microstrategy 9 vs qliktech 11

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  • 7/28/2019 MicroStrategy 9 vs QlikTech 11


    A Comparison White Paper

    MicroStrategy 9 vs. QlikTech (QlikView 11)

  • 7/28/2019 MicroStrategy 9 vs QlikTech 11


    This White Paper relects the views, opinions and conclusions o MicroStrategy Incorporated (MicroStrate gy) and other contributors to this White Paper. This White Paper is provided as is and without

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  • 7/28/2019 MicroStrategy 9 vs QlikTech 11


    I. Executive Summary......................................................................................................................... 4

    II. Comparison of MicroStrategy 9 and QlikView 11on the Key BI Capabilities............................. 5

    1. Delivering More BI with Less IT Eort - MicroStrategy Delivers the Lowest TCO .............................. 7

    2. All User Needs through a Single Platorm..................................................................................... 11

    3. Sel-Service Through a Fast and Intuitive Web Interace................................................................ 15

    4. High Perormance at Any Scale .................................................................................................... 19

    5. Quick to Implement and Deploy, Easy to Maintain and Administer ............................................... 24

    6. Highly Interactive and Flexible Mobile Intelligence ........................................................................ 28

    7. Deep Insight through Superior Analytics ...................................................................................... 33

    8. Flexible Technology or Departmental to Enterprise BI .................................................................. 36

    III. MicroStrategy A Market Proven, Industrial-Strength Technology.......................................... 39

    MicroStrategy vs. QlikTech

  • 7/28/2019 MicroStrategy 9 vs QlikTech 11



    I. Executive Summary

    In the Business Intelligence (BI) marketplace, MicroStrategy competes vigorously with vendors such as QlikTech. At

    rst glance, it would seem that companies can use either MicroStrategy 9 or QlikView 11 to support their reporting

    and analysis needs. However, throughout the implementation and maintenance o BI applications, companies are

    realizing signicant dierences in the BI capabilities between MicroStrategy and the less robust and less integrated

    BI technologies o QlikTech. MicroStrategys organically grown architecture delivers superior perormance, scalability,

    usability, eciency, and reliability, all o which impact the total cost o ownership, user adoption, and ultimately, the

    success o the BI project.

    As user and business requirements have become more complex, IT budgets nonetheless have come under

    increasing pressure. Organizations need to deliver BI solutions in light o expanding user requirements, increasing

    amounts o data, and diering data sources with a minimal amount o IT resources. Non-robust BI architectures

    require higher amounts o IT eort because o the basic nature o deploying immature BI technologies which leads

    to redundant and repetitive administration and the constant development o one-o workarounds. In contrast,

    organically-developed BI architectures like MicroStrategys require the minimum amount o IT eort needed to

    deploy and maintain BI applications, and can empower business people to create their own reports without reliance

    on IT personnel.

    MicroStrategy 9 oers business users a redened user interace or a ast and intuitive user experience where

    they can access consistent inormation through secure Web, Microsot Oce, and mobile device interaces.

    MicroStrategys advanced analytical capabilities, such as predictive analytics and in-memory analysis, provide users

    with ast and deep insight. With MicroStrategys scalable architecture and a single metadata, users can seamlessly

    navigate rom scorecards and dashboards to reports and analysis without being required to open and close multiple

    BI tools and navigate dissimilar interaces.

    MicroStrategy 9 is advanced technology that allows companies to support all types o BI applications with a

    single technology. MicroStrategy 9 builds on MicroStrategys unique strengths at the high-end o BI to extend the

    boundaries o perormance, scalability, and eciency o enterprise BI. At the same time, MicroStrategy 9 brings

    quick-to-deploy BI technology easily within reach o smaller departmental BI initiatives through eatures such as

    multi-source data access, In-memory ROLAP, and Visual Insight. Just as importantly, MicroStrategy 9 provides a

    smooth migration path or islands o departmental BI to merge into a cohesive and consistent enterprise-wide

    ramework. With MicroStrategy 9, even as departmental BI applications are consolidated into the enterprise-wide

    ramework, departments can continue to retain the signicant autonomy and nimbleness that they enjoyed previously.

    For nearly 20 years, MicroStrategy customers have gained an edge over their competitors with ast, agile analysis

    using MicroStrategys best-o-breed technology. Companies and industry analysts widely recognize MicroStrategy

    or its administration-riendly architecture, robust security, sel-service zero-ootprint Web interace, and proven user

    and data scalability.

    This document discusses in detail the key dierences between MicroStrategy 9 and QlikView 11.

  • 7/28/2019 MicroStrategy 9 vs QlikTech 11


  • 7/28/2019 MicroStrategy 9 vs QlikTech 11



    5. Quick to Implement and Deploy, Easy to Maintain and Administer ..................................................... pg.24

    MicroStrategy provides organizations a platorm that is quick to implement and deploy as well as easy to

    maintain and administer, ueled by a single code base that oers the advantage o reusable business logic across

    the entire platorm. MicroStrategys single BI server provides ecient, centralized administration or IT and ewer

    moving parts, which translates into less downtime. QlikView lacks a common reusable metadata layer that is

    shared across documents. This creates a maintenance challenge as developers are typically orced to continually

    and manually synchronize metric denitions and security proles across documents.

    6. Highly Interactive and Flexible Mobile Intelligence ............................................................................... pg.28

    MicroStrategy Mobile extends BI capabilities on mobile devices well beyond traditional grid and graph reports

    and provides exceptional fexibility or creating purpose-built, workfow-driven mobile applications. MicroStrategy

    Mobile apps are built using a metadata-driven, point-and-click development paradigm, ully utilizing the

    MicroStrategy BI platorm inrastructure, security, and reusable metadata components. As a result, mobile

    applications are aster and easier to create, easier to maintain, and provide the administration eciencies needed

    to deploy to hundreds o thousands o users while providing the industry's lowest total cost o ownership.

    QlikView treats mobile devices as just another interace to deliver traditional BI. The QlikView mobile interace

    is not designed to use the powerul capabilities o mobile devices, and lacks the ability to provide a rich user

    experience that mobile users are accustomed to.

    7. Deep Insight through Superior Analytics................................................................................................. pg.33

    The MicroStrategy BI platorm provides an extensive set o data manipulation and analytic options to allow

    the user to delve deeply into a report to identiy and discover important trends and patterns in the data. Users

    can drill anywhere in the entire data warehouse or boundary-ree investigative analysis. Report designers and

    analysts can view and embed predictive analytics in reports and then distribute them to all relevant decision

    makers and stakeholders. QlikView does not automatically provide drill anywhere capabilities across all reports.

    Report developers must pre-dene all drill paths or each chart. QlikView is limited in the data mining and

    sophisticated predictive analytic capabilities that are available out-o-the-box.

    8. Flexible Technology for Departmental to Enterprise BI ......................................................................... pg.36

    MicroStrategys metadata reusability and lie cycle management tools, such as MicroStrategy Object Manager,

    enable departments to incrementally migrate their business logic into a consolidated enterprise BI environment.

    QlikView lacks an enterprise metadata layer and the tools required to consolidate disconnected QlikView

    applications into one enterprise-wide BI application.

    The ollowing section o the white paper provides a side-by-side evaluation o MicroStrategy 9 and QlikView 11

    along the key BI capabilities.

  • 7/28/2019 MicroStrategy 9 vs QlikTech 11


  • 7/28/2019 MicroStrategy 9 vs QlikTech 11



    Mics rkd hi admiii ecic

    0.4 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.40.8 1.0 1.2 2.20.6





    IBM Cognos Analysis

    IBM Cognos Reporting

    IBM Cognos TM1

    Information Builders

    Infor PM

    Jedox PALO

    Microsoft SSAS

    Microsoft SSRS



    Oracle BIEE

    Oracle Hyperion



    SAP BO Webl

    SAP BO Deskl

    SAP BW/ BEx Suite


























    Source: The BI Survey 9 (2010) This chart provides a KPI score or the deployed seats per administrator head. The KPI is calculated sothat higher administration costs lead to a lower KPI and vice versa.

