mediaeval 2015 - mediaeval 2015 drone protect task: privacy protection in surveillance systems using...

MediaEval 2015 Drone Protect Task: Privacy Protection in Surveillance Systems Using False Coloring Serdar C ¸ iftc ¸i 1 , Pavel Korshunov 2 , Ahmet O ˘ guz Aky ¨ uz 1 , Touradj Ebrahimi 2 1. Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey {sciftci, [email protected]} 2. Ecole Polytechnique Fed´ eral´ e de Lausanne, Switzerland {pavel.korshunov,} Motivation Existing privacy protection methods do not have all of the following desirable properties: Reversibility, Security, Flexibility, Robustness, Being visually non-disturbing. The proposed false color based method encompasses all of the desirable properties. Proposed Method Based on false color visualization, Easy to compute: Lookup tables are used, Secure: Lookup tables can be encrypted, Reversible: Lookup tables can be inverted, Flexible: Does not depend on format/encoding, Visually non-disturbing: No unpleasant artifacts, Adjustable: Degree of protection can be varied, Intelligible: Preserves non-private information, Robust: Does not rely on computer vision. Privacy Protection Pipeline Input Image Gray scaled Image Gray scale conversion Color Mapping False Color Result Recovered Image Inverse Color Mapped Image Converting to RGB space Inverse Color Mapping Figure 1: Main steps in false coloring based privacy protection. Used Color Palettes LOCS RBS DEF Figure 2: LOCS, RBS, DEF color scales are selected with respect to regions’ pri- vacy level namely low, medium, and high. Example Results Figure 3: False color results, a) original frame, c) protected frame, e) recovered frame. Subjective Evaluation Results Privacy Intelligibility Pleasantness FC AVG FC AVG FC AVG Expert 0.39 0.49 0.76 0.59 0.73 0.60 Na¨ ıve 0.34 0.48 0.75 0.58 0.75 0.61 Average 0.365 0.49 0.755 0.59 0.74 0.60 Table 1: Evaluation results where FC and AVG respectively stand for false color results and the average of all submissions. Expert and Na¨ ıve’s are participant groups which represent the people conducting research on visual privacy protection and na¨ ıve observers. Conclusions We described a simple and effective method for protecting privacy using false col- oring. Benchmarking evaluations indicated higher than average score for pleasantness and intelligibility. However, the privacy protection level was found to be lower than average. Future work will investigate designing custom color scales to improve privacy pro- tection and the quality of reversibility while enhancing security. References [1]Atta Badii, Pavel Korshunov, Hamid Oudi, Touradj Ebrahimi, Tomas Piatrik, Volker Eiselein, Natacha Ruchaud, Christian Fedorczak, Jean-Luc Dugelay, and Diego Fernandez Vazquez. Overview of the MediaEval 2015 drone protect task. In MediaEval 2015 Workshop, Wurzen, Germany, September 2015. [2] Margherita Bonetto, Pavel Korshunov, Giovanni Ramponi, and Touradj Ebrahimi. Privacy in Mini-drone Based Video Surveillance. In Workshop on De-identification for privacy protection in multimedia, 2015. [3] Serdar C ¸ iftc ¸i, Pavel Korshunov, Ahmet O Aky¨ uz, and Touradj Ebrahimi. Using false colors to protect visual privacy of sensitive content. In SPIE Human Vision and Electronic Imaging XX, pages 93941L–93941L–13, 2015. Acknowledgements The work was conducted in the framework of FP7 NoE VideoSense and TUBITAK project number 114E445.

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MediaEval 2015 Drone Protect Task: Privacy Protection inSurveillance Systems Using False Coloring

Serdar Ciftci1, Pavel Korshunov2,Ahmet Oguz Akyuz1, Touradj Ebrahimi2

1. Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey{sciftci, [email protected]}2. Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland{pavel.korshunov, [email protected]}

Motivation•Existing privacy protection methods do not have all of the following desirable


– Reversibility,

– Security,

– Flexibility,

– Robustness,

– Being visually non-disturbing.

•The proposed false color based method encompasses all of the desirable properties.

Proposed Method•Based on false color visualization,

•Easy to compute: Lookup tables are used,

• Secure: Lookup tables can be encrypted,

•Reversible: Lookup tables can be inverted,

•Flexible: Does not depend on format/encoding,

•Visually non-disturbing: No unpleasant artifacts,

•Adjustable: Degree of protection can be varied,

• Intelligible: Preserves non-private information,

•Robust: Does not rely on computer vision.

Privacy Protection PipelineInputImage

Gray scaledImage

Gray scale conversion

Color Mapping

False Color Result


Inverse Color Mapped Image

Converting to RGB space

Inverse Color Mapping

Figure 1: Main steps in false coloring based privacy protection.

Used Color PalettesLOCS RBS


Figure 2: LOCS, RBS, DEF color scales are selected with respect to regions’ pri-vacy level namely low, medium, and high.

Example Results

Figure 3: False color results, a) original frame, c) protected frame, e) recoveredframe.

Subjective Evaluation ResultsPrivacy Intelligibility PleasantnessFC AVG FC AVG FC AVG

Expert 0.39 0.49 0.76 0.59 0.73 0.60Naıve 0.34 0.48 0.75 0.58 0.75 0.61

Average 0.365 0.49 0.755 0.59 0.74 0.60

Table 1: Evaluation results where FC and AVG respectively stand for false colorresults and the average of all submissions. Expert and Naıve’s are participant groupswhich represent the people conducting research on visual privacy protection andnaıve observers.

Conclusions•We described a simple and effective method for protecting privacy using false col-


•Benchmarking evaluations indicated higher than average score for pleasantnessand intelligibility.

•However, the privacy protection level was found to be lower than average.

• Future work will investigate designing custom color scales to improve privacy pro-tection and the quality of reversibility while enhancing security.

References[1] Atta Badii, Pavel Korshunov, Hamid Oudi, Touradj Ebrahimi, Tomas Piatrik,

Volker Eiselein, Natacha Ruchaud, Christian Fedorczak, Jean-Luc Dugelay, andDiego Fernandez Vazquez. Overview of the MediaEval 2015 drone protect task.In MediaEval 2015 Workshop, Wurzen, Germany, September 2015.

[2] Margherita Bonetto, Pavel Korshunov, Giovanni Ramponi, and TouradjEbrahimi. Privacy in Mini-drone Based Video Surveillance. In Workshop onDe-identification for privacy protection in multimedia, 2015.

[3] Serdar Ciftci, Pavel Korshunov, Ahmet O Akyuz, and Touradj Ebrahimi. Usingfalse colors to protect visual privacy of sensitive content. In SPIE Human Visionand Electronic Imaging XX, pages 93941L–93941L–13, 2015.

AcknowledgementsThe work was conducted in the framework of FP7 NoE VideoSense and TUBITAKproject number 114E445.