media eval question 3

Evaluation question 3

Upload: jack-gilbert

Post on 09-Jan-2017




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Evaluation question 3

Our initial audience targeted people between the ages of 13 to 30 years of age. We wanted to steer our video towards people of this age because the genre we used, the ‘house’ music genre is popular throughout the world and it’s main audience is for teens up to the party scene age, where people would use the music for it’s intended reason; to dance to.

We wanted to aim the video towards this age range because the message of the video is love; ‘All to you’ is a message of giving all the male has to give, for his partner. The emotion which would be experienced by these people in their lives at the time, is a common theme to this genre of music, for these reasons.

• An artist like Avicii attracts people throughout this age range, as his music is often in the top 40 charts, it is introduced to both ends of the scale. Younger teenagers may enjoy listening to this type of music whilst playing on their game console, where as the older people may enjoy listening to it in a nightclub.

• Where as an artist like MK who has some popular sets, songs and mixes, would not be as popular to the younger end of the scale, but his mixes may be heard by people who enjoy this genre specifically and have told friends, or in nightclubs and at parties.

When developing a research we wanted to find out the ideal music video for our genre. When constructing a questionnaire we asked: if the video had to have much correlation to the lyrics in this genre, an ideal house genre music video, whether the they preferred a narrative in a house genre music video, whether the artist/ DJ would necessarily need to star in it, etc.

We wanted to find out what our target audience liked to see from a music video of this genre, and whether what we had planned previously would be effected much from the results we had gotten from our questionnaires.

• We gathered information about house music from popular social media sites like Twitter, a place where you’re able to give your opinions to simply give your opinions or debate with others. House music came across as a very inspiring type of music, which people felt inside them; “a body thing. A soul thing”.

• From this we were able to capture the essence of the house music genre and this inspired our music video.

• We wanted to find out what were the best things to include in our house music genre video. Which required us to collect audience research through interviews and questionnaires.

• We wanted to find out the best way to film the music video and what would look best suited to out genre.

I used experiences of my own from live performances from the same or similar genre music: Hudson Mohawk, Knife Party & Deadmau5, to give me a more in depth opinion and audience profile, for people also like myself, watching the performances live, revealing the real fans of the music. I believe this level of research is needed in order to give a realistic audience profile. This was important as I could then transfer my knowledge of this genre and similar to Ashaft and my music.

All the research I had conducted allowed me to created an informed decision on what the target audience age range would be. I predicted the audience would consist of young males and females between the ages of 13 to 30. I found both genders listened to the genre and would attract your standard young person, but mostly a subculture of ‘Cheeky lads’; a group of young men who wear skinny jeans, popular branded shoes, commonly have a comb over, and often attend dinner at the chicken restaurant Nandos.

• We didn’t like the idea of a focus group as we had found them awkward for gaining information in previous experiences: people struggled to voice their opinions in a group, people spoke little, they often said the exact same thing as the person next to them and this made us think, why not just do single person interviews and questionnaires as they give us the same answers ad are easier to organise.


• When interviewing our target audience post filming we aimed to find out what our audience thought of the footage and video we had so far and what they felt like we could improve when continuing.

• Others told us that the video had some things to improve: due to the style of the video, there were often slightly shaky shots throughout which people found out of place and didn’t work in the video because they look unprofessional.

• We interviewed some people who would not associate themselves in the target audience for the genre. They believed the video was believable and they especially liked the editing in accordance to the music, the cuts working with the drops in the song and the vibrant colours.

• We used questionnaires after our first few stages of editing our footage and had created a music video which at the time, we believed was near our final video.

• The feedback we received informed us that our music video was more convincing than our original ideas for what our video was going to be. We were told certain scenes like; the time lapse of the high street and the colourful footage of the red lights in the bus. The synergistic elements between the music video, magazine advert and digiak highlighting the protagonist, made the whole product believable. We were told this made the music video believable and realistic, which you would see in the charts.

• The use of our questionnaires were very important in order to create the right audience profile in order to create our music video. It gave us an idea of the audience’s habits and what they listen to, and what type of music videos they enjoy watching. We found out:

• The people who watched music videos are younger, aged between 13-25,• Most people liked the idea of all the vibrant colours in their music videos ,• People enjoyed seeing studio shots like bands and singers lip-syncing,

• Social media allowed me to look at what people view, comment and share the music produced by the artists and the music videos which are popular which gave me and initial ideas of who my target audience is:

• Youtube• Soundcloud• Twitter• Facebook• The specific band websites