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Lync Online Enterprise Voice Deployment Guide (LOEVDG) © 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. 1 Microsoft Lync ® Online Dedicated Lync Online Enterprise Voice Deployment Guide (LOEVDG) Release 15.3 Published: January 2016 Note: As of April 2015, Skype for Business became the new communications product from Microsoft that provides instant messaging (IM), presence, conferencing, and telephony solutions to support enterprise- level collaboration. Lync Server 2013 will remain as the infrastructure for existing Lync Online Dedicated customers. The Skype for Business client can be used with Lync Online Dedicated; links and references to the Skype for Business client exist within this document.

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Page 1: Microsoft Lync Online Online Dedicated Enterprise Voice enhances the Microsoft Lync 2013 client experience with

Lync Online Enterprise Voice Deployment Guide (LOEVDG)

© 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. 1

Microsoft Lync® Online Dedicated

Lync Online Enterprise Voice Deployment Guide (LOEVDG)

Release 15.3

Published: January 2016

Note: As of April 2015, Skype for Business became the new communications product from Microsoft that

provides instant messaging (IM), presence, conferencing, and telephony solutions to support enterprise-

level collaboration. Lync Server 2013 will remain as the infrastructure for existing Lync Online Dedicated

customers. The Skype for Business client can be used with Lync Online Dedicated; links and references to

the Skype for Business client exist within this document.

Page 2: Microsoft Lync Online Online Dedicated Enterprise Voice enhances the Microsoft Lync 2013 client experience with

Lync Online Enterprise Voice Deployment Guide (LOEVDG)

© 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. 2

The information contained in this document represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation on the issues discussed as of the date of

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Lync Online Enterprise Voice Deployment Guide

Lync Online Enterprise Voice Deployment Guide (LOEVDG)

© 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. 3


Overview ....................................................................................................................................... 13

Lync Online Dedicated Enterprise Voice features ............................................................................ 14

What’s new ................................................................................................................................... 16

Enterprise Voice feature availability comparison matrix ......................................................... 17

Public switched telephone network connectivity options for Enterprise Voice .................... 20

SIP trunking using a qualified Lync Online Dedicated provider .................................................... 21

Carrier SIP trunking provider items and pricing considerations ................................................... 22

Carrier pricing elements .................................................................................................................... 25

SIP trunking circuit ............................................................................................................................. 25

SIP trunking partner connectivity options ....................................................................................... 26

EV with on-premise SBCs .................................................................................................................... 28

Capacity .............................................................................................................................................. 29

Security ................................................................................................................................................ 30

Customer SBC support ....................................................................................................................... 30

Network ............................................................................................................................................... 30

Network Quality of Service ............................................................................................................... 31

Dial plan ............................................................................................................................................. 31

SBC dial plan ...................................................................................................................................... 32

Supported SBCs .................................................................................................................................. 32

Mixed connectivity options ................................................................................................................. 33

Inbound PSTN calls ............................................................................................................................ 33

Outbound PSTN calls ......................................................................................................................... 33

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Lync Online Enterprise Voice Deployment Guide

Lync Online Enterprise Voice Deployment Guide (LOEVDG)

© 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. 4

Customer prerequisites ................................................................................................................ 34

Deployment requirements .......................................................................................................... 35

Customer deliverables ......................................................................................................................... 35

Carrier partner deliverables (if using a PSTN SIP provider) ............................................................ 36

Microsoft deliverables ......................................................................................................................... 36

Shared deliverables .............................................................................................................................. 37

Country availability matrix .................................................................................................................. 37

Customer responsibilities:.................................................................................................................. 38

Microsoft responsibilities: .................................................................................................................. 38

Customer data network elements .............................................................................................. 39

Enterprise Voice traffic thresholds ..................................................................................................... 39

Codec bandwidth requirements ......................................................................................................... 40

Media Bypass (SBC optional configuration) ..................................................................................... 41

Limitations .......................................................................................................................................... 42

Customer network assessment ........................................................................................................... 42

Customer responsibilities .................................................................................................................. 43

Customer WAN bandwidth management ........................................................................................ 43

IP Security media exception ................................................................................................................ 44

Quality of Service ................................................................................................................................. 44

DSCP method ..................................................................................................................................... 44

Network policy method ..................................................................................................................... 45

Lync 2013 clients ................................................................................................................................ 45

Lync 2013 and Exchange Servers ..................................................................................................... 45

High-level client QoS deployment steps .......................................................................................... 47

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Lync Online Enterprise Voice Deployment Guide

Lync Online Enterprise Voice Deployment Guide (LOEVDG)

© 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. 5

Call Admission Control ........................................................................................................................ 47

Customer DNS requirements .............................................................................................................. 48

Customer DHCP configuration ........................................................................................................... 49

Configuring the DHCP sever using network shell commands (optional) ..................................... 49

Customer client Internet proxy configuration .................................................................................. 49

Customer VPN tunneling overview .................................................................................................... 49

Required VPN tunnel client call flow details ................................................................................... 50

Network hubs versus switches ........................................................................................................... 51

Network types and voice performance ............................................................................................. 51

Design ............................................................................................................................................ 52

Single region – SIP trunking routing design ..................................................................................... 52

Enterprise Voice with conferencing limitations for users outside the data center region hosting

voice .................................................................................................................................................... 53

Multi-region – SIP trunking routing design ...................................................................................... 55

Single region – On-premise SBC routing design ............................................................................. 57

Multi-region – On-premise SBC routing design .............................................................................. 59

Enterprise Voice dial plan ............................................................................................................ 61

EV stand-alone configuration ............................................................................................................. 61

End user dialing experience .............................................................................................................. 62

EV integrated dial plan with legacy PBX ........................................................................................... 62

Lync Online dial plan integration example ..................................................................................... 63

End user dialing experience .............................................................................................................. 64

Handling unassigned number routing .............................................................................................. 64

Site provisioning for voice .......................................................................................................... 65

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© 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. 6

Add a new site before Service Ready ................................................................................................ 65

Add a new site during run state ......................................................................................................... 65

Lync Online user provisioning .................................................................................................... 66

Microsoft Managed Solutions Service Provisioning Provider and AutoProv ............................... 66

Determine available Enterprise Voice telephone numbers ............................................................ 68

Format EV telephone numbers ........................................................................................................... 68

Telephonenumber attribute handling post-provisioning ............................................................... 69

Lync EV provisioning and end user dialing behaviors ..................................................................... 69

User de-provisioning ........................................................................................................................... 70

Number reassignment ......................................................................................................................... 70

Active Directory provisioning attributes ........................................................................................... 70

Lync entitlement bitmap ..................................................................................................................... 71

EV Policies ............................................................................................................................................. 71

Conferencing plans .............................................................................................................................. 73

Plan 1 .................................................................................................................................................. 73

Plan 2 .................................................................................................................................................. 73

Plan 3 .................................................................................................................................................. 73

Lync entitlement string ........................................................................................................................ 73

Sample customer Active Directory provisioning .............................................................................. 75

Lync Online Dedicated Enterprise Voice features ..................................................................... 79

Call Park ................................................................................................................................................. 79

Call Park Orbit range definition ....................................................................................................... 79

Private line .......................................................................................................................................... 79

Suppressing Calling ID ......................................................................................................................... 81

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© 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. 7

Exchange integration ........................................................................................................................... 81

Exchange Unified Messaging Message customization ................................................................... 81

User enabled for Unified Messaging ................................................................................................ 82

User receives new voicemail ............................................................................................................. 82

Lync Online Dedicated – Site and per-user provisioning ............................................................... 84

PSTN Dial-in Conferencing ................................................................................................................. 84

PSTN Dial-in Conferencing for users not enabled for Enterprise Voice ....................................... 86

Common Area Phones ......................................................................................................................... 86

Skype Room System & Surface Hub.................................................................................................. 87

Device Update Web server.................................................................................................................. 88

Lync mobility ......................................................................................................................................... 88

Reporting ...................................................................................................................................... 89

Report Pack Release Notes ................................................................................................................. 90

Adding customer network descriptions to Quality of Experience reports ................................... 90

Support .......................................................................................................................................... 92

Home routers and home Wi-Fi ........................................................................................................... 92

Customer - infrastructure firewall ...................................................................................................... 92

Network hubs and switches .............................................................................................................. 92

Broadband bandwidth minimum requirements ............................................................................... 93

Minimum operating system and software requirements ............................................................... 93

Unified Communications optimized devices .................................................................................... 93

Emergency services ...................................................................................................................... 94

911 and E911 ........................................................................................................................................ 94

112 and E112 ........................................................................................................................................ 94

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Restrictions ............................................................................................................................................ 94

Appendix A – Call flows ............................................................................................................... 95

Scenario 1 - Enterprise Voice user to Enterprise Voice user........................................................... 96

Scenario 2 - Remote Enterprise Voice user to Enterprise Voice user ............................................ 97

Scenario 3 - Enterprise Voice user to PSTN user ............................................................................. 98

Scenario 4 - Enterprise Voice user simultaneously rings mobile phone or PSTN phone ............ 99

Scenario 5 - Enterprise Voice user to Federated Partner ............................................................. 101

Scenario 6 - Enterprise Voice user to the Exchange UM user ...................................................... 102

Scenario 7 - Enterprise Voice Ad-Hoc Conference ........................................................................ 104

On-premise SBC call flows ................................................................................................................ 106

Scenario 1 – Enterprise Voice user to Enterprise Voice user ........................................................ 106

Scenario 2 - Session Border Controller PSTN inbound ................................................................. 107

Scenario 3 – Session Border Controller PSTN outbound .............................................................. 108

Scenario 4 – Session Border Controller PBX outbound ................................................................ 109

Scenario 5 – Session Border Controller Simulring ........................................................................ 110

Scenario 6 – Session Border Controller PSTN Dial-in Conferencing........................................... 111

Scenario 7 – Session Border Controller Media Bypass (optional) – outbound PSTN ................. 112

Appendix B - Glossary ............................................................................................................... 113

Appendix C – Test plan .............................................................................................................. 115

Appendix D – SIP ladders .......................................................................................................... 116

Appendix E - Country availability matrix performance determination methods................ 120

Assumptions........................................................................................................................................ 120

Method of measurement .................................................................................................................. 120

Predicted latency ................................................................................................................................ 120

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PSTN latency .................................................................................................................................... 121

Internal wired traffic (conference) .................................................................................................. 121

Internal wired traffic (peer-to-peer): .............................................................................................. 121

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Table 1 - Enterprise Voice feature availability comparison matrix ..................................................... 19

Table 2 - Carrier SIP trunking provider items and considerations ..................................................... 24

Table 3 - Carrier pricing elements .......................................................................................................... 25

Table 4 – Enterprise Voice traffic thresholds......................................................................................... 40

Table 5 – Codec bandwidth requirements ............................................................................................ 41

Table 6 - Lync Online Dedicated Multi-region design limitations ..................................................... 54

Table 7 - Stand-alone configuration dialing experience ..................................................................... 62

Table 8 - PBX integrated dialing experience ......................................................................................... 64

Table 9 – Enterprise Voice telephone number format ......................................................................... 68

Table 10 – Lync Enterprise Voice Policy bitmap table ......................................................................... 72

Table 11– Active Directory Multi-Value string ...................................................................................... 74

Table 12 - Default PIN policy configuration.......................................................................................... 87

Table 13 - Reporting ................................................................................................................................ 89

Table 14 - Customer infrastructure firewall ........................................................................................... 92

Table 15 - Glossary of terms ................................................................................................................. 114

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Figure 1 – Carrier SIP trunking example ................................................................................................ 21

Figure 2 – Redundant MPLS links ........................................................................................................... 26

Figure 3 – Single MPLS link with on-premise router ........................................................................... 27

Figure 4 – On-premise SBC ..................................................................................................................... 29

Figure 5 – Dial plans ................................................................................................................................. 32

Figure 6 – Media Bypass .......................................................................................................................... 42

Figure 7 – QoS options for Lync Online Dedicated .............................................................................. 46

Figure 8 – Lync Online Dedicated – ports and protocols .................................................................... 47

Figure 9 – Required VPN tunnel remote Lync client logon ................................................................ 50

Figure 10 - Required VPN tunnel client call flow ................................................................................. 51

Figure 11 – Enterprise Voice single region (SIP trunking) ................................................................... 53

Figure 12 - Enterprise Voice multi-region (SIP trunking) .................................................................... 56

Figure 13 - Enterprise Voice single region (on-premise SBC) ............................................................ 58

Figure 14 - Enterprise Voice multi-region (on-premise SBC) ............................................................. 60

Figure 15 – Lync Online Dedicated provisioning .................................................................................. 67

Figure 16 – Lync Online Dedicated Provisioning Guide ...................................................................... 78

Figure 17 – EUM - Welcome to Exchange Unified Messaging message ........................................... 82

Figure 18 – EUM – New voicemail message ......................................................................................... 83

Figure 19 – Exchange UM – PIN Reset message .................................................................................. 84

Figure 20 – Unified Communications optimized devices .................................................................... 93

Figure 22 - Scenario 1: Enterprise Voice user to Enterprise Voice user ........................................... 96

Figure 23 - Scenario 2: Remote Enterprise Voice user to Enterprise Voice user ............................. 97

Figure 24 – Scenario 3: Enterprise Voice user to PSTN user .............................................................. 98

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Figure 25 – Scenario 4: Enterprise Voice user simultaneously rings mobile phone or PSTN phone

.................................................................................................................................................................... 99

Figure 26 – Scenario 5: Enterprise Voice user to Federated Partner .............................................. 101

Figure 27 – Scenario 6: Enterprise Voice user to the Exchange UM user....................................... 102

Figure 28 – Scenario 7: Enterprise Voice Ad-Hoc Conference ........................................................ 104

Figure 29 – Scenario 1: Enterprise Voice user to Enterprise Voice user ......................................... 106

Figure 30 – Scenario 2: Session Border Controller PSTN inbound .................................................. 107

Figure 31 – Scenario 3: Session Border Controller PSTN outbound ............................................... 108

Figure 32 – Scenario 4: Session Border Controller PBX outbound ................................................. 109

Figure 33 – Scenario 5: Session Border Controller Simulring .......................................................... 110

Figure 34 – Scenario 6: Session Border Controller PSTN Dial-in Conferencing ............................ 111

Figure 35 – Scenario 7: Session Border Controller Media Bypass ................................................... 112

Figure 36 – Outbound PSTN call .......................................................................................................... 117

Figure 37 – Inbound PSTN call with Media Bypass enabled ............................................................. 118

Figure 38 – Outbound PSTN call with Media Bypass enabled ......................................................... 119

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Lync Online Dedicated Enterprise Voice enhances the Microsoft Lync 2013 client experience with PC-

based public switched telephone network (PSTN) voice services, allowing users to place and receive

telephone calls using the Lync client as a “soft phone.” With the Enterprise Voice (EV) add-on feature,

you can now expand your capabilities beyond Instant Messaging (IM) and Presence. EV is optimized for

highly mobile PC-centric users.

EV reduces the costs associated with maintenance and repair of on-site voice equipment—including fees

associated with private branch exchange (PBX) moves and add or change activities. With EV, you can

now reduce the financial burden of maintaining a legacy telecommunications environment while

providing PSTN voice services for users from virtually any broadband connection.

Lync Online Dedicated recently introduced PSTN dial-in conferencing as part of the EV service offering.

A second method of PSTN connectivity, known as an on premise Session Border Controller (SBC), was

also introduced. This allows you to connect to both the PSTN and a legacy private voice network.

Lync Online audio conferencing enables users to join a Lync audio conference via a PSTN phone. This

means both users within and persons outside your organization can join audio conferences from a PSTN

phone (for example a home or mobile phone). The PSTN Dial-in Conferencing feature is only available in

select countries and each audio conference meeting organizer must have the Dial-in Conferencing

feature enabled.

The Lync Online Dedicated EV service offering requires deployment of one of two PSTN connectivity


Session initiation protocol a (SIP) trunking using a qualified Lync Online Dedicated provider.

SIP trunking provides PSTN connectivity once you obtain service from a qualified SIP trunking

provider1. Microsoft does not sell SIP trunking services to customers directly. You are

1 Microsoft Unified Communications Open Interoperability Program (UCOIP) certification (SIP trunking services)

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© 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. 14

responsible for ordering the SIP trunking service from a qualified Lync Online Dedicated SIP

trunking service provider.

Enterprise Voice with on-premise Session Border Controllers (SBCs).

EV with qualified on-premise SBCs2 provides you with the option to connect a customer-

managed private voice network to the Lync Online Dedicated Service for inbound and outbound

PSTN services as well as your private voice network. The SBC provides the demarcation and

interface point between the Lync Online Dedicated Service and your managed voice network.

