ministÉrio da educaÇÃo universidade federal do rio … · pombos (columbia livia) dissertação...


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Page 1: MINISTÉRIO DA EDUCAÇÃO UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO RIO … · pombos (Columbia livia) Dissertação apresentada ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Saúde da Universidade






SUSCEPTIBILIDADE ANTIFÚNGICA DE Candida spp. oriundas de fezes de

pombos (Columbia livia)




Page 2: MINISTÉRIO DA EDUCAÇÃO UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO RIO … · pombos (Columbia livia) Dissertação apresentada ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Saúde da Universidade




SUSCEPTIBILIDADE ANTIFÚNGICA DE Candida spp. oriundas de fezes de

pombos (Columbia livia)

Dissertação apresentada ao

Programa de Pós-Graduação em

Ciências da Saúde da

Universidade Federal do Rio

Grande do Norte como requisito

para a obtenção do título de

Mestre em Ciências da Saúde

Orientador: Prof. Dr. Guilherme

Maranhão Chaves



Page 3: MINISTÉRIO DA EDUCAÇÃO UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO RIO … · pombos (Columbia livia) Dissertação apresentada ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Saúde da Universidade


Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN

Sistema de Bibliotecas - SISBI

Catalogação de Publicação na Fonte. UFRN - Biblioteca Setorial do Centro Ciências da Saúde - CCS

Pinto, Luciana Magalhães.

Avaliação da prevalência, fatores de virulência e susceptibilidade

antifúngica de Candida spp. oriundas de fezes de pombos (Columbia livia) /

Luciana Magalhães Pinto. - 2018.

59f.: il.

Dissertação (Mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte,

Centro de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Saúde.

Natal, RN, 2018.

Orientador: Prof. Dr. Guilherme Maranhão Chaves.

1. Candida spp. - Dissertação. 2. fatores de virulência - Dissertação. 3.

resistência antifúngica - Dissertação. 4. fezes de pombos - Dissertação. 5.

Columbia livia - Dissertação. I. Chaves, Guilherme Maranhão. II. Título.


Elaborado por Adriana Alves da Silva Alves Dias - CRB-15/474

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Coordenadores do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Saúde

Profa. Dra. Ana Katherine Gonçalves

Prof. Dr. Guilherme Maranhão Chaves

Page 5: MINISTÉRIO DA EDUCAÇÃO UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO RIO … · pombos (Columbia livia) Dissertação apresentada ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Saúde da Universidade




SUSCEPTIBILIDADE ANTIFÚNGICA DE Candida spp. oriundas de fezes de

pombos (Columbia livia)

Aprovada em ___/___/___

Banca examinadora:

Presidente da Banca:

Prof. Guilherme Maranhão Chaves (UFRN)


Examinador externo:

Profa. Raquel de Melo Barbosa (UNINASSAU)

Examinador externo ao Programa:

Profa. Eveline Pipolo Milan (UFRN)


Examinador interno:

Dr. Walicyranison Plinio da Silva Rocha (UFRN)

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Primeiramente agradeço a Deus, por ser essencial em minha vida, autor de meu

destino, meu guia, e sempre presente nas horas de angústias, iluminando meu caminho.

Agradeço aos meus pais (Sônia Magalhães e Wagner Pinto) por sempre me apoiarem

em minhas decisões, sonhando juntamente comigo, me dando forças para nunca desistir

dos meus sonhos e sempre persistir neles, me proporcionando tudo de melhor que eles

podiam me oferecer, e a toda minha família.

Agradeço aos Meus amigos pela paciência, devido a todos meus momentos de

estresses, pela minha falta de tempo em determinadas ocasiões, mas que sempre estiveram

comigo nos momentos não só de alegria, mas nos momentos mais difíceis. Não se

esquecendo dos meus agradecimentos aos Amigos que fiz durante toda minha graduação,

nossos momentos de estudos em grupo, ajudando sempre uns aos outros para que

pudéssemos vencer juntos cada desafio.

Ao Prof. Dr. Guilherme Maranhão Chaves, que me acolheu, no momento em

que fui mostrar meu interesse para fazer parte de sua equipe, e que ao longo desses dois

anos e meio, me incentivou, e me ajudou em todos os momentos que precisei. Ensinou-

me a ser uma pessoa mais responsável, a cumprir com todos os meus deveres, e me ajudou

a construir um crescimento pessoal.

A todos os meus companheiros de pesquisa que fizeram e/ou fazem parte do

LMMM: Luanda, Diana, Ana Patricia, Alanny, Débora, Karen, Vitor, Plínio e

Alysson, que se tornaram uma família, com nossa convivência diária, sempre buscando

trabalhar em equipe, ajudando uns aos outros, proporcionando nosso ambiente


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Embora seja amplamente conhecido que Cryptococcus spp. podem transmitir

criptococose através de aerossol formado quando fezes secas (principalmente

de pombos) são dispersadas e aerotransportadas, pouco se sabe sobre o papel

dessas aves em abrigar outras leveduras patogênicas em seu trato

gastrointestinal, penas e bicos, especificamente porque esses animais

frequentemente permanecem e reproduzem-se próximas ou mesmo acima de

unidades de condicionadores de ar. Avaliou-se a prevalência de leveduras

patogênicas isoladas de fezes de pombos coletadas na área externa de um

hospital universitário no Brasil. Nosso objetivo foi também investigar o potencial

patogênico e a susceptibilidade antifúngica de espécies de Candida de interesse

médico isoladas dessas amostras. Portanto, foi realizada a avaliação da

expressão de atributos de fatores de virulência in vitro, incluindo a capacidade

de aderir às células epiteliais bucais humanas e a formação de biofilme e

produzir enzimas líticas, como fosfolipases, proteinases e hemolisinas. Testes

de sensibilidade antifúngica frente a fluconazol, itraconazol, anfotericina e

micafungina também foram realizados. O gênero Candida foi o mais prevalente

em nosso estudo, com várias espécies clinicamente importantes sendo isoladas.

Vale ressaltar que essas cepas foram capazes de expressar vários fatores de

virulência, mostrando claramente seu potencial patogênico. Esse estudo foi

capaz de demonstrar que Candida spp. isoladas de excrementos de pombos

podem expressar fatores de virulência da mesma forma de isolados clínicos,

sugerindo um potencial patogênico para estas leveduras. O fato de essas cepas

terem sido coletadas da área externa de um hospital terciário apresenta potencial

interesse, porque elas podem ser uma fonte de infecção, especificamente para

hospedeiros imunocomprometidos.


Candida spp., fatores de virulência, resistência antifúngica, fezes de pombos,

Columbia livia

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Tabela 1 - Prevalência de leveduras obtidas de amostras de excrementos de

pombos de áreas públicas da cidade de Natal, estado do Rio Grande do Norte,

Nordeste do Brasil.

Tabela 2 - Fatores de virulência de Candida spp. isolados de fezes de pombos

da cidade de Natal, estado do Rio Grande do Norte, Nordeste do Brasil.

Tabela 3 - Comparações médias de fatores de virulência de Candida spp.

isolados de excrementos de pombos da cidade de Natal, estado do Rio Grande

do Norte, Nordeste do Brasil.

Tabela 4 - Resultados do teste de sensibilidade de Candida spp. isolados de

fezes de pombos da cidade de Natal, estado do Rio Grande do Norte, Nordeste

do Brasil.

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1. INTRODUÇÃO.............................................................................................. 8

2. JUSTIFICATIVA............................................................................................10

3. OBJETIVOS..................................................................................................11

4.MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS.............................................................................12

4. Coleta e processamento de amostras fecais de pombos ............................12

4.2 Identificação das leveduras isoladas..........................................................12 4.3 Amostras utilizadas no presente estudo.....................................................13 4.4 Padronização do Inoculo para Candida spp. Fatores de virulência avaliados

in vitro...............................................................................................................13

4.5 Adesão às Células Epiteliais Bucais Humanas de (HBEC) de Candida


4.6 Formação de biofilme de Candida spp.......................................................14

4.7 Atividade de Proteinase..............................................................................15

4.8 Atividade de Hemolisina.............................................................................16

4.9 Atividade de fosfolipase..............................................................................16

4.10 Perfil de suscetibilidade antifúngica de Candida spp................................17

5. ARTIGOS PRODUZIDOS.............................................................................19

5.1 Candida species isolated from pigeon (Columbia livia) droppings may express

virulence factors and resistance to azoles

6. COMENTÁRIOS, CRÍTICAS E SUGESTÕES..............................................43

7. REFERÊNCIAS.............................................................................................44

8. APÊNDICE ....................................................................................................46

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Aves selvagens, incluindo pombos (Columbia livia), têm sido

consideradas uma fonte importante de leveduras patogênicas (1). No Brasil, a

população de pombos domésticos aumentou significativamente, tornando-se um

problema ambiental e influenciando a saúde pública (2). Além da colonização

microbiana em seus bicos, pés e penas, os pombos podem disseminar leveduras

patogênicas para o meio ambiente e os seres humanos, principalmente a partir

do aerossol presente nas fezes secas (1).

Diversos dados epidemiológicos foram publicados sobre o isolamento de

leveduras de fezes de pombos em todo o mundo (1, 2, 3). Embora a maioria dos

estudos nesta área se concentre na avaliação da prevalência de leveduras

pertencentes ao gênero Cryptococcus (4), leveduras de outros gêneros, como

Candida, Rhodotorula e Trichosporon podem ser isoladas de excrementos de

pombos e podem ter o potencial para causar infecções fúngicas, incluindo

doenças invasivas que ameaçam a vida (2,5).

Em um estudo realizado por Jang et al. (6) em Seul, Coréia, 306 amostras

de fezes foram coletadas de parques e quadras. Cento e vinte e seis amostras

levaram ao isolamento de leveduras. Candida glabrata foi a espécie mais

prevalente (34,1%), seguida de C. famata (12,7%). C. krusei e Trichosporon

asahii (1,16%) foram isolados em menor número. Mais recentemente, outro

estudo realizado na Ilha de Gran Canaria (Espanha) focou no isolamento de

leveduras não-Cryptococcus de 83 amostras de fezes de pombos e encontrou

C. guilliermondii e C. albicans como as espécies mais frequentemente isoladas

(49,4 e 15,7% das amostras, respectivamente). Outras importantes leveduras de

interesse médico, como Trichosporon spp. e Rhodotorula mucilaginosa também

foram recuperadas (1).

Candida spp. podem fazer parte da microbiota humana normal, sendo

que o desenvolvimento de candidíase invasiva é principalmente de origem

endógena. No entanto, infecções exógenas estão ganhando notoriedade (7).

Neste contexto, aves domésticas e silvestres podem servir como reservatórios

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para leveduras com alto potencial patogênico, dispersas pelo ar, servindo como

fonte de colonização e causando infecções graves com alta taxas de mortalidade


Os principais fatores de virulência de Candida spp. incluem a capacidade

de aderir às células epiteliais bucais humanas (CEBH) e células endoteliais, a

transição levedura-hifas (morfogênese, um fenótipo típico de C. albicans), a

produção de enzimas hidrolíticas extracelulares (proteinases, hemolisinas e

fosfolipases), formação de biofilme e a capacidade de evitar o ataque de células

do sistema imunológico (8).

