ministry and apostolate leader training october 11, 2014

Our Class Will Begin Immediately Following Mass

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  • Ministry and Apostolate Leader Training October 11, 2014
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  • 1 A Stewardship Prayer Lord of all Creation, We praise and thank You for everything we are. All we have is Your gift to us. Through Your love for us, You gave us the greatest gift of all: Jesus Christ. Filled with Your love, we respond to Your call to be disciples of Your Son. Unite us as a community of Your disciples. Open our hearts and minds to Your abundant grace so that we might become good stewards of Your gifts. As stewards, teach us to receive Your gifts gratefully, nurture them responsibly, share them generously, and return them to You with increase, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. The Stewardship Prayer As we begin all things It all starts with GRATITUDE 3 3
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  • The canonization of Saint Gianna is the first of its kind. Many mothers have been beatified for their heroic virtues but they entered religious life after becoming widowed. In St Giannas case, the very condition of her being a spouse and mother is being exalted and highlighted. St Gianna is the first canonized woman physician and professional who was also a working mom.
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  • 1 A Stewardship Prayer Lord of all Creation, We praise and thank You for everything we are. All we have is Your gift to us. Through Your love for us, You gave us the greatest gift of all: Jesus Christ. Filled with Your love, we respond to Your call to be disciples of Your Son. Unite us as a community of Your disciples. Open our hearts and minds to Your abundant grace so that we might become good stewards of Your gifts. As stewards, teach us to receive Your gifts gratefully, nurture them responsibly, share them generously, and return them to You with increase, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. The Stewardship Prayer As we begin all things It all starts with GRATITUDE 3
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  • Review Class Objectives Deepen our understanding of Stewardship as a way of life Understand the role of Prayer in stewardship Understand the Cycle of Gratitude Explore new approaches to Service that fit the individual Break down misconceptions about Giving Create a plan for praying, serving, and giving Individually and in our Families In our Parish and our Ministries In our Lives Outside of the Parish 4 4 DO something!
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  • Todays Agenda Objectives/Agenda The Traditional Model: Time, Talent and Treasure The St. Josephs Model: The Three-Legged Stool Praying Gratefully Serving Responsibly Giving Generously Tying It All Together and Reviewing Our Plan Adjourn 5 5
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  • This is what we believe This is why we believe it Now go do it
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  • Stewardship: A Disciples Response US Conference of Catholic Bishops approved in 1992 a pastoral letter Useful guide for the Catholic seeking to live according to Gods call. Each one of us must recognize what needs to be done and how to go about doing it. The Holy Eucharist: life-giving nourishment for the engagement in the work of the Church. Jesus, in the Eucharist, teaches us how to be generous, to give, to sacrifice, and to serve. Our stewardship acts of generosity, sacrifice, and service are acts of God, not an expression of our own greatness. It is only in communion with Him that we truly grow in love. 6 6
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  • Is a Freely Chosen Way of Life St. Josephs is a Stewardship Parish. Our mission is to evangelize Gods people, beginning with the gift of the Holy Eucharist. 7 7
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  • Group Discussion What does stewardship do? What is your perspective of stewardship when it is discussed? Its Simple: Stewardship glorifies God. Stewardship ACTS are ACTS OF GRATITUDE. We asked 80 Parishioners Time, Talent and Treasure what does that mean?.. 8 8
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  • Introduce the Model Father Son Holy Spirit Sends the Prays to Gives grace Inspires charity Trinitarion Christological St. Josephs Answer to the HOW? of Stewardship: TimeTalentTreasure 10
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  • Stewardship Is About All Three Legs of the Stool Balanced Stewardship Requires Planning and ACTION
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  • VIDEO What does Stewardship Mean to You? (10:10) Courtesy of the Diocese of Corpus Christi, 2012 Stewardship Campaign
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  • Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. In all circumstances give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus. - I Thessalonians 5:16-18 For me, prayer is a surge of the heart; it is a simple look turned toward heaven, it is a cry of recognition and of love, embracing both trial and joy. - St Therese of Lisieux 11
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  • Why Start With Prayer? Beware your thoughts, for they become words. Beware your words, for they become actions. Beware your actions, for they become habits. Beware your habits, for they become character. And beware your character, for it becomes your destiny. -Lao Tzu, Chinese Philosopher Turn our thoughts to GOD, so that He might guide our DESTINY.
