microsoft dynamic nav 2013 localization for lithuania€¦ · microsoft dynamic nav 2013...

Page 1 of 219 Microsoft Dynamic NAV 2013 localization for Lithuania User Guide 1 Table of Contents 1 Table of Contents ....................................................................................................................................................... 1 2 Inventory Operations Document (EE03) .................................................................................................................... 7 2.1 Inventory Documents ........................................................................................................................................... 7 2.2 Posted Inventory Write Down Report .................................................................................................................. 8 3 Delivery Person (EE05) ............................................................................................................................................... 9 3.1 Setup Delivery Person feature ........................................................................................................................... 10 3.2 Enter Delivery Person Data ................................................................................................................................ 10 3.3 Enter Delivery Data in Sales Order or Invoice .................................................................................................... 11 4 Bank account selection on sales invoice (EE07) ....................................................................................................... 13 4.1 Setting up Default Bank Account ....................................................................................................................... 13 4.2 Selecting Bank Account on Sales Documents ..................................................................................................... 14 5 Local Bank (EE08) ..................................................................................................................................................... 16 5.1 Setup Local Bank data ........................................................................................................................................ 16 5.2 Customer and Vendor Bank Account setup using Local Bank data .................................................................... 17 6 Packaging Tax Calculation (EE09) ............................................................................................................................. 18 6.1 Setup Package Materials .................................................................................................................................... 18 6.2 Relate packaging materials with items .............................................................................................................. 19 6.3 Calculate and Report Package Tax ..................................................................................................................... 20 7 Customers and Vendors Compensations (EE17) ...................................................................................................... 22 7.1 Create Contact as Customer and as Vendor ...................................................................................................... 22 7.2 View Balance as Customer and Balance as Vendor ........................................................................................... 22 7.3 Suggesting and Posting Compensations ............................................................................................................. 24 8 VAT Information Exchange System - VIES (EE23) ..................................................................................................... 27 8.1 VIES Setup .......................................................................................................................................................... 28

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Microsoft Dynamic NAV 2013 localization for Lithuania

User Guide

1 Table of Contents

1 Table of Contents ....................................................................................................................................................... 1

2 Inventory Operations Document (EE03) .................................................................................................................... 7

2.1 Inventory Documents ........................................................................................................................................... 7

2.2 Posted Inventory Write Down Report .................................................................................................................. 8

3 Delivery Person (EE05) ............................................................................................................................................... 9

3.1 Setup Delivery Person feature ........................................................................................................................... 10

3.2 Enter Delivery Person Data ................................................................................................................................ 10

3.3 Enter Delivery Data in Sales Order or Invoice .................................................................................................... 11

4 Bank account selection on sales invoice (EE07) ....................................................................................................... 13

4.1 Setting up Default Bank Account ....................................................................................................................... 13

4.2 Selecting Bank Account on Sales Documents ..................................................................................................... 14

5 Local Bank (EE08) ..................................................................................................................................................... 16

5.1 Setup Local Bank data ........................................................................................................................................ 16

5.2 Customer and Vendor Bank Account setup using Local Bank data .................................................................... 17

6 Packaging Tax Calculation (EE09) ............................................................................................................................. 18

6.1 Setup Package Materials .................................................................................................................................... 18

6.2 Relate packaging materials with items .............................................................................................................. 19

6.3 Calculate and Report Package Tax ..................................................................................................................... 20

7 Customers and Vendors Compensations (EE17) ...................................................................................................... 22

7.1 Create Contact as Customer and as Vendor ...................................................................................................... 22

7.2 View Balance as Customer and Balance as Vendor ........................................................................................... 22

7.3 Suggesting and Posting Compensations ............................................................................................................. 24

8 VAT Information Exchange System - VIES (EE23) ..................................................................................................... 27

8.1 VIES Setup .......................................................................................................................................................... 28

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8.2 Triangular Transaction Setup ............................................................................................................................. 29

8.2.1 Triangular Purchase Transactions ........................................................................................... 29

8.2.2 Intermediary Role in Triangular Trade .................................................................................... 30

8.3 Creation of VIES Declaration .............................................................................................................................. 31

9 Customer/Vendor Balance to Date Reports (EE24) ................................................................................................. 37

10 Customs feature (EE25) ........................................................................................................................................... 39

10.1 Setup Customs Feature ...................................................................................................................................... 39

10.2 Enter SAD Statement.......................................................................................................................................... 41

10.3 Enter SAD Declaration ........................................................................................................................................ 43

11 Intrastat Engine (EE26) ............................................................................................................................................ 47

11.1 Setup Intrastat Engine ........................................................................................................................................ 48

11.2 Posting Sales, Purchase or Transfer transaction ................................................................................................ 53

11.2.1 Sales ........................................................................................................................................ 53

11.2.2 Purchase ................................................................................................................................. 55

11.2.3 Transfer ................................................................................................................................... 57

11.3 Preparing Intrastat Journal ................................................................................................................................. 58

12 Debit and Credit amount in Trial Balance Report (EE36) ......................................................................................... 60

13 Marking as Cancelled (EE39) .................................................................................................................................... 62

13.1 Marking documents before posting ................................................................................................................... 62

13.2 Marking posted documents ............................................................................................................................... 63

14 WAYBILL DOCUMENT (LT4.2)................................................................................................................................... 64

14.1 Report Selections ............................................................................................................................................... 64

14.2 Printing transfer document from Sales Shipments ............................................................................................ 65

14.2.1 Printing transfer document from Transfer Shipments ........................................................... 67

14.2.2 Printing transfer document from Item Reclass. Journals ....................................................... 69

15 Prepayments (Advance Invoices) (EE16).................................................................................................................. 70

15.1 Setup of Advances .............................................................................................................................................. 70

15.1.1 General Ledger Setup ............................................................................................................. 70

15.1.2 Sales & Receivables Setup ...................................................................................................... 71

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15.1.3 Sales Advances Account on Customer Posting Groups .......................................................... 73

15.1.4 Purchase & Payables Setup .................................................................................................... 74

15.1.5 Advances Account on Vendor Posting Groups ....................................................................... 75

15.1.6 VAT Posting groups for Sales and Purchase Advances ........................................................... 76

15.2 Advances in Sales and Purchases ....................................................................................................................... 77

15.2.1 Creating Advance Letter ......................................................................................................... 80

15.2.2 Posting and Linking of Advance Payment ............................................................................... 82

15.2.3 Posting Advance Invoice ......................................................................................................... 84

15.2.4 Posting Advance Credit Memo ............................................................................................... 86

15.2.5 Posting Final Invoice ............................................................................................................... 87

15.2.6 Correcting Final Invoice Postings and reversing the whole Advances process ...................... 88

15.3 Exchange Rates Adjustment and Advances ....................................................................................................... 89

15.3.1 Unrealized Exchange Rates Adjustment ................................................................................. 89

15.3.2 Realized Exchange Rates Adjustment ..................................................................................... 90

16 Fixed Asset location/responsible history report (LT3.1) .......................................................................................... 91

16.1 Setup of FA History tracking ............................................................................................................................... 91

16.2 Tracking FA Location and Responsible Employee changes ................................................................................ 92

16.3 FA Location and Responsible Employee History Reporting ............................................................................... 95

17 VAT Sales Invoice (LT4.1) ......................................................................................................................................... 96

17.1 Setup VAT sales invoice feature ......................................................................................................................... 96

17.1.1 Separating Invoice number to series part and number part .................................................. 96

17.1.2 Currency decimal places abbreviation .................................................................................... 97

17.1.3 Reference to VAT law paragraph ............................................................................................ 98

17.2 Report selection setup ....................................................................................................................................... 98

17.3 Usage VAT Sales Invoice feature ........................................................................................................................ 99

18 Credit and Debit notes (LT4.3) ............................................................................................................................... 100

18.1 Report selection setup ..................................................................................................................................... 100

18.2 Printing Credit Note from posted Sales Invoices.............................................................................................. 101

18.3 Printing Debit Note from posted Purchase Credit Memos .............................................................................. 102

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19 Exch. Rate Adjustment (EE14)................................................................................................................................ 103

20 Fixed Assets Reporting (EE13) ............................................................................................................................... 106

20.1 FA Card ............................................................................................................................................................. 106

20.2 FA Receipt ........................................................................................................................................................ 109

20.3 FA Disposal ....................................................................................................................................................... 112

20.4 FA Phys. Inventory List ..................................................................................................................................... 114

20.5 Fixed Assets physical accounting statement (LT3.4) ........................................................................................ 116

20.6 FA maintenance report (LT3.3) ........................................................................................................................ 119

21 Statutory Company Information (EE28) ................................................................................................................. 119

21.1 Setup Company Officials .................................................................................................................................. 119

22 Multiple payables/receivables accounts (EE29) .................................................................................................... 122

22.1 Setup Posting Group Substitutions .................................................................................................................. 122

22.2 Setup Posting Group Alterations ...................................................................................................................... 123

22.3 Posting Transactions with changed Customer Posting Groups ........................................................................ 125

22.4 Applying entries with different posting groups ............................................................................................... 128

22.5 Suggesting Vendor Payments with Multiple Posting Groups ........................................................................... 129

23 Cash Management (EE32) ...................................................................................................................................... 130

23.1 Setup Cash Management ................................................................................................................................. 130

23.2 Manage Cash Desk Accounts ........................................................................................................................... 135

23.3 Manage Cash Orders ........................................................................................................................................ 138

23.4 Manage Cash Reports ...................................................................................................................................... 142

23.5 Posting Cash Transactions ................................................................................................................................ 146

24 Fixed Asset Double Balance depreciation method (EE34) ..................................................................................... 147

25 Fixed Asset Sales and Purchase Reports (EE35) ..................................................................................................... 149

26 Inventory at Date Reconciliation new Report (EE37) ............................................................................................ 151

26.1 Report usage .................................................................................................................................................... 151

27 Inventory Turnover Report Redesign (EE38) ......................................................................................................... 152

27.1 Description ....................................................................................................................................................... 152

27.2 Report usage .................................................................................................................................................... 152

28 Country name in original language (LT1.2) ............................................................................................................ 155

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29 Sales and purchases invoice registers (LT4.7) ........................................................................................................ 155

30 Company debts reconciliation report (LT5.1) ........................................................................................................ 157

31 Electronic banking (export) (LT5.4) ........................................................................................................................ 160

31.1 Feature setup ................................................................................................................................................... 160

31.2 Feature usage ................................................................................................................................................... 164

31.2.1 Payments preparation .......................................................................................................... 164

31.2.2 Export local payment to banking system ............................................................................. 165

31.2.3 Prepare and export foreign payment to banking system ..................................................... 166

31.2.4 Print local and foreign payments .......................................................................................... 166

32 Inventory Counting Document (EE02) ................................................................................................................... 167

33 Deletion of Posted Documents (EE04) ................................................................................................................... 170

33.1 Set Document Deletion Date for Purchase Documents ................................................................................... 170

33.2 Set Document Deletion Date for Sales Documents.......................................................................................... 170

34 Posting Description (EE10) ..................................................................................................................................... 171

34.1 Setup Default Posting Descriptions in Sales ..................................................................................................... 173

34.2 Setup Default Posting Descriptions in Purchase .............................................................................................. 174

34.3 Setup Default Posting Descriptions in Inventory posting to GL ....................................................................... 175

34.4 Setup Default Posting Descriptions in Service Management ........................................................................... 176

34.5 Using Posting Description on Documents ........................................................................................................ 177

35 VAT Clause (EE12) .................................................................................................................................................. 178

35.1 Setup VAT Clauses ............................................................................................................................................ 179

35.2 Printing a Sales Invoice Containing VAT Clause................................................................................................ 181

36 Customers/Vendors Reconciliations (EE15)........................................................................................................... 182

36.1 Setting up Vendors for Balance Reconciliations ............................................................................................... 183

36.2 Printing Customer/Vendor – Balance Reconciliation Report ........................................................................... 183

37 Trial Balance Report Changes (EE20) ..................................................................................................................... 186

37.1 Customer and Vendor Trial Balance reports .................................................................................................... 186

38 Customer – Detail Trial Balance report (EE21) ...................................................................................................... 187

39 Bank Account – Detail Trial Balance Report (EE22) ............................................................................................... 189

40 VAT Date (EE27) ..................................................................................................................................................... 190

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40.1 Posting Sales, Purchase and Service transactions with VAT Date .................................................................... 193

40.2 Postponing VAT on Sales Credit Memo ............................................................................................................ 196

40.3 Preparing VAT Statement ................................................................................................................................. 198

40.4 Calculating and posting VAT ............................................................................................................................. 199

40.5 Reconciling VAT and GL Entries ........................................................................................................................ 201

41 Proportional VAT (EE30) ........................................................................................................................................ 203

41.1 Setup of Proportional deduction of VAT .......................................................................................................... 203

41.2 Posting Purchase transaction with Non Deductible VAT ................................................................................. 205

42 VAT Statement Calculation (EE31) ......................................................................................................................... 206

42.1 Setting up VAT Statement ................................................................................................................................ 207

43 Account Schedules (EE33) ...................................................................................................................................... 210

43.1 Setup and Usage of Shared Account Schedule................................................................................................. 210

43.2 Setup and Usage of Save Account Schedule Results ........................................................................................ 212

43.3 Usage of Formula Drill down ............................................................................................................................ 216

43.4 Setup of Additional Data Sources in Account Schedule ................................................................................... 217

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2 Inventory Operations Document (EE03)

Users perform inventory operations such as write down, reclassification and revaluation. They have to have the possibility to print documents for each of these operations with layout that fits the legal requirements. Users also want to print a document for posted write down operations for additional confirmation or other purposes. Because of the reasons above feature Inventory Operations Documents provides following reports:

Inventory Document report is used to print following reports from inventory journals: o Inventory Write Down Document o Inventory Revaluation Document o Inventory Movement Document

Posted Inventory Write Down Report is used to print posted write down operations as report.

2.1 Inventory Documents

Users use inventory write down report to get approval for write down of inventory items. To do this user follows these steps:

1. On Navigation Pane, user clicks the Departments button and follows this path Warehouse → Inventory → Tasks → Item Journals to open Item Journal page.

2. User enters item journal lines specifying inventory items to write down. 3. To open Inventory Document request page, user chooses Inventory Write Down Document function

from Report section on the Home tab.

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4. On the Options tab user enters the reason for write down operation in Document Reason field. This

reason will be visible on the report. 5. In Persona fields user enters (or selects from the table by clicking arrow – drill down menu on the

right side of the field) Company Officials. These Personas will be visible on the report as approvers of the Document.

6. User clicks Print to print or to save document as Word, Excel or pdf format or clicks Preview to view the printout.

NOTE: The same steps apply for Inventory Movement Documents that could be printed from Item Reclassification Journal (Warehouse → Inventory → Tasks → Item Reclass. Journal) and Inventory Revaluation Documents that could be printed from Revaluation Journal (Warehouse → Inventory → Tasks → Revaluation Journal).

2.2 Posted Inventory Write Down Report

As certain operations require additional batch jobs to be run in Inventory (like Adjust Cost – Item Entries) to get actual and corrected cost amounts, user needs to print Inventory Write Down Document based on this data. To create and print this kind of the report user follows these steps:

1. User clicks Financial Management → Inventory → Reports → Inventory Write Down Document to open Posted Inventory Document printing page.

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2. On Options tab user enters the reason for write down operation in Document Reason field. This reason will be visible on the report.

3. In Persona fields user enters (or selects from the table by clicking arrow on the right side of the field) Company Officials. These Personas will be visible on the report as approvers of the Document.

4. On Item Ledger Entry tab user chooses all necessary filters for data filtering such as Document No, Posting Date and ect.

5. User clicks Print to print or to save document as Word, Excel or pdf format or Preview to view the printout.

NOTE: Please note that values in Posted Inventory Write Down report might be different if you have run Adjust Cost – Item Entries (Financial Management → Inventory → Costing batch → Adjust Cost – Item Entries) job.

3 Delivery Person (EE05)

During shipment of goods some companies (even country legislations) require delivery details such as name and identification of person delivering goods. To provide users with this possibility Dynamics NAV has Delivery Person feature implemented.

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3.1 Setup Delivery Person feature

As mentioned above some legislation may require delivery details to be mandatory. To set the system the way, when posting of sales document is possible only if delivery details are specified, user does the following:

User clicks Sales & Marketing -> Administration -> Sales & Marketing Setup in Sales & Marketing application domain to open Sales & Receivables Setup Page. On the General Fast Tab of the Sales & Receivables Setup Card user places a checkmark in Delivery Data Mandatory field:

3.2 Enter Delivery Person Data

To enter delivery data to be used for selection list of Delivery person user follows these steps:

1. User clicks Sales & Marketing->Administration-> Delivery Persons in Sales & Marketing application domain to open Delivery Person Card.

2. User enters Delivery Person details and selects delivery transport method by clicking lookup in Delivery Transport Method field:

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3.3 Enter Delivery Data in Sales Order or Invoice

To enter delivery data in Sales Order or Sales Invoice user follows these steps:

1. User clicks Sales & Marketing ->Order Processing ->Orders (or Invoices) in Sales & Marketing application domain to open Sales Order (or Invoice) Card.

2. On Delivery Fast Tab user enters (or selects by clicking lookup button on Identity Card No. field) Delivery person details:

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3. When Delivery Person is set on the Sales Order (Invoice), the data from Delivery Person Card will be

copied to the Sales Order (Invoice). 4. After posting Sales Order (Invoice) system copies delivery details to posted Sales Invoice and

Shipment documents user can see by clicking Sales & Marketing->History->Posted Sales Invoices or Posted Sales Shipments:

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5. User can see delivery details in a list of Posted Sales Invoices and Shipments as well:

4 Bank account selection on sales invoice (EE07)

It is quite common that companies have multiple bank accounts opened in multiple banking institutions in order to lower the cost of financial transactions. For that purpose Dynamics NAV needs to enable users to select preferred bank account to be printed on Sales documents.

4.1 Setting up Default Bank Account

To enter and store information about Default Bank Account user follows these steps:

1. User clicks Application Setup-> General-> Company Information in Administration application domain to open Company Information page.

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On Payments Fast Tab of Company Information page user enters or selects (by clicking lookup button) Bank Account No. system will use as Default Bank Account for company:

4.2 Selecting Bank Account on Sales Documents

To select or enter Bank Account that will appear on following reports:

Report 117 Reminder

Report 118 Finance Charge Memo

Report 204 Sales - Quote

Report 205 Order Confirmation

Report 206 Sales - Invoice

Report 207 Sales - Credit Memo

Report 208 Sales - Shipment

on the following Sales document pages:

Sales Quote

Sales Order

Sales Invoice

Sales Credit Memo


Finance Charge Memos

user follows these steps:

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1. User enters or selects (by clicking lookup button) Bank account to be copied to posted document and printed on the document printout in the Invoicing Fast Tab on the Sales document page or Posting Fast Tab for Reminders and Finance Charge Memos:

2. System automatically copies Bank Name, Bank Branch No, Bank Account No, IBAN data along with Bank

Account number to sales documents using following logic:

If Default Bank Account is set on the Company Information Card, system uses data from Default Bank Account Card as default on the Sales Documents;

If Default Bank Account is missing in Company Information page, system sets bank account data from Company Information Payment’s Fast Tab as default on Sales Documents.

NOTE: Bank account data is transferred from Sales Quote to Sales Order during execution of Make Order batch. Also, when user runs Copy Document function on any of Sales Documents, system transfers Bank Account information from copy-from to copy-to document.

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5 Local Bank (EE08)

This feature provides improved efficiency and prevents user from making mistakes during entering customer and vendor bank account data by capturing the bank information and eliminating the need to reenter it every time. Such functionality is important when bank transactions are done electronically.

5.1 Setup Local Bank data

To setup Local Bank data user follows these steps:

1. User clicks Administration ->Application Setup ->Financial Management ->General ->Local Bank in Administration application domain to see the list of Local Banks and to open Local Banks Card page.

On General Fast Tab user enters general bank data:

On Communications Fast Tab user enters bank communication data:

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5.2 Customer and Vendor Bank Account setup using Local Bank data

To use Local Bank data for customer and vendor bank account setup user follows these steps:

1. User clicks Financial Management->Receivables->Customers in Financial Management application domain to see the list of Customers and to open the Customer Card page.

User clicks Bank Accounts button on the Navigate tab in the Customer group to see Customer Bank Account List and to open Customer Bank Account Card. User enters the Code of new Customer Bank Account. User enters (or selects by clicking the lookup button) Local Bank Code to copy bank data from Local Bank Card to Customer Bank Account. System copies all General and Communication data form Local Bank Card set in previous step to the Customer bank account, making this data consistent throughout the system:

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NOTE: The same logic applies to the usage of Local Bank data in Vendor Bank Accounts.

6 Packaging Tax Calculation (EE09)

Companies that sell or consume goods on local market are liable of declaring package tax to the authorities. To do this Dynamics NAV enables users to:

Set package materials.

Collect data about sales and consumption of items with packages.

Calculate and report package tax for sold items with packages.

6.1 Setup Package Materials

To set item package tax user first should set packaging materials. To set packaging materials, user should follow these steps:

1. On Navigation Pane, user clicks the Departments button and follows this path Financial Management -> Inventory -> Administration -> Setup -> Package Materials to open Package Materials card:

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2. In Package Materials card user enters material Code, Description, Tax Rate (LCY). 3. User enters the percent of discount in the Discount % field for the package materials which are awarded

as eco-friendly. 4. User enters the percent of the exemption in the Exemption % field for the package material, if the

company has, for example, some recycling agreements with waste management company for this material.

6.2 Relate packaging materials with items

Package materials should be related with items after the packaging materials were set up. To relate package materials with items user follows these steps:

1. On Navigation Pane, user clicks the Departments button and follows this path Sales & Marketing → Inventory & pricing → List → Items to open necessary item card:

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2. To relate item with the package materials on the Navigate tab in the item card user finds Master Data

options and clicks Package Materials to open item Package Materials card:

3. In this card user enters or selects from the list Item Unit of Measure Code. 4. User enters or selects from the list Package Material Code that enables system to get the package

material information for tax calculation. 5. User enters the Weight of the material per unit of measure in Weight field.

