medina daily journal -...

VYEATrtEB, l* partly Irafure. cloudy with, MEDINA DAILY JOURNAL TOiaTOt' A FAMK.Y PAPER 1^HW» . The Baity-Jbnrnal is read d*ll<jr by 10,Q(K> people in Medina, *h* yiOmity, , ' n. 'I" 1 L W : 324 1 IHSUBMARIN SINKS WITH 54 MEN 27 (Wecslnesday)—' fnbmaiine M.-2 dived ^Portland, failed, to award and hours later Itq hayo been located \a »of the English |ft and diyera were sflot from nearby |cjhief English na\al v«r«s expressed for ; pe ciew, normally &n.d 4$ men, although the submarine could water for 48 hours |ved at -10 30 a. m. yes- niles "west of Portland fathoms" of water failed to return on ftr degtioyeis and two vent out to search for liters joined the flotilla. Empt to wise the_sub- |ent she was found on supposed to be the Sated during the night IOWS rat It Now? |ii seventeen fathoms of watei on the saiftly bottom, of the channel thxee miles west of Portland Hill, a rocl»y piomghtory off the Dor set coast As soon as ruinois spiead tluoitghont the navitf poit of Port land that something had happened to the submaiine, movie theaters, interrupted their programs while -orders, were ie'ad c tq sailors m the houses calling on them, to tejom their ships. J '._!j-^...' .' '" •- MK» iiu "i. ' i"iwimM***mmi<*i*m~>i>mmmv< IUH.II.JIHJUIIIII.III u —-*~—• i n, „—,..,,,. ,—„_—„,.,..,,—»—>~ " v —•^'\z—'-'-•™—r*— >-' 1 --~t... -.-.J ___^_ P rm m m .^w ._ ... _* .j. ri* 7— . 1 1. ' HtfCK2&cOTS Which One Knows Best? New York, Jan 36.—Ls£s ^Than, 24; hours afliei Governor fxanklm, I) Roosevelt announce^ he *uid formei Governor Alfred E. Srai^h would meet m Albany within two weeUs, woid came froht Smith's, office tonight that h% ha4 no m- t?ntiojis oi leaving £he city whig mcnth or next, Hoccevelt said last night he had heard from Smith that the latter would be in Albany •ofifchni a week or two to visit his daughter and that he planned to call on the Governor at that time. u. s. mm. PUTS COMMON ON $2 BASIS Ala, Jan^ 2C—A It the University ot Stereated in knowing Iheld for him and who | no longer to find out" orltically wounded, Itdl bullet near hla. Is Toom here today. k |arles E. Butts, ,'35, of [». Y. udenta found,him and. lis Tho latter uhearth> Bn the room f addressied. 1 in GoitverneuXn which Im of a fact that the- Iwould "como back and fa other if poealble. said in pait: we have _ discussed fr " and '^iwifay trtfco* you know, we have It that the first on,o lorne baok'und talk to. Jf possible, Im. going to bold yon, to. le, 1 will bft dead long [see this lo^er. I am as everyone will saSs. been discouraged* a? lot hold very much for fcame hack after Oiriat- jwnnt tq cohio hack hut [wanted mo to % can't ph„ because X have: had ! wonderful living. I had til know, very interested pre and jnst what it he. I will be branded a* |r: suicide—'crazy'—not valt np longer to rind ; We 'will meet again In , millennium." New Yoik, Jan. 26—Dnectois of the TJnited States' Steel Oor. lioration^ chatrmaned* by J. P. Morgan, loolsed back over 1931, then forward Into 1932 today,, and decided that the future was hope- ful enough to justify dipping into surplus to the extent of ?10,65G,616 to maintain dividend dishurse-j ments. This world's largest steel maker, Tan far into the f^ the. final months of J.934,ihat^hector i ajj«j. deretl a dlsbur^iis^of; 50- cents a, share ojt the qljnMo&^fock; aat w> duced frowflfiQ-.Ltpsii|aents m the tw.o m;evloUs. (jliMteJ^ The l«S»i lar. ^uavteijly payment of ?1 ^5 p»r share of pr,efetr«4.8tock yraa t^- irectecU ^ The book* showed aafloH «t »*,• Zie.l^ tpx th& last q,uajter of the year, which wa$ met f£om, *«riHo* along with the divide^; paywentfi, making a, Tednqtlor*. f?om. aluf^iw ot ?15,033,«1^ the .la>f$*t fwr any (luarteif in tho _ cq?|(j||tion"a, hla^ tory * Myron C. Taylor issued a state' ment as chaiinran of the finance committee serving wirnhig that "continuance of dividend must de- pend upon an Impiovemeut in, the corporation's volume - of buslue^a and oarnings." *j;he. 30-ce.nt ^U)ft>tetlv'9*vn^«At wij8. the- 8n»^e«t sin.** i»is* IR whj*h Y««¥- tlji* o«fpo«%tton„ tett^i p o i a ^ y d,i»ooht^u.e«l co»M»P.H * s j : hvrsementa^ si» festilAor. tX« u*»e^ rtleinfent of; %i® oiHhjt«ak,~ ot tho Wom "WW. I>eath Mrs* aainaa. IUi£^k_,-fit;TO)ltW<^*» laat eveafnsr, She.."*** * : ilf«: SQWE- TWiaent of; MiyyiUe; ! %!ia«ftihe,# husb*nd, she te si#Ytef§ -Wf,'Wl* daughter, Mrs. 1# -ft. ' S # , #--Me> atna' k three, sons, t«M Ctoftfe «1 fiaxnt Gteon ot «io% w4iSI«!R t^ Greart of feane; am'v)/0l*.'MVf^ Geojge Br»c» of Detiolt, •Wb%-, i and 1,0 grauWiiiaiei ternoon at Z'M ftottt^ he* |it*i how.* in MiUvlU* Mftht#tit ti* in MttlviUe gem<Miet^ .• i i i .1,^.-1'^(."u.'.-vBitu ' Mrs O'ENwH^lt r?fjf •W«ttnli^t# 6!^«s oi i%$ Prt«by»«iiw chwc*t »to ^(Miti.W* night with. Mm\A#|6<fi:--^Hm nell, SU W*at Ceftll?, irtSi****'.' Mrs. Bronson T»1ks At. Women's Club ir %oeaUt Attet' -itan. S»~WH-, Uanv WirlglQy, J\v o^i\or| ^f" thfi Chtca^a Cuba a,ua. Inteit^u&imUy ^H«wa ?a.^clo^ (Heft a, h|* win- t^C h<»m* ho?» ^atly^hl* ?A»*»l»i, AuHcnm«>m»nt of, f i\Vi(tg^. !««{ nigh^ at th» Buil*#i* amck P?6tetalw«i\ TJfowwi** QWts m»«V ins which * * * he** to Hl« OOBJ, trinity room*,, Mr*. G*«rt«. B?on, !o« |»v* a moat intjn»ni»f *n$ i(a»clnfl,tlng; dfc»oui»io« of »9t?ol» <jgy v She hoi* hw U»t««o?&. e&» t?an?»* thromj^ent kW Ulk, \t y a a on.e of tb,o wtt ontartntolH? »O0i»l evenlaift th*l clufe «V<r •»' ^Tt«d %W 'ifS^l *«*.,,. r ^ held; a,t m$m&l&$r'1fo % M •mst 20. ^ iic*»M*«*«*i#^w iU9h nataWo* |* J8a^'i||«^#«>|0i t aajt t^wio Cb»?«iv*Sl 6^ *W »t» qook of MlllYWe; tw* •jmm*toS&!i£ m fOao b*« a^X^l ^ f .addrOM. the coaventlo*•;:. jpoi^fta^Ioft P1,«RS mm Wi Jfe? a. <jh*tJ^Mft ontortaiffiWi"!