mechanical control of graphene on engineered pyramidal...

GILL ET AL . VOL. 9 NO. 6 57995806 2015 5799 May 13, 2015 C 2015 American Chemical Society Mechanical Control of Graphene on Engineered Pyramidal Strain Arrays Stephen T. Gill, John H. Hinnefeld, Shuze Zhu, William J. Swanson, Teng Li, * ,‡ and Nadya Mason * ,† Department of Physics and Materials Research Laboratory, University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign, 1110 West Green Street, Urbana, Illinois 61801, United States and Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 20742, United States T he electrical and mechanical behavior of graphene can be strongly aected by its interaction with the underlying substrate 13 and by strain. 4,5 Recently, strain-engineeringof graphene has re- ceived signicant attention as a method of enabling desirable electronic behavior, such as band gaps and 1D channels. 4,6 Nonuni- form strains on graphene are particularly interesting, as they can be described by local scalar and vector potentials that gen- erate pseudomagnetic elds; 4,5,79 in par- ticular, strains having triangular symmetry (e.g., pyramid features) can generate nearly uniform eld proles. 4,5 Pseudomagnetic elds have been experimentally demon- strated by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) on locally deformed graphene features such as nanobubbles, 5 drumheads, 7,8 and ridges, 9 which showed eective eld mag- nitudes reaching up to several hundred tesla. However, despite the potential of strain-engineering, the systematic integra- tion of nonuniform strain into graphene devices has been limited. A promising technique for strain-engi- neering graphene is via topographic sub- strate features. In this case, there is signicant interplay between the strain ex- perienced by the graphene and its adhesion to the underlying substrate. 1014 Graphene's adhesive behavior has been explored on a variety of topographies, such as atomi- cally at surfaces, 15 atomic scale features, 16 sinusoidally corrugated surfaces, 17,18 and randomly dispersed nanoparticles. 19,20 Graphene supported on SiO 2 has been shown to conform with high delity to nano- scale topographic features. 16 However, as the roughness of topographic features in- creases or as multiple graphene layers are added, wrinkles and snap-throughtransi- tions arise in graphene's morphology. 12,17,18 As discussed in previous work, 1014 the parameter that determines the morpholog- ical behavior is the aspect ratio of topo- graphic features on the substrate, param- etrized as λ/H, where λ is the average protrusion spacing or width and H the average protrusion height. Hence, the wrinkling and delamination behavior can be manipulated by engineering a surface having controlled height and separation of topographic features. In this paper, we explore the mechanical response of monolayer graphene deposited on substrates patterned with arrays of me- soscale triangular pyramids. We systemati- cally study the morphology of graphene for pyramid arrays having dierent spacing, symmetry, and surface rigidity by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and Raman spec- troscopy. We show that the adhesion of graphene to the substrate ; and hence the * Address correspondence to [email protected], [email protected]. Received for review January 15, 2015 and accepted May 13, 2015. Published online 10.1021/acsnano.5b00335 ABSTRACT Strain can tune desirable electronic behavior in graphene, but there has been limited progress in controlling strain in graphene devices. In this paper, we study the mechanical response of graphene on substrates patterned with arrays of mesoscale pyramids. Using atomic force microscopy, we demonstrate that the morphology of graphene can be controlled from conformal to suspended depending on the arrangement of pyramids and the aspect ratio of the array. Nonuniform strains in graphene suspended across pyramids are revealed by Raman spectroscopy and supported by atomistic modeling, which also indicates strong pseudomagnetic elds in the graphene. Our results suggest that incorporating mesoscale pyramids in graphene devices is a viable route to achieving strain-engineering of graphene. KEYWORDS: graphene . strain . strain-engineering . pseudomagnetic elds . Raman spectroscopy ARTICLE

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Page 1: Mechanical Control of Graphene on Engineered Pyramidal · Mechanical Control of Graphene on Engineered Pyramidal Strain Arrays

