milk and co baby favourites


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Post on 16-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Milk and Co Baby Favourites
Page 2: Milk and Co Baby Favourites



Page 3: Milk and Co Baby Favourites

I like a lot of things in life: One Direction, Peonies, Pugs, Chocolate, German Films, my homeland, travel.. the list could go on and on! But, as cliche as I might be, I am sure you didn’t know that I was a massive Infant connoisseur, ahy?! See, it all started when I first started working in the Infant Industry back in 2012. Since then, I have become a pram expert, nutrition pro, know a butt-tonne about the stages of development and of pregnancy (hello, One Born Every Minute is my jam), and have grown a giant love of baby skincare (and thus, know a goodie when I see it).

One of my absolute favourite Baby brands, without fail, is Milk and Co baby – and thus, I am way too overly happy to say this brand makes the most EPIC presents for Bub (and even Dad’s).

I recently threw a massive Baby Shower for my lovely sister, and let me tell you: Milk and Co Baby products were top of the list to give to her. Not only was she over the moon, she got so excited to use on her Bub, she even planned days out at the beach to use the Milk and Co Protect me SPF 30 + (she is a teacher: organisation is what she thrives on). Baby isn’t even here yet.

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So, here is a little sneaky peak at my favourites from the range:



• This super cute pack is perfect for a newbie Mum, or even a well-versed one. It is an exemplar pack that contains almost everything you need to welcome Bub into the world (cept diapers!). The pack contains:

• Bath Time Wash: a naturally derived body wash

• Spotty Tots: a natural soothing cream, jam packed with all the good stuff to help irritated skin

• Sleepy Bubs Massage Oil: helps soothe Bubs woes, and send them off into a peaceful slumber

• Nighty Night Room Spray: a room spray that helps Bub to relax, preparing them for the perfect slumber



My family live in Port Stephens during the Summertime. And, being that I am OBSESSED with SPF (in case you haven’t already noticed), it is little wonder I am ensuring my Niece has her skin protected from an early age (best way to create habits) with this beautiful protective sunscreen.

Being water resistant for up to 4 hours and suitable for bubbas 3 months +, it is a unique formulation that is free of chemical absorbers and provides broad spectrum of coverage.

Do you love the Milk and Co Baby Skincare range as much as me?