Estudos sobre a investigação da expressão in vitro de fatores de virulência

de Candida spp. isoladas de excrementos de pombos são praticamente

inexistentes. No entanto, Jang et al., (6) realizando uma investigação

semelhante, descobriram que 6 isolados de C. glabrata e um único isolado de C.

krusei, oriundos de amostras fecais de pombos em Seul, Coréia, demostraram

atividade proteinase.

Devido aos fatores previamente mencionados, é importante conhecer o

potencial patogênico das leveduras, podendo estas servirem de fonte de

colonização e causar mais candidíase invasiva, avaliando especificamente a

expressão dos fatores de virulência in vitro e sua possível relação com o

processo de patogênese das infecções causadas por Candida spp. Além disso,

a determinação do perfil de suscetibilidade antifúngica desses isolados obtidos

do ambiente próximo a um hospital universitário terciário é de fundamental

importância para a implementação de terapêuticas mais efetivas e para o

estabelecimento de abordagens de controle de infecção nosocomial. Portanto,

os principais objetivos deste estudo foram avaliar a patogenicidade e a

susceptibilidade antifúngica de espécies de Candida isoladas de fezes de

pombos de uma área externa de um hospital terciário da cidade de Natal, Estado

do Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil. Para o melhor conhecimento, este é o primeiro

estudo no mundial a demonstrar que as leveduras não Cryptococcus isoladas de

excrementos de pombos podem expressar fatores de virulência in vitro e exibir

resistência a drogas antifúngicos azólicos sem possíveis exposições prévias a

estes compostos químicos.

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Além do conhecimento sobre a distribuição dos fungos de interesse

médico no ambiente, torna-se importante verificar a capacidade dos mesmos em

causar doença (patogenicidade). A transição de um micro-organismo comensal

inofensivo a patógeno é atribuível a um extenso repertório de fatores de

virulência seletivamente expressos sob condições predisponentes. Este fator

ressalta a natureza oportunista das infecções por leveduras, onde o micro-

organismo que faz parte da microbiota normal pode tornar-se patogênico (9).

O uso indiscriminado de antifúngicos, especialmente em pacientes

imunocrompometidos, mas também na prática veterinária e na agricultura,

contribui para o surgimento de resistência a essas drogas (10). Outra justificativa

para o estudo das infecções provocadas por estas leveduras é que, embora

existam muitos compostos antifúngicos disponíveis no mercado, tais drogas têm

limitações em sua utilização, por apresentarem toxicidade ao hospedeiro, e

também pela possibilidade de ocorrer a manifestação de resistência, por

diferentes espécies de Candida, como C. krusei, intrinsicamente resistente ao

fluconazol e C. lusitaniae à anfotericina B (11).

A análise da similaridade genética entre diferentes cepas de uma mesma

espécie de micro-organismo patogênico é ferramenta fundamental para permitir

a investigação da distribuição geográfica destas espécies, caracterizar suas

fontes e mecanismos de transmissão, monitorar a emergência de cepas

resistentes a drogas e auxiliar na definição de surtos (12).

Há poucos dados na literatura concernentes à patogenicidade,

epidemiologia molecular e susceptibilidade aos antifúngicos de isolados clínicos

e ambientais de Candida spp. obtidos no nordeste brasileiro, inclusive no estado

do Rio Grande do Norte, onde, pelo nosso conhecimento, não há estudos dessa

natureza. Mais estudos também se fazem necessários para melhor elucidar a

relação entre os genótipos de Candida spp. analisando a variabilidade biológica

intraespecífica para detectar polimorfismos genéticos em espécies de leveduras,

os quais podem estar correlacionados com a virulência e susceptibilidade aos

antifúngicos, podendo constituir fontes de infecção.

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3.1 Objetivos gerais:

Esse estudo tem objetivo geral avaliar a prevalência de leveduras isoladas

de fezes de pombos em um hospital terciário da cidade do Natal-RN, Brasil, bem

como realizar extensa caracterização fenotípica de Candida spp. quanto a

expressão in vitro de fatores de virulência e susceptibilidade a antifúngicos


3.2 Objetivos específicos:

a) Isolar e identificar através de taxonomia clássica e MALDI-TOF/MS

cepas de Candida spp. obtidas a partir de amostras de fezes de

pombos dos arredores de um Hospital Universitário, da cidade de

Natal-RN, Brasil;

b) Caracterizar fenotipicamente as referidas cepas quanto aos fatores de

virulência, incluindo produção de fosfolipase e proteinase, formação

de biofilme, capacidade de adesão às células epiteliais e atividade


c) Avaliar o perfil de susceptibilidade aos antifúngicos anfotericina B,

fluconazol, itraconazol e micafungina das referidas cepas.

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4.1 Coleta e processamento de amostras fecais de pombos

O estudo incluiu 19 amostras de excrementos de pombos coletadas fora

do prédio de um hospital universitário terciário, incluindo as janelas das

enfermarias, localizadas na cidade de Natal, estado do Rio Grande do Norte,

Brasil, de abril de 2012 a março de 2014.

Aproximadamente 1 g de fezes de pombas secas e/ou frescas foram

coletadas e diluídas em solução salina (NaCl 0,9%) em uma proporção de 1: 9,

agitadas em um agitador mecânico por 10 minutos e deixadas em repouso por

1h. Posteriormente, 100 μL do sobrenadante foram removidos e inoculados em

duas placas CHROMagarCandida® (CHROMagar ™ Candida, Difco, EUA) com

o auxílio de uma alça de Drigalski. Cada placa foi incubada a 30 °C e 37 °C

durante 96 h. Colônias com características fenotípicas distintas (aparência, cor,

tamanho) foram selecionadas para posterior identificação, proporcionalmente à

quantidade total apresentada em cada amostra.

4.2 Identificação de leveduras isoladas

Após o crescimento das culturas, as leveduras foram novamente plaqueadas

em CHROMagar Candida (CHROMagar Microbiology, Paris, França) para

verificar a pureza e o rastreio de colônias de cores diferentes (13). A identificação

das espécies baseou-se nas características das células observadas

microscopicamente após o cultivo em ágar fubá adicionado de Tween 80, bem

como pela metodologia clássica (Yarrow, 1998) e pelo Sistema ID32C

(bioMerieux Marcy l'Etoile, França), sempre que necessário. Após a identifição,

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todas as cepas de levedura foram cultivadas em caldo YPD (Peptone Dextrose

de levedura, extrato de levedura 10 g/L, 20 g/L de dextrose, peptona 20g/L)

“overnight” a 30 e depois transferidas para criotubos contendo 20% de glicerol e

armazenados a -80 ° C. Os isolados pertencem ao banco de microrganismos do

Laboratório de Micologia Molecular e Molecular, do Departamento de Análises

Clínicas e Toxicológicas, da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte.

4.3 Amostras utilizadas no presente estudo

Foram selecionados 60 isolados de Candida spp. da nossa coleção de

culturas que engloba todas as leveduras obtidas de fezes de pombos para

realizar a avaliação da expressão de fatores de virulência in vitro a saber:

complexo C. parapsilosis (n = 24), C. tropicalis (n = 19), C. krusei (n = 7), C.

glabrata (n = 4) e C. rugosa (n = 1). As cepas de referência C. parapsilosis

ATCC22019, C. tropicalis ATCC13803, C. krusei ATCC6258, C. glabrata ATCC

2001 e C. rugosa ATCC10571 foram utilizadas como controles para todos os

testes de identificação e determinação dos atributos de virulência in vitro e testes

de susceptibilidade antifúngica.

4.4 Padronização do inóculo de Candida spp. para a avaliação dos fatores de

virulência avaliados in vitro

Para a caracterização fenotípica dos diferentes isolados, as cepas foram

inicialmente cultivadas em caldo NGY (Difco Neopeptone 1 g/L, Dextrose 4 g / L;

Difco extrato de levedura 1 g / L). As células foram inoculadas por "wet looping"

neste meio (com o anel da alça carregado com um filme de suspensão de

leveduras rapidamente imerso no meio e removido) e incubadas por 18-24h em

agitador a 30 ° C, 200 rpm, sendo um inóculo de aproximadamente 2x108 células/

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mL produzido (14). A densidade óptica celular foi medida a um comprimento de

onda de 600 nm variando de 0,8 e 1,2, através de espectrofotômetro (Biochrom

Libra S32). Posteriormente, as células de leveduras foram diluídas para obter o

inóculo específico necessário para cada atributo de virulência avaliado in vitro.

4.5 Adesão de Candida spp. às células epiteliais bucais humanas (CEBH)

As células de Candida spp. foram crescidas “overnight” até a fase

estacionária em NGY (0,1% de Neopeptona [Difco], 0,4% de glucose e 0,1% de

Extrato de Levedura [Difco]) a 30 ° C e foram misturadas com células epiteliais

bucais humanas (CEBH) de voluntários saudáveis a uma proporção de 10

células de levedura por cada CEBH. As suspensões celulares foram incubadas

a 37 °C durante 1 h com agitação mecânica (200 rpm). Posteriormente, as

células foram agitadas em vórtex, fixadas em formalina e transferidas para uma

lâmina de microscópio. O número de células de Candida spp. aderidas a 150

CEBH foi determinado na lâmina através de microscopia óptica (400x de

magnificação). Os testes foram realizados em triplicata (8).

4.6 Formação de biofilme de Candida spp.

Os ensaios de formação de biofilme foram realizados segundo Melo et al.

(2011). Inicialmente, alíquotas de 100 μL de uma suspensão celular padronizada

(107 células / mL) foram transferidas para placas de microtitulação de 96 poços

de fundo chato e incubadas por 1,5 h a 37 ° C em um agitador a 75 rpm. Como

controles, foram manipulados oito poços de cada placa de microtítulo de maneira

idêntica, com a excepção de não terem sido adicionadas suspensões de células

Candida. Após a fase de adesão, as suspensões de células foram aspiradas e

cada poço lavado duas vezes com 150 μL de PBS para remover células

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fracamente aderidas. Um total de 100 μL de meio YNB (“Base de Nitrogênio de

Levedura”, DifcoTM) com 50 mM de glicose (D-glicose monohidratada PA,

Cinética) foi adicionado a cada um dos poços lavados e incubado a 37 ° C em

um agitador a 75ºC. rpm. Os biofilmes foram formados por 72 horas e

quantificados pelo ensaio de cristal violeta. Resumidamente, os poços revestidos

com biofilme de placas de microtitulação foram lavados duas vezes com 150 µl

de PBS e depois secos ao ar livre durante 45 min. Subsequentemente, cada um

dos poços lavados foi corado com 110 μl de solução aquosa de cristal violeta a

0,4% durante 45 min. Em seguida, cada poço foi lavado quatro vezes com 350

μL de água destilada estéril e posteriormente adicionados 200 μL de etanol a

95%. Após 45 min, 100 μL da solução de descoloração foram transferidos para

um novo poço e a quantidade de cristal violeta da solução referida medida com

um leitor de placas de microtitulação (SpectraMAX 340 Tunable Microplate

Reader; Molecular Devices Ltda.) a 570 nm. Os valores de absorbância para os

controles foram subtraídos dos valores dos poços teste para minimizar o

“background”. A interpretação da produção de biofilme seguiu os critérios

descritos por Stepanovic et al. (15).