GILL ET AL . VOL. 9 ’ NO. 6 ’ 5799–5806 ’ 2015


May 13, 2015

C 2015 American Chemical Society

Mechanical Control of Graphene onEngineered Pyramidal Strain ArraysStephen T. Gill,† John H. Hinnefeld,† Shuze Zhu,‡ William J. Swanson,† Teng Li,*,‡ and Nadya Mason*,†

†Department of Physics and Materials Research Laboratory, University of Illinois at Urbana�Champaign, 1110 West Green Street, Urbana, Illinois 61801,United States and ‡Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 20742, United States

The electrical andmechanical behaviorof graphene can be strongly affectedby its interaction with the underlying

substrate1�3 and by strain.4,5 Recently,“strain-engineering” of graphene has re-ceived significant attention as a method ofenabling desirable electronic behavior, suchas band gaps and 1D channels.4,6 Nonuni-form strains on graphene are particularlyinteresting, as they can be described bylocal scalar and vector potentials that gen-erate pseudomagnetic fields;4,5,7�9 in par-ticular, strains having triangular symmetry(e.g., pyramid features) can generate nearlyuniform field profiles.4,5 Pseudomagneticfields have been experimentally demon-strated by scanning tunneling microscopy(STM) on locally deformedgraphene featuressuch as nanobubbles,5 “drumheads”,7,8 andridges,9 which showed effective field mag-nitudes reaching up to several hundredtesla. However, despite the potential ofstrain-engineering, the systematic integra-tion of nonuniform strain into graphenedevices has been limited.A promising technique for strain-engi-

neering graphene is via topographic sub-strate features. In this case, there issignificant interplay between the strain ex-perienced by the graphene and its adhesionto the underlying substrate.10�14 Graphene'sadhesive behavior has been explored on a

variety of topographies, such as atomi-cally flat surfaces,15 atomic scale features,16

sinusoidally corrugated surfaces,17,18 andrandomly dispersed nanoparticles.19,20

Graphene supported on SiO2 has beenshown to conformwith high fidelity to nano-scale topographic features.16 However, asthe roughness of topographic features in-creases or as multiple graphene layers areadded, wrinkles and “snap-through” transi-tions arise in graphene'smorphology.12,17,18

As discussed in previous work,10�14 theparameter that determines the morpholog-ical behavior is the aspect ratio of topo-graphic features on the substrate, param-etrized as λ/H, where λ is the averageprotrusion spacing or width and H theaverage protrusion height. Hence, thewrinkling and delamination behavior canbe manipulated by engineering a surfacehaving controlled height and separation oftopographic features.In this paper, we explore the mechanical

response of monolayer graphene depositedon substrates patterned with arrays of me-soscale triangular pyramids. We systemati-cally study the morphology of graphene forpyramid arrays having different spacing,symmetry, and surface rigidity by atomicforce microscopy (AFM) and Raman spec-troscopy. We show that the adhesion ofgraphene to the substrate;and hence the

* Address correspondence [email protected],[email protected].

Received for review January 15, 2015and accepted May 13, 2015.

Published online10.1021/acsnano.5b00335

ABSTRACT Strain can tune desirable electronic behavior in graphene, but there has been limited

progress in controlling strain in graphene devices. In this paper, we study the mechanical response of

graphene on substrates patterned with arrays of mesoscale pyramids. Using atomic force microscopy,

we demonstrate that the morphology of graphene can be controlled from conformal to suspended

depending on the arrangement of pyramids and the aspect ratio of the array. Nonuniform strains in

graphene suspended across pyramids are revealed by Raman spectroscopy and supported by

atomistic modeling, which also indicates strong pseudomagnetic fields in the graphene. Our results

suggest that incorporating mesoscale pyramids in graphene devices is a viable route to achieving

strain-engineering of graphene.