    Figure 2: MicroStrategy Technology is Recognized or its Ability to Support Many More Users or Each IT Administrator

    MicroStrategy technology requires ar ewer IT personnel or a given amount o BI users because its metadata is

    inherently easier to maintain and because end users have more sel-service capabilities that ofoad work rom the

    IT sta.

    We evaluated several leading BI products and, using a total cost o ownership model, determined

    that MicroStrategy had the best combination o ease-o-use, time-to-market, successul retail

    implementations, and robust analytical capabilities. IT Senior Coordinator o Purchasing,Private Label and Reporting, Whole Foods Market

    The ollowing table lists out key capabilities in which the MicroStrategy 9 platorm helps organizations reduce costs

    when designing, deploying, administering and maintaining BI applications.

  • 7/28/2019 MicroStrategy 9 vs QlikTech 11






    Dmic rp


    MicroStrategy has very robust Prompting

    engine. End users can dynamically

    author reports at run time by selectingattributes, metrics, metric levels,

    templates, lters, and even hierarchies.

    This greatly reduces report design

    dependency on IT and the number o

    reports or IT to maintain.


    QlikView can simulate basic prompting on

    attribute and metric values using sliders

    and selectors. However, QlikView doesnot provide object or column prompts

    (i.e. prompts or selecting lters, metrics,

    hierarchies, etc.), so business users

    cannot easily author reports at run-time.

    aumic Mui-uc

    Di ayes

    Business users can automatically drill

    anywhere to any data source without IT

    hard coding.


    Report developers must pre-dene drill

    sequences or each chart.

    mi wb yes

    Easy What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get

    (WYSIWYG) formatting allows business

    users to ormat reports at runtime

    without IT support.


    WYSIWYG formatting requires the

    installation o ActiveX plug-in, thus

    orcing users to use Internet Explorer.

    o rpi

    rub Bui licyes

    Report developers can reuse all existing

    business logic across the entire platorm

    rather than spending time recreating

    business logic.


    Business logic for each report is dened

    and contained within the report, and

    cannot be reused across reports.

    viu ai rpid

    Dcii Mkiyes

    MicroStrategy Visual Insight allows

    business users to intuitively visualize, lter,

    and drill into their data. The drag-and-

    drop, WYSIWYG interface allows business

    users to make data driven decision quickly

    and without any IT involvement.


    QlikView provides capabilities to slice and

    dice data. However, it does not provide

    the capabilities to perorm ad hoc visual

    analysis o data.



    o rp Diaumic Dp

    a Ic

    yes The same report design is automatically

    optimized or interacting through all

    interaces including Web browsers,

    mobile devices, and Microsot Oce; and

    ormats including PDF, Flash, and HTML.


    Deploying to the zero-footprint client

    (ZFC) interace requires urther HTML

    coding to achieve the desired dashboard


    B aic

    Z-pi wbyes

    Eliminates client installation costs and

    ensures application is automatically


    Provides secure access for any browser

    without IT eort or reliance on ActiveX

    downloads or IE Active X dependence.


    The QlikView Zero-Footprint Client (ZFC)

    supports only a subset o the unctionality

    supported by the QlikView IE plug-in

    client. The layout delity and unctionality

    supported by the ZFC is also low. As a

    result, the deployment scenarios o ZFC

    are limited and restrictive.

    e Cumiz dUpd

    yes Upgradable plug-ins instantly customize

    to corporate look and eel without

    coding eort.

    Customizations are managed in a central

    location and can be upgraded with

    minimal IT eort.


    Customizations to the zero-footprint

    interace must be continually reapplied

    every time the interace is redesigned or

    upgraded, making customizations dicult

    to maintain.

    aumd Dpm yes

    Automated life cycle management tool

    synchronizes objects across development,

    test, and production environments thus

    greatly reducing manual work associated

    with BI deployments.


    Incremental updates made in a

    development environment cannot be

    easily merged or synchronized into the

    production environment.

  • 7/28/2019 MicroStrategy 9 vs QlikTech 11








    nteffort D Imp m

    wb Icyes

    MicroStrategy Data Import functionality

    is or business users and provides the

    ability to easily import data rom localles or relational databases and quickly

    converts them into dashboards or

    visualizations without any IT involvement.


    QlikView does not provide Web-based

    data import unctionality or business




    si s yes

    A centralized server dramatically reduces

    administrative eort and complexity.


    QlikView does not support all styles of BI

    through its server.

    si Pi


    Administrators need to create users and

    security settings once and these settings

    apply to the entire MicroStrategy platorm

    without requiring duplicate IT eorts.


    The QlikView Management Console

    (QMC) provides limited centralized

    management o the QlikView

    deployment. Security has to be dened

    locally within each document by

    modiying the QlikView script.


    sm-id Miiyes

    Prebuilt system performance dashboards

    allow the administrator to immediately

    analyze system usage data down to the

    details and to easily optimize resources.

    Automatically logs object change history

    without requiring IT sta eorts, easing

    auditing process.


    Reports to analyze the collected statistics

    are not provided out-o-the-box.

    Change journaling is not provided out-

    o-the-box, and developers must typically

    rely on third-party revision control

    or change journaling systems or this


    aumd scipi


    Reduces repetitive and time consuming

    administrative tasks through automated

    command line scripts.


    Administrators have limited ability to

    automate server-related administrative



    aumd rp

    d D Ii



    MicroStrategy administrators can uncover

    inconsistencies or errors beore business

    users see them while reducing 98% o

    manual regression testing eorts.


    QlikView does not provide automated

    regression testing tools to detect report

    and data discrepancies.

    hi rub Bui


    IT staff have to maintain only one

    business metadata object in one

    place, and this one denition is reused

    across the entire platorm to reduce IT

    maintenance eorts.


    QlikView provides very limited metadata

    reusability. This orces report developers

    to spend more time redundantly creating

    report objects.

    scb I-Mm

    rolaP acicuyes

    MicroStrategy customers can instantly

    leverage multiple types o data assetswithout moving data to an enterprise

    data warehouse.


    QlikView is an in-memory only product.

    In order or QlikView users to access dataassets, the data must rst be moved to a

    QlikView database.

    aumic C


    MicroStrategys unied platform and

    object-oriented development method

    ensure that a change is propagated to all

    related objects, ensuring one version o

    the truth with minimal IT maintenance



    There is no object or metadata reusability

    between documents. One change to

    a common business denition would

    require making changes to each QlikView

    document one by one, a mistake-prone

    and onerous process.

  • 7/28/2019 MicroStrategy 9 vs QlikTech 11



    2. all User neeDs throUgh a sIngle PlatorM

    The ideal architecture or business intelligence is the one that provides organizations with a single and cohesive

    model o the business that can be automatically displayed through any user interace. MicroStrategy users have

    the option to access a single version o the truth through interactive Web, Microsot Oce, and mobile deviceinteraces. MicroStrategy 9 includes a newly re-engineered Web user interace that is designed to be aster, more

    powerul, and more personalized than ever beore. The MicroStrategy 9 Web architecture boasts a wide range o

    perormance-enhancing changes that make the user interace interactive and instantly responsive to user requests.

    i s Bui Iic tu si Pm

    Figure 3: Users Can Seamlessly Traverse All Styles o BI rom a Unied Platorm and a Single Interace

    MicroStrategys long history and devotion to producing world-class business intelligence technology providedus with extreme condence that we are making the right decision or our casino partners. MicroStrategys

    interactive dashboards with advanced data visualizations will allow our clients to view complex data in

    an easily understood and graphically appealing manner to improve decision-making. In addition, we look

    orward to implementing MicroStrategys Mobile BI on the BlackBerry, iPhone, and iPad, which will give

    our customers ar greater fexibility in business intelligence than is currently available today. President,Aristocrat Technologies.