4.7 Produção de Proteinase

A atividade de proteinase foi determinada pelo método descrito por Zuza-

Alves et al., (8). Alíquotas contendo 50 µL de culturas crescidas em NGY foram

adicionadas a 5 ml de meio YCB + ASB (11,7 g/L de “yeast carbon base” [Difco];

10 g /L de glucose; 5 g / L de albumina de soro bovino (ASB), fracção V [Sigma-

Aldrich]) sob agitação mecânica a 30 ° C durante 72 h, 200 rpm. A atividade

proteolítica foi determinada medindo-se o aumento em produtos solúveis em

ácido tricloroacético com absorbância a 280 nm em triplicata, após 1 h de

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incubação do sobrenadante da cultura em substrato de ASB a 37 ° C. A atividade

enzimática foi expressa como a seguinte fórmula: DO280nm/DO600nm da

cultura. Leituras de DO iguais ou inferiores a 0,02 foram consideradas abaixo do

limite de detecção da técnica, sendo representadas como negativas.

4.8 Produção de Hemolisina

Para avaliar a produção de hemolisina, seguimos a metodologia proposta por

Luo et al. (16) com algumas adaptações. As células de levedura foram

inicialmente cultivadas em ASD a 35 ° C durante 18 h. As amostras foram

cultivadas em caldo NGY. Dez microlitros de cultura celular foram semeados em

triplicata na superfície de ASD contendo 7% de sangue de carneiro fresco (Ebe-

Farma) e 3% de glicose, contidos em placas de Petri de 155 mm de diâmetro.

As placas foram incubadas durante 48 h a 37 °C numa atmosfera com 5% de

CO2. Após o período de incubação, a presença de um halo claro ao redor do

inóculo indicou hemólise positiva. O diâmetro das colônias e zonas de hemólise

foram medidos para se obter o índice de hemólise (IH) para cada cepa. O IH foi

determinado dividindo-se o diâmetro da colônia pela soma da zona de hemólise

mais o diâmetro da colônia, o que permitiu classificar os isolados em produtores

fortes, moderados e fracos, segundo Linares et al. (17). Como controle positivo,

utilizou-se uma cepa beta hemolítica de Streptococcus pyogenes (Grupo A). A

cepa de referência de Candida parapsilosis ATCC22019 foi usada como controle

negativo para a produção de hemólise (16).

4.9 Produção de fosfolipase

Para detecção da atividade da fosfolipase, o método de Price et al. (18) foi

utilizado. As culturas em NGY crescidas “overnight” foram diluídas e

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padronizadas para uma concentração de 2 x 105 células / mL; e a suspensão de

células inoculada em triplicata na superfície de Ágar Fosfolipase (10 g de

peptona, 40 g de dextrose, 16 g de ágar, 80 mL de Emulsão de Gema de Ovo

[Fluka]adicionada a 1000 mL de água destilada). As placas foram incubadas a

30°C por 72 h. Após o período de incubação, os diâmetros das colônias e o halo

formado ao redor deles foram medidos. O Pz (zona de fosfolipase) foi

determinado dividindo-se o diâmetro da colônia pela zona de precipitação mais

o diâmetro da colônia. Os isolados foram classificados da seguinte maneira, de

acordo com a distribuição dos tercis: Pz = 1 como atividade negativa da

fosfolipase; 0,82 ≤ Pz ≤ 0,88 como de produção fraca; 0,75 ≤ Pz ≤ 0,81 como

moderados; 0,67 ≤ Pz ≤ 0,74 como produtores fortes de fosfolipase.

4.10 Perfil de susceptibilidade antifúngica de Candida spp.

Soluções de fluconazol (FLU), itraconazol (ITC), micafungina (MCF) e

anfotericina B (AMB) foram preparadas de acordo com as diretrizes do

documento M27-A3 (18) sendo diluídas em RPMI 1640 (Roswell Park Memorial

Institute) (Angus buffers e Bioquímico, Niagara Falls, NY, EUA) tamponados com

ácido 3- (N-morfolino) propanossulfônico (MOPS) a pH 7,0. As drogas

antifúngicas testadas foram diluídas em série em 10 diferentes concentrações, a

saber: FLU (Pfizer Incorporated, Nova York, NY, EUA) para 0,125-64 μg/mL; ITC

(Pfizer Incorporated, Nova Iorque, NY, EUA), MCF (Merck, Rahway, NJ, EUA);

e AMB (Sigma Chemical Corporation, St. Louis, MO, EUA) para 0,015-8 μg / mL.

O inóculo de todas as cepas testadas foi obtido a partir de 24 h de cultivo em

ASD 35°C e uma suspensão inicial preparada com 90% de transmitância a 530

nm. Em seguida, foram realizadas duas diluições seriadas, a primeira em

solução salina (1: 100) e a segunda em RPMI (1:20), para obtenção da

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concentração final de 103 células / mL. A suscetibilidade a agentes antifúngicos

foi avaliada por microdiluição em caldo, conforme recomendado no documento

CLSI M27-A3 (18). Alíquotas de 100 μL da solução final do inóculo foram

distribuídas em placas de microtitulação de 96 poços contendo 100 μL de várias

concentrações dos fármacos testados. Por fim, as placas foram incubadas a 37

° C e a leitura do teste foi feita após 24 h de incubação para equinocandinas e

fluconazol, e após 48 horas para os outros azóis e AMB (19,20). A CIM foi

definida para os azólicos e equinocandinas como a menor concentração do

fármaco que demostrou uma redução de cerca de 50% na turbidez em

comparação com o poço de controle positivo. Para a AMB, a CIM foi definida

como a menor concentração capaz de inibir qualquer crescimento visualmente

perceptível (20).

Análise Estatística

Os dados foram analisados por meio do programa estatístico “Graph Pad,

Prism” versão 6.0 e “Stata” versão 11.0. Os resultados foram apresentados como

média ± desvio padrão, e as diferenças foram analisadas pelo teste T de Student.

Para todas as análises, valores de P <0,05 foram considerados significantes e o

intervalo de confiança de 95% foi selecionado. Além disso, todos os valores

obtidos para alguns testes de atributos de virulência in vitro foram divididos em

categorias de tercil como produtores fracos, moderados ou fortes.

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5.1 Candida species isolated from pigeon (Columbia livia) droppings may

express virulence factors and resistance to azoles

Periódico: Veterinary Microbiology

ISSN: 0378-1135


Fator de Impacto: 2.524


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Candida species isolated from pigeon (Columbia livia) droppings may

express virulence factors and resistance to azoles

Luciana Magalhães Pinto1, Francisco de Assis Bezerra Neto1, Mariana

Araújo Paulo de Medeiros1, Diana Luzia Zuza Alves1, Guilherme Maranhão


1 Laboratory of Medical and Molecular Mycology, Department of Clinical

and Toxicological Analyses, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal,

Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil.

* Author responsible for correspondence:

Name: Guilherme Maranhão Chaves

Address: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Centro de Ciências

da Saúde. Departamento de Análises Clínicas e Toxicológicas. Laboratório de

Micologia Médica e Molecular. Rua. Gal. Gustavo Cordeiro de Faria S/N.

Petrópolis. Natal, RN – Brasil. CEP: 59012-570.

Phone number: 00 55 (84) 3342-9801

E-mail address: [email protected]

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Even though it is widely known that Cryptococcus spp. may transmit

cryptococcosis trough aerosol formed when dried birds (mainly pigeons)

droppings are dispersed and become airborne, little is known about the role of

these birds in harboring pathogenic yeasts in their gastrointestinal tract, feathers

and beaks, specifically because these animals often stay and reproduce close or

even above air conditioner units. Here we evaluated the prevalence of pathogenic

yeasts isolated from pigeon droppings collected in the outside area of a University

Hospital in Brazil. We also aimed to investigate the pathogenic potential and

antifungal susceptibility of Candida species of medical interest isolated from

these samples. Therefore, we performed the evaluation of virulence factors

attributes expression in vitro, including the ability to adhere to human buccal

epithelial cells and biofilm formation and to produce lytic enzymes, such as

phospholipases, proteinases and hemolysins. Antifungal susceptibility testing

against fluconazole, itraconazole, amphotericin and micafungin were also

performed. The Candida genus was the most prevalent in our study, with several

medically important species being isolated. Of note, these strains were able to

express several virulence factors in vitro, clearly showing their pathogenic

potential. Our study was able to demonstrate that Candida spp. isolated from

pigeon droppings may express virulence factors in the same manner of clinical

isolates, suggesting a pathogenic potential for these yeasts. The fact these

strains were collected from the outside area of a tertiary hospital may be of

interest, because they may be a source of infection, specifically to

immunocompromised hosts.

Key-words: Candida spp, virulence factors, antifungal resistance, pigeon

droppings, Columbia livia

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Wild birds, including pigeons (Columbia livia), have long been considered a

major source of pathogenic yeasts (Rosario et al., 2017). In Brazil, the domestic

pigeon population has increased significantly, becoming an environmental

problem and influencing public health (Costa et al., 2010). In addition to microbial

colonization in their beaks, feet and feathers, pigeons can spread pathogenic

yeasts to the environment and humans mainly from aerosol present in dried

droppings Rosario et al., 2017).

Several epidemiological data have been published regarding the isolation

of yeasts from pigeon droppings around the world (Rosario et al.,2017; Wu et al.,

2012). Although most studies in this area focus on the evaluation of the

prevalence of yeasts belonging to the genus Cryptococcus (Teodoro et al., 2012),

yeasts of other genera, such as Candida, Rhodotorula and Trichosporon may be

isolated from pigeon droppings and could have the potential to cause fungal

infections including invasive life-threatening diseases (Cafarchia et al., 2006a;

Costa et al.,2010).

In a study performed by Jang et al. (2011) in Seoul, Korea, 306 faeces

samples were collected from public squares and courts. One hundred and twenty

six samples leaded to yeasts isolation. Candida glabrata was the most prevalent

species (34.1%), followed by C. famata (12.7%). C. krusei and Trichosporon

asahii (1.16%) were isolated in lower numbers. More recently, another study

performed in Gran Canaria Island (Spain) focused on the isolation of non-

Cryptococcus yeasts from 83 pigeon droppings samples and found C.

guilliermondii and C. albicans as the most frequently isolated species (49.4 and

15.7% of the samples, respectively). Other important yeasts of medical interest,

such as Trichosporon spp. and Rhodotorula mucilaginosa were also recovered

(Rosario et al., 2017).

Because Candida spp. may be part of the normal human microbiota, the

development of invasive candidiasis is mostly of endogenous origin. However,

exogenous infections are gaining notoriety (Nucci et al., 2010). In this context,

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domestic and wild birds may serve as reservoirs for yeasts with high pathogenic

potential, dispersed through the air and may further colonize and cause severe

infections with high mortality rates (Rosario et al., 2017).

The main Candida spp. virulence factors include the ability to adhere to

human buccal epithelial cells (HBEC) and endothelial cells, the yeast-to-hyphae

transition (morphogenesis, a typical phenotype of C. albicans), the production of

extracellular hydrolytic enzymes (proteinases, hemolysins and phospholipases),

biofilm formation, and the ability to evade the attack of immune system cells

(Zuza-Alves et al., 2017).

Studies concerning the investigation of the in vitro expression of virulence

factors by Candida spp. isolated from pigeon droppings are practically

nonexistent. However, Jang et al., (2011) performing a similar investigation found

that 6 isolates of C. glabrata and a single isolate of C. krusei, isolated from

pigeon’s fecal samples in Seoul, Korea, showed proteinase activity.

