menu kelas i

 A section is an area in Blogger layout that acts as a widget/gadget container. It is sometimes mistakenly addressed a page element. In Design > Page Elements tab, you can identiy a section by the presence o an Add A !adget link. "o add a widget, simply click the Add A !adget link in your preerred location and proceed with selecting a widget. But what i your preerred location doesn#t ha$e an  Add A !adget link% In other words th ere is no widget container there. &ell we can always make one, by adding a section tag in template '"(). 'ere is the code* $ie w sourceprint  % 1 <!-- New widgets container Start --> 2 <b:section  class='NewContainer'  id='NewC ontainer'/> 3 <!-- New widgets container End --> +ou are ree to change the Id and class names. In this tutorial we will add a section under the header. " his is a perect place to put horiontal na$igation tabs. 'ere are the steps* -. !o to Dashboard > Design > Edit '"(). . Back up your template . . 0i nc e we ar e pl acing t he new section under the header , we ne ed to ind th e header code* 1 <div id='eader-wraer'> <b:section  class='eader' id= 'eader'  "a#widgets='1'sowad dele"ent='no'> 3 <b:widget id='$eader1'  loc%ed='tr&e'  title=o&r  (log )itle*$eader+' t,e='$eade r'/> </b:section> . </div> 1. Paste the sectio n code r ight below the h eader code, like this*

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Page 1: Menu Kelas i

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 A section is an area in Blogger layout that acts as a widget/gadget container. It is

sometimes mistakenly addressed a page element. In Design > Page Elements tab,

you can identiy a section by the presence o an Add A !adget link.

"o add a widget, simply click the Add A !adget link in your preerred location and

proceed with selecting a widget. But what i your preerred location doesn#t ha$e an Add A !adget link% In other words there is no widget container there.

&ell we can always make one, by adding a section tag in template '"(). 'ere is

the code*

$iew sourceprint %

1 <!-- New widgets container Start -->

2 <b:section class='NewContainer'  id='NewC


3 <!-- New widgets container End -->

+ou are ree to change the Id and class names.

In this tutorial we will add a section under the header. "his is a perect place to put

horiontal na$igation tabs. 'ere are the steps*

-. !o to Dashboard > Design > Edit '"().

. Back up your template.

. 0ince we are placing the new section under the header, we need to ind the

header code*

1<div id='eader-wraer'>

<b:section class='eader' id=

'eader' "a#widgets='1'sowad


3 <b:widget id='$eader1' loc%ed='tr&e' title=o&r (log

)itle*$eader+' t,e='$eader'/>


. </div>

1. Paste the section code right below the header code, like this*

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1<div id='eader-wraer'>

<b:section class='eader' id=

'eader' "a#widgets='1'sowad


3 <b:widget 




(log)itle*$eader+' t,e='$eader'/>


. </div>

<!-- New



Start -->

0 <b:section class='NewContainer'  id='NewContainer'/>

<!-- New widgets container End -->

-2. 3lick 0a$e "emplate.

--. !o to Design > Page Elements to $iew the result. +ou should see a newly

added section under the header.

-. 4ow you can add all the widgets you want into the new container.

-. "o style the section, you simply add a styling rule in 300, like this*

$iew sourceprint %

1 NewContainer

2/4 add st,lingdeclarations ere


3 5

 And place it beore ]]></b:skin> line in your template.

-5. "hat#s it, en6oy7

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<!-- New widgets container Start -->

<b:section class='NewContainer' id='NewContainer'/>

<!-- New widgets container End -->

<div id='eader-


2<b:section class='eader' id='eader' "a#widgets


3<b:widget id='$eader1' loc%ed='tr&e' title=o&r 

(log )itle*$eader+' t,e='$eader'/>



. </div>

<!-- New widgets container

Start -->

0 <b:section 



<!-- New widgets container

End -->

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<!-- 8rodown "en& Start -->

<div id=9"en&9>

<&l class=9level19>

<li class=9level1-li9><a class=9level1-a9 re=9&rl9>$o"e</a></li>

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 <!--i lte E ><table><tr><td><!endi-->

<&l class=9level29>

<li><a re=9&rl9>E"ail</a></li>

<li><a re=9&rl9>)eleone</a></li>

<li><a re=9&rl9>?nline @or"</a></li>

<li><a re=9&rl9>Snail Aail Bddress</a></li>


<!--i lte E ></td></tr></table></a><!endi--></li>

<li class=9level1-li9><a class=9level1-a l,9 re=9&rl9>esort<!--i gte

E 0><!--></a><!--<!endi-->

 <!--i lte E ><table><tr><td><!endi-->

<&l class=9level29><li><a re=9&rl9>S%i $ire @acilities</a></li>

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<li><a class=9l,9 re=9&rl9>Bdvanced S%ill Devels<!--i gte E 0><!--


