrene Hall t:rom the fH.xth

D1 tr1et . (spplause)

em I "Ill reoognlz Warren ewart of tearn


• Ch lrman , lad! and g ntlem n

of the conventlon. :r ppear 1'1 1n Ii r.e l' eentatl'f'capaolty, as

repre entat1ve of the Sixth Distriot Of e in the S1xth

have times In th p at b en noted for our 11sagroemAnts. I am

hE.l.ppy to say het'H tcd·~r . w early announoe t AJ\d UDan JIlou:11y dopted

pro~ and policy to gl.e e~ ~fthlng we c n con r1but tQ rd the

no lnatlon and e1 etlan or Harold E. ft an to 1 plelllent tMt

Page 2: Minnesota Republican State Convention, part 5program the lxth D1 tr1Gt has ohosen two dele at 8 ho re pledged to its furtherano .'1'0 implement 1t turthflr.ry county in th d1stl'iot

program the lxth D1 tr1Gt has ohosen two dele at 8 ho re pledged

to its furtherano . '1'0 implement 1t turthflr. ry county in th

d1stl'iot has unanl OU 1y dopt d La..trenc _ Hall of at. Cloud a

th 1r present tlve upo~ th~ d legat10n 'large. It 1 a gr at

pleaB~ and I take a good d al of pride in s con lng the noml atlon

01' m~n 1ho na' the. skill , the bill t:; , the 1n<1u try, the \ntegr1 ty

to 0 rr.y out tne program have announce~ herA today _

It 1 my pl~asur tooon and support the nomination

ot nee . Hall , ur fr1en. .... neigh 1" Of th ~ Sixth I)1'1trlot .

(&ppl "" 0 )

OH ~IRW ORHt The no ine. t1.on of U:. ... Hall b~ e been seoond

e . 1 recognize the r.YQr or M1nncap tis who h I!' e be·en a.1 tin fiGr

some tlms , Mayor K in •

. YOT K:LIN ', . Hen nep1n Oount:! : r~ . Oh~1rmat\ , etistlnp;ul h&

s~ sta , t 110: del g~t • •

11 d1strlot at ~1'le1r 100

F1~st ot _1 I auld lIke to oongratulate

conv nt10ntlJ uhnn they gave such Ii t1ne

represent tlon to the woman Qt the State of inn ants . Eight Of the

elghte n del gates ~ere 70 en. 1'hat i9 as 1 thou d e . (applause)

e1 ottn two re to be .omen. I

want to add my pre t1g or belp townrd tb~t . I th1nk owe it to

th 1nne eta sp olally, at this t1~e . to glYe omen an

l1nportant part $on that convantlon and tht;' s lectlol1 of a otind1date

for Pres! ant . W ha.ve heard a groat d(~al about OUr' t'avoX'1t son

whom we hope th<~ oountt'Y' ~ 111 he<:\r rnOl"e a. out . tie titre ~11 for th

nomination an ,~l . otton. of Jial''Old E. ta on .

r as Ion

Page 3: Minnesota Republican State Convention, part 5program the lxth D1 tr1Gt has ohosen two dele at 8 ho re pledged to its furtherano .'1'0 implement 1t turthflr.ry county in th d1stl'iot

d t_rmln - w b v no labor ~ presentat1v on our elqgat10n to th

atlon~l O~n ntlon. le s of ho e nom1nat t th .t ~onV n-

ticn , 1f "0 forg t l.abor it wll1 be t no avail .

ror OY r el v n 1e r .. e h~v been on th, out ld lookIng

in at th hite House f·r om reason bol" htl" not h~ . contid n

in tho Re~ubl1oan Party.

