mid-season preview of benteli and niggli, fall 2013 (english)

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mid-season preview of BENTELI and niggli, Fall 2013


Page 1: mid-season preview of BENTELI and niggli, Fall 2013 (english)








MID-SEASONA u t u m n 2 0 1 3


Page 2: mid-season preview of BENTELI and niggli, Fall 2013 (english)

BDE Architekten – Archhöfe Winterthur

A monography on one of the most noteworthy new buildings in Switzerland

One building – three uses

Building in an urban context

BDE Architekten

Founded in 2002 by Phil ipp Brunn-

schweiler, Matthias Denzler and

Oliver Erb. Amadeus Dorsch joined

BDE Architekten as a partner in

2010. Their projects include the

rectory Steinhausen (2005) and the

parish hall Wiesendangen (2007)

– which received the architecture

award for the region Winterthur –

among others. At the moment they

are working on several projects,

among them the bus depot Grüze-

feld in Winterthur, the residential

and retail development Schloss-

berg in Baden as well as residen-

tial buildings at the lake in Arbon

and in Winterthur.

Winterthur has undergone a structural change during the last decades from an industrial working-

class town to an attractive urban agglomeration. The architectonic face of the city has meanwhile

changed as well.

The building of the Archhöfe played an important part in this, closing off the station square at its

southern end and thereby taking up an attractive inner-city location. The eye-catching monolithic

building combines shopping center, service sector and residential development under one tent-

shaped roof. This makes the Archhöfe an impressive example of multifunctional architecture as

well as a construction successfully planned and incorporated into a grown urban surrounding.

The book presents the project in plans and pictures, an essay by architecture critic Hubertus Adam

and further documentations. Its beginnings date back to a competition in 2003, when BDE Archi-

tekten, who secured the project back then, were still an up-and-coming team. Today, ten years

later, they have grown to be a renowned architectural office.

BDE Archi tekten – Archhöfe Winterthur

Hubertus Adam (ed.)

With texts by Hubertus Adam, BDE

Architekten and Fritz Schumacher,

and photopraphs by Christian Schwager


approx. 112 pages

approx. 160 color illustrations and plans

24 x 28 cm

Linen hardcover

Euro (D) 46.–, Euro (A) 47.30, CHF 58.–

ISBN 978-3-7212-0891-7

November 2013 BDE ArchitEktEn Archhöfe WinterthurhErAusgEgEBEn von huBErtus ADAm



Page 3: mid-season preview of BENTELI and niggli, Fall 2013 (english)

Riken Yamamoto. How to make a city

Pioneering concepts for a dense urban architecture

Selected works by Japanese architect Riken Yamamoto

Vernissage and grand opening of exhibition at the Architecture Gallery Lucerne on October 16, 2013

Riken Yamamoto (*1945) founded

the architectural office Riken

Yamamoto & Field Shop in 1973.

Projects l ike the Yokohama Public

Housing, the Future University

Hakodate or the Yokosuka Museum

of Art have gained international

attention. One of the recurring

themes in Yamamoto’s buildings is

the importance of the public

space, the possibil ity of social

interaction. From 2002 to 2007 he

was a professor at Kogakuin

University and from 2007 to 2011

he taught at the State University

Yokohama. Since 2011, Yamamoto

has been a partner professor there

and also holds a special chair for

graduate studies in the area of

constructional engineering at the

University of Nihon.

The works of Japanese architect Riken Yamamoto are of outstanding importance in contemporary

Japanese architecture. His aim is to always integrate the social aspects of an assignment into his


The publication How to make a city focuses on Yamamoto’s long-standing involvement with the

topic of the dense city. The book, published along with the exhibition of the same name at the Ar-

chitecture Gallery Lucerne, picks up on several selected newer works of the office Riken Yamamoto,

among them the project The Circle at Zurich Airport. This project originated from a competition in

2009, which Yamamoto won despite a large number of international submissions.

