micro design. system capacity crop water needs example calculate capacity required for a proposed 1...

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Page 1: Micro Design. System Capacity Crop Water Needs Example Calculate capacity required for a proposed 1 ac. Micro irrigation system on Vegetables

Micro Design

Page 2: Micro Design. System Capacity Crop Water Needs Example Calculate capacity required for a proposed 1 ac. Micro irrigation system on Vegetables


(Refer to NRCS Standard 441- Irrigation System, Micro Irrigation, for design requirements)

Total area irrigated ……..…………….... (acres)

Available water supply flow rate …….... (gpm) Available flow per acre: (gpm/acre)

System design flow rate …………….... (gpm) @ operating pressure of (psi)

# Zones Planned …………….... Area irrigated by each zone: (acres)

# Zones irrigated concurrently……….... Application rate per zone: (inches/hr)

Lateral line material: _________________________________ Inside diameter: (inches)

Drip tape/line material: ________________________________

Inside diameter: (inches)

Drip tape/line spacing: ………………….. (inches); Drip tape/line depth:


Flushing velocity: ………………………. (ft/s); Flushing end pressure: (psi)

Flushing flow rate: (gpm)

Page 3: Micro Design. System Capacity Crop Water Needs Example Calculate capacity required for a proposed 1 ac. Micro irrigation system on Vegetables

Describe Emitter (make, model, etc.):

Type (circle one): laminar laminar/turbulent turbulent Emitter spacing: (inches)

Emitter path width:……………………..... (inches); Emitter path height: (inches)

Describe Filter system (type, model, capacity in gpm):

Pressure loss across filter: ….………. (psi); Head required at filter: psi

Time required for backwash: …………. (hours); Backwash flow rate: gpm

Describe Sand Separator (type, model, capacity in gpm):

Describe Chemigation Valve (type, model, location):

Describe Check Valve (type, model, location):

Page 4: Micro Design. System Capacity Crop Water Needs Example Calculate capacity required for a proposed 1 ac. Micro irrigation system on Vegetables

Zone Number: Type of drip tape/line:

Emitter data (model, type,


Spacing: (inches)

Design manifold inlet pressure downstream of zone control valve: (psi)

Emitter discharge = q = Kd Hx (gal/hr) Kd = x =

Manufacturer’s Coefficient of Variation, (Cv):

Average emitter design discharge, qave: (gal/hr) @ line pressure of (psi)

Maximum emitter discharge, qmax: (gal/hr) @ line pressure of (psi)

Location of maximum discharge emitter:

Minimum emitter discharge, qmin: (gal/hr) @ line pressure of (psi)

Location of maximum discharge emitter:

Flow Variation = _________ % Emission Uniformity, (EU), = __________ %

Page 5: Micro Design. System Capacity Crop Water Needs Example Calculate capacity required for a proposed 1 ac. Micro irrigation system on Vegetables

System Capacity


*(1 )r


ET TGross Application F



SSFF rpg

dgp //**


100( )11.6 ( / )

( )ft tapeQ gpm

Application Rate in hrLateral spacing in

( ) ( )

( )

453 ( )in ac


D ASystem Q gpm


Page 6: Micro Design. System Capacity Crop Water Needs Example Calculate capacity required for a proposed 1 ac. Micro irrigation system on Vegetables

Crop Water Needs ExampleCalculate capacity required for a

proposed 1 ac. Micro irrigation system on Vegetables. Using drip tape with a flow of 0.45 gpm/100’ and 12” emitter spacing, 200 ft rows, 5 ft row spacing, and 10 fields of 0.1 ac each.

Q = 453*DA TD = .2” / system

efficiencyA = AreaT = 22 hrs

Page 7: Micro Design. System Capacity Crop Water Needs Example Calculate capacity required for a proposed 1 ac. Micro irrigation system on Vegetables

Crop Water Needs Example Answer

Q = 453*DA T

= 453 x (.2”/.9) x 1 ac22 hrs

= 4.5 gpm

Page 8: Micro Design. System Capacity Crop Water Needs Example Calculate capacity required for a proposed 1 ac. Micro irrigation system on Vegetables

Each field will have a capacity of 4.5 gpm.◦ 200 ft rows with a 0.45 gpm/100’ drip tape

flow will give you 0.9 gpm per row.◦ At 5 ft row spacing, 1 ac will have

approximately 10 fields, each of these fields will have 5 rows, 200 ft long.

◦ 5 rows times 0.9 gpm/row is 4.5 gpm per field.

