micro finance - predictive client interaction

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  • 8/2/2019 Micro Finance - Predictive Client Interaction


    Micro-FinanceClient Loan Interaction

    Before Application

    Structured Questions and Answers

    KEY: MFI - MicroFinance Institution MFR - MicroFinance Response

    (1) Potential Client:What type of loans do you offer?MFI : Through the MFI loan program individuals, groups, sole proprietor ships and

    registered companies can borrow for business development (inventory

    expansion, new product development, etc) , education, health care and certain


    (2) Potential Client: What is the maximum amount I can borrow?

    MFI: You can borrow amounts as low as J$10,000 to a maximum of J$2.5m (or the

    equivalent in USD).

    (3) Potential Client: How long is the period of the loan?

    MFI: Loans are short term in nature - 2 weeks to a maximum of 2 years.

    (4) Potential Client: Will I need to provide collateral for the loan?

    MFI: It depends on the nature of the loan.

    (5) Potential Client: What kind of collateral do you accept?

    MFI: Motor Vehicles up to 10 years old, Real Estate, Insurance Policies, Bank

    Investments, machinery, household appliances, computer equipment.

    (6) Potential Client:What is the rate of interest charged?MFI: Depending on the nature and period of the loan, interest rates can vary from

    - 14% to 60% and USD - 7% to 15% on the reducing balance.

    (7) Potential Client: How long will it take to approve the loan?

    MFI: It depends on the kind of loan but the period ranges from 1 to 2 weeks.

    (8) Potential Client: What form of documentation will I need to complete loan?

    MFI: You will need copy of a valid ID, proof of residence, job letter, 3 months pay

    slips, copies of bank statement (last 6 months), 2 references.

    (9) Potential Client: Am I required to pay an upfront fee for getting the loan?

    MFI: Some MFIs will charge no fees but others will may charge anywhere from %

    up to as high as 3%.

    (10) Potential Client: Are there any other charges I will need to pay?

    MFI: It depends on the nature of the loan and the security documentation required.

  • 8/2/2019 Micro Finance - Predictive Client Interaction


    Structured Questions & Answers - Secondary

    Potential Client:How do I get started?MFI:You can start the process immediately by filling out the Inquiry Form!

    Potential Client:Do I need a Checking or Savings Account to qualify for a loan?MFI:No. You can repay loans using cash or Mobile Credit.

    Potential Client:Do you check my credit?MFI:Your Loans Officer may run a credit check or ask for credit references.

    Potential Client:Can I pay off the loan at any time?


    Free form Questions

    Potential Client: I am interested in a loan.

    MFR: How much and what is the purpose of the loan?Potential Client- $10,000. I need to buy a sewing machine for my business.Potential Client: $5m. I need to purchase a house.MFR: Is your business registered or are you a sole proprietor?MFR: We offer loans up to a maximum of J$2.5m.MFR contd: We offer loans only for: Refer to Q/A One.Potential Client: Sole proprietor.MFR: You will first need to fill out an application form.

    MFR:contd: The application form is available at ______ .

    MFR:contd: If you have difficulties completing contact ______ .

    Potential Client: Do you need security?

    MFR: Yes, you can use the assets here as security.MFR: Is there anything else we can help with today? (Standard after all

    exchanges)Potential Client: No.Potential Client: Yes.MFR: Have a great day!

    MFR: Please select from our menu and wait for your response.Potential Client: I do not have all the documentation that is required to apply for the loan.

    Can I still go ahead?MFR: All the documentation listed will be required by the MFI.MFR: Only in special circumstances will the loans officer grant a waiver.

    Potential Client: Will my loan officer accept copies of the documents required?MFR: The loans officer will need to see originals of all documentation. He or she

    will make or take copies and return the originals.

    Potential Client: Do you lend money?MFR: Yes, we do lend money. We lend from J$10,000 to a maximum of

    J$2.5m. Refer to Q/A Two.

    MFR contd: The loan has to be secured by the assets (Refer to Q/A Five) & can be

    used for (Refer Q/A One).

  • 8/2/2019 Micro Finance - Predictive Client Interaction


    Potential Client: What is the rate of interest?MFR: Interest rates can vary from J$ - 14% to 60%p.a. (Reducing Balance).

    Refer to Q/A Six.

    Potential Client: Can I get a lower rate?MFR: The rate is fixed at XXX%p.a. on loans.

    Potential Client: How long do I have to repay?MFR: You repay p and I monthly.MFR contd: The repayment period ranges from 2 weeks to 2 yrs.

    Potential Client: Can you help me restructure an existing debt?

    MFR: Under certain circumstances, you can borrow to restructure an existingdebt.

    MFR: For example, if refinancing would free cash flow to promote growth or add

    employees, your Loans Officer may consider a loan.

    Potential Client: I am part of a group set up to invest in an agricultural project. Will you

    consider lending?