Depending on the capabilities of the SBC, you can integrate existing voice network components,

like standard SIP PSTN gateways or IP-PBXs.

Lync Online Dedicated Enterprise Voice features

EV has an array of features including:

1. Placing and receiving calls to and from the PSTN and/or legacy PBX via PSTN. EV users can use

Lync Online with an approved audio device to call any PSTN number.

2. EV transforms a PC into a unified communications end point by integrating PSTN phone calling

with email, IM, and Microsoft Office applications from almost any broadband connection—

without the need for virtual private network (VPN) or corporate network connections.

3. PSTN dial-in conferencing allows EV enables users to organize a Lync audio conference that

PSTN users can join.

4. Use of one corporate phone to ring multiple numbers using the Simultaneous Ring feature.

Users can set calls for a corporate number to ring at additional numbers—like a home or mobile

phone—so that the user can receive calls from virtually anywhere.

5. Voicemail is accessible from any Microsoft Outlook capable device, PSTN phone, or directly from

the Lync client. Exchange Online Unified Messaging delivers voicemails to a user’s email inbox.

2 Microsoft Unified Communications Open Interoperability Program (UCOIP) certification (Session Border Controller)

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© 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. 15

Note: Deployment of Exchange Online Dedicated is required for EV customers that desire

Exchange Unified Messaging (EUM) for voicemail.

6. The Click-to-Call feature can be used from within Microsoft Office applications (like Outlook and

SharePoint) to collaborate with peers quickly and efficiently.

7. The Transfer Calls feature enables users to transfer calls to another user or PSTN phone number.

8. The Call Park feature enables you to dispatch active conversations to a call parking lot. These

calls can be retrieved from different locations or by other parties.

9. Placing calls between EV users utilizes peer-to-peer Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), reducing

PSTN-based call routing costs.

10. EV provides even greater reliability for PSTN voice services in the event of a single data center

failure or impairment. It employs a robust service continuity design for PSTN voice services that

are enabled at redundant data centers.

11. The Scheduled Meeting Delegation feature enables an EV user to schedule meetings and

manage calls on behalf of a user, also known as boss/admin scenario.

12. The Dial-in PSTN Audio Conferencing feature allows Lync meetings enabled for dial-in access to

allow users to join a Lync audio conference via PSTN. For example, users can also dial into

meetings using a home or mobile phone without the need for a third-party conferencing


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© 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. 16

What’s new

This section highlights the most recent updates to the Lync Online EV Deployment Guide.

Lync Online Enterprise Voice Deployment Guide updates

1. Added support for Surface Hub and changed all text references for Lync Room System(s)

to Skype Room System(s).

2. New section added: Skype Room System/ Surface Hub (TYPE=LRS)

Provisioning updates to support customer enablement using standard Lync Entitlement

Bitmap and String values.

3. New section added: Conference Audio Attendant (CAA) PSTN Dial-in Conferencing for

users not enabled for Enterprise Voice

Provisioning updates to support customer enablement using standard Lync entitlement

bitmap and string values.

4. New section added: Lync Online Dedicated – Site and per-user provisioning

Provisioning updates to support customer enablement using standard Lync entitlement

bitmap and string values.

5. Section updated: Enterprise Voice Policies

New CAA-only policy. This allows non-EV users, allowed to organize dial-in conferences,

to dial out to the PSTN while still in a Lync Conference.

6. New section added: Enterprise Voice with conferencing limitations for users outside the

data center region hosting voice

Describes regional limits for PSTN conferencing.

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© 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. 17

Enterprise Voice feature availability comparison matrix

The following table contains a Lync Server 2013 EV feature availability comparison matrix for on-premise

(with telephony) and Lync Online Dedicated.

Scenario Description On-premise


Lync Online Dedicated


Legacy PBX user can call EV user.

EV user can call legacy PBX user.

A legacy PBX user can call EV user using extension dialing (for example, four digit extension dialing) and vice versa. This scenario supports some site users remaining on legacy PBX and some users serviced via EV.

Yes Yes

Note: PSTN connectivity using SIP trunking to Lync Online Dedicated – calls between the legacy PBX and Lync are routed using the PSTN network (toll/use charges may apply depending on SIP trunking provider).

PSTN connectivity using on-premise SBC to Lync Online Dedicated calls between legacy PBX and Lync are routed though the SBC.

Presence integration for a legacy PBX user.

A legacy PBX user’s presence in the Lync 2013 client updates to “on the phone” when using a legacy PBX phone (off-hook and on-hook presence changes).



Lync Phone Edition (Lync IP Desk Phones with the “optimized for Lync” logo).

Provides an IP Desk Phone capability for users and common areas like reception and copy rooms.

Yes Yes

Multi-party web collaboration with PSTN Audio conferencing.

Up to 300 participants can share desktop applications and include PC audio/video as well as PSTN audio.



Exchange Unified Messaging (EUM).

Unanswered inbound calls to the Lync 2013 client are routed to EUM and appear in the user’s Exchange Online Inbox.


Requires both Lync 2013 Server and Exchange Enterprise products.


Note: If you require voicemail capability, Exchange Online Dedicated Unified Messaging is required.

Analog lines. Provides analog telephone lines for analog phone

Yes No

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Scenario Description On-premise


Lync Online Dedicated


devices like conference room phones and FAX machines.

Call Park. Enables an EV user put a call on hold from one telephone and then later] retrieve the call from any telephone. It also manages Call Park orbits.

Yes Yes

Response Group Service

(automatic call distribution).

Provides automatic call distribution (call center) capability queuing and routing capabilities beyond what is already provided via the Lync client team-call or delegation.

Yes No

Customer Configured Music On Hold.

Provides the capability for you to choose or customize the audio WAV file for parked callers.



Note: Music On Hold is supported for Call Park using the default Lync 2013 music file.

Interactive Voice Response (IVR).

Detects and recognizes both speech and dual-tone multi-frequency (DTMF) keypad input. Response Group Service IVR also supports text-to-speech and WAV file format. The administrator can update IVR prompts.

Yes No

Automated Attendant (in EUM).

EUM capability comprised of a speech recognition auto-attendant for receptionist or routing services on inbound calls.



Note: Some limitations apply regarding menu complexity. Please reference the Exchange Online service description for more information.

Quality of Service. Provides quality of service marking of IP packets to enable customer and carrier network prioritization of

Yes Yes

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Scenario Description On-premise


Lync Online Dedicated


audio and video traffic for a consistent audio/video quality.

Refer to the Quality of Service (QoS) section for more details.

Team Call. Provides the ability to forward incoming calls to a user-defined team. As a result, when a team receives a forwarded call, each member's phone rings, and all members can see who forwarded the call. When a team member answers the call, the phones of all other members stop ringing.

Yes Yes

Note: Requires EV and is configured within the Lync 2013 client forwarding options.

Meeting Delegation.

Provides the ability for a user to specify other individuals who can schedule meetings on behalf of the user. Also known as the boss/admin scenario.



Note: The admin in the delegation scenario is no longer required to be EV enabled.

Table 1 - Enterprise Voice feature availability comparison matrix

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Public switched telephone network connectivity options for

Enterprise Voice

The EV feature requires one of two public switched telephone network (PSTN) connectivity options to

be deployed:

SIP trunking using a qualified Lync Online Dedicated provider.

SIP trunking provides PSTN connectivity once you obtain service from a qualified SIP trunking

provider. Microsoft does not sell SIP trunking services to customers directly. You are

responsible for ordering the SIP trunking service from a qualified Lync Online Dedicated SIP

trunking service provider.

EV with on-premise SBCs.

EV with qualified on-premise SBCs provides you with the option to connect a customer-managed

private voice network to the Lync Online Dedicated Service for inbound and outbound PSTN

services as well as your private voice network. The SBC provides the demarcation and interface

point between the Lync Online Dedicated Service and your managed voice network. Depending

on the capabilities of the SBC, you can integrate existing voice network components, like

standard SIP PSTN gateways or IP-PBXs.

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SIP trunking using a qualified Lync Online Dedicated provider


1. Multiple 1/10GigE connection from service provider to Lync Online data center

2. Service provider’s SBC (primary)

3. Service provider’s SBC (secondary)

4. Lync Online data center (primary)

Figure 1 – Carrier SIP trunking example

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5. Lync Online data center (secondary)

6. Customer link (primary)

7. Customer link (secondary)

8. Customer network locations

Carrier SIP trunking provider items and pricing considerations The SIP trunking provider maintains an independent billing and contractual relationship with you. You

are responsible for any charges pertaining to the SIP trunking service, like monthly recurring charges for

bandwidth and data network port fees. Once you select a SIP trunking provider, Microsoft works with

you and the SIP trunking provider to enable services.

The costs for SIP trunking vary widely by carrier. Be sure to examine each carrier’s SIP trunking and data

circuit pricing models thoroughly before making a selection.

The following list of provider items and pricing considerations are intended as a guideline for customers

to determine which service provider best meets their SIP trunking PSTN service needs.

Provider item Considerations

Service availability. Where does the service provider have local direct inbound dialing (DID)/direct dial-in (DDI) lines available (cities and countries)?

Note: Microsoft recommends you be aware of the Lync Online data center locations prior to having a discussion with the service provider.

Inbound per-minute metering. Are inbound calls metered, charged per minute, or unlimited as part of a monthly recurring fee?

Outbound per-minute metering. Are outbound calls metered, charged per minute, or unlimited as part of a monthly recurring fee?

Outbound calls within local DDI/DID rate center.

Are outbound calls within the local DDI/DID rate center metered, charged per minute, or unlimited as part of a monthly recurring fee?

Domestic inbound toll-free service. Is the service provider able to provide domestic inbound toll-free numbers and terminate those toll-free numbers via their SIP trunking service?

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Provider item Considerations

Domestic inbound toll-free service metering.

Are domestic inbound toll-free service calls metered as part of any monthly inbound minutes of use surcharge, in addition to a toll rate?

International inbound toll-free service.

Is the service provider able to provide international inbound toll-free numbers and terminate those toll-free numbers via their SIP trunking service?

Note: We recommend that you ask the service provider about the ability to port numbers from an international carrier.

International inbound toll-free service metering.

Are domestic inbound toll-free service calls metered as part of the any monthly inbound minutes of use surcharge, in addition to a toll rate?

Domestic outbound toll-free service.

Is the service provider able to provide termination to domestic outbound toll-free numbers?

Domestic outbound toll-free service metering.

Are domestic outbound toll-free service calls metered as part of any monthly outbound minutes of use surcharge, in addition to a toll rate?

Outbound toll call metering. Are outbound toll calls metered as part of any monthly outbound minutes of use surcharge, in addition to a toll rate?

Outbound N11 call metering. Are outbound calls to N11 metered as part of any monthly outbound minutes of use surcharge, in addition to a toll rate (for those N11 services that are charged a premium)?

Inbound calling party name display. Is inbound calling party name display supported? Is there an additional charge for enabling this feature?

Service provider customer on-net toll-free calling.

Are all calls to and from carrier network terminations and originations toll-free for intra-customer terminations where DID’s, origination and termination (which are VoIP), remain on the carrier’s network?

Service provider customer on-net toll-free calling with time division multiplexing (TDM).

Are all calls to and from the carrier network terminations and originations toll-free for intra-customer terminations where DID’s, origination and termination (including a mixture of VoIP and/or TDM), remain on the carrier’s network?

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Provider item Considerations

Service provider management web portal.

Does the service provider provide a web portal which enables the following reports?

Online network management

Online network performance reports

Online usage reports:

Call volume

Usage detail

Per-call billing

Monthly usage detail

Table 2 - Carrier SIP trunking provider items and considerations

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Carrier pricing elements The following table lists the typical pricing elements for SIP trunking services.

Item Setup Monthly Recurring Metered Items Based on


Physical network connectivity for the wide area network (WAN) to the Microsoft Online data centers.

Varies by carrier, circuit type and circuit size.

Yes Varies - Burst traffic may have usage rates.

Concurrent SIP talk paths.

Varies by carrier. Yes. Rates often mimic mobile phone rate plans, bundling minutes-per-month and/or discounted toll rates for paying more per talk path to increase aggregate allowances of minutes and discounted per-minute toll rates.

Yes – Varies by:


Per minute inbound.

Per minute outbound.

Per minute toll calls.

Per minute local area


Additional features:

Voice Burst (adding concurrent talk paths during peak times).

“On-net” toll free calling between legacy PBX and Lync Online users.

Varies by carrier. Varies by carrier. Varies by carrier.

Behavior when exceeding the voice committed bandwidth.

Varies by carrier. Varies by carrier. Varies by carrier.

Table 3 - Carrier pricing elements

SIP trunking circuit

To provide PSTN SIP trunking services for Lync Online Dedicated EV, the SIP trunking service provider

must enable dedicated multiprotocol label switching (MPLS) circuits into the Lync Online Dedicated data

centers. Each Lync Online Dedicated customer is deployed in at least two data centers and connectivity

to the service provider’s SIP trunking network is required for each of the Lync Online data centers

enabled for voice.

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The Lync Online Dedicated EV Service is engineered to be highly available. A secondary regional data

center and alternate SIP trunking paths are used in the event of a data center failure. The Lync Online

Deployment team works with the service provider to determine the location for SIP trunking


The standard configuration for PSTN SIP trunking service providers requires redundant links to be

deployed in each Lync Online data center (see Figure 2). The circuits terminate into an Access Edge

managed by Microsoft. If a service provider requires on-premise equipment to be deployed (like a

router), rack space is coordinated by the Lync Online Deployment Team (see Figure 3). The service

provider is required to provide Out-of-Band (OOB) management using a plain old telephone service

(POTS)/analog line to any devices in the Lync Online data center.

SIP trunking partner connectivity options

Figure 2 – Redundant MPLS links

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Figure 3 – Single MPLS link with on-premise router

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EV with on-premise SBCs

Using qualified SBCs gives you the option to connect a voice network you manage to the Lync Online

Dedicated Service for inbound and outbound PSTN services. The SBC provides the demarcation and

interface point between the Lync Online Dedicated Service and the voice network. Depending on the

capabilities of the SBC, you can integrate existing voice network components, like a standard SIP PSTN

gateway, IP-PBXs, and devices that don’t natively support the required configuration for Lync 2013

Server, like SIP over transmission control protocol (TCP).

The Lync Online Dedicated Team will produce SBC configuration guides for your supported devices that

provide guidance on how to configure the External Edge of the SBC, which communicates with the Lync

Online Servers. The Internal Edge of the SBC, which communicates with your internal voice network,

configuration varies based on your environment. Any SBC partner documentation should also be used as



EV with on-premise SBC is used for voice calls. It doesn’t allow for:

Third-party Presence integration.



Video integration.

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Capacity EV with on-premise SBC service utilizes SBCs as the interface for your voice network. The SBCs need to

be sized accordingly to support the anticipated voice traffic for inbound and outbound PSTN services.

Each SBC has a maximum number of concurrent talk paths (voice calls) that can be supported per

device. As part of the EV with on-premise SBC service discovery process, the Lync Online Deployment

team will work with you to determine the number of talk paths required for each deployment. SBC

manufacturer guidance as well as the Enterprise Voice bandwidth calculator can be used to estimate the

number of concurrent talk paths required based on the number of EV enabled users. As a design input,

each Lync 2013 Mediation Server can support 800 concurrent voice calls and is deployed in an N+1

configuration in the Primary EV data center and an N configuration in the Secondary EV data center to

match required capacity.

Figure 4 – On-premise SBC

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The following capacity examples should be used as guidelines only. You should work with a Microsoft

Premier Deployment resource to calculate actual values.

Lync 2013 Mediation Server supports up to 800 concurrent talk paths.

Customer SBC ACME Packet supports up to 20,000 concurrent talk paths.



Number of talk

paths required

Mediation Servers

in primary voice

data center

Mediation Servers

in secondary voice

data center

Number of SBCs in

customer network

Small 200 2 1 2

Large 800 2 1 2

X-Large 1500 3 2 2

Security To ensure compliance with existing encryption security controls within the Office 365 Dedicated/ ITAR

environment, the customer-supplied SBC must be configured to encrypt both SIP signaling and media

traffic. Lync 2013 Server uses Transport Layer Security (TLS) to encrypt SIP signaling and uses Secure

Real-time Transport Protocol (SRTP) to encrypt the media (audio packets).