    Scorecards &




    OLAP Analysis &

    Visual Explora4on

    Data Mining &

    Predic4ve Analysis

    Mobile Apps &


    Ad Hoc Analysis Predic4ve Analysis Data Mining

    Visual Explora4on Slice & Dice Inves4ga4ve Analysis Root Cause Determina4on

    Pageperfect Opera4onal Repor4ng Pixelperfect Business Repor4ng Printperfect Statements & Invoices

    Opera4onal Dashboards Dynamic Scorecards Metrics Management

    Mobile Applica4ons Massive Informa4on Distribu4on iPad, iPhone , BlackBerry, email Excep4onbased Alerts

  • 7/28/2019 MicroStrategy 9 vs QlikTech 11




    Dmic epi Dbd

    Dashboards integrated with

    industrial-strength BI platorm

    Fast WYSIWYG Pixel Perfect


    Single design environment

    Automatically drill anywhere in any

    data source rom the dashboard

    Native parallel Flash and DHTML


    Multiple layers of analysis

    Multi-layout dashboards

    Automatic multi-panel ltering

    Dashboard templates reduce design


    Dashboard output caching in

    HTML, PDF, Excel, and Flash or

    instantaneous response

    Actionable dashboards


    Dashboards are created using reports

    and objects rom MicroStrategys single

    metadata. Intelligence Server provides its

    sophisticated processing, security, caching,

    and analytical capabilities.

    Users design dashboards rom

    MicroStrategys single Web interace

    using already amiliar design paradigm.

    Dashboards are created in a Pixel Perect,

    zero-footprint Web interface, WYSIWYG

    and reeorm layout.

    MicroStrategy dashboards provide high

    interactivity via selector controls that allow

    users to dynamically apply lters to all

    dashboard components and to synchronize

    data across multiple analytical layers o

    inormation. Users can automatically drill

    throughout the ull depth and breadtho the data warehouse to obtain more

    detailed inormation or view related


    MicroStrategy dashboards provide multi-

    panel and multi-tab layers or various views

    o data. Multiple dashboards can also be

    assembled into a single dashboard book.

    MicroStrategy 9 dashboard templates

    provide reusable starting points with

    sophisticated ormatting that can make

    any business user a dashboard designer.

    Pre-calculated dashboards are cached or

    instant viewing in HTML, PDF, Excel, and


    MicroStrategy provides the ability to

    implement, and embed transactional

    capabilities into the dashboards. Using

    MicroStrategy Dashboards, business users

    can not only monitor key business metrics,

    but also initiate appropriate actions rom

    within the dashboard.


    QlikViews pixel-perfect WYSIWYG

    dashboard design interace requires either

    a desktop client. Dashboard design is notpossible in a zero-ootprint Web client.

    This limitation makes it dicult to provide

    sel-service dashboard creation capabilities

    to a large user population.

    QlikView does not provide layout

    templates out-o-the-box. With little

    guidance in dashboard design, business

    users have a dicult time building

    eective dashboards.

    QlikView dashboards can be distributed

    as stand-alone les. However, the le is

    in a proprietary ormat, and viewing a

    dashboard ofine requires a QlikView

    desktop client. Dashboards cannot be

    exported to Flash.QlikView does not provide the ability to

    implement, and embed transactional

    capabilities into the dashboards.

  • 7/28/2019 MicroStrategy 9 vs QlikTech 11




    rpid Cmpi D

    tu adcd viuizi

    Out-of-the-box library of advanced


    Automatic drilling from


    Easy to create and deploy

    customized widgets

    Flexible properties support different

    types o data comparisons

    Extensible library of visualizations

    and widgets created by 3rd parties

    Customizable advanced

    visualizations and widgets


    MicroStrategy 9 provides an out-o-the-

    box library o advanced visualizations and

    widgets that enhance the understanding

    o complex data and highlight patterns

    and trends.

    MicroStrategy provides a library o

    advanced visualizations, including Bullet

    Graphs, Micro Charts, Interactive Heat

    Maps, Interactive Bubble Charts, Grid

    of Graphs, Bubbles Grid, RSS, Fish Eye,

    Media, Cloud, Time Slider, and Stack Area

    Charts. All visualizations have drilling

    capabilities and enable users to select data

    elements that lter out other areas o the

    dashboard. Each MicroStrategy widget

    has fexible capabilities and properties

    that enable users to immediately identiy

    or urther investigate trends or anomalies

    in the data. For example, the Heat Map

    widget incorporates OLAP technology

    that enables users to lter data based on

    numeric values.

    MicroStrategy customers can extend

    the advanced visualizations library

    by importing 3rd party visualizations.

    Advanced dashboard designers can edit

    or create their own visualizations or

    widgets. The widgets are built using the

    power o Adobe Flash and are part o

    MicroStrategys single platorm.


    QlikView provides basic visualizations

    such as bar, line, pie, radar, and gauge

    charts. Many advanced visualizations arenot available out-o-the-box, including

    data clouds, weighted lists viewer, graph

    matrix, calendar widgets, store layout,

    etc. Bullet graphs are also not supported

    natively, although they can be built by

    overlaying multiple graphs in order to

    give the appearance o a bullet graph,

    making them time consuming to build and


    QlikView also cannot embed Web-related

    content, such as HTML containers, media,

    and RSS eeds, without coding. Advanced

    interactive selectors such as sh eye

    selectors are also not available out-o-


    Metric calculations, or chart expressions,

    are dened within each chart. Because

    metric denitions dened in one chart

    cannot be easily reused across charts,

    report developers are orced to spend

    time redundantly dening metrics and

    maintaining the consistency o metric


    QlikView extension objects allow designers

    to create custom visualization components

    or use within QlikView. However QlikView

    extension objects are not suitable or large

    data volumes (10 thousand records or

    more). Also, extensions are not visible in

    reports and can only be used in QlikView


  • 7/28/2019 MicroStrategy 9 vs QlikTech 11




    rbu epi rpi

    Pixel Perfect absolute positioning

    OLAP-enabled grids and graphs

    Horizontal and vertical display of


    Desktop publishing formatting

    Advanced Export to Excel, Word,

    PowerPoint, or PDF

    High quality printing

    Templates for rapid design


    MicroStrategy oers comprehensive

    report styles or banded reports. These

    documents are highly interactive, providing

    in-place OLAP analysis through pivoting,

    drilling, and Excel-like ormatting toolbars.

    Highly ormatted documents are built

    using common desktop publishing

    paradigms such as rulers and Pixel Perect

    positioning, all in a zero-ootprint Web.

    MicroStrategys export to PDF capabilities

    support advanced PDF eatures such as

    table o contents and watermarks. Export

    to Excel supports export o multiple

    document layouts to multiple Excel


    Print-perect reports can be printed

    exactly as seen to any network printer.

    MicroStrategy documents can be printed

    horizontally or vertically. Users can

    dynamically change the page layout, apply

    t-to-page unctionality, and customize

    headers and ooters or any report.

    MicroStrategy provides out-o-the-box

    templates and the ability to create custom

    templates in order to decrease design time.

    These templates can be saved and shared

    across multiple projects.


    QlikView has limited production reporting

    capabilities. QlikViews report writer is

    limited in the breadth o ormattingcapabilities provided to report designers.

    Reports can be banded so that a dierent

    page is generated or each dierent

    attribute element value, but QlikView

    restricts reports to be banded by only one


    The report output is meant to be printed

    or output to PDF, and not to be viewed

    in the desktop or Web client. Accordingly,

    the documents generated by the QlikView

    report writer are not interactive, with no

    ltering or drilling possible.

    Production reports must be designed in

    a desktop client or ActiveX client, and

    cannot be designed over a zero-ootprintWeb interace.

