microscopic observation (basic biology) unm

RATIFICATION PAGE Complete report of basic biology practicum with title ’’Microscopic observation’’ that arranged by : Name : Jeny ayu hardiah ningrum Registrasion Number : 1114040162 Group : III (Three) Class : ICP A After checked by assistant and assistant coordinator so this report was accepted Makassar, November 13 th 2011 Assistant Coordinator Assistant ( Djumarirmanto,S.Pd ) (Djumarirmanto,S.Pd )

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Page 1: Microscopic observation (basic biology) unm


Complete report of basic biology practicum with title ’’Microscopic

observation’’ that arranged by :

Name : Jeny ayu hardiah ningrum

Registrasion Number : 1114040162

Group : III (Three)

Class : ICP A

After checked by assistant and assistant coordinator so this report was


Makassar, November 13th 2011

Assistant Coordinator Assistant

( Djumarirmanto,S.Pd) (Djumarirmanto,S.Pd)

Page 2: Microscopic observation (basic biology) unm


A. Background

I have known about living thing while I study about science while be still

little, and I also know about life while I study theory about indigenous life being

egg. at this the world available life, and at dwells by get million living thing,which

is man, animal, plant and one-celled life being. that living being consisting of

umpteen cell which its bottle-fed, not only cell which arrange life being but there

are many, one that we know and also not. e.g. on man available blood circulation,

exhalation system that so elaborate and there is also network as network and life

being also consisting bone it bottle-fed one, network constitutes bulk from cell,

and associate each other and constitutes being compiler live that highly complex.

The microscopic observation would give us the information about the tissue

which arranged yhe organ plants and the oragan animals,to know the tissue and

function the tissue of animal tissue and plants tissue were very important for

me,from this observation we could know about the tissue and function of the tissue

like stem of zea mays.Cardiac muscle, sympathetic nerve,I have known it while I

study at senior high school,but I just know about extern form only,its color. and

where position, don't know how if sees a part most littles or see it utilize that

microscope is more conscientious and knows more form detail again.Now at my

university studies about tissues from animal and plant, we can know tissues

structure and its place in our body, evenless seeing utilizes microscope, we shall

look for light in point to be able to make us to see preparatte that we observes.

living thing in to constitute creature that really perfect, with uniqueness kind sort,

we have known that living thing to be arranged by severally network kind, to know

more lets we do attempt about umpteen preparat kind preserves animal and plant,

that we can know clearer how form being compiler live.

Page 3: Microscopic observation (basic biology) unm


Purpose of the practicum of microscope observation was student of university

could explain the structure and the kinds of tissues which arranged the organs of

plants and animal.


The benefit this practicum is the student of university could know the

structure and the kinds of tissues wich arranged the organs of plants and animals.

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Tissue is collection of cell which related one with the other and have the

same structure and the same function. Science that learn about the structure of tissues

namely histology,the kinds of tissues were arranged and organized in the form of an

organ. The tissues which arranged the body of plants can we make different from its

youth tissue (merystem) and the adult tissue are protector tissue (epidermis),

parenchyma tissue ,transport tissue,cork tissue (Tim Pengajar, 2009).

The central cylinder is surrounded by the cortex which is made up of thin

walled parenchyma cells except in the innermost layer, the endodermis, endodermal

cell walls are modifded by being thickened either in definite bands called casparian

strips or more generally. The epidermal cells may develop slightly thickened walls

and pesist after the death of the roats hairs, or they may degenerate. In the latter case

the outer cortical cells develop wall thickenings and function as a protective

layer,internal to the endodermis is a more or less distinct layer of thin walled cells

which constitute the percycle or outermost portion of the central cylinder. Most of the

central cylinder is occupied by the vascular tissues xylem and phloem. The phloem

occurs in strands between the extensions of xylem. In roots of some dicots xylem is

restricted to the periphery of the central cylinder ,the center being a core of

parenchyma considered to be pith.the arrangement of the vascular tissue in roots is

called radial and it differs from that which will be described for stems.Splitting of the

epidermis is preceded or accompaniedby the development of periderm from a cork

cambium,as in roots. The cork cambium usually orginates by meristematic activy in

the outer most cells of the cortex. The epidermis provides protection for the tissues of

young stems against both mechanical injury and water loss. Epidermal cell wall are

impregnated with waxi substances, called cutin which also form a waterproof coating,

a cuticle, on the outer surface. After the epidermis breaks down and the periderm has

Page 5: Microscopic observation (basic biology) unm

formed, its cork cells,with suberin-impregnated walls, assume these protective

functions. The vacular tissues are formed internal to the cortex. Phloem is outermost

and xylem is innermost. Elongated thick walled cells,or fibers,occur either in

anastomosing strands or in complete cylinder. In many plants these fibers are known

to develop from cells of the first formed or primary phloem,therefore they are called

primary phloem fibers (Slate,1974).

