· web viewthe mockery of the priests recorded in matthew 27 was a...

Program 2: Developing the Faith of Yahushua Learn how to increase your faith! This is WBCQ bringing World’s Last Chance Radio to you from Monticello, Maine, USA. Violent crime! Political unrest! Financial instability! Everything points to an impending crisis; a crisis like no other. Tune in to World’s Last Chance Radio to learn how you can spiritually prepare for what lies ahead. WLC Radio: preparing a people for the Saviour’s soon return! * * * Part 1: Developing the Faith of Yahushua Dave Wright: Greetings! And welcome to today’s program. I’m your host, Dave Wright. With me today is Miles Robey. Miles Robey: Hello, hello! Thanks for joining us today. You know, Dave, I’ve been looking forward to today’s topic. 1

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Page 1: · Web viewThe mockery of the priests recorded in Matthew 27 was a word-for-word fulfillment of Psalm 22, verses 7 and 8. By filling His mind with Scripture,

Program 2:

Developing the Faith of Yahushua

Learn how to increase your faith!

This is WBCQ bringing World’s Last Chance Radio to you from Monticello, Maine, USA.

Violent crime! Political unrest! Financial instability! Everything points to an impending crisis; a crisis like no other.

Tune in to World’s Last Chance Radio to learn how you can spiritually prepare for what lies ahead.

WLC Radio: preparing a people for the Saviour’s soon return!

* * *

Part 1: Developing the Faith of Yahushua

Dave Wright: Greetings! And welcome to today’s program. I’m your host, Dave Wright. With me today is Miles Robey.

Miles Robey: Hello, hello! Thanks for joining us today. You know, Dave, I’ve been looking forward to today’s topic.

Dave: I have, too! It’s an important subject and one that anyone living in today’s world needs to know.

Miles: It really is. Today, we’ll be covering practical pointers on how to develop strong, over-coming, all-conquering faith. Dave: You’ll know, if you’ve joined us before, that on WLC Radio, we prefer to use the actual names of the Father and the Son.


Page 2: · Web viewThe mockery of the priests recorded in Matthew 27 was a word-for-word fulfillment of Psalm 22, verses 7 and 8. By filling His mind with Scripture,

Miles: “God,” “Lord,” and “Christ” are simply titles, while “Jesus” is merely the English version of the Greek transliteration of the original name. The Saviour’s actual name is Yahushua, but ancient Greek did not have a Y-sound. The closest they could get was Iesus. Later, when the letter J entered the English alphabet, it became “Jesus.”

Dave: It’s quite different from the original, isn’t it? But “God” and “Lord” are even worse as they aren’t even names at all. They’re just titles being used as names. The Father’s actual name is Yahuwah.

Miles: It’s really a privilege to know and be able to use their actual names.

Will: It is. So, when you hear us say, “Yahuwah,” know we’re referring to the Father.

Miles: And when we say, “Yahushua,” understand that we are speaking about the Saviour.

Dave: In other programs, we’ve talked about what faith is.

Miles: Right. You remember I told you about the definition of faith in that old 1828 dictionary I found?

Dave: Oh, right! I liked that definition. Why don’t you remind everyone what it said?

Miles: All right. It said: “Faith is the assent (or agreement) of the mind to the truth of what is declared by another, resting on his authority and veracity, without other evidence; faith is the judgment that what another states or testifies is, indeed, the truth, without any other evidence needed.”

Dave: That’s really good. Faith is based on your trust in another person, resting on your knowledge of his character as trustworthy.

Miles: Right. And that’s essential for anyone living through the closing days of earth’s history.

Dave: It reminds me of the admonition given in Hebrews 11, which states: “Without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to Yahuwah must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.”

Miles: Basically, in order to overcome, you must have faith.

Dave: That’s correct. So. Now I’ve got good news and bad news. Which do you want first?


Page 3: · Web viewThe mockery of the priests recorded in Matthew 27 was a word-for-word fulfillment of Psalm 22, verses 7 and 8. By filling His mind with Scripture,

Miles: Uhhh . . . I guess . . . give me the bad news first. We’ll end on the good news. What’s the bad news?

Dave: The bad news is: your faith isn’t enough.

Miles: What? But you just said—Scripture says that without faith it’s impossible to please Yah, and now you’re telling me that my faith isn’t enough?

Dave: That’s right. The Bible tells us that to please Yah, we must have faith BUT the bad news is, your faith isn’t enough. However, there’s good news.

Miles: Well, give me some of that! What is it?

Dave: The good news is: Yahushua’s faith is enough … and He is willing to give it to you as a free gift!

Miles: That is good news!

Dave: It is. We find this concept in Revelation 14, which talks about a special group of people: the 144,000.

Miles: That’s a rather hot topic among Bible students!

Dave: Yeah. A lot of people get argumentative when the subject of the 144,000 comes up.

Miles: Some people say that the 144,000 is a symbolic number. Others insist that it’s actually a literal number. They believe only 144,000 righteous will still be alive when Yahushua returns, with everyone else having either been martyred or apostatized.