* M J* .i'ttlp./.il-'WJtJ.Ul'U'-.UWWU'lBt KNOR PL ACES ATTORN- :Y GENERAL IN CHARGE QotdwiiHh |K« Y. r Jan, 26—For the ae, Governor Roosevelt c«d«& the district at- |Brooi^ county. Thft nr»t time if ;*»».ijs <i0tt« aection witk £6» Igiryath. Baiite ««ses. tasf nbjhj-,'h'il\tt»Sft tit pht the "nHornoj? gehetili' irt change of ,th« IavwtJ»|Hoit tinto alleged shortage i« tho BtMhainton city comptroller's office. Mr. Roogeveit Indii had «uneto«*«<l ?fc»W<* A t t o m « Frank -Wooster « th*I o«l«ial% own request. Some time ago the atio*h*y<'t#m eral Impotmded the records of the Bingbamton comptroHer*^ office. Tbei city maaror demand# tail t b t Qovttaar oStjlaitt the sehtare jpd was; promKtJy ifllorrae* « ««* because of reports- that <$f'•'• ~*m fWILLEOGiKS ppit fan* m©r* tronhle* still, the -5-v hain't «PM •mSfii, tie aooffc ' ^ • i f J«««^3no»ey ha4 *«» takeft hy tndivl^ 1 th* ataff of stteiwey Qmm* John I X Ben*ett w*« hW *m. tb * I* :^«i(tigatioa •a^.'W^ 1 ***^ 0 ^ °* ^* Horratt cases. tl» tolncltjajs la Ha»;.JB«ffiW' « ; #fr-«tte-'Bah«-'«f' fiachiUiitait *W» *«•» S*^- to •*» :m% * iHi^w #.«*#«»». *» B * „ lr#i'''" a, ' l> ^' tl|W>6,(w8 *"** a * * ttol? ' ' ak the iwy g«Ji»rai had came acrtww <?vi •'2i ; > -w ««K*' Bf fttegulatUies is the city -*»-*- ; w*1^Bfc«' *«ie: following 4K» maw l i t ••4H! ijfW?''. *^VS. W T tin- m «o Total Mm - feUott R«ynolds itjiodorako* onthiiaa 3S7« «* is8' art in i<t m IBS 1«4 ' 131 ».S MRS. wmwm AND 1 M I C W R WWCTEO •^ I'fW MPMIK!' 1 '!- "••»•'" i>i». Honohijn, Jfan^ 26—Pi^^a, tjit^, twrnal accsis^tloiinj action by a nyigoX ie{oie.\ico to' KalwhawM \\a$ luroO trout Mm anaichy^ %ko Ho'nohtfn SSftiwV i»iy Judicial j building Januaij Sth^ ah today UMl'Cted Jt^ CvctayU^ S^»- ducted and slain, T;h» liiwhhig tescue, society- matron, auft: tliree l rwiiled au auiitams eltma^e tct a n ivy men So?- sjecend degree niu> s vo«jas»a pt ei,*nie& whitU had dei in tlk lynehuig Of Jo^^> I|* IsUiretl the comnxtih^^ hahawat, alleged*woman atfenke 1 ? Those indttted with Mrs, Fortes The inquisitorial Ha&y, Wmi'ffe^n* areUeuJ Thomas'It SJ^lo paren,tly ha,d attainliHie^ Ia«f \y&:' V ( S S, on* % 4 ho\d «m\ At to ^etivrn ^ ^atjvo. J iopojr-¥» ^hi s bwt o aouos. e n ^ t e i l UA.>y. <B-O»I case, ^nhuaitted Jho lud|§BKi6*e^t<tihaUa\val wa-i on© of ttvo won only after (Jtjeiut Justge^i^" "M. Cristy hatlr raise* 'a question ^o{ anajchy oud v toA* ,1ts-j Ultehlvwi mehibfei;a they should r « t ^ r f t ) M the- Jury if they coiild" not vii&siollft theiv convi?tio» %ith thft^ ^sH* mop ajitl the law. ^ ,' *, ^ awaiting letr^tl qft chaises ot at tackhig MW, Nlissi^ wlfo Of v tho liout'enant and daughter- of J^r fl Forfeacuev, P*UuUn^ IVgft action, tho four ac^sod too boon* hold hi tho <us£ao> of »aval aJfleMs at POAVI JJopt^oaxery. \yihfe (htfoXiSfi; at, f J-^or. TilO- djafenso \©«;«i.iUy toxsoy/ahriQU.Hiced'iiumedfc^i)^ H» ^oMght dlsmiajsil of a police ijflurt wonj* file i\ Ji^tioti tomoL®;w %<t, f<i»V«1or char^<« agaluat, the f«tu; quo^hj • tt?e iiiiPnt'R 011 ^ ' $ ' ^* ' 0l1 tb& Etofa* the m.osecu,tUm, Ua«J groand. COQWIOH, ha^ heou iniilt^ awjn , tUlatos lu pi-ococding mako thtfjiroivd iui'y rotvisa- <ths asainat thom. - f > \ » w> Seabury Sued fat $5QO,Q0O Naw York, Jan 26.—Safliuel Sqahju>y -\vho Qondwcteit tho N§\V Yoik mag&tiat«f{ comt wwnnny before hQ beenmo counsol i,o\ tho. ^ofbtadtor LesistatUo Connulttae ««.!» chaigo* today in .1 $o00,0QQ- (Jamage, sftnt with "uiiaUciously" injuring th.e chai actor ot Pylioa Lieub. John W. Korina, Kcnna \va.s one of tho. pohoemei> with huge bank ictouixts vvhoni Seabury's ft^fetftntix cuHod foir nuc-vtioning,. It \vtw> chwged puh- Wcly that ho and his mother* Mv§. Anna Konna, deposited, §!) 19,ail.,?5 from 1925-102U, jnc;liisivo. inky i i.i u m i nm>ii|Hf SB It ^ =K3 9 BETTER TIMES NEAR SAYS BABSON, EXPER1 Weltesley, Mass, Jaa. SO—Rosjor ^Y. Habson, economist and s,tatisti; cian, who piedieted tho stack mar- ket bieak ot W&% today s ud in. a Piepaicd stateunont "The dopre<sfr' in" Btihsou did. Aut l( .v. *U a, o.«i<}K letiiui to piot»peiit}, but said the outlook jat toii«? iftiigo was foi hot tor timos. "Tho ohait, which, was the bast* tor my toioonst of tho maiket break in M89,'* anUI J3ao- son, "Is now -with. OQUJII iiosU\«0« =ss DEATH CLAIMS WRIGLEY THE GUM KING dealh, vat h»do by R, vim; Hssniwi, to Mr. ^Wey, Wh(J «*M -wMly* "Mr. 'Vtrrlfiwr pajmtd *'«»y- at ?:*6 o'caook thit m,ormi-t, fj^ath was duo to. acnt» indlCMt}«ft, to which Mr. WrUHy *•£ fUhlfet^ yWlHojr Wft Bttlckon J4u«»ry 31 ^ to4i»MUoa> followod $ltb, * iMart aU**^** 1 * remained In b«4 «uUl hl» *«tb, Hia 4Mtb, tho **&• ^ w y aal*. a»*h««n (WJ?Ml«l a«« «c*l hour*. \YrigIey was Bivoht^ .j«fj»„ ejdj. ... | Mm m$m mi ms «#,'»&' iifa •.. '•'•. • " / \- •*«lf t^oko^ «^ |«^ th* JW* OJt \f« h*oM«ph»Wt * e * ^ Ww a j^rlijisjfc J% tjfflMt timims, c«n- 'fl«offHd;-j^ju(t«li •ft WW hl§ f«Me. 4fett «i« ana «Uttf «*Ng«i» tt* W« 0? W» con- t«*i«|«* *id tti* atro»fc**tfed «h«a whflE^ fc»s«l« h% fltojuctn f ^ l t«SO|Wl»«4 • (row^i Jf»*« -fti^i *y«»tt%. Hsoh w *tHtfo ilj^k will «» Wfid PJfar fo« a WWratfoa «a* oi thB.,«r«afe to-r- ivm'tf tk« Urtteft-** torwttt as atiWf i». tloit * p 0* M«|! or- !1'U^.'',.£0''U0 I ' II >'[ II ? ,I L > - xoad during his early Chicago ca Toer, Wrigley was twitted about his city or Chicago by a rival B-iteiman, who roniaxked that tho town dtd not O\OH ow,n its own hall cluh—tho Chicago National ^ Klr^.f^ p ' , 8 u *' tenwit controlled by Chi' otnnatl intorosts. 1 Tho j«»t *txuck homo, for bftsc halt was Wrtgloy'a hobby, and the whim horn then «M fratlfiod twoi»tyiftv6 years later when Wrto ley ami gtvoral nssoclatoa octtulr» "*d tho oltuh < from tho Olnotnnntl moii who. *(llt owned It. A tow : years, l%t*r ^o obtained solo con- trol of the club, and addod to hla holdings, th* t^os Angoloa team of tho Pacific Coaat league. : HI* thJt4 ftiajor hwtaesH voh,' ] fort itta i%» jmwhft** in 19W of •$mi!t* •*iuwit ...'8*. mnfm.0 - : mv : «lgg i%fa #'.fdi|^ DUtiimeT r««oH» 1W i a ^ l f ^ ' t t ^ - n h d srittc mto*»«' ^»]f«rtifa Vhi^ »yr«nMod ®l?tujio tbtQ »oft bom to WllHam Wtfiiwr, sr^ aad. Mary Udloy %<itO¥ at ffeliidolpjhltt on Sept- issuer 3.0, Jilt^waa tot contont to fpgf«4 tft I S * ownenshfy of hla fitfcer'a t#<»iHng soapv manufac •<«*£ WJlftlk Wrigloy,"|[f» was fen- fii»« tftioilte hla owsi son. PMllp I t r larilJ4ent « 2s of his chowtag i»% «o«pany and tho y.o«ge«t f^CKtiivo In tho country of a busl- r,«ia of that alio. Phraft and a ^itsigbter wero bom from the .