For more information, see:

TLS and MTLS for Lync Server 2010

[MS-SRTP]: Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (SRTP) Extensions

Customer SBC support

You are responsible for both configuration and support of the SBC required for EV and PSTN dial-in

conferencing. In the event of an operations incident or outage, the Lync Online Service Operations

works with you to determine the nature of the problem for inbound and outbound PSTN and PBX

services. If the issue is attributed to the SBC or your voice network, the Lync Online Service Operations

opens a tracking ticket to monitor the resolution.


The External Edge of your SBCs must be on a network that is routable to and from the Lync Online

Dedicated Server Network (MGS). You can choose to implement network access control lists (ACLs) as

needed. The network ports used for SIP signaling TCP 5067 must be enabled as well as the Lync 2013

Server Audio Ports UDP/TCP 49152 – 57500 and 60000-64000.

The Lync 2010 and 2013 Mediation Servers in the Lync Online data centers are only configured with a

single network interface card (NIC); no separate voice virtual local area network (VLAN) is required for

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this integration. The Lync 2013 and PSTN listening IP addresses are the same and must be able to access

the External Edge of the customer-managed SBC.

Network Quality of Service

Network Quality of Service (QoS) is a required configuration. Lync Online Dedicated Servers are

configured by default to mark the Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) to EF/46 for all audio

streams. You can configure most SBCs to also support audio packets marking. In that case, EF/46 should

be used. You can further customize this code point by re-marking packets as in or out at the network

demarcation point to convert EF/46 to any other desired code point.

Dial plan

A dial plan is a grouping of telephone numbers that make up a site within a customer deployment. Each

site can have a unique dial plan that is configured in both Lync 2010 and 2013 Server, offering the best

possible user experience when placing outbound phone calls. EV can be configured to support most

typical enterprise customer configurations. A dial plan is created in the Lync 2013 Server, using a

Location Profile with a specific set of normalization rules created when an enterprise customer is

enabled for EV.

If PSTN dial-in conferencing is planned for your deployment, a dial in conferencing region for each dial

plan needs to be specified. This information is used when users create scheduled conferences,

populating the appropriate dial-in access number associated with each user’s assigned dial plan.

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SBC dial plan

Lync Online Dedicated requires E.164 routing for all configurations. All calls leaving the Lync Online

Dedicated Service have the telephone number formatted as an E.164 format. You must configure

inbound calls to Lync via the SBCs also using E.164 formatted numbers. No short-dial or non-E.164

formatted numbers are accepted. If you want to deploy short-dial or non.E.164 formatted numbers, you

can manipulate the telephone number once it has entered you voice network from Lync.

Supported SBCs

SBCs provide a secure gateway capability between your data center and the Microsoft Online Dedicated

environment. All SBCs that qualified for Lync Server 2013 are supported in Lync Online Dedicated. For

details, please visit the “Session Border Controller” section of the Infrastructure qualified for Microsoft

Lync page.

Figure 5 – Dial plans

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Mixed connectivity options

Lync Online Dedicated can support the SBC and SIP trunk connection types if they are deployed for a

single customer with some specific configurations and guidelines. Lync Online only supports routing

outbound calls to either EV with on-premise SBC or a SIP trunking service provider, but not both for the

same site (location profile).

Inbound PSTN calls

You can receive PSTN inbound calls using EV with your on-premise SBC in addition to a SIP trunking

service provider. As some SIP trunking providers may not be able to provide PSTN telephone number

service in all countries where you have users, a combination of deploying SIP trunking as well as SBCs

may be required if you want voice enablement of users in countries without SIP trunking availability.

Outbound PSTN calls You can also enable PSTN outbound calls using both EV with on-premise SBC and a SIP trunking service

provider by segmenting users with unique blocks of DID/DDI numbers typically provisioned at different

EV Sites. The user’s voice policy controls which trunks are used for outbound calling. If you want least

cost routing within your private voice network, choose the EV with on-premise SBC connection type.

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Customer prerequisites

The hardware and software requirements for Enterprise voice users are identical to those for

Lync Online users, as specified in the Lync Online service description for Office 365 Dedicated


Enterprise telephone numbers listed in your Active Directory (AD). All user and contact objects

must be in E.164 format in your AD. (For example, +1-425-555-1212 or +44 85 4656 4656.) This

includes work, home, and mobile telephone numbers published in your AD.

Note: Be mindful of personnel and other business systems that feed into your AD.

All user and contact objects must have a telephone number set in the multi-valued Extension

Number Attribute using for provisioning following the Request for Comments (RFC) 3966 format

with an extension number assigned. See the Formatting Enterprise Voice telephone numbers

section for more information.

The most current version of the Microsoft Managed Services Service Provisioning Provider

(MMSSPP) is recommended when using EV. Refer to the Customer Deployment Guide and

Provisioning Interfaces Handbook in the MMSSPP Handbooks area for more details.

Split-tunnel virtual private network (VPN) systems must be enabled to provide deterministic

VoIP performance for remote VPN users.

Multiprotocol label switching (MPLS) connections are required for all Microsoft Online data


Network assessment to confirm your network is suitable to deploy EV.

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Deployment requirements

The following list includes the high-level deployment activities required to successfully deploy EV in your


Note: It is presumed you are informed of the regional data center requirements to provide voice

services. This may also include communication with the Microsoft account team responsible for

service expansion.

Customer deliverables

Select public switched telephone network (PSTN) connectivity method(s):

o Select a SIP trunking carrier partner from the Microsoft Unified Communications Open

Interoperability Program (UCOIP) certification page (”SIP trunking” section) qualified to

work with EV.

o Select a qualified SBC partner from the UCOIP certification page (“Session border

controllers” section).

Provision EV users via Active Directory (AD). Enabled users are synced with the Microsoft Online

Services Identity and Provisioning Service.

Acquire and plan distribution timing of Enterprise Voice UC Optimized USB headsets and devices.

Select users within locations to enable PSTN voice services.

Select and deploy the Lync Online Dedicated and Exchange Online Dedicated service offerings.

EV is deployed after the initial service-ready date for Lync Online.

Determine the implementation methodology of the Quality of Service (QoS) for deterministic

VoIP performance within your corporate network.

Note: This is optional, but strongly recommended for the best voice quality performance.

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If using on-premise SBC, you are responsible for:

o Purchase and deployment of SBC pairs, one pair per region where EV is deployed. For

example, a SBC pair for North America and a pair for Europe.

o Configuration of SBC per Lync Online Dedicated/manufacture guidance, including:

Certificates for TLS and SRTP.

Dial plan configuration.

Connectivity to the private voice network/PSTN.

o Testing with the Lync Online Deployment Team.

Submit dial plan details via the Customer Request Analysis System (CRAS) template (6176-LYNC-

Add or Remove Voice Site).

Submit telephone numbers reserved for synthetic transactions. Microsoft adds them to the Lync

topology and configures them to proactively monitor the availability of the PSTN route.

Successfully execute the EV Test Plan.

Train IT Helpdesk and end users. See Lync On-Demand Training for more details.

Carrier partner deliverables (if using a PSTN SIP provider)

Provision circuits to Microsoft Online data centers.

Provide a data transport network layer (typically MPLS) where SIP trunking services reside for

PSTN connectivity.

Provision a dial plan in the SIP trunk cloud.

Be in compliance with any required telecommunication regulations.

Microsoft deliverables

Install and configure additional Lync servers as required for EV in Microsoft Online data centers.

Once the dial plan has been submitted by the customer via the CRAS process, Microsoft

provisions the dial plan within the Lync Online servers.

Configure Exchange Online Unified Messaging servers.

Note: These activities will be executed per Data Center region as defined in the contract,

which may depend on the completion of required service expansion projects.

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Shared deliverables

Carrier partner with customer: Determine a service methodology for emergency calls.

Contract with selected carrier: For toll, usage, and monthly recurring voice and data fees using a

direct contractual relationship between the customer and the SIP trunk carrier.

Note: Microsoft does not provide PSTN SIP trunking services to customers, nor does it

facilitate, govern, or determine billing, financial, or other contracts between the customer

and the SIP trunk carrier.

Customer with carrier and Microsoft consultation: Order concurrent voice SIP trunking talk

paths to Microsoft Online data centers from the carrier partner.

Microsoft with customer:

o Specify the user provisioning and the customer dial plan integration requirements.

o Review and analyze the existing customer voice and data environment.

o Gather environmental and customer requirements.

o Complete EV Detailed Data Exchange (DDE) with Microsoft Online Deployment Services

Group (DSG) to determine which locations will be enabled with PSTN voice services.

o Perform Service Validation ahead of Service Acceptance.

o Work together to troubleshoot any open items before declaring Service Ready.

Country availability matrix

The list of countries that have been approved for EV and PSTN dial-in conferencing are located on the

Enterprise Voice International Availability page. Final determination of suitability for deployment must be

decided by conducting a network assessment to determine if the connectivity between your location

and the Microsoft data center is of sufficient quality to support EV and PSTN dial-in conferencing.

Note: Countries are evaluated against 4 criteria:

1. Does the country have VoIP regulatory restrictions?

2. If there are no regulatory restrictions, are there sanctions prohibiting the offer of VoIP services?

3. What is the distance from the data center?

4. What are the network and telecommunications infrastructure in the local region?

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Customer responsibilities:

Perform and complete a network assessment. This is used to evaluate locations identified as

VoIP capable regions and point to point latency measurement performed in order to reconcile

the predicted VoIP capabilities and latency against actual values. Important: No guarantees

(either implied or in writing) are asserted by the results provided by the latency estimate

calculations provided in this document.

Share and discuss findings of the network assessment.

Share and discuss findings of the point-to-point latency measurement findings.

Microsoft responsibilities:

Provide customer server Domain Name System (DNS) values or the equivalent to be used for

point-to-point latency measurements for existing customers.

Provide information required to the team performing the pre-implementation network

assessment to be used to determine the feasibility of feature deployment.

Note: The service is provisioned only for users in countries where Microsoft explicitly offers EV.

User location (UL) is determined by a user’s office address, as listed in your AD.

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Customer data network elements

Lync Online Dedicated is a hosted service, based upon Microsoft Lync 2013 Server. It provides a flexible,

scalable and highly available communications solution to end users. Delivered from the global network

of Microsoft data centers, Lync Online service relies on the same network architecture and components

used for Microsoft Exchange Online Dedicated and other Microsoft Online dedicated services.

The service is configured using an Active/Active data center topology, where each of two geographically

separate sites hosts approximately half of a customer's total user population. Each site has the capacity

to host 100% of the users. The Active/Active topology enables each site to fail over to the other in

service, pushing all of the user population over to one site, while maintaining service continuity and

enabling disaster recovery scenarios. EV is currently configured in an Active/Passive topology to

optimize the voice experience by having the PSTN egress in the same Active data center with the EV

enabled users. The EV services will failover to the Secondary data center when a standby SIP PSTN trunk

group is configured. In the on-premise SBC PSTN connectivity model, EV services will failover to the

Secondary Lync Online data center using the customer supplied pair of SBCs.

Dedicated private-line or multiprotocol label switching (MPLS) network connections are required

between the customer network and all regional Microsoft data centers. These connections must be

appropriately designed, so that either can support 100% of the Lync Online traffic at all times.

Bandwidth for other Online Dedicated services, like Exchange Online and SharePoint Online, should also

be considered.

Note: Microsoft Online does not support Quick Start/On-Net VPN for any Active data centers.

For more information, refer to the Microsoft Office 365 Service Descriptions and Service Level

Agreements found at the Microsoft Download Center.

Enterprise Voice traffic thresholds

Several factors contribute to a network’s ability to carry quality voice. The International

Telecommunication Union (ITU) specifies that from the time speech is uttered, it should reach the ear of

the listener within 150 milliseconds (ms) for an optimal experience (one-way delay). At 250ms, the

delay is acceptable—but at 400ms, participants begin to experience awkward start/stop audio collisions,

especially during a conference, when speakers are more likely to interrupt one another.

This condition is often referred to as the “walkie-talkie” effect. To prevent this and other situations, the

underlying network should meet the following guidelines for the basic EV scenarios:

EV inbound and outbound PSTN calls – measured between the Lync 2013 client and Microsoft

data center.

EV peer-to-peer Lync 2013 client calls – measured between Lync 2013 clients.

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There are minimum thresholds for customer-managed wide area network (WAN) links transporting EV traffic. The following table lists the minimum and optimal transport qualities for the EV service based on network conditions.

Network conditions Minimum




Interarrival packet jitter (average) ≤ 5 ms ≤ 2 ms

Interarrival packet jitter (maximum) ≤ 40 ms ≤ 20 ms

Packet loss rate (average) ≤ 1% ≤ 0.5%

Network latency Stateless Transport Tunneling (STT) ≤ 100 ms ≤ 50 ms

Table 4 – Enterprise Voice traffic thresholds

Codec bandwidth requirements

Lync 2013 clients use different codecs depending on the calling scenario; the following table helps an IT

Admin plan for bandwidth used by a Lync client and to also understand which call scenarios support

Lync Media Bypass.

On Premise SBC Scenarios Caller Callee Codec


(Planning) no FEC in





Peer-to-Peer (LAN <20ms ) Lync Lync G.711 97 N/A

Peer-to-Peer Lync Lync RTA 62 N/A

Peer-to-Peer (1 user Remote) Lync Lync RTA 62 N/A

Peer-to-Peer (1 user Remote-Through SBC SIP

Trunk) Lync IPPBX G.711 97 NO

Peer-to-Peer (Through SBC SIP Trunk) Lync IPPBX G.711 97 YES

Peer-to-Peer (Through SBC SIP Trunk) IPPBX Lync G.711 97 YES

PSTN (Through SBC SIP Trunk) Lync PSTN user G.711 97 YES

PSTN (Through SBC SIP Trunk) PSTN User Lync G.711 97 YES

Audio Conferencing - Lync Lync Lync MCU G.722 ** 100 NO

Audio Conferencing - OCS 2007 R2 OCS 2007 R2 Lync MCU Siren 53 NO

Audio Conferencing (Through SBC SIP Trunk using

Mediation Server in 0365-D Data Center) VoIP user Lync MCU G.711 97 NO

Audio Conferencing (Through SBC SIP Trunk using

Mediation Server in 0365-D Data Center) PSTN User Lync MCU G.711 97 NO

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Table 5 – Codec bandwidth requirements

** The default behavior of the Lync client in audio conferences is to use the G.722 codec and to downgrade to the Siren codec in either of the following situations:

1. If a Communicator client is participating in the conference call. Communicator 2007 and 2007 R2 do not support the G.722 codec.

2. If the Lync client detects a network round-trip time of greater than 25ms. See An update is available to enable

RTAudio narrowband between Lync 2010 clients and Mediation servers in Lync Server 2010 for more details.

Media Bypass (SBC optional configuration)

What is Media Bypass?

Media Bypass refers to removing the Mediation Server from the media path whenever possible for calls

whose signaling traverses the Mediation Server.

Media Bypass can improve voice quality by reducing latency, needless translation, possibility of packet

loss, and the number of points of potential failure. Scalability can be improved, because elimination of

media processing for bypassed calls reduces the load on the Mediation Server. This reduction in load

complements the ability of the Mediation Server to control multiple gateways.

Where a branch site without a Mediation Server is connected to a central site by one or more WAN links

with constrained bandwidth, Media Bypass lowers the bandwidth requirement by allowing media from a

client at a branch site to flow directly to its local gateway without first having to flow across the WAN

link to a Mediation Server at the central site and back.

Note: Media Bypass will change the codec used in some scenarios. Refer to the previous – Codec

bandwidth requirements table for more details.

The following figure shows basic media and signaling pathways in topologies with and without Media


SIP Trunking Scenarios Caller Callee Codec


(Planning) no FEC in





Peer-to-Peer (LAN <20ms ) Lync Lync G.711 97 N/A

Peer-to-Peer Lync Lync RTA 62 N/A

Peer-to-Peer (1 user Remote) Lync Lync RTA 62 NO

PSTN (Through SIP Trunk) Lync PSTN user G.711 97 NO

PSTN (Through SIP Trunk) PSTN User Lync G.711 97 NO

Audio Conferencing Lync Lync MCU G.722** 100 NO

Audio Conferencing - OCS 2007 R2 OCS 2007 R2 Lync MCU Siren 53 NO

Audio Conferencing (Through SIP Trunk using

Mediation Server in 0365-D Data Center) PSTN User Lync MCU G.711 97 NO

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Limitations One of the limitations when deploying media bypass is that any audio call that connects to an A/V

Multipoint Conferencing Unit (AVMCU) can’t use media bypass. The codec used for Conferencing in

Lync 2013 is G.722, which currently requires the Mediation Server role to perform the transcoding from

G.722 to G.711. PSTN calls from remote users (no client VPN) that connect using the Lync 2013 Edge

Server will not use media bypass.