    Imi Di d

    Pci nici

    Ability to self-subscribe and

    subscribe others to report deliveries

    Alerting and thresholds Wide range of output types: Web,

    e-mail, print, ax, wireless, and le


    Report bursting

    Portal integration, with support for

    portal servers including: Microsot

    SharePoint, SAP NetWeaver Portal,

    Oracle WebLogic, and WebSphere


    Users can subscribe themselves and

    other users to personalized reports and

    alerts. Report deliveries can be triggered

    by dynamic events, exception thresholds,or time schedules. Personalized content

    can be delivered via portal, print, email,

    wireless, or le servers.

    MicroStrategys platorm leverages highly

    scalable technology that slices a single

    report and dynamically bursts personalized

    inormation to the right users. Reusing

    a single report across hundreds o users

    saves processing resources.

    Portal integration is available out-o-the-

    box, with support or portal servers such

    as Microsot SharePoint, SAP NetWeaver

    Portal, Oracle WebLogic, and WebSphere.

    Portlet-to-portlet communication is also

    available out-o-the-box, making it easier

    to inject BI into a portal.


    Business users typically cannot sel

    subscribe to reports or delivery nor

    congure personal exception thresholds.

    Instead, an administrator would typically

    set up a recipient list to send reports on

    a periodic basis. Alternatively, a report

    developer can congure a QlikView

    document to display text in a pop-up

    window or send text as an email when

    certain threshold conditions are met.

    QlikView does not provide portal

    integration out-o-the-box, orcing

    developers to write a lot o code to

    present reports in portlets and to

    incorporate communication between

    QlikView and other portlets.

  • 7/28/2019 MicroStrategy 9 vs QlikTech 11




    ib d Pu olaP


    Drill anywhere fosters investigative


    Derived elements and derived

    metrics or on-the-fy calculations

    and groupings

    View lters for quick data ltering

    On the y creation of derived

    elements, custom groups, subtotals,


    Built-in nancial and statistical



    The MicroStrategy BI platorm provides an

    extensive set o data manipulation options

    to allow the user to delve deeply into a

    report to identiy and discover important

    trends and patterns in the data. Users can

    drill anywhere in the entire data warehouse

    or boundary-ree investigative analysis.

    New derived metrics, derived attribute

    element groups, lters, and subtotals

    can be created on-the-fy using existing

    metrics and attributes in the report. This

    unctionality makes it possible or users

    to perorm new calculations, custom

    groupings, and ltering directly on the

    report at the speed o thought.

    MicroStrategys analytical engine provides

    hundreds o built-in nancial, statistical,

    and mathematical unctions.


    QlikView is generally limited in the breadth

    o options it provides or end users to

    manipulate and analyze data. Datainteractivity on charts is generally limited

    to ltering. Drilling is not automatically

    enabled on charts. Instead, the report

    developer must generally pre-dene drilling

    sequences on each chart. The result is that

    drilling workfows are typically prescribed

    by the report developer, and the end users

    ability to analyze data is bounded.

    QlikView users are also limited in their

    ability to create new custom groups o

    attribute elements directly on a chart. Other

    data manipulations, such as new metric

    calculations and custom subtotals, require

    a power user to edit a chart denition in

    a wizard; such data manipulations are not

    available in one click.

    QlikView does not provide the breadth o

    OLAP, nancial, and statistical unctions

    that are provided out-o-the-box by


    sm Mic oc


    All Ofce products supported (Excel,

    PowerPoint, Word, Outlook)

    Leverage all BI reports and reporting


    Full new report creation

    Ability to save logic created in Excel

    back to enterprise metadata Persistent and interchangeable

    ormatting across Oce and Web

    Server based conguration for

    client settings, user, host, and IP

    address settings


    MicroStrategy delivers the complete

    reporting and analysis environment to

    Microsot Excel, PowerPoint, Word, and

    Outlook users. MicroStrategy Oce

    applications are linked to MicroStrategy

    security and administration, ensuring

    100% data consistency across the

    enterprise. Users are able to access existing

    reports or create new ones rom withinMicrosot Oce applications. Changes

    made through Microsot Oce are

    immediately refected across MicroStrategy

    Oce and Web interaces and can

    be saved to the enterprise business

    logic metadata layer. Microsot Oce

    ormatting changes are preserved ater

    automatic data updates.

    The Web administrator can set client side

    settings and security. Users can change

    their passwords through the amiliar

    Microsot Oce interace.


    QlikView reports and documents cannot

    be created rom within Microsot Oce

    products. The QlikView Microsot Oce

    integration is limited to exporting

    individual sheet objects to Excel.

    QlikView users can drag-and-drop charts

    rom the desktop QlikView client into a

    Microsot Oce document. However, this

    eature is not supported out-o-the-boxand requires installation o an ActiveX

    control and IE plug-in. End users will

    require installations o these controls or

    viewing a QlikView-embedded Microsot

    Oce document. This requirement makes

    it dicult to widely distribute QlikView

    embedded Microsot Oce documents.

    3. sel-servICe throUgh a ast anD IntUItIve weB InteraCe

    MicroStrategy 9 provides capabilities or business personnel to create their own ad hoc report designs easily rom

    their Web browser. Using drag-and-drop actions through the MicroStrategy 9 Web interace, any business person

    can assemble virtually any report by adding attributes and metrics to a simple report template without the need

    to know any technical details about the data or the underlying databases. With MicroStrategy 9, business users

    also have the ability to interactively build analysis with dozens o visualization options. To enhance usability, the

    MicroStrategy 9 Web user interace adopts many amiliar Microsot paradigms, including ribbon toolbars, accordion

    controls, control-click multi-select capability, and context-sensitive right-click actions.

  • 7/28/2019 MicroStrategy 9 vs QlikTech 11



    Mics Pid ed U i d Iuii U epic



    ViewsEasily Filter

    dataVisually Analyze Data or

    use OLAP enabled Grids

    Drop Zones for



    Figure 4: Design and Format a MicroStrategy Report Using a Fast and Intuitive User Interace

    MicroStrategys next-generation o advanced sel-service unctionality is designed to provide more control to business

    users. Business users can easily import their personal or corporate data directly rom the MicroStrategy Web interace

    and quickly convert the raw data into insightul visual analyses, reports, or dashboards. The MicroStrategy Visual

    Insight interace provides incredible speed-o-interactivity, stunning visualizations, drag-and-drop manipulations, and

    instant results thus allowing business users to rapidly go rom data to decisions.

    We were impressed with MicroStrategys sel-service architecture, ease-o-use, highly visual dashboards,and mobile reporting that allows us to put the analytics and reporting in the hands o the business user.

    MicroStrategys history in the business intelligence sphere also gave us condence that we had chosen the

    right technology partner.

    IT Specialist at Silverstar Casinos



    MetricsEasily lter

    dataDrop Zones for


    analysisVisually analyze data or

    use OLAP enabled grids

  • 7/28/2019 MicroStrategy 9 vs QlikTech 11




    U-id Ic

    Drag-and-drop actions

    One-click access

    Familiar Microsoft paradigms

    Tree view navigation

    Ribbon toolbars and menus

    Accordion controls

    Personalized interface

    User collaboration capabilities

    Context-sensitive online help

    Sophisticated formatting for nal

    report presentation


    The MicroStrategy Web interace

    leverages many amiliar, user-riendly

    paradigms, including older-tree

    navigation, ribbon toolbars, accordion

    controls, control-click multi-select

    capabilities, and context-sensitive right-

    click actions.

    MicroStrategy 9 enables collaboration via

    comments that can be added to reports

    to provide instructions to other users and

    to share inormation. Every report can

    maintain and display a set o notes with

    details on who let the note and when.

    MicroStrategy provides users

    comprehensive, context-sensitive help

    throughout the interace.

    MicroStrategy Web allows users to ormat

    reports and save custom ormat styles.

    These include row-level headers, row-level

    values, column-level headers, column-

    level values, metric headers, metric values,

    subtotal headers, subtotal values, custom

    groups, consolidation, and reports.


