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Faculty of Medicine Faculty of Medicine Ain Shams University Ain Shams University Postgraduate Studies Postgraduate Studies Diploma in Clinical Toxicology ة درج وم ل ب الد ى ف ة ي ك ي ن ي ل ك وم الأ م س ل اProgram Code: FT910

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Faculty of MedicineFaculty of MedicineAin Shams UniversityAin Shams University

Postgraduate StudiesPostgraduate Studies

Diploma in Clinical Toxicology

السموم األكلينيكية فى الدبلوم درجةProgram Code: FT910

Program Guide and Logbook



C a n d i d a t e C u r r i c u l u m v i t a e

[Name] Please attach your recent photo

[telephone no] [mobile no][mailing address]

[email address][postcode]

Experience[organization] [your present job title][start date][location][responsibilities]

[organization] [previous job title][start and end date][location][responsibilities][organization]


[previous job title][start and end date][location][responsibilities]

Education[certificates][start and end date][school or college]



[any other training that will be useful in your job]

Filled by post graduate authorities

Date of Registration

First semester _______________________

Second semester _______________________

Third semester _______________________

Fourth semester _______________________


I – Welcome


II - Mission StatementIII – Academic advisor and affiliated departments and HospitalsIV – Program specifications 1 - Basic Information 2 - Professional Information 3 – Academic standards 4 – Curriculum structure and contents 5 - Program courses. 6. Program admission requirements 7. Regulation for progression and program completion 8. Appendix: course specifications Pharmacology course specification Ethics of medical aspects course specification Internal medicine course specification Medical Responsibilities and Malpractice in Clinical Toxicology course specification General toxicology course specification Systemic toxicology course specification Intensive care of poisoned patients course specification Treatment of Drug Dependence and Practical Program of Analytical Toxicology course specification

Elective courses Medical statistics course specification Computer course specification Immunology course specificationV - General informationVI – Your log book 1 – Introduction 2 – Supervisors 3 - Tables for training records 4 – Log book previewVII - Head of department approval for the exam entry

Detachable forms:

VIII – Thesis follow upIX - Evaluation forms

I – Welcome Statement:The Department of Forensic Medicine and Clinical Toxicology welcomes you to the Diploma of in Clinical Toxicology. As a department, we are committed to


medical student education and continuously strive to improve your educational experience.This handbook presents information guide and logbook activity of the Diploma of Clinical Toxicology, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University.

II - Mission Statement:• The preparation of a competent graduate, who is able to compete on both

national and regional levels, capable of life long learning, training and tutoring, while adhering to the codes of practice of medical health services and ethics.

• The college as well, seeks continuous development of programs and courses. It also enhances expansion of applied scientific research and health programs for community services and environmental development.

The mission of this degree is to graduate a clinical toxicologist who recognize the basics, types, mechanisms and varied toxic effects in clinical toxicology. Furthermore, enough skilled in interpreting diagnostic tools and in management methods, enough talented to distinguish poisoning from different disease entities, competent in operating toxicological disasters and developing preventive measures to protect the community in an ethical way using the current and advanced guidelines.

III – Senior Supervisor and A ffilated Departments and Hospitals Senior Supervisor


Affiliated Departments and Hospitals Poison Control Center, Ain Shams University Hospitals Other Hospitals

IV – Program SpecificationsA- Basic InformationProgram title: Diploma of Clinical Toxicology


Program type: Single Faculty: Ain Shams University – Faculty of medicineDepartment: Forensic Medicine and Clinical Toxicology DepartmentAssistant coordinator: Write the nameCoordinator: Write the nameLast date of program approval:

2 - Professional Information1. Program aims: 1. Provide learning experiences that promote a broad understanding of the role of medical toxicology as it relates to other medical disciplines.2. Develop measurable objectives to assess the progression of the specialist in the two-year training program.3. Integrate the sciences applicable to medical toxicology with clinical experiences in a progressive manner. 4. Provide the specialist in medical toxicology with progressive patient care responsibilities, commencing with general medical skills and progressing to complete care of patients in need of toxicological care.5. Provide training that will enable the specialist in medical toxicology to rapidly evaluate, initiate treatment, and provide appropriate therapy, and disposition of the patient.6. Provide the opportunity to develop the teaching skills of specialists in emergency medicine in regard to toxicological emergencies.7. Provide the opportunity to develop the skills necessary for problem solving in the practice of medical toxicology.8. Provide the opportunity to develop professional leadership and management skills.9. Provide the opportunity to conduct research in medical toxicology.10. Provide the opportunity to learn to practice clinical toxicology in an ethical fashion.

2. Intended learning outcomes (ILOs): 1- Knowledge and understanding (K):By the end of this program the candidate will be able to:a.1 Demonstrate knowledge in principles of therapeutics; pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics and their application to toxicology, adverse drug reaction and interactions, principle of drug abuse, drug dependence, drug withdrawal and tolerance and a practical classification of poisoninga.2 Demonstrate knowledge in the mechanism of toxicity and usual toxic dose of common poisons


a.3 Discriminate types of poisoning with the knowledge of the different toxidromes.a.4 Identify the need for different methods of decontamination and the benefits and risks of each method.a.5 Demonstrate knowledge of mechanisms of action ant indications for the commonly used antidotesa.6 Recognize and advise patients and their families regarding the general epidemiology and prevention of poisonings and more specifically inappropriate use of medications dangerous interactions between medications risks of polypharmacy and excessive over the counter medications use.a.7 Demonstrate knowledge in medical, legal, psychiatric and social aspects of toxicologya.8 Recognize patient's rights to confidentiality and neutrality in the face of authorities involvement whilst fulfilling social and legal obligations as per the medical ethics code and the local regulations.

2- Intellectual skills (IS):By the end of the program, the candidate will be able to: b.1. Specify and solve medical dilemmas and complexities.b.2. Make conclusions and be able to conduct scientific discussion.b.3. Differentiate different clinical presentations and recognize their emergency nature.b.4. Prioritize and tailor the management according to different therapeutic guidelines to individual situationsb.5. Predict toxicological hazards within a community according to research studies and cumulated statisticsb.6. Interpret results of investigations for proper diagnosis

3- Professional and practical skills (PS):By the end of the program, the candidate will be able to:c.1. Take a focused medical history with proper analysis and conclusions.c.2. Examine properly and systematically to identify different toxidromes.c.3. Perform and modify analytical procedures according to given clinical data.c.4. Interpret toxicological results to reach an accurate diagnosis and design a treatment plan in reference to therapeutic guidelines and protocols. c.5. Interpret general medical investigations and use their findings in diagnosis and therapy.c.6. Put a diagnosis and differential diagnosis of different cases.c.7. Write a treatment prescription for a given medical problem within a multidisciplinary management plan if needed.c.8. Identify patients needing hospitalization and emergency intervention.


c.9. Identifying patients in need for higher specialization.c.10. Master the different emergency and routine procedures necessary in the clinical Toxicology specialty.

4- General and transferable skills (GS):By the end of this program the candidate will be able to:d.1. Gain communication skills with workers, nurses, juniors, professors, peers, patients and their care givers.d.2. Gain communication skills in operating a specialized center for poisoning treatment and in operating toxicological disasters in cooperation with local authorities and mediad.3. Master computer skills in research, data base filing and preparation of presentation.d.4. Use computer efficiently in solving medical problems.d.5. Work in team.d.6. Acquire managerial skills.

3. Academic standards: (Benchmarks) Academic reference standards guided byPrograms preparing Board of Medical Toxicology and Diplome d'etudes superieures de toxicology clinique4. Curriculum structure and contents:4 a- Program duration: two years (4 semesters)4b- Program structure:


الدراسية الكودالمقرراتالساعا


دة متطلبات

العلمي الكلية البحث أساسيات دورة

األول الجزء

األدويــة FT91011علمالطبيـــــة المهن ممارسة FT91021أخالقيات

العامة FT91031الباطنةو التسمم لحاالت الطبية المسؤلية

األطباء FT91041أخطاء

العامة FT91052السموم

الثاني الجزء

الخاصة السموم FT91066علمالتسمم لحاالت المركزة FT91076الرعاية

األدمان عالجللتحاليل تطبيقى و علمى مقرر


: المقررات االحصاء بين من واحد الطالب E90091 يختار



الكمبيوتر E9047استخدامالمناعة E9015 علم



5. Program courses:a. CompulsoryCode Course title No. of hours

L C F SDLFT9101 Pharmacology course specification

FT9102 Ethics of medical aspects course specification

FT9103 Internal medicine course specification

FT9104Medical Responsibilities and Malpractice in Clinical Toxicology course specification

FT9105 General toxicology course specificationFT9106 Systemic toxicology course specification

FT9107 Intensive care of poisoned patients course specification

FT9108Treatment of Drug Dependence and Practical Program of Analytical Toxicology course specification

L: Lecture, C: Clinical, F: field and SDL: Self directed learningb. ElectiveCode Course title No. of hours

L C F SDLE9009

Medical statistics course specification


Computer course specification


Immunology course specification

5.1- Program: Diploma in Clinical Toxicology (FT910) : Semester 1

a. Compulsory = 6 CH

6. Program admission requirements:


درجة) : 6 (المادة على للحصول الطالب لقيد :-الدبلوميشترطجامعات -1 إحدى من والجراحة الطب في البكالوريوس درجة على ً حاصال يكون أن

معادلة درجة على أو العربية مصر جمهورية2-( االمتياز ( التدريب سنة أمضى قد يكون أن3-. العمل جهة موافقةالمستندات -4 واستيفاء األجهزة واستهالك التدريب ومصاريف الرسوم تسديد

الملحق ( في )1المطلوبةالثاني - 5 الجزء امتحان دخول قبل دراسيين فصلين لمدة للدراسة 0التفرغ

لدرج ) :1ملحق ( اإللتحاق طالب التالية :-ة يقدم األوراق الماجستيرإلتحاق- 1 البكالوريوس- 2 0طلب . 3 0شهادة اإلمتياز- الميالد- 4شهادة شهادة

. رسمي التجنيد- 5أومستخرج من التسجيل- 6 0الموقف على العمل جهة موافقةالمطلوب جديدة 6عدد- 7 0والتفرغ فوتوغرافية يقدم- 8 0صور للوافدين بالنسبة

