message from the principal · 2015-06-23 · orchid sheraton hotel: a wonderful venue for this very...

TRAILL INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL 1 June 2015 April/May 2015 MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL Welcome to the final edition of the Newsletter for this academic year. The last Newsletter was published only three weeks ago but still, this edition is 30 pages long, which is testament to how much your children have been doing in the last month. And, with three days left before the holidays there are still have two major performances coming up: “The Piper” by Primary and “Traill’s got Talent” by Secondary. Both the primary and the secondary prize days went off very well and I was, yet again, amazed at wealth of talent which our students have, all through the school. Our annual graduation ceremony was held last Saturday at the Royal Orchid Sheraton Hotel: a wonderful venue for this very important occasion. That was followed in the evening by our Prom which this year, had the theme of “The Roaring Twenties”. Clearly many of the students and staff had spent many hours preparing for it and they looked spectacular! My grateful thanks go to Mr Philip and the Prom committee for organizing it, along with Mr “DJ” Ben, on his final appearance at Traill. Our basketball team made a clean sweep of wins in the Dragon’s Cup with the U13, U16 and U19A teams all winning their tournaments. Congratulations to all the players and my thanks go to coaches Troy and Joe for all their effort and expertise. I will leave to read in more detail about all the things your children have been up to in the following pages. It finally just leaves me to wish you all a very restful and safe holiday and I look forward to seeing you all again in August, ready for another successful year at Traill! Mr. Gordon Espley-Jones, School Principal

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Page 1: MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL · 2015-06-23 · Orchid Sheraton Hotel: a wonderful venue for this very important occasion. That was followed in the evening by our Prom which this year,



June 2015

April/May 2015


Welcome to the final edition of the Newsletter for this academic year. The last

Newsletter was published only three weeks ago but still, this edition is 30 pages

long, which is testament to how much your children have been doing in the last

month. And, with three days left before the holidays there are still have two

major performances coming up: “The Piper” by Primary and “Traill’s got Talent”

by Secondary.

Both the primary and the secondary prize days went off very well and I was, yet

again, amazed at wealth of talent which our students have, all through the

school. Our annual graduation ceremony was held last Saturday at the Royal

Orchid Sheraton Hotel: a wonderful venue for this very important occasion. That

was followed in the evening by our Prom which this year, had the theme of “The

Roaring Twenties”. Clearly many of the students and staff had spent many hours

preparing for it and they looked spectacular! My grateful thanks go to Mr Philip

and the Prom committee for organizing it, along with Mr “DJ” Ben, on his final

appearance at Traill.

Our basketball team made a clean sweep of wins in the Dragon’s Cup with the

U13, U16 and U19A teams all winning their tournaments. Congratulations to all the

players and my thanks go to coaches Troy and Joe for all their effort and


I will leave to read in more detail about all the things your children have been up

to in the following pages. It finally just leaves me to wish you all a very restful

and safe holiday and I look forward to seeing you all again in August, ready for

another successful year at Traill!

Mr. Gordon Espley-Jones, School Principal

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June 2015

April/May 2015

Pre KG Ms Jess

KG1 & KS1 Leader Mr Mike

KG2 Mrs. Rebecca

Year 1 Miss Evelyn

Year 2A Miss Victoria

Year 2B Mr Joe

Year 3 Mr Chris

Year 4A Mr Lawrence

Year 4B Mr David

Year 5A

Mr Angus

Year 5B

Mr James

Year 6A

Mr Joseph


Vice Principal &

Head of Primary

Mrs. Jane Griffiths



2015-2016 Year 6B & KS2 Leader

Ms Stacy

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June 2015

April/May 2015


During the last term KG went on their

final trip to Playtime. It was an amazing

day full of excitement and energy with

students participating in lots of different


We have been practicing for our summer

show. The children look great dressed up

as rats!

Have a terrific summer everyone – take

care and see you all in the August Term!

Ms. Jessica Williams & Mr. Mike Mallon,

Kindergarten Teachers

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June 2015

April/May 2015


Let’s take a look at what has been happening in Year 1….