    MFR: Yes, some MFIs will lend to groups.

    MFR: Each member of the group will co-sign on the loan.

    Potential Client: What is an MFI?MFR: We are a lending company. You can borrow funds from J$10,000 to


    MFR:cont: Refer to Q/A for more details.

    Potential Client: Can I borrow in US$?MFR: It depends on whether or not you earn USD.

    MFR contd: If you do not earn USD, the loan will be denominated in J$.

    MFR: Refer to Q/A for more details.

    Potential Client: I need a loan but I have no security/collateral.

    MFR: Collateral is required depending on the nature and tenure of the loan.

    MFR:cont: The assets that can be used as security are (Refer to Q/A Five).

    MFR: Refer to Q/A for more details.

    Potential Client: I need a loan but only have a car that is 15 years old.

    MFR: Collateral is required depending on the nature and tenure of the loan.MFR contd: Typically motor vehicles should not be more than 10 years old.MFR contd: The assets that can be used as security are (Refer to Q/A Five).MFR: Refer to Q/A for more details.

    Potential Client: I have collateral but not in my name.

    MFR: Collateral is required depending on the nature and tenure of the loan.MFR:cont: The assets that can be used as security are (Refer to Q/A Five).MFR: Refer to Q/A for more details.

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    Potential Client: Can I borrow jointly?

    MFR: Yes you are allowed to use a co-signer.

    MFR: The MFI will need full details on the co-signer.

    MFR: The co-signer will need to sign loan documentation with you.

    Potential Client: I do not have any of the collateral listed. Can I have someone guarantee

    my loan?

    MFR: Under certain circumstances guarantors are acceptable to secure a loan.

    Potential Client: Who can I use as a Guarantor?

    MFR: You can used any employed person.

    MFR: They should been employed for the last 3 years.

    MFR contd: And be able to show they can pay your loan should you default.

    Potential Client: What will the Guarantor need to provide?

    MFR: 3 months payslips, 6 months bank statements, Acceptable form of ID.

    Potential Client: Will my guarantor need to accompany me to see Loans Officer?

    MFR: Yes, your guarantor will need to accompany at the request of your Loans


    Potential Client: My guarantor works and cant leave in the days.

    MFR: Your guarantor will need to sign in person.

    MFR: Please explain to guarantor and give enough notice for appointment to

    visit Loans Officer.

    Potential Client: Can I use my mother as Guarantor?

    MFR: Family members are typically not allowed.

    MFR: Your Loans Officer will require an independent person to act as


    Future Support

    Potential Client: I was told I can borrow J$50,000 from your company. What would my

    monthly payment be?

    MFR: To work out your monthly payment, use our loan calculator here.

    MFR: It tells you your monthly payment and breaks it down into principal and


    Potential Client: What if its difficult to use?

    MFR: Its very easy to use.

    MFR: Just go to the screen input the J$50,000 and press calculate.

    MFR: If you have any difficulties contact your nearest MFI.

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    Potential Client: At what point will I be required to pay the fee charged for getting the loan?

    MFR: When the loan is approved.

    Potential Client: Can you deduct from the loan amount?

    MFR: Yes, the fee can be taken from the loan before disbursement.

    Potential Client: What if after the loan is approved, I change my mind. Will I get back the

    upfront fee I have paid?

    MFR: We will retain/collect XXXX for processing the loan.

    MFR:cont: The fee of YYYYY charged for establishing the loan will not be applicable.

    Potential Client: I just registered my company. Can I still get a loan?

    MFR: Businesses typically need to be registered for at least 6 months.

    MFR: MFIs however have very flexible loan plans.

    MFR: Refer to Q/A for more details.

    Potential Client: I want to apply for a loan, what documentation do I need?

    MFR: You will need to complete a loan application.

    MFR: We need copy of a valid ID, proof of residence, etc. (Refer to Q/A Eight).

    MFR: Go here for full list.

    Potential Client: Where can I get the application form?

    MFR: The form can be picked at any MFI.

    Potential Client: What should I do once the form is completed?

    MFR: Drop off at your nearest MFI.MFR contd: Bring other documentation required also.

    Potential Client: Who can I use as Reference?

    MFR: You may use an Attorney, Pastor, Bank Manager, Professional, JP.

    Potential Client: I am only interested in a PAYDAY LOAN. How does that work?MFR: A Payday Loan is a short-term loan until your next payday.MFR: When the loan is due, you may:

    MFR contd: Pay the interest to extend the loan until your next payday

    MFR contd: Pay the loan in full. It's always your choice

    Potential Client: I am interested in a MV Loan. How does that work?MFR: With a MV loan, a lien is placed on your vehicle and you continue to

    drive it.

    MFR: MV loans are available for 30 days up to a maximum of 2 years.

