microscopy and discriminant analysis... i.m. sechenov first moscow medical university, moscow,...

FULL ARTICLE Scar tissue classification using nonlinear optical microscopy and discriminant analysis Timothy Andrew Kelf 1 , Martin Gosnell 1; 2 , Bjornar Sandnes 1; 3 , Anna E. Guller 4 , Anatoly B. Shekhter 4 , and Andrei V. Zvyagin * ; 1 1 MQ Biofocus Research Centre, Macquarie University, Sydney, NSW 2109, Australia 2 Quantitative Pty Ltd, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia 3 Department of Physics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Hoegskoleringen 5, N-7491 Trondheim, Norway 4 Laboratory of Experimental Pathomorphology, Science-Research Center, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow Medical University, Moscow, Russia Received 21 August 2011, revised 11 October 2011, accepted 3 November 2011 Published online 22 November 2011 Key words: SHG, NLOM, image analysis, discriminant analysis, biomedical imaging Supporting information for this article is available free of charge under http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/jbio.201100075 1. Introduction Scarring is a result of thermal or traumatic injury or surgical excisions, where the skin fails to fully re- cover to its initial state [1, 2]. Under normal condi- tions the development of any scar passes through several successive stages: from early hypertrophic [3] through to the final stage of a flat, pale scar, usually referred to as a mature scar [4–6]. This process is often assumed to take at least 1 year [4, 7–9], but depends on a number of factors, including patient’s age. During the maturation process, a remodelling of the tissue collagen framework occurs, with the ratio of the collagen types changing [10–12]; the number of strong intermolecular cross-links increasing [12– 17], and a rearrangement of bundles and fibre archi- tecture. External manifestations of scar maturation are expressed through changes in prominence, col- our, density, and in scar surface modifications [18, 19]. These processes can impede the diagnosis of scar types during the maturation process, and com- plicate the choice of treatment and timeliness of re- constructive surgery [18, 20, 21], which is recognised to be performed not earlier than one year after the # 2012 by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH& Co. KGaA, Weinheim Journal of BIOPHOTONICS This paper addresses the scar tissue maturation process that occurs stepwise, and calls for reliable classification. The structure of collagen imaged by nonlinear optical microscopy (NLOM) in post-burn hypertrophic and ma- ture scar, as well as in normal skin, appeared to distin- guish these maturation steps. However, it was a discri- mination analysis, demonstrated here, that automated and quantified the scar tissue maturation process. The achieved scar classification accuracy was as high as 96%. The combination of NLOM and discrimination analysis is believed to be instrumental in gaining insight into the scar formation, for express diagnosis of scar and surgery planning. Discriminant analysis of three tissue types. * Corresponding author: e-mail: [email protected], Phone: +61 2 9850 7760, Fax: +61 2 9850 8115 J. Biophotonics 5, No. 2, 159–167 (2012) / DOI 10.1002/jbio.201100075

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Scar tissue classification using nonlinear opticalmicroscopy and discriminant analysis

Timothy Andrew Kelf 1, Martin Gosnell1; 2, Bjornar Sandnes1; 3, Anna E. Guller4,Anatoly B. Shekhter4, and Andrei V. Zvyagin*; 1

1 MQ Biofocus Research Centre, Macquarie University, Sydney, NSW 2109, Australia2 Quantitative Pty Ltd, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia3 Department of Physics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Hoegskoleringen 5, N-7491 Trondheim, Norway4 Laboratory of Experimental Pathomorphology, Science-Research Center, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow Medical University, Moscow,


Received 21 August 2011, revised 11 October 2011, accepted 3 November 2011Published online 22 November 2011

Key words: SHG, NLOM, image analysis, discriminant analysis, biomedical imaging

Æ Supporting information for this article is available free of charge under http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/jbio.201100075