The multifunctional building complex, whose inner organisation adapts medieval city structures in

a modern form, is based on Yamamoto’s research project on the Local Community Area, which is

also presented in the publication. It explores surprising as well as fascinating possibilities for the

aesthetic and sustainable design of dense urban structures.

Riken Yamamoto.How to make a city

Architekturgalerie Luzern (ed.)

With an interview by Hubertus

Adam with Kees Christiaanse,

Hiromi Hosoya and Riken


German / English

32 pages, approx. 30 i l lustrations

and plans

22 × 27.4 cm

Softcover with dust jacket and

Japanese binding

approx. Euro (D) 25.50, (A) 26.20,

CHF 32.–

ISBN 978-3-7212-0888-7

October 2013

Riken YamamotoHow to make a city




n Ya



Architekturgalerie Luzern


Page 4: mid-season preview of BENTELI and niggli, Fall 2013 (english)


Left: Axonometry project “Im

Hard”, Ateliers für Gestalter,


Below: Rock house, Sassalto

Centovalli, exterior view


Page 5: mid-season preview of BENTELI and niggli, Fall 2013 (english)

Alfred Altherr junior – Protagonist of Swiss Living Culture

The first publication on Alfred Altherr junior – a pioneer of furniture design

Vernissage and book presentation at the Forum of Architecture in Zurich on

November 7, 2013

Design+Design is a platform for

the cultivation of design culture,

especially vintage design. They

are based in Baden and regularly

host the Vintage Furniture Salon,

which features international gallery

owners. Joan Bil l ing and Samuel

Eberli believe that originals from

their different time periods exude a

certain energy and soul.


Alfred Altherr junior made his mark in the area of modern Swiss architecture as designer, architect,

museum director, lecturer and exhibition designer. Joan Billing and Samuel Eberli from

Design+Design reviewed and researched the comprehensive estate of this protagonist of Moder-

nism. They paved the way for a striking publication that puts Altherr and his work back into the


Already in his early years, Altherr was able to realize his first design for a steel tube lounger at the

company Embru in Rüti. He gained relevant experience during his internship with Le Corbusier

and Pierre Jeanneret in Paris. Altherr played an important part as an advocate of Swiss living cul-

ture He was a co-founder of the award “Die gute Form” and founder of the first “objective fur-

nishing design advice center” in Winterthur. His aim was to promote the new lifestyle not only to

the young Swiss but also to the older generation.

This publication shows that design culture is able to consolidate past and present. With texts by

Alfred Altherr, Arthur Rüegg, Michael Hanak, Susanna Koeberle, Peter Lepel, Claude Lichtenstein

and Juho Nyberg.

Alfred Altherr junior – Protagonist of Swiss Living Culture

Design+Design (ed.)

With texts by Alfred Altherr, Arthur

Rüegg, Michael Hanak, Susanna Koe-

berle, Peter Lepel, Claude Lichtenstein

and Juho Nyberg.


approx. 132 pages

approx. 107 illustrations

21 x 27 cm


Euro (D) 29.80 , (A) 30.60, CHF 38.–

ISBN 978-3-7212-0893-1

November 2013


06 07

006Ein Protagonist der Schweizer WohnkulturEine Einschätzung zu Alfred Altherr

Text: Joan Billing und Samuel Eberli Bilder: Nachlass Alfred Altherr

Obwohl das Schaffen von Alfred Altherr junior (1911–1972) unzählige Ausstellun- gen im In- und Ausland, Pu-blikationen, Bauten und

Möbel umfasst, wird sein Werk erst heute wieder allmählich entdeckt und erstmals in einen Kontext gestellt. Sein vielschichtiges Lebenswerk zählt zu den modernen An-strengungen zur damaligen neuen Wohn-kultur und ihrer Verbreitung.

