meditate to l...2016/09/21  · come from your mind, which is very different than your brain. so to...


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Page 1: MEDITATE TO L...2016/09/21  · come from your mind, which is very different than your brain. So to control your thoughts, you must learn to control your mind. Unfortunately, our thoughts
Page 2: MEDITATE TO L...2016/09/21  · come from your mind, which is very different than your brain. So to control your thoughts, you must learn to control your mind. Unfortunately, our thoughts


A Guide to a Slimmer, Healthier you


Duc Vuong, M.D.

Copyright © 2016

Page 3: MEDITATE TO L...2016/09/21  · come from your mind, which is very different than your brain. So to control your thoughts, you must learn to control your mind. Unfortunately, our thoughts

For My Patients,

who inspire me every day with their courage.

Page 4: MEDITATE TO L...2016/09/21  · come from your mind, which is very different than your brain. So to control your thoughts, you must learn to control your mind. Unfortunately, our thoughts


What no one really talks about, though, is the main reason many of us fail with our weight loss efforts:

Our Minds Won't Let Us!

----Helen M. Ryan

The brain is a powerful organ. It has total control over every part of your body. Not only does your brain regulate your physiology, like heart rate and blood pressure, it tells your body when it should eat, sleep, work, and seek pleasure. It even tells your body when to burn calories, and when to store it as fat for later!

But there is one thing that is more powerful than the brain: Your own thoughts! Just the thought of danger can raise your heart rate and increase your adrenaline. You can feel excitement about an event you are anticipating, then the instant you realize a particular person is going to be there, the energy and motivation are sapped from your proverbial sails. The brain controls the body, but your thoughts control the brain. It is a master script that prompts your brain to react to your surroundings. But where do your thoughts come from? Your thoughts come from your mind, which is very different than your brain. So to control your thoughts, you must learn to control your mind.

Unfortunately, our thoughts are far from tidy. We are expected to cram more into a day than our predecessors ever did in a week. While we are not up with the sun to hunt and farm, our to-do lists are never empty. We live with the pressure of always being busy. We are expected to fill multiple roles, multitask, and stay in communication from the moment we wake up to when we go to sleep. Our mind is constantly whirling with to-do lists, obligations, fears, dreads, hopes, and memories.

In the midst of this inner chaos, two factors work against our diets: Stress and Inattentive Eating Habits. We are not just making poor food choices; we are also biologically geared to store belly fat by our

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stress hormones. Our own thoughts work against us on a mental and physiological level by increasing the stress we experience each day.

Meditation is a technique anyone can do. It costs nothing, and it can be done anywhere at any time. Best of all, it has no negative side effects. You will feel more fulfilled with the food you eat. You will need less food to satisfy a craving. You will reconnect with the joyful experience of eating.

Most importantly, meditation will clear your mind of the extra clutter. You will think more clearly. You will make better choices. You will have more energy. And you lose weight!

In this book, we will:

•   Explain how meditation improves stress and a chaotic mindset.

•   Cover how meditation can be used in your diet, specifically in a technique called 'mindful eating.'

•   Overview the basic knowledge you need to become more aware of what you eat and why you eat it.

•   Point out simple and practical ways to create a more mindful experience where ever you are.

•   Prepare you to begin meditating today with a two-week plan.

Are you ready? Let's get started!

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Table of Contents

................................................................................................................. 4

Introduction ............................................................................................. 5

Table of Contents .................................................................................... 7

Chapter 1: Stress & Meditation ............................................................... 8

Chapter 2: Preparation .......................................................................... 13

Chapter 3: The power of Food .............................................................. 19

Chapter 4: Mindful Meditation in your Diet ......................................... 31

Chapter 5: Two Week Plan ................................................................... 37

References ............................................................................................. 43

Appendix: Terminology ........................................................................ 45

Other Books By Dr. Duc Vuong ........................................................... 48

The contents of this ebook are for educational purposes and are not intended to replace professional medical advice. You should seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this book.

Although the author of this book is a doctor, he is most likely not your doctor, and the reading of this book in no way forms a doctor-patient relationship between you, the reader, and him, the author.

Page 7: MEDITATE TO L...2016/09/21  · come from your mind, which is very different than your brain. So to control your thoughts, you must learn to control your mind. Unfortunately, our thoughts

Chapter 1: Stress & Meditation

Rule your mind, or it will rule you.


In our current culture, it is all too easy to get caught up in a mindless eating pattern. There is always too much to do, and too little time to do it. We are obligated to our work, homes and families. We have social and community obligations. We have civil obligations. We have updates to post. Emails to write. Calls to make. Even in our off time we keep 'busy' with games, tv shows, and other distractions.

The unfortunate downside of this constant activity is that we rarely have any amount of quality downtime, much less time to put thought into the food we eat. It is very easy to let good eating habits slide in the hustle and bustle. You pick up a muffin instead of making a green smoothie. You grab a quick combo meal during your lunch break, never noticing the nutrition sheet by the counter. You grab a snack from the vending machine rather than contemplate why you feel the urge to snack.

If that was not troublesome enough, we do not always eat for the sake of survival. Food is connected to all of our sensory experiences---the sounds we hear around us, like our dining partner’s laugh, the taste and smell of the food, and the pain on our hand from the accidental splatter of hot oil. Everything about eating is part of an experience. These experiences in turn become part of our memories. These memories then affect future eating habits. We get a warm feeling when we smell an apple pie if it was served during family celebrations. We see cookies as a comfort if our parent gave them to us when we were feeling hurt or sad.

Page 8: MEDITATE TO L...2016/09/21  · come from your mind, which is very different than your brain. So to control your thoughts, you must learn to control your mind. Unfortunately, our thoughts

We eat when we celebrate. We eat when we are sad. We eat for comfort. We eat for pleasure. However, we also eat to fill voids, to experience instant gratification, and to sooth negative emotions (Wolever et al.).