Dave: Well, whether the 144,000 is a literal number or a symbolic number, ultimately, does not matter. For now, it’s enough just to know that the 144,000 are a very special group. Revelation 14:5 describes them as being without fault before the throne of Yahuwah.

Miles: Without. Fault.

Dave: Right. They’re perfect! At long last, here is a generation that perfectly reflects the image of Yahushua. They have the divine law written on their hearts. And, in their lives, they reveal the character of Yahuwah.

Miles: They love much because they have been forgiven much.


Page 4: · Web viewThe mockery of the priests recorded in Matthew 27 was a word-for-word fulfillment of Psalm 22, verses 7 and 8. By filling His mind with Scripture,

Dave: Precisely. They’re the generation used by Yahuwah to silence Satan’s accusations.

Miles: What’s that?

Dave: Well, Satan had accused Yah of being unfair. He’d said that it was impossible for fallen man to keep the divine law. So why should they be punished for failing to do that which it is impossible for fallen man to do?

Miles: The implication being that Yahuwah was being unfair to punish those who broke the divine law.

Dave: It’s a horrible accusation, and it’s untrue, too! So the 144,000 are Yahuwah’s witnesses. They’re a special group because they are used to demonstrate to the universe that sinful man, transformed by the power of Yahuwah, through faith in the divine promises, CAN perfectly keep the law of Yah.

Miles: But it’s not in their own power.

Dave: No! No, of course not. Fallen humanity is incapable of keeping the divine law in their own strength.

Miles: It’s only through faith in the divine promises, faith in Yahuwah’s power to save.

Dave: That’s exactly right. Revelation 14 describes this special group by saying: “Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of Yah, and the faith of Yahushua.”

This is a key point! They “keep the commandments of Yah, and the faith of Yahushua.”

“And” is a word that connects two or more things. In this instance, it connects the phrase “the faith of Yahushua,” to the word: “keep.” So in other words, they “keep” the faith of Yahushua.

Miles: Hmmm. It’s an interesting word choice, isn’t it?

Dave: It is.

Miles: To keep means more than to just possess. It also means “to guard” and “to preserve.” The final generation is without fault before Yahuwah because they have kept, guarded and preserved the faith of Yahushua.


Page 5: · Web viewThe mockery of the priests recorded in Matthew 27 was a word-for-word fulfillment of Psalm 22, verses 7 and 8. By filling His mind with Scripture,

Dave: It all gets back to faith: trusting in the divine promises and the love of the Father.

Miles: That being the case, I think it’s pretty important to figure out just what this “faith of Yahushua” is, don’t you?

Dave: Absolutely. Because it is the “faith of Yahushua” that has enabled them to keep the divine law.

Miles: All right. So, what is it?

Dave: The faith of Yahushua is that confidence the Saviour had in His Father, based on His personal knowledge of the Father’s character of love.

Miles: That makes sense. The final generation is facing a crisis like no one else has ever before experienced! In addition to the combined weight of inherited tendencies to sin, the final generation is the weakest, we’re the dumbest, the most sinful. Our only hope is the faith of Yahushua!

Dave: That’s right! Only Yahushua’s faith is strong enough to overcome inherited and cultivated tendencies to sin. And only the faith of Yahushua can clearly discern the delusions of the last days.

Miles: Well, again, that makes total sense. Only the faith of Yahushua has been tried to the uttermost . . .

Dave: That’s right!

Miles: . . . And, while being tried to the uttermost, with every evidence to the contrary, Yahushua still trusted in the Father’s love and goodness.

Dave: He did! No matter what the devil threw at Him, Yahushua stayed faithful. He was without sin precisely because He trusted His Father.

Miles: His life was really one long series of temptations. It began in earnest during the temptation in the Wilderness and climaxed at Calvary.

Dave: That’s where it all hung in the balance, didn’t it?

Miles: It did. It really did.

Dave: Yahushua’s faith in His Father was tested to the uttermost at Calvary. And here is where some people get confused.

Miles: About Calvary?


Page 6: · Web viewThe mockery of the priests recorded in Matthew 27 was a word-for-word fulfillment of Psalm 22, verses 7 and 8. By filling His mind with Scripture,

Dave: Yep!

Miles: How so?

Dave: Well, people get this idea that Yahushua’s sacrifice was how much pain He suffered on the cross. But that’s not it at all!

Miles: What do you mean?

Dave: Let me tell you a story to illustrate.

Miles: All right.

Dave: I’ve got a friend by the name of Matt. Now, Matt does a lot of traveling for business.

Recently, he was sitting next to a Hindu gentleman on a long flight to Australia. They began a respectful discussion of their religious beliefs. The Hindu began telling Matt about the horrific persecution experienced by a respected yogi. The man had tears in his eyes as he described in graphic detail the inhuman torture the yogi has suffered until, finally, human strength gave out and the man died in indescribable agony.

Miles: Wow. That’s awful.

Dave: The Hindu gentleman finished his story by saying, “You think your Jesus suffered? It was nothing compared to what my holy man went through.”

Now, Matt was shocked and appalled. He had to agree that, yes, when it came to physical suffering, being scourged and crucified, followed by death a few hours later, was nothing compared to what the yogi had gone through. The yogi’s physical suffering was truly indescribable!

