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  • 8/11/2019 Mgw Config Mana


    Open Multimedia Gateway, Rel.

    Ui5.0 EP2, Operating

    Documentation, issue 1

    Configuration Management


    Issue 1-7

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  • 8/11/2019 Mgw Config Mana



    DN09137376 Issue 1-7

    Configuration Management


    The information in this document is subject to change without notice and describes only the

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  • 8/11/2019 Mgw Config Mana


    DN09137376 Issue 1-7


    Configuration Management


    Table of ContentsThis document has 48 pages.

    Summary of changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

    1 Scope of the document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

    2 Permissions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

    2.1 Permissions for SCLI commands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

    2.2 Permissions for Web UI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

    3 Configuration management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

    3.1 Configuration locking feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

    3.2 Configuration transaction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

    3.3 Configuration snapshot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

    4 Configuration management with Web UI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

    4.1 Configuration lock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

    4.2 Transaction management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

    4.3 Configuration snapshot operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

    5 Configuration management with SCLI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

    5.1 Configuration lock using SCLI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

    5.1.1 Using exclusive configuration lock to prevent parallel modification . . . . 21

    5.1.2 Using the normal, non-exclusive configuration lock for parallel sessions by

    the same user . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

    5.2 Transaction using SCLI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

    5.2.1 Executing a successful transaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295.2.2 Rollback a transaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

    5.3 Configuration snapshot using SCLI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

    5.3.1 Listing configuration snapshots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

    5.3.2 Defining a new startup configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

    5.3.3 Saving a configuration snapshot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

    5.3.4 Restoring a saved configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

    5.3.5 Deleting a configuration snapshot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

    5.4 Making configuration changes using the configuration lock, transaction,

    and configuration snapshot concept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

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    DN09137376 Issue 1-7

    Configuration Management


    List of TablesTable 1 SCLI commands and user permissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

    Table 2 WebUI operations and user permissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

    Table 3 Transaction States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

    Table 4 Parameter descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

    Table 5 Parameter descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

    Table 6 Parameters for executing a transaction command. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

    Table 7 Parameters of show snapshot list all command. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

    Table 8 Parameters of show snapshot list all command. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

    Table 9 Parameters of show snapshot list all command. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

    Table 10 Parameters of show snapshot list all command. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

    Table 11 Parameters of set snapshot startup command. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

    Table 12 Parameters of save snapshot config-name command. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

    Table 13 Parameters of set snapshot command. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43Table 14 Parameters of delete snapshot command. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

  • 8/11/2019 Mgw Config Mana


    DN09137376 Issue 1-7


    Configuration Management Summary of changes


    Summary of changesChanges between document issues are cumulative. Therefore, the latest document

    issue contains all changes made to previous issues.

    Changes between Issue 1-7 and Issue 1-6:

    Section Scope of the documentis added.

    Permissions for NE3S are removed from section Permissions.

    Section Configuration managementhas been updated:

    A note for configuration lock is added;

    A note for transaction commitment is added;

    A reference to NE3S O&M interface in Open MGWis added.

    Section Configuration management with Web UIhas been updated as following:

    A note for configuration lock is added to subchapter Configuration lock;

    A note for node startup is added to subchapter Transaction management.

    Section Configuration management with SCLIis updated as follows:.

    A note for configuration lock is added to subchapter Using the normal, non-

    exclusive configuration lock for parallel sessions by the same user;

    A note for node startup is added to subchapter Executing a successful transac-


    Section Configuration management via NetAct is removed from the document.

    Changes between Issue 1-6 and Issue 1-5:

    Section Permissionsis updated.

    Section Configuration managementhas been updated as following:

    The description for Normal configuration lock and Exclusive configuration

    lock are added.

    Section Configuration management with Web UIhas been updated as following:

    The transaction states icons are added to subchapter Transaction management.

    Section Configuration management with SCLIis updated as follows:

    Summary and parameter descriptions are updated throughout the chapter.

    Section Configuration management via NetActis updated as follows:.

    The name of the chapter is changed from Configuration management via NMS

    to Configuration management via NetAct.

    Fragments AoM and HWM is added to subchapter Introduction;

    For subchapter NE3S WS Interface:

    Fragments PM, AoM and HWM are updated;A note for encryption is added;

    Subchapter Basic configurationis updated;

    SubchapterAudit trail logging operations via NE3S-WS interfaceis added;

    Subchapter Configuration snapshot in NE3SAgent, Configuration lock in

    NE3SAgent, and Transaction timeout in NE3SAgentare updated;

    Subchapter Configuring using SCLI commandsis added.

    Changes between Issue 1-5 and Issue 1-4:

    Section Configuration management with Web UIhas been updated as following:

    The Tools tab is replaced with Configuration > Settings.

    The transaction status contents are removed from subchapter Transaction man-agement.

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    DN09137376 Issue 1-7

    Configuration Management


    Summary of changes

    Section Configuration managementhas been updated as following:

    The reference to Adding nodes/blades to the system configuration is removed.

    Changes between Issue 1-4 and Issue 1-3:

    Section Configuration managementhas been updated as following:

    Configuration transaction is updated.

    Section Configuration management with SCLIis updated as follows:.

    Summary is updated to subchapter Executing a successful transaction;

    Summary is updated to subchapter Rollback a transaction;

    Changes between Issue 1-4 and Issue 1-3:

    Section Permissionsis updated.

    Section Configuration management with Web UIhas been updated as following:

    The whole chapter is updated.

    Section Configuration management via NMSis updated as follows:.

    Table NE3S WS supported fragments and features is updated to subchapter

    NE3S WS Interface;

    Subchapter Basic configurationis updated;

    Subchapter Configuration snapshot in NE3SAgent, Configuration lock in

    NE3SAgent, and Transaction timeout in NE3SAgentare added.

    Changes between Issue 1-3 and Issue 1-2:

    Section Permissionsis updated.

    Section Configuration management with Web UIhas been updated as following:

    Subchapter Using configuration lock in Web UIis updated;

    Subchapter Naming configuration snapshotis updated;

    Subchapter Deleting the configuration snapshotis updated;

    Subchapter Saving existing configuration snapshot as startupis updated;

    Section Using exclusive configuration lock to prevent parallel modificationhas been


    Table Parameter descriptions has been updated;

    Section Using configuration lock for parallel sessions by same userhas been


    Step Enable configuration lock has been updated.

    Section Configuration management via NMSis added.

    Changes between Issue 1-2 and Issue 1-1:

    Section Required permissionsis added.

    Section Configuration managementhas been updated:

    Description of Configuration locking feature has been updated;

    Description of Configuration snapshot has been updated;

    Changes between Issue 1-1 and Issue 1-0:

    Section Configuration lock using SCLIhas been updated:

    Step Execute an action in configuration directory of Using exclusive configura-

    tion lock to prevent parallel modificationhave been updated;

    Step Execute an action in session 2 of Using configuration lock for parallel

    sessions by one user have been updated;

    Section Transaction using SCLIhas been updated:

  • 8/11/2019 Mgw Config Mana


    DN09137376 Issue 1-7


    Configuration Management Summary of changes


    Step sequence of Rollback a successful transactionhas been updated;

    Section Configuration snapshot using SCLIhas been updated:

    Defining a new startup configurationhave been updated;

    Taking a configuration snapshot have been updated;

    Listing configuration snapshotshave been updated;

    Deleting a configuration snapshothave been updated;

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    DN09137376 Issue 1-7

    Configuration Management


    Scope of the document

    1 Scope of the documentThis document is applicable to Open Multimedia Gateway (Open MGW) and Open

    Border Gateway (Open BGW).

