mineral nutrition the study of how plants obtain and use mineral nutrients retno mastuti biology...

Mineral Mineral NUTRITION NUTRITION The study of how plants obtain and use mineral nutrients Retno Mastuti Biology Department Brawijaya University 2014

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Page 1: Mineral NUTRITION The study of how plants obtain and use mineral nutrients Retno Mastuti Biology Department Brawijaya University 2014


The study of how plants obtain and use mineral nutrients

Retno MastutiBiology DepartmentBrawijaya University


Page 2: Mineral NUTRITION The study of how plants obtain and use mineral nutrients Retno Mastuti Biology Department Brawijaya University 2014

Mineral NutritionHow plants acquire and use mineral nutrients

1. Why is mineral nutrition important? In most natural soils, the availability of mineral nutrients limits plant growth and primary productivity.

2. What are the essential mineral nutrients?• classification systems

3. Mineral nutrients in the soil• nutrient availability• adsorption to soil particles• effects of pH

4. Roots and mineral nutrient acquisition• root structure• depletion zones

5. Mycorrhizae

6. Nitrogen - the most limiting soil nutrient

Page 3: Mineral NUTRITION The study of how plants obtain and use mineral nutrients Retno Mastuti Biology Department Brawijaya University 2014

Nutritional needs of plants

are all of these elements essential for growth ? why they are essential ? how the plant absorb them ? how they are utilized ? what effects if it is lacking ?

Plant tissues contain > 60 kinds of elements

Page 4: Mineral NUTRITION The study of how plants obtain and use mineral nutrients Retno Mastuti Biology Department Brawijaya University 2014

Essential elements:

are required for normal growth and reproduction. Their absence inhibits plant life cycle.

Have a clear physiological role, have a direct or indirect action in plant metabolism

are part of an essential molecule (macromolecule, metabolite) inside the plant

No other element can replace it and correct the deficiency

Classification according to:relative concentration in plant tissue : 17 elements are classified as

9 macronutrients (present at > 10 mmol / kg dry wt.)

8 micronutrients (< 10 mmol / kg dry wt.)

biochemical role and physiological function

Page 5: Mineral NUTRITION The study of how plants obtain and use mineral nutrients Retno Mastuti Biology Department Brawijaya University 2014

All mineral nutrients together make up less than 4% of plant mass, yet plant growth is very sensitive to nutrient deficiency.

(Part 1)

Not considered mineral nutrients

Page 6: Mineral NUTRITION The study of how plants obtain and use mineral nutrients Retno Mastuti Biology Department Brawijaya University 2014

Micronutrients are present in very low concentrations

(Part 2)

Very low concentrations, but still essential because of specialized roles in metabolism

Page 7: Mineral NUTRITION The study of how plants obtain and use mineral nutrients Retno Mastuti Biology Department Brawijaya University 2014

The proportional weights of various element in plants

Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen Others

Macronutrients (3,5%)N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S

Micronutrients (0.5%)Fe, Cl, Mn, B, Zn, Cu, Mo

Macronutrients : minerals found in >1000 ppm concentration

Micronutrients : minerals found in <100 ppm concentration

Page 8: Mineral NUTRITION The study of how plants obtain and use mineral nutrients Retno Mastuti Biology Department Brawijaya University 2014

Generalizations of Nutrition Requirement :

plants require different amounts of different element (ex. H and Mo)

different elements are absorbed in different forms (ex. cation – anion)

Plants can accumulate an element although there is no specific requirement for the element

Plants can accumulate an element although it is not considered to be an essential element

most elements have several functions

Page 9: Mineral NUTRITION The study of how plants obtain and use mineral nutrients Retno Mastuti Biology Department Brawijaya University 2014

General categories of function of essential elements :

Can be parts of structural unit (ex. C, N) Can be parts of compounds involved in important metabolism

(ex. Mg, P) Can be function as enzyme activators or inhibitor Can alter the osmotic potential of a cell help to maintain the

osmotic balance of a cell (ex. K) Part of carbon compound (N, S) Important in energy storage or structural integrity (P,

Si, B) Remain in ionic form (K, Ca, Mg, Cl, Mn, Na) Involved in redox reaction (Fe, Zn, Cu, Ni, Mo)

Page 10: Mineral NUTRITION The study of how plants obtain and use mineral nutrients Retno Mastuti Biology Department Brawijaya University 2014

Inadequate supply - Mineral element deficiencies produce visible symptoms

When minerals are deficient the growth of the plant is stunted or the plant shows other symptoms.