KEYWORDS: graphene . strain . strain-engineering . pseudomagnetic fields . Raman spectroscopy



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strain experienced by the graphene;can be con-trolled by changing the array aspect ratio and/ortopological arrangement of pyramids in the array. Wealso demonstrate that the arrays can be used to inducelarge areas of nonuniform strain in graphene on theorder of 1%. From simulations of graphene conformallyadhered on pyramids, we show that nonuniformstrains form closely around the apex and calculate apseudomagnetic field profile with intensity as high as300 T. These results suggest that the control over themorphology and strain of graphene on an engineeredsurface is a critical and promising step toward attainingstrain-engineering of graphene.


Figure 1A shows a representative AFM micrographof a pyramid array formed in polydimethylsiloxane(PDMS). Figure 1B and C show that graphene on PDMSboth adheres conformally and flattens the topographicfeatures, as the rubbery substrate is much more com-pliant than graphene. It has previously been shownthat this flattening, due to a minimization ofgraphene's bending energy with induced strain,17 canbe used to estimate graphene's bending energy andadhesion. Here, we utilize the flattening behavior todetermine the induced strain as a function of pyramidspacing, λ, for a square array of pyramids having anaverage pyramid height of ÆHæ ≈ 400 nm. Figure 2Ashows the obtained relationship between flatten-ing and spacing for arrays having an aspect ratio ofλ/Hg 10, a regime where monolayer graphene shouldbe highly conformal to a patterned substrate.10�14

From the plot of flattening and spacing, it is evidentthat the amount of flattening increases with decreas-ing pyramid spacing. Since flattening occurs to mini-mize strain on graphene, the increase in flatteningwith

spacing demonstrates that strain on graphene can besystematically varied as a function of pyramid spacing.For compliant substrates such as PDMS, flatteningcauses the competition between adhesive and strainenergy to be dominated by adhesion energy. In con-trast, by using rigid pyramids, the competition be-tween adhesion and strain can be explored.

Figure 1. (A) 3D AFM rendering of a pyramid array fabricated on a PDMS surface. (B) AFM phase image demonstrating thecontrast in an area with and without graphene (dark gray and light gray, respectively). (C) Standard profile trace of a PDMSpyramid from AFM height data before and after depositing monolayer graphene.

Figure 2. (A) Plot of pyramid flattening by graphene as afunction of spacing for arrays having an average approximatepyramid height of 400 nm. Flattening factor is defined as(H�Hg)/H where HG is the height of a pyramid from base toapexafterdepositinggrapheneandH is theheightof apyramidfrom base to apex before depositing graphene. (B) Plot of theaverage ratio HG/H as a function of λ/H on a SiO2 surface.



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To study the adhesive-strain competition, we fabri-cated rigid pyramids by coating PDMS arrays with 5 nmTi followed by 50 nm SiO2. We then determined theratio of themeasured heights of pyramids from base toapex before and after depositing graphene (HG/H,where H ≈ 600 nm is the actual height of a pyramidand HG is the measured height of a pyramid afterdepositing graphene) as a function of the aspect ratioλ/H of the array. The measured height of a rigidpyramid when covered by graphene in the conformaladhesion limit will be HG = H, but when graphenede-adheres from the base of a pyramid (while remain-ing pinned to the apex of the pyramid), HG shouldbecome significantly smaller than H.10�14 Hence, HG/Hprovides a measurement of graphene's conformity tothe pyramids. Two configurations were studied: arraysof pyramids arranged in square lattices, and arraysarranged in triangular lattices. Figure 2B shows theadhesive behavior of graphene on rigid pyramids ar-ranged in a square array. Graphene's morphologyremains remarkably conformal even up to the smallestaspect ratio of λ/H ≈ 3. This behavior is in contrast tothe random wrinkling and delamination observed ingraphene on substrates decorated with randomly dis-persed nanoparticles having λ/H > 10.19 This compar-ison highlights the importance that the geometry oftopographic features has on graphene's adhesive be-havior and implies that graphene supported on thepyramids used in this experiment, as opposed toapproximately spherical nanoparticles, is less suscep-tible to out-of-plane deformations under stress.19 Theconformal behavior of graphene on square arrays canalso be contrasted to that of graphene on triangulararrays. Triangular arrays allow for tighter fittings ofpyramids, which creates additional geometric frustra-tion when graphene attempts to conform to arrays.

