measure of agreement, proportion, summary reports

SPSS Measure of Agreement Selvarasu A Mutharasu Annamalai University 24-01-2015

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Page 1: Measure of agreement, proportion, summary reports

SPSS Measure of Agreement

Selvarasu A Mutharasu Annamalai University 24-01-2015

Page 2: Measure of agreement, proportion, summary reports

Summary - Measure of Agreement

A company is interested in expanding its business, but has to choose from among 20 different sites to build. They have hired two consultants to separately evaluate these sites. In addition to an extended report, each consultant was asked to summarize each site as a good, fair, or poor prospect.You need to determine which sites the company should investigate further, and, if possible, determine which of the consultants the company should retain for further work. The consultants' ratings are collected in site.sav. Use Crosstabs to compute the measure of agreement between the consultants' scores.Sample File: siteratings.sav► To run a Crosstabs analysis, from the menus choose:Analyze > Descriptive Statistics > Crosstabs…

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Cross Classify - Kappa Statistics

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Table showing Cross Classification Results

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Kappa Statistics

The value of Kappa is statistically significantly different from 0, and its value of 0.429 suggests that the consultants' ratings are largely similar, with some exceptions.

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Interpretation of Results

➔ The crosstabulation reaffirms that the consultants largely agree.

➔ You can certainly remove the six sites they both considered Poor from consideration and perhaps ignore the five that were rated Poor by the second consultant and Fair by the first.

➔ The four sites they rated as Good should be investigated and perhaps the two rated Good by the second consultant and Fair by the first.

➔ The two that both rated Fair may or may not be further examined, depending upon time and monetary constraints.

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Summary of Kappa Statistics

The Measure of agreementThe only perplexing site is the one rated Good by the first consultant and Poor by the second. Upon examination of their detailed reports, you find that both gave the site high marks for ease of access to nearby towns and the interstate. However, the second consultant went on to note that the valley in which the site is located is in the runoff path for snow thaw. Further, the second consultant made more decisive ratings than the first, who rated rather conservatively.You decide to retain the second consultant for further work.

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Selvarasu A Mutharasu Annamalai University

Summary of Proportions

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Sample Exercise

A human resources firm is analyzing the results of job satisfaction surveys and is interested in whether there is a relationship between the number of years an employee has been with their current employer and their level of job satisfaction.Information from job satisfaction surveys for a set of employees is stored in demo.sav.Use the Crosstabs procedure to examine the relationship, if any, between job satisfaction and years with current employer.

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Cell Display

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Chi-Square Test

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Column Proportions

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The column proportions test assigns a subscript letter to the categories of the column variable. For each pair of columns, the column proportions (for each row) are compared using a z test. If a pair of values is significantly different, the values have different subscript letters assigned to them.

For example, for the Less than 5category, the value in the Highly dissatisfied cell has the subscript a and the value in the Somewhat dissatisfied cell has the subscript b. This means that the proportions in these cells are significantly different.

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Moving to Higher level of Satisfaction

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Trend in Column Proportion

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Summary of Column Proportions

Using Crosstabs' column proportions tests, you have found that relatively new employees (less than 5 years with their present employer) are more apt to be dissatisfied with their job while employees with relatively long tenures (more than 15 years with their present employer) are more likely to be satisfied with their job.No definitive statement about job satisfaction can be made for employees who have been with their current employer for 5 to 15 years.

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Selvarasu A Mutharasu Annamalai University

Summarize - Summary Report

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Sample Exercise

A real estate agent is helping a client to sell his home.As a first step, she gathers information on all homes sold in the area over the last year and then wants to prepare a summary report for the client.This example uses the file marketvalues.sav.Use Summarize to create a table that reports summary statistics for housing sales, grouped by the street on which the house is located.

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Procedure Menu

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Edit Table Title & Caption

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Summary Report

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Consistent Mean - Median Values

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If Condition

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Case listing - Summary Report

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Learn to practice the followingMeasure of AgreementSummary of Column ProportionSummary report of case listing