According to an article found on the Harvard online periodicals, meditation is vital to reestablishing good eating patterns. “Research shows that a slower, more thoughtful way of eating could help with weight problems, and maybe steer people away from...unhealthy choices” (Harvard).


Stress has two factors. First, you have the amount of anxiety you feel over the thing causing you stress, also known as a stressor. Second, you have your bodily reaction to your thoughts about the stressor.

When you are stressed, your body releases hormones designed to make you ready to fight or escape the threat. You become more stimulated and reactive to your surroundings. Your nerves and senses become acutely sensitive. Your muscles tense. Your heart rate and blood pressure rise. We focus our thoughts on the threat until it goes away. The majority of our problem solving starts to circle around confronting or escaping the thing causing us anxiety. The Stress Society points out on its website that in this state, we “shut out new information, which makes it harder to make balanced decisions.”

Unfortunately, this 'fight or flight' response to our problems was created to combat physical threats. Not the various abstract ones we live with today. We can not 'hit' a deadline. We can not run from an insanely critical in-law. As much as we might want to, it is socially unacceptable to smack an annoying coworker in the nose. This built up energy is all dressed up with no where to go, so to speak.

This continual heightened state of stress starts to take a physical toll on the body. When you are constantly stressed, your body accumulates chronic levels of cortisol. Cortisol causes cravings for foods high in fats and sugars. These sugary foods rapidly raise the levels of serotonin and

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dopamine (the pleasure hormones) in your bloodstream, which creates a very temporary calming effect. In other words, your body is trying to self-regulate the stress (Zouareg). The downside is food does not fix the problem. These calming chemicals are quickly burned off, and the calories are quickly converted into belly fat.

Mindful Tip: Keep a small daily journal or notebook to jot down the food you eat, why you decided to eat, and the mood you were in. This will help you become more aware of your eating patterns.

Meditation helps you break down this cycle of anxiety and cortisol overload by increasing awareness of your thoughts and actions, including those that relate to food.


Meditation has a long history in the Eastern Traditions, but it is still a relatively new treatment method in Western culture. Many people believe that meditation is sitting down and doing nothing. However, meditation is quite the opposite. It is actively training the mind to stay actively aware of your thoughts and actions (John Hopkins).

Meditation is not a mainstream medical practice. However, studies show that it has high therapeutic value against anxiety and stress. John Hopkins further explains that unlike most treatments, medications, and diet plans, there are no adverse side effects to retraining your thoughts with meditation.

The specific form of meditation we will discuss is known as Mindful Meditation. It stems from Buddhist practices designed to focus precise, non-judgmental attention to the moment at hand. It emphasizes acceptance of your feelings and emotions. It also emphasizes the relaxation of your body and mind to 'trick' it out of the stress cycle. The things that cause you stress are still there, but you no longer react to it in the same way.

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Meditation helps you filter out all the imagined threats. Once you erase the fears, anxieties, and inner judgments, it becomes easier to put a situation in perspective. You become more aware of what you do and why you do it. With practice, you begin to notice the thoughts and physical sensations that drive your habits (Zouareg).

Mindful Eating is a dieting concept that is centered around this meditation form. It focuses on reconnecting the user with what they eat and why.


In Mindful Eating, also known as Intuitive Eating, there is no right or wrong way to eat. You still eat as you wish. However, you do it with purpose. And through this purposeful introspection, your food choices will change.

Mindful eating helps you to reconnect with the experience of eating and enjoying your food. You become conscious of your food choices. You base meals on physical cues instead of the emotional ones (Huffington Post).

Inattentive eating often leads to overindulgence, meal skipping, and unhealthy food choices. The goal of Mindful Eating to become more aware of what is happening in your mind and body.

This awareness helps you to identify unhealthy eating incidents and their source, thus helping you to change your actions before they spiral into a pattern (Zouareg). This state of eating in the 'here and now' does not happen right away. It takes practice.

Mindful Eating does not require you to maintain a perfect diet. In fact books like The Mindful Diet encourage the practitioner to enjoy your chocolate bar. If done properly, you will reach satisfaction on a few pieces instead of the whole thing.

However, Mindfulness does not work without a clear idea of your goals and how to get there. Let's go over the major parts to meditation.

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Chapter 2: Preparation

If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place.

---- Lao Tzu

All meditation techniques have four factors in common:

•   A Quiet Location

•   A Comfortable Posture

•   A Focus of Attention

•   An Open Attitude

These four factors come together into the foundation for your Mindful Diet. Without them, it is like taking a roadtrip without packing for the ride. You end up wasting part of the journey searching for the things you need.


Eventually you will be able to meditate while sitting in the middle of a chaotic holiday dinner. However, that will come with practice.

Find a place and time where you can be alone with your thoughts at least a few times a week, preferably daily. Deem this place and time a 'distraction free zone.' Make sure you can dedicate at least ten minutes to your meditation practice. Work up to at least ten minutes of uninterrupted quiet.

This may take some creativity with your busy schedule. There is no 'wrong' place to meditate as long as you can remove distractions. One

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New Mexico mother told me that she arrives at her child's school 15 minutes early each day. She uses the time to clear her thoughts while she waits for her daughter to finish classes. Another one stated that she sits in her bathroom right after her morning shower.

The only criteria is it must be a place you feel calm. If you feel anxious, distracted, or fidgety... then it needs some fine tuning. You must be able to clear your thoughts, not add to them.


Poor posture is a distraction. It can place unnecessary strain on your neck and back, decrease circulation to extremities, and even cause tension-related headaches. These small pains can be a hindrance when you are clearing your mind.

According to the meditation experts, the most important feature of your posture is keeping a straight back so that your ears, shoulders, and hips are in alignment ( This can be done while sitting in a chair or cross legged on the floor. Or as in the examples from our locations: a car seat or the edge of a tub.


While you meditate, your mind will not sit still on one thought or mantra without special attention. Our minds naturally flit from one thought to the next when it is unchecked.