6.3 Calculate and Report Package Tax

At the end of the established period user executes calculation and report creating process that will calculate package taxes and will give the report. To execute this process user follows these steps:

1. On Navigation Pane, user clicks the Departments button and follows this path Financial Management → Inventory → Reports and Analysis → Reports → Package Tax Calculation to open Package Tax Calculation process request page:

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2. On the Options tab user chooses whether or not report should be created with detailed information about each item ledger entry that was used to calculate the final value of the package tax.

3. On the Item Ledger Entry tab user enters posting date and/or country code and/or other necessary filter such as Invoiced Quantity, Document No or ect.

4. To see the result of the calculation and to see the final report user clicks Preview. To print the report or to open it in Excel, Word or pdf formats user clicks Print and chooses necessary function:

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7 Customers and Vendors Compensations (EE17)

Quite frequently company’s customers are company’s vendors as well. In such situations, it is quite common

for companies to compensate their receivables and payables.

7.1 Create Contact as Customer and as Vendor To be able to see Balance as Vendor on Customer card and Balance as Customer on Vendor card, user first

needs to set a customer and vendor business relation with a contact. User should set this business relation

for the purpose to show the system that even though particular company is registered in application as

Vendor and as Customer and also that it is in fact the same company. To do this user should do standard

procedure of creating Customer and Vendor from a Contact. To set this business relation user follows these


1. On Navigation Pane, user clicks the Departments button and follows this path Sales & Marketing →

Sales → List → Contacts to open Contact Cards List.

2. User finds a contact and opens it.

3. In the Contact card user selects Action tab → Function section → Create As function to create

Customer or Vendor record based on the contact data.

4. User selects create as Customer menu item to create Customer record based on the contact data.

NOTE: When user selects this function the Customer Template List window appears and user should

choose the Customer Template.

5. With the same function Create As user selects create as Vendor menu item to create Vendor record

based on the contact data. NOTE: After creating user should open this Vendor card and to set all

information about posting group on the Invoicing Fast Tab: Gen. Bus. Posting Group, Vendor Posting

Group, VAT. Bus. Posting Group.

NOTE: If the Contact is not a Company type or do not have specified Company in its card on the system, then

before creating it as Customer or Vendor user should change contact type to Company or specify Company


7.2 View Balance as Customer and Balance as Vendor The result of creating contact as customer and as vendor will be new customer and vendor records. To make

sure these records were created user follows these steps:

1. In the same Contact card user clicks on Navigate tab → Related Information section →

Customer/Vendor/Bank Acc shortcut to open window where user could choose which one of the card as

Vendor or as Customer he wants to see:

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2. If user chooses Customer and clicks OK then the Customer Card appears:

3. By using drill down button on the right side of Balance (LCY) As Vendor field user will be able to see

vendor ledger entries of this customer.

4. If user chooses Vendor using the Customer/Vendor/Bank Acc shortcut and clicks OK then the Vendor

Card appears.

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5. By using drill down button on the right side of Balance (LCY) As Customer field user will be able to see

customer ledger entries of this vendor.

7.3 Suggesting and Posting Compensations In order to settle compensations, there is a possibility that system suggest compensations for customers and

vendors that have been already registered as vendors and customers. To get suggestions user follows these


1. User clicks Financial Management → Payables →Tasks →Payment Journals to open General Journal

Template List page, where user selects Payment Journal template and in this way opens necessary

Payment Journal

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2. On the Home tab, Process section user clicks Suggest Compensations to open Suggest Compensation

request page:

3. In the Suggest Compensation request page user enters following data:

3.1. Posting Date – user enters posting date that payment journal lines will have.

3.2. Document No. – user enters document number that payment journal lines will have.

3.3. Description – user enters description that payment journal lines will have. NOTE: Please note that

%1 (if used) will be replaces by Document No. user specifies on request and %2 (if used) with

Posting Date.

3.4. On Hold – user enters On Hold marker for customer and vendor ledger entries that system will

suggest. Setting this value will make sure system skips entries with on hold values during suggestion

of payments – to make sure same entries are nor paid multiple times. NOTE: System will not allow

user to remove On Hold data from customer or vendor ledger entries until related payment journal

lines have not been deleted.

3.5. Order of suggestion – user selects in which order entries that can participate in compensations will

be suggested. Available options are:

3.5.1. Finance Charge Memos First – finance charge memos will be considered first.

3.5.2. Invoices First – invoices will be considered first.

3.5.3. By Entry No. – entries will be considered in order they were recorded in the system

NOTE: Please note that certain legislations require particular order of compensation suggestions and some

additional special procedures (like export to bank payment file and submitting it to bank).

4. User clicks OK to run suggestion of compensations process and system will show suggests by filling it in

payment journal lines.

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To send compensation proposal for approval to another company user follows these steps:

1. On the same Payment Journal page, on its Home tab, Process section user clicks Compensation

Proposal to open report request for printing page.

2. User clicks OK to print compensation proposal.

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After compensation proposal is signed by both parties, user posts compensation journal lines and prints

Compensation Statement. To print Compensation Statement user follows these steps:

1. User clicks Financial Management → Payables → Documents →Compensation Statement to open

Compensation Statement request page.

2. User enters Costumer No and Document number filters and clicks OK to print Compensation


8 VAT Information Exchange System - VIES (EE23)

EU Member States use electronic means of transmitting information relating to (tax exempt) intra-Community supplies between Member States' administrations via VAT Information Exchange System VIES.

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This feature introduces some improvements in collecting and reporting VIES data.

8.1 VIES Setup

To set general VIES parameters user follows these steps:

1. User clicks Administration ->Application Setup ->Financial Management ->Finance ->Stat.Reporting Setup in Administration application domain to open Statutory Reporting Setup page:

2. On VIES Fast Tab user enters: a) Tax Office Number, Municipality No., Street, House No. and Apartment No. ; b) or selects from Company Officials list by clicking lookup button in VIES Decl. Auth. Employee No.

field. the No. of employee who authorizes VIES Declaration; c) or selects from Company Officials list by clicking lookup button in VIES Decl. Filled by Empl. field.

the No. of employee who fills in the VIES declaration; d) or selects from No. Series list by clicking lookup button in VIES Declaration Nos. field. the No. of

Series which will be used to identify each VIES Declaration; e) or selects from Report list by clicking lookup button in VIES Declaration Report No. field the No.

of report which will be used to print VIES Declaration; f) selects the type of object of exporting VIES Declaration in VIES Decl. Exp.Obj. Type field. The

possible options are: Report or Codeunit; g) or selects from the list by clicking lookup button in VIES Decl. Exp.Obj. No. field the No. of report

or code unit which will be used to export VIES Declaration.

To set VAT Posting groups to be considered in VIES Reporting user follows these steps:

1. User clicks Administration ->Application Setup ->Financial Management ->VAT Posting Group -> VAT Posting Setup in Financial Management application domain to open VAT Posting Setup Page.

2. User places a checkmark in VIES Purchases column for selected VAT Business and Product Posting Group combination if he/she wants to have this combination to be considered for VIES Reporting.

3. User places a checkmark in VIES Sales column for selected VAT Business and Product Posting Group combination if he/she wants to have this combination to be considered for VIES Reporting:

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8.2 Triangular Transaction Setup

8.2.1 Triangular Purchase Transactions

The feature has the possibility to report triangular purchase transactions.

To mark purchase transaction as triangular user follows these steps:

User clicks Purchase ->Order Processing ->Purchase Orders in Purchase application domain to open Purchase Order page.

On Foreign Trade Fast Tab user places a checkmark in EU 3-Party Trade field to mark this transaction as triangular:

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EU 3-Party Trade is also available on following purchase documents:


Blanked Order


Credit Memo

Return Order

Posted Invoice

Posted Credit Memo

Posted Purchase Return Shipment

Quote Archive

Order Archive

Return Order Archive

The EU 3-Party Trade checkmark is also copied between posted and non-posted purchase document using Copy Document function.

8.2.2 Intermediary Role in Triangular Trade

In triangular trade company can act as intermediary. In order to report Intermediary Role in triangular sales or purchase transactions user follows these steps:

1. User clicks Sales & Marketing ->Order Processing ->Sales Orders in Sales & Marketing application domain to open Sales Order form.

2. On Foreign Trade Fast Tab user places a checkmark in EU 3-Intermediate Role field to mark this transaction as triangular trade transaction where company is an intermediary:

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EU 3-Intermediate Role is also available on following purchase and sales documents:

Sales and Purchase Quote

Purchase Blanked Order

Sales and Purchase Invoice

Sales and Purchase Credit Memo

Sales and Purchase Return Order

Sales and Purchase Posted Invoice

Sales and Purchase Posted Credit Memo

Sales and Purchase Quote Archive

Sales and Purchase Order Archive

Sales and Purchase Return Order Archive

The EU 3-Party Intermediate Role checkmark is also copied between posted and non-posted purchase document using Copy Document function.

8.3 Creation of VIES Declaration

To create VIES Declaration user follows these steps:

1. User clicks Financial Management ->Periodic Activities ->VAT ->VIES Declarations in Financial Management application domain to open VIES Declaration page:

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NOTE. When user creates new VIES Declaration, the system automatically assigns the No. to VIES Declaration based on No. of Series user set in VIES Declaration Nos. in Stat. Company Reporting Setup page; 2. On General Fast Tab user enters:

Type of period of the declaration in the field Declaration Period. Available options are Quarter or Month;

Type of VIES declaration in the field Declaration Type. Available options are: a) Recapitulative – ordinary VIES declaration; b) Corrective – VIES declaration correcting lines of submitted recapitulative declaration; c) Corrective–Supplementary – VIES declaration appending submitted recapitulative

declaration lines.

Submitted declaration to be corrected No. in the field Corrected Declaration No. in case of Corrective Declaration type.

Type of VIES transactions in the field Trade Type. Available options are: a) Sales - only Sales VIES transactions; b) Purchase –only Purchase VIES transactions;

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c) Both –Sales and Purchase VIES transactions.

Type of item in the field EU Goods/Services. Available options are: a) Goods; b) Services; c) Both.

Period No. in the field Period No. Available options are: a) from 1 to 4 , if Period Type is set to Quarter; b) from 1 to 12, if Period Type is set to Month.

The year of VIES Declaration in the field Year. User can enter values greater than 2000.

NOTE. System automatically does the following:

calculates Starting Date according to the values of year and period in the field Start Date;

calculates Ending Date according to the values of year and period in the field End Date.

3. On Address Fast Tab user can enter address information. System copies these values from Stat. Company Information page by default.

4. On Persons Fast Tab user can enter names of Company Officials/Employees that authorize and fill in the VIES Declaration. System copies these values from Stat. Company Information page by default.

When VIES Declaration Header is filled in the user has fill in the lines. The lines of VIES Declaration can be filled in manually and using Suggest VIES Declaration Lines batch.

To get declaration lines using the function user follows these steps:

1. User clicks Suggest Lines… button on Home Tab to run Suggest VIES Declaration Lines function:

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2. Use places a checkmark in Delete Existing Lines check box to delete existing declaration lines.

3. User clicks OK to run the batch.

System fills in the VIES Declaration lines following this logic:

1. Batch processes VAT Entries having VAT Date (if Use VAT date is set to yes, otherwise uses Posting Date) within Start and End Date set in VIES Declaration header .

2. Additional filtering is set on VAT entries depending on Trade Type setup on VIES Declaration header. According to Trade Type setup system filters VAT Posting Group combinations having checkmarks in VIES Sales, VIES Purchases or Both in VAT Posting Setup.

3. System inserts VIES Declaration lines grouped by VAT Registration No, Item Type (items or services), EU 3-Party Trade and EU 3-Party Intermediate role.

4. During insertion of lines system enters values into following fields:

Country Code –country code of Customer or Vendor.

Amount (LCY) - amount of Sales/Purchase/Both Trade Type based on Base fields value in VAT Entries.

Number of supplies – contains a count of VAT Entries with unique Transaction No.

When satisfied with the contents of VIES Declaration user can print test report.

To print test report User follows these steps:

1. User clicks Test Report… button:

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2. User clicks Print or Preview the Test Report.

NOTE: Test Report validates data user entered and displays errors/warnings that could prevent user form releasing the VIES Declaration.

When Test Report stops showing warnings/errors user can release the VIES Declaration. To release VIES Declaration user clicks Release button.

When the VIES Declaration is released user can print the Declaration Report and export it to FFDATA file:

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To print the Declaration Report user clicks Declaration button on the Actions Tab and to export data of the declaration to FFDATA file user clicks Export button on the Actions Tab:

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VIES reports VAT- VIES Declaration Tax Auth (Report 19) and EC Sales List (Report130) were modified this way: the column Total Value of Supplies was separated into 2 columns: Total Value of Item Supplies and Total Value of Service Supplies.

9 Customer/Vendor Balance to Date Reports (EE24)

Customer and Vendor Balance to Date reports are quite frequently used and it is important that they provide accurate and complete information. These reports also need to be aware of new features - Prepayments and Multiple Payables/Receivables Accounts.

To print Customer – Balance to Date Report user follows these steps:

1. User clicks Receivables-> Reports-> Customer – Balance To Date in Financial Management application domain to run the report.

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2. On General tab user enters No. and Date filter

3. On Options tab user enters (apart from standard fields):

3.1. Print Cust. Ledger Entries – check mark is placed in this field as default value. Placing a checkmark here will print details on the report. Not placing it, prints only totals per groups

3.2. Show Document – user can choose which document types to show. Available options are:

3.2.1. All Document – printout of the report will contain data for all documents regardless of their type

3.2.2. Advances – printout of the report will contain only Advance documents (Documents having Prepayment flag set and Prepayment Type set to Advance)

3.2.3. Other – printout of the report will contain all documents other than Advance documents

4. User click Print/Preview to print/preview the report:

NOTE: System prints the report grouped by (in following order): Currency Code, Posting Group and Document Type.

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The same functionality is available for Vendor – Balance to Date report.

10 Customs feature (EE25)

Companies that import or export goods or services must register each import and export and transactions related to them in a form of a ledger. This ledger is presented to tax authorities in a form of a report called Statement of import and Statement of export. For each import and export of goods and services, companies are required to prepare documents called Import and Export Declarations (also called Singe Administration Documents (SAD in text below)) that provide customs authorities with summary overview of particular import or export contract execution. This feature enables user to prepare printouts of these documents.

10.1 Setup Customs Feature

In order to start seamless usage of the Customs feature, user sets it up. First step in the setup of the feature is to set Customs Currency Code. Customs currency code will be used in countries whose legislations require Import documents to be expressed with Customs Authority defined exchange rate. For that reason user needs to set Customs Currency Code:

1. User clicks Departments button and follows this path: Administration -> Application Setup-> Finance-> Currencies to open a list of Currencies.

2. User creates new Currency Code that will be used as Customs variant of one of existing Currency codes. User does this by entering Currency Code (e.g. EUR-CUSTOMS) and filling in the rest of Currency related fields as in standard application.

3. User relates such currency code (makes it a Customs Currency Code) by entering Customs Currency Code value in Customs Currency Code field.

Next thing user need to do is set Sales and Purchase parameters for Customs feature. User does this following these steps (for Purchase):

1. User clicks Departments button and follows this path Purchase -> Administration -> Purchases & Payables Setup to open Purchases & Payables Setup page.

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On General tab

2. User sets whether or not manual editing of Import SAD lines will be allowed by placing a checkmark in Allow Manual Edit SAD Line checkbox.

3. On General tab user also sets whether or not tariff number specification for each Import SAD line will be required to Release Import SAD. User does this by placing a checkmark in SAD Tariff Required checkbox.

4. On Numbering tab user sets numbering series system will use while assigning identifiers to new Import Statements. User does this by entering (or selecting by clicking lookup button) number series code in Import Statement Nos. field.

NOTE: The same setup is needed in Sales & Receivables Setup page to setup Export part of Customs features.

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Next thing that needs to be done to setup Customs feature is setup of reports to be printed as Import/Export SAD/Statement. User does this following these steps (for Purchase):

1. User clicks Departments button and follows this path Administration -> Application Setup-> Purchase -> Report Selection Purchase to open Report Selection for Purchase

1. User selects usage Import SAD Declaration to set report to be printed as Import Declaration.

2. User enters Report ID 17024236. System returns report name Import Declaration

3. User selects usage Import SAD Statement to set report to be printed as Import Statement.

4. User enters Report ID 17024237. System returns report name Import Statement

NOTE: The same setup is needed for Sales Report Selection to setup Export part of Customs features. Report IDs are:

a) 17024238 of Export Declaration;

b) 17024239 of Export Statement.

10.2 Enter SAD Statement

During import of goods or services the first step in most of cases will be commercial terms agreement with foreign vendor and signature of the contract. For that reason user will open and enter details in Import SAD Statement document. User does this following these steps:

1. User clicks Departments button and follows this path Financial Management -> Payables -> Import SAD Statements in Financial Management application domain to open Import SAD Statement list. Then user clicks button New to open new SAD Statement Card page.

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2. On General Fast tab of the page user enters following data:

a) No. – User enters or system assigns the No. (depending on numbering series set in Import Statement Nos. filed) that will identify this statement;

b) Description - user enters description in Description field;

c) Country of Origin/Payment/Destination - user enters (or select by clicking lookup button) Country of Origin, Payment and Destination;

d) Contract No. - user enters number of contract.

3. Clicking OK button and selecting OK menu item will display non editable list of Import Statements.

4. Clicking OK button and selecting OK & New menu, a new page of Import SAD Statements will opens and the old one will be closed.

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5. Page Import SAD Statement Card, Fast Tab Home buttons:

a. Close – will close the Import Statement, making it non editable to avoid accidental changes in data. Import Statement can be closed only when all related Import SAD documents are closed;

b. Reopen – will reopen closed Import Statement;

The next step in execution of import of goods and services will be receipt of goods/rendering of services and receipt of invoice(s) from vendor, transport agent, etc. Customs Authority will also provide the company with customs duty and VAT to be paid for this import transaction.

NOTE: The same functionality is applicable on Sales (Export) side through use of Export Statement.

10.3 Enter SAD Declaration

As soon as goods enter Customs are user creates Import SAD Declaration. User does this following these steps (for purchase):

1. User clicks Departments button and follows this path Financial Management -> Payables-> Import Declaration to open Import SAD list page

2. Then clicks Button New to open new Import SAD Card

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3. In General tab of the Import SAD Header user enters following data:

a. No. – here user enters the number he/she receives from Customs Authority;

b. SAD Date – here user enters the date of SAD;

c. Statement No. – here user enters (or selects clicking the lookup button) Import Statement number associated to this Import Declaration. As there can be multiple shipments of goods based on single contract, thus multiple declarations, value in this field will make multiple Import declarations belong to a single Import Statement.

NOTE: Statement No. can only be assigned to Import SAD once Payments are linked to Import SAD Lines.

d. Vendor No. – here user enters the Vendor number of the company which delivers goods/services (supplier).

e. Customs Authority Invoice No. – here user enters (or selects clicking the lookup button) the number of Customs Authority invoice

f. Customs Currency Code – here user enters the currency code representing customs currency code.

4. In Lines of Import SAD user enters following data:

a. Document Type – here user select one of possible document types. Available options are:

i. Invoice – for posted purchase invoices;

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ii. Credit Memo – for posted purchase credit memos.

b. Document No. – here user can enter posted purchase invoice/credit memo (depending on Document Type) document number. Selecting Document Type and No. does 2 things:

iii. Copies the data from selected document and fills in the following fields:

1. Vendor Invoice Number

2. Currency Code

3. Amount

4. Amount (LCY)

ii. Fills in SAD Payments data by copying all payments applied to selected purchase document identified by Document Type and No. User can see this information by clicking Line and selecting SAD Payments.

c. Vendor Invoice Number – here user can enter vendor invoice number only if Allow Manual Edit SAD Line field contains a checkmark.

d. Currency Code – here user can enter currency code only if Allow Manual Edit SAD Line field contains a checkmark.

e. Amount – here user can enter document amount in currency specified in currency code field only if Allow Manual Edit SAD Line field contains a checkmark.

f. Amount (LCY) - here user can enter document amount in local currency only if Allow Manual Edit SAD Line field contains a checkmark.

NOTE: Please note that even when Manual Edit SAD Line contains a checkmark, Import SAD lines are editable. Changing the value in Vendor Invoice No, Currency Code, Amount and Amount (LCY) fields will mark the line changed as manually edited by placing a checkmark in Import SAD Line’s Edited Manually field

5. After Clicking Actions tab user can push:

a. Calculate Amounts – sums up all Amount (LCY) values and VAT Amounts from Import SAD Lines and stores this in Import SAD Header’s Amount (LCY) and VAT Amount (LCY) fields

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b. Change SAD Status and then selecting menu item:

i. Close – will check if Import Statement number is set in Import SAD header and lock Import SAD for editing by setting status to Closed

ii. Open – will after users confirmation reopen closed Import SAD document and allow editing on it

c. SAD Payments - will displays SAD Payments window, where users can enter payment information related to document in Import SAD Line.

This information can be:

Entered manually by filling in field above as in standard application

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Suggested by the system, by clicking Navigate tab and pushing Suggest Payments button. This action will ask user to confirm the deletion of any SAD Payment lines that exist for this Import SAD line. After confirmation system will suggest payments that are applied to document in Import SAD Line.

6. After Clicking Navigate tab user can push:

a. Assigned Documents – will display list of not posted purchase documents (orders, invoices and credit memos) having current Import SAD’s No. set in SAD No. field

b. SAD Tariffs – will display a list of tariff numbers items of documents listed in Import SAD lines belong to.

NOTE: Tariff numbers need to be entered manually. The same functionality is applicable on Sales (Export) side through use of Export Declaration.

