mil immtm •••illtt iii11 iii 11 . at your service. · waukan to resume offieial duties in...

^i Mil IMMtM •••Illtt III11 III 11 . J?'irk At Your Service. w,- - w . & IK J§v2||of High Grade Men's and Boy's ! Clothing and goods generally kept in : ppgfirstclass Clothing stores—that money ® ; ^**and experience can produce—are ready : are ready for fall purchasers. : Oar stock Is larger and we present greater a?? values thla ever-before offered. < \ . Call and see our Men's suits at HO.OO, the best value offered •• Ijl®: no place excepted* j " Onr Boy's School Suits, at 91.BO to $4.00 are excellent values. H. L. WINEMAN, ^TUatake^b; The Clothier. •/ -;;-V y v. 111 U»t<'>ltH'»fHM HIIIIIIHI1 Mill 111 Ml IH ItHHHHI ttij || j. Mil Hill hk! Harvest We have in stock a large as- sortment of well selected new dress goods, underwear, shoes, etc., for early fall trade. early and secure a good ment. Buy assort- &J. every day at from Sep thresh Ins supplies nave They the M \ Good Bread Is a necessity in every family. That is the kind I furnish, and I have better facilities for making good bread than any bakery between here and St. Paul. I also make Pies, Cakes and Confectionery of all kinds, and especially desire to cater to parties and public entertainments. g Fourth Street^^^^V, G. HASLAM. £ ; ;••••••• 11111 1 1 1 1 1 imtttwwHHtfi nn 11 mi ».»•• NEW CLUB RESTAURANT - J. NICHOLS, Proprietor. Farmers are invited to patronize this Restaurant when in the city. A firstclass meal for 25 cents. We make a specialty of lunches and short orders. Meals at all hours. " ; ^ Kelly avenue, opposite the Engine House. •I"*} I'HtfU'HIIHI M II' I H 1 || II1 HHtlHI 111111 M H ;[ Time Card* vnr uvi». tfo. s No. T So. « *•. 8 '3± s v > i' 1135 m. im aovai>. ...4:48a.m. 4:10p. a. Tr*lM aoaorth oa tfc* Onto and 8t. Juka btaach Timdn, Tkmhy u4 Saturday, rataratac Moadajr, 'dMtnnOiUv. ...°P *> Wwck traiaa r> MM* Moofcjr, y* i '"**y aa4 nnuaiag TaM*jr, Than- day aa4 tetmdaty. Market Beport. Xo. 1 hard Ma. 1 xxtkcra.. So. t •ortkera.. Flu 3ata oraih. 08 Ha. iHrikn. ... ftl Ko. 4 .. 49 Mhli twl 74 Baric; . 14 *J«. s NORTH BHOBK NOTKS. h ' W Born,- on Wednesday morning, to Mr. sad MkC,H; Jeub, of Lake township, a son. Money to loan on farms. Ram- sey County Bank. 20-tf P«««ll aaila Fans Luii. Ice cream erery day at Chas. Nelson's. Call and see our new stock. 7-f & C. J ohes. Al Haslam spent several days in Grand Forks tbia week looking after business suittera. v. .T** e . jg* line of gloves in the City at Mann's. Nels Hawkinson, the popular repre- sentative of Leslie k McAfee, was in the city Wednesday. Ioe cream everydayat Chas. Nelson's. Tnresher supplies at Kelley's. 25-tf Now is the time to get photos of farm soenes and outdoor groups. Glerum the photographer, guarantees all work in this line. 20-tf Tom Gagan, of Grand Forks, will bay wheat in this city for the Nstional Elevator company this fall. A fine line of wedding stationery just received at this office. Who has land for sale? Come snd lee as. Wk. H. Brown k Co. Get our prices on your harvest and threshing bills. We think we can save you some money. P. W. Mann & Sou. Hon. John F. Cowan returned yes- terday from St. Paul, where has been attending to the railroad oases. See Henry Hale for Are insurance, tf Light weight suits for summer wear, prices that will please all cus tomers, at Branchflower k Haslam's. Bay crab apples, peaches, plums,, apples or anything in the line of fruit for canning or preserving now. Goto 1'. A. Haslam, the new store, next to Ramsey County bank. Wanted—A boy about 16 or 17 years of age to learn the printing business. Inquire at this office. Dog muzzles at C. W. Kelley's. 25-tf A big line of fall dry goods at Mann's. Wanted, girl for general housework, small family. Apply to Mrs. E. J. Chamberlln. 16-tf All the St. Paul, Minneapolis and Grand Forks daily papers .on sale at Jones' news stand. 7-tf Allen Tompkins add C. O. Russell it seems, are equally interested in the Chautauqua road. The latter is now down in Minnesota making a contract for the ties. Sole leather gripe and a full line of trunks just received at Branohflower & Haslam's. ll-tf Dr. Davenport, the dentist, will be in bis offloo in this city the first ten days of every month. If you want to sell your real estate list It with Wu. H. Brown k Co. Special attention given to telephone orders. Goods delivered to any part of the city. (7-tf) S. C. J ones. Several days rain this week has de layed threshing operations materially. It is hardly likely now that there will be any threshing done before next week. New goods Mann's. Dr. Corbett, dentist, will not be in Devils Lake during August, but will be in his office In Seville Hotel tember 1 to 20. Buy your at Mann's. goods. We have the best, most reliable and cheapest pump made. It won't freeze and is guaranteed in every way. D aelet k T hrodahl. Mike Fitzgerald threshed some bar- ley in tho early part of the week which be says will go sixty bushels to the acre. This is iu the Poplar Grove dis trict and is the first threshing re ported. A big line of Ladles' and Mlsses r shoes Just in, all the latest things. F. W. Mann & Son. In order to make room for the best and most complete line of heaters, ranges and cook stoves ever brought to North Dakota, we will sell what bioyeles we heve left at reduced prices. 25-tf C. W. K ellev. A stubborn cough or tickling in tho throat yields to One Minute Cough Cure. Harmless in effeot, touches the right spot, reliable aud just what is wanted. It acta at once. C. W. Greene. Buy crab apples, peacbec, plums, apples or anything in the line of fruit for canning or preserving now. Go to T. A. Haslam, the new store, next to Ramsey County bank. Mrs. John A. Percival left for Minne apolis Monday in response to a tele gram stating that her daughter, Mrs. Rena Macnie, was seriously ill. Later advices are to the effec: that Mrs. Macnie is getting better. Fruits of all kinds at reasonable prices at J. T. Colville's. 15-tf Lemonade, soda water and all kinds of soft drinks may lie had at J. T Colville's, Illingworth buildiug. 15-tf You invite disappointment when you experiment. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are pleasant, easy, thor ough little pills. They cure constipa tion and sick headache just as sure as you take Ibem. C.W.Greene. Call and get prices on Walter A. Wood and Champion mowers, bay rakes of different kinds, Minneapolis and Acme harvesters, Hodges head- ers, La Crosse gang and sulky plows. 