~r eight f re in the state o' inn sot th6t 9am con-

11t1on xi t until in 1939 ld t seen 0 for ,rd, ~a1nAd the

on!' '(;o.ce of le.b r. of the artner a.nd of bu in sa nd w oleate

him Gov l"nor. In 1 42 Senator 11 , Gover .or (. 0111" ow

Governor ~11Y' Game to Minnaapolis as they lila to oth ~ III _ tl"opoli tan

Ii striata n A had a 00 tn! tt e former at ong 1 bar lp- d r for tho

turtherano~ or th~1.r oan({1d cy lor re laotion nd they VI:r Sl.loces

Ladle , ond g ntl men . 1t 1. lmport <' nt that e e;lv L bor tbl

n1tlon, not by vo e ,n()t y' rltlng ~ glowing trl!Jute but by t

them into our ~a:rty eouno11 an giTe th Tn re pon. lb1.11ty tllQtH?, with

th~ 1'~ t of u •

L Bt night! had a v 'r'y j.nt re tin me tlng in the st .

aul Hotel as many of you d1.d t ln tI'.ring to e; t to ther on your

slat~ . ~h Go a C ndldat fo ' labor , an outstand1n msn fro

Rr.msey Oounty, reOo mended as ~ d l ... gate &t l'"r e , 111 Dinon (\nd

from thp. Fifth Vi triot Oharl unn 11 W B reao mend • felt

two hould go to the Nat10nal Oony nticn , but we er tol( by older

party lsaclra 1t alt not pr' otio 1 . 1f want d to ha.ve Labor repre

ented 1 . wa advieabl to t to Bth r an pick.on . I ant to

pay tr1butft to al'") ginon, truly good Republican nd an

Page 4: Minnesota Republican State Convention, part 5program the lxth D1 tr1Gt has ohosen two dele at 8 ho re pledged to its furtherano .'1'0 implement 1t turthflr.ry county in th d1stl'iot

te t t th oonventl d b did have an

opportunlty t bt re$ nt.d today.

Mr. furm 11 of the 11th Dilllot.

l1KJln:rad to t p .1 ' If In tavor ot

r . funnell h had Gons d r ble

eQB.r1fJnce . In 1938 be was .t t ohall'ntal'l Gf h at ss rl Volunteep

r C itt • natl0 a1 del gat ent fro he Fifth D1 trlot to

tbe Natiotlal Con v ntlcn tour ye rs 0 ,. n t10n 1 d legat to th.

Amerio 'ed ratio 01 L bor 14 tional Couneil t r,. 1'8 tanding,

he I. their d.istriot repr$stJnt t1v , 1,00 Ohalrman of the

lnn poll. , &rl0aD deratlon of LabOr aohln1,t. · Unton. I 11 e

gr at pi sur in pr$ ntin t yuh t to • and the a pu 11

Pa~ty 1 a ~.ustft - . e1 tlon f Charl 9 fUnnell s a del gat

to the N tieD 1 Oonvent1 n . ( .pplause)

ORR: I J'eoo lee rs . Dn:1 11 l'rCttt t inn a· 1.

MRS, DAVIS P ,0 : At thi t1m 1: auld. 11k to s8cond

the n ml tl.,n ctCh r1 s Tunn 11,. 1 ng wlth y trl nd,s from the

13th VI d Hennep1n Oounty, 1rth Di tr1ot .

MR . MIG LS: Big th iatrio : 800 de r . TUnnell.

OHAtRM ORR: I 111 re * * I ould ~ th r be last than In th

MR. PADDEN: l" . Cha1rman.

den , olk County.


O",nVi nt1on. th favor, a at II of thO e

to b


- b t e Rules OGmmltt

ok.' - it • ft 0$ sarI 1 r

I ~1~ n t oom witb peeoh

t etch 1 of these • p1e

• th Y tal ed to 1 u in rd r tb t I oour to

r lIO' . 1 wan' to itllpre B you b auee of the taot 1 1s with oh

Page 5: Minnesota Republican State Convention, part 5program the lxth D1 tr1Gt has ohosen two dele at 8 ho re pledged to its furtherano .'1'0 implement 1t turthflr.ry county in th d1stl'iot


a grtl4t deal 01' per onal pleasure I am here toe! 1. rsonal plea,uN

not 81f1 h . does not m1nalle fro ny 1 tim t as oeiation with

'be subject of my OOftV raetlol'l ut t f'ilot1on bee au a: $ of th tleep

oonviction 1 ha e in 1 heart he repr sents .