«j$fe Itt um of wmjatii Wrigloy, ^ * » d Ada Pootc, of New Voifk. NEWTON BAKER ON RIGHT SIDE OF QUESTION Now York, Jan 2G— to a IiOaguo or Nationi phinlc tu tho 1932 Pomocratic platform catno- imfrHiiettedly from Newton r>. Baker today, lu a atntomont which alio voiced his Wlef In o-Vontiml partlcljwtlon in the Lea- Ktio hy tho Uultod Statos, The- doclaiation of Bako, Socro- taiy 1 of War in the Cabinet of YVoqdrw Wition, Htauncb l.««suo advocate, and a pioaldqnttnl posat- biilty hltnsoir, was inado aa ,, ho litopawd to sail with his wtfo for a brief vacation la MoxUo City. Mr, Baker said ,lt was ">ory ttonoi* wis" tti«t "vory nlco" far pooplo to talk him up for the presidency, hut U> a dheftt aucatfon aa to KKhofflor ho wai a canflW&tft ho said: "No." Juat tjetoro tho roportora flnlsh- «d tholr crOHt-firo of qaestlotts, ono of them xhot out ,"Do you Ihlnk prohibition lis thn hip 1JK(UO». tht* year*" "Positively not,' said Mr. Bater, Series Fruit Meeting Scheduled ^^^PJMftPWX^'W^ilW 1 ntt» m*. w si. m •''(HI WITRi ^JJMSf isi-. Mn m Attended Funeral '$! tf JW'i*!*.-,.' Mr, aw* ^ H W K e * <|*fe, Kii* •Hildtetf <aa% tad- life iH* *r»- toward C»% *t|eadt« .^ te«»I ot jroh^ t ljfeiiai«^ t* £$lm. •ww^- •*;»-'4i •* ' «"• *- I*. •* * * iftssftes-t&e attlfMl of * *««,«. the P f d i w Ketnotfai Houpltal y«*tw- ^ 5 ""'**1- ^r'tr»rtfr'/tfj'" «i*-d«*ioa» bank-cas®'trials, "*—^*tjMtwi »ip«rit»tie €«art *«**» *"- *'»»• JS2?S- "*iy'" ««w,icm convenaa-fo* -the hank - mtwtrf ^' ..... : ..';'»J'.ji-!;^-fp'-! i ..;" ._ ;. . "*iWIW^WK ^F *^rP. •^^WP!^„ f^W atre, «a» tiM |*«i» hwt S*t- «rd#y afti«*p«* # r t a * <i« mitii.*» «4 • * • « to,»ar* tier h»rta»4 |-*e*. •• , -«Hni'«MK«i .1*1: -»«S»»I^ is te^Mi Ua*™. iiiJIit. ,• -a* •)!—>, M?, •»# *«W**f & «owe 1 l ^ 1 1 ^ CSMft#e H**»fc annonnco «# « t t h # # it *oa, JTodd Sorlck Ig^l^ M »«« Medinai Sehiotol 'l^lMKf, tUMday Jah. 2*ik. Mr, and Mrs, Walter Shelp•• of P*rk avetmo aro rocelvtng congrar tulations o» th«s arrt^at of a »on. Bisatef Jajmes, at the ,-^tpdtoa J|#no«i9l ilospltal, Kojidity San. *Kh. , ' f e, and Mr*, l^a- :iW«8«r«tii of if^if^sffWe. THspiross -tfe«. SB^ ,^r^ fli-^son, «$ t**€l«esoTy^«- i»oifM h0*jtfi#1| AlWoh, tW* isorn- Medina Represented ^ a » 6 ftSBJ flfarrtett Bee«hor Stofro Tent }©, at who Sttefl*Hl ta# Installation and sope> of Ln- crella Gattteld Tent 1$a. M in Al- bifttt last evening wero: Azun,»h Pc&?, tfchrtattit BcttiKFBi Ethel Croach, Ell* Mundioii. jejaio Wa^ n«T| OeWgl* Coo*. Bertha \WB« tent V»» Werfanherpr. Way Woltghtwtry. tfer#$feft ^WinlWtrt, fithbt fotason, tt»J»» Sniith, Ma- betasriroa% Pearl l*esto» Bo«i*h, Od^Wffc fforenct' Hisgftm Af- »«tth Hiifgiil* an* Itertott Ciapp. : ~l^*&iffeNuiw'<Cftttitt3? i FiffiK'lIM* Lnwu* - ••afeJtordlfrit to-' lUfc.. E, R» Wagntrt nwi)«g*r of tlio Orl«ac« County Farm JEtor**sti h«t yl&tiWtA a »«ri(» Of frulb moating* for February 2 and 8. Th«# WdHlnipL wilt be h»^I at Traflidfe 6 t « n i » Halt, lussda^ Pebrtiwy S^«6ls* pjn. IToltey Ifigh SchtiOt* ^«««t[*y ovonlng, Fehmary % «|.5x19 p> ift* Medina City m% ittMmtiW »Fobraary 3, a i j${$ p» dt» Water- pori High Sfc&Qojij 1Sf«tu«i4»y, February 8j its. t^JI JJ^ rrt. Accordla^ Jift Wfl«n# tbe«e wrtdetlngs *** plsnr^d for » djs* euision of th# «olhomie«i pro* dwcWon of fruit for 103Z Both f r,ofe*KOr Oskamp from tho Now orie State Cotlesfe of Agrlctrt* -tflWj. *»4 f. K< taMonfr will pr«cnt and lead in thn discus* •tot. With th« im prlcf* Of fruit it will be necessMy iat every g«wer to pi»«cit!c» every otftft* ' stuy. It to hoptil tha* tho«o ifteot, j i»«» «*lil brifls nut coma Worth «blle po*8*« t^ntf *hi» Uhte Canning Qt®p %<W* . -0rs Meet fancher and tho interview tqrmUi(tt;{>d. k "i wonhi not thko tho taiito* States into tho Umgua. ir, ji had tho power to do so uMtl thoiw Is an informed ami convinced miijov- ity souUmont lu favor of lhia.t ncttoft in the United Sto4na^ said hla attttemeitt tho I^oaptMo. "I ant not lit ftuoi <jt ft Vlwik Uj. tho Uenwciatto >\attonftt v p^«t f,n » rt urgtoK « Joining; tit* l^o.ignv. 1 think It would, ho u gr<;at mfslaka. to- mako n paithutu Iss.uo of th« mattor. Ross vullcatinjj th«i; wo hsivi* M^ tho Uoiigh ot tho doPW^siou 6t 193(1 ,ia and tl)«t tha present year ^ \VAU sho\v; an iuesmlax- mo.V.o'meRt. to-wavd higher levels « h Th& oh n't is now tinning \m» uaid tor tho tai>t tiwis i\\ rw&t thah i\\» yoai s, me s o km* l,oiaiy lnljy ot i«u_«^a 4 o for- sq«ie~joars~to"coni.o. I"(lo~«o?'«& H»?ot to {te^ ^ho Bibson chnct b§« law* tliCjflOptU leachetf last Novem- ber, Ot tourso, Wiif does not Woa». any 8ha\l* rlso h^ck to ftontai condmotiSK but 1t dt?os indicate thi flojrtossitm is; ittjMitxesnt, Tho i^ lango qutlOok is th^t firndftilieK* ta}ly hottor thhes m<i now deitnlte- iv assmjeiT. 1 * i Film Picture, ( Causes Mistrial Father Meegan Will Be Chairman Cath- olic Charities Appeal Jlaekmwwfci NrJrJS^-Se.—Be-- calico lltia j|iW'y v saw ljlst- tiight R (Ktotlon pictnift- in 1 wldch th» lojoiilt^ eonvictod of wur^h&rj oio- pisno s - « crooked p m M i t w and vf.iist fioedojn, « ottnatra) wa« da- cli|] ed today in tho CBKO ot Mrs, Shd WB« ftcensod of JTi-gt dsftrea mnitlsr fo"r ntt»ffod oompUctty fa tho staying of h * husband* mitt hfer atliorftey innnetUataljf <jh»» nothitsed ha ^ould, teak; b»x ir«a- dom on a "ferit of hoheu* cornu^ itlteginir a n*w txM wouhi pjac.e hor in doubl<\ jao^ardy. Father William n MoeRan^As- Blatant Director of Catholic Char* )tia«, Director of tho Society of St. Vincant do Pawl, <md naitm of AU S«tnU Dhurch, ihiffoio win bo chairman of tho Ninth Annual Catholic Charities Aprmnl to bn hold thl* ywr tit* wook Qt Mm i h 13th to SOth, waa announced by Bishop William Ttirnar, y«<ttorday "BllhOp %\mU", *#Wta* '»» to tu* CathoUaj, b| \km Noam to •oJWf«rw-th* Wftil^'twfiji" season m a-iaaioft of $l|«tttt#-*ift(|. frayor ahttiiia arottis* thft taWtW to ae ttva wtsfiort at lhl« "Ahitu*l Catho- Me OttaMUEeg Apne»t thut year." aaid h i t l e r sao^Ktih." t welcome tho;oppor|tt»tty to remjor ihi« •:#mi e«W«e aW my atrongtb. my tiittO arid rnjf llrtitted abllliy " **•••••- nvo ask the Catholics t»f tn& If** M>f hftW ft)f%k% hMm Legion Meeting Th« tamra p t Chirk IVat Of tlio Amorlcjn Region will hold « ncotfitK at Fii oman's JiaU at Lyn- (imislUo on Tbuviday niltht of ttila wa«k (Tauiorrow I'VrttJt ST KftflH.i.11 •• • i ii UK I WIII— Annual Meeting Tho Ahi#:l 3W«8B«-'-<* *h« Ladles Jvid'-ojE fb« Bh««s^ ^ajith* church was h(sW Oitef «ft«rh0j»» wHh Mrf. a«ywftl|<j SanflidsrA, Wo«t Avenw, i •iM<!i.i'Ui,M'ilI l '','iyni>^"»'WW( rtj Sl l ^^i"l. 