19-tf P eter Haley. Henry Hale expects to leave about the 13th inst for Boston, where he will act as one of the three grand repre- sentatives of North Dakota to the sovereign grand lodge of Odd Fellows. Mn. Hale will probably accompany him on the trip and they expect to be away about two weeks. 8m Henry Hale for fire insnranoe. tf Buy your machine oil of C. W. Kelly. A big line of children's school shoes at Mann's Again in business: J. T. Coiviiie is In in business and the patronage of friends is solicited- 15-tf Last Wednesday evening Marshal Crites, armed with an injunction en- tered C. O. Romansou's drug store and served the paper* and a search reveal- ed 62 pint bottles of "Old Crow" whis- key stowed away in a little cupboard behind the prescription case. He pro- ceeded to look tho plaoe up and it is still closed.—Willow City Eagle. - Have your bicycle repairing done at C. W. Kelly's. Get the new Henderson corset at Mann's. R.L. Cleveland has a quantity of heavy old oats for sale. Price very reasonable. Everything in the line of cigars and tobacoo, confectionery and fruits, soft drinks, at J. T. Colville's. Give him a call. - 15-tf A brakemau On the Great Northern while engaged in coupling on to a caboose Thursday afternoon, slipped and fell under the engine trucks, his left arm being badly mashed. Doctors Belyea and Jones amputated the arm at the elbow and tho sufferer was reported last evening as lying quite comfortably at the hospital. W. L. Douglas shoes, the best In the world, at Mann's. A few second baud bicycles condition at reduced prices, Keller's Powell buys court orders and county warrants. When you call for DeWitt's Witoh Hazel Salve, the great pile cure, don't accept any thing else. Don't be talked into accepting a substitute, for piles, for sores, for burns. C. W. Greene. The Junior Auxiliary of the Church of the Advent will hold their first meet- ing this season at the reotory on Wednesday, September 7, at 4 o' clock p. m„ when the work will l>e taken up for their annual sale, which will ocour the first week in Dooetnber. The var- ious fancy booths will embraoe all the new novelties in fancy work, useful and ornamental articles; aud the voung folks promise the finest collection at this time that they have yet shown in this city. 1 in good 1, at C. W. 25-tf Save 5c a using per _ pound Ramonla M. Jt J. coffee,'35c pound at Mann's. We have the best, most reliable and cheapest pump made. It won't freeze and is guaranteed in every way. D aelet k T hrodahl. If you have been sick you will find Hood's Sarsaparilla the best medicine you can take to give you appetite and strength. A bunting party consisting of Messrs. Noble, Jueigens, Stewart, Daeley, Wagness, Bond, McClory, and last but not least, Mayor Moigridge, spent Sat- urday and Sunday at Spanlding's Ferry. They got enough ducks to eat and had a royal good time. At night they camped in Louis Zimmer'skitchen,and Louis was uuaimously voted to be a firstclass entertainer. t' 1. - J %Y SusMier School Netes. Saturday was the dosing day of the session, but the atiendanoe was still large. Assembly period offered the last opportunity for remarks from the instructors, and each one contributed a few thoughts appropriate to the oc- casion. After all classes were over, the school was resolved by mutual desire Into a general hand-shaking, leave-taking perio l. Sincere expressions of regret at parting and of satisfaction with having been in attendance were heard on all sides, and with the hope of being permitted to assemble next year under similar auspices, teachers said "God speed" to their instructors, and to one another. In the afternoon Supt Sinness headed his ponies towards Minne- waukan to resume offieial duties in Benson county; Prof. Woods and family took the train for their home at Graf- ton, and Miss Stout took the same train for Fargo, where her work as principal of the Washington school will soon en- gage her attention. Teachers' examination was held Fri- day and Saturday in one of the class rooms. Ramsoy, Benson, MoHenry, Pierce and Walsh counties were re* presented among the candidates for certificates. Supt Molyneux returned to Towner on Friday morning, in order to con- duct examination there, also, for Mo- Henry County. The training school board and fac- ulty express themselves as highly appreciative of the many courtisles shown to them and to the teachers during the past three weeks by the citizens and newspapers of Devils Lake. Our city is to bo congratulated upon having a board of education that stood ready to co-operate with Supt. Fanoher in his efforts to briug the summer school here, by granting the use of the high school building for that purpose, and for the number of her professional and business men who manifested a personal interest in this undertaking, and who were willing to offer words of welcome, encouragement, and Instruct- ion to the teachers on short notioe. Ths summer school has certainly been a great success and those who have in any measure contributed to it are entitled to commendation from the public In general. The Difference. Any lumber is lumber. True, and so any wheat is wheat, but grades differ—and you like to raise the best. Just the same with lumber, thaw ara grados—and you like to buy the best. As a man must be accustomed to handling wheat in order to grade it properly, so must a man be ex- perienced in handling lumber in order to distin- guish grades—in the pile. When he comes to work it up he can tell, but then it is too late and he is filled with regret if he has bought poor lumber, and with joy if he has bought his material of A. D. CLEVELAND. Barney Shanley has been awarded the contract for building the new Catholic cathedral at Fargo. The structure will cost 825,000. See Henry Hale for fire insurance, tf You can buy tho Henderson corset at Mann's R. L. Cleveland has a quantity of heavy old oats for sale. Price very reasonable. Bnv crab apples, peaches, plums, apples or anything in the line of fruit for canning or preserving now. Go to T. A. Haslam, the new store, next to Ramsey County bank. Tho dog scare has created a great demand for muzzles and Jamieson, Kelley and Bstes have sold several hundred. Summer underwear, 50 cents a suit and upwards, at Bruuchfiower & Has- lam's. 11-tf See our line of uliIrts,overalls, underwure. Th;y are warmers. F. W. Mann & Son. We have the best, most reliable and cheapest pump made. It won't freeze aud is guaranteed in every way. Daelet k T iirodahl. Deposit your savings in the Kamsey County bank and get an Interest bearing certificate. Interest paid every six