the 1 end of SO gOY rn ent in 1nnesota ha f)xtend

.yond our border • it 1s thing all f he p opl in e~lca to

80_ • . d ~ or oth r r tal s their ere re foou d

on this tat tn.ey a:t tGOU'$ d 01\ the Repub110 n 'ar '1 of Min e ot

ty that mal 1 t poe lble. '.l'h t h not been brourvoht about

in a ye r , t or thra Ie rs but it baa b.en the result of en r­

tlon of "10e . 8l" 10, of you 1ndi v1~1u 1£1 her$, 8e~v1ce that has

extr,nd d 0" r ot ur lif I 10 b:.'\t .. ma A _ 1. t po Ib1,

l"get, a 4: in C)~d 1" that thl l>ar't7 b ' pe:rpe'tJatftd. that the boy

and 1rle. mennd ome or Klnne ta J in wlth 10\1 1n u11 ins thl

Party. You ha... n fit t~ proYi e f r th m the cpportun1ty to

the xp r1en so vitally need n poltl0 • You have

t v ry t • You hay in the "st gl'\1en the gr t cognltion .

ago, tour 1 ar5 ago, yo s nt to 6ur natlnnal con ent10n

r PI" ntatlv of the1r cho10 • I t 11 you it III bean sine . r 1y

and d. 11 s.pPY' c1!:tted by them. Num rloal1y they r. not as la:r a

toda7. ~hey y~ en thoun nd ton nd of their embers go

off to w~r n~ it ha be n uoh r dltt10ult for tho r malnlng,

the te remain1ng, t~ eontlnu to 0 tbe ark th47 n~e now dolng.

t 1 I teel t 0 8 P opl now probably &~$ ntltl d t 8ven great

er r ~gnlt\on th .e baY glY - hem In y a~ gon by.

1 f .~l thl reoognlt1on will b at n bl th m to 0 rr7 n

Page 6: Minnesota Republican State Convention, part 5program the lxth D1 tr1Gt has ohosen two dele at 8 ho re pledged to its furtherano .'1'0 implement 1t turthflr.ry county in th d1stl'iot

tor you "tor \1$ in the tutu:re wb n om of u l' no Ion ~ he"

and thu$ 1 t 1 m, rtascn for tal Ina to y-ou thld tternoon 1n ord r

that I ay plaoe in no 1n tion the n f! o~ BUreR Watlandot J ok.oft,

JJ'1 pa t Qhall'l(lsn at the toung Republican League. a. gert'leIU.ft 'tf)7!

~om I re llyn not peak, 7ounow hi , fOU know him well.

Re h xX'llI among th young pe pl of Inn flota, en

out tand1ng Job when the gain a t ugh. a paal to you and

e er 1 st one Of OU to en to tbe nation 1 e~nv$ntlon a membar

of this 1ounge~ gr up o~ Republioana t t om day will plaoe y u

as real 1 ade~ of the opl~ in th Nat1 n.

OHA1WAN ORR: Ur. tllln has be n nom! ttl .

a~osnlz l\epreeent tiT.' iux-n p.

,RDRE8ENTATtVE • U. BURN pr1ng Valley: Mr. Obalr.m

d gentlemen of the oonv nt1on: In seoond1ng th nomination

t Mr. Buren Watland. I wish to call to your ttentlon the tra.ot tb ,

mu t not torget til Y0tU16 Re ubl.1ce.n ' e en though their 1"'£1$ N

ery th1n 0 ay. I pr dlot hen thi ar 18 over w wlll all be

their ate . .In 010 ing,

a ImtAN ORR: R 00

on ' t r rget the You~g Republioan

1()Ml •

MR. ICHOLS, Mar 1n Oount;,. Mr . Ohairman, ladle.. nd

ot th1s convention. 1 am at one of the toung Republl0Ans,

on Of th old Repqbl1cana. 1 t td aatlve11 in po11tlC in

17an- I\nl., oamp 19n ot ' 96. It you count

t up 70U 11111 tlnd it 1 48 year Qgo . t have been aot1vely in

1n that oounty during .all tho 48 ye • I ~&a11zB t &$

any thers do , l see so man1 grey hea s in thl audlenee ,

Page 7: Minnesota Republican State Convention, part 5program the lxth D1 tr1Gt has ohosen two dele at 8 ho re pledged to its furtherano .'1'0 implement 1t turthflr.ry county in th d1stl'iot

the time he. (lOlle When • ust no' we l!' a t in doWJ\ to tbe end

or the road, the time has 00 e wh n e must throw the torch to

so body. t to thrOw t a t torch 0 t r a I am conQern d, to

tho Youn R ub11oan . h ad ( by uch boy

ne d or n 19hbor do n thel' - 1 county and 1n dJoin.

t hay knovn hi 1no he as lad, I bave SGan his work

fer th P at 12 y &rs tor th6 R ubll0 a.rty. when

I b ...