صحية شهادة يقدم كما النفقات تحمل جهة ويحدد السفارة موافقة 0الطالب7. Regulation for progression and program completion

أخر ): 8مادة ( حتى يوليو أول من تبدأ السنة في واحدة مرة للماجستير التسجيل يتمعام كل من أكتوبر شهر في الدراسة تبدأ أن على تسجيل 0أغسطس قبول ويجوز

أال على ديسمبر أخر نوفمبرحتى أول من الفترة في والوافدين والمعيدين النوابالمطلوبة الدراسة فترة إنقضاء بعد إال األول الجزء إمتحان بدخول لهم . يسمح

) منهما ): 9مادة كل مدة دراسيين فصلين على جامعى عام كل فى الدراسة توزع . . مع فبراير منصف فى الثانى ويبدا أكتوبر أول فى االول يبدا ً اسبوعا عشر خمسة

الدراسى . للفصل التسجيل يتم و اسابيع ستة لمدة مكثف صيفى دراسى فصل تنظيم. المسجلة المقررات حسب الشروط إستيفاء بعد االقل على بدايته من اسبوعين قبل

عن الواحد الفصل فى الدراسى العبء يزيد أن . 6والينبغى ويجوز معتمدة ساعات ) او بالحذف الدراسى الفصل بداية من اسبوعين خالل المقررات تعديل للطالب

احتسابه). دون المقرارت احد من اسابيع سته خالل االنسحاب له يجوز كما االضافة . فيه ً راسبا

) أربعة: ) 11المادة هى الماجستير أو الدبلوم درجة على للحصول الدراسة مدة ( ) ً تدريبيا ً برنامجا الطالب فيها يجتاز جزئين على دراسية فصول أربعة ً شهرا وعشرون

المطلوب خاللها ويستوفى الرابع بالباب الموضحة المعتمدة للساعات طبقا ً متكامالمتابعة كتيب فى أرباع األنشطة منة ثالثة إستيفاء قبل اإلمتحان بدخول له يسمح وال

البرنامج من جزء كل في منة 0المطلوبدراسي ) :12المادة ( فصل األول الجزء والماجستير الدبلوم في الدراسة واحد مدة

في للدراسة لإلنتقال بالكامل فيه النجاح يشترط وال ً إمتحانا الطالب بعدها يجتاز . الطالب تفرغ يتطلب الثاني والجزء الثاني دراسيين للتدريبالجزء فصلين بأحد لمدة

الكلية من المعتمدة المراكز أو .المستشفيات) شكل ) : 13مادة على الرسالة موضوع بتسجيل الماجستير لدرجة الدارس يقوم

يناقش أن ويجوز األقل على واحد دراسي فصل إستيفاء بعد عملي أو نظري بحثشهور ستة بعد التسجيل رسالتة مقررات من فى نجح قد يكون أن على األقل على

درجا لها يخصص وال الثاني الجزء إمتحان دخول وقبل بالكامل األول 0ت الجزءالرسالة ) : 14مادة ( تسجيل قبل الجامعة متطلبات بإستيفاء الماجستير دارس يقوم


الثاني الجزء إمتحان دخول قبل الكلية الحصول و .ومتطلبات هي الجامعة متطلبات) بمجموع اإلنجليزية اللغة في التويفل شهادة ) 450على ومتطلبات األقل على درجة

مجال في بالكلية العليا الدراسات لجنة من معتمدة دورات حضور هي مناهجالكليةالعلمى . البحث اللجنة تحددها خاصة إختبارات بإجتياز أو الطبى واإلحصاء) بتسجيل ): 15مادة الماجستير درجة إستكمال الدبلوم درجة على للحاصلين يجوز

على ويحصل الدبلوم درجة على الحصول من سنوات أربع خالل الماجستير رسالة . بنجاح الرسالة ومناقشة والكلية الجامعة متطلبات إستيفاء بعد الدرجة

) معتمدة ): 16مادة ساعة ثالثون والماجستير الدبلوم لدراسة المعتمدة الساعاتلكتيب ساعات ست منها يخصص األقل األنشطة على ساعات متابعة ست وتشمل

الثاني للجزء األقل على ساعة عشرة وثماني األول للجزء األقل إليها على ويضاف . الماجستير فى للرسالة ساعات ست

.): 22مادة ( سنوات أربع الماجستير لدرجة القيد مدة) للماجستير ): 24مادة النهائى االمتحان درجات منها 1200مجموع درجة 300درجة

. الف المعدل اليها ويضاف األول يوازى صللجزء بما التراكمى .300لى للماجستير درجة) إمتحان ): 25مادة ويعقد عام كل من ونوفمبر أكتوبر في األول الدور إمتحان يعقد

. عام كل من ومايو أبريل فى الثاني الدور) الحصول ): 26مادة بعد والماجستير العالى الدبلوم من مادة كل فى النجاح يكون

مواد% 60على فى النجاح ويكون مجتمعة المادة لجان لكل الكلية الدرجة منعلى الحصول بعد درجة% 60الدكتوراه والشفوي من واالكلينيكى والعملي التحريري

. حدة على كلالتسجيل): 29(مادة إعادة العليا الدراسات لطالب يمكن القيد مدة إستنفاذ حالة فى

. إعادتهما ويجب الرسالة أو األول الجزء فى بالنجاح يعتد وال أخرى مرة

Assessment Schedule and Weighing of Assessments

Item Mark











During semester

End of semester Total

First semester (If present) 100 300 400Second semester 100 100Third semester 100 100

Fourth semester Final exam


900 900OralPractical /Clinical

Total 300 1200 1500


للنقاط: طبقا الطالب درجات تعادل التالي ملحوظة الوجه على : 4:فأكثر % 90 -1



أقل% 85من- 2 حتى %90من

:3.67 نقاط


أقل% 80من -3 حتى%85من

:3.33 نقاط


أقل% 75من -4 حتى%80من

:3.00 نقاط


أقل% 70من -5 حتى%75من

:2.67 نقاط


أقل% 65من -6 حتى%70من

:2.33 نقاط


أقل% 62من- 7 حتى%65من

:2.00 نقاط


أقل% 60من -8 حتى%62من

:1.67 نقاط


من -9 Fصفر:%60أقلالفصلي ( المعدل حساب كل) GPAويتم نقاط ضرب حاصل أساسمجموع على

للمقررات المعتمدة الساعات على ً مقسوما المعتمدة ساعاته عدد في ً مضروبا مقرر . حساب يتم كما الدراسي الفصل في الطالب درسها للطالب ( التي التراكمي المعدل

CGPA (كل في الطالب عليها حصل التي النقاط ضرب حاصل أساسمجموع علىالمعتمدة الساعات مجموع على ً مقسوما المعتمدة ساعاته عدد في ً مضروبا مقرر

الكلية.من مجموعة أو مادة في الرسوب حالة أ مقررات الفي الدبلوم أووالماجستير في

. الدكتوراه فقط المجموعة أو المادة في اإلعادة الذي يتم الفعلي التقدير حساب ويتمتقدير النجاح عند له فيحسب رسوب تكرر إذا أما فقط إعادة أول في عليه يحصل

اى% (60 اى 1.67فقط ).C-نقاط



P h a r m a c o l o g y c o u r s e s p e c i fi c a t i o n sUniversity: Ain Shams Faculty: of Medicine

Course specificationsProgram on which the course is given: Diploma in Clinical Toxicology (FT910)Major or minor element of programs: MinorDepartment offering the program: Department of Forensic Medicine and clinical ToxicologyDepartment offering the course: Department of PharmacologyAcademic level: First yearDate of Specification Approval:

A- Basic Information

Title: Pharmacology Code: FT9101Credit Hours: 1 Lectures: 8 h Tutorials: Clinical: 16 h: Total contact: 24 hCoordinator:

B - Professional Information1- Course Aims:The aim of the course is to assure that the students obtain a thorough comprehension of the basic pharmacological principles

2- Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) from the Course:a- Knowledge and understandingBy the end of the course the candidate will be able to:a1. Describe the basic pharmacokinetics of drugs and recognize the bioavailability and biotransformation of drugsa2. Describe and explain pharmacodynamic concepts of drug-receptor interaction to accurately predict drug responses at all levels of biological organization.a3. Demonstrate the basic mechanisms of drug interactions.a4. Discuss therapeutic indications and side effects of drugs

b- Intellectual skillsBy the end of the course the candidate will be able to: b1. Interpret pharmacological data such as drug levels in the context of optimizing drug therapy.


b2. Apply pharmacological principles in the therapeutic management of poisoned patients. b3. Predict the biotransformation and efficacy of metabolites and the significance of their analysis. b4. Calculate the area under the curve to estimate the drug concentrations

c- Professional skillsBy the end of the course the candidate will be able to:c1- be familiar with the interpretations of drug levels on the basis of absorption, metabolism and elimination and kinetics

d- General and transferable skills By the end of the course the candidate will be able to:d.1. Use database to collect material needed for research.d.2. Gather and organize material on new drugs from various sources (including library, electronic and online resources).d.3. Understand the importance of continuing medical education.