Mr. David Gaggini, Year 1 Teacher

Painting plaster casts at

the Playtime Fun

Activity Centre in

Ekamai Ahhhhhhh - Prod Pran

having fun on the zip

wire !

Takeru about to go

down the big slide.

Electric motorbike race

around the grand

London circuit - can you

spot Big Ben?

Who is that monkey on

the pirate boat?

Year 1 exploring the

sandpit at Playtime.

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June 2015

April/May 2015


This month, to complete their topic on

Brazil, Year 2 have worked in teams to

design and create a float for carnival.

With bright colours and, for some, lots of

glitter, they have made some fantastic

floats based on their choice of theme!

Mrs. Rebecca Wongwiboonchai, Year 2

Teacher & KS1 Coordinator

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June 2015

April/May 2015


3B have been busy learning about water

wheels and how energy can be produced

from the flow of water. Varied designs

showed that the students quickly

grasped how this technology could be

used and eagerly explored the


Students also learned how to model

facial features with clay, producing their

own miniature heads.

Mr. Chris Douglas & Mr. Angus Moore,

Year 3 Teachers

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June 2015

April/May 2015


Last week, Year 4 and the rest of Key Stage 2 went to Rotfai Park for a day of adventure! In hot

conditions, Year 4 students cycled many kilometers around the beautiful park, before stopping for a spot

of lunch in the stunning surroundings. After lunch we soldiered on through the terrain, resting at play

areas until we could carry on no more! Ice-creams were fully deserved and a lovely day was had by all!

Mr. Joseph Gale & Mr. Rik Jones, Year 4 Teachers

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June 2015

April/May 2015

It has truly been a fantastic year for Year 5! So many accomplishments and glorious moments! We have wrapped up Term 3 in style by

completing our studies on the Commonwealth. Our students have researched several of the most important Commonwealth countries, taking a

look at their history, culture and stories. We have decided to choose one word that summarizes our spirit and all our achievements during the

year: this word is UBUNTU.

UBUNTU comes from South Africa (one of the main Commonwealth nations) and it can be roughly translated to “human kindness” or “humanity

towards others”, although it is more often used in a philosophical sense as to mean the “belief in a universal bond of sharing that connects all


According to philosopher Michael Onyebuchi Eze, the core of Ubuntu can best be summarized as follows: “A person is a person through other

people' strikes an affirmation of one’s humanity through recognition of an ‘other’ in his or her uniqueness and difference. It is a demand for a

creative interpersonal formation in which the ‘other’ becomes a mirror (but only a mirror) for my subjectivity. This idealism suggests to us that

humanity is not embedded in my person solely as an individual; my humanity is co-substantively bestowed upon the other and me. Humanity is a

quality we owe to each other. We create each other and need to sustain this otherness creation. And if we belong to each other, we participate in

our creations: we are because you are, and since you are, definitely I am. The ‘I am’ is not a rigid subject, but a dynamic self-constitution

dependent on this otherness creation of relation and distance”.

We think UBUNTU truly represents the core of our efforts and achievements throughout this academic year. If you have a moment, please watch

what Nelson Mandela said about Ubuntu at the following link:

Well done Year 5!

Mr. Lawrence Tomasi, Year 5 Teacher


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June 2015

April/May 2015


This month the Year 6 students found out that

they were to be leaders of a group of spies

who were to sneak into Castle Krill, and steal

battle plans to save their country Slinsil and

then find their way back home battling many

challenges; and strange and dangerous


This is our summer term project – Escape

from Kraznir. The children had to immerse

themselves into a whole new world of wonder

and fantasy. They had to devise what kind of

magical creature they were. They also met

their group of spies – an elf, a hobbit, a wizard

and a dwarf. Each week of this term they faced

a new battle or adventure on their journey


For each week they created a new page for

their books. Each page represented a new day

of the journey and used different text types;

including poetry, narratives, play scripts,

letters and newspapers. They also created

their own game and PowerPoint animation.

