media evaluation question 4

Evaluation question 4 Who would be the audience of my media product? How did I attract/address my audience?

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Evaluation question 4

Who would be the audience of my media product?How did I attract/address my audience?

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Target Audience

I found that the target Audience for my media product was most likely to be young adults whom would be attracted to the young male protagonist. I also found that it was more likely to be females whom would be most interested in my media product as they would enjoy the thrilling suspense. I discovered this information through surveys, focus groups and internet research.

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Focus group

I conducted a focus group using people who were part of my believed target audience and asked them what they enjoyed and liked about certain aspects of horror films. Their feedback change my ideas quite a lot and helped me understand the weaknesses in my idea. They also helped me to realise what I would need to do to attract and address my target audience to keep them engaged.

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Fluid surveys

On fluid surveys I made a questionnaire asking questions about what people wanted to see in my media product and how old were they. I analysed the data I received (about 40 people) and put it into pie charts to make it easier to understand and compare. However most of the data I received was from people the age of 15-18 which does not make my survey as useful as it could be. If I did it again I would collect data from more ages.

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Internet research

In addition I also conducted some online research into the usual age of audiences for horrors. I also looked at BBFC ratings and what I could include and not include in my opening piece. I also had a look at a few statistics and found that there were higher numbers of females watching horror films. This helped me to choose an attractive male protagonist.

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Who is my audience?

After everything was finished and my opening sequence made, I asked a few people about whom they thought would be the target audience and what they thought of my piece. I found that my actual audience was indeed my target audience. Majority females aged 15-18.