Miles: Hmmm.

Dave: Matt told me the conversation left him feeling unsettled. He’d always pictured the Saviour’s suffering as being far worse than anything anyone else had ever experienced. And yet, what did it mean, spiritually, if someone else, such as this yogi, actually suffered more bodily pain than Yahushua had?

Miles: Well, that’s a fair question.

Dave: It is, but you see, it makes an assumption that is incorrect. It’s actually a fairly common mistake. In fact, Mel Gibson, in producing his film about the crucifixion, made this same mistake. When it was released, The Passion of


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Christ was widely criticized—as well as praised—for its violent and bloody crucifixion scenes.

Miles: I remember that! In fact, the news reported that one person, a 56-year old woman in the United States, actually died of an apparent heart attack while watching it!

Dave: Wow. Yeah, but that’s how graphic it was. Matt made the same mistake Mel Gibson made in his movie. And that is, they both assumed the Saviour’s sacrifice was what He was willing to suffer physically. And this simply isn’t true.

Think about it. Anyone who has suffered intense mental or emotional pain will tell you that mental and emotional agony is far worse than any physical suffering ever could be.

Miles: Oh, of course! That’s true. And I know that from personal experience myself.

Dave: The truth is, Yahushua’s mental and emotional agony were so intense, that He was nearly oblivious to the physical pain.

Miles: Hm. That’s right. Yahushua didn’t die of asphyxia brought on by crucifixion. Scripture reveals He died of a broken and bleeding heart.

Dave: Correct. So ask yourself: what could cause such incredible mental and emotional suffering that it would, literally, physically, burst His heart? I’ll tell you: it was the emotional feeling that Yahuwah was displeased and had rejected Him.

Remember, Yahushua was dying for the sins of the entire world! The sense of guilt was so great that—emotionally—He felt He’d never again be united with His Father. He felt that the separation would be eternal.

Miles: It was that separation from His Father that Yahushua found so painful. He felt, emotionally, forsaken.

Dave: That’s right. You’ve got it.

Miles: John tells us that the Jews tried to stone the Saviour when He told them: “I and My Father are one.” And they were! In purpose and motivation, in thought and deed, in love and compassion, Yahushua and the Father were one.

Dave: When the weight of the sins of the world was laid on the Saviour, the sense of separation was so acute it wrung from Him the despairing cry, “My El, My El! Why have You forsaken Me?”


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Yahushua felt forsaken and accursed by the Father. And it is here, right here, that He triumphed in faith and why His faith, given to you and me as a gift, is what will enable us to be overcomers.

Miles: How so?

Dave: Well, Yahushua knew His Father. Personally. He’d always found delight in doing the Father’s will. Obedience, to Him, wasn’t a chore, but a joy! He understood His mission—that He was to be tempted in every area and to the fullest extent that any human can ever be tempted. And yet, He knew the Father would not allow Him to be tempted any more than, or in any way that was not necessary for our salvation. When Yahushua was hanging on the cross, Satan tempted Him to give up faith in His Father. But Yahushua triumphed because He trusted in the love and approval His Father had shown Him before Calvary!

Miles: Oh, I see. Based on His personal knowledge of the Father, Yahushua continued to trust Him and have faith, despite what He was feeling.

Dave: That’s right. He triumphed the same way we are to triumph. He quoted Scripture; and, He trusted the promises.

Miles: Huh. He quoted Scripture; and, He trusted the promises. Did you know, Dave, that practically everything the Saviour said while on the cross is actually a quote from Psalm 22?

Dave: Really!

Miles: Really, truly. Psalm 22 is a prophecy of the crucifixion! Verses 14 to 16 are a physical description of what happens to the body when suspended by crucifixion.  Verse 18 foretold what the Roman soldiers did with Yahushua’s clothes. The mockery of the priests recorded in Matthew 27 was a word-for-word fulfillment of Psalm 22, verses 7 and 8.

By filling His mind with Scripture, Yahushua exercised faith in Yahuwah: He chose to ignore His feelings of abandonment and instead chose to trust in His knowledge of the Father’s love, that had been revealed previously. 

Dave: Precisely.

Miles: The same psalm that so perfectly foretold Yahushua’s trial on the cross, also contained the faith-inspiring words: “Thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel.  Our fathers trusted in thee: they trusted, and thou didst deliver them.  They cried unto thee, and were delivered: they trusted in thee, and were not confounded.”  You know, He was remembering these words, too! So, despite what He was feeling emotionally, He still chose to trust His Father, anyway.


Page 9: · Web viewThe mockery of the priests recorded in Matthew 27 was a word-for-word fulfillment of Psalm 22, verses 7 and 8. By filling His mind with Scripture,

Dave: Yes. And that is why the faith of Yahushua is given those who ask for it. It’s the faith of Yahushua that has been purified in the flames of affliction. It is, therefore, His faith that, implanted in our hearts, allows us to over come, literally, anything!