    In this document, Open Multimedia Gateway (Open MGW) refers to both Open Multime-

    dia Gateway (Open MGW) and Open Border Gateway (Open BGW).

  • 8/11/2019 Mgw Config Mana


    DN09137376 Issue 1-7


    Configuration Management Permissions


    2 Permissions

    2.1 Permissions for SCLI commandsYou must have correct permissions for executing SCLI commands. SCLI commands

    and their related user permissions are provided in the following table:

    2.2 Permissions for Web UI

    You must have correct permissions for executing the WebUI procedures.

    Tasks Permissions

    Creating a new Configuration Directory


    fsConfigManageAll or


    Adding attributes to the Configuration

    Directory object

    fsConfigManageAll or


    Modifying the attributes of the Configura-

    tion Directory object

    fsConfigManageAll or


    Viewing the Configuration Directory



    Deleting the Configuration Directory


    fsConfigManageAll or


    Using exclusive configuration lock to

    prevent parallel modification


    Using configuration lock for parallel

    sessions by same user


    Defining a new startup configuration fsConfigManageAll orfsConfigSnapshotManage

    Taking a configuration snapshot fsConfigSnapshotManage or


    Restoring a saved configuration fsConfigSnapshotManage or


    Listing configuration snapshots fsConfigSnapshotManage orfs


    Deleting a configuration snapshot fsConfigSnapshotManage or


    Executing a successful transaction No permissions required

    Rollback a transaction No permissions required

    Committing a transaction No permissions required

    Table 1 SCLI commands and user permissions

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    DN09137376 Issue 1-7

    Configuration Management



    g For executing WebUI operations you must acquire thefsWebUIAllowClientSession permission to login to the WebUI before performing

    any operation on the web interface.

    WebUI procedures and their related user permissions are provided in the following


    Tasks Permissions

    Configuration lock:

    Acquiring configuration lock

    Releasing configuration lock


    Creating a snapshot fsConfigManageAll or


    Viewing a snapshot fsConfigView orfsConfigManageAll or


    Modifying a snapshot fsConfigManageAll or


    Deleting a snapshot fsConfigManageAll or


    Transaction Management No permissions required.

    Table 2 WebUI operations and user permissions

  • 8/11/2019 Mgw Config Mana


    DN09137376 Issue 1-7


    Configuration Management Configuration management


    3 Configuration managementThe configuration management of the Open MGW consists of management interfaces,

    data storage and managed objects. Management interfaces are Structured Command

    Line Interface (SCLI), Web User interface (Web UI) and NE3S interface towards NetAct.

    See User Interfaces in Open MGW document for detailed information about SCLI and

    Web UI. For detailed information about NE3S, see NE3S O&M interface in Open MGW


    Configuration data is stored in a Configuration Directory server and in binary files. These

    data formats form an integrated configuration data management solution. The different

    data formats are not visible on the management interfaces.

    Configuration changes affect the runtime configuration of the Open MGW. Using the

    snapshot, the changes can be permanently stored on the disk. A snapshot contains all

    LDAP data and specific binary files. The user can store several snapshots onto the disk,

    and also restore to a previous snapshot.

    Configuration data

    In Open MGW, some parts of the configuration data are stored in binary configuration

    files, which are centralized in a Cluster Administrator (CLA) unit and the disk, but copies

    of them can exist on each functional unit if needed. The configuration data is included in

    multiple files. The configuration files are loaded from disk and distributed also to other

    units from the CLA.

    In Open MGW, some parts of the configuration data are stored in LDAP (Lightweight

    Directory Access Protocol) server database files, which are centralized in a master

    LDAP server. This master LDAP is located in a Cluster Administrator (CLA) node.

    However, configuration data can also be stored in the disk and local slave LDAP server

    (copies) of other nodes if needed. The configuration data is included in multiple LDAP

    database files. Configuration data in the LDAP server is loaded from the startup config-

    uration volume (disk) into volatile memory.

    Configuration management features

    Configuration management offers many useful features that provide a more resilient

    management system than traditional databases or configuration files:

    Centralized and replicated data storage.

    Both LDAP and binary data formats are available in a redundant pair of centralized

    system disks, from which all software and configuration data can be loaded.

    Data entry verification for catching errors in new entries before they are propagated

    to the applications.

    Data validation guarantees that the erroneous values are not accepted. Validation

    is based on application plug-ins that are executed by the Configuration Validator, a

    centralized service deployed in /Directory RG.

    Protection against parallel modification of a parameter.

    Possibility to revert back to a previous configuration if the changes cause undesired


    Dynamic configuration

    It is possible to change the configuration by reloading a snapshot that has been taken

    from a previous configuration. For managing snapshots, the following SCLI commands

    can be used:

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    DN09137376 Issue 1-7

    Configuration Management


    Configuration management

    set snapshot startup

    delete snapshot

    show snapshot

    3.1 Configuration locking feature

    The SCLI or Web UI interface provides a mechanism to avoid parallel modification of the

    configuration directory server by multiple users. To protect against parallel changes, you

    must acquire a configuration lock before executing the configuration altering commands.

    Acquiring the configuration lock is not mandatory, as different users can handle the parts

    of the configuration independently. In case there are instances of multiple users using

    the same configuration objects and interfering with each other, the configuration lock

    protects against such unintended side effects. When configuration changes are done via

    NE3S, an configuration lock is invoked by NE3S internally for the operation.

    Therefore, to ensure that there is no parallel modification, you must acquire the config-uration lock. By acquiring an exclusive configuration lock through SCLI, neither the

    same user ID with different session nor other users with different IDs can make any

    change to the configuration data. In this way the configuration lock is enabled only for

    one SCLI session. It is not possible to acquire exclusive configuration lock by WebUI.

    Normal configuration lock

    User interface adapters (e.g. WebUI/SCLI) supports an explicit interface or command to

    acquire and release the non-exclusive (normal) configuration lock.

    By using normal configuration lock, one user can obtain several configuration lock

    sessions in parallel, but other users can not acquire any configuration lock.

    gIf you do not release all the configuration locks in different sessions (Web UI & SCLI),otherwise other users will not be able to acquire any configuration lock until your config-

    uration locks are released automatically.

    If a different user in another session (WebUI/SCLI) holds the non-exclusive (normal)

    configuration lock, user interface adapters (WebUI/SCLI) do not allow the execution of

    write-like configuration management operations, nor do they allow the acquisition of the

    exclusive or non-exclusive configuration lock (using set config mode on, for exam-


    Exclusive configuration lock

    If any user in another session (via WebUI/SCLI) holds the exclusive configuration lock,

    user interface adapters (WebUI/SCLI) do not allow the execution of a configuration man-agement operation that modifies the configuration, nor does it allow the acquisition of

    the configuration lock (using set config mode oncommand, for example). Show or

    read-like commands continue to work.