    QlikViews design interace allows or drag

    and-drop placement o charts and other

    dashboard elements. However, the editingo each chart involves navigating through

    a wizard to select data columns and dene

    metric calculations. Attributes and metrics

    cannot be dragged-and-dropped onto a

    grid or graph to modiy charts and perorm

    ad hoc analysis on-the-fy.

    QlikView has limited capabilities or logging

    notes and comments rom multiple users.

    A QlikView application can have a text

    input eld where users can append notes.

    However, QlikView is limited in its ability to

    automatically add details on the author and

    entry date o notes. QlikView is also limited

    in its ability to secure comment elds so

    that dierent users have dierent privileges

    to read, edit, and append notes.

    s-sic wb Ic

    Fully interactive interface with

    controls or data ormatting,

    manipulation, and analysis

    Real-time changes without a

    publishing process

    Creation of report objects, such as

    prompts and lters, over the Web

    What You See Is What You Get

    (WYSIWYG) design and editing of

    any report type over the Web

    Zero-footprint Web interface from

    any browser


    MicroStrategy puts wide-ranging control

    in the hands o business users, minimizing

    the need or IT personnel to perorm the

    same unctions. Business users are able to

    rapidly create, manipulate, ormat, and

    analyze any report themselves, all through

    a single Web interace. Report objects

    such as prompts, lters, derived metrics,thresholds, and totals can also be created

    over the Web. Individual columns and

    rows on a grid can be selected quickly

    and users can easily ormat, drill, pivot,

    and perorm other tasks on-the-fy.

    Changes are available right away without

    any need to publish or export inormation

    to other environments.

    Business users create highly ormatted

    reports using any metadata object using

    a zero-footprint, WYSIWYG design

    paradigm that drastically shortens report

    development time.

    MicroStrategy Web is zero-ootprint, and

    does not rely on Java or ActiveX. As aresult, report designers and business

    users can use any browser to design and

    interact with reports.


    Creating QlikView documents or

    dashboards requires a desktop client; it is

    not possible to create new documents rom

    a Web-based client. As a result, QlikView

    deployments typically give ad hoc report

    creation capabilities to a ew power users,

    while end users with Web access are

    limited to ltering, sorting, and pre-dened


    In order to make a QlikView dashboard

    available over the Web in a zero-ootprint

    client or QlikX IE client, the dashboard is

    rst designed on the desktop, and then

    a Web page must be generated rom

    that design. Depending on ormatting

    requirements, the generated Web page

    must then be urther customized via HTML

    code beore being published to a Web

    server. Any changes to the dashboard

    design must go through a similar

    publishing process in order to make the

    changes available to Web users. This makes

    Web deployments dicult to maintain.

    Drilling within a chart is limited to

    predened drill paths. I the user wants

    to see a dierent view o the data not

    available in the pre-dened drill path, the

    user must essentially recreate the chart by

    opening the chart wizard and selecting a

    dierent set o table columns to place in

    the chart.

  • 7/28/2019 MicroStrategy 9 vs QlikTech 11




    adcd s-sic


    Data Import

    Visual Insight


    The Data Import and Visual Insight

    unctionality is designed to give more

    control to business users. Business users

    can convert raw data into decisions in

    minutes and without assistance rom the

    IT department.

    Using Data Import unctionality, business

    users can easily import personal or

    corporate data rom local les, Excel

    les, or relational databases through

    the MicroStrategy Web interace. The

    imported data can be easily converted

    into interactive reports or dashboards

    without any IT assistance.

    MicroStrategy Visual Insight allows

    business users to visually identiy patterns,

    trends, and anomalies in data. Business

    users can intuitively query, visualize, lter,and drill into their data. A drag-and-drop,

    WYSIWYG interface enables business

    users to visualize the changes as they

    are made. MicroStrategy Visual Insight

    provides incredible speed-o-interactivity,

    detailed visualizations, and instant query

    results, thus allowing business users to

    rapidly go rom data to decisions.


    QlikView does not provide advanced

    sel-service capabilities. Importing personal

    or corporate data is not supported rom

    the Web interace. In addition, existing

    QlikView scripts cannot be accessed rom

    the Web interace, and end users cannot

    save changes to the QlikView documents

    (except shared objects) rom the Web

    interace. As a result, the sel-service o end

    users is severely constrained.

    QlikView does not provide an interace

    or visualizations specically designed

    or perorming visual analysis o data. In

    addition, perorming actions like adding

    new metric calculations or custom

    subtotals require a power user to edit a

    chart denition in a wizard, making the

    process o data exploration tedious and lessintuitive.

    I rp U aci

    Extreme AJAX Web interface

    High degree of client-side

    processing while maintaining a

    zero-ootprint Web client


    The MicroStrategy Web architecture

    adheres to an Extreme AJAX model,

    shiting processing rom the Web server

    to the Web browser or any browser

    type. By spreading the processing

    workload, the user is given a muchmore responsive and interactive Web

    experience while still preserving a true

    zero-ootprint Web interace.


    Users who need a highly responsive

    interace with a high degree o client-side

    processing would typically use QlikViews

    desktop client or the ActiveX plug-in or

    Microsot Internet Explorer. A desktop

    client is dicult to deploy to a largeuser population, and an ActiveX plug-in

    cannot be deployed to users who use

    browsers other than Internet Explorer. A

    zero-ootprint AJAX interace is available,

    but this interace typically requires custom

    HTML coding to ully ormat the interace,

    and the architecture does not ollow an

    Extreme AJAX model. Consequently, a

    highly responsive QlikView interace is

    dicult to deploy to a wide audience.

  • 7/28/2019 MicroStrategy 9 vs QlikTech 11




    Dmic rp Pizi

    Comprehensive parameter and

    question prompting (column, lter,

    search based, value, hierarchical)

    Personal answers saved for reuse

    across dierent reports

    Security proles personalize report

    content or individual users


    In MicroStrategy, a single report can span

    hundreds o possible data combinations

    tailored to dierent user needs.

    MicroStrategy prompts provide report

    input parameters that control most

    aspects o a report, and give the user

    signicant ad hoc reporting capabilities.

    Prompts enable the personalization o

    reports rom a single report denition,

    reducing the number o objects stored in

    the metadata repository.

    Advanced report parameters, like object

    (column) and hierarchy prompts, allow

    users to select the business attributes and

    KPIs to include in the report at run-time.

    MicroStrategy Web displays prompt values

    and report contents that are permitted

    by the user's security prole. For example,

    when running a prompted report,

    dashboard, or document, the user can

    only select prompt answers that he has

    permission to see. In a similar way, when

    running a report, only the metrics and

    attributes that the user has permission to

    see will be displayed to the user.


    QlikView does not natively support

    prompting. QlikView developers can only

    simulate basic element list prompting usinglist boxes.

    QlikView users cannot be prompted to

    select hierarchies, columns, lters, and

    metrics during run-time to generate a

    report that shows only the data that is o

    interest to them.

    QlikViews lack o prompting abilities

    results in developing, deploying, and

    maintaining more applications as compared

    to MicroStrategy. With MicroStrategy, a

    single highly prompted report can satisy

    the analysis requirements or thousands o

    users across multiple departments.

    Security proles, including row-level and

    column-level security, can be dened sothat dierent users opening the same

    document can only see data they are

    permitted to see. However, security is

    dened locally within each QlikView

    document. For a sizable BI deployment

    security maintenance in QlikView can be

    very tedious, time consuming, and dicult

    to maintain.

    4. hIgh PerorManCe at any sCale

    MicroStrategy technology has long been the perormance leader at high user counts and data scale. MicroStrategy

    9 continues and extends that leadership with adaptive caching technology called In-memory ROLAP and SQLgeneration optimizations that can deliver the highest query perormance, even when accessing hundreds o

    terabytes o data. In-memory ROLAP takes advantage o the huge addressable memory space now available on 64-

    bit computers to provide high perormance middle-tier databases that can respond directly to data requests rom

    reports, dashboards, and OLAP analyses.