Customer network assessment

Unified Communication (UC) applications, like voice and video, require differentiated network

performance from other UC applications, like IM and Presence, on the enterprise network. A network

assessment of your private network is a required component of an EV deployment to assess network

readiness and reduce deployment risk.

The intention of a network assessment is to answer this question: “Is my network environment ready to

support an excellent quality of experience for my Lync users?”

Figure 6 – Media Bypass

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There are four phases to the network assessment:

1. Document existing network and business requirements

The first step is to understand your existing network topology, network link speeds within

sites, and link speeds across sites. This helps in planning where traffic simulation

appliances/endpoints will be located used to identify areas of the network environment that

may impact the media quality for your Lync deployment.

2. Data gathering

After business requirements and functional specifications are established, data collection

begins on the state of your organization's current network. Various tools are used to

automate the process as much as possible and to generate simulations of call flows to

accurately assess the impact of enabling communications to the infrastructure. The

assessment over an extended period will measure the variation in five baseline network

performance characteristics.

3. Analysis

Using the data previously collected and the tools used, Microsoft can analyze traffic

conditions, utilization levels, and evaluate the quality of the simulated flows.

4. Report

A report will be generated to highlight the results of some of the automated tests and to

highlight areas of improvement. This report covers the basic aspects of what was tested, what

the result was, and some basic guidance on remediation.

Customer responsibilities

Engage with your account team to initiate a network assessment

Maintain and manage your network (WAN/local area network (LAN)) and resulting voice

performance per benchmark standards provided by the Lync Online Dedicated service.

Note: Microsoft will work with you to identify any issues; however, resolution is your responsibility.

Customer WAN bandwidth management

WAN bandwidth management is an integral part of any UC deployment, ensuring all services work

without impairment. With or without network QoS deployed, it’s critical for an IT organization to first

understand the network bandwidth requirements for Lync Online and the additional new role of EV.

Customers that sign up for EV are required to have a network assessment completed by Microsoft

Consulting Services (MCS) which includes a walk through on bandwidth estimation. Customers can also

download the Lync 2010 and 2013 Bandwidth Calculator in advance of this activity.

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IP Security media exception

If IP Security (IPSEC) is utilized for enhanced security, a User Datagram Protocol (UDP) port exemption is

required within the IPSEC configuration to allow media traversal. The exemption of UDP ports 50,000 -

50,059 is required.

Quality of Service

Some enterprise customers may have congested WAN/LAN networks, and have implemented Quality of

Service (QoS) to mitigate congestion of voice traffic. The following sections explain how to enable QoS

for the Lync 2013 client for consistent audio and video quality under congested network conditions. By

default, QoS is not enabled for voice calls on the Lync 2013 client.

In order to enable QoS, use the following methods. It’s important to note that simply configuring the

client does not enable end-to-end QoS; QoS must be configured properly on the entire network routing

infrastructure so that the markings are processed appropriately.

You can use DSCP or network policy to identify the Lync 2013 traffic in order to apply a QoS policy within

your network. The following details provide a Network Admin with the required information to

implement QoS in your environment. Before enabling QoS for Lync 20130, you must provision the

network correctly. The recommended classes for the delivery of audio and video media streams in Lync

2013 Server are as follows:

Audio: Expedited Forwarding (EF) DSCP 46

Video: Assured Forwarding (AF41) DSCP 34

DSCP method

Lync 2013 supports DSCP as a means to “mark” the media Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) packets

leaving the Lync 2013 client.

You can configure the Lync 2013 client to mark audio and video traffic with a DSCP using a Group Policy.

The Lync Phone Edition uses an in band setting on the Lync 2013 Server. The default DSCP configuration

for Lync Phone Edition is DSCP 46/EF. This value can be changed for existing customers using the

Customer Request Analysis System (CRAS) process. New customers should identify the desired

preference for this value during the Discovery phase of the deployment.

The Lync Online Servers are configured to mark the Lync audio streams with the DSCP 46/EF and the

Lync video streams with DSCP 34/AF41. The DSCP is preserved within the Microsoft Online network and

are presented to your network. It is your responsibility to remark voice and video traffic on the Egress

to Lync Online Dedicated data centers.

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Network policy method

Lync Online customers may choose to implement QoS based on network policies defined within the

customer network. This approach is based on knowing and understanding the traffic profiles for audio

and video traffic for Lync 2013.

Lync 2013 clients The ports used by the Lync 2013 clients are defined in the Lync 2013 Server and are sent to the clients

using in-band provisioning when the clients sign into the Service. The ports used by the Lync 2013

clients are outlined below:

UDP/TCP 50,000-50,019 – Audio

UDP/TCP 50,020-50,039 – Video

TCP 50,040-50,059 – Application Sharing

Lync 2013 and Exchange Servers

Your Network Admin may choose to use the Lync Online Dedicated Source Server information to create

a network policy for QoS. The source ports used for media are as follows:

Lync 2013 Server Audio Ports: UDP/TCP 49152-57500

Lync 2013 Server Video Ports: UDP/TCP 57501-65335

Lync 2013 Mediation Server Audio Ports: UDP/TCP 60000-64000

Lync 2013 Server Application Sharing Ports: TCP 40803-49151

Exchange UM Server Audio Ports: UDP/TCP 49152-57500

You will receive a list of server subnets used in the data centers for Lync 2013 and Exchange UM during

the voice project.

The following diagram provides details for setting up end-to-end QoS between the Microsoft Online environment and your environment.

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The following diagram provides the ports and protocols required for EV.

Figure 7 – QoS options for Lync Online Dedicated

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The current Microsoft Online data center configuration supports Layer 3 DSCP markings for QoS as voice

and video traffic leaves the data center on a customer-provided link.

High-level client QoS deployment steps

Install the appropriate Windows Hotfix for the client operating system (OS):

Configure Lync 2013 Clients to support QoS:

Managing Quality of Service (QoS) in Lync Server 2013

Call Admission Control

Call Admission Control (CAC) isn’t used for Office 365 Dedicated customers for the following reasons:

Proper planning makes it less important to use CAC. During deployment planning, you plan for what kind of activity is seen on the network and plan for bandwidth and utilization accordingly.

Figure 8 – Lync Online Dedicated – ports and protocols

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We also provide a capacity calculator and QoE reports to you to properly size and then monitor network utilization today. Rather than blocking calls or using less than optimal codecs by setting CAC limits that are artificially low, it’s recommended to right-size the network to ensure full capabilities and the best use of codecs wherever possible. The Lync client is also capable of changing what codecs it uses dynamically based on current network conditions such as lower bandwidth availability, packet loss, Jitter, and higher latency. Changing CAC settings reduces this functionality. Finally, the network assessment gives specific, point-in-time statements of what the network can handle from a voice perspective and also goes into detail on how much traffic the network should be capable of handling.

Not blocking functionality - Setting limits that are artificially low can prevent calls from completing. If network sizing is done correctly up-front and continually monitored through reporting, it should be possible to ensure appropriate bandwidth is available for all functionality in use. It’s also recommended to use QoS tagging to enable priority for audio traffic. Note: This also requires the configuration of all related networking equipment in your environment to respect the QoS tagging and set priority for it appropriately.

Network ownership - The current management methods available for CAC aren’t conducive to

use in a service environment given the split of network responsibilities between you and

Microsoft. It’s not currently possible to split these networks up for management purposes with

the management capabilities available. The Microsoft portion of the network should be right-

sized and capable of handling any amount of load you bring to it during deployment planning.

Also, network maintenance, monitoring, and reporting needs to be brought up to a level that’s

near real-time to ensure a feature like this can be used effectively.

Customer DNS requirements

The embedded worksheet contains the DNS configuration for the Lync Online Dedicated Service.

Columns B and C are the customer’s responsibility to implement.

12.1 DNS.xlsx

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Customer DHCP configuration

Lync Online Dedicated now supports Lync Phone Edition devices (see Unified Communications optimized

devices for more details). Provisioning for these devices require configuration updates to your Dynamic

Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) servers. See Deploying Lync Phone Edition for instructions.

How does the Lync Phone Edition use DHCP to sign in, look for device software updates, and get device

configuration? See Device Connection Process for more details, including a flow diagram of the steps.

Note: Lync Phone Edition doesn’t support IPv6. The following information applies to IPv4 only.

Configuring the DHCP sever using network shell commands (optional) You have the option to choose to configure the DHCP server using network shell (netsh) commands. The

following netsh commands are required to support Lync Phone Edition. The SIP Server fully qualified

domain name (FQDN) and Lync Server Internal Web FQDN names are provided by the Lync Online

Dedicated Deployment team when exchanging the Discovery data (DDD) for the voice deployment.

For more information, see Configuring DHCP Options to Enable Sign-in for IP Phones.

Customer client Internet proxy configuration

As part of the Microsoft Online deployment, it is required that your Proxy Admin add the Microsoft

Online DNS domain to the allowed list in the customer proxy. This domain also needs to be added to the

Internet Explorer (IE) Trusted Local Intranet Sites. For the exact domain name, please contact your Lync

Online Dedicated resource.

Customer VPN tunneling overview

Many enterprise customer branch offices have virtual private network (VPN) tunnels back to corpnet

hubs located at larger locations using the Internet. In addition to VPN tunnels for WAN connections,

customers also use VPN for remote access to their corporate network.

Note: Split-tunnel VPN Systems must be enabled to provide deterministic VoIP performance for

remote VPN users.

Both forms of VPN tunneling often degrade Lync session voice and video quality due to the inherent

nature of VPN encryption, causing both jitter and packet loss. Current VPN solutions force all traffic

through an encrypted, encapsulated tunnel (which is a security practice). This security practice adds

processing overhead to the client, and forces the client data to make additional hops to get to its

destination as it transits the Internet and the VPN infrastructure. This adds to network latency. Further,

the VPN server must also spend cycles on encryption and encapsulation, adding even more latency. The

high network latency created when sending voice over this infrastructure degrades the audio—and

depending on the client processing, overhead can also become a factor.

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To avoid jitter and packet loss, don’t use VPN tunnels for media (voice and video) as Lync is already

encrypted. Typically, VPN avoidance is done by placing exceptions for the Lync servers in a route table

so that clients bypass the VPN tunnel for traffic bound for Lync and connect directly to the Lync Internet-

facing Edge Servers instead. Connecting to the Lync internet-facing Edge Servers doesn’t diminish

security, as traffic between the client and Lync Edge Servers is encrypted with voice and video-friendly

algorithms. The SIP signaling is encrypted via Transport Layer Security (TLS), while the media (voice and

video) is encrypted via Secure Real-Time transport Protocol (SRTP). For more information, see Enabling

Lync Media to Bypass a VPN Tunnel.

Required VPN tunnel client call flow details

The following two diagrams illustrate the required client behavior for remote VPN users.

Note: To ensure audio quality requirements are met, remote client traffic must not pass through the


Figure 9 – Required VPN tunnel remote Lync client logon

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Network hubs versus switches

Many users utilize network hubs or switches to make more network ports available. Using a hub for a

Lync audio/video session always degrades voice quality, as all hubs operate in a half-duplex manner.

Switches are required in order to ensure voice quality requirements are met.

Network types and voice performance

Network type and device connectivity can affect overall voice quality. The following scenarios are

ranked from best-to-worst for overall voice quality experience:

The PC connected to a network via a full-duplex wired router/switch connection.

The PC connected to a Wi-Fi network with a strong signal.

The PC connected via Wi-Fi with a weak signal and/or connected via wire to a hub. This results in

poor audio quality and should not be used for audio/video calls.

The PC connected to Lync via a VPN. This also causes poor audio/video quality and should be


Figure 10 - Required VPN tunnel client call flow

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The Lync Online Dedicated EV service requires additional server roles for the standard IM and Presence

deployment. Figure 11 illustrates the minimum additional server footprint for Lync Online Dedicated EV

deployed in a single geographical region (for example, North America or Europe). The new server roles

are Mediation Server and Exchange Unified Messaging.

The Lync Online team deploys and configures the Mediation Servers; the Exchange Online team deploys

the Exchange Unified Messaging Server role as a multi-role server supporting Client Access Server (CAS),

Hub, and Exchange UM Services. The Mediation Servers are configured as stand-alone Mediation Server

pools, one pool in each Lync Online data center.

Single region – SIP trunking routing design

Lync Online SIP trunking is configured with multiple SIP trunk groups from the service provider to enable

service continuity in the event of a component or data center failure. Each trunk group is represented

by the arrows connecting the SIP trunking partner network to the Lync Online Mediation Servers.

Inbound public switched telephone network (PSTN) routing – Controlled by the SIP trunking

service provider. The total number of concurrent talk paths (voice trunks) are divided by two

and sent in a round-robin fashion to the Mediation Servers in the Lync Online Primary EV data


Outbound PSTN routing – Controlled by the Lync Online routing configuration. Each outbound

route in the customer configuration is sent in a round-robin fashion to the Mediation Servers in

the Lync Online Primary EV data center.

Service continuity routing – In the event of a failure of a Mediation Server in the Lync Online

Primary EV data center, or a failure with the Primary SIP trunk group(s) from the SIP trunking

service provider, calls are automatically routed to the SIP trunk group in the Lync Online

Secondary data center. SIP-OPTIONS are used to determine the health of the next-hop, using

either the Lync Online Mediation Server or SIP trunking provider SBC.

In the following example, has an EV deployment in a single region with a single PSTN SIP

trunking provider. The Primary EV data center is Data Center A and the Secondary EV data center is

Data Center B.

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Enterprise Voice with conferencing limitations for users outside the data center region

hosting voice

The table below references the conferencing limitations with the Lync Online Dedicated Multi-region


NOAM data center EMEA data center APAC data center

NOAM (North

America) users

Can schedule online meetings

with PSTN numbers.

Can’t schedule online meetings

with PSTN numbers.

Users can dial listed PSTN

numbers to join audio whether

local or long distance.

Can’t schedule online meetings

with PSTN numbers.

Users can dial listed PSTN

numbers to join audio whether

local or long distance.

Figure 11 – Enterprise Voice single region (SIP trunking)

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Can receive inbound and

outbound PSTN calls.

Customers can work with carriers

to provide regional numbers.

Because the data center is out of

region, the audio quality will be

less (compare to long distance

phone call).

Customers can work with

carriers to provide regional

numbers. Because the data

center is out of region, the

audio quality will be less

(compare to long distance

phone call).

EMEA (Europe

and Middle East)


Can’t schedule online

meetings with PSTN numbers.

Users can dial listed PSTN

numbers to join audio whether

local or long distance.

Customers can work with

carriers to provide regional

numbers. Because the data

center is out of region, the

audio quality will be less

(compare to long distance

phone call).

Can schedule online meetings

with PSTN numbers.

Can receive inbound and

outbound PSTN calls.

Can’t schedule online meetings

with PSTN numbers.

Users can dial listed PSTN

numbers to join audio whether

local or long distance.

Customers can work with

carriers to provide regional

numbers. Because the data

center is out of region, the

audio quality will be less

(compare to long distance

phone call).


Pacific) Users

Can’t schedule online

meetings with PSTN numbers.

Users can dial listed PSTN

numbers to join audio whether

local or long distance.

Customers can work with

carriers to provide regional

numbers. Because the data

center is out of region, the

audio quality will be less

(compare to long distance

phone call).

Can’t schedule online meetings

with PSTN numbers.

Users can dial listed PSTN

numbers to join audio whether

local or long distance.

Customers can work with carriers

to provide regional numbers.

Because the data center is out of

region, the audio quality will be

less (compare to long distance

phone call).

Can schedule online meetings

with PSTN numbers.

Can receive inbound and

outbound PSTN calls.

Table 6 - Lync Online Dedicated Multi-region design limitations

Note: For all scenarios, users can join an online meeting using Lync for audio as they do today. Voice

specifically speaks to the additional configuration allowing for PSTN participation.

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Multi-region – SIP trunking routing design

Lync Online Dedicated EV is available for large multinational enterprises that have voice users at

locations all across the world. One of the design criteria for voice deployments that cross large

geographical boundaries is to try and keep the media sessions within a region (for example, North

America or Europe) to improve voice performance. A multi-regional deployment must span at least two

regions and you must have at least two data centers per region.

Note: Additional costs may be incurred in order to meet the design requirements for two customer

data centers per region.