    User interface adapters (WebUI/SCLI) allow the execution of configuration management

    operations, if the same user in another session (SCLI/WebUI) already holds the non-

    exclusive configuration lock, but the user will be denied to make any modifications if the

    same user holds the exclusive configuration lock in another session.

  • 8/11/2019 Mgw Config Mana


    DN09137376 Issue 1-7


    Configuration Management Configuration management


    3.2 Configuration transaction

    g Transaction usage is not recommended in Open MGW, because only part of configura-tions is supported by the transaction feature.

    Configuration transaction feature provides a mechanism to bundle multiple changes to

    the configuration directory server in one bulk transaction. This prevents a non-complete

    configuration from harming the functionality of the system.

    Transactions are used to speed up bulk operations, such as adding a couple of virtual

    local area networks (VLANs). The operations in different sub domains can be bundled

    into one transaction, for example, first add an interface and then assign an IP address

    to it. When the transaction is committed, the NE bundles the necessary changes and

    take them into use at once. With transaction feature, the operator can rollback an

    ongoing transaction. But a committed transaction cannot be rolled back.

    The nature of a transaction partially follows theACIDproperties:

    A: Atomicity - changes are performed at once as if they were single operations.

    C: Consistent - data is in consistent state when the transaction starts and ends.

    I: Isolation - changes happening as a part of a transaction are not visible to others

    (unless the data is committed).

    D: Durability - changes once done are persistent. But to survive system restart, user

    needs to save the snapshot.

    g You must remember the following: Acquire a configuration lock before executing transaction operation. Otherwise the

    configuration changes of the transaction will be lost if another user obtains a config-

    uration lock before you commit the transaction operation. Transaction feature supports at the most only one transaction at a time.

    Making configuration changes from multiple transactions in parallel is not supported.

    Commands started outside of a transaction, (for example, showcommands), will

    see the configuration data as it was before the transaction started.

    Once a transaction is successfully executed, you must commit it. Committing a trans-

    action instructs the Configuration Directory to commit the data. The configuration

    changes can then be seen by other users. This is in contrast to the rollbackoption

    which instructs the Configuration Directory to ignore the changes done.

    3.3 Configuration snapshotConfiguration Directory content is volatile from system restart perspective. The configu-

    ration displayed through management interfaces and NE (network element) software is

    called a running configuration.

    Running configuration can be saved to disks. These saved configurations are also

    referred to as snapshots.

    A network element may have multiple saved configurations, and one of the saved con-

    figurations is always designated as a startup configuration. User is able to select, which

    configuration is the startup configuration.

    Open MGW provides a mechanism to create and save snapshots of the active configu-

    ration data, and set it as the startup configuration. The changes to the active configura-tion data are transient and are lost once the system is restarted. To make these

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    DN09137376 Issue 1-7

    Configuration Management


    Configuration management

    configuration changes persistent, you should save the configuration snapshot. The

    snapshot can be taken via SCLI, WebUi or NE3S. Taking a snapshot by NE3S allows

    you to choose the time when a snapshot is taken (before or after the activation of a con-

    figuration plan).

    g If both CLA nodes are not operating with full redundancy on hardware (node, disk) andsoftware level, a configuration snapshot cannot be taken. Taking a snapshot will be

    possible again after the standby CLA node is available again.

  • 8/11/2019 Mgw Config Mana


    DN09137376 Issue 1-7


    Configuration Management Configuration management with Web UI


    4 Configuration management with Web UI

    4.1 Configuration lockPurpose

    To avoid parallel modification of the Configuration Directory by multiple users. Also to

    prevent modifications within parallel sessions of the same user.



    Acquire the lock.

    Select Configuration > Settings > Configuration Lock > Acquire to acquire the config-

    uration lock.

    The Operation Messageis displayed. The message contains a confirmation message

    and lock information that lists the user name and the reference count.

    g When you acquire a lock, other users in other sessions cannot perform operations thatmodify the configuration, until the lock is released. However, the same user in another

    session can make configuration changes.

    Exclusive configuration lock is not supported in the current Web UI. For scenarios that

    require the use of exclusive configuration lock, refer to section Using exclusive configu-

    ration lock to prevent parallel modification.

    2 Perform configuration changes.

    You can perform any operation; for example, you can Create a new measurement job,

    Delete a License, Create a VRF, or Delete an IPv4 aggregate route.

    If you realize that the operation you are performing in a session requires more time than

    the idle timeout, extend the lock idle timeout. To extent the idle timeout, refer to step

    Extending the lock idle timeout.

    After you have extended the lock idle timeout, continue making configuration changes.


    Extending the lock idle timeout.

    Select Configuration > Settings > Configuration Lock > Touch to extend the idle

    timeout. The idle timeout is 300 s.The Operation Messageis displayed. The message contains a confirmation message

    and lock information that lists the user name and the reference count.

    g Extend the lock idle timeout if any operation you are performing in a session requiresmore time than the idle timeout.


    Release the lock.

    Select Configuration > Settings > Configuration Lock > Release to release the config-

    uration lock.

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    DN09137376 Issue 1-7

    Configuration Management


    Configuration management with Web UI

    The Operation Messageis displayed. The message contains a confirmation message

    and lock information that lists the user name and the reference count if another user has

    acquired the configuration lock.

    gMake sure you have released all the configuration locks in different sessions (Web UI &SCLI), otherwise other user can not acquire any configuration lock until your configura-

    tion locks are released automatically.

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    DN09137376 Issue 1-7


    Configuration Management


    4.2 Transaction management


    To speed up the bulk operations or to perform several operations in a sequentialmanner.


    The users are kept informed of the WebUI transactions via the status bar that is dis-

    played at the bottom of the WebUI page. It displays the name of the NE (Network

    Element) to which the user is logged in. Status of any ongoing transaction in any WebUI

    session is shown via an icon (supported with a tool tip). Transaction related operations

    which are primarily performed via Configuration > Settings > Transaction

    menu, can also be performed via the context menu that is attached to the icon.

    Different states of the icon further provide the details of the transaction in WebUI ses-

    sions. For more information refer to the following table:

    Before you start/commit/rollback a transaction it is recommended to use the Refresh

    option which allows you to get the latest state of transaction started in any WebUI

    session. Note that there can be only one transaction running for a single WebUI session.

    Another transaction cannot be initiated until the ongoing transaction is either committed,

    rolled back or expires.

    g Node startup is prevented when a transaction is ongoing. Therefore, once the transac-tion is settled, node startup proceeds and the new data is visible



    Configure time for a transaction.

    Select Configuration > Settings > Transaction > Configure Time to set the time out for

    a transaction.

    The Transaction Operationis displayed. Enter the following:

    Time out: Enter the time in seconds. The time value in the range from 1 to 30 s.

    Idle time out: Enter the time in seconds. The time value in the range from 1 to 1800 s

    2 Start a transaction.

    Select Configuration > Settings > Transaction > Start to start a transaction.

    Transaction status Icon state

    No ongoing Transaction in any webui session

    Transaction ongoing in current login session

    Invalid Transaction in current login session

    Transaction ongoing in different webui session

    Table 3 Transaction States

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    DN09137376 Issue 1-7

    Configuration Management


    The Operation Messageis displayed. The message contains the result of the operation


    After a transaction is started, you can perform several operations in a sequential manner

    (for example, you can Create a new measurement job, Delete a License, Create aVRF, and Delete an IPv4 aggregate route). Transaction has to be committed in order

    to view the changes in the configuration directory for it to be displayed for another user

    in another session.