Miles: That’s beautiful. It’s so encouraging. It’s exactly what Hebrews 4 talks about. Verses 14 to 16 say: “Seeing then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into the heavens, Yahushua the Son of Yahuwah, let us hold fast our profession.” Now listen to this next part. It’s the key: “For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.”

Did you catch that, Dave?

Dave: I did! It’s incredible! Double negatives are awkward in English, but in other words it’s saying, the Saviour is touched with the feeling of our infirmities. He feels what we feel. And because He was tempted in all points like we are, and yet, still trusted in the goodness and love of the Father, He triumphed over every single temptation.

Miles: Yes. And that, Scripture says, is why He can help us in every emergency. He knows just how strong the temptation is, so He knows just how much help and strength to provide.

Dave: It reminds me of a quote by Charles Spurgeon. Spurgeon was a powerful preacher as well as prolific author in 19th century England.

Miles: Yeah, I’ve heard of him. Wasn’t he called the “Prince of Preachers” or something?

Dave: Right! That was Spurgeon. Anyway, he once said, and I quote: “The bridge of grace will bear your weight . . . Thousands of big sinners have gone across that bridge, yea, tens of thousands have gone over it. Some have been the chief of sinners and some have come at the very last of their days but the arch has never yielded beneath their weight. I will go with them trusting to the same support. It will bear me over as it has for them.”

Miles: That’s beautiful. “The bridge of grace . . . .”

Dave: It is. But I’d like to suggest that the bridge is Yahushua Himself. By faith in Him, we can lay hold of the promises and be overcomers in every area of life! His faith overcame every single temptation thrown in His face. He gives us His own faith as a gift! And it is that faith—His faith—that can overcome mountains.


Page 10: · Web viewThe mockery of the priests recorded in Matthew 27 was a word-for-word fulfillment of Psalm 22, verses 7 and 8. By filling His mind with Scripture,

Miles: I’m glad you said that, Dave. Yahushua will gift us with His faith. It’s not something we must conjure up on our own.

Dave: No, it’s not! In fact, we can’t!

Miles: Have you heard of Albert Simpson?

Dave: Albert Simpson? No. Can’t say I have.

Miles: Well, like Spurgeon, he was a minister and prolific author. He wrote over 70 books on the Bible and the Christian walk. He was also a poet and wrote a number of inspiring hymns. He picked up on the fact that often people start thinking that faith is something they have to, somehow, drum up on their own.

Dave: Almost like it’s a feeling.

Miles: Right! Once, after he had been sick, a friend told him: “You were healed by faith.” Simpson responded, “No, I was healed by Yahushua.” That’s an important distinction!

In speaking of the incident, Simpson went on to say, quote: “There came a time when even faith seemed to come between me and Yahushua. I thought I should have to work up the faith, so I laboured to get the faith. At last I thought I had it; that if I put my whole weight upon it, it would hold. I said, when I thought I had got the faith, ‘Heal me.’ I was trusting in myself, in my own heart, in my own faith. I was asking Yahuwah to do something for me because of something in me, not because of something in Him.”

Dave: Huh. Wow. I can see that! In fact, I’ve done it myself.

Miles: Well, sure. I have, too.

Dave: It’s easy to shift your focus away from the Saviour and start thinking you have to do it all yourself. That whether or not your prayer is answered, is all dependent on how much faith—or, rather, feeling—you can drum up within yourself.

Miles: It’s one of the devil’s traps. It takes the focus off Yahushua and places it on yourself, and yet, as you pointed out earlier, our faith isn’t enough. It’s only the faith of Yahushua that can overcome. It’s Yahushua’s faith we need in every area of life.

Dave: It’s got to be a gift, Miles! It’s got to be a gift!

Miles: It does! It really does. And Satan knows this, which is why he gets us thinking we have to somehow manufacture it within ourselves. It’s almost like


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people think they’re saved by the power of positive thinking, rather than faith in Yahuwah.

Dave: You’re absolutely right. My wife’s reading a book by Shari Howerton called Breaking the Chains. Last night she shared a quote from it that I thought was really good.

Miles: Oh, yeah? What’s that?

Dave: Howerton wrote: “Faith is not the power of positive thinking; it is believing in Yah and trusting that His will is always best even when you cannot understand why.”

Miles: I like that. It’s not the power of positive thinking.

Dave: It’s not! It’s just taking Him at His word because you know Him and you trust Him.

Miles: Our part is to be willing to get to know Him. And if we don’t want to, our part is to be willing to be made willing, to get to know Him. As with everything else, it’s a free gift. And He will supply it.

Dave: That’s right! That’s right. When we come back, we’re going to talk about what we can do to cooperate with Yah and increase the faith that has already been given us.

Miles: Stay tuned, folks! We’ll return in just a moment. Don’t go away, because we’re going to be talking about just how you develop the faith of Yahushua in your own daily life.

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Different religions have various ideas about the end of the world. Even within Christianity, denominations have many differing ideas about the return of the Saviour. If you wish to know what the Bible says about the events surrounding the return of Yahushua, visit our website at Read our three–part series entitled, The Second Coming.

Part 1 describes: “The Triumphant Reunion” when Yahushua returns for His faithful children.