    We look orward to using MicroStrategy 9 In-memory ROLAP technology to help us improve our userexperience with aster response times and to take unnecessary pressure o our Teradata system. Manager o BI Architecture, eBay

  • 7/28/2019 MicroStrategy 9 vs QlikTech 11



    I-mm BI i vid i Pmc Cu BI sm



    In-memory On-Disk

    Caching Query

    DatabaseQuery Slower

    Response Time

    Data SetCachingReport



    Data SetCaching



    In-memory On-Disk

    Caching Query

    FasterResponse Time

    Figure 5: MicroStrategy In-Memory BI Provides the Combination o Fast Response Time rom Multidimensional Caching and the Flexibility o

    Ad Hoc Query BI

    ROLAP is unique among BI architectures in that it can model whole relational databases as i they were a single

    multi-dimensional cube. In this case, the cube is virtual since relational databases oten contain terabytes o data

    that could not t within any physical cube technology. MicroStrategys virtual cube provides MicroStrategy users

    with the ability to perorm OLAP interactions with the data and drill reely throughout the vast virtual cube without

    the severe size limitations o MOLAP architectures.

    MicroStrategys new In-memory ROLAP option is game changing. Unlike other in-memory approaches onthe market today, it is ully integrated with an enterprise BI environment and provides high perormance

    transparently to business users. The way in which large amounts o data are stored and accessed in-memory

    is so seamless that I was skeptical until I saw the actual SQL generated and witnessed the perormance.

    Cindi Howson, Founder o BIScorecard

    Mics 9 Mui-uc rolaP a D eim b opimizd Pmc d C

    MicroStrategy Virtual Cube

    MarketingData Mart

    MicroStrategy Virtual Cube

    MfgData Mart

    EnterpriseData Whse

    SalesData Mart

    FinancialData Mart

    Lookups, Aggregates,Summary Data

    Enterprise Data Warehouse

    Supporting Hub and Spoke Data Architectures Balance the Workload Across Databases







    Figure 6: MicroStrategy Multi-source ROLAP Helps Decrease Time to Value by incorporating Hub and Spoke Architectures and Decrease Cost

    by Switching Database Processing rom the Enterprise Data Warehouse to Alternative Lower Cost Databases.

  • 7/28/2019 MicroStrategy 9 vs QlikTech 11



    Successul BI systems oten experience dramatic growth in user populations. It is increasingly common or a single

    MicroStrategy BI installation to support thousands and even tens o thousands o business users. The technical

    challenge in these circumstances is to be able to eciently accommodate thousands o concurrent user sessions

    while providing high perormance and easy administration. MicroStrategy 9 supports 64-bit Java Virtual Machines

    (JVMs) in both J2EE Web servers as well as ASP.net Web Servers. The dramatically expanded memory available in 64-

    bit JVMs supports many more concurrent user sessions, and allows users to display and interact with larger reports

    and dashboards.

    The most critical actor or our organization is the speed with which we can react to the needs o thebusiness. MicroStrategy enables our executives and other business users to run reports and analyses

    within seconds, which in turn, allows our employees to make timely decisions that dramatically impact

    the business. Also, our high perormance BI environment encourages the use o BI across the company,

    providing greater visibility into the business or more employees. Chie Inormation Ofcer, FAMIQ


    Quick rp tim

    In-memory ROLAP

    Dynamic sourcing

    Dynamic multi-level caching


    MicroStrategys In-memory ROLAP

    capabilities leverage 64-bit operating

    systems to improve the overall

    perormance o the BI system. In-memory

    ROLAP cubes improve the perormance o

    the most time-consuming and requently-

    used queries, while still allowing users

    to seamlessly navigate the entire data


    When building a report, the report

    developer never has to explicitly reerence

    an In-memory ROLAP cube. Dynamicsourcing capabilities automatically direct

    queries to In-memory ROLAP cubes

    whenever possible. Administrators can

    be assured that the In-memory ROLAP

    cubes they create will automatically

    and immediately improve overall query


    MicroStrategy provides automatic caching

    at multiple levels, including element

    list, metadata object, report dataset,

    XML denition, document output, and

    database connection caching. Caching

    makes the entire BI system ecient by

    reducing redundant computations and

    network trac.


    QlikView is an in-memory-only product

    and holds its entire database in memory.

    QlikView cannot ofoad portions o

    its database to disk, so the entire

    database must t in memory. QlikViews

    perormance is thus limited by the amount

    o data being analyzed and the memory

    capacity o the mid-tier server or client.

    QlikView does not allow dynamic sourcing

    o data. All data must be queried rom

    QlikView cubes, resulting in increased

    hardware costs and wasteul utilization odatabase processing power.

    QlikView caches recently calculated chart

    aggregations in memory, but does not

    persistently store these caches to disk.

    Because the chart caches exist only in

    memory, the caches typically do not exist

    as long as a disk-persisted cache. As a

    result, the same chart aggregations are

    oten calculated redundantly.

  • 7/28/2019 MicroStrategy 9 vs QlikTech 11




    hi Pmc rolaP ei

    Push-down joins

    Push-down analytics

    Multi-pass SQL

    Support for all implementations of

    multi-pass SQL, including the use

    o temp tables, derived tables, and

    common table expressions

    Minimize network trafc

    Automatic aggregate awareness

    Database-specic SQL generation

    and optimization through VLDB


    SQL query optimization algorithms


    MicroStrategys ROLAP architecture uses

    the database or much o its processing.

    Data joins and analytic calculations are

    processed in the database whenever

    possible. MicroStrategys multi-pass

    approach provides the fexibility to answer

    analytical questions in an optimal manner.

    Any technical advances in the database are

    seamlessly accessible to the MicroStrategy

    platorm. By leveraging the database to

    its ullest extent possible, large volumes

    o transaction level data are processed

    eciently and network trac is minimized.

    Automatic and intelligent support or common

    data warehouse optimization techniques

    like aggregate tables and table partitioning

    ensures that the MicroStrategy SQL engine

    maximizes database usage or every analysis.

    VLDB properties allow or urther ne-tuning

    o the SQL engine on both a global and

    report-by-report basis. Through VLDB

    drivers, MicroStrategy can optimize table

    join sequences, databases parallel execution

    capabilities, query optimization hints, and

    other database-specic tuning parameters.

    Global SQL query optimization algorithms

    optimize complex queries to reduce the

    number o SQL passes, providing urther

    perormance improvement to queries.


    QlikView relies on the client or mid-tier

    server to perorm all its processing and

    does not provide a push-down architecture

    where processing is shited rom the mid-

    tier server to the database. Data joins are

    pre-processed when loading the data into

    QlikViews proprietary in-memory database,

    but analytic calculations and aggregations

    are perormed on-the-fy by the client or

    mid-tier (i.e. QlikView server). This aspect

    o QlikView architecture results in wasteul

    utilization o the underlying databases

    processing power and puts additional

    pressure on QlikView server resulting in

    more hardware costs and perormance


    Each year DB vendors spend millions o

    dollars in R&D to improve their perormance,

    MicroStrategy benets rom these

    improvements transparently because o

    MicroStrategys push-down architecture;

    QlikTech cannot leverage these investments

    as the entire database is held in-memory.

    Some recently calculated aggregations

    are cached or use by multiple users, but

    the caches exist only in memory and not

    persisted to hard disk. These aspects o

    QlikViews architecture limit its scalability, as

    perormance is bounded by the CPU and

    memory capacity o the mid-tier server or


    QlikView has limited options to pre-

    aggregate data or partition data across

    multiple servers. As a result, QlikView islimited in its ability to optimize and tune the

    perormance o its database engine.

  • 7/28/2019 MicroStrategy 9 vs QlikTech 11




    Mk P epi

    scbii d Pmc

    Native 64-bit BI processing

    64-bit Java Virtual Machines (JVMs)


    Server Clustering for failover

    recovery and load balancing

    Customer references for large

    user and data scale production



    The MicroStrategy platorm is designed

    or enterprise scalability. Native 64-bit

    processing allows MicroStrategy to

    support large numbers o users and data

    volumes while improving perormance.