The combination of symptoms can be traced to the roles that mineral plays in metabolism or physiology.

Page 11: Mineral NUTRITION The study of how plants obtain and use mineral nutrients Retno Mastuti Biology Department Brawijaya University 2014

Inadequate supply

Nutritional disorders

Mineral defficiensies disrupt metabolism and function

Characteristics defficiencies symptoms

Related the roles played by essential elements in normal metabolims

Page 12: Mineral NUTRITION The study of how plants obtain and use mineral nutrients Retno Mastuti Biology Department Brawijaya University 2014

Mobility and retranslocate

Page 13: Mineral NUTRITION The study of how plants obtain and use mineral nutrients Retno Mastuti Biology Department Brawijaya University 2014

Mobility of Mineral Elements in Phloem

Mobile Nutrients – deficiencies typically appear on older growth first. Nutrient has moved to the younger parts of the plants

Immobile nutrients – deficiencies typically appear on newer growth and shoot tips first. Initially sequestered in younger leaves which are now the oldest ones. When the soil is exhausted of mineral the younger zones suffer the symptoms because the minerals are held by the older leaves

Page 14: Mineral NUTRITION The study of how plants obtain and use mineral nutrients Retno Mastuti Biology Department Brawijaya University 2014

Some common symptomsStunted growth : stem ~ N deficiencyroot ~ P deficiency

Chlorosis (Mg, N, and Fe deficiencies) : chlorophyll synthesis chlorophyll degradation

Necrosis : dead spots or zones (Mg, K or Mn deficiency)

Color changes : ex. excessive anthocyanin production in stems ~ P deficiency

Page 15: Mineral NUTRITION The study of how plants obtain and use mineral nutrients Retno Mastuti Biology Department Brawijaya University 2014

K deficiency P deficiency

N deficiencyMg deficiencyZn deficiency

Page 16: Mineral NUTRITION The study of how plants obtain and use mineral nutrients Retno Mastuti Biology Department Brawijaya University 2014

The absence of essential elements causes deficiency symptoms

Essential because of their metabolic functions

Characteristic deficiency symptoms shown because of these roles

Typical deficiency responses are Chlorosis: yellowing; precursor to Necrosis: tissue death

Expressed when a supply of an essential metabolite becomes limiting in the environment

Element concentrations are limiting for growth when they are below the critical concentraion This is the concentration of

nutrient in the tissue just below the level giving maximum growth

Page 17: Mineral NUTRITION The study of how plants obtain and use mineral nutrients Retno Mastuti Biology Department Brawijaya University 2014

Limiting nutrient levels negatively affect growth

Plant responses to limiting nutrients usually very visible: affects yield/growth!

Again, chlorosis and necrosis of leaves is typical Sometimes straightforward relationship

e.g., in chlorosis (lack of green color), N: chlorophyll component Mg: cofactor in chlorophyll synthesis

CtrlCtrl - P- P- Ca- Ca

- N- N - Fe- Fe

Page 18: Mineral NUTRITION The study of how plants obtain and use mineral nutrients Retno Mastuti Biology Department Brawijaya University 2014

Analysis of plant tissues reveals mineral deficiencies

Analysis of nutrient levels

Soil analysis:Determination of nutrient content in soil sample from the root zone

Plant tissue analysis

Page 19: Mineral NUTRITION The study of how plants obtain and use mineral nutrients Retno Mastuti Biology Department Brawijaya University 2014

Minerals found in >1000 ppm concentration are macronutrients

Uses Symptom P nucleic acid,

phospholipid, ATP stunted, dark leaves, necrotic spots, anthocyanin in stem and leaves, thin weak stem

K ion balance, respiration enzymes

marginal chlorosis, necrosis at tips and edges, curled/crinkled leaves, old leaves first, short weak stems, susceptible to diseases

N amino acids, nucleic acids

stunted, chlorosis of older leaves, abscission, thin stems with lignin or anthocyanin as "sink" for photosynthate

S cysteine, methionine, CoA, etc.

chlorosis of young leaves first

Ca enzyme cofactor, cyclosis, pectins

hooked leaves, necrosis of young meristems, severe stunting as meristems die

Fe cytochromes in resp and photosynth, enzymes

chlorosis between veins on young leaves first

Mg chlorophyll element, enzyme cofactor

chlorosis between veins on older leaves first, early abscission

Page 20: Mineral NUTRITION The study of how plants obtain and use mineral nutrients Retno Mastuti Biology Department Brawijaya University 2014

Minerals found in <100 ppm concentration are micronutrients (1)

µmol g-1 Uses Symptoms

Co   enzyme cofactor controversial?