Because of the previously mentioned factors, it is important to know the

pathogenic potential of yeasts the may be a source of colonization and further

cause invasive candidiasis, specifically evaluating the expression of virulence

factors in vitro and its possible relationship with the pathogenesis process of

infections caused by Candida spp. Besides, the determination of drugs

susceptibility profiling of these isolates obtained from the environment nearby a

tertiary University hospital are of fundamental importance in order to implement

more effective therapeutics and to establish nosocomial infection control

approaches. Therefore, the main objectives of this study were to evaluate the

pathogenicity and antifungal susceptibility of Candida species isolated from

pigeon droppings from an external area of a tertiary hospital in the city of Natal,

Rio Grande do Norte State, Brazil. To the best of knowledge, this is the first study

in the world to demonstrate that non-Cryptococcus yeasts isolated from pigeon

droppings may express virulence factors in vitro and exhibit resistance to azole

antifungal drugs without previous known expositions to these chemical


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Collection and processing of fecal samples from pigeons

The study included 19 samples of pigeon droppings collected outside the

building of a tertiary university hospital, including the windows of the wards,

located in Natal City, Rio Grande do Norte State, Brazil, from April 2012 to March


Approximately 1g of dried and/or fresh pigeon stools were collected and

diluted in saline solution (NaCl 0.9%) in a ratio of 1: 9, shaken on a mechanical

stirrer for 10 minutes and allowed to stand for 1h. Subsequently, 100 μL of the

supernatant was removed and inoculated into two CHROMagarCandida® plates

(CHROMagar ™ Candida, Difco, USA) with the aid of a Drigalski loop. Each plate

was incubated at 30 °C and 37°C for 96h. Colonies with distinct phenotypic

characteristics (appearance, color, size) were selected for subsequent

identification, proportionally to the total amount presented in each sample.

Identification of isolated yeasts

After cultures growth, yeasts were again plated on CHROMagar Candida

(CHROMagar Microbiology, Paris, France) to check for purity and screening for

different color colonies (Baumgartner et al., 1996). Species identification was

based on the characteristics of the cells observed microscopically after cultivation

on corn meal agar added Tween 80, as well as classical methodology (Yarrow,

1998) and ID32C System (bioMerieux Marcy l’Etoile, France), whenever it was

necessary. After identification, all yeast strains were cultured in YPD broth (Yeast

Peptone Dextrose, yeast extract 10 g / L, dextrose 20g / L, peptone 20g / L)

overnight at 30 ° C, and then were transferred to cryotubes containing 20%

glycerol and stored at -80 ° C. The isolates belong to the fungi culture collection

of the Medical and Molecular Mycology Laboratory, Department of Clinical and

Toxicological Analyses, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte.

Strains used in the present study

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We screened 60 isolates of Candida spp. from our culture collection to

perform the evaluation of the expression of virulence factors in vitro as follows:

C. parapsilosis complex (n=24), C. tropicalis (n=19), C. krusei (n=7), C. glabrata

(n=4) and C. rugosa (n=1). Of note, C. parapsilosis ATCC22019, C. tropicalis

ATCC13803, C. krusei ATCC6258, C. glabrata ATCC 2001 and C. rugosa

ATCC10571 and were used as controls for all the identification tests and the

determination of virulence attributes in vitro and antifungal susceptibility testing.

Inoculum Standardization for Candida spp. Virulence Factors

Evaluated In vitro

. For the phenotypic characterization of the different isolates, the strains

were initially grown in NGY broth medium (Difco Neopeptone 1 g/L, Dextrose 4

g/L; Difco yeast extract 1 g/L). When cells are inoculated by “wet looping” in this

medium (with a ring loop loaded with a yeast suspension film rapidly immersed

in the medium and removed) and incubated for 18-24h in shaker at 30°C, 200

rpm, an inoculum of approximately 2x108 cells/mL is produced (Chaves et al.,

2013). Cultures were spectrophotometrically measured at a wavelength of 600

nm ranging from 0.8 and 1.2 (Biochrom Libra S32). Subsequently, Candida spp.

cells were diluted to obtain the specific inoculum needed for each attribute of

virulence evaluated in vitro.

Candida spp. Adherence to Human Buccal Epithelial Cells (HBEC)

Candida spp. cells were grown overnight to stationary phase in NGY (0.1%

Neopeptone [Difco], 0.4% glucose and 0.1% Yeast Extract [Difco]) at 30°C and

were mixed with human buccal epithelial cells (HBEC) from healthy volunteers at

a ratio of 10 yeast cells per HBEC. The mixtures were incubated at 37°C for 1 h

with shaking; then cells were vortexed, formalin-fixed and transferred to a

microscope slide. The number of Candida spp. cells adhered to 150 HBEC was

determined with the operator blinded to the nature of the material on the slide.

Tests were done in triplicate (Zuza-Alves et al., 2017).

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Candida spp. Biofilm Formation

Biofilm formation assays were performed according by Melo et al. (2011).

At first, 100 μL aliquots of a standardized cell suspension (107 cells/mL) were

transferred to flat bottom 96 well microtiter plates and incubated for 1.5 h at 37°C

in a shaker at 75 rpm. As controls, eight wells of each microtiter plate were

handled in an identical fashion, except that no Candida cell suspensions were

added. Following the adhesion phase, cell suspensions were aspirated and each

well was washed twice with 150 μL of PBS to remove loosely adherent cells. A

total of 100 μL of YNB medium (“Yeast Nitrogen Base”, DifcoTM) with 50 mM of

glucose (D-glucose monohidratada P.A., Cinética) was added to each of the

washed wells and incubated at 37°C in a shaker at 75 rpm. Biofilms were allowed

to develop for 66 h and quantified by the crystal violet assay. Briefly, the biofilm-

coated wells of microtiter plates were washed twice with 150 μL of PBS and then

air dried for 45 min. Subsequently, each of the washed wells was stained with

110 μL of 0.4% aqueous crystal violet solution for 45 min. Afterward, each well

was washed four times with 350 μL of sterile distilled water and immediately

distained with 200 μL of 95% ethanol. After 45 min, 100 μL of destaining solution

was transferred to a new well and the amount of the crystal violet stain in the

referred solution was measured with a microtiter plate reader (SpectraMAX 340

Tunable Microplate Reader; Molecular Devices Ltda.) at 570 nm. The absorbance

values for the controls were subtracted from the values for the test wells to

minimize background interference. Interpretation of biofilm production was

according to the criteria described by Stepanovic et al. (2007).

Candida spp. Proteinase Production

Proteinase activity was determined by a method Zuza-alves et al., 2017.

Fifty-microliter samples from NGY cultures were grown in 5 mL YCB + BSA

medium (11.7 g/L Yeast Carbon Base [Difco]; 10 g/L glucose; 5 g/L bovine serum

albumin, fraction V [Sigma–Aldrich]) rotated in a rotator shaker at 30°C for 72 h,

200 rpm. Proteolytic activity was determined by measuring the increase in

trichloroacetic acid soluble products absorbing at 280 nm in triplicate after 1 h

incubation of the culture supernatant with BSA substrate at 37°C. Specific activity

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was expressed as OD280nm/OD600 nm of the culture. OD readings equal to or

below 0.02 were considered below the limit of detection of the technique and

were represented as negative.

Candida spp. Hemolysin Production

In order to evaluate hemolysin production, we followed the methodology

proposed by Luo et al. (2001) with some adaptations. Candida spp. cells were

initially cultured on SDA at 35°C for 18 h. Strains were next grown overnight in

NGY broth. Ten microliters of cell culture were seeded in triplicate on the surface

of SDA containing 7% fresh sheep blood (Ebe-Farma) and 3% glucose, contained

in Petri dishes of 155 mm of diameter. The plates were incubated for 48 h at 37°C

in an atmosphere with 5% CO2. After the incubation period, the presence of a

clear halo around the inoculum indicated positive hemolysis. The diameter of

colonies and zones of hemolysis were measured in order to obtain the hemolysis

index (HI) for each strain. HI was determined by dividing the colony diameter by

the precipitation zone plus colony diameter, which allowed classification of

isolates in strong, moderate and weak producers, according to Linares et al.

(2007). As a positive control we used a beta hemolytic strain of Streptococcus

pyogenes (Group A). The reference strain of Candida parapsilosis ATCC22019

was used as a negative control (Luo et al., 2001).

Candida spp. Phospholipase Production

For detection of the phospholipase activity, the method of Price et al. (1982)

was used. Overnight NGY cultures were diluted and standardized to a

concentration of 2×105 cells/mL; and the suspension of cells was inoculated in

triplicate on the surface of Phospholipase agar (10 g peptone, 40 g dextrose, 16

g agar, 80 mL Egg Yolk Emulsion [Fluka] was added to 1000 mL of distilled water

1000 mL). The plates were incubated at 30°C for 72 h. After the incubation period,

the diameters of the colonies and the halo formed around them were measured.

The Pz (phospholipase zone) was determined by dividing the colony diameter by

the precipitation zone plus colony diameter. The isolates were classified as

follows, according to tertiles distribution: Pz = 1 as negative phospholipase

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activity; 0.82 ≤ Pz ≤ 0.88 as weak; 0.75 ≤ Pz ≤ 0.81 as moderate; 0.67 ≤ Pz ≤

0.74 as strong phospholipase producers.

Antifungal Susceptibility Profile of Candida spp.

Solutions of fluconazole (FLU), itraconazole (ITC), micafungin (MCF), and

amphotericin B (AMB) were prepared in accordance with guidelines M27-A3

(CLSI, 2008a) being diluted in RPMI 1640 (Roswell Park Memorial Institute)

(Angus buffers and Biochemical, Niagara Falls, NY, USA) buffered 3-(N-

morpholino) propanesulfonic acid (MOPS) to pH 7.0. Antifungal drugs tested

were diluted serially in 10 different concentrations, namely: FLU (Pfizer

Incorporated, New York, NY, USA) to 0.125–64 μg/mL; ITC (Pfizer Incorporated,

New York, NY, USA), MCF (Merck, Rahway, NJ, USA); and AMB (Sigma

Chemical Corporation, St. Louis, MO, USA) to 0.015–8 μg/mL. The inoculum of

all strains tested were obtained from 2 h cultivation in SDA at 35°C and an initial

suspension prepared with 90% transmittance determined spectrophotometrically

at 530 nm. Then, two serial dilutions were made, the first in saline solution (1:100)

and the second in RPMI (1:20), in order to obtain final concentration of 103

cells/mL. Susceptibility to antifungal agents was evaluated by broth microdilution,

as recommended within document CLSI M27-A3 (CLSI, 2008a). Aliquots of 100

μL of the final inoculum solution were dispensed in microtiter plates of 96 wells

containing 100 μL of various concentrations of the tested drugs. Finally, the plates

were incubated at 37°C and test reading taken after 24 h incubation for

echinocandins and fluconazole, and after 48h for the other azoles and AMB. Of

note, we have performed readings for voriconazole at 48 h of growth, as

recommended by the document M27-S4 of CLSI when 24 h growth of control is

insufficient (CLSI, 2008b, 2012). All strains were tested in duplicate. MIC was

defined for azoles and echinocandins to the lowest drug concentration which

showed about 50% reduction in turbidity as compared to the positive control well.