Part 2 explains: “The Millennium”: what it is, when it occurs, and where it takes place.


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Part 3 covers: “The Destruction of the Wicked.”

Learn what Scripture says about the end of the world. Read the three-part series, The Second Coming, on Visit us today! Look for The Second Coming series on

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Part 2: Developing the Faith of Yahushua

Miles: Welcome back to WLC Radio. This is Miles Robey with Dave Wright. Today we’ve been talking about the faith of Yahushua.

Dave: Earlier, we learned how only the faith of Yahushua is powerful enough to overcome sin, because only His faith has been tried to the uttermost. Yahushua knew His Father’s character. And what He knew, He loved.

Miles: Solomon wrote: “Love is strong as death…Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it: if a man would give all the substance of his house for love, it would utterly be contemned.”

Dave: This is the secret of how the Saviour overcame, and how we can over come, too.

Miles: That’s right! You know, everything we’ve discussed so far has been important. It’s important to know that faith is the conviction in your mind that what someone else says is true, based on his or her authority, without needing any other proof. It’s important to know that we all, every one of us, need the perfect faith of Yahushua in order to over come.

But now, I want to talk about how we can have the faith of Yahushua for ourselves.

Dave: Well, we’ve already said it’s a gift.

Miles: Yep! And just like every single other thing needed for salvation, the faith of Yahushua is yours if you just ask for it and believe that it has been given to you.

Dave: Did you know you already have some faith?

Miles: Some . . . but not enough, right?


Page 13: · Web viewThe mockery of the priests recorded in Matthew 27 was a word-for-word fulfillment of Psalm 22, verses 7 and 8. By filling His mind with Scripture,

Dave: Right. This is an interesting point. A lot of people assume that the faith they have is what they’re to use to over come sin and temptation, but it’s not. Your faith is not enough to overcome. Only the faith of Yahushua is strong enough, pure enough, and has been tried enough to remain steadfast through every emergency.

Miles: Paul said the very same thing! In his letter to the Romans, he said: “For I say, through the grace given to me, to everyone who is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think soberly, as Yahuwah has dealt to each one a measure of faith.”

Paul’s saying: “Don’t have too high an opinion of yourself. Think soberly, realistically.” Then he goes on to add that Yahuwah has gifted everyone with a measure of faith.

Dave: And there you go: it’s a gift.

Miles: Exactly.

Dave: Realistically speaking, our weak, trembling faith is good for one thing and one thing only. We have been given enough faith so that when we ask to be given the faith of Yahushua, we can grasp by faith that the gift is ours. That’s what our measure of faith is for. It’s enough to ask for, and receive, the faith of Yahushua.

Do you believe that the Father is willing to give you His Son’s purified, all-conquering faith? That gift is yours!

Miles: That’s beautiful. Okay, so now let’s talk about how we can develop and increase the faith given us. The answer is: the same way Yahushua did. You get to know, on a very intimate, personal level, the character of the Father. In every temptation, Yahushua conquered because He knew the character of His Father. He knew Yahuwah embodied love and justice.

Dave: He’d gotten to know His Father for Himself, hadn’t He?

Miles: Yes. He wasn’t leaving it up to the local rabbi. He had a personal relationship with the Father, for Himself.

Dave: It reminds me of the words of Jeremiah:

Let not the wise man boast of his wisdom,Let not the mighty man boast of his might,

Nor let the rich man boast of his riches;But let him who boasts, boast in this,That he understands and knows Me,


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That I am Yahuwah, exercising lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness in the earth.

For in these I delight.

Miles: Yahushua knew His Bible, didn’t he?

Dave: He did.

Miles: And, having filled His heart with love for the Father, Yahushua filled His mind with the promises.

Dave: Yes! Yes. And that’s what we’re to do, too.

Miles: Romans 10:17 tells us: “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of Yah.”

Dave: Hmm.

Miles: You see, it’s a process. Faith works by love to purify the soul. Rex Rouis writes: “Yah operates in love by faith. If we do not understand His love we have no foundation for faith.”

Dave: If you know the character of the Father, you’ll love Him because to know Him IS to love Him!

Miles: Of course. That’s it exactly. As you focus on the many ways He shows His love for you, your heart will swell with gratitude. Gratitude, in turn, awakens love. And, loving Him, you will trust Him. Trusting Him, you will claim the promises.

Dave: The apostle Peter finally got this. You know, of all the disciples, I think Peter’s my favorite.

Miles: Oh, yeah?

Dave: Yes, you’ve got to love Peter. He’s impetuous; he’s constantly sticking his foot in it. He goofs up, but he just keeps coming back because He knows Yahushua is the best thing that’s ever happened to Him.

Miles: And Yahushua never gives up on him.

Dave: No, He doesn’t. And that gives me faith to know that when I make a spectacular muck of things, Yahushua won’t give up on me, either.

Miles: We all need that encouragement.


Page 15: · Web viewThe mockery of the priests recorded in Matthew 27 was a word-for-word fulfillment of Psalm 22, verses 7 and 8. By filling His mind with Scripture,

Dave: We do. In the second letter of Peter, he explained in chapter 1, quote: “His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him . . . by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.”