When you meditate, you are trying to clear your mind of these meddling thoughts by ignoring them instead of chasing them to the next conclusion.

How to stop your thoughts during meditation:

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Ø   First, understand that completely eliminating your thoughts will most likely not be possible.

Ø   When a thought comes to your mind, let it go and return your attention back to your breathing.

Ø   Do not chase a thought to its next conclusion.

Ø   Think of thoughts like clouds. Do not try to hold onto them. Let them drift off into the sky.

A few examples of ways to increase your focus:

Ø   Focus on your Breathing. Count the seconds in each inhale and exhale.

Ø   Visualize a neutral image or color

Ø   Drown out background noise with a soft instrumental or ambiance download.

Ø   Use incense or essential oils. Focus on the scent.

Ø   Focus on a word or sound

Ø   Keep a plant, desktop zen garden, or some other focal point in your zone. Focus on its color. Try to put the feel of it into words. Examine its scent or the way light and shadow reflect on it.

This is also a good time to decide on an intention or a 'goal' to rewire your brain to pursue. The intention is the primary focus of your meditation. It could be “I am going to eat salad today” or “I will have a positive attitude.” A goal you focus on now will influence your decisions later. As you gain experience and focus, they will have larger impacts on your choices.

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At the start of every meditation sequence, give yourself permission to take a mental break. Remind yourself that you have the right to take care of yourself. You have the right to look after your mental well being. This will help negate any distracting thoughts about the things you are putting on hold for your quiet time.

Close down all judgment. Our minds are masterful critics. We constantly judge others and ourselves, often without realizing it. Meditation is not about finding something 'wrong' with you or pinpointing your mistakes. It is not a time to put yourself down or lament your failings. It is about reaching the right mindset to consider reasonable alternatives.

Also, keep in mind that your mind is easily distracted. It is like an excitable puppy. You will think you have it under control, and then you will realize that you let yourself drift into random thoughts. This is your mind's natural state, so do not be discouraged if you lose focus. It takes a lot of practice to keep your mind on one single thing. Just take a deep breath, relax, and herd your mind back where it should be.

The goal is not to become perfect. The goal is to leave the meditation zone calmer and clearer than when you started. If you do this, then you have succeeded.


Once you master calming your thoughts in a controlled environment, it will be time to try it during a meal. This will be more challenging than your meditation zone; you have less control over the distractions around you. Here are a few tips to get you started:

Ø   Eat Slowly. In our busy culture, we are in a habit of inhaling food without really tasting it. Consider getting a kitchen timer and setting it to twenty minutes. Stretch out a normal sized

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meal through this time frame. Take small bites and savor each one by chewing slowly.

Ø   Put your fork down between bites and let go of the fork.

Ø   Chew your food at least twenty times before swallowing.

Ø   When eating, clear your mind and focus on your meal. Notice the colors, smells, flavor, and texture. See if you can identify the ingredients in it.

Ø   Get rid of all distractions. No phones at the table. Do not play the tv at every meal. If mealtime is for family, consider designating a five-minute quiet time before going into everyone's day.

Ø   Take interest in the Story of Your Meal. Your food came from somewhere. Imagine what went into your meal. The growing. The farmers. Where and how it traveled. How it was prepared. If it was a processed meal, include the unpleasant qualities like the sodium content, growth hormones, or even unintended animal parts. Don't judge or criticize. Just Observe.

Ø   Become part of that story. Understand that you ARE what you eat. The only way to truly know what you are putting in your body is to grow it yourself. Grow your own herbs. Plant a garden. Go to a farmers market and talk to the farmers. Find a good fishmonger. Befriend the butcher. These experiences will give new depth to experiencing your food.

Ø   When tempted to snack, first drink a glass of water. Your body is able to process tiny amounts of water out of many solid foods. As a result, you sometimes receive a hunger message when you are actually thirsty. Likewise, rule out boredom by reading a book or taking a short walk. Remember, snacking is what you do when you don't know what to do. If you are still craving a snack after 15 minutes, then help yourself to a small portion and savor it. We will cover satiety in the next chapter.

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You will face many of the same challenges at a meal table that you do in your meditation zone. Practice good posture. Keep distractions to a minimum. Place your focus on a single point, in this case your food. Keep an open mind, do not judge or become discouraged if it does not work out properly.

As these things come together, you will begin to see unhealthy patterns and work to change them. You may even notice that you become full faster, and feel more satisfied with your meal. We will go over why in a later chapter, along with ways you can specifically use it to lose weight.


We also have a fifth factor in Mindful Eating: “Knowledge.”

Knowledge is essential to mindfulness. Meditation will teach you to contemplate deeper questions related to food and obesity, beyond just simple calorie counting and ingredient substitutions. The more you know about food and your reaction to it, the more effective your meditations will be in achieving your goals.

In the next chapter, we will briefly cover the effects of food, and how meditation and mindful eating come into play in weight loss.

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Chapter 3: The power of Food

Nothing would be as tiresome as eating and drinking if God had not made them a pleasure as well as a necessity.


Food does a lot more than provide you with energy. Some foods raise your heart rate. Some minerals regulate the oxygen in your blood. Some slow your metabolism, which means more fat storage.

In addition, how you eat your food affects how satisfied you are with it.

When you know how a food affects you, it can be easier to regulate how much and how often you eat it. The more you know, the more satisfied you will be with your decisions.



There are over 10,000 different proteins that help your body function. They do everything from building antibodies to maintaining muscles. For example, hemoglobin, a blood protein, carries oxygen through your blood stream. They are your hormones, your enzymes, and even your genetic code!

“Proteins are large, complex molecules that play many critical roles in the body. They do most of the work in cells and are required for the structure, function, and regulation of the body’s tissues and organs.” – Dr Lawrence Wilson Nutrition Consultant

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The building blocks of proteins are known as amino acids. The vast majority are made by the body, or modified from other proteins. However, some amino acids must come from food sources. These are known as essential amino acids.

