metrology€¦ · sweep run angular accuracy improved angular offset based on actual starting...

METROLOGY Transforming the World of Metrology One Device at a Time

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Page 1: METROLOGY€¦ · Sweep Run Angular accuracy Improved angular offset based on actual starting point. Increased level of detail in the feedback Visual feedback on the quality of each


Transforming the World of Metrology

One Device at a Time

Page 2: METROLOGY€¦ · Sweep Run Angular accuracy Improved angular offset based on actual starting point. Increased level of detail in the feedback Visual feedback on the quality of each


Updates & Upgrades

Presentation C414, Slide Property of EZ Metrology © 2019. All rights reserved.2

Page 3: METROLOGY€¦ · Sweep Run Angular accuracy Improved angular offset based on actual starting point. Increased level of detail in the feedback Visual feedback on the quality of each


1 . I N T R O D U C T I O N

2 . H A R D W A R E E V O L U T I O N

3 . S O F T W A R E E V O L U T I O N

4 . M O D U L A R P A C K A G I N G

5 . U P G R A D E

Presentation C414, Slide Property of EZ Metrology © 2019. All rights reserved.3

Page 4: METROLOGY€¦ · Sweep Run Angular accuracy Improved angular offset based on actual starting point. Increased level of detail in the feedback Visual feedback on the quality of each

1 . I N T R O D U C T I O N

With the new updates on EZSlam platform, the development team atEZMetrology aimed to excel on 3 levels.

1. Software

Improved user friendliness and accessibility.

2. Analysis

Optimized methods and new metrics based on the collective experience from our worldwide customer base.

3. Hardware

Enhanced materials, increased robustness and accuracy.


Presentation C414, Slide Property of EZ Metrology © 2019. All rights reserved.4

Page 5: METROLOGY€¦ · Sweep Run Angular accuracy Improved angular offset based on actual starting point. Increased level of detail in the feedback Visual feedback on the quality of each

H a n d l e R e v i s i o nA new handle design to improve comfort and accuracy onfriction measurement for hinge and check system.


C O N T I N U E D E V O L U T I O N S T O I M P R O V E Q U A L I T Y A N D P E R F O R M A N C E .

2 . H A R D W A R E E V O L U T I O N S

M a t e r i a l s U p g r a d eWith rapidly evolving manufacturing technologies, criticalEZSlam components have been updated with new stronger,impact resistant materials.

Presentation C414, Slide Property of EZ Metrology © 2019. All rights reserved.5

Page 6: METROLOGY€¦ · Sweep Run Angular accuracy Improved angular offset based on actual starting point. Increased level of detail in the feedback Visual feedback on the quality of each


B R I N G I N G E Z S L A M T O 2 0 1 9 S O F T W A R E S TA N D A R D S .

3 . S O F T W A R E E V O L U T I O N

U s e r E x p e r i e n c e

✓ High Contrast Color Scheme

✓ Interactive Graphso Cursor Function with Readouto Legendo Expansion from Overviewo …

✓ Improved Navigation Tools

✓ 3 Level Views o Basic, Advanced and Expert View

Please ask for our technical reference document C216 for detailed descriptions.

Presentation C414, Slide Property of EZ Metrology © 2019. All rights reserved.6

Page 7: METROLOGY€¦ · Sweep Run Angular accuracy Improved angular offset based on actual starting point. Increased level of detail in the feedback Visual feedback on the quality of each



3 . S O F T W A R E E V O L U T I O N

A c q u i s i t i o n A s s i s tBefore each Run the user has a glance at a self check of all sensor toavoid any late starts or early endings of the recording.

I n s t a n t F e e d b a c kUpon completion a color coded progress bar provides feedback to theuser and confirms the correct flow. It would, if required, flag aquestionable operation

Please ask for our technical reference document C216 for detailed descriptions.

Presentation C414, Slide Property of EZ Metrology © 2019. All rights reserved.7

R e p e a t M o d eSpeed up the acquisition by recording multiple runs in one acquisitionsequence.