Aufmerksamkeit wird heute vor allem den lautesten Mitmenschen zuteil – und auch ohne Unterbruch eingefordert. Egal, in welcher Sparte: Es werden Stars erkoren und gefeiert. Für den jungen Alfred Altherr, aufgewachsen in einem protestantischen Haushalt, dürften vor hundert Jahren an-dere Prioritäten prägend gewesen sein als die Selbstdarstellung. Sonst wäre es heu-te kaum nötig, ihn ins ö�entliche Bewusst-sein zurückzuholen, und sein Werk wäre schon längst aufgearbeitet. So jedoch ist Alfred Altherr junior kaum mehr bekannt – ganz im Gegensatz zu einigen seiner Ar-beiten, die heute noch unsere Umgebung

mitgestalten, wie zum Beispiel die Garten-bank, die für die «Landi» 1939 entstanden ist. Unaufdringlich und ohne Schmuck, fast puritanisch, aber bequem steht sie noch heute in vielen Parks und an ö�entli-chen Wegen.

Dass Alfred Altherr in seiner frühesten Ju-gend ausreichend Aufmerksamkeit und auch das nötige Rüstzeug erhielt, ist dank der Stellung seines Vaters als Direktor der Kunstgewerbeschule und des Kunstge-werbemuseums Zürich anzunehmen. Durch einen Bekanntenkreis im Bereich der Pro-tagonisten des Neuen Bauens in Deutsch-land, des Bauhauses, des Deutschen Werk-bundes sowie der Schweizer Design- und Architekturelite jener Zeit kam der noch sehr junge Altherr auch mit der damals modernsten Art der Möbelherstellung in Kontakt: der Produktion von Stahlrohrmö-beln. Es lag nahe, dass Alfred Altherr sich früh für den Weg des Architekten und De-signers entschied. Mit nur 20 Jahren konnte er bei der Firma Embru in Rüti sei-ne erste eigene Entwicklung einer Stahl-rohrliege ausführen. Embru war zu jener

Zeit der Tre�- und Angelpunkt der Prota-gonisten der europäischen Moderne. Ent-würfe von Marcel Breuer, Werner Max Mo-ser, Le Corbusier, Alfred Roth und Alvar Aalto wurden dort ausgeführt.

Ebenso positiv dürfte nach seiner Bau-zeichnerlehre das Volontariat bei Le Cor-busier und Pierre Jeanneret in Paris von den Zürcher Architektenkreisen um Karl Moser vermerkt worden sein. In dieser prägenden Zeit, als die Pioniere der Mo-derne die Gesellschaft und ihr Umfeld zu verändern begannen, fand Alfred Altherr nicht zuletzt durch die Freundschaft mit dem japanischen Architekten Junzo Saka-kura bereits mit 19 Jahren in Paris zu sei-nen grundlegenden Positionen, die ihn sein Leben lang begleiteten und seine Lie-be zur ostasiatischen Kultur und Architek-tur stärkten. Dies wiederum brachte ihn über 30 Jahre später dazu, eine beach-tenswerte Publikation über die japanische Architektur herauszugeben.

Vollständig in den Stand des selbsterwer-benden Architekten nach moderner Prä-

01 Alfred Altherr, in der Zeit um Paris


Page 6: mid-season preview of BENTELI and niggli, Fall 2013 (english)


Left: Airport Berlin Branden-

burg, signage and orientation

system for indoor and outdoor


Below: Site plan for the electri-

city plant in Berlin’s city center.

Laser-engraved in acrylic

1 : 1 ewerkLasergravur in Acryl > Seite 166


Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg

Moniteurs 1 : 1


Page 7: mid-season preview of BENTELI and niggli, Fall 2013 (english)

1 : 1 – Signage, Orientation, Identity

How are you going to find your bearings at the new Berlin airport?

Award-winning signage and orientation systems by Berlin-based office Moniteurs

Founded 1994 in Berlin, the office

Moniteurs is today headed by three

partners – Heike Nehl, Sibylle

Schlaich, and Isolde Frey. Moniteurs

develops concepts for the visual

communication of companies,

institutes, organisations, and NGOs.