11 Intrastat Engine (EE26)

According to requirements collected in Lithuania following improvements are needed for Intrastat feature:

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Particular options in Intrastat engine need to be parameterized

Handling of supplementary units of measure needs to be improved

Calculation of Intrastat Amount and Statistical Amounts needs to be improved

Get Intrastat Entries batch needs to be improved

11.1 Setup Intrastat Engine To set Intrastat engine general parameters user follows these steps:

1. User clicks Departments button and follows the path Administration -> Application Setup -> Financial

Management -> Finance -> Stat. Reporting Setup to open Stat. Reporting Setup page.

2. On Intrastat Fast tab of the page user sets which parts of Intrastat transaction will be mandatory by filling in

following data:

a) Transaction Type Mandatory – user places a check mark in this checkbox if he/she wants system to check

whether Transaction Type information is entered in any Sales, Purchase or Transfer transaction being

posted to Item Ledger Entry

b) Transaction Spec. Mandatory – user places a check mark in this checkbox if he/she wants system to

check whether Transaction Specification information is entered in any Sales, Purchase or Transfer

transaction being posted to Item Ledger Entry

c) Transport Method Mandatory – user places a check mark in this checkbox if he/she wants system to check

whether Transport Method information is entered in any Sales, Purchase or Transfer transaction being

posted to Item Ledger Entry

d) Shipment Method Mandatory – user places a check mark in this checkbox if he/she wants system to check

whether Shipment Method information is entered in any Sales, Purchase or Transfer transaction being

posted to Item Ledger Entry

3. On Intrastat tab user also sets from where particular parts on Intrastat data related to Items should be taken

and which Item attributes will be mandatory by filling in following data:

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a. Tariff No. Mandatory – user places a check mark in this checkbox if he/she wants system to check whether

Item Tariff No. information is entered in any Sales, Purchase or Transfer transaction being posted to Item

Ledger Entry

b. Get Tariff No From – user selects from where system should take Item’s Tariff No information while

preparing Intrastat journal. Available options are:

i. Posted Entries – system will take Item’s Tariff No data from either Item Ledger entry

ii. Item Card – system will take Item’s Tariff No data from Item Card

c. Net Weight Mandatory – user places a check mark in this checkbox if he/she wants system to check

whether Item Net Weight information is entered in any Sales, Purchase or Transfer transaction being

posted to Item Ledger Entry

d. Get Net Weight From – user selects from where system should take Item’s Net Weight information while

preparing Intrastat journal. Available options are:

i. Posted Entries – system will take Item’s Net Weight data from either Item Ledger entry

ii. Item Card – system will take Item’s Net Weight data from Item Card

e. Country/Region of Origin Mand. – user places a check mark in this checkbox if he/she wants system to

check whether Item’s Country/Region of Origin information is entered in any Sales, Purchase or Transfer

transaction being posted to Item Ledger Entry

f. Get Country/Region of Origin – user selects from where system should take Item’s Country/Region of

Origin information while preparing Intrastat journal. Available options are:

i. Posted Entries – system will take Item’s Country/Region of Origin data from either Item

Ledger entry

ii. Item Card – system will take Item’s Country/Region of Origin data from Item Card

4. User places a checkmark in No Item Charges in Intrastat check box will make system ignore (not include them

in Intrastat or Statistical Amount) any Item Charges related to Sales, Purchase and Transfer transaction.

5. User selects Intrastat Rounding Type to set how Intrastat and Statistical Amounts will be rounded. Available

standard options are: Nearest, Up and Down

Country legislations may require Items having certain Tariff numbers to be reported in Supplementary Units of

Measure. To set Tariff Number Supplementary Units of Measure user follows these steps:

1. User clicks Departments button and follows the link Administration -> Application Setup-> Financial

Management -> Intrastat ->Setup-> Intrastat-> Tariff Numbers to open Tariff Numbers list.

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2. User enters (or selects by clicking lookup button) Supplementary Unit of Measure in Suppl. Unit of Measure

Code field

3. System automatically fills in Supplementary Units checkbox

Country legislations may require particular item charges to be included in either Intrastat Amount or Intrastat

Statistical Value or both. To set this up for particular Item Charge user follows these steps:

1. User clicks Departments button and follows the link Financial Management -> Inventory -> Setup -> Item

Charges to open Item Charges page.

2. User places a checkmark in Incl. in Intrastat Amount checkbox to have selected Item Charge Amount included

in Intrastat Amount during preparation of Intrastat Journal.

3. User places a checkmark in Incl. in Intrastat Amount checkbox to have selected Item Charge Amount included

in Intrastat Amount during preparation of Intrastat Journal.

NOTE: Stat. Company Setup’s No Item Charges in Intrastat must be set to No, for user to be able to set item charges to

be included in Intrastat Amount and Statistical Value.

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Country legislations may require item charges to be included/excluded for particular Shipment Methods. The set

Intrastat behavior for Shipment Methods, user follows these steps:

1. User clicks Departments button and follows the link Purchase->Order Process -> Administration -> Setup to

open Shipment Methods list.

2. User places a checkmark in Include Item Charges field to set the system to include item charges in calculation

of Statistical Amount in Intrastat Journal (Adjustment % must be 0% to be able to place checkmark and Stat.

Company Setup’s No Item Charges in Intrastat must be set to Yes)

3. User enters Adjustment % to set the system include (positive number)/exclude(negative number) particular

percentage of amount from Statistical Amount in Intrastat Journal.

To have system use Area value set in Location Card in Sales, Purchase or Transfer transaction, user needs to set it


User does this following these steps:

1. User clicks Departments button and follows the link Warehouse -> Administration -> Setup -> Locations to

open Locations list.

2. Then clicks Tab Home Button Edit to edit Location Card

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3. On General tab of the Location Card page user enters (or selects by clicking lookup button) Area to be used in

Sales, Purchase or Transfer transaction

To allow easier way or maintaining Intrastat data by setting default values and enforcing company policies following

additional Intrastat data available on Customer and Vendor Cards. To set this data for Customer user follows these


1. User clicks Departments button and follows the link Sales & Marketing -> Sales -> Customers to open Customer

Card page.

2. Then selects the related customer card and presses button Edit in Home Tab.

3. On Foreign trade Fast tab user enters following Intrastat default data for selected Customer:

a. Transaction Type

b. Transaction Specification

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c. Transport Method

To set this data for Vendor user follows these steps:

1. User clicks Departments button and follows the link Purchase -> Planning -> Vendors to open Vendor Card


2. Then selects the related vendor card and press Edit in Home Tab.

3. On Foreign Trade Fast Tab user enters following Intrastat default data for selected Vendor:

a. Transaction Type

b. Transaction Specification

c. Transport Method

11.2 Posting Sales, Purchase or Transfer transaction

11.2.1 Sales

To identify and enter attributes of sales transaction that will be used in Intrastat reporting user follows these steps:

1. User clicks Departments button and follows the link Sales & Marketing -> Order processing-> Orders to open

Sales Order page list.

2. Then presses button New in Home Tab.

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3. On Foreign Trade Fast Tab of the page user verifies Intrastat data (Transaction Type, Specification and

Transport Method) set on Customer was transferred to the header of Sales document. User can manually

override values system suggests by entering (or selecting by clicking lookup buttons) values in appropriate


4. Intrastat transaction field (non editable) informs the user whether particular sales transaction qualifies as

Intrastat transaction

5. In lines of Sales Order users enter or verifies Intrastat Data (Tariff No, Country/Region of Origin and Net

Weight) set on Item was transferred to lines of Sales document. User can manually override values system

suggests by entering (or selecting by clicking lookup buttons) values in appropriate fields

To assign Item Charge to sales line and include its value to Intrastat Amount and Statistical Amount two preconditions have to be meet: Stat. Reporting Setup’s No Item Charges in Intrastat set to No and Sales Document Shipment Method’s Incl. Item Charges set to Yes. If above preconditions are not met user cannot set values in Incl. in Intrastat Amount and Incl in Intrastat Stat. Amount fields. User will follow these steps: 1. User clicks Line->Item Charge Assignment to show Item Charge Assignment (Sales) page

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2. User verifies Incl. in Intrastat Amount and Incl. in Intrastat Stat. Amount values match the ones set in Item

Charges setup. User can manually override values system suggests by placing checkmark in appropriate


Posting such transaction will copy the values of Incl. in Intrastat Amount and Incl in Intrastat Stat. Amount fields to

related Value Entries. To view these entries user clicks Departments -> Financial Management -> Inventory -> Setup ->

Item Charges, selects Item charge code and clicks Navigate Fast tab and Value Entries Button.

During posting system will throw an error if any Intrastat fields set as mandatory in Stat. Reporting Setup form are not filled and won’t allow user to post transaction.

NOTE: Following fields are also available on following Sales documents: Invoice, Return Order and Credit Memo.

11.2.2 Purchase

To identify and enter attributes of purchase transaction that will be used in Intrastat reporting user follows these steps: 1. User clicks Departments button and follows the link Purchase -> Order processing-> Purchase Orders to open

Purchase Orders page list.

2. Then user presses button New in Home Tab.

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3. On Foreign Trade tab of the form user verifies Intrastat data (Transaction Type, Specification and Transport

Method) set on Vendor was transferred to the header of Purchase document. User can manually override

values system suggests by entering (or selecting by clicking lookup buttons) values in appropriate fields

4. Intrastat transaction field (non editable) informs the user whether particular purchase transaction qualifies as

Intrastat transaction

5. In lines of Purchase Order user enters or verifies Intrastat Data (Tariff No, Country/Region of Origin and Net

Weight) set on Item was transferred to lines of Purchase document. User can manually override values system

suggests by entering (or selecting by clicking lookup buttons) values in appropriate fields

To assign Item Charge to purchase line and include its value to Intrastat Amount and Statistical Amount two preconditions have to be meet: Stat. Reporting Setup’s No Item Charges in Intrastat set to No and Sales Document Shipment Method’s Incl. Item Charges set to Yes. If above preconditions are not met user cannot set values in Incl. in Intrastat Amount and Incl in Intrastat Stat. Amount fields. User will follow these steps:

1. User clicks Line->Item Charge Assignment to show Item Charge Assignment (Purch) page

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2. User verifies Incl. in Intrastat Amount and Incl. in Intrastat Stat. Amount values match the ones set in Item Charges setup. User can manually override values system suggests by placing checkmark in appropriate field(s).

Posting such transaction will copy the values of Incl. in Intrastat Amount and Incl in Intrastat Stat. Amount fields to related Value Entries. To view these entries, user clicks Departments -> Financial Management -> Inventory -> Setup -> Item Charges, selects Item charge code and clicks Navigate Fast tab and Value Entries Button.

During posting system will throw an error if any Intrastat fields set as mandatory in Stat. Reporting Setup form are not filled and won’t allow user to post transaction. NOTE: Following fields are also available on following Purchase documents: Invoice, Return Order and Credit Memo.

11.2.3 Transfer

To identify and enter attributes of transfer transaction that will be used in Intrastat reporting user follows these steps: 1. User clicks Departments button and follows the link Warehouse -> Orders & Contracts -> Transfer Orders to

open Transfer Orders page list.

2. Then user presses button New in Home Tab.

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3. On Foreign Trade tab of the form user verifies Intrastat data (Area) set on Location Card was transferred to the header of Transfer Order.

4. User enters (or selects by clicking lookup buttons) values in following fields: Transaction Type, Specification and Transport Method

5. Intrastat transaction field (non editable) informs the user whether particular transfer transaction qualifies as Intrastat transaction

6. In lines of Transfer Order user enters or verifies Intrastat Data (Tariff No, Country/Region of Origin and Net Weight) set on Item was transferred to lines of Transfer Order. User can manually override values system suggests by entering (or selecting by clicking lookup buttons) values in appropriate fields.

11.3 Preparing Intrastat Journal Fastest way for user to prepare Intrastat Journal and make sure all the rules set in previous steps are followed is by using Get Entries batch job. During execution of Get Entries batch job system will take care of the following:

1. System considers Item Ledger Entries created by transaction identified as Intrastat transactions 2. System makes sure that Item Charges are (not) included, adjusted and calculated in Intrastat Amount and

Statistical Amount according user’s setup in Stat. Reporting Setup, Item Charges, Shipment Methods and Item Charge Assignments.

3. System makes sure that Supplementary Units of Measure are used while preparing Intrastat journal lines 4. System makes sure that correct data source is used for Tariff No, Net Weight and Country/Region of Origin

according to Stat. Reporting Setup 5. System makes sure sales and purchase documents (i.e. Credit Memos) posted with Correction flag as inserted

in Intrastat journal with same Type as documents they are correcting but with opposite sign Having all this taken care by the system, user still has the possibility to manually update any of these values on Intrastat journal. User does this following these steps:

1. User clicks Departments button and follows the link Financial Management -> Periodic Activities -> General Ledger -> General Ledger to open Intrastat journal and creates new Intrastat journal batch

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2. Fills in name, description and statistic period for this batch 3. User opens created Intrastat jnl. Batch and runs function Get item entries in Home fast tab.

4. Function fills Intrastat journal with data. 5. Users checks Intrastat data and runs function Confirm Intrastat Jnl. Batch in Actions Fast tab. Function do

following steps: a. marks Intrastat Jnl. Batch as confirmed; b. assigns numbers to Intrastat journal lines.

6. In Action Fast tab select button Export Intrastat to XML file.

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After defining parameters and clicking OK button, xml file will be created. File format is defined by Lithuanian customs.

12 Debit and Credit amount in Trial Balance Report (EE36)

The Trial Balance Report is redesigned. Old labels Net Change, Balance and text boxes Net Change Credit and Balance Credit are removed from the sections of the report. New columns Debit Amount and Credit Amount are added to the report. Now the user can print Debit and Credit amounts separately:

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To view or print Report 6 Trial Balance user does the following:

4. User clicks Departments->Financial Management->Reports and Analysis->Trial Balance in Financial Management application domain to open Trial Balance report.

5. On G/L Account Fast Tab of the report user can specify various filters like G/L Account No., Account Type, Date, Department, Project and others:

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13 Marking as Cancelled (EE39)

New functionality allows the user to mark Sales/Purchase Orders, Invoices, Credit Memos and Return Orders as Cancelled, when the documents are posted as corrective entries to customer or vendor account. This allows separating cancelled documents and related entries from other document data.

The user can perform marking as Cancelled for the documents before posting and for already posted documents.

NOTE. Marking as Cancelled functionality can not be used for the documents with specified Payment Method Code, when vendor or customer entries related to the document are already applied to Payment entries:

13.1 Marking documents before posting

To mark corrective Sales/Purchase Order, Invoice, Credit Memo and Return Order as Cancelled user follows these steps:

1. User clicks Sales & Marketing ->Order Processing in Sales & Marketing application domain to open corrective sales document page or Purchase ->Order Processing in Purchase application domain to open corrective purchase document page.

User places a checkmark in Cancelled field on Invoicing Fast Tab of the document:

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During posting process the program checks if the document is applied to correct posted document; thereafter the program marks document applied as Cancelled and related G\L, Customer, Vendor, and VAT entries as Reversed.

13.2 Marking posted documents

To mark or unmark posted corrective Sales/Purchase Invoice or Credit Memo as cancelled user follows these steps:

1. User clicks Sales & Marketing ->History in Sales & Marketing application domain to open posted corrective sales document page or Purchase ->History in Purchase application domain to open posted corrective purchase document page.

User runs the function Mark as Cancelled in order to mark the document as Cancelled:

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The program checks if the posted document is applied to correct document; thereafter the program marks both documents applied as Cancelled and related G\L, Customer, Vendor, and VAT entries as Reversed.

User runs the function Clear Cancelled Mark in order to unmark marked posted document entries.


According to the Lithuanian legislation a company that transfers goods from one location to another must provide a driver with a transportation document which satisfies the official requirement. Legally compliant report layout for goods transfer can be printed for:

shipment of goods in Sales & Receivables;

transfer of goods in Transfer Orders;

Item Reclassification Journal.

14.1 Report Selections

To set Waybill reports to be printed with standard functionality user follows these steps:

1. User clicks Administration->IT Administration->General-> Report Selections Sales in Administration application domain to open Report Selections - Sales page.

2. User selects Report ID 17024233 Sales Shipment Waybill:

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3. User clicks Administration ->IT Administration ->General ->Report Selections Inventory in Administration application domain to open Report Selections - Inventory page.

4. User selects Report ID 17024234 Transfer Shipment Waybill:

14.2 Printing transfer document from Sales Shipments

The feature provides the user with possibility to print Sales Shipment Waybill report when posting sales order and on posted Sales Shipments page.

To print Sales Shipment Waybill report when posting sales order user follows these steps:

1. User clicks Sales & Marketing ->Order Processing ->Sales Orders in Sales & Marketing application domain to open the list of sales orders or sales Invoices.

2. User creates new or opens sales order page from the list. 3. User posts sales order using Post&Print button with Ship option selected:

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To print Sales Shipment Waybill report on posted Sales Shipments page user follows these steps:

1. User clicks Sales & Marketing ->History ->Posted Sales Shipments in Sales & Marketing application domain to open the list of posted sales shipments.

2. User opens Sales Shipment page from the list. 3. User clicks Print button:

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14.2.1 Printing transfer document from Transfer Shipments

The feature provides the user with possibility to print Transfer Shipment Waybill report when posting transfer order and on posted Transfer Shipments page.

To print Transfer Shipment Waybill report when posting transfer order user follows these steps:

1. User clicks Warehouse ->Planning & Execution ->Transfer Orders in Warehouse application domain to open the list of transfer orders.

2. User creates new or opens Transfer Order page from the list. 3. User posts transfer shipment using Post&Print button:

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To print Transfer Shipment Waybill report on posted Transfer Shipments page user follows these steps:

1. User clicks Warehouse ->History ->Posted Documents ->Posted Transfer Shipments in Warehouse application domain to open the list of posted transfer shipments.

2. User opens Posted Transfers Shipments page from the list. 3. User clicks Print button:

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14.2.2 Printing transfer document from Item Reclass. Journals

To print Inventory Movement Waybill report from Item Reclass. Journal page user follows these steps:

1. User clicks Warehouse ->Inventory -> Item Reclass. Journal in Warehouse application domain to open the Item Reclass. Journal.

2. User creates new lines for transferring inventory from one location to another. 3. On the Actions Tab user clicks Inventory Movement Waybill button:

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15 Prepayments (Advance Invoices) (EE16) This feature provides the Money-up-front (further in text Advances) scenario support of Prepayments

(Advances) posting. Advances scenario was out-scoped in standard W1 Prepayments functionality. The goal

of this feature is to merge the best of two features: taking the concepts of W1 Prepayments and enabling

common scenarios from legacy Advances in Lithuania, making it legally compliant.

The functionality covers the following areas:

Setup of Advances in Sales and Purchase;

Advances in Sales and Purchase;

Exchange rates adjustment for Advances. NOTE: W1 Prepayments feature is described in W1 Training material and will not be covered here.

15.1 Setup of Advances

15.1.1 General Ledger Setup

To set general parameters of Advances feature user follows these steps:

2. User clicks Financial Management → Administration →General Ledger Setup in Financial Management

application domain to open General Ledger Setup page:

3. On Advances Fast Tab user enters following data:

Prepayment Type – user selects which will be the default way prepayment should be handled by the

system. Available options are:

a) Prepayments – when user will create purchase or sales document this value will be set in the

Prepayment Type field on the document. Such documents shall be handled using W1

Prepayment Scenarios.

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b) Advances - when user will create purchase or sales document this value will be set in the

Prepayment Type field on the document. Such documents shall be handled using Advances


c) Blank - when user will create purchase or sales document this value will be set in the

Prepayment Type field on the document. In such case it will be up to user to decide how to

proceed on document level with prepayments or advances.

NOTE: This should be set based on country legislation and based on the volume of transactions

customer does either using prepayments or advances.

Correction Exchange Rates – user selects which exchange rate should be applied in Advances scenario when Advance invoices are corrected in phase of final invoice posting. Available options are: a) Advance Invoice – user selects this option if he/she wants foreign currency advance invoice

corrections to be corrected using exchange rate valid on Advance Invoice Posting Date. b) Final Invoice – user selects this option if he/she wants foreign currency advance invoice

corrections to be corrected using exchange rate valid on Final Invoice Posting Date.

Use Adv CM Nos for Adv. Corr. – user places a checkmark in this check box if he/she wants Advance Invoice Correction posting to have Document No. based on Advance Credit Memo No Series. If user removes a checkmark from this check box, system will post Advance Invoice Correction transaction with Document No. used by Final Invoice.

Correction as Storno – user places a checkmark in this check box if he/she wants Advance Invoice

Correction transaction to be posted as Storno (Red Storno). If user removes check mark from this

check box Advance Invoice Correction transaction will be posted as Black Storno.

15.1.2 Sales & Receivables Setup

To set Sales & Receivables specific parameters of Advances feature user follows these steps:

1. User clicks Financial Management →Administration →Receivables → Sales & Receivables Setup in Financial Management application domain to open Sales & Receivables Setup page:

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2. On General Fast Tab user places a check mark in Automatic Adv. Invoice Posting check box if he/she wants the system to post Advance Invoice automatically when posting Cash Receipt Linked to Advance letter.

3. On Numbering Fast Tab user enters (or selects by clicking lookup button) No. Series that will be used to identify:

Advance Letters –No. Series Code in Advance Letter Nos. field;

Advance Invoice –No. Series Code in Advance Invoice Nos. field;

Advance Credit Memo –No. Series Code in Advance Credit Memo Nos. field:

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NOTE: Advance Invoice and Credit Memo No. Series are used to identify Posted Advance Invoices and Posted

Credit Memos.

15.1.3 Sales Advances Account on Customer Posting Groups

To define G/L Account to be used as Advances Account on Customer Posting Groups user follows these


4. User clicks Financial Management →Administration →Posting Groups →Customer Posting Groups in

Financial Management application domain to open Customer Posting Groups Page.

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2. User enters (or selects by clicking lookup button) G/L Account No. that will be used as Advances Account in Sales:

15.1.4 Purchase & Payables Setup

To set Purchase & Payables specific parameters of Advances feature user follows these steps:

1. User clicks Financial Management →Administration →Payables→ Purchases & Payables Setup in

Financial Management application domain to open Purchases & Payables Setup Page.