Correspondingly, Figure 3 shows that graphene on asquare array having an aspect ratio of λ/H≈ 3 adheresconformally, while graphene on triangular arrays sys-tematically de-adheres for λ/H e 5. In particular,Figure 3B shows graphene on a triangular array ofpyramids adhering conformally for λ/H ≈ 7, whileFigure 3C shows that graphene delaminates aroundthe pyramids for λ/H ≈ 5. The delamination beginsapproximately halfway up the pyramid and extendsaround the pyramid. Qualitatively, the transition ofgraphene's morphology from fully conformal topartially detached is in agreement with theoreticalwork on the pinning of graphene to a patternedsubstrate.10�14 In Figure 3D, the aspect ratio is de-creased to λ/H ≈ 3, and graphene is suspendedbetween arrayswhile remaining partially attached nearthe top of pyramids.The strain in graphene caused by conforming

to pyramids was further investigated using spa-tially resolved Raman spectroscopy. We focused ongraphene's 2D peak, which results from a second-orderdouble-resonant process of phonons having oppositewavevectors21 and, hence, is sensitive to changes inthe electronic structure caused by strain.22 For our rigidsubstrate samples, the average 2D peak for grapheneregions far away from pyramids is located at approxi-mately 2680 cm�1. Random variations in spectra forregions away from pyramids yielded shifts of less than(0.5 cm�1. The spot size of our Raman system isapproximately 500 nm, which does not allow for finedetail of the strain profile of graphene on a pyramid.Despite this limitation, we expect strain to be maximalin close proximity to the apex, given that this area iswhere curvature is focused.14,23 Therefore, a Ramanscan focused on the apex can be compared to un-strained graphene (i.e., away from pyramids) to reveal

Figure 3. AFM height maps of pyramid arrays before (top) and after (middle) depositing graphene and height profiles ofpyramids (bottom) for (A) a square array having pyramids spaced 2 μm apart and triangular arrays spaced (B) 4, (C) 3, and (D)2 μm apart. Red and blue lines on the height maps show the profiled sections of the arrays, and the top and bottom profilescorrespond to the arrays before and after depositing graphene, respectively. Scale bars are 2 μm in all AFM height maps.



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whether adhesion to pyramid arrays generates a largearea of strain (tensile or compression) around theapex.22 For square array samples, graphene's 2D peakdid not shift significantly on the pyramids in com-parison to unstrained graphene. As can be seen inFigure 4A,B, the 2D peak was observed to maximallyupshift by less than 5 cm�1 in comparison to un-strained graphene, even for the case of the densestarray. (The same behavior was seen for flexible PDMSpyramids arranged in square arrays.) However, forgraphene on triangular arrays, noticeable shifts in the2D peak can occur, depending on the conformity ofadhesion. Specifically, for the closely spaced triangulararrays that create delamination of graphene, the par-tially attached regions of graphene near the tops of thepyramids are still under significant strain. As shown inFigure 4C,D, shifts of approximately 20 cm�1 are seenin the 2D peak when measuring on the apex of apyramid, where graphene has nonconformal adhesion.Similar to graphene on square arrays, graphene thatsits conformally on triangular arrays, i.e., arrays havingλ/H g 7, shows small up-shifts between 0 and 5 cm�1.The fact that, for highly conformal samples, the Ramanspectra are nearly identical to unstrained grapheneimplies that strain is predominantly relaxed whengraphene is able to adhere conformally, consistentwith theoretical predictions.23