'IJ^'i* Wi^ dfoeaso In thia oppont for a mated Tnrnor *ttw^ th,08ft wlM* %fR 86ttifl» thiitt islittr«! WilU t t o o ^ l w -Kav« no«ttti,» •*» "••'"• i • of'l^Wft iturdftn beliip dojasKiT* Btira of money. It IB not m inueft ^Bfitt lli>* %t* ^»»«»I ipmttt wilt '|*tii*wO*eit t arid M!1j|u«io tfjiey tho money wo want, we want food* ft* the liunftry? wo want ishelWr and fws» for tho cold; m m*$P$ A"" 1 '*' clothing and «*vorifiif fa? th« rajp pid and the naked; wo want % roof and wnrtnth for Mio. horneWsi Rnd deatitute: * *v wan| comtet aftd can th: j* ->d and IM^MS and *a * » t Wio wean* to p*«std« conraf« and bona fef tho horuelesK! Md «»* flhoraploycd-" j sk'M* euin|oy»i.o«i is 0<t$& 0l» "fiverf dollar ceatrlbhtol In re- wwita # fha£ ««iWoy<«$(«it if& «r*(l»k> to tht* <*»nenl^afs year »lil; their nolfhBOrsi ffinftflflt *M$ AJJ? attt.onjr the vointttwsr >R|K6r* nec*asHry''to tpvg' ihte>- c taj^ Into ovarf seottoit O]E fftft atf« esse, to onlist omter m their" .$«*- ifih organfwttou, or with th« ,«o^ itnle*p stuff ot he»iltt«arten; :: - ; "i c«|H upoh tbtos* "hoftr»*r* tofinnttto W h ' ^*: ^>t^' •#••«• «'#*«* :fWaWy Itttritaf, oylf oiia thoutanit tfrculation «r'haa'bM». m«rfliii wtthtfti Joiicnal, iftua a'vlrj the Cat- «r»at evur Sifloo rfaliy eircitfa* In Mtdtna and its trading tar> ssKssaa i.ifi"?i- l rir"tlTiiinri TOKYO SENDS 13 MORE <!' T«|B^ - Jaa, .||~:'5tt*««a«s *«!. t ^ » « JSr»t atop, i» c a « *»6 !*&•' dtti4^ lasaBCtW »fl>i»lkft!»- w««j »*«•*' djma&4»' *er& not ««t is# cvidWtitf *6»a**t;.*«&» f'o*»»' : c ot^«t»tfe«. «f 'SS»»fteal 'to; tm#*4 li»w«a»i>)3> gh»c^ , 'W«a»**«y, aroabt tw so t*k* erer -feai. fl»m_t|» t^imj^m V»s f - "> -«*•.-lr*a^ls)trt|jrt«r of; ttw «!#J|»P« T i t WlMv. i| jlil"llS ; i»»»\t»' '«•«#"' 'q&ifcilyis.' ' a&feir f«s- wed h«ca««* «*:,-&* :Ja*i«fMo* ?«*»)»' Ska lnfrt'ui:6aai «m^. gravity «£.fne Wxratfbai Wstnati.^i.' w*at •1(Sis actloiB ^|va». *»p«a*«a :mtMm-&- foas!y.«t#e ***•!«# «a«« # thP' wua^ftio -fiv%-a9B(aite. s*-« ghai. a**MJI* t»* OWcom* oi ' *ij3Be*0 deiMBd .tjajft ehlKess; Hciii* .aaipraaa. -ftm i$*&Upir.^ toctette* *l^«|iai t#'tNK «*Jit>or - tk* .bioyi^tyapgift Jmpt--- woaid .bo taksw, •' heaver, tt was said., oaf* 'ittMr I rtjfeetaafl*«:'of':,!tc. :MI»W»««4 :-R*#l6TO «?e«S «Sm*t>!i»'i- "QSf «»a> (taafifen/- »«ia. a. <»:"«*» ««fa« •-•; -atakijsajan, *& thai'»"» « # * # • ;, aaaao moveiaa*. rtvrinUr ittefiw*. 12§ canning crop grower* of Or7pao» County w # at Ftutohey Mondiir, January 21. tor k fllscus- *I0» «f tha- frttwlnfc «f CMHlng: cr6j«, fho m«ifttlfii{ -wn» arranjM" _by ihfl^fJrican* Coant?-.Fjnj* l ! t? : e?o« A lunch ws»» *sjps«id «t noon hy th« Fnatcher (IrawOra Coopera* ttva A«s ; n«' PrafflMsr c B, riwwnfttf -#*••' etfcseds. ti*o cicttural |»8ctie«t to Use growing of tueumbem and to- tnateteas, W t . eharte» ©fcoijgt dl# emm$ di«»a««a of 'etwoiaftciaf* ixs»,, toroatfiBs,, eab&tgo. ^e«it fa, cmMettHM itttenat' tftftlv/of-ld ranch*?? conmtsniiy to the | » o * |E« ot canttltii «• r<>^*,. SBWfj? fT6w> ««S(. eoBtra«;t .«!;»«««#' *Pfc ft*"fi^ Oil .caaortiK, fatrturteife", «tft#rj| e«R- '««UB«)i|'-«r' Oro*ofa eo«f«r|i«ff#"Ai*lt. The- mofsHn$. «nfcj||'-fii"»fejj.a*-- tenovd, •has' co-m.c iti-m'§u smuts! lgn"ori-- ; i SM'sFsiseWIRl^^l'^W- :CJiw, i:i'i '** taokei fn%ard' t»- t««h 7«ar as aa «ffftfl.i|iilty m f <jfcicu:.«!«'>. of mrartfel*. fa tenm- iaf c^a- 'na rae'tery- ««•»#, '"" t 0 «jfpoadc(l.' ta es»0! suffering amfliiiS oar |M!or, moros Itttonso. wore widespread, and rnoro doeg* if rooted, Man It ha». bnmi tilMip the past dec»a>ii "It !• In tho t»m of this Krtstt eihfii*i^^r that I #!«- tho 'titthfnt of this diaeego M tha «««{». of lite sn«nfiettf«f iv0 «faecs* ( MsliBp e=ass=sassss* peat." |*«tiief MtWft dnnoanetd $«*•". terdfty IhW : tf»» Ke5d4u«rtett .of ifia Kitttfi Atuniat Cotholfe' <Jhj»!- itaa 4jpf#ftl »JM h« «t 83 ftfti&im gipttfc UhfifMcr. T»stli4Mrtire«. eatWfd aiBKciB* witf ihat# '•#> Ws wmtvff to ho weoJvcit ttrrf«iis thfi sp'?«fti. chtldran The' '••' =- ia«d' a t 1 ifil ce«t* ' : ?:- :; f;:f}tf*: w»" f *a»t'lifta« if •• Ta* rata h«* 6c#n.' s'^sr >wa»|>aii| r«lt»f stMdr 5 ||»%a|fc, . Good evonlag "*«e" corner! Horn wo aro ftgaln! Mow waa nvorylal«g in mtv&A to- day f UMyi»» .eijjoj* *ho nacftt JJIIOMJ the aetaio^mtfe KM 1 t %$m $&& |»st night? S t e .«*#fjy suceeedert In bolna ooe, pxtjrbf Biftklng liftt nosl '*iKay frwra the fast Of' th« ,-h*pn and toying £*»• «iR, hat her toico j ^ a h o r « w a y by leilltof tnti *f fter iut«re »4«t*sr!tt?-<! thkM K9K here i» a jsaom wMeh t«!»a y»«'|ten¥ s«nm esorsiffatft and : taik *&«» ttcy ihiaa IJioy &«*&- a: h»n! cold. By Btt* jqnlre S^B'S" *f j|o» 8ttBh ft «0'S M by head-' ttefef nagi $, teat: tfo atltt id h/ Ad' . # | k aMrtor a!) ad'-to*lam- •rfide;' I. 'M'% M in horrid. &<!'$ y«»; ?'.'' !";%'•t«Nli»»it'*t8t4;hi o«8-- ••;:• ' r«^ r'^w?s : f cc'it hi- •* Seari? ft? thn >. t - t mm to Kfrah-ah-Wtttph wmfc JKa-eftefro&i • ' 'iMiwiaMpmaw.iy. ruaat ni3*a.j>. I -«.0f •Ad -i" *a» -tlo;, J tot 8.n«» a eo'.a'i.t by jeaQt _.'.J • -i |br welt * f*"«l, id. hy warti.'':': t wast; auh heS «attt», -*tt Jefestt-- "-Pi& toa; I'H ioJ* to o^-siwlbW9.teft miK- i{tt>c%»«^f . ' :"'"-' : : ' •t psi «ch a ica'd; (4 % heattf ', " Urn d*"i yoa tftfel'.tftass |fri, wa<» riajKf. wft«ai »Aa «srtd«fi® $«'-• fife- IIMS hte* ef •Utitim c*at«*-#', t thWk ail .of jfoji. ijgo«W ,fe)f|Rr . p a y eefct in ft H* htt^S n%em f S%\ fatsr ttotber a*r« "Alfefe#i tf^ift^ *% »iva phi ems tttge eaalay fttf/;',' anC^SSr" io/^" w>B «e»tt ijSS*"-" •awujef" Affi ftll »«#rt3* "fk*' .- fcettcr ygtt- ; f«#I. ttf-jftoch sa 0(j;'.: I srjtt'tf: jpay, l^othefi f do'di ft«Sff ? " I castor o$ «ay morfc j f &M is l^edii'sr ateeodf f* vfettfft j»"t"tt e?otV/. *My hasfl& te »efto«l *»<$ «riS**. *• l»»y da-y atttdyftui $•tarn :i«wwt*»." i'tU'd W by -ft^-lf Jyoft r<rt#ft tews, *fth #«' *»(fe fas'tttb te. at8c]itr»«tfc90y BS #e»#, .IWett eolMWW .tftat'* ** *»# <* -«*tv. :Wfi"« est* -If [mm >f*a to-alft.- <i»a*»tt«f