Meristematic tissue serves chiefly in the production of new cells and is

characterizes by persistent immaturity. Small masses of maristematic tissue are

located near the tips of roots and in the builds of shoots. Because of the terminal

positions occupied by these juvenile tissues they are called apical meristems. The

activates of the apical meristems are largely responsible for there increase in leght of

roots and shoots. The epidermis generally may be regarded as the outer layer of cells

produced by the apical meristems of roots and shoots, most commonly this surfsce

layer is only one cells thick. The outer walls of these cells,which some times are

rather thick,are covered by cutycule. A thin layer waxlike cutin secreted by the

protoplast of epidermal cells,except for the specialize guard cells, ehich control the

openings of epidermal pores or stomata ,the epidermal cell lack inter cellular spaces

and generally are color less in some plants however red blue or purple pigment may

be present in the vacuoles of epidermal cells and may give the leaves in which they

occur a like color,as in purple leaved cabbge.the innermost layer of cortical cells

comprises the endodermis. A distinguishing featurs of an endodermal cells is the

presence, on the radial and transverse walls, of the continuos zone or band within

which the wall material is impregnated with suberin. The function of the endodermis

is not known with certainly but it is believed that the fatty material deposited in

these bands blocks the passage of water through the walls. The tissues thus far

described in roots are primary tissues . they develop from the maristematic region at

the tip of the young root. And their production results in an increase in leght of the

organ. The roots of most trees, shrubs ,and other types of perennial plants have

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secondary tissues in adition primart tissues. Secondary tissues are those produced by

a cambium (Dalen,1970).

Tissue is a cellular organizational level intermediate between cells and a

complete organism. A tissue is an ensemble of cells, not necessarily identical, but

from the same origin, that together carry out a specific function. These are called

tissues because of their identical functioning. Organs are then formed by the

functional grouping together of multiple tissues.The study of tissue is known as

histology or, in connection with disease, histopathology. The classical tools for

studying tissues are the paraffin block in which tissue is embedded and then

sectioned, the histological stain, and the optical microscope. In the last couple of

decades, developments in electron microscopy, immunofluorescence, and the use of

frozen tissue sections have enhanced the detail that can be observed in tissues. With

these tools, the classical appearances of tissues can be examined in health and

disease, enabling considerable refinement of clinical diagnosis and prognosis. Animal

tissues can be grouped into four basic types: connective, muscle, nervous, and

epithelial. Multiple tissue types comprise organs and body structures. While all

animals can generally be considered to contain the four tissue types, the manifestation

of these tissues can differ depending on the type of organism. For example, the origin

of the cells comprising a particular tissue type may differ developmentally for

different classifications of animals. The epithelium in all animals is derived from the

ectoderm and endoderm with a small contribution from the mesoderm which forms

the endothelium. By contrast, a true epithelial tissue is present only in a single layer

of cells held together via occluding junctions called tight junctions, to create a

selectively permeable barrier. This tissue covers all organismal surfaces that come in

contact with the external environment such as the skin, the airways, and the digestive

tract. It serves functions of protection, secretion, and absorption, and is separated

from other tissues below by a basal lamina. Endothelium, which comprises the

vasculature, is a specialized type of epithelium (Anonymous,2011).

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A. Time and Place

Day / Date :Wednesday/November 9th 2011

Time :10.00 A.M until 12.30 P.M

Place :Biology laboratory 2th flour at FMIPA UNM

B. Tool and Material

1. Tool :

a. The equipments are served by laboratory :

1) Microscope

2. Materials :

a. The materials are served by laboratory :

1) Preserved preparatte of plant tissue and animal tissue

C. Work produce

1. Work produce for the plants tissue

a) Prepared microscope to based on sequence way to used it

b) Took durable preparation of plant tissue

c) Observed the structural features and the place of each tissues which

arranged the root,stem and the life

d) Used the objective enlargement 4x or 10x to saw all preparation

e) Drew there tissues of the all part of organ

f) Compared the result of our observation with the picture in our book

g) Learned the function of each tissue wich made the organ of plants

2. Work produce the animal tissue

a) Prepared microscope and arranged the enlarged tht suitable and do not

forget to arranged the shine into the microscope.