    Potential Client: What do I need to qualify for a payday loan?MFR: You must have an open and active Checking or Savings Account

    (preferably with Direct Deposit).

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    MFR: You must be 18 years of age, have a steady verifiable income, and

    have a current permanent residence.

    Potential Client: What do I need to qualify for a Online Micro Loans Title Loan?MFR: You must own a Paid Off Vehicle with a Clear Title, be 18 years of

    age, have a steady verifiable income, and have a current permanent


    Potential Client: Do I need a Checking or Savings Account for a payday loan?MFR: Yes. You need a Checking or Savings Account, preferably with Direct


    Potential Client: How fast can I get the payday loan money?MFR: Applications can be approved and processed within an hour to a few

    days.MFR: Once approved, the loan proceeds will be deposited directly into your

    checking account and the funds will be available on the next bank

    business day.

    Potential Client: How fast can I get the MV loan money?MFR: Applications can be approved and processed within a few hours to a

    few days.

    MFR: Once approved, the loan proceeds will be deposited directly into your

    checking account and the funds will be available on the next bank

    business day.

    Potential Client: How much money can I borrow for a payday loan?MFR: The loan amount is based upon your monthly income and your

    stability at your job and residence.


    After completing your application you will be told instantly online howmuch you are approved for.

    Potential Client: How much money can I borrow for a MV loan?MFR: The MV loan amount is based upon the value of your vehicle and

    your monthly income.

    Potential Client: Where can I find an MFI?

    MFR: See list (Refer to Q/A) of all participating locations.

    Potential Client: Do I have to use the one nearest to me?

    MFR: No. You may choose any MFI you prefer.

  • 8/2/2019 Micro Finance - Predictive Client Interaction


    Client Loan InteractionDuring Approval

    Free Form Questions

    Client: I made an application for a loan but have not heard anything/not gotten aresponse.

    MFR: Please type in your ref # (depending on interface, this resp could be eliminated).

    MFR: Your application is possibly still being processed.MFR contd: Give your MFI a call now check back with them in a couple days.MFR: Is there anything else we can help with today? (Standard after all exchanges).Client: No.Client: Yes.MFR: Have a great day!MFR: Please select from our menu and wait for your response.

    Client:- I have been approved for a loan but have not received the funds.

    MFR: Have you submitted all docs required?Client: NoClient: YesMFR: All docs must be submitted before disbursement.MFR contd: Take docs to MFI asap.MFR contd: If you are having trouble with form, contact your MFI for help.

    Client: Will I receive funds once I have submitted docs?

    MFR: Yes, providing all other requirements are met.

    Client: I have submitted a loan application but my loans officer is very slow.

    MFR: Please call your MFI for an update.

    Client: I have done that already but im not getting anywhere.

    MFR: Have you spoken to a Supervisor or the Manager of the MFI?

    Client: Yes

    Client: No

    MFR: You should try another MFI in your area.

    MFR: Ask a Supervisor or Manager to help.

    Client: I made an application for a loan but now realise that I need more cash.

    MFR: Has the loan been approved?

    Client: Yes

    Client: No

    MFR: Speak to your MFI just the same, they may be able to adjust loan.

    MFR: Your loan is being processed. Its not too late to make changes.

    Client: I made an application for a loan but now realise that I need less cash.MFR: Has the loan been approved?Client: Yes

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    Client: NoMFR: Speak to your MFI just the same, they may be able to adjust loan.

    MFR: Your loan is being processed. Its not too late to make changes.

    Client: I made an application for a loan but now need to change the security offered.

    MFR: Has the loan been approved?Client:


    Client: NoMFR: Speak to your MFI just the same, they may be able to adjust loan.

    MFR: Your loan is being processed. Its not too late to make changes.

    Client: I made an application for a loan but need a longer time to repay.MFR: Has the loan been approved?Client: YesClient: NoMFR: Speak to your MFI just the same, they may be able to adjust loan.

    MFR: Your loan is being processed. Its not too late to make changes.

    Client: I made an application for a loan but my co-signer has changed his mind.MFR: Has the loan been approved?Client: YesClient: NoMFR: Speak to your MFI just the same, they may be able to adjust loan.

    MFR: Your loan is being processed. Its not too late to make changes.

    Client: I made an application for a loan but my Guarantor has changed his mind.MFR: You will need a new Guarantor or provide other acceptable security.MFR: Has the loan been approved?Client: YesClient: NoMFR: Speak to your MFI just the same, they may be able to adjust loan.

    MFR: Your loan is being processed. Its not too late to make changes.

    Client: I made an application for a loan but one of my References has changed hiSmind.

    MFR: You will need a new Referee.

    MFR: Has the loan been approved?

    Client: YesClient: NoMFR: Speak to your MFI just the same, they may be able to adjust loan.

    MFR: Your loan is being processed. Its not too late to make changes.