Miles: It gets right back to faith in the divine promises. Trust, that what He has said, He will do, and you believe this, because you know Him.

Dave: Yes! The Bible is overflowing with promises. No matter what your problem is, no matter what danger you may find yourself in, no matter what emergency you are facing, Scripture contains a promise you can claim!

Miles: I’m sure you’ve heard of George Müller.

Dave: Absolutely! Who hasn’t?

Miles: Müller understood faith. I think he was one of Heaven’s greatest faith warriors.  He once said, “I have joyfully dedicated my whole life to the object of exemplifying how much may be accomplished by prayer and faith.”

Dave: That’s beautiful. And he did, didn’t he?

Miles: Yes, he did.

Dave: His whole life was dedicated to doing Yah’s will, and relying on Yah’s promises to enable him to do Yah’s will.

Miles: That’s right. Yahuwah inspired this mighty man of faith to build orphanages to care for the destitute children living on the streets of Bristol, England.  With just 50 cents in his pocket, Müller determined to obey.  He didn’t know where the money was going to come from, but he figured that wasn’t his problem!  He knew Yahuwah’s will.  It was Yah’s part to provide the way.  Müller’s part was to obey. 

Dave: What a testimony to faithful obedience!

Miles: It is! It’s an example for all of us. Over the years, the equivalent of millions of dollars in today’s money was given to him in support of his orphanages—all, get this, all without him ever telling a single soul of his needs!

Dave: That’s incredible.

Miles: Through this humble man of faith, Yahuwah raised up five immense, granite buildings, capable of housing 2,000 orphans. 


Page 16: · Web viewThe mockery of the priests recorded in Matthew 27 was a word-for-word fulfillment of Psalm 22, verses 7 and 8. By filling His mind with Scripture,

Müller once said something each one of us needs to take to heart. He said: “To learn strong faith is to endure great trials. I have learned my faith by standing firm amid severe testings.” 

Dave: That’s so true! I remember another statement he made. He wrote: “If we desire our faith to be strengthened, we should not shrink from opportunities where our faith may be tried, and therefore, through trial, be strengthened.”

That’s something I need to remember for myself. Too often, when trials come, our faith falters. And yet, that is the very time we’re to trust!

Miles: Exactly. Müller said: Faith has nothing to do with feelings . . . If we desire to couple feelings with faith, then we are no longer resting on the Word of Yah, because faith needs nothing of the kind. Faith rests on the naked Word of Yah. When we take Him at His word, the heart is at peace.” Then, he added: “Faith is the assurance that the thing which Yah has said in His word, is true, and that Yah will act according to what He has said in His word . . . Faith is not a matter of feelings.

Dave: I remember another statement of his. It thrills me every time I hear it. He said: “Be assured, if you walk with Him and look to Him, and expect help from Him, He will never fail you.”

Miles: That’s beautiful. You know, the words of faith that spilled from that man’s lips reveal how well he knew the Father. He once said: “If Yahuwah fails me at this time, it will be the first time.”

Dave: Hmmm. He really understood what it means to walk by faith. And that’s something we all need to know!

Miles: It is! I know I need to learn that more. It’s so easy to falter when everything is going wrong.

Dave: Well, yeah. I think we all struggle with that. When you’re afraid, when you’re facing seemingly insurmountable problems, do not allow your faith to waver! It’s by passing through trials that your faith is strengthened.

Miles: Like Müller recognized: trials are a necessary experience. One writer said: “When we learn the power of Yah’s word, we shall not follow the suggestions of Satan in order to obtain food or to save our lives. Our only questions will be, What is Yahuwah’s command? and what His promise? Knowing these, we shall obey the one, and trust the other.” And that’s precisely what Müller did.

Dave: All right, let’s talk about practical pointers of what we can DO to increase our faith. When you find yourself in a situation where you don’t know what to do, instead of losing your faith, there are three things you should do:


Page 17: · Web viewThe mockery of the priests recorded in Matthew 27 was a word-for-word fulfillment of Psalm 22, verses 7 and 8. By filling His mind with Scripture,

Number one: You look for the positive in the situation. Paul says in First Thessalonians: “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of Yah in Yahushua for you.”

Miles: That’s important. When you look for the positive in any situation, instead of focusing on the negatives, your mind will be opened to see new possibilities.

Dave: That’s right. Your faith will be strengthened and you’ll be led to trust more as you see that Yah is still working with you.

Number two: You pray. Pray specifically.

Miles: Yes! So often, people pray such open-ended prayers, they never see an answer, and then they wonder why not.

Dave: Yes, it’s important to be very specific when you pray. James tells us to “Ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind.”

Miles: Yahushua Himself said, “Whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them!” But you have to be specific.

Dave: And, while you’re being specific, claim the merits of Yahushua’s name and blood!

Miles: Know that your prayer is heard because He loves you.

Dave: Always.

Miles: You said there are three things we can do. What’s the third?

Dave: Number three is gather information. Too often people will sit, and wring their hands in despair, and pray, and pray, and pray, and wonder why Yah never tells them what to do. Listen! When you ask Yahuwah to lead you, He will. But “lead” is an action verb. You can’t sit on your rear end and expect to be led!