 <!--i lte E ><table><tr><td><!endi-->

<&l class=9level9>

<li><a re=9&rl9>Docal</a></li>

<li><a re=9&rl9>Nearb,</a></li>

<li><a re=9&rl9>it instr&ctor</a></li>

<li><a re=9&rl9>Snow boarding</a></li>


<!--i lte E ></td></tr></table></a><!endi--></li>

<li><a re=9&rl9>E#ert</a></li>


<!--i lte E ></td></tr></table></a><!endi--></li>

<li><a re=9&rl9>Nigt Die</a></li>

<li><a class=9l,9 re=9&rl9>esta&rants<!--i gte E 0><!--></a><!--<!


 <!--i lte E ><table><tr><td><!endi-->

<&l class=9level39>

<li><a re=9&rl9>Snow $otel</a></li>

<li><a re=9&rl9>)e Snow"an</a></li>

<li><a re=9&rl9>ce Cavern</a></li>

<li><a re=9&rl9>S%i nn</a></li>


<!--i lte E ></td></tr></table></a><!endi--></li>

<li><a class=9l,9 re=9&rl9>Car $ire<!--i gte E 0><!--></a><!--<!


 <!--i lte E ><table><tr><td><!endi-->

<&l class=9level39>

<li><a re=9&rl9>@ro" Birort</a></li>

<li><a re=9&rl9>n esort</a></li>

<li><a re=9&rl9>A&ltile esorts</a></li>


<!--i lte E ></td></tr></table></a><!endi--></li>


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<!--i lte E ></td></tr></table></a><!endi--></li>

<li class=9level1-li9><a class=9level1-a l,9 re=9&rl9>S&rro&nding

Brea<!--i gte E 0><!--></a><!--<!endi-->

 <!--i lte E ><table><tr><td><!endi-->

<&l class=9level29>

<li><a re=9&rl9>ere to go</a></li>

<li><a re=9&rl9>at to do</a></li><li><a re=9&rl9>Flaces o interest</a></li>

<li><a re=9&rl9>National ar%s Ga"H A&se&"s</a></li>


<!--i lte E ></td></tr></table></a><!endi--></li>

<li class=9level1-li let9><a class=9level1-a l,9

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<li><a class=9l,9 re=9&rl9>esort Essential nor"ation<!--i gte E


 <!--i lte E ><table><tr><td><!endi-->

<&l class=9level39><li><a re=9&rl9>Dit Fasses</a></li>

<li><a re=9&rl9>ns&rance</a></li>

<li><a class=9l,9 re=9&rl9>6ear ental<!--i gte E 0><!--></a><!--<!


 <!--i lte E ><table><tr><td><!endi-->

<&l class=9level9>

<li><a re=9&rl9>(oots</a></li>

<li><a re=9&rl9>S%is</a></li>

<li><a re=9&rl9>S%i ear</a></li>

<li><a re=9&rl9>6oggles</a></li>


<!--i lte E ></td></tr></table></a><!endi--></li>

<li><a re=9&rl9>S%i Scools</a></li>

<li><a re=9&rl9>Snow eort</a></li>


<!--i lte E ></td></tr></table></a><!endi--></li>

<li><a class=9l,9 re=9&rl9>Dang&age<!--i gte E 0><!--></a><!--<!


 <!--i lte E ><table><tr><td><!endi-->

<&l class=9level39>

<li><a re=9&rl9>B&strian</a></li>

<li><a re=9&rl9>6er"an</a></li>

<li><a re=9&rl9>@renc</a></li>

<li><a re=9&rl9>Englis</a></li>


<!--i lte E ></td></tr></table></a><!endi--></li>

<li><a re=9&rl9>Sort (rea%s</a></li>


<!--i lte E ></td></tr></table></a><!endi--></li>

<li class=9level1-li9><a class=9level1-a9 re=9&rl9>Frivac,</a></li>



<!-- (loggerSentralIco" -->

<!-- 8rodown "en& End -->

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<div id='eader-wraer'>

<b:section class='eader' id='eader' "a#widgets='1'sowaddele"ent='no'>

<b:widget id='$eader1' loc%ed='tr&e' title=o&r (log

)itle*$eader+' t,e='$eader'/>



<!-- New widgets container Start -->

<b:section class='NewContainer' id='NewContainer'/>

<!-- New widgets container End -->


/4 add st,ling declarations ere 4/