1. Introduction

Scarring is a result of thermal or traumatic injury orsurgical excisions, where the skin fails to fully re-cover to its initial state [1, 2]. Under normal condi-tions the development of any scar passes throughseveral successive stages: from early hypertrophic [3]through to the final stage of a flat, pale scar, usuallyreferred to as a mature scar [4–6]. This process isoften assumed to take at least 1 year [4, 7–9], butdepends on a number of factors, including patient’sage. During the maturation process, a remodelling of

the tissue collagen framework occurs, with the ratioof the collagen types changing [10–12]; the numberof strong intermolecular cross-links increasing [12–17], and a rearrangement of bundles and fibre archi-tecture. External manifestations of scar maturationare expressed through changes in prominence, col-our, density, and in scar surface modifications [18,19]. These processes can impede the diagnosis ofscar types during the maturation process, and com-plicate the choice of treatment and timeliness of re-constructive surgery [18, 20, 21], which is recognisedto be performed not earlier than one year after the

# 2012 by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Journal of


This paper addresses the scar tissue maturation processthat occurs stepwise, and calls for reliable classification.The structure of collagen imaged by nonlinear opticalmicroscopy (NLOM) in post-burn hypertrophic and ma-ture scar, as well as in normal skin, appeared to distin-guish these maturation steps. However, it was a discri-mination analysis, demonstrated here, that automatedand quantified the scar tissue maturation process. Theachieved scar classification accuracy was as high as 96%.The combination of NLOM and discrimination analysisis believed to be instrumental in gaining insight into thescar formation, for express diagnosis of scar and surgeryplanning.

Discriminant analysis of three tissue types.

* Corresponding author: e-mail: [email protected], Phone: +61 2 9850 7760, Fax: +61 2 9850 8115

J. Biophotonics 5, No. 2, 159–167 (2012) / DOI 10.1002/jbio.201100075

injury [4, 22, 23] due to possible risks connected withhypertrophic scar regrowth after the excision [24].

To our knowledge, only scarce reports are avail-able on the histological objective criteria of scar ma-turity [25–27], and thus a reliable, minimally inva-sive, means to identify and classify post-burn scars isin demand. The use of nonlinear optical microscopyaided by discriminate analysis can be of considerablevalue.

NLOM relies on the use of infrared, ultra-short(�100 femtosecond) laser pulses to excite nonlinearprocesses, such as two-photon excited fluorescence(TPEF) and second harmonic generation (SHG), inthe focal volume. This results in considerable reduc-tion of scattering, photobleaching and absorption bythe endogenous chromophores relative to that in thevisible spectral range [28]. SHG occurs in polarisablematerials with non-centrosymmetric structures, suchas helices. Collagen fibres have a helical structureand a large hyperpolarisability [29], hence are highlyvisible in SHG imaging [30, 31]. Elastin, melaninand other endogenous fluorophores produce detect-able TPEF signals, emitting light in the visible spec-tral range, but little SHG signal due to their centro-symmetric molecular structures [32–35]. Due to theexquisite sensitivity of the SHG process to collagen,SHG imaging has been used to examine collagennetworks of the scar tissues towards quantitative as-sessment and gaining insight into the scar formationprocess [36–38]. To this end, discriminant analysisrepresents a promising approach for extending thescar collagen network quantitative assessment to theclassification of scars.

Discriminant analysis often furnishes quantitativemethodologies, such as face recognition [39], and isproven to be an excellent classification approach inbiomedical applications, where large sample varia-tions are inherent [40–43]. The general classificationmethodology involves a pre-processing step, whichproduces feature vectors from raw data, such asimages. A test step employs discriminant functions to

project unclassified data into a subspace, where anapplied decision boundary sorts each data point orobservation into a predefined class [44–46]. A brute-force search of the optimal projections and best fea-tures is computationally prohibitive even with themodern computing power, requiring trillions of tests.Instead, we used the power of a genetic algorithm tohunt for an optimal or near-optimal solution, basedon the classification performance ranking.

In this paper, we report on application of the dis-criminant analysis to classify the SHG images of scarand normal skin tissue. A computer algorithm wastrained on pre-classified tissue samples of normalskin, mature and hypertrophic post-burn scars. Thetrained algorithm was tested to successfully discrimi-nate between these tissue types, and for the first time,to the best of our knowledge, demonstrated the het-erogeneous composite scar tissue organisation bymeans of the unbiased computational methods.