2. On Numbering Fast Tab user enters (or selects by clicking lookup button) No. Series that will be used to


Advance Letters –No. Series Code in Advance Letter Nos. field;

Advance Invoice –No. Series Code in Advance Invoice Nos. field;

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Advance Credit Memo –No. Series Code in Advance Credit Memo Nos. field:

NOTE: Advance Invoice and Credit Memo No. Series are used to identify Posted Advance Invoice and Posted Credit Memos.

15.1.5 Advances Account on Vendor Posting Groups

To define G/L Account to be used as Advances Account on Vendor Posting Groups user follows these steps:

1. User clicks Financial Management →Administration →Posting Groups →Vendor Posting Groups in

Financial Management application domain to open Vendor Posting Groups Page.

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2. User enters (or selects by clicking lookup button) G/L Account No. that will be used as Advances Account

in Purchases:

15.1.6 VAT Posting groups for Sales and Purchase Advances

To set the VAT Posting groups for Sales and Purchase Advances user follows these steps:

1. User clicks Financial Management →Administration →VAT Posting Groups →VAT Posting Setup in

Financial Management application domain to open VAT Posting Setup Page:

2. User enters (or selects by clicking lookup button) G/L account numbers for Sales Advance VAT Account

and Sales Advance Offset VAT Account. These G/L accounts will be used during Advance Invoice and

Advance Invoice Correction posting in Sales.

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3. User enters (or selects by clicking lookup button) G/L account numbers for Purchase Advance VAT

Account and Purchase Advance Offset VAT Account. These G/L accounts will be the used during

Advance Invoice and Advance Invoice Correction posting in Purchase.

4. User selects Advance Invoice Correction Type by setting one of available options in Adv. Invoice

Correction Type field. Available options are:

Blank – selecting this option means that Advance Invoicing is not used for particular combination of VAT Posting Groups.

Percentage – during partial invoicing of final invoice, system will distribute invoiced amount and post advance invoice correction using prepayment % and quantity invoice as ponders for advance invoice correction amount calculation.

Absolute – during partial invoicing of final invoice, system will distribute invoiced amount and post advance invoice correction using absolute amount with which invoiced amount participates in advance amount requested for the whole invoice and use that to calculate the advance invoice correction.

Fully invoiced – no advance invoice corrections will be posted until the final invoice is fully invoiced.

15.2 Advances in Sales and Purchases To start Advances process in Sales user creates a Sales Order. User follows these steps:

1. User clicks Sales & Marketing →Order Processing →Sales Orders in Sales & Marketing application

domain to open Sales Order page.

2. User creates new sales order and selects a customer on General Fast Tab.

3. User can verify the amount of received advances from particular customer in Advances (LCY) field on

General Fast Tab in Customer Card Page:

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4. User can open the list of Advance Letters for this customer by clicking Advance Letters button in

Navigate Tab on Customer Card Page:

System shows Advance Letters to the customer by status of Advance Letter.

5. User clicks Advance Invoices / Advance Credit Memos buttons in Navigate Tab on Customer Card Page

to open the list of Posted Advance Invoices and Posted Advance Credit Memos for this customer.

NOTE: Posted Advance Invoices and Posted Advance Credit Memos use standard Posted Sales Invoice and

Posted Sales Credit Memo pages to show the list. You can separate Advance Invoices and Credit Memos

from standard by check mark they have in Prepayment Invoice and Prepayment Credit Memo fields.

6. After selecting the customer user opens Prepayment Fast Tab on Sales Order Page to set Prepayment

Type for this document:

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7. User enters the value of Prepayment % (either on Sales Order Header or on the Lines) to set the amount

of prepayment required for this sales order.

8. After entering the lines of the sales order user examines the Sales Order Statistics Page:

Prepayments Fast Tab of Sales Order Statistics shows:

Prepayment Amount Requested for this Sales Order;

Prepayment Amount Received;

Prepayment Amount Invoiced;

Prepayment Amount to Deduct;

Prepayment Amount Deducted.

The VAT lines show VAT breakdown by Posting groups for Prepayment that is requested:

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NOTE: The same functionality is mirrored on Purchase side (Purchase Order).

15.2.1 Creating Advance Letter

After examining the statistics user Creates Advance Letter. Please note that Advance Letter can be created

only if Prepayment Type is set to Advance on Sales Order. To create Advance Letter document user follows

these steps:

1. On Actions Tab User clicks Create Advance Letter button :

2. Advance letter document is the document that relates received Advances, Advance Invoices and

Advance credit memos to Sales Order. Advance Letter is the VAT representation of Sales Order’s lines

that have prepayment requirement.

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3. When system creates Advance letter it sets the Status to Open. To make Advance Letter eligible for

linking to Advance payments, Advance Letter must have Status Pending Payment. User does this by

clicking Release button on Home Tab:

Releasing Advance Letter also sets amount that is available for linking for each Advance Letter line by

copying value from Amount Including VAT to Amount to Link field.

Page 82 of 219

After releasing Sales Advance Letter user prints it and sends the advance letter to customer. User does this

by clicking Advance Letter button on Home Tab:

Physically printing (not just previewing) of Advance Letter will set the Status of Advance Letter to Pending


NOTE: The same functionality is mirrored on Purchase side (Purchase Order).

15.2.2 Posting and Linking of Advance Payment

When the customer pays the advance payment user needs to link such payment to released advance letter.

User follows these steps:

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1. User clicks Financial Management →Bank Management → Cash Receipt Journals in Financial

Management application domain to open Cash Receipt Journal page:

2. User enters Cash Receipt Journal line. To tell the system that this payment is Advance Payment user

places a check mark in Prepayment field and selects Prepayment Type Advance.

3. After filling the amounts user can link this Advance Payment from journal. User does this by clicking Link

Advance Letters button on Navigate Tab to open Set Advance Link page:

4. To set the amount for which the link should be set user enters the value in Amount To Link field on Set

Advance Link Page.

5. To set the link user finds the Advance Letter to which he/she wants to link the Advance Payment and

Sets Link-To ID. User does this by clicking Set Link-To ID button on Navigate Tab.

6. After linking to Advance Letter user returns to Cash Receipt Journal and posts it.

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Posting a Cash Receipt Journal with Prepayment flag set and Prepayment Type will cause receivable amount

to be posted to Sales Advance G/L Account set on Customer Posting Group. Posting will create Customer

Ledger entry with these values as well:

Linking of Advance Payment to Advance Letter is also available from General Journal Line, Customer Ledger

Entries page and Advance Letter pages.

Depending on Automatic Adv. Invoice Posting parameter setup in Sales & Receivables Setup page, system

will automatically post (if set to Yes) Advance invoice when user posts Cash Receipt Journal.

In case where Automatic Adv. Invoice Posting is set to No, user will open the Advance Letter to which he/she

linked the Advance Payment he/she posted through Cash Receipt Journal.

7. User verifies if Advance Payment has been successfully linked to Advance Letter lines by comparing

Amount to Link and Amount Linked and checking the Status of Advance Letter.

Linking Advance Payment to Advance Letter will decrease Amount to Link value and increase Amount Linked

and Amount to Invoice field values on Advance Letter.

When Amount to Link drops to zero Status of Advance Letter will change from Pending Payment to Pending


NOTE: The same functionality is mirrored on Purchase side (Purchase Order).

15.2.3 Posting Advance Invoice

If Amount Linked is not zero on Advance Letter Page user can post Advance Invoice for such amount. If

multiple payments are linked to Advance Letter (lines) user can post as many Advance Invoices as needed.

User posts Advance Invoice following these steps:

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1. User clicks Post Advance Invoice... button on Actions Tab of Sales Advance Letter page to post Advance

Invoice (and print it):

NOTE: When user posts Purchase Advance Invoice, user compares Vendor Advance Invoice received and

ensures that VAT Amount and Amount values on Purchase Advance Letter match the amounts on received

Vendor Advance Invoice. If they don't user corrects this following these steps:

a) User opens Purchase Statistics Page by clicking Statistics button.

b) User modifies VAT Amount on Purch. Adv. Letter Statistics lines.

To verify Advance Invoice has been posted user follows these steps:

1. User clicks Advance Invoices button on Advance Letter Page to show Posted Sales Invoices list (multiple

Posted Advance Invoices can exist for each Advance Letter).

2. User clicks Advance Invoice on the list to show Posted Advance Invoice page.

3. User clicks Navigate button to verify entries that were created during Advance Invoice posting.

Advance Invoice posting creates special type of Posted Sales Invoice called Advance Invoice. Such invoice

posts only VAT (using standard Full VAT posting) to GL Account set as Sales Advance VAT Account and

balances this transaction with Sales Advance Offset VAT Account. Advance Invoice posting will not create

Customer Ledger entry as VAT Amount posted in Advance invoice is already included in Customer Ledger

entry with Advance Payment. Advance Invoice posting will create VAT entry and will store the VAT Amount

in VAT Entry's Amount field and VAT Base amount in VAT Entry's Advance Base field.

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Posting Advance Invoice will decrease Amount to Invoice and increase Amount Invoiced and Amount to

Deduct field values on Advance Letter.

When Amount to Invoice drops to zero Status of Advance Letter will change from Pending Invoice to Pending

Final Invoice.

15.2.4 Posting Advance Credit Memo

To correct incorrectly posted Advance Invoice user follows these steps on Advance Letter Page:

1. User clicks Post Advance Credit Memo (or Post and Print Adv. Cr. Memo) button on Actions Tab to post

Advance Credit Memo (and print it)

2. System displays a list of Posted Sales Advance Invoices that can be corrected using Advance Credit


3. User selects one (or multiple) Posted Advance Invoice for which to create Advance Credit Memo and

clicks OK.

4. System posts Advance Credit Memo .

NOTE: To post Advance Credit Memo as Correction make sure you place checkmark in Mark Cr. Memos as

Corrections on General Ledger Setup’s General Fast Tab. Corrections as Storno parameter on General Ledger

Setup’s Advance Fast Tab ensures Advance Invoice Correction (which is different from Advance Credit

Memo) is posted as red Storno.

To verify Advance Credit Memo has been posted user follows these steps:

1. User clicks Advance Credit Memos button on Advance Letter Page to show Posted Sales Credit Memos

list (multiple Posted Advance Credit Memos can exist for each Advance Letter).

2. User clicks posted Cr. Memo from the list item to show Posted Advance Credit Memo page.

3. User clicks Navigate button to verify entries that were created during Advance Credit Memo posting.

Advance Credit Memo posting creates special type of Posted Sales Credit Memo called Advance Credit

Memo. Such credit memo posts only VAT (using standard Full VAT posting – to reverse Advance Invoice

posting) to GL Account set as Sales Advance VAT Account and balances this transaction with Sales Advance

Offset VAT Account. Advance Credit Memo posting will not create Customer Ledger entry as VAT Amount

posted in Advance invoice is already included in Customer Ledger entry with Advance Payment. Advance

Credit Memo posting will create VAT entry and will store the VAT Amount in VAT Entry's Amount field and

VAT Base amount in VAT Entry's Advance Base field.

Posting Advance Credit Memo will increase Amount to Invoice and decrease Amount Invoiced and Amount

to Deduct field values on Advance Letter.

When Amount to Deduct drops to zero Status of Advance Letter will change from Pending Final Invoice to

Pending Invoice.

User can post Advance Credit Memo on Advance Letter until Advance letter receives status Closed. Once

Advance Letter is closed no posting can be done for it. However, user can still correct Advance Invoices

posted for this Advance Letter using following these steps:

1. User clicks Reverse VAT button on Advance Letter Page to reverse VAT posted through posted Advance


2. System asks for confirmation.

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3. When user confirms (clicks Yes) system reverses VAT Posted through Advance Invoices posted through

this Advance Letter.

NOTE: The same functionality is mirrored on Purchase side (Purchase Order).

15.2.5 Posting Final Invoice

When Advance Letter’s status is set to Pending Final Invoice (or Amount to Deduct is different from zero (0)),

system will allow user to post Final Invoice from Sales Order used to initiate the whole process.

User does this following standard process of Shipping and Invoicing Sales Order:

1. User clicks Posting button and selects Post (or Post and Print) to Ship/Invoice/Ship and Invoice Sales

Order (and print it).

2. System posts final invoice.

Final invoice posting consists of 3 parts:

1. Standard invoicing of Sales Order – this posting creates standard entries and is the same for posting of

Sales Invoice with prepayment requirement.

2. Advance Invoice Correction - Advance Invoice Correction posts only VAT correction (using standard Full

VAT posting – to reverse VAT Posted through Advance Invoice posting) to GL Account set as Sales

Advance VAT Account and balances this transaction with Sales Advance Offset VAT Account.

Depending on Correction as Storno parameter setup on General Ledger Setup’s Advance Fast Tab system will

post Advance Invoice Correction as red storno (if set to Yes) or as black storno (if set to No).

Advance Invoice Correction posting will not create Customer Ledger entry as VAT Amount posted in Advance

invoice is already included in Customer Ledger entry with Advance Payment. Advance Invoice Correction

posting will create reversing VAT entry and will store the VAT Amount in VAT Entry's Amount field and VAT

Base amount in VAT Entry's Advance Base field.

NOTE: In countries where Document grouping VAT reporting is required it is highly likely that Advance

Invoice Correction posting will have to be posted using separate Advance Credit Memo No. Series (set in

Sales & Receivables Setup page’s Numbering Fast Tab) to ensure correct VAT can be reported per Document

No. To enable such posting user will set a flag in Use Adv. CM Nos. for Adv. Corr. checkbox in General Ledger

Setup page’s Advances Fast Tab. Posting of Advance Invoice Correction with such setup will make Advance

Invoice Correction “invisible” when user clicks Navigate button on Posted Sales Invoice, due to the fact that

this part of final invoice transaction will be posted with different Document No.

3. Transfer of Advance to Standard Receivables Account – to make sure receivables account shows correct

customer debt, Advance Payment amount needs to be transferred from Advance Account (set in

Customer Posting Group) to standard Receivables Account. This is achieved by creating 2 Customer

Ledger Entries. Advance Payment Refund Customer Ledger Entry will be applied to Advance Payment

and will decrease Advance Account balance, where as Payment Customer Ledger Entry will be applied to

Sales Invoice Customer Ledger Entry created in first part (under 1.), thus decreasing the Receivable

Account amount and customer debt.

Posting Final Invoice will decrease Amount to Deduct and increase Amount Deducted field values on

Advance Letter.

Page 88 of 219

When Amount to Deduct drops to zero Status of Advance Letter will change from Pending Final Invoice to


15.2.6 Correcting Final Invoice Postings and reversing the whole Advances process

There are 2 cases user will encounter while correcting Final Invoice postings or reversing transactions done

during advance handling process: Sales Order not fully invoiced (Sales Order Exists)

When Sales Order used to post final invoice is not fully invoiced (still exists in the system) to correct final

invoice is recommended this way: to invoice fully the sales order in question, to reverse such posting using

procedure described for case (below) and restart the process from beginning.

There are multiple reasons why this should be done:

1. Standard W1 application design suggests the same approach.

2. Related Advance Letters' statuses will be set to Closed, allowing user to execute corrections described in

case 2 thus avoiding manual (journal) corrections.

3. Greatly reduce margin for error by avoiding manual corrections in complex partial final invoiced


4. No Advance letters left "hanging-in-the-air". Sales Order fully invoiced (Sales Order Does not Exist)

In this case Sales Order used to post final invoice is fully invoiced and does not exist in the system any more.

Main assumption in this case is that all related Advance Letters' statuses are set to Closed. To completely

reverse all postings done through Advances process following transactions need to be reversed in exact


Final Invoice;

Advance Invoice;

Advance Payment.

To do this, user follows procedure described below.

First thing to correct is Final Invoice(s) posting. As Final Invoice posting contains 3 transactions its correction

consists of 2 parts:

Unapplying of Customer Ledger Entries;

Posting of Credit Memo.

User first unapplies customer ledger entries applied to Final Invoice(s) customer Ledger Entry created by

final invoice posting following these steps:

1. User clicks Sales & Marketing → History → Posted Sales Invoices in Financial Management application

domain to open Posted Sales Invoice page.

2. User selects Posted Sales Invoice created during final Invoicing and clicks Navigate button on Actions


3. User selects Cust. Ledger Entry in the list of entries created for this document.

4. User clicks Show button to show Customer Ledger Entries created for this invoice.

5. User selects Customer Ledger Entry with Document Type Invoice in Customer Ledger Entries Page.

6. User clicks Unapply Entries button on Actions Tab.

7. User selects all lines in Unapply Customer Entries page's lines and clicks Unapply button on the page.

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8. System asks for confirmation and user confirms (clicks Yes).

9. User closes Customer Ledger Entries and Navigate pages and selects next Posted Sales Invoice.

10. User repeats steps 2 to 9 for all final invoices created for Sales Order that had prepayment requirement.

Unapplying entries creates 2 transactions for each final invoice:

1. System reverses transfer of Advance Payment from Advance Account to Receivables account.

2. System reverses Advance Invoice Correction posting.

After this user posts Sales Credit memos for Final Invoice(s) created during Advance process. User does this

following standard Sales Credit Memo procedure (using Copy Document) described in W1 Training Materials

Next thing user does is reversal of Advance Invoice(s). This would usually be done by Posting Advance Credit

Memo, but as Advance Letter(s) are closed this is not possible any more. To perform this transaction user

follows these steps:

1. User clicks Receivables→ Advance Letters in Financial Management application domain to open

Advance Letter page.

2. User selects advance letter, clicks Reverse VAT button on Acrions Tab to reverse Advance Invoice


3. User selects next Advance Letter.

4. User repeats steps 2 to 3 for all advance letters created for Sales Order that had prepayment


Reversing VAT posts creates the same entries as during Advance Credit Memo posting.

Last thing user does is reversal of Advance Payment. User does this following standard Reverse Register

procedure described in W1 Training Material.

NOTE: The same functionality is mirrored on Purchase side (Purchase Order).

15.3 Exchange Rates Adjustment and Advances

15.3.1 Unrealized Exchange Rates Adjustment

The only place in whole Advances handling process where unrealized exchange rates adjustment can occur is

open Advance Payments in foreign currency. To adjust exchange rates for Advance Payments user follows

these standard steps:

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1. User clicks Financial Management →Periodic Activities →Currency → Adjust Exchange Rates in

Financial Management application domain to run Adjust Exchange Rates batch:

2. On Options Fast Fast Tab user enters Starting and Ending Dates and ensures that Test Mode is turned off

by removing a flag in Test Mode checkbox.

3. User clicks Print/Preview to print/preview the batch results.

To verify the posting of exchange rates adjustment user follows these steps:

1. User clicks Financial Management →History → G/L Registers in Financial Management application

domain to open G/L Registers page.

2. User selects the last register entry and clicks General Ledger button on Navigate Tab to show General

Ledger Entries page.

Posting of Exchange rates adjustment batch job posts adjustment amounts to Unrealized Gain or Losses

Accounts and balances those accounts (for open Advance Payments) with Advance Account (not Receivables

Account) set for Customer or Vendor Posting Group.

15.3.2 Realized Exchange Rates Adjustment

Realized exchange rates adjustment posting will occurs in situation where user sets the system to use Final

Invoice Exchange Rate (field Correction Exchange Rate on Advances Fast Tab of General Ledger Setup Page)

for posting Advance Invoice Correction. The posting of realized exchange rate adjustment occurs during

posting of Final Invoice as Advance Invoice Correction posting. The reason for this adjustment can be in

different exchange rates used for posting of Advance Invoice and Final Invoice.

Page 91 of 219

Realized Exchange Rate adjustment posts adjustment amounts on Realized Gain or Losses Accounts and

balances those accounts with Sales or Purchase Advance Offset VAT Account set in VAT Posting Setup.

NOTE: The same functionality is mirrored on Purchase side.

16 Fixed Asset location/responsible history report (LT3.1)

This feature provides users with ability to track Fixed Asset (FA in the text below) Location and Responsible Employee changes. With the addition of this feature users are able to control location history of fixed asset and history of employees responsible for fixed asset. Feature also provides reports, with which company can verify where specific FA is/was or to whom it is/was assigned.

16.1 Setup of FA History tracking

To enable FA Location and Responsible Employee tracking (FA History in further text) user first needs to enable this feature. To do this user follows these steps:

1. User clicks Departments -> Financial Management -> Fixed Assets-> Administration -> Setup to open FA Setup page

2. On General fast tab of the page user places a checkmark in Fixed Assets History field

3. Placing a checkmark run the Initialize FA History batch.

4. User enters Posting Date, which will be copied to FA History table as Creation Date.

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NOTE: Initialization of FA History is done to create initial FA History entries for all Fixed Assets. As system doesn’t have the information on when exactly these Fixed Assets were created or assigned to particular FA location or assigned to particular Responsible Employee, user need to supply system with this information. This is done by setting up Posting Date (as in step 4 above).

16.2 Tracking FA Location and Responsible Employee changes

After enabling FA History in FA Setup, user can now start tracking changes of FA Location and Responsible employees. To see what happens when these values are changed let’s examine the example below.

1. User click Departments -> Financial Management -> Fixed Assets-> Lists -> Fixed Assets choose Fixed Asset and select Edit command to open Fixed Asset Card

2. On General tab user changes Responsible Employee by entering (or selecting) new employee to be responsible for this Fixed Assed

3. System shows a confirmation dialog to make sure the change was intentional and asks for users confirmation to apply the change

Note: System will not let to change value of Responsible Employee or location if:

Fixed Asset card is disposed (only Default Depr. Book from FA Setup is checked);

Fixed Asset card is marked as inactive.

The same logic is applied once FA location is changed.

Page 93 of 219

4. User confirms by clicking Yes 5. After that, system asks user whether or not to print FA Assignment/Discharge report. 6. User confirms by clicking Yes 7. System prints the report that has two parts

a. Discharge from old Responsible Employee

b. Assignment to new Responsible Employee

Page 94 of 219

User also can print FA Assignment / Discharge report manually, from Departments -> Financial Management -> Fixed Assets -> Reports and Analysis -> Reports -> Fixed Assets -> FA Assignment / Discharge. To see the History of all changes of FA Location and Responsible Employees and print report, user clicks Fixed Asset and choose History on Ribbon pane. System shows the list of all FA History Entries.