Page 8: METROLOGY€¦ · Sweep Run Angular accuracy Improved angular offset based on actual starting point. Increased level of detail in the feedback Visual feedback on the quality of each


✓ Separation of Cabin and Seal Air influenceQuantify which component of air management is most significant.

✓ Check Boost EnergyQuantify the final energy input or boost from the check to assist latching.

✓ Detection Inner and Outer Detent PositionsAngular Positions and associated closing Energy from each position

✓ Predictive improvements Quantify potential overall gain when implementing relative improvement on a subcomponent.

3 . S O F T W A R E E V O L U T I O N

B A S E D O N F E E D B A C K , R E Q U E S T S A N D N E W R E S E A R C H , O U R S I G N AT U R E D N A H A S B E E N E X P A N D E D .

Please ask for our technical reference document C216 for detailed descriptions.

Presentation C414, Slide Property of EZ Metrology © 2019. All rights reserved.8

Page 9: METROLOGY€¦ · Sweep Run Angular accuracy Improved angular offset based on actual starting point. Increased level of detail in the feedback Visual feedback on the quality of each


✓ Typical Energy Distribution Quantify the energy distribution for a given speed.

✓ Striker Position SensitivityQuantify how much will the closing energy changes in function of striker adjustment.

✓ Pressure in function of YChart the pressure build-up as the door approaches the seals and cabin.

✓ Static and Dynamic Latch PointIdentify the change in behavior of the latch in dynamics situation.

✓ Closing Energy in WattA different approach to quantify closing energy.

3 . S O F T W A R E E V O L U T I O N

B A S E D O N F E E D B A C K , R E Q U E S T S A N D N E W R E S E A R C H , O U R S I G N AT U R E D N A H A S B E E N E X P A N D E D .

Please ask for our technical reference document C216 for detailed descriptions.

Presentation C414, Slide Property of EZ Metrology © 2019. All rights reserved.9

Page 10: METROLOGY€¦ · Sweep Run Angular accuracy Improved angular offset based on actual starting point. Increased level of detail in the feedback Visual feedback on the quality of each

E Z S L A M X3 . S O F T W A R E E V O L U T I O N

P R O C E S S C O N T R O L , U S E R F E E D B A C K A N D R E P R E S E N TAT I O N H AV E B E E N E N H A N C E D .

✓ Wiggle Quality FeedbackProvide visual feedback on the quality of the wiggle run.

✓ Sweep Run Angular accuracyImproved angular offset based on actual starting point.

✓ Increased level of detail in the feedbackVisual feedback on the quality of each new run and clear clarification if required.

✓ Detailed Door geometry EntryProvide higher level of detail on the door geometry.

✓ Weight Modelling function of door dimensional geometryInertia and weight modelling based on door weight distribution (front/rear door).

✓ Custom Quality IndexCustomize your quality index to reflect your door signature.

✓ Enhanced Comparison Report Revised comparison report with improved and intuitive structure.

Please ask for our technical reference document C216 for detailed descriptions.

Presentation C414, Slide Property of EZ Metrology © 2019. All rights reserved.10

Page 11: METROLOGY€¦ · Sweep Run Angular accuracy Improved angular offset based on actual starting point. Increased level of detail in the feedback Visual feedback on the quality of each

4 . M O D U L A R P A C K A G I N G E Z S L A M X

Base Module(Free)

View any existing Data via import export functions.


Connect to EZSlam and collect new data.


Process new or existing sessions to view alternative outcomes.


Creates comparison and use new reporting.

Tune UpModule

Run a specific procedure to tune up the system.*

A D D A D D I T I O N A L C A P A B I L I T Y, TA I L O R E D T O T H E N E E D O F T H E E N G I N E E R S A N D O R G A N I Z AT I O N .

