mgto 231 human resources management training & development ii dr. kin fai ellick wong

MGTO 231 Human Resources Management Training & Development II Dr. Kin Fai Ellick WONG

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MGTO 231Human Resources ManagementTraining & Development II

Dr. Kin Fai Ellick WONG


You may imagine the importance of the continuity of the top-management from the death of Zhuge Liang ( 諸葛亮)…Right before his death, the emperor 劉禪 sent an

ambassador 李福 to meet Liang In the meeting:… (from 三國演義,第一百零四回)


孔明曰:吾死之後,何任大事者,蔣公琰其宣也。 福曰:公琰之後,誰可繼之? 孔明曰:費文偉可繼之。 福又問:文偉之後,誰當繼者? 孔明不答。眾將近前視之,已薨矣。

The kingdom maintained its power right after Liang’s death, but became much weaker after the death of 費褘。

It is an illustration of a succession planA process through which senior-level

openings are planned for and eventually filled Without such a plan, the organization may

not work once the leaders and the top-management leave…


Basic ConceptsBasic Concepts

Needs assessmentNeeds assessment

Assessment phaseAssessment phase Direction phaseDirection phase Development phaseDevelopment phase

What is career development?

An on-going and formulized effort that focuses on developing enriched and more capable workers

It is a long-term “investment” for the future needs of organizations

It involves meeting employees’ and employers’ needs

Training vs. development

DevelopmentAn effort to provide employees with the

abilities the organization will need in the future Training

Much more emphasis on skills for current needs

Career development system

Linking organizational needs with individual needs

Organizational needs: the major strategic issues over the next few yearsCritical needs and challenges?Critical skills, knowledge, experience? Staffing level? Is the current strategy appropriate?

Individual career needs: Getting career opportunities within an organization

Using my strengths Addressing my development needs (needs of

achievement and self-actualization) Matching my interests, values, and personal style

The key issue in career development

How can we develop a system through which both the organizational needs and individual needs can be achievedAre employees developing themselves in a

way that links personal effectiveness and satisfaction with the achievement of the organization’s strategic objectives?

The better the match, the more successful the development system


Basic ConceptsBasic Concepts

Needs assessmentNeeds assessment

Assessment phaseAssessment phase Direction phaseDirection phase Development phaseDevelopment phase

Very similar to the training process Three phases

Assessment phaseDirection phaseDevelopment phase

The Career Development Process

Assessment Phase



Source: Managing Human Resources, 4th Edition, p.305


Basic ConceptsBasic Concepts

Needs assessmentNeeds assessment

Assessment phaseAssessment phase Direction phaseDirection phase Development phaseDevelopment phase

Assessment phase

Goal: To identify employees’ strengths and weaknesses It helps employees

to choose a career that is realistically obtainable and a good fit

to determine the weaknesses they need to overcome in order to achieve their career goals

Assessment tools Self-assessment vs. organizational assessment

Tools for self-assessment Career workbooks Career planning workshops Three basic elements

Skill assessment exercises To identify employee’s skills

Interest inventory To measure a person’s occupational interests

Values clarification Give priority to a list of values, e.g., money, family, power, etc.

Tools for organizational assessmentAssessment centers

Situational exercises Have been widely used for selection, but also

increasingly used for development assessmentPsychological testing

Personality and attitudesPerformance appraisal

Remember the future oriented nature of PA?

Promotability forecasts Managers make decisions regarding the

advancement potential of subordinates

Succession planning Focusing on preparing people to fill executive

positions It is necessary when the organization needs key

positions without interruption


Basic ConceptsBasic Concepts

Needs assessmentNeeds assessment

Assessment phaseAssessment phase Direction phaseDirection phase Development phaseDevelopment phase

The direction phase

Goals To determine the type of career that employees want To determine the steps they must take to realize their

career goals Cannot be achieved well without a careful assessment

of what is needed Must be integrated with other HRM functions, e.g.,

staffing, performance appraisal, and training Two approaches

Individual career counseling vs. information services

Individual career counselingOne-on-one sessionsTo help employee examine their career

aspirationsTopics of discussion include:

Job responsibilities, interests, and career objectivesCould be done by HR staff, managers, or other

professional counselors

Information servicesTo provide development information to

employeesNo strict direction for employeesSome common channels for giving

information about development: Job-posting systems, skills inventories, career

paths, and career resource centers


Basic ConceptsBasic Concepts

Needs assessmentNeeds assessment

Assessment phaseAssessment phase Direction phaseDirection phase Development phaseDevelopment phase

The development phase

Taking actions to create and increase skills to prepare for future job opportunities

Common development programsMentoringCoachingJob rotationTuition assistance

MentoringA developmentally oriented relationships

between senior and junior colleagues or peersSeniors give advices, act as role models,

share contacts, and give general support

CoachingOngoing meetings between managers and

their employees to discuss the employee’s career goals and development

Effective coaching Create a coaching context

When employees demonstrate new skills or interests, seek feedback, expresses an interest in a change in the organization, have difficulty, and mention a desire of development opportunities

Actively listen to the person Ask questions Give useful feedback

Job rotationAssigning employees to various jobsThey can acquire a wider base of skills Increase their flexibility to choose a career

pathCross-functional trainingThe debate between all-rounders 通才 vs.

specialists 專才

Tuition assistance programsTo support employees’ education and

developmentFor courses, seminars, continuing education

programs, degree programs


In a flat organization, a career development approach that “broadens” employees’ skills (i.e., to be an all-rounder, 通才 ) is more appropriate than that “deepens” their skills (i.e., to be an expert in a narrow dimension, 專才 ) !

Write down your arguments on the provided sheet. Try your best to approach this topic by focusing on what you have learnt from this course as well as other management courses