Harold E.

tbe work b dl in he spI ndl or an tl tor hie

too the r a on lb111ty, th au g Republl an

L$ of Mlnn sota. % a hi.'!) r1s to t te chal nship of th t

I~U .. He is here tOday that we give hi

honor due hIm, ot going as a d legate at larg •

Xn happl 1" days e bel. many more men nd wOmen of ur n

nd,' s a.g inur at te c nventions - 1. t 1 ig lf10 nt () y

Yetta e of ' t·he 1& ate here. ost of 10U h r;,ve a son OJ"

aughter- a broth r or . $19t~r in the $$rvl0 - I am appealing to

you to support th1s lad - It hould nbt n e Bn1 nt~eat1 - t r h1

comrad in the Young epubllo ague - h1 comra s in th

o~ Qur c~ufttry. I appeal to you ro my ge of 70 years to be t 1r

to youth. I appeal to you to r oogn1z yo th. It 1 more 1 portant

tor the p rpetuatlon O~ the ~ ty , our epub11ean P rty, that you

r&oognlZ8 youth nd enooura It than that you ~nd some high otfle

ho a a lot of xp 1'1. noe.

t wQul like to co ar this to Ie ;f11e

t es. ~rd - 0 nl , 0 any oreeda, 0 any path th t wiad and wind. Wh ft JU t the art ot b lng fa1r , I . all this , .ad world need . I &Bk you to b t lr in your all tments. I thank o~

Page 8: Minnesota Republican State Convention, part 5program the lxth D1 tr1Gt has ohosen two dele at 8 ho re pledged to its furtherano .'1'0 implement 1t turthflr.ry county in th d1stl'iot

(lBAlftUAN ORlh I r.oognlze t'feo At or of ))ulttth.

141 . G€O. At O~;J ' t . LoUIs Oounty; 1'. halrman 1 Se

d gentl men: It 11th cer 1n un't 1 r1ty I h the

1"1 11ag of plaoing In no Inatlon tor a1 gat at large 8. r pr sen

lve and r 01 nt of • tout County. T m rlty because unt rtunatel

W<1ul(l not quclity &9 on . of the oharming womaD tIe ha."'1fl he&.~d. about

oday, th y ntltled to that repr sentatlon, an dO not

QOupy high atfic in v rnmen , does n t qUE if a6 b,lng

bor leader although b au of hi · p9 t ~ffor 6 eould do so.,

ut h do ~ oocupy a ' s1tton high in h nk

lIe t this eoun 1, 'the am po itl n most ot you p ople her today

ooupy. He also oouple ograph1os1 po Ition hIt ab va the lin

he d about littlEJ hi1 af,o. and I hay r Lin_d in the baelt­

ound to eae if some one othe~ th y 1f ~oul r 19& the lIne. d

1 c 1n nomln tiOD om one north~r y ot t . Cloud. Up to this

done o. I ant to t k. tht opportunity to

to give (I e true 11'1 to ttl Ide

QU of n min tlng del gl;J.te At 1"1"ga, at at" it ynu pleaa ,

nd by to«t I mean -mbraolng all geo aphloal ort1on ot this stat .

f van out Qf the e1~~t no lnat ofts wer .nt n~ leg t at large

e waul have 0 ~ resen tlon in N rt rn 1nnAsota. So e ne told

s fr h platte t at lnne ()t 60 of the iron or.

or at 01 of this nation, 80 we a l&oing 1n no tnat! n a

ent1 m fro the 19hth dlstr1 t. fair and g1v UI £ br.sk and

ke this repro ent t10n t l~ • truly 19n1fioant.