We observe that the 2D peak in graphene strainedfrom pinning on pyramids is shifted to the right. Such a

blue-shift in the position of the 2D peak is indicative ofcompressive strain being induced in graphene.24 In theregimewhere graphene partially delaminates from thepyramids, thereby minimizing stress in the depinnedregion of graphene,10�14 areas that remain pinned tothe pyramid accumulate compression to enable thedelamination of graphene. This is consistent with theobservation that shifts in the 2D peak on the pyramidapex are similar for graphene partially delaminatedaround pyramids (λ/H ≈ 5) and graphene suspendedbetween pyramids (λ/H ≈ 3); in both cases the area ofgraphene pinned to the top of the pyramid remainsapproximately the same. The creation of compressionaround delaminated graphene has been previouslyobserved in experiments involving strains createdfrom thermal mismatch, where morphological trans-formations such as wrinkling25 and nanobubbles5,26

are generated to relax strain, and compression isfocused in the pinned regions around the relaxedgraphene.5,25,26 These experiments demonstrated si-milar blue-shifts of Raman spectra in the pinnedregions.25,26 However, arrays of pyramids offer directcontrol over the pinned and strained region, whilethermal mismatch creates pinned graphene regions ineffectively random locations.5,25,26 Therefore, pyramidarrays can be used to focus compression in graphenesheets by controlling the morphological response ofgraphene.The compressive strain induced from the pinning of

graphene on the pyramid arrays can be estimated from2D peak shifts by assuming that the strain fromdelaminating will linearly shift the 2D peak.22,24 Thisassumption is valid as long as pinned graphene'sstress�strain relationship during delamination is line-ar. That being said, graphene strained to breaking by ananoindenter tip has shown that linear strain responsein graphene is dominant up to breaking.27 Linear shiftrates of the 2D peak that have been measured foruniformly strained graphene are typically of magni-tude ∼25 cm�1/%28�30 (though some studies showvariations of greater than a factor of 2).24,30,31 Thus, ablue-shift of þ20 cm�1, as seen in our experiment,would correspond to a uniform compressive strainbetween 0.3% and 1.0%. Although the strain profile isnot likely uniformly distributed on the partially at-tached graphene membrane, the adhesion-induceddelamination clearly introduces a significant compres-sion of pinned graphene. To resolve the nonuniformityof the strain profile on the pinned graphene region, thespatial resolution of the probe needs to be far smallerthan the pinned graphene area of approximately0.5(500 nm)2. Future experiments using tip-enhancedRaman spectroscopy32 or STM5,7 would possess thespatial resolution to determine the nonuniformity ofthis strain field.The geometrical conditions of conforming to a

pyramid suggest a rather nonuniform strain profile in

Figure 4. Raman spectroscopy of graphene on and offpyramids. (A) Standard Raman spectrum of graphene's 2Dpeak when unstrained (i.e., away from pyramids) centeredat 2680 cm�1. (B) Raman spectrum of graphene's 2D peakon a rigid pyramid for a square array having an aspect ratioof λ/H≈ 3. (C) Raman spectrum of graphene's 2D peak on arigid pyramid in a triangular array having an aspect ratio ofλ/H ≈ 5. (D) Raman spectrum of graphene's 2D peak on arigid pyramid in a triangular array having an aspect ratio ofλ/H≈ 3. Broadening of the right side of the 2Dpeak (small inA and B and substantial in C and D) is from overlap with aPDMS Raman peak.