Most animal proteins deliver all the amino acids you need. Plant based ones lack some of the essential amino acids you need. Vegetarians can still stay healthy without consuming meat; however they need to be extra vigilant about eating a variety of seeds, grains, legumes, etc. daily to attain the amino acids they need for optimum health.

A whole grain from South America called quinoa is currently under study. It is being touted as a complete protein, which gives all the essential amino acids that the body can not manufacture on its own. It is a very good food option. Whole grains are generally better for the body than enriched flour; however, I encourage you to maintain a variety of protein sources, especially if you've adopted a vegetarian diet.

In the US, the current recommendations for protein intake are 46 grams for women, and 56 grams for men. The amount of food you need to consume to achieve those numbers varies widely with the food source.

When it comes to eating proteins, quality is much more important than quantity. For example, a steak is very high in protein, but also high in saturated fat. A grilled salmon is high in protein, low in saturated fat and salt. One cup of lentils packs 18 grams of protein, 15 grams of fiber, and negligible amounts of fat and salt.


In mindful eating you want to be aware of what you are putting in your body. Where it came from. How it was grown. If possible, you want to be a part of that story. It will make the meal more satisfying.

Ø   Visit a bakery and look over their selection of nut and seed breads, such as sunflower bread.

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Ø   Remember that there are non-animal sources of protein, such as quinoa, beans, lentils, and kale.

Ø   If you buy protein bars or powder, check the fats, vitamins, and sugars. Are you getting nutrient-filled proteins, or a glorified candy bar?

Ø   Know where your meats come from. Some fish and poultry is imported from overseas. Not only is that a long way for food to travel, but those farms are not monitored or regulated by your domestic bureaus. Even 'fresh' fruits and vegetables can spend weeks traveling from harvest to store shelf.

Ø   If you have the space, consider starting your own chicken coup, garden or fish pond. You will know for a fact that they are fresh and chemical free.

Ø   Check the local butchers and markets for locally raised meats and veggies. Build a friendly relationship with them. Your interactions will add to the story of the meal. This is explained in more detail in Chapter 2.


Ø   Keep baggies or small containers of mixed nuts on hand in your office, for when a snack craving hits.


Carbs are often the red-headed stepchild in a dieting program. In reality, they are critical to good health. In fact, the USDA recommends that you eat a minimum of 130 grams of carbohydrates each day. It’s the “empty calorie carbs” of donuts, candy bars, and chips that are problematic.

Carbohydrates actually provide the quick energy you need for the day. Plus, they are ubiquitous, so trying to eliminate them from your diet is an exercise in futility. For example, carbs are found in fruits and vegetables, which are packed with vitamins and nutrients. The bulk and

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fiber of whole grains and plants help you feel full faster on fewer calories. This fiber is also a carb.

But not all carbs are created equal. Simple carbs like enriched white flour and granulated sugar break down easier for quick energy… but they also spike your blood sugar and cause an energy crash shortly afterward. In addition, many simple carbs hold little to no extra nutritional value.

Mindful Tip: Brown Rice can be substituted in any rice dish. Brown rice contains several B-Vitamins, magnesium, and iron. It also lowers bad cholesterol and the risk of Type 2 diabetes.

The Glycemic Index (GI) is a system for ranking foods that have carbohydrates. The higher the number, the faster it spikes your blood sugar. Insulin is then released in the body to bring your blood sugar back to normal. This rapid rise and fall can leave you tired, foggy headed, and irritable. Foods lower on the GI are more complex and take longer to digest. They release blood sugar more slowly than their counterparts. As a result, you do not experience the disorienting spikes and crashes of sugar and insulin.

Mindful Eating and Carbs: In mindful eating, your goal is to eat more complex carbs that are dense with other nutrients. This runs counter to most popular dieting programs, which focus on depriving yourself of this necessary energy source.

Ø   Whole grain breads are lower on the glycemic index, and also offer some proteins and fiber. There are many specialty seed and nut breads that can add variety and flavor to a sandwich or morning toast.

Ø   Nuts provide fiber, protein, healthy fats, and other nutrients if you need something to spruce up your oatmeal, yogurt, or salad.

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Ø   Low Fat Dairy might not be a great choice. Carbs take on many forms, including sugar. Low fat foods provide you with your protein needs with fewer calories, but they are also sweetened to improve the taste. Check the sugar content of your low fat foods to make sure you are not trading off for an overdose of sugar carbs. Dairy can be full of hormones and antibiotics, so buy organic products or dairy substitutes like soy milk when you can.

Ø   Fresh fruits and veggies are great sources of carbs. Whether you buy them fresh, frozen, or canned make sure there is no added sugar. Also drink fruit juice in moderation. Most fruit juices are sugary concentrates or imitation flavors. Water infused with fresh fruit is an excellent source for hydration and flavor.

Ø   Beans and legumes provide complex carbs for steady energy. They are also high in protein, fiber, potassium, iron, and magnesium.

Ø   Limit your added sugars. Visit a tea shop and find flavors you do not need to sweeten.

Ø   Reduce the sugar you add to your morning coffee by half a spoon or pack each week. This will help you retrain yourself to need less sugar without feeling deprived of it. Save money by skipping your Starbucks routine. There are many recipes online that help you replicate your favorite drink with healthier ingredients.

Ø   Watch the drinks you consume. The vast majority have high doses of simple carbs (sugar) added to them to make them more appealing, even juice and bottled tea. This is the primary source of 'hidden calories' that contribute to weight gain.

Ø   Get your breads from a local bakery or country market. While pricier, you will have a larger variety of fresh whole grains to choose from than a supermarket shelf. Plus most bakers do not

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add artificial chemicals to extend the shelf life of their products.

Ø   Make your own bread. Look up simple bread recipes. There are numerous beginner ones that cater to many special diets, including gluten-free rolls and no-flour cakes. Experiment with nuts, seeds, and dried fruits to change the flavors and textures.