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b) Took the lasting preparat of animal tissue. In this practicum we need the

preparat from smooth muscle, from strail tease muscle, from hard bone,

from ephitel squamosun, from cardiac muscle, from blood and from

human bone.

c) Observed the characteristic of structure, the form and its location of each

preparat or materials. But before did the observation, the first, we must

arranged the enlarge that suitable with size of praparat wich we want. So

that, we could result observation that good and clear.

d) Drew the animal tissue which observed and gave the name of each its


e) After did observation, saved the lasting preparat and made the temporary

report. After that, because the experiment of this meeting have to finished.

So that saved the tools that used.

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A.Observation result

1. Striated teasted muscle

(magnification 40x10)

2. Cardiac muscle

(magnification 40x10)

Notes :







Dark ribbon

Light ribbon

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3. Neostreated teased muscle (magnification 40x10)

4. Brain (magnification 10x10)

Cell body


5. Sympathetic nerve (magnification 10x10)



Notes :

Dark ribbon



Notes :

Cell body


Notes :



Body cell

Page 11: Microscopic observation (basic biology) unm

6. Blood (magnification 10x10)

7. Hyaline (magnification 10x10)

8. Neuron astrocyt cerebrum (magnification 10x10)

Notes :



Hyaline matrix


Notes :

Cell blood


Notes :


Cell body


Page 12: Microscopic observation (basic biology) unm

9. Leaf of Llilium (magnification 10x10)

10. Root of Allium cepa (magnification 10x10)

11. Stem of Zea mays (magnification 10x10)

Notes :





Notes :







Notes :






Page 13: Microscopic observation (basic biology) unm

12. Stem of Cucurbita moscata (magnification 40x10)

adaxial epidermis


13. Root of Archis hypogea (magnification 40x10)

14. Leaves of Ficus elastica (magnification 40x10)

Notes :






Notes :






fibrousNotes :

Upper epidermis






Page 14: Microscopic observation (basic biology) unm

B. Discussion

Tissues in biology is a collection of cells that have the same form and

function, different tissues can work together for a similar physicological function

to form organs. The tissues studied in the branch of biology that studies the

changing form and function of tissues in relation to disease is histopathology. The

explanation of the observation in our lab this time are :

1. Steared teasted muscle

muscle or striated teased muscle is anchored by tendons (or by

aponeuroses at a few places) to bone and is used to effect skeletal

movement such as locomotion and in maintaining posture. Though this

postural control is generally maintained as a subconscious reflex, the

muscles responsible react to conscious control like non-postural muscles.

2. Cardiac muscle

Cardiac muscle is also an "involuntary muscle" but is more akin in

structure to skeletal muscle, and is found only in the heart.Cardiac and

skeletal muscles are "striated" in that they contain sarcomeres and are

packed into highly regular arrangements of bundles; smooth muscle has

neither. While skeletal muscles are arranged in regular, parallel bundles,

cardiac muscle connects at branching, irregular angles.

3. Neostreated teased muscle

Smooth muscle or nonstriated teased muscle is found within the

walls of organs and structures such as the esophagus, stomach, intestines,

bronchi, uterus, urethra, bladder, blood vessels, and the arrector in the

skin (in which it controls erection of body hair). Unlike skeletal muscle,

smooth muscle is not under conscious control.

4. Brain

The brain is the most complex organ of our central nervous system

(CNS). It is composed of neurons, blood vessels, and glial cells

(supporting cells of the CNS). A neuron has one cell body, containing the

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nucleus and surrounding cytoplasm (perikaryon), one axon (up to one

meter in length), and one or more dendrites, which extend from the cell


5. Sympathetic nerve

Sympathetic neurons of the spinal cord communicate with peripheral

sympathetic neurons via a series of sympathetic ganglia. Within the

ganglia, spinal cord sympathetic neurons join peripheral sympathetic

neurons through chemical synapses.

6. Blood

Blood tissue function for carry the food materials, hormone, oxygen,

and remainders of the metabolism result and to avoid infection. This

tissue consist of eritrisyt, leukosyt, trombosyt, and plasma.