Each region has a Primary and Secondary EV data center, with a minimum server footprint in the

Secondary data center. You must contract PSTN SIP trunking services for each region. The PSTN SIP

trunking service provider can be the same for both regions if the coverage area from the service

provider meets your requirements or each region can be served by one or more SIP trunking service


Lync Online SIP trunking is configured with multiple SIP trunk groups from the service provider to enable

service continuity in the event of a component or data center failure. Each trunk group is represented

by the arrows connecting the SIP trunking partner network to the Lync Online Mediation Servers.

Note: Office 365 Dedicated Messaging with ANSI-D architecture runs in an Active/Active

configuration typically with four data centers Active for Exchange Services. EV with on-premise SBC

configures EUM Services Active in all available data centers for a customer. All EUM Services for a

multi-region EV deployment are served from the Active Exchange Data Centers.

Inbound PSTN routing – Controlled by the SIP trunking service provider. The total number of

concurrent talk paths (voice trunks) are divided by two and sent in a round-robin fashion to the

Mediation Servers in the Lync Online Primary EV data center.

Outbound PSTN routing – Controlled by the Lync Online routing configuration. Each outbound

route in the customer configuration is sent in a round-robin fashion to the Mediation Servers in

the Lync Online Primary EV data center.

Service continuity routing – In the event of a failure of a Mediation Server in the Lync Online

Primary EV data center or a failure with the Primary SIP trunk group(s) from the SIP trunking

service provider, calls are automatically routed to the SIP trunk group in the Lync Online

Secondary data center in the appropriate region (North America does not fail over to EMEA).

SIP-OPTIONS are used to determine the health of the next-hop, either the Lync Online

Mediation Server or SIP trunking provider SBC. Routing PSTN SIP trunking services between

regions is out-of-scope and is not supported. In the event of a data center failure the Lync

Online Operations team moves your EV-enabled users to the Secondary EV data center in the

region and moves IM and Presence users to whichever Primary data center is still active.

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In the following example, has an EV deployment in two regions with a PSTN SIP trunking

provider for each region. The Primary EV data center in Region 1 (North America) is Data Center A and

the Secondary EV data center is Data Center B. The Primary EV Data Center in Region 2 (Europe) is Data

Center C and the Secondary EV Data Center is Data Center D.

Figure 12 - Enterprise Voice multi-region (SIP trunking)

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Single region – On-premise SBC routing design

EV with on-premise SBC is configured with multiple customer-provided SBCs in the event of a

component or data center failure. Each trunk group is represented by the arrows connecting the

customer-provided SBCs to the Lync Online Mediation Servers.

Inbound PSTN routing – Controlled by the customer voice network. The total number of concurrent talk paths (voice trunks) are divided by two and sent in a round-robin fashion to the Mediation Servers in the Lync Online Primary EV data center.

Outbound PSTN routing – Controlled by the Lync Online routing configuration. Each outbound route in the customer configuration is sent in a round-robin fashion to the Mediation Servers in the Lync Online Primary EV data center. The outbound calls are presented to the customer-provided SBCs in a round-robin fashion.

Service continuity routing – In the event of a failure of a Mediation Server pool in the Lync Online Primary EV data center, calls are automatically routed to the SIP trunk group in the Lync Online Secondary data center using the Mediation Server in the Secondary data center. SIP-OPTIONS are used to determine the health of the next-hop, either the Lync Online Mediation Server or customer-provided SBC.

In a normal run-state all inbound and outbound PSTN calls are routed round-robin using the Lync 2010

and 2013 Mediation Server pool in the Primary EV data center and the customer-provided SBCs.

Some SBCs require configuring DNS service (SRV) records to perform the failover routing required to

support this configuration. Consult your SBC configuration guide for details.

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Figure 13 - Enterprise Voice single region (on-premise SBC)

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Multi-region – On-premise SBC routing design

EV with on-premise SBC is available for large multinational enterprises that have EV users at locations all

across the world. One of the design criteria for EV deployments that cross large geographical

boundaries is to try and keep the media sessions within a region (for example, North America, Europe,

or Asia) to improve voice performance. A multi-regional deployment must span at least two regions and

you must have at least two data centers per region. Each region has a Primary and Secondary EV data

center, with a minimum server footprint in the Secondary data center. You must have a pair of SBCs in

each region to connect PSTN/PBX services to the Lync Online data centers.

Note: Office 365 Dedicated Messaging with ANSI-D architecture runs in an Active/Active

configuration typically with four data centers Active for Exchange Services. EV with on-premise SBC

configures EUM Services Active in all available data centers for a customer. All EUM Services for a

multi-region EV deployment are served from the Active Exchange Data Centers.

EV with on-premise SBC is configured with multiple customer-provided SBCs in the event of a

component or data center failure. Each trunk group is represented by the arrows connecting the

customer-provided SBCs to the Lync Online Mediation Servers.

Routing EV with on-premise SBC services between regions is out-of-scope and not supported. In the

event of a data center failure, the Lync Online Operations team moves the EV-enabled users for a

customer to the Secondary Voice data center in the region and moves the IM and Presence users to

whichever Primary data center is still active.

Inbound PSTN routing – Controlled by the customer voice network. The total number of concurrent talk paths (voice trunks) are divided by two and sent in a round-robin fashion to the Mediation Servers in the Lync Online Primary EV data center.

Outbound PSTN routing – Controlled by Lync Online routing configuration. Each outbound route in the customer configuration is sent in a round-robin fashion to the Mediation Servers in the Lync Online Primary EV data center. The outbound calls are presented to the customer-provided SBCs in a round-robin fashion.

Service continuity routing – In the event of a failure of a Mediation Server pool in the Lync Online Primary EV data center, calls are automatically routed to the SIP trunk group in the Lync Online Secondary data center using the Mediation Server in the Secondary data center. SIP-OPTIONS are used to determine the health of the next-hop, either the Lync Online Mediation Server or customer-provided SBC.

In a normal run state all inbound and outbound PSTN calls are routed round-robin using the Lync 2013

Mediation Server pool in the Primary Voice data center and the customer-provided SBCs.

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Some SBCs require configuring DNS SRV records to perform the failover routing required to support this

configuration. Consult the SBC configuration guide for details.

Figure 14 - Enterprise Voice multi-region (on-premise SBC)

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Enterprise Voice dial plan

A dial plan in its simplest form is grouping of telephone numbers that make up a site within an

enterprise customer deployment. Each site can have a unique dial plan that is configured in Lync 2013

Server, offering the best possible user experience when placing outbound phone calls.

EV can be configured to support most typical enterprise customer configurations. A dial plan is created

in the Lync 2013 Server, using a specific set of normalization rules created when an enterprise customer

is brought on to Microsoft Online.

Note: While number porting is not available in all countries, it is readily available in the United


There are two ways to do this:

EV stand-alone configuration

EV integrated dial plan with legacy PBX

EV stand-alone configuration

Use this option if you have a group of truly remote individual workers that don’t require an integrated

dial plan with a main corporate office. In the stand-alone configuration, your enterprise obtains a new

block or range of direct inward dialing (DID) numbers from the SIP trunking provider and assigns them to

your users. In this configuration, it’s not important to think about integrating “short-dial” digit dialing

patterns, like four (4) or five (5).

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End user dialing experience In a stand-alone configuration, an EV user dials 9 or 0 (trunk access code) + the telephone number—or a

full E.164 phone number from the Lync 2010 or 2013 client to place an outbound call. Short-dial isn’t

available in this configuration.

Type of call User dialing experience from Lync 2010 or 2013


Emergency services 911 or 112 (depending on local requirements)

Information services (like 411 and 100 ). Availability is based on the SIP trunking provider.

X11 or 100 (depending on local requirements)

Call Park Orbit #XXX-#YYY (depending on current extension dialing rules)

Local calls 7 to 10 digits (depending on local requirements)

Long distance calls 7 to 11 digits

Toll-free calls 7 to 11 digits

International calls 011 + Country code – City code or +E.164 (US)

00 + Country code – City code or +E.164 (Europe and Asia)

Table 7 - Stand-alone configuration dialing experience

EV integrated dial plan with legacy PBX

Use this option for users who want the features and flexibility of EV but still want to remain part of a

corporate dial plan including the a short-dial experience. In this configuration, an enterprise customer

can either “port” existing telephone numbers to a Microsoft Online qualified SIP trunking provider, or

procure new numbers from a SIP trunking provider.

Note: When procuring new telephone numbers to integrate into an existing corporate dial plan, be

aware of the current dial plan and make sure that the new numbers fit into and do not overlap with

any currently configured telephone number or access codes in the legacy PBX. This information is

gathered by the Detailed Data Exchange (DDE) tool during the Discovery phase. If an enterprise is

using short digit dialing, like 4-digit dialing, the last 4 digits of any new telephone number ranges

can’t overlap with existing phone numbers.

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Dial plan integration is done on both the Lync 2013 Server side and the legacy PBX side. The legacy PBX

side has the most variability in the degree of dial plan integration, depending on what make and model

feature packages are installed on the PBX.

Lync Online dial plan integration example Note: This section is provided for illustration purposes only.

Customer background is an enterprise customer with 500 users. 300 users are moved to EV and 200 remain on

the legacy PBX. The customer can choose to either assign new telephone numbers for the EV users or

port existing telephone numbers to EV. decides to obtain new phone numbers for the 300 EV users. The legacy PBX DID range is

1-425-555-2000 through 1-425-555-2599, and the site utilizes 4-digit extension dialing with a range of

2000-2599. The new EV DID range is 1-425-556-3000 through 1-425-556-3599, with a 4-digit extension

dialing range of 3000-3599.

Customer legacy PBX changes required

The legacy PBX is programmed using a PBX feature typically known as a Coordinated Dialing Plan. This

means when any legacy PBX user dials an EV user’s extension (like 3000), the PBX manipulates the dialed

number 3000 to add the PSTN routable additions (for example 9-1-425-556-3000) and sends the call out

to the PSTN carrier and terminates to the EV user.

Likewise, when an EV user dials a PBX user, the legacy PBX should be programmed to have the call

appear as ”on-net.” In actual practice, the process is done in reverse, so when an EV user with a

telephone number of 1-425-555-3000 dials legacy PBX user x2000 (routed and translated by Lync to the

telephone uniform resource identifier (URI): 1-425-555-2000), the PBX is also programmed to change

the calling line ID (CLID) to simply 3000. For the legacy PBX user receiving the call, the call appears as

on-net rather than an external party calling.

Lync 2013 Online environment changes required

The first step in is programmed within Lync 2013 Server so that EV users can dial a 4-digit extension

number, and the Lync 2010 or 2013 Server translates the 4-digit number into a PSTN routable number

(for example, an EV user dials PBX user x2000 and Lync 2013 Server is programmed to translate x2000

into a routable PSTN number like +1-425-555-2000).

Inbound calls from legacy PBX users to EV users require no programming for the Lync 2013 Server to

perform a reverse number lookup and obtain the name of the caller for presentation of the call,

provided the customer has entered a user phone number in a consistent E164 format within their Active

Directory (AD).

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If numbers are ported and peppered throughout an existing DID range, the same programming is

done—albeit more labor-intensively—because single numbers must be programmed instead of number

ranges. Again, the ability to make the modifications as noted is dependent on whether the legacy PBX

features were installed, enabled, and available. Consult your local PBX vendor to determine present

capabilities of your PBX.

End user dialing experience

In a PBX Integrated configuration, an EV user dials 9 or 0 (trunk access code) followed by the telephone

number or a full E.164 phone number. The user can also dial a 4-digit or 5-digit number (short-dial) to

place an outbound call.

Type of call User dialing experience from Lync 2010 or 2013 client

Emergency services 911 or 112 (depending on local requirements)

Information services (like 411 and 100 ). Availability is based on the SIP trunking provider.

X11 or 100 (depending on local requirements)

Short-dial – 4/5 digit dialing – to reach another EV user or legacy PBX user.

xxxx or xxxxx (depending on site configuration)

Call Park Orbit #XXX-#YYY (depending on current extension dialing rules)

Local calls 7 to 10 digits (depending on local requirements)

Long distance calls 7 to 11 digits (depending on local requirements)

Toll-free calls 7 to 11 digits (depending on local requirements)

International calls 011 + Country code – City code or +E.164 (US)

00 + Country code – City code or +E.164 (Europe and Asia)

Table 8 - PBX integrated dialing experience

Handling unassigned number routing

In Lync Server 2013, you can specify what happens to incoming calls to phone numbers that are valid for

your organization but are not assigned to a user or phone. Calls can be routed to an Announcement

application or to an Exchange Unified Messaging (EUM) server. The Lync 2013 Announcement

application plays a message to the caller (default configuration if enabled) or an EUM Auto-Attendant

can be configured to handle unassigned number announcements. For more information, see Configure

unassigned phone numbers in Lync Server 2013.

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Site provisioning for voice

Site provisioning for Voice defines a range of telephone numbers that can be used and have a unique

dialing experience. There are two instances where you are responsible for providing a list of details to

Microsoft Online:

Add a new site before Service Ready

When adding a new site at initial deployment, the details should be included in the Detailed Data

Exchange (DDE) document.

Add a new site during run state

When adding a new site after Service Ready completes, you need to submit a Configuration Request

(CR) using the CRAS template 6176-LYNC-Add or Remove Voice Site. This particular template is required

to make changes during run state.

Other CRAS templates are available to add or remove features for Lync Online Dedicated customers.

Consult with your Microsoft Premier Deployment or service delivery manager (SDM) for further details.

Note: User telephone numbers that are not EV enabled but are enabled for PSTN dial-in

conferencing must be included in the ranges supplied in the Detailed Data Exchange (DDE) or in,

6176-LYNC-Add or Remove Voice Site.

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Lync Online user provisioning

This section provides a brief overview of:

Lync Online Dedicated provisioning systems.

How to work with the Lync entitlement bitmap and Lync entitlement string.


Before a user can be provisioned, it is necessary to insure that a voice site for that user has already been

created, as referenced previously in the Site Provisioning for voice section.

Microsoft Managed Solutions Service Provisioning Provider and AutoProv

Microsoft Managed Solutions Service Provisioning Provider (MMSSPP) is the component of Office 365-

Dedicated Services that synchronizes customer identity information and provisions services for

Exchange and Lync Online services. It is built solely using released Microsoft platform technology—in

particular Microsoft Forefront Identity Manager 2010.

MMSSPP connects to the customer environment and reads the identity object attribute data, which it

uses to provision managed services in the Managed forest. It will create, manage, and delete

representations of the objects it has read from customer Active Directory (AD) forests in the Microsoft

Online Services hosted directory. These representations are utilized to provision Microsoft Online

Services (such as Exchange and Lync). MMSSPP does not write to your forest under any circumstances.

AutoProv is an asynchronous add-on to the MMSSPP service developed to manage the provisioning

business logic for the Lync Online Dedicated Service. AutoProv executes a series of Windows PowerShell

commands to enable and configure Lync 2013 and EUM based the Lync entitlement bitmap and

entitlement string.

Note: Provisioning of users requires coordination with a Lync Online Service Engineer to create the

Lync Online dial plans, voice policies, EUM dial plans, IP gateway configuration, and EUM mailbox

polices before they are available for AutoProv to assign to a user.

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MMSSPP functions include:

Syncs customer AD with MGD. (Lync Managed AD)

Forms the SIP address and writes it to ProxyAddress attribute.

Writes Office Communications Server (OCS)/Lync extension attributes and telephone number

attributes to an AutoProv table.

Provides ExtensionAttributeXX for the entitlement bitmap.

Provides ExtensionAttributeYY for the entitlement string.

AutoProv functions include:

Pulls data from MMSSPP.

Processes values in OCS\Lync extension attributes for both the entitlement string and bitmap).

Provisions users in Lync.

Writes telephone number(s) to MGD AD.

Logs Lync provisioning errors.

Provides EV enabled users with EUM.

Figure 15 – Lync Online Dedicated provisioning

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Determine available Enterprise Voice telephone numbers

All EV telephone numbers are provided by you. They are provided as part of a new deployment or

captured via a Customer Request Analysis System (CRAS) request during run state.

Once a range has been added, use the Telephone Number Usage Report in the Lync Online Report Pack

to determine which numbers have been assigned to EV users, and which numbers are available. You can

also view this report through your Customer Portal.

Format EV telephone numbers

The format of the telephone number within the Lync entitlement attribute is very specific and is

demonstrated in the following table. The pre-appended TEL= as it appears in the table is very

important, as this value may be extended in future releases. Lync 2010 or 2013 Server follows Request

for Comments (RFC) 3966 for formatting the telephone number URIs (Tel-Uris) in SIP and must be

globally unique.

To improve the provisioning process and the user experience with public switched telephone network

(PSTN) dial-in conferencing, the telephone number passed from the customer in the Lync entitlement

string must include the extension number. The extension number is appended to the telephone number

with “;ext=” separator. The extension value is also used to provision EUM for EV enabled users.