They also design print and digital

media as well as graphical spatial

elements . Their aim is to illustrate

content in an easily comprehensible

form, convey dates and facts and

include people and their needs when

creating designs.

1 : 1 – Signage, Orientation, Identity is a special book. It not only describes the projects of the

last ten years and the way of working of the communications design company Moniteurs, but the

projects are also graphically brought into focus: in this way the book shows Moniteurs’ orientation

systems on a 1:1 scale. The concepts of individual projects are presented in short, concise texts

with many photographs and infographics, while an interview with the three owners of the company,

Heike Nehl, Sibylle Schlaich and Isolde Frey, gives an insight into their approach.

Moniteurs has existed since 1994. In addition to the design of signage and orientation systems,

the focal points of the company include information design and corporate design. This range is

reflected in the diversity, depth and precision of the projects. Many of them have received awards,

including the red dot award for the design of the orientation system for the “Aufbau Haus”, and the

Iconic Design Award 2013 for the “Potsdamer Platz” orientation system. The BMW Plant Orientation

System project was included in the touring exhibition of the Goethe Institute The Dimension of

Surface – Communications Design in Germany.

1 : 1 – Signage, Orien-tation, Identity

Moniteurs (Ed.)


224 pages

144 illustrations

23 × 28.5 cm

Softcover with flaps

Euro (D) 49.80, (A) 51.20, CHF 62.–

Englisch edition:

ISBN 978-3-7212-0890-0

German edition:

ISBN 978-3-7212-0889-4

October 2013

1 : 1

Niggli Nig


1 :


Leitsysteme Orientierung Identität


Zwei große Unternehmen haben ihren Sitz im Aufbau Haus: Die

„Aufbau Verlagsgruppe“ und „Modulor“ – ein Materialanbieter,

der als „Planet Modulor“ weitere Dienstleister aus Kreativ-

industrie und Handwerk ins Haus holte. Die Themen der beiden

Hauptmieter – Schrift und Material – bildeten den Ausgangs-

punkt für die Gestaltung des Orientierungssystems. An seiner

Herstellung – so die Idee von Moniteurs – sollten Handwerker

des „Planet Modulor“ beteiligt sein. Das Konzept der „mate-

rialisierten Schrift“ präsentiert sich nun in Form von gefrästen

Zeilen aus beschichteter Trägerplatte. Die einzelnen Zeilen

sind leicht auswechselbar und können bei Mieterwechsel gut

verändert werden. Kombiniert werden diese mit dreidimensional

anmutenden Kennzeichen auf der Wand. So entsteht bei aller

Vielfalt der Mieter ein übergeordnetes Erscheinungsbild, das

dem Haus seine eigene Identität verleiht.

Aufbau Haus

Leit- und Orientierungssystem

Fassade und Innenbereich

Berlin 2011


European Design Awards 2012

reddot design award 2012

Bundesdesignpreis 2012



Moritzplatz 1 Entwicklungs-

gesellschaft mbH


Clarke und Kuhn

freie Architekten BDA


17.500 qm


1 : 1 Flughafen

Berlin Brandenburg

> Seite 64 Abflug 07Flughafen

Berlin Brandenburg

> Seite 64 > Seite 54 Digitaldruck auf Folie



Page 8: mid-season preview of BENTELI and niggli, Fall 2013 (english)


Page 9: mid-season preview of BENTELI and niggli, Fall 2013 (english)

Neue Schriften. New Typefaces. Positions and Perspectives

Fascinating insights into the world of type design

Petra Eisele studied Art History and

German Studies. Research associate

for the History and Theory of Design

at the Bauhaus University Weimar.

She has been a professor of History

and Theory of Design at the FH

Mainz since 2006.

Isabel Naegele studied Visual Arts

at the HfG-Offenbach; in 1983 she

started studying Medicine in

Frankfurt a. M. Doctorate at the

Goethe University. Since 1999,

professor of Typography and Basics

of Design at the FH Mainz.

