mfl spanish year 4 · el hipopótamo la granja el mono la selva el cerdo el mar la ballena la casa...

Primary Modern Foreign Languages Hábitats y animales MFL Spanish Year 4 Spring 2 Habitats and animals

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Page 1: MFL Spanish Year 4 · El hipopótamo La granja El mono la selva El cerdo El mar La ballena La casa El perro La sabana POS8.1 Read and show understanding of words for animals and habitats

Primary Modern Foreign


Hábitats y animales


Year 4

Spring 2Habitats and animals

Page 2: MFL Spanish Year 4 · El hipopótamo La granja El mono la selva El cerdo El mar La ballena La casa El perro La sabana POS8.1 Read and show understanding of words for animals and habitats

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Key Language

Buscar Look for 

Completar Complete

Conectar Connect

Escribir Write

Escoger Choose

Solucionar Solve 

Usando  Using

Age related expectation ☑

POS7.1 Read and recognise familiar words using knowlegde of the phonemes ‘j’, ‘ll’ and ‘ce.’

POS8.1 Read and show understanding of single words and simple phrases using animals and habitats.

POS8.2 Read and show understanding of longer sentences about animals and their habitats.

POS9.2 Use a bi-lingual dictionary to find the meaning of animals and habitats in Spanish. 

POS10.1 Write words for animals and habitats using a model.

POS10.2 Write sentences to describe where animals live or don’t live.

POS11.1 Write single words for animals and habitats from memory with understandable accuracy.

POS11.2 Write positive and negative sentences from memory with understandable accuracy about

animals and their habitats.

POS12.2 Write the definite article for both genders and use the verb ‘to live’ in the 1st and 3rd person

singular, in positive and negative forms.

Page 3: MFL Spanish Year 4 · El hipopótamo La granja El mono la selva El cerdo El mar La ballena La casa El perro La sabana POS8.1 Read and show understanding of words for animals and habitats

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POS8.1 Read and show understanding of words for habitats.POS10.1 Write words for habitats.POS11.1 Write words for habitats from memory with understandable accuracy.

1. Escribir el número correspondiente a cada imagen. [POS8.1]

Nombre: ________________________________ Fecha: _______________________ Clase: ________

Los hábitats

al asca La casa

al banasa

el arm

al vasel

la garjan

El mar

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

La casa La granjaLa selvaLa sabana

2. Solucionar los anagramas. [POS10.1]

3. Buscar los hábitats en la sopa de letras. [POS8.1]

Notice that in this exercise, you don’t need to look for the articles ‘la’ or ‘el’.


Turn the page over and write from memory as many habitats as you can. [POS11.1]

Page 4: MFL Spanish Year 4 · El hipopótamo La granja El mono la selva El cerdo El mar La ballena La casa El perro La sabana POS8.1 Read and show understanding of words for animals and habitats

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___l   c___ rd___ L___  s___r___p___ ___nt___

___l___s___  p___l___r

___ lc___ngr___j___

___l   p___ rr___ ___l   m___n___ ___l  c___b___ll___ L___ b___ll___n___

___l   h___p___p___t___m___ L___ c___br___ L___  ___v___ j___ __l    c__ n __ j__

POS8.1 Read and Show understanding of words for animals.POS10.1 Write words for animals using the vowels.POS11.1 Write words for animals from memory with understandable accuracy.

1. Conectar la imagen con la palabra. [POS8.1]

Los animales

Nombre: ________________________________ Fecha: _______________________ Clase: ________

El cerdo 

El cangrejo

El caballo

La estrella de mar

El perro

La ballena

El conejo

El ratón

2. Escoger la palabra correcta para cada animal. [POS8.1]

• La cebra

• El león

• El mono

• La oveja

• La ballena

• El oso polar

• El mono

• La serpiente

• el tiburón

• El hipopótamo

• El mono

• El león

• El oso polar

• la cebra

• El león

• La oveja

• El gato

• El mono

• La ballena

• El oso polar

• El conejo

3. Usar las vocales para completar las palabras. [POS10.1] a e i o u


Turn the page over and write from memory as many animals in Spanish as you can. [POS11.1]

Page 5: MFL Spanish Year 4 · El hipopótamo La granja El mono la selva El cerdo El mar La ballena La casa El perro La sabana POS8.1 Read and show understanding of words for animals and habitats

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POS8.1 Read and show understanding of words for animals and habitats.