The children have had great fun with this

project and at the end they will have written

their very own book!

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June 2015

April/May 2015


Year 6 is also known as the ‘Year of Change’ in Primary, as it is the year where children get ready for

their move to Secondary school.

This month the Year 6 prepared for a very special day, a day in Secondary school, with their new

Secondary tutor and subject teachers. Four Year 7 students were invited to talk to our Year 6 and tell

them about how they have found the move. It was a very informative session, and lots of questions were

asked and many concerns and worries were allayed.

Next the Year 6 became Secondary students for a day, experiencing the Secondary timetable, Secondary

style lessons and meeting their future teachers.

Initially the Year 6 students were very nervous, but also extremely excited. By the end of the day they

were grinning from ear to ear, they had had such a fantastic day, and knew they were ready for the


Here are some of their views on the day:

‘I really like our new tutor, she is so friendly!’

‘I like Secondary break times, everyone sits around and chats!’

‘Wow, I didn’t know I would have to walk to so many lessons – I’ll be very fit next year!’

A special thank you to all the Secondary teachers who provided such worthwhile and amazing taster

lessons; and a very special thank you to Mr. Barry who organized this day!

Ms. Stacy Corless, KS2 Leader & Year 6 Tutor

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June 2015

April/May 2015


Every year the Primary School organizes a special fun visit for the children. This year Key Stage

2 invited Year 2 to join them on their visit to Rotfai Park.

This is a great opportunity for the children and the teachers to experience learning through

social interaction outside of the classroom environment.

The day begun with much excitement, and not just from the children! Everyone got onto their

buses and escaped the usual school day, changing it for a day of adventure!

On arrival the children sorted out what type of bike best suited them (2 wheels or 4?) What was

so good was seeing children trying out new things and what was even better was seeing our

teachers taking on new challenges! This year Ms. Jane, our Year 2 TA, actually got on a bike! It

may have had 4 wheels but she did it and we were all very proud of her!

The park is a wonderful safe environment for our children, and they were given the opportunity to

cycle around (many children claiming they managed 12 laps of the park!), as well as checking out

the multitude of butterflies in the Butterfly House, playing in the parks and seeing some

magnificent wildlife (including a massive monitor lizard, 3 large herons, lots of huge black crows,

and of course the bugs!)

We all managed to stop and rest in time for lunch and share our experiences with our friends

from other classes. It also gave a chance for the teacher to rest, especially as everyone was

claiming that they hard sore bottoms from riding on the bikes!

It was a truly wonderful day for all involved, even if it was extremely hot and sweaty. Everyone

child and member of staff had so much fun and can’t wait to do it all again next academic year!

A special thanks to all the Key Stage 2 and Year 2 staff for all their marvelous support throughout

the day, and for the children who always show such excellent behaviour on our days out!

Ms. Stacy Corless, KS2 Leader & Year 6 Tutor

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June 2015

April/May 2015


This week, the Primary non-Thai students

have been learning about how to make Yam

Woon Sen (spicy glass noodles salad) and how

to tell time. They built clocks using paper

plates, and really enjoyed their lesson.

Ms. Chaowadee Koson (Kru Guide), Primary

Thai Language & Culture Teacher

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June 2015

April/May 2015


One of the key challenges in the market oriented economic systems is to find the ways to

match demand to the supply. Many labour market reports show that there is mismatch

between supply of certain skilled force and demand for those services. This kind of

discrepancies lead to either reduced benefits from the jobs or exploitation of work

force. Schools are in a key position to influence the supply factor. It is therefore our

responsibility to produce employable students with appropriate guidance.

Schools are increasingly realizing the fact that young people are not only in need of

excellent education but also current information. Efforts in this direction are ranging

from health issues to career opportunities. Most schools do have very structured

programmes to cater to the needs of students in career guidance. Many people tend to

make wrong choices due to lack of information and, therefore needlessly waste years of

their lives, before finding careers which they are more suited for. We, at Traill, always

believe that such approaches should be expanded out from the class room and

integrated to the real world. This approach will go a long way not only in keeping

students informed but also enable them to make informed decisions.