Minimum water requirement is 4.5 gpm for 1 ac, we only need to run 1 field at a time to meet the crop water demand.

Page 9: Micro Design. System Capacity Crop Water Needs Example Calculate capacity required for a proposed 1 ac. Micro irrigation system on Vegetables

Hours of irrigation per day to apply .2”(1 field of 0.1 ac each)

T = 453*DA Q

= 453 x (.2”/.9) x 0.1 ac4.5 gpm

= 2 hrs and 15 minutes

Page 10: Micro Design. System Capacity Crop Water Needs Example Calculate capacity required for a proposed 1 ac. Micro irrigation system on Vegetables


8:00 a.m. field 1

2 hrs and 15 min @ 4.5 gpm

10:15 a.m. field 2

2 hrs and 15 min @ 4.5 gpm

12:30 p.m. field 3

2 hrs and 15 min @ 4.5 gpm

2:45 p.m. field 4

2 hrs and 15 min @ 4.5 gpm

5:15 p.m. field 5

2 hrs and 15 min @ 4.5 gpm

7:30 p.m. field 6

2 hrs and 15 min @ 4.5 gpm

9:45 p.m. field 7

2 hrs and 15 min @ 4.5 gpm

12:00 a.m. field 8

2 hrs and 15 min @ 4.5 gpm

2:15 a.m. field 9

2 hrs and 15 min @ 4.5 gpm

4:30 a.m. field 10

2 hrs and 15 min @ 4.5 gpm

Page 11: Micro Design. System Capacity Crop Water Needs Example Calculate capacity required for a proposed 1 ac. Micro irrigation system on Vegetables

When you get to the field you discover that the well only produces 2.7 gpm. So @ .9 gpm/row water 3 rows and have15 sets

Page 12: Micro Design. System Capacity Crop Water Needs Example Calculate capacity required for a proposed 1 ac. Micro irrigation system on Vegetables

Hours of irrigation per day to apply .2”(given a well capacity of 2.7 gpm and fields of 3 rows each)

T = 453*DA Q

= 453 x (.2”/.9) x 0.07 ac2.7 gpm

= 2 hrs and 40 minutes

Page 13: Micro Design. System Capacity Crop Water Needs Example Calculate capacity required for a proposed 1 ac. Micro irrigation system on Vegetables


8:00 a.m. Field 1

2 hrs and 40 min @ 2.7 gpm

At 6:00 a.m. the pump has been running for 22 hrs and at 8:00 a.m. we need to go back to Field 1 but we haven’t irrigated all the fields!!!!

10:40 a.m. Field 2

2 hrs and 40 min @ 2.7 gpm

1:20 p.m. Field 3

2 hrs and 40 min @ 2.7 gpm

4:00 p.m. Field 4

2 hrs and 40 min @ 2.7 gpm

6:40 p.m. Field 5

2 hrs and 40 min @ 2.7 gpm

9:20 p.m. Field 6

2 hrs and 40 min @ 2.7 gpm

12:00 a.m. Field 7

2 hrs and 40 min @ 2.7 gpm

2:40 a.m. Field 8

2 hrs and 40 min @ 2.7 gpm

5:20 a.m. Field 9

2 hrs and 40 min @ 2.7 gpm

Page 14: Micro Design. System Capacity Crop Water Needs Example Calculate capacity required for a proposed 1 ac. Micro irrigation system on Vegetables

Watering strategies

Select emitter based on water required

Calculate set time


a qe

FT )/(

Page 15: Micro Design. System Capacity Crop Water Needs Example Calculate capacity required for a proposed 1 ac. Micro irrigation system on Vegetables

Adjust flow rate or set time

If Ta is greater than 22 hr/day (even for a single-station system), increase the emitter discharge

If the increased discharge exceeds the recommended range or requires too much pressure, either larger emitters or more emitters per plant are required.

Page 16: Micro Design. System Capacity Crop Water Needs Example Calculate capacity required for a proposed 1 ac. Micro irrigation system on Vegetables

Select the number of stations If Ta ≈ 22 h/d, use a one-station system (N =

l), select Ta < 22 hr/day, and adjust qa accordingly.

If Ta <11 h/d, use N = 2, select a Ta <11, and adjust qa accordingly.

If 12 < Ta < 18, it may be desirable to use another emitter or a different number of emitters per plant to enable operating closer to 90 percent of the time and thereby reduce investment costs.