For AMB, the MIC was defined as the lowest concentration able to inhibit any

growth visually perceptible (CLSI, 2012).

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Statistical Analysis

Data were analyzed using the statistical software “Graph Pad, Prism”

version 6.0 and “Stata” version 11.0. Results were presented as mean ± standard

deviation, and differences were analyzed by the One-sample t-test, while the

Spearman coefficient was used to assess the correlation between virulence

factors. For all the analyses, P-values less than 0.05 were considered significant

and the confidence interval of 95% was selected. In addition. all the values

obtained for some of virulence attributes tests in vitro were divided onto tertile

categories as weak, moderate or strong producers.


Microbiological profiling of Candida spp.

Of the 19 samples collected, 190 yeast environmental isolates were

obtained from pigeon dropping collected around the University Hospital. Candida

was the most prevalent genus (83/190, 43.7%), followed by Trichosporon spp.

(44/190, 23.2%), Rhodotorula spp. (43/190, 22.6%), Cryptococcus spp. (13/190,

6.8%) and other genera (7/190, 3.7%). Therefore, we decided to follow up this

investigation including the characterization of the attributes of virulence in vitro

only with 60 Candida spp. strains of medical interest as follows: C. parapsilosis

complex (24/12.6 %), C. tropicalis (19/10.0 %), C. krusei (7 /9.0 %), C. glabrata

(4/2.1 %) and C. rugosa (1/0.5 %; Table 1).

Adherence of Candida spp. to human buccal epithelial cells (HBEC)

All the strains were able to adhere to HBEC. However, the isolates showed

variable expression of this specific virulence factor in vitro (Table 2). C. tropicalis

showed a remarkable ability to adhere to the buccal epithelia. These data can be

observed by both comparing the strains of this species with reference strain

ATCC13803 and when the average values of adhesion for all the strains of this

species were compared to the strains belonging to all the other Candida spp.

evaluated (P < 0.05; Tables 2 and 3). Tertile analysis revealed that most of the

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isolates of the other Candida spp. showed low ability to adhere to HBEC. In

addition, most of them were also statistically significant more adherent than the

reference strains of each species (Table 2). Strains belonging to C. parapsilosis

species complex were generally statistically more adherent than those belonging

to C. krusei (Table 3). When we evaluated each species separately, for the C.

parapsilosis species complex, LMMM525 was the lowest adherent strain (19 ± 2

Candida cells/ 150 HBEC), while LMMM348 was the strain most adherent (274 ±

2 Candida cells/ 150 HBEC; Table 2). As previously mentioned, C. tropicalis was

represented by highly adherent strains, including the most adherent isolate of the

study (LMMM496; 487 ± 2 Candida cells/ 150 HBEC). The lowest value for

adhesion of this species was found to the strain LMMM312 (75 ± 1 Candida cells/

150 HBEC). Tertile analysis of strains belonging to C. krusei revealed low

adhesion to HBEC, with number ranging from 27 ± 1 Candida cells/ 150 HBEC

(LMMM503) to 91 ± 2 Candida cells/ 150 HBEC (LMMM493). C. glabrata also

showed limited adhesion capacity, (53 ± 4 Candida cells/ 150 HBEC (LMMM174)

to 58 ± 4 Candida cells/ 150 HBEC (LMMM327). The only isolate of C. rugosa

was considered a weak adherent strain.

Evaluation of biofilm formation in Candida spp.

Approximately half of the isolates of the present study was able to form

biofilm on polystirene microtiter plates, while 28 isolates were considered

negative. In addition, several strains belonging to the C. parapsilosis species

complex and C. tropicalis were not able to produce biofilm. Even so, most of the

biofilm forming isolates of C. tropicalis together with C. krusei were considered

either moderate or strong biofilm producers, while C. glabrata and C. parapsilosis

species complex strains showed weak biofilm formation (Table 2). This data was

reinforced with average values comparisons, which showed statistically

significant different results between C. tropicalis and C. krusei strains with the

other Candida spp. (Table 3). For C. parapsilosis species complex strains, the

OD readings ranged from OD570nm of 0.07 ± 0.00 (LMMM346, LMMM513,

LMMM530) to OD570nm of 0.19 ± 0.03 (LMMM527). C. tropicalis reading ranges

were as follows: OD570nm of 0.16 ±0.04 (LMMM179) to OD570nm of 0.59 ± 0.03

(LMMM331). Tertile analysis showed that C. krusei showed very variable levels

of biofilm formation, with the lower biofilm producing strain showing an OD570nm

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of 0.1 ± 0.01 (LMMM503), whereas the higher biofilm producer strain, showed a

remarkable optical density of OD570nm of 0.8 ± 0.01(LMMM212). C. glabrata

biofilm formation ranged from OD570nm 0.06 ± 0.00 (LMMM180) to OD570nm

0.14 ± 0.00 (LMMM174). The only strain represented by C. rugosa was

considered a strong biofilm producer, according to tertile analysis (Table 2).

Determination of production of proteinase in Candida spp.

From the 61 isolates included in the present study, only 11 (18%) isolates

did not produce the enzyme. The average value for the OD280nm/OD260nm for

all the 61 isolates tested was of 0.05 ± 0.00. Of note, OD readings lower than

0.02 were considered negative, because they represent an amount below the

limit of detection of this technique. The lower amount of proteinase activity was

OD280nm/ OD260nm of 0.02± 0.00 (LMMM503), while the higher level was

OD280nm/OD260nm of 0.38 ± 0.00 (LMMM112), respectively, both from C.

krusei (Table 2). This species, together with C. parapsilosis species complex had

the strongest proteinase producer strains (Table 2). This result was also

confirmed with the average values obtained for all the strains of each species,

except when this comparison was performed between the two previously

mentioned strains and C. glabrata (Table 3). Sixty nine percent of C. parapsilosis

species complex isolates produced more proteinase than the reference strain

ATCC22019 (OD280nm/ OD260nm of 0.03 ± 0.00 (Table 2). Most C. tropicalis

isolates had lower proteinase activity than the reference strain C. tropicalis

ATCC13803, while the opposite happened for the C. rugosa control strain (Table

1). Tertile analysis classified most of the isolates of C. parapsilosis complex as

moderate and strong producers, while isolates of C. tropicalis, C. krusei, C.

glabrata and C. rugosa were classified as moderate and weak producers of the

enzyme. The unique C. rugosa strain produced the following amount of

proteinase: OD280nm/OD600nm of 0.05 ± 0.00 (Table 2).

Determination of production of phospholipase in Candida spp.

Phospholipase production was detected in 95.1% of the isolates when all

the Candida spp. were evaluated. Besides, the levels of enzyme production

varied among isolates of each species. Most C. parapsilosis species complex

strains were considered weak to moderate phospholipase producers (Table 1),

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while C. krusei and C. glabrata were mostly classified as strong producers (Table

2). Average values comparisons revealed that this difference was significant

between these two and the other previously mentioned species and between C.

tropicalis and the C. parapsilosis species complex (Table 3). Once again, the

amount of secretion of this enzyme was generally lower for the reference strains.

For the Candida parapsilosis species complex, 61% of the strains produced low

levels of phospholipase (14 out of 23 isolates), but the isolate LMMM348 stands

out for showing a high production of the enzyme (0.49 ± 0.03, Table 2).

Determination of production of hemolysins by Candida spp.

Most of strains in the present study were able to produce moderate do high

beta hemolysis on sheep blood agar (59,96,7%). According to Linhares et al.

(2007) classification, 32 isolates (52.4%) presented strong hemolytic activity (HI

≤ 0.43) which is inversely proportional to the HI, while only seven of them (11.4

%) showed low production (HI ≥ 0.56; Table 2). The environmental isolates also

produced equal or above levels of hemolysins than the reference strains of each

species. We could detect only two isolates that did not produce the referred

enzyme (LMMM346 and LMMM348, both belonging to the C. parapsilosis

species complex). Of note, when all the isolates were analyzed together, C.

glabrata strains average values for the HI was statistically significant lower than

the HI found for the others species (meaning high hemolytic activity) and a

statistically significant difference was also observed between strains belonging to

the C. parapsilosis species complex and C. tropicalis (Table 3). In C. parapsilosis

species complex strains the hemolytic activity ranged from 0.34 ± 0.01

(LMMM524) to 0.60 ± 0.04 (LMMM522) and 10 isolates of C. parapsilosis were

strong hemolysins producers (Table 2). C. tropicalis hemolytic activity ranged

from 0.23 ± 0.00 (LMMM496) to 0.65 ± 0.04 (LMMM518) and all C. glabrata

isolates showed lower HI than the reference strain ATCC2001. Interestingly, the

single isolate of C. rugosa (LMMM 216) had a moderate hemolytic enzyme

production, while its reference strain C. rugosa ATCC10571 did not show the

produce the enzyme.

Evaluation of antifungal susceptibility profiling of Candida spp. by the

broth microdilution method

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All MIC values obtained by the control microorganisms were compatible with

the values expected by the CLSI methodology (2012), ensuring the reliability of

the results obtained for the isolates tested. We observed that all Candida spp.

isolates were susceptible to amphotericin B and Micafungin (Table 4).

Regarding the susceptibility profiling to fluconazole, all the environmental

isolates of the C. parapsilosis complex were susceptible to this drug. However,

only 2 out 19 isolates of C. tropicalis, (LMMM 325, LMMM328; 10.5%) were

considered susceptible to this antifungal drug, while 17 of them (89.5%) were

considered resistant with MICs higher than 64 μg/mL. In addition, all isolates of

C. krusei were considered resistant (as expected), where 12 strains had MIC ≥

64 μg/mL, while for two of them the MIC ≥ 8 μg/mL. For C. glabrata, two isolates

were resistant to this drug, whereas the isolate LMMM327 was considered

susceptible. The single isolate of C. rugosa was susceptible to fluconazole (Table


Regarding the susceptibility profiling to itraconazole, all the isolates

belonging to the C. parapsilosis species complex and C. rugosa were considered

susceptible to this antifungal drug. However, only a single isolate of C. tropicalis

was susceptible to this drug (5.3%; LMMM325), while 94.7% of isolates were

resistant (MIC = ≥64μg / ml). Regarding the isolates of C. krusei, the isolate

LMMM314 showed resistance against itraconazole (MIC= ≥1μg/mL) and the

isolate LMMM338 was susceptible dose-dependent (SDD; MIC= 0.25 μg/mL),

while all the others were susceptible. Two isolates of C. glabrata were susceptible

(MIC≤0.125), while the isolate LMMM327 was considered SDD (MIC= 0.25 μg



Most of the studies regarding yeasts isolation from pigeon excreta are

focused on Cryptococcus. In our study, Candida spp. together with Trichosporon

spp. and Rhodotorula spp. were more frequently isolated than Cryptococcus spp.

from pigeon droppings. This fact reinforces the potential role of pigeons as a

reservoir of other opportunistic yeasts previously isolated from human infections.

Actually, a few other studies have obtained similar results. For instance, Jang et

al. (2011), found C. glabrata and other Candida spp. (including C. albicans) more

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frequently than Cryptococcus spp. in a study performed in Seoul, Korea. In the

study of Costa et al., 2010 performed in Northeast Brazil (the same region of the

present study), Candida spp. were also the more frequently isolated species,

mainly C. albicans. Rhodotorula spp. and Trichosporon spp. were also recovered

from the samples in a lower proportion.