3 - C O U R S E C O N T E N T :

Topics No. of hoursL T C/P SDL

General Pharmacology Pharmacokinetics 1 1 1 Pharmacodynamics 1 1 1 Mechanism of action of drugs 1 1 1 Routes of drug administration and Factors modifying drug action

1 1 1

Pharmacological bases of drug interactions

1 1 1

Adverse drug reactions 1 1 1 Receptor pharmacology 1 1 1 Pharmacogenetic 1 1 1L: Lecture, T: Tutorial, C/P: Clinical or Practical and SDL: Self directed learning. 4 - Student Assessment Methods4.1 written exam the form of Short essays to assess knowledge and MCQs to assess knowledge and intellectual skillsWeighing of assessment4.1 written exam 20

Total 205 -- List of References


5.1- Course Notes (paper and / or electronic)5.2- Essential Books (Text Books)5.3- Recommended Books5.4- Periodicals, Web Sites, etc

E t h i c s o f M e d i c a l P r a c t i c e c o u r s e s p e c i fi c a t i o n

University Ain Shams Faculty of MedicineProgram on which the course is given

Diploma of Clinical Toxicology (FT910)

Major or minor element of programs


Department offering the program Department of Forensic Medicine and Clinical Toxicology

Department offering the course Department of Forensic Medicine and Clinical Toxicology

Academic level First yearDate of Specification Approval

A - B A S I C I N F O R M A T I O N

Title Ethics of Medical Practice

Code FT9102

Credit Hours 1 Lectures: 8 h Tutorials: 8 hClinical: 8 h Total contact: 24 h


Professional Information1-Course AimsThe aim of the course is to assure that the students obtain a thorough comprehension of the basic ethical principles in toxicology practice and in emergency medicine

2- Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)a- Knowledge and understanding:By the end of the course the candidate will be able to: c1. Recognize the ethical principles of emergency medicine practice and the challenges to apply them.c2. Recognize the ethics rules governing medical practice and issued by the Egyptian Medical Syndicate.


c3. To list different types and limitations of consent in clinical toxicology.c4. Recognize the medicolegal importance of informed consent and its limitations.c5. Describe the confidentiality, fairness and the respect of privacy and dignity of acutely intoxicated patients and their limitations. c6. Know how to make full documentations for toxicological patients presented in emergency room, in-patient unit, intensive care unit and out-patient units.c7. Describe procedure and limitations to restrain the patients at ICU.c8. Know the patient rights referring to human rights and lawful legalizations.2/3 credit hour for knowledge.

b- Intellectual skillsBy the end of the course the candidate will be able to: b1-Correlate between actions done towards acute intoxicated patients and malpractice could be done in emergency room, in-patient unit and ICU.b2- Analyze information given by phone to reach proper decision towards a patient telephone.b3- Practice of Emergency and Critical care Medicine in cost conscious mannerb4- Recognize causes of ethical concern in Emergency and critical careb5- Recognize ethical principles in medical interventions and procedures e.g. Mechanical VentilationThis will be achieved by problem oriented sessions.

c- Professional skillsBy the end of the course the candidate will be able to:c1. Demonstrate the procedure and formalities to restrain a patient in ICU.c2. Write full documentation as regard medical charts; follow up charts for different intoxicated patients in ER, in-patient unit, out-patient and ICU.c3. Write a valid consent in different situations and consent needed for discharge a patient against medical advice.c4. Write medico-legal reports of acute intoxicated patient.1/3 credit hour for practical.

d- General and transferable skills By the end of the course the candidate will be able to:d1- Maintain honesty and integrity in all interactions with teachers, colleagues and others with whom physicians must interact in their professional lives.d2- Recognize the scope and limits of their role as students as well as the necessity to seek and apply collaboration with other workers.d3- Be responsible towards work.


III. COURSE CONTENTS:3- Course content:

Topics No of hoursL T C/P SDL

Medical Ethics 1 Credit Hour1) Concept of medical ethics 1 2) Ethical principles 2 2 1 3) Ethical principles and limitations in critical and critical care.

2 2 1

4) Procedures posing special concern in breaking the ethical principles in emergency and clinical toxicology practice

1 2 2

5) Rules governing medical ethics in Egypt

1 1 2

6) Ethical rules in use of drugs and research

1 1 2

Total 8 8 8L: Lecture, T: Tutorial, C/P: Clinical or Practical and SDL: Self directed learning.4- Student Assessment Methods4.1 Short essays to assess knowledge4.2 MCQs to assess knowledge and intellectual skills4.3 Practical/ Clinical exam to assess professional skills and general skills4.3 Oral exam to assess intellectual, professional and general skills

Weighing of assessments 1 Written examination: 302 Practical examination 203 Oral examination 10

Total 605 -- List of References5.1- Course Notes (paper and / or electronic)5.2- Essential Books (Text Books)5.3- Recommended Books5.4- Periodicals, Web Sites, etc

Internal Medicine course specificationUniversity Ain Shams Faculty of MedicineProgram on which the course is given

Diploma of Clinical Toxicology (FT910)

Major or minor element of Major


programsDepartment offering the program Department of Forensic Medicine and

Clinical ToxicologyDepartment offering the course Department of Internal MedicineAcademic level First YearDate of Specification Approval

B- Basic InformationTitle Internal Medicine Code FT9103Credit Hours 1 Lectures: 8 h Tutorials:

Clinical: 16 h Total contact: 24 hCoordinator

C- Professional Information 1- Course Aims

1. Acquire an appropriate background of internal medicine diseases that may simulate toxicological presentations.2. Identify and manage medical complications in the context of poisoning 3. Acquire competent practice in general medical examination and develop skills in differentiating diseases by proper integration of assembled clinical data.4. Develop the skills to predict and manage possible signs of ominous system failure and diseases of organs targeted by poisons.5. Acquire the talent and experience of rapid management of medical emergencies.

2- Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) from the Course:a- Knowledge and understanding (K):By the end of the course the candidate will be able to:a1. Identify and describe general systemic medical illnesses using the medical knowledge.a2. Recognize the elements of evaluation and approach to the patient to perform proper systemic examinationa3. Identify differentiating clinical points in differentiating metabolic, structural and toxicological presentations as coma, convulsions, shock, respiratory failurea4. Describe the basic investigation tools, their limitations in confirming and differentiating medical from toxicological illnesses.a5. Identify differential diagnosis of systemic signs and presentations that simulate poisoning.


a6. Recognize the medical complications and evolution of general systemic diseases and follow up guidelines designed in protocols of treatmenta7. Identify the therapeutic guidelines and protocols of management of medical diseases that may concomitantly present in poisoning patient.a8. Be acquainted with the emergency medical procedures and medications, their limitations, complications and efficacy in different clinical situations.

b- Intellectual skills (IS):By the end of the course the candidate will be able to: b.1. Reach clinical diagnosis based on a proper history and general medical examination to help delineation of toxicological from medical diseases.b.2. Correlate clinical presentations to pathophysiology of the disease processb.3. Envisage the evolution of diseases based on the course and detected prognostic criteriab.4. Correlate clinical and laboratory findings that differentiate medical and toxicological illnesses.b.5. Depict dangerous signs that endanger patient life and correlate them to medical or toxicological pathology.b.6. Design rapid and emergency plan of treatment depending on the detailed presented clinical and laboratory data, especially in critical presentations.b.7. Design multidisciplinary treatment plan in poisoned patient suffering medical complication.

c- Professional skills (PS):By the end of the course the candidate will be able to:c.1. Perform clinical examination especially to the cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, neurological, and gastrointestinal systems. c.2. Acquire the skills and perform the procedures necessary for the evaluation, differentiation, and care of patients with shock and or respiratory failurec.3. Acquire the skills to differentiate metabolic, toxicological and structural brain lesions in cases presenting with coma, convulsions and agitation or altered behaviorc.4. Acquire the skills necessary for the evaluation, differentiation, and care of patients with renal, hepatic failure as toxic versus viral fulminant hepatitis, prerenal versus organic renal failure


c.5. be familiar with the interpretations of imaging: e.g., Plain radiography, ultrasound, Computed Tomography (CT), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), etc.

2- General and transferable skills (GS): By the end of the course the candidate will be able to:d.4. Maintain honesty and integrity in all interactions with teachers, colleagues and others with whom clinical toxicologist must interact in their professional lives.d.5. Recognize the limits of their role as toxicologist as well as the necessity to seek and collaborate with other workers.d.6. Use database to collect material needed for research.d.7. Gather and organize material from various sources (including library, electronic and online resources).d.8. Understand the importance of continuing professional development.d.9. Demonstrate ethical medical practice and envisage honesty, fairness and respect to the patient and families / friends.d.10. Work cooperatively and show respect for other opinions.

3- Course contentTopics No of hours

L T C/P SDLInternal Medicine 1 Credit Hour

1) General Clinical Examination 2 2) Neurological diseases: Cerebrovascular accidents, Meningoencephalitis, Acute confusional states, coma, peripheral neuropathy, paralytic states,

2 2 1

3) Cardiovascular Diseases: Shock and heart failure, hypertension, coronary artery heart diseases, myocarditis, arrhythmias.

1.5 2 1

4) Respiratory diseases: Acute bronchospastic conditions, Pneumonitis, Pulmonary edema, pneumothorax, respiratory failure,

1.5 2 1

5) Metabolic diseases: Diabetes Mellitus

0.5 0.5 1

6) Gastroenterology: Investigations of liver disease, acid peptic diseases, hepatitis, liver cell failure,

1 0.5 1


7) Renal diseases: Glomerulonephritis, renal failure and ESRD

0.5 0.5 0.5

8) Hematological diseases: Anemia, neutropenia, DVT, pulmonary thromboembolism.

1 0.5 0.5

Total 8 8 8L: Lecture, T: Tutorial, C/P: Clinical or Practical and SDL: Self directed learning.4- Student Assessment Methods4.1 Short essays to assess knowledge4.2 MCQs to assess knowledge and intellectual skills4.3 Practical/ Clinical exam to assess professional skills and general skills4.3 Oral exam to assess intellectual, professional and general skills

Weighing of assessments 1 Written examination: 30 marks2 Practical examination ----3 Oral examination -----4 Clinical examination 15 marks

Total 45 marks

5- List of References1- Harrison's textbook of Internal Medicine2- Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine Hope et al3- Cecil Textbook of Medicine

Medical Responsibilities and Malpractice in Clinical Toxicology course specification

University Ain Shams Faculty of MedicineProgram on which the course is given

Diploma of Clinical Toxicology (FT910)

Major or minor element of programs


Department offering the program Department of Forensic Medicine and Clinical Toxicology

Department offering the course Department of Forensic Medicine and Clinical Toxicology

Academic level First YearDate of Specification Approval


Basic InformationTitle Medical

Malpractice and responsibilities

Code FT9104

Credit Hours 1 Lectures: 8 h Tutorials: 10 hClinical: 6 h Total contact: 24 h


Professional Information1 Course Aims - Acquire an appropriate background of basics of standards of care in medicine disease actionable in toxicology.- Identify and manage medical complications in the context of poisoning malpractice - Recognize the inappropriate procedures, drugs, antidotes and other supportive management - Acquire the talent and experience of rapid accurate management of medical emergencies.

2- Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) from the Course:a- Knowledge and understanding (K):By the end of the course the candidate will be able to:a1. Determine malpractice points in reference to therapeutic guidelines and protocols that could be done for acute intoxicated patients in emergency room, in-patient unit, ICU, out-patient unit and laboratory.a2. Know how to write medico-legal report in acute intoxicated patients.a3. Enumerate the medico-legal responsibilities towards answering a patient telephone asking a medical advice.a4. Recognize different forms of negligence in acutely intoxicated patient.a5. Recognize the medico-legal aspects of transfer and referrala6. Recognize negligence in providing efforts of diagnosis and management in toxicology practicea7. Requirements for Negligence to be Actionable

b- Intellectual skills (IS):By the end of the course the candidate will be able to: b1. Acquire the skill to avoid malpractice claim in all activities of toxicology practice. b2. Express wisdom to negate the elements of a claim. b3. Express skill to depict inappropriate management and solve it.


b4. Avoid breach of duty by sticking to therapeutic guidelines and protocols that consider basic standards of care. b5. Depict dangerous signs that endanger patient life and correlate them to medical or toxicological pathology.

c- Professional skills (PS):By the end of the course the candidate will be able to:c.1. Acquire Communication skills to harmonize patient toxicologist interrelation. c.2. Acquire communication skills with health care providers to achieve the c.3. goal to cure the patient without commission a breach of duty. c.4. Arrange teaching sessions aiming at avoiding inappropriate management from the part of physicians (non toxicologist) and other health care providers

d- General and transferable skills (GS):By the end of the course the candidate will be able to:d.1. Maintain honesty and integrity in all interactions with patients.d.2. Assume responsibility towards the patient related to the toxicologist by a dutyd.3. Work cooperatively and show respect for other opinions.

3- Course content:Topics No of hours

L C/P C/P SDLMedical Responsibilities and Malpractice

in Clinical Toxicology 1 Credit Hour

Ideal and basics standards of Care 1 1 Types of malpractice 1 1 Deviation from standards of care by ignorance

2 2 1

Deviation from standards of care by negligence

2 2 1

Elements of negligence claim 1 1 Factors enhancing claim 1 The most common causes of claims and health care providers


Malpractice versus assault 1

Types of informed consent and contribution of patient in negligence



Case studies of common malpractice 4

Total Contact hours = 24 8 10 6Total Credit hours = 14- Student Assessment Methods4.1 Short essays to assess knowledge4.2 MCQs to assess knowledge and intellectual skills4.3 Practical/ Clinical exam to assess professional skills and general skills4.3 Oral exam to assess intellectual, professional and general skills

Weighing of assessments 1 Written examination: 30 marks2 Practical examination 203 Oral examination 104 Clinical examination 15 marks

Total 75 marks

5- List of References5.1- Course Notes (paper and / or electronic)5.2- Essential Books (Text Books)5.3- Recommended Books5.4- Periodicals, Web Sites, etc

General Toxicology course specification

University Ain Shams Faculty of MedicineProgram on which the course is given

Diploma of Clinical Toxicology (FT910)

Major or minor element of programs


Department offering the program Department of Forensic Medicine and Clinical Toxicology

Department offering the course Department of Forensic Medicine and Clinical Toxicology

Academic level First YearDate of Specification Approval

A- Basic Information

Title General toxicology Code FT9105Credit Hours 2 Lectures: 21 h Tutorials:

Practical: 18 h Total contact: 39 h



B - Professional Information1- Course Aims:a) To be competent in the clinical evaluation of acute intoxicated patients and identify those who need life saving procedures.b) Share in the general management of an acutely intoxicated patient mainly perform the elimination procedureb) Diagnose and state the proper management of complications due to acute intoxicationc) To apply background knowledge of the basic toxicology sciences in explaining special toxicological systemic insults and atypical pictures in extremes of age , pregnancy and diseases. 2- Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) from the Course:a- Knowledge and understandingBy the end of the course the candidate will be able to:a1. Describes the pathophysiology, toxic causes, clinical picture and diagnosis of complications of poisoning (respiratory, neurological, cardiovascular and metabolic)a2. Describe, in details, the steps of the general management of acutely intoxicated patients.a3. Discuss how the different body systems respond to poisoninga4. Describes the atypical pictures acute poisoning due to pregnancy, extremes of age and multiple overdoses. b- Intellectual skillsBy the end of the course the candidate will be able to: b1. Interpret and diagnose critical life threatening complications of acute intoxications and identify conditions needing immediate intervention. b2. Decide promptly the required management procedure and clearly design the proper pathway of care of and acutely intoxicated patient. b3. Relate the atypical clinical pictures to special conditions as extremes of age and pregnancy.

c- Professional skillsBy the end of the course the candidate will be able to:


c1. Perform full and informative general and systemic clinical examination of an intoxicated patient.c2. Choose the proper required investigational procedure for the general evaluation of the patient conditionc3. Undergo efficiently all procedures used for detoxification and elimination of poisoning

d- General and transferable skills By the end of the course the candidate will be able to:d1 –Present cases and discusses clinical data with peers.d2 – Self education and collect data from the net and other sources d3 – Communicate properly with patients, peers and seniors ……….d4 – Work, within a team, in preparing research articles.

3- Course content

TopicNo. of hours



General clinical examination of poisoning cases and role of the lab.

2 2 4

Toxidromes 1 1 2

Management of acute poisoning1

Detoxification (Gastric lavage, emesis, catharsis)

1 2

Elimination procedures (Diuresis, dialysis and others)

1 2

Toxic causes, diagnosis of specific clinical complications:Neurological complications of poisoning and ManagementComa , Seizures, tremors, fasciculations 2 1Agitation, Hallucinations and delusions and Behavioral changes

1 1 1

Encephalopathy, Cranial nerve toxicity - Peripheral neuropathy


Cardiovascular complicationsHypotension, Shock – Hypertensive crises 1Myocarditis, Myocardial, and peripheral 1


ischemiaRespiratory complications Respiratory failure - Pneumonitis – ARDS 1Pulmonary edema (Cardiogenic and non-cardiogenic)and Acute bronchospastic conditions


Acid Base and Electrolytes imbalance 1 1

TopicsNo. of hours



Poisoning at extreme of ages, pregnancy and in diseases

1 1

Nephrotoxicity 1 Hepatotoxicity 1 Toxicity of hematological system 1 Immunotoxicity 1 Antidotes 1

4 - Student Assessment Methods4.1 - Essay written … to assess a1, a2, a3 a4 4.2 - Practical exam to assess b5…….……….4.3 - Clinical exam and check list application to assess c1, c2, c3, c4 and d34.4 - MCQ exam to assess a1, a2, a3, a4, c1, c2, c3, c44.4 - Research article presentation to assess d1, d2, d4.

Weighing of assessments 1 Written examination: 70 marks2 Practical examination 203 Oral examination 10

Total 90 marks5- List of References1. Ellenhorn's Medical Toxicology2. Dreisbach's handbook of poisoning

SYSTEMIC TOXICOLOGY course specificationCourse specificationsUniversity Ain Shams Faculty of MedicineProgram on which the course is given

Diploma of Clinical Toxicology (FT910)


Major or minor element of programs


Department offering the program Department of Forensic Medicine and Clinical Toxicology

Department offering the course Department of Forensic Medicine and Clinical Toxicology

Academic level (2nd Year)Date of Specification Approval 18 -10- 2009

A- Basic InformationTitle Special toxicology. Code FT9106Credit Hours

6 Lectures: 60 h Tutorials: h

Clinical and Practical: 65h Total contact hours : 125 h

CoordinatorB - Professional Information1- Course Aims:a) To be competent in the clinical evaluation and provide immediate and correct general and specific emergency management of an acutely intoxicated patientb) To identify and manage properly all complications due to acute intoxicationc) To apply background knowledge of the basic toxicology sciences in conducting managerial and professional skill in hospital emergency and outpatient clinics and provide optimal health services to acute , chronic,occupational and environmetal intoxications.

2- Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) from the Course:a- Knowledge and understandingBy the end of the course the candidate will be able to:a1 Discuss the pathophysiology of common acute intoxications with drugs and chemicals a2 Describe acute clinical picture and complications of common drugs and chemical acute intoxications.a3 – Outlines the required investigational procedures that help in diagnosis of acute and chronic intoxications. a4 –Discusses the details of management of the acute intoxicated patient.

b- Intellectual skillsBy the end of the course the candidate will be able to: b1- Interpret and diagnose acute intoxications, and identify conditions needing immediate intervention.


b2 – Decide promptly the required management procedure and clearly design the proper pathway of care of acute of intoxications. b3 – Show competency in solving problems revolving around acute intoxications with referral to medical ethics and medico-legal responsibilitiesb4- Apply basic toxicological sciences in the prevention of acute intoxicated cases.b5 – Formulate questions on research points that require evidence based research.

c- Professional skillsBy the end of the course the candidate will be able to:c1- Perform full and informative general and systemic clinical examination of an intoxicated patient.c2 - Choose the proper required investigational procedure that helps in diagnosis and interpret correctly. c3 - Undergo efficiently all procedures used for detoxification and elimination of poisoning c4 - Show competency in applying protocols for specific and antidotal management of acute intoxicated cases.

d- General and transferable skills By the end of the course the candidate will be able to:d1 –Present cases and discusses clinical data with peers.d2 – Self education and collect data from the net and other sources d3 – Communicate properly with patients, peers and seniors ……….d4 – Work within a team in preparing research articles

3- Course content:

TopicsNo. of hours

L C/P C/P SDLOver the Counter drugsAcetaminophen 1 1 1Salicylates 1 1 1Non Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs 1 1Vitamins antioxidants and body builders 1 1Anorexigenic drugs, Obesity Drugs 1 1 Cephalosporins and Penicillins 1 1 Macrolides Quinolones Aminoglycosides 1 Antituberculous drugs 1 Central Nervous System DrugsAntidepressants 1 1 2


Neuroleptics 1 1Lithium 1 1Sedatives hypnotics (Benzodiazepines, Barbiturates, Meprobamate, Zopiclone, zolpidem, Melatonin receptor, bromides, plant origin sedatives.)