Lync EV now supports non-direct inward dial (DID) for deployments that use on-premise Session Border

Controllers (SBCs) as the PSTN connectivity method. No-DID numbers are formatted with a common

“main line number” and extension value. In the non-DID configuration, the main line number can be

shared for users within the same location but must have a unique extension number value that makes

the entire phone number globally unique.

Example: DID Example: non-DID

GOOD: TEL=+14258828080;ext=8080

ERROR: TEL=1425-882-8080

GOOD: TEL=+44100909100;ext=100

ERROR: TEL=44(100)909100

GOOD: TEL=+14258828080

ERROR: TEL:1425-882-8080

GOOD: TEL=+14258828000;ext=1234

GOOD: TEL=+14258828000;ext=0

Recommendation: Extension = 0 should be assigned to a central operator for your organization.

ERROR: TEL=1425-882-8080

GOOD: TEL=+14258828000;ext=5678

ERROR: TEL=1425-882-8080

Table 9 – Enterprise Voice telephone number format

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Note: All Lync Online-enabled users must have a telephone number value set in the Lync entitlement

string. The telephone string “TEL=” is applied to all users, not just EV enabled users. This value is used

to populate the Line URI in Lync 2013 Server. The TelURI has a limit of up to 15 digits and the extension

(ext=) has a limit of up to 8 digits.

Telephonenumber attribute handling post-provisioning

Once a user is enabled for EV, the Telephonenumber attribute (this attribute translates to the work

phone in the Outlook address book) is handled differently. Specifically, the number is overwritten (with

E.164 formatting) with the telephone number passed within the Lync entitlement attribute. This is to

ensure other users do not have an issue when attempting to call EV users (this is a requirement).

Lync entitlement attribute: TEL=+14258828080;ext=8080

Telephonenumber attribute: +1 (425) 8828080

Lync EV provisioning and end user dialing behaviors

When configuring Lync for Voice, customers designate sites with the associated number range. Users

must be provisioned with a number inside these ranges. The number range is only used by provisioning

to match a user with the voice policy that covers that number range. Customers migrating to Lync for EV

have a period of integration and opt for a configuration that uses the user’s current private branch

exchange (PBX) handset DID to be used for Lync. This creates a calling experience that will require end

user education around expectations of what happens when calling their peers as illustrated n the

following scenarios.

Scenario 1: A call to Lync Voice user where the TelURI is either a Lync-owned DID, Switchboard with

Extension syntax, or a PBX-owned DID.

Note: For all scenarios, having the number assigned to the user causes reverse lookup to match the

number to the user session initiation protocol (SIP)-URI.

Action: Click the Phone button to call the contact using Lync, or click the arrow next to the Phone button

and select a number.

Result: Lync performs reverse number lookup, matches to the user SIP-URI, and establishes a Lync audio


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Scenario 2: A call to Lync user with who is not provisioned for voice and has no TelURI in the extension

attribute but has populated Work Number in contact card.

Action: Click the Phone button to call the contact using Lync, or click the arrow next to the Phone button

and select a number.

Result: The absence of a Tel-URI means no reverse lookup and an outbound PSTN call per user voice

policy and topology dial plan.

User de-provisioning

To remove EV or any Lync features, refer to the bitmap table in the Lync entitlement bitmap section and

recalculate the bitmap value of the user.

Note: For EV users, it is important to clear the telephone number in the Lync entitlement string

attribute. This is to release the number in our provisioning system for use with another user.

Number reassignment

Once EV is disabled for a user and the Lync entitlement string attribute has been cleared, wait until the

number is available in the Telephone Number Vacancy Report on the Customer Report Portal.

Active Directory provisioning attributes

Once the voice site is provisioned, the next step is to provision the user(s) for EV. This is accomplished

by using two Lync entitlement attributes (for example, extensionAttributeXX and extensionAttributeYY)

as negotiated by the AD integration team during the initial deployment. Provisioning for EV is

accomplished by updating the two AD extension attributes:

extensionAttributeXX is used to assign the Lync bitmap.

extensionAttributeYY is used to define the user’s telephone number, location, Common Area

Phone, Private Line assignment, and Conferencing Policy.

For more information, see the Customer Deployment Guide and Provisioning Interfaces Handbook in the

MMSSPP Handbooks area.

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Lync entitlement bitmap

A bitmap is an array data structure that compactly stores individual On/Off values.

The following list defines the values and what they turn on or off. To arrive at the proper value, add up

the desired features and that becomes the bitmap value. Based on the features enabled for a user

(which is determined by company-approved administrators), the Lync bitmap value may vary by user.

EV Policies

The Lync 2013 Voice Policy is used to configure outbound dialing restrictions as well as to enable certain

EV features. Lync Online has six Voice Policies configured for each EV location and can be assigned on a

per-user basis using the Lync Online provisioning bitmap. The following section outlines the usage for

each of the six voice policies. A deployment script is used to configure the EV Policies.

CAAOnly – This allows non-EV users, allowed to organize dial-in conferences, to dial out to the

PSTN while in a Lync conference. This Voice Policy is configured by the Lync Online Admin and is

only used for PSTN Dial-in Conferencing for non-EV enabled users. One Voice Policy is created

per region. For example, North America (NOAM) and Europe and Middle East (EMEA).

Onsite – The EV user can dial any local PSTN numbers owned by the customer at that location as

well as emergency services.

Onsite.Simulring – The EV user can dial any local PSTN numbers owned by the customer at that

location as well as emergency services. The Sumulring feature is enabled.

Local.Long – The EV user can dial any local PSTN numbers and long distance PSTN numbers (in

country) as well as emergency services.

Local.Long.Simulring – The EV user can dial any local PSTN numbers and long distance PSTN

numbers (in country) as well as emergency services. The Simulring is feature is enabled.

Local.Long.Int – The EV user can dial any local PSTN numbers, long distance PSTN numbers (in

country), and International PSTN numbers as well as Emergency Services.

Local.Long.Int.Simulring – The EV user can dial any local PSTN numbers, long distance PSTN

numbers iIn country), and international PSTN numbers as well as Emergency Services. The

Sumulring feature is enabled.

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AutoProv bitmap value (default Instant Messaging and Presence (IM&P) features enabled) 15 1103 1615 79 591 335 847











Can place emergency services call FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE

Can place OnSite call to legacy PBX (if enabled in dial plan) TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE

Can place local/long distance call TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE

Can place international call TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE

Bitmap values for EV-enabled user with Remote Access, Public IM Connectivity (PIC), and Federation enabled

Table 10 – Lync Enterprise Voice Policy bitmap table

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Conferencing plans

By default, three conferencing policies are defined within the customer deployment of Microsoft Lync.

These policies map to the applicable user license plans offered for Lync Online Dedicated.

Plan 1 Features include:

Peer-to-peer and multiparty IM&P.

Peer-to-peer voice.


Desktop sharing.


Plan 2

Includes all Plan 1 features and:

Scheduled and ad-hoc online meetings with authenticated and anonymous participants.

Lync with multiparty Audio.


Desktop sharing.

PowerPoint upload and annotation.



Plan 3

Includes all Plan 1 and 2 features and:

Allows organizing PSTN Dial-In conferences using Lync Conferencing Attendant.

Note: You must have PSTN connectivity to have the PSTN Dial-in Conferencing feature.

Lync entitlement string

The second entitlement attribute is used to store the telephone number that is used for EV enablement

and user location (UL). The order in which these appear in the string (stored in AD) isn’t significant. The

Multi-Value string is used to:

Define the UL (user location);

Private Line telephone numbers.

Assign the Common Area Phone (CAP).

Assign the Skype Room System or Surface Hub (TYPE=LRS) and the Conference Policy to enable

PSTN Dial-in Conferencing.

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This extension attribute is also used to identify the user’s primary office location via the UL value

to enable feature enablement and regional provisioning, in accordance with local regulations.

The user location (UL) value follows the ISO 3166 Alpha 2 standard. In the current release, the

telephone number is only used for Enterprise Voice features. The User Location string is now

used for provisioning even when the user is not Enterprise Voice enabled.

Possible Strings Values Description

TEL= +nnnnnnn…. Telephone number with country code

PL= +nnnnnnn…. Telephone number with country code

TYPE= CAP CAP = Common Area Phone

TYPE= LRS Skype Room System or Surface Hub account type

UL= XY 2 Letter ISO 3166 Code

Conf= 1,2,3 Designates Conferencing plans 1, 2, or 3 (see Conferencing plans)

Table 11– Active Directory Multi-Value string

A Lync Common Area Phone (CAP) is not directly associated with a user; its created as a Contact Object

in the Customer and Managed Active Directory systems. You must specify Type=CAP to provision a CAP.

Private lines are enabled using this string: PL=+nnnnnnnn… (the telephone number assigned to the

private line).

To provisioning a Skype Room System or Surface Hub, a separate User object is required for each

equipment type in your on-premises Active Directory and the Lync Entitlement String for each must

include Type=LRS. Each account also must be linked to a resource mailbox within Exchange Online

Dedicated. EV isn’t a requirement for Skype Room System or a Surface Hub, however, a telephone

number (specified using TEL=+nnnnnnn…) is required if EV is enabled. MMSSPP provisioning tool steps

to include a resource mailbox can be found in the Provisioning Tools Handbook within the MMSSPP

Handbooks area of the Customer Extranet site. For descriptions of Skype Room System and Surface Hub

equipment configurations and requirements, see the Meeting Rooms Systems section of the Skype for

Business Solutions site.

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Sample customer Active Directory provisioning

You use AD ExtensionAttributeXX for bitmap assignment and ExtensionAttributeYY string values. The

following samples below use the recommended TEL string format discussed in Formatting Enterprise

Voice telephone numbers section.

Lync-enabled user


Lync-enabled user without EV (including the sum of all IM and Voice features), bitmap = 15


ExtensionAttribute5 format is UL=US|Conf=2|

There is no Tel-URI for Lync-enabled users.

EV-enabled user


EV users (including the sum of all IM and Voice features), bitmap = 79


Telephone number ExtensionAttribute5

The format is TEL=+12065551212;ext=1212|UL=US|

EV-enabled user with a private line


EV users (including the sum of all IM and Voice features), bitmap = 79


Telephone number ExtensionAttribute5

The format is TEL=+12065551212;ext=1212|PL=+12065551213;ext=1213|UL=US|

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EV-enabled CAP


EV users (including the sum of all IM and Voice features), bitmap = 79


Telephone number ExtensionAttribute5

The format is TEL=+12065551212;ext=1212|UL=US|TYPE=CAP|

EV-enabled with PSTN Dial-in Conferencing enabled


EV users (including the sum of all IM and Voice features), bitmap = 79


Telephone number ExtensionAttribute5

The format is TEL=+12065551212;ext=1212|UL=US|Conf=3|

Lync-enabled user with PSTN Dial-in Conferencing enabled (No EV)


Lync-enabled User without EV (including the sum of all IM and Voice features), bitmap = 15


Telephone number ExtensionAttribute5

The format is TEL=+12065551212;ext=1212|UL=US|Conf=3|

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Skype Room System / Surface Hub Account (No EV)


For Lync-enabled Skype Room System / Surface Hub account without EV, bitmap = 1


ExtensionAttribute5 format is UL=US|Type=LRS

There is no Tel-URI for only Lync-enabled (no EV) Skype Room System / Surface Hub account.

Skype Room System / Surface Hub account (EV enabled)


For Lync-enabled Skype Room System / Surface Hub account with EV, bitmap = 65


Telephone number ExtensionAttribute5

The format is TEL=+12065551212;ext=1212|UL=US|Type=LRS

Per-user Unified Messaging control

When users are enabled for EV, their Exchange mailbox will be automatically provisioned for Unified Messaging (UM) if the Lync Voice site has enabled the UM feature.

Admins can use the “No Exchange UM Setup” option to override this configuration.


EV Users bitmap = 524367 (generated by the Provisioning Guide tool – see description below)


Telephone number ExtensionAttribute5

The format is TEL=+14258828080;ext=8080|UL=US|Conf=3

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The Lync Online Team has created a Provisioning Guide tool to help customers create the bitmap value and Multi-Value string attributes. The latest version of the Provisioning Guide tool is available within the Lync Server 2013 – Legacy Platform section of the Lync Online Dedicated & Skype for Business Dedicated Release Collateral area.

Figure 16 – Lync Online Dedicated Provisioning Guide

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Lync Online Dedicated Enterprise Voice features

The list of supported features and capabilities provided by the Lync Online Dedicated EV service offering

can be found on the User Features page.

Call Park

EV provides you with the ability to park and retrieve calls utilizing the Lync Call Park service (CPS). In

order to implement CPS, you must provide a range of dialed extensions to be defined as a Call Park Orbit

(CPO). CPOs must be implemented in the dial plan such that they are not affected by normalization

rules. Alternatively, the range of extensions for the CPO can have explicit normalization rules which

preserve the format in which they are dialed. For example, for a CPO defined as #100-#199, a user keys

in #133 to retrieve a call parked at #133. This format must be preserved by the client).

Call Park Orbit range definition

CPO ranges may begin with *, #, or 1-9, and the remaining digits must all be numeric (0-9) such that they

meet the following normalization validation: ([\*|#]?[1-9]\d{0,7})|([1-9]\d{0,8}).

CPO ranges should include fewer than 10000 numbers in the range, with the recommended orbit size

being 100.

Private line

Office 365 Lync Dedicated\Federal provides you with the ability to use a private line which can be

configured on a per-user basis. The following is a list of features and limitations for a private line


A user can have only one private telephone line.

A user with a private telephone line has only one voice mailbox and receives missed call

notifications at a single email address.

A user with a private telephone line does not have a second SIP address, and a second, private

telephone line does not give a user a second presence on the network (such as a second instant

messaging identity).

The telephone numbers for private telephone lines don’t appear in the telephone directories or

Contacts lists that are derived from Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS).

None of the following features are available with a private telephone line:

o Call forwarding.

o Team call.

o Delegation.

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o Team ring.

o Response Group application.

Calls to a private telephone line have a special ring, and the system notification for the call tells

the user that the incoming call is on his or her private line.

Calls to the private telephone line always ring through. They don’t follow Do Not Disturb rules.

Private telephone lines are inbound only and can’t be used to make outgoing calls. When a user

with a private telephone line makes a call, the call originates from the user’s primary telephone

line and does not hide the user’s name or primary telephone number from the person called.

Unanswered calls to a private telephone line are routed to the same voicemail inbox as for the

primary telephone line (if voicemail is enabled).

Call Park and call pickup work with private telephone lines in the same manner as with the

user’s primary telephone line.

When simultaneous ringing is enabled on a user’s primary telephone line, it’s also enabled on

the private telephone line.

The telephone number for a private telephone line is recorded in the call detail record in the

same manner as the telephone number for a user’s primary telephone line, but with an

indication that it is a private telephone number.

After a user answers a call on a private telephone line, the call is treated the same as a call on

the user’s primary telephone line. For example, if a user who receives a call on a private

telephone line forwards the call or invites others to a conference call, the user’s name appears

in Lync 2010 and 2013, and the telephone number for the user’s primary telephone line appears

in caller ID.

A user can deflect a call (redirect the call to another destination, such as a mobile phone or

home phone, before answering) from the private telephone line in the same manner as with a

primary telephone line.

When a call to a private line is routed to an alternate telephone number, the telephone number

for the private telephone line is made available to the alternate telephone number and can be

displayed in the logs for that number.

Calls from a conference to the private telephone line don’t have a private-line indication in the

incoming system notification.

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To implement this feature, customers must create a RFC ticket with details required for implementation

of the feature, including the user account alias and an available number to be used as the private line.

Suppressing Calling ID

Lync Server 2013 provides a way to manipulate the caller ID for outbound calls. For example, if an

organization wants to mask a user’s direct-dial extensions and replace them with the generic corporate

or departmental number, the Lync Online Deployment Team can configure this option when deploying

the EV site. To make this change to an existing Enterprise Voice site, create and submit an RFC ticket.

Note: The default setting for this feature is to not suppress the Calling ID, but to send the user’s

actual direct-dial phone number as the Calling ID.


Only one Calling ID configuration is supported per EV location. The EV location can be configured to

either send the users direct-dial phone number or a corporate/departmental number, but not both.