Page 17: Micro Design. System Capacity Crop Water Needs Example Calculate capacity required for a proposed 1 ac. Micro irrigation system on Vegetables

Pressure flow relationship (Pa)







qa= average emitter flow rate (gph)

Pa = average pressure (psi)

x = emitter exponentK = flow constant

Page 18: Micro Design. System Capacity Crop Water Needs Example Calculate capacity required for a proposed 1 ac. Micro irrigation system on Vegetables

Start with average lateral

Page 19: Micro Design. System Capacity Crop Water Needs Example Calculate capacity required for a proposed 1 ac. Micro irrigation system on Vegetables

Standard requiresPipe sizes for mains, submains, and laterals

shall maintain subunit (zone) emission uniformity (EU) within recommended limits

Systems shall be designed to provide discharge to any applicator in an irrigation subunit or zone operated simultaneously such that they will not exceed a total variation of 20 percent of the design discharge rate.

Page 20: Micro Design. System Capacity Crop Water Needs Example Calculate capacity required for a proposed 1 ac. Micro irrigation system on Vegetables

Design objectiveLimit the pressure differential to

maintain the desired EU and flow variation

What effects the pressure differential◦Lateral length and diameter◦Manifold location◦slope

Page 21: Micro Design. System Capacity Crop Water Needs Example Calculate capacity required for a proposed 1 ac. Micro irrigation system on Vegetables

Four Cases

Page 22: Micro Design. System Capacity Crop Water Needs Example Calculate capacity required for a proposed 1 ac. Micro irrigation system on Vegetables

Allowable pressure loss (subunit)

This applies to both the lateral and subunit. Most of the friction loss occurs in the first 40% of the lateral or manifold

nas PPP 5.2

DPs =allowable pressure loss for subunit

Pa = average emitter pressure

Pn = minimum emitter pressure

Page 23: Micro Design. System Capacity Crop Water Needs Example Calculate capacity required for a proposed 1 ac. Micro irrigation system on Vegetables

Emission Uniformity

1 1.27 100n




Page 24: Micro Design. System Capacity Crop Water Needs Example Calculate capacity required for a proposed 1 ac. Micro irrigation system on Vegetables

Q is related to Pressure


1 1.27 100


n n n n

a a a a




q P P q

q P P q




Page 25: Micro Design. System Capacity Crop Water Needs Example Calculate capacity required for a proposed 1 ac. Micro irrigation system on Vegetables

HydraulicsLimited lateral losses to 0.5DPs

Equation for estimating◦Darcy-Weisbach (best)◦Hazen-Williams◦Watters-Keller (easiest, used in NRCS


Page 26: Micro Design. System Capacity Crop Water Needs Example Calculate capacity required for a proposed 1 ac. Micro irrigation system on Vegetables


QFhf 87.4



C factor Pipe diameter (in)

130 ≤ 1

140 < 3

150 ≥ 3

130 Lay flat

Hazen-Williams equation

hf =friction loss (ft)

F = multiple outlet factor

Q = flow rate (gpm)

C = friction coefficient

D = inside diameter of the pipe (in)

L = pipe length (ft)

Page 27: Micro Design. System Capacity Crop Water Needs Example Calculate capacity required for a proposed 1 ac. Micro irrigation system on Vegetables

Watters-Keller equation





hf = friction loss (ft)

K = constant (.00133 for pipe < 5” .00100 for > 5”)

F = multiple outlet factor

L = pipe length (ft)

Q = flow rate (gpm)

D = inside pipe diameter (in)

Page 28: Micro Design. System Capacity Crop Water Needs Example Calculate capacity required for a proposed 1 ac. Micro irrigation system on Vegetables

Multiple outlet factors

Number of outlets

FNumber of



1.851 1.752 1.851 1.752







Page 29: Micro Design. System Capacity Crop Water Needs Example Calculate capacity required for a proposed 1 ac. Micro irrigation system on Vegetables

Adjust length for barb and other minor losses

Page 30: Micro Design. System Capacity Crop Water Needs Example Calculate capacity required for a proposed 1 ac. Micro irrigation system on Vegetables

Adjusted length





L’ = adjusted lateral length (ft)

L = lateral length (ft)

Se = emitter spacing (ft)

fe = barb loss (ft)

Page 31: Micro Design. System Capacity Crop Water Needs Example Calculate capacity required for a proposed 1 ac. Micro irrigation system on Vegetables

Start with average lateral

Page 32: Micro Design. System Capacity Crop Water Needs Example Calculate capacity required for a proposed 1 ac. Micro irrigation system on Vegetables

Pressure Tanks

Page 33: Micro Design. System Capacity Crop Water Needs Example Calculate capacity required for a proposed 1 ac. Micro irrigation system on Vegetables

Practice problem