1 1 1

Anxiolytics Others (Buspirone…) 1/2 1 Muscle relaxants Others 1/2 1 Antiepileptics 1 1Respiratory DrugsTheophylline and Xanthines 1 1 1Beta2-adrenergic receptor agonist 1Cardiovascular DrugsDigitalis preparations 1 1 1Beta blockers 1 1 1Diuretics 1Calcium Channel Blockers 1 1 1Antiarrhytmics 1 1Antihypertensives 1 1Nitrates 1 1Drugs of Abuse(acute intoxication)Opiates and opioids 1 1 1Cannabis 1 1 1Alcohol 1 1 1Amphetamines 1 1Cocaine 1 1Metals and saltsLead 1 Mercury 1 Arsenic 1Iron 1 1 1Corrosives (Acids, Alkalis, chlorine) 3 1 2ChemicalsToxic Gases (Carbon monoxide, cyanide, chlorine, hydrogen sulfide…)

4 1 2

Toxic Alcohols and Glycols 1Rodenticides (Phosphides, anticoagulants, Boron, Carbamates)

1 1 1

Insecticides (Organophosphates, Organochlorines, Carbamates, Pyrethroids,

1 2 2


Others) Herbicides (Paraquat, diquat, atrazine) 1 Dioxins 1 Petroleum distillates and hydrocarbons 1 1 1

Detergents, Dyes, food colors and preservatives


Food Poisoning (Bacterial, viral, chemical, endogenous…)

1 1 1

Botulism 1 1 1Ciguatera, Paralytic shellfish. Scombroid 1 1 1 *Food allergy versus poisoning 1 *Animal Envenomation

Scorpion 1 1 1Snakes 1 1 1

Spider Bees and wasps and Marine 1 Toxic Plants

Mushrooms 0.5Mycotoxins, Houseplant 0.5 Atropine, Hyoscine (atropa belladonna & related plants) Other hallucinogenic psychoactive plants (Nutmeg, khat, supari, valerian.)


Operating Toxicological Disaster 1 Chemical Warfare (including biological warfare of toxicological importance)


Radiation toxicity 1 1

L: Lecture, T: Tutorial, C/P: Clinical or Practical and SDL: Self directed learning

4 - Student Assessment Methods4.1Essay written … to assess a1, a2, a3 a4 4.2Practical exam to assess b54.3Clinical exam and check list application to assess c1, c2, c3, c4 and d34.4 MCQ exam to assess a1, a2, a3, a4, b1, b2, b3, b4, b54.4 research article presentation to assess b6, d1, d2, d4.Weighing of assessments


1 Written examination: 170 marks2 Practical examination 403 Oral examination 504 Clinical examination 40

Total 300 marks5 - List of References5.1- Course Notes (paper and / or electronic)…Provided by staff members5.2- Essential Books (Text Books)Handbook of medical toxicology,Peter Viccellio,Little ,Brown and company5.3- Recommended Books Goldfrank Toxicologic emergencies, Haddad Ellenhorn's Medical Toxicology5.4- Periodicals, Web Sites, etcIntensive Care of Poisoned Patients course specificationCourse specifications

University Ain Shams Faculty of MedicineProgram on which the course is given

Diploma of Clinical Toxicology (FT910)

Major or minor element of programs


Department offering the program Department of Forensic Medicine and Clinical Toxicology

Department offering the course Department of Forensic Medicine and Clinical Toxicology

Academic level (2nd Year)Date of Specification Approval 18 -10- 2009

A- Basic InformationTitle Intensive care of poisoning patient Code FT9107Credit Hours

6 Lectures: 60 h

Tutorials: h

Clinical and Practical: 62h Total contact hours : 122 h


B - Professional Information1- Course Aims:


1) To be competent in the emergency clinical evaluation and management of an acutely intoxicated patient. acutely ill patient suffering acute intoxications immediate and correct general and specific emergency management of 2) To identify and manage acute systemic disturbances and failure and properly manage all complications due to acute intoxication3) To express skills and competence in dealing with resuscitative measures as antidotes administration, oxygenation, monitoring, and mechanical ventilation adjustments suitable for acutely intoxicated patient based on the recognized clinical toxic effects of poisons.

2- Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) from the Course:a- Knowledge and understandingBy the end of the course the candidate will be able to:a1. Describe the resuscitative measures and critical care modalities in patients with acute or chronic intoxications complicated with system failure. a2. Explain the usual evolution of poisoning. Depict the prognostic signs and interpret their significance using the investigative tools and toxicology laboratory results.a3. Understand the basis of the critical care antidotes and drugs, equipment and their functioning, use indications, values, complications and limitations according to type of poisons. a4. Comprehend the preset parameters of mechanical ventilation, adjustments, meaning of monitoring value for all types of intoxication, stage of the disease and circumstances. a5. Realize the monitoring value of electrocardiographic changes, significance in different intoxication and emergency management. a6. Understand the basis of elimination and detoxification procedures, their potential values and risks and their indications. a7. Understand the basis and indications of hemodialysis and recommend specific prescriptions for every poison and other circumstances. a8. Understand the basis of other procedures helping the eliminations of poison as peritoneal dialysis, hemofiltration and hemoperfusion.a9. Outline the required emergency investigational procedures that help in diagnosis of acute and chronic intoxications. a10. Discuss the details of management of the acute intoxicated patient.

b- Intellectual skillsBy the end of the course the candidate will be able to: b1. Provide skills to diagnose acute intoxications and their vital complications on emergency basis interpret the clinical data and select immediate intervention.


b2. Interpret the monitoring values and significance of clinical changes for rapid and immediate therapeutic intervention using antidotes, drugs or resuscitative equipment.b3. Modify the therapeutic modalities of equipment according to the values and calculations of clinical and machine data. b4. Express competence in interpreting arterial blood gas, other laboratory parameters of significance and monitoring values of cardiac monitor, electrocardiography, imaging, ventilation, central venous pressure, response of antidotes and elimination procedures. b5. Evaluate the patient clinical condition by selecting the proper modality.b6. Decide promptly the required management procedure and clearly design the proper pathway of care of acute of intoxications. b7. Show competency in solving problems related to critical care tools used in the management of the intoxicated patient. Recognize troubleshooting of every equipment and express competence in dealing and correcting itb8. Understand the value of documentation and cumulative critical care observation for subsequent decision making concerning the management of acute intoxicationsb9. Formulate questions on research points that require evidence based research.b10. Apply basic toxicological sciences in the prevention of acute intoxicated cases.

c- Professional skillsBy the end of the course the candidate will be able to:c1. Perform full and informative general and systemic clinical examination of an intoxicated patient.c2. Select the investigational approach on emergency basis for clarification of the detailed diagnosis, severity and possible systemic affection. c3. Choose the required intervention and procedure, and express competence in performing them, including elimination procedures as emesis, gastric lavage, assuring airway and endotracheal intubation, AMBU resuscitation and mechanical ventilation, assessment of central venous pressure, humidification of airway, oxygenation, nebulizer, use of special modality ventilation, using cardiac monitoring for starting or terminating antidotes or drugs or for other decision making therapeutic modality, defibrillation and other minor and major proceduresc4. Undergo efficiently all procedures used for detoxification and elimination of poisoning


c5. Demonstrate skill in applying protocols for specific and antidotal management of acute intoxicated cases. c6. Demonstrate skill in emergency management of acute life threatening conditions as arrest, treatment of shock, seizures, respiratory failure

d- General and transferable skills By the end of the course the candidate will be able to:d1. Communicate with colleagues and seniors for the sake of a more accurate diagnosis and effective treatmentd2. Present cases and discuss clinical data with peers.d3. Practice emergency medicine with referral to medical ethics and medico-legal responsibilitiesd4. Self education and collect data from the net and other sources d5. Work within a team in preparing research articles

3- Course content

Topics No. of hoursL T C/P SDL

I- General Criteria for ICU admission of poisoned patient



2 4



II- Respiratory1- Airway management2- Pulmonary edema3- Adult respiratory distress syndrome4- Respiratory failure5- Oxygen therapy6- Mechanical ventilation

III- Cardiovascular1- Shock and cardiac arrest 2- Acute myocardial infarction 3- Heart failure4- Common arrhythmias and conduction disturbance5- Pulmonary embolism6- Hypertensive crisis 7- Training in Basic Life Support (BLS), and Advance Life Support (ALS)8- ECG interpretation

IV- Neurology1- Coma, differential diagnosis of metabolic, structural versus toxic coma.2- Seizures, agitation, delirium and confusional states: Causes and management in Toxicology 3- Cerebrovascular disease4- Post anoxic brain damage5- Meningitis and encephalitis6- Brain death.

V- Renal Renal failure

VI- Endocrine1. Diabetic Ketoacidosis2. Hyperglycemic Hypersomolar nonketotic Syndrome3. Diabetes insipidus4. SIADH

























VII- Metabolic & Nutritional1- Fluid, electrolyte and acid-base disorders2- Nutritional requirements, monitoring of nutrition.3- Enteral and parenteral nutrition

VIII- Haematological1- Disseminated intravascular coagulation 2- Haemolytic syndromes3- Acute anaemia4- Blood component therapy

IX- Infections1- Severe infection due to aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, viruses, and fungal2- Nosocomial infection3- Aantimicrobial therapy

X- Gastro-intestinal1- Pancreatitis2- Acute and chronic liver failure3- Prevention and treatment of acute G.I. Bleeding

XI- Common ICU procedures1. Central venous line and measurement of CVP2. Chest tubes3. Cricothyrotomy and tracheostomy4. Gastric lavage






1 2


TOTAL Contact Hours = 122 hours 60 24 38

TOTAL Credit Hours = 6 hours 4 0.75 1.25

L: Lecture, T: Tutorial, C/P: Clinical or Practical and SDL: Self directed learning


4 - Student Assessment Methods4.1Essay written … to assess a1 – a10 4.2Practical exam to assess b1 – b74.3Clinical exam and check list application to assess c1 – c6 and d1 - d34.4 MCQ exam to assess a1 - a10, b1 - b74.4 Research article presentation to assess b8-9, d1, d2, d4.

Weighing of assessments 1 Written examination: 180 marks2 Practical examination 203 Oral examination 204 Clinical examination 50

Total 270 marks

5 - List of References5.1- Course Notes (paper and / or electronic)…Provided by staff members5.2- Essential Books (Text Books)Handbook of medical toxicology, Peter Viccellio, Little ,Brown and company5.3- Recommended Books Goldfrank Toxicologic emergencies, Clinical Toxicology of commercial products Haddad, The ICU Book, by Paul L. Marino Clinical Electrocardiography by Ary L. Goldberger5.4- Periodicals, Web Sites, etc1. 2. A cluster of databases on toxicology, hazardous chemicals and related areas. 3. Discussions, classes and reviews sponsored by The University of Illinois at Chicago.4. Database of photos, botanical information, and health information on poisonous plants. Contains links to other related sites5. Hunter Area Toxicology Service’s modules on approximately 25 common toxic drugs and environmental agents, including information on pharmacology, toxicology, and treatment.6. AAPCC is a nationwide organization of poison centers and interested individuals.