    3 Commit or rollback a transaction.

    When the configuration changes are done, you can either commit or rollback a transac-


    Commit a transaction.

    Select Configuration > Settings > Transaction > Commit to commit the transaction.

    The Operation Messageis displayed. The message contains a confirmationmessage and the relevant transaction ID.

    After you commit the transaction, the manipulations done on the data during a trans-

    action are saved in the configuration directory and are displayed to another user in

    another session.

    Rollback a transaction.

    Select Configuration > Settings > Transaction > Rollback to rollback a transaction.

    The Operation Messageis displayed. The message contains a confirmation

    message and the relevant transaction ID.

    After you rollback the transaction, the manipulations done on the data during a trans-

    action are not saved in the configuration directory.

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    4.3 Configuration snapshot operations


    To view, create, modify, or delete a configuration snapshot, and set it as the startup con-figuration.



    View the Configuration Snapshot page

    Select Configuration > Settings > Configuration Snapshot.

    The Configuration Snapshotpage is displayed.

    The following information about the configuration snapshot is displayed:

    Current startup: This field mentions the name of the current startup configuration

    snapshot. This field can only be viewed.

    The table displays the list of available configuration snapshots that can be used to select

    the startup configuration. The buttons below the table is used to create or delete a con-

    figuration snapshot.

    Startup: To select from the table the current startup.

    Name: The name of the configuration snapshot.

    Build information: This field informs about the build that is being used.


    Create a configuration snapshot.

    a) Click New.

    A new row appears in the table.b) Enter the name of the configuration snapshot. The name must not be more than 30

    characters and no special characters are allowed.

    c) You can either save the configuration snapshot or cancel the changes:

    Click Saveto save the configuration snapshot.


    Click Cancel to cancel the changes made.

    g The current state of the configuration directory is created as a snapshot.

    3 Setting the configuration as the startup configuration.

    a) Select the check box in the Startupcolumn of the configuration snapshot that needs

    to be set as the start-up configuration.

    b) You can either save or cancel the changes.

    Click Saveto save and set the configuration snapshot as the start-up configuration.


    Click Cancel to cancel the changes made.


    Delete a configuration snapshot.

    a) Select the configuration snapshot and click Delete.

    A confirmation message is displayed.

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    b) Click Deleteto delete the configuration snapshot.

    g The current startup configuration snapshot cannot be deleted.

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    Configuration Management Configuration management with SCLI


    5 Configuration management with SCLI

    5.1 Configuration lock using SCLI

    5.1.1 Using exclusive configuration lock to prevent parallel modification


    This section describes how a user can acquire an exclusive configuration lock. By exe-

    cuting the command set config-mode exclusive, neither the same user nor other

    users with different IDs can make any changes to the Configuration Directory Server.

    Exclusive configuration lock is acquired if all the conditions are met as specified:

    a) Neither exclusive nor non-exclusive lock is held by any user in any session.

    b) There are no ongoing commands.

    Holding the exclusive lock prevents other sessions by the same user or by different

    users from acquiring the configuration lock. It also prevents users from starting configu-

    ration-changing commands in another session, be it one of yours or one of another user.

    If any user in another session holds the exclusive configuration lock, user interface

    adapters do not allow the execution of a configuration management operation that

    modifies the configuration, nor does it allow the acquisition of the configuration lock.

    Show or read-like commands continue to work.



    Enable configuration lock.

    To enable the configuration lock in the exclusive mode, enter the following command:

    set config-mode exclusive wait-timeout [seconds] lock-timeout


    For more information on how to acquire the exclusive configuration lock refer to the Con-

    figuration locking featureintroduction .

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    Configuration management with SCLI

    Parameter Description Value range

    exclusive The exclusiveparameter in the

    command helps you to acquireconfiguration lock for exclusive

    use. Exclusive configuration lock

    is successfully acquired if the fol-

    lowing conditions are met:

    a) Neither the exclusive nor the

    non-exclusive lock is held by

    any user in any session

    b) There are no ongoing configu-

    ration modifications.

    Exclusive lock prevents the

    acquiring of the configuration lock

    in any session. It also prevents the

    execution of configuration-

    changing commands in another

    session either by the same user or

    by another user.

    exclusive configuration lock ties or

    binds the lock to one and only one

    SCLI session.


    wait-timeout wait-timeoutparameter

    defines the time duration for whichthe system waits to acquire a lock

    if a configuration changing

    command is running in another

    session. This parameter is not

    applicable if another user has

    already acquired the lock. It is

    applicable only if no one has

    acquired the configuration lock.

    The default value is 60


    lock-timeout The parameterlock-timeout

    is the maximum time, in minutes,

    after which the configuration lockwill be released. To fully prevent

    any idle timeout, specify 0. Note

    that no idle timeout (0) might

    result in a situation that requires a

    restart of the configuration lock

    recovery group

    (/ConfLockServer) to release

    the configuration lock in some

    failure scenarios.

    The default value is 10

    minutes. 0means no

    lock-idle time-out.

    Table 4 Parameter descriptions

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    2 Execute an action in configuration directory.

    You can execute an action in the configuration directory server by using the relevant

    SCLI command.For example:

    add networking address /SSH ip-address iface


    The command is executed successfully. IP address is added to the specified owner and


    To verify if the IP address is successfully added, execute the following command:

    show networking address owner /SSH

    The following sample output is generated:

    address instance default interfaces:


    address :

    owner : /SSH

    Alternately, you can also view the IP address by executing the showcommand using


    show networking address iface front_eth0

    The following sample output is generated:

    address instance default interfaces:


    address :

    owner : /SSH

    g In order to make configuration changes persistent, you must make a configurationsnapshot and set it as the new startup configuration. This is the last operation executed

    before releasing the configuration lock. It can also be done at any other point.


    Release configuration lock.

    To release the configuration lock, enter the following command:

    set config-mode off

    gIf you do not release the lock, it will automatically be released after a set time or imme-

    diately when the started SCLI session is terminated.

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    5.1.2 Using the normal, non-exclusive configuration lock for parallel

    sessions by the same user


    To use configuration lock so that parallel modification by the same user is possible but

    by another user is not possible.

    Using the set config-modecommand, users can perform configuration lock opera-

    tions. Configuration lock can be used to prevent other management users of the network

    element from changing the configuration. Depending on the situation, you may or may

    not want to use this feature.

    For example, if you coordinate your changes with other users, that is, one user touches

    one part of the configuration and another user touches another part, and there is no risk

    of an overlap between the two change sets, then it is acceptable to do the changes

    without acquiring the configuration lock.

    All management interfaces, including the ones facing the network management system,

    obey the configuration lock. This means that, by acquiring the configuration lock locally,

    you can block changes to the configuration coming in from the network management

    system. You can acquire configuration lock in normal (non-exclusive) mode (on) or in

    exclusive mode (exclusive), or release it (off) or reset its idle timeout (touch).