    MicroStrategy supports native 64-bit

    processing or all major operating systems,

    and across the entire BI platorm.

    MicroStrategy also ully supports 64-bit

    Java Virtual Machines (JVMs) in both

    J2EE Web servers as well as ASP.net Web

    Servers. The expanded memory available

    in 64-bit JVMs allows or optimal Web

    perormance across the enterprise. One

    server can maintain more concurrent user

    sessions and run much larger reports,

    reducing overall hardware costs.

    A cluster-capable server provides loadbalancing and automatic ailover

    capabilities, so system resources are

    allocated eciently and system uptime is

    maximized. MicroStrategy clustered servers

    support asymmetric congurations, so

    each cluster node can support dierent

    applications. All cluster nodes share caches

    and in-memory cubes and all changes

    made to the metadata objects and security

    settings take eect immediately.

    MicroStrategy has many customer

    reerences or deployments to thousands

    o users who are reporting and analyzing

    tens o terabytes o data.


    RAM need by QlikTech is not only

    aected by the amount o data, but also

    by the number o users simultaneouslyaccessing the QlikView application. Each

    QlikView user needs to have its own

    User Session States; storing the User

    Session States and aggregates takes up

    RAM above and beyond the RAM used

    to store the QlikView application. It

    is not uncommon to have a QlikView

    application that takes up nearly 100% o

    the RAM or each additional user. Having

    3-5 concurrent users accessing the same

    QlikView application could easily double

    the amount o RAM required, creating

    serious scalability, perormance, and user

    concurrency issues.

    QlikTech only supports the Windows

    platorm. By not oering UNIX versions,

    QlikTech limits customers deployment


    QlikView is limited in the extent to which

    resources can be optimally shared across

    a cluster. For example, chart aggregations

    that are calculated on one server are

    cached only in the memory o that server,

    and not shared across a cluster.

    QlikTech does not have the long reerence

    list that MicroStrategy has o customers

    that have proven the products data and

    user scalability.

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    5. QUICK to IMPleMent anD DePloy, easy to MaIntaIn anD aDMInIster

    MicroStrategy 9 can deliver BI solutions quickly with little or no IT support. MicroStrategys unied BI architecture

    oers many IT timesaving eatures including object reuse and optimized administration. MicroStrategy 9 allows

    organizations to create a single shared business logic layer, the metadata, which presents a single cohesive modelo the business. Object reuse across the entire platorm acilitates aster application development. Object reuse

    across the entire platorm also minimizes IT maintenance eort, since IT only needs to maintain one object instead

    o several (or several hundred) object copies. Object reuse ensures a single version o the truth that persists across

    all reports, dashboards, and analyses, regardless o who creates them.

    Mics a rp Di C rub Md Cmp

    Range of Metadata

    Elements Used in Reports












    Custom Groupings







    MicroStrategy Other BI














    Figure 7: The More Comprehensive the Reusable Metadata, the More an Enterprise can Ensure Fast and Managed Development

    MicroStrategy designed its architecture to minimize administration overhead through capabilities such as a single

    administration point, reusable and automated cell level data security, and automatic internationalization eatures.

    A central point o control across the entire platorm reduces overhead. MicroStrategys universally-applied reusable

    security system protects the privacy o the data and dynamically lters out data rom any report based on the

    security prole o each business user. MicroStrategy 9 oers the ability to automatically present every report,

    dashboard, or OLAP analysis in the local language o each business user viewing the inormation without requiring

    any additional design work by report authors. MicroStrategy capabilities, such as centralization and automation,

    allow administrators to deliver secure BI to any user base, whether to a department or to thousands o users, with

    minimal IT eort.

    The new BI system has reduced the time we spend on monthly reporting by more than 50%. There is nowmore time to spend on operations and innovation. IT Specialist, Silverstar Casino

  • 7/28/2019 MicroStrategy 9 vs QlikTech 11




    Uid BI acicu

    Single interface provides seamless

    integration o analytics and reporting

    or root cause analysis

    Single metadata reduces IT effort

    Single Server

    Single code base across platforms

    Single, zero-footprint Web interface


    MicroStrategys single code base oers

    reusable business logic across the entire

    platorm. For example, MicroStrategysdashboards can be made rom

    existing reports and objects, speeding

    development and ensuring consistency

    o report logic across reports and


    MicroStrategys single BI server provides

    ecient, centralized administration

    or the IT administrator. A single server

    with ewer moving parts and processes

    translates into less downtime.


    QlikView is limited in its ability to provide

    all ve styles o BI. QlikView is limited in

    its ability to generate the complete rangeo enterprise reports (highly structured,

    multi-page reports); to perorm complex

    OLAP analysis (including statistical, data

    mining, and predictive analytics); and to

    deliver sophisticated user-driven alerting.

    All metadata associated with a QlikView

    objects, such as metric and lter

    denitions, are contained within the

    document and cannot be shared across

    QlikView documents. The lack o a

    common reusable semantic layer creates

    a maintenance challenge; as metric

    denitions change, report developers are

    typically orced to manually synchronize

    denitions across reports.

    QlikView has three dierent Web

    clients to choose rom. These clients

    provide dierent levels o unctionality.

    The QlikView Zero-Footprint Client

    (ZFC) supports only a subset o the

    unctionality supported by the QlikView

    IE plug-in client.

    rub d ric Md l

    Robust abstraction layer where all

    physical constructs can be modeled

    logically and hidden rom the business


    Highly reusable metadata

    Automatic change management

    Object-oriented metadata


    MicroStrategys object-oriented

    metadata denes an enterprises

    business layer in a single repository.

    Metadata objects can be nested as

    building blocks to create more complex

    objects. I a metadata object changes,

    every other metadata object dependenton it automatically changes. This ensures

    consistency across business denitions

    and minimizes the number o objects to

    create and maintain.

    MicroStrategy assembles all metadata

    objects necessary or a report and

    dynamically builds the report SQL at

    run-time. Complex queries, such as set

    qualications, dimensional calculations,

    and custom groupings, are created easily

    without requiring manual SQL coding.


    As each QlikView dashboard is a

    standalone application, there is little

    object or metadata reusability between

    dashboards. This makes it dicult to

    maintain one consistent business view

    o the data. One change to a business

    denition would involve making changesto each QlikView application one by

    one, a mistake-prone and onerous

    process. The lack o object reusability

    makes the BI environment more dicult

    to maintain, and increases the risk o

    having multiple versions o the truth.

    QlikView lacks an object-oriented

    metadata. Many calculations are typically

    created anew or each new report and

    cannot be used as building blocks to

    build other report objects. This orces

    report developers to spend more time

    redundantly creating report objects.

  • 7/28/2019 MicroStrategy 9 vs QlikTech 11




    epi-Cib admiii

    Single management console

    Self-tuning scalable server for

    maximum perormance

    Impact analysis

    Usage monitoring / auditing

    Controlled environment for usage


    Object management / migration

    Change journaling

    Automated regression testing

    Optimization of In-Memory ROLAP



    MicroStrategys centralized

    administration provides a single

    console or real-time user and systemmanagement. Administrators can view

    and perorm tasks on many system-wide

    activities, including executing jobs, user

    management, and scheduled services.

    MicroStrategy Enterprise Manager

    provides out-o-the box platorm

    monitoring with hundreds o KPIs and

    corresponding dashboards to perorm

    impact analysis, auditing and tuning o

    the BI application.

    MicroStrategy Object Manager acilitates

    metadata lie cycle management,

    metadata dependencies, and project


    MicroStrategys change journalingsystem captures and logs all changes

    to the metadata. Change tracking is

    critical or Sarbanes-Oxley compliance.

    Persistent commenting allows distributed

    development teams to communicate

    with one another about their changes.