7. Very extensive menu of links to data on pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, and pharmaceutical companies.8. Provides a variety of information about pesticides.9. This is a site from the US FDA?s Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition. Useful information on mushroom toxidromes.10. Information on poisonous plants and mushrooms from around the world.11. This site contains the latest news, updates and guidelines for emergency physicians.12. Search engine for commonly prescribed drugs with; dosages, indications, interactions, pharmacokinetics, costs and more.13. This is a comprehensive collection of drugs of abuse, although the information is somewhat basic it is very comprehensive.14. Access to Martindale's pharmacy center for drug information.15. ECG library

Treatment of Drug Dependence and Practical Program of Analytical Toxicology course specification

Course specification

University Ain Shams Faculty of MedicineProgram on which the course is given

Diploma of Clinical Toxicology (FT910)

Major or minor element of programs


Department offering the program Department of Forensic Medicine and Clinical Toxicology

Department offering the course Department of Forensic Medicine and Clinical Toxicology

Academic level Second YearDate of Specification Approval


Treatment of Drug Dependence

Basic Information

Title Drug Dependence Code FT9108

Credit Hours: 2.6Lectures: 24 h Tutorials: hClinical and Practical: 30 hTotal contact hours: 54 h


B- Professional Information1- Course Aims1. Acquire an appropriate background of drug dependence and methods of diagnosis using clinical methods, challenge tests and analytical techniques.2. Identify and manage medical complications of drug dependence including overdose 3. Acquire competency in detecting drugs of abuse using analytical tools4. Acquire skills in detoxification maneuvers using internationally approved techniques and in ethical way5. Practice in general medical examination and develop skills in differentiating diseases by proper integration of assembled clinical data.6. Develop the skills to predict and manage possible signs of ominous system failure and diseases of organs targeted by poisons.7. Acquire the talent and experience of rapid management of medical emergencies.

2- Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):a- Knowledge and understanding (K):By the end of the course the candidate will be able to:a1. Recognize the drugs used in dependence and drugs in current use. a2. Describe the pathophysiological changes of drugs of dependence including central neurotransmitter changes. a3. Describe the complications of every drug abuse. a4. Explain the clinical picture of overdose by drugs of abuse and their complications. a5. Elucidate the clinical picture of chronic use for every drug and their complications.


a6. Understand the mechanisms employed for different detoxification procedures. a7. Specify the rules, including ethical regulations, governing the different methods of detoxification procedures in different parts of the world. a8. Recognize the value, dangers and limitations of detoxification in every drug, multi-drug use, patient's clinical status, chronicity and intensity of addiction. a9. Describe the role of toxicological analysis in the follow up of ex-addicts

b1- Intellectual skills (IS):Drug DependenceBy the end of the course the candidate will be able to:b1- Depict the clinical and pathological changes of drug abusers and clarify them and their correlation. b2- Acquire a prudent approach to get history and examine patients requesting treatment. b3- Apply the rules of ethics to avoid malpractice. b4- Manifest intellectual conduct and attitude to encourage the patient to submit to requirements of the examination and subsequently to treatment. b5- Expresses skills in dealing with patients on follow up and patients hiding their relapse. b6- Express skills in diagnosis of multi drug abuse in modified clinical picture. b7- Design a detailed toxicological analysis and treatment protocol based on patient's particular factors.

d- Professional and practical skills (PS):Drug DependenceBy the end of the course the candidate will be able to:a1. Competently carry out clinical examination to accomplish accurate and detailed diagnosis of drug abuse with its medical complications. a2. Request investigations and challenge tests pertinent to the clinical data and preliminary diagnosis. a3. Perform decontamination procedures in a safe and appropriate technique according to the standards of care. a4. Effectively perform procedures and therapeutic actions in accordance of emerging complications of drug of abuse as special devices oxygenation, special mode ventilation, arrhythmia correction

d- General and transferable skills (GS):By the end of the course the candidate will be able to:


d.1. Retrieve the methods and experience through internet contact with other analytical toxicology centersd.2. Communicate the experience of your results and gain on the other hand that of other centersd.3. Achieve the best results through discussion and communication with colleagues and superiorsd.4. Demonstrate respect, honesty and confidentiality for the patient under your care and persons for which screening are performed. d.5. Acquire communication skills with prosecutor, police officers and other family members or work managers requesting the toxicological test.

3- Course content:

Topics No of hoursL C/P C/P SDL

Mechanisms and theory of drug abuse: receptor toxicology


General basics of drug abuse 2 1

Opiates, narcotics and tramadol 2 2 2

Benzodiazepines and sedatives hypnotics (Zopiclone, barbiturates, meprobamate and myorelaxants)

2 2 2

Alcohol abuse 1 1 1

Central stimulants: Cocaine, amphetamine, designer drugs, sympathomimetic and others

2 1 1

Cannabis 2 1 2

Other drugs of abuse: Research spirit 1 1 1

General examination of dependent patient in overdose and other dependence emergencies

2 2 2

Tailoring analytical toxicology for diagnosis and shaping profile of drug abuse

2 1

Detoxification procedures 4 2 4

Monitoring ex drug abuser 2 1

Total 24 15 15L: Lecture, T: Tutorial, C/P: Clinical or Practical and SDL: Self directed learning.


4- Student Assessment Methods4.1 Short essays to assess knowledge4.2 MCQs to assess knowledge and intellectual skills4.3 Oral exam to assess intellectual, professional and general skills

Weighing of assessments 1 Written and MCQ examination: 80 marks2 Oral examination 20 marks

Total 100 marks

5- List of References1- Clarke's analysis of drugs and poisons2- Goldfrank clinical toxicology

Practical Program of Analytical Toxicology course specification

1- Basic Information

Title Analytical Toxicology

Code FT9108

Credit Hours 2.4 Lectures: 22 h Tutorials: hClinical and Practical: 30 hTotal contact hours : 52 h


B- Professional Information1- Course Aims1- To acquire knowledge of Principles and theories of different analytical procedures.2- Acquire an appropriate background of Toxicological sampling, and sample preservation

2- Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) from the Course:a- Knowledge and understanding (K):By the end of the course the candidate will be able to:a.1 Assimilate the principles of toxicological samplinga.2 Recognize the preparation steps of samples before analysis


a.3 Assimilate the kinetic and dynamic of different poisons and rules governing their biotransformation, redistribution and eliminationa.4 Understand the principles and theories of each technique used in toxicological analysisa.5 Describe the steps of each method of analysisa.6 Comprehend the mechanism of sample extraction methodsa.7 Recognize the reliability, reproducibility, specificity and sensitivity of each methodology. a.8 Understand the basic requirements for each methodology, technique and procedure. a.9 Recognize indications, medico-legal implications and cost of each method of analysis.

d- Intellectual skills (IS):By the end of the course, the candidate will be able to:b.1. Reject a sample not valid for toxicological analysisb.2. Prioritize analytical methods according to the requirement and situation as emergency, medico-legal or therapeutic; as for the most economic, rapid reliable or sensitive. b.3. Preferentially select the plan and sequence of toxicological analysis according to the given clinical datab.4. Modify steps according to the required poison to be analyzed, chemicals availability and costb.5. Expect a certain method and selected body fluid for analysis according the general rules of biotransformation of a given poison with a specific structure. b.6. Review the literature and references to reach suitable method of toxicological analysis according to the available resourcesb.7. Design a toxicological analysis for an unknown poison of potential hazards to the community using the basics of researchb.8. Comprehend the values and limitations of poisoning markersb.9. Comprehend the problems and difficulties of delay, misinterpretation or ignoring an important step of toxicological analysisb.10. Accurately interpret results of toxicological analysis according to the used methods, situation and other factors as timing, body fluid and based on the toxicological information given by the patient and physician.b.11. Comprehend the medico-legal aspects and limitations of each result.


d- Professional and practical skills (PS):By the end of the course the candidate will be able to:c.1. Describe and perform simple color tests that may rule out certain diagnostic possibilitiesc.2. Correctly and appropriately report and interpret the results after confirming the analysis to comply with international standards of toxicological analysis.

d- General and transferable skills (GS):By the end of the course the candidate will be able to:d.6. Retrieve the methods and experience through internet contact with other analytical toxicology centersd.7. Communicate the experience of your results and gain on the other hand that of other centersd.8. Achieve the best results through discussion and communication with colleagues and superiorsd.9. Demonstrate respect, honesty and confidentiality for the patient under your care and persons for which screening are performed. d.10. Acquire communication skills with prosecutor, police officers and other family members or work managers requesting the toxicological test.

3- Course contentTopics No of hours

L C/P C/P SDLToxicological sampling 2 1 Medico-legal implications in treatment of drug of abuse and analytical toxicology

1 1

Principles and theories of different analytical procedures

3 1

Extraction procedures: Principle, methods, Practical

3 1 3

Color tests 1 1 1 Spectrophotometry in analytical toxicology, Practical

2 1 1

Thin layer chromatography: Techniques and procedures for different drug and poison

3 2 4


groups, PracticalGas chromatography: Description of theory and Technique, Uses and different methods, Practical

2 2 2

High Performance liquid Chromatography: Description of theory and Technique, Uses and different methods, Practical

2 2 2

Immunoassays: Theory, advantages and limitations, Practical

2 2 2

Other analytical methods : Description of technique, Atomic absorption, Conway cell, distillation procedures,

1 1

Total: 22 13 17

4- Student Assessment Methods4.1 Written and MCQs to assess knowledge and intellectual skills4.2 Oral exam to assess intellectual, professional and general skills4.3 Practical exam to assess professional skills

Weighing of assessments 1 Written and MCQ examination: 80 marks2 Oral examination 20 marks3 Practical examination 50 marks

Total 150 marks

5- List of References Clarke's analysis of drugs and poisonsElective coursesMedical statistics course specification

University Ain Shams Faculty of MedicineProgram on which the course is given

Master of Science in Clinical Toxicology

Major or minor element of programs


Department offering the program Department of Forensic Medicine and Clinical Toxicology

Department offering the course Community, Environmental and Occupational Medicine

Academic level


Date of Specification Approval

A- Basic InformationTitle: Medical statistics course Code: E7024Credit Hours: 1 hour Lecture: 0.65 /w. Total: 10 Practical: 0.6/2w. Total: 10A credit hour = one hour lecture or practical weekly for 15 weeksCoordinatorCommunity, Environmental and Occupational Medicine Department

B - Professional InformationCourse Aim:To enable the doctorate candidate to plan, conduct, analyze and interpret the results of a research in his specific field. This course unit introduces the application of statistical ideas and methodology to medical research.

2- Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) from the Course:a- Knowledge and understandingBy the end of the course the candidate will be able to:a1 - Define medical statistics and identify uses and importance of medical statistics in medical researcha2 – Define:

Types of variables. Descriptive statistics. Presentation and summarization of data. Measures of central tendency and scatter. Principles of probability and probability distributions. Concepts of inferential statistics: confidence interval and hypothesis testing. Different tests of statistical significance. Difference between parametric and nonparametric tests of significance. Correlation and regression Concept of statistical modeling using multivariable and multivariate

statistical methods. Combining evidence from different studies and meta-analysis Importance and methods of sampling and how to determinate the suitable

sample size. Different types of research methodology: Observational and intervention studies and the different statistical issues

related to the design, conduct, analysis and interpretation of the results of each study type.


Ethical aspects of medical research including those specifically applied to clinical trials.

b- Intellectual skillsBy the end of the course the candidate will be able to: b1 - Interpret correctly the results of statistical analyses and critically evaluate the use of statistics in the medical literature.b2 - Integrate and evaluate information from a variety of sources.

c- Professional skillsBy the end of the course the candidate will be able to:c1- Select appropriate study designs to address questions of medical relevancec2 - Select and apply appropriate statistical methods for analyzing data typically encountered in medical applications.c3- Use selected software packages for statistical analysis and data management.

d- General and transferable skills By the end of the course the candidate will be able to:d1 - Work effectively in a group from different backgrounds. d2 - Respects the role of staff and co-staff members regardless of degree or occupation.d3 - Communicate effectively with professional statisticians and the wider medical community, including the ability to present results of statistical analyses through written and oral presentationsd4 - Use of computer data bases and other computer skills.d5 - Handle data appropriately and analyze them through: decision processes, objective criteria, problem definition, project design and evaluation, risk management, teamwork and coordination. d6 - Learn independently with open-mindedness and critical enquiry.3- Course content:

Topics T C/P

Introduction to medical statistics and its uses x XTypes of variables and Descriptive statistics x XGraphic presentation of data x XIntroduction to probability theory and rules x XSample and population: sampling distribution of mean and proportion

x X

Confidence interval of a mean and a proportion x XConfidence interval of a difference between two mean /proportion x X


Testing a hypothesis about population mean/proportion x XTesting a hypothesis about the difference between two means/proportion

x X

Comparing between more than two means-Introduction to factorial analysis

x X

Cross-tabulation and introduction to categorical data analysis x XSimple correlation and simple regression x XIntroduction to multivariable and multivariate analysis x XStudy designs: observational studies x XStudy designs: Intervention studies: clinical trials x XStudy designs: Experimental animal studies x XStudy designs: Bias and Confounding x XEthical issues in medical research x XSample size estimation for continuous and binary outcome measures. x XMeta-analysis and publication bias. x X

T: Tutorial and C/P: Clinical or Practical and SDL: Self directed learning

4 - Student Assessment Methods4-1 Written exam to assess knowledge and understanding and will concentrate on problem solving questions 4-2 Weighing of assessmentWritten exam 100Total 100

5 - List of References5.1- Course Notes (paper and / or electronic)Student Notes on Medical Statistics and Research Methods. Prof. Mohsen Abdel Hamid and Dr Moustafa El Houssinie. Department of Community, Environmental and Occupational Medicine.5.2- Essential Books (Text Books)Statistics in Clinical Practice. avid Coggon. BMJ Books. 2nd edition 20035.3- Recommended BooksHandbook of Epidemiology. Springer 20055.4- Periodicals, Web Sites, Epidemiolog.net

Computer Science Course Specification:University Ain Shams Faculty of Medicine


Program on which the course is given

Master of Science in Clinical Toxicology

Major or minor element of programs


Department offering the program Department of Forensic Medicine and Clinical Toxicology

Department offering the course Department of Forensic Medicine and Clinical Toxicology

Academic levelDate of Specification ApprovalA- Basic InformationTitle: Computer Science Code: E6047bCredit Hours: Lecture: 1 h/w (15 h) Total: 15 actual hoursCoordinatorA- Professional Information1 – Overall Aims of Course: By the end of the course, the student should become aware of computer science principles and tools, how to do a presentation, how to use internet in communication and getting knowledge and updated sciences. 2– Intended Learning Outcomes of Course (ILOs):a. Knowledge and Understanding:By the end of the course, the candidate should be able to: a1- Know computer componentsa2- Understand principles of computera3- Know commonly used softwaresb. Intellectual Skills: By the end of the course, the candidate should be able to: b1- How to get maximum from computer facilitiesb2-How to use internet to get knowledgeb3-How to do a presentation with the help of computerc. Professional and Practical SkillsBy the end of the course, the candidate should be able to: c1- Use of computer in an optimum wayc2- Use Microsoft office properlyc3- Use of internetd. General and Transferable SkillsBy the end of the course, the candidate should be able to: d1- Communicate with collegues through the net.d2- Communicate with staff through computerd3- Interchange data with collegues and staff


3. Contents :Topic No. of hours /week

lectures practical TutorialInformation Technology 2Windows 2Microsoft Office (word, excel, access, power point)


Internet 34 - Student Assessment Methods

4.1 written to assess knowledgeWeighing of Assessments: Final Examination (written): 50 marks Total 50 marks

5 -- List of References5.1- Course Notes (paper and / or electronic)Lecture notes5.2- Essential Books (Text Books)5.3- Recommended Books5.4- Periodicals, Web Sites, etc

Basic Immunology course specification University Ain Shams Faculty of MedicineProgram on which the course is given

Master of Science in Clinical Toxicology

Major or minor element of programs


Department offering the program Department of Forensic Medicine and Clinical Toxicology

Department offering the course Clinical pathology departmentAcademic levelDate of Specification Approval

A- Basic InformationTitle: Basic Immunology course Code: E6015Credit Hours: 1 hour Lecture: 15 Total: 15

CoordinatorHead of immunology unit clinical pathology dept.B - Professional Information1- Course Aims:


The aims of the course are to provide postgraduate students with an advanced academic and laboratory research training in modern cellular and molecular immunology, with emphasis on the interface between the basic and clinical aspects of the subject.By the end of the course the candidate will be able to:a) Have a good understanding of the molecular and cellular mechanisms involved in the development and regulation of the immune response.b) Understand the way in which the immune system can be manipulated in the treatment of disease, in particular transplantation and cancer.c) Understand the ways in which defects in the immune system can lead to disease such as allergy and auto-immunity.d) Understand the basis of major immunological laboratory investigations and their clinical use.2- Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) from the Course:a- Knowledge and understandingBy the end of the course the candidate will be able to:a1. Identify major mechanisms involved in the immune response. a2. Recognize how the immune system can 'go wrong' to cause disease.a3. Recognize how the immune system can be manipulated to prevent or treat disease learning' a4. Know the latest research techniques and approaches, including molecular and cellular immunology and data handling, data storage and manipulation.

b- Intellectual skillsBy the end of the course the candidate will be able to: b1 - Analyze & solve immunological problems.b2 - Integrate and evaluate information from a variety of sourcesc- Professional skillsBy the end of the course the candidate will be able to:c1- Analyse experimental results and determine their strength and validity c2 - Prepare research reports c3 - Give research presentations Use the scientific literature effectively c4- Use computational tools and packagesd- General and transferable skills By the end of the course the candidate will be able to:d1 - Work effectively in a group during preparation of seminars. d2- Respects the role of staff and co-staff members regardless of degree or occupation.d3 - Communicate effectively through oral computer processing and written reports.d4 - Use of computer data bases and other computer skills.


d5 - Handle data Appropriately and analyze them through: decision processes, objective criteria, problem definition, project design and evaluation, risk management, teamwork and coordination. d6 - Learn independently with open-mindedness and critical enquiry.

3- Course content:


No. of hoursL T C



A. Anatomy and cellular elements of the immune system

Anatomy of the immune system Cells of myelomonocytic lineage, NK cells and non-specific defence Ontogeny, structure, phenotype, function and activation Organisation of the lymphoid system Primary and secondary lymphoid organs Lymphocyte migration Mucosal and other compartments of the lymphoid system Complement structure, function, control in defence and in disease Complement and Fc receptors, adhesion molecules Deficiencies



B. Immune and inflammatory mechanisms

Natural or innate immune response Antigens and antigen processing and presentation Antigens: types, structures, processing and presentation Macrophage & Dendritic Cell Function APC Regulation of the Immune Response Major Histocompatibility Complexes:





structure, function and regulation T Lymphocytes and cell mediated immunity Ontogeny, phenotype, subpopulations T cell receptors: structure, function and antigen binding Receptor/ligand interactions and cell activation T cell mediated immune responses - participating cells T cell subsets Regulatory T cells and memory cells Effector functions B Lymphocytes and humoral immunity B cell receptors; structure, function and antigen binding Immunogenetics: polymorphisms, generation of diversity and rearranging gene families Immunoglobulins: structure, function and antigen binding Idiotype networks: inhibition and stimulation Effector functions Cytokines, chemokines and immunomodulators Cytokines and Chemokines: origin, structure, effect, site(s) of action receptors, metabolism, and regulation The acute phase response and inflammation Inflammatory mediators (e.g. leukotrienes, prostaglandins and platelet-activating factor): origin, structure, effect, site(s) of action





(receptor), metabolism and regulation 3. Cellular interactions and immunomodulation

1. Cellular activation and regulation: for each cell type, understand mechanisms of activation and suppression of function (e.g. T cell:B cell interactions via CD28:CD80/86)..3. Immune cell trafficking; adhesion molecules, chemokines


4. Immunoregulation

Immunoregulation Tolerance: clonal selection, suppression and antigen paralysis Oral tolerance Cell-cell interactions; help and suppression