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Post on 29-Mar-2020




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. The Baity-Jbnrnal is read d*ll<jr by 10,Q(K> people in Medina, *h* yiOmity, ,

' n. ' I " 1 L

W : 3241


27 (Wecslnesday)—' fnbmaiine M.-2 dived ^Portland, failed, to

award and hours later Itq hayo been located \a »of the English

|ft and diyera were sflot from nearby

|cjhief English na\al v«r«s expressed for

; p e ciew, normally &n.d 4$ men, although

the submarine could water for 48 hours

|ved at -10 30 a. m. yes-niles "west of Portland

fathoms" of water failed to return on ftr degtioyeis and two vent out to search for liters joined the flotilla.

Empt t o wise the_sub-|ent she was found on

supposed to be the Sated during the night


rat It Now?

|ii seventeen fathoms of watei on the saiftly bottom, of the channel thxee miles west of Portland Hill, a rocl»y piomghtory off the Dor set coast

As soon as ruinois spiead tluoitghont the navitf poit of Port land that something had happened to the submaiine, movie theaters, interrupted their programs while -orders, were ie'adctq sailors m the houses calling on them, to tejom their ships.

J ' ._!j-^. . . ' .' '" •- M K » i i u "i. ' i"iwimM***mmi<*i*m~>i>mmmv< IUH.II.JIHJUIIIII.III u —-*~—• i n, „ — , . . , , , . , — „ _ — „ , . , . . , , — » — > ~ " v —•^'\z—'-'-•™—r*— >-' 1 • - - ~ t . . . - . - . J _ _ _ ^ _ P

rm m m .^w ._ ... _* . j . ri* 7— . 1 1. '


Which One Knows Best?

New York, Jan 36.—Ls£s Than, 24; hours afliei Governor fxanklm, I) Roosevelt announce^ he *uid formei Governor Alfred E. Srai^h would meet m Albany within two weeUs, woid came froht Smith's, office tonight that h% ha4 no m-t?ntiojis oi leaving £he city whig mcnth or next,

Hoccevelt said last night he had heard from Smith that the latter would be in Albany •ofifchni a week or two to visit his daughter and that he planned to call on the Governor at that time.


Ala, Jan^ 2C—A It the University ot Stereated in knowing Iheld for him and who | no longer to find out"

orltically wounded, Itdl bullet near hla. Is Toom here today. k |arles E. Butts, ,'35, of [». Y. udenta found,him and.

lis Tho latter uhearth> Bn the roomf addressied. 1 in GoitverneuXn which Im of a fact that the-Iwould "como back and fa other if poealble.

said in pait: we have _ discussed

fr " and ' iwifay trtfco* you know, we have

It that the first on,o t» lorne baok'und talk to. Jf possible, Im. going to bold yon, to. le, 1 will bft dead long [see this lo^er. I am as everyone will saSs. been discouraged* a?

lot hold very much for fcame hack after Oiriat-

jwnnt tq cohio hack hut [wanted mo to % can't ph„ because X have: had ! wonderful living. I had

til know, very interested pre and jnst what it he. I will be branded a* |r: suicide—'crazy'—not valt np longer to rind ; We 'will meet again In , millennium."

New Yoik, Jan. 26—Dnectois of the TJnited States' Steel Oor. lioration^ chatrmaned* by J. P. Morgan, loolsed back over 1931, then forward Into 1932 today,, and decided that the future was hope­ful enough to justify dipping into surplus to the extent of ?10,65G,616 to maintain dividend dishurse-j ments.

This world's largest steel maker, Tan far into the f^ i» the. final months of J.934,ihat^hectoriajj«j. deretl a dlsbur^iis^of; 50- cents a, share ojt the qljnMo&^fock; aat w> duced frow flfiQ-.Lt psii|aents m the tw.o m;evloUs. (jliMteJ^ • The l«S»i lar. ^uavteijly payment of ?1 5 p»r share of pr,efetr«4.8tock yraa t^-irectecU ^

The book* showed aafloH «t »*,• Zie.l^ tpx th& last q,uajter of the year, which wa$ met f£om, *«riHo* along with the divide^; paywentfi, making a, Tednqtlor*. f?om. aluf^iw ot ?15,033,«1^ the .la>f$*t fwr any (luarteif in tho _ cq?|(j||tion"a, hla^

tory * Myron C. Taylor issued a state'

ment as chaiinran of the finance committee serving wirnhig that "continuance of dividend must de­pend upon an Impiovemeut in, the corporation's volume-of buslue^a and oarnings."

*j;he. 30-ce.nt ^U)ft>tetlv'9*vn^«At wij8. the- 8n»^e«t sin.** i»is* IR whj*h Y««¥- tlji* o«fpo«%tton„ tett^i poia^y d,i»ooht u.e«l co»M»P.H * s j :

hvrsementa^ si» festilAor. tX« u*»e^ rtleinfent of; %i® oiHhjt«ak,~ ot tho Wom "WW.

I>eath Mrs*

aainaa. IUi£^k_,-fit;TO)ltW<^*» laat eveafnsr, She.."*** *:ilf«: SQWE-TWiaent of; MiyyiUe; !%!ia«ftihe,# husb*nd, she te si#Ytef§ -Wf,'Wl* daughter, Mrs. 1# -ft. ' S # , #--Me> atna'k three, sons, t « M Ctoftfe «1

fiaxnt Gteon ot «io% w4iSI«!R t^ Greart of feane; am'v)/0l*.'MVf^ Geojge Br»c» of Detiolt, •Wb%-,i and 1,0 grauWiiiaiei

ternoon at Z'M ftottt^ he* |it*i how.* in MiUvlU* Mftht#tit ti* in MttlviUe gem<Miet .•

i i i .1,^.-1'^(."u.'.-vBitu '

Mrs O'ENwH lt

r?fjf •W«ttnli^t# 6!^«s o i i%$ Prt«by»«iiw chwc*t »to ^(Miti.W*

night with. Mm\A#|6<fi:--^Hm nell, SU W*at Ceftll?, irtSi****'.'

Mrs. Bronson T»1ks At. Women's Club


%oeaUt Attet' -itan. S»~WH-, Uanv WirlglQy, J\v o^i\or| f" thfi Chtca^a Cuba a,ua. Inteit^u&imUy ^H«wa ?a.^clo^ (Heft a, h|* win-t C h<»m* ho?» ^atly^hl* ?A»*»l»i,

AuHcnm«>m»nt of, f i \ V i ( t g ^ .

!««{ nigh^ at th» Buil*#i* amck P?6tetalw«i\ TJfowwi** QWts m»«V ins which * * * he** to Hl« OOBJ, trinity room*,, Mr*. G*«rt«. B?on, !o« |»v* a moat intjn»ni»f *n$ i(a»clnfl,tlng; dfc»oui»io« of »9t?ol» <jgyv She hoi* hw U»t««o?&. e&» t?an?»* thromj^ent kW Ulk, \t yaa on.e of tb,o wtt ontartntolH? »O0i»l evenlaift th*l clufe «V<r •»'

^Tt«d c« %W ' i fS^ l *«*. , , . r

^ held; a,t m$m&l&$r'1fo % M

•mst 20. ^ iic*»M*«*«*i#^w iU9h nataWo* | * J8a^'i||«^#«>|0i t

aajt t^wio Cb»?«iv*Sl 6 ^ *W »t» qook of MlllYWe; tw* •jmm*toS&!i£ m fOao b * « a^X^l ^ f .addrOM. the coaventlo*•;:.

jpoi^fta^Ioft P1,«RS mm Wi Jfe? a. <jh*tJ^Mft ontortaiffiWi"!* M J*




|K« Y.r Jan, 26—For the ae, Governor Roosevelt c«d«& the district at-

|Brooi^ county.

Thft nr»t time if ;*»».ijs <i0tt« aection witk £6» Igiryath. Baiite ««ses. tasf nbjhj-,'h'il\tt»Sft tit pht the "nHornoj? gehetili' irt change of ,th« IavwtJ»|Hoit tinto *« alleged shortage i« tho BtMhainton city comptroller's office.

Mr. Roogeveit Indii had «uneto«*«<l ?fc»W<* Attom« Frank -Wooster « th*I o«l«ial% own request.

Some time ago the atio*h*y<'t#m eral Impotmded the records of the Bingbamton comptroHer*^ office. Tbei city maaror demand# ta i l t b t Qovttaar oStjlaitt the sehtare jpd was; promKtJy ifllorrae* « ««* because of reports- that <$f'•'•



ppit fan* m©r* tronhle* still, the

- 5 - v h a i n ' t «PM •mSfii, t i e aooffc

' ^ • i f J«««^3no»ey ha4 * « » takeft hy tndivl^

1 th* ataff of stteiwey Qmm* John IX Ben*ett w*« h W *m. tb* I * :^«i(tigatioa •a^.'W^1***^0^ °* ^ * Horratt cases. t l » tolncltjajs la

Ha»;.JB«ffiW' «;#fr-«tte-'Bah«-'«f' fiachiUiitait *W» *«•» S*^- to •*»

:m% * i H i ^ w # .«*#«»». * » B*

„ l r# i ' ' ' " a , ' l > ^ ' t l | W > 6 , ( w 8 *"** a * *ttol?' '• M« ak the iwy g«Ji»rai had came acrtww <?vi •'2i;> - w ««K*' Bf fttegulatUies is the city -*»-*- ;w*1^Bfc«' *«ie: following 4K» maw

l i t ••4H!

ijfW?''. *^VS. W T

tin- m «o Total

Mm -feUott R«ynolds itjiodorako*



«* is8' art in i<t m

IBS 1«4

' 131 ».S


• I'fW MPMIK!'1'!- "••»•'" i>i».