In this study, it is possible to observe that Candida spp. strains were able to

express the following virulence factors (in vitro): adhesion to HBEC, biofilm

formation (most, but not all the strains) and the secretion of lytic enzymes, such

as hemolysins, proteinases and phospholipases (Table 2).

In general, the isolates evaluated in this study had a variable capacity of

adhesion to HBECs. A study performed by Modrzwska & Kurn (2015),

emphasizes that adhesion to the surface of host cells is variable according to the

different Candida species. The strains identified as C. tropicalis were

characterized by high adhesion capacity. This species is recognized as highly

adherent to mammalian epithelial and endothelial cells, only preceded by C.

albicans. This phenomenon has been widely described with C. tropicalis clinical

isolates studies from different anatomic sources, including the ones performed in

our group (Chaves et al., 2013). In fact, C. tropicalis shares adhesins also present

in C. albicans, including Alsp (‘Agglutinin-like sequence; (Punithavathy and

Menon, 2012 and Hwp1p (“Hyphal wall protein”; Wan Harun et al. 2013) which

may justify similar high adherence for both species.

In the same manner we found in our study, C. parapsilosis clinical isolates

show moderate adhesion to epithelial cells, while C. glabrata and C. krusei are

weakly adherent. Regarding C. glabrata, it is speculated that the reduced

adhesion capacity of this species results from a lack of adhesins that occur in C.

albicans (Silva et al., 2013; Wan Harun et al. 2013). Our findings suggest that the

strains obtained from fungal droppings behave similarly to clinical isolates, when

adhesion to epithelial cells is investigated.

We also found a remarkable variability to form biofilms in polystyrene

microplates for the strains of all species evaluated. C. krusei was the species with

the highest biofilm formation followed by C. tropicalis. Several studies have

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demonstrated that C. tropicalis strains obtained from different anatomical sites

and clinical conditions are strongly biofilm producers (Chin et al., 2013).

Data from the literature on biofilm formation of other Candida species, such

as C. parapsilosis, C. krusei and C. glabrata, are very variable, since some

authors report these species as highly biofilm producing, others describe them as

low producers of biofilms. It is noteworthy that the great variability on biofilm

formation is probably related the methodology employed, including the culture

medium, incubation time, plastic material and staining. However, our C. krusei

strains were markedly strong biofilm producers, which is relatively uncommon

among clinical isolates (Treviño-Rangel et al., 2018). Nevertheless, a recent

study proposed that this species may form a well-defined cellular community

biofilm on a stainless steel, simulating the hydrodynamic strength that they are

exposed during food processing in industry, proving that environmental strains of

this species may form a strong biofilm (Brugnonia et al., 2012).

The only isolate of C. rugosa showed a strong biofilm formation.

Interestingly a study with six isolates of C. rugosa obtained from blood, urine,

bronchoalveolar lavage and vaginal secretion has shown that the isolates are

strong biofilm producers (Biasoli et al., 2010) corroborating our results.

Contrary to all expectations, C. krusei showed proteinase production,

despite this species does not have in its genome the SAP gene family (Parra-

Ortega, et al., 2009). However, recently a study of strains from vulvovaginal

candidiasis in Iran reported the production of proteinase by isolates of this

species (Shirkhani et al., 2016). Therefore, other proteinsases (rather than Saps)

mat be present in theis species.

Comparing the proteinase activity among the species, C. krusei, C. glabrata

and C. parapsilosis showed no significant difference between them. The isolates

of the C. parapsilosis complex showed a moderate to strong proteolytic activity,

whereas C. tropicalis isolates were classified as weak producers. The data

obtained in the present study agree with those found by Chaves et al (2013) in a

study carried out with clinical strains of kidney transplant recipients with oral

candidiasis, from the same area of study.

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Several isolates of the present study were able to produce phospholipase,

being mostly classified as moderate to strong producers. This is contradictory to

several studies that only report the production of this enzyme by C. albicans

clinical isolates (Tellapagrada et al (2014). Actually, Chin et al. (2013) reported

that C. parapsilosis and C. glabrata strains isolated from blood cultures did not

produce the enzyme. Interestingly, our C. glabrata strains showed strong

phospholipase production. In fact, Ghannoum (2000) reported a positive

correlation between C. glabrata isolates that showed phospholipase activity and

remained in the blood despite therapy with antifungal agents and removal of all

intravenous catheters and persistent candidemia. Therefore, such ability to

secrete this enzyme may be an important attribute of virulence produced by our

pigeon dropping strains.

Although some studies claim that the production of hemolysins is only

observed in C. albicans (Negri et al., 2010b). Luo et al., (2001) reported that

NCAC species may produce this enzyme. These data confirm our findings, since

most isolates were able to produce hemolysins.

The highest hemolytic activity occurred in C. glabrata isolates, followed by

C. tropicalis. Our results corroborate with the findings of Riceto et al., (2015) in a

study that evaluated hemolytic activity of different Candida species, which

described a remarkable hemolytic activity for C. glabrata and C. tropicalis

species. In a recent study performed by our group, we were able to demonstrate

high hemolysin activity in C. tropicalis isolated from environmental sources (Zuza-

Alves et al., 2017) corroborating with our findings.

The isolates of C. krusei and C. parapsilosis complex showed moderate

hemolytic activity being contradictory to the findings of Pakshir et al., (2013) with

Candida species isolated from onychomycosis and buccal mucosa, where most

of the isolates of C. parapsilosis did not produce the enzyme. The only isolate of

C. rugosa showed high hemolytic activity, however there are no studies in the

literature to compare this result, reinforcing the novelty of our findings.

We find a considerable number of strains resistant to fluconazole and

itraconazole, specifically in C. tropicalis. Of note, C. krusei is intrinsically resistant

to fluconazole (Silva et al., 2012). Therefore, our results were expected. Although

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most isolates of C. tropicalis obtained from human patients are susceptible to

azoles, some studies have described the occurrence of resistance in some

clinical isolates of this species to fluconazole (Guinea, 2014), corroborating with

the present study. High Fluconazole resistance was observed among C. tropicalis

strains isolated from beach sand in Brazil (Zuza-Alves et al., 2017). Fluconazole

and Itraconazole cross-resistance have also been previously reported in clinical

(Jiang et al., 2013) and environmental investigations (Zuza-Alves et al., 2017).

Of note, C. glabrata may frequently develop acquired resistance to

fluconazole (Silva et al., 2012) and cross-resistance between this drug and

itraconazole have also been previously reported (Denardi et al., 2015).


In conclusion we may observe the importance of non-Cryptococcus yeasts

isolated from pigeon droppings. The Candida genus was the most prevalent in

our study, with several medically important species being isolated. Of note, these

strains were able to express several virulence factors in vitro, clearly showing

their pathogenic potential. Most importantly, quite a few numbers of strains were

resistant to the azole antifungal drugs without any probable previous explosion to

these antifungal compounds. These findings, together with the fact that they were

collected from the outside of the most important University Hospital in our city,

where air conditioners were present and may throw contaminated pigeon

droppings aerosols into the wards, may be important for environment and patients

colonization and further infection.


We are very grateful to Professor Arnaldo Lopes Colombo for the donation

of Candida spp. reference strains.

Competing interests

The authors declare no competing interests


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This work was supported by the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte

Pro-rector of research and postgraduate courses.


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of yeasts. 4th ed. In: Kurtzman CP, Fell JW. Amsterdam, Elsevier Science B.V.

Wan Harun, W.H.A., Jamil, N.A., Jamaludin, N.H., Nordin, M., 2013. Effect

of Piper betle and Brucea javanica on the Differential Expression of Hyphal Wall

Protein (HWP1) in Non-Candida albicans Candida (NCAC) Species. Evidence-

Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2013, 397268.

Wu, Y., Du, P.C., Li, W.G., Lu, J.X., 2012. Identification and molecular

analysis of pathogenic yeasts in droppings of domestic pigeons in Beijing, China.

Mycopathologia. 174, 203–214.

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Zuza-Alves, D.L., Silva-Rocha, W.P., Chaves, G.M., 2017. An Update on

Candida tropicalis Based on Basic and Clinical Approaches. Front Microbiol. 8,



Table 1. Prevalence of yeasts obtained from pigeon droppings samples

from the surrounding areas of a tertiaty hospital of the city of Natal, Rio Grande

do Norte state, Northeast region, Brazil.

Table 2. Virulence factors of Candida spp. isolates from the surrounding

areas of a tertiaty hospital of the city of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte state,

Northeast region, Brazil.

Table 3. Average virulence factors comparisons of Candida spp. isolates

from the surrounding areas of a tertiaty hospital of the city of Natal, Rio Grande

do Norte state, Northeast region, Brazil.

Table 4. Results of antifungal susceptibility test of Candida spp. isolates

from the surrounding areas of a tertiaty hospital of the city of Natal, Rio Grande

do Norte state, Northeast region, Brazil.

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A etapa inicial do presente estudo teve início na graduação como projeto

de iniciação científica dando continuidade aprofundando os ensaios no

mestrado. A etapa inicial do mestrado foi iniciada com a avaliação dos

fatores de virulência. Essa etapa consumiu um bom tempo, pois os

ensaios eram complexos e como trabalhamos com microrganismos, estes

exigem um cuidado maior no manuseio, que vai desde o cultivo ao


Os dados iniciais obtidos, desde a iniciação cimentícia, geraram vários

trabalhos científicos, apresentados no 27° Congresso Brasileiro de

Microbiologia, 2013 e no 28° Congresso Brasileiro de Microbiologia, 2015,


A extração do DNA demorou um pouco a ser concluída, pois dependia da

disponibilidade de laboratórios parceiros.

A identificação fenotípica realizada por MALDI-TOF não pôde ser

concluída, porque os resultados foram inconclusivos provavelmente por

se tratarem de cepas ambientais, o que acabou atrasando mais ainda o

tempo de defesa.

Como parte do cronograma proposto, a etapa final foi a avaliação da

susceptibilidade dos isolados frente a Anfotericina B, Fluconazol,

Itraconazol e Micafungina, revelando resultados interessantes em cepas

que, provavelmente, não haviam sido expostas a antifúngicos.

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1. Rosario, M.I., Román, F.L., Batista, A.M., Real, V.F., Acosta A.F., Padilla

Del Castillo, D., Déniz, S.S., Ferrer, Q.O., Veja, G.B., Silva, S.F., Acosta-

Hernández, B., 2017. Pigeons and their droppings as reservoirs of

Candida and other zoonotic yeasts. Rev Iberoam Micol. 2017 Oct -


2. Costa, A.K., Sidrim, J.J., Cordeiro, R.A., Brilhante, R.S., Monteiro, A.J.,

Rocha, M.F., 2010. Urban pigeons (Columba livia) as a potential source

of pathogenic yeasts: a focus on antifungal susceptibility of Cryptococcus

strains in Northeast Brazil. Mycopathologia. 169, 207–13.

3. Wu, Y., Du, P.C., Li, W.G., Lu, J.X., 2012. Identification and molecular

analysis of pathogenic yeasts in droppings of domestic pigeons in

Beijing, China. Mycopathologia. 174, 203–214.

4. Teodoro, V.L., Gullo, F.P., SardiJde, C., Torres, E.M., Fusco-Almeida,

A.M., Mendes-Giannini, M.J., 2013. Environmental isolation, biochemical

identification, and antifungal drug susceptibility of Cryptococcus species.

Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop. 46, 759-64.

5. Cafarchia, C., Camarda, A., Romito, D., Campolo, M., Quaglia, N.C.,

Tullio, D., Otranto, D., 2006a. Occurrence of yeasts in cloacae of migratory

birds. Mycopathologia. 161, 229–234.

6. Jang, Y.H., Lee, S.J., Lee, J.H., Chae, H.S., Kim, S.H., Choe, N.H.,

2011. Prevalence of yeast-like fungi and evaluation of several virulence

factors from feral pigeons in Seoul, Korea. Lett. Appl. Microbiol.

7. Nucci, M., Queiroz-Telles, F., Tobon, A.M., Restrepo, A., Colombo, A.L.,

2010. Epidemiology of opportunistic fungal infections in Latin America.

Clin. Infect. Dis. 51, 561–70.

8. Naglik JR, Challacombe SJ, Hube, B. Candida albicans Secreted

Aspartyl Proteinases in Virulence and Pathogenesis. Microbiol Mol Biol

Rev. 2003; 67(3):400–428.

9. Varma A, Kwon-Chung KJ. Heteroresistance of Cryptococcus gattii to

fluconazole. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2010;54(6):2303–11.

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10. Powderly WG, Robinson K, Keath EJ. Molecular epidemiology of

recurrent oral candidiasis in Human Immunodeficiency Virus-positive

patients: evidence for two patterns of recurrence. J Infect Dis 1993;


11. Soll DR. The ins and outs of DNA fingerprinting the infectious fungi. Clin

Microbiol Rev. 2000; 13: 332–370.

12. Baumgartner, C., Freydiere, A.M., Gille, Y., 1996. Direct identification

and recognition of yeast species from clinical material by using albicans

ID and CHROMagar Candida plates. J. Clin. Microbiol. 34, 454-6.

13. Chaves, G.M., Diniz, M.G., da Silva-Rocha, W.P., de Souza, L.B., Gondim,

L.A., Ferreira, M.A., Svidzinski, T.I., Milan, E.P., 2013. Species distribution

and virulence factors of Candida spp. isolated from the oral cavity of kidney

transplant recipients in Brazil. Mycopathologia. 175, 255-63.

14. Stepanovic, S., Vukovic, D., Hola, V., Di Bonaventura, G., Djukić, S.,

Cirković, I., Ruzicka, F., 2007. Quantification of biofilm in microtiter

plates: overview of testing conditions and practical recommendations for

assessment of biofilm production by Staphylococci. APMIS. 115, 891–

899. Iberoam. Micol. 34, 211-214.

15. Luo, G., Samaranayake, L.P., Yau, J.Y.Y., 2001. Candida species exhibit

differential in vitro hemolytic activities. J. Clin. Microbiol. 39, 2971-4.

16. Linares, C.E.B., Loreto, E.S., Silveira, C.P., Pozzatti, P., Scheid, L.A.,

Santurio, J.M., Alves, S.H., 2007. Enzimatic and hemolytic activities of

Candida dubliniensis strains. Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. S. Paulo. 49, 2003-6

17. Price, M.F., Wilkinson, I.D., Gentry, L.O., 1982. Plate method for

detection of phospholipase activity in Candida albicans. Sabouraudia. 20,


18. CLSI, 2008a. M27-A3: Reference Method for Broth Dilution Antifungal

Susceptibility Testing of Yeasts; Approved Standard—3rd Edn. Wayne,

PA: Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute.

19. CLSI, 2008b. M27-S3: Reference Method for Broth Dilution Antifungal

Susceptibility Testing of Yeasts; Approved Standard—3rd Informational

Supplement. Wayne, PA: Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute.

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20. CLSI, 2012. M27-S4: Reference Method for Broth Dilution Antifungal

Susceptibility Testing of Yeasts; Approved Standard—3rd Informational

Supplement. Wayne, PA: Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institut


Table 1.

Genus or species of yeast Number of enviromental strains (n)

C. parapsilosis species complex 24 (12.6 %)

C. tropicalis 19 (10.0 %)

C. krusei 17 (9.0 %)

C. glabrata 4 (2.1 %)

C. rugosa 1 (0.5 %)

Candida spp. 18 (9.5 %)

Cryptococcus spp. 13 (6.8 %)

Exophiala spp. 3 (1.6 %)

Geotrichum sp. 1 (0.5 %)

Rhodotorula spp. 43 (22.6 %)

Sporobolomyces spp. 3 (1.6 %)

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Trichosporon spp. 44 (23.2 %)

Total 190 (100%)

Table 2.

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No of

Candida cells

adhered to

150 HBEC









zone (Pz)


Index (HI)

C. parapsilosis


65 ± 3

0.04 ± 0.00

0.03 ± 0.00

0.83 ± 0.00



94 ± 4* Negative 0.06 ± 0.01* 0.62 ± 0.03

0.41 ± 0.01*

LMMM339 105 ± 4* Negative Negative 0.73 ± 0.06 0.52 ± 0.02*

LMMM346 131 ± 10* 0.07 ± 0.00 0.03 ± 0.01 0.81 ± 0.03 Negative

LMMM347 34 ± 17* Negative 0.09 ± 0.03* 0.69 ± 0.04* 0.39 ± 0.01*

LMMM348 274 ± 2* 0.16 ± 0.00* 0.05 ± 0.01* 0.49 ± 0.03* Negative

LMMM349 143 ± 3* Negative 0.12 ± 0.01* 0.71 ± 0.04* 0.48 ± 0.02*

LMMM494 52 ± 3* Negative 0.13 ± 0.01* 0.77 ± 0.04 0.39 ± 0.03*

LMMM500 59 ± 7 Negative Negative 0.78 ± 0.03 0.53 ± 0.04*

LMMM502 49 ± 15 Negative 0.08 ± 0.00* 0.71 ± 0.04* 0.43 ± 0.06*

LMMM506 32 ± 3* Negative 0.06 ± 0.01* 0.73 ± 0.04 0.40 ± 0.03*

LMMM507 45 ± 3* Negative 0.11 ± 0.01* 0.73 ± 0.04 0.39 ± 0.02*

LMMM508 104 ± 3* Negative 0.08 ± 0.01* 0.73 ± 0.03 0.39 ± 0.02*

LMMM510 50 ± 2 Negative 0.07 ± 0.01* 0.78 ± 0.04 0.38 ± 0.02*

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LMMM512 26 ± 4* Negative 0.07 ± 0.02* 0.59 ± 0.03* 0.50 ± 0.00*

LMMM513 33 ± 3* 0.07 ± 0.01 0.13 ± 0.00* 0.62 ± 0.03* 0.46 ± 0.01*

LMMM521 68 ± 2* Negative 0.04 ± 0.01 0.69 ± 0.03* 0.46 ± 0.01*

LMMM522 82 ± 3* Negative 0.04 ± 0.01 0.83 ± 0.00 0.60 ± 0.04*

LMMM523 25 ± 2* 0.09 ± 0.01 Negative 0.68 ± 0.04* 0.44 ± 0.01*

LMMM524 208 ± 7* 0.18 ± 0.02* Negative 0.70 ± 0.00* 0.34 ± 0.01*

LMMM525 19 ± 2* Negative 0.03 ± 0.00 0.69 ± 0.03* 0.44 ± 0.01*

LMMM527 23 ± 3* 0.19 ± 0.03* Negative 0.78 ± 0.00 0.43 ± 0.03*

LMMM528 30 ± 3* Negative 0.10 ± 0.00* 0.53 ± 0.00* 0.56 ± 0.01*

LMMM530 93 ± 2* 0.07 ± 0.00 0.07 ± 0.00* 0.71 ± 0.068 0.36 ± 0.01*

C. tropicalis


32 ± 2 0.07 ± 0.00 0.04 ± 0.00 0.73 ± 0.05 0.44 ± 0.01

LMMM179 262 ± 2* 0.16 ± 0.04* 0.04 ± 0.00 0.70 ± 0.05 0.39 ± 0.01*

LMMM182 193 ± 2* 0.21± 0.04* 0.03 ± 0.00 0.75 ± 0.04 0.43 ± 0.01

LMMM310 103 ± 2* Negative 0.05 ± 0.00 0.73 ± 0.01 0.39 ± 0.02*

LMMM312 75 ± 1* 0.59 ± 0.03* 0.03 ± 0.00 0.68 ± 0.04 0.38 ± 0.01*

LMMM325 95 ± 2* Negative 0.03 ± 0.00 Negative 0.37 ± 0.01*

LMMM328 215 ± 3* Negative 0.07 ± 0.00* Negative 0.35 ± 0.01*

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LMMM331 420 ± 1* Negative 0.03 ± 0.00 0.73 ± 0.03 0.38 ± 0.04

LMMM332 120 ± 9* 0.09 ± 0.01 0.02 ± 0.01 0.67 ± 0.05 0.37 ± 0.04

LMMM333 123 ± 5* Negative 0.02 ± 0.02 0.73 ± 0.03 0.48 ± 0.01*

LMMM335 128 ± 7* Negative 0.02 ± 0.00 0.71 ± 0.03 0.39 ± 0.04

LMMM337 132 ± 6* Negative 0.04 ± 0.00 0.62 ± 0.00* 0.39 ± 0.02*

LMMM468 127 ± 6* Negative 0.03 ± 0.00 0.66 ± 0.04 0.38 ± 0.00*

LMMM476 151 ± 11* Negative 0.04 ± 0.00 0.55 ± 0.02* 0.35 ± 0.02*

LMMM483 115 ± 8* 0.28 ± 0.01* 0.02 ± 0.00 0.60 ± 0.03* 0.38 ± 0.00*

LMMM489 168 ± 2* 0.26± 0.02* Negative 0.61 ± 0.02* 0.36 ± 0.00*

LMMM495 154 ± 8* 0.2 ± 0.02* 0.05 ± 0.01* 0.57 ± 0.04* 0.36 ± 0.00

LMMM496 487 ± 2* 0.5 ± 0.01* Negative 0.57 ± 0.04* 0.33 ± 0.00*

LMMM509 165 ± 7* Negative Negative 0.68 ± 0.05 0.43 ± 0.04

LMMM518 121 ± 4* Negative 0.02 ± 0.00 0.68 ± 0.05 0.65 ± 0.04*

C. krusei


35 ± 1 0.11 ± 0.00 0.19 ± 0.03 0.49 ± 0.04 0.48 ± 0.02

LMMM166 32 ± 3* 0.15 ± 0.00 Negative 0.41 ± 0.06 0.48 ± 0.06

LMMM212 27 ± 2 0.8 ± 0.01* 0.38 ± 0.00* 0.44 ± 0.02 0.55 ± 0.02*

LMMM311 30 ± 2 0.29 ± 0.03* 0.04 ± 0.00* 0.38 ± 0.04* 0.47 ± 0.02

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LMMM313 64 ± 1* 0.41 ± 0.01* 0.05 ± 0.00* 0.45 ± 0.01 0.46 ± 0.01