months. Billy Pierce returned last Friday from the west, where he has been for the past six months. His partner when be left here, Herb Jenks, is now in Astoria working in a boiler shop. Jim McBetb, who left here about the same time, only by a different route, is at Richville, and expects shortly to go to Omaha Billy has been over the greater portion'of Montana, Wash- ington Mid Oregon during his absence and has had quite an experience. For some weeks he was on the fire depart- ment in Portland. He met the North Dakota troops when they went through the latter city. Guns and ammunition^mokeless and black powder shells, all sizes, always on hand at C. W. Kelly's. We have the best, most reliable and cheapest pump made. It won't freeze and is guaranteed in every way. Daelet k T hrodahl. Truth wears well. People have learned that DeWitt's Little Early Risers are reliable little pills for regu- lating the bowels, curing constipation and sick headache. They don't gripe. C. W. Greene. &L.Cleveland says he can sell as good twine as is made at as low a price as anyone in the market, quality consid- ered. It is McCormick's twine and is warranted. He invites the farmers to come and see him at the old rink, op- posite the I htor Ooeax office. 20-tf Advertised Letters. Remaining uncalled for at the post- office at Devils Lake for the week end- ing Sept. 3, 1898. If not called for within fourteen days will be sent to the dead letter office. Parties calling for any of said letters say "advertised." Aid worth' R Adams, Frank Beltz, Oswald Burbank, E A Boehme, W Cockburn, Alex Connor, Pat Clark, Chas Davidson, W W Morgan, Chas Davis, Chas Edwards, Harry Frothlinger, J (1 Finloyson, Belle Foster, Arthur Gilbert, W Gunderson, Mrs S Hepner, J J Hale, H Heeter, J G Hirn, Mike James, Julius Parry, Ellen Robinson, Wm Thompson, S Wanless, Mrs E Wiley, Jno R. Johnson, Archer Jones, Robt Jr Kain, John Kiews, Albert Lindberg, K F Leo, John Largent, Nelson Melville, Geo Detwiler, Wm Party, Ellen McNulty, Hugh MeColman, D D McMahon, A J Nelson, Tneo Nebrrgie, J H Niles, Nora E Nebo, Mr Olsen, Miss N Poormun, D L Pounall, Sol Peterson, And Papstern, A Powoneil, M E Tate, J F Williams, R J Williams, Jno M Daeley, Postmaster. While on the Banare. "I was afflicted with a troublesome rash while riding on the range in Montana. It covered my lace and bead and the prescriptions I tried fail- ed to give relief. 1 was urged by a friend to take Hood's Sarsaparilla and I did so and four bottles cured me." Walter Thurber, Oriska, North Da- kota. Hood's Pills cure nausea, sick head- ache, biliousness, indigestion. Price SB cents. An Indian Holcide. An Indian named Minnieatawaste, living on the Fort Totten reservation, committed suicide Sunday by shooting himself. He was 65 or 70 years of age and had been one of Gen. Sibley's scouts during the Minnesota massacre. Despondency was probably the cause of bis action. For some three or four years be haa bad a throat trouble which was very painful and which ap- parently could not be cured by surgical treatment There seems to be no let-up to Um mad dog ecare mentioned last week and the situation really appears to be quite serious. On Friday last a little blask and white dog owned by Jack Csdigan apparently went cruy. It fought every dog It met, snapped at people and showed very plainly un- mistakable signs of hydrophobia. Dur- ing its brief career it went down on Rook Island and is supposed to have bitten dogs owned by L Prang and Frank Pitcher. Mr. Prang, rather than take ohanoee on results, killed his dog. Mr. Cadigan learned late Saturday how his dog had been aoting and promptly killed him. About the same time Sheriff Wagness discovered that a pug dog whioh had been the pet of his children had been aoting queerly, yelping, barking, snapping at dogs and people, and Mr. Wagness followed the example of Messrs. Prang and Cadigan and killed the dog. On Tuesday Mayor Serumgard is- sued a notioe to owners of dogs, warn- ing them to either mussle them or keep them tied up. This notioe was authorized by a city ordiuanoe passed some years ago and Mr. Serumgard was clearly justified, under the oir- cumstancee, in taking prompt steps to have it enforced. So far as is known no person has yet been bitten by any of the dogs that have been killed, but quite a num- ber of dogs and other animals have been bit These latter, it Is stated, are all tied up or olosely watched and it is probable that there will be no. further trouble. Dr. Crewe, the atate veterinarian, Is positive that the animals killed have had genuine hydrophobia. —• 1 North Dakota Troopa. The North Dakota troops have been heard from. In reply to the con- gratulatory telegram to our boya In Mauila sent from Fargo. Aug. 17, the following message from Colonel True- man was received by the Forum Satur- day: Manila, Philippine Islands, Aug. 27— Fargo, N. D.: Thanks. Private John Buckley of Co. C, Grafton, was killed, and Private F. E. Berg of Co. A, BIs- tnarok, is wounded. All Is quiet here. No siokness. —Trueman. Private Buokley was a single man, 35 years of age and for three years worked In the vlolnlty of Mlnto, enlisting in the Grafton company. So far as known he has no relatives in the state. The North Dakota boys did not get into the main fight, being located on the extreme right of the attacking brig- ade on the city of Manila The boya were all anxious to get into the tiokest of the thunder and behaved ntoely, The Astor battery and a portion of the First Colorado volunteers were en- gaged in the very last firing that took place before cessation of hostilities were announoed. who * t-M T. E.Wagoer, state Order of the known in Devils Lake, has ttigsll kinds of trouble in Forks, aocording to the OoaHit Aooording to the report about a ago he bought an ohwimI clothing dealer named flrshsm. ing to pay for the same the lit of De comber. Time rolled aroaad oember oame, but Mr. Wi to pay for the appsrel Graham's oollector p res sated ths snd was givsn s stand-off. days ago Graham himself met WaaMr^ and made personal application for the money due but not forthcoming. word brought on another and the cume lo blowH. The affair wound up In a jury trial and Wagner 98 and costs, amounting to 93A40. Oue of Graham's clerks mixed up iu the matter aud Wagner threatened him, with the result that another war- rant was issued for the tatter's arrest In the meantime Wagner hid crossed the river and refused to return. Re had not paid hia fins in ths and refused to appear In ths one. He waa under 9100 bonds in the first