2. Materials and methods

Excisional biopsies of 4 hypertrophic and 3 maturescars (from 7 patients) were performed within theboundaries of the lesions of children who were reco-vering from deep thermal injuries and undertakingplastic and reconstructive surgery. Surgical proce-dures were approved by the local Ethics Committeeand informed consent was obtained from the legalrepresentatives of all patients. The scars were eval-uated by the plastic surgeon following the guidelinedocument [4] for wide post-burn hypertrophic scarsand non-hypertrophic mature scars, informationlisted in Table 1. Full thickness healthy skin sampleswere obtained from fragments of autografts fromthree age-matched patients undergoing post-burnplastic surgery. Biopsies were fixed in 10% neutralbuffered formalin, dehydrated in a graded seriesof alcohol, embedded in paraffin wax and cut into

Table 1 Scar tissue origins and clinical appearance.

Gender Age Etiologyof burns

Duration afterinjury (years)

Site Clinical scar appearance Morphologicalexamination results

M 7 Scald 3 Neck Wide Hypertrophic, whitish Mainly hypertrophicscar tissue

F 6 Scald 3 Femoral Wide Hypertrophic, whitish Mainly hypertrophicscar tissue

M 13 Scald 2 Elbow Wide Hypertrophic, reddish Mainly hypertrophicscar tissue

F 7 Flame 5 Back Wide Hypertrophic, brownish Hypertrophic scar tissueF 8 Scald 3 Flank Mature (wide, flat,

non-pigmented)Mainly mature scar tissue

F 2.5 Scald 1 Thorax Mature (wide, flat, pale) Mainly mature scar tissueM 5 Scald 3 Thorax Mature (wide, flat, pale) Mature scar tissue

T. A. Kelf et al.: Scar tissue classification using discriminant analysis160

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5 and 23 mm matched serial sections for conven-tional light microscopy histological examination andNLOM respectively. The 5 mm paraffin slices werestained with haematoxylin and eosin (H&E), vanGieson’s picro-fuchsin, toluidine blue and Unna’sfuchselin following the conventional protocols.

The stained histological preparations were exam-ined using an upright light microscope Olympus BX51(Olympus Optical, Tokyo, Japan) and analysed with-out knowledge of the clinical data and then cross-checked.

The preparations destined for NLOM were leftunstained. All samples were embedded in the mount-ing media and covered by cover slips. A Tsunami la-ser (Spectra Physics, USA) was used for the NLOMimaging, wavelength 800 nm, repetition rate 80 MHz,pulse duration 150 fs, 250 nJ /pulse at the sample, inconjunction with a Leica TCM SP2 scanning confo-cal microscope. Light was focused using a 40� oil-immersion objective (N.A. 1.25) and images recordedthe resultant 400 nm wavelength light in transmissionmode, image sizes are 375 � 375 mm. These imageswere split to 9, 125 � 125 mm images to increase theamount of available data; this was found to be thesmallest size at which structural information was notdegraded. For all tissue slices the microscope param-eters where kept constant except the detection vol-tage, which was adjusted so that each image was cor-rectly exposed.

Image analysis was performed using Igor Pro(Wavemetrics, USA) and discriminant analysis usedMatlab (Mathworks, USA).

3. Results and discussion

Representative SHG images of hypertrophic (imma-ture) and mature scar tissues, as well as normal skinare shown in Figure 1, top row. These images wereformed by collating several images together. Whilethe SHG process is polarisation-sensitive, in turbidbiological tissue and in presence of the intense off-focus SHG signals, this effect is diminished [47].However, to ensure immunity to polarisation effects,only relative image intensities were considered.