One of the approaches includes arranging guest speakers and workshops with

professionals from all areas of industry and commerce. This not only gives opportunities

to understand the actual requirements in terms of qualifications, personality, etc. but

also the real challenges involved in a particular job. One of the invaluable spin-offs of

having guest lectures is that they often to lead to further collaboration, including work

placements, which are so valuable for young people. Work placement programmes

usually range from 3 to 4 weeks during winter and/or summer holidays, where

interested students will be placed in different organisations. This not only enhances

students’ real understanding but also helps them to secure admissions in reputed


Mr. Praveen Kumar D, Careers Counselor

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June 2015

April/May 2015


The year 7 and 8 students visited the Queen Saovabha Memorial Institute Snake Farm on the 29th May. The snake

farm aims to provide education to the public on snake biology and snake bites treatment, in addition they also a

centre of research. It was a successful that many of the students enjoyed the experience of handling a snake for

the first time ever; although not everyone tried this.

The year 7 students were focusing on snake biology and how snakes are adapted to their environments. They had to

create in groups a presentation about snake adaptation which was then judged in class.

The year 8 students were focusing on the effect of snake bites and how to treat them. This included information on

how anti-venom is produced. So if you are bitten by a snake, I hope you have a year 8 student with you to help you.

Ms. Gail Elliott, Science Teacher

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June 2015

April/May 2015


The Drama Club performed half of the play Next

Actor, Please! at the Secondary Prize Giving

Day. In this zany story which takes place at an

audition for the play Romeo and Juliet, a

director is overwhelmed when the actors

include “The Swamp Shiek,” a dictator-like

Shakespearean actress and a delusional secret

agent. Next to them, the vindictive gypsy, the

homeless girl and the actress prone to panic

attacks seem normal.

The performers in the show included Mary

(7A), Sandy (7A), Janny (7A), Jason (7A), Hoya

(7B), Kaylah (7B) and Bouquet (9B). The

students did an amazing job at performing this

story, and it was very entertaining for the


The students will be performing the full play of

Next Actor, Please! along with other one-act

performances next term, on October 7, 8 and

9. We look forward to performing for the Traill

community then!

Well done to all the performers and I wish you

all a fun and relaxing summer!

Ms. Sara Clark, Drama Teacher

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June 2015

April/May 2015


On Friday 12th June 2015, we were treated to a

wonderful performance at the Secondary Prize

Giving Day.

The show was a solo by Janjao (Y11). She

performed the song “Hero” by “Mariah Carey”

which demonstrated a high range of technical

voice control, sensitivity to phrasing and


She was awarded the Musician of the Year

Award. She has participated in many school

events in the last 2 years such as the Halloween

Concert, Music Assembly, Christmas Variety

Show, Valentine Concert, Traill Family Fun Fair,

the Graduation Ceremony, the Opening

Ceremony of the Fobisia Games At Rajamangala

National Stadium in November 2014, the

Summer Variety Show and “The International

Music Challenge” at Keerapat International

School Bangkok.

Mr.PongsithornSareeratana (Kru Note) – Music


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June 2015

April/May 2015













This year, 11 students became qualified divers.

Seven students completed their PADI open

water qualification (the beginner’s

qualification). Three of the already qualified

divers returned to Koh Tao to complete an

ADVANCED diving qualification, and we also had

one fun diver along for the trip (Callum yr9).

The open water divers were Gut (yr 9), Harmon

(yr9), Film (yr10), Oliver (yr10), Safe (yr10), Jui

(yr10) and Winnie (yr10). They spent a number

of hours practising skills in the pool before

they moved into the sea to continue practising

them as well as having fun. Students had to

learn to remove and replace their masks and

regulator while under water and a number of

procedures which allow safe diving.