Nombre: ________________________________ Fecha: _______________________ Clase: ________

1. Conectar las imágenes de los animales con los hábitats correctos. [POS8.1]

Los animales y los hábitats

2. ¿Quién vive en estos hábitats? (Who lives in these habitats?). [POS8.1]

La selva El conejo La oveja  El cangrejo La cebra El serpiente

El mar La estrella de mar El conejo La serpiente la cebra La oveja

La casa La serpiente la estrella de mar La oveja El conejo La cebra

La sabana El cangrejo La oveja La cebra El conejo La serpiente

La granja La oveja La serpiente El conejo La cebra El cangrejo


Page 6: MFL Spanish Year 4 · El hipopótamo La granja El mono la selva El cerdo El mar La ballena La casa El perro La sabana POS8.1 Read and show understanding of words for animals and habitats

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El hipopótamo La granja

El mono la selva

El cerdo El mar

La ballena La casa

El perro La sabana

POS8.1 Read and show understanding of words for animals and habitats.POS9.2 Use a bi-lingual dictionary to find words for animals in Spanish and organise them in alphabetical order.

Nombre: ________________________________ Fecha: _______________________ Clase: ________

3. Conectar los animales con los hábitats.. [POS8.1]

4. Think of a new animal in English for each habitat and find them in your

bi-lingual dictionary. [POS9.2] ☑

Hábitat  Animal in English Animal en EspañolGranja

Mar Sabana 

Casa Selva 

5. Now put the animals you found in alphabetical order. [POS9.2] ☑






Page 7: MFL Spanish Year 4 · El hipopótamo La granja El mono la selva El cerdo El mar La ballena La casa El perro La sabana POS8.1 Read and show understanding of words for animals and habitats

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POS10.2 Write sentences to describe where animals live. Follow the example.POS11.2 Write negative and positive sentences from memory describing where animals live or don’t live. POS12.2 Use the verb ‘to live’ in the third person singular POSITIVE/NEGATIVE FORM.

Nombre: ________________________________ Fecha: _______________________ Clase: ________

1. Escribir frases POSITIVAS y NEGATIVAS usando los animales y los hábitats.

[POS10.2] [POS12.2]

¿Dónde viven los animals? (Where do they live?)

☑ ☑

El hipopótamo La ballena El cerdo El mono El perro

el mar la sabana la casa la selva la granja

1 2 3 4 5

vive en = lives in

no vive en = doesn’t live in

1. ____________________ vive en  ___________________

2. _______ _____________ vive en  _______ ____________

3. _______ ______________   _____________  ______ ______  _____________________

4. _______ ______________   _____________  ______ ______ _____________________ 

5. _______ ______________   _____________  ______ _____  _____________________ 

El perro la casa

1. ____________________ no vive en  ___________________

2. _______ _____________ no vive en  _______ ____________

3. _______ ______________   _____________  ______ ______  _____________________

4. _______ ______________   _____________  ______ ______ _____________________ 

5. _______ ______________   _____________  ______ _____  _____________________ 

El perro la selva

3. Turn the page over and write from memory as many positive and negative sentences as you

can. Describe where animals live or don’t live. [POS11.1]

Page 8: MFL Spanish Year 4 · El hipopótamo La granja El mono la selva El cerdo El mar La ballena La casa El perro La sabana POS8.1 Read and show understanding of words for animals and habitats

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POS8.2 Read and show understanding of longer sentences about animals and their habitats.POS10.2 Write sentences about animals and their habitats. Follow the example.POS12.2 Use the verb ‘to live’ in the first person singular POSITIVE/NEGATIVE FORM.

Nombre: ________________________________ Fecha: _______________________ Clase: ________

¿Dónde viven los animals? (Where do they live?)

Give the animals a name of your choice.

vivo en = I live in

A. B. C.

D. E.

Me llamo Beto. Vivo en la sabana.

Me llamo Sue. Vivo en la casa.

Me llamo Robin. Vivo en el mar.

Me llamo Lola.  Vivo en la granja.

Me llamo Cheeky. Vivo en la selva.

1. Verdadero ‘V’ o Falso ‘F’. [POS8.2] ☑






2. Completar las frases usando ‘vivo.’ [POS10.2] [POS12.2]☑ ☑

Ejemplo: Me llamo Nell. Vivo en la sabana.

en el maren la selva

en la granjaen la sabana

en la casa

Me llamo ________________. Vivo ____ ____ ____________________

Me llamo _________________. _______ _____ ____ _______________

____ ______ _______________.  _______ _____ ____ ___________________

____ ______ _______________.  ______ ____ ___ ______________________

____ ______ _______________.  ______ ____ ____ _____________________

Page 9: MFL Spanish Year 4 · El hipopótamo La granja El mono la selva El cerdo El mar La ballena La casa El perro La sabana POS8.1 Read and show understanding of words for animals and habitats

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POS10.1 Write words for habitats following a model.POS11.1  Write from memory words for habitats including the definite article. POS12.2 Write the correct definite article for each habitat.