case and these were dedsrsi for- feited and until the matter Is he is barred out of East Grand Oae|f Han Killed. The west bound passenger train whioh arrived here at noon yesterday was responsible for the death of a man which occurred two miles east of Bartlett. The mau was seen walking on the track ahead of the train and got off when the engineer blew a warn- ing whistle, but just as the train reached him be stepped on the track again immediately in front of the en gine. He was thrown twenty-five or thirty feet and Instantly killed, his neck being broken. Nothing was found ou his person to indieate who he was, and appearanoes went to show that be was a typical tramp. The body was taken to Bartlett and will be turned ove»- to the coroner of Nelson county. The Bure La Orlppe Cnre. There is no use suffering from this dreadful malady, if vou will only get the right remedy. You are having pain all through your liody, your liver is out of order, have no appetite, no life or ambition, have a bad oold, in fact are completely used up. Electrlo Bitters is the only remedy that will give you prompt and sure relief. They act directly on your Liver, Stomach aud Kidneys, tone np tho whole system and make you feel like a new being. They are guaranteed to cure or price refunded. For Sale at—C. W. Greene's Drug Store, only GO cents per bottle. Afflicted Families. On Sunday last the intent daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Lennon passed away, after an illness of about a week. The baby was between three and four months of age snd the cause of its death was cholera infantum. The funeral was from St Joseph's church Monday. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Vanlnwegen mourn the loss of their intent son, who died yesterday after a brief ill ness. The baby was about a year and a half of age and a bright and interest- ing child. The prevailing summer ill- ness was the cause of bis death. One Minute Cough Cure si people by its qulok oures snd ch may take it in large quantities with- out the least danger. It has won for Itself the best reputation of any pre- paration used today for colds, croup, tickling in the throat or coughs. C. W. Greene. obstinate A United States Map Mounted on rollers, forty eight i no bee. suitable for boms or office, will be sent by mail to any address, on reoeipt of fifteen oents by, Geo. P. Ltmax. Gen. Passenger Agt C. B. ft K. & &, 8t Paul, Minn. t > . -A * Threehere' Supplies. We have a larger stook of threshers' supplies than ever before. Leather and rubber belting, valves, pipe and pipe filling. Lubricators, oil cuds, in- jectors. Steam gauges and Advance threshers. P rosskr k S ercxoard Two School for the Bangs. Help Wanted. laundry girts wanted at the Deaf. Apply to D. F. The Haltan and Onr Mlaeioaarlee. The Porte has demanded the recall of two Amerioan missionaries from this province of Aleppo, on the pretext that their mission is likely to cause disturbances. "The eiok man of Europe," is as unreasonable as his political health is feeble. As a bright contrast to his obstinacy and stupidity, the people of America are acknowl- edging far and wide the benefloanM of the mission of Hoe tetter's Stomach Bitters, namely, to relieve and prevent', malaria, rheumatism and kidney oooi- plalnt, ohronic dyspepsia, constipation and liver trouble. The nervous, tho weak and the infirm derive unspeak- able benefit from its use, and itgrsatly mitigates the wesknees snd infirmities iloh 1 whioh are specially incident vanclng years. to ad- 4 '(fit Moving Division Headquarters. J There Is a well defined rumor to the effect that the Great Northern will - abandon Devils Lake as a freight di- ' vision point in the near future. By ' 1 the new arrangement trains will run from Minot to Larimore, a distance of' about 182 miles, and from there to Cass Lake, Minn. This leavee Devils Lsks ^" and Crookston out In the cold. Rail- >r ~ road men are divided in their opinions ' r as to the feasibility of the plan, but 4 -"^ < the general impression seems to bs £ that the runs are too long and that ths change will be only temporary. -' ; Bucklen'e Arnica Halve. < The best salve iu the world for onto, ' bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever •> sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, oorns, and all skin eruptions, and positively oures piles, or no pay re- S iutred. It is guaranteed to give eot satisfaction or mon Price 25 oents per box. C. W. Greene. money refunSsd. For sals by CASTOR IA for Intents and OhiUna. Tit KM YN HIN Always toglt Bears the Signature of 1 & J The County Pair. s,» The Ramsey Couuty Agrksultral and Driving Association will hold ita an- I nual Fair and race meeting on Septem- ber 13,14 and 15,1898. Two thousand dollars in purses, Liberal premiums for farm exhibits. Special pains will be taken to make this meetibg a grand success. We ask the co-operation of all citizens interested in the development of stock and farm products. J. O. BadobxAH, ' «v 18-tf Secretary, For broken surfaces, sorss, insect bites, burns, skin disesses aud espe- cially piles there is one reliable rsm- j edy, DeWitt's Witoh Hsael Salve. - When you call for DeWitt's don't ao- oept counterfeits or frauds. Yon will n<» be disappointed with DeWitt's Witoh Hazel Salve. C.W.Greene, # To Cleanao the Hretem. Effectually yet gently, when ooetive 4 ^ or bilious, to permanently overcome, habitual constipation, to awaken the J, kidneys and liver to a healthy activity >' without irritating or weakening them, ' to dispel headaohus, colds or fevers, use Syrup of Figs, made by the Califor- nia Fig Syrup Co. DeWitt's Witch Hasel Salve has the largest sale of any Salve In the world.- This fact and Its merit has led dis- honest people to sttempt to counter- - feit it Look out for the man who at- > tempts to deceive you when you call for DeWitt's Witoh Hazel Sslve, the great pile cure. C. W. Greene. Public School. . Public school will open Tuesday,' September 6. All children wiahingto enter the primary departments the first term must be enrolled during the first two weeks of the term. By order of the board of education, C. P. Braoiarp, Clsrfc. Threehere'BappUes. We have a larger stook nf thriahMs' f supplies than ever before. Leather; and rubber belting, valves, pipe and S pe fillings. Lubricators, oil com In- Btors. Steam gauges sad AavSnee threshers. PaosscR.dc Snmuuft TtoKUValM If you want l At prices away dowmf Get a move on yon, And eonanlt —• . -lagr,' r We pay 19 eeata per tor butter* and 14 doaen for eggs. Son. ?•< 'M