Figure 1 insets exemplify differences between thetissue types under study. The collagen structure ofhypertrophic scar tissue appeared much denser andwell aligned to the skin surface than that of the nor-mal skin tissue, which comprised more loosely packedthick bundles of collagen. In contrast, the maturescar tissue comprised relatively thin, randomly orien-tated, collagen fibres and bundles and exhibited agreater density than that of the normal skin tissue.Despite the distinct visual appearance of these tis-sues, from fragment to fragment and from patient topatient, each scar type showed a wide range of ap-

pearances, making visual classification cumbersome,and calling for an objective, machine-based classifi-cation procedure. In order to realise this procedure,multiple parameters were extracted from each im-age, and many images were used to ensure statisti-cally meaningful results. Specifically, 364, 313 and456 images sized 125 � 125 mm (totalling 1133) ofthe mature scar, hypertrophic scar and normal skintissues, respectively, were used.

A professional histologist verified all images toassign their classification type on the basis of cellularand matrix features. Composition of the fibroblastpopulation was imaged (H&E staining, representa-tive images shown in Figure 1) and analysed in rela-tion to the ultrastructure of the cells by means oftransmission electron microscopy (data not shown).The tinctorial features of the extracellular matrix(van Gieson’s, Weigert’s Resorcin Fuchsin and tolui-dine blue staining) were used to detect the presence,condition and distribution of collagen fibres andbundles, elastic fibres and acid glycosaminoglycans.Also, the appearance and number of the blood ves-sels and inflammatory cells were noted. The aboveinformation was matched with the clinical observa-tions to estimate the agreement between the tissuestructure and the external appearance of scars, seeTable 1 in supplementary information. While accu-rate, this procedure required much information andseveral tissue preparation steps, emphasising the factthat a robust algorithm using images from unstainedtissue would be of considerable use.

Three image processing algorithms were em-ployed to extract a total of 60 features, as shown inFigure 2 and tabulated in Table 2 in SupplementaryMaterials. Comparison of the H&E and NLOM

Figure 1 (online color at: www.biophotonics-journal.org)Representative images of a hypertrophic scar, mature scarand normal skin tissue. Top row: SHG images; insets,125 � 125 mm sub-images used for the analysis. Bottomrow: Histology images of the haematoxylin-eosin stainedtissue samples. Scale bar, 200 mm, all images.

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images of the comparably-sized tissue sections is pre-sented in Supplementary Information section.

The first algorithm performed a two-dimensional(2D) Fourier transform of the raw images, followedby radial averaging and fitting to a sinusoidal func-tion to determine the direction of the maximum or-der relative to the tissue surfaces. The perpendiculardirection was defined as the direction of minimumorder. The transformed data was subsequently aver-aged over an angle of 10� in both directions of themaximum and minimum order; their respective ratiowas calculated providing a measure of tissue order.The resultant data was averaged over the structuressized greater and smaller than a threshold value of6 mm to yield two scalar classifiers. This thresholdsize was determined empirically to provide the bestclassification. However, this value seemed relevantto the tissue morphology delineating two collage-nous structure size ranges: <6 mm pertinent to thecollagen fibres, >6 mm pertinent to the fibre bundlesand their separation.

In the second algorithm, a single-level discrete2D multi-wavelet decomposition using four fittingparameters was applied to the image, yielding fouroutput matrices that were analysed to find theirmean, standard deviation, skew and entropy values.These parameters provided additional informationabout the overall image, and the ordering level of atseveral length scales.

In the third algorithm, images were sub-dividedinto two subsets forming a collagen-containing im-age, and its inverse comprising the tissue “voids”.These two image subsets were binarised and runthrough an image erosion procedure to discriminate

the collagen from the background, and identify the“void” boundaries. A particle analysis procedurewas subsequently run to analyse distinct pieces of tis-sue/“voids” and find their centroids and boundaries.This data was further processed to determine theaverage, maximum and skewness of the analysedarea distributions, circularities, perimeter lengths anddistribution of their axes with respect to the skin sur-face, as well as the total number of particles andnearest neighbour distances.

As a result of implementing these algorithms,60 features were generated in total. From these,40 features were selected that exhibited non-negli-gible variation between one or more tissue types,based on statistical distance and tests. A feature se-lection algorithm was used to find a minimum sizeset of the features sufficed for accurate classification.A block diagram of the selection system is shown inFigure 3. The developed selection algorithm chosefeatures based on the classifier performance, em-ploying a data partition cross-validation method aim-ing to select a final set of the features, which had ahigh likelihood to classify test scar/skin tissue data.Multiple discriminant analysis runs of the test dataproduced a set of discriminant functions by findingeigenvectors of the product of matrices describingthe inter-class variance, and inverse of the intra-classvariance.