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  • Exercise: Individual Reflection REFLECT on a POSITIVE life event, and a NEGATIVE life event. Write each one down. 1. Upon reflection, can you see God working for YOUR GOOD in these events? 2. Honestly: Did you feel grateful then, and give thanks? 3. Do you feel grateful now ? (If so, give thanks.) Homework: Read Ephesians 5:19-20 13
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  • Why We Pray Prayer is a grateful response to God Stewardship begins with the acknowledgement of what GOD has GIVEN US Gratitude is at the ROOT of Stewardship In gratitude, we RECONNECT to the LIVING GOD A Re-set Button 16 A Conversation An Act of Gratitude
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  • Group Discussion: Our Groups Call to Prayer How are your groups WORKS an expression of GRATITUDE ? Gratitude for WHAT? How does our group encourage stewardship through prayer to strengthen our parish? How can we do more? The little things make a difference. 17
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  • GROUP HOMEWORK: Your Groups Prayer Plan 1. Create a prayer together that (1) refocuses your group on its core gratitude by giving thanks; and (2) asks for blessings of your groups specific actions and efforts. 2. Commit to this prayer - when you are together, apart, alone and with others 3. Agree on how and when you will share this with others and how you will use it to connect with others who need your ministry and who will join you in their own acts of gratitude 19
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  • Stewardship in the Lives of the Saints: Saint Anthony of Padua Saint Anthony of Padua prayed gratefully by following the examples of Christ and Saint Francis of Assisi. His life was a prayer. Everything he did in his life as a Franciscan was directed to God, and this can be seen in his spiritual works. While praying, a fellow brother walked in on him and witnessed the child Jesus in his arms. Saint Anthony by fasting and praying for three days demonstrated the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. His simple life of prayer demonstrated his gratitude toward God. Our challenge is to do the samepray gratefully always! 20
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  • Take a Few Notes on Your Stewardship Plan How Will You PRAY Differently? Individually and In our Families In our Parish/With our Ministries In our Lives Outside of the Parish My Stewardship Plan 47
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  • My Stewardship Plan Living My Faith Personally and with my family In/With My Ministry/ Committee Outside the Parish/ At Work Pray Gratefully Serve Responsibly Give Generously 47
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  • Enjoy this video as you reflect on grateful prayer
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  • VIDEO: THE POWER OF PRAYER (4:12) See Pages 12-13 for a collection of quotes from the video.
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  • Prayer is the fruit of silence; Faith is the fruit of prayer; Love is the fruit of faith; Service is the fruit of love; Peace is the fruit of service. - Blessed Teresa of Calcuttas business card 20
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  • To respond to the NEED of another in an act of your own GRATITUDE to God. 23
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  • Page 24 Group Discussion - SERVICE What single reason (if any) has prevented you (or others) from participating in parish ministries?
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  • What are our obstacles to service? Survey Says: Competing activities outside at work and at home. I don't feel comfortable around homeless people. I feel it is somewhat of a clique and I wouldn't know what a senior could do to help. I don't have any special talents except baking. I guess in a nutshell, I don't know where I fit in at St. Joseph's. My own self pride and my laziness. Working too much to make ends meet. Worry over whether I will have enough left.
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  • IDENTIFY a Person With a NEED SATISFY the NEED Person Feels GRATITUDE Person ACTS on their GRATITUDE by GIVING to Someone Else! Then THEY feel gratitude and THEY give so onand so on Cycle of Gratitude 25
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  • VIDEO Seeing the Needs of Others Through Gods Eyes
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  • Searching for Needs in Others: Fellowship Do you look into the eyes of others? How do you look at others through Gods eyes ? How can you act as a steward of Gods house? A host? Nobody washes a rental car. 26
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  • Finding Your Gifts Discover Discern Design Do (Repeat) GODS GIFTS are meant to be GIVEN TALENTS are meant to be SHARED 25
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  • Likes to talk on the phone Great with kids Loves to cook Is a patient listener Strong office skills Very organized and detail oriented Has free time in the evenings Available to shop and run errands once a week Cuts hair Plays a musical instrument Enjoys arts and crafts making gift baskets Enjoys gardening and yard work Gifted writer Loves meeting new people Willing to be a mentor Can give someone a ride to Mass What Does Your Ministry Need?