    This command acquires the configuration lock if all the conditions are met as specified:

    a) No other user holds the configuration lock (either exclusive or normal).

    b) There are no ongoing configuration-changing commands.

    c) The same user does not hold the exclusive configuration lock.

    Acquiring the normal, non-exclusive lock prevents other users from acquiring the con-

    figuration lock. It also prevents starting configuration-changing commands being run by

    other users. It does not prevent running configuration-changing commands in another

    of your sessions. While holding the configuration lock, the same user can acquire the

    configuration lock in another session in non-exclusive mode or start configuration-

    changing commands in another parallel session even without explicitly acquiring the

    non-exclusive configuration lock. If generally using the configuration lock, it is recom-

    mended, though, to acquire it in each session to avoid not noticing the timing out of the

    configuration lock due to inactivity.



    Enable configuration lock.

    To enable configuration lock, enter the following command:

    set config-mode on wait-timeout [seconds] lock-timeout [minutes]

    The following message is displayed:

    Lock is acquired successfully.

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    Parameter Description Value range

    on The parameter onin the

    command helps you to acquirenormal configuration lock (non-

    exclusive). Normal configuration

    lock can be acquired if the follow-

    ing conditions are met:

    a) No other user holds the con-

    figuration lock (either exclu-

    sive or normal)

    b) There are no ongoing configu-

    ration-changing commands in

    another session.

    c) The same user does not hold

    the exclusive configuration


    Acquiring the normal, non-exclu-

    sive lock prevents other users

    from acquiring the configuration

    lock. It also prevents other users

    from executing configuration-

    changing commands.

    However, It does not prevent the

    same user from running configu-

    ration changing commands in

    another session.

    For using configuration lock, in

    general, it is recommended, to

    acquire configuration lock in each

    session. This is done in order to

    avoid unexpected scenarios like

    the lock getting released in the

    session it was acquired, when the

    same user has still not finished the

    modification in the current



    Table 5 Parameter descriptions

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    Check that the configuration lock is acquired.

    Execute the following command to check that the configuration lock is acquired in this


    show config-mode status

    The following example output is generated:

    Configuration Lock StatusLock is hold by uid: 10009,

    ongoingCmds:0 , Total count of references: 1


    Execute an action by a user with different id.To check if a user with a different user id can make any change to the Configuration

    Directory server, enter the following command:

    add networking address /CLA-0 iface lo ip-address

    The following output is generated:

    The command was not executed. You or another user is currently

    holding the configuration lock in another session, blocking all

    configuration changes.

    For more details, see "show config-mode status"

    The command is not executed successfully as the lock is acquired by you.

    wait-timeout wait-timeoutparameter

    defines the time duration for which

    the system waits to acquire a lockif a configuration changing

    command is running in another

    session. This parameter is not

    applicable if another user has

    already acquired the lock. It is

    applicable only if no one has

    acquired the configuration lock.

    The default value is 60


    lock-timeout The parameter lock-timeoutis

    the maximum time, in minutes,

    after which the configuration lock

    will be released. To fully preventany idle timeout, specify 0. Note

    that no idle timeout (0) might

    result in a situation that requires a

    restart of the configuration lock

    recovery group

    (/ConfLockServer) to release

    the configuration lock in some

    failure scenarios.

    The default value is 10

    minutes. 0means no

    lock-idle time-out.

    Parameter Description Value range

    Table 5 Parameter descriptions (Cont.)

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    4 Start session 2 and acquire the configuration lock a second time.

    You can acquire a second configuration lock in another session of yours (while still

    holding the lock in the first session), by using the following command:set config-mode on

    The following message is displayed:

    Lock is acquired successfully.

    The command is executed successfully, as a single user can acquire multiple configu-

    ration locks for multiple sessions.


    Execute an action in session 2.

    To execute an action in session 2, enter the following command:

    add networking address /CLA-0 iface lo ip-address command is executed successfully.


    Release the configuration lock for session 1.

    To release the configuration lock for session 1, enter the following command:

    set config-mode off

    The configuration lock acquired for the session 1 is released. If the lock is not released,

    it will automatically be released after a set time or immediately when the started SCLI

    session is terminated.


    Execute an action by a user with different id.

    To check if a user with a different user id can make any change to the Configuration

    Directory server, enter the following command:

    add networking address /CLA-0 iface lo ip-address

    The command is not executed and the following output is generated:

    The command was not executed. You or another user is currently

    holding the configuration lock in another session, blocking all

    configuration changes.

    For more details, see "show config-mode status"

    The action is not performed successfully because the configuration lock is still held byyou.


    Check if configuration lock can be acquired by different users.

    To check if the configuration lock can be acquired by another user other than you, enter

    the following command:

    set config-mode on

    The lock is not acquired and the following output is returned:

    The configuration lock is already acquired by another user in

    another session.

    For more details, see "show config-mode status."

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    This is because the configuration lock cannot be acquired by another user, until you

    release all the instances of the acquired configuration lock.

    9 Release the configuration lock for session 2.

    To release the configuration lock for session 2, enter the following command:

    set config-mode off

    The configuration lock acquired for the session 2 is released. If the lock is not released,

    it will automatically be released after a set time or immediately when the started SCLI

    session is terminated.

    g Make sure you have released all the configuration locks in different sessions (Web UI &SCLI), otherwise other user can not acquire any configuration lock until your configura-

    tion locks are released automatically.


    Enable configuration lock for a user with different id.

    When all the instances of the configuration lock acquired by you has been released, an

    user with different id can acquire the lock, by using the following command:

    set config-mode on

    If the lock is acquired successfully and the following output is generated:

    Lock is acquired successfully.

    g If you are executing a command which takes longer than 10 minutes, then change thedefault lock time-out by entering the following command:

    set config-mode on lock-timeout Where, is the new lock time-out value. In other words

    if no command is executed for a duration which is more than the new lock-timeout value,

    the configuration lock will be released. However, it is unlikely for a single command to

    take more than 10 minutes.

    Acquiring the configuration lock prevents multiple users, with different user ID, from exe-

    cuting commands that change the configuration. If you have the configuration lock for

    session 1, you can still acquire the configuration lock for session 2, using the same user

    ID. Once acquired, the configuration lock is reference counted. The reference count

    increases with every set config-mode onand decreases with every set config-

    mode offor any session exit. The lock is released when the reference count reaches

    zero.The current status of the lock can be obtained by using the following command:

    show config-mode status

    g If you do not release the lock by running the set config-mode offcommand, thelock is automatically released when you exit from the interactive fsclishsession. In

    order to make configuration changes persistent, you must make a configuration

    snapshot and set it as the new startup configuration. This might be the last operation

    executed before releasing the configuration lock. It can also be done at any other point.

    g Making a configuration snapshot without holding the configuration lock might causepartial configuration changes from other operators to be included in the configuration

    snapshot. The configuration lock helps preventing such situations.

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    5.2 Transaction using SCLI

    5.2.1 Executing a successful transaction


    Transaction functionality provides a mechanism to bundle multiple changes to the con-

    figuration directory server in one bulk transaction. This prevents a non-complete config-

    uration from harming the functionality of the system. A transaction is started and certain

    actions are performed to add, delete, or modify a data, then the transaction is committed

    so that the actions executed are visible to all the users. If the action is not committed,

    the changes are not visible to all users.