The data was standardised by subtracting themean and dividing by the standard deviation. Datawas initially randomly partitioned into a feature se-

Figure 2 (online color at: www.biophotonics-journal.org)(a) Representative mature scar image; (b) its Fourier trans-form; line indicates the direction of the maximum order,circle shows the 6 mm boundary; (c) its wavelet transform;(d) and (e), thresholded, binarised images of (a) showingcollagenous tissue and “voids”, respectively. (f) Represen-tation of the particle extraction procedure from (e).

Figure 3 Flow chart showing genetic algorithm feature se-lection method. This algorithm is provided with its ownpartition of the data and chose features using a cross-vali-dation classification ranking method. The final output, bot-tom right, is an optimally chosen feature set. Region bot-tom left inside red dashed box, shows discriminant analysisroutine for all current sets of features. This was tested mul-tiple times for different training and test data (validationtest repeats) to create a fitness based selection. This wasthen used to form a new set of features in the populationrepeat loop. The final output, bottom right, is the opti-mally chosen features.

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lection set, training set and testing set, a validationset was not required, since we were using a determi-nistic linear classifier, where control over the extentof training was not a concern. The initial feature se-lection portion of data was used in the feature selec-tion algorithm, where it is further randomly parti-tioned into training and test sets multiple times. Foreach of these times, the entire population of featuresets is tested, by training the classifier on the trainingdata and testing on the test portion. The fitness ofeach feature set is based on the mean of these classi-fication results.

Once a feature set was chosen based on meanclassification we obtained a measure of classificationperformance using the remaining unused partition ofdata. For consistency, we ensured the classifier per-formance was a result of the mean performance formultiple training and tests of random data partitions.Then the entire process was repeated 10 times pro-ducing the final result. For each of these final resultsthe best performance sets of feature showed onlysome slight variation. It was of interest to note thatselecting from only the FFT and wavelets featuresconsistently produced a drop in performance of typi-cally 3%.

These discriminant functions were used to projectthe data into a subspace, where each test data obser-vation was classified based on the mahalanobis dis-tance, a parameter based on the standard deviationof the total distribution. Overall classification accu-racy across all categories was used as a main perfor-mance fitness criterion. This test was performed fora population, or set, of possible randomly chosenfeature combinations, and each solution was fitness-ranked by the algorithm. The processes of iterativelymating and selecting from this population of solu-tions allowed members of the population to developinto better solutions capable of the tissue type discri-mination. Random mutation of a small percentageof the population avoided the algorithm trapping ina local minimum.

Once a feature set was chosen, the overall perfor-mance was visualised by projecting the data into anew subspace by plotting each point of the new ca-nonical variables into a two dimensional space (Fig-ure 4a). As can be seen, the algorithm discriminatedthe tissue types into distinctly separate data clusters.After about 100 iterations, the algorithm perfor-mance asymptotically approached optimal perfor-mance showing no further improvements per addi-tional iterations. Figure 4c shows the best solutionperformance for a range of selection tests, wherelimits were placed on the number of features select-able with this algorithm. The onset of the perfor-mance deterioration occurred at <15 features, whileonly 23 features, instead of 40 features available,were found sufficient for finding the best solution.Several observations of the final classification algo-

rithm can be made. Of the 40 features extracted fromthe tissue images, those related to the overall imagefeatures obtained via Fourier and wavelet transfor-mations were found to be most important for theclassification procedure.

It is important to note that the isolated collage-nous tissue and “void” image subsets (algorithm 3)exhibited little correlation. (Note that binarisationand erosion produced images that are not simply in-verse). The biological rationale for separating theimages into these subsets was that they containedinformation relating generally, to two distinct archi-tectures in the scar tissue, i.e. the collageneous struc-tures and the vascular networks associated with thevoids.