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Page 1: Mil IMMtM •••Illtt III11 III 11 . At Your Service. · waukan to resume offieial duties in Benson county; Prof. Woods and family took the train for their home at Graf ton, and

^i M i l IMMtM •• • I l l t t I I I11 I I I 1 1 .


At Your Service. w,-- w . & IK

J§v2||of High Grade Men's and Boy's ! Clothing and goods generally kept in :

ppgfirstclass Clothing stores—that money • ®;^**and experience can produce—are ready :

are ready for fall purchasers. :

Oar stock Is larger and we present greater a?? values thla ever-before offered. < \ . Call and see our Men's suits at HO.OO, the best value offered •• Ijl®: no place excepted* j " Onr Boy's School Suits, at 91.BO to $4.00 are excellent values.

H. L. WINEMAN, ^TUatake^b; The Clothier.

•/ -;;-V y v.

111 U»t<'>ltH'»fHM HIIIIIIHI1 Mill 111 Ml IH ItHHHHI ttij || j. M i l

Hill hk!


We have in stock a large as­sortment of well selected new dress goods, underwear, shoes, etc., for early fall trade. early and secure a good ment.

Buy assort-


every day at

from Sep

thresh Ins supplies nave They the


\ Good Bread Is a necessity in every family. That is the kind I furnish, and I have better facilities for making good bread than any bakery between here and St. Paul. I also make Pies, Cakes and Confectionery of all kinds, and especially desire to cater to parties and public entertainments.

g Fourth Street^^^^V, G. HASLAM.


; ;••••••• 1111111111 imt t twwHHtf i nn 11 mi ».»••


Farmers are invited to patronize this Restaurant when in the city. A firstclass meal for 25 cents. We make a specialty of lunches and short orders. Meals at all hours. " ;

^ Kelly avenue, opposite the Engine House. •I"*} I'Ht fU 'HIIHI M II ' I H 1 | | I I1 HHt lHI 111111 M H

;[ Time Card* vnr uvi».

tfo. s No. T

So. « *•. 8


s v >


1135 m. im aovai>.

...4:48a.m. 4:10p. a .

Tr*lM aoaorth oa tfc* Onto and 8t. Juka btaach Timdn, Tkmhy u4 Saturday, rataratac Moadajr, 'dMtnnOiUv. ...°P *> Wwck traiaa r> MM* Moofcjr, y*i'"**y aa4 nnuaiag TaM*jr, Than-day aa4 tetmdaty.

Market Beport.

Xo. 1 hard Ma. 1 xxtkcra.. So. t •ortkera.. Flu 3ata

oraih. 08 Ha. iHrikn.

... ftl Ko. 4 .. 49 Mhli twl

74 Baric; „ . 14 *J«.


h ' W

Born,- on Wednesday morning, to Mr. sad MkC,H; Jeub, of Lake township, a son.

Money to loan on farms. Ram­sey County Bank. 20-tf

P«««ll aaila Fans Luii. Ice cream erery day at Chas. Nelson's. Call and see our new stock. 7-f & C. Johes.

Al Haslam spent several days in Grand Forks tbia week looking after business suittera.

v. .T**e. jg* line of gloves in the City at Mann's.

Nels Hawkinson, the popular repre­sentative of Leslie k McAfee, was in the city Wednesday.

Ioe cream everydayat Chas. Nelson's. Tnresher supplies at Kelley's. 25-tf Now is the time to get photos of farm

soenes and outdoor groups. Glerum the photographer, guarantees all work in this line. 20-tf

Tom Gagan, of Grand Forks, will bay wheat in this city for the Nstional Elevator company this fall.

A fine line of wedding stationery just received at this office.

Who has land for sale? Come snd lee as. Wk. H. Brown k Co.

Get our prices on your harvest and threshing bills. We think we can save you some money. P. W. Mann & Sou.

Hon. John F. Cowan returned yes­terday from St. Paul, where has been attending to the railroad oases.

See Henry Hale for Are insurance, tf Light weight suits for summer

wear, prices that will please all cus tomers, at Branchflower k Haslam's.

Bay crab apples, peaches, plums,, apples or anything in the line of fruit for canning or preserving now. Goto 1'. A. Haslam, the new store, next to Ramsey County bank.

Wanted—A boy about 16 or 17 years of age to learn the printing business. Inquire at this office.

Dog muzzles at C. W. Kelley's. 25-tf A big line of fall dry goods at

Mann's. Wanted, girl for general housework,

small family. Apply to Mrs. E. J. Chamberlln. 16-tf

All the St. Paul, Minneapolis and Grand Forks daily papers .on sale at Jones' news stand. 7-tf

Allen Tompkins add C. O. Russell it seems, are equally interested in the Chautauqua road. The latter is now down in Minnesota making a contract for the ties.

Sole leather gripe and a full line of trunks just received at Branohflower & Haslam's. ll-tf

Dr. Davenport, the dentist, will be in bis offloo in this city the first ten days of every month.

If you want to sell your real estate list It with Wu. H. Brown k Co.

Special attention given to telephone orders. Goods delivered to any part of the city. (7-tf) S. C. Jones.

Several days rain this week has de layed threshing operations materially. It is hardly likely now that there will be any threshing done before next week.

New goods Mann's.

Dr. Corbett, dentist, will not be in Devils Lake during August, but will be in his office In Seville Hotel tember 1 to 20.

Buy your at Mann's. goods.

We have the best, most reliable and cheapest pump made. It won't freeze and is guaranteed in every way.

Daelet k Throdahl.

Mike Fitzgerald threshed some bar­ley in tho early part of the week which be says will go sixty bushels to the acre. This is iu the Poplar Grove dis trict and is the first threshing re ported.

A big line of Ladles' and Mlssesr shoes Just in, all the latest things. F. W. Mann & Son.

In order to make room for the best and most complete line of heaters, ranges and cook stoves ever brought to North Dakota, we will sell what bioyeles we heve left at reduced prices.

25-tf C. W. Kellev.

A stubborn cough or tickling in tho throat yields to One Minute Cough Cure. Harmless in effeot, touches the right spot, reliable aud just what is wanted. It acta at once. C. W. Greene.

Buy crab apples, peacbec, plums, apples or anything in the line of fruit for canning or preserving now. Go to T. A. Haslam, the new store, next to Ramsey County bank.

Mrs. John A. Percival left for Minne apolis Monday in response to a tele gram stating that her daughter, Mrs. Rena Macnie, was seriously ill. Later advices are to the effec: that Mrs. Macnie is getting better.