Clicking Print button on ribbon pane of FA History Entries page allows user to print FA Assignment / Discharge document for selected FA History Entry.

User also can print FA History report from Departments -> Financial Management -> Fixed Asset -> Reports and Analysis -> Reports -> Fixed Asset -> FA history.

Page 95 of 219

16.3 FA Location and Responsible Employee History Reporting

There are many occurrences when it is essential to see the list of all Fixed Assets assigned to particular FA Location or Responsible Employee. To see such information user follows these steps:

1. User clicks Departments -> Financial Management -> Fixed Assets-> FA History to open FA History report

2. On FA History Entry tab of the report user can specify various filters like FA No., Creation Date... 3. On Options fast tab of the report user can specify one of grouping options by selecting a value in

Group By field. Available options are: a. Blank - system will print the contents of the FA History Entries without grouping, ignoring As of

Date value, using only filters defined in FA History Entry tab. b. Location - system will print list of Fixed assets assigned to each of FA locations. The printout will

show the state (Fixed Assets assigned to particular FA location) as of date set in As of Date field. c. Responsible employee - system will print list of Fixed assets assigned to each of Employees. The

printout will show the state (Fixed Assets assigned to particular Responsible Employee) as of date set in As of Date field. For example the Responsible Employee grouping looks like this.

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4. Clicking the New Page Per Group will show start a new page each time FA Location or Responsible Employee changes on the report depending on the Group By value. This field is only enabled if Group By field is not blank.

17 VAT Sales Invoice (LT4.1)

Lithuanian authorities provide strict justification about needed properties for VAT sales invoice layout. Functionality provides required report format for printed VAT sales invoice for Navision.

17.1 Setup VAT sales invoice feature

17.1.1 Separating Invoice number to series part and number part

It is legally required to print invoice number separated to series part and number part. Series part of the invoice number length must be specified in Sales & receivables Setup for documents printed from sales module, and Purchase & Payables setup, for documents printed from purchases module.

User does the following:

1. User clicks Sales & Marketing -> Administration -> Setup -> Sales & Marketing Setup in Sales & Marketing application domain to open Sales & Receivables Setup Page.

2. On the General Fast Tab of the Sales & Receivables Setup Card user places a value in Length of Invoice Series field.

3. User clicks Purchase -> Administration -> Setup -> Purchases & Payables Setup in Purchase application domain to open Purchases & Payables Setup Page.

4. On the General Fast Tab of the Purchases & Payables Setup Card user places a value in Length of Invoice Series field.

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17.1.2 Currency decimal places abbreviation

Amount in words must be printed on VAT sales invoice. Currency decimal places abbreviation setup must be done for this purpose:

1. Local currency: field LCY Decimal Places on the Reporting Fast Tab in General Ledger setup (Departments -> Administration -> Application Setup -> Financial Management -> Administration -> Finance -> General Ledger Setup):

2. Foreign currencies: field Currency Decimal Places on the Reporting Fast Tab in Currency card (Financial Management -> Periodic Activities -> Currency -> Lists -> Currencies).

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17.1.3 Reference to VAT law paragraph

In some certain situation VAT law requires to print specific text with reference to VAT law Paragraph on VAT sales invoice. User can setup text that needs to be printed on the General Fast Tab in VAT posting setup card (Financial Management -> Administration -> VAT posting Setup).

System identifies if text needs to be printed according to VAT business and VAT product posting group combinations used in VAT sales invoice.

17.2 Report selection setup

Lithuanian VAT sales invoice report layout can be selected in Administration -> Application setup -> Sales & Marketing -> Sales -> Report selections Sales. Select report 206 for option “Invoice”.

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17.3 Usage VAT Sales Invoice feature

System will print Lithuanian VAT sales invoice when:

user chooses “Post & Print” from Sales Orders or Sales Invoices page or;

after posting Sales Order or Sales Invoice VAT sales invoice document user can see by clicking Departaments -> Sales & Marketing -> History -> Posted Sales Invoices.

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18 Credit and Debit notes (LT4.3)

The solution allows printing out the following documents:

Printing credit note from the Sales Credit Memos form.

Printing credit note from the Sales Orders and Sales Invoices form.

Printing debit note from the Purchase Credit Memos form.

Using VAT sales invoice report as a credit note when needed.

18.1 Report selection setup

Navigate to Departments -> Sales & Marketing -> Order Processing -> Report Selections Sales. Select report 207 for option Credit memo.

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Navigate to Departments -> Purchase -> Order Processing -> Report Selections Purchase. Select report 407 for option Credit memo.

18.2 Printing Credit Note from posted Sales Invoices

On Invoicing fast tab of the sales Order or Sales Invoice page user places a check mark in Credit Invoice checkbox.

After posting system will print Credit Note instead of VAT sales invoice from posted Sales invoice page:

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18.3 Printing Debit Note from posted Purchase Credit Memos

After posting purchase credit memo system will print Debit Note from posted from posted Purchase Credit Memo page:

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19 Exch. Rate Adjustment (EE14)

According to Lithuania legislation request following improvements has to be implemented in Exchange Rates Adjustment:

Ability to run Exchange Rates Adjustment for Customers, Vendors and Bank Accounts separately

Ability to have Exchange Rates Adjustment batch post adjustments in detail as well as summarized per currency

Ability to run Exchange Rates Adjustment just as simulation (without posting) in Test Mode

User leverages these improvements following these steps:

1. User clicks Departments -> Financial Management-> Periodic Activities-> Currency-> Adjust Exchange Rates to run Adjust Exchange Rates batch.

1. On Customer and Vendor and Bank Account fast tab user enters filters which will define which customers or vendors or bank accounts will be included in exchange rates adjustment:

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2. On Options tab user enters following:

a. Posting Description - user enters the Description that GL Entries created by batch job will have. Following will be replaced by value calculated by the batch:

i. %1 will be replaced by Currency Code ii. %2 will be replaced by Currency Amount

iii. %3 will be replaced by Document Type (if Summarize Entries is set to No) iv. %4 will be replaced by Document No. (if Summarize Entries is set to No)

b. Adjust Bank Accounts/Customer/Vendor – system places a check mark in this checkbox as default value. Having a check mark in this check box means Exchange Rates Adjustment will be performed for Bank Account/Customer/Vendor Ledger Entries. Removing checkmark from this check box will skip Exchange Rates Adjustment of Bank Account/Customer/Vendor Ledger Entries.

c. Summarize Entries – placing a check mark in this check box will post Exchange Rates Adjustment to GL Entries per Currency Code. Removing it means Exchange Rates Adjustment will be posted on Document (entry) level.

d. Test Mode – system places a check mark in this check box as default value. Having a check mark in this check box means system will only calculate Exchange Rates Adjustment but will not post any entries (end result will be presented to the user as a report printout). Removing check mark from this check box means user will calculate and post Exchange Rates Adjustment to GL and other ledgers:

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Note: Please note that Exchange Rates Adjustment cannot be run in Test Mode with Summarize Entries option turned on.

3. User clicks Print/Preview to print/preview the batch results:

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20 Fixed Assets Reporting (EE13)

This feature brings 4 new reports to help with fixed assets (FA) reporting.

20.1 FA Card

FA Card report combines data from standard FA List and FA details report, grouping details per FA Depreciation Book. To run FA Card report user follows these steps:

1. User clicks Departments -> Fixed Assets-> Reports and Analysis -> Reports-> Fixed Assets-> Fixed Asset Card in Financial Management application domain to open FA Card report’s request form

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2. On Fixed Assets tab user enters FA No. or other filter(s)

3. On FA Depreciation Book tab user enters Depreciation Book and Posting Date or other filter(s)

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4. User clicks Print or Preview the report

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20.2 FA Receipt

FA Receipt report is printed when particular Fixed Asset is received to be put in use. Such document must be signed by company officials. To run FA Receipt report user follows these steps:

1. User clicks Departments -> Financial Management -> Fixed Assets-> Reports and Analysis -> Reports-> Fixed Assets-> FA Receipt Report open FA Receipt report’s request form

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2. On Options tab user enter (of selects by clicking lookup buttons): a. Depreciation Book

b. Personas

3. On Fixed Assets tab user enters FA No. or other filter(s)

4. Placing the checkmark in Print FA Ledger Entry check box will disable any entry in FA Receipt No, Receipt Date and Use Date, as report will retrieve this information from FA Ledger Entry. If Print FA Ledger Entry does not contain checkmark, user needs to enter data in fields mentioned above.

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5. User clicks Print or Preview the report

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20.3 FA Disposal

FA Disposal report is printed when particular Fixed Asset is to be written off or damaged. To run FA Disposal report user follows these steps:

1. User clicks Departments -> Fixed Assets-> Reports and Analysis -> Reports-> Fixed Assets-> FA Disposal in Financial Management application domain to open FA Receipt report’s request form

2. On Options tab user enter (of selects by clicking lookup buttons): a. Depreciation Book

b. Personas

3. On Fixed Assets tab user enters FA No. or other filter(s)

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4. Placing the checkmark in Print FA Disp. Report Date check box will enable user to enter FA Disposal Report Date apart from FA Disposal Report No. If Print FA Disp. Report Date does not contain checkmark, report will not contain FA Disposal Report Date.

5. User clicks Print or Preview the report

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20.4 FA Phys. Inventory List

Companies are obliged reconcile the physic al state of Fixed Assets and book value in order to prepare financial statements. To run FA Phys. Inventory List report user follows these steps:

1. User clicks Departments -> Fixed Assets-> Reports and Analysis -> Reports-> Fixed Assets-> FA Phys. Inventory List in Financial Management application domain to open FA Receipt report’s request form

2. On Options tab user enter (of selects by clicking lookup buttons): a. Depreciation Book b. User places a check mark in Print FA Values check box to print the book value of the FA

on the report

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c. User selects the way FA Phys. Inventory List report entries will be grouped. Available options are:

None – no grouping will occur on the report

FA Location Only – report entries will be grouped by FA Location

Responsible Employee Only – report entries will be grouped by Responsible Employee

FA Location and Responsible Employee – report entries will be grouped

Responsible Employee and FA Location – report entries will be grouped by Responsible Employee first and then by FA Location

d. User places a check mark in New Page Per Group check box to print the new page every

time group changes e. Personas

3. On Fixed Assets tab user enters FA No. or other filter(s)

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4. User clicks Print or Preview the report

20.5 Fixed Assets physical accounting statement (LT3.4)

Printed special form of FA list, used for physical accounting. Run report from Departments -> Financial Management -> Fixed Assets -> FA Physical inv. statement

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20.6 FA maintenance report (LT3.3)

Report calculates % between FA value and maintenance expenses in defined period. Run report from

Financial Management -> Fixed Assets -> Reports -> Maintenance -> Expenses Per Period.

21 Statutory Company Information (EE28)

Many documents are circulating within and outside of the companies these days. Local legislations prescribe

minimum requirements such documents need to have. We can group these requirement roughly in 3


Company officials names need to be present on some internal and external documents

Majority of external documents need to contain basic company information on footers of documents usually in languages of company’s partner

A set to Registration numbers needs to be visible on internal and external document

21.1 Setup Company Officials

To be able to enter and store information about Company Officials like General Manager, Accounting and

Finance Managers user follows these steps to setup Company Officials No. Series.

1. User clicks Departments -> Administration -> Application Setup -> Financial Management -> Finance -> General Ledger Setup to open General Ledger Setup page

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2. On Numbering fast tab of General Ledger Setup page user enters or selects (by clicking lookup button) Company Officials Numbering series system will use to assign unique identifiers to each Company Official record.

To enter Company Officials like General Manager, Accounting and Finance Managers that are used for tax

and statutory reporting. To do this user follows these steps:

1. User clicks Departments -> Administration -> Application Setup -> Application Setup -> General to open Company Information page

2. User enters Company Officials on Registration Fast Tab by clicking lookup in General Manager No. and Accounting Manager No. fields:

3. To enter new Company Official user clicks New menu item.

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4. In the Company Officials Card page user creates new Company Official by pressing Ctrl+N or clicking New on the ribbon pane.

5. If Company Officials number series has been set in General Ledger Setup, system will automatically assign new unique number to newly created Company Official record.

6. Selecting an Employee No. on General tab of the page will copy employee date to company officials card.

7. User can enter/modify any General or Communication information for Company Official in this page.

On Registration tab of Company Information page user can also assign vendor number for 3 special “vendors”:

1. Tax authority – this vendor number will be used while compiling information specific for Tax Authority that is responsible for collection of taxes from company.

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2. Customs Authority – this vendor number will be used while compiling information specific for Customs Authority that is responsible for collection of customs duty and other fees from company during foreign trade transactions .

3. Court Authority – this vendor number will be used while compiling information specific for Court with which company is registered of that resolves disputes between company and other parties.

22 Multiple payables/receivables accounts (EE29)

Users often post transactions like bad debt or other types of receivable/payable transactions that need to be recorded in Customer and Vendor Ledgers, but at same time posted to different receivable/payable GL account than one specified on customer or vendor posting groups. Easiest way to enable such functionality is to allow users to change customer and vendor posting groups at moment of posing of particular transaction.

22.1 Setup Posting Group Substitutions

To avoid mistakes, accounting policy makers in company (such as accounting manager) can set for each customer and vendor posting group the set of allowed substitutes. To do that user follows these steps:

1. User clicks Departments -> Administration -> Financial Management -> Posting Groups-> Customer Posting Groups to open the list of Customer Posting Groups form:

2. User selects Customer posting Group and selects Substitutions command on Navigate tab of ribbon and enters (or selects by clicking lookup button) Customer Posting Groups that can substitute the selected (in step 1) Customer Posting Group:

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Note: The same functionality is mirrored to Vendor Posting Groups

22.2 Setup Posting Group Alterations

Accounting policy makers in company can also set in which functional areas will alteration of posting groups be allowed. User can set this in Sales, Purchase and Service. To do this user follows these steps:

1. User clicks Departments -> Financial Management -> Receivables-> Sales & Receivables Setup to open Sales & Receivables setup page and on General fast tab user places a checkmark in Allow Alter Posting Groups to allow changing of Customer Posting Groups in sales transactions:

To do this in Purchase user follows these steps:

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2. User clicks Departments -> Financial Management -> Payables -> Purchases & Payables Setup to open Purchases & Payables setup page and on General fast tab user places a checkmark in Allow Alter Posting Groups to allow changing of Vendor Posting Groups in purchase transactions:

To do this in Service Management user follows these steps:

3. User clicks Departments -> Administration -> Application Setup -> Service -> Service Operations -> Service Setup to open Service Mgt.Setup form and on General fast tab user places a checkmark in Allow Alter Posting Groups to allow changing of Customer Posting Groups in service transactions:

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22.3 Posting Transactions with changed Customer Posting Groups

To post transaction with changed Customer Posting Group, user follows these steps:

1. User clicks Departments -> Sales & Marketing -> Sales -> Order Processing -> Sales Orders to open Sales Orders list.

2. User selects New command on Home tab of ribbon and enters Sales Order header data. 3. On Invoicing fast tab of Sales Order form user enters (or selects by clicking lookup button) Customer

Posting Group:

Note: Customer Posting Group field is exposed also on following forms: Sales Invoice, Sales Credit Memo, Sales Return Order, Finance Charge Memo, Service Invoice and Service Credit Memo. On the Purchase side Vendor Posting Group field is exposed on following forms: Purchase Order, Purchase Invoice, Purchase Credit Memo and Purchase Return Order Entering Customer Posting Group that is not listed as one of possible substitutions for Customer Posting Group set for that customer will throw and error.

4. User enters Sales Order lines data. 5. User Ships and Invoices the document. 6. After posting user find posted Sales documents by clicking Posted Documents -> Posted Sales

invoices to open Posted Sales Invoice:

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Note: Customer Posting Group field is exposed also on following forms: Posted Sales Invoice, Posted Sales Credit Memo, Issued Finance Charge Memo, Posted Return Receipt, Posted Service Shipment, Posted Service Invoice and Posted Service Credit Memo On the Purchase side Vendor Posting Group field is exposed on following forms: Posted Purchase Receipt, Posted Purchase Invoice, Posted Purchase Credit Memo and Posted Return Shipment

7. To see ledger entries system has created for Posted Sales Invoice user clicks Navigate command on Actions tab of the Posted Sales Invoice:

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8. To show Customer Ledger Entries created user selects Cust. Ledger Entry and in the Navigate page and clicks Show command on Home tab of ribbon:

Note: On Purchase side Vendor Posting Group field is exposed in Vendor Ledger Entries.

9. To show General Ledger Entries created user selects G/L Entry in the Navigate and clicks Show command on Home tab of ribbon.

10. User can now verify that Receivables amount has be posted to the G/L Account set in the Customer Posting Group on the Posted Sales Invoice as Receivables account (not on Receivables Account set on Customer Posting Group set on Customer Card).

Note: The same functionality exists in Purchase as well.

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Receiving a payment must enable user to select Customer Posting Group as well. To do this user follows these steps:

1. User clicks Departments -> Financial Management -> Receivables -> Cash Receipt Journal to open Cash Receipt Journal page.

2. User enters Cash Receipt journal line data and selects Customer. System automatically fills in Posting Group field with Customer Posting Group

3. User can change Posting group on Cash Receipt Journal:

Note: Posting Group field is exposed on following journals as well: General Journal, Sales Journal, Purchase Journal, Cash Receipt Journal and Payment Journal

4. User post journal line 5. After posting, user can now verify that Receivables amount has be posted to the G/L Account set in

the Posting Group on the journal line as Receivables account (not on Receivables Account set on Customer Posting Group set on Customer Card).

22.4 Applying entries with different posting groups

One of the ways to apply customer ledger entries is for user to follow these steps:

1. User clicks Departments -> Financial Management -> Receivables -> Customers to open customer’s list page.

2. User selects and clicks Ledger Entries command on Home tab of ribbon to show Customer Ledger Entries page.

3. On Customer Ledger Entries form, user selects posted invoice entry and clicks Apply Entries button on Actions tab of ribbon to show Apply Customer Entries page.

4. User selects customer payment ledger entry and sets it as Applying entry by clicking Set Applies-to ID command on Home tab of ribbon:

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5. System ask user for confirmation and informs user that additional GL Entries will be created to transfer amounts between Receivable accounts of those two Customer Posting Groups.

6. If user confirms, only thing left to do is to post the application by clicking Application button and selecting Post Application

7. After application posting user verifies that GL Entries are created to transfer amounts between Receivables accounts of two posting groups.

Note: The same functionality exists in Purchase as well.

22.5 Suggesting Vendor Payments with Multiple Posting Groups

Suggest vendor payments batch must be aware that vendor ledger entries can now contain entries with multiple posting groups. For that reason some improvements to the batch were introduced. To use Suggest Vendor Payment batch user follows these steps:

1. User clicks Department -> Financial Management -> Payables-> Payment Journal to open Payment journal page.

2. User clicks Suggest Vendor Payments command on Home tab of ribbon to run Suggest Vendor Payments batch.

3. On Vendor Posting Group fast tab, user enter posting group filter if user wants to limit payments suggestion to particular Vendor Posting Group.

4. On Options fast tab user places a check mark in Summarize per Vendor check box to summarize payments per vendor while filling Payment Journal:

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5. User clicks OK to run the batch. 6. User verifies that multiple lines were created per Posting Group even though batch was run with

Summarize per Vendor Option.

23 Cash Management (EE32)

A lot of business in Lithuania is done with cash and a lot of different practices for dealing with cash exist. For that reason companies need a feature that provide a lot of flexibility and control at same time. This feature provides users with a way to:

1. Setup Cash Management 2. Manage Cash Desk Accounts 3. Manage Cash Orders 4. Manage Cash Reports 5. Post Cash Transactions

23.1 Setup Cash Management

To be able to post cash transaction, first thing user needs to do is create a new source code for cash transactions and designate it as Cash Desk Source Code. User does this following these steps:

1. User clicks Departments -> Administration -> Application Setup -> Setup -> Trial Codes -> Source Code Setup to open Source Code Setup page.

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2. On General fast tab user enters (or selects by clicking lookup button) Cash Desk Source Code

Next thing user needs to do is create No. Series for Cash Desk Accounts, set such number series and general Cash Management parameters in the system. User does this following these steps:

1. User clicks Departments -> Administration -> Application Setup -> Financial Management -> Administration -> Finance -> General Ledger Setup to open General Ledger Setup page.

2. On Numbering tab user enters (or selects by clicking lookup button) Cash Desk Account No. Series:

3. On Cash tab user sets following Cash Management parameters

a. Cash Desk Report Mandatory – placing a check mark in this check box will make Cash Management require one Cash Desk Report open per Cash Desk Account before any posting can be done using Cash Orders

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Note: Countries that do not have such requirement can leave this check box blank.

b. Default Cash Wdr. Limit (LCY) – user can enter default amount of cash that can be

withdrawn from Cash Desk Accounts in local currency. During creation of local currency Cash Desk Accounts, system will copy this amount to Cash Withdrawal Limit field of created Cash Desk Account.

c. Default Cash Rcpt. Limit (LCY) – user can enter default amount of cash that can be received to Cash Desk Accounts in local currency. During creation of local currency Cash Desk Accounts, system will copy this amount to Cash Receipt Limit field of created Cash Desk Account.

d. Exclude from Exch. Rate Adj. – user can decide whether or not cash entries in foreign currency should be included in Exchange Rate Adjustment. During creation of foreign currency Cash Desk Account system will copy the value of this check box to Exclude from Exch. Rate Adj. field of created Cash Desk Account:

Next thing user needs to do is designate reports to be used for particular documents’ printout in Cash Management. User does this following these steps:

1. User clicks Departments -> Administration -> Application Setup -> Financial Management -> Administration -> Finance -> Report Selections Cash Desk to open Report Selection – Cash Desk page:

2. User selects Usage and enters following report ids for following reports:

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a. Cash Receipt – report entered in Report ID will be used for printout of issued Cash Receipts (recommend setting is Report ID to 17024281).

b. Cash Withdrawal - report entered in Report ID will be used for printout of issued Cash Withdrawals (recommend setting is Report ID to 17024282)

c. Posted Cash Receipt – report entered in Report ID will be used for printout of posted Cash Receipts (recommend setting is Report ID to 17024284)

d. Posted Cash Withdrawal – report entered in Report ID will be used for printout of posted Cash Receipts (recommend setting is Report ID to 17024285)

e. Cash Desk Report – report entered in Report ID will be used for printout of Cash Desk Report (recommend setting is Report ID to 17024280)

Next thing user needs to do is set create Bank Account Posting group(s) that will be used for Cash Transactions. User does this following these steps:

1. User clicks Departments/Administration/Application Setup/Financial Management/Posting Groups/Bank Account Posting Groups to open Bank Account Posting Groups page

2. User enters (or selects by clicking lookup button) G/L Interim Account No. This GL Account will be used in cash transactions as money in transit account when cash is transferred:

a. From cash desk account to cash desk account

b. From cash desk account to bank account

c. From bank account to cash desk account

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Next thing user does is setup of Cash Denominators. User does this for local currency and all other foreign currencies used in Cash Management. User follows these steps to set Cash Denominators for local currency:

1. User clicks Departments -> Administration -> Application Setup -> Company information to open Company Information page.