Honohijn, Jfan 26—Pi^^a, tjit^, twrnal accsis tloiinj action by a nyigoX ie{oie.\ico t o ' KalwhawM \\a$ luroO trout Mm anaichy^ %ko Ho'nohtfn SSftiwV i»iy Judicial j building Januaij Sth ah today UMl'Cted J t ^ CvctayU^ S^»- ducted and slain, T;h» liiwhhig tescue, society- matron, auft: tliree l rwiiled au auiitams eltma e tct a n ivy men So?- sjecend degree niu> s vo«jas»a pt ei,*nie& whitU had dei in t lk lynehuig Of Jo^^> I |* IsUiretl the comnxtih^^ hahawat, alleged*woman atfenke1? Those indttted with Mrs, Fortes

The inquisitorial Ha&y, Wmi ' f fe^n* areUeuJ Thomas'It SJ^ lo paren,tly ha,d attainliHie^ Ia«f \y&: ' V ( S S , on* % 4 ho\d «m\ At to ^etivrn ^ ^atjvo.Jiopojr-¥» ^hi sbwt o aouos. en^teil UA.>y. <B-O»I case, ^nhuaitted Jho lud|§BKi6*e t<tihaUa\val wa-i on© of ttvo won only after (Jtjeiut Justge^i^" "M. Cristy hatlr raise* 'a question o{ anajchy oudvtoA* ,1ts-j Ultehlvwi mehibfei;a they should r« t^ r f t )M the- Jury if they coiild" not vii&siollft theiv convi?tio» %ith thft^ ^sH* m o p ajitl the law. ^ ,' *,

awaiting letr^tl qft chaises ot at tackhig MW, Nlissi^ wlfo Ofvtho liout'enant and daughter- of J^rfl Forfeacuev,

P*UuUn^ IVgft action, tho four ac^sod too boon* hold hi tho <us£ao> of »aval aJfleMs at POAVI

JJopt^oaxery. \yihfe (htfoXiSfi; at, f J - ^o r . TilO- djafenso \©«;«i.iUy toxsoy/ahriQU.Hiced'iiumedfc^i)^ H» ^oMght dlsmiajsil of a police ijflurt wonj* file i\ Ji^tioti tomoL®;w %<t, f<i»V«1or char <« agaluat, the f«tu; quo^hj • tt?e iiiiPnt'R011^ ' $ ' ^ * '0 l 1 tb& Etofa* the m.osecu,tUm, Ua«J groand. COQWIOH, ha^ heou in i i l t ^ awjn , tUlatos lu pi-ococding mako thtfjiroivd iui'y rotvisa- <ths asainat thom.

- f > \ » w>

Seabury Sued fat $5QO,Q0O

Naw York, Jan 26.—Safliuel Sqahju>y -\vho Qondwcteit tho N§\V Yoik mag&tiat«f{ comt wwnnny before hQ beenmo counsol i,o\ tho. ^ofbtadtor LesistatUo Connulttae ««.!» chaigo* today in .1 $o00,0QQ-(Jamage, sftnt with "uiiaUciously" injuring th.e chai actor ot Pylioa Lieub. John W. Korina,

Kcnna \va.s one of tho. pohoemei> with huge bank ictouixts vvhoni Seabury's ft^fetftntix cuHod foir nuc-vtioning,. It \vtw> chwged puh-Wcly that ho and his mother* Mv§. Anna Konna, deposited, §!) 19,ail.,?5 from 1925-102U, jnc;liisivo.

inky i i.i umi nm>ii|Hf SB

It ^ =K3



Weltesley, Mass, Jaa. SO—Rosjor ^Y. Habson, economist and s,tatisti; cian, who piedieted tho stack mar­ket bieak ot W&% today s ud in. a Piepaicd stateunont

"The dopre<sfr' in" Btihsou did. Aut l(.v. *U a, o.«i<}K

letiiui to piot»peiit}, but said the outlook jat toii«? iftiigo was foi hot tor timos.

"Tho ohait, which, was the bast* tor my toioonst of tho maiket break in M89,'* anUI J3ao-son, "Is now -with. OQUJII iiosU\«0«



dealh, vat h»do by R, vim; Hssniwi, to Mr. ^Wey, Wh(J «*M -wMly* "Mr. 'Vtrrlfiwr pajmtd *'«»y- at ?:*6 o'caook thit m,ormi-t, fj^ath was duo to. acnt» indlCMt}«ft, to which Mr. WrUHy *•£ fUhlfet^

yWlHojr Wft Bttlckon J4u«»ry 31 ^ to4i»MUoa> followod $ltb, * iMart aU**^**1* remained In b«4 «uUl hl» *«tb, Hia 4Mtb, tho **&• ^ w y aal*. a»*h««n (WJ?Ml«l a«« «c*l hour*. \YrigIey was Bivoht^ .j«fj»„ ejdj. ... |

Mm m$m mi ms «#,'»&' iifa •.. '•'•. • " / \-

•*«lf t^oko^ « ^ | « ^ th* JW* OJt \ f « h*oM«ph»Wt * e * ^ Ww a j rlijisjfc J% tjfflMt timims, c«n-'fl«offHd;-j^ju(t«li

•ft WW hl§ f«Me. 4fett «i« ana «Uttf «*Ng«i» tt* W« 0? W» con-t«*i«|«* *id tti* atro»fc**tfed «h«a whflE fc»s«l« h% fltojuctn f ^ l t«SO|Wl»«4 • (row^i Jf»*« <° -fti^i *y«»tt%. Hsoh w *tHtfo i l j ^k will « » Wfid PJfar fo« a

WWratfoa «a* oi thB.,«r«afe to-r-ivm'tf tk« Urtteft-** torwttt as atiWf i». t lo i t * p 0* M«|! or-

!1'U^.'',.£0''U0I'II>'[II? , IL>-

xoad during his early Chicago ca Toer, Wrigley was twitted about his city or Chicago by a rival B-iteiman, who roniaxked that tho town dtd not O\OH ow,n its own hall cluh—tho Chicago National

^ Klr^.f^p',8u*' tenwit controlled by Chi' otnnatl intorosts.

1 Tho j«»t *txuck homo, for bftsc halt was Wrtgloy'a hobby, and the whim horn then « M fratlfiod twoi»tyiftv6 years later when Wrto ley ami gtvoral nssoclatoa octtulr» "*d tho oltuh< from tho Olnotnnntl moii who. *(llt owned It. A tow

: years, l%t*r ^o obtained solo con­trol of the club, and addod to hla holdings, th* t os Angoloa team of tho Pacific Coaat league.

: HI* thJt4 ftiajor hwtaesH voh,' ] fort itta i%» jmwhft** in 19W of

•$mi!t* •*iuwit ...'8*. mnfm.0 - :mv • :«lgg i%fa # ' . f d i | ^ DUtiimeT r««oH» 1W ia^l f^ ' t t^-nhd srittc mto*»«' ^»]f«rtifa V h i ^ »yr«nMod W»

®l?tujio tbtQ »oft bom to WllHam Wtfiiwr, sr^ aad. Mary Udloy %<itO¥ at ffeliidolpjhltt on Sept-issuer 3.0, Jilt^waa tot contont to fpgf«4 tft IS* ownenshfy of hla fitfcer'a t#<»iHng soapv manufac •<«*£ WJlftlk Wrigloy,"|[f» was fen-fii»« tftioilte hla owsi son. PMllp I t r larilJ4ent « 2s of his chowtag i»% «o«pany and tho y.o«ge«t f^CKtiivo In tho country of a busl-r,«ia of that alio. Phraft and a ^itsigbter wero bom from the .«j$fe Itt um of wmjatii Wrigloy, ^ * » d Ada Pootc, of New Voifk.


Now York, Jan 2G— to a IiOaguo or Nationi phinlc tu tho 1932 Pomocratic platform catno- imfrHiiettedly from Newton r>. Baker today, lu a atntomont which alio voiced his Wlef In o-Vontiml partlcljwtlon in the Lea-Ktio hy tho Uultod Statos,

The- doclaiation of Bako, Socro-taiy1 of War in the Cabinet of YVoqdrw Wition, Htauncb l.««suo advocate, and a pioaldqnttnl posat-biilty hltnsoir, was inado aa ,, ho litopawd to sail with his wtfo for a brief vacation la MoxUo City. Mr, Baker said ,lt was ">ory ttonoi* wis" tti«t "vory nlco" far pooplo to talk him up for the presidency, hut U> a dheftt aucatfon aa to KKhofflor ho wai a canflW&tft ho said:

"No." Juat tjetoro tho roportora flnlsh-

«d tholr crOHt-firo of qaestlotts, ono of them xhot out

,"Do you Ihlnk prohibition lis thn hip 1JK(UO». tht* year*"

"Positively not,' said Mr. Bater,

Series Fruit Meeting Scheduled


ntt» m*.

w si. m • ' ' ( H I WITRi ^JJMSf

isi-. Mn m

Attended Funeral '$! tf JW'i*!*.-,.'