Fergus (yr9), Timmy (yr9) and Jamie (yr10)

completed their advanced diver’s course. To do

this they had to complete 5 specialist dives;

among these a night dive where they saw a

turtle, which Fergus looked like he was going to

rugby tackle. A very different type of marine

life was visible on the night dive with starfish,

shrimps and crabs moving while other

normally active fish could be found sleeping in

cracks and holes in the rocks.

The trip ran from the 6th June to the 11th June,

and fun was had by all during the 6 day

adventure. This year the weather was perfect

with spectacular sunsets every night and flat

calm seas every day. A vast variety of marine

life was seen such as stingrays, blue spotted

rays, barracuda, green turtles, clown fish and

many other kinds of fish.

The PADI open water certification is recognised

worldwide, allowing these students the

opportunity to dive anywhere in the world.

Ms. Gail Elliott, Examinations Officer

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June 2015

April/May 2015


Last Friday, June 12th, The Artist of the Year Award winner was presented to Year 11 IGCSE Art and

Design student, Sara Bowman. One of the many reasons Sara received this award was because she

constantly pushed herself into areas of the unfamiliar where she was discovering her own techniques

using new media in inventive ways. As a consequence of this Sara found herself gaining that extra

understanding that is only acquired by the experience, and at times the uncomfortable struggle, and its

resolution. Sara also never hesitated to use her curiosity, she believes in her ‘hunches’ where she

was never intimidated in trying her hand at something new, something unexplored. It was the travelling

hopefully that was just as valued as the arrival. Another successful result of Sara’s willingness to

explore the unknown was what seemed to be at times very disparate subjects, segued into works that

formed new images and new interpretations on what is usually considered a traditional theme,

Buddhist imagery. Also Sara’s artistic response in the second half of the year to her IGCSE

Examination Question Paper, ‘Cover-up’, was just as wide ranging in ideas as her own personal theme

embarked at the beginning of the year on creating imagery showing the concrete and ethereal in

Theravada Buddhism. Here are a few images from Sara’s Coursework and Final Piece for you to view

for yourself Sara Bowman’s fantastic artistic response and wonderful personal vision.

Ms. Sarah Bond, Art and Design Department

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June 2015

April/May 2015


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June 2015

April/May 2015

ESL Trip to the National Thai Science Museum

On Thursday 6th June, students from our primary and secondary ESL classes went to the Thai National Science Museum. It is an amazing

place which was opened in 2000 to celebrate Queen Sirikit’s 60th birthday.

Upon our arrival we were taken to the science “Bump” show, where the students learnt all about energy transfer. The presenter called

upon many of our students to act as volunteers, with a number of very humorous outcomes. After lunch, primary and secondary were

split into two groups.

The ESL Secondary students were placed into teams to tackle the “Science Walk,” an activity in which they had to race around all six

zones of the museum answering questions about the exhibits; the floors were filled with the thundering footsteps of our students

enthusiastically completing the task! The winners of the competition were each given a zoetrope, which is a very simple but clever

machine which creates moving images. At the end of the day the students were given free time to visit their favorite sections of the


The ESL Primary students truly enjoyed interacting with the cleverly designed exhibits and learning more about Science and the world

we live in. They had a blast wandering through the museum and using the many interesting hands-on stations. They particularly liked the

sound and electricity stations as well as the optical illusion room. The human anatomy, earthquake, advance robots, and Thai culture

displays were a hit as well! Everyone came back thrilled by all their adventures.

Great fun was had by all; the only complaint made by the students all day was that they didn’t want to leave!

The interesting things learnt at the National Science Museum were put to good use by creating essays and mini projects back at school.