Nombre: ________________________________ Fecha: _______________________ Clase: ________

1. Escribir el artículo correcto para cada hábitat. [POS12.2]

‘La’ / ‘El’ = ‘The’Artículo definido = Definite article

In Spanish there are two words for ‘The’. To know which one to use, you need to look at

the ending of the word.

Use ‘la’ for words ending with an ‘a’

Use ‘el’ for words NOT ending with an ‘a’

___ selva  ___  granja ___ casa ___ mar ___ sabana 

2. Escribir los hábitats en el grupo correcto. [POS10.1]

La El

• •

3. Turn the page over and write in Spanish from memory as many habitats as possible.

Remember to include the definite article ‘la’ or ‘el’. [POS11.1]

Page 10: MFL Spanish Year 4 · El hipopótamo La granja El mono la selva El cerdo El mar La ballena La casa El perro La sabana POS8.1 Read and show understanding of words for animals and habitats

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POS10.1 Write words for habitats following a model.POS11.1  Write from memory words for habitats including the definite article. POS12.2 Write the correct definite article for each habitat.

Nombre: ________________________________ Fecha: _______________________ Clase: ________

1. Escribir el artículo correcto para cada animal. [POS12.2]

‘La’ / ‘El’ = ‘The’Artículo definido = Definite article

In Spanish there are two words for ‘The’. To know which one to use, you need to look at

the ending of the word.

Use ‘la’ for words ending with an ‘a’

Use ‘el’ for words NOT ending with an ‘a’

2. Escribir los animales en el grupo correcto. [POS10.1] ☑

El La• • La serpiente

• •

• •

• •

3. Turn the page over and write in Spanish from memory as many animals as possible.

Remember to include the definite article ‘la’ or ‘el’. [POS11.1]

_____ serpiente _____ caballo _____ conejo _____ oveja

_____ cerdo _____ cebra _____ perro _____ oveja

_____ león _____ hipopótamo _____ ratón _____ ballena 

_____ mono _____ cangrejo _____ estrella de mar _____ león


‘Serpiente’ is the exception of

the rule as it does not end with

an ‘a’ but we use ‘la’.

Page 11: MFL Spanish Year 4 · El hipopótamo La granja El mono la selva El cerdo El mar La ballena La casa El perro La sabana POS8.1 Read and show understanding of words for animals and habitats

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Nombre: ________________________________ Fecha: _______________________ Clase: ________

POS7.1 Read and recognise familiar words using knowledge of the phonemes ‘j.’POS9.2 Use a bi-lingual dictionary to find the meaning of animals in Spanish.

1. Write the words in the boxes using the ‘j’ phoneme. [POS7.1]

jC___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___


O___ ___ ___ ___


G___ ___ ___ ___ ___


C___ ___ ___ ___ ___


2. Look for these two animals in your bi-lingual dictionary. They both have the ‘j’ phoneme. Also write a sentence in Spanish stating where they live. [POS9.2] ☑

English Spanish Habitat in SpanishGiraffe vive en


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1. Write the words in the boxes using the ‘ll’ phoneme. [POS7.1]

POS7.1  Read and recognise familiar words using knowledge of the phonemes ‘ll’ and ‘ce.’POS9.2  Use a bi-lingual dictionary to find the meaning of animals in Spanish.

Nombre: ________________________________ Fecha: _______________________ Clase: ________


E___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ de mar

(Star fish)

B___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___


C___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___


2. Look for these two animals in your bi-lingual dictionary. They both have ‘ll’ phoneme.  Also write a sentence in Spanish stating where they live. [POS9.2]☑

English Spanish Habitat in SpanishRooster vive enChicken 

3. Write the words in the boxes using the ‘ce’ phoneme. [POS7.1]

ce___ ___ ___ ___ a


___ ___ ___ ___ o


4. Look for this animal in your bi-lingual dictionary. It has the ‘ce’ phoneme. Also

write a sentence in Spanish stating where it lives. [POS9.2] ☑

English Spanish Habitat in SpanishCalf vive en

Page 13: MFL Spanish Year 4 · El hipopótamo La granja El mono la selva El cerdo El mar La ballena La casa El perro La sabana POS8.1 Read and show understanding of words for animals and habitats

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