Mr, aw* ^ H W K e * <|*fe, Kii* •Hildtetf <aa% tad- life iH* *r»-toward C»% *t|eadt« . ^ te«»I ot jroh tljfeiiai«^ t* £$lm. •ww -

• * ; » - ' 4 i •* ' «"• *- I*. •* * *

iftssftes-t&e attlfMl of * *««,«. the P fd iw Ketnotfai Houpltal y«*tw- ^

•5""'**1- ^r'tr»rtfr'/tfj'" «i*-d«*ioa» bank-cas®'trials, " * — ^ * t j M t w i »ip«rit»tie €«art *«**» *"- *'»»•

J S 2 ? S - "*iy'" ««w,icm convenaa-fo* -the hank

- mtwtrf • ' .....:..';'»J'.ji-!;^-fp'-!i..;" ._ ;.

. "*iWIW^WK ^F *^rP. • ^WP! „ f^W • atre, «a» tiM |*« i» hwt S*t-• «rd#y afti«*p«* # r t a * <i« • mitii.*» « 4 • * • « to,»ar* • tier h»rta»4 | -*e* .

•• , -«Hni'«MK«i .1*1: -»«S»»I • is te^Mi Ua*™. iiiJIit. ,• -a* •)!—>,

M?, •»# M » *«W**f & «owe1l ^ 1 1 ^ CSMft#e H**»fc annonnco « # « t t h # # it *oa, JTodd Sorlck I g ^ l ^ M »«« Medinai Sehiotol 'l^lMKf, tUMday Jah. 2*ik.

Mr, and Mrs, Walter Shelp•• of P*rk avetmo aro rocelvtng congrar tulations o» th«s arrt^at of a »on. Bisatef Jajmes, at the ,- tpdtoa J|#no«i9l ilospltal, Kojidity San. *Kh. , ' f e, and Mr*, l^a- :iW«8«r«tii of

if^if^sffWe. THspiross -tfe«. SB , ^ r ^ fli-^son, «$ t**€l«esoTy^«-i»oifM h0*jtfi#1| AlWoh, tW* isorn-

Medina Represented ^ a » 6 ftSBJ flfarrtett Bee«hor

Stofro Tent }©, at who Sttefl*Hl ta# Installation and sope> of Ln-crella Gattteld Tent 1$a. M in Al-bifttt last evening wero: Azun,»h Pc&?, tfchrtattit BcttiKFBi Ethel Croach, Ell* Mundioii. jejaio Wa^ n«T| OeWgl* Coo*. Bertha \WB« tent V»» Werfanherpr. Way Woltghtwtry. tfer#$feft ^WinlWtrt, fithbt fotason, tt»J»» Sniith, Ma-betasriroa% Pearl l*esto» Bo«i*h, Od^Wffc fforenct' Hisgftm Af-»«tth Hiifgiil* an* Itertott Ciapp.

:~l *&iffeNuiw'<Cftttitt3?i FiffiK'lIM* Lnwu* - ••afeJtordlfrit to- ' lUfc.. E, R» Wagntrt nwi)«g*r of tlio Orl«ac« County Farm JEtor**sti h«t yl&tiWtA a »«ri(» Of frulb moating* for February 2 and 8. Th«# WdHlnipL wilt be h»^I at Traflidfe 6 t«n i» Halt, lussda^ Pebrtiwy S ^ « 6 l s * pjn. IToltey Ifigh SchtiOt* ^«««t[*y ovonlng, Fehmary % «|.5x19 p> ift* Medina City m% ittMmtiW »Fobraary 3, a i j${$ p» dt» Water-pori High Sfc&Qojij 1Sf«tu«i4»y, February 8j its. t^JI JJ^ rrt.

Accordla^ t« Jift Wfl«n# tbe«e wrtdetlngs *** plsnr^d for » djs* euision of th# «olhomie«i pro* dwcWon of fruit for 103Z Both

f r,ofe*KOr Oskamp from tho Now orie State Cotlesfe of Agrlctrt*

-tflWj. *»4 f. K< taMonfr will h» pr«cnt and lead in thn discus* •tot.

With th« im prlcf* Of fruit it will be necessMy iat every g«wer to pi»«cit!c» every otftft*

' stuy. It to hoptil tha* tho«o ifteot, j i»«» «*lil brifls nut coma Worth «blle po*8*« t^ntf *hi» Uhte

Canning Qt®p %<W* . -0rs Meet fancher

and tho interview tqrmUi(tt;{>d.k

"i wonhi not thko tho taiito* States into tho Umgua. ir, ji had tho power to do so uMtl thoiw Is an informed ami convinced miijov-ity souUmont lu favor of lhia.t ncttoft in the United Sto4na^ said hla attttemeitt o» tho I oaptMo.

"I ant not lit ftuoi <jt ft Vlwik Uj. tho Uenwciatto >\attonfttvp^«tf,n»rt

urgtoK « Joining; tit* l o.ignv. 1 think It would, ho u gr<;at mfslaka. to- mako n paithutu Iss.uo of th« mattor.

Ross vullcatinjj th«i; wo hsivi* M^ tho Uoiigh ot tho doPW^siou 6t 193(1 ,ia and tl)«t tha present year ^ \VAU sho\v; an iuesmlax- mo.V.o'meRt. to-wavd higher levels «

hTh& oh n't is now tinning \m» uaid tor tho tai>t tiwis i\\ rw&t thah i\\» yoai s, m e s o km* l,oiaiy lnljy ot i«u_«^a4o for-sq«ie~joars~to"coni.o. I"(lo~«o?'«& H»?ot to {te ^ho Bibson chnct b§« law* tliCjflOptU leachetf last Novem­ber, Ot tourso, Wiif does not Woa». any 8ha\l* rlso h^ck to ftontai condmotiSK but 1t dt?os indicate thi flojrtossitm is; ittjMitxesnt, Tho i^ lango qutlOok is th^t firndftilieK* ta}ly hottor thhes m<i now deitnlte-iv assmjeiT.1* i

Film Picture, (Causes Mistrial

Father Meegan Will Be Chairman Cath­

olic Charities Appeal

Jlaekmwwfci NrJrJS^-Se.—Be--calico lltia j|iW'yv saw ljlst- tiight R (Ktotlon pictnift- in1 wldch th» lojoiilt^ eonvictod of wur h&rj oio-pisnos- « crooked p m M i t w and vf.iist fioedojn, « ottnatra) wa« da-cli|] ed today in tho CBKO ot Mrs,

Shd WB« ftcensod of JTi-gt dsftrea mnitlsr fo"r ntt»ffod oompUctty fa tho staying of h * husband* mitt hfer atliorftey innnetUataljf <jh»» nothitsed ha ^ould, teak; b»x ir«a-dom on a "ferit of hoheu* cornu^ itlteginir a n*w txM wouhi pjac.e hor in doubl<\ jao^ardy.

Father William n MoeRan^As-Blatant Director of Catholic Char* )tia«, Director of tho Society of St. Vincant do Pawl, <md naitm of AU S«tnU Dhurch, ihiffoio win bo chairman of tho Ninth Annual Catholic Charities Aprmnl to bn hold thl* ywr tit* wook Qt Mm i h 13th to SOth, waa announced by Bishop William Ttirnar, y«<ttorday

"BllhOp %\mU", *#Wta* '»» to tu* CathoUaj, b | \km Noam to •oJWf«rw-th* Wftil^'twfiji" season m a-iaaioft of $l|«tttt#-*ift(|. frayor ahttiiia arottis* thft taWtW to ae ttva wtsfiort at lhl« "Ahitu*l Catho-Me OttaMUEeg Apne»t thut year." aaid h i t le r sao^Ktih." t welcome tho;oppor|tt»tty to remjor ihi« •:#mi e«W«e aW my atrongtb. my tiittO arid rnjf llrtitted abllliy " **•••••-

nvo ask the Catholics t»f tn& If** M>f hftW ft)f%k% hMm

Legion Meeting Th« tamra p t Chirk IVat Of

tlio Amorlcjn Region will hold « ncotfitK at Fii oman's JiaU at Lyn-(imislUo on Tbuviday niltht of ttila wa«k (Tauiorrow I'VrttJt ST

K f t f l H . i . 1 1 • • • i ii UK I WI I I—

Annual Meeting Tho Ahi#:l 3W«8B«-'-<* *h«

Ladles Jvid'-ojE fb« Bh««s^ ^ajith* church was h(sW Oitef «ft«rh0j»» wHh Mrf. a«ywftl|<j SanflidsrA, Wo«t Avenw,

i •iM<!i.i'Ui,M'ilIl'','iyni>^"»'WW(rtjSll^^i"l. 'IJ^' i* W i ^

dfoeaso In thia oppont for a mated

Tnrnor *ttw^ th,08ft wlM* %fR 86ttifl» thiitt islittr«! WilU t t o o ^ l w -Kav« no«ttti,» •*» " • • ' " • i •

of'l^Wft iturdftn beliip dojasKiT* Btira of money. It IB not m inueft ^Bfitt lli>* %t* ^»»«»I ipmttt wilt