7. Hyaline

Smooth, shiny cartilage, which covers the articular surfaces of bones.

Hyaline cartilage contains whitish-blue elastic material with

chondrocytes forming distinct cell nests and a fine network of collagen

fibres. Its smoothness reduces friction between opposing bones in a joint.

8. Neuron astrocyt cerebrum

The neuron is the cell that animals use to detect the outside

environment, the internal environment of their own bodies, to formulate

behavioral responses to those signals, and to control their bodies based on

the chosen responses. This is of course a very simplistic definition of

what neurons do. But it does cut to the basics. All neurons have a body

called a Soma. The Soma contains the nucleus and all of the other

organelles that are needed to keep the cell alive and functioning.

9. Leaf of Llilium

Lilium is a genus of herbaceous flowering plants growing from bulbs.

Most species are native to the temperate northern hemisphere, though the

range extends into the northern subtropics.Lilies form an important group

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of flowering garden plants, and are important culturally and in literature

in much of the world. Some species are sometimes grown or harvested

for the edible bulbs.

10. Root of Allium cepa

Onion root constitutes to come to fruition fiber because she comprises

one of plant monokotil. This root arranged by severally network.

Epidermis network have wall that thinly which gets semipermeabel

character. Cortex constitutes parenkim tissue walled flimsy and having a

lot of cell squire room that beneficent for substance interchange.

Endodermis as undercoated as cell, on its cell wall exists cork thick. Stele

constitutes selinder center on botanical.

11. Stem of Zea mays

Corn root constitutes to come to fruition fiber because she comprises

one of plant monokotil. This root arranged by severally network.

Epidermis tissue have wall that thinly which gets semipermeabel

character. Cortex constitutes parenkim tissue walled flimsy and having a

lot of cell squire room that beneficent for substance interchange.

Endodermis as as undercoated as cell, on its cell wall exists cork thick.

Stele constitutes center cylinder on botanical.

12. Stem of Cucurbita moscata

The cortex is also called skin stem first, consisting of several layers of

cells, which is close to the epidermal layer is composed of kolenkim

network, composed of increasingly into the parenchyma tissue

Endodermis rod is also called skin deep, composed of a layer of cells, an

insulating layer between the cortex to the stele.

13. Root of Archis hypogea

The peanut, or groundnut (Arachis hypogaea), is a species in the

legume or "bean" family (Fabaceae). The peanut was probably first

cultivated in the valleys of Peru. Hypogaea means "under the earth", after

Page 17: Microscopic observation (basic biology) unm

pollination, the flower stalk elongates causing it to bend until the ovary

touches the ground.

14. Leaves of Ficus elastica

The leaves develop inside a sheath at the apical meristem, which

grows larger as the new leaf develops. When it is mature, it unfurls and

the sheath drops off the plant. Inside the new leaf, another immature leaf

is waiting to develop.As with other members of the genus Ficus, the

flowers require a particular species of fig wasp to pollinate it in a co-

evolved relationship.

Page 18: Microscopic observation (basic biology) unm



Tissue is collection of cell which related one with the other and have the same

structure and the same function. Science that learn about the structure of the tissues

namely histology. Animal tissues can be grouped into four basic types: connective,

muscle, nervous, and epithelial. Multiple tissue types comprise organs and body

structures. While all animals can generally be considered to contain the four tissue

types, the manifestation of these tissues can differ depending on the type of

organism. All tissue animals and plants have their respective functions and organs

develop into an organ system to perform is functions.

B. Suggestion

1. Suggestion for laboratory

I hope for next practicum student can use microscope for each self .and the

laboratory can become good place or suitable for practicum.

2. Suggestion for Assistant

I hope assistant can give information and directive about practicum ,may be

can give time to make the result observation

3. Suggestion for the all friends

I hope all friend can hear and can see if assistant and coordinator assistant

give information,so we can do practicum

Page 19: Microscopic observation (basic biology) unm


Anonymous, 2011.Tissue(biologi).http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tissue Accessed at November 7th 2011.

Campbell,Neil A.1974.Biologi.Jakarta:Penerbit Erlangga

Dalen,Anton van.1970.The plant world:America

Slate,Audrey nelson.1974.Principles of biology.New York:Harper and RowPublisher

Tim pengajar,2011.Penuntun praktikum biologi dasar.Makassar:UNM