It 1G with a great deal nf p r anal ple6 U~. I bave th

Page 9: Minnesota Republican State Convention, part 5program the lxth D1 tr1Gt has ohosen two dele at 8 ho re pledged to its furtherano .'1'0 implement 1t turthflr.ry county in th d1stl'iot

pportunlty t prC!t&ent th nO' t R. D. R 9,"1111 . 1)113k neavl11

1&1 Ohai or the Repu . an 00 1 tt e In oount1 whloh for nu-

ber of y n~S ha n t in the r 1'\ f this

tt r bis lea 10n as Oha1rman of the Repub11c 00 ·l'tee

ot t . out County, tor th fIr t lme in fourteen y ar •

carrl d t . 1.o'U1 O(Ull'1t:r for th Ii publI0 n state ticket. Iou nee

tb~ vot s in northern inn sot and we aak YQU indIa lon

r t lrne e to give u d 1 gat~ at rg . GO

wil be truly ~p entatl • not on y Of that port! t tb

rly d inoluding • Olou • b t the nt1re o~tl n ot

this at tee

40 a. fb1. gentt an 1 aet e 1. eric Ld loft oirole an

1s tlr 1 • 1 a d hi .eight to tb eon­

at you pi •• , it the Rules Co ml t&

pe~lt you to dr w the l1n • wh n you ak lQur b 11 t

ft.avl11 f t . Louis Oounty a plaoe on thl tic et 01

t la~ge .

MRS. G 0 H. PSAR, t . Lou1 OountYl I tak gr at pIe ur

in S oonaing the nomln tic of r. R. D_ eav111 of st. Loul County

tor ate at 1 rg •

CHAIRMAN ORR; Any rurth r no 1n tlo st

H TOB, en p1n Oount, : T no in t1on ' be clQ& .. •

No in t10n 01 d.

OHAIr "N OUH We wl11 now proo ad to b 110t 1 oount!

th el gate named. Rememb r the rul s , ?

Jlll oall the roll .

Page 10: Minnesota Republican State Convention, part 5program the lxth D1 tr1Gt has ohosen two dele at 8 ho re pledged to its furtherano .'1'0 implement 1t turthflr.ry county in th d1stl'iot


1n ,

of del





h n t

d 1



eoh . t

1 or r

an y

n Itt n


t 110wln .


1 r e n

• hi te :

, H. Mute} in nfl , ill

o ns n.

SO , l't I 1

8 t mo n the%'

Il 1 u· try 0

r la no. in t d of tnt:

• -Tb •

val' rfh ~ 0 n


1'. ut no th

1 o. '1

tal • u con

Page 11: Minnesota Republican State Convention, part 5program the lxth D1 tr1Gt has ohosen two dele at 8 ho re pledged to its furtherano .'1'0 implement 1t turthflr.ry county in th d1stl'iot

tbe farm ~ of .inn so a $A th 1 re golng to oas migbty 11

YO e n tbis Ie t1oft , d 1 u r th ark r re in

v to go Gut and ell it to th and I b lie. •• wo ld b

v ry great m! ta e 1t w d not no in te a t raSh

ernat at tblt oonvent10 . (ppl e)

lave in ina 004 p 110 n fro tbe Ninth ~1 trlet,

1 armer and he fa 5AO or I ot 1 d u th re . e i.

p~ogr; salve farmer , he hae bElen v ry t1v till nyth1ng thet we..$

to th bert fit of th rm ~ , to h lp him get head and bel oth r

ta ~ r in the st te of inn sot~ to thad. , r 24 year h

wa treator and pr 81 nt f the arm .arket1ng As oc1 .t1on t East

Gl't'n Forks d. tor s1 . he ent of the IUnn at ..

Grop Inrprovem nt

farllJ r , but that b m an a

ta I) of inn otll, oer-tl:f'yln

be is Presld nt or the ed RIver

to s eant 1 t to h p40ple •.. x..... $ ans to the

stry w1thin the at t •

dO at ho many ()f 11)t\ .re

tel to the peopl 1n the

nd gr in , and b. d $

Y Pota 0 as ooiatlon an tba'

Th otato. indu try

or hw at mot' than rt1 th.~

V roy briefly - 1 want 0 1 r: 1: nomination the me of

He~ an &1 e~g of i.ohe . (ppleu e)

MR. LA F.N ti , R n 111~ : I ave 10U that r . kYb r ,

nalle be Bubst1tut d tor r . dab ugh.