Ø   Create memories when you go shopping. Have a nice chat with the grocer. Learn what inspired the baker to make their specialty bread. These memories can be savored with the meal (see Chapter 2).

Ø   If space allows, consider growing beans, lentils, and sprouts. Container gardening is great for small spaces. You can grow fruit trees, berries, and vegetables indoors or on your patio to supplement your diet. Gardening is also a great way to learn mindfulness.


Fats are also treated like an enemy of the body. However, our body needs a certain amount of fat to function. The USDA even recommends that a minimum of 20% of your calories come from fats, and young children need as much as 40% for proper growth and development!

Healthy fats keep our hormone systems running smoothly. It pads the internal organs from damage. Fat chains are released when you need more energy than you have consumed. It even aids in absorbing some vital vitamins and minerals (Zouareg).

Like carbs, it is the quantity and quality of the fats that determine if it is good or bad for you. Fat holds 9 calories per gram vs. the 4 calories per gram of carbs and protein. It is very easy to overindulge. What your body does not use it stores as body fat, which contributes to obesity.

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Mindful Tip: Sometimes a sudden change works for the better. Athletes recommend swapping to a non-fat milk for three weeks, then switching to skim or 2% milk. The milk will taste a lot creamier and satisfying than if you swapped down gradually. You also reduce your fat intake by at least 6 grams a glass! You may even find you prefer the nonfat version. Eventually you can try non-dairy milks, like soy or almond.

Unsaturated fats are natural fats found in many foods. They remain liquid at room temperature (like olive oil), and they are easily used by the body.

Saturated fats are harder for the body to use. They are solid at room temperature, and occur in foods like meats. They are fine in strict moderation, but when consumed in excess, can contribute to blocked arteries and heart disease over time.

Transfats should be eaten as little as possible. They are artificially modified fats. They are made by changing a liquid fat so that it becomes solid in room temperature. They are typically margarine and stabilizers.


In mindful eating, the goal is to pay attention to how much and what type of fat you consume.

Ø   Read the labels of all foods. Consider changing out any food or ingredient containing transfat or a high daily percentage of saturated fat.

Ø   Trim excess fat from meat to reduce the overall amount consumed. Invest in pans or wire racks that are made to separate grease from your food. Or you can eliminate meat all together.

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Ø   Use the mindful eating tips in Chapter 5 to enjoy a smaller portion of ice cream. Not quite ready for portion control? Freeze a banana or cup of yogurt with fruit or nut toppings. See if you like them as a substitute.

Ø   Low fat does not always mean better. Check the labels to see if they replaced the fat with extra sugar.

Ø   Try out baked and grilled alternatives to your favorite fried foods.

Ø   Swap your butter and oils for healthier natural oils like sunflower-seed and coconut. Google to find substitutes for cooking oil in a recipe.

Ø   Check the fat content of your condiments, like ranch dressing. They can be a huge source of hidden calories.

Ø   Be Part of the Story: Many fatty foods are easy to make, and also have less fatty alternative ingredients. For example, consider making your own ice cream. There are science experiments where you can do it with lowfat milk/cream, imitation flavoring...and two ziplock bags. No machine necessary. The person who suggested this likes to make hers with lemon juice. Making the treats and foods yourself allows you to control the flavor and the ingredients it is made from. It also makes the treat more satisfying than grabbing something store bought from the freezer.


Sodium is abundant in our food and drinks. Even water carries trace amounts in it. In moderate doses it carries out many essentials functions in the body. It regulates our blood pressure and blood volume. It also helps our nerves and muscles work properly. It is so essential to the body that many sports drinks are high in sodium to both hydrate and counter the sodium lost in long, strenuous activities (EUFIC).

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However, too much sodium causes high blood pressure and fluid retention, among other health problems. And our fast paced world is full of it. Prepackaged meals are drenched in sodium to extend their shelf life. Fast food is high in sodium for taste and practicality. A lot of time passes from processing to warehouse to a store on the chain. Salted meats like bacon, sausage, and hotdogs are full of sodium to protect the meat from bacteria. But surprisingly breads are the most common sources of sodium in the American Diet because of their ubiquity.

Your ideal maximum intake of salt is 2300 mg, plus extra if you are physically active. This sounds like a lot, but here is some perspective: Take a cooking teaspoon and fill it until the salt is level with the brim. THIS is 2300 mg of salt. All your food for the day should not exceed this amount in salt. All your sodas, chips, snacks, breads, table salt… equal to this.

Needless to say, we easily eat sodium in excess if we are not mindful of what we eat. Especially when we fall into the convenience culture of fast food, sandwiches, instant ramen and microwave meals.

Mindful Eating and Sodium:

Sodium is essential to the body, however there is always too much of a good thing. In mindful eating, you keep track of the sodium consumed in food and drink to bring it closer to the 2300 mg mark.

Ø   Read all labels and track the amount of sodium you consume.

Ø   Eliminate soda from your diet. Even diet soda.

Ø   Bread is the largest source of sodium in your diet. Eliminate as much as possible. Also consider making your own.

Ø   In the US, fast food chains are required to have dietary information posted. Read nutrition labels at fast food restaurants to factor in the sodium, fats, etc. Or better yet, just simply eliminate all fast food.

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Ø   Learn to cook your favorite meals. Most are actually very simple. You will eat only a fraction of the sodium and artificial ingredients as found in store bought versions. Most will taste better as well.

Ø   Even if you are confined in space, herbs offer a low-space solution to fresh spices. Container and vertical gardening also offer space saving options. Herbs can provide a sodium-free alternative to salt.

Ø   You do not need to ban bacon from your breakfast. Keep it to one slice, or crumble a piece into your eggs in place of the table salt. But if you do need bacon in your diet, make sure it is the best bacon. Preserved meats are extremely high in sodium.