Figure 4b shows the fitness level of the best solu-tion for successive generations of the genetic algo-rithm, and shows the procedure to be effective atfinding the optimal solutions. Initial features wereselected as those containing the most discriminatoryinformation quickly ramping up the algorithm effi-ciency.

The features related to the tissue fragments/“voids” orientation to the tissue surface (the averageangle and distribution skewness) appeared to be ofthe greatest significance. Also, the nearest neighbourdistances of both tissue and “voids” proved to be ofimportance. Such features as the total number of tis-sue fragments, their average circularity, the maxi-mum length of “voids”, and the length distribution

Figure 4 (online color at: www.biophotonics-journal.org)Canonical plot of normal skin, mature and hypertrophicscars tissue types. (b) Plots showing the effect of correctclassification versus a number of iterations of the geneticalgorithms, and (c) Plots showing the effect of correct clas-sification versus a number of the features used. (d) Correctclassification into each group over 10 full validation runs.

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skewness were worthwhile contributors to the finaldiscrimination. The degree of the tissue alignmentwas an important factor in discrimination betweendifferent scar types, in agreement with the recent re-ports [36, 37].

Using the optimised set of features, the discrimi-nation procedure was tested using 10 full cross-vali-dation runs, with the result shown in Figure 4d. Thisprocedure performed a validation comparison usingmuch of the available data comparing to priori his-tology-based classification results. It was found thatthe classifier was accurate to better than 96%, veri-fying the algorithms effectiveness. Of the 4% of thealgorithms inaccuracies, most were found to be skinand mature scar tissue samples wrongly labelled ashypertrophic scars (as histologically classified). Thisis important if the algorithm is to be of clinical useas the classification errors were skewed to the sideof caution.

The initial univariate feature selection was per-formed, as follows. The first stage of feature selec-tion disregarded those features that performedpoorly using statistical tests chosen to help makingan informed decision regarding the class discriminat-ing power of each feature on its own merit. Thesetests were conducted on a pair-wise basis to coverthe three classes of data, the minimum p-value foreach of the three tests was used, and only values be-low 0.05 were accepted, indicating that this featuremight be useful for separating, at least, two of theclasses.

After optimisation the classified tissue clustersexhibited a measurable distribution, as it can be seenin Figure 4a. At the macroscopic scale, scars are clas-sified clinically by their visual appearance and clini-cal history, while at the microscopic scale, the cellu-lar population and the extracellular matrix featuresprovided an approach to distinguish different scartissues. However, classification of the scar tissue ar-chitecture at the sub-millimetre level, as inferredfrom our results, may be a valuable source of diag-nostic information. The reported procedure enablesnot only accurate scar tissue classification, but alsoquantification of its key parameters. For example, itis possible to assign a classification value to each tis-sue image fragment (termed “elementary classifica-tion cell”, ECC) that is large enough to contain thesignificant features. The smallest possible ECC wasfound to be approximately 125 � 125 mm in size. Thediscrimination analysis performed on each ECCyields a value mapped in the canonical parameterspace of “mature scar tissue”, “hypertrophic scar tis-sue”, and “skin” palette, as it was demonstrated ear-lier (c.f. Figure 4a, with ECC equal to the full imagesize). As a result, each ECC can be evaluated as x%“mature scar tissue”-akin, y% “hypertrophic scartissue”-akin, and z% “skin tissue”-akin; or colour-coded accordingly for visualisation. A simplified im-

plementation of this strategy was demonstratedusing the mature scar tissue, and detailed below.