Fruits of all kinds at reasonable prices at J. T. Colville's. 15-tf

Lemonade, soda water and all kinds of soft drinks may lie had at J. T Colville's, Illingworth buildiug. 15-tf

You invite disappointment when you experiment. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are pleasant, easy, thor ough little pills. They cure constipa tion and sick headache just as sure as you take Ibem. C.W.Greene.

Call and get prices on Walter A. Wood and Champion mowers, bay rakes of different kinds, Minneapolis and Acme harvesters, Hodges head­ers, La Crosse gang and sulky plows.

19-tf Peter Haley.

Henry Hale expects to leave about the 13th inst for Boston, where he will act as one of the three grand repre­sentatives of North Dakota to the sovereign grand lodge of Odd Fellows. Mn. Hale will probably accompany him on the trip and they expect to be away about two weeks.

8m Henry Hale for fire insnranoe. tf Buy your machine oil of C. W. Kelly. A big line of children's school

shoes at Mann's Again in business: J. T. Coiviiie is

In in business and the patronage of friends is solicited- 15-tf

Last Wednesday evening Marshal Crites, armed with an injunction en­tered C. O. Romansou's drug store and served the paper* and a search reveal­ed 62 pint bottles of "Old Crow" whis­key stowed away in a little cupboard behind the prescription case. He pro­ceeded to look tho plaoe up and it is still closed.—Willow City Eagle. -

Have your bicycle repairing done at C. W. Kelly's.

Get the new Henderson corset at Mann's.

R.L. Cleveland has a quantity of heavy old oats for sale. Price very reasonable.

Everything in the line of cigars and tobacoo, confectionery and fruits, soft drinks, at J. T. Colville's. Give him a call. - 15-tf

A brakemau On the Great Northern while engaged in coupling on to a caboose Thursday afternoon, slipped and fell under the engine trucks, his left arm being badly mashed. Doctors Belyea and Jones amputated the arm at the elbow and tho sufferer was reported last evening as lying quite comfortably at the hospital.

W. L. Douglas shoes, the best In the world, at Mann's.

A few second baud bicycles condition at reduced prices, Keller's

Powell buys court orders and county warrants.

When you call for DeWitt's Witoh Hazel Salve, the great pile cure, don't accept any thing else. Don't be talked into accepting a substitute, for piles, for sores, for burns. C. W. Greene.

The Junior Auxiliary of the Church of the Advent will hold their first meet­ing this season at the reotory on Wednesday, September 7, at 4 o' clock p. m„ when the work will l>e taken up for their annual sale, which will ocour the first week in Dooetnber. The var­ious fancy booths will embraoe all the new novelties in fancy work, useful and ornamental articles; aud the voung folks promise the finest collection at this time that they have yet shown in this city.

1 in good 1, at C. W.


Save 5c a using per

_ pound Ramonla M. Jt J. coffee,'35c pound at Mann's.

We have the best, most reliable and cheapest pump made. It won't freeze and is guaranteed in every way.

Daelet k Throdahl.

If you have been sick you will find Hood's Sarsaparilla the best medicine you can take to give you appetite and strength.

A bunting party consisting of Messrs. Noble, Jueigens, Stewart, Daeley, Wagness, Bond, McClory, and last but not least, Mayor Moigridge, spent Sat­urday and Sunday at Spanlding's Ferry. They got enough ducks to eat and had a royal good time. At night they camped in Louis Zimmer'skitchen,and Louis was uuaimously voted to be a firstclass entertainer.



- J %Y

SusMier School Netes. Saturday was the dosing day of the

session, but the atiendanoe was still large. Assembly period offered the last opportunity for remarks from the instructors, and each one contributed a few thoughts appropriate to the oc­casion.

After all classes were over, the school was resolved by mutual desire Into a general hand-shaking, leave-taking perio l. Sincere expressions of regret at parting and of satisfaction with having been in attendance were heard on all sides, and with the hope of being permitted to assemble next year under similar auspices, teachers said "God speed" to their instructors, and to one another.

In the afternoon Supt Sinness headed his ponies towards Minne-waukan to resume offieial duties in Benson county; Prof. Woods and family took the train for their home at Graf­ton, and Miss Stout took the same train for Fargo, where her work as principal of the Washington school will soon en­gage her attention.

Teachers' examination was held Fri­day and Saturday in one of the class rooms. Ramsoy, Benson, MoHenry, Pierce and Walsh counties were re* presented among the candidates for certificates.

Supt Molyneux returned to Towner on Friday morning, in order to con­duct examination there, also, for Mo-Henry County.

The training school board and fac­ulty express themselves as highly appreciative of the many courtisles shown to them and to the teachers during the past three weeks by the citizens and newspapers of Devils Lake.

Our city is to bo congratulated upon having a board of education that stood ready to co-operate with Supt. Fanoher in his efforts to briug the summer school here, by granting the use of the high school building for that purpose, and for the number of her professional and business men who manifested a personal interest in this undertaking, and who were willing to offer words of welcome, encouragement, and Instruct­ion to the teachers on short notioe.

Ths summer school has certainly been a great success and those who have in any measure contributed to it are entitled to commendation from the public In general.

The Difference. Any lumber is lumber. True, and so any

wheat is wheat, but grades differ—and you like to raise the best. Just the same with lumber, thaw ara grados—and you like to buy the best. As a man must be accustomed to handling wheat in order to grade it properly, so must a man be ex­perienced in handling lumber in order to distin­guish grades—in the pile. When he comes to work it up he can tell, but then it is too late and he is filled with regret if he has bought poor lumber, and with joy if he has bought his material of


Barney Shanley has been awarded the contract for building the new Catholic cathedral at Fargo. The structure will cost 825,000.

See Henry Hale for fire insurance, tf You can buy tho Henderson

corset at Mann's R. L. Cleveland has a quantity of

heavy old oats for sale. Price very reasonable.

Bnv crab apples, peaches, plums, apples or anything in the line of fruit for canning or preserving now. Go to T. A. Haslam, the new store, next to Ramsey County bank.

Tho dog scare has created a great demand for muzzles and Jamieson, Kelley and Bstes have sold several hundred.

Summer underwear, 50 cents a suit and upwards, at Bruuchfiower & Has­lam's. 11-tf

See our line of uliIrts,overalls, underwure. Th;y are warmers. F. W. Mann & Son.

We have the best, most reliable and cheapest pump made. It won't freeze aud is guaranteed in every way.