Mr. Patrick Hughes, Head of ESL Department

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June 2015

April/May 2015

ESL Trip to the National Thai Science Museum

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June 2015

April/May 2015

Traill’s International Award students complete

their Adventurous Journeys

The students at Traill have completed two trips in term 3 as part of their last section of their International Award (IA) programs. Both trips

went to the largest National Park in Thailand, Kaeng Krachan. Three groups of students in Year 10 decided to complete Explorations, which

consist of active projects aimed at discovering something of interest to them about the area they were trekking through. They were based

around the beautiful Ban Krang camping ground within the national park. Their two-day trek allowed them to explore the jungle ecosystem

around the camp in different directions and to compare different areas. The Year 11 group opted to complete an Expedition. Covering a greater

distance (about 25 Km) over their two days, this group had breakfast at a high viewing point before trekking to a waterfall in the jungle and

then back along the ridgeline to the high campsite at Phanoen Thung. This camp has stunning views over the unspoilt rainforest with views as

far as the border mountains of Myanmar.

The Adventurous Journey section of the IA program is the fourth section of the Award that students need to complete in order to achieve this

prestigious award at Bronze or Silver level. (At Gold level there is an additional Residential Project). It is not enough to simply walk through an

area; students must have a declared aim or purpose to their journey. Students may opt for either an Expedition or an Exploration. These are

similar but the emphasis of an expedition is more on the journeying aspect and in an exploration more about the active discovery of a smaller

area. After completion of their journey in either case, students need to present a report, in a format of their choosing, to their Supervisors

and Assessors.

This year Bronze Award students looked at:

• The effect of soil & water pH on the presence of butterfly and other insect species

• Studies into the relationship between different flora and fauna in the jungle ecosystem

• The difference in plant types at different altitudes and relationship to land use

• Identification of rare or otherwise interesting plant and animal species

The Bronze students will be finishing their award soon and thinking about moving on to Silver level where the demands in terms of time

commitment are greater.

Dr. Dan Marsh, International Award Coordinator

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June 2015

April/May 2015

Traill’s International Award students complete

their Adventurous Journeys

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June 2015

April/May 2015


Students and staff travelled to Kaeng Krachan National Park in late

May and early June to complete their expedition or exploration part

of the International Award. Having already completed a practice

students were able to live under canvas, be self-sufficient and

explore the stunning wild jungle.

Groups investigated the flora and fauna looking to understand the

range of wildlife and occasionally interact with the rare species

found in this stunning National Park. A very enjoyable time was had

by all concerned and the year 11 students were able to complete a

rigorous trek to a waterfall.

The groups navigated through dense jungle, observed the impact on

the environment and experienced the sheer noise of the jungle at

night. Sighting a number of different often rare monkeys the

students were given a unique experience and even saw a giant

tortoise. An essential part of the International Award all students

have to complete either an exploration or expedition as part of their

Bronze award. All have to be largely self-sufficient for 2 days and

one night.

Students also have to complete 6 months of a new skill, take part in

community service and develop a sport. The determination and

perseverance will hopefully ensure many of these students will

achieve their bronze award before moving on to silver award next

year. A special mention must go to Dr. Dan as coordinator who has

put all the hard-work into getting this started alongside Miss Emma

and Miss Caroline who have all helped support this exciting


Mr. Graeme Webster, Head of Sixth Form

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June 2015

April/May 2015


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June 2015

April/May 2015


After a successful introduction to the Traill Readers Book Club we are

pleased to announce our second book: Cuckoo Song by Frances

Hardinge. There has been a successful uptake and lots of positive

feedback from our first story The Fastest Boy in the World, where we

held our first monthly ECA. Cuckoo Song is more challenging than the

first, although there is plenty of time to read the book over the

summer break.

Here’s a little taster of what to expect:

When Triss wakes up after an accident, she knows that something is

very wrong. She is insatiably hungry; her sister seems scared of her

and her parents whisper behind closed doors. She looks through her

diary to try to remember, but the pages have been ripped out. Soon

Triss discovers that what happened to her is more strange and

terrible than she could ever have imagined, and that she is quite

literally not herself. In a quest find the truth she must travel into the

terrifying Underbelly of the city to meet a twisted architect who has

dark designs on her family - before it's too late.