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graphene induced by the pyramid apex, which in turnis expected to result in a pseudomagnetic field in thegraphene.4,5,7�9 Our Raman results suggest that theadhesion-induced strain for conformal samples mustbe strongly localized around the apex since scans didnot detect significant changes in the 2D peak. To shedlight on the mechanical behavior of graphene con-forming in close proximity to the apex, we performmolecular dynamics simulations in a scaled-downmodel. Given the length scales of the experiments,current molecular dynamics modeling is not able toquantitatively differentiate the degree of conformity(which strongly affects the strain) for different arraypatterns, but insight into the strain fields inducedaround the apex can still be revealed. We model asquare sheet ofmonolayer graphene interactingwith arigid substrate with a pyramid feature, the geometryof which is depicted as in Figure 5A. The pyramid canbe characterized by its basal radius R and its height H.The second-generation reactive empirical bond orderpotential33 is adopted to describe the carbon�carboncovalent interaction in graphene. The graphene has asquare shape with a side length of 20 nm. Each carbonatom in the graphene interacts with a substrate via

a Lennard-Jones potential, Vgs(r) = 4εgs[(σgs12/r12) �

(σgs6 /r6)], where εgs = 0.0042 eV and σgs = 0.29 nm,

which gives rise to an adhesion energy (0.04 eV/nm2),20

corresponding to a typical graphene-SiO2 system.34

The graphene initially freely evolves to accommodatethe pyramid feature while trying to conform ontothe entire substrate. The simulation is carried outusing large-scale atomic/molecular massively parallelsimulator (LAMMPS)35 with canonical ensemble at a

temperature of 300 K and a time step of 0.001 ps. Afterthe graphene has maintained a stable conformingmorphology over the pyramid feature, the energy ofthe system is first minimized using the conjugategradient algorithm until either the total energy changebetween successive iterations divided by the energymagnitude is less than or equal to 10�6 or the totalforce is less than 10�6 eV �1. Figure 5B shows theenergy-minimized morphology of graphene on thepyramid feature. The pyramid has a basal radius of6 and 1.5 nm in height, as further illustrated by theheight profile in Figure 5C. Figure 5D shows the arealstrain of the deformed graphene regulated by a pyr-amid. It shows that for regions away from the apex theareal strain is compressive with a magnitude of about1�2%, while only the apex region is under localizedtensile strain. Such a localized feature is of the size thatmight not be captured by our Raman measurementdue to the spatial resolution limit. Figure 5E�G showthe corresponding contour plots of the components ofthe Lagrange strain tensor in the deformed graphene.It is found that at the apex of the pyramid normal straincomponents (uxx and uyy) reach the maximum (intension), while at the facets of the pyramid, shear strain(uxy) dominates. The simulation results clearly showthat a significantly nonuniform strain field in graphenecan be obtained due to the regulation by a protrusionfeature of an underlying pyramid. This, in turn, isexpected to lead to a strong pseudomagnetic field ingraphene.Figure 6 shows the pseudomagnetic field in

graphene inducedby the pyramidal protrusion feature.Two pyramid heights are considered. Along the three

Figure 5. (A) Schematic of a pyramid. (B) Atomistic simulationmodel of graphene on an underlying pyramid. (C) Contour plotof the graphenemorphology regulatedby the pyramid at equilibrium. (D) Contour plot of the graphene areal strain regulatedby the pyramid at equilibrium. Note that while there exists localized tensile strain at the apex, the rest of the graphene issubject to a compressive strain (1�2%). (E�G) Contour plots of the three components of the resulting Lagrange strain tensorin the deformed graphene.



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ridges of the pyramid, the pseudomagnetic fieldreaches a maximum intensity. In addition, there is aslightly weaker pseudomagnetic field at the pyramidfacets. There is also a pseudomagnetic field of inter-mediate intensity in the graphene at the vicinity ofthree basal edges of the pyramid. These results implythat the pyramid-like deformation can feasibly guidethe distribution of the pseudomagnetic field in thelocally deformed graphene. Furthermore, simulationssuggest that a larger ratio of pyramid height over outerradius (H/R) leads to an overall stronger pseudomag-netic field intensity. For example, the pseudomagneticfield intensity along 1.5 nm high pyramid ridgesreaches as high as 300 T, while that along 1 nm highpyramid ridges is about 120 T. As envisioned in theoriginal proposal for creating energy gaps by strain-engineering,4 the authors considered graphene con-formally adhered on a profiled substrate of smoothcorrugations. In their simulation, the adhesion-inducedstrain generated alternating pseudomagnetic fields ofmagnitude 0.5 T and modest energy gaps.4 Our simu-lations of graphene adhered conformally on a singlepyramid show alternating pseudomagnetic fields ofamplitude 300 T, which will create much larger energygaps in graphene from Landau quantization.5 Thesesimulation results attest to the significant potentialof using pyramid arrays as an approach for strain-engineering of graphene.To further justify that the nature of the pseudomag-