    The start transactioncommand starts read-write transactions in the Configuration

    Directory. No other read-write transactions are allowed until this transaction is commit-

    ted, rolled back, or aborted due to an error. Parallel read operations in the Configuration

    Directory are still possible. Configuration Directory transactions have an idle timeout,which can be defined by the idle-timeout parameter. By default its value is set to

    300000ms in case interactive session and 20000ms in case of non-interactive session.

    Transactions can be aborted due to idle timeout, if both of the following conditions are


    1. No operations were executed in the context of the transaction for longer than the

    time specified as idle timeout.

    2. There is a request to start another read-write transaction If there is already an

    ongoing read-write transaction, the start operation blocks by default until the trans-

    action is concluded. To avoid this blocking, the timeoutparameter can be passed

    - specifying the blocking time-out. If the transaction could not be started within the

    period of the blocking timeout, an appropriate error is returned.

    g Node startup is prevented when a transaction is ongoing. Once the transaction issettled, node startup proceeds and the new data is visible.

    In this example, a transaction is started after first acquiring the optional configuration

    lock. If acquiring the configuration lock, always acquire it first before starting a transac-

    tion, do not acquire the configuration lock after starting a transaction. After doing an

    exemplary configuration change the transaction is committed and the configuration lock

    is released.

    You can only rollback an ongoing transaction. A committed transaction can not be rolled


    For more information on Transaction feature, refer to section Configuration Transaction.


    1 Enable configuration lock.

    To enable configuration lock, enter the following command:

    set config-mode on

    You must enable the configuration lock to avoid parallel modifications by multiple users.

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    2 Start the transaction.

    To start a transaction enter the following command:

    start transaction

    g No other transactions are allowed until this transaction is committed, rolled back, oraborted due to an error. Parallel read operations in Configuration Directory, for example

    show configcan still be executed. When starting a transaction, two optional parame-

    ters can be passed by the operator:

    The plain timeoutparameter defines how long the start transaction command must

    wait, if it cannot start a transaction because of an ongoing transaction. It will only return

    after timeout milliseconds, if the transaction does not start successfully. If the transac-

    tion starts successfully then it returns immediately.

    The idle-timeout parameters define, how soon idle transactions are aborted due to inac-

    tivity. A transaction is aborted if both the conditions mentioned here are satisfied:

    1. No operations have been executed in the context of the transaction for longer than

    the time specified as idle timeout.

    2. There is a request to start another read-write transaction.


    Execute an action in the Configuration Directory.

    You can execute single or multiple actions in the configuration directory server by using

    the relevant SCLI command. For example:

    add networking address /SSH ip-address iface front-


    g For add networking address command, an extra token dedicated is providedin the cluster. This token is available for backwards compatibility of the software and

    does not have any effect on the command. Hence dedicatedis not described in this


    The command with dedicatedtoken is as follows:

    Parameter Description



    Idle transaction timeout (in milliseconds). Transaction gets aborted

    by the server if no operations happen for more than timeout millisec-

    onds. Please note that timeout is triggered only if there is a pending

    start read-write transaction request while another read-write transac-tion is ongoing. This means that an idle transaction might stay open

    for longer than the specified timeout if no other read-write transaction

    request is made.

    In case of interactive sessions the default idle timeout is 300000ms

    and in case of non-interactive sessions the default idle timeout is


    timeout Timeout for executing the operation in milliseconds (ms). The default

    timeout value is 5000ms.

    Table 6 Parameters for executing a transaction command.

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    add networking address dedicated


    Commit the transaction.

    To commit the transaction, use the following command:

    commit transaction

    g You must commit the transaction so that the changes made in the configuration directoryserver are reflected.

    Execute the following command to view if the IP address is added to the specified owner

    and interface:

    show networking address

    The following sample output is displayed:

    address instance default interfaces:


    address :

    owner : /SSH


    Release the configuration lock.

    To release the configuration lock, enter the following command:

    set config-mode off

    gIf you do not release the lock, it will automatically be released after a set time or imme-diately when the started SCLI session is terminated.

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    5.2.2 Rollback a transaction


    To rollback a transaction using SCLI command.


    Rollbackoption instructs the system to ignore the changes done to Configuration

    Directory. This is in contrast to the commitoption which ensures that once the transac-

    tion is committed, the data is committed to the Configuration Directory and the changes

    are visible to the users. To rollback a transaction, you must first start a transaction and

    then execute certain actions to add, delete or modify a data, the transaction is then rolled

    back. A successfully started but later timed out transaction has to be rolled back before

    you can start a new one in the same SCLI session.

    The transaction can be rolled back even if no changes were submitted during transac-


    For more information on Transaction feature, refer to section Configuration Transaction.



    Enable configuration lock.

    To enable configuration lock, enter the following command:

    set config-mode on

    You must enable the configuration lock to avoid parallel modifications by multiple users.

    2 Start the transaction.

    To start a transaction, enter the following command:

    start transaction


    Execute an action in the configuration directory.

    You can execute single or multiple actions in the Configuration Directory server by using

    the relevant SCLI command. For example:

    add networking address dedicated /SSH ip-address

    iface eth0


    Rollback transaction.

    To rollback a transaction, enter the following command:

    rollback transaction

    After the transaction is rolled back, the changes to the Configuration Directory server is


    Once you execute the show networking addresscommand, the following sample

    output is displayed:

    address instance default interfaces:eth1

    type : dedicated

    address :

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    owner : /SSHeth1

    type : dedicated

    address :

    owner : /TargetInfo

    g Here all the pending changes are discarded and the currently active configuration is notmodified. A new transaction has to be started after the rollback in order to execute the

    Configuration Directory transaction changes.


    Disable configuration lock.

    To disable the configuration lock, enter the following command:

    set config-mode off

    gIf you do not release the lock, it will automatically be released after a set time.

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    5.3 Configuration snapshot using SCLI

    5.3.1 Listing configuration snapshots


    Saved configuration snapshots can be listed with show snapshotcommands. This

    operation shows configuration or startup configuration within a certain delivery, or all

    installed deliveries depending on which option is chosen. A certain delivery can have

    one or multiple snapshots but only one of them is a startup snapshot. A saved configu-

    ration can be considered as a snapshot of the running configuration from the point of

    time when the configuration is saved. A software delivery is a set of software compo-

    nents that work together to provide the functionality of the network element. Only

    software deliveries as a whole can be installed and activated in the target system

    You can use any of the options:

    1. current-startup - Shows the startup configuration of a certain delivery

    2. currentall-startup - Shows the startup configurations of all deliveries

    3. list - Shows configurations of a certain delivery

    4. listall- Shows all configurations of all deliveries



    View the startup configuration of a certain delivery.

    To view the startup configuration of a certain delivery, execute the following command:

    show snapshot current-startup delivery-name

    In case the delivery name is not given, the active delivery name is used.

    You can set the log levels by selecting the following parameters:

    Parameter Description



    This parameter shows the startup configuration in a certain delivery.

    In case the delivery name is not given, the active delivery name is




    A software delivery is a set of software components that work

    together to provide the functionality of the network element. Only

    software deliveries as a whole can be installed and activated in the

    target system.

    trace Enables the execution line trace in trace log. Trace log is stored at

    /tmp/SS_FConfigure/fsconfigure_trace.log . Trace log is

    not visible on the console. Any user with access to the bash shell via

    the SCLI command shell bash full, has access to this trace log

    file of the operation.