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  • Who Does Your Ministry/Apostolate Need? Complete this worksheet. (5 min) Work in groups to create a BROAD list. (20 min) People who have a knack for ________________. People who get along well with _________ people and people who _____________________. You need helpers who have a gift for ________________. You need helpers who are confident when they are _______________ing. How can you present these needs and opportunities to Parishioners? 28
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  • Stewardship in the Lives of the Saints: Blessed Mother Teresa Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta served the poorest of the poor. She brought Christ to those in most need of His mercy, and alleviated their physical ailments while nurturing their souls. Blessed Mother Teresa would constantly remind people around the world that Calcutta is wherever they are; the poorest of the poor exist in every country, particularly in desperate souls looking for love in all the wrong places. Her prayerIt is in giving that we receive reveals Christs command to love one another as yourself, and thus demonstrating for us that in serving we become served. Serve responsibly. 30
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  • Take a few notes on Your Stewardship Plan How Will You Draw Others to Service Differently? Individually and in our Families In our Parish In our Lives Outside of the Parish 47
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  • My Stewardship Plan Living My Faith Personally and with my family In/With My Ministry/ Committee Outside the Parish/ At Work Pray Gratefully Serve Responsibly Give Generously 47
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  • My God will fully supply whatever you need, in accord with his glorious riches in Christ Jesus. To our God and Father, glory forever and ever. Amen. - Philippians 4:19-20 31
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  • EXERCISE The Experience of Giving Tell the class about a time you have given money or goods, big or small. Describe the experience. WHAT DID IT FEEL LIKE? What does give generously really mean? 32
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  • Group Discussion Obstacles to Giving What obstacles do people face when it comes to financial or material giving? What can we do as leaders to help them overcome these obstacles? How can we help bring the JOY back into giving? The battleship that sinks stewardship is ________ship. 33 OWNER
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  • Our Message: As a Household, Build a Budget Make it a shared experience Push togetherplan sacrifices! THEN, treat it like a SPENDING SPREE OF GIVING Where do we want to give? To whom? Why? If the GIFT FITS the GIVER, the GIVER will KEEP ON GIVING! Lets transform our Parishs giving experience into a JOYFUL RESPONSE to Gods blessings! 34
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  • TRY IT! Private Budgeting Exercise 1. Determine how much money and goods you can/do give today. 2. Find a place where you can make a sacrifice to give a little bit more this year. (Do this every year!) 3. Decide where and when you will do your giving. 4. Give THANKS to GOD for your ability to GIVE! Remember: MONEY is stored TALENT! 35
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  • Stewardship in the Lives of the Saints: Venerable Fr. Michael McGivney Venerable Fr. Michael McGivney gave throughout his adult life. Growing up he witnessed the hardships that many working class families faced. This prompted him to develop the Knights of Columbus, a fraternal organization for Catholic men. Their primary purpose is to give a special care to those widowed and orphaned when the head of house passes. The Knights main objective is giving to the obstinate poor of mind, body, and spiritusing Christ, the Holy Family, and Venerable Fr. Michael McGivney as their model. Help others as Venerable Fr. Michael McGivney did by remembering always to give generously. 37
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  • Leading Our Parish to a Stewardship Lifestyle: Every Little Bit Counts Pray Gratefully Do you have 5 seconds to pray to God? "O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner." Serve Responsibly Do you have 31 minutes a month to give to God? Give Generously Do you have $9.26 a month to give to God? 39
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  • Take a few notes Your Stewardship Plan How will you GIVE DIFFERENTLY? Individually and in our Families In our Parish In our Lives Outside of the Parish 47
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  • My Stewardship Plan Living My Faith Personally and with my family In/With My Ministry/ Committee Outside the Parish/ At Work Pray Gratefully Serve Responsibly Give Generously 47
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  • What a GREAT Stewardship Plan! BUT.REALITY CHECK: In Our Busy Lives, We Must Pick Our Battles
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  • Page 42 Scheduling the Important Things Put FIRST THINGS FIRST If you are schedule driven, put GOD on your schedule If you are goal driven, put GOD in your goals If you are budget driven, put GOD in your budget 42
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  • Review Class Objectives Deepen our understanding of Stewardship as a way of life Understand the role of Prayer in stewardship Understand the Cycle of Gratitude Explore new approaches to Service that fit the individual Break down misconceptions about Giving Create a plan for praying, serving, and giving 44
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  • Finally Lets Commit to One Another What was your biggest Ah HA! moment of the day? Name one thing you will do (or do differently) as a result of todays class. With WHOM will you share what you learned today? 44
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  • A Stewardship Prayer Lord of all Creation, We praise and thank You for everything we are. All we have is Your gift to us. Through Your love for us, You gave us the greatest gift of all: Jesus Christ. Filled with Your love, we respond to Your call to be disciples of Your Son. Unite us as a community of Your disciples. Open our hearts and minds to Your abundant grace so that we might become good stewards of Your gifts. As stewards, teach us to receive Your gifts gratefully, nurture them responsibly, share them generously, and return them to You with increase, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. The Stewardship Prayer Please turn to page 45
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  • Goodbye!