netic field in graphene induced by the pyramid

substrate feature as shown in Figure 6 still holds for apyramid that is much larger in length scale (e.g., thosein our experiments), within the best of our computa-tional capacity, we then model a square-shapedgraphene with a side length of 360 nm, covering arigid substrate with a pyramid protrusion, as shown inFigure 7A. The total number of carbon atoms ingraphene is approximately 4 000 000. The pyramidhas a basal radius of 96 and is 16 nm in height(i.e., 16 times that of the model shown in Figure 6B).After the graphene reaches a stable conforming mor-phology over the pyramid feature of the substrate, thepotential energy of the system is first minimized usingthe conjugate gradient algorithm until either the totalenergy change between successive iterations dividedby the energy magnitude is less than or equal to 10�20

or the total force is less than 10�10 eV �1. Figure 7Bshows the resulting pseudomagnetic field in thegraphene around the pyramid protrusion. It is foundthat at this length scale a significant pseudomagneticfield is almost localized in the graphene portioncovering the apex of the pyramid. Figure 7C shows azoomed-in window (of the same size as in Figure 6B)of the resulting pseudomagnetic field around thepyramid apex. We find that the distribution of pseu-domagnetic field in this window highly resemblesthat of the model shown in Figure 6B. The abovecomparison clearly reveals that when a free-standinggraphene conforms to a pyramid protrusion on asubstrate, the deformation-induced pseudomagneticfield in the graphene is rather localized in the areacovering the pyramid apex. Therefore, we expect thedistribution of the resulting pseudomagnetic field inthe graphene as shown in Figure 6B and Figure 7Ccaptures the essential nature of the same field in thegraphene on pyramid protrusions in the conformaladhesion limit. Nevertheless, the influence of pat-terned multiple pyramid protrusions with varied fea-ture sizes and morphologies still remains unexplored,which is beyond the scope of the present computa-tional work. We call for further theoretical and simula-tion studies to this end.

Figure 6. Contour plots of the strong pseudomagnetic fieldin the locally deformed graphene by the apex of an under-lying pyramid. Here, the basal radius of the pyramid is 6 nm,and the height is 1.5 nm (A) and 1 nm (B), respectively.

Figure 7. (A) Schematic of a simulation model of a size 16 times of that in Figure 6B. (B) Contour plot of the resultingpseudomagnetic field in the graphene is localized in the area covering the apex of the underlying pyramid. (C) Contour plot ofthe resulting pseudomagnetic field in the graphene in a window of the same size as in Figure 6B near the pyramid apex. Bothintensity and distribution of the pseudomagnetic field resemble those in Figure 6B, thus offering validation to the highlylocalized nature of the resulting pseudomagnetic field in graphene.



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The modeling reveals that large nonuniform strains(and pseudomagnetic fields) are generated in closeproximity to the apex of pyramids even without theneed to induce large areas of strain from morphologi-cal instabilities, as we have demonstrated. Since thestrain is strongly localized and integrates to 0 in thearea around the apex of the pyramid, these contribu-tions would not be detected by conventional Ramanspectroscopy because of the comparatively large spotsize. However, it is well within the limits of an STM todetermine the pseduomagnetic field in graphene ontop of pyramids.5,7,9 We anticipate that an STM experi-ment would corroborate the above simulationwork forgraphene conformally adhered to pyramids and showelectronic structure changes caused by a pseudomag-netic field similar to the one revealed in the simula-tion. Additionally, STM should also demonstrate thatgraphene highly compressed from morphological in-stabilities on pyramid arrays will also possess elec-tronic structure changes from a substantial pseudo-magnetic field.5