    Client: I made an application for a loan as part of a group but some members havechanged their minds and want out.

    MFR: Has the loan been approved?Client: YesClient: NoMFR: Speak to your MFI just the same, they may be able to adjust loan.

    MFR: Your loan is being processed. Its not too late to make changes.

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    Client: I made an application for a loan but I am not happy with the terms offered.MFR: Has the loan been approved?Client: YesClient: NoMFR: Speak to your MFI just the same, they may be able to adjust loan.

    MFR: Your loan is being processed. Its not too late to make changes.

    Client: I applied for a loan when can I sign the documents?MFR: Have you received a formal approval from MFI?Client: YesClient: NoMFR: Contact your MFI, they will tell you when the docs are ready.MFR: The loan is not yet approved.MFR contd: Contact your MFI for an update.

    Client: If I am late or default on my loan, will I need to tell my Guarantor?

    MFR: Once your loan is at risk of default (2 months payments in arrears), your

    Guarantor will be notified.

    MFR: If you default on the loan (3 months payments in arrears), a formal demand is

    also made on Guarantor.

    Client: If I am late or default on my loan, will I need to tell my Co-signer?MFR: Your Co-signer receives all the notifications on the loan arrangement.MFR: Once your loan is at risk of default (2 months payments in arrears), your Co-

    signer will be notified.

    MFR: If you default on the loan (3 months payments in arrears), a formal demand is

    also made on Co-signer.

  • 8/2/2019 Micro Finance - Predictive Client Interaction


    Client Loan InteractionDuring Approval - From MFI Perspective

    Free Form Interaction

    MFI: We have received documentation as required. Can you provide the originals?

    Client:Yes I can provide originals. When can drop them off?

    MFI: Please drop them off today/by ......................We will not be able to complete

    application without them.

    Client: I only have some originals. What do I do?

    MFI: Drop off the originals you have then I will guide you once received.

    MFI: We have received your job letter but it is not on a letterhead? Can you provide us with

    a job letter on your companys letterhead?

    Client:My supervisor requires a formal request from you?

    MFI: OK. We have a standard request form. We can get it to you or to your supervisor byemail, fax or hand delivery. Or you can pick up.

    Client:When can I come in?

    MFI: Anytime. I will leave at the front desk!

    MFI: I have a copy of the valuation for the asset you would like to use as security in hand

    but your loan request is more than we are prepared to lend.

    Client: What will you lend?

    MFI: Only 70% of the value.

    Client: I will need more money than that.


    You will need to provide more security to get the full amount.

    Client:What else can I use?

    MFI: Point to Q/A 5.

    MFI: We have received your ID. It is the National Voters ID. Can you provide us with a copy

    of your drivers licence or passport instead?

    Client: I only have the Voters ID.

    Client:OK...I can use my DL.

    MFI: Ok...we will need you have have a copy of the Voters ID certified by a JP or Notary

    Public. When can you have this done?

    MFI: thank you. Please let us have a copy of the DL asap.

    MFI: You are requesting a loan in USD but your earnings are in J$.Client:But the rate on the USD is lower.

    MFI: Yes but bear in mind the exchange rate risk. We require that you earn USD to offset

    that risk.

    Client:Can I get a lower rate on the J$ loan then?

    MFI: No...the rate is fixed.

    MFI: Yes, we can consider reducing by XXXX points.

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    MFI: We have recd you business loan application but based on the type of loan we need to

    see audited financials for the last three years.

    Client: I have never done an audit.

    MFI: We will need the accounts certified by a professional account.

    Client: How do I go about doing that and wont that cost me more money?

    MFI: If your accountant is a qualified CPA, he can certify each page of the accounts you

    have provided. Here is a list of pre-approved accountants who could assist.MFI contd:We are not asking for a full audit so the cost will be lower.

    Client:How long will this take:

    MFI: It all depends. The accountant will advise.

    MFI: We have recd you business loan application but based on the type of loan we need tosee 3 to 5 years cashflow projections.

    Client: I have never done cashflows.MFI: We will need the cashflows to determine your ability to service loan.Client:How do I go about doing that and wont that cost me more money? MFI: your accountant should be able to them. Alternately, Here is a list of pre-approved

    accountants who could assist.MFI: Explain to the accountant what you are doing and ask for an affordable fee.Client:How long will this take:MFI: It all depends. The accountant will advise.MFI: We are processing your loan application but you have not provided a TRN.Client: I do not have a TRN number.MFI: You will need to apply for one.Client:How do I do that?MFI: Call your nearest tax office and ask for the requirements.

    MFI: Your loan has been approved but you have not provided a payee.

    Client:Can I get the loan in my name?

    MFI: No, we will need to make the check directly to your supplier.Client:He does not have a checking account.

    MFI: He can use a savings account or provide us with other payment information.

    Client:Can I give you details?