Annette Ludwig has been director

of the Gutenberg-Museum Mainz

since 2011.

Neue Schriften. New Typefaces. offers insight into the fascinating world of type design. Positions

in contemporary type design are presented in words and pictures: key protagonists offer insights

into their thinking and working, take a position on current developments under the new technical,

aesthetic and socio-political conditions.

While in the 1970s just a few hundred new typefaces were published, today we can choose from

tens of thousands of fonts — with an upward tendency. This publication, however, shows that cur-

rent type design is not subject to randomness or a fashionable hype. Seventy different type designs

present an overview of current developments. For the exhibition Call for Type. New Fonts. New

Typefaces. at the Gutenberg Museum in Mainz, twenty typefaces were chosen and expanded on in

very personal reflections by their designers, which take the form of interviews in the book. From the

rich international cosmos of typefaces, the book presents experimental type designs, based either

on a spontaneous idea or the concept of an individually chosen design project; there are display

fonts with a small range of styles or typefaces for books with large type families, which, often over

a number of years, were developed systematically with passion, endurance and an unswerving

attention to characteristic detail.

Therefore this publication not only documents a high professionalism, but also a great and passio-

nate enthusiasm as the driving force of today’s type designers.

Neue Schriften. New Typefaces.Positions and Perspectives

Isabel Naegele, Petra Eisele,

Annette Ludwig (eds.), a project by

the Gutenberg-Museum Mainz


258 pages

numerous type specimens

17 x 22.5 cm

Swiss brochure

Euro (D) 29,80, (A) 30,60, CHF 38.–

ISBN 978-3-7212-0892-4

November 2013


Page 10: mid-season preview of BENTELI and niggli, Fall 2013 (english)


Left: Plates by Phil ip Leutert

Below: Blitzl icht-Skulpturen by

Dominique Teufen


Page 11: mid-season preview of BENTELI and niggli, Fall 2013 (english)

Innovative pictures by young photographers

The winning works on tour in Switzerland:Lausanne, L’Elac, October 10–19, 2013Winterthur, Jungkunst, October 24–27, 2013Basel, Galerie Oslo 8, November 28, 2013 until January 5, 2014Roadshows, photo slams ... more info: facebook.com/verband.vfg.

The vfg, association of photographic

designers, and vfg pool represent

creative professional photography.

Their main goal is to spark and fuel

discussion surrounding the

photographic image and promote

professional photography in all

areas. The high quality of Swiss

professional photography is awarded

with a prize each year, thereby

arousing attention for the photogra-

phic image in the public.


The vfg Nachwuchsförderpreis is a competition for young photographers living in Switzerland and

has been hosted by the association of photographic designers (vfg) annually since 1995. Anyone

up to the age of 39 and/or who has been active as a photographer for a maximum of three years

can take part. The award is meant as a stepping stone and forum for talented young photogra-

phers. Pictures and concepts of the ten best works of the 17th edition are presented in this publi-

cation with accompanying commentary from the jury. They offer a fascinating insight into the work

of young Swiss photographic artists of today.

The jury of this year’s edition was comprised of: Lukas Frei (Manager Creation, Scholz & Friends

Schweiz AG, Zurich), Hannah Frieser (photographer and curator, New York), Ute Noll (Photo Director

at Du Magazin and curator, Stuttgart), Roberto Raineri-Seith (photographer, curator Krinein.org,

Locarno), Jules Spinatsch (artist, Zurich/Vienna).

vfg Award for Young Photographers 2013

Christoph Kern, Ferit Kuyas,

Roman Weyeneth (eds.)


68 pages

69 color i l lustrations

20 x 26 cm


Euro (D) 17.50, (A) 18.–, CHF 22.–

ISBN 978-3-7165-1785-7

September 2013


vfg Award for Young Photographers 2013

Page 12: mid-season preview of BENTELI and niggli, Fall 2013 (english)


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Publisher of architecture, design and typography