A 23-mm-thick mature scar tissue slice, sized ap-proximately 1.5 � 1.5 mm was imaged using SHG(Figure 5a) and fragmented into, approximately,200 ECCs sized �125 � 125 mm. Each ECC was pro-cessed, using the pre-trained discriminant analysis al-gorithm discussed above, yielded the values thatwere cast on a colour palette, as scatter points (whitecrosses, Figure 5c). The horizontal and vertical axesof the palette provided readings of how “skin”-akinand “hypertrophic scar”-akin the tissue in each ECCwas, and the corresponding colour was assigned tothe ECC. Note that each ECC was still classified as“mature scar tissue”. Figure 5b shows the originalimage Figure 5a each ECC-fragment of which wascoloured using the colour palette (Figure 5c). Thespatial regions, which the algorithm found to exhibitprevalent skin and hypertrophic scar tissue proper-ties, are colour-coded red and blue, respectively. Thisalgorithm revealed interesting details. The fragmentsof the tissue morphology akin to the normal skin, i.e.the recovered tissue, predominantly occupied thesubsurface skin region, whereas the hypertrophic-like fragments were found in the deeper layer [48].Interestingly, the algorithm classified more damagedscar regions, as a zone of prevailing hypertrophicscar tissue.

Scar evolution from the onset of the healing pro-cess to maturity can be studied systematically usingour quantitative assessment. Besides, SHG imagingaided by the discriminant analysis methodologyseems to be adaptable for rapid quantitative assess-ment of the scar tissue maturity, and also pinpointingregions of concern. Our method lends itself tostraightforward extension for inclusion of anotherscar tissue types, as well as to be adapted for diag-nostics of many different connective tissue lesions. Arigorous analysis of the spatial and temporal scar tis-sue will lead to improved understanding on the ma-turation process of scar tissue in humans.

Discussion of the potential sources of inaccura-cies is now in order. The original images were sub-

Figure 5 (online color at: www.biophotonics-journal.org)(a) Mature scar tissue sample. (b) False-colour image basedon the discrimination procedure. (c) Discrimination analy-sis results for the different regions superimposed on a col-our palette.

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partitioned into a set of smaller images and thesesub-images might have been correlated. Hence, itmay be reasonable to conclude that partitioning thedata such that some of these sub-images were in-cluded in the training and test sets might have beengiving the classifier an undesirable advantage.

In order to test this possible source of inaccuracy,we modified the data partitioning algorithm to ac-cept a sub-grouping variable, which provided a con-straint on the partitioning disallowing sub-imagesspreading across the feature selection, training andtesting partitions. The entire selection and testingsystem was re-run to gauge the impact of this. Theresultant accuracy was slightly decreased, estimatedas 5–6%, which can be explained using the followingreasoning. The employed image selection constraintprovided effectively only �100 data points, whichwere further broken into three sets yielding thesmallest possible number of observations needed fora full cross-validated test. It was, therefore, expectedthat the performance of a generalising test sufferedby virtue of the minimal size of the data set alone.

The presented methodology of the collagenoustissue classification based on the discrimination ana-lysis is believed to hold promise for medical appli-cations. Firstly, accurate diagnosis of scars is deemeduseful, especially in pediatric practices, where scarassessment over extended periods of time may notbe an option due to possible face/body disfigurationconsequences. As we found, a tissue fragment (ECC)as small as 125 � 125 mm sufficed for the reliablescar tissue classification, which opens an attractiveopportunity to perform minimally invasive needlebiopsy.

We also envisage broader-scope applications.Among these, analysis of the skin cancer collagennetwork is believed to provide a strong base for di-agnosis and surgery planning. Besides, we observedprofound collagen modification in chondrosarcomabiopsies (unpublished), which should enable usefuldiagnostic opportunity.

In conclusion, we demonstrated that the applica-tion of nonlinear optical microscopy in combinationwith discriminant analysis has potential for deliver-ing fully-automated classification of scar tissues, withthe validated accuracies as high as 96%. The tissuegross morphology and the collagen structure angularalignment with respect to the tissue surface werefound to be the main discrimination parameters.Using second harmonic imaging and discriminantanalysis we demonstrated the scar spatial heteroge-neity at the sub-millimetre level, in accordance withthe algorithm quantitative classifier. The reportedmethodology is adaptable to minimally invasive biop-sies, from that stage it will be of considerable valuefor express diagnosis of scars in humans.