    MFI: No...I need instructions from supplier on letterhead and signed by the supplier.

    MFI: Can you provide us with the original title for the MV being used as collateral?

    Client: I do not have the original title.

    MFI: Where is it?

    Client: I took a loan from another bank and they have it.

    MFI: Have you paid off the loan?

    Client:Yes, I have.


    MFI: Make request for the title to be returned to you.

    MFI: You will need to pay off the balance on the loan first, then request the title.

    MFI: We have completed the assessment of your loan application. When can you come in

    and sign?

    Client:Can I have someone pick up the docs?

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    MFI: No...you are required to sign them in person.

    Client: I am busy this week.

    MFI: Make some time and give us a call when you can come in.

    MFI: Your loan application is approved. When can you come in and pick up check?Client:Can I have someone pick up the check?MFI:

    You are required to sign for the check. If you cant come in, please write a formalrequest for it to be delivered to someone else.

    MFI: We have completed the assessment of your loan application. When can your guarantorcome in to sign?

    Client:Can I or someone pick up the docs and take to Guarantor?MFI: No...the Guarantor is required to sign in person.Client:She is busy this week.MFI: Schedule a time with Guarantor and give us a call when they can make it.

  • 8/2/2019 Micro Finance - Predictive Client Interaction


    Client Loan InteractionAfter Approval

    Free Form Questions

    Client:How much is my monthly payment

    MFR: Please type in your a/c # (depending on interface, this resp could be eliminated).

    MFR: Your monthly payment amount is ________ .MFR: Is there anything else we can help with today? (Standard after all exchanges).Client: No.Client: Yes.MFR: Have a great day!MFR: Please select from our menu and wait for your response.

    Client:Where do I make my loan payments?

    MFR: At your home branch (once client puts in a/c # the system can tell) located at _.

    MFR: Or any other branch locations.

    Client:How many loan payments will I make?MFR: 36 monthly payments.

    MFR: Refer to your loan approval letter for more details.

    Client:Can you remind me of the rate charged on my loan?MFR: 15%p.a.

    MFR: Refer to your loan approval for more information.

    Client:Do you accept checks for payment?MFR: Yes!

    Client:Can I pay with my personal check?MFR: Only certified checks are accepted.

    Client: Can I pay my loan payments in cash?MFR: Yes, you can!

    Client:What if I have more than the monthly payment, can I pay that amount?MFR: Yes! The interest outstanding will be paid first and the balance applied to your


    MFR:No! We only accept the agreed monthly payment as per loan agreement.

    (The system response here will depend on what the system allows).

    Client: If I have less than monthly payment, can I pay just the same?MFR: Yes. The int outstanding will be paid first and the bal applied to your principal.

    MFR: No. We only accept the agreed monthly payment as per loan agreement.

    Client:What if I want to pay off loan before expiry date?MFR: Yes, you can!

    MFR: Ask for full payout balance from your MFI.

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    Client:Will my title you hold as security be released.MFR: Yes, once the loan is fully repaid.

    Client: Is there a charge for paying off the loan early?MFR: Yes, there is an early payoff fee.MFR cont:There is a standard early payoff fee of ______ .MFR: Refer to your loan docs for more information.

    MFR: There is no additional charge for early payment, full or partial.

    Client:What if I need to borrow more funds?MFR: Yes, you can borrow more funds depending on current balance owed.

    MFR: Discuss with your MFI the total credit available to you.

    MFR: Also, explain why you need more funds.

    MFR: If you are still paying your loan, no additional funds can be borrowed.

    Client: What if I am unable to pay this months payment? MFR: Why do you feel you may not be able to make payment?Client: I have an emergency.Client: I have been laid off.MFR: Write to your MFI explaining situation.MFR: The MFI will need documentation as proof.MFR: Once they have received, they will contact to reschedule.Client: I need the money as Christmas is just around the corner.MFR: The MFI will need a better reason for non-payment.MFR: If unable to make any payment, always contact MFI

    Client:What if I am having difficulties making payments? (Same as above)MFR: Speak to your MFI.MFR: If having difficulties meeting loan payments, always speak to your MFI.Client:Who do I speak to when I go to the MFI?MFR: Ask for a MFI loan representative.MFR: Loan reps are available at your MFI to serve your needs.

    Client: When I make my payment, will I get a receipt?MFR: Yes.MFR contd:A receipt is always issued after payment is made.MFR: Please file in your personal records for future reference.

    Client: I made my payment and did not get a receipt, what should I do?

    MFR: Are you absolutely sure you made a payment?


    MFR: Do you recall the name of the MFI loan representative.


    Client:YesMFR: Call your MFI. Ask for a Supervisor.

    MFR:cont: A receipt is issued after payment is made.

    MFR: Ask for the loan rep you dealt with.

    MFR contd:If he or she cannot help, discuss with Mngr.