For any more information about the club, and to take part in any

quizzes or to find out what to read over the break, check out the link:

Mr. Ashley Sherburn, English Teacher

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June 2015

April/May 2015


During Term 2, our Japanese students in KS3 and 4

visited Chulalongkorn University on Saturday morning

a couple of times. They are Koki, Chinatsu and Minako

(Year 11), Kanane and Mika (Year 10), Mika (Year 9) and

Karune (Year 8). They attended the Gavel Club meeting

which was the Junior Toastmaster meeting where they

can practise and develop public speaking and

leadership skills

Here is a comment from one of the participants.

Feedback on CU Gavel Club Meeting

I am a 13 years old girl who has been studying at an

international school for three year. I have been

studying English language for three years and now I am

able to learn all subjects in main stream class.

I would like to thank you for giving me a valuable

opportunity in CU Gavel Club. I was so inspired by the

experience that I had to speak in front of the audience,

which was unusual and so different from my daily

school life. It was my big happiness and challenge that

there was a large audience who listened to me, even

though I was extremely tense.

I felt that Table Topics session was the place where

participants can share their opinions so that they can

expand their thought to new ideas and can develop not

only their language skills but also their humanity. I

realized that to listen to others’ opinions carefully and

to convey my opinion to others is very essential and

also very difficult.

Next time when I participate in the meeting, I would like

to speak more positively.

(Mika Kikuchi: Year 9)

Mrs. Takako Suzuki Chaoprasert, Japanese Coordinator

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June 2015

April/May 2015

Our MFL Japanese class for Year 9

and First language Japanese

classes for Year 8 and 9 were

combined and had a special lesson

this month – Japanese traditional

“Tea Ceremony”.

A Japanese tea ceremony

instructor in Kimono (Japanese

traditional attire) demonstrated

one of the methods of the tea

ceremony which is usually set up in

the open air for the nobility. Then

each student tried to make a cup of

tea from Macha (Pure green tea

powder) and then tasted it with a

seasonal Japanese-style confection

according to the rules of etiquette.

It was a fantastic experience for all

non-Japanese students and also for

Japanese students.

Mrs. Takako Suzuki Chaoprasert,

Japanese Coordinator












Page 29: MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL · 2015-06-23 · Orchid Sheraton Hotel: a wonderful venue for this very important occasion. That was followed in the evening by our Prom which this year,



June 2015

April/May 2015


On Saturday June 13th the 2015 Prom was held at the Royal Orchid Sheraton Hotel. The theme this year was “The Roaring Twenties” so

the room was decorated with beads, feathers etc. and many of the students and staff dressed accordingly.

A brief welcoming speech was made by the Head Students, Gem and Kris, and then the MCs for the night, Connor and Patricia, took over.

The evening kicked off with a demonstration of the Charleston – the most famous dance from the 1920s – by Ms. Rosemary and her

guest, a well-known dance instructor, Mr. Jamelcar. After that a competition was held for the best Charleston.

Mr. Ben provided a great disco, ably assisted by Pete (YR11), and there were lots of raffles throughout the evening. It was a fabulous

night in a five- star hotel with a magnificent view of the Chao Phraya River.

Best Charleston (Female) Khun Dee

Best Charleston (Male) Mr. Phil

Best Dressed Student (Female) Rylee (10B)

Best Dressed Student (male) Samson(10A)

Prince Cian (9B)

Princess Piano (8A)

King Tsubasa (10C)

Queen Sara (11A)


Students: Pik, Eiey,Pluly, Film, Ice, Sulyna, Pear, Rylee, Maria, Ridhi, Latthawat, Abdi, Connor, Jamie, Jane.

Staff: Mr. Phil, Ms. Di and Mr. Praveen


Family of Pluly (10A)

Family of Gem (12)

Royal Orchid Sheraton Hotel

Somprasong Furniture Co.

Mr. Philip Peters, Head of Students Welfare

Page 30: MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL · 2015-06-23 · Orchid Sheraton Hotel: a wonderful venue for this very important occasion. That was followed in the evening by our Prom which this year,



June 2015

April/May 2015