LMMM314 46 ± 2* 0.35 ± 0.03* 0.03 ± 0.00* 0.44 ± 0.04 0.52 ± 0.02

LMMM315 50 ± 2* 0.21 ± 0.03* 0.06 ± 0.00* 0.51 ± 0.03 0.61 ± 0.01*

LMMM334 47 ± 3* 0.34 ± 0.04* Negative 0.38 ± 0.04* 0.45 ± 0.04

LMMM336 49 ± 5* 0.2 ± 0.03* Negative 0.78 ± 0.04* 0.38 ± 0.02*

LMMM338 38 ± 2 0.18 ± 0.00* 0.04 ± 0.01* 0.39 ± 0.02* 0.44 ± 0.01*

LMMM490 35 ± 4 0.14 ± 0.03* 0.04 ± 0.01* 0.48 ± 0.02 0.55 ± 0.01*

LMMM493 91 ± 2* 0.21 ± 0.00* 0.03 ± 0.00* 0.51 ± 0.02 0.57 ± 0.01*

LMMM497 35 ± 1 0.36 ± 0.01* 0.03 ± 0.00* 0.37 ± 0.03* 0.53 ± 0.00*

LMMM503 27 ± 1 0.1 ± 0.01 0.02 ± 0.00* 0.45 ± 0.03 0.55 ± 0.02*

LMMM505 32 ± 3 0.14 ± 0.01 0.14 ± 0.01* 0.40 ± 0.03* 0.49 ± 0.03

C. glabrata


54 ± 6 0.07 ± 0.00 0.05 ± 0.02* 0.52 ± 0.05 0.41 ± 0.01

LMMM174 54 ± 4 0.14 ± 0.00* 0.04 ± 0.01* 0.33 ± 0.02* 0.33 ± 0.03*

LMMM180 53 ± 2 0.06 ± 0.00 0.05 ± 0.00* 0.36 ± 0.04* 0.39 ± 0.02

LMMM327 58 ± 4 Negative 0.10 ± 0.01* 0.46 ± 0.00 0.38 ± 0.01*

C. rugosa


78 ± 5 0.34 ± 0.00 0.02 ± 0.00* Negative Negative

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LMMM216 30 ± 2* 0.61 ± 0.00* 0.05 ± 0.00* Negative 0.46 ± 0.02*

* P ˂ 0,05 through Student t

** Not Tested

Gray dark dashed borders stand for strong production, whereas light grey means moderate

production. Non-colored numbers mean weak or negative expression of virulence factors.

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Table 3.

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No of Candida

cells adhered to

150 HBEC









zone (Pz)


Index (HI)

C. parapsilosis x

C. tropicalis

77 ± 4 versus

176 ± 4*

0.13 ± 0.00


0.26 ± 0.02*

0.06 ± 0.01


0.03 ± 0.00*

0.70 ± 0.03


0.5 ± 0.03*

0.49 ± 0.03


0.4 ± 0.02*

C. parapsilosis x

C. krusei

77 ± 4 versus

43 ± 2*

0.13 ± 0.00


0.27 ± 0.02*

0.06 ± 0.01


0.06 ± 0.00

0.70 ± 0.03

versus 0.45 ±


0.49 ± 0.03


0.5 ± 0.02

C. parapsilosis x

C. glabrata

77 ± 4 versus

55 ± 3

0.13 ± 0.00


0.1 ± 0.0

0.06 ± 0.01


0.06 ± 0.01

0.70 ± 0.03

versus 0.38 ±


0.49 ± 0.03


0.37 ± 0.02*

C. tropicalis x

C. krusei

176 ± 4 versus

43 ± 2*

0.26 ± 0.02


0.27 ± 0.01

0.03 ± 0.00


0.06 ± 0.00*

0.5 ± 0.03


0.45 ± 0.03*

0.4 ± 0.02 versus

0.5 ± 0.02*

C. tropicalis x

C. glabrata

176 ± 4 versus

55 ± 3*

0.26 ± 0.02


0.1 ± 0.00*

0.03 ± 0.00


0.06 ± 0.01*

0.5 ± 0.03


0.38 ± 0.02*

0.4 ± 0.02 versus

0.37 ± 0.02*

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Table 4.






C. parapsilosis


1 (S)

≤0.125 (S)

0.125 (S)

0,125 (S)


0.25(S) ≤0.125 (S) ≤0.03 (S) 0.031 (S)

LMMM339 0.25(S) ≤0.125 (S) 0.125 (S) 0.031 (S)

LMMM346 0.25(S) ≤0.125 (S) ≤0.03 (S) 0.031 (S)

LMMM347 0.25(S) ≤0.125 (S) ≤0.03 (S) 0.031 (S)

LMMM348 0.25(S) ≤0.125 (S) 0.06 (S) 0.062 (S)

LMMM349 0.5(S) ≤0.125 (S) 0.06 (S) 0.031 (S)

LMMM494 0.5(S) ≤0.125 (S) 0.06 (S) 0.125 (S)

LMMM500 0.25(S) ≤0.125 (S) ≤0.03 (S) 0.062 (S)

C. krusei x

C. glabrata

43 ± 2 versus

55 ± 3

0.27 ± 0.01


0.1 ± 0.00*

0.06 ± 0.00


0.06 ± 0.01

0.45 ± 0.03


0.38 ± 0.02

0.5 ± 0.02 versus

0.37 ± 0.02*

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LMMM502 0.5(S) ≤0.125 (S) ≤0.03 (S) 0,125 (S)

LMMM506 0.25(S) ≤0.125 (S) ≤0.03 (S) 0.25 (S)

LMMM507 0.5(S) ≤0.125 (S) 0.06 (S) 0.25 (S)

LMMM508 0.25(S) ≤0.125 (S) ≤0.03 (S) 0.25 (S)

LMMM510 0.25(S) ≤0.125 (S) ≤0.03 (S) 0.5 (S)

LMMM512 0.5(S) ≤0.125 (S) ≤0.03 (S) 0.5 (S)

LMMM513 0.25(S) ≤0.125 (S) ≤0.03 (S) 0.125 (S)

LMMM521 1(S) ≤0.125 (S) ≤0.03 (S) 0.25 (S)

LMMM522 1(S) ≤0.125 (S) ≤0.03 (S) 0.5 (S)

LMMM523 0.5(S) ≤0.125 (S) ≤0.03 (S) 0.125 (S)

LMMM524 1(S) ≤0.125 (S) ≤0.03 (S) 0.5 (S)

LMMM525 0.5(S) ≤0.125 (S) ≤0.03 (S) 0.25 (S)

LMMM527 0.5(S) ≤0.125 (S) ≤0.03 (S) 0.25 (S)

LMMM528 0.5(S) ≤0.125 (S) ≤0.03 (S) 0.25 (S)

LMMM530 0.5(S) ≤0.125 (S) ≤0.03 (S) 0.25 (S)

C. tropicalis


0.25 (S) 0.5 (SDD) ≤ 0.03 (S) 0.1 (S)

LMMM179 ≥ 64 (R) ≥ 64 (R) ≤ 0.03 (S) 0.25 (S)

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LMMM182 ≥ 64 (R) ≥ 64 (R) ≤ 0.03 (S) 0.25 (S)

LMMM310 ≥ 64 (R) ≥ 64 (R) ≤ 0.03 (S) 0.25 (S)

LMMM312 ≥ 64 (R) ≥ 64 (R) ≤ 0.03 (S) 0.25 (S)

LMMM325 0.125 (S) ≤0.125 (S) ≤ 0.03 (S) 0.062 (S)

LMMM328 ≤2(S) ≥ 64 (R) ≤ 0.03 (S) 0.031 (S)

LMMM331 ≥ 64 (R) ≥ 64 (R) ≤ 0.03 (S) 0.25 (S)

LMMM332 ≥ 64 (R) ≥ 64 (R) ≤ 0.03 (S) 0.125 (S)

LMMM333 ≥ 64 (R) ≥ 64 (R) ≤ 0.03 (S) 0.125 (S)

LMMM335 ≥ 64 (R) ≥ 64 (R) ≤ 0.03 (S) 0.125 (S)

LMMM337 ≥ 64 (R) ≥ 64 (R) ≤ 0.03 (S) 0.25 (S)

LMMM468 ≥ 64 (R) ≥ 64 (R) ≤ 0.03 (S) 0.125 (S)

LMMM476 ≥ 64 (R) ≥ 64 (R) ≤ 0.03 (S) 0.25 (S)

LMMM483 ≥ 64 (R) ≥ 64 (R) ≤ 0.03 (S) 0.25 (S)

LMMM489 ≥ 64 (R) ≥ 64 (R) ≤ 0.03 (S) 0.25 (S)

LMMM495 ≥ 64 (R) ≥ 64 (R) ≤ 0.03 (S) 0.25 (S)

LMMM496 ≥ 64 (R) ≥ 64 (R) ≤ 0.03 (S) 0.25 (S)

LMMM509 ≥ 64 (R) ≥ 64 (R) ≤ 0.03 (S) 0.25 (S)

LMMM518 ≥ 64 (R) ≥ 64 (R) ≤ 0.03 (S) 0.25 (S)

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C. krusei ATCC6258 ≥ 64 (R) ≥ 64 (R) ≤ 0.03 (S) 0.062 (S)

LMMM166 ≥ 64 (R) ≤0.125 (S) ≤ 0.03 (S) 0.25 (S)

LMMM212 ≥ 64 (R) ≤0.125 (S) ≤ 0.03 (S) 0.5 (S)

LMMM311 ≥ 64 (R) ≤0.125 (S) ≤ 0.03 (S) 0.5 (S)

LMMM313 ≥ 64 (R) ≤0.125 (S) ≤ 0.03 (S) 0.5 (S)

LMMM314 ≥ 64 (R) ≥1 R ≤ 0.03 (S) 0.5 (S)

LMMM315 ≥ 64 (R) ≤0.125 (S) ≤ 0.03 (S) 0.5 (S)

LMMM334 ≥ 64 (R) ≤0.125 (S) ≤ 0.03 (S) 0.5 (S)

LMMM336 ≥ 64 (R) ≤0.125 (S) ≤ 0.03 (S) 1 (S)

LMMM338 ≥ 64 (R) 0.25 (SDD) ≤ 0.03 (S) 1 (S)

LMMM490 ≥ 64 (R) ≤0.125 (S) ≤ 0.03 (S) 1 (S)

LMMM493 8 (R) ≤0.125 (S) ≤ 0.03 (S) 0.25 (S)

LMMM497 8 (R) ≤0.125 (S) ≤ 0.03 (S) ≤0.031(S)

LMMM503 ≥ 64 (R) ≤0.125 (S) ≤ 0.03 (S) 0.062 (S)

LMMM505 ≥ 64 (R) ≤0.125 (S) ≤ 0.03 (S) 0.25 (S)

C. glabrata ATCC2001 0,125 (S) ≤0.125 (S) ≤ 0.03 (S) 0.062 (S)

LMMM174 ≥ 64 (R) ≤0.125 (S) ≤ 0.03 (S) 0.5 (S)

LMMM180 ≥ 64 (R) ≤0.125 (S) ≤ 0.03 (S) 0.5 (S)

Page 61: MINISTÉRIO DA EDUCAÇÃO UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO RIO … · pombos (Columbia livia) Dissertação apresentada ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Saúde da Universidade


LMMM327 2 (S) 0.25 (SDD) ≤ 0.03 (S) 0.5 (S)

C. rugosa ATCC10571 ≤0.031 (S) ≤0.125 (S) ≤ 0.03 (S) ≤0.031(S)

LMMM216 ≤0.031 (S) ≤0.125 (S) ≤ 0.03 (S) 0.5 (S)