    Client: I am working the monthly payment but cant get the figure you have given me.

    MFR: Your monthly payment is ____________ .

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    MFR:cont: It is calculated using the reducing balance method.

    MFR: Ask your loan rep to explain calculation.

    Future Support

    Client: I need to pay off my loan balance, what should I do?

    MFR: What is your account #/ Type in your account #. Press enter.Client:OK

    MFR: Your loan balance is .

    Client:What position is principal and what is interest?

    MFR: Your loan principal balance is______, Interest is_______.


    Client:That is not correct.

    MFR: You can pay off balance by cash or certified check.

    MFR: Ask your loan rep, they will clarify.

    Client: I keep calling my loan rep but no response, what should I do?

    MFR: Whats the name of your MFI?

    MFR: Here are the contact details for our MFI.


    Client:The phone numbers do not work.

    MFR: Keep trying. Try another number.

    MFR: If you cant speak to loan rep by phone, pay him/her a visit.

    Client: Did not make my last monthly payment, what should I do?

    MFR: Make payment asap.

    MFR: If you fail or cant make monthly payment, speak to loan rep asap.

    Client: I have not paid for 3 months now, what should I do?

    MFR: Speak to you your MFI asap.

    MFR: Your loan is at risk of default.

    Client:What does that mean?

    MFR: The MFI makes a demand for full payment now.

    MFR: If you fail or cant make monthly payment, speak to loan rep asap.Client:What can I do?MFR: Make whatever payment you can asap.MFR: Discuss with your MFI options to help.Client: A friend of mine needs a loan, what should he do?MFR:

    He or she will need to complete an application.

    Client:Where can they get the application?MFR: Ask your friend to call an MFI.MFR: You can download application form here............MFR: For more information, speak with a loan rep.

    Client: I paid the wrong amount, what should I do?

    MFR: Do you know what the correct amount is?


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    Client: No

    MFR: If less, make additional payment asap.

    MFR:cont: be sure to tell loan rep the reason for making payment.

    MFR: If more, indicate to your MFI asap.

    MFR contd:Keep receipt for the payment as evidence.

    MFR: Refer to your loan approval for correct payment.

    MFR: If less................................................If more....................

    Client: I get paid on the 25th, but my monthly payment is on the 30th?

    MFR: Take your payslip in to your MFI.

    MFR: Discuss with your loan rep. Make formal request for change.Client:What if they do not change?MFR: Your MFI will do best to make payments as easy as possible.

    Client: I made my payment last month but I have received a letter saying I still owe:MFR: Do you have the receipt for the payment?Client:YesClient:NoMFR: Take the receipt to your MFI.MFR: Discuss with your loan rep or speak to a mgnr at your MFI.

    Client: I think my interest rate is too high, how do I get a lower rate?MFR: The interest rate is fixed.MFR: Discuss with your loan rep, they are there to serve your needs.

    Client: I am moving, how can I continue to make my payments?MFR: You will need to write formally to your MFI. The letter must be signed by you.MFR: You will need to provide details of new address.Client: Is there anything else I should do? Speak to your MFI.MFR:

    Discuss with your loan rep.

    Client: I am not sure an MFI is located near my new address.

    MFR: Here is a listing of all MFIs.

    MFR: Discuss further with your current MFI.

    Client: I am migrating, what should I do?MFR: You will need to write formally to your MFI. The letter must be signed by you.MFR: They will have a form form you to add new details.Client: Will I have to pay off the loan bal?MFR: No, as long as you continue to pay, no problem.Client:How will I get payment to Jamaica?MFR: Make arrangement with family/friend.MFR:cont: Make arrangement with MFI.MFR: Be sure to discuss further with your loan rep.

    Client:Someone else will make my loan payments, how should I arrange?MFR: You will need to write formally to your MFI. The letter must be signed by you.Client: Is there anything else I will need to do?MFR: You may need to complete form for additional information.Client:Where do I get this form?MFR: Speak to your MFI.

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    Client:How do I calculate my monthly payment?MFR: Your monthly payment is calculated at X%p.a. using the reducing bal each mth.Client: Is there a way I can calculate it myself?

    MFR: There are a number of amortization calculators on the web.

    MFR: An option is to discuss with your loan rep. He or she will explain.

    Future Support

    Client:How much interest do I pay monthly?MFR: Your monthly interest payment is shown in the schedule below.MFR: If you have any concerns, speak to your loan rep, they are there to serve you.

    Client:How much principal do I pay monthly?MFR: Your monthly principal payment is shown in the schedule below:MFR: If you have any concerns, discuss with your loan rep.

    Client:How much will I have paid at the end of the loan?MFR: The total principal and interest paid at the end of the loan is ____________.MFR: If you have any concerns, discuss with your loan rep.