Ø   Check for salt substitutes in some of your favorite foods and ingredients. Herb blends make fantastic and flavorful substitutes.



In addition to the health benefits of nutritious food, there are also a number of ways to experience your food. For example, there are two ways to become satiated with your food. The first is the body's signal, which we covered in Chapter 2. It takes about 20 minutes for your body to tell your brain that it has had enough food.

The second kind of satiety is Taste Satiety. This is when you have 'had enough' of a taste, when the flavor goes from delicious to neutral. Taste Satiety is centered around the tongue instead of the stomach. It is designed to encourage you to eat a variety of foods so that you keep a balanced diet.

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If you wolf down food, you are getting all the nutrients (or lack of nutrients), but the tongue and brain are left unsatisfied. The sensation required to signal “stop eating” is not triggered. You are driven to continue eating for the sensation rather than the food’s nutrition (Zouareg).

Fast food and processed foods have limited flavor combinations. Their combinations mainly consist of salty, sweet, sour, cheesy, and buttery. Food scientists create the perfect balance to keep you from becoming satisfied with your food, in other words…addicted.

For example: You might become tired of the salty part of a burger, but you still crave the greasiness of the meat and or the fattiness of the cheese. It takes longer to reach taste satiety on all three types of flavors at once-- so you keep eating. Sometimes you keep eating until you are past the point of misery. This is not an accident. The companies want you to desire more of their product. They design the food to keep you eating and craving more.

Mindful Tip: All pre-made food can be made at home, with better and more taste-fulfilling ingredients. You can even make them in bulk, portion them into individual and family meals, and freeze them for 4 to 6 weeks. Check sites like Yummly and Use their search filters for lots of healthy and easy alternatives.

Taste Satiety is a big factor of mindful eating. Taste Satiety is affected by how fast you eat, how hungry you are, and the complexity of the taste. If you satisfy this form of satiety, you can get just as much satisfaction from one piece of chocolate as you can the whole bar. Ultimately you will stop craving the chocolate and instead crave the complexity of a wild greens salad.

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Chapter 4: Mindful Meditation in your Diet

Success seems to be connected to action.

--Conrad Hilton

In Chapter 2, I mentioned that meditation is an active state. You separate yourself from the chaos of your emotions, fears, and distractions, and you experience the moment at hand in a nonjudgmental way.

You are experiencing that moment in time. Not the months or years you tried and failed to reach a weight loss goal. Not your future self. Not your 'ideal' weight. Not your responsibilities or obligations. Not your life's worries or frustrations. All of those things are put on the back burner.

Mindful meditation is about the present. It is without expectations or judgment. At its simplest form, mindful meditation is the breath.

Mindful meditation involves two stages in weight loss. First you have your regular meditation, which relieves the stress reactions like increased cortisol and emotional snacking. Then you have the meditative state you use when preparing and eating your food.

In mindful eating, you pay attention to the attributes of the food. The color, the taste, the smell. You eat slowly to better experience the flavor and achieve both fullness and taste satiety. You eat the foods you want, but you are mindful to how it affects your goals.


The first and most important question you ask yourself in mindful meditation is “At this moment, is food really what I need?”

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If you think you are hungry, but have no physical signs of hunger, chances are you are replacing something else with food. Sometimes the body confuses thirst with hunger. The body also sends eating impulses when you are stressed, frustrated, fatigued, or bored.

Situation: You are at work, and it is three hours until clock out. It is a really slow day, and you get an overwhelming urge to snack.

Mindless Eating Solution: I can't stand it. I need something to munch on. I'll just grab a snack from the vending machine.

Mindful Eating Solution: Am I hungry or just bored? It's been a while since I drank some water. Maybe that is the problem? It's so slow, would anyone protest to me walking outside for just a minute? If all else fails, I can always grab the container of nuts and dried fruit I made.

When you incorporate mindful meditation to your eating habits, you answer why you are reaching for a snack before you eat. This alone can save you hundreds of calories a day.

Mindful Tip: When you think you are hungry, drink a glass of water and wait 15 minutes. In the meantime, walk or practice deep breathing exercises if you feel boredom, stress, etc. If you still feel hungry in 15 minutes, eat nuts or fruit—not chips and cookies.


Another important question addressed is whether or not you want to eat that specific food. Is it the exact food you want, or are you settling because it is handy? Is it the best choice available to handle your craving? Will it satisfy you?

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In addition, this question makes you more mindful of your goals. Will it satisfy me? More importantly, you become more aware of how the foods you eat measure up to those goals.


Finally, mindful meditation sorts through the busy, fast paced culture to find your best choices. Our culture is full of distractions and stress. It can be all too easy to eat based on emotions or convenience.

With mindful meditation, you do not let time and pressure control your menu.

When you are meditating on the here and now, you can neutrally pick apart the chain of events that led to the desire to eat. You can then look at your alternatives. Among the alternatives are your food choices, how much to eat, and activities to do instead of eating.

Example Situation: Lunch time at a fast food restaurant.

Emotional/Reactive Thinking: It's too busy today! I'm going to grab something fast. Ugh! I know its bad for me but I don't have time to care! What looks good on the menu? I deserve it anyway with the day I'm having!

Mindful Thinking: If I eat this, I might go over my ideal sodium intake later... Do I want to eat a salt-free meal for dinner? Not really. But maybe there is something with less sodium on the menu? Oh! They have apple slices today. Maybe I can substitute the fries with them. I'm always dissatisfied with the taste of their fries anyway. I'll get more out of the apples.

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Step 1: Set Your Goals

First you need to decide on a concrete, attainable goal. It could be exchanging your mid afternoon soda with fruit infused water for a week. It could be to increase your fiber while reducing your saturated fats. It could be switching your breakfast muffin and coffee for a green smoothie. It can be anything that you can control and measure. Look at your overall health, fitness, weight loss needs, and stress levels for inspiration.

