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Diagnosis and Therapy of Emotional Disorders

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Diagnosis and Therapy of Emotional Disorders

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Diagnosisrefers to the techniques by which an emotional disorder is classified.

it involves a thorough study of the origin, development, and symptoms of the disorder.

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The history of medical diagnosis began in earnest from the days of Imhotep in ancient Egypt and Hippocrates in ancient Greece.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, there are four diagnostic methods: inspection, auscultation-olfaction, interrogation, and palpation.

A Babylonian medical textbook, the Diagnostic Handbook written by Esagil-kin-apli (fl. 1069-1046 BC), introduced the use of empiricism, logic and rationality in the diagnosis of an illness or disease.

The book made use of logical rules in combining observed symptoms on the body of a patient with its diagnosis and prognosis.

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The plural of diagnosis is diagnoses, the verb is to diagnose, and a person who diagnoses is called a diagnostician.

The word diagnosis/daɪ.əɡˈnoʊsɨs/ is derived through Latin from the Greek word διαγιγνώσκει, meaning to discern or distinguish.

This Greek word is formed from διά, meaning apart, and γιγνώσκειν, meaning to perceive.

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Different methods of diagnosis

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Different methods of diagnosis are:

1.Case History Method A comprehensive study of the subject, including history of physical health, developmental background, home conditions, and other factors that influencing personality development and mental health.

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Personal History/Development

Use the list in Bloch and Singh (2001:93) as a guide for selecting and organizing the information in this section:

• Early development• Childhood• School• Adolescence• Occupation• Menstrual history• Sexual history• Marital history• Children• Social network• Habits• Leisure• Forensic history

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Family History

Include details of:

Parents and siblings, nature of the relationships between family membersAny family tensions and stresses and family models of copingFamily history of psychiatric illness (incl. drug/alcohol abuse, suicide attempts)

Include a geneogram (drawing of family tree).

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Past Medical History

In this section of the report

a) understand the relationship between medical conditions and psychiatric symptoms, and

b) can appreciate the complexity of medical problems that might be exacerbated by psychiatric conditions.

Record medications. Demonstrate an understanding of the significance of drug therapy on psychological function and, if appropriate, focus on medications taken by the patient that may influence the patient's psychological function.

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Different methods of diagnosis are:

3.Laboratory Procedure The use of special instrument or

techniques.a. X-rayb. Electroencephalogram (EEG)c. Blood chemistry and serum testsd. Gastric analysise. Urinalysisf. Basal metabolism and endocrine testsg. Electrocardiogram (ECG)

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Different methods of diagnosis are:

4.Neuro-psychiatric examination Determines the degree of

disintegration or disorganization of both the personality and the nervous system.

5.Psycho mimetic Research Artificially induces responses

similar to the symptoms manifested by subjects suffering from known mental disorders.

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Different methods of diagnosis are:

Method includes the use of:a. Drugs- mescaline or D-

lysergic diethylamide acid (LSD)

b. Toxins from the blood of patients already suffering from a mental disorder such as taraxein.

c. Experiment with environments which tends to create reactions similar to those seen in known mental disorders.

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Different methods of diagnosis are:

6. Psychometric methods or clinical tests. Objective tests

Assume that a particular trait or method of adjusting exists and that it can be measured in some objective way.

Projective testsBased on the theory that motivations lying beneath the surface of consciousness, or of a deep and complex nature, can be interpreted on the basis of responses to the test.

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Treatment of the Emotionally Disturbed

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Four Basic Methods of Treatment

1. Remedial2. Informational or

advisory (guidance)3. Psychotherapeutic

(counseling)4. Medical

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Therapy of Emotional Disorders

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Environmental Therapy

1. Family or Relationship Therapy

2. Total-push Therapy3. Home placement Therapy4. Mileu therapy

a. Relaxation therapyb. Massagec. Hydrotherapy or “water cure”

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Environmental Therapy

Chemotherapy Treatment of mental cases by the

application of certain principles of biochemistry.

1. Palliative or symptom-reducing

2. Rehabilitative

Narcotherapy (narcosynthesis) Treatment in which a relaxing drug,

such as sodium amytal is administered.

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Environmental Therapy

Shock Therapy Is believed to stimulate a disturbed patient to recenter reality

functioning. Electroshock is of the three principal types:

electroconvulsive treatment The intensity in electroconvulsive treatment current

produces instantaneous convulsion with unconsciousness.Electro-narcosis treatment

Involves the introduction of current which produces instantaneous unconsciousness without convulsion which is then reduced.

Glissando treatment Intensity of current glissando treatment produces

instantaneous unconsciousness without convulsion, which is then increased within a few milliseconds to produce convulsion.

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Environmental Therapy

Psychosurgery The application of surgical procedures to

control mental and emotional syndromes. Surgery is utilized for the following

purposes:1. The removal of foreign matter on an abnormal

growth such as tumor.2. The control of pressures, such as in head or

spinal hemorrhage.3. Severing of interfering components in certain

neutral structures, designed to provide relief from pain or emotional distress.

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Environmental Therapy

Psychotherapy Method of verbal treatment which

has been labeled “the talking cure”. Forms of psychotherapy are:

1. Counseling2. Non-directive therapy or client-

centered therapy3. Psychoanalysis4. Hypnotherapy

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Environmental Therapy

Stages in hypnotherapy are:a. Creation of rapport (harmonious

relation)b. Exploration of the unconsciousc. Improvement of insightd. Translation of improved insight into

actions by appropriate suggestions made in the hypnotized state.

5.Psychodrama (developed by Moreno)

Involves acting out on stage the problems or fantasies one or a group of persons.

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Environmental Therapy

3 phases of psychodrama are:a. Period of realizationb. Period of replacementc. Period of clarification

6.Group Therapy Either guided or instructed discussions

of personal problems from the basis of group dynamics.

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Environmental Therapy

Advantages of group therapy are:a. The method saves time because one therapist can help several people at the same time

b. The group provides situations where communicating and interacting with other people is possible, not only between the client and the therapist alone.

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Occupational and

Recreational Therapy

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Occupational and Recreational Therapy

Is a method of treatment in which patients are given some kind of light work, not only to save hospital expenses but to accrue psychological benefits.

It gives a sense of achievement, restores confidence, takes the patient’s mind off the self, helps build up and maintains contact with reality, and develops creative vocational training.

In a work environment, with inanimate objects, they can sometimes restart social relationships.