ORR: I do not th1n the ot1on 1 In ord·r .

a~e nomlnatln~ un p th ~l 9 d nothl - was done bout gett1ng

together on resolution whereby they cauld be unnlmou ly nomln ted

Page 12: Minnesota Republican State Convention, part 5program the lxth D1 tr1Gt has ohosen two dele at 8 ho re pledged to its furtherano .'1'0 implement 1t turthflr.ry county in th d1stl'iot

't') e will have t tie bl th rul and tak the nOD)1n t1 n and

prob bl, 411 the 011.

• DICK bEV L = r . Ohairman, ladles and . entlen:

a delegat to th1. oan ntl n tvo 1ndu t71 1 Duluth, I tthdraw

c dl te t~r alt rn t in tav r of the r

(applau )

In ORR; It that Gould be on and b done 1

and ev rybody gr eabl to 1 • it you toe tha.n

you hay. to leot you u t oal1 th roll .

a h1ngton C unty: I ovo th rul •

a& tar suspend d the p~e

alt rn t

sav n n sa p:re,sented as Qandldiltea for

d .

SfEINI , As Chairman ot ttl lntb l'J1strlot, l:

volee bJeet1on. I also the ul I 00 Itt e . The motion 11

out of ord r an


1 th 1 t • I t~ nt th Ohalrman nould GO

o I : lee

U 1 e ame .

$ oandld&tes ther r

put oft this slate. I would l1ke

n lon of th

ant to pres. t som on ele

olng to \ t u oth 1" than thos

have nose p opl get ohene

aka their no 1n tinn eO • th rule o. t they lth raw

allrlght .

G.HAIIUf .. URR~ <) r on or t r1"1n~ to it $ tu. 81at , • s sug . ste 1 00 t 1th to VB tim.,

SEN ~R GALVI , ate4 no lne~lt


Page 13: Minnesota Republican State Convention, part 5program the lxth D1 tr1Gt has ohosen two dele at 8 ho re pledged to its furtherano .'1'0 implement 1t turthflr.ry county in th d1stl'iot

OHAIR OM: There are _'Yen 1t you sub tl tute th.# one

u t nominated for lck Raevl1l no with drew.

s:( I~ TOR GAllVI : re th~ge tho 7 sug~ ted nominees?

OHlRU Oft! ~ Suggest d as a oompromise.

SENA!(j) ALVIN: sa th n e p1 e.

fte din : nr. Rad b usb, Jones , Hutoh!n ont Watland,

lnon , B vill , Dunoanson, Slt1b r •

SENATOR GALVIN: re th roth r nomtn t10ne to bade? rIn-D:

lIRa. rJAy/ Jt nn .. in Oounty: I would 11k to spe k , we want

man ~8 an alternte t large .

CHAIlUUB ORR: 'l"fl re e,re opl to btl he I'd who ant to

ke oth r nom1n ion , th r 1 no us getting up h r~ at th1. late

Ie to th th ones you 8 going

IR~ . D IELD, nn p1n Oounty: wo en are in tb e

to give us wo en fair .prAs ntat10n a an Iternate At

ar the om n who punoh the door b 11s and wear Qut our

rs . Sperry 1s Ohairman or th H nnepln Oounty omen ' Repub '

lean 01ub , (the b s lncl'e~.e:.d th~ fIl mb~r. hlp s1noe she has been the

res dent . she wa re$s~r r for 2 y ~ • • hat one w rd w· rk.

rYed II a grey 1 4y o.t the V terQll$ .»0 pi tal , h s

rv1ee . 6h as ndors d by th Fifth 1)1 tr1ct as an

ht large , a be betn a staunch Republlc n - her loyalty

o Governor Staeaen haa neYer be n questioned. r t gre t pr1de in

_ the name of ra . Nelle p rry


an Iternate at large .