Mn 1 resp/photolysis enzyme cofactor

chlorosis and small necrotic spots throughout plant

Cu 0.1 enzymes, plastocyanin, cytochrome oxidase

dark green leaves with necrotic spots at tips of young leaves, early abscission

Zn 0.3 enzyme cofactor, chlorophyll synthesis, IAA synthesis

decrease internode length (rosette look), puckered leaf margins, chlorosis of older leaves with white necrotic spots

B 2 pollen tube growth and orientation, nucleic acid synthesis, membrane synthesis

black necrosis at base of young leaves and buds, stiff/brittle stems, meristem death followed by excessive branching

Page 21: Mineral NUTRITION The study of how plants obtain and use mineral nutrients Retno Mastuti Biology Department Brawijaya University 2014

Minerals found in <100 ppm concentration are micronutrients (2)

µmol g-1 Uses Symptoms

Mo 0.001 nitrate reductase cofactor

enzyme converts nitrate into nitrite so symptoms are like N deficiency

Si (30) cell wall rigidity in Equisetum and grasses

soft stems that lodge (fall over)

Ni 0.002 urease cofactor urea accumulates in leaf tips causing necrosis, unlikely in field

Al   enzyme cofactor difficult to have too little-toxicity more likely

Cl 3 ion balance, photolysis, cell division

wilting leaf tips, bronze leaves, rare to be deficient in field

Na 0.4 C-4 regeneration of PEP step

chlorosis, necrosis, flowering failure in C-4 plants only

Page 22: Mineral NUTRITION The study of how plants obtain and use mineral nutrients Retno Mastuti Biology Department Brawijaya University 2014

SOIL Most soils contain four basic components: mineral particles, water, air, and

organic matter. Organic matter can be further sub-divided into humus, roots, and living organisms.

Humus is the decomposing organic material in soil by fungi and bacteria; biochemical substance that make upper layer of the soil become dark. Most plants grow best in soil containing 10-20 % humus

 Type of Mineral Particle

  Size Range

 Sand  2.0 - 0.06


 Silt  0.06 - 0.002 millimeters

 Clay  less than 0.002



Page 23: Mineral NUTRITION The study of how plants obtain and use mineral nutrients Retno Mastuti Biology Department Brawijaya University 2014

Components of soil

Page 24: Mineral NUTRITION The study of how plants obtain and use mineral nutrients Retno Mastuti Biology Department Brawijaya University 2014


Soil particles have (-) charge allowing to bind cations (+) and prevents the cation from being washed from the soil by rainfall

(-) ions stay in solution surrounding roots, creating a charge gradients that tends to pull (+) ions out off the root cells

Plants extract the cation by exchanging them for H+ : CATION EXCHANGE

Cation exchange is enhanced by roots respiratory: production of CO2. Active transport is required to acquire and maintain positive ions in the root


Page 25: Mineral NUTRITION The study of how plants obtain and use mineral nutrients Retno Mastuti Biology Department Brawijaya University 2014

Cation exchange

Cations enter root hairs via channels or carriers

Anions enter root hairs via cotransporters


Page 26: Mineral NUTRITION The study of how plants obtain and use mineral nutrients Retno Mastuti Biology Department Brawijaya University 2014

Depletion zones - regions of lowernutrient concentration -developaround roots

Page 27: Mineral NUTRITION The study of how plants obtain and use mineral nutrients Retno Mastuti Biology Department Brawijaya University 2014

Cation exchange capacity is soil pH dependent :

Acid soil ----- rocks release K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Mn2+ solubility of SO4

2-, H2PO4-, HCO3- So, availability to roots

Soil pH due to : - decomposition of organic matter - Rainfall

decomposition of org. Matter : CO2 + H2O H+ + HCO3-

(microbial decomposition) : NH3 + O2 HNO3 (nitric acid) H2SO4 (sulfuric acid)

H+ displace K+, Mg2+ ----- K+, Mg2+ etc. Available --- pH

nutrient availability soil microbes : fungi – acidic; bacteria – alkaline root growth : slightly acidic soil (pH 5.5 & 6.5)