    Table 7 Parameters of show snapshot list allcommand.

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    View all the startup configurations within all the installed deliveries.

    To view all the startup configuration of all the installed deliveries, execute the following


    show snapshot currentall-startup

    You can set the log levels by selecting the following parameters:

    verbose Verbose level can be:


    2. ERROR

    3. WARNING

    4. INFO

    5. DEBUG

    The higher the number, the more verbose is the log. quietoption

    overrides the verboseoption if both of them are given.

    quiet Suppresses normal debugging message on the console except for

    critical failure messages. quietoption overrides the verbose

    option if both of them are given.

    Parameter Description

    Table 7 Parameters of show snapshot list allcommand. (Cont.)

    Parameter Description


    This parameter shows all the startup configurations within all theinstalled deliveries.

    trace Enables the execution line trace in trace log. Trace log is stored at

    /tmp/SS_FConfigure/fsconfigure_trace.log . Trace log is

    not visible on the console. Any user with access to the bash shell via

    the SCLI command shell bash full, has access to this trace log

    file of the operation.

    verbose Verbose level can be:


    2. ERROR


    5. DEBUG

    The higher the number, the more verbose is the log. quietoption

    overrides the verboseoption if both of them are given.

    quiet Suppresses normal debugging message on the console except for

    critical failure messages. quietoption overrides the verbose

    option if both of them are given.

    Table 8 Parameters of show snapshot list allcommand.

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    3 List all the snapshots in a certain delivery.

    To list all the snapshots of a certain delivery, execute the following command:

    show snapshot list delivery-name

    In case the delivery name is not given, the active delivery name is used.

    You can set the log levels by selecting the following parameters:


    List all the snapshots within all the installed deliveries.

    To list all the snapshots from all the installed deliveries, use the following command:

    show snapshot listall ]

    You can set the log levels by selecting the following parameters:

    Parameter Description

    list This parameter lists all the snapshots in a certain delivery. In case

    the delivery name is not given, the active delivery name is used.



    A software delivery is a set of software components that work

    together to provide the functionality of the network element. Only

    software deliveries as a whole can be installed and activated in the

    target system.

    trace Enables the execution line trace in trace log. Trace log is stored at

    /tmp/SS_FConfigure/fsconfigure_trace.log . Trace log is

    not visible on the console. Any user with access to the bash shell via

    the SCLI command shell bash full, has access to this trace log

    file of the operation.

    verbose Verbose level can be:


    2. ERROR

    3. WARNING

    4. INFO

    5. DEBUG

    The higher the number, the more verbose is the log. quietoption

    overrides the verboseoption if both of them are given.

    quiet Suppresses normal debugging message on the console except for

    critical failure messages. quietoption overrides the verbose

    option if both of them are given.

    Table 9 Parameters of show snapshot list allcommand.

    Parameter Description

    listall Lists all the snapshots in all the installed deliveries.

    Table 10 Parameters of show snapshot list allcommand.

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    trace Enables the execution line trace in trace log. Trace log is stored at

    /tmp/SS_FConfigure/fsconfigure_trace.log . Trace log is

    not visible on the console. Any user with access to the bash shell viathe SCLI command shell bash full, has access to this trace log

    file of the operation.

    verbose Verbose level can be:


    2. ERROR

    3. WARNING

    4. INFO

    5. DEBUG

    The higher the number, the more verbose is the log. quietoption

    overrides the verboseoption if both of them are given.

    quiet Suppresses normal debugging message on the console except for

    critical failure messages. quietoption overrides the verbose

    option if both of them are given.

    Parameter Description

    Table 10 Parameters of show snapshot list allcommand. (Cont.)

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    DN09137376 Issue 1-7

    Configuration Management


    5.3.2 Defining a new startup configuration


    A snapshot can be designated as a new startup configuration with the set snapshot


    A startup configuration is a configuration which is loaded when the system starts up.

    Defining a startup configuration does not change the running configuration automati-

    cally. The command always generates a normal log file describing the various steps

    involved in generating a snapshot. The log file is stored at

    /var/log/fsconfigure.log . Additionally a trace log file with more detailed logs is

    generated if the traceoption is chosen. It is stored at

    /tmp/SS_FConfigure/fsconfigure_trace.log .Any user with access to the

    bash shell via the SCLI command shell bash full, has access to the normal log file

    of the operation as well as the trace log file of the line execution. quietoption sup-

    presses the normal debugging messages on the console except for critical failure mes-

    sages. quietoption overrides the verboseoption if both of them are given.


    1 Define a new startup configuration.

    To define a new startup configuration, use the following command.

    set snapshot startup config-name


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    Configuration Management


    verbose Verbose level can be:


    2. ERROR

    3. WARNING

    4. INFO

    5. DEBUG

    The higher the number, the more verbose is the log. quietoption

    overrides the verboseoption if both of them are given.

    quiet Suppresses normal debugging message on the console except for

    critical failure messages. quietoption overrides the verbose

    option if both of them are given.

    Parameter Description

    Table 11 Parameters of set snapshot startupcommand. (Cont.)

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    DN09137376 Issue 1-7

    Configuration Management


    5.3.3 Saving a configuration snapshot


    A snapshot of the current configuration can be taken with the save snapshot

    command. This operation persistently saves the currently running configuration as a

    snapshot. A saved configuration can be considered as a snapshot of the running con-

    figuration from the point of time when the configuration is saved. Multiple snapshots can

    exist simultaneously.The snapshot should be saved with a given name otherwise the

    existing startup configuration will be overwritten by default.

    The command always generates a normal log file describing the various steps involved

    in generating a snapshot. The log file is stored at /var/log/fsconfigure.log .

    Additionally a trace log file with more detailed logs is generated if the trace option is

    chosen. It is stored at /tmp/SS_FConfigure/fsconfigure_trace.log .Any user

    with access to the bash shell via the SCLI command shell bash fullhas access to

    the normal log file of the operation as well as the tracelog file of the line execution.quietoption suppresses the normal debugging messages on the console except for

    critical failure messages. quietoption overrides the verboseoption if both of them are

    given.At this moment, the snapshot name can only be a combination of alphanumerical

    characters and underscore with length not longer than 30 characters.

    g If LDAP server is not available or LDAP switchover is in progress, a configurationsnapshot cannot be taken. Taking a snapshot will be possible again after LDAP server

    is available



    Take a snapshot of the current configuration by specifying the configuration


    To take a snapshot of the current configuration by specifying the configuration name,

    use the following command:

    save snapshot config-name startup []

    You can use the following optional parameters:

    Parameter Description

    config-name Specifies the name of the snapshot file used as the new startup con-

    figuration for a given software delivery. You must use the short name(same filename as the save snapshot command, for example

    VyYRV3z4_2009060415465 ). This parameter is mandatory and

    generates an automatic list of snapshots from which user can select.

    Configuration name can only be a combination of alphanumerical

    characters and underscore with length not longer than 30 charac-


    startup This operation persistently saves the currently running configuration

    as a snapshot and then marks it as a startup snapshot.

    Table 12 Parameters of save snapshot config-namecommand.