Timothy A. Kelf received hisM.Sc. in Physics from TheUniversity of Southamptonin 2002. He completed hisPh.D., studying Plasmonicsand Surface Enhanced Ra-man, in 2006, also at TheUniversity of Southampton,UK. From 2006 to 2008 heworked as a post doctoral re-searcher at Hokkaido Uni-versity, Japan, studying theultra-fast vibrational proper-

ties of nano-structures. From 2008 he has worked at aresearch associate at Macquarie University, Australia,studying in the interactions of nano-particles with cellsand tissues, along with developing novel optical detec-tion and characterisation systems.

Martin E. Gosnell receivedhis Bachelor of Engineeringin Electrical engineeringwith first class honours fromthe University of Technol-ogy at Sydney in 2001. Hehas worked as an engineerand scientist for CSIRO andby contract to the universityof Queensland and Newcas-tle, and as a design engineer

and research scientist for consumer electronics manufac-turing companies in the areas of computer brain inter-face, intelligent recognition systems, laser applicationsand audio. His interests include applied mathematics,control, information theory, hyperspectral and imageanalysis, algorithm, and classification system design.

Bjornar Sandnes receivedhis Ph.D. from the Depart-ment of Physics, Universityof Oslo in 2004. A postdocperiod followed in the Ad-vanced Materials and Com-plex Systems Group, 2004–2007. In 2008 Sandnes wasappointed Research Fellowat the Optical BiomedicalImaging and Sensing Groupat Macquarie University,Australia, and later in 2008

he was awarded a fellowship by the Norwegian Re-search Council, working jointly at the University ofSydney and Macquarie University. From 2011 he is As-sociate Professor at the Norwegian University ofScience and Technology, NTNU. Sandnes’ researchbackground includes soft and complex materials, photo-nics and biomedical imaging.

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Anna E. Guller received herdegree in Biology at theDepartment of Human andAnimal Physiology and Bio-physics of the Taurida Na-tional V.I. Vernadsky Uni-versity, Ukraine, 1995. In1995–1999 she has beenworking as a Junior Re-searcher in the Russian Dis-aster Medicine Center inMoscow. From 1999 to 2003she was a Ph.D. student inthe Experimental Pathomor-phology Department of Se-

chenov First Moscow State Medical University (Russia),focusing on functional morphology and development offibrous connective tissue. Currently Anna is working atthe same Department as a principal researcher. She isinterested in pathomorphology of wound healing, scar-ring and regeneration, tissue engineering of bone, carti-lage and skin, conventional and non-linear optical mi-croscopy, numerical methods in pathology and non-invasive morphological diagnostics.

Anatoly B. Shekhter re-ceived his M.D., Ph.D. andD.Sc. degrees in pathologicalanatomy from SechenovFirst Moscow State MedicalUniversity, Russia, in 1957,1962 and 1983, respectively.From 1962 Dr. Shekhter hasbeen working as a seniorscientist in the Central

Science-Research Laboratory of the same University,and in 1969 he became the Head of the ExperimentalPathomorphology Department of the Sechenov Univer-sity. In 1985 Dr. Shekhter has been awarded an aca-demic title of Professor. His current research interestsinclude wound healing and regeneration in skin, boneand cartilage, guided transformations of pathologicallychanged connective tissue under external physical fac-tors, implantation and biocompatibility of materials.

Andrei V. Zvyagin receivedDiploma from the MoscowEngineering Physics Insti-tute, Russia, and the Ph.D.degree in Engineering fromthe Tokyo Institute of Tech-nology in 1997. He spanneda range of positions froman Engineer to Senior Re-

search Scientist in the Institute of Metrology for Timeand Space, Moscow, Russia. From 1998 to 2004, he wasan Australian Postdoctoral Fellow in the Optical & Bio-medical Engineering Laboratory, The University of

Western Australia. From 2004–2007, he joined The Uni-versity of Queensland as a Lecturer/Senior Lecturer.Since 2007, Dr. Zvyagin is Associate Professor at theMacquarie University, Sydney, Australia. His currentresearch interests include various areas of Biophotonicsand Nanotechnology: nonlinear optical microscopy, lu-minescent nanomaterials, as molecular reporters for di-agnosis and targeted delivery.

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