Page 14: Minnesota Republican State Convention, part 5program the lxth D1 tr1Gt has ohosen two dele at 8 ho re pledged to its furtherano .'1'0 implement 1t turthflr.ry county in th d1stl'iot

MR. BORt; It. Lou! (Jou:nty: IIr. Ohr;;lrman, lad1 · I nd

~ntle en of the OOtlV nt1on: Th El@hth 01 triot is Ye}!>1 happy to

econd tb nomination of r . Sp rr.r of inns poll

deleg te at larg to Ohioago Oonvention.

.an alt rnate

DORCTHl' I'.AM: A a {n ttl er of th H nn pin County omen ' .

R~publican Olub we also w1 h to .eond th no 1natlon Of Mr • • Sperr,

PI' el~ent 01 ou.r cl.Ub a an 1 rnate dleg t to the N tic 1

Conv ntlon.

GOV ' RNOT THYE~ % com befor thl d 1 gation an · X 1 b

to take thl opportunity to

to the N~t10 1 Convention.

b ugh as an alt rnate

MR. GEOHGE JONF. .... 1 ir. Ohelrman. 1 dies end gentleRV'n;

I very happy Ind eO. to sac nd the nomlnD.tlon of Dr. It do. augh. ·

• H RBERT ELSON : L~d1 aft ( g ntleman of the eonventl0 ,

1 no 1n t 0 on ball and t1re , Merrill utah1nson , one 0 th out­

stanciing spea. ere in lnnesota . It 1$ 1'1

. f ' rrl11 Hutohinson.

"H. S ' y&tt, in s ; r . Qhsirm n,

Ae I un r tuna, thing we haT to

~ the en o en that 'II

support tas ens ke

th Dam 01 n 1 want to pres nt to thi

1 ~le9 and gentle P.JU

k p 1n mInd 1s to

n to go to Qh1oago to

pin th t in mind t h ve

oonvention who ha n

a trang upporter Or rold eta sen tor any y aP and till 1 •

he 1s n or d b, th f1r t oongr s 1on&1 d1etr1ct for ltern t~ $t

and h bEts l\ad th exp l'ianC9 needed to W01"k in a oonvent1on

the air. of the Cn1cago Con entlon. I want t place 1ft nomlnat~oft

Page 15: Minnesota Republican State Convention, part 5program the lxth D1 tr1Gt has ohosen two dele at 8 ho re pledged to its furtherano .'1'0 implement 1t turthflr.ry county in th d1stl'iot

ot • O. - ud Dunoan on. (pplause)

Il .• pe yo 111 all vot tor rri11

utahln on for 1 rn t r r th n tion 1 oonv ntion. H 1 t1

nd you wl11 k. no ml ta e . G to it v,ry ody .

• 05ORIP, 1 0 , ashlngton County: • Ohair n •

and g nt1 en of the a n ent1on: I nt

who don a uch tor goo nt 1n KInne ota.

11 ny f r the work h h. done both

od g y rn nt nd rlcultur , kno fro Klnne ate x s ,

o Calitornia. I plao 1n 0 1n ticn for lt nat J . • Jon

r th ourth D1 trlot . ( pl u ) fl·~ TO.

• OS : Lad! d g ntl en of the

, 1n beh 1t of grl0 lture, I ke pl a3ure n oondlng t

tlon ot J . S. Juno . He und r t nd agrl ultur • ro .m aa

8 ny r 1n the t t a t

th at nal OonY r tt a sound a 10 ltur

• NEY, a nn p C unty: I ant to no inat

to at 1 rg a ar4, 180 1 north 0 t .

1 a re tl S 0 r r a.n ehll r om n f th Youn

e .

R. YEa, Ita, a Gounty: L~ 1 and ntla. n: r1 t1 ,

e n t 11 you nothln- 1tty - you 11 ... 'r'1 .

ot d ot thl

it t1

n by nuln h r

r , n e uld b ry

done it th Yo un Ro u l1c ns nd 0

an It mate to the nation 1 oonvention.