A goal gives you a focal point to create a plan. A plan helps you measure what you do against what you want to achieve. It is an early warning system that alerts you when you go off course on your food choices.

Step 2: Create a Positive Environment

The world is full of distractions that can hinder your goals. In most cases, you would not drive all the way across town for a candy bar. You eat the candy bar because it is handy.

Rearrange your kitchen. Move foods to handy places if they will help achieve your goals. Move foods that hinder your goals to less convenient places. Discard foods that provide zero benefit, in other words, clean out your pantry and cabinets.

Turn off electronics when you eat or practice your meditation exercises. This keeps mindless worry and distraction from hindering your efforts.

In some instances, like a fast food restaurant, you do not have a lot of control over your environment. You will need to change your attitude about the area, or even move to a better place to eat in peace.

Step 3: Reach a Meditative State

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The private relaxation exercise has two purposes. First it helps reduce the daily stress that contributes to over eating. Second, it trains you to reach that calm, unbiased state anytime.

•   Choose a trigger. It could be a sound. The first line of a song. For many it is the sound “Ohmmm...” Over time you will train your mind to automatically associate the trigger with the meditative state. After much repetition, your trigger will work within seconds. The more you do it, the easier it gets.

•   Take in a slow breath while you keep your mind focused on your trigger. Hold your breath for a few seconds, then exhale slowly. Repeat as many times as necessary. If your thoughts wander, gently place them back on the trigger.

Step 4: Mindful Eating

When you practice mindful eating, you are aware of what you are eating and why. You do not cast judgment. You simply observe and try to understand the source. That way you can attain better control in the future. You do not restrict yourself unless you want to. You answer if you are really hungry. You assess what you want to eat and any alternatives. You measure it up against your goals.

•   Pause before you start eating. Observe how you react to the thought of eating the food. Focus on the stomach and the mouth. Don't judge or criticize. Just note what you are experiencing.

•   Eat slowly and take small bites. Notice the texture and taste. See if you can identify the individual ingredients.

•   Stretch the meal out. Work up to at least 20 minutes, when the body's first full signals usually arrive. Make sure you satisfy both your fullness and your taste. Stop when your body indicates to.

Step 5: Adjust and Accept

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Mistakes will happen. Especially near the beginning. You will eat more chocolate than you intended to. You will over eat at a party. You will forget to try water before gorging on a snack. You will forget to hire a sitter or set aside time for meditation for the day.

Mistakes are all part of being human. If we were capable of perfection, there would be fewer problems in the world. Embrace the mistakes. Be mindful of their source and solutions.

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Chapter 5: Two Week Plan

Permanent results only come from permanent changes in diet and lifestyle.

– Dr Joel Fuhrman

This is a bonus chapter that outlines an example of how to start the first two weeks of your mindful eating routines. The goal is to make small gradual changes that you can adjust to, or fix, quickly.

You need: One notebook or record keeping app

Day 1: Preparation

  Set your goals for the week.

◦   Only set one or two this week. You will add goals as you adjust to the new mindful way of looking at food.

◦   Keep them fairly simple (Try Alternatives for 15 minutes when a craving hits, reduce sodium intake, etc).

◦   Do NOT use weight loss as one of your goals this first week.

  Become Accountable.

◦   Weigh yourself to see your starting point.

◦   Share your goals with someone supportive, encouraging, and willing to give you a nudge when you need it.

◦   Report to them through the next two weeks

  Assemble Your Mediation Area.

◦   Decide on a place and time you can disconnect for 15 to 20+ consecutive minutes

◦   Remove all distractions.

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◦   Add candle, mood music, a simple decoration to focus on, or other props to instill a peaceful atmosphere for you.

◦   If you are a parent, make sure children will have proper supervision.

  Eight-Minute Meditation

◦   First day is a 'test drive' to find a comfortable posture and fix distractions.

◦   Set a timer and resolve to sit there until the eight minutes is up. Use your trigger as you clear your thoughts.

◦   Keep proper posture

◦   Take note of any distractions. Remember that the distracted thoughts will become less frequent with practice.

Day 2 and 3: Build Up

•   Diet Change

◦   Drink a full glass/bottle of water when you wake up. Also eat a breakfast with complex carbs and protein. A green smoothie would be a great choice.

◦   Set Timer and stretch out eating to at least 10 minutes. Take smaller bites. Chew slowly. Think about where it came from.

◦   Take note of any differences in satiety, energy and cravings through rest of morning.

•   Use a notepad or app to record when a craving hits.

◦   What was the craving for? What about the food did you crave? (ex: Sweet, salty, crunchy). What did you do to ease the craving?

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•   Meditation: Ten Minutes

◦   Make sure to remove all distractions and turn off electronics.

◦   At the end of ten minutes, compare the ease of the exercise to the time before. Make a note of any changes you want to make.

Day 4-5: Build Up

◦   Continue the routine above.

◦   Substitute at least one empty calorie drink with water mixed with a squeeze of lemon, lime or orange in it.

◦   Cut back on amount of butter, sugar, and salt used to flavor foods and drinks. Keep the cut a small amount (ex: half a pack less of sugar) so that your body does not feel deprived as you train it to enjoy food with less.

Day 6-7: Reflect and Adjust

◦   Continue routine above, increase eating and meditation time to 15 minutes.

◦   Learn 2 new salad recipes. Try something with nuts, beans or a lean protein.

◦   Start to read labels of foods you ate most this week. Research alternatives that match your goal.

▪   What worked this week?

▪   What did you eat, and why?

▪   What were you happy with in your diet?

▪   What do you feel needs to change?

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▪   What adjustments will help you accomplish your goal next week?

Day 8: New Week.

•   Add 1-2 new goals to your list. Like last week, keep them simple and attainable.

•   Meditate for 15 minutes today.

•   Make any necessary adjustments to your goals, choices, etc based on your reflections.

•   If you have not already, give a brief status report to your supporter. Stay accountable.