Note: This configuration doesn’t suppress the Outbound Calling Name if you have this option

configured with the SIP trunking service provider. Suppressing the Outbound Calling ID is optional

and can impact outbound calling to emergency services as the Site Lookup is typically performed

using the calling number. B aware of this and make your configuration decision based on this


Exchange integration

Lync Online Dedicated EV requires you to subscribe to Exchange Online Dedicated as Exchange Unified

Messaging (EUM) is the only supported voicemail platform for Lync 2013 Server. It’s possible to deploy

EV without voicemail, but it’s not recommended.

EUM places a voicemail in a user’s email inbox. Voicemail can also be retrieved using Outlook Voice

Access (OVA). OVA is provisioned for each EV location so that users will have a local telephone number

to call to retrieve voicemail or use any of the OVA features. For more information, see Outlook Voice

Access Command Reference.

Exchange Unified Messaging Message customization

Lync Online Dedicated EUM allows you to customize the email text in the following areas:

User enabled for UM – typically when the user is first enabled for EV.

User receives new UM voicemail.

User requests a PIN reset.


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Each field is limited to 512 characters, including any markup used.

Standard HTTP markup is supported for formatting of customized text fields.

The “From” address on the emails generated from Exchange Unified Messaging cannot be


User enabled for Unified Messaging

When a user's mailbox is enabled for Exchange Server 2010 Unified Messaging, an e-mail message is

sent that welcomes the user to UM. This message contains the PIN information the user uses to access

the UM system.

Subject Line – Welcome to Exchange Unified Messaging

Note: This can’t be modified.

User receives new voicemail You can include additional text in the e-mail message that's sent when a voicemail message is received

by users who are enabled for Exchange Server 2010 UM. By default, the text that's included with a voice

message indicates only that the caller has received a voice message.

Subject Line – Voice Mail from [Calling Number]

Note: This can’t be modified.

Figure 17 – EUM - Welcome to Exchange Unified Messaging message

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User requests a PIN Reset

You can include additional text in the e-mail message that's sent to users when their UM PIN is reset.

Subject Line – Your PIN has been reset

Note: This can’t be modified.

Figure 18 – EUM – New voicemail message

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more information, see the following:

Include text with the email message sent when a user Is enabled for voice mail

Include text with the email message sent when a voice message Is received

Include text with the email message sent when a PIN Is reset

Lync Online Dedicated – Site and per-user provisioning

When an EV Site is configured, it can have EUM enabled or disabled for the entire EV Site. New in Lync

Online Service Release 15.1 is the per-user UM feature. The Lync Online entitlement bitmap can now be

used to disable UM on a per-user basis. See Lync Online user provisioning for more information.

PSTN Dial-in Conferencing

Dial-in conferencing supports both enterprise and anonymous users. Enterprise users have AD DS

credentials and Lync Server accounts within their organization. Anonymous users don’t have enterprise

credentials within your organization. In the dial-in conferencing context, a user in a federated partner’s

organization who uses the PSTN to connect to a conference is treated like an anonymous user. For dial-

in conferencing, unlike other contexts, federated users are not authenticated.

Enterprise users or conference leaders who join a conference that is enabled for dial-in access dial one

of the conference access numbers and then are prompted to enter the conference ID. If a leader has not

yet joined the meeting, users can either enter their unified communications (UC) extension (or full

phone number) and PIN or wait to be admitted by a leader. Meeting organizers can join the meeting as a

leader by entering just their PIN. The front-end server uses the combination of full phone number or

extension, and PIN, to uniquely map enterprise users to their AD credentials. As a result, enterprise

Figure 19 – Exchange UM – PIN Reset message

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users are authenticated and identified by name in the conference. Enterprise users can also assume a

conference role predefined by the organizer.

Note: Enterprise users who dial in from a Lync Optimized IP phone, Lync 2010/2013 client or Lync 2010/2013 mobile client are not prompted for their phone number because they are already authenticated.

Anonymous users who want to join a dial-in conference dial one of the conference access numbers and then they are prompted to enter the conference ID. Unauthenticated anonymous users are also prompted to record their name. The recorded name identifies unauthenticated users in the conference. Anonymous users aren’t admitted to the conference until at least one leader or authenticated user has joined, and they can’t be assigned a predefined role.

Note: Enterprise users who choose not to enter their phone number and PIN are not authenticated and, thus, are prompted to record their name and are treated as anonymous users in the conference.

At schedule time, the meeting organizer can choose to restrict access to the meeting by making the

meeting closed or locked. In this case, dial-in users are requested to authenticate. If they fail or choose

not to authenticate, they are transferred to the lobby, where they wait until a leader accepts or rejects

them or they time out and are disconnected. Dial-in users hear music if they are waiting to be admitted

to the conference. After they are admitted to a conference, dial-in users can participate in the audio

portion of the conference and can exercise dual-tone multi-frequency (DTMF) commands by using the

phone keypad. Dial-in leaders can exercise DTMF commands to turn participants' ability to unmute on or

off, lock or unlock the conference, admit people from the lobby, and turn entry and exit announcements

on or off. Leaders can also use a DTMF command to admit everyone from the lobby, which changes the

permissions of the meeting to allow anyone who subsequently joins. All dial-in participants can exercise

DTMF commands to hear Help, listen to the conference roster, and mute themselves.


PSTN Dial-in Conferencing has availability only in countries that have Voice availability. The meeting organizer’s location (and not conference participants) determines whether this feature is available and is mapped to countries where Voice is available. If Voice is available in the meeting organizer’s country, the user can be enabled to schedule and organize conferences. Lync Online Dedicated provides a provisioning framework that allows the customer (via AD attributes) to provide user location (UL) to abide by current telecom regulatory issues.

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PSTN Dial-in Conferencing for users not enabled for Enterprise Voice It’s possible to enable a user to organize PSTN Dial-in Conferences while not enabling this same user for

Enterprise Voice. Follow the provisioning requirements in the Lync Online user provisioning section.

Also note the Voice Site guidance in the Site Provisioning for voice section.

In addition to allowing users that are not EV-enabled to organize PSTN Dial-in Conferences, the Enable

non EV users to Dial out from Lync Conferences CRAS request can be submitted to enable participants

from these conferences to dial out to the PSTN.


If dial out from Lync conferences is enabled, it is not possible to restrict what users can dial like is

possible with EV users. See the Voice Policies section for more details.

Common Area Phones

Lync Common Area Phones (CAPs) are endpoints that are not assigned to specific users, and are

designed to reside in lobbies and other “public” locations. CAPs can be configured with a restricted voice

Policy to prevent unauthorized toll calls. See Enterprise voice policies for more details.

Lync Common Area Phones (CAP) require additional customer DHCP configuration to provide the phone

in the boot sequence the Certificate Server and SIP Server URL, See Customer DHCP Configuration for

more details. The string extensionAttributeYY attribute is used to configure the CAPs by specifying

Type=CAP. This string triggers the Lync Online AutoProv system to provision the contact object

correctly. For additional details see Lync Online user provisioning.

Lync CAPs can be used as a Conference Room device with some limitations. For example, Lync CAPs can

be used as an audio device to join online meetings but currently doesn’t support Exchange Calendar

integration. The Lync CAPs also can’t be used to check room availability based on Exchange Free/Busy


With the creation of a CAP, a PIN must then be established for the CAP in order to allow the device to

authenticate and log on to the Lync deployment. When the CAP is configured, the PIN should also be set

at the same time. This allows the device hosting the CAP persona to be authenticated. It should be

noted that there are separate policies for CAPs which allow for the creation of a PIN policy that is more

or less restricted depending on the requirements.

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The following table contains the default configuration for the Common Area Pin Policy. Updates to the

Common Area Pin Policy can be requested using this CRAS request template.

Attribute Value Description

MaximumLogonAttempts 15 Indicates the number of sequential logon failures allowed before a user's PIN is automatically locked.

MinPasswordLength 8 The minimum allowed length (that is, the minimum number of digits) in a PIN number.

PINHistoryCount 5 Indicates how often users are allowed to reuse the same PIN.

PINLifetime 0 Indicates the length of time (in days) that a PIN remains valid; after the PIN lifetime expires, users must select a new PIN before they are allowed to use PIN authentication to gain access to the system.

Table 12 - Default PIN policy configuration

Skype Room System & Surface Hub

The Skype Room System (formerly known as the Lync Room System) and the Surface Hub are meeting

room solutions consisting of integrated hardware and software delivered by our Lync Partners and

optimized to join Lync meetings. Each solution offers the following options:

Skype Room System: o High definition touch displays (1080p) for showing video and enabling collaboration.

Skype Room Systems are available with one or two front of room touch displays

depending on your room size. o A high definition video camera for capturing the room in full 1080p resolution. o Wideband audio for clear sound from and to the room. o A table-top touch meeting console to enable the meeting controller to manage the

meeting without distracting the other attendees.

Microsoft Surface Sub:

o Re-imagines the meeting experience so that you can unlock the power of the group. You

can walk up and join a Lync or Skype for Business meeting with a single tap and share

content effortlessly to allow you to spend your time connecting to people rather than

technology. Since the system will allow you to easily send meeting notes and content,

you can quickly communicate outcomes and action points.

See the user provisioning section for a description of how to provision a Skype Room System or Surface


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Device Update Web server

Lync Server 2013 includes the Device Update Web service, which is automatically installed as part of the Web Services role. This service lets you manage software updates to IP phone devices. The Lync Online Operations team manages this component as part of our service offering. Only devices that have been authenticated to the Lync Online Service can get software updates.

Note: The Auto discovery infrastructure for Update Services will not be deployed (ucupdates-r2). Once a device is signed into the Lync Online Service, device updates are available internally (inside your network) and externally (outside your network).

IP phone devices need to be running a version of Lync 2013 software ( to be able to sign in to the Lync Online Service; devices running any build of OCS 2007 R2 will be unable to connect. See Updating Devices for more details.

Note: Lync 2013 Online only supports the devices Optimized for Lync excluding the Polycom CX700.

Lync mobility

Lync Server 2013 supports full Lync 2013 functionality on a variety of mobile devices, including iOS,

WP8, Nokia, and Android. Lync Server 2013 supports Lync mobile applications for the following devices:

iPhone/iPad (iOS)

Windows Phone 7 (WP7) and 8 (WP8)


Nokia (Symbian)

The mobility feature in Lync Server 2013 supports Lync functionality on mobile devices. Users can use

supported Apple iOS, Android, Windows Phone, or Nokia mobile devices to perform activities like

sending and receiving instant messages, viewing contacts, and viewing presence. In addition, mobile

devices support some EV features, like click to join a conference, Call via Work, single number reach,

voice mail, and missed calls. Users can also make and receive audio and video VoIP calls.

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The self-service reports listed in the following table are available for your consumption.

Title Role Description Time frame Retention

EV Usage Microsoft Online (MSO) Service Management

A monthly rollup with 6 months of history showing number of calls, length and average duration, and trends over time showing increasing volume.

Monthly Up to 6 months

User Call Quality Assessment

Lync Ops (Operations) and Partner Helpdesk

Displays user calls for drill-down into audio quality details.

Per call 2 weeks

Worst Performing Subnets

Engineering Lists the twenty worst performing subnets, grouped by most common audio quality impairments.

14 days 14 days

Telephone Numbers Provisioned for Service

EV Telephone Management

Displays all telephone numbers assigned to EV users.

Real time unlimited

User Provisioned Feature Status

Provisioning Displays features provisioned by user. Real time unlimited

User Call Quality Assessment Rollup

Lync Ops (Operations) and Partner Helpdesk

Displays a rollup of user's audio quality details.

Weekly 3 months

Subnet Call Quality Assessment Rollup

Lync Ops (Operations) and Partner Helpdesk

Shows a rollup of subnet audio quality details.

Weekly 3 months

Client Version Control

MSO Service Management

Displays the percentage of users on different client versions, with client version trending.

Aggregated daily snapshots

90 days

User Provisioned Feature Rollup

Provisioning Displays the user count by feature, with drill-down of user details.

Real time unlimited

Table 13 - Reporting

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Report Pack Release Notes

The Report Pack Release Notes, attached here, offers Lync Online Dedicated customers an overview of

the available reports and general content information in the Report Pack. Specific notes on a report

may contain data on such things as areas of impact, definitions of terms and activities, charts and

graphs, restrictions and scope.

Adding customer network descriptions to Quality of Experience reports

In order to improve the usability of the Lync Quality of Experience (QoE) reports that are available to

you, the Lync Online Dedicated team recommends adding location information and a description to the

networks. A blank CSV template is attached here with the required inputs. See the following for

description examples.



Redmond Building 3,24,Redmond,USA,AM1,Redmond Building 3

Redmond Building 3

1234:5678:90AB:CDEF:1234:5678:90AB::,,Redmond,USA,AM1,Redmond Building 3,24,Paris,EMEA,AM1,Paris France

1234:5678:90AB:CDEF:1234:5678:90AB::,,Paris,EMEA,AM1,Paris France

Identity: (example: IPv4 - or IPv6 - 1234:5678:90AB:CDEF:1234:5678:::) – This is the

subnet. It needs to have all four octets specified even when some of them are zeroed out.

Mask: (example: IPv4 – 24 or IPv6 - none) – This is the subnet mask bits.

Report Pack

Release Notes.docx

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SiteID: (example: Redmond) – This is the site name that appears on the QoE reports for users or

servers making or receiving on the relevant subnet. It can only be up to 32 characters in length

and can’t include any spaces. It can include letters, numbers, or underscores.

Region: (example: USA, EMEA, Asia) – This specifies the major sites as defined by you. A region

must be assigned with each site.

CentralSite: (example: AM1,TK5) – This is the Central Site the region should be associated with.

For example, Central Site Redmond for USA.

SubnetDescription: (example: Redmond Building 3) – A free-form description of the subnet.

Avoid punctuation if possible.

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Because performance characteristics of home devices vary widely (as does the number of different

makes and models of home routers), device-specific support for home routers is not within scope.

Home routers and home Wi-Fi

Microsoft doesn’t provide recommendations for makes and models of home routers and wireless or

wired systems (though newer home routers utilizing the 802.11N standard typically perform better due

to range and bandwidth). User voice and video performance can vary greatly, depending on the

distance from the Wi-Fi router and radio interference from common home devices (such as microwave

ovens and cordless phones), as well as the type of materials used in the home’s construction.

Customer - infrastructure firewall

Your IT pros must update firewall infrastructure configurations to allow the following port ranges to

both Microsoft Online Data Centers as shown in the following table.

Description Protocol Port (range)

Allow inside all Core IP Network

UDP 50000 to 50059

TCP 6891 to 6900

TCP 5061

TCP 443

Allow Core IP Network to/from Branch Offices UDP 50000 to 50059

Allow to Internet TCP 443

UDP 3478

Allow over VPN to Microsoft TCP 5061

TCP 443

Table 14 - Customer infrastructure firewall

Network hubs and switches

Users can use network hubs or switches in order to make more network ports available. Using a hub for

an EV audio/video session will always degrade voice quality, as hubs operate in a half-duplex manner.

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Network device connectivity can affect overall voice quality. The following scenarios are ranked from

best-to-worst as it pertains to voice quality:

1. PC connected to a wired network router or switch in full duplex mode.

2. PC connected to a Wi-Fi network with a strong signal.

3. PC connected to a Wi-Fi with a weak signal and/or connected via wire to a hub.

4. PC connected through the VPN.

Broadband bandwidth minimum requirements

Refer to the Networking Details table found in networking section this document.

Minimum operating system and software requirements

See Skype for Business client software support for the minimum client operating system (OS) and

software requirements.

Unified Communications optimized devices

See Phones and devices qualified for Microsoft Lync for a list of Unified Communications (UC)-optimized

USB and IP Phone devices that are supported by Microsoft for use with Lync 2013 Online**.

** Lync 2013 Online only supports the devices Optimized for Lync excluding the Polycom CX700.

Figure 20 – Unified Communications optimized devices

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Emergency services

Lync Online Dedicated EV supports the emergency services that are available from the SIP trunking

service provider you use for public switched telephone network (PSTN) services. The numbers dialed for

emergency services varies across the regions and must fit into the country’s telephone numbering plan.

Check with your SIP trunking service provider for details and supported dialing formats.

911 and E911

Lync Online Dedicated now supports E911 using a partnership with 911 Enable. This requires that you

work directly with 911 Enable to contract for services. Updating location and subnet data can be done

using Remote PowerShell.

112 and E112

Using the SIP trunk provider’s network for E112 is out-of-scope as the process for loading and updating

location data is carrier-specific. This means that you need to work directly with the SIP trunk service

provider for loading and updating procedures.


The Lync Online Operations team is responsible for validating emergency services calls are routed

correctly to the SIP Trunk service provider network. Location issues and updates are your responsibility

and should be completed using procedures supplied by the SIP Trunk service provider, or Microsoft in

the case of E911 with 911 Enable.