Daelet k Tiirodahl.

Deposit your savings in the Kamsey County bank and get an Interest bearing certificate. Interest paid every six months.

Billy Pierce returned last Friday from the west, where he has been for the past six months. His partner when be left here, Herb Jenks, is now in Astoria working in a boiler shop. Jim McBetb, who left here about the same time, only by a different route, is at Richville, and expects shortly to go to Omaha Billy has been over the greater portion'of Montana, Wash­ington Mid Oregon during his absence and has had quite an experience. For some weeks he was on the fire depart­ment in Portland. He met the North Dakota troops when they went through the latter city. Guns and ammunition^mokeless and

black powder shells, all sizes, always on hand at C. W. Kelly's.

We have the best, most reliable and cheapest pump made. It won't freeze and is guaranteed in every way.

Daelet k Throdahl.

Truth wears well. People have learned that DeWitt's Little Early Risers are reliable little pills for regu­lating the bowels, curing constipation and sick headache. They don't gripe. C. W. Greene.

&L.Cleveland says he can sell as good twine as is made at as low a price as anyone in the market, quality consid­ered. It is McCormick's twine and is warranted. He invites the farmers to come and see him at the old rink, op­posite the Ihtor Ooeax office. 20-tf

Advertised Letters. Remaining uncalled for at the post-

office at Devils Lake for the week end­ing Sept. 3, 1898. If not called for within fourteen days will be sent to the dead letter office. Parties calling for any of said letters say "advertised." Aid worth' R Adams, Frank Beltz, Oswald Burbank, E A Boehme, W Cockburn, Alex Connor, Pat Clark, Chas Davidson, W W Morgan, Chas Davis, Chas Edwards, Harry Frothlinger, J (1 Finloyson, Belle Foster, Arthur Gilbert, W Gunderson, Mrs S Hepner, J J Hale, H Heeter, J G Hirn, Mike James, Julius Parry, Ellen Robinson, Wm Thompson, S Wanless, Mrs E Wiley, Jno


Johnson, Archer Jones, Robt Jr Kain, John Kiews, Albert Lindberg, K F Leo, John Largent, Nelson Melville, Geo Detwiler, Wm Party, Ellen McNulty, Hugh MeColman, D D McMahon, A J Nelson, Tneo Nebrrgie, J H Niles, Nora E Nebo, Mr Olsen, Miss N Poormun, D L Pounall, Sol Peterson, And Papstern, A Powoneil, M E Tate, J F Williams, R J Williams, Jno M

Daeley, Postmaster.

While on the Banare. "I was afflicted with a troublesome

rash while riding on the range in Montana. It covered my lace and bead and the prescriptions I tried fail­ed to give relief. 1 was urged by a friend to take Hood's Sarsaparilla and I did so and four bottles cured me."

Walter Thurber, Oriska, North Da­kota.

Hood's Pills cure nausea, sick head­ache, biliousness, indigestion. Price SB cents.

An Indian Holcide. An Indian named Minnieatawaste,

living on the Fort Totten reservation, committed suicide Sunday by shooting himself. He was 65 or 70 years of age and had been one of Gen. Sibley's scouts during the Minnesota massacre. Despondency was probably the cause of bis action. For some three or four years be haa bad a throat trouble which was very painful and which ap­parently could not be cured by surgical treatment

There seems to be no let-up to Um

mad dog ecare mentioned last week and the situation really appears to be quite serious. On Friday last a little blask and white dog owned by Jack Csdigan apparently went cruy. It fought every dog It met, snapped at people and showed very plainly un­mistakable signs of hydrophobia. Dur­ing its brief career it went down on Rook Island and is supposed to have bitten dogs owned by L Prang and Frank Pitcher. Mr. Prang, rather than take ohanoee on results, killed his dog. Mr. Cadigan learned late Saturday how his dog had been aoting and promptly killed him. About the same time Sheriff Wagness discovered that a pug dog whioh had been the pet of his children had been aoting queerly, yelping, barking, snapping at dogs and people, and Mr. Wagness followed the example of Messrs. Prang and Cadigan and killed the dog.

On Tuesday Mayor Serumgard is­sued a notioe to owners of dogs, warn­ing them to either mussle them or keep them tied up. This notioe was authorized by a city ordiuanoe passed some years ago and Mr. Serumgard was clearly justified, under the oir-cumstancee, in taking prompt steps to have it enforced.

So far as is known no person has yet been bitten by any of the dogs that have been killed, but quite a num­ber of dogs and other animals have been bit These latter, it Is stated, are all tied up or olosely watched and it is probable that there will be no. further trouble.

Dr. Crewe, the atate veterinarian, Is positive that the animals killed have had genuine hydrophobia.

• —• 1 — North Dakota Troopa.

The North Dakota troops have been heard from. In reply to the con­gratulatory telegram to our boya In Mauila sent from Fargo. Aug. 17, the following message from Colonel True-man was received by the Forum Satur­day:

Manila, Philippine Islands, Aug. 27— Fargo, N. D.: Thanks. Private John Buckley of Co. C, Grafton, was killed, and Private F. E. Berg of Co. A, BIs-tnarok, is wounded. All Is quiet here. No siokness. —Trueman.

Private Buokley was a single man, 35 years of age and for three years worked In the vlolnlty of Mlnto, enlisting in the Grafton company. So far as known he has no relatives in the state.

The North Dakota boys did not get into the main fight, being located on the extreme right of the attacking brig­ade on the city of Manila The boya were all anxious to get into the tiokest of the thunder and behaved ntoely,

The Astor battery and a portion of the First Colorado volunteers were en­gaged in the very last firing that took place before cessation of hostilities were announoed.

who *


T. E.Wagoer, state Order of the known in Devils Lake, has ttigsll kinds of trouble in Forks, aocording to the OoaHit Aooording to the report about a ago he bought an ohwimI clothing dealer named flrshsm. ing to pay for the same the lit of De comber. Time rolled aroaad oember oame, but Mr. Wi to pay for the appsrel Graham's oollector p res sated ths snd was givsn s stand-off. days ago Graham himself met WaaMr^ and made personal application for the money due but not forthcoming. word brought on another and the cume lo blowH. The affair wound up In a jury trial and Wagner 98 and costs, amounting to 93A40.