Presentation C414, Slide Property of EZ Metrology © 2019. All rights reserved.11

Page 12: METROLOGY€¦ · Sweep Run Angular accuracy Improved angular offset based on actual starting point. Increased level of detail in the feedback Visual feedback on the quality of each

4 . M O D U L A R P A C K A G I N G E Z S L A M X

B a s e M o d u l eThe basic module containing the functionality to import and view any existing session, generate reports,perform exports and other basic operations.

P r o c e s s i n g M o d u l eOptional module as extension on EZSlamX Base Module to enable reprocessing of new data or existing data fordifferent conventions, configurations to enhance understanding of results.

A c q u i s i t i o n M o d u l eOptional module as extension on EZSlamX Base Module to enable communication with the hardware to recordnew sessions. This module will also require the processing module to be fully functional.

C o m p a r i s o n M o d u l eOptional module as extension on EZSlamX Base Module to generate comparisons in the software environmentand generate reports containing the numerical and graphical reports.

Tu n e U p M o d u l eThe optional Tune-up module enables the user to perform a comparative measurement and tune the output ofthe system to match reference data.

Presentation C414, Slide Property of EZ Metrology © 2019. All rights reserved.12

Page 13: METROLOGY€¦ · Sweep Run Angular accuracy Improved angular offset based on actual starting point. Increased level of detail in the feedback Visual feedback on the quality of each

5 . S O F T W A R E U P G R A D E E Z S L A M X

Your system was purchased in the last 12 months and is therefore still under factory warranty.

C A S E 1 : F A C T O R Y W A R R A N T Y

Please note that the brand new Tune Up module is not part of the free upgrade.

E Z S l a m X l i c e n s e

✓ Free upgrade

✓ System Verification

R e q u i r e d I n s t a l l a t i o n a n d Tr a i n i n g

✓ 2 days training from one of the experts.

✓ Travelling cost

Presentation C414, Slide Property of EZ Metrology © 2019. All rights reserved.13

Page 14: METROLOGY€¦ · Sweep Run Angular accuracy Improved angular offset based on actual starting point. Increased level of detail in the feedback Visual feedback on the quality of each

5 . S O F T W A R E U P G R A D E E Z S L A M X

Your system was purchased over 12 months ago but it was kept under warranty and software update subscription.

C A S E 2 : U N D E R W A R R A N T Y & S U B S C R I P T I O N

E Z S l a m X l i c e n s e

✓ Free upgrade

✓ System Verification

R e q u i r e d I n s t a l l a t i o n a n d Tr a i n i n g

✓ 2 days training from one of the experts.

✓ Travelling cost

Please note that the brand new Tune Up module is not part of the free upgrade.

Presentation C414, Slide Property of EZ Metrology © 2019. All rights reserved.14

Page 15: METROLOGY€¦ · Sweep Run Angular accuracy Improved angular offset based on actual starting point. Increased level of detail in the feedback Visual feedback on the quality of each

5 . S O F T W A R E U P G R A D E E Z S L A M X

Your system was purchased over 12 months ago and is not covered under any plans.

C A S E 3 : N O W A R R A N T Y

This is a limited Time offer during the launch of EZSlamX

Please note that the brand new Tune Up module is not part of the free upgrade.

E Z S l a m X l i c e n s e

Sign up for Extended Warranty and Software Subscription to be eligible for the following:

✓ Free Upgrade

✓ System Verification

R e q u i r e d I n s t a l l a t i o n a n d Tr a i n i n g

✓ 2 days training from one of the experts.

✓ Travelling cost

Presentation C414, Slide Property of EZ Metrology © 2019. All rights reserved.15

Page 16: METROLOGY€¦ · Sweep Run Angular accuracy Improved angular offset based on actual starting point. Increased level of detail in the feedback Visual feedback on the quality of each

T h a n k y o u f o r w a t c h i n g .

w w w. e z m e t r o l o g y. c o m

Presentation C414, Slide Property of EZ Metrology © 2019. All rights reserved.16