•   Continue your routines and records.

Day 9-10: Buildup

•   Diet Change: Replace at least one lunch or dinner with a home-prepared meal each day.

◦   Learn 3 new fish recipes.

◦   Interact with the person you attain ingredients from.

◦   Reflect on where your food comes from.

•   Continue your routines and records

Day 11-12: Buildup

•   Cut sugar, butter, and saturated fats again. Once again only cut a small amount to keep your body satisfied as you train toward lower doses.

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•   Learn 3 new healthier side dishes.

•   Continue routines and records.

Day 13-14: Reflect and Adjust

•   Look back through your notes. What have you been craving and why? If you are not satisfied with this choice, experiment with healthier alternatives or quantities.

•   You now have an idea of what foods you are interested in. Continue to research recipes for home cooked foods, gardening, or other interests that give you more control over what you eat.

•   Extend eating to 20 minutes on at least one meal, also extend meditation to 20 minutes. By this time, you now have 60 - 80 minutes a day where your mind is able to rest and reset.

•   Weigh In: Record your new weight, energy level, and any changes you see in yourself compared to before you started.

Day 15+: Continue the cycle of adding goals and making small adjustments over the week. Record what works, adjust what doesn't, and watch your weekly weight records drop.

Ø   Check at the end of each week to see if clothes are fitting looser or better now.

Ø   Do you have less leg swelling by the end of the day?

Ø   Are you sleeping better at night?

Ø   Is your skin complexion, acne, etc starting to improve?

Ø   Can you walk further or exercise longer without becoming short of breath?

These are a few of the beneficial life changes you will experience if you incorporate meditation and mindful eating into your everyday routine. As I often tell my patients, the key to success is 1) do the right

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things and 2) do them for long enough. I know that meditation and mindful eating are the right skills for success. And while a two-week plan is clearly not long enough, I hope you will find the tips simple, useful, easy to incorporate, and sustainable for your new healthier, slimmer life.

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"Added Sugar in the Diet." Public School for Health. Harvard T.H Chan, n.d. Web. 27 Feb. 2017. <>.

Chan, Amanda L. "Mindful Eating: 5 Easy Tips To Get Started." The Huffington Post., Nov. 2013. Web. 09 Mar. 2016. <>.

Healthbeat. "Mindful Eating May Help With Weightloss." Harvard Health Publications. Harvard Medical School, n.d. Web. 26 Feb. 2016. <>.

Horton, Jenn WebMD. "Meditation for Weight Loss: Emotional Eating, Mindfulness, and Awareness." WebMD. WebMD, 2015. Web. 09 Mar. 2016. <>

"Meditation Posture - How to Meditate." How to Meditate., 2015. Web. 09 Mar. 2016. <>.

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"Nutrition and Healthy Eating." Carbohydrates: How Carbs Fit into a Healthy Diet. Mayoclinic, 2014. Web. 09 Mar. 2016. <>.

"Protein." The Nutrition Source. Harvard T.H Chan, 8 Mar. 2016. Web. 08 Mar. 2016. <>.

"The Role of Sodium in Sports Drinks." EUFIC. N.p., 2009. Web. 1 Mar. 2016. <>.

Sodium in Diet: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia." U.S National Library of Medicine. Ed. David Zieve. U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2014. Web. 09 Mar. 2016. <>.

Wilson, Lawrence, MD. "THE IMPORTANCE OF PROTEIN." Dr L. Wilson, 2015. Web. 09 Mar. 2016. <>.

Wolever, Ruth, PH.D, Beth Reardon, M.S, and Tania Hannan. The Mindful Diet: How to Transform Your Relationship with Food for Lasting Weight Loss and Vibrant Health. N.p.: Scribner, 2015. Print.

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Zouareg, Nordine. Mind over Body: The Key to Lasting Weight Loss Is All in Your Head. New York: Springboard, 2007. Print.

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Appendix: Terminology

Amino Acids: Building blocks of protein.

Carbohydrates: Chains of sugars that provide energy to the body. There are three types: Sugar, Starch, and Fiber.

Comfort Eating: Eating food based on emotional state. Where individual tries to use food to alleviate stress and anxiety.

Complex Carbs: Carbohydrates that have longer chains. They digest slowly and provide a steady stream of energy.

Complete Protein: A protein that provides all the amino acids your body needs to obtain from food.

Intuitive Eating: See Mindful Eating.

Mindful Meditation: Meditation style designed to focus on the moment at hand without judgment. Emphasizes non-judgmental thoughts and feelings and relaxation of the body and mind.

Mindful Eating: The practice of changing one's eating habits by focusing on food choices, its preparation, and motivations to eat. The focus becomes savoring food needed by the body rather than mindless consumption.

Simple Carbs: Simple chains of carbohydrates. They digest fast in the body to provide a short, quick burst of energy. Usually this burst is followed by a crash.

Taste Satiety: When you have 'had enough' of a taste. Designed to make you eat a variety of foods.

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About The Author

Dr. Duc Vuong

Dr. Duc Vuong is an internationally renowned bariatric surgeon, who is the world's leading expert in education for the bariatric patient.

His intensive educational system has garnered attention from multiple institutions and medical societies. His passion in life is to fill the shortage of educational resources between patients and weight loss surgeons.

Although trained in Western medicine, he blends traditional Eastern teachings with the latest in science and technology. Dr. Vuong was featured in TLC's hit show, 900 Pound Man: Race Against Time, and is currently working on his own weekly television show.

Visit Dr. Duc Vuong on to learn more.

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Other Books By Dr. Duc Vuong

Duc-It-Up: 366 Tips (2016)

Lap-Band Rescue (2016)

Healthy Eating On A Budget (2016)

Healthy Eating For Kids (2016)

Weight Loss Surgery Success: Dr. V’s A-Z Tips (2014)

Ultimate Gastric Sleeve Success (2013)

Ultimate Lapband Success (2012)

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