2. User clicks Cash Denominators button on ribbon to display Cash Denominators page.

3. User 0.1enters all coin and bank note values that exist for local currency:

For foreign currency Cash Denominators user follows these steps:

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1. User clicks Departments -> Administration -> Application Setup -> Financial Management -> Finance -> Currencies or Departments -> Financial Management ->Periodic Activities -> Currency -> Currencies to open Currencies list page.

2. User finds a currency for which he/she wishes to set the Cash Denominators 3. User clicks Cash Denominators Currency button on Navigate tab of ribbon to display Cash

Denominators page. 4. User enters all coin and bank note values that exist for local currency

Last, but not the least, user needs to set three (3) new No. Series per Cash Desk Account. These no series will be used to uniquely identify:

1. Cash Receipts 2. Cash Withdrawals 3. Cash Desk Reports

Note: Please note that above mentioned will be assigned to particular Cash Desk account. As multiple Cash Desk Accounts may exist in the system it is recommended not only to have different No, Series assigned to different Cash Desk Accounts, but also to have unique way (per Cash Desk Account) numbers are generated for them. This way you will get more transparency and avoid user confusion when system functions such as Navigate are used.

23.2 Manage Cash Desk Accounts

There are two (2) ways to create Cash Desk Accounts: manually or from bank account. As manual creation of Cash Desk is just an extension of creation from bank account user will create Cash Desk Account from bank account following these steps:

1. User clicks Departments -> Financial Management -> Bank Management -> Bank Accounts to open Bank Accounts list page.

2. User finds a bank account, clicks Edit action button on Home tab of ribbon to open selected Bank Account Card page.

3. User clicks Create Cash Desk action button on Actions tab ribbon.

4. System copies data from Bank Account to Cash Desk Account. Data system copies is following:

a. General data like Names, Adresses etc.

b. Communication data.

c. Currency Code.

System also defaults data like Cash Receipt and Withdrawal Limits and Exclusion of Exchange Rates Adjustment check mark setting from General Ledger Setup

5. On General tab user enters (or selects by clicking lookup button) Cashier No. that represents employee that is responsible for this Cash Desk Account:

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6. On Posting fast tab user enters following data:

a. Cash Desk Posting Group – user enters (or selects by clicking lookup button) posting group that will designate GL Accounts to be used in cash transactions user will do with this Cash Desk Account.

b. Cash Posting Level – user selects cash posting level. Available options are:

i. Cash Order – user selects this posting level to require cash orders to be posted before being added to Cash Report for this Cash Desk Account. Ledger entries created with such posting level will have Cash Order No. set as Document No.

ii. Cash Desk Report – user selects this posting level to have issued cash orders created for this Cash Desk Account added to Cash Report and then posted them from Cash Report. Posting on Cash order will throw and error when this option is selected. Ledger entries created with such posting level will have Cash Report No. set as Document No. (Cash Order number will not be transferred to ledgers).

c. Require Cash Order Issue – user places a check mark in this check box if he/she wants to have all cash orders created for this Cash Desk Account issued before posting. Posting of open cash orders will not be allowed if this check box contains check mark.

d. No series – user enters (or selects by clicking lookup button) No. series that will be used to uniquely identify following cash documents created for this Cash Desk Account:

i. Cash Order Receipt Nos.

ii. Cash Order Withdrawals Nos.

iii. Cash Desk Reports Nos.

Note: Please note that above mentioned No. Series will be assigned to particular Cash Desk Account. As multiple Cash Desk Accounts may exist in the system it is recommended not only to have different No, Series assigned to different Cash Desk Accounts, but also to have unique way (per Cash Desk Account) numbers are generated for them. This way you will get more transparency and avoid user confusion when system functions such as Navigate are used. This will also mitigate the risk of breaking of posting of Cash Orders that have some dimension values set.

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e. Exclude from Exch. Rate Adj. – user can decide whether or not cash entries created for this Cash Desk Account should be included in Exchange Rate Adjustment. System sets the copies value of Exclude from Exch. Rate Adj. field in General Ledger Setup as default value

7. On Limits tab user enters following data: a. Balance Limit Control – user select which balances system should control during issuing

and posting of Cash Orders created for this Cash Desk Account. Available options are: i. None – no balances are controlled.

ii. Minimum – only minimum balance is controlled. This means that system will make sure balance of this Cash Desk Account will not fall below value set in Min. Balance field.

iii. Maximum – only maximum balance is controlled. This means that system will make sure balance of this Cash Desk Account will not go above value set in Max. Balance field

iv. Both – system will control both Minimum and Maximum balance for this Cash Desk Account.

b. Min. Balance – user enters the lower bound amount that Cash Desk Account balance will be checked against if Balance limit control is set to Minimum or Both.

c. Max. Balance – user enters the upper bound amount that Cash Desk Account balance will be checked against if Balance limit control is set to Maximum or Both

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23.3 Manage Cash Orders

User can create two types of Cash Orders: Cash Receipts and Cash Withdrawals. Cash Receipts will increase the Cash Desk Accounts balance, while Cash Withdrawals will decrease it. Same functionality exists in both types of Cash Orders. To use Cash Orders user follows these steps:

1. User clicks Departments -> Financial Management -> Cash Management -> Cash Receipts to open Cash Receipts of Withdrawals list:

2. If more than one Cash Desk Accounts exist, system shows the list of Cash Desk Account. User selects the Cash Desk Account for which he/she wishes to open Cash Order (Receipt or Withdrawal):

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3. On General fast tab of Cash Order (Receipt or Withdrawal) page user enters following data: a. No. – user enters number that will uniquely identify this cash order. If Cash

Receipt/Withdrawal No. Series are set on Cash Desk Account system will automatically assign this number.

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b. Pay-to/Receive-from Name – user enters name of the person/company from which cash is received or paid to.

c. Posting Date – user enters Posting date. d. Document Date – user enters Document date. e. VAT Date – user enters VAT Date. f. Correction – user places a checkmark in this check box to mark this Cash Order as

correction. This setting will result in posting with reverse sign on amount being posted. g. Cash Desk Report No. – user can leave this field empty if Cash Desk Report Mandatory

option in GL Setup is turned off. Otherwise system will required Cash Desk Report to be open for Cash Desk Account prior to creation of new Cash Orders. System will also automatically fill in the open Cash Desk Report No. in such situation.

4. After that user enters following data in Cash Order lines: a. Document type – user selects one of available standard document types: blank, Payment

and Refund. b. Account type – user selects one of available standard account types. Available options

are: i. GL Account – user can enter multiple Cash Order Lines containing GL Accounts. In

the Account No. field user can enter (or select by clicking lookup button) GL Account No. to be used in Cash Transaction.

ii. Customer – user can enter only one Cash Order Line per Cash Order containing Customer Account Type. In the Account No. field user can enter (or select by clicking lookup button) Customer No. to be used in Cash Transaction.

iii. Vendor – user can enter only one Cash Order Line per Cash Order containing Vendor Account Type. In the Account No. field user can enter (or select by clicking lookup button) Vendor No. to be used in Cash Transaction.

iv. Bank Account – user can enter multiple Cash Order Lines containing GL Accounts. In the Account No. field user can enter (or select by clicking lookup button) Bank/Cash Desk Account No. to be used in Cash Transaction.

c. Account No. – Depending on Account Type user selected user enters Account No. in this field.

d. Posting Groups – System copies Customer/Vendor posting group from Customer/Vendor card to this field. User can enter (or select by clicking lookup button) customer/vendor posting group to be used in Cash Transactions

e. Applies-To Doc. Type and Applies-To Doc. No. – user can use these two fields to perform 1:1 applications in a standard way if Account Type is set to Customer/Vendor. Selecting a document type and number will copy the Remaining Amount from that document to Amount field of Cash Order line.

Note: User can apply multiple Customer/Vendor Ledger Entries to single Cash Order line (perform 1:Many application) following standard application procedures after he/she clicks Functions button and selects Apply Entries menu item

f. Amount and Amount (LCY) – user enters Amount to be received or withdrawn from Cash Desk Account. If Cash Order has Currency Code in the header Amount is showing value in currency while Amount (LCY) is showing equivalent in local currency on Posting Date of Cash Order.

g. On Hold – user can enter data in the field. The On Hold field is used as in standard application. Value of this field will be copied during issuing of Cash Order to Customer or Vendor Ledger Entry On Hold field when Account Type of Cash Order Line is set to Customer or Vendor. This will ensure that Customer and Vendor ledger entries having On Hold data will be skipped by payments suggestion batches as they will be applied

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when Cash Order will be posted. This prevents user to pay or receive money from customer twice for the same document

h. Prepayment and Prepayment Type – user can place a check mark and select prepayment type to mark particular Cash Receipt or Withdrawal as prepayment.

Note: Setting prepayment type to Advance will allow user to link prepaid Cash Receipt or Withdrawal to Advance Letters

After filling in the header and lines of Cash Order user Issues Cash Order. To do that user follows these steps:

1. User selects Issue menu item on ribbon Actions tab to Issue the Cash Order. 2. System asks for confirmation and Issues the Cash Order once user confirms 3. During issuing of Cash Order system checks:

a. Depending on the Balance limit control setup of Cash Desk Account, minimum, maximum balances are within the parameters set

b. Whether amount of Cash Order is within Cash Receipt and Withdrawal Limits 4. After issuing Cash Order user prints Cash Order clicking the Print button on ribbon Actions tab.

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Note: Please note that issuing Cash Orders is optional unless Cash Desk Account’s option Require Cash Order Issue has check mark place in the check box. As in some scenarios where additional levels of approval is needed to do actual posting is needed Issuing Cash Order may actually mean receiving or withdrawing cash. That’s the reason why Cash Orders do not have the option to be reopened as in standard application.

23.4 Manage Cash Reports

In countries where usage of Cash Report is legally required even cash orders cannot be created without it. To create Cash Desk Report user follows these steps:

1. User clicks Departments -> Financial Management -> Cash Management-> Cash Reports to open Cash Desk Reports list:

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2. User clicks New command on Home tab of ribbon. 3. If more than one Cash Desk Accounts exist, system shows the list of Cash Desk Accounts.

User selects the Cash Desk Account for which he/she wishes to create Cash Report:

4. On General fast tab of the Cash report page user enters Cash Report No. Just pressing enter on the field will automatically assign new number according to No. Series set as Cash Report Nos. on Cash Desk Account:

5. Apart from No. on General tab, user can also enter opening date which is set to work date by the system when Cash Report is created:

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6. Other fields on General tab are locked for editing and are as follow:

a. Staring Balance / Staring Balance (LCY) – this field contains the balance of the Cash Desk Account (in Currency Code displayed on Cash Report header and in local currency) at the moment Cash Report was opened.

b. Net Change / Net Change (LCY) – this field contains the sum of changes for the Cash Desk Account (in Currency Code displayed on Cash Report header and in local currency) that happened while Cash Report was opened.

c. Ending Balance / Ending Balance (LCY) – this field contains the ending balance (sum of staring balance and net changes) of the Cash Desk Account (in Currency Code displayed on Cash Report header and in local currency) at the moment Cash Report was closed.

d. Currency code – this field contains currency code used on Cash Desk Report. As Cash Desk Report is open for Cash Desk Account, Currency Code is copied from Cash Desk Account.

7. User enters Amount Denomination by clicking Denomination command on Home tab of ribbon. The

purpose of amount denomination is to specify the physical quantity of coins and bank notes that were present in the Cash Desk at the moment Cash Report is closed:

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8. System displays Denomination Specification page and automatically pre-fills it Cash Denominators for Currency Code set on Cash Report

9. User fills in the quantities any system automatically multiplies them with Denominators. Once user clicks OK, system updates the Amount Denomination field on Cash Report

10. Cash Report lines are also non editable. Cash Report lines are filled in depending Cash Posting Level setup on Cash Desk Account:

a. Cash Order posting level – system fills in the Cash Report lines with header information of Posted Cash Orders.

b. Cash Report posting level – system fills in the Cash Report lines with header information of Issued Cash Order.

11. User closes Cash Report by clicking Close command on Home tab of ribbon. Depending on the posting level different actions will apply during closure of Cash Report:

a. Cash Order posting level – system changes the status of Cash Report and locks it for editing. No further actions are needed as Cash Orders are already posted.

b. Cash Desk Report posting level – system posts all Issued Cash Orders that appear as lines of Cash Report and after that changes the status of Cash Report and locks it for editing

12. If user realizes that a correction is needed to be done within Closed Cash Report user can reopen closed Cash Report by clicking Function button and selecting Reopen menu item. This will allow user to post additional Cash Orders with “reopened” Cash Report No.

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Note: As there can be only one open Cash Report per Cash Desk Account, reopening for Cash Report can happen only if there are no open Cash Report exists for Cash Desk Account.

13. When Cash Report is not mandatory and user decides to use Cash Report and has already posted Cash

Orders, user can collect such Posted Cash Orders in open Cash Report by clicking Suggest lines command on Home tab of ribbon.

14. User clicks Print command to print Cash Report.

15. System shows Cash Report request from.

16. User clicks Print/Preview to Print/Preview Cash Report.

23.5 Posting Cash Transactions

Majority of transactions that can be posted through Cash Orders has the same effect as if were posted through general journal. Only Cash Management specific transactions are the ones where cash is transferred from Cash to Cash or Bank Account. User does this following these steps:

1. User creates a Cash Order as in Manage Cash Orders section, filling in Cash Order header. 2. In Cash Order line user selects Account Type, Bank Account. 3. User enters (or selects by clicking lookup button) Account No. (Bank Account No.) 4. User enters Amount. 5. User (issues and) posts the Cash Order. 6. User clicks Departments -> financial Management -> Cash Management -> Posted Cash Receipts

or Posted Cash Withdrawals to open Posted Cash Orders list (Receipt/Withdrawal) selects posted cash order and clicks View command on Home tab of ribbon.

7. On the Posted Cash Order (Receipt/Withdrawal) page user clicks Navigate command:

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8. Looking in the GL Entries created for this Cash Order user notices that Amount was posted to Interim

G/L Account set on Bank Account that was set on the Cash Order line:

Note: Setting Prepayment flag and Prepayment Type to Advance on the Cash Order line with account type Customer or Vendor will post Amount to Advance Account set in Customer/Vendor posting

24 Fixed Asset Double Balance depreciation method (EE34)

According to Lithuanian requirements, new double balance depreciation method should be created. In this method, a depreciation percent should be:

p = 100%/n * 2, Where n – number of depreciation years.

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For each year depreciation is being calculated by multiplying remaining Book Value on this percent. In the last year of Fixed Asset useful life, depreciation is calculated by subtraction of Salvage Value from remaining Book Value, considering that the Book Value at the end of the useful life should be equal to the Salvage Value.

For example: n – depreciation year (4 year); A – acquisition price (50.000,00 EURO); S – salvage value(500,00 EURO); then depreciation percent should be calculated by the formula:

p = 100%/n * 2 (100%/4 * 2=0,5) Depreciation should be calculated in the following way:

1 year – 50.000*0,5 = 25.000 (Depreciation amount for whole year, for each month should be 25.000/12 = 2.083,33). Book value at end of year will be 50.000-25.000=25.000

2 year – 25.000*0,5 = 12.5000 (This is depreciation amount for whole year, for each month should be 12.500/12 = 1.041,67). Book value at end of year will be 25.000-12.500 = 12.500

3 year – 12.500 * 0,5 = 6.250 (This is depreciation amount for whole year, for each month should be 6.250/12 = 520,83). Book value at end of year will be 12.500-6.250 = 6.250.

4 year 6.250 – 500 = 5.750 (This is depreciation amount for whole year, for each month should be 479,17.

Book value at end of year will be 6.250 – 5.750 = 500.

The DDB option has been added to the Depreciation Method field of the Fixed Asset card lines fast tab:

The Salvage Value column has been added to the Purchase Invoice lines fast tab:

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25 Fixed Asset Sales and Purchase Reports (EE35)

There are new reports Purchased FA List and Sold FA List designed. Reports are generated from Table 5601 FA Ledger Entries. The purchase report provides auditors with a list of purchased FAs over a period defined in the report. The sales report provides auditors with a list of sold FAs over a period defined in the report.

Report 17024265 Purchased FA List The report shows a list of purchased FAs. In the list, data is taken from FA Ledger entries. These data is sorted and grouped by FA Posting Group. The program considers entries in the FA Ledger Entries with Document Type set to Invoice, FA Posting Type set to Acquisition Cost, and FA Posting Category is blank. The user is able to assign these filters in the Purchased FA List request form. If the filters are assigned to more than one line, then Total line in the report contains an overall figure of column Amount (LCY).

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Report 17024266 Sold FA List The report shows a list of sold FAs. In the list, data is taken from FA Ledger entries. These data is sorted and grouped by FA Posting Group. The program considers only these entries in the FA Ledger Entries which has a Document Type set to Invoice, FA Posting Type set to Acquisition Cost, FA Posting Category set to Disposal. The user is able to assign these filters in the Sold FA List request form. If the filters are assigned to more than one line, then the Total line contains an overall figure of column Amount (LCY):

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26 Inventory at Date Reconciliation new Report (EE37)

There has been created new Inventory Date Reconciliation Report.

In the sections of the report, the information about item, quantity, item cost, cost posted to general ledger, difference between item cost and cost posted to general ledger is presented per each location and per each inventory posting group.

Also, totals for item cost, cost posted to general ledger, and difference between item cost and cost posted to general ledger per each location is added.

26.1 Report usage

1. User clicks Departments -> Financial Management -> Inventory -> Inv. at Date Reconciliation to open the report request form.

2. On the request form of the Invt. at Date Reconciliation report, the user is able to define inventory location, inventory posting group, item number and date for which the Inventory status is set:

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3. User clicks Print or Preview the report:

27 Inventory Turnover Report Redesign (EE38)

27.1 Description

The Inventory Turnover report has been redesign to provide correct information according to Lithuanian accounting rules.

27.2 Report usage

1. Options tab allow printing report with following options: a. Show Items Without Movement - this option is for selecting whether the user wants to

see all goods or only those with item ledger entries.

b. Group by Location – option to group report data by Location.

c. Group by Inv. Posting Group - option to group goods according to their Inventory Posting Group.

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d. Manufacturing Layout – if selected, then report will be printed out with two additional columns: Output/Consumption:

If the user selects the Group by Location or Group by Inv. Posting Group check box, then all goods will be grouped by their location or inventory posting group, accordingly. Also, the Group Total section has been added for each group. This section includes group totals of the beginning balance, purchases amount, positive adjustments amount, transfer amount, sales amount, negative adjustment, end balance. Additionally if the user does not specify Location Filter, then the generated report will reveal in the left top corner the following information: “No location filter was selected”.

2. Preview of the Item Turnover report grouped by inventory posting group:

3. Preview of the Item Turnover report grouped by location:

4. Preview of the Item Turnover report grouped by location and inventory posting group:

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5. Preview of the Item Turnover report without grouping:

6. If the Manufacturing Layout check box is selected, then the report will include two additional

columns: Output/Consumption. Also, group totals of the output amount and consumption amount will be included in the Group Total section:

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28 Country name in original language (LT1.2)

There is a possibility to define original country name in Countries table. This name is used on most of printed

document forms (sales invoices, purchase orders, etc.) Open Departments -> Administration -> Application

Setup -> General -> Countries/Regions

Enter countries names in Lithuanian in field “Name”. Enter countries names in English or other needed

languages in field “Original Name”.

29 Sales and purchases invoice registers (LT4.7)

Functionality includes two reports required by Lithuanian authorities (both printed version and export to file

for electronic declaration)

a) Sales invoice register

b) Purchase invoice register

Printing Sales invoice register Open - Financial Management -> General Ledger -> Reports -> Miscellaneous -

> Sales invoice register

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In the opened window enter following information:

From Date - beginning of needed period

To Date - ending date of needed period

Include Correction - user can select if report must include Posted Sales Invoices and Posted Credit Memos

with mark “Correction”. Accountants in company use this field when entering Storno invoices.

Include Correction - Phyllis can select if report must include Posted Sales Invoices and Posted Credit Memos

with mark “Cancelled”. Accountants in company use this field when correcting mistaken invoices (in such

case both Invoice with mistake and posted credit memo must have this mark).

Copy Invoice Filters -User add filter in “Sales Invoice Header” and place a check mark “Copy Invoice Filters”

in Options tab. In such case system will automatically filter Sales Cr. Memos by the same filter as defined in

tab “Sales Invoice Header”.

Whole Numbers - When selected, system will round all amounts in report to whole numbers. Lithuanian

authorities requires to round amounts in report.

Export Register to file -Place a check mark, if need electronic file to supply to tax officer.

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File Name - select the path and name of file to be created. File extension must be .ffdata. File name and path

is not important.

