media evaluation

Media Evaluation: Question 2 + 4 How does your magazine represent particular social groups? Who would be the audience for your magazine?

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Post on 07-Aug-2015



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Media Evaluation: Question 2 + 4

How does your magazine represent particular social groups?

Who would be the audience for your magazine?

Social Groups

• "A social group is a collection of people who interact with each other and share similar characteristics and a sense of unity. A social category is a collection of people who do not interact but who share similar characteristics."

• But what social group will my magazine represent?...

• My magazine will fall into the typical "teen pop culture."

• Typical characteristics of teen pop music include lyrics focused on teenage issues such as love/relationships, finding yourself, friendships, coming of age, fitting in, and growing up, choreographed dancing, emphasis on visual appeal (photogenic faces, slender body physiques, immaculately attended hair and designer clothes.

A typical teen that would buy my magazine..Hobbies/Interests: Social Media such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube. Listening to music, watching movies and reading.

Favourite Music: Pop - Bands such as McBusted, One Direction, The Vamps.

Favourite Film: The Hunger Games

Favourite Brands: Things from online merchandise stores such as Hot Topic, CafePress, Converse.

This person would buy my magazine because what is featured in it is similar to their interests and favourite music. Such as McBusted. They like to be online most of the time and that is what they do to stay up to date with band news, share new trends to release sneak peeks of new songs etc. Also, the brands that they were are normally fan-made or fan-sites such as CafePress and Hot Topic where they can get personalised clothing relating to their favourite bands, movies etc.

• Here, my editors message uses lexis such as "awesome." and "poppin'" this will appeal to my audience more because they are more likely to understand this type of slang whereas other audiences may not.. such as rock fans or indie fans.

• Also, the bands and artists features are more likely to be recognised from this audience. Because my magazine is new and uses these artists - fans of them may buy my magazine. Making it much more successful.

The language helps too...

- As you can see here, I've used various artists and stations that have the same target audienc and pop fans are more likely to listen to.

- Here, I have concentrated more on the artists and venues. Something that pop fans are more into, they focus more on the person/people rather than the music.


• My magazine does fit well with the target audience I have chosen.

• The language used uses similar slang and prosodic features that make it more successsful into attracting the audience. The same goes for the colours and pictures uses.