In conclusion, we have studied the mechanical beha-vior of graphene on arrays of triangular pyramids. Weshowed that for pyramid arrays made from PDMS, amaterial relevant for stretchable electronics, grapheneflattens the arrays considerably, and this flatteningmitigates adhesion-induced strain. For grapheneon rigidpyramids, we showed that themorphology of graphene

could be controlled fromhighly conformal to suspendedbymanipulating the aspect ratio and/or topology of thearray. Suspended graphene can enable high-qualitytransport properties,36,37 and pyramids offer a way tostrain-engineer large areas of suspended graphene.Additionally, large nonuniform strains were created

in graphene pinned to the tops of pyramids from thecontrolled delamination of graphene. Simulations ofgraphene's mechanical behavior conforming on apyramid revealed that large nonuniform strains and apseudomagnetic field of up to 300 T are generated inclose proximity to the pyramid's apex. While we cannotdirectly measure the pseudomagnetic field in thisexperiment, future experiments using STM could mea-sure the strain-induced pseudomagnetic field.5,7,9 Forapplied-graphene interests, the pseudomagnetic fieldsinduced on pyramids should create large energy gapsin graphene4,5 that could be used for the improvedfunctioning of graphene-based transistors. With re-gards to new fundamental behavior, graphene inter-acting with a periodic potential from the strain-induced gauge field4 can be studied, whichmay revealnovel behavior.38,39 Additionally, large pseudomagneticfields may generate topological phases in graphene, aswas shown for molecular graphene.40 The combinationof control over bothmorphology and strain of grapheneon pyramid arrays suggests that the use of surfacesprofiled with pyramids is a promising route for achiev-ing strain-engineering of graphene's electrical andmechanical properties.

METHODSPyramid arrays were fabricated by defining molds using

nanoindentation: a polycarbonate surface was nanoindentedusing a Berkovich or square corner styled tip to leave arrays ofpyramid-shaped indentations. The molds were casted withPDMS;a material that becomes flexible and rubbery aftercuring;to produce samples. Graphene was synthesized usingstandard CVD techniques for growth on a copper foil41 andwas transferred onto pyramid arrays using previously reportedwet transfer techniques.42 The presence of single-layergraphene on PDMS was confirmed by Raman spectroscopy43

and AFM.44 Our graphene samples have a ratio of 2D peak to Gpeak greater than 1 (i.e., I(2D)/I(G) > 1), and D peaks are notdetected.45 Hence, this quality of CVD graphene should havethe same elastic response as pristine graphene.46 An AsylumResearch MFP-3D AFM operating in tappingmodewas used todetermine graphene's morphology on the arrays. As shown inFigure 1b, the phase map can be used to distinguish thesubstrate (light gray) from graphene (dark gray) and to choosesections of the transferred CVD graphene that are largelyrip and debris free. The adhesion of graphene to the pyramidswas determined by comparing AFM height scans of the arraysbefore and after depositing graphene. Raman spectros-copy was performed using a Nanophoton Raman 11 micro-scope with a 532 nm laser at room temperature. The laserpower was kept below 1 mW (to minimize local heating) whileusing a 100� objective with either 600 or 2400 grooves/mmgrating.

Conflict of Interest: The authors declare no competingfinancial interest.

Acknowledgment. S.T.G., J.H.H., W.T.S., and N.M. acknowl-edge support fromNSF-CMMI Grants 1130364 and 1434147, andNSF-DMR Grant 1124696. T.L. and S.Z. are supported by the NSF,Grants 1069076, 1129826, and 1362256. S.Z. thanks the supportof the Clark School Future Faculty Program and the GraduateDean's Dissertation Fellowship at the University of Maryland.

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