5. Immune response mediated tissue damage

Hypersensitivity mechanisms IgE-mediated; acute and late phase reactions IgA-,IgG and IgM-mediated: opsonization, complement fixation, antibody dependent, cell-mediated cytotoxicity, stimulation and blocking Immune complex mediated: physicochemical properties and clearance Cell-mediated: participating cells, effector mechanisms and granuloma formation

Immune Mechanisms of Autoimmunity and Autoimmune Disease What is autoimmunity? Factors [breakdown of functional T cell anergy, genetics, infection, exposure to normally hidden antigens, new epitopes] which give rise to autoimmune disorders Mechanisms of tissue damage in





6-Autoimune Diseases:

Laboratory diagnosis of autoimmune (connective tissue) diseases

Clinical relevance of autoantibodies, diagnostic specificity and sensitivity for autoimmune disorders SLE Diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis and seronegative arthropathies Differential diagnosis of rheumatic diseases Rare Rheumatic Disorders: diagnosis Systemic vasculitis including Cryoglobulinaemia


7-Immunomodulatory therapy

Scientific basis of immunosuppressive and immunomodulatory therapy Drugs Antibodies Recombinan molecules Others


L: Lecture, T: Tutorial, C/P: Clinical or Practical and SDL: Self directed learning

4 - Student Assessment Methods4.1written exam to assess knowledge and understandingWeighing of assessment4.1 written exam 50Total 50


Your log book

1- IntroductionThe aim of this book is to give you a guide to the expectations for each item. It will be a guide for both you and your teachers to what you should be seeing and doing. It will give you a list of the important topics that you should think about and should be covered in:1. Clinical or practical sessions 2. Tutorials3. Self-directed learning (SDL)For each item there is also a list of1. Clinical conditions or Practical sessions to be seen or attended 2. Practical procedures to be seen and doneRemember

This document is only a guide. It is not an exhaustive list. It is not just a checklist to score points. It is a guide to encourage you to read and learn more. This book is for your benefit. It will form a record of your clinical training and experience.2 - SupervisorsNominated Staff members for each unit and activity to sign the logbook items3–Tables for Training RecordsThe candidate will record the details and date of each activity, and the authorized staff member signature. Candidates are required to fulfill 75% of the listed activities in order to be eligible for the exam entry. The minimum number required for each activity = 75% (it is listed for each activity). You are free to attend more and record your extra attendance.





مرورالمدرسي ن




مروراالسا( تذة





Saturday 8 – 911 - 12

9 – 11 12 - 14

14 -15

Sunday 8 – 911 - 12

9 – 11 12-15

Monday 8 – 911 - 12

9 – 11 12 - 14 14 - 15

Tuesday 8 – 911 - 12

9 – 11 12 - 14



8 – 911 - 12

9 – 11 12 - 14 14 - 15


8 – 911 - 12

9 – 11 12 - 15

Department Seminar attendance(NB. Minimum number required is 15)

No Date

Place Topics Supervisor






Case Presentation (Special topics are compulsory)(NB. Minimum number required is 24)

The following case studies are obligatory: Organophosphates, Hydrocarbon, Corrosives, Scorpion envenomation, snake envenomation, food poisoning, Opiates overdose, other drug of abuse, and coma of undetermined cause.

No Date

Place Topics Supervisor



Thesis attendance (NB. Minimum number required is attending 10)

No Date Place Name of the thesis Supervisor signature





On the Job Training (24 hours attendance in the Poison Control Center)(NB. Minimum number required is 30)

No Total Number & / New poisons seen Date Supervisor signature




Analytical Toxicology attendance(Minimum number required for each Lab procedure is 10)

1. Colorimetric analysis (min 5)No Number & Types of analysis Date Supervisor


2. Thin Layer Chromatography (min 5)No Number & Types of cases Date Supervisor


3. Immunoassay technique(Minimum number is 10)

No Number of cases Date Supervisor



Airway Management(NB. Minimum number required is 10)

No Date Type of Management / Poison Supervisor12345678910

Attendance of Mechanical Ventilation Setting and Follow up and discussion for a Minimum number of 10 cases

No Toxic cause Date Supervisor signature


Gastric Lavage Procedure (Minimum number is 10)

No Type of poisons Date Supervisor signature




Antidotal Management and Follow Up(NB. Minimum number required is 20)

No Date Antidote / Poison Supervisor1234567891011121314151617181920

Malpractice – Inappropriate Management Case Study(NB. Minimum number required is 5)

No Date Type of Management / Poison Supervisor12345


P R A C T I C A L S K I L L S ( A G R E E M E N T S C A L E )RequirementsCandidates are required to fulfill 75% of the listed activities in order to be eligible for the exam entry. The minimum number required for each activity = 75%. You are free to attend more and record your extra attendance.

a-Poor b- Satisfactory c- Excellent

A. Clinical Procedures and EvaluationEach of the following procedure should be observed, then assisted then performed








e an

d si






e an

d si



e in





e an

d si


Coma examination


Control of Toxic seizures




Challenge tests (Antidotes)(5x3)


Basic general 1


neurological examination (5x3)


Respiratory assessment(imaging, ABG)


Management and evaluation of Shock (5x3)


TPN prescription


Management and evaluation of agitation, confusion and delirium (5x3)


Gastric lavage


Central Vein Catheterisation



Arrhythmia evaluation and management (including DC Shock)


Performing and interpreting abnormal ECG of toxic etiology


B. Analytical Procedures







e an

d si






e an

d si



e in




, B, C



e an

d si


Thin Layer Chromatography


Colorimetric analysis





5 - Log book preview

The candidate logbook will be reviewed and patients seen/ skills performed summarized by diagnosis groups during the semester evaluation and at the end of the course in the table below. This reflects the number of activity done by category. (According to each degree) The results of this review will be totaled in the summary chart below.

Semester 1st 2nd 3rd 4th totalActivityDepartment Seminar attendance (15)Case Presentation (Special topics are compulsory) (24)Thesis attendance (10)On the Job Training (24 hours attendance in the Poison Control Center) (30)Analytical Toxicology attendance (10)Colorimetric analysis ( 5)Thin Layer Chromatography) (5) Immunoassay technique (10)Airway Management (10)Attendance of Mechanical Ventilation Setting and Follow up and discussion (10)Gastric Lavage Procedure (10)Antidotal Management and Follow Up (20)Malpractice – Inappropriate Management Case Study (5)Clinical Procedures and EvaluationComa examination(5)Control of Toxic seizures(5)Intubation(5)Challenge tests (Antidotes)(5x3)Basic general neurological examination (5x3)Respiratory assessment(imaging, ABG) (5)Management and evaluation of Shock (5x3)TPN prescription(5)Management and evaluation of agitation, confusion and delirium (5x3)Gastric lavage(5)


Central Vein Catheterisation(5)Arrhythmia evaluation and management (including DC Shock) (5)Performing and interpreting abnormal ECG of toxic etiology (5)Analytical ProceduresThin Layer Chromatography (5)Colorimetric analysis (5)Immunoassay (5x3)Supervisor signature

VII - Head Of Department Approval For The Exam Entry________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


VIII – Evaluation Forms

To be completed at -------------------------------------

Candidate SupervisorLocation

Aim of training ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Agreed educational objectives and timescale in which objectives should be achieved. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Comments by Candidate____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Comments by Supervisor ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Date of next meeting Signed by candidateSigned by Supervisor




VIII – Evaluation Forms

To be completed at -------------------------------------

Candidate SupervisorLocation

Aim of training ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Agreed educational objectives and timescale in which objectives should be achieved. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Comments by Candidate____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Comments by Supervisor ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Date of next meeting Signed by candidateSigned by Supervisor




VIII – Evaluation Forms

To be completed at -------------------------------------

Candidate SupervisorLocation

Aim of training ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Agreed educational objectives and timescale in which objectives should be achieved. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Comments by Candidate____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Comments by Supervisor ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Date of next meeting Signed by candidateSigned by Supervisor




VIII – Evaluation Forms

To be completed at -------------------------------------

Candidate SupervisorLocation

Aim of training ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Agreed educational objectives and timescale in which objectives should be achieved. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Comments by Candidate____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Comments by Supervisor ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Date of next meeting Signed by candidateSigned by Supervisor




VIII – Evaluation Forms

To be completed at -------------------------------------

Candidate SupervisorLocation

Aim of training ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Agreed educational objectives and timescale in which objectives should be achieved. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Comments by Candidate____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Comments by Supervisor ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Date of next meeting Signed by candidateSigned by Supervisor




VIII – Evaluation Forms

To be completed at -------------------------------------

Candidate SupervisorLocation

Aim of training ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Agreed educational objectives and timescale in which objectives should be achieved. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Comments by Candidate____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Comments by Supervisor ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Date of next meeting Signed by candidateSigned by Supervisor




Degree Program Evaluation Form by The CandidateTo be completed at the end of your degree.

Please consider each pair of statements and decide which most clearly reflects your view and tick one box or answer the question.

I. Individual Information1. Are you a graduate of ASU?

yes no to some degree2. Year and semester when studies began:

II. General Questions1. What are the advantages/disadvantages of the general study environment at the University ASU?

2. What were your expectations when you applied to the degree?

3. Do you feel that the degree program prepares you well for your future studies or employment according to the demands and expectations of those institutions?

yes no to some degree

4. Has the time limit of the program (two or three academic years) caused you any difficulties or inconveniences?

yes no to some degree

III. Structure of Degree Program1. Did you receive enough guidance in planning your study schedule in the beginning of the program?

yes no to some degree

2. What were the main difficulties in the planning of your study schedule?

3. What is your general opinion on the structure of the degree program?


4. In your opinion, does the degree program offer a good balance of lectures, seminars, conferences, and book exams?

yes no to some degree

a) General Studies

i) Do you feel that you have received enough guidance on academic writing?

yes no to some degree

ii) Do you feel that you have acquired sufficient knowledge on research skills (eg. quantitative and qualitative research methods)?

yes no to some degree

b) Courses i) Have you had some special difficulties in completing some of the courses? Please specify.

ii) Has there been a sufficient variety of courses offered for your optional studies?

yes no to some degree

iii) Have you received enough guidance for the preparation of your thesis?

yes no to some degree

IV. Concluding Points1. Did the degree program meet your expectations?

yes no to some degree2. What aspects of the degree program do you particularly like?

3. What aspects of the degree program do you particularly dislike?

4. What are your suggestions on how to improve the program?

Thank you!