    Client:Do you provide reminders before payments?MFR: Yes! Reminders are sent on the 10 days prior to payment.MFR: If you are not receiving reminders speak to your MFI.

    Client: I did not get a reminder last time, what happened?MFR: The system may have encountered a problem.MFR:cont: Or your phone may have been down.MFR: Did you make payment?Client: YesClient: NoMFR: Great! We will ensure reminder is sent next time.MFR: Please make payment asap.MFR: Speak to your MFI. Explain reason for late payment.MFR: Discuss with your loan rep, they are there to serve you.

    Future Support

    Client: What is my loan balance?MFR: Your loan balance is _____________.MFR:

    Ask your loan rep to explain, they are there to serve you.

    Client: Can I get a schedule of my payments?

    MFR: Yes.

    MFR: What is your account number?

    Client: XXXXXXXX

    Client: I do not remember.

    MFR: Your loan schedule is shown below.

    MFR: Ask your loan rep, they are there to serve you.

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    Client:Can I change my monthly loan payment?

    MFR: Yes, you will need to make formal request to your MFI.MFR: No, the monthly payment is fixed for the term of the loan.Client: But I am having trouble making payment.Client: I need to pay off my loan quicker.MFR: Discuss with your MFI.

    Client: Can I change my loan payment interval?MFR: No, the loan payment interval is fixed.MFR: Speak to your MFI. They can change to a more suitable interval.MFR: Be sure to explain why you need the change and how it will make payment easier.

    Client:The merchant says they have not received your disbursement.MFR: Have your loan been approved?Client: YesClient:NoMFR: Speak to your MFI. Explain that disbursement has not been receivedMFR: Your loan has to be approved first.MFR contd: Check with your MFI on status of the loan.

    Client: The goods I got from the merchant are defective, what should I do?MFR: Take back the goods and your receipt to the merchant.MFR contd:Show that the goods are defective and ask for a replacement.Client: What if they do not replace?MFR: File report with the FTC.MFR:cont: Also bring to the attn of MFI.MFR:cont: They will do whatever they can to have merchant rectify.

    Client: I do not want the goods offered anymore and need to exchange for cash.MFR: Did you keep transaction receipt?Client:YesClient:NoMFR: Speak to your MFI.MFR: You will need evidence of the transaction.

    Client: I did not like the service I received and want my money back.MFR: It is not likely to return goods for bad service.MFR: Speak to your MFI.

    Client: I went to collect goods from merchant but they would not give to me.

    MFR: Was your loan approved?Client:YesClient: I am not sure.MFR: Be sure to have your ID with you and any other d/ment from MFI.MFR: Do you have an account number?



    MFR: Speak to your MFI, loan may not be approved yet.

    MFR: Be sure to have your ID with you and any other d/ment from MFI.

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    Future Support

    Client Can I get a statement of my account?MFR: YesMFR:cont: A statement of your account is shown below.Client:Thanks!

    Client:The balance seems incorrect.MFR: You are welcome!MFR: Take in all your payment receipts to your MFI.MFR contd:Your MFI will reconcile and give you your correct balance.

    Client:My payment for this month will be late.MFR: If the payment is later than five days after due date, there is a penalty charge.Client:What is the charge?MFR:The standard charge is an additional 5% on the amount due.

    Future Support

    Client:What is that in dollar amount?MFR: What is your exact monthly payment?Client:XXXXXMFR: The charge is ..............Client:Can it be waived?MFR: No, unfortunately!

    Client:My payment for last month was late....I see a charge of XXXXX for late payment fee.MFR: Yes, if you are late there is a standard late payment fee.Client:How does this work?MFR: If the payment is later than five days after due date, there is a penalty charge.

    Client:What is the charge?MFR: The standard charge is an additional 5% on the amount due.Client:What is that in dollar amount?MFR: What is your exact monthly payment?Client:XXXXXMFR: The charge is ..............Client:Can it be waived?MFR: No, unfortunately!

    Client: I have just received notification of 1st warning saying my debt is at risk of default.MFR: Your loan is more than likely 2 months past due.Client:What should I do, I am unable to pay.

    Client: I just forgot to pay.Client: I made the payments and have my receipts.MFR: If you are having trouble paying, you should write formally to MFI.MFR:cont: Be sure to state the reasons.MFR: If forgotten to pay, simply make payments asap.MFR: Take the receipts in to your MFI asap.Client:And I wont have to make payments?MFR: No, your MFI may be able to restructure your loan.

    MFR: Write to them asap and make appointment to discuss.

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    Client: I have just received notification of 2nd warning saying my debt is at risk of default.MFR: Your loan is more than likely over 2 months past due.Client:What should I do, I am unable to pay.Client: I forgot to make payments.Client: I made the payments and have my receipts.

    MFR: If you are having trouble paying, you should write formally to MFI.