    MicroStrategy Integrity Manager

    automates the report comparison

    process and veries the consistency o

    reports. This tool can detect, compare,

    and present inconsistencies in reports

    and data caused by changes in the BI

    ecosystem. Discrepancies in data values,

    SQL, and graph display are highlighted.

    Cube Advisor recommends andautomatically creates an optimal set o

    In-Memory Cubes to reduce database

    processing and improve response times.


    In order to be data scalable, simply being

    able to store and process large volumes

    o data is insucient. Large datavolumes are typically associated with:

    Complex Schema

    Many tables and columns

    Sophisticated analytical needs

    Large number of users (which typically

    translates to more reports to maintain)

    QlikView is typically dicult to

    administer under these conditions.

    QlikView provides limited out-o-the-box

    inrastructure to perorm analysis on

    server statistics. QlikView collects usage

    statistics in a log le, not in a database

    in a ormat that is easily analyzable.

    QlikView also does not have out-o-

    the-box reports to analyze the collected


    QlikViews capabilities to queue and

    prioritize jobs are limited. As a result,

    the administrator has little control to

    prevent the mid-tier server rom being

    overtaxed or to properly prioritize

    resource allocation. QlikView provides

    system statistics to the administrator

    or example, how many users are logged

    in and how many jobs are running.

    However, the administrator typically

    does not have detailed visibility into

    who is logged in and what jobs they are

    running. QlikView also does not allow

    the administrator to manually log out

    users or kill jobs. In short, the QlikView

    administrator can monitor the system,

    but has little power to act.

    QlikView does not natively provide

    change management acilities.

    Entire documents can be moved

    rom development to production

    environments, but incremental updates

    made in a development environment

    cannot be easily merged into the

    production environment.

    QlikView does not provide change

    journaling out-o-the-box, and

    developers must typically rely on

    third-party revision control or change

    journaling systems or this capability.

    QlikView does not provide automated

    regression testing tools to detect report

    and data discrepancies caused by

    changes in the BI system.

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    Idui-s Mui-


    One, reusable setup for platform-wide

    cell level data security

    Same report yields different views

    o the inormation based on user


    User prole determines appropriate

    level o unctionality

    Truly zero-footprint Web interface. No

    use or download o ActiveX and other


    Automatic secure extranet ready with

    128-bit encryption

    Integrate with any security

    inrastructure with single sign-on


    MicroStrategy provides centralized

    security administration across the entire

    platorm. Reusable user proles and

    privileges automatically ensure users only

    access the appropriate inormation and

    unctionality down to the data cell level.

    MicroStrategy automatically provides

    128-bit end-to-end encryption with a

    zero-ootprint Web client, making it a

    secure platorm behind the rewall.

    MicroStrategy automatically integrates

    with existing security authentication

    inrastructure such as LDAP, NT,

    Windows Active Directory, Tivoli, CA

    SiteMinder, and database security.


    QlikView security is generally managed

    locally within each dashboard. Security

    permissions are dened locally withineach QlikView document, instead o

    being automatically applied across

    all reports and dashboards across the

    entire BI implementation. In order to

    implement row level security or users,

    QlikView designers have to modiy the

    QlikView script and assign appropriate

    access privileges to the QlikView

    document users. This makes security

    management both tedious and error-

    prone, especially as the user population


    QlikView typically requires administrators

    to write code in order to integrate with

    security authentication inrastructure

    such as LDAP, NT, Windows Active

    Directory, IBM Tivoli, SiteMinder, and

    database security.

    QlikViews zero-ootprint Web client

    provides less unctionality than the

    ActiveX and Java plug-in versions o

    the QlikView Web client. A business

    user who needs greater interactivity

    will typically require an ActiveX control,

    making it dicult to deploy widely

    as some users may be restricted rom

    installing ActiveX controls.

    e Mii gb


    Native support for multilingual


    Congurable translations for multiple

    content categories, including the

    interace, error messages, date/number

    ormatting, metadata objects, and

    report data

    Integrated interfaces and wizards to

    input translations or import translation


    Support for partially translated


    Flexible support for multiple data

    warehouse translation methods

    Internationalization-aware data pre-



    MicroStrategy oers the ability to

    dynamically present every report,dashboard, or OLAP analysis in the local

    language o each business user viewing

    the inormation.

    Translation wizards and interaces make

    it easy or end users to input or import

    translation strings into the metadata.

    Translations can be perormed

    incrementally; allback language settings

    allow or partially translated metadata.

    Multiple methods o data warehouse

    translations are supported, including

    translations at the column-level, row-

    level, table-level, and database-level. A

    single In-memory ROLAP Cube supports

    multiple languages so that resources are

    used eciently.


    QlikViews out-o-the-box support

    or multilingual deployments isgenerally limited to presenting

    the QlikView interace in various

    languages. QlikView has limited native

    support or multilingual metadata

    and data. Translation capabilities

    are not incorporated into the data

    loading and modeling environment,

    nor is it incorporated into the report

    development environment.

    QlikView does not provide interaces

    to simpliy the process o inputting

    or importing translation strings into

    the metadata. In order to support

    a multilingual deployment rom a

    single QlikView document, the report

    developer must implement workaroundsthat are time consuming to develop and


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    e Cumiz d Mi


    Single development environment for

    entire platorm

    Easy to create and upgrade

    customizations via Web Customization


    Eclipse Integrated Development

    Environment(IDE) integration

    Flex Builder support

    Extensive API documentation


    The MicroStrategy SDK is a

    comprehensive development

    environment primarily used or

    integrating MicroStrategy unctionality

    into other existing systems, especially

    enterprise portals, and customizing

    and extending the unctionality o

    MicroStrategy Web.

    The MicroStrategy Web Customization

    Editor integrates into the Eclipse

    IDE. Developers can easily perorm

    MicroStrategy Web customization and

    migration tasks by eliminating the need

    to manually modiy conguration les.

    MicroStrategy provides Flex Builder 3.0

    support or creating powerul Internet

    applications embedded with robust

    business intelligence.

    The MicroStrategy Developer Zone oers

    developers access to documentation via

    advanced search unctionality such as

    sorting results by relevance or by date,

    wild card and exact phrase searching,

    word highlighting, spelling suggestions,

    and exclusion searches.

    MicroStrategy provides developers

    with an online collaborative community,

    documentation, and customization

    code samples.


    The QlikView zero-ootprint Web

    interace ollows a publishing model

    to deploy and customize reports. The

    interace is designed in the desktopclient, and then the Web interace HTML

    le is generated and placed on the

    Web server. Customizations are then

    applied to the generated Web page. I

    the interace is redesigned or upgraded,

    then a new HTML le must be generated,

    and any interace customizations must

    be reapplied. Because customizations

    must be continually reapplied, Web

    customizations are dicult to create and


    6. hIghly InteraCtIve anD lexIBle MoBIle IntelIgenCe

    The use o the Internet on smartphones and other mobile devices has changed the way people communicate and

    consume inormation, creating an exponential rise in the acceptance, adoption, and usage o data. With the ability

    to access inormation at any time, in any location, on a hand-held device, consumers can now make more and

    more decisions quickly and easily.

    MicroStrategy oers a very robust and innovative mobile app development platorm that can be used either

    or creating purpose-built, workfow-driven mobile applications, or or directly displaying existing Reports and

    Dashboards on mobile devices without the need o re-authoring.

  • 7/28/2019 MicroStrategy 9 vs QlikTech 11



    MicroStrategy Mobile Apps:

    Are faster and simpler to develop (no coding) Created by metadata driven, point-and-click paradigms

    and ully utilizing MicroStrategys BI inrastructure, security, and reusable metadata components.

    Are easier to maintain Changes to the centralized BI platform metadata are instantaneously

    propagated to all user interaces, including mobile devices. Changes are made once and only in oneplace in the metadata, ensuring a single version o the truth and hassle-ree maintenance.

    Are enterprise grade Delivers the full benets of MicroStrategys BI infrastructure: administration,

    security, scalability, and perormance.