Creation Date - enter creation date to be included to report (by default this is work date)

Correction - place a check mark in case you need to provide not primary, but corrective report.

Selects “Preview”:

Also electronic file is generated on selected path. User can upload this file to Lithuanian electronic

declarations system.

Printing Purchase invoice register - Creating Purchase Invoice register is exactly the same as Sales Invoice

register. The only difference between these reports is that Purchase Invoice register collects data from

Posted Purchase Invoices and Posted Purchase Credit Memos.

30 Company debts reconciliation report (LT5.1)

According to Lithuanian laws company debts must be reconciled at least once a year. Special document form

must be printed. Local Lithuanian functionality contains this specific report form. Run report from Financial

Management -> Payables -> Reports -> Company Debts Reconcil. Stm

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Enter required information for Reconciliation statement in report options window. Reconciliation committee

members, responsible person, Statement No. and date must be printed on every reconciliation statement.

Printed report contains title sheet, report body (open vendor’s debts grouped by currency code) and ending


Title sheet

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Report body

Ending sheet

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31 Electronic banking (export) (LT5.4)

Functionality includes following file formats\ reports (LITAS):

Unified file format for exporting local payments from accounting system to banking system


Unified file format for exporting foreign payments from accounting system to banking system


Unified hard – copy report layout for local payment (simple version);

Unified hard – copy report layout for foreign payment.

In addition following banking functionality updates were applied:

The logic of the Confirm function of the Payment/Requisition Order Jnl. form has been essentially


The functionality of the automatic insertion of the Bank Code field has been implemented in the

Payment/Requisition Order Jnl. form depending on the combination of the Currency Code and

Account No. fields values which are defined on the appropriate processed journal line.

The functionality of the Details of Order field value filling in via the Fill Details of Order function in

the journal has been also designed based on the Order Details Formula Code (template), set up

manually by the user prior to the functionality usage.

31.1 Feature setup

Setup bank account Departments -> Financial Management -> Bank Management -> Bank Accounts

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New fields added to identify path for export of Local Payments and Foreign payments files. In addition

following fields are required for payment transactions:

Bank Branch No. – bank code

SWIFT Code – bank code used for foreign transactions

IBAN - bank account number

Setup vendor (customer) bank accounts

Vendor -> Bank accounts (/ Customer -> Bank accounts )

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Fill in following fields:

Correspondent bank name, address, SWIFT, account (mandatory for making foreign payments);

Correspondent bank – it is bank which handles particular foreign currency transactions when making

foreign payment.

Intermediate bank name, address, SWIFT, account (mandatory for making foreign payments in some


Default – you can mark one bank account per currency as default for making payments.

Setup currencies

General ledger -> Periodic activities -> Currency -> Currencies

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New field “Intermd. Bank Details” to identify if intermediary bank details must be filled in when making

foreign payments in this currency.

Fill in Order details formula

What text system must insert into Order details field can be set up in CRONUS Departments -> Purchase ->

Setup -> Order Details formula. See example of setup in screenshot below.

What Order details formula system must use for filling in Order details formula is identified in Departments -

> Purchase -> Administration -> Purchase and Payable setup, field “Order Details Formula”.

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31.2 Feature usage

31.2.1 Payments preparation

Open Departments -> Financial Management -> Cash Management -> Requisition order journal to record

new payments.

Enter Payment information in journal as usual.

System will fill in field “Bank Account” automatically according to following logic:

1. If account type is “Vendor” looks for an entry in “Vendor bank account” table, where:

1) Vendor No. is the same as entered in journal;

2) Currency code is the same as entered in journal;

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2. If system finds several records matching records, and one of them is marked as default, system

selects record marked as “Default” (see requirement No.2).

3. If system finds several records matching records, and none of them is marked as default, system

selects first found record.

4. If system doesn’t find possible records, field code will be left blank (user can enter value manually).

When user changes field “Account No.” or “Currency code”, system produces confirmation message to user

if he wants to change field Bank code value accordingly.

After applying payment to needed vendor ledger entries user can select button Functions-> Fill Details of

order and system will automatically fill in field Details of Order in journal line.

Before exporting or printing payments must be confirmed. Press button Payment -> Confirm to check and

confirm records. After successful confirmation system marks entry in journal line as confirmed:

If several entries in journal line exists user can run function to confirm all marked entries in journal batch.

Process is:

1) User selects desired lines in journal batch and marks them (using Ctrl+F1).

2) User presses Payments -> Confirm all or shortcut key (for ex. Alt+Ctrl+T) for confirmation;

3) System performs confirm function for every marked line in journal batch. In case of error system

skips line and checks another one.

4) After finishing check system produces message how many lines were confirmed succesfully.

5) If some of lines where not confirmed, user must review and confirm these lines one by one.

31.2.2 Export local payment to banking system

Select Payments -> Export -> Local payments to export payments to .mokesis file. System shows

confirmation message “Do you really want to export local payments?”. After confirmation system creates

file with local payments information. System exports all filtered entries from active journal batch with

checkmark “Confirmed” and without checkmark “Exported”. System puts file to location defined in balancing

bank account card, field “Path for local payments” (user can modify the path before export in Options tab).

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System gives file name YYYYMMDDTTSS.mokesis (here YYYY – year, MM- month, DD – day, TT – hours, SS –

seconds; file always has extension .mokesis. After exporting entries system adds a checkmark “Exported” to

exported entries.

31.2.3 Prepare and export foreign payment to banking system

User must perform the same actions for preparing and exporting foreign payments as for local payments. In

addition user must enter following information about payment:

a. Payment priority

b. Foreign bank fee

c. Inform by telex

d. Inform by phone

e. Debit currency

After payment is ready for export select Payments -> Export -> Foreign payments. System shows

confirmation message “Do you really want to export foreign payments?”. After confirmation system creates

file with foreign payments information. System exports all entries from journal batch with checkmark

“Confirmed” and without 54 checkmark “Exported”. System puts file to location defined in balancing bank

account card, field “Path for foreign payments” (user can modify the path before export in Options tab).

System gives file name YYYYMMDDTTSS.taresis (here YYYY – year, MM- month, DD – day, TT – hours, SS –

seconds; file always has extension .taresis. After exporting entries system adds a checkmark “Exported” to

exported entries.

31.2.4 Print local and foreign payments

To print local payment press the button Payment -> Print Payment -> Local in Payment\ Requisition order


To print foreign payment press the button Payment -> Print Payment-> Foreign in Payment\ Requisition

order journal.

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32 Inventory Counting Document (EE02)

At the end of the period users perform physical inventory counting to reconcile the actual (physical) value of

inventory with the one registered in the system. At the end of the counting process accounting department

needs to archive final Inventory Counting document containing posted values with names of company

officials who confirm with their signature under liability that quantities and amounts stated in the document

correspond to ones physically present in company’s inventory locations. To print such report user needs to

follow these steps:

1. Open Counting Report in Departments -> Financial Management -> Inventory -> Inventory Write

Down Document. Management application domain to open Phys. Invt. Counting Document’s

request form.

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2. In Phys. Inventory Ledger Entry tab user enters filters to be applied on printout of Phys. Invt.

Counting Document like Document No., Location Code, Posting Date and others.

3. In Options tab user enters or selects (by clicking lookup button on the Persona fields) the names of

Company Officials that need to sign of the Phys. Invt. Counting Document.

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4. User clicks Print or Preview to view the printout of the report

5. System displays following printout of the Phys. Invt. Counting Document

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33 Deletion of Posted Documents (EE04)

Legislations in Lithuania require companies to keep their electronic record indefinitely of for a specific period

of time. In order to avoid situation of accidental deletion of Sales and Purchase document Dynamics NAV

prevents users to do this.

33.1 Set Document Deletion Date for Purchase Documents

To prevent accidental deletion of Purchase Documents user sets the cutoff date after which documents

cannot be deleted. This means that system will allow deletion of all Purchase Documents having posting

date earlier then Posted Document Deletion Date.

To do this user follows these steps:

1. User clicks Departments -> Purchase -> Administration -> Purchase & Payables Setup

2. On General tab of Purchases & Payables Setup form user enters Posted Document Deletion to Date


NOTE: Leaving the Posted Doc. Deletion to Date field empty will prevent user from deleting any posted

Purchase Document regardless of its Posting Date. Pressing delete button on any of posted Purchase

Documents will show user an error message saying: “You can delete posted document only when Posting

Date is earlier than dd-mm-yy”.

33.2 Set Document Deletion Date for Sales Documents

To prevent accidental deletion of Sales Documents user sets the cutoff date after which documents cannot be deleted. This means that system will allow deletion of all Sales Documents having posting date earlier then Posted Document Deletion Date.

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To do this user follows these steps:

3. User clicks Departments- >Sales & Marketing -> Administration -> Sales & Receivable Setup

4. On General tab of Sales & Receivables Setup form user enters Posted Document Deletion to Date


NOTE: Leaving the Posted Doc. Deletion to Date field empty will prevent user from deleting any posted Sales

Document regardless of its Posting Date. Pressing delete button on any of posted Purchase Documents will

show user an error message saying: “You can delete posted document only when Posting Date is earlier than

dd-mm-yy”. This feature does not apply to Issued Reminders and Finance Charge Memos.

34 Posting Description (EE10)

This feature enables users to customize the way Dynamics NAV is storing Posting Descriptions during posting to General Ledger Entries. This feature is mainly utilized to ease up auditing General Ledger by providing auditors with meaning full posting descriptions stored in Description field of each General Ledger Entry.

To define various ways descriptions of General Ledger Entries will be generated by the system, user sets up different Posting Descriptions following these steps:

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1. Departments -> Administration -> Application Setup -> Financial Management -> General -> Posting Descriptions

2. To set new Posting Description user enters: a. Code – unique identifier for the Posting Description

b. Description – short description of Posting Description

c. Type – where this Posting Description will be used. Possible options are: i. Sales Document

ii. Purchase Document

iii. Post Inventory Cost

iv. Finance Charge

v. Service Document

d. Posting Description formula – describes how elements of Posting Descriptions will be generated. Here user can set the place holders like %1 or %2 which system will replace with values it will get from the document in specific context.

e. Validate on Posting – if set to Yes, this checkbox tells the system to overwrite any user modification on suggested Posting Description during posting. If set to No system will store whatever user enters in Posting Description field of the document.

3. After this user needs to define which values system will use to replace %1 %2 %3… user has set in Posting Description Formula. To do this user clicks Post. Desc. button and selects Parameters menu item

4. To set the parameters user enters following data

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a. No. – here user will enter the parameter number system will replace in Posting Description formula with value defined by Type and Field No. fields. For example, parameter with No. 1 will bring the value that will replace %1 in Posting Description Formula field.

NOTE: Please note that Posting Desc. Parameters always need to start with 1 and that there cannot be more than 10 parameters per Posting Description specified. This is due to system limitations and to the fact that Description field in General Ledger entries cannot store more than 30 characters

b. Type – here user can choose what type of parameter this will be. Available options are: i. Value – means parameter will be replaced with Caption of the field

selected in Field Name field. ii. Caption - means parameter will be replaced with Caption of the field

selected in Field Name field.

iii. Constant - means parameter will be replaced with constant Value user enters in Field Name field

NOTE: Please note that certain types of fields’ Values (e.g. Option type) and Captions will be translated to the Application language (language selected by user in Tools-> Languages in main menu). If you want to have Posting Desc. Parameter that is prone to translation specify it with Type constant. Such parameter will never be translated

a. Field Name – here user can specify which field’s Value or Caption (if Type is Value or Caption) will be used to replace placeholders in Posting Description Formula or enter a constant to be user placeholders in Posting Description Formula. Depending on the Posting Description Type field’s value following tables’ structures can be used to select fields If Posting Description Type is:

i. Sales Document - Sales Header table’s fields are listed once user clicks lookup button in Field Name

ii. Purchase Document - Purchase Header table’s fields are listed once user clicks lookup button in Field Name

iii. Post Inventory Cost – Value Entry table’s fields are listed once user clicks lookup button in Field Name

iv. Finance Charge – Finance Charge Memo Header table’s fields are listed once user clicks lookup button in Field Name

v. Service Document – Service Header table’s fields are listed once user clicks lookup button in Field Name

34.1 Setup Default Posting Descriptions in Sales

In order to be able to define policy of how descriptions are generated, user can set the default posting descriptions in various parts of Dynamics NAV. To do so users follow this procedure:

1. User clicks Departments -> Sales & Marketing -> Setup-> Sales Receivables Setup to open Sales & Receivables Setup page.

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2. On General tab user enters (or selects by clicking lookup button) Posting Description Code in Posting Desc. Code field to set default Posting Description Code to be used for Sales Documents (Quote, Order, Invoice, Credit Memo and Return Orders)

3. On General tab user enters (or selects by clicking lookup button) Posting Description Code in Fin. Charge Posting Desc. Code field to set default Posting Description Code to be used for Finance Charge Memos

NOTE: Please note that clicking lookup on Posting Desc. Code will show only Posting Descriptions with Type set to Sales Document, while clicking lookup on Fin. Charge Posting Desc. Code will show only Posting Descriptions with Type set to Finance Charge

34.2 Setup Default Posting Descriptions in Purchase

To do this users follow this procedure: 1. User clicks Departments -> Purchase -> Setup -> Purchases & Payables Setup to open Purchases &

Payables Setup page.

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2. On General tab user enters (or selects by clicking lookup button) Posting Description Code in Posting Desc. Code field to set default Posting Description Code to be used for Purchase Documents (Quote, Order, Invoice, Credit Memo and Return Orders)

NOTE: Please note that clicking lookup on Posting Desc. Code will show only Posting Descriptions with Type set to Purchase Document.

34.3 Setup Default Posting Descriptions in Inventory posting to GL

To do this users follow this procedure: 1. User clicks Departments -> Warehouse -> Setup -> Inventory -> Inventory to open Inventory Setup


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2. On General tab user enters (or selects by clicking lookup button) Posting Description Code in Posting

Desc. Code field to set default Posting Description Code to be used for during execution of Post Inventory Cost to G/L batch.

NOTE: Please note that clicking lookup on Posting Desc. Code will show only Posting Descriptions with Type set to Post Inventory Cost.

34.4 Setup Default Posting Descriptions in Service Management

To do this users follow this procedure: 3. User clicks Departments -> Service -> Service Setup open Service Mgt. Setup page

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3. On General tab user enters (or selects by clicking lookup button) Posting Description Code in Posting

Desc. Code field to set default Posting Description Code to be used for Service Documents (Order, Invoice and Credit Memo)

NOTE: Please note that clicking lookup on Posting Desc. Code will show only Posting Descriptions with Type set to Service Document.

34.5 Using Posting Description on Documents

After setting up Posting Descriptions and their defaults, user is now ready to use them in document. For example we’ll use Sales order. NOTE: The same logic is available on other types of documents and Post Inventory Cost to G/L

1. User click Departments -> Sales & Marketing -> Order Processing -> Sales Orders to open Sales Order page

2. As user has set default Posting Desc. Code in Sales & Receivables Setup, system uses that to generate default posting description on the Sales Order

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3. User can modify the Posting Description to “Order 1003 Test” and post Shipment by clicking Post

and selecting Invoice in the dialog box that is shown during posting

4. User examines the Posted Sales Shipment. 5. User notices that system ignored the change user has done in Sales Order and recalculated the

Posting Description during posting. System did that because of the flag that was set in Validate on Posting document while user created SALES Posting Description

NOTE: If user doesn’t set the Default Posting Descriptions in Setup forms, system will generate the posting description in standard way (the way W1 NAV version does). NOTE: The same logic applies to all document types mentioned before.

35 VAT Clause (EE12)

This feature allows users to set up and print VAT legislation abstracts in document language, related to document lines being posted. This is a very common requirement in almost all countries that have VAT taxation system.

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35.1 Setup VAT Clauses

As company must print VAT Clauses on Sales Invoices, user first sets up standard texts that will be used for VAT Clauses.

1. User opens Standard Text Codes by clicking Departments -> Administration -> Application Setup -> Financial Management -> General -> Standard Text Codes

2. User enters code and description and clicks Navigate -> Extended Texts

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3. User enters Extended Text Header - marks All language Code, enters Starting and Ending Dates 4. User enters Extended Text Line

To set VAT Clause that will be used for particular combination of VAT Business and VAT Product Posting Groups user associates Standard Text code (created before) containing VAT Clause text to a combination of VAT Business and VAT Product Posting Groups. User does this following these steps:

1. User opens Departments -> Financial Management -> Setup -> VAT Posting Groups -> VAT Posting Setup

2. User selects the combination to which VAT Clause should be assigned by clicking Action ->VAT Clauses

3. User enters (or selects by clicking the lookup button) the Standard Text Code which contains VAT Clause text

4. User checks VAT Posting Setup to see some other information and notices that system displays number of VAT Clauses assigned to particular combination of VAT Business and Product Posting Groups.

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35.2 Printing a Sales Invoice Containing VAT Clause

User prints Sales Invoice for one of customers. To do this user follows these steps 1. User clicks Posted Documents -> Posted Sales Invoices 2. User finds the Posted Sales Invoice and clicks Print

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NOTE: Please note that only Sales Invoices that have been posted after VAT Clause setup will contain VAT Clauses text on the printout. The reason behind this is to keep data consistent and equal as it was at moment of posting.

36 Customers/Vendors Reconciliations (EE15)

At the end of each fiscal year (or another period, when requested), an companies send a statement of balances to customers and vendors in order to reconcile them with customer and vendor records. Customers and vendors either confirm the statement or not and send it back with corrections, based on their own information. This feature allows users to prepare such report in Dynamics NAV.

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36.1 Setting up Vendors for Balance Reconciliations

In order to setup Vendor do be included in Vendor Balance Reconciliation, user follows these steps 1. User clicks Departments -> Financial Management -> Payables -> Vendors to open Vendor page

2. On Payments tab user places a check mark in Print Statements check box. This mark this Vendor for printing of Vendor Balance Reconciliations

3. User enters Last Statement No. to set the number system will increment by one each time Vendor Balance Reconciliation is physically printer (Previewing the report won’t increase this number)

NOTE: Print statements exists in Customer Card as part of standard W1 functionality.

36.2 Printing Customer/Vendor – Balance Reconciliation Report

To print Customer – Balance Reconciliation report user follows these steps: 1. User clicks Departments -> Financial Management -> Receivables -> Reports -> Customer Balance

Reconciliation (or Departments -> Financial Management ->Payables-> Reports-> Vendor Balance Reconciliation) to open Customer /Vendor – Balance Reconciliation Report

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2. On Customer/Vendor tab user specifies various filters such as: a. No. – user can leave this field blank to include all customers in the report or specify

particular Customer(s) No.

b. Print Statements – user can specify whether to print report only for Customers that have checkmark in this field or not

c. Blocked – user can specify whether to print Blocked customers or not

3. On Options tab of report user can specify various options for the report. a. Return Date – user can specify the date that will be printed on the report by which

company requests a customer to return the confirmed report

b. Reconcile Date – user can specify the date for which the report shows the state of companies receivables for this customer

c. Include Vendor Debts – Customer and Vendor may be linked trough the Contact Business relations, i.e. one Contact record may have link to one Customer and\or one Vendor. Usage of these links in the report is managed by this parameter. For user this means that report shall deduct payable amount company has from receivable amount calculated for this customer, if this customer is also registered as companies vendor. Having Print Details option checked will print vendor entries for such customer as well

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d. Print Details – There are at least two pages in the layout per each customer/vendor: i. The first page contains general information about user’s company and

customer/vendor and suggests confirming a total Net Change amount that suppose to be a debt of one of the sides of reconciliation at a given date which is “Reconcile date”

ii. The second page (and following ones if needed) contain a list of open documents and total amounts in local currency and in foreign currencies. This is printed only when parameter “Print Details” is on.

e. Print Only Not Zero – user can set whether or not to print this report for Customers/Vendors that have zero balance.

f. Print Amounts in Currency – In case of multicurrency customer/vendor the report prints totals per currency and one global total amount in LCY. This is managed by “Print Amounts In Currency” parameter. If global total amount in LCY is zero details page is not printed at all.

4. To print the report user clicks Print (or Preview). Clicking Print will increase the Last Statement No. and store it on the Customer/Vendor Card. Clicking Print will also store the today’s date to the Customer/Vendor Card. Printout looks like this.

a. First page (summary page)

b. Details page

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37 Trial Balance Report Changes (EE20)

37.1 Customer and Vendor Trial Balance reports

To run Customer Trial Balance report user follows these steps: 1. User clicks Departments -> Sales & Marketing -> Sales -> Reports -> Customers-> Customer – Trial

Balance to open report

2. User sets Customer Posting Groups filters and Date filter.

Show Documents – user sets which documents to show on the report. Available options are:

i. All Documents – shows all documents

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ii. Advances – shows only documents having flag Prepayment set to Yes

iii. Other – shows only document having flag Prepayment set to No Whole Fiscal Year – user sets whether right hand side of the report will show Whole Fiscal Year or Fiscal Year to Date data

NOTE: Please make sure that user has appropriate Accounting Periods set when using printing report with Whole Fiscal Year flag, so system can calculate whole fiscal year filter correctly.

3. User clicks Print/Preview to Print/Preview the report

NOTE: The same filtering and options exist on Vendor – Trial Balance report which can be run by clicking Payables-> Reports-> Vendor- Trial Balance

38 Customer – Detail Trial Balance report (EE21)

To run Customer Detail Trial Balance report user follows these steps: 1. User clicks Departments -> Financial Management -> Receivables -> Reports -> Customer – Detail

Trial Balance in Financial Management application domain to open report

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2. On Customers tab user sets Date filter and Customer Posting Group filter 3. On Options tab user sets:

a. Show Amounts in LCY – user sets whether or not all amounts in the report should be converted to local currency

b. New Page per Customer – user sets whether or not report should start a new page when customer changes

c. Exclude Customers That Have Balance Only – user sets whether report should show customers whose beginning and ending balance are the same in filtered period.

