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Post on 12-Feb-2017




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Page 1: Medicine

Hello, this project is by Hayden Jones and Ricky Carraway. My name is Will and I will be speaking this project. This project is about medicine.

Page 2: Medicine

The first use of medicine was in 3000 B.C , in Ancient Greece. Back then they

performed spiritual prayers with herbal leaves. The priest would pray to the god of

healing, Apollo, to give them the ability to heal the man or woman. The earliest known

pharmacist is Imhotep, but were gonna call him Hops. Hops was the first man to

prescribe Gynaecological Diseases. He did this in Egypt around the time of 2000 B.C. Next, in

China, sometime before the Bronze Age of the Shang Dynasty, medicine was brought to china by

the silk road. They would mix herb seeds with some powders. Going back to Ancient Greece,

Hippocrates, the Father of West Medicine, used philosophy in his work. He also named several

medical terms, such as epidemic, acute, chronic, endemic, etc.

Page 3: Medicine

● This is Hippocrates ====>● He is the father of medicine.● He discovered several medical

Terms such as epidemic, acute,Chronic, endemic, etc.

Page 4: Medicine

In the middle ages Islam’s started using medicine and doctors. This happened because someone read Hippocrates

book “The Canon of Medicine.” Meanwhile, in Europe the europeans were fighting the “Black Plague.” The Black

Plague was a major epidemic in europe around 1500-1600 B.C. It was caused by a major rat infestation in europe.

The Black Plague lasted a long time, dropping the population levels in europe super low.

Page 5: Medicine

Later on around, 1920-1940, an American doctor ,named Alexander Fleming, discovered

penicillin. Penicillin is made with mold, they give you these shots at the hospital to kill

bacteria. We discovered how to perform amputation in 1950-1960. We couldn’t safely do

it until the late 80’s. As you can see medical science has always been here it just took

smart people and common sense to figure out.

Page 6: Medicine

There are many new technologies in the medical field. Such as Nanoparticles.

Nanoparticles stick to other to stop bleeding. Also, needle-free diabetes checks. They do

electronic check ups where the doctor is on a screen instead of being there, which in my

opinion is really stupid and lazy. Medicine is a technology because it helps people live. It

can save lives, and prevent diseases. Medicine is in the career field of Medical Work. I

can’t live without medicine because I have ADHD. It has an impact on society by helping

others with their problem.