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    Configuration Management



    To take a configuration snapshot and save it to the file snapshot01042009 , enter:

    save snapshot config-name snapshot01042009 startup

    trace Enables the execution line trace in trace log. Trace log is stored at

    /tmp/SS_FConfigure/fsconfigure_trace.log . Trace log is

    not visible on the console. Any user with access to the bash shell viathe SCLI command shell bash full, has access to this trace log

    file of the operation.

    verbose Verbose level can be:


    2. ERROR

    3. WARNING

    4. INFO

    5. DEBUG

    The higher the number, the more verbose is the log. quietoption

    overrides the verboseoption if both of them are given.

    quiet Suppresses normal debugging message on the console except for

    critical failure messages. quietoption overrides the verbose

    option if both of them are given.

    Parameter Description

    Table 12 Parameters of save snapshot config-namecommand. (Cont.)

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    DN09137376 Issue 1-7

    Configuration Management


    5.3.4 Restoring a saved configuration


    The current configuration can be replaced with a configuration from a saved snapshot.

    This means that, the restored configuration will become active for the applications in the

    running system.

    g The restored configuration is not automatically taken into use during node or clusterrestart, unless it is also set (or is already defined) as the startupconfiguration.

    This operation overwrites the runtime active configuration from a saved snapshot

    belonging to the active delivery. The operation replaces the previously running configu-

    ration and the system is re-configured according to the restored configuration. The

    restored configuration does not persist over system reset unless the configuration has

    been saved as the startupsnapshot. A saved configuration can be considered as a

    snapshot of the running configuration from the point of time when the configuration is

    saved. The command always generates a normal log file describing the various steps

    involved in restoring a snapshot.

    The log file is stored at /var/log/fsconfigure.log . Additionally a trace log file with

    more detailed logs is generated if the traceoption is chosen. It is stored at

    /tmp/SS_FConfigure/fsconfigure_trace.log .Any user with access to the

    bash shell via the SCLI command shell bash full, has access to the normal log file

    of the operation as well as the trace log file of the line execution. quietoption sup-

    presses normal debugging messages on console except for critical failure messages.

    quietoption overrides the verboseoption if both of them are given.

    g It is recommended not to use restore snapshotfunctionality whenever there aredeployment related changes in the cluster. Instead, it is recommended to mark the con-figuration as a startup and reboot the cluster. For more information on how to mark a

    configuration as start up, see, Defining a new startup configurationsection in Configu-

    ration Management guide.



    Overwrite the current configuration with a snapshot.

    To overwrite the current configuration with a snapshot, use the following command:

    restore snapshot config-name []]

    You can use the following parameters:

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    restore snapshot config-name config-


    Parameter Description

    config-name Specifies the name of the snapshot file used as the new startup con-

    figuration for a given software delivery. You must use the short name(same filename as the save snapshot command, for example

    VyYRV3z4_2009060415465 ). This parameter is mandatory and

    generates an automatic list of snapshots from which user can select.

    Configuration name can only be a combination of alphanumerical

    characters and underscore with length not longer than 30 charac-


    trace Enables the execution line trace in trace log. Trace log is stored at

    /tmp/SS_FConfigure/fsconfigure_trace.log . Trace log is

    not visible on the console. Any user with access to the bash shell via

    the SCLI command shell bash full, has access to this trace log

    file of the operation.

    verbose Verbose level can be:


    2. ERROR

    3. WARNING

    4. INFO

    5. DEBUG

    The higher the number, the more verbose is the log. quietoption

    overrides the verboseoption if both of them are given.

    quiet Suppresses normal debugging message on the console except forcritical failure messages. quietoption overrides the verbose

    option if both of them are given.

    Table 13 Parameters of set snapshotcommand.

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    DN09137376 Issue 1-7

    Configuration Management


    5.3.5 Deleting a configuration snapshot


    Existing configuration snapshots can be deleted with the delete snapshot


    This operation deletes the named snapshot. It should be used with caution as the con-

    figuration will be lost permanently. A saved configuration can be considered as a

    snapshot of the running configuration from the point of time when the configuration is

    saved. The command always generates a normal log file describing the various steps

    involved in deleting a snapshot.

    The log file is stored at /var/log/fsconfigure.log . Additionally a trace log file with

    more detailed logs is generated if the traceoption is chosen. It is stored at

    /tmp/SS_FConfigure/fsconfigure_trace.log .

    Any user with access to the bash shell via the SCLI command shell bash full, has

    access to the normal log file of the operation as well as the trace log file of the line exe-

    cution. quietoption suppresses normal debugging messages on the console except

    for critical failure messages. quietoption overrides verboseoption if both of them are


    g startupconfiguration cannot be deleted.



    Delete a configuration snapshot.

    To delete a configuration snapshot using, execute the following command:

    delete snapshot config-name


    You can use the following parameters:

    Parameter Description

    config-name Specifies the name of the snapshot file used as the new startup con-

    figuration for a given software delivery. You must use the short name

    (same filename as the save snapshot command, for example

    VyYRV3z4_2009060415465 ). This parameter is mandatory and

    generates an automatic list of snapshots from which user can select.

    Configuration name can only be a combination of alphanumerical

    characters and underscore with length not longer than 30 charac-


    trace Enables the execution line trace in trace log. Trace log is stored at

    /tmp/SS_FConfigure/fsconfigure_trace.log . Trace log is

    not visible on the console. Any user with access to the bash shell via

    the SCLI command shell bash full, has access to this trace log

    file of the operation.

    Table 14 Parameters of delete snapshotcommand.

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    verbose Verbose level can be:


    2. ERROR

    3. WARNING

    4. INFO

    5. DEBUG

    The higher the number, the more verbose is the log. quietoption

    overrides the verboseoption if both of them are given.

    quiet Suppresses normal debugging message on the console except for

    critical failure messages. quietoption overrides the verbose

    option if both of them are given.

    Parameter Description

    Table 14 Parameters of delete snapshotcommand. (Cont.)

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    DN09137376 Issue 1-7

    Configuration Management


    5.4 Making configuration changes using the configuration

    lock, transaction, and configuration snapshot concept

    PurposeTo make a configuration change using the three features of configuration management:

    configuration lock, transaction, and configuration snapshot.


    To make configuration changes using the configuration locking, transaction, and the

    configuration snapshot concept. In this example, you will add IP addresses to the

    loopback interface on the CLA-0 node. You will also reverse the changes made to the

    Configuration Directory.



    Enable configuration lock.

    To enable configuration lock, enter the following command:

    set config-mode on

    You must enable the configuration lock to avoid parallel modifications by multiple users.


    Initiate a bulk transaction.

    To start a transaction, enter the following command:

    start transaction

    You can execute multiple commands and bundle them as one transaction; for example,you can add two IP addresses to the loopback interface on the CLA-0 node as part of

    one single transaction. This is called bulk transaction.


    Adding IP addresses.

    To add two IP addresses to the loopback interface on the CLA-O node, enter the follow-

    ing command:

    add networking address /CLA-0 iface lo ip-address

    add networking address /CLA-0 iface lo ip-address


    For add networking address command, an extra token dedicated is provided

    in the cluster. This token is available for backwards compatibility of the software and

    does not have any effect on the command. Hence dedicatedis not described in this


    The co