You must step out in faith and as you gather information, you’ll know what the next step is that you are to take. Then, after you take that next step with prayer and thanksgiving, you gather more information. And, step-by-step, the Saviour at your side, you will be led in the way you are to go.

Miles: I see that. If we had enough information to make a decision, we would already have done so.

Dave: Right! Right!


Page 18: · Web viewThe mockery of the priests recorded in Matthew 27 was a word-for-word fulfillment of Psalm 22, verses 7 and 8. By filling His mind with Scripture,

Miles: So by gathering information, it allows the Father to direct our minds in the path we are to follow.

Dave: Exactly.

Miles: Rick Renner says: “Faith is the spark that ignites the impossible and causes it to become possible. When a person’s faith is activated, it sets in motion supernatural power that enables that person to do what he normally would never be able to do!”

Dave: That’s good. We need to make it a habit to exercise faith. I read a book once that said, “Faith is a plant that will grow quickly if nurtured.” I know from my own personal experience that that’s true. Don’t worry about your feelings! Feelings are not faith! Faith is simply taking Yahuwah at His word because you know and trust that He loves you.

Miles: When we come back, we’re going to dive into our Daily Mailbag. So, stay tuned! We’ll be right back.

* * *You are listening to World’s Last Chance Radio on WBCQ, at 9330 kilohertz on the 31-meter band.

World’s Last Chance Radio! Preparing a people for the Saviour’s SOON return!

* * *


Time is drawing to a close. Now, more than ever, it is imperative that everyone looking and longing for the Saviour’s return be very careful to guard every avenue by which the devil would seek to ensnare the soul.

Sin is addictive! Whether it’s time wasted in unwholesome activities, or alcohol; whether it’s porn or nicotine, sin itself is addictive.

But the Saviour is ready to deliver each one who turns to Him.

Visit our website at And read, “Sin Addiction: Guarding the Avenues to the Soul.”


Page 19: · Web viewThe mockery of the priests recorded in Matthew 27 was a word-for-word fulfillment of Psalm 22, verses 7 and 8. By filling His mind with Scripture,

That’s “Sin Addiction” on Yahushua is just waiting to answer the prayer of faith!

* * *

Daily Mailbag

Dave: Welcome back to WLC Radio’s Daily Mailbag. What do you have for us today, Miles?

Miles: We’ve only got time for one, and it comes from Debbie in Sydney, Australia. She writes: “I believe in transubstantiation, that my priest turns the host and the wine into the actual body and blood of Christ. In John 6, Jesus said that we must eat His flesh and drink His blood. Why does WLC interpret those words figuratively? His listeners obviously took Him literally, because many left Him.”

Dave: That’s a good question, Debbie, and it is answered by understanding the principles of Biblical interpretation. Basically, if a verse makes good sense when interpreted literally, if it does no violence to the simple laws of nature, and doesn’t break Yah’s law, then the passage should be understood literally. If not, it should be interpreted figuratively.

Miles: A literal interpretation of this text does "violence to the simple laws of nature."

Dave: There’s another principle, too, and that is allowing the Bible to explain itself.

Miles: Right! In John 6, Yahushua Himself explained how His words were to be interpreted. In verse 63, He said: “It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.”

Dave: Eating his flesh means to accept His words. By simply understanding that words are figurative when they do violence to the simple laws of nature, and that the Bible explains itself, we find the correct answer.

Miles: That’s always a good principle. And listen, folks, we’d like to hear from you as well. If you’ve got questions, comments, or suggestions, send them to us! Just go to our website,, and click on the WLC Radio icon at the top left of the homepage to select the language you want. We may not be able to answer everything on air, but we’ll do our best.


Page 20: · Web viewThe mockery of the priests recorded in Matthew 27 was a word-for-word fulfillment of Psalm 22, verses 7 and 8. By filling His mind with Scripture,

* * *

Daily Promise

This is Elise O’Brien with your daily promise from Yah’s word.

When my grandfather felt overwhelmed, he would say: “I feel like a cat in the middle of a lake. I’ve gone too far to turn back, but I know I’ll never make it to the other side.”

It always made me laugh imagining this cat: whiskers drooping crookedly into the water, eyes bugging out, desperately paddling away. But the truth is, sometimes life can feel just like that. When you are overwhelmed, remember Philippians 4: “I can do all things through Yahushua which strengtheneth me.”

The great Protestant reformer, John Knox, declared: “A man with Yah is always in the majority.”

Paul wrote in Romans 8: “We know that all things work together for good to them that love Yah, to them who are the called according to His purpose. What shall we then say to these things? If Yah be for us, who can be against us?”

You are never alone. With Yah, you are the majority!

Unto us have been given great and precious promises. Go and start claiming!

* * *

Part 3: Developing the Faith of Yahushua

Miles: Well, it looks like we’re about out of time for today. But remember, people, Yahushua’s faith is all-conquering. And it’s all-conquering precisely because it was tried to the uttermost and, through trusting Yah, Yahushua’s faith triumphed!