4. User clicks Print/Preview to Print/Preview the report

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NOTE: The same filtering and options exist on Vendor – Detail Trial Balance report which can be run by clicking Departments -> Financial Management -> Payables -> Reports -> Vendor – Detail Trial Balance

39 Bank Account – Detail Trial Balance Report (EE22)

To run Bank Account Detail Trial Balance report user follows these steps: 1. User clicks Departments -> Financial Management -> Bank Management -> Bank Acc. - Detail Trial

Bal. to open report

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2. On Options tab user sets: a. New Page per Bank Account – user sets whether or not report should start a

new page when bank account changes 3. User clicks Print/Preview to Print/Preview the report

40 VAT Date (EE27)

The purpose of this feature is consolidate various implementation of handling of VAT Date. Feature focuses on improving the following:

Setup of VAT Date feature

Posting Sales, Purchase and Service transactions with VAT Date

Postponing VAT on Sales Credit Memo

Preparing VAT Statement

Calculating and posting VAT

Reconciling VAT and GL Entries Setup VAT Date feature General Setup To set general parameter of VAT Date feature user follows these steps:

1. User clicks Departments->Financial Management->Setup -> General Ledger Setup

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2. On VAT tab of General Ledger Setup page user enter following: c. Use VAT Date – user places a checkmark in this check box to enable VAT Date

usage. If there is no checkmark in Use VAT Date checkbox system defaults VAT Date with Posting Date throughout the application and prevents user from changing it manually.

NOTE: In case Use VAT Date is set to Yes, Sales, Purchase and Service transactions will break with error (if blank) and will require user to enter VAT Date to post such transactions correctly.

d. Allow VAT Posting From/To – user enters a date range in from/to fields to prevent mistakes of posting to closed Accounting or VAT periods. Leaving these fields empty means that system will not check value of VAT date before posting it. We recommend usage of these fields to lower the margin for error

e. Allow VAT Date Change in Lines – user places a checkmark in this check box to enable VAT Date value in header of Sales and Purchase Document to be different from the one in lines. If there is no checkmark in Allow VAT Date Change in Lines checkbox system defaults VAT Date in lines with VAT Date from header of the document and prevents user from changing it manually.

After setting up General Ledger Setup for VAT Date user sets Allowed VAT Posting From/To for particular users. User does this following these steps:

1. User clicks Departments -> Administration -> Application Setup -> Users -> User Setup to open User Setup page.

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2. User enters Allow VAT Posting From/To values to set date range for this user can post transaction.

NOTE: System compares VAT Date on Purchase, Sales and Service transactions with date range specified for user to decide whether VAT Date is in or out of Allowed VAT Posting range. If both User Setup and General Ledger Setup forms contain Allowed VAT Posting Form/To, the range set in User Setup overrides the range set in General Ledger Setup. This allows i.e. Accounting Managers not to maintain the each user’s VAT Date range, but set general range in General Ledger Setup and only manage exceptions on user level. VAT Periods Setup Periods for reporting VAT and company Accounting periods are often different. To allow users to seamlessly report and post VAT according to VAT periods and do internal and other statutory reporting based on accounting periods VAT Date feature introduces VAT Periods. To set VAT Periods, user follow these steps:

1. User clicks Departments -> Administration -> Application Setup -> Financial Management -> VAT Posting Group to open VAT Periods page

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2. User enters (or selects by clicking lookup button) G/L Account to be used as Postponed VAT Account in Sales VAT Postponed Account field

40.1 Posting Sales, Purchase and Service transactions with VAT Date

To post transactions using VAT Date user needs to be able to enter VAT Dates in headers, lines and journal lines throughout application. For Purchase user does this following these steps:

1. User clicks Departments -> Financial Management -> Payables -> Purchase Invoices to open Purchase Invoice page

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2. User enters VAT Date in Purchase Invoice header

3. After that user enters/modifies VAT Date in lines of Purchase Invoice After completing data entry user posts Purchase Invoice. Posting Purchase Invoice creates relevant VAT entries and creates Posted Purchase Invoice. To view Posted Purchase invoice user follows these steps:

1. User clicks Departments -> Purchase -> History -> Posted Purchase Invoice to open Posted Purchase Invoice

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2. User clicks Navigate button to show list of entries created during posting of Purchase Invoice

3. User selects VAT entries and clicks Show to show VAT Entries created during posting of Purchase Invoice.

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NOTE: VAT Date is also available on following documents: Purchase Order, Purchase Invoice, Purchase Credit Memo, Purchase Return Order, Sales Order, Sales Invoice, Sales Credit Memo, Sales Return Order, Service Order, Service Invoice and Service Credit Memo. VAT Date information is also available on following posted documents: Purchase Invoice, Purchase Credit Memo, Sales Invoice, Sales Credit Memo, Service Invoice and Service Credit Memos.

40.2 Postponing VAT on Sales Credit Memo

To utilize function of postponing VAT on Sales Credit Memo, user needs to have Sales Cr. Memo Confirmation in General Ledger Setup’s VAT tab set to Yes. To postpone VAT in Sales Credit Memo user follows these steps:

1. User clicks Departments -> Financial Management -> Receivables -> Sales Credit Memos to open Sales Credit memo page

2. User creates new Sales credit memo and enters header data.

3. User verifies that Postpone VAT flag is checked on Sales Credit Memo header NOTE: If user wants to post “normal” Sales Credit Memo all he/she has to do is remove the checkmark form Postpone VAT check box After filling in the lines user posts credit memo. System creates relevant ledger entries, VAT Entries and Posted Sales Credit Memo. To see what exactly system posted user follows these steps:

1. User clicks Departments -> Financial Management -> Receivables -> History -> Posted Sales Credit Memos to open Posted Credit Memos

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2. User clicks Navigate action and selects VAT Entries on Navigate page to see VAT Entries posted through this Sales Credit Memos.

3. User clicks G/L Entries to verify VAT Amount for Sales Credit Memo with Postponed VAT checkmark was posted to Sales VAT Postponed Account (instead of Sales VAT Account)

After a while user receives confirmation form customer stating that they have corrected VAT in their system. With such confirmation from customer, user is now allowed to deduct this VAT Amount. User does this following these steps:

1. User clicks Functions button and selects Post or Correct Postponed VAT to run Post or Correct Postponed VAT page

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2. User enters VAT Date (date on which customer corrected VAT) when previously postponed VAT can be deducted in New VAT Date field

3. User clicks OK, to realize Postponed VAT. As a result of above mentioned posting, system transfers VAT Amount from Sales VAT Postponed G/L Account to Sales VAT Account with new VAT Date. In case user realized Postponed VAT by mistake user follows these steps:

1. User clicks Functions button and selects Post or Correct Postponed VAT menu item to run Post or Correct Postponed VAT form

2. User enters VAT Date (date on which customer corrected VAT) when previously postponed VAT can be deducted in New VAT Date field

3. User places a checkmark in Correction check box

4. User clicks OK, to correct erroneously realized Postponed VAT. The result of above posting will be reversal of previously erroneously realized Postponed VAT. After this, user can realize such Postponed VAT again.

40.3 Preparing VAT Statement

To preview VAT Statement for particular VAT period user follows these steps: 1. User clicks Departments -> Financial Management -> Periodic Activities -> VAT -> VAT Statements to open VAT

Statement page 2. On VAT Statement page user clicks Navigate -> Preview to show VAT Statement Preview page

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3. On VAT Statement Preview form user enters (or selects by clicking lookup button) VAT Period (start


4. System automatically fills in VAT period ending date which user can manually modify Clicking drill down button on any of the Column Amount amounts in VAT Statement Preview lines will show VAT Entries filtered by VAT Date.

NOTE: To filter these entries by Posting Date user can enter date range in Date filter field.

40.4 Calculating and posting VAT

At the end of VAT Period user reports, calculates and posts VAT. User does this following these standard steps:

1. User clicks Departments -> Financial Management -> Periodic Activities -> VAT -> Calc. and Post VAT Settlement to run Calc. and Post VAT Settlement batch’s request page

2. On VAT Posting Setup tab User enters VAT Posting Setup filters

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3. On Options tab user enters (or selects by clicking lookup button) Starting Date of VAT period for which user wants to post transfer of VAT to Settlement Account

4. System automatically fills in the Ending Date. User can change the date manually.

5. User prints preview to preview what will be posted

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NOTE: System filters VAT Entries using VAT Date (instead of Posting Date) and prepares a report showing which entries will be transferred to Settlement Account. Printout also contains the VAT date information.

6. User returns to Calc. and Post VAT Settlement’s request form and on Options tab places a checkmark in Post check box

7. System posts the transfer to Settlement Account and closes VAT Period.

40.5 Reconciling VAT and GL Entries

User frequently reconcile amount kept in VAT entries and VAT amounts posted to GL Entries. To do this easily user follows these steps:

1. User clicks Departments -> Financial Management -> General Ledge -> Chart of Accounts to show Chart of Accounts page

2. User clicks drill down button on Net Change (VAT Date) field to see the list of GL Entries filtered by VAT Date

3. User can also utilize standard G/L Balance form by clicking Balance button and selecting G/L Balance menu item

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4. User can also utilize standard G/L Account Balance form by clicking Balance button and selecting G/L Balance menu item

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NOTE: Amounts shown in Net Change (VAT Date) columns in all above forms will always be filtered out by VAT Date.

41 Proportional VAT (EE30)

In some cases purchase VAT is not 100% deductible. In other words, companies in countries with VAT Tax

system must, for some transactions, claim back only part of VAT. The other part, the non deductible part

(part of purchase VAT that companies cannot claim back) can be treated (as per International Accounting

Standards – IAS 2) as part of acquisition cost (part of purchase value of the items or fixed assets).

The goal of this feature is to enable user:

Setup proportional deduction of VAT

Post transactions with non deductible VAT

Include non deductible VAT in acquisition cost for Items and Fixed Assets

41.1 Setup of Proportional deduction of VAT

To set proportional deduction of VAT for particular combination of VAT Business and Product Posting Groups

user does the following steps:

1. User clicks Departments -> Financial Management -> Setup -> VAT Posting Setup in Financial

Management application domain to open VAT Posting Setup form

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2. To allow non deductible VAT to be posted for particular combination of VAT Business and Product

Posting Group user places a checkmark in Allow Non Deductible VAT column

3. To set the non deductible VAT Base percentage user clicks Setup button and selects Non Deductible

VAT menu item

4. To set the date from which the non deducible VAT % is valid, user enters a date in From Date


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5. To set the non deductible part percentage of VAT base user enter number in Non Deductible VAT %


41.2 Posting Purchase transaction with Non Deductible VAT

To post purchase document (journal) containing non deductible VAT user follows standard procedure:

1. User enters purchase document’s (invoice/order/credit memo) header data

2. User enters purchase line data

3. User checks purchase document statistics by pressing F9 or clicking Invoice/Order/Credit Memo

button and selecting Statistics menu item

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4. Purchase Statistics form shows the calculation of non deductible part of VAT by showing values in

following fields:

a) VAT % (Non Deductible) – shows non deductible % copied from Non Deductible VAT Setup

b) VAT Base (Non Deductible) – shows non deductible part of VAT Base

c) VAT Amount (Non Deductible) – show non deductible VAT amount calculated by applying VAT %

to VAT Base (Non Deductible)

5. User posts the purchase document

6. User examines VAT Entries. The VAT Entries form shows non deductible VAT data as well in following


a) VAT % (Non Deductible)

b) VAT Base (Non Deductible)

c) VAT Amount (Non Deductible)

7. User also notices that non deductible VAT Amount is added to Base amount.

NOTE: Please note that system will add non deductible VAT amount to Item’s or Fixed Asset’s acquisition, if

their VAT Setup Allows Non Deductible VAT .

42 VAT Statement Calculation (EE31)

User report VAT in different ways. To accommodate this multiple improvements are needed in standard VAT

statement functionality. These improvements are:

set different date filters for particular VAT Statement lines

ability to perform basic set of arithmetical operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication,

division of VAT statement lines

additional filtering possibilities by:

o EU-3 Party Trade

o EU- 3 Party Intermediary role

o General Business Posting Group

o General Product Posting Group

option to display column amount based on:

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o sign of result of VAT Statement line calculation

o debit or credit amounts of g/l entries

42.1 Setting up VAT Statement

To set VAT Statement user does following steps:

1. User clicks Departments -> Financial Management -> Periodic Activities -> VAT Statement in

Financial Management application domain to open VAT Statement

2. To apply different Date Filter user clicks Use Row Date Filter. When user will print or preview the

VAT statement, system allow to set a different date filter (Row Date Filter) for VAT Statement Line

that have Use Row Date filter

3. User click VAT Statement button and selects Preview menu item

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4. User enters Date Row filter and system applies this filter only to VAT Statement Lines that have Use

Row Date Filter.

5. In order to set additional filtering user enters additional filters by entering data in:

a. EU-3 Party Trade – following options are available:

i. Blank – system will ignore the value of this field while filtering VAT or G/L Entries to be

used to calculated particular VAT Statement line

ii. Yes – system will include only VAT or G/L Entries having EU-3 Party Trade field value set to

Yes in calculation of VAT Statement Line

iii. No – system will include only VAT or G/L Entries having EU-3 Party Trade field value set to

No in calculation of VAT Statement Line

b. EU- 3 Party Intermediary role

i. Blank – system will ignore the value of this field while filtering VAT or G/L Entries to be used to

calculated particular VAT Statement line

ii. Yes – system will include only VAT or G/L Entries having EU-3 Party Intermediary Role field

value set to Yes in calculation of VAT Statement Line

iii. No – system will include only VAT or G/L Entries having EU-3 Party Intermediary Role value

set to No in calculation of VAT Statement Line

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c. General Business Posting Group

i. Blank – system will ignore the value of this field while filtering VAT or G/L Entries to be used to

calculated particular VAT Statement line

ii. Non blank – system will include only VAT or G/L Entries having same General Business Posting

Group code in calculation of VAT Statement Line

d. General Product Posting Group

i. Blank – system will ignore the value of this field while filtering VAT or G/L Entries to be used to

calculated particular VAT Statement line

ii. Non blank – system will include only VAT or G/L Entries having same General Product Posting

Group code in calculation of VAT Statement Line

6. User click VAT Statement button and selects Preview menu item to see the effects of additional

filtering in VAT Statement Preview form

7. User returns to VAT Statement and adds new VAT Statement line and sets Type Formula

8. System performs the arithmetic operation to calculate the formula value

NOTE: User can use the Formula type VAT Statement line to set constant value in VAT Statement. In such

case user needs to ensure that the constant value doesn’t match any of the Row No field value, as in such

case, system will take the result of Row No.’s VAT Statement line.

9. In order to set how to show VAT Statements Line result user sets Show fields value. Available

Options are:

a) Blank – system will ignore the value of this field and always show VAT Statement line’s result

b) Zero if Negative – system will show VAT Statement line’s result only if result is greater than 0

(zero). Otherwise system will show 0 (zero) as a result.

c) Zero if Positive – system will show VAT Statement line’s result only if result is less than 0 (zero).

Otherwise system will show 0 (zero) as a result.

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10. In order to set which amount to total if user sets VAT Statement Line’s type to Account Totaling

(totals GL Entries) user sets G/L Amount Type field. Available options are:

a) Net Change – system will calculate the result of VAT Statement Line totaling G/L Entry’s Amount

field values (and applying the filters specified in other fields in VAT Statement line).

b) Debit – system will calculate the result of VAT Statement Line totaling only G/L Entry’s Debit

Amount field values (and applying the filters specified in other fields in VAT Statement line)

c) Credit – system will calculate the result of VAT Statement Line totaling only G/L Entry’s Credit

Amount field values (and applying the filters specified in other fields in VAT Statement line).

43 Account Schedules (EE33)

As one of most extensively used areas of application for analysis and reporting, companies often ask for

following improvements for standard Account Schedules feature:

Common list of expressions - common list of expressions contains named lines, which can be used in

formulas of all account schedules. This is done by defining one of the Account Schedules as a

common list of expressions called Shared Account Schedule

Saving results (current state) of analysis – this improvement allows user to store results of analysis

done using Account Schedules, modification of results and retrieval of results in some later point in


Formulas Drill Down – this improvement allows user to drill down the results of formulas. Drill-down

is now accessible for Totaling Type – Formula. Drilling down result of formula shows user a new form

that contains list of elements used to calculate result and their description

Additional Data Sources – apart from being able to perform analysis on GL Entries user can now

perform analysis on VAT, Customer, Vendor and Value entries

43.1 Setup and Usage of Shared Account Schedule

To set account schedule that will be used as common list of expressions user follows these steps:

1. User clicks Departments -> Financial Management -> Setup -> Administration -> General Ledger

Setup and open General Ledger Setup form.

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2. On Reporting tab user enters (or selects by clicking lookup button) Account Schedule Name that will

be used as Shared Account Schedule.

To use shared account schedule user follows these steps:

1. User clicks Departments -> Financial Management -> General Ledger -> Analysis & Reporting -> Account


3. User selects Account Schedule by pressing Edit Account Schedule

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NOTE: During calculation of Account Schedule using data from Shared Account Schedule system looks

for expression (Row No.) in current Account Schedule and if it cannot find it will look for the expression

in Shared Account Schedule.

43.2 Setup and Usage of Save Account Schedule Results

To set Account Schedule Results saving user first defines Number Series that will be used to identify

results. After that user sets that Number Series as Account Schedule Results Number Series. User does

this following these steps:

1. User clicks Departments -> Financial Management -> Setup -> Administration -> General Ledger

Setup and open General Ledger Setup form.

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2. On Numbering tab user enters (or selects by clicking lookup button) Number Series code in Acc.

Schedule Results Nos. filed Name that will be used as Account Schedule Results Number Series.

To save account schedule results user follows these steps:

1. User clicks Departments -> Financial Management -> General Ledger -> Analysis & Reporting ->

Account Schedules to open Account Schedules form

2. User selects Account Schedule by pressing Edit Account Schedule

3. User can save current Account Schedule results in two ways:

a. From Account Schedules Overview form

i. User clicks Acc. Schedule button and selects Overview menu item to show Acc. Schedule

overview form

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ii. User clicks Actions and selects Save Results.

b. From Account Schedule form.

ii. User clicks Actions and selects Save Results.

4. In Save Account Schedules form user enters Date Filter and Description to be used to store results.

After that user clicks OK and system saves Account Schedule results.

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5. To view the list of saved Account Schedule results, user clicks Acc. Schedule button and selects

Results menu item to display Acc. Schedule Results Overview form.

6. User sees that system used Acc. Schedule Nos. to set Result Code.

7. User can change Description of saved Acc. Schedule Result by changing Description field value.

8. User can also change saved results by entering the values in right hand side part of form.

9. Every change user makes is noted in Account Schedule Results history. To show changed results

only, user places a checkmark in Show Only Changed Values check box

10. Clicking the assist button in the changed cell user can see the history of changes in that cell.

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43.3 Usage of Formula Drill down

To see how system calculated formula field, what were the elements of calculation and where they came

from to user follows these steps:

1. User clicks Analysis & Reporting ->Account Schedules in Financial Management application domain

to open Account Schedules form

2. User selects Account Schedule by entering (or selecting by clicking lookup button in Name filed)

Account Schedule Name

3. User clicks Acc. Schedule button and selects Overview menu item to show Acc. Schedule overview


4. User finds the cell that was had Totaling Type set to Formula and clicks drill down button in the cell

to see how the value of Formula cell was calculated

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43.4 Setup of Additional Data Sources in Account Schedule

User can now use Account Schedules to analyze Customer, Vendor, VAT and Value Entries. To do that user

follow these steps:

1. User clicks Analysis & Reporting ->Account Schedules in Financial Management application domain

to open Account Schedules form

2. User selects Account Schedule by entering (or selecting by clicking lookup button in Name filed)

Account Schedule Name

3. User enter new Account Schedule Line, selects Totaling Type to Custom

4. User clicks lookup button in Totaling column of the new Account Schedule line to set Custom data

source in Acc. Schedule Extensions form

5. User chooses Ledger Entries to be used as data source for Account Schedule row. Available options


a. VAT Entry

b. Value Entry

c. Customer Entry

d. Vendor Entry

6. Depending on the ledger entry selected system shows different set of filtering and calculation

options for each particular ledger:

a. VAT Entry

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Entry Type – user sets how system should filter VAT Entries by Entry Type field:

1. Blank – include any Entry Type VAT Entries

2. Sale – filter only Sale type VAT Entries

3. Purchase – filter only Purchase type VAT Entries

iii. VAT Amount Type – user sets which amount system should use:

8. Base – system will use Base field for calculation

9. Amount – system will use Amount field for calculation

iv. VAT Business Posting Group – user can set which VAT Business Posting Group(s) system should

filter and include in calculation

v. VAT Product Posting Group – user can set which VAT Product Posting Group(s) system should

filter and include in calculation

vi. Reverse sign – user can set whether or not system should reverse sign of calculated result

b. Value Entry

Location Filter – user can set which Location(s) system should filter and include in calculation

ii. Reverse sign – user can set whether or not system should reverse sign of calculated result

c. Customer Entry

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Prepayment – user sets how system should filter VAT Entries by Entry Type field:

1. Blank – include all Customer Ledger Entries regardless of Prepayment flag

2. Yes – filter only Prepayment Customer Ledger Entries

3. No – filter only non-Prepayment Customer Ledger Entries

ii. Due Date Filter – user sets how system should filter Customer Ledger Entries by Due Date


iii. Posting Date Filter – user sets how system should filter Customer Ledger Entries by Posting

Date field

iv. Amount Sign – user sets how system should filter Customer Ledger Entries by Amount field:

1. Blank – include all Customer Ledger Entries regardless of Amount Sign

2. Positive – filter only Customer Ledger Entries where Amount field’s value is greater than 0

3. Negative – filter only Customer Ledger Entries where Amount field’s value is less than 0

v. Document Type Filter – user sets how system should filter Customer Ledger Entries by

Document Type field

vi. Posting Group Filter – user sets how system should filter Customer Ledger Entries by

Posting Group field

d. Vendor Entry – the same filters apply for Vendor Ledger Entries as for Customer entries.