Page 16: Minnesota Republican State Convention, part 5program the lxth D1 tr1Gt has ohosen two dele at 8 ho re pledged to its furtherano .'1'0 implement 1t turthflr.ry county in th d1stl'iot

d g ntlemtn: ! t e

, re 'pl. ure 1 c6m1ng b tore u today to place in nominatIon

a ho ha ad th gJ'eatest S orifioe of the oonvantloJl to dat •

II 1s a laboring n d he willingly with l' \V 1n tavoJ" of thR nth

oandldate. 10 thilJ leg to I r.-peak1 g to you on 19 on of' th

lea lng ettiber of til ... Labor group that (u"gan1zed th 8e ub1108n

bor Party in th regul r epubllcan 0 ganlz tlon bACk 1n 1936.

H. haa b en ottve in VAry 0 palgn for Harold Bta Seft and tb

RpubllCatl Pat"t1 e... r since tha 1; d t .j so the t"e tore , I tak

gre t asu)"e 1n pre nt1ng to ynu tor yOUX' approv 1 thn f)f

Bill ninon member or the Brotherhoo ot Locomot1 Eng1ni\lers. from.

Bam e1 Oounty.

No ina 10n on~ed y r . Ohr1 t1 non.

SrcHJ TO. ALL: 1 . " h to oon the nominat!o of

Suit Dunoan on.

o lRMAR ORR: om1nat1ons have bes" mad tor alternat

legate t 1 ~ge . A th ny rurthe~ no lnetlon ,

ot1on ad, cond d and oarrl d to 010 9 no in tlon •

• will no prooeed 0 b let . .-. Ra e all tbe oount1

vote<l , 1t so I 111 d 01 r tbe ballot close . Will the t 11 ru

tlgure U}) the re~ults . the next or<ler- of bUtilne1'lA 1s the pres1d. n­

tl 1 81 ctor's. l have ef r m Ii list hleh has be net up fro

aoh CQn e~ anal 1 triot.

At th! time Senator o~ ,hQ h d pre 1~ed as OhG1rmah

wlthdre and nator Don r1ght Q rr1 don.

Page 17: Minnesota Republican State Convention, part 5program the lxth D1 tr1Gt has ohosen two dele at 8 ho re pledged to its furtherano .'1'0 implement 1t turthflr.ry county in th d1stl'iot

Chat an, X now re Ol't th \ YO the 1 0 1~1l r

t aPi I /

n _ 1 nd. • I . 'Dlno.n J . t . J~ne • , I '\

• ... ........ -,~.u,baug: , E. C. 1 1 Hut 1n n

411 et.d ltern&t (le1 a:tee t ,

at Chi go .

to ttl n tiona con nt n

II ~l re,


rollowlag n a

tr 0 •

At 1&l"S ;

d 11

n ent ct.

rio Oft,

.1111 ,

Page 18: Minnesota Republican State Convention, part 5program the lxth D1 tr1Gt has ohosen two dele at 8 ho re pledged to its furtherano .'1'0 implement 1t turthflr.ry county in th d1stl'iot


Page 19: Minnesota Republican State Convention, part 5program the lxth D1 tr1Gt has ohosen two dele at 8 ho re pledged to its furtherano .'1'0 implement 1t turthflr.ry county in th d1stl'iot
Page 20: Minnesota Republican State Convention, part 5program the lxth D1 tr1Gt has ohosen two dele at 8 ho re pledged to its furtherano .'1'0 implement 1t turthflr.ry county in th d1stl'iot

- -11 • 11. 1 11 ... '1 " ., - , "l 7

• - a 8 , ... - , , '1 " " - , 7 '1 ... S 7 '7 7 -

... 6 e , , - ? , - 7 .. -11 1 - 11 11 -, 11 - , - '1 - .. 7 '1 7 '1 -.. ., 1 ... 10

• -6 . ,,' 6 .. • -0 .. 0 l. - .. '1 7 ? .. .. .. .. .. -.,. 1 • 7 '1 , .. - 7 , , ot It tI

- --.. .. - .. '1 '1 '1 - ,

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Page 22: Minnesota Republican State Convention, part 5program the lxth D1 tr1Gt has ohosen two dele at 8 ho re pledged to its furtherano .'1'0 implement 1t turthflr.ry county in th d1stl'iot


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