Dave: And what is so encouraging is that He will give it to you and me if we ask Him! You don’t have to wrestle around your feelings and, somehow, conjure up faith within yourself.

Miles: No! You don’t! It’s a gift – so ask for it. And listen, with everything that’s happening in the world today, we need the faith of Yahushua now, more than ever. We need, today, to get to know Him as our personal best friend. We need to develop that relationship with Him that trusts in every situation.


Page 21: · Web viewThe mockery of the priests recorded in Matthew 27 was a word-for-word fulfillment of Psalm 22, verses 7 and 8. By filling His mind with Scripture,

Dave: You’re so right, Miles. When earth is invaded by demons, disguised as extraterrestrials, life is going to be irrevocably changed. We will need to know we can trust the Father.

Miles: Yes, because in times of crisis, in an emergency, people just react. There’s no time to stop and think. So faith and trust must become habits. Only if they are habitual now, will we remember to trust and exercise faith then.

Dave: And we don’t have a lot of time to learn those habits of thought, of loving trust. Even now, we are living under the last pope. And he’s not a young man! He’s not going to live much longer.

We are on the verge of a crisis, the likes of which the world has never seen.

Miles: In the future, many people are going to be taken by surprise, because when the final crisis comes, it will climax over the Sabbath. And we’re not talking about Saturday or Sunday on the Gregorian calendar.

Dave: The Gregorian calendar is even named after a pope, isn’t it? The “Gregorian” calendar of Pope Gregory the 13 th. You can’t find the Biblical Sabbath by using the papal calendar.

Miles: No, you can’t. And yet, most people don’t even know what the Biblical calendar is, even though prophecy reveals the final conflict is over worship!

Dave: Current political events in the United States reveal that the image of the beast is being formed even as we speak! Are you ready—spiritually—for how life is about to change?

Revelation 18’s call to come out of all organized religions is sounding now. There isn’t a single religion or denomination that is exempted from Heaven’s clear command to: “Come out of her, My people!” Not even yours!

Miles: A lot of speculation has arisen over just what the mark of the beast may be. Well, it’s not a brand or a tattoo. It’s not some microchip or even a national ID card. Lots of countries have national IDs. The mark of the beast is far more subtle than any obvious sign. And you need to know what it is because those who receive it will be in serious danger when Satan comes pretending to be the Saviour.

Dave: That’s right. So many will be deceived by Satan’s delusions. Now is the time to get to know the Father. Now is the time to develop trust in His promises! Now is the time to ask for the faith of Yahushua. There’s not much time left!


Page 22: · Web viewThe mockery of the priests recorded in Matthew 27 was a word-for-word fulfillment of Psalm 22, verses 7 and 8. By filling His mind with Scripture,

Miles: I just want to share one final thought. Earlier, we were talking about George Müller, that great man of faith. You said, Dave, that we haven’t much time left to develop faith and trust – and we don’t! So we mustn’t get discouraged when trials come that test our faith.

Müller said: “Faith does not operate in the realm of the possible. There is no glory for Yahuwah in that which is humanly possible. Faith begins where man's power ends.”

Dave: “Faith begins where man’s power ends.” That’s exactly right. And it’s a choice. Are you going to choose to trust the Father even in the midst of calamity? Are you going to choose to trust Him, even when you are feeling afraid?

Charles Swindol stated: “We must cease striving and trust Yah to provide what He thinks is best and in whatever time He chooses to make it available. But this kind of trusting doesn't come naturally. It's a spiritual crisis of the will in which we must choose to exercise faith.”

Miles: It’s a choice! It’s absolutely a choice.

Dave: So, make that choice. Spend time—today—getting to know Him. Prove, in your own experience, that He is trustworthy. We don’t have a lot of time left. Don’t waste any more time. Come to Him today. Yahushua is standing with arms opened wide to receive you. Anything you need in order to be ready, He will provide. He will never turn away any who come to Him.

Miles: That’s right, Dave. He loves you with a love that is immeasurable. You can trust him with your deepest, darkest secrets. There’s nothing you have done that is beyond His power to forgive.

Dave: And what’s more, there is no depth so low that is beyond His ability to reach. There’s no condition beyond His ability to restore. So, turn to Yahuwah today. Make that choice to get to know Him. Choose to trust Him, and accept the free gift of the faith of Yahushua.

Miles: As John Bunyan said, “Tomorrow doth never come.” So make that choice now. Today.

Well, unfortunately our time’s up, too. Join us again tomorrow. Heaven is pouring out new light. Old truths are being restored. Yahushua is on His way and He wants you to be ready.

Dave: Each day we’ll be presenting new truths vitally important for your salvation.

Until tomorrow, remember: Yahuwah loves you . . . and He is safe to trust!


Page 23: · Web viewThe mockery of the priests recorded in Matthew 27 was a word-for-word fulfillment of Psalm 22, verses 7 and 8. By filling His mind with Scripture,

* * *You have been listening to WLC Radio.

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Join us again tomorrow for another truth-filled message on WBCQ, at 9330 kilohertz on the 31-meter band.

World’s Last Chance Radio! Preparing a people for the Saviour’s soon return!