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  • 8/6/2019 Mercedes Benz 190


  • 8/6/2019 Mercedes Benz 190


    Draining the OilBefore draining the oil, remove the oilfiller cap on the camshaft cover. To drainthe oil, you must be able to reach the underside of the engine. If you do not havea cover on the bottom of the engine, the

    ground clearance of the 190 is sufficientfor you to drain the oil without raising thecar. The 190E has no cover, but to reachthe 1900's drain plug, unscrew the four8-mm head size machine screws, one ateach corner of the cover. With these loose,the light plastic cover may be lowered andremoved.If you raise the front of the car, the bestmethod is to use drive-on ramps or to jackup the front end and rest the car on jackstands. Use the approved lifting points toavoid damage. Do not get under a car supported only by a jack. Follow proper safetyprocedures.Place a suitable container under the drainplug, ready to catch the old oil. The location of the drain plug and the force withwhich the oil comes out of the hole requirea rather large pan . The oil pan is the boxshaped metal part on the bottom front ofthe engine. The drain is on its left side.Loosen the plug with a 13-mm socket ona ratchet wrench until it can be unscrewedby hand . Then unscrew the plug withyour fingers while pushing in on it. Whenthe drain plug comes to the end of thethreads in the oil pan, remove it quicklyto lessen the chance of being splashed byhot oil and losing the drain plug or itswasher. The plug is brass with a coppersealing washer around it. You can also remove the drain plug completely with theratchet wrench, letting it fall into the dirtyoil, to be fished out later. Now is the timeto catch an oil analysis sample. Follow thedirections with the kit.Installing the New Oil Filter

    The year of your car determines whichfilter to use. Be sure to purchase the correcttype. They are:Car M-B Part Number1900, 1984-5 601 1800009190E, 1984 10218001 09190E, 1985 10218401011984190D or E, 1985190D: Place the newfilter in the canister, with the handle ontop. The hole in the bottom of the filterelement must fit over the post in the bottom of the canister. Look into the canisterand you will see what I mean. Some saythat filling the canister with new oil nowwill prevent rotating parts from beingstarved of oil when the engine is re-started .The o-ring in the canister lid and the darkgray washer on the canister bolt must bereplaced. These come with the oil filter.Smear new oil on the o-ring before installing it.Re-install the lid . Tighten the fastenersby hand, then torque to the value listedbelow. These parts are aluminum, lightand strong but soft. Over-tightening can

    ruin the parts, so use a torque wrench .Aluminum has a high coefficient of expansion, meaning that such parts expand andcontract more than steel parts might, soit is important that they be held tightly.Your torque wrench will get consider ableuse, so you might as well buy it now.1985 190E: The spin-on filter used on the1985 190E screws onto a bolt sticking upfrom the engine block. Lightly lubricatethe o-ring on the filter with'new oil beforeinstalling it. Screw it on by hand until theo-ring touches the mounting pad, thentighten another three-quarters of a turn .Over-tightening is as likely to cause an oilleak as under-tightening .Refilling the System

    Replace the air cleaner housing, hoses,nuts, etc. Clean the drain plug and put onthe new copper washer. Screw the pluginto the threaded hole in the oil pan, making sure it screws straight into the hole,not at an angle. Cross-threading willdestroy some threads, and oil will leakout. Torque the bolt to the value listedbelow. Again, a torque wrench is essential.On the 1900, re-install the bottom cover.The screws need to be tight, bu t there isno specific torque value.

    To determine the appropriate oil, checkyou,r owners manua l and the article WhichOil Should I Use? in the May/June 1984issue of The STAR . Put in three to fourquarts, then check the level with the caron the ground. It may take another quartto fill, depending on how much old oil remains in the engine.Checking Your Work

    Start the engine. If oil pressu re does notregister on the gauge within a few seconds,stop it and investigate. If the pressure isOK, check underneath the car and aroundthe filter for oil leaks. Turn the engine off.While the oil drains into the oil pan, cleanup the mess you made, then recheck thelevel . Add oil as needed to reach theproper level.Changing oil in the 190 sounds more difficult than it is. If you have never workedon your own car, now is the time to start.The better you know how your automobileworks, the more comfortable you will bewith it. ..Torque Values: Bolt Head Torque,Fastener Size, mm ft-lbOil drain plug 13 22Oil filter canister,

    190E 13 161900 13 16Air cleaner nuts 10 snugBottom cover machine screws 8 snugThanks to Ryan Motor Cars of FortWorth, Texas (particularly Service Manager Terry laRoux) for their assistance.