    MFR:cont: Be sure to state the reasons.MFR: If forgotten to pay, simply make payments asap.MFR: Take the receipts in to your MFI asap.

    Client:And I wont have to make payments?MFR: No, your MFI may be able to restructure your loan.MFR: Write to them asap and make appointment to discuss.

    Client: I have just received notification of default and demand for full payment.MFR: Your loan is more than likely over 3mths past due.Client:What should I do, I am unable to pay.Client: I forgot to make payments.Client: I made the payments and have my receipts.

    MFR: If you are having trouble paying, you should write formally to MFI.MFR:cont: Be sure to state the reasons.MFR: If forgotten to pay, simply make payments asap.MFR: Take the receipts in to your MFI asap.Client:And I wont have to make payments?MFR: No, your MFI may be able to restructure your loan.MFR: Write to them asap and make appointment to discuss.

    Client: I have not been getting monthly statements as promised. What should I do?MFR: If you have changed your address, you are required to formally write to MFI.

    Client: OKClient: I have not changed my address.

    MFR: If address still the same, you should receive statement.

    MFR:cont: Write or call MFI about non-receipt.MFR: Your balance is shown below but contact MFI asap.

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    First Name ______________________ MI _________________ Last Name _____________

    Email __________________________ Home Phone ________ Mobile Phone ___________

    Address ___________________________________________________________________

    Time at this address? _______ Yrs _______Mths. Date of Birth: _____/_____/______


    Name of Employer ___________________________________________________________

    Address ___________________________________________________________________

    Job Title ____________________ Work Phone ______________ Source of Income ____

    How do you get paid? Cheque from your employer (you deposit to Chequing A/c)

    Cheque from your employer (you deposit to Savings A/c)

    Electronic deposit into Chequing A/c

    Electronic deposit into Savings A/c

    Net Payment After Tax: __________________ Pay Frequency ___________________


    Reference Name _______________________ Work # ___________ Relationship _____

    Reference Name _______________________ Work # ___________ Relationship _____

    Bank Name ________________________________ How long with the bank? _____

    Routing # ______________________________ Chequing A/c # _____________________

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    Name: ___________________________________________________________________

    Company name: ___________________________________________________________

    Business Street Address: ____________________________________________________

    City/Country: ______________________________________________________________

    Business phone number: ____________________________________________________

    Email address: ____________________________________________________________

    Business Web site: _______________________________________ If none, type "none."

    Please describe your product or service: ________________________________________


    Loan request amount: $ _____________________________________________________

    Have you filed the relevant tax returns covering the past 12 months for the business forwhich you are applying for a loan?:



    If you answered "yes" to the previous question, how much revenue did you report in that taxfiling? :$ _________________________________________________________________If you did not file a tax return covering the last 12 months, type "NA." If you did file a return,but reported no revenue, type "0" (zero)

    If you answered "yes" to the previous question, how much profit did you report in that taxfiling? : $ _________________________________________________________________If you did not file a tax return covering the last 12 months, type "NA." If you did file a return,but reported no profit, type "0" (zero)What is your projected current-year revenue?: $ __________________________________Please base this answer on your actual business income so far this year. For example, if youhave three months of revenue, multiply that amount times four to get a 12-month revenuefigure. If you have seven months of revenue, divide that amount by seven to get a monthlyaverage, then multiply that sum by 12 to get the 12-month revenue figure.

    What is your projected current-year profit?: $ ____________________________________

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    Please base this answer on your actual business profit so far this year. For example, if youhave three months of profit, multiply that amount times four to get a 12-month revenuefigure. If you have seven months of profit, divide that amount by seven to get a monthlyaverage, then multiply that sum by 12 to get the 12-month profit figure.

    How many years have you owned this business?: ________________________________What is the purpose of the loan?:


    Has this request been turned down by other financing sources? (if yes, check all that apply):



    Other lender

    Please specify where you previously sought funding for this request:

    ________________________________________________________________________If none, type "none." If your request has been turned down previously, please name the loanofficer and the bank or institution where you applied for a loan.

    To proceed, we will need to contact that loan officer. Do we have your permission to contacthim/her? :



    I haven't been turned down

    What is his/her phone number and/or email address?: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

    If you haven't been turned down, type "none."Are you currently delinquent on any personal or business loan?:


    NoIf you answered "yes" to the previous question, please explain : _____________________


    If you answered "no," type "none."If your business failed, how would you plan to repay the debt? (check all that apply):

    Business real estate

    Business equipment/machinery

    Business account receivables

    Personal real estate/asset (e.g. home or car)

    Personal income (job)

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    If you answered "other" to the previous question, please explain:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________If your answer was something different than "other," type "NA."

    Are you working with a business advisor with whom we could talk about this loan?:



    If you answered "yes" to the previous question, what is his/her phone number and/or emailaddress?: _______________________________________________________________If you answered "no," type "none."