It is recommended that a backup option for emergency services be maintained for users (for example,

911,112, and 999) in case of a power failure, network connectivity degradation, telephone service

outage, or other problems that may inhibit operation of Lync 2013 Server or the Lync 2013 client. An

alternative option can include a telephone connected to a PSTN line or a cell phone.

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Appendix A – Call flows


1. Lync client

2. Lync Mediation Server role

3. Lync Edge Server role

4. Microsoft Online (MSO) Primary data center

5. MSO Secondary data center

6. Customer Primary Data Link to MSO data center

7. Customer Secondary Data Link to MSO data center

8. PSTN SIP trunking provider 1/10gigE egress

9. PSTN SIP trunking provider Primary Session Border Controller (SBC)

10. PSTN SIP trunking provider Secondary SBC

11. Home/Remote worker – Internet connected

12. PSTN user

Figure 21 - SIP trunking routing legend for Enterprise Voice

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Scenario 1 - Enterprise Voice user to Enterprise Voice user

1. EV user Alice calls EV user Carl.

2. Lync 2013 Servers determine which Lync 2013 Server Carl is registered to and alerts his client.

3. Carl answers the call and Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) is established between Alice and Carl in a peer-to-peer


Figure 21 - Scenario 1: Enterprise Voice user to Enterprise Voice user

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Scenario 2 - Remote Enterprise Voice user to Enterprise Voice user

1. Remote EV user Susan (no VPN) calls EV user Alice.

2. Session initiation protocol (SIP) invite goes to the active Internet Edge Server in Data Center A.

3. Lync 2013 Servers determine which Lync 2013 Servers Alice is registered to and alerts her client.

4. Alice answers the call and RTP is established between Susan and Alice in a peer-to-peer fashion.

Figure 22 - Scenario 2: Remote Enterprise Voice user to Enterprise Voice user

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Scenario 3 - Enterprise Voice user to PSTN user

Figure 23 – Scenario 3: Enterprise Voice user to PSTN user

1. EV user Alice calls a PSTN phone number

2. Lync 2013 routing logic determines the number to be a PSTN user and validates that Alice is authorized to place this

outbound PSTN call.

3. Lync 2013 Mediation Server sends SIP invite to SIP trunking provider’s Edge network (SBC).

4. SIP trunking provider network determines the call should be routed to the PSTN network.

5. The call is routed out the SIP trunking provider’s PSTN egress.

6. The PSTN user answers the call and RTP is established between Alice’s client and the SIP trunking provider’s network

through the Lync 2013 Mediation Server.

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Scenario 4 - Enterprise Voice user simultaneously rings mobile phone or PSTN phone

Figure 24 – Scenario 4: Enterprise Voice user simultaneously rings mobile phone or PSTN phone

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Note: EV user Alice has her Lync 2010 or 2013 client set up to simultaneously ring her mobile phone.

1. PSTN user calls Alice’s EV telephone number.

2. Call enters the SIP trunking provider’s network.

3. Call is routed to the customer’s virtual SIP trunk group in the Microsoft Online data center.

4. Inbound invite to Lync 2013 Mediation Server.

5. Lync 2010 or 2013 Servers determine which Lync 2013 Server Susan is registered to.

6. Alice’s Lync 2013 client is alerted.

7. Lync 2013 initiates an outbound call to Alice’s mobile phone.

8. Lync 2013 Mediation Server sends SIP invite to SIP trunking provider’s Edge network (SBC).

9. SIP trunking provider network determines the call should be routed to the PSTN network.

10. Alice’s mobile phone rings.

Alice chooses to answer the inbound EV call on her mobile phone and the PSTN caller is connected to Alice’s mobile phone.

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Scenario 5 - Enterprise Voice user to Federated Partner

Note: has a Lync 2013 Federated connection with its Partner using OCS 2007 R2.

1. EV user Alice places an outbound call to Fred at Fabrikam.

2. Lync 2013 Servers determine the call to be to a Federated user and sends the SIP invite out the Edge Server.

3. The Lync 2013 Edge Server sends the SIP invite over the Federation peer to the Edge Server for Fabrikam.

4. The Fabrikam Edge Server sends the SIP invite to the OCS 2007 R2 pool for Fabrikam.

5. OCS 2007 R2 Servers determine which OCS 2007 R2 Server Fred is registered to and alerts his client.

6. RTP is established between Alice’s and Fred’s client running through the Lync 2013 and OCS 2007 R2 Edge Servers in a peer-to-peer fashion. There’s no PSTN usage.

Figure 25 – Scenario 5: Enterprise Voice user to Federated Partner

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Scenario 6 - Enterprise Voice user to the Exchange UM user

1. PSTN user calls Alice’s EV DID telephone number.

2. Call enters the SIP trunking service provider‘s network.

3. Call is routed to the customer’s virtual SIP trunk group in the MSO data center.

4. Call is connected to the Lync 2013 Mediation Server.

5. The call is routed to the Lync 2013 pool that has the EV user.

Figure 26 – Scenario 6: Enterprise Voice user to the Exchange UM user

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6. Alice’s Lync 2013 client is alerted.

7. After the no-answer timer has expired, Lync 2013 Server routes the call to the Active Exchange United Messaging

(EUM) Server in Data Center A

8. The PSTN caller leaves a voicemail for Alice. RTP is established between the service provider network and the EUM


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Scenario 7 - Enterprise Voice Ad-Hoc Conference

1. EV user Alice initiates a Lync 2013 Audio Conference by dropping some of her teammates, Susan and Carl, into an Ad-

Hoc Conference.

2. The Audio Conference is established on the Multipoint Control Unit (MCU) in Data Center A because Alice’s Lync 2013

account is provisioned on the SE pool in Data Center A.

3. Alice wants to consult with a Business Partner who is currently working off-site and is available on his PSTN


4. Lync 2013 Server initiates an outbound PSTN call to the Business Partner’s PSTN telephone.

5. Lync 2013 Mediation Server sends SIP invite to SIP trunking provider’s Edge network (SBC).

Figure 27 – Scenario 7: Enterprise Voice Ad-Hoc Conference

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6. SIP trunking provider network determines the call should be routed to the PSTN network.

7. The Business Partner answers the call.

8. The Business Partner is now joined to the MCU in Data Center A and he is added to the Audio Conference.

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On-premise SBC call flows

Scenario 1 – Enterprise Voice user to Enterprise Voice user

1. EV user Alice calls Enterprise Voice user Bob.

2. Lync 2013 Servers determine which Lync 2013 Server Bob is registered to and alerts his client.

3. Bob answers the call and RTP is established between Alice and Bob in a peer-to-peer fashion.

Figure 28 – Scenario 1: Enterprise Voice user to Enterprise Voice user

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Scenario 2 - Session Border Controller PSTN inbound

1. PSTN user Bob places a call to Enterprise Voice user Alice 2. The call is routed over the PSTN Network to the PBX (Call Manager); the PBX is configured to send the call to the customer-

managed Session Border Controller (SBC). 3. The SBC Internal Edge configuration is setup to route the call to the SIP trunk group for the Lync Online EV deployment. 4. The SBC External Edge configuration sends the call to one of the Lync 2013 Mediation Servers in the Lync Online data

center. 5. Lync 2013 Servers determine which Lync 2013 Server Alice is registered to and alerts her client. 6. Alice answers the call and RTP is established between Alice’s client and the customer-managed SBC through the Lync 2013

Mediation Server.

Figure 29 – Scenario 2: Session Border Controller PSTN inbound

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Scenario 3 – Session Border Controller PSTN outbound

1. EV user Alice calls a PSTN phone number 2. Lync 2013 routing logic determines the number to be a PSTN user and validates that Alice is authorized to place this

outbound PSTN call. Lync 2013 Mediation Server sends SIP invite to the customer-managed SBC Edge network. 3. The customer-managed SBC is configured to route the call to the Internal Edge of the SBC. 4. The customer-managed SBC is configured to route the call to the customer’s Call Manager deployment. 5. The Call Manager configuration determines the best route to the PSTN over the customer’s voice network and the call is

handed off to the PSTN network. 6. The PSTN user answers the call and RTP is established between Alice’s client and the customer-managed SBC through the

Lync 2013 Mediation Server.

Figure 30 – Scenario 3: Session Border Controller PSTN outbound

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Scenario 4 – Session Border Controller PBX outbound

1. EV user Alice calls PBX user Bob 2. Lync 2013 routing logic determines the number to be a PSTN user and validates that Alice is authorized to place this

outbound PBX call. Lync 2013 Mediation Server sends SIP invite to the customer-managed SBC Edge network. 3. The customer-managed SBC is configured to route the call to the Internal Edge of the SBC. 4. The customer-managed SBC is configured to route the call to the customer’s Call Manager deployment. 5. The Call Manager determines where Bob’s client is registered and routes the call to Bob’s phone, his phone is alerted. 6. Bob answers the call and RTP is established between Alice’s client and the customer-managed SBC through the Lync 2013

Mediation Server.

Figure 31 – Scenario 4: Session Border Controller PBX outbound

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Scenario 5 – Session Border Controller Simulring

Note: EV user Alice has her Lync 2010 or 2013 client setup to Simulring her mobile phone.

1. PSTN user Bob calls Alice’s EV telephone number. 2. The call is routed over the PSTN network to the PBX (Call Manager); the PBX is configured to send the call to the customer-

managed SBC. 3. The SBC Internal Edge configuration is set up to route the call to the SIP trunk group for the Lync Online EV deployment. 4. The SBC External Edge configuration sends the call to one of the Lync 2013 Mediation Servers in the Lync Online data

center. 5. Lync 2013 Servers determine which Lync 2013 Server Alice is registered at and alerts her client 6. Alice’s Lync 2013 client is alerted. 7. Lync 2013 initiates an outbound call to Alice’s mobile phone. 8. The customer-managed SBC is configured to route the call to the Internal Edge of the SBC. 9. The customer-managed SBC is configured to route the call to the Customers Call Manager deployment. 10. The Call Manager configuration determines the best route to the PSTN over the customer’s voice network and the call is

handed off to the PSTN network. 11. Alice chooses to answer the inbound EV call on her mobile phone and the PSTN caller is connected to Alice’s mobile


Figure 32 – Scenario 5: Session Border Controller Simulring

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Scenario 6 – Session Border Controller PSTN Dial-in Conferencing

1. EV user Alice creates a Scheduled Lync 2013 Audio Conference.

2. Alice invites her teammate Charlie and a Business Partner from

3. The Business Partner from dials into the Audio Conference using the Conference Auto Attendant (CAA)

phone number listed in the meeting invite (+1(425) 555-1000).

4. The call is routed over the PSTN network to the PBX (Call Manager); the PBX is configured to send the call to the customer-managed SBC.

5. The SBC Internal Edge configuration is setup to route the call to the SIP trunk Group for the Lync Online EV deployment. 6. The SBC External Edge configuration sends the call to one of the Lync 2013 Mediation Servers in the Lync Online data

center. 7. An inbound invite is sent to Lync 2013 Mediation Server. 8. The Audio Conference is established on the MCU in Data Center A because Alice’s Lync 2013 account is provisioned on the

SE pool in Data Center A.

9. The Business Partner, Alice, and Charlie are now joined to the Audio Conference using the MCU in Data Center A.

Figure 33 – Scenario 6: Session Border Controller PSTN Dial-in Conferencing

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Scenario 7 – Session Border Controller Media Bypass (optional) – outbound PSTN

1. EV user Alice calls a PSTN phone number 2. Lync 2013 routing logic determines the number to be a PSTN user and validates that Alice is authorized to place this

outbound PSTN call. Lync 2013 Mediation Server sends SIP invite to the customer-managed SBC Edge network. 3. The customer-managed SBC is configured to route the call to the Internal Edge of the SBC. 4. The customer-managed SBC is configured to route the call to the customer’s Call Manager deployment. 5. The Call Manager configuration determines the best route to the PSTN over the customer’s voice network and the call is

handed off to the PSTN network. 6. The PSTN user answers the call and RTP is established between Alice’s client and the customer-managed SBC directly. The

Lync 2013 Mediation Server in the Lync Online data center is not used.

Figure 34 – Scenario 7: Session Border Controller Media Bypass

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Appendix B - Glossary

Term Definition

ACD Automatic Call Distribution

AF Assured Forwarding—Class of video streams

CAP Common Area Phone

CLID Calling line ID

CSTA Computer-supported telecommunications applications

CRAS Customer Request Analysis System

DDE Detailed Data Exchange document

DNIS Dialed Destination Number


Direct inbound dialing (DID)—Also called direct dial-in (DDI) in Europe and Oceania. Offered by telephone companies for use with customer private branch exchange (PBX) systems, where the telephone company provides one or more trunk lines to the customer for connection to the customer PBX and allocates a range of telephone numbers to this line (or group of lines) and forwards all calls to such numbers via the trunk.

E911 Enhanced 911

EF Expedited Forwarding class, for the delivery of audio and video media streams.

EUM Exchange Unified Messaging

FEC Forward Error Correction (see above).

ITU International Telecommunication Union (Union International des Télécommunications) is a UN agency which regulates information and communication technology issues.

IVR Interactive Voice Response

LRS Skype Room System/ Surface Hub account type

MCU Multipoint Control Unit

MOM Microsoft Operations Manager 2005

MPLS Multiprotocol label switching network connections

MSO Microsoft Online

EV Enterprise Voice

OVA Outlook Voice Access

PIC Public IM Connectivity

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PSTN Public switched telephone network—Refers to the international telephone system based on copper wires carrying analog voice data. This is in contrast to newer telephone networks based on digital technologies, such as ISDN.

PBX Private branch exchange—A telephone switch that supports VoIP.

QOS Quality of Service

RCC Remote Call Control

RPO Recovery Point Objective

RTO Recovery Time Objective

RTP Real-Time Transport Protocol

SBC Session Border Controller

SCOM Systems Center Operations Manager 2007 or higher

SIP Session initiation protocol

SDM Service delivery manager

SRTP Secure RTP (see RTP)

TDM Time Division Multiplex

TSG Troubleshooting Guide

VoIP Voice over Internet Protocol—Uses the Internet as the transmission medium for telephone calls by sending voice data in packets using IP rather than by traditional circuit transmissions of the PSTN.

VPN Virtual Private Network

Table 15 - Glossary of terms

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Appendix C – Test plan

Use the attached worksheet to validate the Lync Online Dedicated Enterprise Voice service offering.

Work with your Lync Online Deployment Team to complete this worksheet.

Lync Online

Dedicated Client Test Plan.xlsx

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Appendix D – SIP ladders

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. Figure 35 – Outbound PSTN call

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Figure 36 – Inbound PSTN call with Media Bypass enabled

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Figure 37 – Outbound PSTN call with Media Bypass enabled

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Appendix E - Country availability matrix performance

determination methods

In order to determine a list of countries that had the potential for deployment of the EV and Dial-In

Conferencing features, it was necessary to develop a method for preliminary performance assessment.

What follows is a description of the method used to perform the preliminary evaluation.


Total Stateless Transport Tunneling (STT) is calculated using the following coefficients determined from

historical monitoring data in Lync Online:

Mediation Server traffic is susceptible to latency as high as 30 milliseconds (ms).

Lync RTAudio stack introduces jitter buffer latency of 40ms.

Device latency measured at average of 50ms.

Method of measurement

Latency in milliseconds = (1.54 * Distance) / 186

Where 1.54 represents the standard attenuation value of Fiber and the Speed of Light at 186 miles/ms.

Minimum possible latency for an endpoint located at a distance of 2500 miles from data center

deployment of Lync via fiber using the above latency calculation equates to 20.69ms; while a more

realistic number of 50ms latency for STT is used in calculations. The value 50ms was chosen as baseline

for Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) traffic measured sites because normal network traffic was

not optimized or subject to QoS priority routing and queuing. VoIP traffic benefits greatly from network

configuration of QoS to enforce efficient routing and timely delivery of media traffic. In addition, a back

leg of mediation and/or SBC may add additional latency due to propagation delay, which should be

added and measured for true mouth-to-ear STT calculations.

Predicted latency

MSL – Mediation server latency @30ms

NET – Network latency @ max distance 50ms

JIT – Jitter buffer @40ms

DEV – Device latency @50ms

CUS – Customer network latency (unknown)

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PSTN latency MSL + NET + JIT + DEV = 170ms STT + CUS

Internal wired traffic (conference)

NET + JIT + DEV = 140ms STT + CUS

Internal wired traffic (peer-to-peer):

DEV + DEV + JIT = 140ms + CUS