middle school sat vocabulary list 4. list 4 words rabide rballad rcandid rdecoy remancipate rabide...

Middle School SAT Vocabulary List 4

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Page 1: Middle School SAT Vocabulary List 4. List 4 Words RAbide RBallad RCandid RDecoy REmancipate RAbide RBallad RCandid RDecoy REmancipate Obtuse Quaint Tangible

Middle School SAT Vocabulary

Middle School SAT Vocabulary

List 4List 4

Page 2: Middle School SAT Vocabulary List 4. List 4 Words RAbide RBallad RCandid RDecoy REmancipate RAbide RBallad RCandid RDecoy REmancipate Obtuse Quaint Tangible

List 4 WordsList 4 WordsAbideBalladCandidDecoy Emancipate

AbideBalladCandidDecoy Emancipate

ObtuseQuaintTangible UndermineVerbose

Study the definitions, synonyms, & antonyms, and know how to use them in a sentence.

Page 3: Middle School SAT Vocabulary List 4. List 4 Words RAbide RBallad RCandid RDecoy REmancipate RAbide RBallad RCandid RDecoy REmancipate Obtuse Quaint Tangible

Abide Abide

(v) to accept and obey a decision, rule, agreement, etc., even when you may not agree

I highly suggest you abide by my rules or you will receive a detention.

Synonyms: tolerate, accept, bearAntonym: refuse Also: abiding

(v) to accept and obey a decision, rule, agreement, etc., even when you may not agree

I highly suggest you abide by my rules or you will receive a detention.

Synonyms: tolerate, accept, bearAntonym: refuse Also: abiding

Page 4: Middle School SAT Vocabulary List 4. List 4 Words RAbide RBallad RCandid RDecoy REmancipate RAbide RBallad RCandid RDecoy REmancipate Obtuse Quaint Tangible

Ballad Ballad (n) a slow love song; a short story in the

form of a poem or songThe singer wrote a beautiful ballad for

his wife. Synonyms: poem, song, narrative

(n) a slow love song; a short story in the form of a poem or song

The singer wrote a beautiful ballad for his wife.

Synonyms: poem, song, narrative

Page 5: Middle School SAT Vocabulary List 4. List 4 Words RAbide RBallad RCandid RDecoy REmancipate RAbide RBallad RCandid RDecoy REmancipate Obtuse Quaint Tangible

Candid Candid (adj) telling the truth, even when it may

be unpleasant or embarrassingShe was very candid about her past and

the embarrassing things she did. Synonyms: frank, open, honestAntonym: guardedAlso: candor, candour

(adj) telling the truth, even when it may be unpleasant or embarrassing

She was very candid about her past and the embarrassing things she did.

Synonyms: frank, open, honestAntonym: guardedAlso: candor, candour

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Decoy Decoy (n) something or someone that is used

to trick someone to catch or attack them

When we went hunting, my dad used a decoy to lure the ducks closer.

Synonyms: lure, trap, snareAlso: decoyer

(n) something or someone that is used to trick someone to catch or attack them

When we went hunting, my dad used a decoy to lure the ducks closer.

Synonyms: lure, trap, snareAlso: decoyer

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Emancipate Emancipate

(v) to give someone the political rights that they did not have before

The slaves were emancipated after the Civil War.

Synonyms: liberate, free, releaseAntonym: enslave Also: emancipation

(v) to give someone the political rights that they did not have before

The slaves were emancipated after the Civil War.

Synonyms: liberate, free, releaseAntonym: enslave Also: emancipation

Page 8: Middle School SAT Vocabulary List 4. List 4 Words RAbide RBallad RCandid RDecoy REmancipate RAbide RBallad RCandid RDecoy REmancipate Obtuse Quaint Tangible

Obtuse Obtuse (adj) slow to understand things, in a way

that is annoyingThe fool was obtuse and couldn’t figure

out how to open the door. Synonyms: simple-minded, thick-headed,

slowAntonyms: astute, intelligentAlso: obtusely

(adj) slow to understand things, in a way that is annoying

The fool was obtuse and couldn’t figure out how to open the door.

Synonyms: simple-minded, thick-headed, slow

Antonyms: astute, intelligentAlso: obtusely

Page 9: Middle School SAT Vocabulary List 4. List 4 Words RAbide RBallad RCandid RDecoy REmancipate RAbide RBallad RCandid RDecoy REmancipate Obtuse Quaint Tangible

Quaint Quaint (adj) unusual and attractive,

especially in an old-fashioned way

This is such a quaint little home with old-fashioned furniture.

Synonyms: picturesque, charming, pretty

Antonym: modern Also: quainter, quaintest

(adj) unusual and attractive, especially in an old-fashioned way

This is such a quaint little home with old-fashioned furniture.

Synonyms: picturesque, charming, pretty

Antonym: modern Also: quainter, quaintest

Page 10: Middle School SAT Vocabulary List 4. List 4 Words RAbide RBallad RCandid RDecoy REmancipate RAbide RBallad RCandid RDecoy REmancipate Obtuse Quaint Tangible

Tangible Tangible (adj) clear enough to be easily seen or

touchedAlthough love is not tangible, I can still

feel it in my heart. Synonyms: concrete, physical, solidAntonym: intangibleAlso: tangent

(adj) clear enough to be easily seen or touched

Although love is not tangible, I can still feel it in my heart.

Synonyms: concrete, physical, solidAntonym: intangibleAlso: tangent

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Undermine Undermine

(v) to gradually make someone or something less strong or effective

I felt like my authority was undermined when my boss excused the worker’s behavior.

Synonyms: weaken, destabilize, damage Antonym: bolsterAlso: undermined

(v) to gradually make someone or something less strong or effective

I felt like my authority was undermined when my boss excused the worker’s behavior.

Synonyms: weaken, destabilize, damage Antonym: bolsterAlso: undermined

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Verbose Verbose (adj) using or containing too many wordsThe speaker was verbose and his lecture

ran over the time by at least fifteen minutes.

Synonyms: talkative, wordy, rambling Antonyms: silent, reserved Also: verboseness

(adj) using or containing too many wordsThe speaker was verbose and his lecture

ran over the time by at least fifteen minutes.

Synonyms: talkative, wordy, rambling Antonyms: silent, reserved Also: verboseness

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Assignment-List 4Assignment-List 4

Using at least five of the words, write a two-stanza poem.

You MUST use them correctly in order to receive credit.

It’s best to choose the words that you need to study.

Using at least five of the words, write a two-stanza poem.

You MUST use them correctly in order to receive credit.

It’s best to choose the words that you need to study.

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List 4 ReviewList 4 Review

Click on each synonym for the correct answer.

Click on the picture on the word slides to take you back to the review.

Click on each synonym for the correct answer.

Click on the picture on the word slides to take you back to the review.

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List 4 ReviewList 4 Review

Charming Lure Wordy Poem Frank

Weaken Accept Slow Physical Release