'|*tii*wO*eit t arid M!1j|u«io tfjiey tho money wo want, we want food* ft* the liunftry? wo want ishelWr and fws» for tho cold; m m*$P$ A""1'*' clothing and «*vorifiif fa? th« rajp pid and the naked; wo want % roof and wnrtnth for Mio. horneWsi Rnd deatitute: * *v wan| comtet aftd can th: j* ->d and IM^MS and *a * » t Wio wean* to p*«std« conraf« and bona fef tho horuelesK! Md «»* flhoraploycd-" j sk'M* euin|oy»i.o«i is 0<t$& 0l»

"fiverf dollar ceatrlbhtol In re- wwita # fha£ ««iWoy<«$(«it i f & «r*(l»k> to tht* <*»nenl^afs year »lil; their nolfhBOrsi ffinftflflt *M$ AJJ?

attt.onjr the vointttwsr >R|K6r* nec*asHry''to tpvg' ihte>-ctaj^ Into ovarf seottoit O]E fftft atf« esse, to onlist omter m their" .$«*-ifih organfwttou, or with th« ,«o^ itnle*p stuff ot he»iltt«arten; :: -;

"i c«|H upoh tbtos* "ho ftr» *r* tofinnttto a» W h ' ^*: ^>t^'

• # • • « •

«'#*«* :fWaWy Itttritaf, oylf oiia thoutanit tfrculation «r'haa'bM». m«rfliii wtthtfti Joiicnal, iftua a'vlrj the Cat-

«r»at evur Sifloo rfaliy eircitfa* In Mtdtna and its trading tar>

s s K s s a a i.ifi"?i-lrir"tlTiiinri


T«|B^ - Jaa, .||~:'5tt*««a«s *«!. t ^ » « JSr»t atop, i» ca« *»6 !*&•' d t t i 4 ^ lasaBCtW »fl>i»lkft!»- w««j »*«•*' djma&4»' *er& not ««t i s # cvidWtitf *6»a**t;.*«&» f'o*»»' :c ot^«t»tfe«. «f 'SS»»fteal 'to; tm#*4 li»w«a»i>)3> i» gh»c^ , 'W«a»**«y, aroabt tw so t*k* erer -feai. fl»m_t|» t^imj^m V»sf- • "> -«*•.-lr*a ls)trt|jrt«r • of; ttw «!#J|»P«

T i t WlMv. i | j l i l " l lS ; i»»»\ t» ' '«•«#"' 'q&ifcilyis.' ' a&feir f«s-wed h«ca««* «*:,-&* :Ja*i«fMo* ?«*»)»' Ska lnfrt'ui:6aai « m ^ . gravity «£.fne Wxratfbai Wstnati. i.' w*at

•1(Sis actloiB ^ |va» . *»p«a*«a :mtMm-&-foas!y.«t#e ***•!«# «a«« # thP' wua^ftio -fiv%-a9B(aite. s*-« ghai. a**MJI* t»* OWcom* oi ' *ij3Be*0 deiMBd .tjajft ehlKess; • Hciii* .aaipraaa. -ftm i$*&Upir.^ toctette* *l^«|iai t#'tNK «*Jit>or -tk* .bioyi^tyapgift Jmpt---

woaid .bo taksw, •' heaver , tt was said., oaf* 'ittMr I rtjfeetaafl*«:'of':,!tc. : M I » W » « « 4

• :-R*#l6TO «?e«S «Sm*t>!i»'i- "QSf «»a> (taafifen/- »«ia. a. <»:"«*» ««fa«

•-•; -atakijsajan, *& thai'»"» « # * # • ;, aaaao moveiaa*. rtvrinUr ittefiw*.

12§ canning crop grower* of Or7pao» County w # at Ftutohey Mondiir, January 21. tor k fllscus-*I0» «f tha- frttwlnfc «f CMHlng: cr6j«, fho m«ifttlfii{ -wn» arranjM"

_by ihfl^fJrican* Coant?-.Fjnj* l!t? :

e?o« A lunch ws»» *sjps«id «t noon hy th« Fnatcher (IrawOra Coopera* ttva A«s;n«'

PrafflMsr c B, riwwnfttf -#*••' etfcseds. ti*o cicttural |»8ctie«t to Use growing of tueumbem and to-tnateteas, Wt. eharte» ©fcoijgt dl# emm$ di«»a««a of 'etwoiaftciaf* ixs»,, toroatfiBs,, eab&tgo. ^ e « i t fa, cmMettHM itttenat' i» tftftlv/of-ld ranch*?? conmtsniiy to the | » o * |E« ot canttltii «• r<> *,. SBWfj? fT6w> ««S(. eoBtra«;t .«!;»«««#' *Pfc ft*"fi^ Oil .caaortiK, fatrturteife", «tft#rj| e«R-

'««UB«)i|'-«r' Oro*ofa eo«f«r|i«ff#"Ai*lt. The- mofsHn$. «nfcj||'-fii"»fejj.a*--

tenovd, •has' co-m.c iti-m'§u smuts! lgn"ori--;i SM'sFsiseWIRl^^l'^W-:CJiw, i:i'i '** taokei fn%ard' t»-t««h 7«ar as aa «ffftfl.i|iilty m f <jfcicu:.«!«'>. of mrartfel*. fa tenm-iaf c^a- 'na rae'tery- ««•»#, ' ""

t0 «jfpoadc(l.' ta es»0! suffering amfliiiS oar |M!or, moros Itttonso. wore widespread, and rnoro doeg* if rooted, Man It ha». bnmi tilMip the past dec»a>ii

"It !• In tho t»m of this Krtstt eihfii*i^^r that I #!«- tho 'titthfnt of this diaeego M tha «««{». of lite sn«nfiettf«f iv0 «faecs*( MsliBp


peat." |*«tiief MtWft dnnoanetd $«*•".

terdfty IhW :tf»» Ke5d4u«rtett .of ifia Kitttfi Atuniat Cotholfe' <Jhj»!-itaa 4jpf#ftl »JM h« «t 83 ftfti&im gipttfc UhfifMcr. T»stli4Mrtire«. eatWfd aiBKciB* witf ihat# '•#> Ws wmtvff to ho weoJvcit ttrrf«iis thfi sp'?«fti.


The' '••' =-ia«d' a t 1 ifil ce«t* ':?:-:;f;:f}tf*: w»"f

*a»t'lifta« if

•• Ta* rata h«* 6c#n.'

s' sr >wa»|>aii| r«lt»f stMdr5 | |»%a|fc,

. Good evonlag "*«e" corner! Horn wo aro ftgaln! Mow waa nvorylal«g in mtv&A to­day f UMyi»» .eijjoj* *ho nacftt JJIIOMJ the aetaio^mtfe KM1 t %$m $&& |»st night? S te .«*#fjy suceeedert In bolna ooe, pxtjrbf Biftklng liftt nosl '*iKay frwra the fast Of' th« ,-h*pn and toying £*»• «iR, hat her toico j ^ a h o r « w a y by leilltof tnti

*f fter iut«re »4«t*sr!tt?-<! thkM K9K here i» a jsaom wMeh t«!»a y»«'|ten¥ s«nm esorsiffatft and :taik *&«» ttcy ihiaa IJioy &«*&- a: h»n! cold.

By Btt* jqnlre S^B'S" *f j|o» 8ttBh ft «0'S M by head-' ttefef nagi $, teat: tfo atltt id h /

Ad' . # | k aMrtor a!) ad '-to* lam-•rfide;'

I. 'M'% M in horrid. &<!'$ y«»; ?'.'' !";%'•t«Nli»»it'*t8t4;hi o«8--

••;:•' r«^ r' w?s:f cc'it hi- •* Seari?

ft? thn>.t- t mm to Kfrah-ah-Wtttph wmfc JKa-eftefro&i • '

'iMiwiaMpmaw.iy. ruaat ni3*a.j>.

I -«.0f • A d

-i" *a» -tlo;,

J tot 8.n«» a eo'.a'i.t by jeaQt _.'.J

• -i |br welt * f*"«l, id. hy warti.'':':

t wast; auh heS «attt», -*tt Jefestt--"-Pi& toa;

I'H ioJ* to o^-siwlbW9.teft miK-i{tt>c%»«^f . ' :"'"-':

:' •t psi « c h a ica'd; (4 % heattf ', " Urn d * " i yoa tftfel'.tftass | f r i ,

wa<» riajKf. wft«ai »Aa «srtd«fi® $ « ' - • fife- IIMS hte* ef •Utitim c*at«*-#' , t thWk ail .of jfoji. ijgo«W ,fe)f|Rr .pay eefct in ft H* htt^S n%em f S%\ fatsr ttotber a*r« "Alfefe#i tf^ift^ *% »iva phi ems tttge eaalay fttf/;',' anC^SSr" io /^" w>B «e»tt ijSS*"-" •awujef" Affi ftll »«#rt3* y « "fk*' .-fcettcr ygtt-;f«#I. ttf-jftoch sa 0(j;'.:

I srjtt'tf: jpay, l^othef i f do'di ft«Sff?" I castor o$ «ay morfc j f &M is l^edii'sr ateeodf f* vfettfft j»"t"tt e?otV/. *My hasfl& te »efto«l *»<$ «riS**. *• l»»y da-y atttdyftui $• tarn :i«wwt*»." i'tU'd W by -ft^-lf Jyoft r<rt#ft tews, *fth # « '

*»(fe fas'tttb te. at8c]itr»«tfc90y BS #e»#, .IWett eolMWW .tftat'* * * *»# <* •

-«*tv. :Wfi"« est* -If [mm >f*a to-alft.- <i»a*»tt«f