Oue of Graham's clerks mixed up iu the matter aud Wagner threatened him, with the result that another war­rant was issued for the tatter's arrest In the meantime Wagner hid crossed the river and refused to return. Re had not paid hia fins in ths and refused to appear In ths one. He waa under 9100 bonds in the first case and these were dedsrsi for­feited and until the matter Is he is barred out of East Grand


Han Killed. The west bound passenger train

whioh arrived here at noon yesterday was responsible for the death of a man which occurred two miles east of Bartlett. The mau was seen walking on the track ahead of the train and got off when the engineer blew a warn­ing whistle, but just as the train reached him be stepped on the track again immediately in front of the en gine. He was thrown twenty-five or thirty feet and Instantly killed, his neck being broken. Nothing was found ou his person to indieate who he was, and appearanoes went to show that be was a typical tramp. The body was taken to Bartlett and will be turned ove»- to the coroner of Nelson county.

The Bure La Orlppe Cnre. There is no use suffering from this

dreadful malady, if vou will only get the right remedy. You are having pain all through your liody, your liver is out of order, have no appetite, no life or ambition, have a bad oold, in fact are completely used up. Electrlo Bitters is the only remedy that will give you prompt and sure relief. They act directly on your Liver, Stomach aud Kidneys, tone np tho whole system and make you feel like a new being. They are guaranteed to cure or price refunded. For Sale at—C. W. Greene's Drug Store, only GO cents per bottle.

Afflicted Families. On Sunday last the intent daughter

of Mr. and Mrs. John Lennon passed away, after an illness of about a week. The baby was between three and four months of age snd the cause of its death was cholera infantum. The funeral was from St Joseph's church Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Vanlnwegen mourn the loss of their intent son, who died yesterday after a brief ill ness. The baby was about a year and a half of age and a bright and interest­ing child. The prevailing summer ill­ness was the cause of bis death.

One Minute Cough Cure si people by its qulok oures snd ch may take it in large quantities with­out the least danger. It has won for Itself the best reputation of any pre­paration used today for colds, croup, tickling in the throat or coughs. C. W. Greene.


A United States Map Mounted on rollers, forty eight i no bee. suitable for boms or office, will be sent by mail to any address, on reoeipt of fifteen oents by,

Geo. P. Ltmax. Gen. Passenger Agt C. B. ft K. & &,

8t Paul, Minn.

t > .

-A *

Threehere' Supplies. We have a larger stook of threshers'

supplies than ever before. Leather and rubber belting, valves, pipe and pipe filling. Lubricators, oil cuds, in­jectors. Steam gauges and Advance threshers.

Prosskr k Sercxoard

Two School for the Bangs.

Help Wanted. laundry girts wanted at the

Deaf. Apply to D. F.

The Haltan and Onr Mlaeioaarlee. The Porte has demanded the recall

of two Amerioan missionaries from this province of Aleppo, on the pretext that their mission is likely to cause disturbances. "The eiok man of Europe," is as unreasonable as his political health is feeble. As a bright contrast to his obstinacy and stupidity, the people of America are acknowl­edging far and wide the benefloanM of the mission of Hoe tetter's Stomach Bitters, namely, to relieve and prevent', malaria, rheumatism and kidney oooi-plalnt, ohronic dyspepsia, constipation and liver trouble. The nervous, tho weak and the infirm derive unspeak­able benefit from its use, and itgrsatly mitigates the wesknees snd infirmities

iloh 1 whioh are specially incident vanclng years.

to ad-

4 '(fit Moving Division Headquarters. J

There Is a well defined rumor to the effect that the Great Northern will -abandon Devils Lake as a freight di- ' vision point in the near future. By '1

the new arrangement trains will run from Minot to Larimore, a distance of' about 182 miles, and from there to Cass Lake, Minn. This leavee Devils Lsks ^" and Crookston out In the cold. Rail- >r ~ road men are divided in their opinions 'r as to the feasibility of the plan, but4-"^ < the general impression seems to bs £ that the runs are too long and that ths change will be only temporary. -' ;

Bucklen'e Arnica Halve. < The best salve iu the world for onto, • '

bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever •> sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, oorns, and all skin eruptions, and • positively oures piles, or no pay re-

Siutred. It is guaranteed to give eot satisfaction or mon

Price 25 oents per box. C. W. Greene.

money refunSsd. For sals by

CASTOR IA for Intents and OhiUna.

Tit KM YN HIN Always toglt Bears the

Signature of 1 & J

The County Pair. s,» The Ramsey Couuty Agrksultral and

Driving Association will hold ita an- I nual Fair and race meeting on Septem­ber 13,14 and 15,1898. Two thousand dollars in purses, Liberal premiums for farm exhibits. Special pains will be taken to make this meetibg a grand success. We ask the co-operation of all citizens interested in the development of stock and farm products.

J. O. BadobxAH, ' «v 18-tf Secretary, •

For broken surfaces, sorss, insect bites, burns, skin disesses aud espe­cially piles there is one reliable rsm- j edy, DeWitt's Witoh Hsael Salve. -When you call for DeWitt's don't ao-oept counterfeits or frauds. Yon will n<» be disappointed with DeWitt's Witoh Hazel Salve. C.W.Greene,

# To Cleanao the Hretem.

Effectually yet gently, when ooetive4 ^ or bilious, to permanently overcome, habitual constipation, to awaken the J, kidneys and liver to a healthy activity >' without irritating or weakening them, ' to dispel headaohus, colds or fevers, use Syrup of Figs, made by the Califor- • nia Fig Syrup Co.

DeWitt's Witch Hasel Salve has the largest sale of any Salve In the world.-This fact and Its merit has led dis­honest people to sttempt to counter- -feit it Look out for the man who at- > tempts to deceive you when you call for DeWitt's Witoh Hazel Sslve, the great pile cure. C. W. Greene.

Public School. . Public school will open Tuesday,'

September 6. All children wiahingto enter the primary departments the first term must be enrolled during the first two weeks of the term.

By order of the board of education, C. P. Braoiarp, Clsrfc.

Threehere'BappUes. We have a larger stook nf thriahMs' f

supplies than ever before. Leather; and rubber belting, valves, pipe and

Spe fillings. Lubricators, oil com In-Btors. Steam gauges sad AavSnee

threshers. PaosscR.dc Snmuuft


If you want l At prices away dowmf Get a move on yon, And eonanlt

—• . -lagr,' r

We pay 19 eeata per tor butter* and 14 — doaen for eggs. Son.