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    March/April 1985 57

  • 8/6/2019 Mercedes Benz 190


    190D/E Tech Tips by Ken Chipps, North Texas Section

    Antenna ReplacementAlthough it is retracted when the engineis off, t here are ways that the 19O's antennacan be bent or broken, but replacementis surprisingly easy.The 19O's antenna, made bv Hirschmann, automatically extends an'd retracts,

    with two positions selected by a dashmounted switch. The motor and base unitare mounted in the trunk. The antennaelement is a separ ate part, number 12682700 01, costing about $28, so replacementis easy even though it requires two people.To remove the old element, set the sw itchso that the antenna will extend fully. Turnon the ignition just far enough to activatethe radio, and turn the radio on so that theantenna extends. Loosen the retaining nu ton the antenna with a 12-mm wrench . Tumoff the radio for a moment, then tum it backon. 111e antenna element will now pop outas it extends . While you are turning theradio back on, the second person mustprevent the antenna from hitting anything.As the element leaves the hole, note thedirection of the teeth on the drive belt. 111eteeth on the new element must fac e thesame way to engage the drive gear in thebase unit.

    Orient the new antenna element so thatthe teeth face the same way as the old eIement. Insert the drive belt into the holein the antenna base, and be sure the beltis engaged by the gear. Now comes anothe rpart that requires two people. Turn the24 May/June 1985

    rad io off, and the antenna element will bedrawn into the base, carefully guided bythe second person. If the element doesn'tretract into the base when you turn off theradio, the teeth on the drive belt are facingin the wrong direction or weren't pushedin far e nough.Tighten the retaining nu t on the new element, an d check your work by turning theradio on an d off il few times. 'If vou triedto do the job alone, you may a l s ~ have togo to th e body shop to have the left rearfender repaired where the antenna element bent it. Oh , an d next time you driveinto the garage, do n' t let the door start tocome down before the car's antenna clearsit, so you won't have to do this job again.190 Body Lubrication190D /E body parts needing periodic lu

    bricatit)n include the hood hinges an dlatch, trunk hinges an d latch , gas fillerdoor hinges, the sunroof mechanism an dthe power antenna. Lubricants should beapplied every 15,000 mi or annually. Doorhinges us e nylon bushings requiring nolubrication.

    Th e purpose of lubrication is to reducefriction between moving parts, bu t toomuch lubricant is as ba d as too little . Ex cess lubricant attracts dirt and mLlisture,which can cause damage.

    The lubricant must provide a film ableto withstand the pressure between theparts, it must not interact adversely with

    the parts an d it should protect them fromdirt and water. In this case, the lubricanthas to be able ,o stick in place, so we wanta grease. There are several water-dispersant lubricants available, including WD40, but it seems to attract dirt more thanso me others. Lubriplate makes an excellent grease, bu t I prefer another grease,LPS 2 (made for aircraft use) .Move the hood up an d down a bit , an dspray a little lubricant between the rubbingsurfaces of the hinges . Lubricate the latchparts on th e hood and on th e body nearthe radiator. The trunk lid hinges are toughto get to. The determined person will climbinto the trunk, 'lie down and use a lightto see while spraying the hinges . Most ofus will just lean over and spritz the generalarea. The trunk latch is lubricated only atthe part attached to the body. The gas fillerdoor hinges are easy to reach.Left: radio antenna element. Below: sunroof railsand hood hinges are easy to lubricate yourself

    0.9 "'.t::Uc:

    Use an old rag to clean dirt an d excesslubricant from the rails an d blocks of thesunroof before applying new lubricant.Lubricate the rails beneath the L-shapedpiece on which the roof slides, an d applylubricant to the hinges of the wind deflector, too.

    Grease attracts dirt, so a dry silicone lubricant is best for the power antenna. Ex tend the antenna an d clean it, then coverthe surrounding body an d spray the antenna lightly, wiping off the excess.

  • 8/6/2019 Mercedes Benz 190


    190E Air Intake ClampThe hard plastic snout on the front ofthe 190E air filter housing draws air fromthe grille area and tends to loosen at thefilter housing. This is easily fixed by usinga 21h-in radiator clamp around the connection . Tighten the clamp just snug enoughto hold the two pieces together; over-tightening will crack the plastic piece.

    Radi%r hose clamp fits air intake.190D/E Air PlenumHousekeeping

    Ventilation air for the 190's passengercompartmen t is taken in at the base of thewindshield, below the wiper. This plenumarea also collects dirt , leaves and othertrash, some of which finds its way intocrevices in the bodywork or into the engine compartment, where it can catch andhold moisture, which could cause rust.


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    Cleall area arOlmd battery to prt>l.>en/ rlls/.Make it a point to regularly check andclean this area. Open the hood to the fullvertical position (be careful no t to do thisin a strong wind, which could damage thehood), and clean the area behind the firewall. Be especially thorough around thebattery and fuse box. Keeping this areaclean may save you from problems a fewyears down the road.

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    May/June 1985 25